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It was so good to see a smiling face Sunday night :] I was glad to see Brett at home, comfortable, rather than in a hospital bed. I hope that ya'll are having a good week and i look forward to seeing you all soon!

Love, Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <janapayne@bellsouth.net>
Duluth, GA - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:25 AM CDT
So happy to read you are back home. Robin had kept me updated on you and Brett. I think and pray for your family often. Loved the beach pictures-what a treasure you have in Brett. Leigh, PT at Buice
Leigh Maleski
Suwanee, Ga USA - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 8:14 AM CDT
Hi and so glad you are back home with a smiling boy !!!
I enjoy reading this guestbook from time to time, but have never written in it myself. i love to see how Clay calls him "lil buddy"........anyway, think about you always and will continue to pray for your sweet boy. i cannot even imagine what it must be like to live in a hospital for a month, worrying and watching your child like that. the strength God put in our hearts is an amazing thing isn't it ? Don't try to be too strong, you have alot of people praying you through ....thanks for being so real and letting us go through this with you in some small way. Love and blessings to you all. deb & the boys

debbie imsande <theimsandes@bellsouth.net>
roswell, ga usa - Monday, August 20, 2007 10:17 AM CDT
lo921l, lo921l USA - Monday, August 20, 2007 3:18 AM CDT
And, after that nice journal entry, I am heading upstairs to sleep with a smile on my face. Enjoy having everyone under one roof and keep feeling better Brett!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Sunday, August 19, 2007 10:40 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear all of the good news. I know you are so thankful to see Brett's sweet, magical smile once again! Always thinking and praying for you all! Miss Janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga - Sunday, August 19, 2007 9:09 AM CDT
Hello David & Lisa,

I'm glad Brett is feeling better and getting back to his old self. I agree that it's hard not to imagine what's around the corner, but just enjoy it while you can. Are you still working on private duty nursing??? I definitely think Brett would qualify. Keep us posted on his labs.

Praying for you guys,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, August 18, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
Just checking in tonight on Brett. I am so happy you are all enjoying being home, but wish you could have a day of rest. I am glad you will be seeing Dr. Amador tomorrow as I know he truly cares for Brett.

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, August 16, 2007 10:32 PM CDT
I am glad that you are finally home and comfortable. My prayers for all of you continue.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
- Wednesday, August 15, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
So happy to hear that you're home!
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
Bham, AL - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:00 PM CDT
Welcome Home!
I'm sure you are all sleeping much better and much more comfortable. I hope you can get the GAPP processed and get some nursing care at home!


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:47 PM CDT
As our buddy, Downtown Frank Brown, would say: Yipee!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:55 AM CDT
Yea!!! I'm so excited you're home. I'll stop by after you get settled. Love to all!
Laurie <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:11 AM CDT
Woo Hoo....Yeaaaaaa GOD!!!

Love you all!!!!

Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:32 AM CDT
WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you guys are so thankful to be home. PLEASE call me if you have any questions regarding nursing services or the BP machine. We have had both for years. I am also pretty good at the paperwork and would love to help out in anyway I can. Again, I am so happy you are home.

Be blessed,

Kristi & Brody Cole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:34 PM CDT
THANK YOU GOD!!!! I am so thankful that you are all home. I pray that things will continue to improve; you will all be able to get some rest, and enjoy some time as a family. My prayers for you will continue. I will continue to check on you as often as I can.

With a Thankful heart and Many Prayers,


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:08 PM CDT
I'm so glad that ya'll are home :] I love you all! - Cousin Jana
Jana Payne <janapayne@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:00 PM CDT
We are so happy for you. Take care, we will continue to check the website daily. All of our prayers have been answered. Enjoy your family time together.

With love,

The Mitchells: Bill, Lisa, Erin, Drew and Nicholas

Lisa Mitchell <lisa718@insightbb.com>
Prospect, ky usa - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:44 PM CDT
Hallelujah! Enough said, right? ;-) We will of course continue our daily prayers for Brett and the whole family. I hope you can quickly get settled into a routine and back to Brett's "normal!" I also hope the "big" boys are still with you and you have time to enjoy everyone as a family at home. Treasure it all! Praise God ... and hugs to all! Love, Denise and Gang
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:12 PM CDT
Congratulations! I am so glad you're home! Super news!
Miss Janet <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:59 PM CDT
There's no place like home!! It took that great news to get me to finally make a guest book entry. Lisa, you know I'm always on the site and especially daily these past few weeks. I know your love and faith, everyone's prayers and support ... and excellent medical care have gotten you all through this crisis. I'm so glad you're home!!
Ann Gaeth <anngaeth@charter.net>
- Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:53 PM CDT
Can't update the website but wanted to let anyone reading know that Brett, Lisa, David, Kent and Clay have all arrived home together! Praise the Lord for answering our many prayers! I'm sure Lisa or David will update when they can. Sending kisses, hugs and a big smile to the Cochran family! :) We love you all!
Aunt Lynne and Cousin Jana <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:36 PM CDT
Fingers crossed that today is the day. If not today, tomorrow. If not tomorrow, soon. Real soon.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:31 AM CDT
I am so glad to read some positive news. My prayers continue.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:24 AM CDT
We are praying extra hard today! Garrett continues to check Brett's site with me each night and told me this weekend he thought Brett was going to get better! I am very happy to see that he was right!!! We love all three of you very much and look forward to hearing that you are heading home! Lisa, I know you know this, but call me for ANYTHING!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:24 AM CDT
Oh, I am so happy to hear how much better Brett is! I think about him and you all of the time. I know it will be so nice to be home again! Love, Miss Janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:08 AM CDT
Lisa, David, and Brett,
I have been thinking of you often. I hope that Lynne has told you that I ask about Brett every time we talk. I decided to just stop asking and get in touch with you myself. I am sorry that you have been in the hospital so long and am glad to hear that Brett is doing well. I bet his hair is really long! Yours is probably too!
I am not sure if you or Brett are up to me coming and doing a hair cut while he is in the hospital, but I would be willing to come if you think he needs one.
Otherwise we can wait until he is home and feeling comfortable before we do it.
Please know that I would love to help in any way that I can and now that the kids are back in school my weekdays are a lot quieter. I am only working 2 days a week, so I have several mornings free.
Of course just to have someone visit is a good thing. I would like to just come see Brett even if I don't give him a haircut at this time. I would have come sooner, but didn't really know if it was appropriate since I am just the hairdresser.
You and your family are in our prayers. I have told you before how much I admire you for all the courage and strength you show when dealing with a special kid! I am just amazed at how contagious your attitude is, when I leave your home I can't tell you how happy and full my heart feels! I guess it is Brett, he just does that to people! You are truly blessed!

Monica <monica@thegoswicks.com>
Duluth, GA United States - Monday, August 13, 2007 9:07 AM CDT
Hey Lisa & David,

I am so sorry that Brett is still inpatient. I wasn't able to get on the computer at the hospital so I really didn't know what was going on. At one point I called Leslie and asked her to update me on Brett. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come by but at first I wasn't comfortable leaving Brody for that long, and then when he was awake and feeling better he wouldn't let me leave...LOL!!! It sounds like Brett and Brody have been talking and thought they would give the nurses a run for their money with dropping their blood pressures while they sleep. Brody always drops when he is sick but decided to do this while sleeping also on this admission which is why he wasn't discharged on Friday. Obviously Brody's weren't as low as Brett's or we would still be there. In reading the journal history I saw that Brett's BP's were in the 40/20's range one night. Brody's only get that low with an infection, however when he is sick they don't improve with the saline boluses either so maybe Brett's CVL isn't infected. Again, I am sorry you guys are still there. I know Brody is admitted frequently, but honestly it's the long admissions that really get to you. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, August 12, 2007 11:10 PM CDT
I am so glad to read of this progress. I hope and pray that it will continue, and that you wii be able go home soon. My prayers continue to be with you.

Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Sunday, August 12, 2007 12:40 AM CDT
Glad to find things better and hoping for a few more eneventful days. I think we all like the sound of that!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Sunday, August 12, 2007 7:04 AM CDT
So glad to hear some good news. I pray for more to come. Miss Janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga - Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:52 PM CDT
I am so greatful to read that there is some light being shed on this tunnel. My thoughts and prayers, with concern and thanksgiving, continue.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:34 PM CDT
Glad to hear Brett got some overdue lap time with Mom and Dad. I'm sure that did wonders for all three of you. (I think it even helped me a little.) Stay strong.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, August 10, 2007 1:23 PM CDT
Hi David and Lisa,

I have not had the chance to meet you personally, but please know that you are all in my prayers. God is love. I know that through the strength, love and support of friends and family all will heal. I will continue to prayer for Brett, you and Lisa every single day.

Natalie Black <nsblack@blacklotuspr.com>
- Friday, August 10, 2007 9:13 AM CDT
Lisa and David-
I know you are both mentally and physically exhausted. I have been keeping up with you daily. Please know I am here. Brett knows how much he is loved and knows he is blessed with two amazing parents. Let me know if I can run an errand or do anything for you.

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:32 PM CDT
Brett is still in my prayers.
Jennifer, a Texas prayer bear <texasprayerbear@yahoo.com or sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:30 PM CDT
Heavenly Father, it is with a heavy yet thankful heart that I come before you with thoughts of the Cochran’s. The circumstances in which they find themselves are difficult to watch and even more so to endure I am sure. I ask that you bring them comfort, peace and strength as they go through each day moment by moment. My they feel your presence in the midst of every difficultly.

Lord, I thank you for the care and concern of the medical community on Brett’s behalf. I pray that you would continue to grant wisdom to everyone as they seek to provide Brett with the best possible care.
I pray that your healing hand would be on Brett. I ask that you restore him to health that he might be able to return home, I am ever so grateful for his life and all that he means to all of those who love him.

In Christ’s name I pray, Amen

Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Thursday, August 9, 2007 8:02 PM CDT
Dear Brett, David, & Lisa:
I am praying for all of you. I have worked with Granny Gail for 20 years. I also went to AHS with David and Kenya. Gail has been keeping me informed and I hope and pray that Brett continues to heal. If there is ever anything that I can do for you, please let me know.
Love, Rachel

Rachel Baugh Streetman <rstreetman@auburnbank.com>
Auburn, Al USA - Thursday, August 9, 2007 11:26 AM CDT
Praying for sweet Brett.
Jennifer, a Texas prayer bear <texasprayerbear@yahoo.com or sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 11:55 PM CDT
Hey, Lisa & David (& kids) -
In speaking with David yesterday, I am frustrated I am not able to help you guys in some way. As a "non-clinician", I can only pray for you all and that things take a turn for the better soon. Lisa & David, please do not forget to take care of yourselves, as well, so that you are able to be there when you're needed; it's so easy to put your own needs (sleep, eating, etc.) aside while caring for Brett, so be sure you take some time "off" & tend to yourselves. I'm available should you need me! Hope today is BRIGHTER!!!

Chris, Jill & Eric

The Snows <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA 30041 - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 9:02 AM CDT
Hi, Cochrans!
Doing my daily check-in on Brett. I can sense the frustration and exhaustion. I am so sorry for that! I think of you guys constantly. Our prayers and love will never end! Give Brett a hug for us.

Laurie <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 7:17 AM CDT
Hi David and Lisa,
I just wanted to drop a line and tell you I was thinking about you guys. I am so sorry you are still in the hospital and that you still have more questions than answers as to what exactly is happening with Brett. I check on you guys every day and am constantly praying that Brett will recover and be well soon. I know you must be exhausted both physically and mentally. Your faith and positive attitude shines through in every entry that you write and I know that will get you through this tough time. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.


Ashley DiLorenzo <ashleydilorenzo@yahoo.com>
Duluth, GA - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 7:08 AM CDT
Hi Lisa and David,

I hated to hear about your recent setback with Brett's feeding tube. It seems like one thing has been happening after another. However with all of the other clues that your doctors are getting from the tests and from Brett's symptoms, hopefully it's getting you that much closer to figuring out what is going on. I think of you often and hope all of you get some much needed rest. Please tell Brett I said, "Hi" and that I hope he feels better.

Take care,

Jennifer Ro <jennifer.ro@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, GA - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 4:12 AM CDT
Hi Lisa and David,

So many of your friends at Buice are asking about Brett and your family. Everyone sends their smiles, hugs and wishes for Brett to feel better very soon.

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 3:42 AM CDT
I coninue to check on you as often as I can. Even when I am away my thought and prayers continue.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 7, 2007 10:03 PM CDT
Sending many prayers your way. May God touch your family and bless the little one.

Rob in Atlanta

Rob Kirkland
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, August 7, 2007 2:30 PM CDT
Lisa and David - We are praying for you and checking on Brett each day.
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
Birmingham, al - Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:57 AM CDT
Lisa and David,

I just wanted you to know that Brett is in our prayers. I've been checking the site daily and praying specific prayers for Brett, for both of you, and for Brett's big brothers. Lisa, I'm adding your health to my prayers right now! I've never prayed for someone to have allergies before, but at this point it may be time to resort to unusual practices! So, here's to allergies and not illness! Sending huge hugs to Brett and to you all,

Kris Shields (former social worker at Buice School)

Kris Shields
- Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:53 AM CDT
Lisa: You are normal to want the world to stop for your child. You are wise to realize it cannot. You are special for thinking of those other kids even while you fight for your own. You continue to amaze and inspire me.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL 35758 - Monday, August 6, 2007 3:22 PM CDT
David Lisa and Family,

My concern and prayers continue to be with all of you. I wish so much that there was something more I could do to make all of this easier for all of you.

Your faith is amazing and has impacted me greatly I will keep checking on you.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
IL - Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:40 PM CDT
I've been out of town again and not able to send you well wishes via this site, but believe me I send them everyday whether or not I am able to post here. Back to school for me tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to it-to see all "my kids"! Sending healing thoughts and prayers. Love, Miss Janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga - Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:06 PM CDT
Hey Cochran Family,

It seems like the doc has shaken up the puzzle box pretty well this time and is trying very hard to put the pieces back together for a healthier Brett. Lisa and David - KUDOS to you guys keeping this information in order. Stay strong and focused as each of you are challenged by this hospital stay. My hopes and prayers will be centered around the great medical team, you two incredible parents and sweet Brett being able to sort this all out very soon.

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Sunday, August 5, 2007 4:29 PM CDT
I'm so sorry y'all are still in there. Did you ask GI about possibly trying the antibiotic erythromycin with Brett? It's known to help get the stomach going- didn't work for us, but it is worth a shot!

Also- bummer on the nursing! I know we were blessed with 4 months per year of coverage. Did you fill out the paperwork with the GAPP program? They give a max of 40 hours of nursing coverage a week under the GA Medicaid program. I have NO doubt Brett would qualify! It can take a few weeks for an approval- but it would be worth it.

Thanks for keeping us posted- call if you need ANYTHING.

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, August 5, 2007 2:28 PM CDT
For some reason my last message did not make it into the guest book. My heart goes out to you. I hope and pray that you will have the answers that you are so in need of. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. I will keep my eye on you as much as I can.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
- Saturday, August 4, 2007 9:35 AM CDT
David, Lisa, and Brett,
Just wanted you to know that we are praying for all of you. May God give you strength and comfort. We are praying for healing for Brett.

Love, Doug and Karen Carey

Doug and Karen Carey <carey41@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, Ga USA - Thursday, August 2, 2007 9:14 PM CDT
Hi Brett - Your Southern Miss football family continues to send many prayers and much love. Practice starts tomorrow!!

Coach Bower & the Southern Miss Football family

J. Bower <football@usm.edu>
Hattiesburg, MS USA - Thursday, August 2, 2007 2:55 PM CDT
Hi, Brett,
Just a quick note from Indianapolis, to let you know you are in our prayers. We'll keep checking on you. Harmon sent me a note to say that you've been in the hospital. I'll bet you had some good care there, and that you'll rest much better now.

Anne <agm57@mac.com>
Indianpolis, IN USA - Thursday, August 2, 2007 10:53 AM CDT
David, Lisa, Brett, Kent, and Clay:
I'm checking in every day and we're praying for you all continually. Of course, we have AOL, so sometimes my notes to you make it through - other times not! SO ... know that you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. I wish we weren't starting school in a week, because I'd have the big boys over ... but unfortunately I'm back to work. I don't think I've told you this before - but we've all moved to a Christian school here in Marietta - and I'll be teaching 5th grade there. Lots of praying warriors here, so I'll be adding to the group! Sending loads of love and hugs your way ... Denise

The Dickerson's <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, August 1, 2007 8:15 PM CDT
& Family

Just want you to know all the Golden Eagle coaches and staff are praying for you. We know our faith in God will carry us through our adversity in our life. Brett, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers as well as your family. Brett and Southern Miss to the Top!

Richard C. Giannini <richard.giannini@usm.edu>
- Wednesday, August 1, 2007 3:11 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. I will keep checking in.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 11:22 PM CDT
Hello Sunshine, I pray you feel better today.You are such a sweet angel to your Granny. I will call tonight to check on you and praying for good results. I love you...always have...always will... Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 2:20 PM CDT
David, Lisa & Brett -

David and I have been reading updates daily and we just want you to know that your strength during this time is truly amazing and is such a witness. We were going to send flowers, but decided that that money could go to better use. We've made a donation in Brett's honor to Eli's Angels instead. You'll continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.


David & Amy

Amy Berry <amatousek25@hotmail.com>
Richardson, TX 75080 - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 11:41 AM CDT
Lisa & David-
I have been reading the updates daily. I'm just so sorry for the setbacks (GI) and lack of answers with Brett's GI system. I *think* I know the GI doctor you have this week and well, I know how frustrating she is! Not my top pick- especially for Mito children!

Know I'm here and continually checking-in. Lisa, I wanted to call you, but I don't have your cell number. I know you are busy- if you want to chat- please call me. I sent you an email with my home and cell numbers.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:28 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about the recent setback. I am praying for all of you. Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellswouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, July 30, 2007 8:35 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

One of your good friends, Harmon Hodge, told me about you. I just wanted to say I am praying for you and your family and I hope each day will be better than before. I look forward to meeting you one day and talk about Southern Miss football.

Elwyn Gaissert II <egiassert _ii@ hotmail.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Monday, July 30, 2007 7:17 PM CDT
Hey! Just checking in..I will continue praying for all of you!!

Love and hugs-
Michelle and family

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, Ga - Monday, July 30, 2007 2:59 PM CDT
Hey Lisa, David, & Brett,

Just came by to check on Brett today. I hope by the time you post tonight he will have improved greatly. I'm sorry that he is in so much pain. It hurts to know that he can't tell you when & where his pain is. You guys are some of the strongest people I have ever met...stay strong and keep loving on that little boy. After I left yesterday I told our nurse that God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave Brett to you guys. Brett may not be able to communicate his needs but you guys know them and speak for him.

Thinking of you always,

Kristi Cole & Brody
CP: brodyjcole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, July 30, 2007 12:20 AM CDT
David & Lisa: Hope today brings some relief. To both of you. To Brett.
And happy belated birthday, Clay! You are a cool kid.

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, July 30, 2007 12:18 AM CDT
Lisa, David and Brett,
You are continuously lifted up! Best wishes!

Tracy Power <dannypower@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, Ga USA - Monday, July 30, 2007 12:09 AM CDT
I hope you all have a peaceful night and you're able to get some much needed rest. My thoughts and prayers are with you as I am about to turn in myself. I will check on you all again tomorrow. May God Bless and keep each of you as you trust Him.
Love Always,

Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
hey brett its clay i hope u get better in the hospital and im sorry that u cant get out of the hospital today lil buddy love ya buddy

clay cochran
suwanee, atl usa - Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:45 PM CDT
Hi, "Li'l" Dave, Lisa, and Brett,
Just want you to know we think of you and pray for you all the time. So sorry to learn of the recent setbacks, but be steadfast (i.e., hang in there!) -- there are always more good things ahead.
Dr. Hoo (Atlanta Mafia tagalong)

Dr. Hugh W. McKinnon <hmckinnon@cinci.rr.com>
Cincinnati, Ohio - Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:10 PM CDT
Hello i am so sorry that you have all been dealing with so much. I am most sorry that poor Brett is sick. I am praying for you all and know that i have been aware that you are there and you are always in our prayers. thank you for sharing the updates on Brett.
I am poraying for you all. If there is anything our family can do please let us know.

Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Sunday, July 29, 2007 5:54 PM CDT
Lisa and David: Karen and Lisa have been checking this so Judy and I decided we would also check. Judy talked with your dad yesterday to see if there were any changes.

We will continue to put your family in our prayers. You both are amazing and wonderful parents and Brett and the other boys are blessed to have you both as parents. We hope tomorrow brings good news. We will continue to monitor as well as Karen and Lisa.

Judy and Richard <drmcdaniel@alltel.net>
- Sunday, July 29, 2007 2:41 PM CDT
Lisa and David,

Bless your hearts. I can't imagine the turmoil that you guys are going through. We are praying for all of you and checking the website daily. You both are such incredibly strong Christians with amazing faith! Brett is blessed to have such wonderful parents, as you are blessed with him. Stay strong, lean on God and you will make it through this lastest hurdle. You can call me anytime if you just need to talk. God Bless all of you! Lisa Mitchell

Lisa Mitchell <lisa718@insightbb.com>
Prospect, ky - Sunday, July 29, 2007 2:34 PM CDT
I have been out of town (without a computer) since Friday morning so I had quite a bit of catching up to do regarding sweet Brett. I am sorry to hear that you are facing yet another high hurdle in the improvement of his health. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. I pray for wisdom, peace and comfort as you take each day moment by moment Trusting God with your present and your future. I have no plans to be away for a computer for any significant period of time so I will check on you as often as I can.

Keeping You Close in Thought and Prayer,


PS. Happy Birthday Clay

Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Sunday, July 29, 2007 1:18 PM CDT
Please give Brett a hug and kiss for us. We are continuing to think of you and pray for you!
All of our love!

The Leimkuehlers <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:01 AM CDT
Please know the Bennetts continue to pray for Brett and all of your family. Best wishes, Melaine
Melaine Bennett <MelaineBennett@aol.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:09 AM CDT
Hey Lisa, David, & Brett,

I am glad to read that the docs feel that Brett is getting better with each day. I am sorry to hear about his heart rate being elevated, but it sounds as if everyone is thinking outside the box and trying to figure it out. The doctors and nurses there are the absolute best!!! I am going to try to come by tomorrow and see you. I was there Thursday but wanted to make sure that I was completely well before stopping by. I am so glad you got to go out for Clay's birthday. I know by this time you needed it. Thanks for keeping us posted.

We love you all,

Kristi Cole & Family
CP: brodyjcole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta , GA USA - Saturday, July 28, 2007 7:12 PM CDT
Lisa, David and Brett: We are praying for Brett frequently and you two as well. We got back from Florida last night and would love to visit whenever you want company. Please call and know I'll be there asap. Love and kisses, Ellen
Ellen <ellenfrancesfay@yahoo.com>
Lilburn, GA USA - Saturday, July 28, 2007 11:18 AM CDT
Sounds like Brett is getting better day by day-I am so glad. I am sorry to hear he has to stay longer than you would all like. Keep getting better, Sweet Boy! Happy Birthday to Clay! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, July 26, 2007 7:52 AM CDT
Lisa - You are incredible! You can do it all - care for Brett while he's sick and still make Clay feel special. Praying for you. You are a wonderful Mom! Get well Brett!
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
Birmingham, - Thursday, July 26, 2007 7:19 AM CDT
It is late, after 1 AM, but I could not go to bed without checking on Brett.

Lord, Thank you for the slow, steady improvements in Brett’s health. I ask that you would continue to bring healing to his body, that he might be able to return home where he belongs. I thank you for the care that he has been receiving, and I ask that you continue to grant wisdom to David and Lisa and all of the medical staff as they seek to meet Brett’s needs, and provide him with the best medical care possible. I pray Lord, that you would work in such a way that cause Brett to get the rest that he so desperately needs. I thank you again for Brett’s life and ask that you would continue to use him and this family to draw people to yourself.
In Christ’s name I pray,Amen

I will check back again later today.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:45 AM CDT
David & Lisa: I sure hope Mr. Incredible gets to go home soon. For many reasons, but particularly because it seems that will greatly facilitate his interaction with the big boys. What a nerve-wracking past week you have had. Thank you for sharing it with us through your journal postings. It was good to see David last Thursday, but next time I'd like to see you all. One more day.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:17 AM CDT
Hey David & Lisa,

I just wanted you both to know that I continue to pray for your sweet boy and am so glad he seems to be improving. I tried to call you today, but they will only transfer you to the waiting room. I know that you both are in with Brett but thought maybe I could catch David with a visitor there...no such luck! I was going to try to come and see you last Wednesday but I had Jacob & Logan with me and couldn't find Morris for them to "hang out" with. Then on Sunday I started with cold/respiratory symptoms and wouldn't dare risk seeing any of you now. I will try to call again at a later time. Please know that I am thinking and praying for you all daily.

Blessings to each of you,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:08 AM CDT
Checking-in. I hope each day is full of improvements. Please call me if I can help in any way, bring a meal or come visit.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2:04 PM CDT
Keeping you in prayer. I am in Bible Study with Woody and Jolene. TH
Tammy Halliburton
Crossville, Tn - Monday, July 23, 2007 8:11 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear Brett is feeling better each day. We were really worried for him! As always, continuing to say lots of prayers for all of you. You guys are such great parents to Brett! We love you!
Laurie <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, July 23, 2007 7:58 PM CDT
I am glad to read of the slow, steady improvements in Brett's health. Thank you for taking the time to update. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Give Brett a hug for me.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Monday, July 23, 2007 4:42 PM CDT
It was so nice to see all of you this weekend. I just wish it was under better circumstances. I pray that day by day Brett gets better. He is such a sweet and special little boy! Give him a big hug from Miss Janet!
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, July 23, 2007 11:12 AM CDT
I continue to think about you and pray for continued improvement in Brett's health. My heart broke as I read how sick Brett really has been. I wish there was some way for me to change your circumstances. No child should have to walk down such a slippery slope in life.

Brett has captured the hearts of many, and I am grateful to be one of them. I will continue to check on you as often as I can and share Brett's journey with as many people as possible.

Hoping and Praying for the Best,


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Sunday, July 22, 2007 5:50 PM CDT
David and Lisa,

You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. We missed seeing you guys at the lake on the 4th. We will keep checking the site for updates. God Bless all of you.

The Mitchells, Bill, Lisa, Erin, Drew and Nicholas <lisa718@insightbb.com>
Prospect, ky - Sunday, July 22, 2007 9:26 AM CDT
Hi David, Lisa, and Brett,

Just checking in on you guys and see how things are with the little man today. I was hoping to get to come and see Lisa this morning, but we had to wait on our doctor to come in as well, so we got delayed. Thinking of you often and praying that Brett fels better real soon.

Love, Kristi Cooley

Kristi Cooley <kcooleyrn@aol.com>
- Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:01 PM CDT
Kenya called me the other night to let me know that Brett was in the hospital. He has been in my prayers ever since. I'm praying that he continues to get better and can come home soon.
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
Birmingham, al - Saturday, July 21, 2007 0:43 AM CDT
I just got back in town from a week-long vacation and came to check in on Brett... I am so sorry to hear that he is so sick. I am praying for you all. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Friday, July 20, 2007 8:59 PM CDT
David and Lisa,

Thinking of you all always. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Brett you hang in and get better. Make sure you keep Kent and Clay in line.

Harmon, Carolyn and Jamie Hodge

The Hodge's <harmonh@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Friday, July 20, 2007 6:58 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
Your mommy and daddy are bringing you whisper wishes of "feel better soon" from Ms. Robin. David and Lisa, I'll be thinking of Brett and you and most certainly keeping you each close in prayer.

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2007 4:21 PM CDT
Dear David & Lisa,
Our thoughts and prayers are with Brett and ya'll during this difficult time. We will continue to pray for a full recovery for Brett.

Tom, Maria, Haley, Caroline, and Anna Bower <tbower@clipperpetroleum.com>
Gainesville, GA USA - Friday, July 20, 2007 1:40 PM CDT
Hey Guys!! We are praying for you all. Let us know if there is anything you need..

Love to you all!!
Michelle and family

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2007 10:04 AM CDT
David, Lisa, and Brett,
You are all we have thought about this week! Hopefully, Brett is starting to feel a little more comfortable. This has got to be difficult for all of you. You are in our every thought and every prayer! We love you!

Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Friday, July 20, 2007 9:58 AM CDT
David and Lisa,
Just wanted you to know that you continue to be in our prayers. Garrett said BIG prayers from Brett tonight! And of course, my prayers contine to be for all three of you. Please know I am a phone call and a couple of miles away and will be there at a moments notice! We love all three of you VERY MUCH!!!

Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
Lisa, David, and Brett,
We are lifting you up in prayer. I'm sorry to hear that Brett is having such difficulty. I hope those folks at SR help him get well as soon as possible.
God Bless,
Judy & Kate

Judy Rachau <judysrunningl8@comcast.net>
Fayetteville, GA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 3:30 PM CDT
My thoughs and prayers continue to be with you. I wish I was closer to you. I will check back as often as I can.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:53 PM CDT
David and Lisa,

Thank you for the update on Brett. He (and both of you) have had quite a time of it with all the medical issues over the past several months. I will keep Brett and both of you in my prayers. Please tell him I said, "Hi." Love, Jennifer Ro

Jennifer Ro <jennifer.ro@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, GA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:47 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you guys. stay strong Brett. God Bless. The Fogels

Debbie Fogel <ejfdrf@sbcglobal.net>
Corona, ca usa - Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:18 AM CDT
David and Lisa-
My prayers are with all of you, especially Brett. I will be praying for some extra relief for him. Love you all-

Debi Tanner <debitanner@att.net>
Buford, GA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:01 AM CDT
David, Lisa, and Brett:
I am praying, praying, praying. I'm so sorry to hear that Brett has been having such a difficult time. I am especially praying for some rest and strength for you, Lisa. I think this is the first time that you've ever sounded overwhelmed. You are such a strong and beautiful woman - I am sending hugs and pray for a couple of hours of GOOD sleep for you! I'll check back soon for an update ... Much love always.

Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:23 AM CDT
I wanted you to know that the Golden Eagles are thinking about you. We start practice August 2nd. Be strong and get well because we will need your help cheering us on this fall.

Jay Johnson, Asst FB Caoch, Southern Miss <jay.johnson@usm.edu>
Hattiesburg, MS - Thursday, July 19, 2007 7:34 AM CDT
Hey David & Lisa,

I am so sorry to hear of Brett's recent struggles and now hospitalization. I hope he continues to improve and moves to the floor soon. I know that they take VERY GOOD care of you while in ICU but moving to the floor is one step closer to home!!!! We have Wednesday night prayer service at my church and I asked for Brett and you both to be lifted in prayer tonight.

Praying for you all,

Kristi & Brody Cole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 0:07 AM CDT
Praying for you big guy.

Ann "Angel Eli's mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:00 PM CDT
There are no words that seem adequate. Thoughts and prayers are with you....
Tracy Ramey Power <dannypower@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, Ga 30044 - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:38 PM CDT
Just got the link to this from Melissa! Praying lots!!
Cromwell, CT - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:32 PM CDT
There is nothing I can say or do to bring you comfort. My heart is aching with you and for you. I pray that the doctors would have wisdom as they care for Brett. My thoughts and prayers are and will continue to be with you. I will check back soon.

Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:57 PM CDT
David and Lisa -- So sorry to hear about Brett's recent issues and now about his stay in ICU. I am hoping and praying that they can provide some relief and solutions for Brett. You are amazing parents and Brett is so very lucky. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Ashley DiLorenzo
Duluth, GA - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:01 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about the hospitalization. I know you are scared, and I know how hard the ICU is. You do have the best care in the world there.

I want you to know I'm praying for you.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:40 AM CDT
David and Lisa

My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God give you and the Doctors’s wisdom as you seek to provide the best care for Brett. It is my prayer that, in the midst of all of the confusing challenges that you face you are able to find some peace and rest both physically and spiritually. There is so much that we do not understand. All we can do is look to the Lord and walk in faith. Knowing that God holds the future and his plans are good no matter how confusing they may seem in our human comprehension. My thoughts and prayers are and will continue to be with you.
In Christ’s Love,

Melissa Melvin <oneiofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 4:48 PM CDT
Hello Sunshine,so glad you had a good vacation.I know how much you love the air to blow on you.I loved the pictures of you at the beach.I hope you are feeling better today.I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, A; - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1:21 PM CDT
I just wanted to say hi. I've been checking in, but I know you are busy taking care of Brett and sleeping when you can.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, July 16, 2007 11:10 PM CDT
Brett and his family are in my prayers today.
Jennifer, a Texas prayer bear <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Monday, July 16, 2007 1:20 PM CDT
Still here praying for Brett. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Jennifer, a Texas prayer bear <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Saturday, July 14, 2007 12:50 AM CDT
Brett is in my prayers. I hope all of the kidney stones have passed now so that he isn't in any more pain.
Jennifer, a Texas prayer bear <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Monday, July 9, 2007 2:41 PM CDT
Hello Cochran family! I was stopping by to say hello. I am praying for you all.
Heather Rheanas mom <morh2gs@alltel.net>
winder, - Thursday, July 5, 2007 10:17 PM CDT
Droping by to say hi and let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the summer.



Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Thursday, July 5, 2007 8:00 PM CDT
Hey pal! I'm praying for you and hope you have a great 4th!

Go Eagles!

Chad Bailey <cbailey12d@yahoo.com>
New Albany, MS USA - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 12:29 AM CDT
Really liked the vacation pix - thanks for sharing! So glad y'all got to do that.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, June 18, 2007 1:36 PM CDT
It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. I have to admit, the water looks inviting! I was glad to read your update, but sorry that Brett is in pain and David hurt his back. I hope things get better for all of you. The picture is adorable!


