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John Frank

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ***Thank you, everyone, for your prayers! On August 16, 2003, John was seriously injured in a "tractor" accident. He fell six to ten feet landing on the left side of his head, resulting in a serious depressed skull fracture, cheek bone fracture and pelvic fracture. He spent six and a half weeks at HCMC in MPLS, MN. He moved to Bethesda Rehabilitation Hospital in St Paul MN on Monday, Sept 29th and moved back home on December 19, 2003. For a history of John's progress, click on "read journal history". We encourage you to read and sign the guestbook.

Above picture is John and Charlene's family taken at Johnny and Ann's wedding in July 2005
Click Here to view more Photos of John, Char and Family


Saturday, October 28, 2006 9:56 AM CDT

Hello family and friends!
Fear not…your eyes are NOT playing tricks on you…this is a REAL update to dad’s website!!!!! Has it really been almost a year since we last updated it? I hate to use the excuse that life has been super busy for us…but it has!!!! Spread the word that we are finally back online to give updates on dad’s progress and life in our home!!!

Here is our year in review:

We broke ground on our home addition on September 24, 2005. We worked on it 24/7 (at least it felt like that) through the fall, winter and spring. The inside of our home is complete and beautiful. We love the space. We finally have enough room for our growing families and friends! We focused on the outside this summer. We poured a beautiful concrete patio which makes it easy for dad to come outside to grill, visit and enjoy the weather. Next spring and summer is going to involve a LOT of landscaping work and more yard work…should be fun!!!

On May 1, 2006, mom and dad were blessed with another grandchild. Miss Avery Lynn Carlson was born to Melanie and Tom…and big brother Will. She’s already 6 months old and “hammin” it up!!! She is a doll!!! (Grandchild count: 4 girls, 5 boys)

In July, we tested the size of our house and its capacity. Our dear friends from Kentucky came with their families. With the Franks and Hesters together, we had 33 people eating, sleeping, showering (you get the picture) here for a week! Some of our entertainment included the kids swimming in the 18’ wide pool (“kids” also includes the big boys), a bean bag tournament for the adults and several grill-off’s for the men. We had a blast!!!!! We are so glad they made the road trip up to see us.

On July 30th, dad celebrated his “speed limit” birthday(55 for you non-rural people). A special surprise included the tie to the grandchild count (girls 5, boys 5). Little Jacee Ann Frank joined our wild and crazy family. Johnny and Ann are the proud parents of Miss Jacee and of course little Johnny loves being a big brother!!! Little did Big or Middle Johnny know that his football team will be co-ed. I hope Jacee will like football!!!! She is now 3months old and is a beautiful baby.

In July dad started a new type of therapy for his brain injury and physical handicaps. He goes to Mankato twice a week for hyperbaric chamber dives. For more information on hyperbaric chambers go to www.hypertc.com. Through these dives, dad’s muscle spasms are lessening, he seems more alert and his short term memory is improving. These are baby steps, but nonetheless, they are steps. We continue to live with the hope that dad will recover and walk again.

Dad remains positive. He is so grateful to be alive and to be home with his family. He enjoys visitors and getting out of the house…oh yeah, TV LAND!!!! He has Carter (our 4 year old) hooked on Gunsmoke and Bonanza. Carter builds guns out of Legos and he and dad role play scenes from the two shows.

Mom is now a workout queen! She joined the fitness center this fall and gets in there 3 to 5 times a week. I try to join her once in a while, but have a tough time keeping up with her! Mom is amazing. She goes strong all of the time! She does a wonderful time taking care of dad and our home. She is so faithful with helping dad with his therapy. What a testimony of love. Oh! I forgot to mention, mom celebrated her 51st birthday in April. A gift to her from her children was a round-trip ticket to AZ to have a sisters’ weekend. She and her three sisters and their mom enjoyed their time together. This was the first time that they ever had a sisters and mother weekend. Needless to say, that was the first-annual Heiling girls’ weekend together. Mom is busy making plans for next year. I think it was a blessing for all five of the women! However, I keep hearing the phrase “What happens in Phoenix, stays in Phoenix!”

That’s a long story made incredibly short. I would be fooling myself and everyone else if I said it was an easy year. Blending two families together into one house is not easy. There were several tears and lessons learned. The best way to sum up our last year is to say that it was a character building year for every individual in this home. I’m so grateful that the foundation of this home is more than wood and concrete. The true solid foundation of our home and family is Jesus. It is our faith and our hope in Him that gives us the endurance to keep on keeping on and finding the rainbow in every storm. We continue to live one day at a time. But, oh, how beautiful these rainbows are…and what amazing joy they bring us.

May God bless you and your family and show His rainbows to you through the storms in your lives.

“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us…” Romans 5:3

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room:

Box 83
Wabasso, MN 56293


http://bible.crosswalk.com   A place to read a bible when you don't have one with you.
http://www.gobison.com   Follow NDSU Bison football and softball. It has a link to listen to the football games live!
http://www.franks.smugmug.com   Family photo album


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