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Patient Page for

Jeanne (Phillips) McGill O'Haver

Welcome to the OLD Patient Web Page. It was here to keep people updated as to what was going on with the cancer situation, but after having a small problem with the site, Caring Bridge advised me to build a new one since the entire format had changed. So remember, this is the OLD one. It will take you back all the way to 1991 when my cancer was diagnosed, if you wish to know how this all started, and will end up through October 10, 2009. I repeated that particular update on the new one, as well, and then created the new one with the new format. To read the NEW one, please go to www.caringbridge.org/visit/jeannemcgillohaver.

We still deal with a great deal of "stuff" every day; it's my prayer that in some small way, my story, and how God has done miraculous things in my life, can help others. God is so good!


Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:38 AM CDT

OK, well it's been a good long while since I've updated this site, and, unfortunately, so much has been going on that I'll be doing really well to even remember half of it!

When last I blogged, I was not far from seeing my oncologist, and having some tests done prior to my appointment with her, as well as still going through radiation. My original "graduation" date from radiation was going to be October 20, but if you miss one or two appointments, you just make them up at the end. I believe I have one or two make-up appts; I know the dr. sent me home last Thursday because I was in so much pain, so that's at least one I'll make up. I was seeing him for us to try to figure out how to reconfigure my pain meds so that they would be more effective. So I've now gone from 60mg twice a day to 80mg three times a day, and sometimes 100mg for the nighttime dose. Ugh. Not that I mind taking more and feeling better; I just know that there's no turning back, and it bugs me no end to be taking so much medication, but there is no alternative.

I went in to the gyn. to have that procedure done, after all; the problem came back and made a total nuisance of itself again, so we just got rid of it. But now there's a secondary problem, which she is treating me for and hoping for the best. The problems that are being addressed by the radiology oncologist all stem from my L5 (lower spine), pressing on the nerves and causing a lot of pain: numbness, spasms, etc etc in my lower back, left spine, side of left thigh, knee, left side of calf, ankle, and top of my foot. A lot of this is very similar to the stuff I experienced in 2001 on my right side; I had to have a hip replacement done at that time (and half my pelvis replaced). But the problems and much of the pain that's building now (during the time we're addressing the L5) is in my UPPER back, and getting worse all the time. We may/may not have to do radiation again in that area; they'll have to check all the records and make sure I haven't overloaded on radiation in that spot. They are so careful, I know I can't overload on radiation, and I am thankful there is pain medication out there for people like me, but I worry that I may get myself in trouble at some point with folks who don't understand my problems. (My father had Parkinson's for 37 years prior to death, and there were some folks who thought he was a drunk. My dad didn't drink! And my mom almost socked somebody in the kisser!!) Well, I had an MRI in the upper portion of my torso on Friday after radiation, and will have my semi-annual bone scan and CT scan in a week or two and then have my check-up with my main oncologist. This will tell us if I should have more radiation, or if there is some other way to go, etc.

Thanx, everyone, for all of your prayers, and your good wishes for Greg and I. Despite his protests, I know he "suffers" as much as I do, him being my "caregiver." He's amazing, and what a pain of a job that is! I'm not cut out for it, that's for sure! My sister did an incredible job helping us out with me in '01, and my hubby has always done as much as he can, considering he has to do everything. He's an amazing and incredible hubby, and I give thanks to the Lord, many, MANY times a day for giving me Greg. Anyone going through weird times who doesn't understand what in the world God is thinking, putting you though whatever it is that's happening, He's got a plan; BELIEVE ME, He's got a plan. It's not up to you to second-guess it, it's up to you to TRUST IN HIM. He will pull you through whatever's going on. And I tell you sincerely, without Greg here to pull me through, I surely would have died in 2001. For sure.

Well, God's blessings on you and yours, and I will try to keep everyone updated as to what's going on. It hurts a lot to sit at the computer, and the email-thing isn't transferring the way it should between the desktop and laptop, so I can't use the laptop very often. I'm waiting with baited breath for Nancy (Alsmeyer) to get back here to Indy; she was 12 hours away in Minneapolis on Thursday, so should be here pretty soon!! That'll lift my spirits, for sure! Haven't seen her in 30-some-odd years!!!

God Bless, and TRY to be good!

In His Love~ Jeanne
Still Thankfully in His Love and Care~
Jeanne McGill O'Haver
<°}}}>< <°}}}>< <°}}}><
Ephesians 3:16-31

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Hospital Information:

IU Simon Cancer Center, Indiana Cancer Pavilion
535 Barnhill Drive (IUPUI Campus)
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
317 274 5000


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