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth , IL 60921 - Saturday, June 16, 2007 10:27 AM CDT
Hi Brett, Lisa & David-
Sounds like you had a great trip! I love the picture. I think the weather is PERFECT down there in May! I hope David's back is getting better. I also hope Brett's pain is minimized! I have had gall bladder attacks and had mine removed- I think if it was his gall bladder- you would know! He probably wouldn't be sleeping. I'm so sorry for his stones and wish him pain relief. It is so unfair to see children suffer- so much just doesn't make sense here.

Wishing you a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to David.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, June 15, 2007 1:15 PM CDT
Go glad to read the update. What beautiful, beautiful pictures!! Ya'll take care!
Tracy Power <dannypower@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett - Thursday, June 14, 2007 7:42 PM CDT
Just stopping by to check on you all. It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. I love the picture! Take care and God Bless you all.

Missing everyone in Georgia,


Mandy <mija2gs@yahoo.com>
Hebron, Ky 41048 - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:29 PM CDT
David, Lisa, and Brett:
Howdy, guys! Just checking in on everyone and was glad to see that Brett is feeling better. I'll be praying that those kidney stones are teeny-tiny and he won't even know when they pass! I hope you have/had a wonderful time at the beach - you all deserve it. Can you believe our "big" boys are heading off to high school next year? Time flies! Lisa, remember anytime you have to head to Marietta - emergency or not - and there's anything I can do - call me! We had our neighborhood picnic yesterday afternoon and miss not having the Cochrans there. A couple of the "old" people were asking about you both and Brett so know that you're never far from our thoughts and prayers. Much love always,

Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, June 3, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
David, Lisa and Brett,
I hope you are enjoying the beach, and all is going well.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth , IL USA - Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:25 PM CDT
hey brett its clay just writng to check on you. i cant wait until i see you this weekend it will be lots of fun. i hope you have lots of energy so we can talk and laugh together. i miss u so much lil buddy.
love you lots

winslow, nj usa - Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
Hope y'all have a beachin' vacation! Sorry to hear about Clay's baseball injury. Might consider having him play in a full-face motorcycle helmet, David, like you used to. (Btw, I always found that reflective visor very itimidating...it was like trying to bat against Darth Vader or something.)
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL 35758 - Monday, May 14, 2007 12:26 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear that you guys are off to the beach. It is a well deserved and well earned vacation for all of you. Enjoy your time there and we will definitely be looking for stories and pictures to follow!

Speedy recovery to Clay ... Kent, congrats on your homers!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:55 PM CDT
hey brett its clay i ws just signing your guestbook to check up on you. i havent talked to you in a while so i was wondering how you are doing with your breathing. well i guess i will find out wheni talk to you tonight. until the i hope your doing good and i love you cant wait to see you little brother by
winslow, nj usa - Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:37 PM CDT
Lisa, David and Brett,

I have been thinking of y'all for sometime now and just logged in to read your great messages.

David you were so supportive for Beth during her illness and all of y'all lifted me up as well. Your friends and family are during the same for you now.

We have moved to Lake Martin but still work and teach at Auburn so my e-mail is the same.

Take care,

Violet Lett
Kiss Brett for us.

Violet Lett <lettvio@auburn.edu>
Dadeville, Alabama usa - Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:50 AM CDT
hi brett im just signing your website cause i havent signed it in a while hope when im not here you stay breathing ok. love you so much brett i will try to keep updating your website.love you so much.
clay <cochran999999@aim.com>
suwanee, atlanta usa - Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:52 AM CDT
Hello, Brett and Family! I am a friend of Tracy Power -- she and I teach together at Britt Elementary. She told me about Brett's website. You are an amazing family, and I will keep each of you in my thoughts and prayers!
April Smith
Athens, GA - Friday, April 27, 2007 8:35 AM CDT
Dear Brett (& you, too, Mommy & Daddy!),

We are sorry to hear about your kidney stones, and hope there is quick resolution - maybe the urologist has a few tricks up his/her sleeve! Please make sure your parents know to call on us when they need things like meals at the hospital, transportation, or some "moral support"...that's why we're here (plus, we're just around the corner!). We'll keep you in our prayers over the weekend and always!

The Snows
Cumming, GA 30041 - Thursday, April 19, 2007 9:30 AM CDT
Dear Brett: Kevin and I have been praying for you and hoping to see you soon! God was protecting you -- who knows what would have happened in Florida. I will come by any time to visit if you want and spend an evening with you again if your Mom and Dad want another date! Love you Buddy, Miss Ellen
Teacher Ellen <ellenfrancesfay@yahoo.com>
Lilburn, GA US of A - Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:47 AM CDT
Sounds like another amazing doctor! I'm so happy to hear the urologist is so wonderful and has a plan. I pray Brett doesn't have to endure any pain. I HATE to think of children in pain. I pray if he does have pain, then the medicine can control it.

So sorry Brett has to go through this.

I also hope you can reschedule for the beach soon!!!


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:57 AM CDT
David, Lisa and Brett,

I am very glad to read that you have a game plan! My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. I'll check back again soon.


Melissa Melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth , IL USA - Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:24 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and praying for a quick recovery for you, Brett. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, April 16, 2007 4:51 PM CDT
I Love the new pictures. My thoughts prayers are with you. I'll check back soon.


Melissa melvin <oneofsixsiblings@gmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL - Monday, April 16, 2007 2:16 PM CDT
Lisa, David & Brett-
I am SO sorry to read this! I just read Lisa's post on the Mito board and was shocked to see you were not at the beach- after reading this update I can see why! I am so so so sorry for Brett's scare. I know- it is relief that it is something "normal" but now how do you handle it?! I know you are meeting with the urologist right now- I hope a GREAT plan is made.

Again- so sorry you had to cancel your trip- I hope you can re-schedule as soon as Brett can travel. What a blessing the condo owner is!


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, April 16, 2007 8:40 AM CDT
Hi Brett; I'm so glad to see your Mom. You have been in my prayers. All my love Betsy Schaknowski
Betsy Schaknowski <BernieBets@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, Ga USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:57 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family. I am sorry that
you are not coming to the beach. I would have loved to meet
you and your family. God bless and help you during this time.

Judy Spaht <judyspaht@comcast.net>
panama city beach, fl usa - Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
Hello my sweet sunshine.Pop and I are praying for you. You are always on our mind. We had a great Easter visit with you,Mom and Dad.Time went by to fast.I love you Brett...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:49 PM CDT
Wishing you a ALL a wonderful vacation! I know the beach air will be great.

I can't wait to see pictures of Brett from his trip.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:36 AM CDT
Stay stong, Cochrans. Your horrible pain/struggle comes out clearly in your words. Thank Jesus for each and every minute that he gives you. Post more pictures when you have time!
Tracy Power <Tracy_Power@gwinnett.k12.ga.us>
- Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:49 AM CDT
Brett and family, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Jake. My heart breaks knowing what this terrible disease does to such precious children and their families. Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 3:33 PM CDT
David, Lisa and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Though I do not sign in often I do read your every update. My prayers are also with the Lyon’s family. I cannot begin to imagine the pain of watching your own child suffer so much. It is hard enough to be a praying friend helplessly watching you all walk through this. Know that you are thought of and prayed for. If there is anything that I can do for you I am only an e-mail or phone call away. Miles cannot stop love from reaching out a helping hand.
May God Bless and comfort each of you, as you trust Him with everyday knowing that the best is yet to come.
In Christ,

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth , IL USA - Monday, April 9, 2007 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

Please forgive me for not checking back in regularly enough. I am sorry to hear about your friend Jake. Keep in mind that you have friends all around the country who keep you in their thoughts and prayers all the time.

David, Lisa, Katie and James

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Monday, April 9, 2007 11:50 AM CDT
Well, I just popped in to wish you Cochrans Happy Easter. From Keeney Mountain and all that. But reading the news of your friend, Jake Lyons, has given me pause. As is so often the case, I'm pretty sure nothing I type here is going to adequately convey my feelings. I take comfort in knowing that Jake does not have mito anymore. Your thoughtful words are proof, even to those of us who never knew him, that his short life was well-served. That he positively impacted those around him. That he made a difference. I cannot think of a better definition of success.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, April 9, 2007 10:03 AM CDT
I agree- I hate this disease. We say it daily at our house- at least once. It is so rotten and so unfair- it robs our little ones. All I could think about today was the rejoicing Morgan must have experienced with Jake- celebrating Christ's resurrection.

Give Brett LOTS of kisses and hugs- I know you all do this all the time. You will never regret it.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, David & Brett,
I've been thinking of you and praying for you. I'm glad to hear that Brett is beginning to recover from his illnesses!! I'll always remember Brett's big smile in class! May God Bless you and continue to give you strength! Happy Easter!! Miss Gail from Buice School

Gail Wygladalski <wyglad@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, - Thursday, April 5, 2007 10:04 PM CDT
Coming by to check in on your family. I hope you have a nice Easter. It's cold but at least it will be sunny! We hope to see you soon.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, April 5, 2007 10:04 AM CDT
Thanks for the update, big daddy!
And keep on keepin' on; you know we're all out here thinking, praying, crying and smiling.

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:38 PM CDT
Thinking about all of you, as always! Glad everyone is doing well. Mybe we can get together this summer since I now have summers off :). Super, big hugs to Sweet Brett! Miss you, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:41 PM CDT
Lisa - It was great to see you at Kenya's shower last week. It was nice to get a "live" update on Brett. :) He is precious. I don't always sign, but I continue to check on him and pray for good days.
Tammy (Herring) Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
B'ham, al - Friday, March 23, 2007 2:44 PM CDT
Thank you David...we keep all of our kids close in prayer and especially now. Hug Brett for me.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:42 PM CDT
hey lil buddy its me clay again i was just wonderin cause i forgot to ask you how has school bean goin with ms elen latley well i guess you can tell me on the ohine love you buddy
- Friday, March 9, 2007 8:59 PM CST
hey brett im in new jersey but im still thinking about you i love you so much and i cant wait to talk to you tomorow on the phone. love you so much take care of mommy and daddy for me
love your big brother clay

winslow, usa - Friday, March 9, 2007 8:56 PM CST
Hi Brett, I was thinking of you,your Mom and Dad. I send you a big hug.Say hi to your mom and Dad.
Betsy Schaknowski <berniebets@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, Ga U.S.A - Thursday, March 8, 2007 9:42 PM CST
Thanks for the update, Lisa. It's always so nice to read your words and feel your strength.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 3:44 PM CST
Little Brett, Your mommy just amazes me. What a wonderful teacher she is to all of us! I love reading each journal entry. I would really love to meet you one day. I'm glad you're feeling better!
Tracy Power <Tracy_Power@gwinnett.k12.ga.us>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 12:17 AM CST
Hey Lisa, David, & Brett,

I am glad that Brett is finally feeling better. I have felt so bad for him with the rough winter he has had. Thanks for your prayers and for thinking of Brody. Although we don't get to see each other often your family means a lot to me. I hope Brett continues to improve and you guys have a wonderful vacation...you deserve it!!!!

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody
Carepage Name=brodyjcole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, March 4, 2007 11:00 PM CST
Hey Cochran Family!,
It's wonderful to hear that Brett is feeling better than in months past. We recently had a little boy of our own, and Brett, we now understand just how much your family loves you! :) We pray for your happiness, your health, and for God's loving hands to continue to hold your family. Love, Brent and Brooke Daniels

Brent & Brooke Daniels <fightagoodfight@yahoo.com>
Smyrna, Ga USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 1:25 PM CST
Hey Yall!
Just thinking of you... I love you Boo! Love, Cousin Jana!

Jana Payne <janapayne@bellsouth.net>
Duluth , GA 30097 - Monday, February 26, 2007 11:59 AM CST
Hi Cochran's,
I haven't checked your page in a while. I knew Brett had been sick, but my goodness! You poor dears. I hope in the last month(since the post) that he is doing better and your schedule has returned to normal. You guys are in our prayers.
God Bless,
Judy and Kate

Judy Rachau
Fayetteville, GA USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:20 PM CST
Glad to read that Brett is finally doing a bit better, and praying that you are able to update again soon to let everyone know how you all are doing.
Jennifer from the prayer bears <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:06 PM CST
Happy Valentine's Day! ....Omigosh- was that yesterday?!
Just kidding. You know the Fonz has got it covered. (Ask your dad or uncle Sal who the Fonz is.)

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, February 15, 2007 4:51 PM CST
Hi Brett! I hope you are feeling better. I met some of your teachers from Timber Ridge today. I can see why you liked going to school so much! We talked about what a sweet little boy you are! Some of your old friends may be at my school now. Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs and kisses, Miss Janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga us - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:23 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I hope to meet you all soon.


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 5, 2007 3:34 PM CST
Hi Brett! Thanks to your Mom for the update. We love to get news about how you guys are doing. I am sorry that you are having such a rough time lately, but I know you are toughing it out!

Dave, Lisa, Katie and James!

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Friday, February 2, 2007 9:59 AM CST
hey there lil buddy im about to talk to you on the phone yaaaaaa anway love you

sicklerville, new jersey usa - Thursday, February 1, 2007 7:33 PM CST
hey buddy its clay again i was just checking on you. im at the sandlot right now. i hope your doing ok buddy. i miss you and love you so much kent sayd he loves you to cant wait to see you
sicklerville, new jersey - Thursday, February 1, 2007 7:09 PM CST
hey brett its clay i was just wanting to say hi. i hope your doing ok with your breathing. i cant wait to see you next time i love you so much
sicklerville, new jersey usa - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:33 PM CST
hey brett its clay i hope your doing ok. i miss you so much lil buddy take csre of mommy and daddy for me cant wait to see you thenext time i come then we can spent lots of time together love you so much
clay cochran
sicklerville , new jersey usa - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:28 PM CST
Just checking in again. I had a feeling you would be updating soon. I am so sorry Brett has been so sick for so long. Sounds like he is getting better finally! I know how precious a gift is his sweet smile! I am thankful to have seen it on so many occasions! What a sweet boy! I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, Lisa. I miss you all! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Monday, January 29, 2007 3:48 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

I have been checking for an update, and was glad to see you posted one. I am so sorry for all the trouble Brett has had over the past months. I'm glad he seems to be turning the corner on this respiratory virus. You seem to have such a great network of friends, and doctors, and I know you are thankful for that. I was also sorry to hear about your grandfather. Mom and Dad knew, I guess they had talked with your Dad. We will continue to lift all of you up in prayer. Hope we can see each other next time both of us are at the lake. Take care, and God Bless all of you!!


Lisa Mitchell <lisa718@insightbb.com>
prospect, ky usa - Monday, January 29, 2007 12:45 AM CST
Thanks for the journal update, Lisa. Glad to hear much of what you've been dealing with is improving. We think about you often and hope to visit again sometime soon.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, January 29, 2007 12:32 AM CST
Dear Brett:

Aunt Jelene has been sick and I sympathize with you so much. I know that my breathing difficulties do not begin to compare with yours. I am beginning to feel better and pray that you will also. God has special plans for you precious boy. We love you and are lifting you up!

Aunt Jelene

Aunt Jelene <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:27 PM CST
Dear Brett:

Aunt Jelene has been sick and I sympathize with you so much. I know that my breathing difficulties do not begin to compare with yours. I am beginning to feel better and pray that you will also. God has special plans for you precious boy. We love you and are lifting you up!

Aunt Jelene

Aunt Jelene <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:26 PM CST

Thank you so much for the update. I've been checking in to see how you all are doing. I will continue to say prayers for Brett and your family. I hope that those steroids continue to do their job and help him breathe easier. I also hope he is able to sleep better again. Just wanted to offer one possible help for the diaper rash. It's called Calmoseptine. It does not require a prescription, but you have to ask the pharmacist for it as it's behind the counter. Our GI doc in Atlanta recommended it for our little boy. He had a diaper rash so bad that it was open and bleeding, and I can't tell you how many prescription treatments we tried from the pediatrician before finding this stuff. It was like magic. It has calomine lotion in it and he felt better as soon as it was on him. I hope that it brings Brett as much relief and healing as it did for our son!

Hugs to Brett and your entire family.

Charlotte, NC USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:52 PM CST
Hi Lisa and David,
I am glad that Brett is responding to the various medical strategies. The inability to sleep and the need for suctioning is so hard on Brett and those he loves who help him. But, wow...what an answer to prayers and an early Valentine's gift...his sweet smile! I'll keep all of you in my prayers will ask that things settle down just a bit for your families. Thanks for the update. I know that you are pressed for time and always consider your updates as true gifts.

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:58 PM CST
Just checking in... I hope you are feeling better, Brett. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:47 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for leaving a message on Kate's care page. I'm sorry to hear that Brett is still sick. His poor body must be so tired from being ill for this long. You guys are in my prayers. I hope Brett gets well enough so that we will be able to meet in person at a mito function in the future.
God Bless,
www.carepages.com KatesNews

Judy Rachau
Fayetteville, GA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 5:22 PM CST
Hi Brett and Family,
I love to read about and to see how you are doing. I pray everything is going well now. We miss you so much at school, especially your laughter. May our Heavenly Father give you and your family strength and peace. I pray that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory, all your spritual,financial,emotional,physical and mental needs. Please let us know how you are. Blessings, Ms. Deb

Deb Berry
Monroe, Ga USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 1:43 PM CST
Just checking in to see how you guys are doing! I hope you are enjoying the wonderful winter weather!

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:48 AM CST
Hello Cochrans-
I have been checking for an update. I know Lisa must be swamped. I just wanted you to know we are here for you. We are doing ok- missing our sweet girl for sure. I hope to hear from you soon but completely understand you are busy. I wasn't sure if you wanted the Rifton chair back to give to another family or if you wanted me to find a home for it. I'm happy to help in any way and will honor your wishes! It is Brett's chair so I wanted you to tell me. Praying for your strength today.

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 8:09 AM CST
Dar Brett:

I enjoyed visiting with your Mommy on our trip to Blakely. Thanks to you and Daddy for sharing her with us, even if the reason wasn't very pleasant. I am praying that God will give you the strength you need to fight your illness. There are a lot of prayer warriors in Crossville lifting you and your family up every day.

Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:59 PM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you; praying things are going okay.

In The Love of Christ,

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 12, 2007 2:25 PM CST
Happy new year! Hey, Mr. Incredible, nice pics. And pecs.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, January 8, 2007 3:53 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

I always look forward to receiving your Christmas card. The boys have grown so much. I jotted down the website on Brett, and have enjoyed reading all of your entries and looking at the pictures. Mr. Incredible was my favorite. My family was home at the lake as well, but we didn't arrive until Dec. 26th, so we missed each other. I hope that you guys had a great holiday. I will continue to check the website. I will add it to my favorites list. We will continue to pray for Brett and your family. God is with you on this journey, and I pray that he will cover you and David with his peace. May the support of your family and friends bring you comfort and give you strength.

Take care, and God Bless all of you.

Lisa Mitchell

Lisa Mitchell <lisa718@insightbb.com>
prospect, ky usa - Monday, January 8, 2007 2:29 PM CST
Happy New Year to the Cochran Family and to sweet Brett! Received your Christmas card...boy everyone has grown so much. Been awhile since I checked on all of you via the website. Hope Brett is feeling better when you get this message. Take care and say hello to Brett for me. Wonder if he still remembers his 2year Preschool Teacher????


Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, GA 30064 - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:54 AM CST
We're praying that 2007 will be a year of blessings for your family. Is Brett feeling any better?
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 1, 2007 8:34 PM CST
Brett is in my prayers. Please update as soon as you get a chance to let us all know how he is doing. Have you gotten any results back from the EEG? Praying for you always.
Jennifer from the prayer bears <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Texas - Monday, January 1, 2007 10:22 AM CST
Happy New Year Brett! I hope you are feeling better and enjoyed Christmas.


The Carroll's

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 7:38 AM CST
Happy New Year! I finally had a moment to go to your website and don't even know where to start. What an incredible witness you and David are for Christ!! So I thought my life was busy and hectic, but now you have helped me put things in prospective! I would love to hear from you if you don't mind drop me an email.

Rebecca Clark
Dunwoody, GA USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:10 PM CST
Hey Brett and family,
Certainly you must be enjoying your big brothers being with you for the holiday break. I am thinking that Santa might just might have left more than a lump of coal at your house last week for all of you boys! I thankful for some photos of some really wonderful friends I have on my refrigerator because each time I go by they make me smile. You would also smile because you know many of them too! I hope that you have had a chance to rest and to feel a bit better. Sending hugs and smiles your way!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:23 AM CST
Hi David & Lisa,

Just came by to check on Mr. Brett/Mr. Incredible. I LOVE the pic of him dressed as Mr. Incredible. He looks just like Dash to me. I'm sorry Brett is struggling since his respiratory infection. I will pray for him to get his strength back. Your courage and faith always uplift me.

In Christ,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 4:23 AM CST

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Meagan & Sophie www.caringbridge.com/ky/sophiesong <tooge01@yahoo.com>
Louisville, ky USA - Sunday, December 24, 2006 8:13 PM CST
Merry Christmas to Brett, Kent, Clay, Lisa and Dave! You three eat all the goodies and make your Dad watch you eat them.

Brett, you pull for those Golden Eagles come January 7th!

Take care and God Bless!

Harmon, Carolyn and Jamie <harmonh@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:39 PM CST
Merry Christmas Brett! When Santa gets around to checking I'll bet that he finds your name at the very top of the "Nice" list. Being naughty has never been part of your being, and you are one of the sweetest boys I could ever come to know. Many blessings to you and your family this holiday season.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:48 PM CST
Merry Christmas Brett! There is no doubt that when Santa gets around to checking, that you are on the top of the "Nice" list! You have never had a hint of "naughty" in your being, just the one of the sweetest of children I could ever come to know. Many blessings to you and your family.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA United States - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:45 PM CST
Hi Cochrans-
I have been reading up on Brett, but this is my first time to sign in a while. I am just so sorry about his breathing difficulties. Mito is nasty. There is no other word to describe it and watching the disease ravage the body of a child is heart wrenching. Please know we are praying for Brett and praying for your boys to all have a nice visit with you.

Much love to you all,

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, December 22, 2006 0:25 AM CST
I hope Brett gets well soon. I'm sorry to hear his recovery has been tough. We'll be sending up his name. Have a joyful Christmas.
God Bless,
Judy and Kate

Judy Rachau
Fayetteville, GA USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 7:52 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Give Brett a hug for me.

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:26 PM CST
Hi Brett! I am sad to hear that you still are not feeling well. I think of you often and am always sending happy thoughts your way. Merry Christmas. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, December 18, 2006 7:05 PM CST
We are thinking of and praying for you!!
Happy Holidays!!

Valerie & Wade Bennett
Auburn, AL - Monday, December 18, 2006 3:35 PM CST
Always thinking of you. Hope your season is joyful and peaceful!
Tracy Ramey Power
Lawrenceville, ga - Monday, December 18, 2006 1:16 PM CST
Lisa and David,

I am so sorry to read that things have been so hard for Brett lately. I don't know if you'll remember me or not, but I was the social worker at Buice and got to know Brett. I keep up with how he is doing and was sad to read that he's having a hard time right now. I just wanted to let you know that I am saying a special prayer for him and for your family tonight. Please give him a big hug!

Kris Shields
Charlotte, NC - Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:45 PM CST
Hello Brett, I hope you had a good day and I pray you will have a restful night. Pop and I can't wait until Saturday. We will get to see you and be with you on Christmas morning.The day after Christmas Kent and Clay will be coming to see you. I know that will be fun for you and for them. Pop and I love you.Always have...Always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, December 17, 2006 5:53 PM CST
Good morning my Sweetheart.I am praying for you to have a good day and a restful night.Pop and I can't wait until next Saturday. We get to see you and be with you on Christmas morning.We love you...always have...always will...
Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, December 17, 2006 9:52 AM CST
Still here and still praying for you all.
Jennifer from the prayer bears <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Texas - Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. I hope you are all getting ready for Christmas. Only a couple of weeks away. WOW! I pray that Brett has a peaceful and healthy holiday season.

God Bless

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:22 PM CST
Hey Brett,

Just checkin' in to see how you are doing. I'm glad to hear that you got to enjoy some quality family time during Thanksgiving! How many turkeys did your Dad eat? We wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.
Love, Dave, Lisa, Katie and James

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:39 PM CST
I found your page through Brody's and wanted to say hi. I am 29 yrs old and have had mito since age 14. I am on TPN (IV nutrition), have a g-tube, j-tube and multiple issues throughout my body. I have been inpatient almost continuously since early Sept but am hoping to be home within a month or so. I look forward to getting to know your story better!
Malisa <malilibear@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/pa/malisa>
Philadelphia, PA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 2:46 PM CST
Hi all, I can't beleive how big Brett has gotten!! I have been thinking of you often and wish you happy holidays! Prayers and love to you. Miss Julie (Timber Ridge)
Julie Cornell <julesacor44@yahoo.com>
Marietta, GA 30062 - Friday, December 8, 2006 1:26 PM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the Cochran Family!

I think of you guys all the time and said a prayer for Brett on “our” birthday.

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my Father. He came to Atlanta for 8 days and enjoyed his accommodations here at the Maske Motel. It was a visit to remember and defiantly overdue.

If you have any extra time during the holidays and would like to get together, please let me know. I’m alone this year as Todd and Brandy will be with her family in Arkansas and it is our busy time of the year at the dealership.

Speaking of my business, I was given another interesting opportunity today from the General Manager. Every day that goes by I thank God for him coming to my rescue. He has truly saved my life! I am learning so many great ways of doing business, but more importantly how to “do the right thing” and realize “Family” is the dearest treasure we have in life. He said I am a “Made Woman”, yes I love those Italians!

I am anxious to find out how everyone is doing, what's been happening on your end of the world and if the boys are coming for Christmas. I miss you all so much and look forward to seeing you one day soon. In case I don’t get to hug your necks during the holidays, just know I wish I could.

My love to everyone,


Nancy Maske <nancym@classicatlanta.com>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, December 1, 2006 10:01 PM CST
I'm stopping by to read the latest news, and to pray that you and your family enjoy a very blessed holiday season. I'm praying that this coming year will be filled with love, joy, and good health.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Friday, December 1, 2006 9:53 PM CST
Hey Incredible Brett. You are such a hero to so many of us!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:09 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Those are some really good pictures. I was glad to read such a " light-hearted" update tonight. You put a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I will check on you again soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.




Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:44 PM CST
I haven't visited the site for a while, but always think about all of you, especially Brett. Hope he is improving. I know you all enjoyed having all the family over for Thanksgiving. Wishing all of you the best and you are always in my prayers. Miss Janet's Mom
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:21 AM CST
Hey Brett! Please forgive me for not checking in for so long. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and visit with the BOYS! I just noticed that your B'day is two days before mine. Happy Belated Birthday - just wait till you hit 41 like me, although I'm probably not as old and grumpy as your Old Man. Oh yeah, please give my love to your Mom and Dad, too.

Dave Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:24 PM CST
Hope y'all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 2:28 PM CST
I'm just stoping by to say hi, and check on your special little boy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois USA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:28 PM CST
Happy birthday little buddy! And
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Kristina Glidewell <Kristina_1409@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:11 PM CST
Brett, Praying you had a fantastic birthday...I hope your entire family has a Happy thanksgiving filled with many blessings..Praying for you always..Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci the Prayer Bears
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Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:31 AM CST
A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, but a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! nonetheless, Dear Brett!!! The Snow family promises not to be so slack next year...hope you got everything you wished for on your special day, but we already know you've got the most precious thing of all - two FANTASTIC PARENTS! Jill, Eric and I hope you're soon over your "gunk", and that the holiday season greets you with a little extra pep! Again, sorry we missed it, but I'm sure you had a fun time! See you soon!
Chris Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:58 AM CST
Always thinking of you,little Brett. Hope you get to feeling better for the holidays. Your mommy sounds like the best mommy in the world!
Tracy Ramey Power <Tracy_Power@gwinnett.k12.ga.us>
Lawrenceville, GA - Monday, November 20, 2006 6:58 AM CST
Happy, happy birthday sweet boy! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful to have had the chance to be touched by your family. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:33 AM CST
Happy Birthday Brett! I can't wait to see your Halloween, birthday and Thanksgiving pictures. But, first things first...I am hoping that you start feeling better soon. You are just the greatest! Blessings to you and your family this holiday season.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Sunday, November 19, 2006 5:44 AM CST
Happy Birthday Bertt. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

God Bless,


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois USA - Saturday, November 18, 2006 3:41 PM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRETT! We love you and are thinking of you today! Can you really be 7 years old?! Ben made you a b.day card with lots of glitter (Moms love that). Hope you feel better today for the big day! All our love -
Ben, Brian, Laurie, and Tim

The Leimkuehlers <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Friday, November 17, 2006 1:58 PM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNSHINE! Feel better soon. We love you very much. Granny and Pop
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, November 17, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Happy BIG number 7, Mr. Incredible!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, November 17, 2006 10:51 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear BRETT, Happy Birthday to you!

Brett- wishing you a very happy 7th birthday from all of us! I am so sorry you are still junky and not feeling good. I hope you can get this cleared up soon! How great your doctors are so understanding- what a blessing to have the healthcare we do.

I can't wait to see pictures of your birthday cake and of course Mr. Incredible! Sounds like you will be surrounded with lots of family this holiday- I know it will be a very special time! Have fun with your brothers and cousins!

Lisa- I will miss you tonight but completely understand! Hope to see you all on the 16th at the UMDF Christmas party.

Love, Leslie & Family

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, November 17, 2006 8:04 AM CST
11/15/06 - Hello to you all. We check on ya'll periodically!! Sorry to hear that Brett has been sick. Please know that we keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Give Brett a big hug and kiss from all of us.
love, Charlene, Cheryl,and Vicki

Charlene Strickland <charlene.strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta , Ga USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:05 AM CST
hey Bretty Boo!
how've you been sweetie? i miss you!!! i heard that you have been sick... im really sorry. =[ hope you feel better!
Cousin Jana!

Jana Payne <janapayne@bellsouth.net>
Duluth, GA - Friday, November 10, 2006 11:13 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'll check back again soon

God Bless,


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:33 PM CST
Hey Brett and family,

I know that for most of us this "Indian Summer" weather is to be enjoyed, yet it can wreak havoc with any of you prone to developing reactive airway issues. As always Brett, your mom and dad are on top of your care and I can imagine the sweet looks and smiles you give them to say, "Thank you!" How they must love seeing those new teeth in each smile!

No doubt everyone will miss you at school. However, once you kick this cold all of us will be happy that you stay away from the germies out there and stay healthy for the winter months.

Kick that cold!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:26 PM CST
Brett, HI sweetie. I sure hope your cold goes away soon. As always I am praying extra hard for you..Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears
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Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
valdosta, GA USA - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:34 PM CST
I’m sorry to hear that you are under the weather. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will be back soon to check on you. I can’t wait to see the new pictures. May God’s peace be yours as you trust in Him.

Blessings in Christ,


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 2:59 PM CST
I am sad to hear that you have been sick. I will be sending healthy thoughts your way. I am looking forward to your Halloween photos! Congratulations on your front teeth coming in! How exciting! I will check back soon. Hugs and kisses, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, November 6, 2006 7:34 PM CST
Praying for that darn yucky cold to go away!

God Bless

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 5:36 PM CST
Hi Cochrans-
Checking in on you. Sorry I have been out of the loop. I can't wait to see a picture of DASH!

Here is a picture of my Auburn Pep Squad- haha! Bernard (the Dawg fan) wasn't too happy- but hey- I was thrilled with my Auburn trick or treaters:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I hope you are having a nice week.

Love, Leslie

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
atlanta, GA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:22 AM CST
- Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:06 PM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hey there little buddy,
just stopping by to say hello and wish you a safe and happy Halloween... Sending prayer bear hugs, Kristina

Kristina Glidewell <Kristina_1409@hotmail.com>
- Monday, October 30, 2006 7:24 PM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Meagan & Sophie www.caringbridge.com/ky/sophiesong <tooge01@yahoo.com>
Louisville, ky USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 6:41 PM CST
Happy Halloween, Dash!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 4:14 PM CST

It has been far too long since I’ve signed your guest book. Life keeps you hoping for sure. I’m glad to hear that things are going fairly ”well” for you. I understand that there seams to always be a “hurdle” to jump over, but you guys handle everything in such a calm, logical way; With amazing faith. I will be anxious to the Halloween pictures of Brett. My thoughts and prayers a re with you.

Blessings in Christ,


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 7:21 PM CDT
Hi Brett,
Your mom always writes in such an informative way. She's great at letting us know how you're doing, and what you're up to. RachelJoy and I will be praying that the allergy issues will just go away. We are glad to know that you are enjoying school so much...and congratulations on the new ways of communicating. We know that not being able to speak doesn't mean there's nothing to say...so yaaaa for you and your aug com angels.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:33 PM CDT
Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't checked on you "officially" recently but I have been keeping updated via Leslie Reynolds. Lisa, I know how close you and your mother were and I know you miss her so much. I am thinking of you and will say a prayer of comfort for you and your family. I think of you guys often and I hope to see you at the golf tourney. I hope Brett is able to come as I always enjoy seeing him. He is a precious gift but I know that I'm not telling you guys anything you don't already know.

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 10:31 PM CDT
Hey, Brett!
Eric says to remind you to keep Thomas & Gordon close by for his next visit! You guys are always in our thoughts - here's hoping you have a GREAT WEEK!!!

Chris & Jill Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, October 9, 2006 11:16 AM CDT
Hi Cochrans-
Long time no post for me- sorry about that! Lisa- as always, a great and informative update. I'm so sorry for the painful anniversary of your mother's passing- I'm sure it was so hard but I know she was there in spirit and smiling on ALL of you. I know she is carefully watching over Brett especially. How cool to read that Brett is communicating with his eyes- awesome! What a huge milestone!

I'm sorry to hear about the seizures- they are the pits for sure. Let's pray there is a medicine that can help stop his seizures or better yet- pray he ISN'T having any! I wish you all the best with the EEG. Will this be just a 30 min one in the office or at the hospital?

I hope I can see you all soon- seems like we have been saying that forever, but I really do want us to get together with your special family.

Have a great week and I hope you both feel better soon.

