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Dennis Miller
Toni Feiser <>
Winter Springs, Fl USA - Friday, November 29, 2013 12:18 AM CST
Dennis Miller
Toni Feiser <>
Winter Springs, Fl USA - Friday, November 29, 2013 12:18 AM CST
Dennis Miller
Toni Feiser <>
Winter Springs, Fl USA - Friday, November 29, 2013 12:17 AM CST
Hi Julie:

Thanks for all your support the past couple of weeks. I can't believe someone else close to us has this same illness. keep you posted of our journey also.

cindy <>
brownsburg, in - Tuesday, July 15, 2008 12:57 AM CDT
Is Dennis still alive?
nocity, nist usa - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:28 PM CDT

Thank you so much for this site.

Your strength and courage is inspiring.

- Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:09 PM CDT
Dear Julie and Dennis...Its been ages since I visited this site, but I felt compelled to stop by again to check on you and Dennis....I am amazed by the latest entry....please do keep us updated on his progress...I sincerely hope he continues to do well..please know how many are still here caring so much about both of you...I pray that you both enjoy a loving and peaceful serenity each and every day!...Blessings to you both...
SR- Sonia
CA USA - Monday, February 27, 2006 9:56 PM CST
Julie- I know that you are going down a very bad road, but I guess I didn't relize that it was this rough.
Kris Fitzmaurice <>
Canonsburg, Pa 15317 - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:27 AM CST
Please keep updating on his condition- It has been a year and i am concerned- Is he doing okay?
whiting, in usadd - Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:09 PM CST
I am truly hoping that everything is going as well as can be expected. I pray for your family almost daily and hope that soon a cure for GBM will be made. I lost my Mum at 56 to GBM4 and have followed your journey and I am amazed with your spirit. I am from Melbourne, Australia and check every few days with your web page to see how Dennis is going. I understand that updating web pages with progress is not your main priority. My thoughts are with you and perhaps you could email me.

In our Hearts,

Scott Van Leeuwen and Family
Melbourne, Australia

Scott Van Leeuwen <>
Melbourne, Vict Australia - Monday, February 9, 2004 7:20 AM CST
Dear Julie,
Ilove you and Dennis very much and i wish you both the very best. I hope Dennis will stay as very strong as he has been these past 4 years. Lets just go to Florida and forget this mess.
adam hession
P.S.Ilove you so much words cant describe

Adam Hession <>
Brownsburg, IN USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 7:17 PM CST
Dear Julie, You haven't had an update in so long...I'm concerned. How are things going?...How are you holding up?
My prayers are with you.
Mary Clare

Mary Clare Hurt <>
Parma, Oh USA - Sunday, December 7, 2003 8:10 AM CST
Dear Julie,
Just wanted to pass this info to you...perhaps you've already investigated this. I know firsthand how much we get bombarded with info, but I continue to research in the hopes that somewhere out there is a cure for this awful disease.
Keep fighting and praying for that miracle. I continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Here's the website:
God Bless, Mary Clare

Mary Clare Hurt <>
Parma, Oh USA - Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:33 AM CST
Dearest Julie, What you are experiencing reminds me so much of the Stations of the Cross...of what those who loved our Lord endured while watching him suffer and die. Keep your heart and your eyes on the promise of the resurrection...There is no "earthly" understanding for why such things happen. I remember feeling the same way during a time of extreme suffering in my life, that it was "more then I could handle"..I discovered that it WAS really more then "I" could handle when "I" held on to it so was only when I was able to find moments of "letting go", that I found a peaceful place in my heart to rest. I could not do it by myself. This is a spiritual, emotional and physical struggle all tied together and SO hard to live through...the only way I know is to say a simple prayer...even if its only one or a few words said in your heart: "Lord help us". I know this all may sound too "preachy" when you are struggling to find practical ways to cope with the physical aspects of this disease as well!...forgive me, as it is impossible for me to walk in your shoes. Dennis and Julie, I just want to comfort you and to let you know that I care so much about your suffering, and the suffering of all people coping with such pain in their lives...I am trusting in Gods promises for you!...With Love, SR
CA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:23 PM CDT
Dear {{{Julie}}} and {{{Dennis}}}...You are both still in my prayers....Love and Hugs...
CA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:56 AM CDT
Julie and Dennis, what can I say but, Gary and I love you sooo much!! Julie, you should be very proud of this website, great job!! Just wanted to drop a quick post, I want to go read more of the journal entries. I will see you later. Love You Both!!
Jami <NJ1130@AOL.COM>
Indianapolis, IN 46231 - Thursday, August 21, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Hi Dear Friends,
I live just across the street and I sure miss you two !I guess you'l be back late this-evening. You know that if you need my for anything, I'm here for you.You're both in my prayers always.Let me know how things went with Dennis's Mother. Dennis, do you want some more fresh fruit salad? Julie, you may have some too.
Love You Both,

