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Isaiah Montgomery Buchanon

Isaiah Montgomery Buchanon was born on January 11, 2005 at Vanderbilt Hospital. He was born at 7:08 am weighing in at 8lbs and 10 ounces and 21 inches long. At 20 weeks gestation an ultrasound determined that Isaiah's head did not measure correctly. At 27 weeks our journey of testing, ultrasounds, and the unknown began.

When he was born the doctors knew they were correct in their abnormal findings. Isaiah's obvious problems were mitten hands, syndactly of the feet, cleft palate, and his brain was protruding from his skull in the forehead area. After giving his mommy and daddy a chance to hold him, he was rushed to the NICU. On January 12, 2005 a clinical diagnosis determined Isaiah has Aperts Syndrome. He then spent 11 days in the NICU to establish his feeding and wean him down to a low enough oxygen rate he could go home. We then went home with oxygen and numerous other machines. His journey of operations began on April 12, 2005. All of Isaiah's operations have been performed by the staff and surgeons of Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. To date Isaiah has been in the operating room around 30 times. The surgeries have varied from minor to very complex. Some trips have been for a simple central line and others have been for major craniofacial surgeries and a tracheostomy was performed on August 30, 2006. In April of 2008 Isaiah had his mid face advancement to protect his eyes and give him a better airway. Hopes were high to remove the trach. After a six week hospital stay and turning of screws twice a day in his little head he developed and infection. Bacterial meningitis was diagnosed in early June. By July they were about to call in Hospice to get Isaiah home where he would be comfortable and he began to turn the corner. After prolonged IV antibiotics at home he developed yeast in the tummy which tracked up his shunt and gave him yet another case of meningitis but this time it was fungal. After another long hospital stay he fought through again and came home. Since then he has had two shunt revisions.

With Isaiah's syndrome come many difficult surgeries. Then with Isaiah being himself come many more complications. Isaiah is developmentally delayed physically and cognitivelly. Things such as sitting, crawling, walking, and speech are a huge obstical for Isaiah. Isaiah has very small airways(which go with his syndrome) which has caused huge issues since birth and eventually he was unsuccessful being pulled from a breathing tube, this caused him to have to have a trach. Isaiah also suffers from severe seizures which seem to come with no prediction. Along with these problems comes a whole list which you can read about in the journal.

Thank you for taking time to check on Isaiah and monitor his progress. As we continue our journey we depend on God to hold Isaiah in his big hands and protect him. Through Him we are given the strength to endure or days. Isaiah is a fighter and has amazing strength. His smile can make a rainy day seem sunny. As he continues with his journey please pray for strength, developmental growth, comfort, a continued wonderful personality and doctors knowledge. May you be blessed as you follow along with us. Please take time to sign our guestbook as we love to read the entries.

Isaiah's first two years of life:

~~~~~Many have asked who did Isaiah's invitations to his party......
visit- trioartstationery.com
Michelle does a wonderful job!!! Can't say enough about how happy I was with what she did for Isaiah :)~~~~~

Some of these pictures are not turned correctly but the program would not work correctly so I just left them. Sorry I will try to fix them later. Enjoy my happy boy!!!!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011 7:39 PM CDT

It has been way to long since I have logged in and wrote in this journal. Please know that we do check the guestbook often.

This summer has been so very busy for us. Landon is growing to be so big and so much like his brother. I can not tell you all the things that remind me of Isaiah. Landon sits on his bottom and scoots rather than crawls. He says momma with that same expression that his brother did. He loves music and his papa to ply the guitar. Rather than You are My Sunshine he likes the song Sugar Sugar! His heart shines and has so much joy in it like Isaiah's did. I take great comfort in these things and know that there is a connection between my boys that I can not explain.

Landon recently turned a year old. We celebrated here on the farm with a farm party. As we sang Happy Birthday the sun was shining bright. As I watched him clap and take in the attention that was for him I could feel my Isaiah so strongly. How proud he would have been to have watched his brother turn a year old and shared in the birthday song. I would be telling a lie if I didn't say that I had to put every ounce of braveness I had into not crying my eyes out. I didn't because Isaiah would have wanted it to have been happy.

Another year has started at school and I love my job. I love teaching children everyday and being a part of their growth. i have wonderful kids and an amazing school family.

I would like to say with time things get easier. That just isn't the case. I miss my spunky monkey so much. Every morning I still wake and listen for his monitors to tell me he is awake. Instead I hear his lullibies that his brother listens to every night. I would love to push a double stroller with one proud Isaiah showing Landon off. None of these things are what is supposed to happen in our life right now. That I am coming to terms with. I rest knowing that he is with Jesus and will be there waiting on his momma and daddy. Until then we love his little brother with every ounce in us.

Have a wonderful fall! Until next time.......

The mommy of an angel

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Hospital Information:

Vanderbilt Children's Hospital

Nashville, TN
Room 7424


http://caringbridge.org/ky/reidmiller   Reid & Randon Miller's Page
http://caringbridge.org/ky/logan   Logan's Page
http://caringbridge.org/visit/elizabethannewood   Elizabeth's Page


E-mail Author: nicki@logantele.com


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