Love, Leslie & Family

Leslie D. Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 7:57 AM CDT
Hi it is so good to see all the awesome pics. I love them! It is so good to hear from you. I am praying for you all always.
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:27 PM CDT
Lisa: I enjoyed reading about your lake trip and Brett's recent rounds with the Docs. You are very expressive, and I feel like I'm listening to you say this stuff versus reading what you've written. You and David each do a remarkable job of conveying information which is often extremely technical/clinical or very emotional. Sometimes it's both. Thanks for sharing.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 12:10 AM CDT
We will say prayers for you and your son.
Beckie Yarger <beckie1@cox.net >
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Hello Lisa and Family,

Have been thinking of you and your family this weekend. Know it has not been easy for any of you. I am amazed, tho', at how God's mercy is there just when we need it.

Glad Brett is doing well and know he misses his big brothers.

Our Bo has transitioned to the peds floor for the second time, and thus far he is maintaining his own. We are counting each little step towards getting him home. Thank you for taking the time to encourage Rob and Katey with all that you have to do in taking care of your family.

Give my love to all,

Glyndell Porter
Marietta, GA USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:24 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear of your loss with your mom. I know that is tough. I know she is shining down on you all as you celebrate together and come together in lkove and good spirit! I am praying for you all.
May God bless your week,

Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Friday, September 22, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
How I have been thinking of you and your family all week! Please give everyone hugs for us this weekend. You will continue to be in our every thought and prayer. We love you and miss you!

Laurie Leimkuehler <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Friday, September 22, 2006 5:07 PM CDT
Thinking about you guys. Praying that things are going ok. I hope no news is good news.

God Bless

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 3:37 PM CDT
Hey David,
This is my first visit to your web page. I know Brett is a precious gift. I think God gives these special children to special people. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Dixie Gunter Paschal <dpaschal@madisoncity.k12.al.us>
Huntsville, Al USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 4:36 PM CDT
Hello, Brett! Today is a day of remembrance. A day to count our blessings. You're one of mine.
Doug Barnes <doug.barnes@us.army.mil>
Madison, AL USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
Thinking of you today Brett!

God Bless

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
I stumbled across your webpage while looking for the "Bangin" cd for my husband...he is a huge fan. I was shocked to know that your family is affected by a Mitochondrial disease. Your website is such an inspiration to families like yours and ours. We also have a son with a Mitochondrial disorder called a complex I deficiency. He is 81/2 now. Although there is always so much to do, not to mention learn about our son's disorder we couldn't imagine our life without him. It's really hard to imagine what life was like before him even though he has a 10yr old brother who is not affected. Thanks so much for your positive attitude and inspiration to others it is greatly appreciated. May God bless you all and we will keep you in our prayers. Good luck!!!

Jodye Clement <jamiejodye@bellsouth.net>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:49 PM CDT
Brett, Hi sweetie! how is my cutie doing? I was thinking about you and wanted to stop by and say HI..Keeping you always in my prayers. Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears
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Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 6:46 PM CDT
Brett & Family,
Hi sweet boy. I have been thinking about you so much and was just checking to see if there was an update on your site. I know mommy is busy with your older brothers- I think they have gone home now- but wanted to come by and say hi. I hope school is going well. I can't wait for Morgan to use your chair- what a generous gift!

We are in FL and doing fine- maybe we can come down here the next time you are here too.

Much love to you and your mommy and daddy,
Leslie, Bernard, Carter & Morgan

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope all is well.

Love in Christ,

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com >
Chatsworth, Illinois - Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:55 PM CDT
I hope you are enjoying your new school year. I am excited to start seeing all my new kids- I have been busy so far with scheduling and paperwork, yuck! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:28 PM CDT
Hi it was good to see Brett's dad at the meeting this a.m.
You are all in pur prayers. Just stopping by to see how things are going. No news means good news!!! Take care and Many blessings to you all.

Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Saturday, August 19, 2006 1:45 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

I haven't visited your webpage in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you (and your family). I hope you are enjoying your summer and are having fun.


Dave, Lisa, Katie and James

Dave Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
Brett, I work with your Dad and just wanted to let you know that my family & I will include you in our daily prayers and will stay in touch with you to see how you are doing.
John Griffith <griffiv@bellsouth.net>
Roswell, GA Fulton - Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:10 PM CDT
Hey Brett,

I hear that you had a chance to show your school to your big brothers. I'll bet that they were impressed at all the neat things there and all of the wonderful staff. Have you started back to school yet? Most of our students have made it back with more joining us next week. You boys may move to big school, but we keep checking on how well you are doing! Have a great year!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:57 PM CDT
Hi Brett, I found your website through Brody's. My daughter Sophie also has mito. You are a beautiful boy! We'll be back often to check on you. We will keep you in our prayers.
Meagan & Sophie www.caringbridge.com/ky/sophiesong <tooge01@yahoo.com>
Louisville, ky USA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:12 PM CDT
Hey Brett I missed you today at Sixflags. Pop says Hi and he misses you. I know you and daddy had a good time today. Ilove you so much

Clay Cochran
Suwanee, ga - Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:00 PM CDT
Hi Brett how are you doing. I miss you but I will be back from Granny and Pop's house on Wedensday. I can't wait to see you. I love you so much you are the best little brother I could ever have.
Love, Clay

Clay Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, AL USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
hey Brett! how are you doing? I love you so much!you are one of a kind and the best little brother ever
kent cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
notasulga, alabama united states of america - Monday, August 7, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Hey buddy it's clay just checking in on you and your website. I am enjoying all my time with you. It is really cool we get this much time in the summer.I will talk to you later buddy
love Clay

Clay cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al usa - Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
Hey Brett and family,
I know that you all are filling every moment with fun before school starts. Keep enjoying the summer and being together!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Brett, I am going to say a prayer for you... from the bottom of my heart. I was really touched by your story. May you have a happy and healthy life. Lots of love...
Barbados - Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:24 PM CDT
Hi David and Lisa,

Just stopped by to check on you guys and Mr. Brett. Glad your "big boys" are home and you are enjoying some family time. Tell Clay "Happy Birthday" from the Cole Family. Thank you for your prayers for Brody during his last admission. You guys have so much going on yourselves but always remember others. Your caring attitude for Brett and others is your testimony and your witness...sometimes words unspoken ring out the loudest. Have a GREAT time at the lake!!!!

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Sunday, July 30, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Hi Brett,
I'm praying that you and your family are enjoying the blessings of summer. RachelJoy attends a year round school, so we have just started our summer quarter. The best part of it is that she can wear cargo shorts instead of her uniform!

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:01 PM CDT
Keeping you all very much in my prayers.
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PAM STURGILL www.freewebs.com/prayerbears <psturgill@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:46 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to Clay! Brett and Kent are lucky to have him for a brother. He really seems to possess a rare combination of humor and sensitivity. Kinda like his old man. Rock on.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:46 PM CDT
Glad to hear you are all doing well. Have a wonderful time vacationing! Russ and I enjoyed Washington State. Yes, school is starting soon. Brett, I will be "going back to school" too. I look forward to the new experience of working with wonderful kiddos like you in a school setting. Love you sweet boy, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, July 24, 2006 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
Your words of wisdom, faith, and encouragement are a blessing to us. Bo is so blessed with the folks who have responded to him and our family through Caringbridge. I don't know what to say about Brett - except I can tell from the pics that he is loved. He is a mighty warrior for God's heavenly plan and purpose. Somehow, someday, we will all be able to ask God why - that is if we don't get to see it first hand. Thank you for checking on us via Bo's caringbridge site and thank you for leaving footprints for us to follow. Thank you for your devotion that shines on our path. My mom reads your posts and always makes a point to tell me to write and thank you. I spose a mother's wisdom and encouragement is needed even when you're over 40. Tell David life after 41 isn't so bad. :)

I read a great book by Steven Curtis Chapman and Scotty Smith called "Restoring Broken Things". It has been very healing to me to remember the verse from revelations... Behold I make all things new. I keep saying it to myself... It's the balm of giliad - to know eternity Brett and Bo will be perfect just a Jesus planned.

We love you and will lift you up in our prayers.

Rob Porter

Rob Porter <Randcmh@aol.com>
Urbana, IL USA - Monday, July 24, 2006 0:09 AM CDT
Hi Happy birthday David! I just wanted to stop by and say hi and see how things are going with that sweet boy of yours. GOd bless and i am praying for you all.
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter
- Friday, July 21, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. I stopped by here while I was in Romania, but I didn't have time to read a whole lot. I hope you have a great 5 weeks with your boys stay safe and have fun.

God Bless,

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Illinois - Friday, July 21, 2006 3:07 PM CDT
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday David. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend!!

Bill and I are selling our house and moving to Lake Martin!!

I know y'all will enjoy having all the boys together for awhile. Hope Brett is feeling well and can enjoy their company.

We are thinking about you and you are always in our prayers.

Violet and Bill Lett

Violet and Bill Lett <lettvio@auburn.edu>
Dadeville, al usa - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:27 AM CDT
Happy belated birthday David. Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful trip with your friends. I pray for your family always.
Jennifer A from the prayer bears and ones who care <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Carrolton, Texas - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:31 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, Thank you sooo much for the words of encouragement. I'd love to talk with you by phone if you'd like, and we'll swap family members names who live in the big city of Cleveland! LOL! Thanks again! It's nice to know that I'm not out here all alone and there are people who are going through similar circumstances. Love, Kristi www.carepages.com/ourangelbekahgrace
kristi cooley <KCOOLEYRN@AOL.COM>
cleveland, tn - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:24 PM CDT
I just wanted to drop by and say hi from Bucharest, Romania!!! I hope all is well.

Melissa Melvin

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:26 AM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBrett, Keepng ou in my thoughts and prayers. Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears

Marci connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA US - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
David- Happy Birthday! Have a great one- I know you will. What a beautiful note to Brett. I know you will love celebrating with him.

Love, Leslie & Family

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
atlanta, ga - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
Happy birthday, Big Daddy! Nice journal entry. Very nice.
Old Man Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 10:41 AM CDT
That was beautiful! I pray Brett is with you and Lisa for years to come...
kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:01 PM CDT
Hi guys! Glad to see everything went well with Brett's surgery. Man, what an ordeal! Hope his pain eases very quickly! Praying for you up here in TN. Thanks for the words of encouragement with Bekah! (((Hugs)))) Kristi Cooley mom of Bekah. carepages name: ourangelbekahgrace
Kristi Cooley <kcooleyrn@aol.com>
Cleveland, TN - Monday, July 3, 2006 2:02 AM CDT
Hey Cochrans! I hope you are doing well and had a nice weekend- hopefully Brett is feeling much better- whew- that was a LOT of teeth to be pulled!

Would love to see you in July.

Love, Leslie

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
atlanta, ga - Sunday, July 2, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
Hi there! Just checking in again before Russ and I leave for our vacation. We are going to see the mountains in Washington State. I will be thinking of you all! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, July 2, 2006 8:06 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that your sweet little man is back home and getting some rest. What wonderful news. It is so awesome to here you talk about Brett and what he means in your life. WOW! It just brings a smile to my face. He is such a special boy with the best parents.

Thinking and praying for you guys.
God Bless

Ann <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Friday, June 30, 2006 11:35 PM CDT
sniff,sniff... i sit hear and cry tears of joy and i am so happy that your little angel did so well. I am also so very sad that he will have a yucky few days from the surgery and the pain in his mouth. We went through that with Rheana. Thank God we had 6 crowned and none pulled. Those dentists there are awesome! I am so pleased to hear that you are catching up on your rest. God bless and i am still praying always...
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Friday, June 30, 2006 9:55 PM CDT
Wonderful! I'm SO glad to hear that you are back at home and resting comfortably. Have a great holiday weekend, with the extra day for "family time" - I know David loves that! ;-) Our love and prayers always, The Dickerson's
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Friday, June 30, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
I am happy to hear that you are at home and resting. I hope this weekend will be relaxing for all of you. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Friday, June 30, 2006 8:49 PM CDT
Hope y'all can use this holiday wkend to catch up on rest. Good to have this wk behind you. Whew.
doug barnes
madison, al usa - Friday, June 30, 2006 6:37 PM CDT

We are a Georgia family too. We even used to see Dr Meyers and yes Kim is a wonderful nurse, we miss her. We transferred our children's care to the transplant team at Egleston so we no longer see Dr Meyers. Our prayers go out to you all. Brett is a beautiful child with loving parents. May God continue to bless your family.

Karen - mom of
Jen - liver transplants 1993 & 2002
Jon - liver transplant 1993


Chatsworth, GA - Friday, June 30, 2006 4:21 PM CDT
Stopped by a couple of times today...I hope you guys are home and Brett is snoozing in his own bed. Keep me posted!!!

Thinking of you all,

Kristi & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:00 PM CDT
So glad to hear that Brett's surgery went well. Will the tooth fairy even be able to carry all of the money that's on its way to your house??!! I know you'll all be glad to be home. Brett, You are amazing! We continue to pray for you!
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
birmingham, al - Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:41 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that everything went well!
Miss Janet <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
Yea! I was so happy to hear that all went well and Brett is slowly recovering - praise God! I bet he does look funny with missing teeth ... that will be a cute picture. As always, you're in my thoughts and prayers ... Love, Denise
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:10 AM CDT
Hooray! What a great outcome for Brett! Prayers are answered and God is good! I hope you all have a peaceful evening and everyone gets some much needed rest (hopefully Brett will get his pain meds!). Have a safe trip home tomorrow!
Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
Dear Brett: We are glad your surgery went well. Hope to see you again soon. From Sam and Isabelle
doug barnes
madison, al usa - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:48 PM CDT
I am glad to r ead that things are going fairly well My Prayers for you continue. I pray that you have a peaceful night.

In Him,

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Hi Cochrans-
So happy to read Brett did well during surgery. I'm happy he is in his room and I hope he is taking a nap right now- all of you! I know how frustrating that is- how did a doctor not write orders for pain meds?!?! Well, at least the nurse can call and get orders- hopefully that is done. I hope you like the mic-key button- I have really liked Morgan's. I can give you some "tips" if you want any- ;) Make sure you have a few extensions around- I called our home health co. and had them ship a bunch- I like everything clean and new.

Again- so happy to hear our prayers were answered and Brett did well in surgery. Pray he is comfortable tonight and has the medication he needs.

Sending you all lots of hugs and sighs of relief- I know how anxious you have been.

Love, Leslie & Family

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, ga - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
I am glad to hear that Brett is settling into his room to recover from what turned out to be quite a bit of work. Try to doze through most of this Brett and maybe your mom and dad can get a 10 minute snooze here and there. Getting back to your house tomorrow will be the BEST for each of you!
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:33 PM CDT
I am so happy that everything went well! Also, I liked the pictures from your Memorial day boat ride, Brett. I have to say that your Dad was looking pretty hot in the pool - I just hope he had some sunscreen on the top of that head!


Dave, Lisa, Katie and James

Dave Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL 32904 - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:01 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that Brett's surgery went well! I have been thinking about all of you.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:11 AM CDT
Dear Lord,

Thank you for keeping Bett safe. I pray that the recovery would be smooth, that Brett can soon be home where he is most comfortable. I ask that you continue to give David and Lisa strength as they walk this difficult journey with their little boy trusting you with every step. May you be glorified through it all.

In Christ's name I pray, Amen

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:30 AM CDT
I am so happy everything went well. You are in our prayers! God Bless, Bonnie Luskey
www.caringbridge.org/mn/patrickluskey <bonniel@starband.net>
Belle Plaine, MN USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:23 AM CDT
Just clicked back to main page to re-read Lisa's Tues journal and saw David's update. I am so relieved, I am crying. And that leads to type-o's. But I wanted to remind Lisa that Brett's is not the only life in which she's made a difference.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:20 AM CDT
Thinking of y'all this morning. We're ALL in your corner.
Angie, Doug, Isabelle, Sam and Adeline

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:10 AM CDT
Thought of you all night. Looking forward to a wonderful update. Your journal entrees are such an inspiration and teaching tool for me in faith and trust.
Tracy Power <dannypower@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
Thinking of you all this morning ... and praying hard! I'm off to a meeting and look forward to returning to a wonderful update of Brett and how well things went!! ;-) Much love, Denise
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
I 've been thinking of you throughout last night and into this morening- praying that all goes well. May God's peace fill your hearts as you know that Brett is safe in His arms. I'll check back later.


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:15 AM CDT
May God take care of you today. My thoughts and prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 6:46 AM CDT
Just a little "hello" to let you know that I am thinking of all of you this morning.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:58 AM CDT
We are praying for you guys! Your faith and testimony are always an inspiration.
Lisa and Ricky Hester

Lisa H. Hester <Lisadiane2cu2@aol.com>
Gadsden, AL - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:37 PM CDT
Hey, Guys - couldn't go to sleep tonight knowing what you are facing tomorrow & knowing I haven't reminded you that Jill & I (& Eric!) will be in that room in spirit IF I can't make it down there. Brett is in the best set of circumstances, with the perfect supporting cast, heading into his "performance", so I have no doubt he'll pull through with stunning ease & we'll be celebrating later tomorrow! Please keep us apprised throughout the day of anything & everything we can do to ease your burden. We'll be praying, as well, for his parents' (and grandparents') peace, too! Love to you, Brett!!!
Chris, Jill & Eric Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
Sending more prayers. Rest well tonight. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
Dear Lisa and David,
You have been so sweet to remember Bo, Katey and Rob with all that you have facing you. I have some idea of what you have faced and are continuing to face daily in a way that I did not have before. Have been praying for Brett and all of you as you face yet another surgery. For sure, God has a very special plan for His special needs angels.

I enjoyed the pictures, esp. the one of Grandaddy and his boat. Reminded me again of the many, many hours Mr. Lloyd pulled us in his boat and then the many hours we spent after Jim was able to be the Captain. A great picture.

My prayer is that God will surround you as never before with His peace, with His protection for Brett and for, yet another miracle.

Four of my six grands have just completed a week of Camp Nana Nana. We had a wonderful time, and I miss them tremendously. The house is too quiet. It is clean again and if you need places to stay, I have them.

Much love,

Glyndell Porter <gimadawgfan@aol.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
Howdy Lisa, David, and Brett! I just LOVE the new picture of the 3 of you - what a beautiful family. Know you are foremost in our thoughts and prayers, especially today and tomorrow. Sending hugs your way ... much love, Denise and the rest of the Dickerson Gang
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1:09 PM CDT
What a wonderful picture! We will be praying for your family and especially Brett on Wednesday morning. I know God's hand will be on him and that He will give you strength throughout the day. Thinking of you!

Ashley, Bill, Sarah Kate and William Mitchell

Ashley Mitchell <ash0808@knology.net>
Huntsville, Alabama USA - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:38 AM CDT
Hey, Cochran family! I love the photo of the three of you that is now posted on the site. What a great picture! I just wanted you all to know that I am thinking of you and praying not only for Brett as he prepares for surgery but for the rest of the family as well that you will in deed find the strength you need through our heavenly Father. I have no doubt that He will be there to hold you up through this surgery just as He has throughout Brett's life. I know I have been absent over the years but know that you are always on my mind and in my prayers. Thanks for keeping me on the email list. Alpha love and mine, Shannon
Shannon Short <shannon.short@bellsouth.com>
- Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:49 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you as Brett has his surgery.
Laura White <laura@hare.law.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you all. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Monday, June 26, 2006 6:07 PM CDT
Wow, that is a really nice family portrait. Pretty cool that y'all got John Travolta to sit in for David.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, June 26, 2006 2:27 PM CDT
Brett & Family -
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Coach Bower and the Southern Miss Football team & Family.

Coach Jeff Bower & Southern Miss Football
Hattiesburg, MS USA - Monday, June 26, 2006 2:03 PM CDT
Hi, Cochrans!
Just a reminder that we are praying for Brett and the doctors this week, and especially Wednesday morning. We love you guys...
Tim, Kimberly, & Anna Claire Hong

Kimberly Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Monday, June 26, 2006 1:01 PM CDT
Brett, Hope you're gearing up for a big football season. The Golden Eagles are going to need all the help they can get with trips to FL, VAT, and hosting NC St. Keep cheering.
Hattiesburg, MS USA - Monday, June 26, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
I wanted to let you know our thoughts are with you from Golden Eagle Land. We are getting ready for next season and our first game vs. Florida. All our best for your upcoming surgery.

Jay Johnson, Southern Miss Football
Hattiesburg, MS 39406 - Monday, June 26, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Beautiful pictures you guys! Our thoughts and prayers continue this week. I know how scarey surgeries are for our kiddos. All we can do is pray many times over. Blessings to you. Take Care Brett. With Love
Debbie Fogel

Debbie Fogel <ejfdrf@sbcglobal.net>
Corona, Ca usa - Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:14 AM CDT
I came across your site and wanted to stop in and say hi. Will be keeping Brett in my prayers.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
We think of you all the time. Take care! You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Have a wonderful 4th!

Harmon, Carolyn and Jamie <harmonh@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:30 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart, Checking in to say how much you are loved!!! I am so glad to hear you are feeling better.
David we had a wonderful time spending Father's Day weekend with you Lisa and the boys. I can't believe how much Kent has grown. Brett is catching up with Clay.Such sweet boys. Dad and I love them very much. Lisa thanks for the good food, you are a really good cook.Sure was nice spending time with Kenya, Jed and Kennedy. Kennedy is a doll and she loves being with the boys.
Brett,Pop and I are praying for you. I will talk to you soon. We love you...always have...always will...
Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:04 PM CDT
Brett, David and Lisa -

Hello, I just read your June 21st entry. I have been lifting you up in prayer and will continue to do so. I will make sure we have an extra special prayer for you at small group on Monday. I am happy that I will be working with David. This will make it much easier for me to keep track of my newly found brother in Christ. Keep fighting Brett...the Lord is using you to move in the hearts of people all over the country. You should feel so special that God has chosen you and your family to be such disciples. I pray that you have a great weekend and that God continues to guide those that are caring for you.

God Bless!!
Chris Gamble

Chris Gamble <cgamble@biltmorecomm.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:56 AM CDT
That is the most beautiful family photo. Thanks for posting it.

I hope the new health care is working. I know when things switch there are pros and Cons. With the upcoming surgery I can only hope it is all the pros. I will be praying. Thank you for stopping by Eli's Page and leaving such nice Messages. They mean so much...

God Bless

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Friday, June 23, 2006 12:01 AM CDT
Sorry I missed your update yesterday. I pray that you have a peaceful weekend and that Brett continues to feel better. Know that you are being prayed for. There is no safer place for Brett then in the arma of Jesus. That's where he is and where he will stay. I will be back to check on you early next week, and of coruse I'll check as often as I can while you are in the hospital. Cast your cares on the Lord for He cares for you.



Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois USA - Friday, June 23, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
Hi David and Lisa,

I will definately be praying for Brett and both of you until he is safely back in your arms next Wednesday. I love the new family picture. I was looking at the picture of Lisa and Brett on the boat and Lisa you could definetly be a model. I am so glad you got to spend time with your big boys over Father's Day weekend....I'm sure you all had a great time just visiting with one another. To my knowledge we will not be at the chalet next week for any appointments so I will call and check on you guys Wednesday evening.

In my prayers,

Kristi & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, June 22, 2006 5:09 PM CDT

I pray that you are doing okay, and Brett is feeling better. Take one day at a time and know that you are never alone.

In Christ,

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 3:59 PM CDT
Thinking and praying for you all! Brett, I hope you are feeling better soon. You are such a brave and strong little boy! Happy Father's Day, David! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:09 PM CDT
I pray that you have a good Father's Day weekend. Bret, I hope you feel better soon. May God's strength be with you all as you walk this very difficult journey. Know that you are thought of and prayed for. I 'll check on you again soon.



Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, Illinois USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 7:26 PM CDT
Hi Brett...
Praying hard for you and hoping that things get better really soon.

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Bridge of Dreams ~
~The Prayer Bears Website~
Ones Who Care, SOEW

Joanne's Corner
~Simply Joanne~

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
Singapore, Singapore - Friday, June 16, 2006 2:17 AM CDT
Hi Brett,
It will be so good to get that surgery behind you.
I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:07 PM CDT
I was just here reading your june 11th update and when I returned to Eli's Guestbook you had been there. Too strange. I guess we were thinking about each other. Thank you for that. It means a great deal to me.

Much love

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:15 PM CDT
Brett, David and Lisa,

Just read your June 11, 2006 update. Bill and I are praying with and for you. We love you,

Bill and Violet Lett

Violet Lett <lettvio@auburn.edu>
Opelika, AL USA - Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:22 AM CDT
Brett - Hi buddy...you do not know me but, I had the pleasure of interviewing with your Dad and he raved about his baby boy. I am honored to meet you and even feel more privileged that God has brought us together that we may help one another. I will help you by remembering to lift you up to our Father and you will help draw closer to Him and witness yet again, His awesome power, grace and mercy. What a wonderful God we serve!! I thank God for working through you to draw me closer. I trust this note finds you well. Keep up the good work for he has began a good work in you!!
Mommy, Daddy and family - Be encouraged, for He is with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with me David. May God continue to Bless you all!!

Chris Gamble <cgamble@biltmorecomm.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope Brett is feeling better. Keep walking by fiath. The best is yet to come.



Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
Hi, Cochrans! Glad to hear that Brett's surgery is set and that the doctors are on the same page as you. I hope Brett is feeling better. We are praying for you all! Love, Kimberly, Tim, & Anna Claire
Kimberly Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:11 AM CDT
Praying for Brett to feel better soon.
Jennifer G from the prayer bears and ones who care <charay913@yahoo.com>
Austin, Texas - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:42 PM CDT
I have been thinking about you all so much- Bernard spoke with David and told me about Brett last night- I just checked and read his latest update. PLEASE call me if you need something- ok? And yes- if LOVE COULD HEAL! WOW! Imagine our kids!

I love the picture on the boat- nothing like fresh air and cruising the lake.

I hope Brett is feeling better soon.


Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:16 PM CDT
I'm thinking of you today. I pray you have a good day.


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBrett, You are always in my prayers. Prayers and bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears

Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, gA US - Monday, June 12, 2006 3:11 PM CDT
Hi guys,

I'm sorry to hear that Brett doesn't feel so good. Somtimes life take us on rockey roads. It's not much fun, but God is good. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Monday, June 12, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
Dear Brett: Hope your surgery goes well. From Isabelle Barnes.

Dear Brett: Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. From Sam Barnes.

doug barnes
madison, al usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:02 PM CDT
Brett it's clay cant wait to see you

clay <atlanta goldeneagles@yahoo.com,lisacochran@yahoo.com>
suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
Brett it's clay cant wait to see you

clay <atlanta goldeneagles@yahoo.com,lisacochran@yahoo.com>
suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
Brett it's clay cant wait to see you

clay <atlanta goldeneagles@yahoo.com,lisacochran@yahoo.com>
suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:10 AM CDT
Hi Lisa and David,

Sorry I missed you Tuesday night at the "chalet." Hoping you have results soon from the sleep study. I hope Brett is feeling better and you were able to get him into the pulmonologist. You guys are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. I will miss you at the symposium but understand completely. I have actually spoken with several people that due to Father's Day it is becoming an issue for them...cannot go out-of-town. We will bring you back lots of good info!!! Take care and I will check on you guys soon.

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
Hi brett how are you doing little buddy. I am calling you tonight talk to you then.

clay <atlantagoldeneagle@yahoo.com,lisacochran@yahoo.com>
suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
hello little bro it's clay just checking in


suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Brett how are you doing today it is a nice day in New Jersey I am going to call you tonight

clay <www.southernmississippieagles@yahoo.com>
suwanne, ga usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 8:48 AM CDT
I feel SO bad that I just checked in on Brett tonight- it has been a week since I checked- I'm so sorry. Wow, I just read it all and got caught up. First let me say, I will be praying for Brett's surgery to go smoothly on the 28th. From reading his history, I understand how scary the anesthesia is. I'm so happy you have doctors that understand this and are taking precautions. Brett has really had a rough time- I'm going to go update Morgan's blog update with prayer requests for him too- again, sorry I am LATE!

And you know what? Don't think twice about the UMDF thing. No big deal! You want the boys to be with their daddy - where they should be- you are making the right decision. UMDF conferences will come and go, but there will never be a Father's day in 2006 again.

Know I'm here for you... maybe we can get together in the next couple of weeks if you would like- I'm happy to drive out your way- great napping opportunity for the kids in the car ;)

Love to all 5 of you,

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
atlanta, ga - Friday, June 9, 2006 1:08 AM CDT
Hi guys, I just wanted to stop by, say hi and let you know that I am thinking about you.


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:08 PM CDT
RachelJoy continues her recovery here at home. Each day, she bounces back a little bit more.
I am praying that your family is also enjoying a blessed week.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
Just checking in... thinking of you always! Big HUG! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 7:09 PM CDT
Wow! you really have had a busy summer so far. I thought I would stop in and say hello and tell you all that I was thinking about you today. (Well everyday) But who's counting.

Sending you much love

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:46 PM CDT
Lisa: enjoyed/appreciated your update today. Glad you were persistent and got to the bottom of that no-dental-work-req'd fiasco. Amazing how the smallest misconception can ripple into quite a large impact. Diligence is a trait which no doubt serves you (& Brett!) well. Sorry to learn of the Conference scheduling conflict on Father's Day wkend. But your decision makes perfect sense to me. I was touched by your postscript recognition of several of y'all's friends. That's vintage Lisa.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 3:51 PM CDT
Hi David and Lisa,

I love the new pics!!! Just stopping by to check on you guys....I think of you and your three boys often. I hope to see you at the UMDF symposium in June. Take care!!!

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Monday, May 29, 2006 4:24 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, David & Brett-
I hope no news is good news. Was coming by to check and see if there was a surgery date? I hope you have a nice Memorial Day. We have been home all weekend and it has been really nice to just relax for once. The kids have been sick but are both feeling better now.

Are either of you attending the UMDF conference? I know it's kind of hard on Father's Day weekend.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, May 29, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
HI! We are still keeping up with ya'll through the web site. Glad that things are going better. Hope you have a wonderful summer! love, Charlene, Cheryl, Julie, and Vicki
Charlene Strickland <Charlene.Strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, Ga USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:07 AM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Sending you Wishes!

Chayce & Shay <eeneedscure@yahoo.com >
Davison, MI - Monday, May 22, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Hey Brett, sending wishes and drowsy thoughts for a few good nights of sleep soon for all of you!
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:50 PM CDT
Hi Brett,
The new photos made me smile. I can see you know how to really have fun!

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:56 PM CDT
Happy belated Mother's Day, Lisa! Sure hope y'all are able to get Brett's procedure scheduled for June; it'll be nice to have that in the rearview mirror.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:14 PM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ARE PRAYING FOR YOU ALWAYS BRETT
PAM STURGILL www.freewebs.com/prayerbears <psturgill@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:07 PM CDT
I have been thinking about you so much and I have been checking the site. I'm happy the fumes are about gone- man, that was some potent gasoline! Probably b/c it is $3 a gallon! I'm so happy to hear Brett has been back in school. Mother's Day had to be so hard for you Lisa- I'm so sorry. I am smiling just knowing you were with Brett though- I know your mom was smiling on you too!

I also know how confusing coordinating two surgeries is! It was two months before Morgan's with two doctors... Let's pray they can do this in JUNE and soon.

We think of you often. Is that Brett in the new UMDF video? I thought it was him?

We hope to get together soon.
Love, Leslie

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:50 PM CDT
Hi guys,

I'm glad things are going better for you. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
IL - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:49 PM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingKeeping you in my thoughts and prayers always Brett! Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears

Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:19 PM CDT
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Stopping by to say Hello and to let you know that I am thinking of you...Sending Tons of Bearhugs your way....
The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va usa - Monday, May 15, 2006 5:26 PM CDT
Lisa - wanted to drop in & wish you a Wonderful Mother's Day! Surely, the occasion was inspired by the efforts of mothers like you who, on a daily basis, support your family despite the challenges (e.g., David...) put in your path! Jill and I are truly blessed to have a friend like you to look up to! Enjoy your day (David, you can help here...), and please know we're thinking of you today & every day!!!
Chris Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
Just stopping by to day Hi and to see ow things are going. Are you going to the meeting on the 20th? I hope too. shhhhh! Do net let Rheana know that i am planning something.lol! I am praying for you guys. Have a happy mothers day. and god bless you all!
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <Morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Friday, May 12, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
Good Grief Lis! Honey, I'm just glad to hear you say you are still laughing. Love the siesta pic and I'm so glad that you guys got a little bit of a break. We keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know when you have more info on the surgery. He did great last time and I know he will do just as well this time! Call me if I can do anything to help. This time I'll try to remember to bring "toasted pecans" with me when I come to the hospital!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
Sounds like a much needed vacation. Im glad you guys had fun. Taryn has that same bath chair. We like it. Im sorry to hear about the G-tube fiasco. Gosh scarey to have to put Brett back under to get it taken care of. I feel for you guys. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Take Care Debbie

Debbie Fogel <ejfdrf@sbcglobal.net>
corona, ca usa - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 0:11 AM CDT
Super vacation pics, thanks for sharing them! I hope the gasoline fumes are becoming a bad memory and that things are back to normal in the Cochran household!
Robin Anderson <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Sunday, May 7, 2006 4:55 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart. Hope you are having a good day. You are always on our mind and in our heart. I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation at the beach. I know how much you love being with Kent and Clay. Pop and I are sorry we missed seeing you last Sunday, but we know how important your naps are for you. We love you sweet Brett...always have...always will... Granny and Pop
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, May 7, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
Hi Cochrans! I wanted to drop by and see if there was a date for Brett's surgery and I'm so happy I did- I sure do love the new photos! The Siesta sure does look great! There is nothing like a nice nap with the FL breeze! I like Brett's shampoo "do"! That is the same bath chair we have just ordered Morgan! I hope you like it and I hope we do too :)

The pictures are wonderful- what a beautiful family!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Love, Leslie & Family
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Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Saturday, May 6, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
I Love your pictures!!!!! Bett you aare so big and your hair is so cute. looks like a great vacation and much needed. I hope Brett is feeling better and things are getting back to "normal". God Bless you all.


