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Jeremy Rowe

This web page is in honor of our courageous son, Jeremy Rowe. Its' purpose is to keep friends and family apprised of Jeremy's valiant efforts to vanquish the cancer beast and live happily ever after. Jeremy was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML ) on 5/30/03. Jeremy went into remission in June, 2003, and completed chemotherapy. He had his central line removed in November, 2003. In January, 2004,he presented with bruising and fatigue, which eventually resulted in a diagnosis of Myelodysplasia in mid-March, 2004. Currently he has what appears to be about 25% leukemia blasts in his marrow and circulating through his blood. His disease is being characterized as progressive. He is scheduled for a bone marrow transplant beginning on April 6, 2004, with his sister, a five out of six match, being the doner. We invite you onto the battlefield to cry out in Jeremy's favor.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:43 PM CDT

Hi everyone- time for my quarterly (ish) update! Jerm remains in remission after hitting the two year mark on tax day! That's right, April 15, 2004. Needless to say we celebrate that date more than some other folks! Tomorrow is his first day of Jr. High! He's a bit of a nervous wreck- which is funny considering everything that he has gone through. He's playing football again- the competition is heating up this year. He's doing great physically and better mentally and emotionally. He finally agreed to attend a cancer camp and I think it pretty much changed his life. This is a shameless plug for Camp Magical Moments in Swan Valley, Idaho. They took such good care of me getting him ready to go, and when he got there- from day one he was changing and growing around the experience he had dealing with cancer. If any of you have any little stinkers that are having a really difficult time adjusting, even way after- try this type of setting. Jerm refused to work with the child life specialists, refused any counseling, and really didn't deal with the whole thing. He refused to go to any camp for years. When he came back, he had many stories to share about other kids and their experiences, and finally began to seem more comfortable with acknowledging what he had acheived during the time he was so very ill. He is already picking out camps for next year because he's now too old to go back to this one, and he's talking about when he will be able to go back as a counselor. Two months ago I would never have believed it! As always, we are thinking about you all out there often, and I hope that Jeremy's story gives you some hope. I know that when I sat on the hospital computers, than on the one at home, I searched for different things each day- gosh knows I had the time to do it! I very often found myself looking for people who were struggling with the same diagnoses, and always looking for happy endings. Take Care!

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E-mail Author: rayandpamharris@msn.com


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