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Thursday, November 12, 2009 1:35 AM CST

Hello all!!!

kayden is doing well. He is getting so big.Well kayden went 14 months with no episode but a little over a month ago had one. We pray that these go away for good or will stay away longer and longer. We have done well keeping kayden from getting all the nasty flu that is going around.

For halloween kayden was a huge lego. I made it big enough to go over him and his wheelchair with a matchig hat. He was so cute and was able to stay warm under.Braden was scream,and Jaiden was a transformer.

The weather here the last week has been so nice. I wish winter would stay this way. After all we did not have much of a summer. I was able to take kayden out for a walk yesterday and he loved it.

Frank kaydens dad had the H1N1 a few weeks back and also got pneumonia because of this. It was all we could do to keep them away from eachother and I think I used 2 cans of lysol.Thank God he did not get this as it was so hard on Frank. If kayden had this it would be so bad.

Braden and Jaiden both felt sick for a couple of days but nothing to bad.kayden only had a small cold through this all.

We thank God for our 3 wonderfull little boys. Kayden is doing well with at home PT,OT,Speech, and Braden and Jaiden are doing great in school.Time slips away so fast I wish i could slow it down a bit. Braden is now 11 years old and in 5th grade. Kayden is 8 and Jaiden is 6 and a big firstgrader.

Please kepp kayden and all of us in prayer that we will stay healthy now and no events for kayden.I pray that all this will pass by everyone soon and the flu will stay away.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:08 AM CDT

WOW where has all the time gone?? Kayden turned 8 years old last month. He has been through alot but is always such a happy lovable little boy. In the last couple years kayden has not had to be in the hospital much at all we are thankfull for that.He did have alot of stop breathing events that we never knew 100% what they were but started keppra and im happy to say that it has been 1 year since we have seen any event. Praise the Lord. So that brings me to today we are sitting here getting ready to leave childrens Mineapolis. Kayden had a earinfection last week taht was not getting any better and his ear and face started to swell from it so i took him to our ER where they did a CT scan with contrast. They saw what they thought looked like a nasty infection that had spread in to the bone. Because of this we were taken to childrens where we thought he would need to go strait to the OR to the infection drained as this could cause a brain infection as well. After many prayers from all Childrens said after looking at the Ct for them self that what Brainerd was looking at was old scaring from all the surgery he has had. So he has a nasty infection that took IV meds to help knock out but thankfully was not as bad as it first sounded. Kayden today is back to his happy self just ready to go home. Please keep him in prayer that he continues to do so well in all that he does. I just love everything about him and as i have said many times I am thankfull to God for trusting me in his care and picking me to be his mom. I pray that kayden has many many more years to show us his love.

Braden is almost 11 years old and Jaiden turns 6 next month. They are growing overnight and i wonder how and where does all the time go? I wish i could slow it down some. They both are in BMX this year and are loving it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:29 AM CDT

Good Morning.Kayden is doing very well. He is so full of life and happy. Last night we all sat im his sensory room and played with him. He really loves to play with his drawers full of rice, beans, and noodles each one he gets just as excited with. I love watching him play and interact with Braden and Jaiden.

Well im happy to say that it has now been over 8 months since kaydens last stop breathing episode.

I was starting to think yep it must of been a seizure and the keppra is working. Now im investigating the possibility that these eppisodes were caused from his botox injections as he has not had those for 10 months now. I have found alot of research showing similar eppisodes in other children weeks to even a month after injection. Kayden was having these done every 3 months.

Please pray we find out the answers we need. Even if we dont find in the end that they are from botox kayden will not ever receive these injections again. There is just to much nasty things the botox can cause.

Kayden is in need of extra prayer for Tuesday morning as he will be having surgery. Kayden has a colestiatoma in his right ear.{type of tumor} This he had in his left ear two years ago and now his right. Typically im not nervous about when he gets put under anesthesia but July was his last time and about 30 seconds from being under he had a 60 second V-tach wich is pretty much cardiac arrest. This is very life threatening but thank God he came out of it on his own. We have not had him in for anything since. The Dr's could not find wyhe had this. Please pray he does well Tuesday with no problems at all. Kayden is strong but a little extra help would be lovely.

I will post after his surgery.

Friday, January 23, 2009 3:38 AM CST

Well kayden has been doing very well. He is 6 months out from his last episode{knock on wood} They were happening once a month for the last year and a half with 2 to 3 months in between a few times so this is the longest. I pray he continues to be episode free. Maybe it was seizure related even though it did not seam that way if so I pray the Keppra continues to work with no side effects.

Kayden is such a joy in my life he is the best little boy minus the hair pulling and scratching of my face as he giggles uncontrollably ha ha. As much as it hurts i love that it shows he knows whats going on he knows what he is doing. That stinker. His smile and those big blue eyes and long eye lashes melt my heart every time i look at him. It is impossible not to smile or laugh and pinch his cute little cheeks and tell him how cute he is every time he looks at me. As much as i wish he would use words to say mommy I love you all he has to do is look at me and smile and i can see in his eyes how much he loves me its funny because its a total difernt smile and look he does when i know that is what he is saying. And to see him sign mom and say momma all the time is good enough for me.

I found a cute photo of him when he was 3 sitting in the hospital bed with the biggest grin. I had to laugh it was so cute i showed it to kayden and he looked at it for a long time and he also started to laugh as i told him kayden this is you. I know he understands more then he can tell me.

Im also in need of prayer a this time. We have lost another little friend that was kaydens age he had mito. This is the 3rd child's funeral we have attended in less then a year of kids with medical conditions. It is very heart breaking and it is taking its toll on me its way to much in a short time.

This is somthing no parent should have to go through and better yet nothing a child should have to go through. I know they are healthy running and playing now but its still so hard. I need desperately to get back to being able to block the thoughts out of my head of knowing that this could one day happen to kayden. Im normally good about taking one day at a time and not needing to think about that becuase kayden does so well. This is the only way to go on with our lives is to not think about it. But all this is really getting to me.I feel so alone as they are all leaving us.

See i have put my self out there to be in contact constantly for support for other families with medical needs children some that dont even have what kaydens has. I feel that need to help other families help there kids. Im stubborn and have been able to always get what i want done for kayden and i want that for other families too. By doing this it has took me through some very difficult moments like these.Still it is worth it I got to be a part of those kids life I got to know those beautiful children and they have all touched my heart in difernt ways. And being able to talk with and share with there parent over the years was wonderful. I will continue to put my self out there because i love being able to help other families fight and cope and just have that some one who really understands what im going through. This is my way of dealing with the cards that God has dealt me. Sharing kayden with who ever i can with who ever will listen is somthing that gives me that drive that strength that endless love that no one truly understands in tell you have a medical needs child. To many people take the little things for granted we see the little things as BIG things.Kids like kayden teach you so much and show you the real meaning of love, patience and understanding. Although i must say that i too have taken things for granted lately a bit.

This has done one good thing to me it has reopened my eyes to cherish every moment again. I got comfortable and put things off with my kids alot that i no longer want to do.I vow to get my butt off the sofa the next time my kids wants to play with me and watch TV later. I vow that the next time my kids say mom can you help me with somthing or will you read to me I will for once drop what im doing and do it. I vow to help kayden push him self in practicing his stepping more and signing and with his picture recognition more then i have. I know i can devote more time to this then i do sometimes. These are the moments to cherish these are the moments that get away from us way to fast.With a blink of an eye my boys are 10, 7, and 5 where did all that time go? I want them to always remember me as cherishing them and loving them more then words could ever express through out there child hood. I know i do a good job most of the time but i have been tired and cranky and i know in my heart i can do better and i will.

Please pray that i get my strength back. pray that kayden stays healthy and so do our other little friends with trisomy 18. And also keep in prayer the families that have lost there little ones.
Thank you for allowing me to come here and vent.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 11:21 PM CST

Prayer request

My heart aches to say that our little friend cory has lost his fight with life and has gained his angel wings.
Cory is 7 years old and has mito. Cory's little sister Ema has the same thing please keep this family in prayer.

Also Sarah Sterling who has trisomy 18 like Kayden is in the hospital please lift her in prayer to get well fast and be able to go home.

KAyden could also use prayer as he has a cold, ear infection and strep throat. I pray he gets through this fast.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 10:07 PM CST


Hello we are all doing well. The kids had a fun wonderful christmas. Kayden really loves the talking handy Mandy tool set he got ha ha it is so funny. Braden and Jaiden will be rocking to there new rock band for PlayStation.

I have a few prayer request alot has gone on since we were on here last. My step sister who is only 39 years old passed away on the 10th from smoke in her lungs from a house fire started by her 2 year old son, so so sad and she leaves behind 4 kids. please keep her children and her husband in prayer as this is such a sad hard time for them all. Also a girl in jaidens class mom passed away the same day she was 31 and also has four children we are not sire the cause of death yet although she had a 10 day old baby she had been complaining of back pain and passed out they at first thought she had a clot that went to her heart as they were not able to get it going again but latest news say it was not a clot they still dont know what for sure it was this family has had to celebrate life and death all in the same time please please lift them in prayer. This has made me think wow they are my age this could happen to any of us at any time it saddens me to think of all those kids with no mom now how sad and heartbreaking that is.

I thank God for my children I thank God for our health, I thank God for a place to call home and food in my fridge i thank god for my husband to help me. I pray for continued health for my family and strength for us as well. I pray for many many more year to come full of happiness health and goodtimes together.

Please also keep kayden in prayer as he has caught a cold he stats are dipping some through out the night when he sleeps and has the nasty nose that is hard on him im hope the Neb's will help him and he gets over this fast.

Love always

Saturday, November 29, 2008 0:17 AM CST

HAppy thanksgiving.

I hope everyone had a wonderfull Thanksgiving.
Iam thankfull for my family and for our health.
And I pray this year continues with good health and no major eppisodes for Kayden.

We had Some family and friends over for Thanksgiving and sat we are going to my inlaws for more yummy food ha ha.

Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:25 PM CDT

Well we have had a long week here.
Jaiden and my self started off sick with a nasty cough and respiratory junk which we still have today 7 days later but much much milder. I did very well at keeping kayden away from us as this would be way to hard on him Braden had a cold bit nothing like us so he too stayed home and had to sit with kayden for me off and on to help keep him healthy. Well it has worked for the most part however he has a slight cold now but is doing very well with it{knock on wood} Yesterday i took the kids to a huge pumpkin festival going on here were they played games and had a blast, well one of the things was wheelbarrow race and after the kids us udults got to try it ha ha as i was the one on my hands my cousion decided since we were in the lead to run faster well my hands couldnt keep up and she fell on top of me sending my face in to the ground skinning my face from my left eye all the way down my face and the whole inside of my mouth yep thats corect i look like i was beat up and im in pain. Today Braden was bit by a deer tick and had to go in to the dr and was given a antibiotic.

Lets pray this ends are streak of bad luck for a while.

I made kayden a DR halloween costume with a white lab coat and all it is so cute. I thought he is always the patient time to be the dr. I will take photos. Braden is going to be a glowing skeleton and jaiden is a ninja.

Kayden has been getting more and more active its so funny to watch him really try to get into somthing close to him or explore items around him it is so cute. There is a company named songs of love and they made a song for kayden it is so darn cute and as soon as i figure out how i will down load it to this sight.

Please just keep praying that kayden stays healthy and happy as ever.

Thursday, October 2, 2008 3:15 AM CDT

Hello Kayden has been doing very well.It is now just me and him at home during the day now as Jaiden started kindergarten and Braden is in 4th grade now. Man where does all the years go they are growing way to fast.

It is sad to have them both gone now but now kayden can have mommy time all to him self and this means more time for him and i to work on his things more such as standing, walking and plain out playing ha ha what fun. Oh yes there will also be those lazy days where we can just lay around cuddling and napping mabey.

PRAYERS REQUEST>>>> #1 For the Lindsey family who lost there daughter Jessica to drowning pray that God continues to give them the strength to keep there family going.

#2 Lacey a 18 years old girl from brainerd here who was struck by a car rollerblading. pray that she pulls through all this as she is in the hospital with a trach slowly getting better.

#3 my girlfriend Trina and her family as they lost there son Mathew in may. Pray that they too are given all the strength they need to continue on day to day and keeping there family strong and together.

#4 Of course kayden pray that he continues to stay healthy especially with winter on its way, pray his breathing eppisodes are compleatly gone and never come back. and also pray that we have finally concord his ear infections as he has been fighting double ear infection off and on for 2 months now.

Thank you for all who visit this sight and pray for kayden

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 6:54 PM CDT

Hello all. Well were has our summer gone? Kayden is doing well and so far we are 2 months out from his last episode please pray he continues to do so well. It is so nerve racking not knowing if it will happen or not.

Braden and jaiden started school yesterday. I cried half the morning. I know most moms cant wait to ship them off to school but I dont feel that way. Although maybe now i can get some stuff done around here ha ha. It will also be nice for kayden and I to have some alone time together.

Please continue to pray for the Lindsey family as they had to say good bye to Jessica she is now in heaven watching over them.

Thank you all for your prayers

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 12:54 AM CDT

Hello Kayden is doing very well. We are still not sure what caused his v tach episode but the Dr's did change him from albuterol to zopinex since the albuterol can make your heart faster they did not want to take any chances.

Braden and Jaiden start school next week wow summer flew by so fast im sad and my jaiden is in kindergarten this year. what are kayden and I going to do with both of them in school now?

There is a little girl here that drowned in a lake close to our house 2 days ago now she is at childrens on a ventilator in critical condition her name is jessica and she is in need of prayer and so is her family.please keep them in your prayers pray that jessica continues to show improvement and that her family can stay strong for her pray that the Dr's will make wise decisions in her care and that she will come through this. thank you.

Saturday, August 2, 2008 11:58 PM CDT

Well kayden went in to the OR at childrens to have his teeth worked on and with in seconds of being put under everything was stopped immediately. Kayden had a 60 second VTACH episode happen with his heart normally when this acres there is heart failure or a recent heart attack. kayden was admitted to the hospital and given a EKG, also a echo along with a overnight study of every beat of his heart. All these test were normal leaving the heart dr puzzled as to wy kayden would have had such a episode told since everything looked fine there was nothing they could do for us and we were sent home.This is puzzling and very upsetting as im so afraid somthing is being over looked i mean wy would this happen and what if it has been or will happen with out us even knowing? Maybe this is what is going on when he has these unexplained events he has been having. I hope not I pray not. I think im going to call around and see if there is anything else to check for. Please just keep kayden in prayer that he will continue to do well and that he will have many many more years to spend with us.Oh and a bit of wonderful news praise the lord kayden had two heart conditions all these years one being the VSD not so much to worry about with that but he did also have upper pulmonary steno-sis in most cases they need heart surgery to correct that. Well im happy to report that God has helped heel this in fact it is no longer present according to this last Echo it is compleatly gone. Praise the Lord. Kayden is how ever in very good spirits and happy as ever minus the few teeth that are causing some discomfort as they are coming in. LOL.

On a lighter note We had Jaidens birthday party to day. we had lots of friends over to swim in the pool and go down the water slide along with grilling and pinata fun. He chose sports for the theme so he had a basketball pinata football, soccer,baseball and basketball decorations and plates and he had two cupcake cakes one looked like a basketball and the other a football totaling 48 cupcakes.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 4:18 PM CDT

It is with a heavy heart that I say our little friend Mieko gained her angel wings yesterday morning. Mieko was 4 years old and had trisomy 18 just like kayden. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time and always.

please continue to keep Peter in prayer too he is 3 and has trisomy 18 and is at childrens we are praying for a fast recovery.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 7:13 PM CDT

Kaydens little friend Mieko who is 4 years old and has trisomy 18 is in need of prayer. Mieko is having pulmonary hypertension and is not doing very well at all she is at childrens minneapolis in the picu. Please pray that her little body can fight this and pull through.

Also Peter who is 3 and has trisomy 18 is at childrens too on 3 floor which is a step up from picu he has double pneumonia. Peter is doing better today but is still really junky so pray he too gets through this fast.

Now lets not forget to keep kayden in prayer that he will stay healthy and have no eppisodes.

God bless and thank you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:37 AM CDT

UPDATE! last night kayden had another breathing episode. they have at least been every few months now instead of every month but they are so freaky so please pray hard for him that these will one day just stop. I pray this will be the last one. My poor husband and children were had to deal with this one on there own i was at the store and my phone was dead so i got a page at the store and when i got on the it was the ER calling to tell me to get there. My Braden is such a help during these eppisodes he called 911 and he helped daddy bag kayden What a great little boy. Well on a better note we leave tomorrow night to California pray we have a safe and happy time. God bless all of you.

JUNE 19th

Today is kaydens 7th birthday. WOW im so happy and thankful that im able to write this here today.

7 years ago we were told kayden would more then likely not even make it to his first birthday let alone his 7th.

Kayden im so proud of you and I am honored to be your mommy. I pray you continue to fight and show those Dr's just how wrong they are. You have come such a long way and your such a wonderful happy full of life little boy.

We love having you in our lives it would not be completed with out you. You always put a smile on everyone's face including your own. You are a strong strong boy.

Please continue to keep kayden in your prayers that he will continue to do well and learn more everyday and stay healthy. Also we will be going to California next Wednesday for 1 week coming home 4th of July morning so please keep our family in prayer that we will have a safe and happy fun time together full of nice memories that we can cherish forever.

I want to thank all of the other trisomy 18 familes that we have come across over the years for being such great friends and support system.


God bless, love Kaydens mommy Marta


Thursday, April 24, 2008 0:17 AM CDT

Kayden is home and doing well. He is such a little fighter and has recovered pretty fast. The lord sure has been with him through all of this.

Please keep my friend Kelly in prayer as she is having a hard time with just giving birth to one child and loosing another 2 days later. I know that Amos is now watching over my sweet kayden.

Also there is a little boy named Jayden who has a trach and not doing very well i came acrossed his web page by mistake months ago and now i get updates any way please keep him in prayer now too.

Life is not measured by how many breaths we take
but by how many moments that take our breath away.

Thank you all for keeping kayden in prayer.


Monday, April 21, 2008 9:55 AM CDT

On friday kayden was airlifted to minneapolis. Braden and kayden both came down with strep and the mucus was way to much for kayden to handel and started to choke on it. He was in picu for 2 days on a vent and now is on 3 floor and hopefully going home today or in the morn. Thank god that kayden has bounced back so fast he is such a strong little boy.
Im so ready to take him home we have had a a long very sad few days. My friend kelly was at childrens with her son amos who also has trisomy 18 and 3 hours befor kayden was airlifted there kellys son died next door to the room where my kayden was going into. so so sad im happy i was able to be here for her soon after. please keep her in your pryars she is not doing good as she gave birth to a baby boy 2 days befor her little amos passed away.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:43 PM CDT

Wouldn't you know it? Just as i update on here saying kayden was going on 3 months with out a episode the next night he had one. This time did not seam as worse as the others. Please continue to pray with us that these stop or atlease will stay far and few between.

Saturday, April 12, 2008 3:35 PM CDT

Hello all. Well we just were getting a taste of All of a sudden 13 feet dumped on us at once. YUCK i hate it and cant wait for next weeks 60 somthing weather to melt it all away. I started planting flower seeds in the house a few days ago thought I would get a jump start so i have alot to plant out side. Can you tell i want summer ha ha.

Any way we are going on 3 months since kayden had his last episode{knock on wood} please continue to pray that they stay gone. We go Monday to Minneapolis kayden will have his teeth looked at and cleaned along with the ENT taking a look deep into his ears. All this has to be done in the OR and will require heavy sedation so please also keep him in prayer through this too. Im happy to say that kayden has been very happy and healthy.

Braden and Jaiden started basketball they are loving it.

If anyone has any ideals on how I could raise money or get some kind of grant to get a newer minivan with a lift or ramp on it for kayden please let me know. I crashed my van and yes its still running but not for long and it really is kinda of freaky driving it to minneapolis. I do have a little bit saved twords another van but not yet what I need and nowhere near what one with a lift will cost me.Kayden is getting bigger and has a new wheelchair now that weighs a ton it would be so much nicer and easier to put him in and out in his chair then lifting that thing in and out all the time.
Thank you all for you continued prayers.


Thursday, April 3, 2008 3:19 PM CDT

I am happy to report that Kayden is doing just great at this time.We are all looking forward to summer very much so. Here is what i am working on now.

Did you know that more then 10f children and adults have a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to use a traditional playground? The American Disabilities Act (ADA) requires playgrounds to have certain levels of accessibility, however these standards are very minimal and even with this guidelines, children and adults with disabilities are left sitting on the sidelines.

What can we do? Our community needs to come together and build a Universal playground. A Universal playground goes beyond the ADA requirements by providing ramp access,special surfacing for accessibility, play panels and much more. It will ensure safety and accessibility for EVERYONE.

Statement of Purpose:

To provide a playground in our community enabling all children and adults to play together. A Universal playground provides a stronger community by demonstrating inclusion. All members of the community, including those with special needs, are invited to play.


Brainerd/Baxter and our surrounding communities do not have playgrounds that fully accommodate children and adults with physical and/ or cognitive disabilities. In addition to a lack of ramps, current playground facilities have barriers that include wood chips, sand and grass making wheelchair and walker accessibility impossible. These physical barriers make it difficult for physically challenged children, parents and grandparents to access the playgrounds.

Plan: I am a mother of a almost 7 year old boy who is handicap. My goal and hope is to bring this community together and raise funds while having fun doing it and have all proceeds go to building this park in our area. This is being done all over MN now. Moms everywhere are forming groups and pulling everyone in there communities together and making these dreams of all of our kids being included in play.

Benefits: A universal playground encourages mobility for disabled persons, allowing them to combat obesity and health conditions that arise due to lack of activity. It provides all children the opportunity to play together and look beyond the differences in one another, fostering this concept as they grow in to adulthood. Parents with disabilities are able to join there children on the playground, allowing them to interact together and provide supervision the children need. A universal playground is for EVERYONE, removing many barriers and encouraging a diverse community.

My hope is that you will consider in helping me create a park here and form inclusion instead of exclusion.

If anyone would like to let me use there name to add to my list of people who agree that this would be a great thing for our area please let me know. Even the out of towners taht visit this area would be good to.

Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:49 PM CDT


WE had a nice Easter day. we got up early and the kids dug through there baskets. Then off to church we went with all my other family and to grandmas for Easter lunch/dinner. The kids all had fun running around making noise and kayden trying to grab and get into anything he could in reach.
Kayden is so funny he always is trying to find somthing he can get in to. Kayden looked like such a big boy today sitting there in church, he just got his hair cut yesterday and trust me he was way passed due curley Afro is what he had and now he looks so different he think he looks so much younger with the fro ha ha.

Can you beleave he is almost 7 years old? Well we are all doing great here just wishing for summer to hurry up we hear it calling us but we just have not found it yet.
God bless.

Monday, February 18, 2008 10:25 PM CST

HEllo sorry for not updating in a while. Kayden has been doing well. really nothing new to report. Im keeping quite on the breathing thing as when i mention it he seams to have a episode. Just keep him in prayer. Kayden is really babbling more I think soon he might say another word that would be so cool. Braden and Jaiden are doing good too. they are all getting so big. We are all ready for summer to come or at least spring. I hope all of you are doing well and are healthy. please also keep little Amos in your prayers he is in the hospital sick and needs to get better he too has trisomy 18. Also my new nieces mommy Baily could use some prayers too she has been sick since the baby was born and her test show that her kidneys are not working as they should and they have ran alot of test but her Mommy will not know anything for a few days this girl is only 15 i know she is a baby her self just keep her in your prayers that nothing really sereouse is wrong. God bless

Thursday, December 20, 2007 10:08 AM CST

Kayden is doing very well. We are just getting ready for christmas and man it is coming so fast I feel as if we just did this. Where oh where does the time go?

I posted some new photos on here in the album and im going to post a slide show on here i hope it works. Kayden has come such a long way and this week is the week that makes it a month since his last breathing episode and im praying for my christmas present that he does not have any at all. please keep him in prayer. Now enjoy the slide showing how far kayden has come and proving all the Dr;s wrong. THANK YOU LORD FOR KAYDEN HE IS TRULY THE BEST GIFT.

Sunday, December 9, 2007 10:56 AM CST

HEllo all I hope you all had a very nice thanks giving. I can not beleave how fast Christmas is coming this year. Well last week kayden had another breathing episode this time it was a bit more freaky as he was also in the middle of a feeding. So when i suctioned him and bagged him it brought all that up and he continued to choke on that too. We were able to finally get him stable witch seamed like forever and kayden and I stayed over night at the hospital just to be sure he was ok. Im so freaked i just dont have a clue on what to try to make this stop, he is so fine and healthy before and after each episode but is so close to death while it is happening, im confused and frustrated. Please keep him in prayer. HE is doing great now and happy getting in to everything he can ha ha. I took him to Gillette two weeks ago they checked his spine for scoliosis which he has a slight curve but nothing to be worried about just yet! yea. although i asked them to ex ray his legs and hips because i felt his right leg was a bit longer and i was correct so im not sure yet what we can do for that but when he is taking steps its like he has to really bring that left leg up alot before it goes back down, its not so notisable when you look at hi, only when im trying to get him to walk. also his hip sockets look real shallow so we need to keep a close eye on that too.