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com >
- Saturday, May 6, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
It is not surprising David was the last one to be bothered by the gas smell. I'm sure his nozzle has become de-sensitized over the years. I sure am glad to hear y'all had a fun, family vacation in the midst of all this hoopla. We missed y'all at Sal & Amy's wedding events. Hope to see you soon.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:56 PM CDT
Hi, guys! I'm exhausted just reading the entry! I miss all of you so much, but am so glad to hear your vacation was great! I still think of when we all went to the beach together. The kids were so little!! It makes you realize how precious each day is with your family. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Please give Brett a hug and a kiss from all of us. We are always thinking of you!
Laurie Leimkuehler <laurieandtim@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:23 AM CDT
Hello Brett and family! I pray for your continued strength and some calmness for you all! Lisa, you and David are truly amazing parents! I miss you all and think of you all the time. Give Brett a HUGE hug for me. I miss his sweet smile, but can still see it when I think of him. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
Hi Lisa, David, and Brett...

God must have BIG plans for you guys-(just as he did for Job) as the trials continue in your lives. Please tell David to hire a teenager for further lawncare needs...LOL!!! I am sorry that Brett is going to undergo another surgery...Keep us posted as to the date. I will be lifting him and the entire family up in my prayers...I love you all. You are all very special people that God placed on this earth to strengthen others by your response to your trials. Take care.

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
I'm praying that this week will be full of His blessings for your family.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, May 1, 2006 11:26 PM CDT
Whoa! I am tired just from reading your update. Bless you all I can not believe what you have been through. I am thankful taht you can look at it and laugh b/c you are probably like me and would cry if it was not for your sense of humor. I am sending my prayers your way and of course to the Reynolds family. They are really good people and i pray that they get the answers they need and that God gives them the inner peace to accept it and carry on. I am praying for all the Mito families tonight as everyday is a struggle no matter what un folds. We always seem to keep on going. God bless you all. oh yes! The moles Call your local extension office and see what they advise ask them about the smell as well they are probably full of ideas!
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@altel.net>
- Monday, May 1, 2006 7:19 PM CDT
Lisa & David- WOW! I can't believe all you have been faced with! The gasoline smell has to be unreal and so hard to imagine this from just 1/2 gallon. I sure do hope it is GONE soon- like NOW! Maybe the gas will kill the moles? I'm with you Lisa- I would want them GONE! You can borrow our dog George- we tease him b/c the only animal he has ever caught is a mole. We say, leave it to him to get an animal that is blind.

I'm happy Brett is feeling better but so sorry for everything- especially this latest G-tube development. Whenever a doctor tells me someting is very "rare" - I just say, oh well, then that means it will happen to us. I can't believe Brett has to have surgery again- from reading all your journal entries and his experiences in the past- I know you must be filled with so many different thoughts. This is one of my favorite verses: Phil 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" I know I am reading this verse DAILY this week.

Thank you so much for mentioning us on your page too- so sweet of you.

Morgan says hi to Brett:

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I will keep checking in for updates and for Brett's surgery date. Praying for you.
Love, Leslie

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, May 1, 2006 4:16 PM CDT
Hey Brett, Your daddy is a wise man to share the secret of what so many of us have learned ... and that is how perfect and pure you sweet children are to know. Thanks for being one of my teachers! Share a hello to your family for me.
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:08 PM CDT
Hello just wanting you to know that we are thinking of your family and praying for you all God bless i hope you had a great easter!
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net or shmr1600@netzero,net>
- Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:15 PM CDT

I have three special needs children, Ciara is 9, Hunter is 8, and Tommy was 4 when he passed away two years ago. I just wanted to tell you that I love what you wrote in your journal. Our children are so precious!

God Sent To Me An Angel

God sent to me an angel,
It had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered,
"How could God do such a thing?"

When I asked the Father
why He sent this child to me,
the answer was forthcoming,
He said, "Listen and you will see."

"My children are all precious,
and none is like the rest.
Each one to me is special,
and the least is as the best.

I send each one from Heaven
and I place it in the care
of those who know my mercy-
those with love to spare.

Sometimes I take them back again,
sometimes I let them stay.
No matter what may happen
I am never far away.

So if you find an angel
and don't know what to do,
remember I am with you.
Love is all I ask of you."

Alicia, John, Ciara, Hunter, & ^^Angel^^ Tommy BENNETT CHILDREN'S JOURNAL <mps3mom@hotmail.com>
Lysosomal Disorder Forum, - Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:52 PM CDT
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The Prayer Bears Website

Amen! to the journal!!! All children are precious gifts. Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Donna Boggs, Papa Bear’s Site <dboggs4newlife@yahoo.com>
Coeburn , Va - Monday, April 17, 2006 11:25 AM CDT
Lisa, been thinking of your a lot and miss chatting with you. Hope this finds you all doing well...
With love.

kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:20 AM CDT
Wanted to stop by and wish you all a very happy Easter. I hope things are going well for you.


Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com www.caringbridge.org/visit/melissamelvin>
- Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:52 PM CDT
Happy Easter! (From Keeney Mountain and everywhere else.)
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, April 14, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
Brett, another interuption and I seem to have lost the entry I had underway - but let's try again. You have been on my mind and heart so much lately I just had to write to you. God truly blessed our family when He gave us you to love and be loved by. And in His all knowing wisdom, He sure picked special parents for you. Hope you are feeling better and will be fine for your trip when Kent and Clay arrive. Give Mommy and Daddy one of those special big smiles for Granddaddy. You are always near the top of my prayer list and quite often in the praise category.
Grandaddy Loves You!

Jim George <jim@jgeorge.net>
Greensboro, GA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
May your Easter be very blessed with His grace and power.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:42 PM CDT

- Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
David & family-
I love your entry today- I could not agree more! Bernard really enjoyed lunch- it is so important for the men to get together and talk about all they face as husbands/fathers as well. Thanks for being such a great friend!

I hope you are having a nice weekend. How are Brett and Lisa doing with their allergies?

Love, Leslie & family

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlantag, GA - Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
My thoughts and pyayers are with you. I hope you are haveing a wonderful weekend. That journal entry is so true. I am blessed by these "gifted" children every day. I am honored to hold them in my heart, in my thoughts and too lift them up in prayer.

God Bless you all,

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com www.caringbridge.org/visit/melissamelvin>
- Saturday, April 8, 2006 3:10 PM CDT
What a wonderful journal entry. I agree. Everyday I get to "play" with special needs children and what joy they bring to my life! I hope you all enjoyed your Spring Break! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, April 7, 2006 9:02 PM CDT
Hi Cochrans-
Wishing you all a great weekend and hoping you are feeling better and getting some relief from allergies. Brett- Carter and Morgan wanted to share their picture with the Easter Bunny (I have to laugh- if you look in the mouth of the bunny- you can see the face of the person in there!).

Love, Leslie & Family

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Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, April 7, 2006 8:23 AM CDT
David, Lisa & Brett, Glad things are going well for all of you. Miss Janet still keeps me updated, but I enjoy visiting the website to keep up with all of you.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:45 AM CDT
David & Lisa - I contine to be in awe of your daily optimism and faith; Brett has got to feel like he's got it good, with you two as his parents! Jill & I need to visit, I know, but I am trying to COMPLETELY get over the flu/sore throat before seeing Brett...I'm sure he appreciates it. David, just want you to know that I envy your ability to balance your life as you do, with family, friends, work and other issues presenting you with an ominous task each day. You still manage to answer phone calls from friends, and it's nice that we've been able to grow as close as we have through (almost daily) phone communication. I continue to pray for Brett, and for relief from what ails him; he is a fighter, and it's amazing the love that radiates from this website and your journal messages! Love you all!
Chris Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:37 AM CDT
I think Brett has a lot of his parents in him too! You guys are amazing--you continue to fight so hard for that precious boy and his quality of life. My prayers are with you all always.

P.S. Love the picture of all 3 boys--what a good looking crew! Happy belated 13th! You have a teenager...ha, ha, ha, oh, sorry! Good luck David!

Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 8:25 AM CDT
Hi Brett and family,
It is spring break for us and I just wanted to take a moment to say "hello." I can't believe that your big brother, Kent, is a teenager. Happy Birthday Kent! Brett, I can never forget meeting your big brothers Kent and Clay. What a fine threesome you guys are and the love you have for one another is so evident in how you interact with each other. There is little wonder at how your parents beam with joy when they speak of you!

Things keep perking along in our classroom and we love your updates. Stay healthy and happy as ever!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA, GA - Monday, April 3, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
David- I enjoyed reading your journal update and am glad to hear things are relatively calm right now. I'm sure a little peace is welcome. And I don't think you should feel guilty for reporting it or enjoying it. It's hard to believe Kent is already 13 - wow! How old does that make us? I really enjoyed seeing you at Sal's party last week.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 3:05 PM CDT
Yeah! Glad to hear all is well! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Friday, March 31, 2006 4:09 PM CST
David - I'll never forget 13 years ago I was teaching at Wrights Mill Road, and Kenya had the office buzz me over the intercom to tell me that Kent had been born. She was so thrilled!! It was hard to believe that you were a Dad (I mean really - you were Kenya's brother!!), but what a great one you turned out to be. :) I also remember Kenya calling me when Brett was born. She told me he was the prettiest baby she had ever seen - He still is! I check in on Brett often. He is so precious.
Tammy (Herring) Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
birmingham, al - Friday, March 31, 2006 10:55 AM CST
hello brett and family,
just checking in to see how everyone is doing. hopefully fine. we continue to send prayers your way.
love and hugs
tanya - nicks mom www.caringbridge.org/visit/nicholasdeyo

tanya <myg@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:21 PM CST
Hi Guys,
I hope all is well. May God bless you in all things.



Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:18 PM CST
Hi, Brett & Family!
Just checking in on you. Happy to hear that things are going pretty smoothly for you. We will be praying for you as you start back to school. Hope you have a great family vacation!

Anna Claire (and parents!) <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:39 PM CST
Hi Brett-
Wanted to say hello and wish you a great week.

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Love, Morgan xoxo

Morgan Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, March 27, 2006 8:35 PM CST
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Keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers Brett! Sounds like you are staying busy..Prayers and Bearhugs Love, Marci The Prayer Bears, SOEW and OWC

Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Monday, March 27, 2006 2:16 PM CST
Hello Brett and family,

Happy Spring!!! I hope you are doing well. My thoughts and prayers are wiht you.

God Bless,


Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:19 PM CST
Hi Brett! I am glad to hear that you are doing well! I have been busy working with all my kids! I sure do miss seeing you every week! I will be getting a much wanted vacation the first week in April. Russ and I will be at the beach the same time you are. We are celebrating an early first year anniversary. Wow! One year already! BIG HUGS! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:28 PM CST
Hi Brett-
Wanted to say hello! I hope you had a nice Monday. Can you believe this cold weather? A/C then Heat then A/c and now back to HEAT!

We are thinking of you and praying for you! We love all our friends in GA and all over!

Love, Leslie & Family
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Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, March 20, 2006 3:32 PM CST
Image hosting by Photobucket Stopping by to say Hello and to let you know I am thinking of you today and always...Bearhugs...
The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va usa - Sunday, March 19, 2006 6:33 PM CST
Hi theere,

I just wanted to wish you a great weekend. I hope you are all doing well.




Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 17, 2006 7:51 PM CST
Hi dropped in to see how things are going i guess no update is a great update. Our prayers are with you and your family May God bless and keep you safe.
The Carters

Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:43 PM CST
hey brett and family,
just checking in to see how everyone is doing?! hope all is well in your household. love and hugs
tanya - nicks mom www.caringbridge.org/visit/nicholasdeyo

tanya <myg@frontiernet.net>
prior lake, mn - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:38 PM CST
Hey, Cochran family! It has been a long time, but I think of you often and just made a visit to the website to see how things are going. I am so glad to hear that Brett is doing so well. He is a real fighter!! :-) Keep smiling and know that we are all out here praying for y'all! Take care, Shannon
Shannon Short <shor4660@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:42 AM CST
just stopped by to say hello May god bless.
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Monday, March 13, 2006 10:22 PM CST
Hi David, Lisa, and Brett,

Glad to hear Brett has been so stable medically, and glad you got to forego the trip to the chalet...LOL!!! I am honored to have David on the board for our UMDF chapter and know his heart is in it. I think and pray for you guys daily.

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Monday, March 13, 2006 9:29 PM CST
Hi David, Lisa, and Brett,

Glad to hear Brett has been so stable medically, and glad you got to forego the trip to the chalet...LOL!!! I am honored to have David on the board for our UMDF chapter and know his heart is in it. I think and pray for you guys daily.

Take care,

Kristi Cole & Brody

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Monday, March 13, 2006 9:29 PM CST
Image hosting by Photobucket Dropping by to say Hello and to let you know we are thinking of you....Bearhugs...

The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn , va Usa - Monday, March 13, 2006 5:34 PM CST
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Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 13, 2006 4:38 PM CST
hello brett and family,
thanks for sharing your story, brett is beautiful, (correction, from my 3.y.o. HANDSOME, (hes a boy mom)) we wish you nothing but the best, know you are in our prayers.
tanya - nicks mom www.caringbridge.org/visit/nicholasdeyo

tanya <myg@frontiernet.net>
prior lake, mn - Sunday, March 12, 2006 0:20 AM CST
Hi Brett, Lisa and David,
I wanted to check in and say hello. Please know we are always thinking of you all. I have just gone back and read much of your journal. Brett is so blessed to have two awesome parents and your faith is beautiful. God is so good and has brought us this far and He will continue to lead us through this journey. I can't imagine where I would be without my Christian beliefs. I can only think it would be very very lonely.

Bernard and I were looking on the UMDF site last night and reading the agenda for June. We are planning on attending- I guess we are assuming Morgan's biopsy will show something. I think a lot of the symposiums can help us whether we are Mito parents or not!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Love, Leslie & Family

Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:29 AM CST
Hi from Tennessee! I found your site through Brody Cole's site. My daughter, Rebekah has Complex 1 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. I am praying for you guys as well as I do all the other mito kids. God Bless you! Kristi Cooley www.carepages.com/ourangelbekahgrace
Kristi Cooley <kcooleyrn@aol.com>
Cleveland, TN - Friday, March 10, 2006 10:43 PM CST
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 10, 2006 8:42 PM CST
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Thinking of You!
Shay &Chayce's Mission
Prayer Bears, SOEW, Giving Hope!

Shay Kyle <eeneedscure@yahoo.com >
Davison, MI - Friday, March 10, 2006 6:43 AM CST
Enjoyed/appreciated the update, Lisa. Thinking about you all.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL - Thursday, March 9, 2006 3:24 PM CST
Love the update Lisa! Hang in there Brett and work hard on etting well and school will be fun for you.
Kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:37 PM CST
Image hosting by Photobucket Hey Brett..Stopping by to say Hello and to let you know we are thinking of you...Hoping you are having a great day...Bearhugs...
The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va Usa - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:02 PM CST
I am glad I checked your site tonight to see how you were doing Brett. Thanks Lisa for a nice update on the family and especially Brett. I hope that all goes well with Brett gearing up for school once again...I sure treasure the times we had last year. I'm sure that I'll see you at the UMDF dinner this year and hopefully, before! Take care!
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:44 PM CST
Hi, I love the turtles on your page. I'm glad things are going well for you, and Brett is feeling better.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
God Bless,

Melissa <two_canes@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 5, 2006 2:25 PM CST
Hi Brett, Lisa and David! Lisa- you write awesome updates! I will certainly be praying for Brett as he goes back to school. I know we want to live in a bubble and never be around germs but it isn't possible! I am SO ready for summer- ask me how I feel in August though! :) It sounds like David is doing awesome things for UMDF and we look forward to getting involved. We can't wait to meet all of you either! We are still talking about how nice it was for David to come meet us- you all have hearts of gold!

I'm happy Brett's infection is clearing up. This is the stuff that freaks me out too! Any tips you can give me?

Morgan wants to meet Brett and have a talk about football. We think with this new g-tube she is going to outgrow her Auburn cheerleading outfit! Oh well, I will buy as many as she needs. I'm sure she will have a UGA one too- her daddy is insisting.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. This sunshine is fantastic.

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Love, Leslie and Morgan
Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Saturday, March 4, 2006 4:21 PM CST
Image hosting by Photobucket Stopping by to say Hello..and to let you know we are thinking of you...Glad to know that everyone is feeling much better now....

The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va Usa - Friday, March 3, 2006 6:53 PM CST
Hi Brett -

I just wanted to let you know that i think you look great with that missing tooth!!
Hope you are feeling good - Have a great week! I will be praying for you!

Cathy Lord <llord@adelphia.net>
Jackson, Ohio USA - Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:33 PM CST
Just stopped bye to say hi. i hope this entry finds you all well. congrats to Brett for the tooth.
Heather Carter www.rheanacarter.com or caringbridge-ga/rheanacarter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:28 PM CST
I found your page from Morgan's and just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend. I will keep checking on you.
Love and prayers,

Melissa Melvin <two_canes@hotmail.com>
Chatsworth, IL USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:48 AM CST
Just stopping in to say Hello and I have been thinking of you..Praying for you always..Prayers and Bearhugs, Love, Marci The Prayer Bears and SOEW and OWC

marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:07 PM CST
Hi Lisa, David, and sweet Brett! I was just checking the website to see how you all are doing. I check frequently, and pray for you all, too. I miss you!

Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:16 PM CST
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The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va Usa - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:03 PM CST
RachelJoy and I are praying for your family today.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:57 PM CST
Happy Valentine's Day! Watch out for Cupid - that little guy will sneak up on you.
Doug Barnes <doug.barnes@us.army.mil>
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:55 AM CST
Hi Brett! I have heard so much about you. My daughter recently became a member of Eli's Angels. We actually don't live too far from you- we are in Atlanta- just 2 miles from Scottish Rite hospital. Lisa- I love reading your journal entries. Brett is a handsome young man and looks like a great SUPER man! I noticed the boys in their UGA shirts too- my husband loves the Dawgs- he's an alumni- I on the other hand am an Auburn grad! If you see Morgan on the Eli's Angels website- she's wearing her AU cheerleader outfit ;)

So nice to stop by and meet Brett. I will add him and your family to my prayer list- I know at times we wonder if God hears our prayers but of course we know he does- though on days it doesn't seem like it!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Leslie & Morgan
Leslie Reynolds <rey7@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, February 13, 2006 10:20 PM CST
Stopping by to check on you..and to say we are thinking of you and Praying for you as well...Bearhugs...
The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va Usa - Monday, February 13, 2006 8:14 PM CST
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Chayce's Mission <shaykyle528@yahoo.com >
Davison, MI - Monday, February 13, 2006 11:44 AM CST
Hello Sunshine,
Pop and I hope you had a good weekend.We pray for you and think about you everyday. Love to you now and always.
Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:53 PM CST
Hi Lisa...I missed you at the meeting yesterday. I didn't know David was an official board member until yesterday...he has really moved up in the world...LOL!!! Hope Brett is doing well. Take care and I will check on you guys soon.

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:50 AM CST
Image hosting by Photobucket Stopping by to say Hello and to let you know we are thinking of you to ..Blessing and Bearhugs...
The Prayer Bears Website

Mary Mabe <mmabe63@yahoo.com>
Coeburn, va Usa - Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:46 PM CST
Praying for you always..Prayers and Bearhugs, Love, Marci The Prayer Bears and SOEW

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Marci Connell <mac093@bellsouth.net>
Valdosta, GA USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:41 AM CST
I know today is your mom's birthday and I want to say I am thinking of you and I know she is having a grand time in heaven with Eli and Heather and my grandma's but I know that doesn't help when your heart aches so much to see the person.

kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Sunday, February 5, 2006 6:51 PM CST
I know you will love these pictures Brett:) But I don't know if your mommy will like them;)
I just gave him a bath and now snapped some pictures, I think he was telling me something with that look.
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Jada-Kellie staring at Mac in my lap, we all know what she is thinking...
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And finally, Mac wants to send you kisses;)
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kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:48 AM CST
Lisa, have you talked to allergist about his allergies, I don't know if they can do it, but they have skin tests for food allergies, that may be a really good way to test him. I know it's hard to not know what is causing it but that may help. It isn't that bad of a test but it is itchy after but if you give him an antihestimine AFTERWARDS, it helps, but I am not a doctor but I was thinking that may help him a lot to have that done, to help. I pray it's not apples.
I am so glad your big brothers get to come see you over President's weekend, I know you love them and they love you so much as well. You three will always have an amazing bond and that is a true blessing.
Yeah for the lost tooth! I hope the tooth fairy was good to you:) I miss losing teeth... I haven't lost any teeth since I was seventeen:) But those didn't count, I went to sleep and the dentist just took out my wisdom teeth, don't tell anyone Brett, it's a secret but I think that he took all my wisdom from me but I think as I get older, I am getting wiser:) Which is a good thing. I can't wait to see your picture of your missing teeth.
Lisa, take it easy this weekend, I will be thinking of you Sunday... I know the first is hard and am glad you will be with your family especially your dad. It will be healing for all of you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Sending love... Wow, that was long...

Kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Friday, February 3, 2006 9:56 PM CST
Hi Brett and Family,
It is great to hear that things keep perking along and that your doc visits are going well. If we can believe Puxatawny Phil today, we don't have much cold, winter weather left! Then we can be a little more relaxed with regards to your health and those pesky viruses. Keep doing well and being the cute boy responsible for all the smiles on your family's and friend's faces!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:20 PM CST
Lisa, I had gotten a card from Jelene with this link mentioned. I went to it today and read all about your son. He must be a remarkable young man. Hope he continues to improve from his surgery. So sorry about Carol - I know the loss you feel. God be with all of you and you are in my prayers.
Martha Radford <martharadford@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 5:14 PM CST
Hi, Brett (& family)! Just checking in to see how you are doing. Please tell Mommy hello and that we were just thinking about you guys. Let us know when you're visiting Granddaddy out at the lake. Maybe we can get together before too long.


Anna Claire (& family) <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Monday, January 30, 2006 4:47 PM CST
Hello, Lisa, David and Brett ... I'm so glad to hear that things are settling down now after the holidays and the many doctor's checkups. It's great to hear that the feeding tube is working out well. You are all such an inspiration to me. You are always in my thoughts and prayers ... and close to my heart! Love and kisses to Brett, Denise
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:32 PM CST
ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:30 PM CST
Hey everyone. Go Broncos!
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Visit Elijah's Page

Ann "Angel Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, CO USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:15 PM CST
Hello! I am happy you all are doing well! Sounds like all the doctors' visits have been keeping you busy, but sounds like they are giving you good reports! I have been busy seeing lots of new kiddos! Thinking of you all... Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:53 AM CST
Yeah, I am so glad to see the update. Lisa, I lost your number or rather never took it off my dad's cell which is why I haven't called you. Drop me an email with it and I will give you a call... So glad everything is going well with Brett. You know they can do food allergy testing on him, that would make it easier on him and you all with finding out what he is allergic too. I had it done and it isn't all that bad just if he is allergic to something he will be itchy but you can put cream on it and then give him something to help with it.
kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:28 PM CST
Hope all is well... I miss your updates..
kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:56 AM CST
Hi Brett!!
I lost touch with you since school last year but I haven't stopped praying for you!! I'm glad your feeding tube surgery went well!! Miss Robin and Betsy fills me in also on you!! We hope you will be strong enough to come visit sometime at the Buice School and see the new sensory room!! Miss Robin worked very hard to get this and it payed off!! Please let me know if this happens so I can see you!! I miss seeing your smile and hearing your wail!! Love, Miss Gail

Gail Wygladalski <wyglad@charter.net>
Sugar Hill, GA usa - Monday, January 16, 2006 11:45 AM CST
Hope Brett is doing well. I think about you guys often and continue to pray for Brett's health. Take care!!!
Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:56 PM CST
David & Lisa, Just Wanted To say Hello Thinking Of Brett Hope All Is Well. Getting Updates From Gail She Loves That Sweet Brett!!!! Check Back Later Love To You All Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 8:21 PM CST
Happy New Year, Brett!! I hope you enjoy your new food and it keeps you happy and healthy all year long.

Love, David, Lisa, James and Katie

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 5:58 AM CST
Thinking of you guys today. Sending lots of thoughts, prayers, and hugs~~

Vicki & Caden

Vicki Williams <vicki.williams@wallisd.net>
San Angelo, TX - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:27 PM CST
Happy New Year!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL - Monday, January 9, 2006 2:30 PM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Friday, January 6, 2006 2:42 PM CST
Happy New Year Cochran family! Hope the new formula will make a big difference for Brett!
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:46 PM CST
Hi Cochran Family,

I'm glad to hear you all had a blessed Christmas! Chris probably updated you on the chaos at his house for the Snow Christmas! It was non-stop action! Take time to recover from the excitement and togetherness. Hopefully you'll be able to get back to the airway treatments soon. It must be frustrating for all of you to delay helpful treatments.

I look forward to reading your updates about his appointments in the coming weeks.

Happy New Year,

Heather Gibbons <dr_hgibbons@yahoo.com>
Gainesville, GA - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:19 PM CST
Glad to see an update... I hope you are adjusting to life after the holidays. I am trying to but wow, I am having a hard time doing do...
kristi <patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:47 PM CST
Dear Brett,
I was so glad when I read that your Mom said u were still
doing well. I want u to know that u are always in my thoughts and prayers and always will be.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
I'll be back to visit u again soon.
LoveEileen PrayerBears, OWC, Dabbles&Doodles

NY, NY USA - Sunday, January 1, 2006 5:42 PM CST
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Wishing you and those you love
a year of good health, happiness, contentment and peace

Love, MaryBeth, Scott, Carolee, Spencer & Alex Eli’s Angels member

Image hosted by TinyPic.com

MaryBeth <attnymb@aol.com>
Williamstown, VT - Sunday, January 1, 2006 9:10 AM CST
JUDY SIMS <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
GLENCOE, AL. USA - Saturday, December 31, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Happy New Year Brett and family!
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Friday, December 30, 2005 8:07 PM CST
I'm relieved to hear that Brett's surgery went so well. David, you, Lisa, Brett and your older boys have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. I pray that Brett continues to do well.
Jami <gonzagachild@isomedia.com>
Douglasville, GA USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:18 PM CST
May 2006 be a year of God's blessings for your family.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:59 PM CST
Brett, tell your mommy we want a Christmas update;)
Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:06 PM CST
I am so glad that Bratt's surgery went smoothly. I am glad he's doing well. Happy New Year!

Vicki & Caden Williams

Vicki Williams <vicki.williams@wallisd.net>
San Angelo, TX - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:17 AM CST
Hi guys!!!

I checked the site a few days before Christmas and was worried about that sweet boy of yours...glad to hear he is doing better!!! The milk allergy is another bump in the road but may lead to Brett feeling better overall so I am glad that you found this out. I think of you guys often and can't wait to hear about Christmas with the boys. I just heard Brody awake at midnight and of all things he is in bed singing Jingle Bells...this could make for a VERY long night. Take care and may the sweet spirit of our Lord and Saviour fill your souls each and everyday!!!

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Monday, December 26, 2005 11:10 PM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you guys! I hope you all received some much needed peace and rest. Thanks also for keeping us all informed with your updates.


David, Lisa, Katie and James!

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL United States - Monday, December 26, 2005 7:34 AM CST
Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:23 PM CST
I just bought a CD title best of the 80's and have always loved "Your Love". It made me want to pull up the Outfield on the internet and here I am. My prayers are with you. I will keep your story close to my heart.
Beth Fanter
Waverly, IA USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 7:47 PM CST
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Joshua from Eli's angels is stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! Glad that they found your allergy, Joshua is allergic to milk as well and we have him on very little dairy but it is all soy and he is much better with his secretions as long as we keep up his fluids.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Sandra (mom) and Joshua Kilpatrick <kilpatrickfamily@earthlink.net www.caringbridge.org/fl/joshuakilpatrick>
Leesburg, Fl - Friday, December 23, 2005 8:54 AM CST
JUDY SIMS <middlesis211@wmconnect.,com>
GLENCOE, AL. USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:32 PM CST
Lisa, so are the big boys taken over Brett's care for you;) I know they have to be so thrilled to see their baby brother as is he to see them and I know you and David are happy as well.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:49 PM CST
Always praying for you
Alma <tetetogo@yahoo.com>
Sterling, VA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:03 PM CST
Well, I'm about to put this desk on auto-pilot for the holidays and will likely be unable to check in for a few wks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you Cochrans! And thank you again for letting us all accompany you somewhat on this rollercoaster. Every visitor to this site benefits somehow from every visit. Lessons and love are all around us. Peace!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:25 AM CST
Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Russ and I are on our way to PA for Christmas. We are hoping for a White Christmas! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Thursday, December 22, 2005 7:44 AM CST
Lisa, Brett and family,
Glad to hear all is well. Hope it is just allergies. I actually bought glasses because my allergies were getting so bad and I couldn't take contacts.
About milk, switch to soy, it's not the greatest to drink but the yougert is not that bad. I was allergic to milk but now have a low tolerance to it. I am hoping he switches over easy.
Brett- Have fun with the big boys and keep them in line and tell your daddy we want new pictures;)

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:36 PM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF , AL - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:08 PM CST
We are so happy to hear that everything went well with your surgery Brett! I can't believe how tough you are. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and have some time to relax. Don't forget to set that trap for Santa!

Love you guys!

David, Lisa, Katie and James!

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:04 PM CST
JUDY SIMS <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
GLENCOE, AL. USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:46 PM CST
Glad to hear that everything went well with Brett's surgery! I think of you often and hope the holidays will be wonderful for your family. You're in my prayers.
Heather Gibbons <dr_hgibbons@yahoo.com>
Gainesville, GA - Monday, December 19, 2005 3:15 PM CST
Miss Janet called me yesterday with the wonderful news about Brett. Hope all of you have a wonderful, joyful Christmas.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 12:54 AM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com >
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Monday, December 19, 2005 10:23 AM CST
Just wanted to send our best wishes for a fast recovery from the surgery. It sounds like Brett is doing well already.
Stephane Ratway and the gang at PediaSpeech, Inc. <stephaneratway@hotmail.com>
Norcross, ga - Monday, December 19, 2005 9:40 AM CST
I am excited to hear the good news!
We continue to keep your whole family in our prayers!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Nancy Long

Nancy Long <long30669@yahoo.com>
Union Point, Ga USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Welcome Back, Lisa! David is a good updater though. Hope it turns out to be nothing with his drainage. I am thinking of you all..
I am glad that Christmas came home early for Brett and that he got so much, he deserves it:) With all he had to go through...
We are all storming heaven for Ann and Chad's memories to be returned... There is a reward but it has almost been 48 hours, I was hoping that within twelve hours, I would have been sending a check for the reward.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:33 PM CST
David Lisa & sweet Brett... Good Morning I sent 3 Messages last night I was having a hard time getting them to send and then they all went lol.better 3 Than None. Check Back Later on Brett. LOVE TO YOU ALL, UNCLE DOOD & AUNT JUDY
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe , AL. USA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:11 AM CST
JUDY SIMS <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
GLENCOE, AL. USA - Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:24 PM CST
David Lisa And Sweet Brett Glad To Hear Every Thing Is Going Well.Hope Things Will Just Get Better And Better.Brett You Are A Lucky Little Boy To Have A Wonderful Dad&Mom That Loves You SOOOO Much! Keep Up The Good Work Guys.Love To You All Uncle Dood &Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. USA - Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:44 PM CST
David Lisa And Sweet Brett Hope This Finds Everyone O.K.Tonight.Just Wanted To Say Hello And So Thankful Brett Is Doing So Good Still Praying It Will Be Much Better For You All.Keep The Good News Coming.Brett You Are So Lucky You Have a Wonderful Dad&Mom that Loves You So Very Much.Love To You All Uncle Dood & Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. USA - Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:27 PM CST
Glad Brett's home! Keep on keepin' on.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL - Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:18 PM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:28 AM CST
Hey Guys! I was so relieved to get the call from Lynn that Brett was out of surgery and back in his room at the hospital. This is the first time I have checked the website knowing everything was okay. You can imagine my surprise to find you are already home! That is incredible and has to be so reassuring that the doctors found him well enough to go home two days earlier than expected. Brett is such a trooper!! Love to you all- Michelle Edgar and family
Michelleedgar@hotmail.com <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, Ga - Friday, December 16, 2005 7:15 PM CST
Home!!! What a wonderful place to be, ENJOY! Bonnie Luskey
www.caringbridge.org/mn/patrickluskey <bonniel@starband.net>
Belle Plaine, MN USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 6:23 PM CST
David Lisa And Sweet Brett Just Heard The Good News. So Glad Your AT Home.GOD Heard All The Prayers And Answered Them .... WAY TO GO brett!!!! CHECK BACK LATER.LOVE TO YOU ALL, UNCLE DOOD&AUNT JUDY
JUDY SIMS <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
GLENCOE , AL. USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 6:12 PM CST
Hello Sweetheart,
What wonderful news "You're Home".I know you are so happy to be in your own bed. God continue to bless and keep you in his arms. We love you...always have...always will...
Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, December 16, 2005 4:55 PM CST
Hi Brett,

What a strong boy you are! We are thrilled to hear you went home last night!!! We will come to see you as soon as we kick this sickness out of our house! We are dying to see you!!!!! Hugs and kisses sweet boy. WE LOVE YOU, BRETT!!!

Aunt Kenya, Uncle Jed and Kennedy

Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, Ga USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 7:09 AM CST
We are so very thankful. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. love, Charlene, Cheryl, Julie, and Vicki
Charlene Strickland <Charlene.Strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, Ga USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 7:04 AM CST
Oh, I am so glad that you are home! Brett is such an amazing boy, as is your whole family. I feel truly blessed that I was able to become friends with your family. Being able to meet families like yours is why I love what I do! You are an inspiration to me. After the Holidays, I would love to visit. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Friday, December 16, 2005 6:45 AM CST
Brett, David and Lisa
We are so happy that you all are back home and doing so well. Brett is such an inspiration and we are so glad that everything has gone so well, by the Grace of God. Try to get some rest you all have had a lot on you. Praise God for all he has done. We will keep a check on you guys and hopefully we will be able to make a trip to see you soon.

