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Welcome to Lukas's I-Site

Thank you for visiting Lukas's Internet site. Here you'll get updated information on Lukas's road to his head injury recovery.


Friday, September 16, 2005 2:40 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Thanks for visiting Lukas's site. We have some wonderful news recently. Last week, Lukas saw his neurosurgeon, Dr. Tse. He only had great things to say about Lukas. He did a few tests and thinks Lukas's outcome is going to be great. He might not be 100% recovered, but eventually things will turn out bright for him. We took it with a grain of salt and didn't think much about such great news. We'll take it day by day from here on. Dr. Tse is such a kidder. We love him. Here's what he said about Lukas:

"Here's how you should look at Lukas's situation. You both have good genes; so Lukas should have good genes. He will have learning difficulties because of this. Lukas won't be the smartest kid on the block. He won't be able to go to Stanford (Dr. Tse is from Stanford), but Harvard should be okay. And if he's really slow, then he'll end up at U.C. Berkeley (Lukas's mom graduated from U.C. Berkeley, class of 1998). Don't worry about him, he'll be fine."

For once, we pray to the man upstairs, that the doctor is right. Well, we don't want to be too hopeful. We'll just take things one step at a time.

This week, Lukas started doing some wonderful things that he's never done before. We are starting to see some hope for Lukas. After his injury, his prognosis was bad - real bad. We talked about coma, vegetative state, breathing tube, feeding tube, disabled for life, etc. But recently we started seeing Lukas go through all the phases that a baby is going through. He starting using his hands and working his arms and legs more. His neck and trunk control is coming back somewhat. He's starting to learn how to balance when sitting. He's eating well and babbling. This week he also started rolling from back to stomach and vice versa. It's so amazing. We really think (like Dr. Tse) that with time, Lukas will slowly but surely improve and get better. Now, if only we could get his seizures under control, perhaps his recovery would be three folds.

Lance (3 1/2 years old) is in pre-preschool now and really enjoys it. We're so proud of him. Leland (7 months old) is teaching his older brother, Lukas, many things. He's such a cute and wonderful baby. He's rolling, crawling, and sitting. He's very independent too. He likes to stand alot. He'll probably amaze us all if he can learn how to walk by 10 months. :) Or not.

Well, things are finally falling into place. We feel a little less stressful now that everything is more routine. Whereas we (doctors, therapists, etc.) didn't have so much hope for Lukas before, things are looking much brighter now... Please continue to pray because your prayers are really helping.

Thanks so much!
Louis & Catherine
Lance, Lukas, and Leland

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