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Welcome, this site has been created to keep our friends and family updated on Sydney and her upcoming surgeries and victories!


Friday, May 6, 2011 7:25 AM CDT

Happy 8th birthday Sydney Lynne Pequignot!!
I remember this day 8yrs ago. I was scheduled to be induced so Gma had big brother Seth and Daddy and I drove to Parkview Main in FW to be induced. We had Moms friend Janet as our nurse and Dr Garner was our wonderful Dr. It seemed just as we got checked in things were a go, later that morning your heart rate would drop some as contractions started so they offered me an early epidural incase we needed to do a C section. So I had no pain with you:)I had to have oxygen at one point and ofcourse I was nervous but out you came and they laid you by me and I said she looks like a lil chinese baby but I thought it was because you were 9lbs. Daddy left to tell your Grandmas and Seth that you were here and at that moment while he was out Dr Garner sat down next to me and said I dont wont someone else to tell you this but she has signs of Down syndrome. My world came crashing down how could this happen after losing your big sister, Courtney? Truthfully I had a hard 2weeks adjusting and Im sorry for that. They moved you to NICU to monitor your oxygen sats and found your heart defect. It was soon Mothers day and I was at Dear and Cathys having a quick lunch before I came back up to NICU and Docs called to say you could come home. That was the first day I was really excited. Along with you coming home was an oxymeter, heart monitor and oxygen tank. Within 2 weeks your heart couldnt go without repair so at 2weeks you received your first heart surgery. The day after you or GOD sent the code BLUE alarm and had to have CPR just like your sister Courtney did..AT that point a calm came over me and I said all I want is a baby girl with Down syndrome and a fixed heart with no brain damage..is that too much to ask for God? From then on Im proud to say you have been my pride and joy!! Im so proud of how far you have come and how strong you are to make it thru 3 open heart surgeries!!! Thank you God for giving me this lil girl to show me what love and life are really about. I LUV you sooo much Sydney Lynne Pequignot!!!!

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E-mail Author: dpequignot@earthlink.net


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