Chris and Amy <amy.underwood@af-group.com>
Glencoe, Al USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:41 PM CST
So happy that the surgery went well and the recovery is underway!!!

Bill Mitchell <billmitchell@knology.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:46 PM CST
Lisa, it was good to talk to you briefly today, I am glad Brett may be home tonight. That is awesome. You can call me at any time, I am never asleep so when the time is good for you, give me a call. Kisses to Brett.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 15, 2005 7:47 PM CST
This should give you a chuckle ... After school, I was on my way to visit with you and Brett today, Lisa. In Sandy Springs, my check engine light came on and I had to turn around and head back to Marietta ... bummer! So instead of having a fun visit with you guys, I got to hang out at Cobb County Toyota instead ... what a fiasco. Anyway, the car is fixed and I may try again tomorrow ... thinking that you'll still be there ... though it sounds like Brett is doing well ... yea! I'll hopefully see you tomorrow ...
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Hey Cochran Family,
I'm just checking in and happy to read that some rest was possible once the pain and discomfort was addressed. Keep the good news coming!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:35 PM CST
Hello Cochran Family. So happy to hear Brett's surgery went well and I continue to pray for you all. Best wishes for continued good news!
Karen Kirkpatrick <karenkirkpatrick@kw.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:47 AM CST
Yeah Brett! I am so glad you had a successful surgery:) Hope you and your mommy get lots of snuggle time as you recovery.
Lisa and David, your strength and faith amazes me.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:25 AM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF , AL - Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:37 AM CST
Whew! Thank you for sharing the good news. I found myself very distracted yesterday, wondering and worrying about Brett's procedure. I can only imagine what it must've been like for you, David and Lisa. I can only imagine. Way to go, Brett!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:15 AM CST
We're so glad to hear all went well! We were thinking and praying for him throughout the day.

Charlene, Cheryl, Julie and Vicky and all the specialists

Julie Cornell <julie.cornell@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, GA us - Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:59 AM CST
We're so glad to hear all went well! We were thinking and praying for him throughout the day.

Charlene, Cheryl, Julie and Vicky and all the specialists

Julie Cornell <julie.cornell@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, GA us - Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Lisa, Brett and David: Every time I thought of Brett yesterday I said a prayer (about every 10 minutes) and for Mom and Dad's peace of mind too. I woke up early today to check the website. Can't wait to see him! All my love and prayers, Miss Ellen
Ellen Fay <ellenfrancesfay@yahoo.com>
Lilburn, GA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:46 AM CST
David Lisa Brett Hope Everything Is Going Well This Morning So Happy That Bretts Surgery Went Well.Still Praying For You All. Brett You Gave Your Pop The Best Birthday Present Of All. Love To You All Uncle Dood And Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. usa - Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:13 AM CST
Dear Lisa, David and Brett:

I'm not really sure how to explain to you what I am feeling. I am in awe of God's ability to teach me (and I believe all of us) so much in our state of brokenness. (Don't ask, but I looked this up in Webster's, HA!). Brett is such a blessing in our lives. Being in his hospital room today with so much to be grateful for is something that I will be dealing with for a while. I'm not sure how one can be so thankful and so hurt at the same time, but am counting on God to show me. I am sure that Grandmama would be so honored that her life and Brett's were so obviously linked in the lessons that we are all learning. Let's all make sure that we do everything that we can to make the most of these lessons.


Aunt Jelene <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:42 PM CST
Hey Brett!
There was a tight network of us at school checking your site often today to see how things were going. Imagine the BIG smiles on our faces when we saw that you were back in your room and that all went well with the surgery...I'm talking VERY BIG SMILES! You are an incredible boy and we hope that you begin to feel better soon so that you may get back home and enjoy a Merry Christmas with your family. Lisa and David I'll bet your smiles were bigger than ours!

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:25 PM CST
Brett, David and Lisa,
So happy to hear everything went well. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers. Prayers were certainly answered today. We will continue to pray for all of you and we are so proud of Brett and his strength and bravery. God has certainly shined on all of you today. Love to you all! Also, Happy Birthday Uncle Ken!

Chris and Amy Sims <amy.underwood@af-group.com>
Glencoe, AL USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:40 PM CST
Hello, my name is Kathy Price and I am Meghan Mercer's choir teacher at CCHS in Crossville. Please know that I am praying for your family. I know that God has a plan for everything and I will now begin to pray for your entire situation. May God continue to give you strength as you walk each day with your precious child. Praise God for the successful surgery. Jeremiah 29:11..wow..hang on to it!!!!
Kathy Price <kdp_33@yahoo.com>
Crossville, TN USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:14 PM CST
Jackson and I continue to pray for Brett during his recovery.
David and Jackson Berry
Dallas, TX - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:21 PM CST
David,Lisa,Brett, We are so happy the surgery went well. You have been in our thoughts and prayers all day. I know Jesus has his arms around Brett and will continue to take care of him and give you and Lisa comfort and strengh. Love Uncle Wayne and Aunt Kathy
Kathy Harris <Harris9263@aol.com>
Gadsden, Al. Etowah - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:49 PM CST
Thinking of you, praying for you all here in Ontario, Canada
Sue Ferrier
Emsdale, Canada - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:51 PM CST
Lynn, thanks for the update. One of my best friend's name is Lynn and she has a sister named Lisa so I got a chuckle.
Lisa, David and Brett, tried to give you a call but couldn't get through. Sending you my best wishes and my love.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:16 PM CST
David and Lisa, I'm glad to hear that Bretts surgery went well. You all are great examples for Christian parents. You all will remain in my prayers.

Bryan Robinson <obx@juno.com>
Abilene, TX USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:16 PM CST
God bless yall
dennis <dennis57@ctc.net>
charlotte, nc usa - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:34 PM CST
David, Lisa, and Brett:
SO glad to hear that the surgery was a success and there's light ahead! I'm still going to try to visit you and catch up ... but I will base that on this runny nose I have! Know you're all in our thoughts and prayers! Love, The Dickerson's

Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:10 PM CST
So very glad to hear that the surgery was a success! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:53 PM CST
Excellent news! You're right David, Brett does DESERVE a better quality of life and I'm so glad he's going to get it! Keeping you all in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas!
Laure Christie (and family--Stephen, Caroline, Mary Hayden, Hannah and Claire) <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:44 PM CST
David, Lisa and Brett,

What an amazing day. We've witnessed so many answered prayers today. Please give Brett extra hugs and kisses from his Aunt Kenya, Uncle Jed and cousin Kennedy. WE LOVE YOU BRETT!!!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU FOR BEING BRAVE!!!!!

Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, Ga USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:37 PM CST
I'm thrilled to hear the good news! Brett is precious - what a blessing he is! :)
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:36 PM CST
Oh, we are so happy the surgery was a success!! We will call you guys soon. Tell Brett we're sorry we can't come to the hospital, but we are both sick right now. Hugs and love to all of you!
Laurie and Tim

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:01 PM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:00 PM CST
David Lisa Brett Just Checking on updatesI am at home today had some oral surgery done this morning tell Gail every thing went ok. praying everything will be good with Brett and all the family check back later LOVE YOU ALL.Aunt Judy PS Happy Birthday Ken!!!!!
Judy Sims <middlesis 211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. usa - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:55 AM CST
Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:27 AM CST
Brett & Family,

Be strong! We are all praying for you! I know that God has a watchful eye on you as you undergo so much in life. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Brandy Allen <ballen@westville.k12.ok.us>
Stilwell , OK 74960 - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:55 AM CST



ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:23 AM CST

I am praying for you and know that God is able to answer.

1 Peter 5: 6, 7

6. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
7. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Mark Hall <mhall@progressrail.com>
Boaz, AL USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:08 AM CST
Hey, Brett! I've seen the new entries from your Dad & Mom, and hope the high bp does not alter the timing of the procedure or your course towards healing. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts & prayers today & always, knowing that your Mom & Dad know what's best for you but also that they carry a heavy burden in their decision-making regarding your care. Please keep your spirits high, and a smile on your face - God is watching over you. Take care & good luck w/ your procedure! We love you!
Chris, Jill & Eric Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:57 AM CST
Brett, I am praying for you, your family, and doctors. Love, MIss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:22 AM CST
I am a recent Cushing's Disease survivor, as a result of so many concerned doctors and medical technicians, Family, and PRAYER! Just when things seemed to be so BAD at times, there seemed to be a sudden improvement when I heard that prayers were sent out! So, i'll pray for you, BRETT.
Dennis Crabtree <dennis@nisbiz.com>
Madawaska, ME USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:17 PM CST
Lisa, David and Brett,

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We pray that the surgery went well today and we pray for a speedy recovery.

Bill, Ashley, and Sarah Kate Mitchell

Bill Mitchell <billmitchell@knology.net>
Huntsville, AL - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:19 PM CST
Lisa, David and especially Brett,
We are wishing you all great strength-mental and physical and are sending all our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Thinking of you often and prayers always!

Kecia Greenho and the rest of the gang! <kmgreenho@aol.com>
Dover, MA USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:46 PM CST
David Lisa Brett Hope Everything Is Going OK Tonight Praying all Will Go Good On Wdnesday Love ToYou All Uncle Dood And Aunt Judy. PS. Granny Gail Just Called Said She Was At You Guys House. Very Special Sister I Have.
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe , AL. USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:36 PM CST
David and Lisa,

You do have a special angel! My name is Sharron and I work with Brett's great Aunt Judy. She has told me all about you Brett. She loves you very much and has asked me to have all my friends pray for you and your mommy and daddy. I know you are a tough little guy, so we said an extra prayer for mommy and daddy.

Brett, you have such a sweet smile and you are so on the top of my prayer list!

Jesus loves you!!!!!

Sharron Allen <bykerjrsmom@hotmail.com>
Boaz, Al Ettowah - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:17 PM CST
Dear Brett, Lisa and David,
Brett, I am happy to hear that you are doing your part with the pre-hydration! David and Lisa, I hope that you feel the strong circle of support surrounding your family these next few days. We are always here for you, but at times like this we like you to be able to hear us a bit louder! I have you all in my prayers for a bit of sleep and rest tonight, Brett's successful surgery tomorrow, his thorough recovery and an uneventful hospital stay. We look forward to hearing that you are all home having a peaceful and blessed family Christmas.

Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:48 PM CST
Dear Lisa, David and Brett,
I have contacted several people this afternoon to join me in prayer for Brett and all those who share in his care and love for your family.
God bless you all tomorrow and always.

Nancy Maske <nancym@classicatlanta.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Lisa and David,

Brett is in my prayers for a safe and successful surgery tomorrow. I am also praying for comfort and support for the two of you as you do the hard part and wait for the surgery to be completed. I will also lift up his doctors, nurses, and all the or support staff tomorrow in prayer that they will keep Brett safe through His hands. Brett is such a sweet little boy and you are amazing parents!

Kris Shields (social worker last year at Buice School)

Kris Shields
- Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:02 PM CST
Thinking of you all and sending our love & prayers~`

Vicki & Caden

Vicki Williams <vicki.williams@wallisd.net>
San Angelo, TX - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:32 PM CST
Praying for you... I know your grandma will be by your side along with Eli and Heather and God will help guide the doctors. Brett, you are loved and we all cannot wait for you to have the G-tube so it will be easier for you and also so it will help you from getting fluids in your lungs. You hang in there kiddo and give your mommy and daddy a sign after your surgery that you are okay. I know they worry.
Lisa and David, I have you in my prayers as well. I am here if you need me and kiss the kiddo for me. And read him the bubble gum book for him from me if you were able to get it in time.

Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:15 PM CST
Hello our sweet "Sunshine".You are truly a blessing from God.We know you will be in his hands tomorrow and everything will be ok. Granny and Pop love you my darling and we will see you tonight. Kisses and Hugs.
With all our love...
Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:02 PM CST
Brett, We are praying with all of our hearts that this procedure tommorow will be a blessing to your life and those of your family. God loves you, and you glorify Him every day with your continuing strength and smile. Your mom and dad are a true witness of faith, and we ask the Lord to care for you all. God Bless.
Brent Daniels <brent.daniels@usss.dhs.gov>
Smyrna, Ga USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:38 AM CST
My prayers are with you three today. I am waiting to see how it went and how he is feeling. Sending peace and some sanity for you Lisa. With love.
Kristi, Media Donation Manager, www.elisangels.org <Patzman.2@wright.edu OR kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:15 AM CST
Brett: I just wanted to drop you a word of support and encouragement for your big day tomorrow. Many, many people are praying for you and your doctors to team-up to conduct a successful procedure. Your part - the preparation and recovery - will be daunting, but your parents have studied and prayed and consulted and prayed and KNOW this is the best thing for you. They love you so much. I know this because I'm a daddy, too, and I hear it in their words and see it in their actions. It's okay to be scared about your surgery. I am. But I understand it is necessary. And I trust in the skill of your doctors. And I believe in your spirit. Stay strong!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:16 AM CST
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family through these very difficult times.
Marv Walker <gibraltarmanagement@shaw.ca>
Sidney, BC Canada - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:26 AM CST
David, Lisa & Brett -- I want to let you know that my family and I are praying for you. I will be adding Brett to my churches prayer chain today, so you have hundred of extra prayers to help little Brett during this difficult time!
Bruce in PA <bsarte@paradiseits.com>
Harleysville, PA USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:25 AM CST
David and Lisa - Please know that you will be covered in prayer this week. Praying for an easy and successful surgery and peace of mind for you two.
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
bham, al - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:21 AM CST
David & Lisa -
You have been through so much, and you have found God's grace to be more than sufficient. We are praying for Brett and for you during his surgery. We know that God will be faithful, giving you everything you need at just the right moment.

Pastor Jimmy Long <pastor@gracefellowship.ws>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:00 AM CST
Brett and Family, You are in my thoughts and prayers today, tomorrow, and always. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA US - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:10 AM CST
Dear David and Lisa,
Thank you for letting us know about Brett's surgery. He's at the top of our prayer list, and we've enlisted a bunch of "prayer warriors" as well! May God's love surround you in the coming days.
Love Stephany, Eric, Mary, Sarah and PJ White

The Whites <e_white@mindspring.com>
- Monday, December 12, 2005 11:50 PM CST
David and Lisa
Amy and I wanted you to know that we have you and Brett in our prayers and will be thinking of you and him on December 14. Brett has been through so many challenges already that he has overcome and we feel for certain that he will overcome this one with the strength he has through the two of you and God and family and friends. We love you and have you all in our prayers.

Chris and Amy Sims <sims2121@comcast.net>
Glencoe, Al USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 9:41 PM CST

ANGIE WALKER <angie@cybrtyme.com>
HOKES BLUFF, AL - Monday, December 12, 2005 8:50 PM CST
Just Wanted To Say We Are Thinking About Yall And Still Praying For Brett Will Get Updates From Gail. Love To You All Uncle Dood &Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe , AL. usa - Monday, December 12, 2005 8:25 PM CST
We are praying that you and your family be in total peace. We pray for wisdom and discernment for your doctors and caregivers and that you may experience the power and presence of the Lord.

Jim and Anne Meadows
Greensboro, Ga USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 7:41 PM CST
David, I saw your message on The Outfield web-site and couldn't help but to be touched. It's nice to see good Christian dad's out there. You all set set GREAT exapmles as Christian parents. I know that there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said already, but remember that Brett is in Gods hands.
Bryan Robinson <obx@juno.com>
Abilene, TX USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 7:27 PM CST
Praying for you Brett. I will add you to the prayer list at Heartbeats For Mito website. Hope you will be able to be coming home soon, safe and sound.

Best Wishes and I will check on you in a few days.

Ann Eide (www.heartbeatsformito.org) <HFMito@cableone.net>
Columbus, MS - Monday, December 12, 2005 6:52 PM CST
David & Lisa, my blessings and prayers for Brett's successful operation and speedy recovery. I hope this Christmas and New Year will bring great Joy and many deserving miracles for all of your family.
Sal Keeney <salyer84@hotmail.com>
Smyrna, Ga 30082 - Monday, December 12, 2005 6:06 PM CST
Just checking in to remind you that we are praying for Brett and for your whole family this week. We are praying specifically for an uncomplicated and successful surgery and for comfort for Brett. We love you!
Kimberly Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Monday, December 12, 2005 4:19 PM CST
I just got this site from your Dad. You are all in our prayers. We will definately add many extra prayers now thru the surgery. We love y'all!

Nancy Long <long30669@yahoo.com>
Union Point, Ga USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 3:37 PM CST
David Lisa Brett Just Wanted To Say Hello We are All Thinking Of YallAnd Praying That All Goes Well With The Surgery We Love You All.Uncle Dood &Aunt Judy
Judy Sims <middlesis211@wmconnect.com>
Glencoe, AL. USA - Sunday, December 11, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Thinking of you and ALWAYS available. Hope to see all of you soon. Praying that surgery will go well and you will be home soon to enjoy Christmas.
Lisa and Roger Sims <rogersims@comcast.net>
Glencoe, Al usa - Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:36 PM CST
Thinking of you with loving thoughts and a heart full of prayers.I love you my sweet sunshine...always have...always will... Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, December 11, 2005 11:42 AM CST
Brett and family, Hello. I work with your grandmother, Gail and I just wanted to let you know that everyone here where she works is praying for you. Also a fellow worker is going to put you on our e-prayer at church so all of them people will be praying for you too. With Christ "ALL" things are possbile. Sammie Wobig/AuburnBank and Victory World Prayer Center Auburn AL.
Sammie Wobig
Auburn, AL USA - Friday, December 9, 2005 2:39 PM CST
Brett, tell your mommy she needs to update before Monday because we will all be thinking of you on Tuesday... Love you sweetie.
Thinking of you Lisa..

Kristi Patzman Media Donation Manager
- Friday, December 9, 2005 1:41 PM CST
Dear Brett (and family),
Miss Janet just sent us a link to your website, and we are so glad she did. We are very touched and will be sending plenty of prayers your way. Our daughters attend school @ your church (Marietta FUMC) and we would love to meet you one day. May God be with you and your parents during your operation next week and every day of your life.

Boland Family <twins_twins@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, Georgia - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:09 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you for Brett's upcoming surgery. You are truly a special family. Miss Janet keeps me updated on everything that is going on. I'm sending a special prayer for you Lisa on the loss of your mother.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:18 AM CST
My prayers are with you all today!
Cathey Ross <Cathey@bellsouth.net>
Gastonia, NC - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 6:07 AM CST
Hi Brett,
We haven't met, but I heard about you from our niece, Janet White Grieble. We wish you the best with your surgery and will be thinking of you. You're a special person and deserve the best :)

Linda White <84ragtop@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:34 PM CST
I am thinking of you all and sending lots of prayers your way! Big Hug for Sweet Brett! (Mommy and Daddy too!) Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jwgslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 2:00 PM CST
Dear Brett, Lisa, and Big Daddy Dave,

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've visited your site, Brett. Please forgive me. You are in my thoughts all the time, I just need to send you a note more often! Thank you for the update Lisa. I can see by the picture of Dave that your Thanksgiving Turkey was a big hit.

Good luck next week. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything goes smoothly and that the feeding tube makes your life so much easier and better Brett! You've just got to keep an eye on your Mom so she doesn't try to slip healthy stuff like spinach and brocolli in there!

With all of our love,
David, Lisa, Katie and James

David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL United States - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 11:26 AM CST
My son Patrick is a member of Eli's Angels and we too are really feeling the loss of our sweet little Eli.

Also, I wanted to tell you how happy you'll be with the G-tube, it has saved Patrick's life many times. We can now hydrate him when he's sick. He gets all of his meds. through it, which I can't imagine putting through his mouth. He has also been receiving all of his feeds through his G-tube since he was 1 1/2. I will keep you in my prayers as you go through the surgery. Take care and God Bless, Bonnie Luskey

www.caringbridge.org/mn/patrickluskey <bonniel@starband.net>
Belle Plaine, MN USA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:50 AM CST
This is my first time to Bretts CB site. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will be keeping Brett in my thoughts during his upcoming surgery. My daughter Taryn is a member of Elis Angels as well. These Mito diseases are heartbreaking for all of us. Loosing Little Eli has been a week of tears for us. Take Care Debbie Fogel

Debbie Fogel <ejfdrf@sbcglobal.net>
Corona, CA USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 9:03 PM CST
As Eli's Papa, I pray that our Lord will feel you with his LOVE for Brett as HE did for Chad, Ann, and myself. I will add Brett and your family to my prayer list. God Bless. Eli's Papa.
Dan Kurtz <daddykool45@hotmail.com>
Omaha, NE USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 1:23 AM CST
Just on because of learning of the death of sweet Elijah Jeramie and wanted to send my well wishes to you all being you are part of Eli's Angels. Heaven gained one beautiful angel, while we lost one beautiful angel and left our hearts broken.
Kristi <Patzman.2@wright.edu>
- Friday, November 25, 2005 9:31 PM CST
Dave, Lisa & Kids -
Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day at the lake! Sounds like you had BIG PLANS, and I am sure having the entire family present on this special day made for a great time!

Chris, Jill & Eric <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Friday, November 25, 2005 11:27 AM CST
A belated Happy Birthday Brett! We hope you and your Mom and Dad have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful God sent you to all of us and that He found the absolute PERFECT parents for you!!! We love you all.
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:36 AM CST
May your Thanksgiving be very blessed.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:39 PM CST
I sure hope that Brett had a nice birthday. You must post a birthday pic. I am just bet he was a happy guy.

God Bless

Ann "Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brightosn, Co USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 2:48 PM CST
Happy Birthday Brett!!!

You are such a sweet boy with a wonderful Mom and Dad!!!

Kristi Cole and Family

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:17 AM CST
Brett and family,
I am going away from November 21-December 30 so I won't be online so I wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas, may you have a truly wonderful day both days and a ton more wonderful days in between. My thoughts and prayers remain with you.
Love always,
Media Donation Manager

Kristi <KristiMarie2007@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 19, 2005 1:38 PM CST
Kristi <KristiMarie2007@aol.com>
- Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:38 PM CST
Happy Birthday, sweet Brett! I hope you had a wonderful day. We miss you and hope to see you again soon. We will be praying for surgery planning and for peace and joy for you and your family. We love you!
Kimberly, Tim, & Anna Claire Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:48 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Brett! I just found this website through an email from your Grandaddy (we call him big brother in our prayer group!) and thought I would send you all a note. We have been praying for each of you over the last couple of years and will continue to do so, especially during the upcoming days. Your faith is an encouragement to all of us! God bless you and keep you.
David Torbert <david.torbert@plumcreek.com>
Greensboro, Ga USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:59 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Big B! If I haven't lost count, you must be SIX already. Keep on keeping on!
Doug Barnes <doug.barnes@us.army.mil>
Madison, AL - Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:57 PM CST
Happy Birthday Brett!!! Your Birthday party sure was nice.Pop and I enjoyed being there with you and the rest of your family.We love you sweetheart...always have...always will... Granny and Pop
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:27 PM CST
JANET WHITE GRIEBEL <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
MARIETTA, GA US - Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:21 AM CST
Hey David, Lisa and Brett,
I wanted to let ya'll know that I was thinking about you and getting caught up with the site and Brett's condition. I keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers and please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Hopefully after the Christmas season Ingrid and I can come for a visit. We certainly would like to see you. Keep up the good work with the site. Love you all, Brown

Brown <fbrown@gmail.com>
Auburn, AL - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 0:40 AM CST
Way to go Brett!!!! I hope the tooth fairy brought you lots of money for that tooth. Glad to get an update on you guys. I am praying for the entire family and wish you all only the best.
Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:51 AM CST
We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
How exciting to lose your first tooth!!!!
Love, Charlene, Cheryl, Julie, and Vicki

Charlene Strickland <Charlene.Strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, Ga USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:58 AM CST
Just checking in to say hey and Brett, I hope you tooth fairy left you something nice in return for your tooth:) I remember 17 years ago I lost my first tooth and I got a dollar so with inflation you should have made out fairly well...
Kristi <KristiMarie2007@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:01 PM CST
Hi, Brett!
We are very excited that you finally lost your first tooth! That is a very big deal! Loved all of the new pictures of your family. We know you enjoy having the big brothers with you. Hope you had fun trick-or-treating and got lots of yummy candy. Maybe you can convince Brian that it really is fun and not too scary!
Love to all of you and we hope to see you soon!

Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Hi Lisa,

I enjoyed talking with you the other night at the golf tournament. We were busy talking about so many things and I just wanted to say that I am sorry about your mother's passing. I too am very close to my mother that you met on Monday and cannot imagine how difficult of a time it has been for you in the past month. Keep us posted about the upcoming surgery. I will pray for God's comfort for you and for a smooth surgery for Brett.

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:48 PM CST
Lisa, I meant to say it last time I was on but Brett is a spitting imagine of you:)
Kristi <Kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:41 PM CST
Hi, Lisa & family! Just checking in on Brett. I know the idea of surgery for Brett is not fun, but please know we will be praying very hard for wisdom for the doctors and a successful surgery. I will keep checking the site for a date for the surgery. Anna Claire and I visited Willow Run retirement home today for Halloween. Anna Claire had her picture made with Mrs. George, so I'm excited to give a copy to your dad! I'll email a copy to you as well (is lisagcochran@yahoo.com the best address to use?)

I hope Superman has a great Halloween! Please give him a big hug and kiss from us.

We love y'all!

Kimberly Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 2:13 PM CST
Hey, I agree with Ann, Eli and he have the best of hair!!!
CHECK OUT www.elisangels.org

Kristi <Kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Monday, October 31, 2005 6:30 AM CST
Yeah for your first tooth lost... Hope the tooth fairy left you lots of $. Love the family picture. You are all a beautiful family.
Yeah!!! I am the first to sign on Halloween!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDEREFUL DAY!!!
CHECK OUT www.elisangels.org

Kristi <Kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Monday, October 31, 2005 6:28 AM CST
Love the new pic.... You all look so good... I do have to say that Brett has the best hair. Eli and Brett should be hair models together. I pray you guys have a good weekend.

God Bless
Visit Elijah's Page
Or Eli’s Angels

Ann <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Saturday, October 29, 2005 0:31 AM CDT
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I was stopping by to say hello and see how everyone was doing. What a beautiful picture fo the family! Many prayers for Brett's surgery, and bring on the tooth fairy!!
I hope you all have a GREAT, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
Hugs & Prayers,
Vicki & Caden

Vicki Williams <vicki.williams@wallisd.net>
San Angelo, TX - Friday, October 28, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
David- that's a nice new photo of you three! You're all looking good. I, for one, do not interpret your decision to post a new journal entry as anything but positive. For doing so does not in any way diminish the impact Lisa's mom has had on your lives. Lisa herself is an ongoing tribute to both her parents: a woman of uncommon conviction, stamina and strength.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 1:05 PM CDT
David - I continue to check on Brett weekly and lift him up in prayer. He is precious - I'm sure the tooth fairy was good to him. I called Kenya after I read the post on Lisa's mother. I'm so sorry. You continue to inspire all of us that come here w/your faith and positive attitude. "God is our refuge and strenth, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 Your family is a perfect example of this verse. Even during difficult times, your faith shines through. I must say that when I read your post, I stopped at the part that said "40 yr. old legs". I was thinking - there's no way that you're 40, and then I remembered that Kenya and I are sporting around on 35 yr. old legs ourselves. It seems like just yesterday that we were snooping through your room trying to find your diary!! OOPS - You wern't ever suppose to know about that. :) We will continue to pray for Brett! He is beautiful! Tell Lisa that we want new pictures soon!! :)
Tammy (Herring) Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
bham, - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:48 PM CDT
Hi! We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers. There is hardly a day that goes by that we don't mention ya'll. Please give some kisses to Brett from all of us.
Love, Charlene,Cheryl,Julie,and Vicki

Charlene Strickland <charlene.strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, Ga USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
David and Lisa, I was so sorry to read about Brett's impending surgery. I pray that all goes well. Congratulations on the successful golf tournament! You brought a smile to my face picturing you and Chris freezing your "40-year-old legs" off! Please post pictures of Brett's NEW smile (minus 1 tooth)--my girls would love to see!
Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:02 AM CDT
I saw this link in your message to Travis. I cannot tell you how much it has touched me! What a beautiful boy you have! I pray for his health and strength for your family. The cat in the hat costume is wonderful! He looks so excited and happy! Take care.........
Jo Ellen

Jo Ellen James <jejames@charter.net>
Opelika, al - Monday, October 24, 2005 9:47 PM CDT
Just thinking of you and hoping that all is well..

Kristi <Kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
sending thoughts and prayers your way. love, miss janet
janet white griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga usa - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:41 PM CDT
Hello my sweet sunshine! Granny and Pop pray for you,Mom,Dad,Kent and Clay.Our thoughts and prays are also with Mom and her family. We send love to everyone....Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Monday, October 10, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Lisa, David and Brett,
Was just checking in to see how Brett has been doing, and am so sorry to hear about your Mom. She truly was such a wonderful, giving, sweet woman (Lisa you're just like her.)Sending you lots of love and prayers. I continue to be amazed by the tremendous strength you all have. I think of you often. Much, Much love, Kecia

Kecia Melancon Greenho <kmgreenho@aol.com>
Dover, MA "USA - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
Thinking of you, all of you, and wishing you peace.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
Lisa and David, I am so sorry for your loss. I know this is a very difficult time for your family and I will keep all of you in my prayers. David, you've probably already heard about Travis Rabren, but I knew you'd want to know that he now has a caring bridge site too. Just go to caringbridge.org and type in his name.
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Monday, October 3, 2005 1:24 PM CDT
It was a true blessing to meet Brett and the family, though the occasion was a sad one. I haven't seen Lisa in so many years...since I was a small boy, really. I've decided to do a better job of keeping up with my "Clifton" side of the family. I've been a negligent cousin. I was blown away by the peace of God that you guys radiated. That's no so common a thing as I'd like to see these days. I'll follow the site and keep in touch. Bless Y'all.
Chris Clifton <toidaudio@yahoo.com>
Rhine, Ga USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
I am so sorry that you suffered such a loss, I can only imagine the pain... Imagine, is lightly, I guess. I lost my grandma on September 2nd and am awaiting, today, the call that my other Grandma has earned her angel wings. The doctors gave her hours but she is a fighter... My prayers are with you.

Kristi <Kristimarie2007@aol.com>
- Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Lisa, David & Brett -
Just a quick note to let you all know that Jill & I (& Eric) are thinking about you (always) and that we know your unwavering faith will carry you through your recent loss - this world is full of challenges, and you guys have certainly faced more than your fair share. We will continue to be there for you...
Lisa, your mom was a special person no doubt, and I will miss reading her "notes" to Brett - re-reading them is almost like reading a child's message, as she was truly a friend to him. I know you will miss her, as will everyone who has visited this website!

Chris Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:34 AM CDT
I am so, so sorry to hear about your mother, Lisa. I will be thinking and praying for you and your whole family. Love, Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:42 PM CDT
Hi David, Lisa, and Brett!!!

I am so glad to get an update on how you guys are doing, but sad that things are not going well for Brett right now. I think of you guys often and will pray for God's guidance for the physicians regarding Brett's upcoming surgery. Keep us posted!!!

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:31 PM CDT
Dear Brett, This is your Grandmama. I haven't been to your webpage in so-o-o long. It's easier to pick up the phone than to get to a computer around here these days. Still it's good to check in on you and your family. How about asking Mommy and Daddy to put a more recent pix of you on here. You have grown so much since that one!!! Yes, I do know that they are very busy taking care of my boy and that is more important. I know you are looking forward to a visit from Kent and Clay. They love you just as much as you love them. Need to go now and cook Granddaddy's dinner. He has a meeting tonight so needs to eat a little earlier than usual. Love you bunches. Hugs and kisses. Neck "sugar" and all that good stuff!!! Grandmama
Carole George <jgeorge@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
Thinking about you little prince.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Visit Elijah's Page

Ann "Eli's Mommy" <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
Dear Brett:

Aunt Jelene just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. We enjoyed seeing your Mom this weekend even if it was for a teeny tiny moment. Your Daddy was sweet to stay with you so that Mommy could come. I know that he loves all of the time that he gets to spend with you. We love all of you and have you in our prayers.


Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Monday, September 19, 2005 7:21 AM CDT
we’re thinking of you and praying for you”
o gonzalez
guatemala, guaemala - Sunday, September 18, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Hi Brett, Mommy and Daddy. I hope this finds you all doing well. I wanted to drop by and say hello and that i was thinking about you guys. May God bless you in all that you do.
www.rheanacarter.com or www.caringbridge.org/ga/rheanacarter

Heather Carter <morh2gs@alltel.net>
- Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
Hey Baby Boo! I love you so much and I hope that you had a great week and that you will have a great weekend! I can't wait until the next time that I see you!
Love Always and Forever~
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, Ga - Saturday, September 17, 2005 0:23 AM CDT
Hello Sunshine! Granny and Pop want you to know we are thinking about you and pray for you.
We love you...always have...always will... Granny

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:24 PM CDT
Oh Boy oh Boy,
It is so nice to come by and say hello.
A good pee! that is great news.
It is so nice that you are going to be in Eli's Angels I sure hope you like our little program. I look forward to getting to know you.

Eli’s Angels is a non-profit for children affected with Mitochondrial or metabolic illnesses

Elijah's Page

Ann <akurtz1974@msn.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Monday, September 5, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Just thinking about y'all and checking in.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
I am excited about our upcoming visit! I sure have missed you! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
For David, Lisa, Brett & the "Big Boyz",
I can't believe I don't post more often here - maybe it's because we talk almost daily, David...whether it's talking about work, when we can hook up for golf, or Brett's latest endeavors. I think I speak for everyone who visits the website when I say we sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep everyone up-to-date on Brett's situation, even when you don't have the best news to relay; it must be difficult to sit down & write a journal entry when the news is not what everyone would love to hear...some sort of progress, the "silver lining", the "light at the end of the tunnel", and all the other cliches that come to mind. Nevertheless, it's got to be somewhat therapeutic to update everyone who's pulling for Brett each & every day. Just so you know, Jill & I are here for both of you when you need support, just want to talk, or need a break from the routine; don't hesitate to ask. To Kent & Clay, you guys are the best big brothers Brett could EVER hope for, and you need to know how much your friendship & encouragement mean to him. It's not hard to see in his eyes, or hear it in his chuckles, that he thinks the world of his big brothers. Hope to see both of you while you're in town! We'll be praying for your family!!

