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Back In Chicago


Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:11 PM CDT

I'm back in Chicago and glad to be home. The short version of the 'trip to Houston' story is that the study I want to enter into starts in about 30 days so they are going to give me chemo from Monday 10/22 - Wednesday 10/24. Then I'm going to wait for 30 days from that point to start in a drug trial. The upside is that both of the drug trials that I can choose from seem really promising, much better than repeating a failed approach.

I feel fantastic. I'm ready for whatever happens.


One comment on why the Democrats should not over-react to Rush Limbaugh in the same way that the Republicans over-reacted to MoveOn.org

For those of you who didn’t run across the story, the website MoveOn.org placed an ad questioning General Petraeus’ loyalty to our soldiers over the President’s disastrous course of action in Iraq. Republicans responded with legislation that condemns the advertisement. Democrats are considering responding with legislation that condemns dozens of attacks on our troops such as the attacks on veteran quadriplegic Max Cleland, attacks on former Generals who speak with both experience and independence that this war is a mistake, and most recently Rush Limbaugh’s claim that current troops who don’t agree with him are ‘phony soldiers’.


Right-wing figures like Rush Limbaugh are unworthy of respect not because they say despicable things about the troops who disagree with them. Right-wing figures are unworthy of respect because their positions cause the deaths of thousands of troops. The Republicans have no issues left to argue. They have been consistently wrong for five years and the country knows it. That is why they have to come up with non-issues like MoveOn.org.

We on the Left are better than that. We spend our time trying to save lives. We spend our time trying to get healthcare to kids who’s parents can’t afford it. We spend our time trying to prevent another 4000 troops from dying in Iraq caught in the middle of a ‘Civil War’ (in Colin Powell’s words). On the Left, we have better things to do with our time than pretend that we care what desperate ideologues spew as their baseless ideology falls apart at its foundation.

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http://www.flyingspaghettimonster.com   Dress Like A Pirate for ID!
http://www.laf.org   The Lance Armstrong Foundation
http://www.slickdeals.net   SlickDeals.net Pass It On.


E-mail Author: harrison.jeffrey@gmail.com


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