It is getting colder here now and the snow is piling up fast. Last week we had no snow and now we have about 2 feet yuck. I'm dreaming for summer all ready. well god bless.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007 10:50 PM CST

Well sorry im just getting back on here. Kayden is doing great again. We do not think he will need surgery from the ear infection. Thank the lord. They put him on 3 days of iv meds and sent us home with oral meds. The DR's think the iv meds knocked it out and although it went really deep in to the back of his neck they now do not think it made it to the bone.
Kayden went in Tuesday to Minneapolis kids to see the Ent and he said his ears are looking great. BUT he wants us to come down again in 3 weeks for another CT scan to make sure that it is not affecting the bone. It amazes me how fast he bounces back and how strong my little man is. I tell you his pain tolerance must be high because a normal ear infection kills. Can you imagine what that felt like? HE fussed the night before he went in off and on and then the first night in the hospital he was happy all day till around 8pm. Kayden kept crying and crying they were staying on top of ibuprofen and Tylenol but it was not working by 11pm he was screaming so i made them give him some morphine and after that everything was great. Thank you all for your prayers. Keep them coming we can always use them.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 1:39 AM CDT

Kayden is in need of prayer. I took him in around 30 days ago for a ear infection and after 10 days of meds he still had it so they switched his meds to another kind for another 10 days. well they were all done last week and now yesterday his ear looked again infected and pulled out some and hot. I took him in to the ER and they did a CT the infection has gone so deep now it might be in the bone so they had to place him on iv meds with a good chance of having surgery in a few days. This kind of infection can spread to the brain so please pray we caught this on time and he will be just fine. God bless all of you.
I will post more as I know. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 9:04 AM CDT

Well we are home and Kayden is doing well back to his normal happy self thank the lord for that.
We still have no true reason why this is happening once in a while. They did do a EEG and it showed a little spot of abnormal but i was told last time that it did too but with him having trisomy 18 it would be expected to show some abnormal and that they did not think it was causing any seizure activity. well this time they said well MABEY it might be we don't know for sure and wanted me to put him on seizure meds to see,,, well im not doing that because they for one do not know that it is one and every kid I know on those same meds does 1 of 2 things sleep all day and are like zombies or they scream a lot as it makes you very agitated, another mom I know took her child off because of that. kayden is very active and happy I refuse to take that away from him just to experiment I told the Dr even if it is its only happening once every 1 to 2 months and he said but your son is almost dieing each time, I understand that but what kind of life would he have then having to be druged up sleeping all the time. I look at it as he has 1 bad day out of how many in a month or two I do not want to take that away from him. personally I do not think it is a seizure this too is why im leery about giving him anything.Its like the mucus builds up then he gets a plug and chokes after we bag him it seams to clear it or push it down and shortly after he is fine again. He was having these ever month almost to the day I switched his formula 2 months ago as it was more milk based and that causes more mucus I see a change in his spitting or should i say reflux he is not really doing that any more and this episode made it 2 months since his last so I pray that changing the food is helping and we also have started doing nebs on a everyday basis again instead of just when he is sick.

On a happy note we are almost done building our new swing set we have made it handicap exsesable it is so cool we have two huge playdeck with a huge walkway connecting the two and a ramp going up to it I have gotten creative and made a few thing for it too for kayden to enjoy like i took some PVC pipe and cut it to 4 different lengs and painted them all a different color they will be bolted side by side some where on the play structure and this will be for kayden to put balls down the tubes as he loves to put things into stuff. I also got a plexiglass mirror that will be framed and put up there for him to look at him self as he is so darn cute.Im also making some things he will be able to spin and see color while doing so.Im trying to come up wit the perfect bubble machine to mount up there too that will be ok getting wet. There is a inclosed twisty slide so we will be able to put kayden down while the other one catches him wow im so exsiteed he will have this when its done, not to mention so willthe rest of the neighbor hood ha ha.I told frank that i see on ebay people selling the plans to build swing sets a said we should write up the plans on this since we had to come up with it all on ourselves and sale it on ebay too ha ha there are a lot of people who would love to build a handicap accessible swing set im sure.

Braden started football and Jaiden started soccer so we are busy doing the sport thing now. Jaidens first day of preschool is today he is so excited to go.
please keep kayden in prayer.

Friday, September 7, 2007 11:06 AM CDT

Kayden was airlifted to minneapolis yesterday. He had abnother stop breathing eppisode happen. Today he 100% DOING GOOD AND FULL OF SMILES THANK THE LORD. Please just keep kayden is prayer that these will stop or not be so bad. I had a Dr tell me yesterday well have you and frank thought about the fact that one of these times kayden might die you may not always get him to come out of these atacks. WHAT the heck is wrong with this man he kept pressing at that I told him You dont think i have known from day one my son could die at any time you dont think that with each one of these atacks it does not run through my head that he might not pull through, but for now he has and each time has ben just great after so for now i dont need to dwell on that he kept saying well i think you should like he wants us not to help him through the next one or somthing,,, to that i say screw off kayden has not lost any thing through these he is happy as ever knows who we are and loves every second of his life he signs mom and dad he ses mom and is very aware of what is going on he has done more in his 6 years then alot of healthy children have. he has a good life he may not be able to do all we can do but he is happy so wy would i not fight for him?? Some Dr's can be so dumb. HE then said well what are you going to do when he is 15 I said take care of him like im doing now. Hello what the minute you tell me he can die and now your worried about him being 15.
sorry had to vent. im pushing to go home today he is doing fine.
please just keep us in prayer.

Monday, August 20, 2007 12:00 AM CDT

Summer is flying by way to fast, there is so much more I would love to do with the kids yet.
Kayden is doing great happy as ever and thank the Lord he has not had another breathing episode its bin a month in a half please keep him in your prayers.
we got a new pool a few weeks ago its big and we get in it with the kids kayden loves it he floats around in his floaty he loves to try and dunk his head in the water over and over its so cute. The weather here is cold the last few days I really hope we get some warm weather again soon.

Kayden went down to the immune Dr last week for blood work this will determine if he needs any extra boost for his immune system we go back on the 30th to find out.
Im so happy to report that I applied for a part on the board for partners in policy making here in MN and they only pick 20 some a year for this and i was excepted we start our meeting once a month for a whole weekend next month. what this is is a group of peaople who work hard at getting to know and understand rights of disabilities and help pass laws that pertain to disabled individuals, this is huge and I can not wait to see where it brings me what I will get to be apart of and not only that it is my foot in the door to help change the way Dr;s view our trisomy 18 kids. we had to write a short section explaining what we have bin through and what we think about certain things
the lady told me I sounded like a real spit fire and she could not wait to meet me.
Well i got house cleaning to do and kids to feed so I will post more later.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007 10:35 AM CDT

Well we all had fun at Wisconsin dells.We stayed at the same place we did last year Treasure island connected to mount olympus water and theme park. They changed a few things since we were there a year ago they always had a wave pool but this year they added a HUGE title wave pool that was so cool all the kids loved it kayden got to sit on shore and have the waves hit him up to the neck area he laughed every time, his favorite seamed to be when he was in the kiddy area where they had a swing that you sat in and got splashed and his legs dragged in the water. I think the highlight for him though was in the hotel room where we had a Huge jet tub in our room he sat in there for ever with bubbles up to his neck playing with his action figures I will have to post some photos soon it was so funny.
Kayden got a new toy, a ride on convertible car{power wheels} it is so cool i ordered it off the internet and it comes with a parent remotecontrol so he can ride and i can control where it goes, it playes music really loud and you can hook up a CD player or mp3 player to it how cool is that?? I was so happy to find somthing to help kayden have more fun like the other kids. Now all we need is somthing for winter ha ha ya he would probably rather stay in when its cold i know i do.
Jaiden turns 4 August 18th Wow where do the years go? we are having a pirate birthday I got telliscopes eye patches, campuses and yes a treasure chest pinata filled with candy it should be a blast.
When school starts kayden and i will have a couple hours alone as jaiden is going to go to preschool this year 2 days a week for a couple hours YIKES he really wants to try it but me being mom dont want to give him up yet he is the baby heck I still have a hard time with braden going. My kids were never in daycare so im use to being with them all the time. Oh well its good for us all i guess ha ha most other moms i know cant wait for school to start and get rid of the kids for the day I miss them when there gone and want to be there with them others think im nuts.

well it has ben a month since kaydens last breathing episode and still doing good so please pray that he continues do well and that with all of our prayers and gods help kayden wont have any more of these. Thank you all.

Monday, July 30, 2007 11:51 AM CDT

Hello all, Kayden is doing great having a very fun summer this weekend was spent at the lake having fun in the water and tubing for braden and jaiden was a blast, kayden got to enjoy getting pulled around in his boat and air out his little hinny awhile man did he enjoy that ha ha. We are going this week to wisconsin dells we went last year and the kids had a blast YES kayden too goes on the water slides and in the wave pool we just dont take him on ones with drops of course he seams to really like it.
Please pray that while we are gone he has no breathing episodes as it had ben a few weeks since his last.

Thank you all for the prayers

Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:28 PM CDT

KAyden is really in need of every ones prayers. 3nights ago kayden had another breathing episode these are happening once every month since DEC this one was exactly a month to the day. We have no clue Wye all of a sudden this is going on but out of no ware he will start choking on mucus and with in seconds his 02'sare down to 20-30% and we have to bag him and suction he is not sick before this happens nor after we deal with it anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes then he is fine each time we call 911 and he goes to the hospital once he is stable we go home. the second time this happened we stayed at childrens fro almost 2 weeks running test and no one could give us a answer they are not seizures but once his breathing gets almost next to nothing he goes in to seizures activity due from lack of oxygen his lips do a uncontrolled jerking and his body stiffens.each of
these he has bean great till the next one this has happened 5 times now we have ben so lucky to get him going again please pray we find some answers and that this will not get worse. thank you all god bless.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 11:58 AM CDT

We got back a week ago from CA we were there for two weeks. OUR trip was great but the day we were getting ready to leave kayden had another breathing episode that almost prevented us from going on our trip but we went and he was great for the whole thing. We went to Disneyland, universal, Santa Monica pier and of course the ocean many days. kayden had a blast when we are on the go he will not nap he thinks he will miss somthing if he does. The weather was beautiful we had such a great time together as a family I know i could of stayed all summer ha ha. They day we were comming home was kaydens birthday we missed bag check by 5 minutes even though our plane was not to leave for 40 minutes they would not let us get on the plane so we had to get a hotel and wait till 3 the next day i was so upset but we got through it.
YEP kayden had a birthday he turned 6 isn't that crazy it seams like yesterday we were at childrens all the time and he had a trach, he has grown so much is so happy and full of life doing so many things we were told he never would every day he proves the Dr;s wrong and I love every minute of it. we celebrated his birthday here last sat at the lake it was so much fun we spent 6 ours swimming and digging and just hanging out with friends and family. Kayden loves the water that is when its not to cold its so funny how he always wants to dunk his own head in the water over and over again while he laughs. Kayden has this new giggle its so funny i wish you could all hear him.

well tomorrow brings lots of fun as it is the fourth of July, witch means early bar bq with friends, parade and down to the field to watch the bands play and eat lots of food and watch the fireworks its the same thing every year but we love it. I pray every one has a safe fourth of July and we will update later.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 2:59 PM CDT


Kayden is doing very well. WE had a couple Dr appointments this last week down at childrens and everything went well. It is kind of funny because they come in look at him and say wow he is doing so well keep up the good work and then there done. Kinda feels like a waste of time to go down but I do love showing him off and showing them how well he is doing and telling them all the new stuff he can do.

Braden is counting down the days for school to be over he wants summer to be here now he cant wait for us to take our trip to California. He has done so good in school I never get one complaint, he really loves to write and im happy to see that every spelling test he does he gets all of them correct this is so cool as i hated spelling test they were a weakness for me.

Jaiden is a ball of energy and wanting to learn more and more each day, he is 3 and for 1 year now he has known his phone number address birthday and now knows how to spell his name and can tell you both kayden and bradens birthdays. He is so smart and loves to show it off to everyone.

I love being mom to all 3 of my gorgeous boys.

Friday, April 20, 2007 9:03 AM CDT

WOW, we are so excited to finally have such beautiful weather. The kids have ben playing everyday out side with the neighbors and we have taken trips to the park a few picnics even this week. I love having warmth the kids get so much fresh air and sleep really good, ha ha ha.

Kayden is doing very well, thank god for that. we continue to pray that he will not have any more breathing spells. we go to California for 2 weeks in June so im a bit nervous about that since these 3eppisodes have occurred. we had high hopes of a few family members joining us on our trip as it would of helped our nerves with kayden ease a little but it did not work out for them. staying home all the time because we are afraid is not the way to live either so we try to just take every day one by one.
please keep us in prayer.

kayden is working on using a electric wheelchair, we are going to Gillette on Wednesday to look over a few different types so we can figure what kind we want to order. He has really picked up on the joy stick it is so cute to watch he has a long way to go yet but he knows how to make it work and seams to really like it.

I hope all the colds and flues will stay gone now as summer approaches all these kids with week immune systems need a break and would love to be able to get out some more and have fun.

God bless and thank you for the prayers.

Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:54 AM CDT


Im happy to report that kayden is doing very well at this time. We pray that he continues to do well with no more breathing spells.
The kids are having a great Easter we did our own little Easter hunt they loved it i only wish it was warmer so we could of done it out side.

Please pray for Amos to go home soon, petterand sarah to stay healthy and for wylan who is having many problems with his kidneys and skin tares.

have a great easter.marta

Monday, March 26, 2007 9:14 PM CDT

Well kayden is need of heavy prayer. He had yet another breathing spell a few days ago out of no ware he got a mucus plug and started choking and could not breath. i deep suctioned him and it was not working it was so thick i had to call 911 and when we got to the hospital he went down hill again , they wanted to air lift him at first but it was to foggy and they could not get flight clearance. They got him stable and stayed at the local hospital over night. What seams to be happening is he gets flem in his throat and can not clear it when it is thick, causing these spells, that freak us and him out. Please pray that they will not continue to happen, we started him on daily nebs again in hopes those will keep his secretions thin.
Other then that he is doing great and we are all so happy to be getting warm weather so early.
i will keep you posted.

Friday, March 9, 2007 10:50 PM CST

Well Kayden is doing very well staying healthy and happy.
On Tuesday he went to childrens and had botox done to his jaw, hamstrings and right hip abductor. The botox helps loosen the muscles and sometimes kids who have this done in there legs will need to relearn how to use there leg muscles because it allows other muscles to relax that were not before, but thank god kayden is doing well with it and his stepping seams to be even better so looks like its working. Our goal is to have this done every 3 months.

Please check out the photo album as i posted 2 new photos.
always Marta

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:07 PM CST

Well great news the sleep Dr called today and kaydens sleep study went very well, he said it is a time to celebrate as it proved him to have next to no apnea spells or desats through out the night. 3 years ago he was having 90 an hour yes 90 wow that was allot and so they took out his adenoids and his uvula and he still had a few through out the night after that but nothing to worry about. The reason we had another one done was because of the two breathing spells kayden had last month I guess this just goes to prove my theory on aspiration and choking while he was sleeping. I praise the lord for this great news and pray that his aspiration will stay under control with no more spells.
Kayden goes on the 6th for botox and new ear tubes.

Kayden is doing much better this week the last 2 months have been a bit trying but he has gotten through it just fine. I pray he stays healthy now for the rest of the winter. Speaking of i hear we may get a lot of snow this weekend i hope it mostly passes us as I'm ready for warmer weather and green grass. We have already started planing our summer June 6th we leave for two weeks to California I can not wait we so need a while away from here just us and our children. so many say man that is not a vacation when your taking your kids with. To me it is I love doing things with my kids and just being away having fun everyday and being all together with frank not having to go to work will be relaxing to me.

Well kayden is getting ready to lose another tooth, this is nerve racking as his airway is so small so for every loose tooth i go crazy in fear he will choke on it. The last tooth i woke up to him chewing on it and thank god i was able to get it out in whole with a little fight ha.
His tummy muscles are getting so strong he will go from laying to sitting in a second its like he is doing crunches it so funny to watch him do it over and over.
As far as his walking is going everyday is different he is stubborn some days he will take many steps and others just a few we will continue to work hard with him at this. Kayden loves to sit in his electric wheel chair he knows the cause and effect he hits the joystick and loves when he moves. Now we have lots of work at helping him learn to drive it.
I'm so amazed at how far kayden has come over the years it truly is a blessing and a joy to watch him grow. Hard to think my little man will be 6 this June wow I remember that first year waiting for the worst and now we plan we actually can plan on things to do a few months out something i thought we would never be able to do. It's still a bit freaky and things could happen at anytime but kayden does well and he is strong and all we can do is help him grow and learn and become stronger, this i pray the good lord keeps helping him and us through for many many years to come. kayden i believe has a lot to teach and has already.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:29 PM CST

Well we have had a long couple of weeks. Jaiden started out sick with cough and runny nose and a fever for a few days. This moved on to kayden and he seamed to be getting over it but his cough grew deeper and he sounded so congested so i took him in to the er and sure enough he had double namoana.
Kayden stayed the night in the hospital but he did very well only dipping his stats a few times through out the night so i took him home the next day the shot of [rosephlyn] ? on spelling,, rely worked great and they also gave him a antibiotic. I'm so happy we caught this in time it could have been much worse thank god it was not kayden is doing very well today two days in to meds. please pray he continues to get better.
Braden only got the bad cough he is trying to stay away from his brothers, ha ha.
god bless always

Monday, January 29, 2007 10:24 AM CST

Well Kayden has been doing very well. I pray he continues to be healthy and that we can figure this thing out with him.
Next week is his botox and ear appointment in the OR the the fallowing will be his sleep study.

Kayden was show in tell at the middle school last week they were learning about chromosomes and trisomy 18 was one of them. The teacher pulled out a news paper article with kaydens photo on it and my friends daughter quickly yelled hey i know him, so the teacher asked her if he could come meet them all, it was fun and kayden even showed off for them by taking a lot of steps towards Brenna.
will post more later.

Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:31 PM CST

Kayden's sleep study is going to be in three week's. They will also do a EEG over night.

that same week he will also go to children's for his botox,and to have his ear tube's redone

Please pray that he stays healthy.

p.s. To who ever posted on here today about my spelling I do not know who you are but First I must say this is a sight for me to write what i want about my medical needs child and family. I do not speak harsh about anyone on here and should not be disrespected here on my son's sight.
I do not have a lot of time to get on here and update so when I do I just type with out reading what I wrote when I'm done. So if you do not like the fact that I spell thing's wrong because I'm typing to fast while my three year old is tugging on my arm then you really do not need to be on kayden's web-page, and you do not need to post on my son's sight. I do have email it is posted here on the sight you could have emailed me directly instead of being rude on here. And I will be sure to take more time thank you.

Friday, January 19, 2007 3:10 PM CST

Well we are back home and kayden is doing good, i just pray he stayes that way, i pray that he will never have another breathing episode like that again. We are not sure 100% what happed the last two times to cause this but i think he asperated then choked, we also have a sleepstudy taht will be done in about 3 weeks, to see what that shows.
He is back to his happy self.
I put braden back in school this week, he was doing great here at home but we live in a new neiborhood and these is no one for him to play with i hate that he did not really have alot of social time with kids his age, yes he was in sports but they play then leave they dont have a chance to really know eachother. And jaiden was getting demanding for attention during the times i was needing to be with braden so that was a chalange. But other then that braden did a great job he is very smart.
Jaiden is really wantting to learn learn and learn always asking to eplain things and trying to write and its so cute to see him open a book and look at the photos and read what he thinks it says.
Anyway i willlet you know what the sleep study shows please keep kayden in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:24 PM CST

Well my sweet Kayden is in the hospital here at childrens. Last sat he had another stop breathing episode, we are not sure wy this has happend 2 times this month now, i do think he is asperating more and that he could be choking on it when he has done this we hope to have another gi study done in the morning, but at this time not sure what to think, he is happy today but man two night ago he must of caught a bug here he was throwing up all night and sening his heart rate up to 210 even and stade at about 160 range when he should be around 120 and from 88 to 100- when asleep. Please pray we can figure out what is wrong and that this does not becaome somthing we will continue to see.
also please put on your prayer list,
ameous 8months
sara 1
they are all trisomy 18 too and here still at the hospital.
please also pray fro peter age 2 who is home but having many many siezers.
I will post more when i know what is going on. i f we even get any answers.

Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:31 PM CST

Hello, Kayden is doing very well, happy as ever. Lets just pray he stays healthy and no more episodes.
We all had a nice christmas the kids enjoyed opening there gifts and kayden was so fun to watch this year as he is more aware it was so cute each thing we helped him unwrap we would stack on him and around him, his eyes would cross and his lips would pucker as he looked at it all like oh my what is all this and is it for me.
We had mine and franks family over on saturday for christmas with them kids had a blast and we eat alot, it sure was a long day, we went to church on sunday morning and the kids fell asleep to all the christmas music. I loved it singing all those christmas songs and all was so nice.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. and please add a few other children to the list for me as they too are going through alot at this time do to there medical conditions, ameous,petter,sarah,sabastion,corey and ema.
Thank you and God bless.

Friday, December 1, 2006 10:02 AM CST

WOW,we just got home from the hospital, the night befor last at 4am kaydens alarms went off he stopped breathing on us, well his stats were done in the 30 and 40;s was next to nothing for breathing i had to call 911 and i had to start doing rescue breathing for him,We are not sure but we think he spit up some and choked becausse of course later after getting to the hospital he was fine, and he had nor does he have any signs of being sick. Frank and i were so freaked out how horriable to have to do spr on your own kid all i kept thinking is that i was not doing it correct, panic panci and more panic I thank god that he aloud us to get kayden going again and that he is fine now please pray that he has no more problems and that now being in the hospital he wont get sick. My little man is such a fighter and he truly loves life and loves us and we all love him too so much. Please also pray for jaiden and braden as they were awoke and seen all the comotion i dont think it was as bad for jaiden as he did not really undersatnd how bad it was but poor little braden was so upset he was crying and kept asking if he was going to be ok i feel so bad that he had to see all that.He always tells me mom if i had only 1 wish it would be that i could make kayden just like us. Bless his little heart.
always marta

Monday, November 27, 2006 4:25 PM CST

I have had alot going on so hard to get on here and update, im sory. Kayden is doing great he is realy trying to talk and it sounds like he is saying good, im sure thats because we always say good boy kayden and he loves that. WEll kayden has had two more baby boy cousions born one is 2 weeks old and his name is logen and the other was born yesterday and his name is korbin all my family knows how to do is have boys, but thats ok we can start working on a football team, ha ha. Not much to report other then that we have just ben doing ALOT of christmas shopping it is comming all to fast. speaking of the kids are yelling at me to come decorate our trees so i will post more later.
please keep kayden in your prayers to stay healthy and also baby sarah and amies and peter they are all having hard times.

Friday, October 27, 2006 5:53 PM CDT

target="_blank">Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

Hello kayden has a cold we are trying to get over. I think he caught it from going to visit the other kids at childrens, thats a chance we had to take. I have a slide show that i added to the sight. at the top click on the link.

Monday, October 23, 2006 3:07 PM CDT

Well we had a great weekend. We took the kids to mall of america to go to camp snoopy to have a gettogether with the other trisomy 18 kids from here. They got to dress in there costumes as the mall does somthing every weekend till halloween it was fun and all the t18 kids looked great.
I could not wait to get to the cities as this time i would get to meet kelly and baby ameis kelly is a mom I met by phone who lives in nebraska her son is 5 months old and after he was sent home from the hospital he got realy sick and they refused to readmit him because he had trisomy 18 she found her self in Iowa 3 hours away where they would admit him but they made her sign a DNR this i told her was wrong they can not do that so i had her get it lifted, then i gave her a number here to a dr i know. I had his personal number but i thought if she called he would have to talk to her and if i called he might not call her, i told her to question about getting her baby air lifted here to our hospital in minneapolis here we have to jump through loops somtimes on getting our kids treated but we can and have ben getting it done atleast, so after a few calls and some pleading it happend,last friday was the first time i spoke to her and by tueday he was airlifted here to minnesota WOW, Frank said nobody tells me NO, ha ha ha. ON this friday that just passed i called the white house yes you read this correct i said the WHITE HOUSE. i even got a live person im working on getting something to gether and a larg group of us moms and in somrtime i hope to get a law passed so that Dr's in any state can not refuse treatment to our children just because they are trisomy 18 if us as parents want somthing done to help our kids then we should beable to get it done. No research on t18 has been done since 1960 and everything reads death so dr's see that and say wy bother?
well heres what i think that a study needs to be done on kids who are living and were given a chance and given the surgeries that need to be done and then the books would change because they would see that more kids with t18 would live much longer an d\ do more things. If it is so uncomon and rare for a t18 to live passed 1 then wy do i have with in three hours of me 9 kids that i know of up to 18 years of age living with t18? i tell you wy because us parents here have faught for our kids and corrected what has needed to be corrected as it needs to be.If it was as rare then we would not have this many within 3 hours of eachother.Years ago they use to say the same about downs kids and would tell paretns to do nothing and let them die today we know this is not truse and they are looked at difernt now and are given help.
I say if i was given a 90% chance to die and a 10%chance to live i know i would fight for that 10% chance how could i do any less for my son?? My son is happy and knows who we are he is learning more all the time i would NEVER change a thing if i had a choice i would do everything the same.
Please keep all of our trisomy 18 kids in your prayers.
love marta

Monday, October 2, 2006 10:34 PM CDT

Wow the online learning for braden is going good so far we both like it, knock on wood, ha ha ha. It so fun. and he is doing so good. Please pray for his and my paitence.He is so smart and picks up on things fast i just hope he will keep working hard for me.
next sat the 7th is his 8th birthday man where does the time fly? He is growing up.