Chris Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Friday, August 12, 2005 5:47 AM CDT
Hi Little Brett, Lisa and David! You are thought of daily! God has trusted you with a very special little gift. I know you know that. Take care.
Tracy Power <Tracy_Power@gwinnett.k12.ga.us>
Lawrenceville, Ga - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:06 PM CDT
Thanks for the update! I know Brett will miss his brothers when they go back to school. I will pray that God watches over you as you make the tough decisions about Brett's treatment.
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
Hi Cochran Family! Hi Brett! As I am getting ready to start another year at FUMC Weekday...and a new group of two year old students...I can't help but think of you all. After all, Brett was one of my first students! I just got caught up on what is going on in my boy's life and I see that the summer hasn't been the best. But, I know that your smile and your disposition is the same and that you are making you Dad and Mom happy just by being you! Get plenty of rest and I hope you feel better very soon. I love you, sweet boy.
Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
Hi Cochrans,
Brett, we missed you and daddy so much Sunday night, but were really happy to visit with Lisa, Kent and Clay for my birthday dinner. David, thanks for being so sweet and loving. I appreciate you being with Brett so Lisa could get out for a little while and be there (for me, but for her too!). The boys loved the Japanese restaurant and their eyes were as big as saucers as they laughed at the chef. It was a treat and we really missed having you and Brett there. It makes me so sad (for you and Lisa and for all of us) that you all can't come together, but with Brett's health as it is right now I know that it is the only way...

Take care and enjoy your time with Kent and Clay. Believe it or not, we go to meet Jana's teachers today, so summer is really over for us. :-(

Sending love to each of you and lifting you in prayer always,

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:47 AM CDT
We are are gearing up for a new school year in a new room... YIKES...we may never find everything! In our catching up with one another while getting the room ready we have had a wonderful time remembering great times from last year. Brett, you and your family were a BIG part of those happy times and we can't wait to catch up more with you soon.
Ms Robin and Ms Betsy <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 6:58 AM CDT
Hello, Cochrans! I enjoyed our brief visit last month; it was a special treat to see the big boys, Coach and Mrs. C, and Kenya. I know that was near your b-day, David, I want to reassure you you did NOT look like you'd just turned 39. More like 43, I'd guess. It was nice to see Brett since I'd missed him during our June Igloo visit, and very heartwarming to watch Clay and Kent interact with him. As your journal entry today mentions, Brett truly lights up when they're around. And they are so good with him! They, like you and Lisa, are inspirational.
Doug Barnes <doug.barnes@us.army.mil>
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
Good Morning Brett, We got home last night around 10:00. Pop and I had a wonderful time at Clay's birthday party.You Mom made a great dinner. I love the way you love to hold on to my hand while you are watching your favorite programs on TV. You are my "sunshine". I love you...always have...always will...Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Happy Summer Brett. I hope the weather for your vacation was as sunny as your smiles!
Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Monday, July 18, 2005 10:21 AM CDT
heyy this is hayley i dont know if you know me but i saw this site and i cryed readin it all well i will pray for brett and wish all yall the best of luck with everything and i hope to talk to you more and get the updates on brett that would make my day!remember gods with you no matter what happens and i will pray for brett with all my heart and if u need anything let me now i might be 13 years old but i have a heart of gold for everyone ecluding brett and his family!hope to hear from you soon!

hayley cutler <hayley_ann13@yahoo.com>
columbus, ga united states - Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hello Cochran Family,
I think of you often and pray that things will improve for you all. I hope you have had a chance to enjoy your new neighbors and the first summer in your new home.
Wishing you all the best.

Karen Kirkpatrick <karen.kirkpatrick@harrynorman.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:53 PM CDT
Hope Brett is doing much better by now. I keep up with him through Miss Janet and do think of all of you quite often. My prayers are with you all.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 7:52 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine.I pray you had a good night's sleep and I hope you have a wonderful day.Your brothers will be home today.I know you will be excited to see them.Pop and I are counting the days until we can see all of you. I love you...always have...always will... Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Friday, July 1, 2005 8:00 AM CDT
Hi guys,

I have been checking this site for an update on Brett and your whole family. I hope you guys are doing o.k. and can post soon or send me an e-mail. Let me know if one of you got to go to the meeting yesterday and how it was. I am thinking and praying for Brett and the whole family. Take care.

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Continue to pray for you all. May God continue to bless you and grant healing for Brett. You will ALWAYS be in my prayers.

Love & Prayers, ALWAYS

Nancy Hickman <nancyk@acworthcablenet.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 9:15 PM CDT

Scott Pechman told me about Brett this week and forwarded this website to me. We prayed for you and your family in our Bible study (10 or so guys) and will continue to do so. This website is a great idea. It looks like you have great support and many praying for you. Add the Umbachs to the list. Thinking of Brett, Lisa, and you. Trip

Trip Umbach <tumbach@bradleyarant.com>
Birmingham, AL 35223 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:17 PM CDT
Just a note to let you know I am thinking about all of you!
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
MARIETTA, GA USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:43 AM CDT
Hey Brett,
It seems like I should be back at school with you and your buddies today instead of starting summer break! Thanks for a great few months of getting to know you and your family...simply the best for me! Enjoy your summer break and get rested and prepared to share some great times with your new teacher and friends in your new school!

Ms Robin <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hey, guys! Just checking in with you and hoping that things are going better. I hope the thrush is cleared up and that Brett is eating and feeling better. Know that we think of you always and are constantly praying for your family. We are almost out of school (Friday) and maybe this summer we can get together for a visit. We miss having you here in the neighborhood! ;-) Much love to all of you always!
Denise Dickerson and gang <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Monday, May 23, 2005 9:15 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that Brett is feeling better. Brett has the right idea - I think we should all take a nap every day! He's a smart boy! :) I'll pray for more good days.
Tammy Holston <tsh61197@bellsouth.net>
Roswell, GA - Friday, May 20, 2005 6:54 AM CDT
We are so glad to hear that Brett is feeling a little better. We continue to keep him as well as you and David in our prayers. We will add a special prayer for David! Love to you all three!!!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, May 18, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear that you are beginning to feel better! I will keep your daddy in my thoughts too- well, all of you always! Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 6:32 AM CDT
Hi! Cheryl, Julie, Vicki, and I have been thinking of you so much. Sorry to hear that you have been having some dificulties. Please know that we keep you in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you! Love, Charlene
Charlene Strickland <charlene.strickland@cobbk12.org>
Marietta, Ga USA - Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Hello Sweet Brett! It's Miss Janet! I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Have mommy and daddy give you a hug from me then you give them a hug from me too! I think about you all the time. Since you are not feeling well, I will send extra thoughts and prayers your way!! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White Griebel <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:59 PM CDT
Hello, I am praying for you and your family. God bless.
rheanas mom (aka- Heather Carter) <shmr1600@netzero.net>
winder, ga us - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Good Morning Darling,
Your Mom told me yesterday that she had a good Mother's Day just relaxing and holding you. You have the best Mom. She takes such good care of you. It makes Granny proud to say I don't have to ever worry about Brett being taken care of because he has the greatest Mother ever!! I wish we could have stayed longer Friday night. Pop and I always love spending time with you and the Family. We love you Brett...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Monday, May 9, 2005 10:42 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Lisa! I hope your day was special and you enjoyed our beautiful weather with your precious little boy. I hope Brett is doing better soon...you are all in my prayers.
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Sunday, May 8, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and David,

It was good seeing you guys at the Mito meeting on Monday. You will have to e-mail me with your thoughts regarding the meeting and what information you took home with you. I am sorry Brett has been under the weather lately. I hope Brett is feeling better soon and enjoys a fun and healthy summer!

Take care,

Kristi Cole

Kristi Cole <kristi3333@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Hey you guys!! I am so sorry we have been MIA from everyone’s guestbooks for so long, but please know that we still check on you all the time!! Life is getting hectic as school comes to a close and summer sneaks up on us. Praying Brett feels lots better soon. Sending lots of hugs, love, thoughts, and prayers~~

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Caden’s Connections

Vicki & Caden Williams <vicki.williams@netxv.net>
San Angelo, TX - Monday, May 2, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Hey, Brett- We Barneses are looking forward to seeing you later this month.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, May 2, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Good Morning my sweet Brett,
We had a good visit last weekend. Pop didn't get to spend as much time with you as I did. He was busy helping Dad put up the crown moulding in your room. I can't wait for you to see your room when it is finished. You are going to love it!! I hope you are feeling better this morning. I wish I could make all the bad stuff go away and stay away. Pop and I pray for you,Mom,Dad,Kent and Clay. You are our "Sunshine". We love you very much...always have...always will... Granny

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, May 1, 2005 3:39 PM CDT
Good morning my sweet Brett. Granny and Pop loved being with you last weekend. Pop didn't get to spend as much time with you as I did. He was busy helping Dad put up the crown moulding in your room. I can't wait to see your room when it is finished. I know you are going to love your room!! I pray you are feeling better today. I wish I could make all the bad things go away and stay away. Brett,I know you know how much your Granny and Pop love you...always have...always will...you are our "Sunshine"...Love Granny and Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, May 1, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you guys know that we continue to think about you all and pray for Brett. We listen to the Martina CD all the time. From now on we'll think about Brett whenever we hear "God's Will."
Stephany and Eric White <e_white@mindspring.com>
Roswell, GA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:40 PM CDT
Hi Brett,
I just came by to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are one brave little boy.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, April 25, 2005 5:49 PM CDT
Yea! I'm so happy for the update and so glad to hear that thrush is all you are dealing with. Not that it is any small feat! By now, I hope Brett is feeling better and that you guys are getting back into your routines. We still remember all three of you everynight in Garrett's prayers and send all of our happy and loving thoughts your way. Love to all three of you!!!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
Hello Sunshine,I want you to know you are on my mind. I enjoyed the Family visit the past weekend.You are so sweet and you are precious to me and Pop.I hope the new medicine helps the thrush. I know you enjoyed Kent and Clay coming home. Maybe one day we can say they are home for good. I love you darling. Always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:39 PM CDT
David- thanks for the update; I am always anxious to learn about Brett's latest accomplishment or challenge. But let me reassure you that checking Brett's webpage is a valuable experience whether you guys have just provided a new entry or not. Re-reading past entries, seeing Brett's picture, scanning the guest book.. all serve to focus me, to keep me grounded. Thank you for that.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
Hello Brett: Haven't checked in in a while, but I pray for you and your family DAILY. I have many many CaringBridge.com families that I pray for. Even for those who have earned their "angel wings". I sure hope you are feeling better now. GLAD you were able to discover the problem and are back on track.

Went to the World Congress Center and saw all the new cars that are coming out. Looked at some of the new hybrid cars that are soon to be and will be on the market. Some are run on hydrogen (they are only in California right now). We don't have the facilities for them.

Sure was a BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY...Praise God for His Goodness. Take care and have a blessed week. Will keep in touch.

Love & Prayers, ALWAYS

Nancy K. Hickman <nancyk@acworthcablenet.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Hey guys...I am a hugh Outfield fan and stumbled across your website. Great job by the way. I hope things are going well with you and your family and your son. I know priorities might have changed, but if you would update the Outfield website that would be awesome. I especially loved the videos. I would love to have the collection.
Take care and many blessings to your family.

Chris Michaels <chrismichaels34@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 0:47 AM CDT
Hello Brett and family! Brett, I hope your thrush is all better now. I hope you are all doing well! After my wedding, I am going to come visit. You can tell me about your new house and school and I will tell you all about my wedding!! Super Big Hugs! Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 11:11 AM CST
May the Lord continue to bless sweet Brett.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:47 PM CST
I came to your website as a resuly of going through e-mails sent to us during our own daughter's illness. Her name is Kalaiah Ragsdale and unfortunately, she passed away Oct. 29, 2004 about 3 weeks before her 5th birthday. Illness is hard, God is good and the main thing I wanted to say was that your son is so much more important than the website-so do what you want and don't sweat it. I am praying, trusting and believing for your son's complete healing with all my heart. However, you're on the right track, you can't go wrong with spending time with him no matter what the outcome.Sorry for the preachiness.
Zea Ragsdale
Gadsden, , al usa - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:37 AM CST
Thinking about Brett and all of you. Thanks for the email and the update on the site. I am so sorry that Brett has had so much trouble the last couple of months. I am glad to hear it's only thrush and there was no aspiration. Keep loving on him!! Sending lots of hugs, thoughts, and prayers~

Happy Easter!!
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Caden's Connections

Vicki & Caden Williams <vicki.williams@netxv.net>
San Angelo, TX - Monday, March 21, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Hi David,Lisa, and Brett,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you guys and hope Brett is doing better with the thrush and eating issues. I was so glad to meet David at the UMDF meeting and look forward to meeting Lisa soon. I am praying for Brett and your entire family as I know how hard this is on each of you!!! Thanks for checking in on Brody on the carepage and your words of encouragement.

Kristi Cole <importantmemories@msn.com>
Hiram, GA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:46 PM CST
I am just thinking about you.... I hope you and your mommy and daddy are having a nice weekend. Love, Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 2:46 PM CST
Hello my sweet Brett.Sure was good spending time with you last Sunday. We had Brett and Granny time.Just looking at you makes me happy. You are my sunshine. Mom,Dad and Pop are doing such a good job remodeling your room. The colors Mom picked out are just right for you. Your Brothers will be home tonight. I can see your smile when they give you a kiss.I will be talking to you this weekend.I love you...always have...always will..

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:21 PM CST
Hello Cochran Family,
Please know I think of you all often. I hope you're enjoying your new home and being closer to family members. You've had quite a ride and I hope Brett is getting better. Take care.

Karen Kirkpatrick <karen.kirkpatrick@harrynorman.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 7:28 PM CST
Hi Sweet Boy! It's Miss Janet, checking up on you! I am sorry that you and your mommy and daddy have not been feeling well. I hope your thrush goes away soon and it is easier for you to eat. I miss your sweet smile! Big hugs and kisses! Love, Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:17 PM CST
Brett, Lisa, and David:
Thanks SO much for the update! Know that we've stepped up our prayers, because we know these little "blips" can really be stressful and "bigger" than they seem. From your words, David, I can tell how stressful the last months have been ... so I hope you are all breathing a little easier now and that the medicine for the thrush is starting to work. We think of you all constantly ... Much love, the Dickerson's

Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Monday, March 14, 2005 2:49 PM CST
Hey there!
Just wanted to stop in and let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I got to meet David Saturday at the UMDF meeting. It was great to get to know a little more abour Brett and your family!
God Bless!

Cassie Carter
Rheana's Page

Eli’s Angels is a
non-profit for children affected with Mitochondrial or metabolic

Cassie Carter <Carter517@comcast.net>
Monroe, Ga USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Hey there!
Just wanted to stop in and let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I got to meet David Saturday at the UMDF meeting. It was great to get to know a little more abour Brett and your family!
God Bless!

Cassie Carter
Rheana's Page

Eli’s Angels is a
non-profit for children affected with Mitochondrial or metabolic

Cassie Carter <Carter517@comcast.net>
Monroe, Ga USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Lisa, David, and Brett -
I have said to Tim so many times that I have needed to check in with you guys. I'm sorry it has been so long! I'm glad to hear that Brett is going to be better soon. (Ben had thrush when he was a baby) I was getting nervous reading the update! As always we are thinking of you and praying for you. Maybe when the big brothers are in town, you guys can come watch one of our guys play baseball. Lisa - when Brett is all better, we need to have a lunch date. Take care and we love you! Kisses to Brett!
Laurie, Tim, Ben and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Friday, March 11, 2005 6:19 PM CST
Dear Lisa, David and Brett:

Just wanted you to know we were checking in. Lynne updated me Tuesday when I called from San Juan on the thrush issue. I guess we will just have to be patient and see if the medicine works. Lynne said Jana loves her balloons and plant. THANKS for taking care of it.

Much love to all of you!

Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:22 PM CST
Brett, Lisa & David (yes, in that order, David...),
I've got the site on Favorites, so updates are never more than a click away - thanks, David, for the update yesterday on the phone. It seems like you guys are always busy!!! It's nice to hear that Brett & Mom will be taking a break! Looking forward to seeing you guys Saturday - if you cannot make it, then we will certainly make the effort to visit YOU; just let us know when it's good timing. If you CAN make it, it'll be GREAT! Brett, hang in there, buddy, as this too shall pass. Bless you all!

Chris, Jill & Eric <csnowman@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:41 AM CST
Hello Cochran family! I have continued to check this website and was thrilled to find that you have updated. I'm sure that Brett is happy with the way you have both been spending your time! Can't wait to see the new website.
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:33 PM CST
Just checking in...hope all is well. Angie and I hope to see you guys sometime this spring or summer.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:37 AM CST
Hey Brett, Lisa, and David! Well, like they say "no" news is good news ... we're very glad to hear that time is passing you by, with Brett in school and regular life making you busy! We certainly miss you around the "old" neighborhood ... even though we emailed more than we saw each other! LOL! Thanks for keeping us updated, and definitely let me know the new website. We think of you often and pray for you constantly. Love, Denise
Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Hi there, Brett! I have been thinking about you and how much I miss you and your mommy! I am glad that you like your new school. I have been busy planning my wedding! Less than two months away now! I hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs and kisses, Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:40 AM CST
We continue to read your journal and pray for Brett. Please post the address for his new site.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:40 PM CST
Good Morning Sweetheart, Pop and I were just talking about how much we wish we could see you today. Maybe before to much longer we can come for a visit. I hope you have a good day! I will call you this afternoon. Pop says to tell you..."Pop loves that Boy" and so does Granny..Always have..Always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, February 6, 2005 9:37 AM CST
Hi Ya'll!
I hope ya'll & Brett are doing well! Anyway, I just thought I'd let ya'll know that I updated my "Cousin Sarah's" web page this afternoon. When ya'll get a chance, please check it out. Also, have ya'll got Brett's website up yet? If you would, please leave me a message in my Cousin's guestbook to let me know. "THANKS!" :)

Thinking Of Ya'll And Praying For Ya'll... "Especially Brett!" :)


Angela Sawyer <ajsawyer@bellsouth.net>
Stone Mountain, GA - Monday, January 31, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Will certainly continue to pray for you all. Look forward to the new web site. Take care and may God continue to bless you in 2005. GLAD Bret is doing good at school. We have had some pretty nasty weather lately in Atlanta. I work at Chattahoochee Technical College, Mountain View Campus on Sandy Plains Road. I will keep in touch.

Love & Prayers, ALWAYS

Nancy K. Hickman <nancyk@acworthcablenet.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 4:07 AM CST
Good Morning my little Sweetheart, I want you to know I am praying for you,thinking of you,and loving you every day.I hope you had a restful night. Have a good day and I will will talk to you soon. I love you with all my heart!!!!!

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Saturday, January 29, 2005 11:29 AM CST
Hey Brett,
I hope you are having a great week and I look forward to seeing you Friday night! I love you sooooooo much and I hope that you are feeling well! I hope you have a great end of the week... and weekend!
I love you so much and you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday and everynight!
Love Ya Tons,
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:56 PM CST
Hi Ya'll!
I'm very happy to know that Brett is doing better! Also, I've been thinking about ya'll & Brett too. Just to let ya'll know, I created a "web page" recently to honor my Cousin's battle with cancer on the "Caringbridge" site. When ya'll can, please check it out & sign my guestbook. Take care & I check in on ya'll daily too! If ya'll have any problems accessing my page, please send me an "e-mail". "THANKS!" :) Here's the address...


God Bless And Peace Be With Each Of You!
"Matthew 7:7"

Angela Sawyer <ajsawyer@bellsouth.net>
Stone Mountain, GA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:05 AM CST
Hello Sunshine,
I hope you had a good day and I hope you have a restful night.I know your weekend will be full with Kent and Clay coming on Friday and Kennedy's first Birthday Party on Saturday. Everyone will have lots of fun. Can't wait to see your smiling face. See you Saturday.I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:43 PM CST
Hey Brettie! I hope you had a Happy New Year! I Love you SOOOOOO much! I can't wait to see you again!
Care Bear

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:22 AM CST
Hey Brettie! I hope you had a happy New Year! I Love You SOOOOOOO much! I can't wait to see you again!
Care Bear

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:19 AM CST
Pop looooves that boy!!
Ken Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, January 7, 2005 8:26 AM CST
Happy new year, Brett, Lisa and David! As the alternating stress and glee of the holidays subside, and we return to our everyday lives, I do hope 2005 brings you all peace and comfort. I think of you often.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL - Thursday, January 6, 2005 1:19 PM CST
Hello my little darling,
What a wonderful time Pop and I had spending Christmas with you,Kent,Clay,Mom and Dad.Time went by to fast.Wish we could have stayed longer.We are the happiest when we are with you guys.Your Christmas trees were beautiful and Mommy did such a good job with her Christmas dinner.Everyone had a good time.Granny and Pop pray for you all the time.You are always on my mind.I love you "Sunshine". Always have..always will..

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, December 31, 2004 6:40 PM CST
What a precious and sweet child you have! God Bless your tender affection for him. My heart goes out to you. Just know that many caring people, including myself, have been touched by your story, and are praying for you all.
Take care, K.C. :)

Kathy Cox
St Paul, MN USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 1:27 AM CST
Dear Brett- (and family)-I have been keeping up with you through your Aunt Lynne. She is a good friend of mine- I can only imagine what a good aunt she must be to you. I know she loves you dearly. You are such a strong boy-and you have such a strong family. I hope you had a great Christmas. I know God and his angels are watching over you and taking care of you!

Rhonda Fant <r2fant2002@comcast.net>
Acworth, Ga USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:54 PM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I miss you! Hugs and kisses, Brett! Miss Janet
janet white <jlwslp@bellsouth.net>
marietta, ga usa - Monday, December 27, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Merry Christmas Cochran family! I hope you have a peaceful Christmas and a happy, healthy (!) New Year!
Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Saturday, December 25, 2004 7:28 PM CST
Some of the brightest lights this season are certain to be each of your smiles. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Robin Anderson <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 3:32 PM CST
Continue to pray for you all. Hope you have a safe and joyous Chrismas holiday season and may God continue to bless you in the New Year.

Love & Prayers, ALWAYS

Nancy Hickman <nancyk@acworthcablenet.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:37 AM CST
Hello my little darling.. Granny only worked until 12 today. I am at home waiting on Pop to get here. I am taking him out to eat for his Birthday.Wish you were here so you could go with us. I know you will be so excited when your Brothers come home on Monday. Granny and Pop will see you Friday night and we can't wait to see you smile when you see us.We are looking forward to spending Christmas with everyone. I love you...always have...always will...Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Friday, December 17, 2004 2:54 PM CST
I heard the song on the radio Monday night......it brought tears! I hope you are all doing well. Sending lots of hugs, thoughts, and prayers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Caden's Connections

Vicki & Caden <vicki.williams@netxv.net>
San Angelo, TX - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 2:34 PM CST
Thinking of you. Happy belated birthday, Brett!
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Hi Brett,

Hope today finds you feeling good and smiling (as usual). It was so great to see you and our family yesterday. It is not often anymore that all of the George's are together and I sure did enjoy it. Holding you and getting your sweet kisses was my favorite part of our visit. I think you must have given me all of your sugar yesterday!

I loved seeing your big brothers and can't wait until they are back the week before Christmas!
Love to each of you,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 8:43 AM CST
Hey, Brett! (and, of course, Mom & Dad)

Hope you guys have all settled into your new home - it must've been exciting to have everyone come up & visit during Thanksgiving!!! Brett, I hope you've made a looonnnngg list for Santa and that you are still being a good boy! We're planning to visit Mom & Dad very soon, so be good for goodness sakes, and you might find something fun in your stocking on Christmas morning! They've been keeping us updated on your doctors visits, and rumor has it you're pretty excited about the prospects for the New Year! Take care, and we'll see you soon, buddy!

Chris, Jill & Eric <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Friday, December 3, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Hello Sunshine,
Sure was nice to get to spend Thanksgiving morning with you.You are so sweet,you gave Granny and Pop lots of kisses!! It was very nice of Mom to bring breakfast to Aunt Kenya's and as usual the food was delicious.Pop and I will see you soon.We are praying for you,we love you,always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Monday, November 29, 2004 1:28 PM CST
Good morning Brett,

I look forward to spending Thanksgiving with you, Mommy and Daddy, Grandmama and Granddaddy, and Nana. Can't wait to see Kent and Clay and all the George family next weekend too. We have lots to look forward to, don't we? This Thanksgiving I am so thankful that God has been with you and your family during these last weeks. I am so grateful that He watches over you daily and is guiding the Drs. and your parents in making decisions regarding your care.

I love you so much little Brett. I am mostly thankful that God brought you to our family. We are so blessed!

Hugs and kisses,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:50 AM CST
Dear Brett, David and Lisa,
Although we haven't been in touch for awhile we want you all to know that we have been thinking about you and praying for you. Your faith in God continues to inspire us, for we too believe that our God is a great God and He has a divine plan for us all. Many blessings to you today. Rest assured that you are never far from our thoughts. Happy Birthday!

Stephany, Eric, Mary, Sarah and PJ the Builder <e_white@mindspring.com>
Roswell, GA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:21 PM CST
Dear Brett,
Welcome to your new Ascot Home! It was great to meet you and your wonderful parents today. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Donna Malcom <dmmalcom@yahoo.com>
Suwanee, GA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:32 PM CST
A day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRETT!!! I hope it was a great one! I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving too! Sending lots of thoughts and prayers!

Caden's Connections

Vicki & Caden Williams <vicki.williams@netxv.net>
San Angelo, TX - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Happy Birthday Brett! You don't know me but I've shared emails with your dad a few times, and our family is friends with the Martins. I'm glad that you have good doctors who are watching over you, and that God has been watching over you too as you've been walking thru some dangerous territory. My son is four and has leukemia, so I understand alot of the fears, concerns, and joys that your mom and dad have as they care for you and try to make good decisions for your special situation. Kids like you help us all to focus on the simple, yet profoundly gratifying moments in Life--and for that I thank you. Smile alot, and hug your mom and dad often because believe it or not, you are one of the best sources of strength to help them stay strong. I'm sending a special Happy Birthday wish your way!
Kurt Hoechstetter <kurt@imagebolt.com>
Cumming, GA 30040 - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:05 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRETTY!!! I can't believe you're already five years old! That makes me feel really old. I remember the day you were born. I was sooo happy to have a baby cousin. You've had a special place in my heart since that day, and you've only made me love you even more over the past five years. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and tell you how much I love you and that I always will!!!
Hugs and Kisses,

Meghan Mercer <meg_gem12@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:24 PM CST
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet brett! happy birthday toooooo youuuuuuu! i am missing you and mommy lots! i hope your birthday is great! i will have to come visit soon to see your sweet smile! hugs, kisses, and prayers! miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:48 PM CST
Happy Birthday sweet Brett,

Can't believe it was five years ago today that we were waiting on you to arrive. God has certainly blessed our family with you! You are precious to me and Jana.

Happy 5th birthday little angel,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA 30097 - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:35 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
We love you sweetheart...always have...always will...
Granny & Pop

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:41 AM CST
Happy birthday Brett! We continue to pray for you and your family.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 7:00 PM CST
Lisa & David, and especially Brett-
You have been continually in my prayers, and those of so many of my friends and church members. I am so happy to hear that things are better, as I have been checking for updates regularly. I am so proud of you Brett, for pulling through all of these difficult times and keeping that precious smile on your face whenever possible. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly amazing people, and God definately brought you into this world for a purpose beyond what any of us know. He has taken good care of you and your family, and will continue to guide you through the bad times, as well as the good ones (of which there will be MANY to come!). Take care little guy, and I still look forward to helping make your very special Wish come true. God Bless you all!

Kathy Meuter (Make A Wish) <kathym@springmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:55 AM CST
Hello Sweetheart, I am thinking about you and can not wait until I see you next week. I love you with all my heart.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Hello Sunshine, I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you today and everyday. I love you so very much.I hope to see you soon. Hugs and kisses....Granny
Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, al US - Saturday, November 13, 2004 1:52 PM CST
Brett, I hope you are having a good day. I pray for you every single morning along with your Texas cousins! Tell your mom and dad that I'll send a family picture when I can find them as I am not the person in charge of hiding them, that would be your aunt Kristen. David & Lisa, we are praying for the two of you also. Keep us informed on Bretts health, I know he is in great hands, call if we can be of any assitance.

With Love,

Keith Kingston & Family

Keith Kingston <keith99kingston@yahoo.com>
Sachse, Tx USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:57 AM CST
Good Morning Sweet Brett. I want you to know how much Granny and Pop enjoyed our weekend with you,Kent,Clay,Mom and Dad. Sure was good to see you feeling better!! Mom and Dad got a chance to go out Friday night and enjoy a nice dinner.Granny's at work so I guess I better get back to work. Pop and I are praying for you. We love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:06 AM CST
Hi Brett,

We had two early dismissal days this week and boy was our classroom schedule topsy turvy! As usual, your classmates were really great about it. We all had great laughs as Ms. Betsy and I compared ourselves to the Keystone Cops as we were running around getting so much done in a short amount of time!

Keep getting better and we will keep you updated on the happenings at Buice until you are able to join us!

Ms. Robin

Robin Anderson <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:09 AM CST
hey brettie!!
My friends and i just wanted to say that we love you! I can't wait to see you at christmas. i love you bunches!!!!!

Care Bear

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:03 AM CST
yeah brett! i am glad you are feeling better. tell mommy, daddy, and the big boys hi for me! hugs and kisses, miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Thursday, November 4, 2004 5:48 PM CST
Dear Lisa, David & Brett,

Just a note to tell you that I have been thinking of you all and have been in my prayers. I just found out today about Brett and his surgery when I spoke with Karen Kirkpatrick and she forwarded your website to me. I am sorry things did not work out as planned and Brett had such a hard time. I am relieved that he is doing much better. Both of you are amazing parents and you are an inspiration to us all. My prayers are will you always.

Stacy Perkinson

Stacy Perkinson <sperkinson@kw.com>
Roswell, GA US - Thursday, November 4, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Hi Sweet Brett and Mom and Dad! I was so glad to see your update on Monday. I just knew once those antibiotics had a chance to start working Brett would be getting back to himself quickly. I am so glad that is the case. Please know that we continue to keep all three of you in our prayers! As a matter of fact, when I asked my business partner to add Brett to his prayer list he immediately got an e-mail out to his Bible study group. So now there are at least 75 more people remembering Brett in their prayers daily! We all know the power of prayer and we are putting it to work because we love you so much, Brett! Tons of love to you all!!!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, November 3, 2004 1:43 PM CST
David and Lisa,
I really am late in leaving a note and letting you know Lisa (my wife) and I have been praying for you and thinking of you these last few weeks. Lisa, even though we have not met, I feel I know you from your writings and conversations with David. I'm so happy to hear that Brett is now making progress and Lisa and I sincerely hope that the both of you can do as well!

Jack Williams <jackw@survisgroup.com>
Lawrenceville, Ga USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 1:00 PM CST
Oh Brett, we are thrilled that you are recovering and becoming strong enough for Mom and Dad to be considering sharing you with us at school! It will be great fun for us to have you here.

Enjoy these fall days...at school the pumpkins are rolling out of sight and lots of leaves are falling. Before you know it we will see some Pilgrims and Indians peeking from behind haystacks!

Ms. Robin and Ms. Betsy

Robin Anderson <bander23@bellsouth.net>
Suwaneed, GA USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Dear Lisa,David and Brett,
I have just now checked my home e-mail for the first time in about 3 weeks. Things have been hectic around our house, so I just now received the e-mail Jelene sent me concerning Brett. My apologies for not checking sooner. Please know we are and will continue to keep ALL of you very close to our hearts in thought and prayer during the coming weeks. I know situations like these are emotionally draining, so try and make time to rest for yourselves. Brett is certainly going to need his wonderful Dad and Mom well rested so they can assist in the decisions that lay ahead. Know we are thinking of all you guys! I do know Brett has the BEST family support he could possibly have! I have had the privilege and honor of knowing half of his extended family and he is a mighty lucky fellow! Take care of yourselves.

In His Love,
Mandy Mercer Holder

Mandy M Holder <HolderM56@aol.com>
Cleveland, TN USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 8:53 PM CST
Hey Angel,
I am so glad you got to dress up for Halloween! I bet it was tons of fun and I bet you were adorable. I am also thrilled that you are beginning to feel better! I miss you and I hope to see you in the next couple of days. I love you so much! Tell Aunt Lisa, Uncle David, Kent, and Clay that I said Hi.

Love Always,
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 7:13 PM CST
sweet brett, i am hoping that since there have been no updates that all is well. i hope that you all have been getting the rest you so need. are you enjoying your new home as much as i am enjoying mine? i miss your bright smile! big hugs for you and mommy and daddy. love, miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Monday, November 1, 2004 5:47 AM CST
Hello and hoping you are having a nice weekend. Did Brett get to dress in costume today? Happy Halloween Brett!
Lori Larsen <momprincemoses@aol.com>
Lake Elsinore, CA USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 6:13 PM CST
Dear Brett, Lisa and David:

Just wanted you to know that you were in our thoughts and prayers today. I got an update from Lynne because I was afraid I would awaken a sleeping angel. Much love to all of you. Hope Brett continues to get better. I'll talk to you on Friday.

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:34 PM CDT

We have never met, but your name came up as needing prayer in our Bible Study group. I just finished praying for you. (That God would give you comfort and take care of your pain.)
Keep fighting the good fight! God sees all your suffering and all your pain. It is not in vain.
Do not be discouraged, Do not fear, for God is with YOU!
In Christ,
Marina Verbeke

Marina Verbeke
Cumming, GA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:27 PM CDT
Hey Brett,
I hope you are having a great day! I miss you so much! I hope to see you soon. Tell your mommy, daddy, and big brothers I said Hi!
Lots of love!
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:45 PM CDT
God loves you! We love you! What more is there to say?

