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Welcome to Alexander and Levi's Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our family: health status of the boys, academics, extra curricular activities, & our staffing needs.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:39 PM CDT

Wow, spring and summer have flown by. I have been busy working and taking care of the kids. Doug should be home from Kosovo in early September.

Alex has had a great summer reading, playing with friends, playing video games, and watching movies and recently attending Vacation Bible School. He has been the picture of health until a few weeks ago when he came down with a rash on his forearms. Doctors couldn't figure out what it was. It wasnt' responding to anything they tried and then it started spreading, so we switched his formula and are hoping that will take care of it. He also caught a cold from his sister. It took about 5 days before he started to feel better.

Levi has been doing pretty much the same activities as Alex and enjoying himself also. He has had several ear infections over the summer and also caught Isabella's cold. Unfortunately, he didn't fare as well as Alex and his cold lasted about 10 days. He is just starting to feel beter.

We spent the Fourth of July at our usual location, Blooming Prairie, milling around the small carnival and watching the parade. We also took a trip to the Mall of America and the county fair so far this summer. We didn't manage to go on a family vacation this year. I tried to find a place to go closer to home since the boys don't like to travel too far, but just couldn't find any fun activities that they could do around here. They really enjoyed the bumper boats and go-carts where we went last year.

Isabella will be 3 on the 24th of this month! Her brothers really get a kick out of her. She enjoys spending her days with Grandma and Grandpa or cousin Brooke while mom works. She doesn't nap anymore which means she goes to bed a little earlier and mom can get some work done and get to bed at a decent time, too!

Our staffing situation is in need of repair! We need a couple of evening staff to help us very soon. Please pray that we will find the right people to help us.

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EmailEmail address  : bethstewart@ll.net


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