Kayden is doing well all his dr apt went great no major concernse as of yet, he will get glasses but doent really need them it is for stigmatism so he will have them on only while waching tv or looking at a book other then that his eyes looked good. his spine for now is looking ok he does have a spot in the tip of his neck that is fused together so they will watch it close to see if later he may need somthing done. He got fitted for new braces for his legs {afo] we picked batman to have on them. they will set up a day in the OR soon to do teeth cleanning, botox, and earcleanning all at the same time. Kayden has lossed his first tooth he looks so funny when he smiles it has ben loose for awhile as the dr's nocked it loose during surgery but now it was so bad i took him in and had them pull it as i was so afraid of him chocking on it. man is he getting so big.

speaking of big, jaiden is riding his bike now all by him self even staring it with no help he is so happy he keeps saying im big so big, he knows his birthday,phone number and most of his adress, WOW and did i say he just turned 3 last month??? He has ben potty trained for 1 year now and even wipes on his own and washes his hands, he is verry in to doing everything on his own.
well got to get lots done i will up date more later as i now have internet again, yea
love marta

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:00 PM CDT

Hello all,
Kayden has had a great summer and only a ear infection for months now, wow that is so great. He lost his first tooth two days ago it was so loose so i had to bring him in infear he would nock it out and swallow it so they pulled it. Getting so big he is 25 pounds and so tall. He is becomming such a big boy now and man does he love to get into what ever he can reach at the time.
Jaiden has just been full of learning he knows his birthday, his phone number and most of his adress and he just turned 3 1 month ago oh did i mention he is now riding his bike with out training wheels it just amases me how smart he is.
Braden is in soccer basketball is next, he is growing all to fast he will be 8 in a few weeks where did my little boys go? He is doing pulic school but at home from the coputer and books so far so good please pray it goes well as we are trying to see if this will help keep kayden healthy this summer, we got all bradens suplies deliverd last week and man is there some great fun learning activites all kinds of neet things to do and learn.Braden is in boy scouts now too so we are keeping him going in lots of stuff to keep up with being around other kids. He has gotten so smart sometimes to smart for hi own good, ha ha ha.
well we are in minneapolis at this time for two days as kayden has 6 dr apt three today and three the morn.
today he saw the eye dr kaydens eyes look great but he does have stigmatisem we will get him glasses but he wont whear them all the time dont know if he would keep them on at all but they will be for watching tv and doing his coputer stuff.
well i got kids getting in to stuff so i need to go i will update again soon, my computer should be ready to go in the next week as i got a new one now.
p.s did i mention we are trying for a little girl???
god only knows im sure we will get yet another boy if not twin boys, oh well i will take what ever the good lord gives me as long as he or she is healthy.
love marta

Monday, August 21, 2006 10:49 PM CDT

hello, we have had a fun but fast summer. All the kids were doing great intill last week when
Braden and jaiden were stung by bees the other daY Braden got a infection from one and had to go get meds.
Jaiden started running a fevor tonight and said his neck hurt, im afraid he may have strep as my friends son had it the other day and was over. Please pray kayden does not get this too he has ben so healthy and in one week we are going to wisconsion dells waterpark so wee all need to be healthy.
Im Home schooling braden this year or i shoild say im trying it and we will see how it goes, it is public school at home they provide the computer and text books so we still have a teacher to call and check in with but we will be doing it all at home kayden will have all his ot,pt and speech done at home like we did all summer they will come three times a week for him to our house see i pulled kayden out of school this summer and all he has had is a ear infection so given the fact that befor he was getting sick all the time i want to try this for his health keeping the two kids home with me instead of in a class room with lots of germs.
please pray this will work for us and braden will listen good to me and fallow well.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:22 AM CDT

hello all, Kayden is doing verry well in the last almost 4 months kayden has only had a ear infection praise the lord. We are at childrens for his normal 6 month checks everything looks good.
Man our summer has been so hot we have just been going to the lake and playing on the huge water slide we got the kids.They have so much fun on that thing.
We took the kids to valley fair this last sat they had a blast but for us adults of course only a few rides could be squeezed in but watching them have fun was great.
well not much else going on. Please keep kayden in your prayers.

Friday, July 7, 2006 8:14 PM CDT

Hello, not much to report everone has been great, thank the lord. We have been going to the lake alot this last week and going again this weekend, on monday we will be going to children for the feeding clinick and then to mappel grove for a trisomy 18 metting we will be having a bbq should be fun. please keep baby petter in prayer he has been sick alot and baby sarah is going home on the 13th so they need prayer for strength and for her to stay healthy. and as always lift kayden in prayer too hope we have a fun summer with no hospital stays.
Our 4th was fun waqrm but not to hot to handel so that was nice as always the kids loved every bit of it.
Braden and jaiden are both in baseball now so 2 times a week we are doing that, they just love it.

Friday, July 7, 2006 8:14 PM CDT

Hello, not much to report everone has been great, thank the lord. We have been going to the lake alot this last week and going again this weekend, on monday we will be going to children for the feeding clinick and then to mappel grove for a trisomy 18 metting we will be having a bbq should be fun. please keep baby petter in prayer he has been sick alot and baby sarah is going home on the 13th so they need prayer for strength and for her to stay healthy. and as always lift kayden in prayer too hope we have a fun summer with no hospital stays.
Braden and jaiden are both in baseball now so 2 times a week we are doing that, they just love it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:31 PM CDT

Hello, kayden is doing great. He turned 5 on the 19th wow hard to think he is 5 now what a big boy, we hadf a fun birthday although it rained all day so we had to have it at a hotel in the swimming area as we were having it outside at forst, but all went well and everone including him had fun, we had around 35 peaple come.
We are in minneapolis tomight as we came to get some test that needed to be done but there was a misunderstanding in the order so it did not get done in the morning we are headed to wisconsin to see my childhood girlfriend who flew in from florida for a family reuion next week she will come to our house for 2 days.
the kids are looking forword to the 4th always a fun day.
braden and jaiden bothe are in baseball this summer it is so cute to watch them play braden is verry good at hitting the ball and jaiden is just lurning its so cute.
take care and god bless. please keep praying we have a fun and safe summer with no kids getting sick.

Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:51 AM CDT

Hello, kayden is doing verry well at this time, thank the lord. please pray he stayes healthy this summer so we can have a fun summer. Kayden will be 5 on june 19 wow i thank god for that every day he is getting so big and is now taking steps when you hold on to him he is trying so hard, he makes me so proud.
well i just had sarah;s 4 siblings again for a week wow it was fun and hard all at the same time. My computer is broke so i have not ben on here for a while. I nwill try to update as i can, please keep sarah;s family in your prayers and baby peter too as he has ben sick off and on alot.
love marta.

Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:50 AM CDT

Well i will truly feel like a mom this mothers day.
as i wrote last week baby sarah had to get a trach this last sat her older 19 year old brother was in a mortisicel crash and is in another hospital with brain swelling and today they will be givi8ng him a trach too, what are the odds this could apen only a week later now there mom needs to be at two places so i went and brought home her 4 children with me i now how 7 children under 7 for a while. they are good kids and miss there mom and dad please keep this family in your prayers and pray kayden stays healthy.

Saturday, May 6, 2006 6:44 PM CDT

Hello, well i have had a long week baby sarah had to have a trach put in like kayden use to have this happend last monday so i went down to be with diane and took her two younger kids 3 and 4 home with us for the week they went home today. Please keep her in your prayers that everything will go better for her now and that she will come home soon. also petter and jordan got to go home from the hospital so pray they stay healthy along with kayden we do not need to be there with him too now.
god bless,

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:01 AM CDT

Well, we had a great easter we drove to the cities,2 hours away to spend it with baby sarah's family { 3 month old trisomy 18 like kayden] they are staying at the ronald mcdonald house the kids had a blast ran around playing all day.
OH GREAT NEWS, kayden has been for a while taking two to three steps when giding him but yesterday on easter frank held him under his armpits and he took 15 or more steps on two difernt times, what a blessing this is we were so happy and shocked! He is doing so well praise the lord.

We did ot get home till 1am and at 7am i left the house to head back doun there as sarah was comming off the resperster today and i was going to help be with her other kids so she could stay with sarah all day incase anything went wrong. Crazy how things happen for a reason i was to take all three of my kids with me as frank had to work, but with getting home late and only 3 hours of sleep he called in and satyed home with the two little ones and i took braden with ,me aong with having my sister kendra go with to help keep me awake. Well sarah did great and is still doing good so far praise the lord and pray she continues to do great but the twist is when i got there i found out that 1 year old petter was braught in lastnight because he stopped breathing and had to have cpr, so kendra stayed with my son and dianes other children while i went to the hospital i went in and petter looked great
i held him and rocked him and he fell asleep in my lap, i went and sat with sarah a little longer then went back to the ronald house to feed the kids not even ann hour later im finding out petter stopped breathing again and put him down in picu now next to sarah i flew back to the hospital i sat there till things seamed fine again, the had no clue yet what was wrong i drove back to be with the kids, once again 1 hour later peter did it again this time it looked bad and they intabated him they did a spinal and took lots of blood we have no clue yet what is causing this , many sugestions like reflux, seizeres and so on but it lookes like somthing brought this on hard to think it just started happening for no reason like a few of the docs want to say they just blame it on trisomy 18. so i sat there till 9:30pm I JUST GOT HOME it is 1am i did not want to leave but i had to also jorden who is 7 was on 7th floor with nimonia she too has what kayden has. today was so heartbreaking as i have known petter since he was a baby and he looks so much like kayden did. please keep them all in your prayers, and pray that kayden stays healthy. i know i was ment to be there to day with peters mom i only wish i could stay and be there for them.

Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:20 AM CDT

WEll kayden got real sick again he had strep, and with his airway problems it was verry hard on him, I took him in to the er here and the re doc said she thinks he needs to be admitted ut since childrens is use to him we should transfer him, i told her that yes he is sick but i dint think it was bad enough to have to go to minneapolise i told her that i wanted him to saty at this hospital and if anything started to change that i would be the first to tell them he needed to go. she agreed and then the peds dr came in man is he dumb in my book he is verry cold hearted and could give to shits. he wanted me to just take kayden home this is the atitude he always has when it comes to disabled children i have talked to many other moms. God forbid if a child needs to be admited that actualy needs to be taken care of he tried saying isnt kaydens 02 levells always low?? are you kidding he has benn the local peds dr for him for how long he should no better kaydens 02 are always great 99 to 100 any way i got him up on the floor the reason for this was to get iv meds because they work so much fster, the next morning the dr came in kayden was crying dropping his stats and trying to cough up a flem ball he looked at me and said oh kayden can go home this smorning dont you think?? I said hello he has been up all night doing this so he said well we will watch him alittle longer then this afternoon he can .leave what a jerk, 30 min after he looked him over kaydens iv went to crap so the nurse called him and he said to just put him on oral meds, i swear he messed with the iv. so after that i took kayden home did extra nebs and called the drs in at childrens to get meds that open the airway we will take care of him at home and if he gets bad he will go strait to childrens. the acsact time we were admitted here so was another family with a boy with medical need like kayden feeding tube and so on. they did the same to this family nothing but problems did not want to help him or kayden.
please keep them in your prayers.

braden started soccer today he loved it and he was verry good jaiden wanted to run out and try it too to bad he was not old enough.

Friday, March 24, 2006 0:51 AM CST

Hello, it is 12:50am and we just got home from minneapolis. Kayden had a dr apointment today at 3pm with the ent just to see how his ears looked now after surgery, they look great and we descused kayden comming there for feeding clinic because he is really wantting things to eat so i will have them be the ones to try solid things slowly that way if he chokes we are already there in there care.

We were there for so long as we had to visit baby sarah and her family for a while and also another family we know corey and ema who are brother and sister were both there with there own problems but lucky for mom they got to share a room corey is 4 and has mito diesease and his 2 month old sister has ben having problems so they think she too has this she had a feeding tube put in today so now mom has 2 kids with feeding tubes and way ema was already at childrens and poor corey must of missed her and mom as yesterday he went in to a major episode along with siezing for a long time so the helicopter landed in there yard and took him to children too. while visitiing them i had told margo that i was thinking of taking the kids to chucky cheese while we were there little did i relize how late it was getting and as we were on our way out she mentioned it not knowing i had not told the kids so as you guessed we had to stop we got there after 7:30 and didnt leave till 9:00. But the kids had fun kayden even road on all the rides he loved it and we were just about done when a verry nice man handed us about 50 more tokens because him and his friend were leaving OH YEA how nice of them but my mom was thinking she wantted to tell them to give them to another family as she was ready to go ha ha ha NOT YET as we coulnt pass up the extra fun.
please keep all the kids in your prayers.
god bless.

Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:54 AM CST

Hello, well praise the lord we all have been healthy for a couple of weeks now. I pray it stays that way as this wintter every other week someone was sick.
I took the kids to the hotel water park here the other day they had a blast. I walked through all the spraying water with kayden then i put him in his wheel chair and walked him through the waiting pool that has a dinasour skeletin that sprayed water as you walked through it he loved it a little cold but he was smailling from ear to ear.
Braden had spring break this last week back to school in the morning now man i think it went to fast, everyone else i know couldnt wait for there kids to go back i hate him having to be away from me not to mention the headach of getting up every morning early and dressing all three kids and driving to the school. I cant wait till summer.

oh please keep baby sarah in your prayers she wasnair lifted back to childrens again she got real sick.

god bless, and have a good day.
love marta

Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:54 AM CST

Hello, well praise the lord we all have been healthy for a couple of weeks now. I pray it stays that way as this wintter every other week someone was sick.
I took the kids to the hotel water park here the other day they had a blast. I walked through all the spraying water with kayden then i put him in his wheel chair and walked him through the waiting pool that has a dinasour skeletin that sprayed water as you walked through it he loved it a little cold but he was smailling from ear to ear.
Braden had spring break this last week back to school in the morning now man i think it went to fast, everyone else i know couldnt wait for there kids to go back i hate him having to be away from me not to mention the headach of getting up every morning early and dressing all three kids and driving to the school. I cant wait till summer.

oh please keep baby sarah in your prayers she wasnair lifted back to childrens again she got real sick.

god bless, and have a good day.
love marta

Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:19 PM CST

Hello all,

Kaydens surgery this smorning went fast and well, we were only there for almost 3 hours total so verry good day he is happy and for the most part feeling great.

well i freaked out and had a relly bad day yesterday well i hav e ben feeling like this for a while but yesterday was the last day to cancell my trip to mexico and still get some money back yes i was supost to leave monday morning BUT i really just cant not see leaving my children and husband for a whole week i can not do it. i loose some money on the deal but im putting it twords the money i would have taken with me and gunna get our tickets to go to caLifornia again this summer as a family. I rather be with them AND SEE MY KIDS HAVING FUN.
I know i could have had fun but i know i would have gone insane so home i stay.

Monday, February 27, 2006 3:18 PM CST

well we are all in need of prayer here. Kayden is to have his surgery on the 2 to relook at his ear and clean it along with botox to his jaw, but kayden has still got his eye, nose and ear cold today they put him on meds to help clear this in time, braden also once again has strep he broke out in a rash and fevor lastnight so they both went in today, this winter has been so bad every few weeks they are getting sick it just has not got cold enough this year here to kill all the germs. Jaiden nis ok for now i pray he stays that way and that this too dont keep going around.
Well I leave for my trip one week from today, im fraking out about leaving my family for a whole week so the kids for sure need to get healthy quick or im gunna really be woried. I checked the weather for plya mexico the day we arive the high will be 86 wow i can use some sun.
I thought the other night that i lost my ID i couldnt find it that would not be good i would have paid for this trip for nothing but thank god i found it.

Baby sara might be going home in the morning please keep her in your prayers as they are just pushing her out the door they are not wanting to do anymore for her as it sounds i pray she does well and proves them all wrong just like kayden has for so long.

Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:00 AM CST

Hello sorry i have not uodated in a while as we are all sick with a nasty cold. Kayden heeld from surgery very well, he goes back on the 2 they will put him out and clean his ear and relook at it. other then having a reaqlly bad cold he is doing great.

Here is the shocker,, I have NEVER left my kids over night befor not once and braden is 7 and on the 6th of march for a whole week my wo cousions chanel and shayla are goinf to play del carman mexico. Im freaking out now about it and wonder if i did the wrong thing by getting a ticket im so afarid to leave my kids for that long,kaydens nurse from school will take care of the boys during the day while frank is at work they around 5pm every day he will be with them for the rest of the night, i know they will be in good hands but still i worry. please pray they will all be fine and thet kayden stays healthy. im also woried about getting on the plane i hate them please keep me in prayer that i will not worry so much about everything.

baby sarah is in need of alot of prayer as she is not doing verry well please pray that she gets stronger and that the dr's will do somthing for her.
god bless
love marta

Friday, January 27, 2006 1:39 PM CST

kayden is doing good he just got out of surgery a little while ago, he is sleepy and sore. Thank the lord we have
good news they found this in time that it was very small and not a big hasel to do they cut out the defect in his cannal and then the dr took a piece of the cartalidge from the ear and used it to replace the inner part and they way he did this he hopes will make it impossable for it to come back through again we hope and pray this is true. He looks goofy as they have gause on it with a hudge red wrap around his head holding his ear in place. kayden will get to go home tomarrow. trouble is he likes to rock his head back in forth when he is sleepy ya not a good thing at this time as he is making it hard to keep him off of that ear and he already has wiggeld it off the ear once, see even he finds a way to cause trouble, ha ha ha. i keep putting him on his right side with a pillow behind him so he wont lay on the left but do you think he gets the hint to leave it that way NO HE THINKS THAT IT MEANS OH WOW TIME TO FLIP AROUND TILL I CAN GET BACK ON MY LEFT SIDE, I DONT KNOW HOW IM GOING TO KEEP HIM FROM HURTTING IT, MABEY IT FEELS GOOD TO HAVE SOME PREASURE ON IT AND THAT IS WY HE KEEPS GOING THAT WAY. HE REALY IS NOT FUSSY THAT MUCH HE JUST IS VERRY SLEEPY AND RESTLESS. AND MOMMY HEAR HAS ONLY HAD 20 MINUTES OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT SO IM DRAGGING. THIS IS MY LIFE WHEN IT COMES TO HOSPITAL STAYS I JUST NEVER SLEEP I STAY AWAKE FOR DAYS. Thank you all for the prayers and please keep them comming as kayden will be having some pain here and there.
love marta

Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:10 AM CST

Hello, well we leave tonight, for childrens. Well we will say at the hotel tonight but we need to have there by 6am thats wy we are going today.Please keep him in your prayers that surgey will go great with no problems.
Six months from now he will have to redue this to be sure it is gone.I pray that god will see that this tummer never come back, as i have read alot about it and have seen that alot of those who have had this have been through severl times of it reapering and also in the oposit ear. My baby has ben through enough i feel so bad for him. He is so strong though yes he is. Kayden amazes me how one moment he can be getting stuck with iv's and the next be smilling its nice to know he doesnt hold a grudge ha ha. he loves everyone and always has a smaile even when he is not feeling good. He truly is a merical and we love him so much.
Im having another bad night as i sit here it is 2am i have been sobbing like a baby i only get to do this once every few months and its things like this that bring it on the big old slap in the face that yet anything can happen in the trisomy 18 world. I fear of loosing him so much intimes like this i dont think of this on a daily bases and you get use to things going good then bam somthing else comes up, i use to be afraid in the beggening just a liitle when he would go in for surgery some how i just knew he would be safe or i guess i expested it to alwYS BE THAT WAY BUT the last couple times before surgery like now i start freaking out, knowing that there are risks im not ever going to be ready for that and this a 4 hour surgery yuck how will we get through that?? I just ask that the lord help me calm down my fears and that he keeps kayden safe and brings him through this once again with no complications. I trust you lord, please keep trusting us with kayden here.
Braden can use some extra prayer too as with him over hearing all the talk about the tummer and what it could have caused he has been verry concernd and at school was telling his teacher all about it and that he could die,
I told braden you dont have to worry im so sorry taht you have only heard pieces of what is going on kaydens tummer was caught in time before it got to bad and they are doing surgery to get it out he will be fine. i felt so bad that he was carring that on his shoulders and how he must of thought it would upset us because he never said anything to me about it till i talked to him about it.
BrDEN HAS BEN DOING SO GOOD IN SCHOOL, his reading is getting so good.
jaiden is doing great on going potty in the big boy toilet
yea. soon no more diapers.

kayden is doing verry good this week i just hope all three boys stay healthy now as braden just got over having strep throat, he does not get sick offton but this year man it seams to keep going around they have gotten the flue and strep a couple of times.
thank you all love marta

Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:10 AM CST

Hello, well we leave tonight, for childrens. Well we will say at the hotel tonight but we need to have there by 6am thats wy we are going today.Please keep him in your prayers that surgey will go great with no problems.
Six months from now he will have to redue this to be sure it is gone.I pray that god will see that this tummer never come back, as i have read alot about it and have seen that alot of those who have had this have been through severl times of it reapering and also in the oposit ear. My baby has ben through enough i feel so bad for him. He is so strong though yes he is. Kayden amazes me how one moment he can be getting stuck with iv's and the next be smilling its nice to know he doesnt hold a grudge ha ha. he loves everyone and always has a smaile even when he is not feeling good. He truly is a merical and we love him so much.
Im having another bad night as i sit here it is 2am i have been sobbing like a baby i only get to do this once every few months and its things like this that bring it on the big old slap in the face that yet anything can happen in the trisomy 18 world. I fear of loosing him so much intimes like this i dont think of this on a daily bases and you get use to things going good then bam somthing else comes up, i use to be afraid in the beggening just a liitle when he would go in for surgery some how i just knew he would be safe or i guess i expested it to alwYS BE THAT WAY BUT the last couple times before surgery like now i start freaking out, knowing that there are risks im not ever going to be ready for that and this a 4 hour surgery yuck how will we get through that?? I just ask that the lord help me calm down my fears and that he keeps kayden safe and brings him through this once again with no complications. I trust you lord, please keep trusting us with kayden here.
Braden can use some extra prayer too as with him over hearing all the talk about the tummer and what it could have caused he has been verry concernd and at school was telling his teacher all about it and that he could die,
I told braden you dont have to worry im so sorry taht you have only heard pieces of what is going on kaydens tummer was caught in time before it got to bad and they are doing surgery to get it out he will be fine. i felt so bad that he was carring that on his shoulders and how he must of thought it would upset us because he never said anything to me about it till i talked to him about it.
BrDEN HAS BEN DOING SO GOOD IN SCHOOL, his reading is getting so good.
jaiden is doing great on going potty in the big boy toilet
yea. soon no more diapers.

kayden is doing verry good this week i just hope all three boys stay healthy now as braden just got over having strep throat, he does not get sick offton but this year man it seams to keep going around they have gotten the flue and strep a couple of times.
thank you all love marta

Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:21 AM CST

WOW, we have had a long couple of days. I took kayden down to childrens because he was just to junky in the airway, they gave him a chest exray and said they have no ideal what brainerd was talking about but he did not have namonia so they ran other terst and they were fine so we determaned kayden just had a nasty viress, but he had ben running a TEMP OFF AND on for over a week now so i thought there had to be somthing else i kept telling them i think he has a ear infection. well he was needing his ear tubes replaced so yesterday they took him in for surgery to do so and while they were in there they found that i was correct kayden had a major earinfection caused by a tummor they found in his ear. THis is not a cancer type thank god, but could be very dangerouse if we never caught it it is called cholesteatoma and if left untreated can cause facial paralysis,the infection can spread into the veins carring blood from the brain to the heart. this large vein called the lateral venouse sinu7s can obstruct and cause excessive fluid to accumulate within and around the brain leading to a condition called hydrocephalus.The infection can also spread to the covering of the brain and cause meningitis. in rare circumstances a brain abscess can result. so on monday i will find out when he will have surgery wich will be soon im sure, from there he will have to have it again in 6 months to make sure they get it all, problem is and what we need prayer on is that during surgery it can still cause his face to paralyis and months or years later this can come back again. I pray we caught this intime and that he will suffer no consquinces from it and that it will never return.
My poor boy he sure could use a break i feel like every time we turn around just as things are looking good pow he is hit with somthing else. please keep kayden in your prayers.

Also petter is 1 and has trisomy 18 he got to go home yesterday but he wasd here for 3 weeks really sick please keep him in your prayers that he will stay healthy.