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville , TN USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
hi there brett! it's miss janet! i hope now that the drs. know what has been causing your fevers you will be able to get better quickly. i am so sorry that you have not been feeling well. i have been thinking of you and your mommy and daddy a lot, praying for you too. fell better soon! big hugs! miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:22 PM CDT
Good morning Brett and Mom and Dad! Lisa, I was so relieved (as wierd as that sounds) to hear that y'all had found out what was causing Brett's problems. At least now you can start making it better. I bet Mr. Brett is alreay feeling TONS better this morning. I sure hope so! Lisa, even though I haven't called I am keeping up with you through your daily posts. I'm always afraid I might wake someone if I call and I know sleep for all three of you is precious right now. Please know that Heather and I are thinking of all three of you and praying for you every day and we are absoluetly here if you need anything. Right now, I'm guessing prayers are pretty high on the list! We will touch base in a day or two. Give Brett a big hug for us and know that we love all three of you very much!
Lissa <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:48 AM CDT
Good morning sweet Brett,

Well... finally!! It is about time the doctors figured out what is wrong with you -- now you and mommy and daddy can spend your time and energy getting you better instead of wondering what in the world is going on with you!

I am so excited about your new school and your new teachers. Ms. Robin sounds so sweet and so excited to have you joining her class. I think that will be great for you and for mommy too. It is always nice to have more friends and people in your life you love and care so much about you and your family. I think it will be especially good for mom and dad to meet Jake's mom who has been through many of the same things they have -- no one understands better than a parent whose been there.

Jesus loves you little Brett, and so do I,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:08 AM CDT
Hi Brett!

Good morning, good morning...
It's nice to have you here,
Good morning, good morning to YOU!

This is part of our circle time welcome song and Ms. Betsy and I can hardly wait for you to join us and your new friends at school! I know that you and your mom and dad are trying really hard to make this virus go away and when it is gone and you are a bit stronger, we have a spot in our circle especially for YOU! Here's hoping you feel a bit better each day!

Ms. Robin

Robin Anderson <bander23@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
Hi Sunshine, it's Granny checking in to let you know you are on my mind (as always) and to say I love you. You have been through alot lately and I pray you will continue to take your naps during the day so you can gain more strengh.Pop and I loved being with you last week.Even though you didn't feel well you gave us that beautiful smile of yours. Thank you sweetheart for the smiles!! We will see you soon. Pop and I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:31 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,

You do not know me, but my name is Katy, and I have a son named Jake. Jake will be in Brett's class at the Buice school. Robin gave me this website, hope you do not mind.

My son Jake has a mitochondrial disorder also (complex I & IV). Please call me if you would ever like to talk - you can get my phone number from Robin. I know how it is when they are not doing well, and how difficult it is to even sit down and make a phone call.

I hope I am not speaking out of turn, but please consider taking Brett to the hospital if his fever does not improve. We were told by Dr Shoffner to take Jake to the hospital if he runs a fever for more than a couple of hours - mito kids need the support of IV fluids and monitoring. We have done it with Jake in the past and it is amazing how quickly they can bounce back. I also know you are getting advice from everyone and you can't follow it all. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I can't wait to meet you and Brett. He is such a precious little boy.

Love, Katy

Katy Lyons <dglyons@mindspring.com>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:05 AM CDT
Good morning Brett,

I hope today finds you feeling better and back to yourself. Lisa, I hope you and David got some rest too. We love you and we continue to pray for Brett to feel good again. Hugs and kisses to all of you!

Talk to you soon,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:41 AM CDT
brett, i am so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. i have been praying for you and your mommy and daddy. feel better soon. hugs and kisses, miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Monday, October 25, 2004 7:40 AM CDT

MARIETTA, GA USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Dear Brett, Lisa, & David,
You do not know me, but maybe your mom remembers me from Aunt Jelene's college days. I was her roommate at Georgia Tech. Hopefully, you are a Tech fan too, but I have a sinking feeling that you may be a Georgia fan. Just to update you a bit on the last 20 years (it's hard to believe its been that long)...we also have 3 boys. Lisa & David, It was great being able to see the pictures online. Brett is adorable. Lisa, you haven't changed a bit. I just wanted to let you know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Carolyn (Glynn) Jones <carolyngjones@netzero.net>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
Hi Cochran Family!
I've been visiting your "caringbridge" page for quite a while now. Just to let you know, I've been thinking about you & Brett ever since I first visited your webpage. Even though I haven't had the pleasure to get to know ya'll, I can tell that Brett is a very special, precious & cute little boy! Please know that I'm praying for ya'll & thinking of ya'll daily. Also, I've got some other buddies on this website that I check on everyday too... "Including Brett!!" :) God Bless And Peace Be With You!

Angela Sawyer <ajsawyer@bellsouth.net>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Hi, Brett. My name is Laura White. I am Miss Janet's mother. Miss Janet always keeps me updated on what is going on with you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom and dad. Miss Janet always tells me how much she enjoys seeing you. You are a very special little boy.

Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
hi brett! it's miss janet! i am glad to hear that you are ok. i have been thinking about you and your mom and dad. russ and i would have come out to your house to visit you tonight, but he is sick and we did not want you to get sick. i was going to come to the hospital without him, but since you were at home i thought i would wait until he can come too. i want you to meet him. well sweet boy, i love you and sure do miss you! tell your mommy and daddy hi for me! see you soon, miss janet
janet white <jlwslp@aol.com>
marietta, ga usa - Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:59 PM CDT
I'm an old high school and college friend of David and Kenya. I've been follwing Brett's progress through this website for a while now. My first grade class has written get well letters for Brett. They all crowded around my computer to see the pictures on the web site. 23 children think he is really cute! One little boy really, really wanted to call the hospital and talk to Brett. He didn't understand why I couldn't give him the phone number! I was glad to read that you'll be heading home very soon. I'll send his get well wishes there, instead of Egleston. May angels continue to surround and protect you!
Tracy Power <Tracy_Power@gwinnett.k12,ga.us>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
I am Rachel Baugh Streetman and I work with Gail at AuburnBank and went to school with Kenya and David at AHS. We are thinking about all of you and wish Brett the best. You are in my thoughts and prayers.



RACHEL BAUGH STREETMAN <rstreetman@auburnbank.com>
AUBURN, AL USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
David, Lisa and Brett,
I'm so sorry to hear that the surgery did not go as planned. However, I'm very glad to hear that Brett is doing better! I'll check back tomorrow for more updates.

Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:01 AM CDT
Dear Brett:

I talked to Aunt Lynnie after she visited you tonight. I know she tickled you with Ellie and I was there in spirit. I assume that no update means not much change in your situation. I am continuing to pray for you, Mommy and Daddy, and your doctors. Meanwhile, I KNOW WHO IS IN CONTROL AND I KNOW THAT HE LOVES YOU MORE THAN WE CAN CONCEIVE. All my love and prayers, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Dear Cochran's, I am so sorry that the surgery did not happen today as scheduled, but am so thankful that they were not well into the surgery when Brett's bp started to drop. For whatever reason, today was not the day. I am praying for peace for you all and perfect timing for Brett and his surgery.

Lisa, I so enjoyed getting to visit with you and Brett yesterday. It seems like such a long time since I have seen Brett; I couldn't believe how big he had gotten. He is so precious with that sweet smile and his "happy noises". I was so moved after our visit at what a happy child he is, but I believe that is a direct correlation to the constant love he receives from you and David. What a wonderful world we would be living in if every child received such love.

We will be continuing to pray for you all.

Much love,
Michelle Edgar

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, David, and Brett,
I received your e-mail today about Brett's surgery. I've
been talking to our precious Lord about our precious Brett
throughout the day. I just now was able to log on and see
the progress made today. I'm so thankful that Brett's
surgery went well. I can only imagine the difficulty you
both had during the waiting stage. Please tell Brett, that
I said hello and that, even though I don't get to see him,
I think of him nearly every day. Let him know how thankful
I am for getting the opportunity to show him love and care
during the short time he was with me at school. I care about all of you so much. Thank you for including me in
the e-mail. You know you always have my support and my
prayers. Love you, little man! Miss Vicki

Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, Ga USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:20 PM CDT
I'm so sorry that Brett's surgery did not get to happen today. Your strength is really such a wonderful example of what God can do for those who trust Him. I will continue to pray for Brett, for your family, and for a successful surgery when the time is right.

Kimberly Hong (Brett's Granddaddy Jim is building our house, so we have come to know about and care about Brett very much.)

Kimberly Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 3:42 PM CDT
Dear Precious Brett (and Mom and Dad):
Your family in Tennessee is praying for all of you now. We are thankful that you have Mommy and Daddy and Granny and Pop with you. We are praying that God will give them and your doctors a sense of confidence about what to do next. For now, we are thankful that you are safe. We love you so much precious angel. Aunt Jelene will check on you again a little later.

Love from all of us,
Uncle Woody, Aunt Jelene, Meghan and Caroline

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:50 PM CDT
SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA WALTON - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:45 PM CDT
Lisa and David, My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Charlene Strickland <scstrick@aol.com>
Marietta, Ga USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Our continued prayers for Brett today. I'm so sorry the surgery did not go on as scheduled. Please give Brett a kiss from us.
All our love-
Laurie and Tim

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:37 AM CDT
Dear Brett,

We are praying for a successful surgury today, may God protect you and give your doctors the wisdom it takes to perform their job. We also pray for a painless recovery. We know you have the best nurses in your parents.

God Bless!

Eric, Stephany, Mary, Sarah and PJ <ewhite@ryland.com>
Roswell, GA 30075 - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Brett: I know you have received so many wonderful thoughts and prayers and that Mommy and Daddy are reading them to you. I have you in my thoughts and prayers today. I know that God is with you and holding you every step of the way so that you will have a speedy and painless recovery. I hope the sun is shining today where you are so that when you open your eyes you will know that He is there with you. Many, many hugs and kisses to you Brett and to Mommy and Dadddy, too.
Sally DeVito <sally.devito@corestaff.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
You are in my prayers, especially this morning during Brett's surgery. God Bless.
Lana Elmore
Lawrenceville, GA

Lana Elmore <lana@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:36 AM CDT
Good morning Brett! We know you are in surgery right now and we also know that Dr. Bruce is doing a terrrific job! This morning Garrett came and got in bed with us at 5:30 a.m., something he is not usually allowed to do. But, it was as if he had something on his mind. So we layed in bed and prayed this morning. We prayed for you Brett, that you will have the very best outcome and recover quickly. We prayed for God's guidance for all of your doctors and nurses. And we prayed for patience and peace for your Mommy and Daddy. I know that there are lots of people saying special prayers for you this morning and I know that God is hearing all of them! We can't wait until you are feeling better and hope that is very soon! We love you very much!!!
Ron, Lissa and Garrett <lissa@bridge2sales.com>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:13 AM CDT
Lisa and Dave,

You are in my heart and prayers. I trust that God will be with Brett through the surgery and in the time that follows. May he bless you with calmness during this time.

Elziabeth Gartner <ephgartner@aol.com>
Barrington, IL USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:34 AM CDT
Dear Lisa: Will certainly be praying for the surgery tomorrow. My prayers are with you all.

May God guide the doctors and may you have peace in your heart that everything will be alright....in Jesus name.

Take care and may God shower you with special blessings tomorrow.

Love & Prayers, ALWAYS

Nancy K. Hickman <nancyk@acworthcablenet.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, David, and Brett,
Lisa, I know I talked to you today, but I want you all to know that we will say an extra special prayer tonight for strength to get thru the surgery in the morning. You are so special to us! We love you, little Brett! Keep up that precious smile.
Laurie, Tim, Ben and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
Dear David,
You had mentioned to me that you had a child with special needs; I had no idea your sweet Brett was having such a difficult time. I want you, your wife and Brett to know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I will especially be thinkging about you all tomorrow morning.
Joanne Repinecz

Joanne Repinecz <jrep@nc.rr.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
To Lisa, David, Kent, Clay and my sweet angel Brett:

Know that I love each of you very much and you three boys are so very special to me. I lift each of you up in prayer, knowing that God will provide the strength and courage to get through tomorrow and the coming weeks. God is so good! He chose you as Brett's Mommy and Daddy knowing that you can provide the love and care that Brett needs. What an awesome thought -- God entrusted you with His child who has needs beyond what most children have. He has all the confidence in you!

Jana and I are coming by tonight for a quick last kiss and hug for Brett and each of you. I am so encouraged by your faith. I love you all so much!

Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:09 PM CDT

You will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I am sure that you will have many guardian angels flying over you during your surgery.

Take care.

Deb & Jim Still

Debbie Still <debstill@mindspring.com>
Roswell, Ga US - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the email reminder regarding Brett's surgery tomorrow. You two do handle all of this, including the ways in which you keep us updated, with so much grace and passion. It's not easy (for me) to display both those qualities simultaneously; you two seem to do it everyday. I am grateful for your willingness to share Brett's triumphs and his challenges. I am a better person for having known the three of you. Best wishes tomorrow from Doug and Angie.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
Even though I have not seen you in years, Laurie has kept me up to date on your family and precious Brett. I visit your site regularly and constantly send up prayers, but today I just had to write so you would know how much my family will be praying for all of you tomorrow. I know you have mixed feelings of wanting tomorrow to come and not quite sure you are ready for it. I know God is in control and Brett is in great hands. I'll specifically pray for peace for you and David as you wait the seemingly endless hours of his surgery. I've lived on Carter's site for the last few months as so many of my close friends are Providence families and are blessed to have know Carter personally. Isn't it amazing how small this world really is. I'm so encouraged by your and David's faith, and just know that Brett has already touched so many lives through his precious story. You guys are amazing, and hope to see you soon now that you are on this side of town.

I'll watch the clock tomorrow and know that I'll have a lot of people praying for Brett and the doctors.

Get some rest tonight, I'll pray for peace tonight as well.


Valerie (Brown) Cushing <vcushing@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 2:19 PM CDT
David, Lisa, Brett & Boys -
We are keeping all of you in our thoughts & prayers this week. Brett, you are a lucky little man to have so many good people pulling for you! Good luck tomorrow!

Sybil Hudson Wermert <sybil@zephyrgroup.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
Dear Brett and family - It's been a while since I've checked in with you - I'm sorry! I'm writing now to let you know that I'll be thinking about you around the clock and wishing well for your surgery. I know that you will do great tomorrow because you are such a tough guy, and just think about how wonderful it will be when your legs are all better. I can't wait to see you again and WE LOVE YOU! Love, Dave, Lisa, Katie and James Carroll
David Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL United States - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
Hi Brett,

I'm praying for oyu and know you will come through the surgery just fine. I believe God will give the doctors wisdom to know just what to do and give you a supernatural recovery. You're very special.

Scott Kays (Coach Scott)

Scott Kays <skays@scottkays.com>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Dearest Lisa, David and Brett,
After reading your recent email regarding tomorrow's operation; as always, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Please keep in mind that God does work in strange ways and I pray he will work his miracles for Brett and all the wonderful medical professionals that have been such a huge part of your life.
All my love,

Nancy Maske <nancymaske@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
Hey Cochran's! I just left you a message at your home, but thought I would check the website for one last update before tomorrow. I will be praying for you all and asking my small group tomorrow to do the same.

I can't wait to see your new place. And bring you a meal :) You are so close now!!!

Hello Chris Snow..we miss you! Congrats on your new little one!!

Michelle Edgar

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, Ga - Monday, October 18, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
We are praying for your family. We pray especially for Brett, and for the doctors, nurses, techs, and everyone involved in his care on the 20th. God's blessings for you all...
Lisa Wilson (Carter's Cousin) <LWLUCI1987@AOL.COM>
Savannah, GA USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 9:25 AM CDT
David - I continue to check on your sweet family. I'm praying that the surgery goes well and for a smooth recovery!
Tammy Holston (Herring) <tsh61197@bellsouth.net>
Roswell, GA - Friday, October 15, 2004 6:43 AM CDT
Hello Cochran's: We'll be praying as you countdown the next 6 days until Brett's surgery. We'll continue to pray as he goes through his very challenging recovery.

God Bless you all,
Will, Clare, Phil & Jane

The Hennessy's <hennessy@mindspring.com>
East Cobb, GA USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 5:41 PM CDT
Hello Cochran family! I do not sign in often, but I check on y'all every week. Glad to hear that Brett's surgery is still on. I know it will be stressful, but good to get it over with! You all are on my mind this evening. I just received a call from a good friend of mine with an update on her 5-year-old little girl's first "bad" chemo treatment for ALL. She's doing great, but it's still heartbreaking! Just wanted you to know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers. David and Lisa, you both amaze me with your strength and faith. Keep up the good work and take care of your beautiful family!
Laure C. <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia, AL - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
Hello My Sweet Brett,
What a great time Pop and I had spending Saturday and Sunday with you,Mom,Dad,Kent and Clay.Your Birthday Party was so much fun. Mom and Dad did a great job!!! We enjoyed spending time with everyone. I love your new house.It is so pretty.
You always eat good when Pop feeds you and that makes Pop feel good.It warms my heart to see how much Kent and Clay love you and how much you love them.I am praying for you.I ask God everyday to heal my Sweetheart.Keep smiling Sunshine
I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
David, Lisa, and Brett,
Our prayer group prayed for you today.We pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead. Eph.1:18-20
The key word here is believe. I stand with you in believing that God is all powerful and can do what he says he can do. Praying for miraculous healing in Brett's life.

To God be the glory, great things he has done.

Anne Meadows <Anne@jmeadows.com>
Greensboro, GA Greene - Monday, October 11, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
David & Lisa -

I am so grateful that we had the chance to visit with you guys at your NEW HOUSE the other day; you have certainly endured a lot recently, and a move is not an easy venture - but, we ARE happy to have the Cochran family "in the neighborhood." Eric (and Brett) appeared to enjoy visiting, and it was nice to see your dad (and Lisa's mom)again. David, you are so blessed to have Lisa as Brett's mother; it is amazing to see & hear her love for your son. It is just as amazing, and rather humbling to me as a father, to see all that YOU do as head of your household under your very unique circumstances...it's so obvious you two are on a never-ending quest to provide the very best for your son, and we are glad to help in any way possible. As new parents, Jill & I can only hope that we will become as completely unselfish with our child as you are with yours. We can truly say without a doubt that we are privileged to have you as friends. God Bless your family.

The Snows (Chris, Jill & Brett's new friend Eric) <snowman@earthlink.net>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Dear Cochran family,

I linked to your page from Carter's and want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am Trever Peck's Nana, Linda. Trever(www.caringbridge.org/ca/treverpeck) joined Carter in God's hands on September 13, and I know it is sometimes hard to hold on to faith when we want so much to see our children happy and well. Though it is hard to understand, God is always there for each of us. We come to this earth with a job to do , and Brett is a special gift, to you and to all who come to know him. This is not an easy path, but never let go of your faith and we will fervently keep you in our prayers. Savor every moment, even the tough ones. The silence when they go before us is even more difficult, and with sheer grit and faith in God, we will all make it.

God Bless

Linda Kelly, Trever Peck's Nana <lmkelly@earthlink.net>
Anaheim, CA USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 1:52 AM CDT
I just learned of your site from Carter's. I pray that all is well and Brett is recovering much better than anyone expected. I pray also that God answers your prayers and miraclously heals your son!
Kendra Simpson <ksbusyboys@bellsouth.net>
Asheville, NC - Friday, October 8, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
Lisa, David, Kent, Clay and Brett,

I can't begin to express how excited Jana and I are to have you so close! We'll try not to wear out our welcome at your new home! Your home is beautiful and will be such a great place to take care of our sweet Brett. He seems very happy and content there. Jana and I look forward to this weekend. It will be so good to have all the Georges and Cochrans together to celebrate Brett's birthday, spend time with Kent and Clay, and enjoy your new home.

We continue to pray for you, Brett and his doctors as you all prepare for surgery. It is good to hear his appointments are going well and the doctors all think he is ready for surgery. I know Brett's recovery will be challenging in many ways -- but I am so thankful that we are closer and can check in on you all more often and give you a break by taking care of Brett, or taking care of other things so you can take care of Brett, or by just being there for each other.

Thank you, God, for bringing my little sister and her special family closer to me and Jana. What a blessing!

I love each of you so much,

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA 30097 - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
You have inspired me and made me feel that the problems that our son has are not as bad as I felt that they were. Thankyou for being such strong parents and I will be praying for your child as I do for mine. God bless and keep you.
Kari Martin <kmartin6880@charter.net>
yakima, wa USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 0:12 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, David & Brett:

Hope your new home is just that....HOME! We are so thankful that things seem to be falling into place. We are looking forward to seeing you next weekend at your birthday party! Keep working on keeping Brett healthy & strong for his surgery.

Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN USA - Saturday, October 2, 2004 0:18 AM CDT
Sounds like you are in for a very "moving experience"! I will pray for that and for Brett's upcoming surgery.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Friday, October 1, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Your family brings so much inspiration to all those whose lives you touch. I hope you realize what a blessing you all are! Good luck with moving and the upcoming surgery. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Caroline <celliot@mbolaw.com>
Woodbridge, VA - Friday, October 1, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
Hey David and Lisa and Brett! I was checking your website like I often do, but do not always sign in. After reading David's entry, of course I wanted to let you know you were all in my thoughts! I often go to your website and then to Carter's website. I will be praying for all of you and the upcoming surgery. Congrats on the sale of your home. I am sure it will be bittersweet when you move into your new place. We will be glad that you will be right down the road from us!! Have fun with the big boys this weekend; I am sure I will get to see you soon!

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:22 PM CDT
We're praying for a hearty appetite and good nights rest. Your family will continually be in our prayers.

The Wileys <mwiley36@comcast.net>
Evans, GA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Hello, my sweet Brett, It's Grandmama checking in on you. I just read your Daddy's update in your journal. How touching! God has made all of you so strong... remember to lean on Him when things are tough!! He is our Rock!! I know that you loved having Kent and Clay there with you this week-end and also that they were great helpers getting ready to move to the new house. I am sooo looking forward to our special time together while Mommy & Daddy are moving into the Suwanee house and getting your new room ready for you. We will have so much fun together as usual...you know how silly we are!! HA, HA!! I've got some new songs to sing to you this time, but we'll sing all our favs, too. Can't wait until Wednesday to see all of you. Love and Kisses, Grandmama
Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 3:56 PM CDT
Hello, Cochran family! It has been too long since I've talked to you. I'm glad to hear that Brett's surgery is going as scheduled. You know we will be praying for all of you, but especially little Brett. Please let us know what we can do to make your move easier. We'll be checking on you! As always in our prayers and all our love,
Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, September 27, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Our family has been praying for the Martins and have often followed their link to Brett. We will consider it a priviledge to pray for Brett's upcoming surgery. Thank you for allowing us into your lives. We look forward to watching God's plan unfold.
The Wileys <mwiley36@comcast.net>
Evans, GA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that my family is praying for you all and especially for Brett's upcoming surgery. I have been coming here and checking on you all for a while now, but this is the first time I have posted. I pray for peace and rest for you, as well as health and good times together. Please know that there are many people praying for you all in South GA!!
Lisa McDaniel <angshell@bellsouth.net>
Hazlehurst, GA USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart.. I hope you are having a good day and hope you had a restful night. I know you are missing the big boys,they will be back before you know it and they will be excited to see you,Daddy and Mommy. Pop and I are so excited you are moving closer to Aunt Kenya,Uncle Jed,Kennedy,Aunt Lynne and Jana.They love you very much.Pop and I love you and will see you soon.Keep smiling "Sunshine"

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 19, 2004 3:26 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart,
I hope you are having a good day and hope you had a restful sleep last night. I know you miss the big boys,they will be back before you know it. Granny and Pop are so excited you will be moving closer to Aunt Kenya,Uncle Jed, Kennedy, Aunt Lynne and Jana. They love you very much. Granny and Pop love you and will see you soon. Keep smiling "Sunshine"

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 19, 2004 2:21 PM CDT
This is my first visit to Brett's page. His granddaddy, Jim George, is building our house in Greensboro, GA, and Jim and Carol have become very special to us. We will be praying for Brett - his upcoming surgery and his progress in general. Thank you for sharing your story.
Kimberly, Tim, & Anna Claire Hong <khong@plantationcable.net>
Greensboro, GA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:58 PM CDT
Hey sweetie. I miss you soooo much. I cannot wait until you move near me. Me and my friend, Kathryn, were looking at your web page and we wanted to say hey! Well I love you and hope to see you soon. Tell your mommy, daddy, and big brothers I said Hey and I love them. Kathryn said hey and she enjoyed your web page.
Love Ya!
Cousin Jana and Kathryn

Jana Payne and Kathryn Kelkenberg <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA U.S.A - Friday, September 10, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
I am so sorry that i can not heal your beautiful son, God knows if I could I would take his problems away and make him well. I hope and pray for a miracle for you loving parents! one cannot help but hold ones own little ones a little bit tighter after hearing of Brett's plight. I will keep you in my prayers always!!!

Officer Andrew Martin <kmartin6880@charter.net>
yakima, wa USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 4:19 AM CDT
Hi Cochran Family,
Jana and I are counting down the days until you move to Suwanee! We can't wait to have you closer to us! Kent and Clay, I pray for safe travels as you head back to New Jersey this week. I also pray that school goes well for you guys and that you enjoy your new classmates and teachers. Can't wait until you are back in Atlanta again so we can spend some time with you! Can't believe the summer is over.

Sending hugs and kisses to each of you! I love you all!
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
Dear Brett-your Aunt Lynnie gave me your web site address. Even though I have never met you-just hearing her talk about you I can tell what a speical gift from God you are to those around you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. She is excited about having you closer to her and Jana.
Love light and hugs in Christ's name-

Rhonda Fant <r2fant2002@comcast.net>
Acworth, GA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
Hi Cochrans,
My daughter and her family live down the street from the Martin's. I have been praying for Carter's miracle since he first got sick. Last October I got to meet Carter and go trick or treating with Carter,Candler,Scott and my grandkids. What a blessing. Your sweet little boy and your family will go on my prayer list. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Vicki Rudolph <vickee48@aol.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Hi my Little Darling Boyfriend! It's Miss Ute from Timber Ridge.I see you when I come into your classroom to feed Melanie. I am always looking forward to your beautiful smile, you handsome little boy! I am very sad though that you are moving and I won't be able to see that beautiful smile anymore, but make your mom and dad promise us that they will bring you over to T.R. to visit.
Love you lots!
Ms. Ute

Ute Pinel <porscheute@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 5:29 PM CDT
Hi cousin Brett,

I can't wait until you move near me so we can play together on a regular basis! We'll go swimming and play at the park, I can't wait! I love you!!

Love and kisses!
Cousin Kennedy

Kennedy Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Alpharetta, Ga USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 11:04 AM CDT
Hi Brett!

Kennedy and I had so much fun spending time with you, your brothers and your mommy last week at the park! I know how busy all of you have been lately with trying to sell your house and buying a new one, but Kennedy, Uncle Jed and I are so excited for you to move into your new house. It will be so great for you, your brothers and your mommy and daddy! Your room will be on the same level as your mommy and daddy's room AND your therapy room, how exciting! Plus I'm extra excited because we'll all live near each other again! We love you soooo much pumpkin. And I am so glad that you are doing better lately!!!!! We'll see you soon!

We love you!!!

Uncle Jed, Aunt Kenya and Kennedy

Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Alpharetta, Ga USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Hey Brett!
It's your cousin Meg. I'm glad to hear that you've been doing well! I wanted to let you know that I've thinking about you and praying for you and your mom and dad and big brothers. Keep trusting in God yall! He'll take care of you!

Meghan Mercer <meg_gem12@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, August 6, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Hey Brett!
It's your cousin Meg. I'm glad to hear that you've been doing well! I wanted to let you know that I've thinking about you and praying for you and your mom and dad and big brothers. Keep trusting in God yall! He'll take care of you!

Meghan Mercer <meg_gem12@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, August 6, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
Hi, Cochrans!!
It was good to read such a great update! I want to hear about your house hunting - ok, I want you closer to us! Have a wonderful vacation in Florida. We think of you all often. Give hugs to all of the boys. I'm sure the big boys are as happy to be here as you are to have them here. Our continued prayers for all of you, especially Brett!
Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
To my sweet little one,

Brett, you are an angel and I love you so much. It has been so great spending more time with you and your family lately. My most special memory from our times together is my hug from you Monday. It was so precious how you lifted your arms for me to embrace you. I will never forget that and I am so happy that we can communicate in that way. I love you so much and I feel your love for me as well. God bless you little one. You are so precious to me and Jana.

Hugs, kisses and all my love,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, July 9, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Brett,
I am blessed to know you and your Mommy and Daddy. Like you, they are very special and I am fortunate to have met your family. Looking forward to another big smile at our next visit! Have a fun week with Kent and Clay. God bless you all.

Karen Kirkpatrick <kkirkpat@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Monday, July 5, 2004 8:08 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

I pray that you are having a good week and sleeping peacefully. It has been so good to see you more lately. Jana and I have enjoyed the more frequent visits and hope that when you move closer we will see you lots more. It was so good to see Kent and Clay too. Can't wait until we are all together this weekend to celebrate the Fourth of July.

I love you my little sweetheart.
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:34 AM CDT
We had so much fun the day you and the big boys came and hung out with us! We miss you sooo much. We hope to see you very soon!

cousin Jana and Haley

Jana Payne and Haley Mack <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Dear Brett:
Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. We miss you and hope to get to see you soon. When do your brothers come back? I know you will be excited to see them.
I love you very much!
Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:53 AM CDT
Hi there cutie, I'm stopping by to catch up on all the news, and to spend some time praying for you and your family. It sounds like your summer is going to be very busy.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 5:40 PM CDT
Dear Lisa and Family,

It has been awhile since I checked in on all of you. After getting caught up with photos and journals I am amazed at the strength in your family. God indeed has a great plan for you and your family.

Take Care ,

Donna White -Wisener

Donna <DwhiteWisener@yahoo.com>
Auburn, AL USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 3:14 AM CDT
Dear Cochran Family ~ I live in Connecticut and accessed Brett's website through The Outfield Forever site. I have seen Brett's picture dozens of times but never entered the site until tonight. I knew Brett's story would make me very sad. I have longed to be a mom all my life but it wasn't part of God's plan...some day I may understand why. That will be my first question to him if I'm blessed to enter the pearly gates. My second question is, "Why God, do you allow the smallest and most innocent of your creatures to become so ill?" I have never understood why horrible illnesses are cast upon the children. I'm certain there is a plan, a reason and a purpose for this illness. I'm also certain this is a question you have asked yourself a million times.

You have a beautiful son and it's obvious how much he and your other children love him and how much you love eachother. I too will pray that there will be cure for Brett's illness. In the meantime, love him with every ounce of energy you have and celebrate the happiness he brings to your life! I'll keep my fingers crossed that his test results continue to provide good results!!

Carol Sargent <c.sargent@cox.net>
Enfield, CT - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
Oh do I ever share your frustration at lab tests not done when the blood, urine, etc. is right in front of them. :O(
It seems so unfair to the kids who go through enough just trying to survive another day.

I'm glad that the test results you do have are good news. I'll be praying that the rest come back that way too.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Friday, May 14, 2004 10:09 PM CDT
Dear Cochrans, Great news about Brett's tests so far. I just pray that the others will be as encouraging!! God is soooo Good!!! He will feel so much better after he gets the BP down some and so will his Mom and Dad. We enjoyed seeing all of you so much last Saturday evening for our Mother' Day gathering and then an added treat on Sunday to get to talk to Kent and Clay. All of you are so special to me!! I am so blessed to have such a loving family. Thanks again for your love and caring and for being the parents you are to my very special grandsons!!
Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:53 PM CDT
Hey Brett,
I loved seeing you for mothers day lunch. It was so fun playing with you and I cannot wait to see you soon! I love you and think about you and your family all the time.. Tell the big boys that I said hi and that I love them and miss them so much. I hope you are having a great week!

I love you!!
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:17 PM CDT
Our whole family is praying for good results!

Kurt Hoechstetter <kurtis@constructionwise.com>
Cumming , GA - Monday, May 3, 2004 8:58 PM CDT
I am a mother of three and am very touched by your website. Your love for your son is so obvious and I Pray that God will continue to work miracles! I believe that God only gives these circumstances to his believers that he knows will stay faithful with him! You and your family are an inspiration to ALL Christians everywhere! PLEASE stay strong and continue to give it all to the Lord!!! He will always be with you!

Holly Chapman Strickland <hollychadstrick@alltel.net>
Blakely, GA USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:04 PM CDT
Lisa...I am Leigh Ann Martin's aunt. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and my prayers are also with you.
sue herrin <sue.herrin@smithbarney.com>
savannah, ga usa - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:57 AM CDT
Hey Brett,
I hope you are having a great week and I am so glad you are home from the hospital!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I am glad to hear your results are good so far! It was great spending time with you, Kent, Clay, Meg, and Care over Easter and I hope to see you very soon!!! I love you so much!!!
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, Ga USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear any good news on Brett! What a brave little boy to endure all of those tests. Our continued prayers for the next set of results!

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:14 AM CDT
Thank God for the first bits of good news...I've been checking the site all day. Thanks for keeping us all updated. I pray for a restfull night's sleep for you all.
Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine,
Granny and Pop wanted you to know we are thinking of you today and always. I pray you had a restful night and you will go home today.Granny and Pop love you very much and hope to see you soon. Keep smiling sweetheart.
I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, al - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
We are praying for ANSWERS to be revealed through all of the testing being done on Brett.

We are praying for SUPERNATURAL WISDOM for all the medical professionals on Brett's team.

We are praying for PEACE for you and David.

We are praying for GOD TO SHOW HIMSELF in a mighty way.

We are praying for COMPLETE HEALING.

Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Hey Cochran family-I was just checking in to see what was happening with you all. I am glad to see that you were able to spend some time with the big boys; I bet Brett loved having them around. We will be praying for you this week that you will get some answers concerning the high counts.

