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Jackson Hoeger

"Hope is a thing with feathers
That perches in the soul;
And sings the tune without words
And never stops at all."
-Emily Dickinson


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 9:49 PM CDT

As I sat in the large, empty waiting room last night waiting for Jack, it was a lonely, eery feeling yet I felt at peace for the first time since Jack's biopsy results on June 21. The sense of worry was finally gone because I knew Jack would be finally be fine. I really now believe his quality of life is better. He is just plain happier and that has been our only wish for him. Odd to think he is happier as he has had to deal with 4 brain surgeries in the past 6 weeks, but he is. Even as I drove yesterday to Mayo, he was content on having surgery again as long as he got cotton candy for the sedation scent.

Early this morning, I shook the neurosurgeon residents hand and told him nicely that we were done with him now and although we really like him, we will not need to call him again and we would love to be discharged soon. He smiled and said he " had fun" working with Jack and agreed Jack shouldn't need him again. He was kind enough to get our discharge summary completed quickly and we were out of there at noon!

I was expecting to relax with the kids when I got home, but Jack wanted to play wiffle ball, Wii and pool. Here I am exhausted and I didn't have brain surgery 24 hours previously! So I figured if Jack was up for it, so was I...good chance to work on lefty too.

Just a couple more weeks until school so we have a lot of summer to cram in! The double rainbow I saw tonight gives me hope that our life will be calm again!

Thank you for the prayers that got us home tonight! We owe ya...a lot!

God bless and Livestrong!
Jen and Marty

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