I got to see baby sarah again while we were here and she is having a few problems and needs prayer they will be putting a pacemaker in her on monday,MOM is really starting to break down now please lift her in prayer she needs to be strong..
love marta

Saturday, January 7, 2006 1:15 AM CST

Well what i thought to be a bit of nemonia has turned into full blown nemonia ? on spelling. Anyway he got worse over night and through out today he now has mucas comming out of everywhere including his ears drainning. KAydens oxagen levels have been fine intill tonight they are sitting at 90 to 92 wide awake wich normaly he is between 96 and 100 so im sure this will mean a ruff night of dipping pretty low while asleep please pray they dont go to low like in the past. I took him in lastnight and they gave him a shot and again today he got one its somthing that is supost to help nick this in the butt faster, please pray that it works and that we can get through this here safe at home and not have to go in to the hospital.
They also started jaiden on meds as he has been sick to they both keep runing feavers and jaiden breathing sounded junky to the dr. Braden i pray dont get it next or us because that will start a chain of reacurance.

SArah is on day 3 since her heart surgery and is stable but could still use lots of prayer as she is still verry fragiel. thank you all.

Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:56 PM CST

KAyden is need of prayer, he was supost to have surgery yesterday to replace one of his ear tubes but he got sick the night befor with a 104 fever, turns out after his xray was read he has a bit of nimona this is always realy hard on his breathing wich for him can be very dangerouse so please pray he gets better soon and that he does not have to go to the hospital at this time his 02 stats are good i just hope they stay that way,
jaiden too is sick he has ben running around 102 aff and on for 2 days he caught the flue that has ben going around so im on the go with sick kids and praying i dont get it or frank as he needs to work and i need to take care of them. braden has ben lucky so far knock on wood, i hope he does not get it eather.

Baby sarah had her heart sugery, and is stable, please keep her in your prayers that she continues to get better and doesnot get any infectiond caused from surgery.
thank you all

Monday, December 26, 2005 0:14 AM CST


Well the kids had a blast today with there new stuff, we eat like pigs and we are tired. Kayden sat at the table with us and sat in a big person chair and fed him self a couple of bites of pudding after dad gave him some mashed patatos, it was so cute he just wanted more and more.

The kids got a karoki machine so as you can imagain we have herd all day loud music and singing but atleast it hs been a kids christian cd with 20 songs so we had a mixture instead of the same one over and over.

Braden said the prayer for dinner short and sweet but made sure to wish jesus a happy birthday.

Sarah the little baby with trisomy 18 is in need of alot of prayer from everyone, please please keep her in your prayers as she is fighting so hard but some dr's are not thinking they should do sertan things for her, we pray that her heart does not get any bigger because if so she will not be able to get the surgery on it like she needs, her kidneys and gull blader are needing pray for too as her billyrubin is not gone down much like it should have by now. this brings back so many memories of when we were there with kayden at birth, please lord let sarah fight like kayden and let her have dr's that are whilling to help her. Im so efected by this after talking with her mom for a few months now and getting to see her this last week has made it so real and the flow of emotions i went through with kayden all comming back i feel for her family.
i want to be there for them but we are two hours away so its hard with me having kids, we will see them again on the 4th kayden has surgey to fix one of his ear tubes. So please also keep kayden in prayer that he will have no problems with this.
thank you all and god bless.
love marta

Thursday, December 22, 2005 0:07 AM CST

well we got home safe. They could not do kaydens sleep hearing test as one of his ear tubes are ruptured so we will ahve to go back on the 4th to have a new tube put back in. Please also pray they can do the botox to his jaw the same day so we wont have to make yet another trip. that botox really helped his jaw movment befor so this time i want to try it every 6 months like they say too and see what happens. HE had ben spitting up every time we fed him through his feeding tube so they did a bareium gi study but that did not show that anything was wrong so they uped is prevised for reflux and we are to feed him even slower then we have been so fare so good thank the lord for that and pray that it keeps working as if not he will have to have surgey. On a good note kaydens heart looks good and they think that with the 2 problems he has that they are evening eachother out witch is a good thing and the dr thinks he will not ever need heart surgery. he said if kayden had only had one of the problems he would need one but he got lucky to have the type he does as his vsd pums things into the pulmanary area and in return that area does somthing to the vsd area but if he has just his pulminary area problem he would need surgery, i know complicated that is wy i wont go into detail about it just keep praying his heart along with everything else stays fine.

The little girl sarah i told you about is 10 days old now she has trisomy 18 and is at childrens fightting for her life please pray that the drs do everything they can and that little sarah fights as strong as kayden did, and still does i pray that her little body gets stronger every day. I have been talking to her mom since october when she found kaydens web sight we got to meet for the first time this last weekend and i got to see sarah im so atached already and it would be so hard for me to see anything go wrong now, I so want her family to have the time with her that i have had with kayden. please pray for her.

Friday, December 16, 2005 9:02 AM CST

HEllo, we are down at childrens, we got here lastnight, kayden was due to have everything done as i call it he is due for his yearly tune up, ha ha. so we will be here through tonight getting all of his stuff done like echo, and willms tumer check, fedding study, as kayden has ben spitting up alot after he eats. Its kind of nice being here wiyth out him being real sick all though yesterday he started getting real junky sounding so lets pray it doensnt get worse.
Im so exited i have ben talking with a mom that lives 1 hour away from me who was expecting a baby girl with trisomy 18 well her baby sarah was born a few days ago now and she is doing good and is here at childrens so her mom and i will finnaly get to meet face to face and i will get to see sarah. please keep her in your prayers.

also pray that the weather is better going home for us as the roads were so bad there must of been 20 cars in the ditch.

Friday, November 25, 2005 10:32 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving
Well we didint go anywhere or have anyone over this year we just had turkey and all together this time, but it was still nice i still made all the normal, and we lit canndels while we eat, my brother and his new baby stoped over for about 30 minutes so we could see the baby.

Well i got a letter from make a wish this week and they are starting next week haveing 50 trees through out camp snoopy at mall of america, each one will represent a child through make a wish and have there photo on it kayden will be one of those kids, the purpose of it is that it cost so much to pay for these wishes so every year they do this and s someone purchases a wish that childs tree is lit up, i think it is so cool, on the 2ond is the kick off for it so we are going to try and make it down there for it. the photo im sending them to put up of him is the one on the front page here i love that one and thought it was a good chose since it was part of his wish trip.

Well kayden and frank have gotten better but franks voice is still a little gone, jaiden had like a 24 hour flue last night and thissmorning, i hate all this sick stuff, i pray kayden wont get nything else.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:13 PM CST

Hello all, kayden along with jaiden and frank are allsick at this time, braden is the one who started it all, lots of congestion, and sore throat they have even lost there voice witch at times has been good ha ha ha. Please pray that they all get better soon and that kaydens does not get much worse then he already is as its verry hard on him.
god bless and thnk you.

Monday, October 31, 2005 10:38 AM CST


WEll we had a great time in the cities with the other trisomy 18 families, the kids are all so darn cute. We had pizza and just sat around and got caught up on eachother and how the kids have been doing. We then stayed the night at my friend jasmins house{ thank you jasmin} the kids love playing together and were sad to have to part in the morning. We took the boys to camp snoopy we spent the whole day there it was a blast, braden was braver this time and went on the rollercoaster for the first time and a few other bigger rides he loved it, jaiden couldnt wait to get on the next one as he loved them all and hated when we had to wait for dad and braden on the bumper cars because he was to little he kept yelling me me he wanted on them so bad. And kayden he loved anything we put him on he smiles from ear to ear on each ride. we even took him on the sponge bob stimulater ride, now that was tricky as i had to reach over to keep him in his seat, but he loved it.

Braden is a vampire, kayden is batman, and jaiden is flashfrom going to bradens school today to help with his party that should be fun.Then tonight of course is trick or treattime. everone have a safe and fun time tonight.

I have been talking to a mom that lives only 1 hour away and she is do in a couple of weeks with a little girl who has trisomy 18, please keep her and her famly in your prayers as the days aproach i know they must be getting shook up and she needs all the prayers she can get at this time, i pray for her daughter to be as strong as kayden has been, and for the dr's to all be willing to help.

god bless,
always marta

Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:32 AM CDT

Hello, we are on our way to the cities, tonight we have a get together aT CHILDRENS with familys of other trisomy 18 children we are having food and letting the kids dress up, it should be alot of fun, that is not intill 6:30 so first we plan on hitting camp snoopy with the kids. please pray fopr a safe trip for us.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:52 AM CDT

hello, well kayden,braden,andjaiden have a new baby cousion, he was born at 12:48 am he weighed 8 pounds 1 oune
21 inches long. His name is Jorden. My brother bj is so proud it is ausome to see him with him. My brother has gone through some hard times and not made alot of good choices but since the news of him becomming a daddy he sure has been trying real hard and it is wonderfull to see. I truly beleave that this is what he needed. Some one who needed him. Please keep them in your prayers.

Monday, October 24, 2005 12:08 AM CDT

well i finaly got my tooth pulled on friday, man did it hurt because of the infection they still were not able to get in numb so i felt everything. i feel much better now,but my left side of my face is still swollen.

The kids are doing great. Frank and i went christmas shopping we are almost done. man things add up fast even more so when you have three. but i think we did pretty goog.

Frank and i were talking the othe day and when we got to go on our make awish trip we also got a packet of things where if we were ever in certan states with in a year we could use our free passes, so we were looking at califonia]s list and we have passes for knotts berry farm, magicmountain, and legoland. I started a waitress job and tips have been pritty good so we are thinking of putting some aside here and there for plane and hotel car fees and just mabeywe will go this summer back to california.

now that we got a little taste of vacations we are wantting some more. We willhave to see how the next couple of months go.

Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:09 AM CDT

Well its 1am and i sit here sobbing like crazy. I have been so strong for so long i have to be, im a mom of 3 young boys who need me every second.
One would think that having a child born with such an illness and living it day by day you would have all the time in the world to think things through and look at the whole picture and think wow WY me wy us better yet WY Kayden, but you know every since he has been born i dont do this much, witch is a good thing as if i did i would never be in good shape. i know im rambling and have no clue where im going with this just trying to get things out for my self. There are only a few times in the last 4 years that i have actually sat down and cryed and really sat there and thought of all thie things my poor little boy has been through and think of what could be next, all i can do is pray that we get many many more years with him, tonight what braught this on is i was up alone watching a movie on tv about a little boy who died in his sleep because a toy that had a ribbon on him got caught around hisneck, this in the past would have yes made me along with many other moms cry but its things like this that now triger my small break downs for what ever reason any thing at all with death latly sets me off i get real upset and just cry forever by my self late like this, some days all i have to do lately is look at him and all i want to do is scream WY WY WY wy does things like this happen i know its not true but i offten wonder if things like this happen to our children because of somthing we have done like god wants to punish us. i know in my heart its not true but not having answers is so hard. you know i always here from every one i dont know how you do it, i could never do what you do, I never asked for this nor did i think i could handel this when we got the news but it was nothing we planned for and we loved him he is our son we had no choice but to handel it, so we have and do live day by day and because most of the time kayden does so well and is always so happy, feeding tubes, nebs, and no walking seam normal to us its part of every day life that inless i sit bacl like now i dont see him as being any difernt i do i know he is its jsut not as notisable, i see it more when jaiden starts doing new things then that makes me think of all i have missed with kayden and really its not what i have missed that upsets me its what my little kayden has missed out on doing that braks my heart, he is so aware and i can see it in his smile and his eyes that he too wants to be up running with his brothers and having fun and getting in trouble. and i want so bad for him to be able to do that.He is so ausome and so brave in so many ways. i just love the photo of him on the top of this page, his little tiny perfect hands in the middel of mickey's is just so breath taking and the way he is looking at him, he loved to be with those disney carecters he really did and you know he is the one who reached out to mickey first all on his own things like this i just love to be able to go to the dr who told me he wouldnt know us or what was going on and smack that dr, and say ha in your face. he is so aware and so full of love for us all. i cant imagian a day with out him, and i pray i never will. most of the time my fear is not of losing him but of who will take care of him when he is older and i am gone? i pray taht braden and jaiden will an=lways look out for him, im sure they will as they always do now they love him in so many ways, it is so cool to see them iteract with him they really try some time hard to make him apart of what they are doing and he loves it. jaiden knows no difernt this is normal for him he totally looks out for him if kayden crys i know if kayden is moving i know.
And Braden WOW he truly is such a great brother and so strong him self, he has had to change alot and go through so much having a brother with all this extra atention, he has done wonderfull through it all, im so proud of him and its just asome to see how much or here how much he really understand i love to hear him tell his friends or there parents all about kayden and the name of what he has and that he use to have a trach and that he has a feeding tube, he educates them when they want to know and if he feels they should know he will just tell them, im amazed at how much he knows about it with how young he is, but in some ways this too has been all he knows. He really needs our prayers most kids get jeoulse when another sybling comes along and with kayden braden never did i beleave it is because we made him apart of it all he stayed with us at the hospital and all never leaving kaydens side, he helped do kaydens medical stuff with us he had to go through so much at such a young age, then came jaiden at first it was cool having a healthy brother butAS JAIDEN IS GETTING A LITTLE OLDER BRADEN IS GETTING jealouse now, i find him doing things he knows darn good he shouldnt be doing just to make me mad, some days i want to scream i know all kids do this even whne its not over being jeouls but for braden he has missed out in so many ways, he got pushed on the back burner so much because kayden always needed somthing and every dr or nurse that needed to see kayden was upsetting for braden because to him they were there just to see kayden and not him to him they wanted nothing to do with him, this would upset him, today jaiden is 2 and a terror very demanding and in to everything so as im sure most of you with kids know that a child at this age always gets there needs met first because they scream alot or as i said get in to everything so im finding my self always telling braden to hold on hold on or i will do it with you later then later comes and goes, i feel so bad for this i have lost controle of him, in most ways he is a great kid he is so thoughtfull and kindhearted and he never acts up at school he is perfect there, but some days when he feels that urge to be a shit just because no matter what i say or threaten nothing seams to fase him he will keep on and keep on. i need to find away to get stop this befor it gets to out of hand. i try my best to have time with just him but some days its just not enough, he has even made coments when he is in these moods that we love kayden and jaiden more or we dont care about him and what he wants, and that just breaks my heart im sure some times its just him playing me becasue he knows it would upset me but some days i know he really is feeling that way becaus ethe younger ones need there needs met first alot. we were for a while trying to take him a least once a week by him self to a movie or the park so that way its just him and us, but its not easy to have some one to take care of kayden, some times we take turns one on one, just please keep us all in your prayers. thank you for letting me vent it has helped alot. As hard as it can be some days frank and i would never change a thing, yes granted i would have loved for kayden to be born healthy, but that little boy has taught us and shown us so much, he trulyu is a gift from god, and i want to thank him for trusting frank and i to be his mom and dad. Frank is such a wonderfull father, in most cases like our i always here that the dad doesnt get involved alot with the childs cares and medical stuff not frank he does it all just as much as i do when he is home from work or when he is done at work and gets home he does what ever needs to be done, he is a great dad who treasures every moment with them, i love watching them play or me getting home and listiening to frank explain what one of the kids did or said while he is acting it out to make it sound just like they did he loves to see them do knew things as they grow and i love that i have a husband who any one that looks at him with them can tell he is so wonderfull.

Well i have to feed kayden again and go to bed. once again thank you. p.s yesterday was franks moms birthday most of you know that franks mom neelie passed away on thanksgiving last year so next month will make it 1 year that she has been gone, please keep frank in your prayers to as im sure all though he doens not speak about it he s hurtting in side he has alot of unresolved feeling about alot of things dealing with his mom and her death and other matters he is dealing with conserning his dad, i know he is in alot of pain and could use us to pray for week on the 18th is his birthday.
god bless. love marta

Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:46 AM CDT

Hello, well kayden is dong very well this week he is sounding much better, lets pray he stays this way with all those kids around having colds it sure is easy fro him to catch. He is loving school to day was so cool when his nurse dana came to the house to get on the bus with him for school he was sitting in my recliner and as soon as he saw her he turned his head looked strait at her and started smilling from ear to ear if you could see his look you would know he was so happy to see her and he knew who she was, dana has been working withhim for only a few weeks at school nowbut she is so sweet and you can see he likes her.
Im having alot of teeth problems{major} 2 weeks ago i started having alot of pain in my back lower left molar and i went in to finde out i have a infection in it and so they gave me meds and said come back in a week to eather get it pulled or fill and cap, well to do that it would cost 1300.00 and to pull it is 110.00 i can not aford the 1300.00 so i was going to have them pull it after all atleast it is a back tooth. my apt was monday but over the weekend i just knew i was going back in to be tolled i had yet another infection, i told the dr i think it is back and he said that pulling it would help it go away faster anyway, so after 6 shots of fast acting novicane the strongest they have it numbed everything around the tooth but the infection was so bad it would not numb that tooth so he had to stop as i was in pain sent me home with a difernt med to try for a few more days, 2 days later last night i went in to the ER i now had a huge puss pocket forming on my gums they had to cut the gums and drain it, i have been in constant pain that i have been taking 800mg og ibprofine along with vicodin every 4 to 6 hours still it not giving me enough releef, now i have to see the oral surgen on friday who will also try to pull it now charging 200.00 yes 100 more then the regular dentest and to top it off if the infection is still to bad that the novicane wont help they would like to put me out well that can not happen as much as i would like it to because they charge another 250.00 just to be put asleep for having trouble comming up with 200 letalone around 500. it is so bad how spendy it is to see a dentist and it is one of the worsed pain, i think i rather give child birh again with no drugs as i did that 2 times before atleast that is done in over with soon and not for 2 weeks of pain. so please pray the infection will go down so i can get this taken out as it is no longer safe if it has to go much longer in.

Braden is loving school and all the reading he is doing he likes so far im so exsited listening and watching him learn. he had a blast athis birthday.
jaiden is loving having a PLAYMATE during the day as my friend mindy and i are starting a new job we are going to waitress at a new restraunt here that opens up next monday called famouse daves so this week is training week so while she daoes the morning afternoon shift i take care of her little boy and then when i go in she takes vare of my kids for 2 hours till frank gets off work. Im hoping i will like this and that it works out good for me it will be nice to have some extra money for christmas.

well i got to go to bed it is already 3am here and i only got 1 hour asleep last night because of my tooth.
God bless al of you

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:09 PM CDT

Hello, we have been so on the go since we got back from our trip, and moved to our new house.
KAyden is loving school and his new nurse, he is so happy all the time{ whats new} je is always that way.
he now goes to riverside school, 4 times a week for half days.hard to think that he will go to kindergarten next year. im so happy he is doing so well, and has stayed healthy for along time exept for the last two days he has had a cold, but pray that it will not turn worse.
braden loves school this year, his teacher is great i have not had a problem with him wantting to go yet at all. this is wonderfull as last year he did not have the greatest teacher and because of it never wantted to go. his birthday is comming up we are going to stay at the comfortinn and suiets with about 9 of his friends wow i know crazy us. the big 7, its his golden birthday. but we will do it this friday as i have to go to a wedding that weekend.
jaiden, what can i say about him, monster,hahaha he is still always on the go, but he is saying so much more now its so cool when they stert really being able to talk and tell you things, braden is learning this all so well as jaiden can tell on braden now.Jaiden is loving his mommy time while both kids are in school, and so am i.
well i have to go shopping now for bradens birthday.

Friday, August 26, 2005 12:29 AM CDT

Well we are home now, we had a great fun but really hot hot trip. It was on most days 110 with the heat index {yuck] we still had a blast, kayden responded so well with all the carrecters he loved them and every ride we took him on too. The first day we went to magic kingdome we let the kids run through a water play area in toon town i stood kayden in it and he just started laughing, it must have felt so good. The ocean was a blast but that too was verry warm i was wanting cold water, but being wet in the heat felt good. we got vidieo of everything and lots of photos as soon as i can find out how to use my disck i will post photos.
im so thankfull to make a wish for our wonderfull trip, i know i have said it befor but i can not express how thankfull i am, we all had a blast and so many family memmories, with lots of wonderfull photos to prove.
the village was such a magical place, everything in it was free, icecream parlor with any kind you want open from 9am to 9:30pm a movie therater with slurpies and popcorn, a pizza place to order from till 11:30 at night ann arcade, and a huge pool and splash area a carosel and a play area in the casel, the list is so long and so many fun things to do, i only wish we could have had about 2 more days so we could have enjoyed all of it as we were to busy running to disney and seaworld we had no real time to stay and enjoy the village. it truly was a great place to stay the made everyone of us feel welcomed and they were all so nice. thank you again make a wish for our trip.

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:09 AM CDT

WOWWE have been everywhere, disney,seaworld,yesterday we went to daytona beach,the kids loved the beach,and it was my sister kendras first time. today we are going to animal kingdom and then in the morning we will go back to disney.

Kayden loved mickey, he responded so well to him he even was cooing away like he was telling him somthing we got so many ausome photos and video of it,im so thank full for all of this it truly will be somthing we never forget.

The make a wish village is so cool, tobad we have not had much time to enjoy it,as inorder to fit everything in we need to be running all day. Everything here on sight is free they have a movie therater with popcorn,candy, pop, and even slurpys, there is a carosel,arcade,icecream shop with every flavor. when we went and eat here for the first time we tride to clear our plates and got yelled at that we need to leave it alone they will do it bewcause we are on vacation,wow we said we are not use to being waitted on hand and foot like that. they are all so cool , we would love to stay here for ever, well ok it would be nice to come home some time just not yet, we really need two weeks inorder to see and go everywhere we would like to go.

well we are off to the park, i will post again soon.oh did i mention thatthe heat index here has made it 110 degees here yuck is that ever hot, but we just spray each other with spray bottel while we are out, and by 5 it starts to cool down.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:43 PM CDT


wow what a headach this last few weeks have been. Im so looking forword to our family trip to disneyworld, thanks to make a wish. We sure do need this we have had so much bad luck. I ask for prayer that we will have a safe ,fun, trip. We leave on jaidens birthday my baby is 2, we got him a bike he loves trying to ride it, we plan on having a cake for him when we get to florida. please most of all pray that kayden stays healthy and full of life. I will post as soon as i can when we get home, we leave the 18th and return on the 25th late. Be looking for photos.
always marta

Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:44 PM CDT

Hello, well we have had a bad week. First off on thursday night i had about 230 dollers stollen from me out of my purse, like i can aford that. Then yesterday a friend ran over our little pincher named pablo, we had him for 8 months. please pray that things get better.

Well kayden has been doing great he has not been sick in a while, knock on wood.
school is almost ready to start im not happy about that as i dont think i will do ok with braden going every day all day, yuck.
well it is getting close to go to florida, i know we will have a blast i just pray its not over 100 degrees.
well got to go.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:31 PM CDT

Hello, we went yesterday to xhildrens for a trisomy 18 metting. It was very nice there were 5 kids there with trisomy 18 counting kayden ages were 5 months, 4, 7, 15months and17 years old. There were 2 kids there with difernt trisomy's and 3 moms that lost there little ones to trisomy 18. everyone was so nice we all just sat around and explained our stories and had a good time both sad and happy all at once.
Well Braden can not wait for the 4th, he loves the whole day of events and this year him and i are in the parade,we will be helping a friend pass out candy for her float for her store she has for babies.
at the bottom of this page you may click on the link that will bring you to photos that were taken of kayden and the other kids.its the one that reads kayden and friends

Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:23 PM CDT

WOW, kayden is 4 today! we had his party yesterday, lots of fun, and it was so warm out so all the kids played in the pool and on the water slide, kayden got lots of neet things, it was way to hot to keep him out for very long, but we did fireworks when it got dark out and then it was so nice out the temp was just perfect,it was the pesty mesquetos that were a problem, ha ha. Today is more of a relax day not that we can really do that with having 3 kids but we sure are trying.
Kayden has been saying mom for a week now how cool is that this is his first word, he has signed mom and dad for a long time now but never said anything out side of baby babble, im so happy. well i got to go get the kids fed.

Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:09 AM CDT

Hello,well we got the call from make a wish yesterday with our dates of travel we get to go 8-18-05 through the 24th
wow we can not wait, sounds like so much fun, and a great way to make more wonderfull memoreys together.
Im so thankfull to make a wish for having such a program, how awsome they are in all they do for all these kids. Thank you so much.

we leave on jaidens 2 b day what a great gift for him.
kayden turns 4 on fathers day.. WOW big boy.


Sunday, May 29, 2005 3:08 PM CDT

Everything is going good here. make a wish came to see us last week, ans in the next couple of weeks we will be getting a call to set up dates to go to disney world, in july or august. It sounds like it will be a blast 7 days and 6 nights WOW we will have so much fun. It is so amazing all that they are able to do, im so thankfull to have this chance to creat so many fun memmories.

Well school is out, for me that means sleeping in i hope. and going to have fun at the lake.
kayden is trying to get around so much now he gets up on his knees and forarms and starts rocking. he has com along way.

i will keep everyone posted on when we get to go.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 1:28 PM CDT

Hello, we are all doing fine. All three kids have had a cold but seam to be getting over it, thank god.
please pray for us as we just found out our land lord might be selling our house, we just moved in there sept. We have way to much stuff and i know it will be so hard trying to find somthing as nice as we have now and as big. i pray that they dont have to sell it after all they are supost to let me know soon.

