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Welcome to Frieda's Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about Frieda and her Wilms' tumor.


Monday, February 18, 2008 8:11 PM CST

Frieda had another follow-up ultrasound on February 15 and everything looked good again. They are making 2 changes in Frieda's care that we did not expect. First, she will stop seeing the oncologist that has seen her all along and now will see an oncologist that specialize in long-term survivor care. It sounds like they will focus on life-style factors considering the possible long-term effects of the chemotherapy and radiation that she has had. Nobody anticipates that she will have any troubles, but they will see her once a year going-forward.

The 2nd change is that she will no longer need ultrasounds. The nurse practitioner that we saw says that they don't see any recurrance of Wilms after being 5 years out from treatment, so Frieda doesn't need any more imaging. It hasn't quite been 5 years; Frieda completed her chemotherapy in May of 2003 and had her last surgery in December 2003. Although we know the nurse practioner has a lot of experience with Wilms, we are a little nervous about not monitoring it and will probably discuss this the next time we see Frieda's nephrologist.

Otherwise, Frieda is doing very well in 1st grade. They have a reading program in which they read books and take tests on the computer. She started the year very slowly, but now is excited about and doing a few books a week. They get points for the tests and Frieda has her picture in the school hall for making the 100 point club. She is now near the 300 point club and has set that as a new goal. She also earns high marks in all of her other subjects.

We have decided to enroll Molly at International School (Frieda's school) next year. They have pre-school starting at age 3. Molly's current pre-school teacher still raves about how advanced Molly is, so we are sure she can handle a new challenge. We will just be happy to have both girls on the same school calendar.

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