Dorothy McMahon <>
Brownsburg,, In. U.S.A. - Saturday, August 2, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
Dear Julie,
We too treated at the Brain Tumor Center at Duke. While they were unable to help Bob much, they have been very successful with other patients. Go for it! If I can be of any help...with regard to info on Duke, please contact me.
I continue to keep you both in my prayers.
Mary Clare

Mary Clare Hurt <>
Parma, Oh USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Dear Julie, Your labor of love is amazing...Sometimes there are no need for words...just a gentle touch says it all "Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted."(St.Matthew-5)
CA - Monday, July 7, 2003 11:54 PM CDT
I'm still praying for Gods grace to comfort you during this difficult time...ultimately, Christs death on the Cross has saved us and his resurrection has overcome death...I know this does not make the process any easier, but it sure gives peace to the soul to know that the precious life of your loved one does go on after physical death...and that Heaven is wonderful beyond our imagination....Dennis WILL be cared for and loved into eternity and you WILL be comforted and given strength to endure so that you can continue to live out your days with joy and gratitude for what is to come!!...{{{{{Dennis}}}}}..and..{{{{{{Julie}}}}}}} ...praying for many blessings to you both and that special peace that surpasses all understanding:)
SR in CA
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Dear Julie,
My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers. I know all about that roller coaster ride...the ride from HELL!!!
I also know what it's like to wish for things to go back to normal...I still wish for that. I'd love to wake up one morning to find that it's all been some horrible nightmare, to find Bob sleeping beside me or to wake up and walk downstairs and find him sitting at the kitchen table eating his cereal and reading the that the weather is nice, to join him out on the deck for coffee. The "missing" him is, most times, unbearable.
I have nothing to offer you that would bring you comfort other than my thoughts and prayers...prayers can be difficult...I often wonder if God is even listening to me. I try to trust that He does and that He knows what's best. My faith teaches me that Bob has gone on to a better place and is waiting for me and that he's happy to be just doesn't seem to offer much comfort to my "human" self.
However, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers...that God will give you the strength to get through this and peace to cope.
Fondly, Mary Clare

Mary Clare Hurt <QMB28@aol>
Parma, Oh USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 7:56 AM CDT
God, Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Julie and Dennis..this is my constant prayer for you..for a peace that surpasses all understanding.... God Bless you both!

CA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:09 AM CDT
my husband was recently diagonised with gbm gr 4
may 8 2003 it is inspiring to read about other people

shelly johnson <>
philpot, ky usa - Friday, June 6, 2003 11:27 AM CDT
Thank you for this site. You and Dennis are in my prayers. Remember if you ever need anything give me a call day or night.

Tammy Carlino <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Dennis and Julie...I am just so touched and really at a lack for adequate words to describe how blessed I feel to see your courage in the face of such painful circumstances. Dennis, you are doing your best with what you have right now and thats ALL you have to are going to be wonderful and fine and happy because I know that there is alot more to life then just the weak bodies we live in:)...Julie, your pain and grief is something I feel with you....I have had some of that in my own life, and all I can say is that in some very small ways..."I KNOW" one can REALLY know the depth of your own suffering, but please know that you are being held up by grace and wrapped in love through the prayers, loving thoughts, and caring of those who read your story and are touched beyond description....Please let yourself FEEL all that you need to, but in YOUR time and when you are ready....Its OK to be angry, OK to be afraid sometimes, OK to keep hoping and wishing and looking for a place to rest and be at peace with it will come...I know it will...and in the meantime, you and Dennis will both be kept in my heart and in my will ALL precious ones dealing with such heartbreaks...I know Peace and Joy will come to you in spite of it all!!!!!..With much love...
CA USA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 3:49 AM CDT
Dear Julie,
I know how frustrating waiting for hospice can be. Be insistent! I was told that they don't like to interfere...they said I was "too efficient" and seemed to be handling things so well that they didn't want to over-step. Bull....! If nothing else you need that reinforcement that what you're doing is the right thing. Do you also have home health care...someone that comes in to help with Dennis' daily care? That's a big help. Often, by the time the aide showed up, I had already had Bob bathed and dressed, but she would sometimes feed him and do some exercises with him. She was great and wonderful to talk to. She had worked with many brain tumor patients and was able to give me many helpful hints regarding Bob's care. Bob had the same incontinence problem, however he was unable to get out of bed on his own. I too went through many sets of sheets. I bought baby bed waterproof pads at Target (the size that fits the entire crib mattress). These helped a great deal...saved me from changing the entire bed many times. I don't know if it would work for Dennis, but you might try the external catheter. Bob would be so confused though that he would take it off if I didn't catch him.
I know how very exhausted you must be and the mental and physical pain you are going through. I hope that you have friends and family to help you. It probably doesn't offer a whole lot of comfort, but I am praying for you. It's hard to believe, but I would go back to those days in a heartbeat just to have Bob back with me...I wouldn't however wish that pain and humiliaton back for him.
It's trite I know, but hang in've come this far and you CAN DO this! God will give you the strength to endure.
Fondly, Mary Clare