School is almost out i cant wait, this means more fun for all of us and sleeping in i hope, ha ha.

We turned in all of our paper work for make a wish so we should here from them soon on a visit.
iwill keep you all posted.
1 month befor kayden turns 4 WOW.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:29 PM CDT

Kayden is doing very well. I just had a couple hour meeting the other day with all his ot,speech teacher and so on, they all think he is doing so ggod and understands more then we thought wow has he ever come such a long way. Im so proud of my liitle man.
Today Braden and kayden got there hair cut, it is so funny that how just a little cut can make them look so much older. Jaiden has ben in to everything he can now open and get out the doors so i have alarms put on them it freaks me out.
Hard to think kayden will be 4 in just 2 months, im so happy to be able to say that, i thank god for him every day along with my other two boys.
Im working again but just 2 days a week, we will see how it goes i hope well as we could use the extra money.
please continue to keep us in your prayers. thank ou all so much.
always, marta

Saturday, April 2, 2005 1:10 PM CST

WEll its never ending, braden has strep, now kayden is getting a cold again i just pray he does not get what braden has, jaiden is ok for now. Man i just wish the weather would be nice, one day it is cold the next it is warm im sure it has somthing to do with it. please keep praying for him.

I can not beleave that kayden is going to be 4 in 2 months, WOW. i will update more later.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:32 PM CST

Well kayden is doing much better today so we are going home. He does still sound abit junky so pray that he continues to get better, as we do not need any more problems like we had this weekend.
Braden and jaiden will be glad that things are back to normal, that braden he sure loves kayden he is always so worried, god bless his heart.
we will update more when i can. thank you all for the calls and the prayers.

Thank you margo for comming in early this morning befor corey surgery so we could visit and a big thank you from kayden for the huge balloon. im so happy that everything went great today for corey no problems and YES no overnight stays.

always, marta

Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:08 AM CST

KAyden is in need of prayer really bad. for two days kayden has been getting a cold the same one i have too. As i have said befor when kayden gets a respatory cold it is hard on his air way with all that mucas, well yesterday afternoon i was giving him a neb and he just looked real weak all of the suden, so i got out the oxemeter and checked his 02 levells and he was down to 65% he should be above 92% so i hooked o2 to him and it was not really working so i called the hospital and told them i was bringing him in to get his white counts checked and to give him IV fluids as this helps. as i hung the phone up frank yelled for me kaydens stats were now down to 30% his lips were blue and his lips were moving real fast we think he had a seizer, I called 911 NEVER have i called one to our house befor i have always ben able to get him in, we got him in the ambulence and his stats were looking good again and all of a suden they turned on the lights and made him a code 3 transit because at once his eyes shut and his legs and tummy started twitching they were resue breathing for him with the ambue bag i was freaked out.
Once we got to st joes they gave him a sterode shot to help his air way stay open after that he started doing alot better. Him and i went by helicopter to childrens minneapolis and frank and the kids drove. THis smorning he looks good still congested, we will see a nerolagest today again, as kayden has never had a seizer befor we have questioned small stares but that is it, please pray that the only reason he had seizers was that his body was lacking 02 that he needed and not a sign of somthing to keep happening, We were so afraid, as i type this i cant help but to sob because i really thought we were were going to lose him yesterday He never has dodn somthing like this before, please keep him in your prayers and us to poor braden was crying and kept saying i dont want kayden to die. we are all shook up.
I thank god for being with us and pulling him through this keeping him safe.

if you want to call we are on the 3rd floor the number is 612-874-4957

i will update more later.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:10 AM CST

WEll, kayden and I both have bad colds or somthing i cant talk with out sounding like a horse and kayden cant make sounds or cry with out sounding the same way. I pray that his does not get any worse then it is.

IM so HAPPY as a little girl and lived in CA i had a friend named Tammy we did everything together when i was in 3rd grade we moved to here in MN we were both so upset that i was leaving that we got in to a fight our last day there and we ripped up eachothers adress , well I have always been wishing i could find her and so when we went to CA i drove to my old school there i was able to look up her photo see i could not remeber her last name for the life of me Well i found hers along with her name, i tried calling around but got no where. So when we got home i went on to class mates . com and found a name match but inorder to read what ever she wrote i had to pay to be a membert so i did, and it said that this tammy was living in florida now and she was married with a 2 year old boy, so i went to white and found a match calle dthe number and sure enough it was her, we were both so shocked and happy we talked for ever about old times.
This has ment so much to me as i dont have alot of great happy moments from being young and the time with her was one of my happiest times as a child. we will never lose contact again. She is only 1 hour from disney world so when we get to go on kaydens make a wish trisp we will be getting together.

keep us all in your prayers, marta

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:04 AM CST

We are back it was so much fun, kayden loved the rides he even went on a roller coaster it was a kid one but it had a huge drop on it braden was freaking out and kayden was grinning from ear to ear. the weather was great, we all had a blast.

kayden went to school today and all the kids surounded him they were so happy to see him and his photos.

Braden goes back in the morning he keeps asking for one more day off<< haha. we have so many phoos i will have to find someone with a scanner so i can post some here soon i hope.
well i have lots to do.

Sunday, March 6, 2005 3:27 AM CST

Well we are leaving in the morning i hope the weather will be nice.
im a little afraid of getting on the plane, but trying to act like im not for braden. kayden is doing well but as of today braden is having a sore throat please pray that it will go away, how bad if he is sick for our trip. i will try and up date later in the week. wish us luck.

Monday, February 28, 2005 10:16 AM CST

Well this week will be a mess as i try to get all the last minute details together befor we leave, i keep feeling like i know i will forget somthing. Please pray that kayden stays healthy we sure do not need him to get sick while we are there, with the dr's not knowing him and his airway isues he would be sent back here ASAP. im sure things will be just fine but you know always freaking out expectting the worse. I have so much to do so i will update befor we leave. I talked to a mom that lives by where we are going that has a daughter that is 8 with trisomy 18 and she knows a family who has a boy who is 3 so we will be meeting up with them while we are there i cant wait.

Sunday, February 20, 2005 8:03 PM CST

TOday was Bracken's funeral he was 7 years old he had a rare illness that also took his sisiters life two years ago at the age of 2. The funeral was beautiful so many wonderful tributes.
please keep the pohl family in your prayers the days to come will be very hard. I chose the balloon back ground in honor of bracken as today we let a bunch go at the funeral so when i was checking for back grounds i thought of him.

Kayden is doing much better today. My sister inlaw is here today and is going to watch the kids for us so we can go to a movie and dinner. Thank you vanessa as we dont ever get to do anything with just the two of us.

Margo it was really nice to see you today and have our time to talk about things. and to let kayden show off a little for you.
I will update more inthe week befor we go.
always marta

Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:36 PM CST

Kayden was so tired after school today, he fell asleep on the bus. I wish you all could see him when he is there he just loves all the kids and the attention that he gets from them they all just love him.
Its so funny as i have said many times kayden is not a morning person{ he gets that from us haha} when they try to get him to sit on his own he has only made it for 3-4 min i have gotten so upset that i feel they think im lying that at home he has sat on his own for up to 45 min, i know it is just because he is so tired in the morning the other day they got him to do 10 min so atleast now they see he can go longer. I keep saying im going to bring him there in the afternoon just to show them how well he can do.
It was so nice here this weekend and on monday it was 44 out side and we took braden and jaiden sledding,I wanted to do it again this week but man now it is soooo cold again i just dont understand how one day it will be so warm then the very next day it will be so darn cold.
I can not wait for summer.

God bless.alway's

Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:03 PM CST

Kayden had a wonderfull day at school today, i was suprised that he did not fall asleep as soon as he got home as that is what he normaly does, kayden is not a morning person at all. Instead he sat and wached grandma and i do arobics. Man do I HURT besides my classes im taking now i also am in arobics wich i get 1 credit for and i do that 2 days a week at school and im in a health n fittness class where i learn about being fit and 3 days a week do leg weights and arm weights and more for the tummy.
i get 2 credits for that. but between all that im also doing it at home everyday, So look out by may when classes are over i should start looking great for summer i can not wait. School is verry hard im freaking out i feel i will fail and i cary everyother day because i feel so dumb but yet for some odd reason im loving it. I just pray that i catch on soon, i have always had a bad problem with reading somthing over and over again and it not sticking with me so test suck, I have to be hands on for it to do some good well the most you can do for hands on for reading and memory is writting as you read, YA that still is not doing the best for me so im trying EXTRA hard here.
just praying that it will all work out in the end.

Found out that one of my teachers had a child born and pass with trisomy 18 a few years ago. small world.

Sorry not much about the kids in this one nothing real exsitting or new going on, and for a change they are all feeling ok, knock on wood.

well i better go to my next class.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:44 PM CST

Well all things are confirmed i have a tillted tail bone, and having jaiden has inflamed it, and man does it hurt. but i thank god that it was nothing more then that.

Kayden is doing well he got a bit of a cold that he is over now im so happy that he never caught what frank and the boys had. He is loving school but morning is to early for him he wont do as much for them like at home he will now sit for up to 45 min but there never past 3, WOW such a diferance i asked them what they were doing wrong, ha ha i know he is not a morning person.

im startting school in the morning my self im going for my nursing, i have not ben in school for so many years, im freaked i will not understand a thing. i also needed one more credit that i had to fill so i took arobics 2 days a week as i see it now i have to work out inorder to get my credit si now is the time to start shedding the pouds.

Braden got iceskates for xmas and i took him the other day on the ice man was he ever good for his first time. guess next year comes hockey.
jaiden still is jaiden forever getting in to everything but so darn cute as he does it.

Friday, December 31, 2004 10:41 AM CST

Hello, i have had np time to get on here and update, Frank got sick on christmas and yesterday was real bad and had to go to the ER, things are getting better today is more relaxed. kayden looks like he might be getting a cold i pray thats all it will be this stuff just keeps going around. Well my mri came back ok thank god. but another exray shows that a peice of my tailbone is turned this is how i was born it has never caused me pain before but giving birth to my third child jaiden has inflamed it they think, so now two days a wek im having heat altrosound done to it along with electode shock stimalation. Im hoping this will work. as the pain is so bad when ever i sit.

Well we have had our ups and our downs this year but for the most part kayden has been healthy, 2 unplaned stays at childrens in a whole year i think that was pretty could have ben more our goal this next year is none.
kayden has come such a long way it is so amasing to see all he can do that we thought he would never do, and his smile and that look is so overwelming yesterday kayden came with us to the er it was so cute mu aunt works there and she gave kayden a little ballon on a stick he loved it he kept beatting it on his hand and on his head he did this for ever.and just kept lauging away. kayden has shown us so much and im so thankfull that he is so strong. thank you lord for 3 wonderfull boys.
Braden keeps wantting to know if it is time for school yet, he must miss his friends, the kids had a good christmas a little sad with out grandma, please keep franks family in prayer they are having a hard time with her not being around anymore braden keeps asking wy she had to die. We found a angel that lights up and can have a photo on the face so we got it and put one of her in there it is so cool.
I better get going to my dr apt i hope you all have a verry great new years.

Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:18 PM CST

Well tonight was Bradens christmas consert at school, it was so cute, he did a verry good job.
Kayden went back to school today for the first time in a month, with him being sick and then every one of the kids at schol were to so we kept him away for a while during this bad time. He must of had a great time because he came home and fell asleep as soon as i sat him down, poor kid was so worn out.It was so cool when i called his teacher this smorning and told her he was comming she started screamming she was so happy they all love him so much and have missed him in class, when he came in with the nurse all the kids were so happy they all yelled yea kaydens here.

we got a new puppy two days ago it is a little minature pinture he is so cute and is between 1-2 ponds and is 3 months old he can get up to 12 pounds so not verry big he is soooo cute the kids just love him, kayden will grab his leg when he walks by but he always gets kayden too he will run and land non kaydens tummy thank god he is only 1-3 ponds. jaiden will hold him and kiss him and chase him just as much as the dog will him it is so cute the pup loves all the atention, braden tonight was holding him in the car and kept hugging him telling him he was the coolest and most fun dog ever,,, the real truth he was a gift for frank my husband for christmas, shhh the kids dont need to know ha ha ha.

I gad to re set me mri to do on the 21st i will let you all know what i find out after that. please pray all goes well.

well thanksgiving was going to be here at our house and that did not work out with kayden in the hospital and my motherin law passing away so now christmas is going to be here at our house please pray that kayden stays healthy and no more bad news from anywhere.

I do have another prayer request. we got a call yesterday and was told that kaydens ssi is being dropt because my husband makes 1 doller more this year then last, all though that is true we dont see any extra as it goes to more taxes and our insurance witch taht alone is 4 hundred a month.
this is verry upsetting as im not working i have tries a few times it never works out since kayden has ben born no one likes that i need to take off for him when he is sick, i jsut was working for 2 months and had to stop once again because i worked in a group home and they were always sick and well as you know i would bring that home to kayden, andalso they goit mad at me because my son was in the hospital and my motherinlaw died so could not work 3 of my shifts so they were mad that i did not fill my own shifts, ya like i planned to leave in the middel of the night i had no time to call and ask others to work for me.some people are so rude. anyway we moved in to this new house because yes it was very nise and big but the main reason was for kayden the other two houses we lived in were verry nice but they had the old wet basements in them witch were really bad for kayden anytime the heat kicks on it sends all that through the air and this could help kayden get sick easy so when this house came about we took it because it was only 6 years old and was compleatly finished, so we would have no mold problems, well when we moved in we would have to pay 200 more month to live here and ya it was a big chunk but
we felt it was worth it we wouyld just have to watch how we spent our money more well now not only will it be tight i just dont know hwere to begen in figuring out how and when to do what. please just pray that thinss will work out.
I have faith that they will as they always somehow do, we are strong and have gotten through before and will again.
always marta

Saturday, December 4, 2004 11:42 AM CST

Hello, thank you all for your prayers. Kayden is home now but still a little not him self i pray what ever it is will go away soon, as jaiden too has had it off and on the last few days no fevor orany sighns of being sick just puking out of the blue now and then. Braden is doing good thank god.
The funeral went good. i was suprised how great she looked as most funerals i have been to they look so fake and full of makeup, but nellie looked really good.

Please keep praying for frank and his family it has to be the hardest on his dad and brother who still live at home as they were with her every day.

I need to go in on thursady for a MRI i have had pain in my lower tail bone for over a year now when i sit itr is so painfull and the worst is when i try to stand up after sitting for a little bit i feel like an old lasy who needs help up. Any way they will be checking to make sure i do not have a tumor, i pray that that is somthing they will not find, it could have been caused giving birth to jaiden as we are praying it is the dr gave it a name but ya like i can say it any way it is caused when giving birth the babies head comes over the tairbone some how and when this happens it leaves the mother with cronick pain there. so the MRI will tell us witch two it is. please oray that it is the second one and not the first.

take care.

Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:26 AM CST

Im so sad to say that at 4am today franks mom nellie has passed away. this is so hard with it being a holliday and with our kayden being sick at childrens. please keep frank and his family and kayden in your prayers.
i will update more later.

Kayden is in the hospital.

Forgive me if none of this makes sence as im running on just a few hours of sleep in almost three days.
The night before last My husband's mom had a heartatack and was braught to a hospital in coonrapids, we found out that there was alot of fluid building around her heart but as for most others who have sugery as soon as this would happen she could not because they found that her kidneys also were shutting down, so at this time there is nothing they can do to help her heart till somthing improves with her kidneys, this is not good. As we went to see her kayden also started getting sick so while frank sat with her and our other two kids i took kayden to that hospitals ER room were i sat from 3pm yesterday till 12 am when they trasford him here to childrens. Kayden could not keep any food down i was always needing to vent his feeding tube he had nothing for 1 whold day but yet was still having the need to vomit and all that would come out was nasty green.
THey do know that he has brouncitis but do not know yet if he already had it or if the puking spells and his tight airway braught this on with all the wet fluid comming up. his chest exrays looked ok last night but the dr here said that he still could have namonia as he sounds like he does when you listen to him breath so they are doing more xrays at this time, he also has been running a fevor now too.
We were not ready for this at all we did not have any clothes with us or anything,IM so sad as thanksgiving was supost to be at our house this year, i just spent 100.00 on food, now what?? we will not get to enjoy that anytime soon. What a way to spend out holliday of thanks but to have to run back and forth betwwen two hospitals because our loved ones are verry sick. But i will try and look at the good so im thankfull that they both are still here with us and are also both in good hands not only at these two hospitals but with gods love as well. I pray that My mother in law nellie will get through this that her kidneys will be fine enough for them to soon do what they need to do to her heart before that gets any worse. I pray that the lord be with my huisband and his brothers and father through this time as they fear she may die she is only 51 years old and also is diabetic.
ANd for my sweet baby kayden i pray that he holds on and fights as he always has for the past three years. I dont know wy but im always so strong i dont let all this get me down as i have no time for that but this time i sit here writting this sobbing my eyes out so bad i cant see the the keys verry well. The truth I hate that once again my baby has to be here and I hate how sick he gets its not fgare and i hate how always even with the fact that he has always pulled through each sickness that in the pit of my stomach i know that there is always that chance that he wont pull through i know that most of the children like kayden get sick and pass away, i hate felling and thinking he will always pull through but know that oned day he may not. To een write that is breaking my heart to no end. I dont know wy im more upset then normal mabey that thanksgiving is here is making it harder on me im not sure. I wish he did not have to go through this again. please lord help him be strong help his body get better soon. And help us as a family be strong as well.

Also there is a little old lady that lives in brainerd that i know has no family and spends the holidays alone so i was going to pick her up to go to my house for thanksgiving please pray that my mom will be able to go get her to still come to her house even though they do not know each other i hope she will go with my mom.

I will poost more as i know what is going on.

We are on the 7th floor here at childrens minneapolis if any of you want to call just ask for 7th floor kayden mcclanahans room.
always,, marta
we are staying at the st paul ronald mcdonald house.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:26 AM CST

Forgive me if none of this makes sence as im running on just a few hours of sleep in almost three days.
The night before last My husband's mom had a heartatack and was braught to a hospital in coonrapids, we found out that there was alot of fluid building around her heart but as for most others who have sugery as soon as this would happen she could not because they found that her kidneys also were shutting down, so at this time there is nothing they can do to help her heart till somthing improves with her kidneys, this is not good. As we went to see her kayden also started getting sick so while frank sat with her and our other two kids i took kayden to that hospitals ER room were i sat from 3pm yesterday till 12 am when they trasford him here to childrens. Kayden could not keep any food down i was always needing to vent his feeding tube he had nothing for 1 whold day but yet was still having the need to vomit and all that would come out was nasty green.
THey do know that he has brouncitis but do not know yet if he already had it or if the puking spells and his tight airway braught this on with all the wet fluid comming up. his chest exrays looked ok last night but the dr here said that he still could have namonia as he sounds like he does when you listen to him breath so they are doing more xrays at this time, he also has been running a fevor now too.
We were not ready for this at all we did not have any clothes with us or anything,IM so sad as thanksgiving was supost to be at our house this year, i just spent 100.00 on food, now what?? we will not get to enjoy that anytime soon. What a way to spend out holliday of thanks but to have to run back and forth betwwen two hospitals because our loved ones are verry sick. But i will try and look at the good so im thankfull that they both are still here with us and are also both in good hands not only at these two hospitals but with gods love as well. I pray that My mother in law nellie will get through this that her kidneys will be fine enough for them to soon do what they need to do to her heart before that gets any worse. I pray that the lord be with my huisband and his brothers and father through this time as they fear she may die she is only 51 years old and also is diabetic.
ANd for my sweet baby kayden i pray that he holds on and fights as he always has for the past three years. I dont know wy but im always so strong i dont let all this get me down as i have no time for that but this time i sit here writting this sobbing my eyes out so bad i cant see the the keys verry well. The truth I hate that once again my baby has to be here and I hate how sick he gets its not fgare and i hate how always even with the fact that he has always pulled through each sickness that in the pit of my stomach i know that there is always that chance that he wont pull through i know that most of the children like kayden get sick and pass away, i hate felling and thinking he will always pull through but know that oned day he may not. To een write that is breaking my heart to no end. I dont know wy im more upset then normal mabey that thanksgiving is here is making it harder on me im not sure. I wish he did not have to go through this again. please lord help him be strong help his body get better soon. And help us as a family be strong as well.

Also there is a little old lady that lives in brainerd that i know has no family and spends the holidays alone so i was going to pick her up to go to my house for thanksgiving please pray that my mom will be able to go get her to still come to her house even though they do not know each other i hope she will go with my mom.

I will poost more as i know what is going on.

We are on the 7th floor here at childrens minneapolis if any of you want to call just ask for 7th floor kayden mcclanahans room.
always,, marta

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:14 PM CDT

Hello, well my computer is running again ever so slow, i have had so many problems with it. I hope to soon get a new one mabey after the holidays when ,omey is not so tight. haha.

Kayden has ben doing very well,today he does have a bit of a cold i pray it does not turn to anything more. I wish you could aLL see him he is so ausome he has ben moving like nothing else, he is getting up on to his side and pushing up, and when i put him on all fours he will hold his head up now, before it was to heavy for him while in the crwel mode, i just know that he will do it soon. school is going good he relly loves the other kids. his teacher and nurse are wnderfull. Thank you to all who are apart of kaydens life at nisswa school keep up the good work.
To day was so cute they had school photos then i stuch around and wached him play with the other kids and they had a electric pair of scissors they pluged in to his switch so that when he would hit his switch he would be cutting the paper it was so cool, he really liked watching it.
Friday is his costume party at school he is scooby doo.
Thank you to all who have kept kayden in your prayers. we love you.
good night, marta

Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:02 PM CDT

hello,kayden is almost back to normal, he amazes me how fast he gets better, I only pray that he continues to do so well.
kayden started school this week he realy liked it, one day they drew the out line of his body and this next week they will cut it out i cant wait to see it.All the kids just love him,,, how could they not?
Braden relly loves school too he has such a good time but is so tired at the end of the day. thr teachers said he is doing so good.
jaiden is calling everyone a baby now its so funny when they start saying new things, that is all you hear for a while. Nothing more to report at this time.

I want to say that god has ben so great to kayden and us, im so happy he has trusted us with kayden and continues to help kayden grow and learn. thank you all for your prayers.
love marta

Monday, September 13, 2004 9:14 AM CDT

Well,im taking kayden home today, but first they will do his echo and tummy scan, after that we are clear to go.
He sounds so much better, as they had him on stronger meds to help him get over the cold faster. He is still dipping his stats some while asleep i pray this is only because he has so much snot in there making it harder to breath. In a couple weeks when he is all better we will come back down to the stpaul sleep lab to have another sleep study done. this will let us know if he continues to have a problem or not. Please keep him in your prayers that this was all just because he had a cold, He does not need any more continued breathing problems.

Kayden was going to have his first day tuesday for school, looks like he will have to wait a few more days before i send him now. He will be going for 2 hours a day 4 days a week,if he does not get sick from all the other kids and if I can handel not being with him every second with out freaking out. ha ha.

He is such a big boy now im so amased how much meat he has put on his little body. Kayden and Jaiden both weigh in at 24 pounds now.

Braden is loving school, he goes every other day all day, im not use to that its upsetting but he loves it. He learnd his lunch code in 2 seconds i was shocked, they have to learn a 5 number pin that they need to punch in to get ther lunch and when i got the number i told him what it was i had him do it two times and he has not forgot since i was so afraid that he wouldnt know it when he got in to the lunch room wow i guess i know nothing.

Thank you for your prayers. god bless.

Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:37 AM CDT

Hello, well what a week. All three boys got a head cold,but kaydens has made it hard for him to breath.
I had to start him on 02 for the first time in a year.
He is having some apnea spells with this. So we are here at childrens once again, atleast it has ben well over a year that he had to stay the night. They ran blood work and other test im sure i wont know much till later.

This trip is hard as we all normaly come but since the other two boys have colds frank stayed home with them.
So dad is getting sick of me calling and asking if he has done this or that yet for the kids or around the house. He is a great dad and i know there fine but yet im always with them so Im just freaked always thinking somthings not getting done.
Kayden got some sleep last night a few alarms set off here and there. Like i said i will know more later.
please keep him in your prayers that he gets better soon.
I pray that this cold was just so bad and that is wy he is having the breathing problems again, i hope this is not somthing that he is gunna have a problem with again. like befor.

I will write more later.

Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:41 PM CDT

Hello, well we are moving again,,,, i know i know we just did that but i could not pass up this great house a friend of mine moved to ca last week after just getting a new house its 5 bedrooms 2 bath and 2 livingrooms, we are rentting it from her. we still live in brainerd though.

I took braden and kayden to there new school today to see the teachers they are going to niswa school where we are moving is between niswa and brainerd. the school is great. Im gunna try to let kayden go starting the 14th for 2 hours a day 4 days a week but i told them he might not go all 4 days, i cant handel that.

Well i will update more after the move. my email will be the same.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:38 PM CDT

Hello, well today is jaidens birthday he is now 1. WOW the time goes so fast. we will have his party on sunday, nemo will be on his cake, im getting little gold fish i will have them each in a bowl that will get sent home with all the kids, they should love that.
I took braden roller skatting today he had so fun hen won the limbo. i think we are going to do his birthday party there in oct.

