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Kyle (above), spring 2008. See photo album for other photos!

Playing is "Kyle's Song" by Carl Allocco of Songs of Love.

Welcome to Kyle's web page. We created it to help you stay informed about Kyle's progress during his leukemia treatment, and now his issues off treatment as a recent survivor still being followed regularly for cancer monitoring, as well as his other issues. Thanks for your concern!

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Thank you to all who have signed or continue to check in to our guestbook! We do read it and appreciate hearing from you, even if we can't respond individually.

If you ever want to know how we, Kyle's parents are feeling, there's a song that sums it up beautifully. It's a prayer of a song by Mark Schultz called "He's My Son," and you can hear it at "He's My Son."

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love...
It cannot shatter hope...
It cannot corrode faith...
It cannot destroy peace...
It cannot kill friendship...
It cannot suppress memories...
It cannot silence courage...
It cannot invade the soul...
It cannot steal eternal life...
It cannot conquer the spirit...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012 8:46 AM CDT

I think it is time to make a CaringBridge book and close out this little chapter of our lives. I hope I can find the time to do it. If so, here is a summary of where we are. No matter what struggles Kyle faces, they pale in comparison to the cancer battle. Nothing shakes a parent's world like a terminal illness in their child. At the same time, few things can shake a parent's world after coming out on the other side of their child's cancer battle. We know what is hard. We also know not to sweat the small stuff!

Of course, Kyle's stuff is not small, but still, it's not cancer. He continues to be 48 pounds with clothes on. He is growing slowly in height but not weight. He's still eating by day and tube feeding at night. He has an appointment with an endocrinologist in July. He still battles fatigue and sleep issues. Still has chronic GI issues. But he had his five-year survivor clinic checkup and all was well on the cancer front. Did you catch that? Five years off treatment! It is a major milestone as his risk of leukemia returns to just over that of anyone else. Another good reason to wrap up this blog. Kyle has moved on, and so must we all.

When this blog started, Kyle was 3, Ryan 7 and Brandon 10. Today, Brandon is taking finals at the end of his freshman year of college. He has such a bright future ahead. Ryan is juggling school, band and theatre, and doing incredibly well at all of them as he wraps up his sophomore year in high school and gets ready to get his driver's license. Kyle will be entering his last year of elementary school this fall. He loves family, school, horseback riding and is great with a computer and DVD players despite his challenges. Brad is doing well teaching, and I am loving my role as family support coordinator at a NICU, writing a bit on the side, and preparing to tackle grad school. My mom is gone on to the Lord now. Church and God are the constant, always there, loving, encouraging. Things change so much, yet the really important things -- God and love -- never change at all.

It was love that led to this blog. It is love that leads us out of it. May my children always know how deeply I love them, how fiercely I fought for them, how amazing the pride I feel in them, and how fervently I wish for them good lives, good health, and a good journey with their Lord.

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E-mail Author: bdehoff@iquest.net


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