Mary Clare Hurt <>
Parma, Oh USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 6:58 AM CDT
Hi Dennis and Julie
My names Paul Cooke I live in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia thank you for sharing your journey with us, may God bless you both.

If you think you are beaten, you are.If you think you
dare not you don't. If you'd like to win but think you
can't it's almost a cinch that you won't, If you think
youll lose you've lost. For in the world we find.
Success begins with a fellows will, It's all in a state of
mind, lifes battles don't always go to the stronger or
faster man, but sooner or late the man who wins is

Paul Cooke <>
Hobaty, Tas Australia - Monday, May 12, 2003 6:13 AM CDT

My name is Scott and I am from Melbourne, Australia. I will follow your progress and watch as you improve. I'm sure you have plenty of family and friends, but if you want to email me ever, My web page is

Scott Van Leeuwen <>
Melbourne, Australia, Vic Australia - Friday, April 4, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Dennis and Julie-We love you both so much and you are in our thoughts and prayers every single day! Dennis has been such a fighter, and continues to be everyday! And you have taken such wonderful care of Dennis, being everything to him and taking care of it all! And together with the love and determination that you both have hopefully you can beat this BT! Your forever friends, Ken, Dawn and Katrina
Dawn <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 11:21 AM CST
Hi - my mom forgot to leave the website for my dad - it is
Megan Rego <>
Westlake, OH - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:52 AM CST
Dear Julie and Dennis,
My daughter, Megan, passed along your web page. As she mentioned, my Husband, Bob, passed away 8 mos. ago after a courageous battle with this terrible disease. I have kept his website open in the hopes that it may offer information or comfort for others facng this struggle. I have not updated the journal since his death, but you can go into the history section for past information.
Best of luck to you...I will keep you all in my prayers.

Mary Clare Hurt <>
Parma, Oh USA - Friday, March 14, 2003 8:19 PM CST
Hello - I came across your website via Marg's Journey. My dad passed away from a GBMIV on July 4, 2002 after an almost 13 month battle. I will keep you both in my thoughts and also pass this site onto my mom. Hang in there.
Megan Rego <>
Westlake, OH - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:32 AM CST
Julie and Dennis -
Beautiful pictures. Beautiful Dennis. Great job Julie. Hope, Love, Peace and Godspeed to you both.

Cynthia Baumann-Retalic [mom of kevin] <>
Boston, MA USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 5:41 AM CST

My prayers are with you, being a caregiver is the toughest job of all. Everyone else comes and goes, you are always there! Keep finding the little positives along the way! Praying for miracles and cures!

Julie Mattson <>
Cameron, MO USA - Saturday, March 8, 2003 3:02 PM CST
Dear Dennis and Julie, Your website is beautiful as are the two of you. Hang in there, and I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing.

Lois w/o Mike gbm4 6/01/46 - 3/03/03 <>
Levittown, PA USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 10:45 PM CST
Julie, Greg and I continue to think of you and Dennis and hope to get together again soon. I'm glad you were able to get this web site completed as I am sure it made you feel good doing it. Spring is coming soon and with it a renewed HOPE. Take care my friend and sending you some sunshine and positive thoughts and prayers for Dennis. You are doing a great job as his caregiver, wife, friend, and soulmate and I love how you set this site up "my favorite Dennis." Better days are ahead.
Greg & Diana Miller <>
Warsaw, IN USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 9:21 AM CST
Dennis & Julie: Thanks for sharing this website. I'm always wondering and asking Dawn about how things are going for both of you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Love to you both,
Deb & Chuck

Deb Haner
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:02 AM CST

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