Kayden and jaiden both went to the dr two days ago they both got meds because there throats and ears were red and they had lots of eye boogers. man it must be the weather because it seams as if every time i turn around some one is sick. other then that kayden has ben doing very well.
i thank god fior him everyday. he is so amasing.

Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:49 PM CDT

Hello, we are at childrens for a check up for braden and kayden today. Braden has ben having alot of strep in the last 6 months so we might be needing him to come for surgery here soon. kayden is doing great everything looked good today, his jaw has been alot looser since the botox.
we will do it again in three months.not a alot going on at this time just doing school shopping and wishing we had warmmer weather here. cant wait for the state fair.
I better get going the kids are all hungry.

Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:54 AM CDT

Hello, well kayden went to gillet childrens the other day to get fitted for Afo's {leg braces} to help keep his feet strait when he stands. They have spiderman on them.

we took the kids to the county fair this week a few times kayden even went on some rides it was so funny he kept putting his leg up over the ride to kick back.

Nothing more has ben going on, kayden is moving alot more around the floor now, he will kreep around to get what ever he wants i see him crwaeling soon.

Take care.\marta

Saturday, July 10, 2004 7:32 PM CDT

Hello, kaydens surgery went very well. you can already see that his mouth is getting loos. He was a bit crancy at first and after 30 min he was happy and himself.
He is so amazing so full of life and always happy no matter whAt. thank you all for the prayers.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 9:34 AM CDT

kayden is here at childrens today, he has to have his ear tubes replaced and botox done to his face to help loosen his jaw. please pray that all goess well.they said he will get to go home today, but the last few times he had surgery he had to stay on the vent for a few days, his breathing is much better now so i pray everything will go great.
The 4th was fun but very wet, it misted all night long, jaiden and kayden loved the fireworks and of course so did braden he loves the 4th o0f july.
i will post after surgery and let everyone know how it went.
take care, marta

Sunday, June 20, 2004 8:50 PM CDT

Well kaydens party went well, we had alot of people over and had cake,hotdogs. and a huge water fight.We got kayden a little 4 wheeler i put velcro on the button to make it go for him and chased him around the yard. Jaiden loved it too. Now we have to do it all over again in aug for jaidens birthday. We had alot of fun.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:28 AM CDT

What a night, Last night my friend margo called late she has a son with a bunch of medical problems named corey.
His Mickey button broke and even though she is a RN and has done this with other kids in the past, it was the first time for her to have to deal with it with corey, so she was a little freaked so she came all the way into town with him and i changed it for her, corey and kayden have the exact same tube, it was so nice to see corey as i have not in a long time, he was running around checking out our house playing with his flashlight,he is sooo cute. I thought kayden was small as he is only 21 pounds but corey is a little older and is a little shorter and weighs a few pounds less. Thank you margo for thinking of me and trusting me to change that for can read about corey at his medical condition's are to hard to say and for get spelling so i will let you check him out your self. Sory braden was asleep and couldnt play.
Braden had baseball yesterday too again, he loves it so much, he can hit the ball real good, the first time he got a home run and the second he was out by first base, he handeled that real well too, he did not get upset at all witch made me really proud because so many of the kids were getting mad and crying when they got out, they are all only 5 and 6 so hearts and feelings get broke easy.

Well i better get off here jaiden my little trouble maker
is getting in to everything as i write this, he cant stop now that hw is walking allready he goes and goes all day long.
Kaydens birthday is sat.

take care and god bless.

Friday, June 11, 2004 12:05 AM CDT

Well, kayden started school this last tuesday,he goes two days a week, for 6 weeks, then again in sept 4 days a week. he is only there for three hours. I have had to go with him this week as the nurse they hired for him has not had her insurance go through yet so she cant be there alone yet. I think he likes it, but it will be hard for me tolet him go with out me,im not sure yet how well thats gunna go, we will have to wait and see, My self along with my husband have ben the ONLY ones to take care of kayden and we have been doing that for so long now, he is never with out us, so this will be a huge step for us and him. I hate not knowing whats going on with him not being able to see him,not knowing if he is being taken care of as i would. just being away from him is somthing i hate.

Braden is in baseball,now him along with two of the kids i take care of are playing two days a week now, that should be fun, they get there photos taken this next week.

JAiden is walking everywhere now, to day was so funny i told him to come here because he was going in to the kitchen and he looked at me shook his head no no and took off, that was the first time he has told me no, i guess it all starts here now, ha ha.

Kaydens birthday is comming up on the 19th, 3 wow im so happy, this is a day we thought we would never get to see. thank you lord for trusting us with him,i thank you over and over again, i pray we get many many more years together.


Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:42 PM CDT

to jasmin, icant find your phone number and my emails to you get sent back so here is my number 218-822-3817 please call me

we spent all day yesterday at childrens cleft clinic, seeing dr's and dentest,speach,fedding and so on, just one big day of looking over kayden. Kayden needs his ear tubes replaced again, so when they dop that they are wantting to do botox to his face, this will help loosen his jaw some, they did this for another little boy and it worked for him.
he had a swallow study done and that looked good, they also checked the spine and for got to tell me about it so i called the nurse today who said it showed a small curve and that the dr will call me in the morning.I hope it is ok enough to corect with out surgery.
Braden has two friends over tonight for a sleep over, they are so wild. Braden will be wantting someone over all the time now that school is out, he really liked school and playing with the other kids. he is just getting over strep, i pray it stays away this time.
jaiden, well he is in to everything all the time, he is now taking up to 4 steps he will be walking in no time, he just turned 9 months old.
Kayden will be three next month on the 19th,WOW im so happy.
he sure has come along way im so proud of the little boy he has become.
love marta

Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:58 PM CDT

hello,all. kayden is doing very well. he is going to start school this summer, yes he will be going with out me for 6 weeks this summer then again when school starts, can you beleave that?? it is a real big step for me but i know he will love it and being around all the other kids will be fun for him, he is to in to watching us when we are around so i think he will do better with us not there, they are hiring a nurse to be with him. we are going to childrens on the 26th for the cleft team there he will have is photo taken and just a over look of everything he has ben doing and he will also have another swallow study done. he and jaiden weigh the same now 21 pounds. braden has ben having alot of fun with school they just went to min zoo and then they went to grandrapids. the only real thing kayden has had health wise is a ear infection so pray he stays healthy. Well i have been doing very well trying to get back in to shape i have ben going on 4 mile walks every night with a friend, i pray it pays off soon.

Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:24 PM CDT

Hello all. we had a great Easter, jaiden just loved grabing all the eggs we had out it was so cute. kayden was tired and didnt care what was really going on but he had fun with it all. Braden loved it all of corse. It was so cute before bed i had told him that yo do know that easter is not just about candy and eggs and a bunny, we talked about jesus and what happend to him, he asked a few questions and as he talks about god and knows god some things seam t have a never ending question with kids his age they are still so young to totaly understand it all. I love taht he asks about him all the time though. I so need to find a church that i feel we fit with. braden loves when we go.
I want to thank the lord for everyting i have, and most of all for my kids, with out them i would belost. And kayden what a merical in its self, he truly has a smile that lights up anyones day. you would not beleave how much that little boy wants to eat anything in sight so we let him but of course just tinny little bites as he cant swallow as well, most of witch im sure has to do with never doing so.

we have lots to do comming up braden has like 5 feild trips. they are going to the zoo and then one day to grand rapids, here in town they will be going to the t-shirt place to make there own, ne day they are having pizza at pizza hut then going to a play. and so on.
braden just got new bike hisother one was to small he loves it. I got a new double jogging stroller so i can walk with the kids everyday now and start shedding some of this extra weight i have. well thank you for checking in on us. GOd bless.,love marta

Friday, April 2, 2004 8:49 PM CST

hello,kayden has ben teething real bad, but other then that he is great, we took the kids to the school canavel and kayden eat alot of cotton candy, it was so cute.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:33 PM CST

Helo, all im so happy to report that kayden had only 12 episodes of apniea all night for his sleep study, this they find to not be a problem they cant beleave what a change he was having 91 an hour wow. kayden continues to prove the medical books wrong. thank you lord for giving me such a wunderfull gift. kayden has a ear infection but is doing great, he was weighed to day and guesswhat 21 pounds is what the scale said,, wow he has been between 18 and 19 for a year, he is doing so good. little jaiden weighied in at 19 today taking kaydens old spot. i think kayden gained two pounds to try and saty ahead of jaiden. Braden is doing really well he loves school so much he has like 4 feild trips to go on this next month. i willupdate more later.

Friday, March 5, 2004 8:56 AM CST

im so sorry i have not ben able to update, the phone company took for ever getting me the disk and now i need a new cord, so this weekend i hope it will be done.

Kayden has ben great, we are at childrens st paul mtoday we are getting ready to go he had to stay over night for a sleep study to see how his breathing is doing now, we wont know till next week thr resaults but the lady who did the study said he did great, and slept well.

Jaiden is in to EVERYTHING it is so funny watching him and he has two teeth now.

Braden is loving school so much. and he is doing very well.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004 12:47 AM CST

Hello,kayden and i are at childrens, but this time it is not for him, we drove my cousin down because her 3 year old swalloed a quarter, and they were going to remove it but now it is gone but they saw that he has a large kindney stone, so they are looking at that. it is nice to not be the one here having somthing done with my kid.
kayden has ben great he went with my aunt to her church the other day, yes i know can you beleave that i let him go with out me??? he loved all the atention and none of them have saw him since he was a baby.

Braden started school in brainerd now yesterday, he oved it and teh teacher said he was not shy at all he fit in great, that makes me so happy.

Baby jaiden has his second tooth now, they have ben bothering him at night alot.

i will be hooking my computer up this week somtime my new email will be

kayden will go on the 4th to have another sleep study done, i will let you know what happens.

Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:38 PM CST

WOW, im so happy to tell all of you that yesterday, while jaiden was eatting a gramcracker kayden was looking at him so I gave him one to see what he would do, and he started eatting it, it was so cute he stuck it in his mouth and started taking a little at a time he even waited till it was gone to take another bite, he eat 3 squars, this is really the first hard food he has had, i have crumbeld up fish crackers and let him try those but never has he has a whole peice of a cracker and eat it him self.

Jaiden has his first tooth and is loving to eat anything.
it was so cute last night he started doing the so big thing with his hands when you ask him how big is he.

Braden is starting school on the 23, he is loving being back here with all his friends, tonight we went to apple bees with my friend and her little girl, man was it a long wait. but the kids had fun.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:45 PM CST

Hello,all. well just our luck, when we left childrens on thursday we only made it home for 30 min, before we had to take him to the local hospital where he stayed for two days,he had been getting the flu and we did not catch on to that before we left childrens. he had the run's so bad and puked alot the whole way home, he was running 102 temp when we got him to the hospital. we all got it too in the days to come, i just hope kayden dont get it back. other then taht he is doing GREAT and his breathing is doing well too, as far as i can tell. we will have a sleep study done soon to tell us for sure, but his stats have stayed above 92 while sleeping. yea!!! We will not have internet or home phone till next week sometime, so my updates are spaced out, as i have to go to my friends house to do them.
the phone company is slow slow slow. We are all doing great i will post more later. GOd bless. OH i almsot fro got jaiden got his first tooth, he just turned 5 months and he has been saying dada for about three weeks, he tryis to say mama but it comes out nana for some reason, he looks at me every time so i know that is what he means. oh well.
love marta

Thursday, February 5, 2004 5:15 PM CST

We are so happy, we get to take kayden home today. HIs breathing at night seams to be going well, he has had a few crancy spells but im sure he is home sick other then that he looks great. THank you all for all your prayers and than you lord for keeping kayden safe. we will come down for a sleep study in 4 weeks to see what it shows, please pray that this surgery has worked and tha the days to come show that.

WE will not have our internet and phone hooked up for about another week, after that i will post my new email.
i will get to a computer aqnd update on how he is.

god bless. love marta

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:24 PM CST

hello all, sorry i have not been able to get on here and update as i myself just got back here to kayden last night,, yep everything this weekend sucked, and on top of it our tranny went out on our car and now im not sure what we will do i had to get a ride here, it left frank on the side of the road with my brother stuck in little falls at 1am. everything has to happen at once.

Kayden is doing good today he has been running a fevoer last night but so far not today, his breathing has ben wonderfull, i just pray that the surgery worked and that the albuteral is not the only reason we will learn more in a day or two, im asking to have another sleep test done later. well jaiden is screamming so i need to go feed him i will update more tonight.
thank you for your prayers. marta

Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:31 AM CST

Its so hard to see him in the sedated sate, we can not hold him all he does is lay there in a coma state. so it makes it hard to report anything, but they did say today that he has not had alot of output for urin, and his c02 levells are a little high, so please pray that they will get all that taken care of.

Im so upset, my aunt was supost to bring my mom here today after we left and stay the weekend with kayden so he wont be alone, and once again my family wont be here for us when we need them, my aunt is not bringing my momther now and my mom dont drive so we have no choice but to leave kayden here by him self, i know he will be fine as he is in picu where a nurse is next to his bed 24 hours a day, but thats not the point. Its really hard because we never leave him, i hate that us moving landed the same time he had to be here. and of course we have no one to help us move so i need to go with.

OK enough of my ventting now, you all dont need to hear it. just please pray that we have a safe weekend with the move and that kayden continues to do well.

love marta

Friday, January 30, 2004 3:44 PM CST

Well kayden just got out of surgery, they were able to remove the adnoids and the uveala{? on spelling} any way they did not even try to do the shaving of his tongue as his mouth space is so little it was hard enough to do the other too its amost impossable to get in to his mouth so they left that part alone. We pray that what they were able to remove will make that difernce that we need in his air way, he will be left on the vent in picu in a coma state to keep him from pulling the vent out atleast through the weeken. Then after all the swelling goes away they will moniter how his breathing at night is and then will deside if he is doing better or will have to have his trach put back in. Please pray that he will not need another trach. I will post again in the morning.

We woke up to our car not startting frank had to put th ready heater under it for a while so we were late getting here. to top it off we got a call on the way from budget rental telling us we might not get a truck in the morning to move because none would start to get one to here for us to use, but now we are told taht they got one in brainerd that they hope they can get here for us, the man told me that when it comes tonight he will leave it running all night, he said if he dont he knows it will not start again.

thank you all for your prayers, im so thankfull to the lord for always being here with us in these hard times we haev had with kayden but most of all for keeping him safe and here with us. Thank you lord.

Thursday, January 29, 2004 8:02 PM CST

Well kayden looks better today, still lots of snott but not like yesterday and still no fevors. so i think we will be safe for surgery. please pray for him to get through this just fine with no complications.

Frank got the job in brainerd he wantted so that is a little wait off our shoulder now, the only bad part is he will have to start work on the 4th so he wont be with us every day at childrens as he normaly is, but just starting he could not ask for that much time off. I know how hard this will be on him as he has always been with us at childrens. the harder part will be for me to care for braden and jaiden all by my self there while i also need to be with kayden, we dont have any one to help us with the kids, braden has always been with us through it all and now we have jaiden, thank god they dont say they cant be there.
we stay at a hotel atached to the hospital and thank god for the big play area's they have there for the kids.

Braden got to see his new classromm and teachers today, he played shy and wouldnt even look at them. Im sure he will do just fine though, he will start when we are through at childrens.

I hate all this cold weather and having to travel in it. i pray it gets better.

I will update everyday from childrens, i will check my home email from there too but my home email is only good through sunday. after that im not sure wnat my new home one will be as i have not had time to call and get that all taken care of, but you can go to the guest book here and sign it and i will reply back just make sure you leave your email adress.

Thank you for your suport and prayers.
love marta

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:03 PM CST

So amazing how thing's can change just over night.
Kayden is need of major prayer the next couple of days, he woke up today sick,full of lots of snot, YUCK<
we have changed his nebs to every two to four hours instead of 2 times a day. Please pray this works, if it dont kayden wont be able to have surgery on friday, we have waited almost two months for this apt, and it will take that long to wait for another and kayden realy needs to have this done because his breathing is way to bad at night to keep going as he has been.

Also we are moving this weekend in the mix of all of this, i only hope the weather wont be as bad as it has been the last few days.

Braden was upset this morning because headstart had no school because of the weather, i had baught a cake for him
to bring for his last day witch was today,so he did not get to share that with the kids, but i did take him to see the teatchers and eat the cake with them we were there for 2 hours, he loved it. I want to thank his teachers for being so wonderfull he loved having you, we only hope that his next ones will be as great and kind as you were. I told braden he could send the class a card and we will email them too.

Please continue to keep kaydens little friend corey in your prayers too. thank you all.
love marta

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:43 PM CST

Hello, kayden had a good day today, even with the fact that we had to sit at the clinic for 4 hours today. He had to have his preeop and i had a dr visit too, but we sat around for 98f the time, i hate dr visits.

In the morning im bringing a cake to school for braden class because its his last day there, he has been trying to eat it all night, he keeps saying cant i just have a lick, he is so funny, i had them write on it good luck at your new school braden.

please kaeep kayden in your prayers for friday.

Saturday, January 24, 2004 1:59 AM CST

Well kayden got some new ear drops and those are working for him now, the bloode has gone away. please pray he stays healthy now so he can have his surgery on the 30th.

Jaiden went in for his shots today and we found out wy he was up last night, he has ear infection. man things just keep going and comming aroung here the last few weeks.

Braden is doing great he is loving every second of school and i feel so bad that he has to change schools now and has to go through taht metting everyone again thing. OH well he will be happy as he has alot of friends in brainerd he misses.

Please pray for corey he also has a life threating illness and has been very sick the last couple of weeks
he has 6 brothers and sisters so it keeps also going around there through all of them hitting corey over and over.

Can you please pray for the pohl family too, as there son bracken is not doing the greatest and please pray that his two big brothers dont have the same thing. There dad is being sent back to active dutie and they do not know how long he will be away from them, they need him home with them
please pray that the army will see that it will do no good to send him away, he is needed at home.

Take care and god bless. marta

Monday, January 19, 2004 11:59 PM CST

I awoke at 6 somthing crying and freaking out, i could not controle my self i even tried to calm my self by taking a bath, i had a nightmare, kayden had died i even held him in my dream i cans till see everything as if it really happend, he was holding on to a empty fruitsncak wrapper im not sure wye, but anyway it felt so real i have no words for how empty i felt and so afraid. i have never had a dream of loosing kayden, wye would i now? I have been under alot of stress and that i hear somtimes can cause someone to have crazy dreams. I grabed kayden when i woke up and all that did was upset him and wake him up, i woke up my husband and just sat there crying and screaming like it realy hapend, i cant even explain it but i dont ever want to feel that kind of pain and emptyness ever again. I sat there rubbing kaydens legs and kissing him as frank rocked him back to sleep. I thank the lord that it was only a dream, and i pray that the lord keeps kayden here with us for many more years to come. It has made me see even more wy we should not take things for granted and that we should show the ones we love just how much we do. I promise to be the best mom and wife i can. please pray that we all get a good night sleep. this has made me worry about kaydens up comming surgery. please also pray that it will go well just like all his others have. Iam so thank full for my children and i ask the lord to keep them healthy and safe. god bless, love marta

Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:35 AM CST

Well kayden got to come home today, as he has been happy again since yesterday. They still were not sure what was causing him to act like he was in pain for this last week. He did test positive for mano, and he does have alot of silent reflux and had a ear infection so they think it could be all that together. The switched hid reflux meds so we will see how he does on that. Tonight i saw that kayden had some blood discharge comming out of his ear, so i called the local Dr's and the on call dr said that it sounds like he still has some ear infection that caused a pin hole and now the ear tubes are drainning it, he said to use our ear drops and to call and have him put back on meds in the morning. I did tell him that he has been on meds since the 30th and today they ended them when he left the hospital, and he said that it sounds like he has a infection that is umuned to alot of things so he needs somthing difernt. I guess we will have to see, its always somthing you know.

Jaiden has been such a good baby the last few days, its as if he knows we had enough to deal with already, was not sure what to think of him not being craby. He is getting so big.

Braden is happy to be moving back to brainerd as that is where all his friends are. For the most part he was ggod to while we were all at childrens, he got alittle sassy a few times but what do you expect out of a 5 year old who is away from home at the hospital with us? he has done so well with adjusting to all we have to do with kayden, It was so sad yesterday he had a photo of kayden in his hand that we took and he wanted to show one of the nurses on another floor that did not know kayden and he asked what does kayden have again and i said trisomy18 his reply was he had that last year, so i said that he will always have trisomy 18 because he was born with it, he looked so sad as he said kayden will aloways be sick mom even when he grows up?
moments like that are so hard and are a slap in the face with what realy is wrong with kayden. Im so thankfull that the lord had trusted us to care and love kayden i pray that he gives us many more years tpo share. His smail lights up a room. god bless, marta

Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:35 AM CST

Well kauden got to come home today, as he has been happy again since yesterday. They still were not sure what was causing him to act like he was in pain for this last week. He did test positive for mano, and he does have alot of silent reflux and had a ear infection so they think it could be all that together. The switched hid reflux meds so we will see how he does on that. Tonight i saw that kayden had some blood discharge comming out of his ear, so i called the local Dr's and the on call dr said that it sounds like he still has some ear infection that caused a pin hole and now the ear tubes are drainning it, he said to use our ear drops and to call and have him put back on meds in the morning. I did tell him that he has been on meds since the 30th and today they ended them when he left the hospital, and he said that it sounds like he has a infection that is umuned to alot of things so he needs somthing difernt. I guess we will have to see, its always somthing you know.

Jaiden has been such a good baby the last few days, its as if he knows we had enough to deal with already, was not sure what to think of him not being craby. He is getting so big.

Braden is happy to be moving back to brainerd as that is where all his friends are. For the most part he was ggod to while we were all at childrens, he got alittle sassy a few times but what do you expect out of a 5 year old who is away from home at the hospital with us? he has done so well with adjusting to all we have to do with kayden, It was so sad yesterday he had a photo of kayden in his hand that we took and he wanted to show one of the nurses on another floor that did not know kayden and he asked what does kayden have again and i said trisomy18 his reply was he had that last year, so i said that he will always have trisomy 18 because he was born with it, he looked so sad as he said kayden will aloways be sick mom even when he grows up?
moments like that are so hard and are a slap in the face with what realy is wrong with kayden. Im so thankfull that the lord had trusted us to care and love kayden i pray that he gives us many more years tpo share. His smail lights up a room. god bless, marta

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:52 PM CST

Hello, kayden is feeling more like him self today. we still have not found out what was wrong with him. They are now checking for seirzure activity, so he will be hooked up to all the leads for 24 hours, check out the photo albam as i have one on there of him with those on, and a photo of jaiden too. please pray we get out of here soon with kayden feeling better. marta

Monday, January 12, 2004 2:57 PM CST

WEll kayden was transferd to childrens, we are not sure what is wrong, now they found mano of allthings. he is crying as if he is in pain all the time, the4y gave him verset and that helped him sleep last night. they are running every test possable. please pray we finde out what is wrong soon and that he will get better, all this freaks me out. i will keep you updated as i know more. please also pray for corey a friend of ours little boy is sick too. its just not fare how sick they have been. marta

Friday, January 9, 2004 11:07 AM CST

Hello to all. kayden has not been his happy self in a week.
as i said he has been sick and also having problems going potty. i took him in to the er last night we sat till 4 am
he has pneumonia in the lower left lobe. He is already on meds for his ears so they said he does not need any more, please pray that he gets through this soon, and willo be healthy for his surgey comming up. He has been in so much pain with his potty problems and the pneumonia they said will cause him some pain in his lower belly. I feel sp helpless, i just pray he fights this off fast. please also pray for kaydens friend corey as he too has pneumonia and is a medical needs child too. you may read about him at
always, marta p.s we are moving back to brainerd on the first. thank god kayden can have his normal ot and pt back again. the ones here suck and wont do alot of things kayden was having done in brainerd.

Saturday, January 3, 2004 9:00 PM CST

Kayden is not any better, as he is still sick, he look's so misrable, iam doing everything i can for now we have increased the neb treatment's too. please pray that the meds will kick in soon and help. I hate to see him like this. Braden is feeling lots better, but jaiden has a bad caugh now on top of the runny nose that drips all day.

Everyone i have talked to say there kids are sick too.
there is so much yuck going around. Its just so much harder on kids like kayden. If he dont get better soon im going to bring him to the dr's at childrens.

WEll have a nice night,god bless. marta

Thursday, January 1, 2004 5:47 PM CST


I hope all of you had a wonderfull new year, and that you will be able to stick to the new year resalutions you have made. All three kids here are still with there colds but getting much better.

Braden has his friend brady from brainerd staying over tonight, they are best friend's and have not spent much time together since we moved. Befor that we had brady three times a week. they are great together, tonight they are playing there playstation games and checking out bradens new x-mas toys.

Thank you all for your daily prayers and emails.
i will update again soon. God bless, always Marta

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 9:53 PM CST

Wye do we wait so long everytime we go to the
Dr's? TOday we had to bring all three boy's.
Yep they have all been sick for a few day's
now. Before lastnight it was all virel so they
couldn't do anything, but Braden started running
a fevor and said his ear hurt, kayden's ear too
din't look good. We got meds for both braden and
kayden. Jaiden we hope dont get any worse. we did
deside to start putting cereal in his formula to
see if that will help his reflux, he has been on
prilosek now and still he is having alot of reflux
this is caused from his laringomalatia. that he has.
We ask the lord that he help us get this undercontrol
soon as it make shim very uncomfortable, and we do
not want to have to do surgery for him, if we can
help it. His weight gain has not been the best but
for him it has been good.

nothing has gone good with the move when it comes
to getting all the kid's medical info and things
switched, and the school district has been a pain
as they dont want to do any of the things they
did for kayden in Brainerd. Today i had to call
the insurance place because it was showing that
they never switched his primary clinic, when
I had already made 4 call;s to get it done
the last one they said it was fine. well i guess
5 is a charm.

Now as i sit here and say how ruff the move has been
we are thinking of moving back to Brainerd. I love
to have everything go good when it comes to kayden
I hate that everytime i turn around im having to
fix everything or explain it a thousand times just
to be told that they cant or wont do it. I dont know
any one here so i have been very down and not my
same self. Becasue i have been so frustrated with
all i have even let a little thing blow sky high
with some one i know.I have contributed to being
hatefull,and judgmental, somthing i try not to do
in any other case i would have icnored everything
and not let it get to me, But with all the stress
I have been through in the last three month's has
gotten to me. I pray that thing's will change soon
and that i can find a better way of dealing with
this frustration. Please pray that we will find
a place soon and frank a new job back in Brainerd.
I hate the ideal of moving again, but im going
crazy. Im not to fond of the dr's we have to chose
from in brainerd but we do most of kaydens thing's
at children's anyway, i hear that teh new ped dr
is good so i guess we will try him out. I
hope that moving is the best thing, the lord will
let me know and he will beside us through it all.

I better go now and see if i won that powerball.
ha, ha i wish. always marta

Monday, December 29, 2003 11:02 AM CST

Well this weekend went well. Kayden loves all his new toys, i realy found some good one's that are just perfect for his learning skill's. Braden has realy loved his game boy and cant wait till we can get him a few more games.

I need a little extra prayer for my self today, as i have had some problems with a women that has said some false things about me and another friend. I need to stay calm and not let it get to me, i already have and emaild back, but even though i spoke the truth, i know i should just leave it alone. these other moms both have medical need;s children too, so please pray for them also. And that the lord help us through this hard time.
thank you, marta

Sunday, December 28, 2003 12:20 AM CST

Yesterday i was so happy to see margo. she is a mom of a little boy who has a medical needs child too named corey.
he has ben doing good and i ask that you pray that he continues to show signes of improvment and weight gain, im so happy he gained a little margo, keep up the good work your a wonderfull mom.

Kayden is doing great and happy as ever. He still does have a cold that i hope will end soon. His surgery date is on jan 30th he will be at childrens for atleast 2 weeks, please keep him in your prayers,that erything will go as
planned and that the surgery will work for him so he wont have to have the trach back again.

I want to thank those of you who sent christmas card's and who email me with all the kind words. I love being able to share kayden with all of you.

There has been a lady that also had a medical needs child that has chosen to email margo and my self and say nasty things about us things that are not true, she had gone as far as posting on her web page about us, this lady and us all use to talk, but when she was having some problems with her husbands family she was on edge and thought everyone was out to get her, margo and i had ben talking and when we talked to her she blew up misunderstanding somthing that was said, i have no clue how or wy she thought what she did as it was nothing we said,,, but now she is being very hatefull, and i ask that you pray for her, i pray that she will see what she has done and admit she is wrong for doing all this. I will not bring my self to her level anymore, so i will not post on here what she has said, and all like she has done on her sight, if she realy had somthing to say to us she should have done so in person and not on her web page. Her web page is for writting about her children and what has happend a way to keep others posted,, not a way to try and create more problems for others.
I ask that teh lord helps margo and my self through this
im needing the extra strength not to blow up and say things my self that these people dont know about on her web page, but as i said im trying not to go there, so im refusing to say any more to her or her webpage guest. It is very upsetting to me.
God bless,, always marta

Thursday, December 25, 2003 11:15 PM CST


Hello,I hope you all had a wonderfull day full of love and happiness. It was so cool thismorning frank was hellping
kayden open his gift's and he was really grabing the paper
and when ever frank would try to put the toy down to open another, kayden would reach out allmost throughing him self off dad's lap to grab at the toy, as like saying i was not done looking at that just yet. He loved all we got him, noise and lights yep that keeps him happy. Braden loved playing his gameboye that he got, and it was so cute grandpa and grandma mcclanahan got him a microphone,guitar
set and he sat and sange every song he knew from school for christams it was so cute i was suprised as he was not shy in front of everyone like normal we all even laughed becuase it was so cute and he did not get mad like he normaly would do, jingel bells was the best as he didnt know when to stop he must of sang it 7 times in a row that was always one for me too that i always felt you could go on and on with. jaiden didnt realy care as he is to young yet but he liked everything but his favorate i would say had to be getting to eat mashed patatos, he cryed the second he swallowed becasue we could not feed it fast enough,he would put his hands in the way grabbing at it as if he thought he could help get it in faster.
I want to say that im so thank full to the lord for my three wonderfull children, and that he has blessed us with our third christmas with kayden one we thought we would never see, i pray that we get many many more to come.
Happy birthday Jesus. may god bless all of us.

Friday, December 19, 2003 5:27 PM CST

Kayden, is still sick he has not felt the best in a few day's now.I hate that every few week's he get's somthing. My poor baby has been through so much and now this surgery is set for jan 30th. He will be there for two week's if everything goes well, lets just pray that he will not be sick around that time.

braden had his class singing thing today, he was great I thought he wouldnt get up there but he did, he loved it. Im so happy that he likes his school and new friend's. It is about time he had somthing that is just for him, everything has become about kayden over the last two years that braden feels left out at times.

Our stupid car is having problems again, on top of the heat going out we have a head light problem it had went out, so we replaced it and now when ever we turn on the brights the light s after a while will turn off on us while we are driving we have not been able to finde out wye this is going on, im sure a short some where, always somthing.

please continue to keep us in your prayers. marta

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 7:13 PM CST

Hello, kayden still has a cold, but is doing fine.
At night is what is hard, he still wont keep the bipap on for his breathing, he hate's it. But with it off his o2 levels dip down in to the 60's because he stop's breathing so much, this makes him so sleepy the next day since he is not getting good sleep from the apnea. Please pray that when he has the surgeri it will help and that he will not need to ahev a trach again.

Jaiden the baby is still having alot of reflux even with being on the prilosec, he has only gained three pounds from birth and he is now 4 months old. just a liitle guy.

Braden is loving school now,tuesday's and wendsday's he gets picked up from me because im already there with kayden fro his theroupy classes, well today i went to tell braden's teacher that he could ride the bus home because frank was home today, and before i could say anything braden was asking if he could ride the bus home, i was so shocked as this was comming from a kid who just last week did not want to go to school let alone ride a but there. Im happy i hope and pray that him going to school will help with how naughty he has ben, he really needed to ahve this somthing for him self and only for him. Friday is his first stage show, we will be going to have pizza ans watch his class do a little x/mas consert, i cant wait, i only hope he dont get stage fright as he gets imbarest easy and im afraid he might just stand there instead of sing with the other kids. Any way it should be fun. well i will post more when i get a chance and when i know more on kaydens surgery.
thank you for all the prayers, god bless. always marta

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 7:17 PM CST

Well Dr sidman did the bronck, and he told us we have two choices, #1 put the trach back in #2 remove some of the blockage in the air way along with shaving off part of the back of his tounge on top. This is what we plan on trying first, because when he had the trach he was so sick all the time. The Dr said that kayden will have to stay in the hospital for almost 2 weeks as he needs to stay sudaded so he wont be in as much pain. this is our only other hope if this dont work then we will need to put the trach back in.
Please pray for kaydens comfort through this and that it will not be a waste of time, pray that this will help his breathing, we so do not want to have a trach again, when kayden had thatwe could not go anywhere because he would get sick, not having it gives him more fredom along with us.
Im not sure when he will be going in im waitting for the call, but i will post as soon as i know.

With all of kaydens equipment and having three kids we have no room left in our explorer so now we are trying to finde resorses to come up with the extra money to help us get a van, please pray that somthing will come up.
We are also needing prayer for frank's job, for the last month it has been slow and they have not had him work for the last 3 days on top of it, our rent alone is 900.00 so please pray that things will pick up or that he can finde somthing better. thank you, marta

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:23 PM CST


WOW I got a letter from the hospital, and a call from the Dr telling us that kayden's apnea is worse then i thought, he is having obstructive sleep apnea 91 times an hour every time he sleep's. that is severe and can be very life threatning. They want him to be on a bipap to corect his breathing every time he sleeps but he fight's it so much that i cant keep it on him every time, so that is not good. the dr is going to do another scope down his air way to see if tehre is somthing we can do surgery wise, please help me pray that there is, i dont want to put him through another one but it is almost better in the long run because he hates that bipap he will not keep it on much at all.
Other then that kayden is doing verry well, he is so ausome and full of life, and no mater what he does not stay unhappy for long. I thank god that he help's kayden get through the hard time's fast, and that kayden is so happy and full of love, i can just see the love he has for us in his smile and in his eyes every time he look's at one of us. thank you lord for that. I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:10 PM CST

Well we had kayden at children's st paul for a sleep study on monday night, it showed that he has a great amount of sleep apniea more then just when he is sick it is all the time, wich can be very harmfull and make his heart worse. So they kept him lastnight too, to try difernt things with the bipap, and now he will have to have that on everytime he is sleeping even nap time. it ia a machine that helps him breath better while asleep. HE HATE"S IT.. and i dont balme him when you first put it on you feel like you can not breath as you need to lurn to breath with it. He was a good boy there and was so full of smiles all the time, they all loved him,, who couldn't?? NO mater what kayden has to go through he alway's get's through it just fine, and is so happy, we all could lurn a thing or two from him. It was so funny lastnight when I put the mask on him i knew he hates it so we didnt turn it on yet we wanted him to fallasleep first but all he kept doing was spinning the valve around on his mask, we had splints on his arms so he couldnt bendhis arms to grab at the wires and mask, but he managed to put his arm strait up in the air and just hit his arm against it like he wannted to get it off, we laughed as we wached him on the moniter in the hall.
Every day Jaiden is getting beter not so craby any way. HE is smilling more now thank god, before he was always so grumpy. Braden should be starting school here soon they have taken for ever to get all his paper work done in this town. we will keep you posted. God bless,,

Sunday, November 16, 2003 9:42 PM CST

well, this weekend went fine, but last week we met woth the new pt and things didnt go so well i did not feel she had enough to ofer and she had no clue about alot of things i wanted done with him that we have been alreADy doing in brainerd, so i called and spoke with his old pt and the teatcher here, they are all going to talk befor i have to bring him again, i hope things will work out in the long run, it is so upsetting how nothing has been going corect when it comes to changing all his stuff from one town to another. marta

Monday, November 10, 2003 3:14 PM CST

WEll, we had a fun weekend, On friday the kids and i went to a birthday party at burgerking, and stayed the night with a friend of mine and her two kids, her son and daughter just love kayden it is soo cute every time they walk past him they have to kiss, him and he loves every second of it. ON sat they came with us to chuckycheese for a few hours, man did they have a blast, braden has been wantting to go again there for a while and her kids have never been so i thought it would be a great treat, kayden even went on one of the rides they have there, he loved it smiled the whole time, we had a scare on friday as i went to go feed kayden i saw that his feeding tube was gone all that was there was the hole in his tummy i went out to the car to finde it as he must of pulled it out, on a normal day this would be no big deal i would just put it back in, but it must have been out for a couple hours adn it started to close so i was not able to get it back in at all, i took him to the ER and had them put in a temp one that was smaller thank god that the next day i was able to place his size back in so he did not have to go back to childrens to get it fixed.Thank you to Margo for letting us use her calling card to call all the docters at childrens to see what we should do, sory we were not able to stay longer because of this, please give Cory a huge kiss and know we think of you all the time. and just know that kayden
laughed the whole time we were in the ER he was not worried one bit, i told him that it is never a dull moment with him around he sure keeps us on our toes, and enjoys doing so. I thank god that he is so happy, yes some days it is hard and we get tierd but i thank god for giving me him he has taught us so much in such a short time, i pray that im given many more years to see him grow and develoup as he continues to show the dr's and us how perfect he is and how wrong they were about him. kayden has come along way and continues to surprise us all. thank you lord for helpping him fight. we love you all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:02 PM CST

Well,we have been doing nothing but running around everwhere,since we moved here, Frank keep;s saying wy did we even move from brainerd because we have drove back every week so far, always somthing going on,oh well. we took the kids to the mall in brainerd on halloween and braden went door to door having a blast. Kayden is now seeing his ot,pt,and speech here in avon now, things seem to be going very well, they all are nice, anfd work well, with kayden. On the 11th jaiden has to go see kaydens ENT at childrens because he has a breathing problem called trachiamalasia?? on spelling, anyway its supost to be just load sounding and they are supost to grow out of it but he has been asperating alot, and any time he makes sounds its real fante like he cant get it out. pray everything is fine with him. i will update more later. marta

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 1:02 AM CST

Hello, well we went to the new Dr that we will be seeing here in St cloud, now it started out to be just a check up to get to know here but kayden along with jaiden, braden and my self all got sick over the weekend, yuck, kayden goes in the morning to childrens for check ups with the Ent and pulmanary, i hear it is supost to rain and snow again, i hate driving there in those condistions, oray we have a safe drive. i will post more later. marta

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:05 PM CDT

Hello all,, we are now in our new place, here is our new adress KAyden is doing very well, he is now sighnning braden he has already been doing mom and dad and also now the word more. he is now seeing all his new teachers for ot,pt and speech. going good. here is our homr\e number 320-356-7339 braden and jaiden are great too, Frank got a great job and is getting about 7 dollers more and hour. thats so nice but im sure taxes will eat that up. well keep praying that kayden will continue to learn his sighns. marta

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:35 PM CDT

Hello, well kayden just started getting over his cold and has now gotton another, im sure alot has to do with how cold it is getting so fast and we are in the prosses of moving and the door being open alot while loading up boxes is letting in so much of that cold air. well we wnet and met his new Ot, Pt and speech teachers last friday, they all seam to be very nice, i pray they will be a good help for kayden and us. I hate moving it takes so long , but also now we will only be one hour away from childrens and not two. my new email adress is going to be it should be working in one week. i will update after we move. god bless. marta

Friday, September 12, 2003 5:58 AM CDT

Well I took Kyden in to the Dr today because like i said he has ben sick for a while now with a cold, but yesterday he started having a fevor too, turns out he has a ear infection again now, poor little man as he is also teething real bad now too he has like 4 teeth cutting in at the same time, I hate that he always gets it all at once, he is doing very good with all of it though, he rarly gets fussy about it ,, it realy has to be bothering him first,night sucks though as his breathing is efected when he has a cold, but the bipap is hard to keep on him when his nose is stuffy, tonight has ben great,so i hope he is getting better soon, please keep him in your prayers, Braden also needs alittle more prayer as he never acted up when kayden was born but this time he is man he has ben a tear the last few days he goes out of his way to be naughty, i need to try and set time away each day to make sure we do somthing by our selfs with out the other two, maby this will help. we are aslo in the proses of packing,w e are moving an hour away on the first. I pray that this move will be good for us. marta

Sunday, September 7, 2003 1:48 PM CDT

Hello, all, just wanted to let every one know that our new baby is here, he was born Aug 18 and was 8 pounds, his name is Jaiden Joseph,, he is three weeks old now man how time goes so fast,, kayden and braden just love him sooo much. kayden sits and just sares at him and pats him the he lays his head on him as he is giving loves, braden wants to hold him all the time. kayden has a cold again but is doing very well, hios walker came in now so we got to start working an getting him walking, wouldnt that be great??? well take care. marta

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 9:32 AM CDT

Kayden has been home a week, now, he is doing verry well and back to his smilling ways. but i think the pallet is comming undone again now, its just not fare. other then that he is happy happy happy. he is trying to sighn braden now it is so cute he knows just what he wants, he trys to scute to every thing. braden is doing good too, he just cant wait for this new baby to come out, i will let you all know whenb he does, it should be any time now. marta

Monday, July 28, 2003 8:14 AM CDT

Hello, We are all at children's as Kayden had his cleft repair again on friday, well he had some trouble breathing after the surgry when they took out the breathing tube, so he had to be emergency ictabated, {so he is on a vent the last couple of days. Today with in a hour they will be trying to take it out it is very uncomfortable and im sure a little painfull as his mouth is sore and he has a tube down his throat,,, they have had him in a coma state the last few days all druged up not wantting him to wake so the tubes would not be bothered, i pray that today this works so we can see him awake again and hopefully smilling again soon. This better work as if he has not been through enough in his short two years. he is a fighter though so im sure he will fight this too. i will keep posting on what is happenning. take care and keep him in your prayers please. always Marta

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 10:28 AM CDT

hello, all. Kayden is doing very well still needing bypap at night for breathing, but doing good. Bradens neck is ok he had the lump removed and it showed nothing, thank the lord. kayden has ben doing more things in class now he will take a block or small toy from you and place it in to a container when told to. last night we had mashed patatos and he loved them he kept wantting more, he is so happy all the time. he is sighning mom but also uses it for dad and braden so i think he is just letting us know he knows who we are. we are almost signing dad. well, his cleft repair is on the 25th we dont know yet how long we will be at childrens, i will let you know how it goes. marta

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:48 AM CDT

Hello all, i have some great and happy news, kayden is now drinking from a cup all by himself,all i have to do is hand it to him thenm he pulls it to his lips and starts to chug it, im so happy, what a big boy, and just in time for me to show him off on his birthday, kayden is two tomarow, we are having the party ob sat, thee will be ponies and a clown, he deserves it all. thank you for all your prayers, kauyden has a cold but other then that he is great, bradens surgery is on the 30th for his neck, please continue to pray that the lump means nothing, thank you all., god bless. marta

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 0:36 AM CDT

Hello, Kayden is doing very well, but still having night breathing problems, and throughing up at nightagain. please pray this stops soon, we need to go on the tenth for a visit and if he is well they will deside when to repair the cleft gain. braden goes the same day and then they will deside when to remove the lump in his neck, please continue to pray for him too. well now with kaydens wheel chair and all his other equipment we are so in need of a van, i have no clue were tha baby will sit as our explorer can barly fit us, i pray that somthing will happen to alow us to come up with moneu to get one soon. i will update again shortly. ;always marta

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:46 PM CDT

Great news. kaydens echo proved that things are hetting better not worse. and now they think he wont need any repair, i was so stund, thank you lord. Braden goes back with kayden to see the ent in two more weeks, he will then make a apt to take the lump off, this freaks me out but i know he will be in good hands. marta

Monday, May 19, 2003 0:22 AM CDT

Hello, all we had a great day today, we finaly made it to church, suzy we didnt see you there, mabey next time we plan on going for good now, befor i know was no excuse but was always so bussy or tiered, i pray that god continues to stay by our sides and help us atend always. i forgot how nice every one there was it was so nice to feel so welcomed by all and to see Jodie Kushull again. her face alone makes me smile all she has been through with her son and his sickness, he is 18 you think she would be worn out, she loves life, i look up to her. kayden goes in on tuesday to have another echo done and to see the other dr;s its time to make an apointment to have the cleft repaired again. please pray that his heart has had no changes. i know that one day it will need to be repaired but for now it would be nice not to have to put him through it. Braden had fun playing on his trampoline with dad today, he loves that thing. always marta

Friday, April 25, 2003 8:38 PM CDT

hello, not much going on here,just got kaydens chair, and stander reajusted, the stander needs a couple extra things added on to it for suport now that he has gotten bigger. other then that he has still had a cold but nothing big, Braden too is doing much much better. we hope we are done with all this sick stuff, for a while. marta

Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:52 AM CDT

Thank you all for thinking of us and praying for my son. kayden now is sick he has some of the same signs as braden i will be taking him to the dr on monday. he does not seem as bad as braden did and still no fevors so i pray that he just has a bad cold. well we went and checked out a new type of therapy for jkayden it is riding a horse, we know a little boy with the same thing as kayden who lives in iowa and has been doing it for a long time, see a horse hips move just like our do when they walk and when you ride on one you hips also move with them giving our diabled children a chance to feel that movment of walking. i think it will be great i cant wait. they have a place that does this for the diabled only a few minutes from where we live.
kayden will of course be put on a small horse and they walk beside him holding him.
I want to say thank you to the pohl family for sending us that gift card to cub foods, so thought full of you to think of us when you your selfs have been through so much. thank you again. marta

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 12:29 AM CDT

hello, Braden is doing better now, come to finde out it was mano, they were testing for everything even cancer. we were so afraid. kayden is kinda sick now too but not to bAD pray he wont get worse. Well we had our levell 2 altrosound and it is another boy eveything looks good, what am i to do with another boy?? marta

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 9:40 AM CST

Well today Braden is sick, he woje yesterday afternoon from a nap and had a fevor and his neck on each side was swollen like golf balls and his face to was swollen all over, i took him in to the dr. office the dr looked at him did not run any rest said it was strep and set him home on meds. i was not ok with this after i thought about it , it did not look like strep to me his face was so swollen, so we went to the ER they ran strep test and it came back negative, so they think that it is viral and hopefully will pass, i pary they are correct and not over looking anything, pray that he gets better soon and that kayden will not come down with anything, although he did seem like his throught was hurting him this smorning when he would cry. thank you for all you suport and prayers. marta

Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:23 PM CST

Hello all, good news we did not have the amnio done, because come to finde out the lab ran our test against the fact that i was futher along so it came back bad so my dr had it re ran and everything is fine, i thank god for getting me through this last week and for those results being wrong, please continue to pray that things go well. thank you. marta

Monday, March 17, 2003 8:51 AM CST

I feel so bad that i have been doing bad at keeping every one updated, i gues i get caught up in the fact that he is doing so well that i forget. well i have some sad news, im 4 moths pg as i told you all but now i got blood results in last friday that show possable trisomy 18 again. we go on thursday to have a amnio done, pray that they were wrong. i will for sure let every one know. what will i do?? i know i will have this baby regardless i just wonder finachally and emotionaly how we will survive please pray for us. marta

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:58 AM CST

hello,we have been here a couple of days now,the bipap is going well, but i hate that it makes him foam from the mouth like crazy all night allmost. the tested him this smorning to see if he has had seizures at all we will find out later, he also has today a swallow study to do. kayden is sitting with me in here at the hospital resorce center and is snoring soooo loud every one is laughing at him, he is so sleepy because they had him up since 4am for his study he had to have no sleep.We took braden to camp snoopy last night he had a blast, he met some other liitle boy who he had to run around with.well i will update later. marta

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:17 PM CST

Well Kayden has been doing well, he is going back to childrens on Sunday for a couple of days, so he can be fitted for bipap, at night his oxagen has been going down so we thought we would try this, i hope it works. Other then that not much going on here. Braden is so exsited for this baby to come out now, he insist that it is a girl,I hope he is correct. take care. Marta

Sunday, February 9, 2003 5:07 PM CST

well kayden has been doing verry well again, exept that he is teething real bad. Two days ago i started putting a little clown toy that fits in his hand it is real little, and showing him that he can put it in my hand and drop it then i would give it back to him, he loved this and caught on so fast i was so proud of him, i even would switch hands so i knew he was knowing what he was doing, it was so cute i would tell him to give it to mom and he would put his hand over mine then drop it, and then he would try to reach for it befor i could even offer it backkl what a smart baby. then today i was eatting doritos,and irubbed one on his lips and he would lick it, then next thing i knew he was openning his mouth so wide to try and bite it,he even put his hand on it trying to help get it to his mouth,one time he did get a bite i had to fish it i thought to try his baby food witch we have not done alot of for a while i picked bannanas he had almost a half of a jar he loved it, so now we are going to really push the mouth feeding. im so happy, he is so aware of everything. please p0ray that he stays well, and that braden will start having better days, i have been so sick so he has not got as much attention as he should so he has been verry naughty. god bless and take care. always marta

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 11:32 AM (CST)

hello, all. kayden has been home foe a week now, but he still is sick no pone seams to know what is wrong, i pray that he gets over this soon. i know i have been bad at updating, but i have also been sick, im having another baby.Im two months along. it makes it harder for me to do all that needs to be done in a day with both kids. pray that wee all get through all this. marta

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 03:26 PM (CST)

Kayden is doing and look's 100% better today, thank you god for being with him and hellping him through this. We will still need to be here for about a week as the meds are IV and take that long. The spinal came back ok so that was great news. we caught this just in time. please keep praying that kayden continues to get better.
I ask one more thing while we are here at childrens back in my home town of brainerd there has been a arest of a man i know for the disaperiance of a girl named erica, they are searching for her body, please pray that her family will get som closer soon and that they will find her. thank you all. love marta

Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:27 AM (CST)

well, i ahve not been very good at getting on here in a while i have had so much going one. Yesterday Kayden was taken back here to childrens by helicopter, he has a infection in his blood and will be here for atleast 10 days. they are doing a spinal on him today to make sure it has not also caused menagites, My spelling is bad so im sure i did not spell that correct. any ways we pray he gets better sonn. i will be on here updating for sure evey day while we are here. take care marta

Friday, December 27, 2002 at 11:00 AM (CST)

Hello I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Kayden and Braden sure had fun with all there new toy's. We took the kids to the water park for a few hour's they loved it. well today kayden is here at the hospital he had the trach hole closed today and his tubes i n his ear redone, he is now in recovery and doing good, Dr kind of freaked me out though, he told us that kayden air way is way to fragel, and kind of floppy he said it was hard for them to do this to him and that we could NEVER let any other hospital do surgey on him,they feel that if anyone were to atempt he would bve in danger, as they know him best, i said not to worry i would NEVER let another hospital see him but being a few hours away is what freaks me out. Kayden is strong,im sure we will never hacve a problem,God has blessed us over and over with mericals when it comes to kayden, he continues to laugh and grow no matter what is handed to him, god bless his little body. Thank you lord for trusting us to care for him. GOd bless. Marta

Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 04:56 PM (CST)

hello all, sorry i have not updated for a while, always running around you know. Kayden is doing verry well happy as ever. Every day he is a little more in tooned to what is going on, i just love that he is beatting all odds, i look at how alert and involved with us he really is and how much he loves to see every move of Braden's and all i want to do is scream and yell but not in sadness i want to do this because im so happy he is doing so well, I thank god for keeping him strong. Kayden goes in to have is heart rechect on the 23 and on the 27th he goes in for a couple of days to have the hole in his neck closed and his ear tubes redone. i ask that you keep praying for him. and for Braden too, he is always so good with kayden, he can not wait for christmas, want's it to be here now, he is loving all the x-mas light's around.
\God bless always marta

Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 07:41 PM (CST)

Well I guess I spoke to soon the other day, because Kayden is now sick, i thought for sure he was going to stay ok this time because Braden and I have been sick for two weeks and Kayden has been doing so well,and now this smorning he woke up at 7 am crying and he has not ben able to keep anything down all day, Im now trying some pedialite, I hope he keep's that down. my poor little man has been so uncomfortable all day.I hate when he get's like this I feel so helpless.I pray that he get's through this fast, he can not aford to go with out the callories for to long.
Well I hope you all have a nice thank's giving. Marta

Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 12:02 PM (CST)

Well everything went good at Kaydens check up, they want him to come back Dec 27th to have the hole from the trach sight closed the rest of the way. they will need him to stay for three days to watch him close. Now i need to make a apointment to have his heart checked again, its that time. i also got to get him in for a flue shot, running thats all we do. Braden and I have been a little sick the last few days thank god kayden has not yet gotton it, i pray that he dont because it will be hard on him what we have is causing us to cough alot witch brings on all that mucas wich he does not need,because then his breathing is not so good, so please keep him in your prayers.
thank you all. marta

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 07:16 AM (CST)

Hello, everything has been just great around here the last few days, not a whole lot going on, we are off to Childrens today, they need to look at the hole from the trach and deside when they want to close the rest of it up. so wish us luck and pray we have a safe trip. It was cute the night befor last i was sitting with kayden and i was clapping his hands and then i would do it he was so cute he started to really look at his hands and then after i did it over and over he started to put his hands together and laugh we did this for some time and braden had so much fun helping too.
He always does somthing to surprise us, i cant wait for the day that i can tell you all he is walking, i know i know im getting ahead of my self but i truly think he will one day acomplish that goal. well off we go. marta

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 08:39 PM (CST)

Today kayden had his therapy,it went well from what i was told. I was not able to be there today because i had to go in for all the paper work for my new job, yep i did it im no longer driving bus, im now doing my nursing again but this time just on the weekend's that way i have all week to do all the running that kayden and braden need done. You think that i would feel a little less run down but still have so much running that we are all doing. Barb who does part of kaydens therapy was not able to make it today because her mother passed away, i ask that you all pray for her family and help them through this sad time.

Man what is our world comming too?? we are missing 4 collage age kids in Minnesota here one of them are from my home town here they all came up missing at difernt times and all had been leaving a party or bar, i ask that you please also pray fro them and there familys that they will soon find clues and answers to what has happend to them, i ask that god give the familys streangth and hope as these days pass and that they soon finde who is involved.

well tonight kayden wanted nothing with laying down or sleeping all he wanted was to be held, i love it when he is so cuddely.Im so happy and thankfull that he is so happy all the time no matter what he has gone through. I pray that he stays healthy and happy and that Braden does too, i have two of the greatest little boy's anyone could ask for.
well i got to get Braden to sleep now he has school in the morning. god bless and good night. Marta

Monday, November 11, 2002 at 08:51 AM (CST)

Well we are back, everything went well,they all loved Kayden,how could they not? he loved all the extra atention. I got him a new chair for sitting it has a high back to keep him from throwing his head back words so it is great for him to keep his chin down and his head strait, so i hope this will help him alot he likes to sit in it so that is good. nothing more is going on at this time, im putting all his photos and things together in a book and all the stuff from both of his web pages and was wondering if you all who come here that have not wrote on here yet would write somthing just saying where you are from and how offton you may come here, i just want to know where every one is from and have that info in there too. thank you all keep us in prayer please. God bless. marta

Friday, November 08, 2002 at 11:57 AM (CST)

Well kayden is doing much better. He is going to go with me tonight, we are going with a friend of mine to stay at her grandmas house about three hours from here, she has somethings to do there and did not want to go alone so she asked me to go, braden will stay here with dad and have some alone time with him, it should do him some good they have not got to do alot in a while together. Pray that Kayden stays healthy through this trip, and that Braden Frank, kayden and my self stay safe while apart,
sounds kind of funny but im always such a worry wort when we are apart im always thinking what if somthing happens? so pray that i will not feel that way and that things will be just fine. Thank you all. Marta

Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 12:57 PM (CST)

Hello all, kayden is still kinda sick, but he is atleast happy now so it is getting better. as for me i have had a bad couple of days, im sick of my works crap, they do not care about the fact the i have a child with medical needs, if i dare call in i here about it and i dred having to tell them that i need to take him in to the dr so i need the day off even if iam giving them three or more week notice. i was even told by one of my bosses that the reason one mof the men there have a atitude against me is that i coplicated his job when i took off this last year, Oh please like it is my fault i had a child born with a lifethreatning illness, and if he thinks he had his job complicated then he should live my life for a while. so im saying heck with them they can kiss my but and im going to tell them im done. i just have not made up my minde if im gunna be done now or wait and finish this month. i did find a weekend job, so i will have my weeks off to do all the running i need to with the boys, pray i did the rite thing.
thank you marta

Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 12:34 PM (CST)

Well Braden had a blast on halloween, he wanted to keep knocking on doors all night. we took Kayden with us in the mall all dressed up holding his bag that got so many suckers for him. for the rest of the night frank and i took turns staying in the car with kayden while the other went up to the doors. It was to cold to have kayden out with braden. i hope next year wont be so cold i wanted every one to see him in his costume.we now have LOTS of candy and dad is enjoying it a little to much, im trying to stay away from it dont need any extra pounds. Well kayden wound up sick the next day i took him in yesterday and he has a ear in fection and had been running a fevor. pray that this will pass soon, i feel so bad for him as if he has not been through enough allready i wish he would not get sick on top of it all.he does seem to be a little better today so that is good. he wants to be held and cuddel if i dare lay him down i hear about it. Suz i did not get your email intill yesterday or i would have called you about going with you, sorry. how did it go?? love marta

Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 09:09 PM (CST)

Well i have not wrote on here for a few days but there just has not been anything new going on with us, wich in a way is a good thing at least that means kayden is still doing good. Kayden had cleft repair in April and was not able to bottel or have a nuk at all after words because it could have broke down the pallet well we found out that after 4 months of not having any of this that it came undone and now we have to wait a year to have it fixed again so we gave him the bottle and nuk again and all he did was gag on it i was upset about this because he had just started to take a whole bottle befor the repair and then we were not able to do anything so it caused him not to want it later. well now i got him to take a nuk yesterday and he loved it once again, he even woke up two time last night and when i gave him the nuk he fell back to sleep. this makes me so happy because now not only does he have somthing to comfort him again but it will also help with his oral skills he really needs that to help him eat and drink by mouth.I pray that this is the next step to lots more by mouth.Braden cant wait for halloween, his school is going trick or treating at the nusinghome and the bank, he loves his costume we are now about to make our pumkins so i better go. thank you all for reading about kayden day to day. love marta

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 07:47 PM (CDT)

Kayden has been much better today, he had his theroupy class to day, we think he has been leanning alot to the left when sitting and he pull's his head back alot to if not looking at somthing, that is do to i think having that darn trach for so long he was not able to look down at all his chin always hit the trach, the leanning thing im wondering if he could have some what of a cricked spine or not?? Im going to make him a dr's apt to check in to it, alot of children with trisomy 18 do get that. Pray that it is nothing that will prevent him from doing things, we now need to do alot of range amotion and back rubbing he is just so tight all over pray that he is not uncomfortable and will soon loosen up. I went looking at other childrens sights again last night that also have trisomy 18,and some that dont isaw so many sights of children that have passed and so many that are so sick they dont think they will make it,I thank the lord above for kayden's health yes he gets sick alot but nothing close to death, he is such a little fighter and so happy all the time i pray that God helps me keep him so happy and healthy for years to come.
good night, marta

Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 10:45 PM (CDT)

hello all, well Kayden is doing better today he did have some o2 this morning but only for a while, so i hope he does not need to have any more. I gave him last night and tonight a body rub, he LOVED it he laughed and moned alot, guess he is like me i love that. His smile is just cute it make's your whole day better, even when he is not feeling good he always has a smile for us, i wish i could be so happy when i dont feel good, i guess he is just always letting us know how much he loves us.
Well if any of you have read kaydens other web page with his story on it, then you know that my other son Braden had to get red of his kitty when kayden was born because of the trach, my mom took it and now it is a out side cat we told braden that when the trach came out he could have his cat back BUt we do not want a out side cat so my mom is keeping that one and Braden got two new kitty's last night, black and white is oreo and orange and white is tigger. they are so cute, the balck and white one is kaydens Braden picked the other one for hin self because his other cat that my mom has looked the same. My husband is alergic to cats so he has to take med's so he can feel ok. Thank you daddy for letting us still have them.What a great Daddy.
Im glad that kristy had a chance to see kayden, she is a lady i met from mearans sight that also had a child born with trisomy 18 years ago, she never has had the chance to know alot about trisomy 18 let alone see a child with trisomy 18, now because of kaydens other web page she has had a chance to read other childrens story'sthat have the same thing, she said she feels closer to her son that died, and for that im happy and thank god for bringing us together. Please continue to pray for my friend sarah who;s ex husband killed there 2 year old son, this will be such a long road for her and the 5 year old brother.
We took Bracken Mearans, brother with us yesterday for
pizza and games the boys had alot of fun, thank you suzi for letting him come with us. well i better get to bed the morning will be here in no time. god bless. marta

Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 01:02 PM (CDT)

I come here today to ask fro extra prayers fro Kayden today, last night he started dropping his stats he is now on some O2 and we have started tobra nebs again along with Sipro. he has some kind of bug i guess.we are now needing to get rid of this fast i hope, he is just learning how to breath good on his own so im sure this is extra hard on him at this time not having the trach anymore for that extra airway. I ask god to help him get better fast and not to let this turn to anything worse then it is. Also Braden is needing some extra prayers to i think he feels he is needing some extra attention because he has been in to everything the last couple of days.I pray that god gives me the patience i need to give them both my total attention. thank you all. marta

Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CDT)

Wow what a last couple od days, im so sleepy all the time,thank god that there is no school for the next 4 days. I hope i can for once sleep in.(Ha ha} Kayden has been throwing up again he wakes up anywere from 2 am to 3 am gagging and all this last for about 15 min or so, it is so sad he looks so distressed at the time not to mention he has just woken up in the middle of the night and still sleepy. so then i get him seteld and wait for him to fall back asleep befor i can go back to sleep.I don't know what to do i guess im gunna have to call the Dr again, but i feel that they dont know wy he does this, so what can they do?? When this happens i turn off his feeding for the rest of the night , witch then means he is not getting all the callories that he need's to grow, when this keeps happening. Other then that he is doig great, he still has had NO O2 at all. I ask that you keep praying for him to breathe good on his own and to please pray for this night thing to get better. Thank you all who come and read his sight and pray for us. Suzi you are a true sweetheart, i know that it is such a hard time for you now but yoou are doing good and im glad that you are getting out and doing thing;s you have not been able to do in a long long time. You are a great mom amd mearan is smilling down on you now.
take care all. marta

Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CDT)

The party went well, and kayden loved the water, i think most of all he loved not having anything but swim trunks on his butt. I had a good time too, but at the same time i did not have a good morning or night see i wanted to make it to mearans funeral but just did not have enough time with braden's party and atentions were great i got up and got dressed in what i wanted to wear to the funeral then i called every one to tell them that i was going to make the party time at 2:00 instead of 12:00 but could not get ahold of im truly sory to suzi for not being there sounds like all went as you wanted.
Now for last night i have a friend that has two kids and she is no longer with there dad well he lives in the state of Virgina and she lives here a while back he got costudy see he is in the miletary so i think that had alot to do with it, well she got them fro the whole summer and when they came to her the two year old had three cigerat burns on him and the other child talked about how they were locked in closets she took him to court befor the boys went back and the judge here in brainerd told her it was not enough evedince to keep them from ther dad, he is also remarried to a women who has been maried like 4 times now and has had two children taken from her, this still did not hold up for our judge. well last week she got a call from the dad saying that the two year old was in the hospital and his brain was swelling he said that he fell down the stairs she got the first flight there but was two hours to late her son died. both the father and the step mom were put in jail the child had blunt head and body trama and cresent chapes all over his body, they beet him then waited till the next day when he past out to take him in. my friend now has her other child and her baby's body here. i want to ask the judge if her child being dead is enough evidence fro him now. and i would love to give him a photo telling him that i hope this little boys face is what he see;s every night when he closes his eyes because now that is the only way my friend will see her child. I ask that all of you pray for her and her other child. that she will have strength and comfort as hard as that may be. please lift them along with mearans family and kayden in your prayers. baby's are passing all around me i even have a family that needs prayer in st paul they have a little girl who id the same age is kayden she has hersh bones and is dying. all i can do is pray that kayden stays healthy. thank you all Marta

Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 08:44 AM (CDT)

Kayden is doing verry well, when we left the hospital his trach cultures had came back saying he had a bug, his normal stuff he gets from having the open air way, well it use to make him sick and this time i see no sighns so that is a good thing. Last night i put him on the floor and he felasleep after rolling on to hi tummy, for about a half an hour his o2 levels were 98 to 100% i have not seen them that high since the trach came out, i guess he was in a good position, his stats are supost to be over 92 and they have been any were from 88 to 92 asleep and 92 to 96 awake. so i was impresed lastnight. Braden's birthday party is comming fast i feel i need more time to get everything organized at home because franks parents are comming the night befor, im never ready for anything any more i so need to be organized i will be happy the day that i can figure how to organize my life, running here and there doing this and that. i think i need to sleep for about a week. wouldnt that be great. Well a few months back i met a loving family that had a little girl named mearan she had a ilness that they could not figure out, she past away this last weekend and is only 2 years old, she has three brothers at home that are trying to cope with this and mom and dad that are trying to help not only ther children but them selfs, they did every day treatments and things with her just like i do, and never left her side, this has to be the hardest time for them, im asking that you pray for them to have the strength they need. God bless. marta

Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 01:59 PM (CDT)

Well we made it home, om monday.Kayden has ben doing good, we braught him home thinking he would have to have O2 at night while asleep, but so far he has done good with out it. Thank God for that. he is so strong he keeps impressing all of us.He had physical and occupational today they were so happy to see him and how alert he is becomming more anbd more each day. they have not gotton to see him for a couple of months now, with summer break and me going back to work. speaking of pray that kayden will fight away any bugs he might be exposed to in the next few days my friend who takes care of him while im driving bus is gone for three days so he has to ride with me. and saturday is bradens birthday party, lots of people around him this week. thanbk you all for the prayers. love marta

Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 04:41 PM (CDT)

well kayden will beat the hospital through monday we hopefully go home on tuesday. they just want to watch him close to make sure that oxagen is all he is going to need at night. other wise he is happy as ever. i did get a few photos put on here if you want to look at them. we really thoguht we would go home today bradens birthday is on monday. he is going to be 4. thank you all fro the prayers. love marta

Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 04:41 PM (CDT)

well kayden will beat the hospital through monday we hopefully go home on tuesday. they just want to watch him close to make sure that oxagen is all he is going to need at night. other wise he is happy as ever. i did get a few photos put on here if you want to look at them. we really thoguht we would go home today bradens birthday is on monday. he is going to be 4. thank you all fro the prayers. love marta

Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 04:41 PM (CDT)

well kayden will beat the hospital through monday we hopefully go home on tuesday. they just want to watch him close to make sure that oxagen is all he is going to need at night. other wise he is happy as ever. i did get a few photos put on here if you want to look at them. we really thoguht we would go home today bradens birthday is on monday. he is going to be 4. thank you all fro the prayers. love marta

Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 04:34 PM (CDT)

well Kayden will be here in the hospital for a few more days they are looking at him going home by tuesday. everything looks good they are just watching him to make sure that oxagen at night is all he is going to need, at this time we dont think the trach will have to be put back in. so that is great news. kayden is happy as ever. i took a few photos of him today and i have them on the sight here now if you would like to go to photos and look. thank you all.oh could you please keep braden in your thoughts and prayers too his birthday is on monday and we will be here . he is going to be the big 4. love marta

Friday, October 04, 2002 at 07:31 PM (CDT)

well,kayden's ENT Dr that deals with all his trach stuff is out of state till monday, so his partner came to see kayden, he told me that he called Sidman and that the first thing he said is DO NOT put that trach back in yet, he want's us to try everything we can first, so last night he used oxagen,and he did good he did drop some still but not a whole lot we are looking at using a bipap for him at night . they are doing a sleep study for him tonight. so we will know more in the morning. he has been verry sleepy today. we took him in to the play area today with Braden they had a carnavel going on we evenm had his face painted i think he was to sleepy to care. im going to try and down loud a photo or two from that he looks out of it, i hope it works so you can see them. Please continue to pray for him.and that this like everything else will pass over soon. thank you and good night . marta

Friday, October 04, 2002 at 07:31 PM (CDT)

well,kayden's ENT Dr that deals with all his trach stuff is out of state till monday, so his partner came to see kayden, he told me that he called Sidman and that the first thing he said is DO NOT put that trach back in yet, he want's us to try everything we can first, so last night he used oxagen,and he did good he did drop some still but not a whole lot we are looking at using a bipap for him at night . they are doing a sleep study for him tonight. so we will know more in the morning. he has been verry sleepy today. we took him in to the play area today with Braden they had a carnavel going on we evenm had his face painted i think he was to sleepy to care. im going to try and down loud a photo or two from that he looks out of it, i hope it works so you can see them. Please continue to pary for him.and that this like everything else will pass over soon. thank you and good night . marta

Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 07:40 PM (CDT)

well im sad to report that we are back at childrens, it has been a week today that kayden got the trach out, but he just has not been doing good at night every time he sleeps his oxagen level goes down in the 70's and low 80's he is supost to be above 92. in the day when he is awake he does just fine. im not sure what they will do at this time he will have another bronck in the morning to look at the airway again, i dont know if they will try a bipap at night for him or if they will just trach him again, his hole is almost closed so it will be a little painfull to put it back in.pray that what ever has to happen is for the best. i want so bad for his trach tio stay out but if it means him being comfortable then it can go back, i will try to keep this updated for all of you.thank you for the prayers. marta

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)

hello, well kayden has been a little sick the last couple od days. started him on his tobra neb's hope that works. i think i will continue giving it to him through the week to make sure he is better for thurday, dont want anything standing in the way of hopefully getting the trach out. Even when he is sick he is so happy all the time. i wish when i did not feel good i could be so happy. God truly has given us a gift, kayden is so strong. please keep him in your prayers this week. Now i also have a favor to ask I have a friend who just moved back here after 4 years she hasd moved to Arizona well she was in a BAD relationship and he wound up in jail she took the opertunity and ran here with her three kids. she took a bus here the only way for her to get out fast and to start over was to leave EVERY thing she owns behind. she has no furniture all she has is there clothes.the kids have lost there toys everything, she has been a CNA for 4 years and is going to be starting that next week too, at this time she is bouncing from family's houses it will take her a whilr to get a place. i ask if you can also keep her in your prayers, that things will sart going good for her now and that she will see that even though things dont look good now she has made the rite choice for her and her kids, she feels so alone. thank you all marta

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)

hello, well kayden has been a little sick the last couple od days. started him on his tobra neb's hope that works. i think i will continue giving it to him through the week to make sure he is better for thurday, dont want anything standing in the way of hopefully getting the trach out. Even when he is sick he is so happy all the time. i wish when i did not feel good i could be so happy. God truly has given us a gift, kayden is so strong. please keep him in your prayers this week. Now i also have a favor to ask I have a friend who just moved back here after 4 years she hasd moved to Arizona well she was in a BAD relationship and he wound up in jail she took the opertunity and ran here with her three kids. she took a bus here the only way for her to get out fast and to start over was to leave EVERY thing she owns behind. she has no furniture all she has is there clothes.the kids have lost there toys everything, she has been a CNA for 4 years and is going to be starting that next week too, at this time she is bouncing from family's houses it will take her a whilr to get a place. i ask if you can also keep her in your prayers, that things will sart going good for her now and that she will see that even though things dont look good now she has made the rite choice for her and her kids, she feels so alone. thank you all marta

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)

hello, well kayden has been a little sick the last couple od days. started him on his tobra neb's hope that works. i think i will continue giving it to him through the week to make sure he is better for thurday, dont want anything standing in the way of hopefully getting the trach out. Even when he is sick he is so happy all the time. i wish when i did not feel good i could be so happy. God truly has given us a gift, kayden is so strong. please keep him in your prayers this week. Now i also have a favor to ask I have a friend who just moved back here after 4 years she hasd moved to Arizona well she was in a BAD relationship and he wound up in jail she took the opertunity and ran here with her three kids. she took a bus here the only way for her to get out fast and to start over was to leave EVERY thing she owns behind. she has no furniture all she has is there clothes.the kids have lost there toys everything, she has been a CNA for 4 years and is going to be starting that next week too, at this time she is bouncing from family's houses it will take her a whilr to get a place. i ask if you can also keep her in your prayers, that things will sart going good for her now and that she will see that even though things dont look good now she has made the rite choice for her and her kids, she feels so alone. thank you all marta

Friday, September 20, 2002 at 01:19 PM (CDT)

hello,thank god its friday,im so sleepy all the time becauseof getting up at 4:30am to get kayden to my friends befor work. Kayden is doing good we are trying to give him stuff by mouth again, today i gave him banana's and carot's and then some juice in a sippy cup, we need lots of work on all this thats for sure, we make a big mess, BUT he loves it he thinks it all taste so good as soon as i put somthinbg in his mouth he starts to smile big.
Well we got the kids there halloween costumes Braden is going to be sully from monsters inc. and Kayden is going to be a baby gorila he looks so cute in it. Kayden went on the school bus with braden and i last night all the kids loved him but sure had alot of questions.I had a meeting with the school district regarding all the serveses he gets through them and how his health is doing, they all were happy to here he is doing so good. Thanks to all of them for all your help,god bless and have a good day. marta

Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 12:52 AM (CDT)

Hello all, kayden is doing very well today,very
happy i must say. we went shopping he never fused once.
I talk to his Dr maynerd from childrens lastnight because
kayden has been throughing up in the mornings befor his
over night drip feed is done , he thought we should
slow the feeding down at night and give him more in the day
because for now the day goes just fine. we did that and he was ok this morning, so pray for him that this continues to
work. Kayden has been through so much im his short life
i just pray this wont be a big problem we will have to face. I think its just his way of keeping us on our toes.

Well i must say i had a ruff day of emotions today,im fighting
the feeling of already wanting anothe baby, got to have that
girl you know, trouble is i have had a molar befor too
wich is also chromosme related, funny thing is franks and my chromosomes are fine so having to abnormal ones woth nothing wrong with us freaks me out. I so bad want to have one more child, Braden was one in a half when we desided to have kayden and now kayden is 15 months. I know that i should just
put this in gods hands, but im not sure how to let go of my fears. so please if you would pray for me and what i should do, should i try again or should i just be thankfull for the two i have. and stop?? I know most are thinking how could she want another baby already when kayden has all these problems? Well I love being mom i always wanted more then two and i dont have a girl yet, i dont want them to spread out and i know that i can handle one more, kayden is now not so hard to care for, he is my easy one its braden who gets to be a hand full. hahaha. well thanks for letting me vent. god bless, always Marta

Monday, September 16, 2002 at 09:22 PM (CDT)


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