Love, the Edgars

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, GA - Monday, April 19, 2004 3:28 PM CDT
Hi, Cochrans! We're so glad you had such a long visit with Kent and Clay. Brett probably loved having them around for entertainment! We will continue to pray for you all and especially Brett as he goes through another round of testing. That can never be easy for him. With all of our love and prayers -
Laurie and Tim <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
I arrived at your website by way of Carter Martin's. I have been checking in now for a couple of months. Your family continues to be in my prayers. Your strength is amazing. God bless all of you.
Claire Crenshaw <ccrenshaw@bufordcityschools.org>
Buford, GA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
"Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."

Praying for you to be given strength, endurance, and patience to sustain you.


Patti Welander <batmom@hotmail.com>
LeRoy, IL USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:16 PM CDT
Hang in there Lisa--you have an incredible wealth of patience, it just doesn't feel that way right now. I'm praying for you, Brett and David. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon!
Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
I've come all the way from Oregon to let you know that I'm praying for all of you. I know the lack of sleep routine, and it's not a pretty picture! :)) Have a wonderful Easter week.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:56 PM CST
Hi, Cochran family! How we miss ya'll so much. Thanks for the latest update on Brett and the big boys. You guys are such a special family. Everytime I read your entries, as well as Leigh Ann's, I realize how blessed Tim and I are to have our two boys. I don't think any of us understood what life was until we had our own children! We hope to see you soon - enjoy Spring break with Kent, Clay, and Brett!
All our love and prayers!
Laurie and Tim, Ben and Brian

Laurie Leimkuehler <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:34 PM CST
Dear Brett:

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. I am so glad that you get to come visit us soon. I know that you will be happy that your big brothers and Daddy get to come this time. I hope that the weather is pretty so that we can all enjoy some Tennessee sunshine together. You are in our prayers every day!

Much love,
Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:13 PM CST
Dear Brett, Lisa and David,
Your faith in God is truly amazing and inspiring. Your current needs will become a special prayer focus for our family during this Lenten season.

Stephany, Eric, Mary, Sarah and Patrick White <e_white@mindspring.com>
Roswell, GA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:22 AM CST
Good morning, my sweet Brett,
As usual, you are on my mind! I don't think I have to remind you of that. You are such a brave little boy and always have that great big smile on your sweet face. I wish I could see you right now and give you a big HUG!! We could sing "our" special songs together and talk about the things we like to discuss. Ha, ha!! I'm so glad Kent and Clay are coming to see you this week-end and they get to stay longer this time. Won't that be fun? I'll check in again soon and see how things are going for you. Remember that I am praying for you and your doctors every day and I believe God has good things in store for you. I love you bunches!!! Grandmama

Carole C. George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Hey guys! Lisa, it was so good to talk to you today. I just wanted to tell you again that we will be praying for all of you-that you will get some good rest and that you will get your answers concerning the blood pressure. Remember that God does not give us any more than we can handle. You are such proof of that!! We hope to see you soon!! Love you!
Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, GA - Monday, March 8, 2004 6:15 PM CST
Hey Brett! Great pictures of you and Barney. It was nice of you to take your Dad and Mom to see him. I know that your Dad has always wanted to go. I also liked your Cat in the Hat Halloween costume. I went trick or treating as a pirate; James was a SWAT policeman, and Katie went as Sponge Bob. All the grown-ups in our neighborhood kept asking her if she was a piece of cheese - she was pretty mad about that!

We love you and can't wait to see you guys - maybe this summer!

FL Dave, Lisa, Katie and James

Dave Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 9:12 AM CST
Hello David, Lisa and Brett. Just a quick note to let you know that Ingrid and I have been keeping all of you in are prayers. We will get to Atlanta and see you soon.

Frank and Ingrid Brown <frank@villagerframe.com>
Auburn, - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 5:17 PM CST
hey brettie,
i haven't been on here in a while, so i decided to write you a little note.i'm at school right now in the computer lab and all of my friends think you're soooo cute. i love you soooo much and can't wait until i get to see you again. tell your mom and dad i love them bunches too!
"i can do all things through christ who strengthens me"
philippians 4: 13

i love you bunches,
care bear

caroline mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
crossville, tn usa - Monday, March 1, 2004 9:55 AM CST
Dear Brett, Lisa and David:
I feel as though we have hardly been in touch lately with all of the laryngitis and travel. Lynne has been keeping me updated and we will talk to you soon. You are all in our prayers. We love you all so much!
Love, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, February 25, 2004 0:26 AM CST
Brett, You or you family do not know me but please know that we are praying for you and your family
The Hill Family
Lawrenceville, Ga

Kwai Hill <kwaihill@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 24, 2004 10:38 PM CST
Dear Brett,

I am thinking of you now and want you to know how very much I love you. I hope the doctors will reach an agreement on what the best plan of action is for your upcoming surgery. I know it is a month away still, but we are all anxious to know if you will be having the surgery. We will continue praying for wisdom and guidance for your doctors who are making these decisions. We will also pray for peace and patience for your mom and dad right now -- this waiting game must be so difficult for them.

You are the sweetest little boy I know and looking at your picture, I see your beautiful mommy and my sweet little sister in you. I'm sure you must look a little like daddy, Kent and Clay, but I think you favor your mommy so much! I am sure that pleases your daddy since he has two sons who favor him so much. Speaking of Kent and Clay, we do miss them and it was so good to talk to them when they were in town Valentine's Day. We send love and kisses to each of you.

We love you buddy and pray for peaceful sleep for you tonight and every night,

Aunt Lynnie and Cousin Jana

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 12:43 AM CST
I'm praying for ya!
Abigail Long <stu54371@westga.edu>
Carrollton, Ga United States - Monday, February 16, 2004 4:27 PM CST
Hello Brett, Lisa, David,
Nice pics of that big 'ol Barney and family. I hope Barney didn't scare dad too much. I'm sure it was a well deserved and special weekend for all at the Cochran household. We're all thinking a praying for you guys.

Salyer <Salyer84@hotmail.com>
Smyrna, GA USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:59 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine,

Granny knows you are having a wonderful weekend because your Brothers are at home with you. I can see your beautiful smile as I am typing this message to you. You know Granny and Pop think of you and pray for you everyday all day long. No matter where I am you are always on my mind.
I hope to see you very soon.I love you...always have...always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al US - Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:26 PM CST
I saw the picture of you and Barney! It is soooo cute! I am glad that you got to experience such a fun thing!!!
I miss you so much and you are always in my basketball team, church, and friend's prayers along with mine every day! I miss you so much and I can't wait until next time I see you. I hope that is very soon! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Daid, Kent and Clay! I love you so much !!!!

Love Ya,
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, Ga U.S. - Friday, February 13, 2004 8:16 PM CST
Hi Brett,

Coach Scott is praying for you. Hang in there, buddy.

Coach Scott

Scott Kays <skays@scottkays.com>
Canton, GA USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:02 PM CST
I'm especially touched today by two things in Brett's journal. First, Lisa's tender words -from her 1/29 entry- for her husband regarding his devotion to their son are a very moving aknowledgement. I cannot read that without crying. Second, Lisa and David's concern for their friends' son, Carter Martin. With all that you two have to handle, that you find energy to exhibit such compassion and concern for others is inspirational. Not surprising, mind you, but inspirational. Perhaps, as I've seen suggested in other guestbook entries, you two were handpicked for this special task of caring for Brett. For to do so with such strength and grace certainly defines a SuperMom and a SuperDad.

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL - Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:47 PM CST

This is an old friend here...writing to say hello and that Laurie made me aware of your website and I just wanted to let you know that Brett is in my prayers, as is all of your family...

I am recently back from China to bring our daughter home, Emma Rose Pitts ...and she is adjusting to life in the US very well!

Would really love to see you some time, and meet your family!

p.s. Emma is also a huge fan of the purple giant dragon! I had no idea we missed a special opportunity to see him in person! Glad it was a blast for Brett,

Shelley Pitts <sheli1919@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, February 8, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Hey, guys! I LOVE the pictures, it looks like Brett really enjoyed Barney and wasn't afraid of him at all! I know it meant a lot to you guys to be able to do that with Brett. I'm glad the surgery is rescheduled, but was sorry to hear that there had been some recent problems. Know we are praying for you ALL the time. We must catch up in person soon! ;-)

Denise Dickerson <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, February 8, 2004 8:21 AM CST
Hey Brett, Lisa and Super Dad! I love the pictures; Brett looks like he had a blast meeting Barney!! I had known that his surgery had been postponed (it is now scheduled on Wynn's b'day), so we will continue to pray for you all. Glad to hear that all is well. We still need to plan our get together. Thanks for the update on Carter as well; we and a lot of others will be praying for him and his family too!!

Michelle & Newt Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, GA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 10:14 PM CST
Hello, Cochrans! I'm so sorry we haven't been in better touch, but you know we think of you constantly! Lisa, I hope you are feeling better. It is always hard for a Mom to be sick - no time for that, right?! That is so exciting about Barney! I hope Brett had a wonderful time - he deserves it! As always your whole family is in our continued prayers. We love you lots!
Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, February 2, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Dear Brett:
Aunt Lynne had told me about your special visit with Barney that is coming up. It was especially fun to read your Mommy's latest journal entry and to know that your Mom and Dad are so excited about the event. When Meghan and Caroline were younger, they would have given most anything to meet Barney in person.

We all are praying for you and for your doctors to be able to help you get ready for your surgery. We love you very much!

Aunt Jelene, Uncle Woody, Meghan and Caroline

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:47 PM CST
Dear Brett,

We think about you all the time and we pray that God and all his angels and saints are taking good care of you. We think that two of his angles are your mom and dad, you are so lucky to have such caring parents...you are in such good hands. We noticed that your surgery was moved to a later date. Should it be God's will to have this surgery, we will keep wishing for your body to get ready for it.

We haven't seen you in some time but we hope to be able to change that as soon as the time is right. Congratulations on being a big cousin! We're happy for Kenya and all your family.

May God bless you all with the miracle of hope and healing.

Eric, Stephany, Mary, Sarah and PJ <e_white@mindspring.com>
- Monday, January 26, 2004 7:34 PM CST
Hey David & Lisa -
Brett, we haven't written as often as we should have, but promise to have many more entries for 2004! It was great to see you and the boys at Christmas, and to spend much needed quality time with your mom and dad. Looked like all you kids had a wonderful Christmas, with gifts filling the family room and candy everywhere! Hope to see you again real soon; in the meantime, give your mom and dad a hug for us - we've missed them as well! Continued well wishes, as all of you are always in our prayers!

Chris & Jill <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, January 26, 2004 5:07 AM CST
Dear Brett:

I hope you had a great weekend with Kent and Clay. I have been thinking about you and praying for you. I know that Mommy, Daddy, and Dr. Amador are looking out for your best interests. I also know that so many people are praying for you and that God is hearing their prayers for you.

Remember always how much we all love you!

Aunt Jelene, Uncle Woody, Meghan and Caroline

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 9:17 PM CST
As do every night, I was just stopping by to check on Mom, Dad, and Brett. I know I have not written in the guestbook in a while, but that does not mean I don't think of and pray for you every day. Lisa, the message you left in Carter's guestbook the other day was so uplifting for me...just to know that others are checking in lets you know how loved you are. I hope you are feeling that same way now. I will be waiting anxiously to read the next update about Brett.
Much love,
Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:05 PM CST
Happy Sunday to you, Happy Sunday to you, Happy Sunday dear Brett, Happy Sunday to you!!! I just know you have had a great time with Kent and Clay!! We had so much fun with all of you over the holidays. Now we have to get back in the routine of life. You are so special to everyone who meets you and even to those who have just heard of you. I know you can't understand how your life can so profoundly influence others and make them think about what is really important in this world, but you have touched so many hearts and continue to reach so many people just by being here. You truly are a special blessing from God!! All our friends in Greensboro ask about you and continue to lift you up to our Heavenly Father. We witness miracles every day and I do not hesitate to ask Him for a special miracle for our very special Brett. Have to go to church now. Remember that I love you so much and pray for you daily.

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Sunday, January 11, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Brett, You are truly a BLESSING- Hope ya'll have a wonderful 2004 and you will be in our prayers
Scott Morrow <morrow22@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Saturday, January 10, 2004 5:45 PM CST
Hi, Lisa, David, and Brett! We are so glad to hear you had such a great holiday with your family! It's always busy, but when you get to see all of the family, it is so special. We had not read an update in a while (we were out of town over Christmas) and a lot has sure happened! We're very relieved to hear Brett's latest test result were positive ones. Wow, Brett's pediatrician is fablous! He sounds like one of a kind. Love to you all and continued thoughts and prayers!
Laurie and Tim <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Dear Brett,
I have loved seeing you so much during the holiday season, and I wish I could see you this much all year long!!! I hope you are glad to be geting back into the normal school day routien... I know I am! I hope to see you soon.

Luv Ya,
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:10 PM CST
Happy New Year Brett and family! I come often to check on Brett, but never leave a message. I am praying for good test results for your little angel. Please know that your entire family is in my prayers this new year! I know that 2004 will bring good things for you all!
Laure (Evans) Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Thursday, January 1, 2004 6:10 PM CST
Hi Brett! It is Miss Janet. Happy New Year! I have been missing you since I have been on vacation and wondering how you all have been doing. It sounds like a lot has been going on. I am sending good thoughts your way. See you soon! Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@aol.com>
Marietta, Ga USA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 12:31 AM CST
Dear Brett (and Mommy, Daddy, Kent and Clay),
We love you all so much! Every day God uses your family to strengthen our FAITH in HIM! Aunt Lynne told me about your special time in prayer while putting you to bed on Friday night. I am so thankful that Clay and Uncle Jed were there also. Clay certainly seems to be a prayer warrior for you. I know that there are many others that you do not hear from often, but that God hears from, on your behalf, daily. We cannot wait to see you this weekend.
Tell Kent and Clay that we love them and can't wait to see them. Sometime we need to plan for all of you to come to TN for a big boat race. Uncle Woody got 2 sea racers to race on the ponds for Christmas. We had to wait a couple of days for the ponds to thaw, but now the boats seem to work fine. We all may need racing lessons. Maybe we should call GRANDDADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He should be able to help all of us!
We will see you at Aunt Lynnie's house on Saturday! Much love to all of you!
Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer @frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Thursday, January 1, 2004 1:58 AM CST
David, Lisa, Brett and Boys,
I always look forward to receiving your Christmas card and as I took it from the mailbox found myself wondering how you all were doing. I was saddened to read of Brett's illness and the struggles you all have faced this past year. However, I was excited by your fantastic attitude and awesome faith. Reading the entries at Brett's website was inspiring. It is a blessing to know how Brett's challenges allow him and you to touch the lives of others. I'm putting your family Christmas picture on the "Hester wall of fame" (the refrigerator), so that I will be sure to pray for you all daily. I know that God still works miracles, and I believe in the power of prayer! If there is anything we can do for you guys please let us know.
Love and Prayers,
Lisa Hester

Lisa Hester <Lisadiane2cu@aol.com>
Hokes Bluff, AL USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 2:32 PM CST
Hi Little Sweetie,

I was thinking of you (as I do each day) and sharing with a friend at work how special you are to me. I enjoyed our time together Friday night and I was so happy to see how well you ate for me (I think you ate more than both Jana and Clay!). Your Mommy and Granny prepared a fabulous dinner. I am so glad that your body jacket helps to support you so that you can concentrate on eating rather than on trying to sit up straight.

The most special time of the night for me was when I stayed in your room for Mommy, Daddy, Clay and Uncle Jed to tuck you in and pray with and for you. It is not the first time I have done that, and I plan to be a part of that anytime I have the opportunity. Your Mom and Dad are so strong, faithful and courageous. God hears our prayers for you every day. Clay's prayer for you that night was so precious and sweet. For such a young boy Clay knows so much about your needs and his prayer for you was so touching. David, I heard "you" in Clay as he prayed and it should please you to know that your middle son models after you in that way. And, as always, your Daddy's prayer brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful that God has placed you in the loving hands of my sweet little sister and her wonderful husband. We have all learned so much through you and through them.

I know that you have been visiting a new doctor this morning regarding issues around your high blood pressure and I am anxious to hear what he says. I love you Brett, and wish you comfort, peace and lots of love in your life. I pray for a cure each day and pray that when others see you and your parents, they see the love of Jesus as I do. Your life is such a great witness to many!

I can't wait to have you and our George family in our new home Saturday to celebrate Christmas. It will be wonderful to all be together once again.

I love you! Hugs and kisses from me to you,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 12:13 AM CST
Dear Brett:
Aunt Jelene was thinking of you again and decided to check out who was signing your guestbook. I am so amazed that God has taken this opportunity to keep you in touch with members of our family that we do not see very often. Your family is a very special gift that God has given to all of us. We are all remembering you in our prayers every day.

I hope that you are having a wonderful visit with Kent and Clay. I thank God that Granny and Pop could spend special time with you so that your Mommy (Mama Lisa) could go to get your brothers at the airport.

Aunt Lynne told me how well you ate your meals for Pop and for her. I know your new body jacket helps make things easier for you. I am so looking forward to seeing you Saturday. Remember how much we love you!

Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <www.jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:35 PM CST
Hi Brett! Hope things are well for you. You're constantly in my thoughts and I am hoping that you're doing well after your surgery. Brett, I'll be thinking about you on your surgery schedule and want you to know that we will keep our prayers for you. We can't wait to see you again someday! Wink! I love you very much, Brett!

Julie Burton & Family

Julie Burton <HamleeBurton@aol.com>
Cave Spring, GA USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:57 AM CST
Brett, I have not met you, however, I hope to one day. Many of my favorite childhood memories include your mom, her sisters, and two of her aunts...:) I am your Great Uncle Harry's stepdaughter, Allyson Sellers, from Albany.
You are a very handsome guy, and I am sure God has put you in the most loving and capable of hands. To all of you, take care and happy holidays!!

Allyson Sellers <shneky162@aol.com>
Albany, GA USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 5:28 PM CST
Dear Brett:

Aunt Jelene called to tell you Merry Christmas, but you were at Aunt Kenya's house. I just want to tell you how very much I love you and how special you are to me at Christmas and always. I hope Santa left you some special gifts. Much love to you, Mommy and Daddy!

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:18 PM CST
Tell Brett that Santa is on his way with wonderful gifts for a wonderful boy !!! God bless you, Brett, and your family.
Ken Vreeland <kenman12@prodigy.net>
Nashville, Tn Davidson - Saturday, December 20, 2003 12:42 AM CST
Merry Christmas to the Cochran Family,
My favorite Christmas card every year is the card I receive from the Cochran's. It came today in my mail and I can't believe how precious you all look.
My thoughts and prayers are always with you and my God give you special strength during the surgery in January.
Much love to you all,
Nancy Maske

Nancy Maske <nancymaske@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA Fulton - Saturday, December 20, 2003 11:35 AM CST
Brett,Lisa, and David,
We received Jelene's newsletter yesterday and she sent word of Brett's illness. My heart is sad and my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Hope to see you all sometime during the holidays. May God be with you at this most difficult time. We love you.

Jan and Harry Clifton <Gamama48@aol.com>
Leesburg, GA Lee - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 7:32 AM CST
Hi Lisa, David and Brett,
Jelene sent me a Christmas card with a letter telling me about what you all are going through. I am so sorry. God does bring us peace if we ask for it and are open to Him to feel it. I just want you to know that I will be praying for all of you. You, Brett, are so adorable and I can tell how much you brighten everyones lives.
I knew your Mommy when she played softball on the "Superbees" but haven't seen her for a long time. I did get to see your Grandmama and Granddaddy George last May however.
I wish all of you a very blessed Christmas and please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'll also let Debbie know about Brett, Lisa.
Take care and keep the faith!!
Beth Gilson
Jacksonville, Fl.

Beth Gilson <ggjax38@aol.com>
Jacksonville, Fl. USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 3:25 PM CST
Hi David! I met you while waiting in line for Santa on Saturday morning. I told my husband about you and your family and wanted him to meet you when we returned at 12:00. We didn't make it back to the mall until 12:10-just in time for our number. I saw you and your family from afar as we approached Santa, but when we were done you all had walked on . I have been reading your web site information and have been sitting here crying for an hour. My heart goes out to you and Lisa. You are incredible people. I will pray for you all. And remember the lessons you taught me about my own girls-patience and love. I hope the Holidays are filled with peace and joy! God bless you! Stephanie Smith
Stephanie Smith <Stephanie_m_Smith@gwinnett.k12.ga.us>
Grayson, GA US - Monday, December 15, 2003 11:02 AM CST
Hey Brett! Hope you and your family are doing well this Holiday season. You are in our prayers.

Eddie, Tammy, and Joseph Voynik <evoynk@earthlink.net>
Brandon, MS - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 7:03 PM CST
Hi Brett,

It was so wonderful to have some special time with you and your family at Thanksgiving! And now we are looking forward to Christmas. You are an angel and I am so thankful to have you in my life. God blesses me each and every time I see you and that precious smile.

Give Mom and Dad a hug from me and tell them to give you a great big kiss from Aunt Lynnie! Have Mommy tell the big boys I love them too!

I love you with all my heart,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA 30097 - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 11:57 AM CST
Dear Brett, Mom and Dad:
We had a terrific time with you and your brothers at Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see you again soon! I know Mom and Dad are stressed with the holidays fast approaching. Have fun seeing Santa with your brothers this weekend. We love your new pictures! That smile is surely one of God's special gifts.

Love, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
- Monday, December 8, 2003 11:56 PM CST
Hello Sunshine,
I am sorry it has taken me so long to tell you how much Pop and I enjoyed your Birthday party. I am so glad we got to spend time together. It was nice for everyone to visit with you, but I know you missed your Brothers. I know Mom and Dad have told you they will be here in 3 days!!! Hope you all have a good Thanksgiving with Mom's family and Granny and Pop will see you on Saturday. I love you Brett.
Always have...Always will...

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, November 23, 2003 7:46 PM CST
Hey Brettie! How are you? I loved seeing you at your birthday party, and I can't wait to see you again. I love you so much!

Care Bear

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, November 21, 2003 10:09 PM CST
Happy birthday Brett!! I can not believe that you are 4 years old. Shelby and I hope that you had a great birthday.

We are thinking of you and you are in our prayers. Happy birthday again and GOD BLESS.

Allen Parker <jallenparker@att.net>
Roswell, GA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:01 PM CST
Happy Birthday to you... Happy 4th Birthday Brett!

It was so good to see you Saturday and celebrate your birthday. You have so many people who love you and pray for you each day. You are a very special little boy! Hope you are enjoying your new toys. It looked like you really enjoyed your yummy chocolate cake -- I know I liked it!

Jana and I love your new big boy bed. You are a lucky little guy to have a mommy and daddy who want things to be so special for you!

Brett, I hope you have a really good birthday today. I am praying for the best year yet for you and your family. God is so good to us and I thank him each day for you and your beautiful smile.

I love you,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 1:05 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Brett!
It's hard to believe you are 4 years old! Have a very fun day! We love you!

Laurie, Tim, Ben, and Brian <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:34 AM CST
Hey Little One,

Jana and I can't wait to see you tomorrow for your 4th birthday party! Can't wait to give you a big birthday hug and some kisses too! Sleep well tonight, Brett, so we can have lots of fun celebrating tomorrow.

I love you,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 2:31 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine,
Granny and Pop enjoyed our visit with you,Kent,Clay,Mom and Dad last Thursday. We had a rushed trip to Texas. We figured up the hours driven from Friday to Monday and was surprised when the hours driven were 28. I think that may explain why we were just a little tired. I thought of you,Mom,Dad and your brothers the entire trip. My thoughts were of how much Pop and I love you and are praying for you.You have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen and I love when you smile at me.You have a big day coming up in a couple of weeks and I am sure Mommy and Daddy are busy planning your birthday with lots of fun and surprises.God loves you Brett and so do Granny and Pop.
Always have...Always will...

Granny <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:19 AM CST
Hey guys,
I am a Golden Eagle and a believer (not necessarily in that order) and am proud of your faith. You will all be on my prayer list. Thanks for the strength you show and the humility in knowing LJC provides the strength.
May you continue to claim God's wonderful blessings daily,

Henry R. Crain <hcrain@jeffcityschools.org>
Jefferson, GA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:15 AM CST
Hi Lisa, David, and Brett!
Happy Birthday Season to both of you! I read and check up on you often, but don't usually write anything-never sure what to say. It sounds like some things are finally settling down there-school, adjusting to the Big Boys visiting schedules, surgery waiting until AFTER the holidays, for a while there it didn't seem like you could get a break. I think of you all very often, and wish I could be there to help and see you all. I will probably visit after the holidays, and maybe we can all get together then. May you all continue to find the strength, wisdom and peace that sustains you through these oh so difficult and trying times.
Very Much Love being sent your way!

Kecia Greenho <kmgreenho@aol.com>
Dover, MA USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
Jimmie and Susan--you were both so quick to check out this website, and I thank you for your prayers, I'll keep you updated. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Brett last week, and while his life is a challenge in many ways, his beautful smile and his faith and spirit come shining through. I already feel blessed to have met him, and look forward to working with Brett and his family to make his wish come true with Make A Wish. Brett, you are indeed an angel sent from God, and your life does have a purpose. You will be such a useful tool in His hands, and have already touched so many lives. I pray that you and your family will continue to do so, and I look forward to witnessing all that His love and glory will bring to you. God Bless you all!
Kathy Meuter <kathym@springmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
What a beautiful family. Such Happy faces must have happy hearts. It's such a blessing to know that through it all God is working. I will be praying for Brett and your family and checking back on occassion to see how he is doing.
God Bless You All. You obviously have a great deal of faith and know where your help comes from. I wish Brett A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and your family a Blessed Holiday Season.

Marietta, Ga USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
We know that God is the Great Physician and He can produce miracles in an instant. We will pray for this Angel of God and ask that He provide the peace, strength, comfort and wisdom needed during this time. God is Good and His love endureth forever. We pray many blessings on you and your family and that God will supernaturally intervene with His healing. God Bless you all.

Susan Helms <Helms2002@hotmail.com>
Woodstock, GA USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Brett's Mommy! I'm sure he knows today is special. Thanks for all of the info on the surgery. You know we will keep your whole family in our prayers. I know your visit with the big boys was great as well and I hope they're doing well! All our love-
Laurie and Tim <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:04 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to my dear friend....I think of you and pray for your family daily. I am so proud of you for your strength and stamina...you are a shining example for Christ. You are touching lives all over the world. We are so thankful that the surgery will wait until January (I read Janna's update). Looking forward to your next update with encouraging news about Brett.
Much Love,
Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
I am glad to hear that you don't need to have your surgery until January.
I hope your week is going great at school and at home.
I love you so much and I am always thinking about you!!!
Cousin Jana

Tell Aunt Lisa(mommy to you) Aunt Lynne and I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA US - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 8:43 PM CDT
Please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Hope is the companion of power and the mother of success, For those of us who hope strongest have within us the gift of miracles.
--Sydney Bremer

Erica Mattson
Atlanta, GA - Monday, October 6, 2003 10:22 AM CDT
Dear Cochran Family,
Brooke forwarded me Brett's website and after reading his story, I wanted to send you my family's prayers and love. I too am mother of a premature baby as well (although she was only 3.5 weeks early) and so far Mary Kiley's first 2 and a half years of life have been blessed with a clear bill of health. As a mother though, I am certainly touched by your gracious strength and amazing spirit to win the race God has set your family on. I was privileged enough to work with many physically/mentally/emotionally disabled children in the University of Tennessee's Recreational Therapy program a few years ago and through that work, I learned what special gifts children like Brett have to give everyone who encounters them in life! God has entrusted your family with the most precious of all children. And I rejoice in that blessing with you. Little Brett is already such a champion in my eyes. We will be praying diligently for his continued progress/happiness and for a quick recovery after his surgery. We will also pray for continued mercy and grace for all of you to persevere through the next difficult procedures before you.
May God bless your family and keep you all,
Ali, Matt and Mary Kiley Brannon

Ali Brannon <mk030201@go.com>
Altanta , GA 30319 - Monday, October 6, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
God hears our every prayer!!! I will be praying for healing of little Brett, and Strength/Endurance for your family. God's Hand is in this and His Strength/Endurance will surround you because HE LOVES YOU!!!
Colleen Grant <lleenie22@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Monday, October 6, 2003 7:45 AM CDT
My sweet friend Brooke Aaron sent this website about your Brett. While his situation at first maked me so sad, as I read your most recent journal entry, I realized how lucky this little boy is. My brother was also born two months premature, but he did not survive. It is wonderful to see that you were blessed with this time with Brett; also that he was blessed with such wonderful parents - you're family is an inspiration to patience and persistence and prayer. I will add Brett to my prayers each morning, noon, and night - please wish him a happy 4th birthday from yet another stranger =) and have a wonderful holiday season! May God Bless and Keep You All Safe in His Loving Arms! Much love and warm wishes, Kellee Waters
Kellee Waters
- Monday, October 6, 2003 7:41 AM CDT
Heard about you and Brett from my daughter Brooke. Since I have been at her command for over 25 years, I visited your site. I am including Brett in my prayer list. Both of you will also be in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Phil Aaron <pbaaron@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, October 5, 2003 11:45 PM CDT
Hi! I'm a friend of Brooke Aaron, and I WILL add Brett to my prayer list!
I also would like to tell you that I am a miracle! I sustained a traumatic brain injury in '94, was in a coma 2 months, hospital for 3. With much help from our DEAR LORD, I graduated from Auburn Univ, with a Master's Degree in Speech Path. I am currently a speech pathologist, working with the 0-3 year-old population in Mobile/Baldwin counties, AL. Yes, God has truly blessed me, and I will pray for him, as well as tell others!


Mary Elizabeth Burns <meburns2002@yahoo.com>
Daphne, AL USA - Saturday, October 4, 2003 5:09 PM CDT
Cochran Family,
It was a true JOY to meet Brett this past week. What a real light of God's love! Kathy, myself, and everyone at the Make A Wish Foundation are thrilled to be working with Brett and being able to help make his wish come true! Brett IS here for a very special reason & God has, and will continue using him for His purpose and to show His love to others! What a gift. You're little man is a soldier in the Lord's army!

"Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what youl need and thank Him for what He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6

May God bless Brett and keep you all safe in His love,
Brooke DeLon Aaron, Make A Wish Foundation

Brooke Aaron <brookedelon@hotmail.com>
ATLANTA, GA 30339 - Saturday, October 4, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
Hey sweet little Brett,

How are you doing this week little buddy? Aunt Lynnie is thinking of you often and would love to see you! I can't believe you are almost four years old! You and Mommy both have birthdays coming up, don't you? I am glad you can wait to have your surgery after your birthday and the holidays. I think that will work best for all of you. Wish I could see that sweet smile of yours every day. I love you Brett! I love Mommy, Daddy, Kent and Clay too! Hugs to you all from me and Jana!
Sending my love and lifting you in prayer,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, October 3, 2003 1:22 PM CDT
Hi - I enjoyed hearing about Brett. I am the director of FOCUS - Families Of Children Under Stress - a group that offers support to families with children with disabilities or medical needs. You can see our website at www.focus-ga.org Please call if you would like more info at 770-234-9111
Lucy Cusick <focus-ga@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA 30340 - Thursday, October 2, 2003 10:55 AM CDT
Dear Brett, Lisa and David:
Hope you are enjoying the BIG guys! We are thinking of all of you. Tell your brothers that we will e-mail them also.
Much love to all of you,
Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, tn - Saturday, September 27, 2003 7:29 PM CDT
Dear Sweet Brett,
As usual, you are on my mind!! I hope your cold is better now and you are feeling better. You know you have to feel good this week-end when Kent and Clay are here to visit with you, Mommy and Daddy. This will be a fun time for all five of you. I can't wait to see your new big boy bed...isn't it great to have more room to sleep and to cuddle up with Curious George and your other friends in your bed!!! Grandmama and Granddaddy pray for you every day and know that God is smiling down on you and blessing you. Also, we have so many sweet brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying for you and asking God for a miracle in your life. We all rest in knowing that He will watch over you and take care of you!! Love you bunches, Grandmama

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 1:41 PM CDT
Dear Brett, Mom and Dad:
We have been really busy lately and will be for the next week, but think of you often. When we come to Atlanta we are looking forward to seeing Brett's room. It sounds very exciting to have a new big boy bed. We love you all very much and are praying for you!

Love, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN U.S.A. - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:32 AM CDT
Take care big man!
Harmon, Carolyn and Jamie Hodge <harmonh@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Friday, September 19, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Hello Sunshine,
Granny is at work.I wanted you to know that you are on my mind, no matter where I am. I love you sweetheart!!! I hope your cold is better. I loved hearing about your new bed.I can just see the excitement on your face when Kent and Clay come home.Granny and Pop are praying for you.We love you and your brothers with all our heart......
Always have....Always will...

Gail Cochran
Notasulga, Al - Friday, September 19, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa, David, & Brett!
I'm sorry to hear that Brett is under the weather! I think the season for colds, etc. is coming. We had such a great time visiting with you all a few weeks ago. You and David are truly amazing with Brett. We are so blessed to have friends like you! Let's not let so much time get by before seeing each other again. All our love -

Laurie and Tim <timl2@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
Hey Brett,
Your Mommy told me that they read your guestbook entries to you a lot.So, I decided to write in it pretty often.I love you and I can't wait to see you again.You're my little blue-eyed baby cousin.I Love You!(:

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Friday, September 12, 2003 7:09 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, David and Brett:

We love you all so much! On days when I wonder why God has given Brett such challenges to deal with, I get my answer by seeing the amazing people that both of his parents have become. I know you realize that Brett is doing God's work, but I hope you also realize what you both are doing for his kingdom. Just by loving your precious little son so much, and sharing your lives with those around you, you are showing so many people the power of God's love.

Love you all,

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 8:20 AM CDT
Lisa, David & Brett - I am so glad that we got our e-mail snafu fixed. It is wonderful to be able to use this web site to keep up. I just wanted to tell you that I know God gives special children to special parents, and that's why Brett is yours for his time on this earth. Ben & I are praying for good results from all the doctor's visits you will have over this month and proceedures this month and next month. As I reflect on the anniversary of 9-11, I realize that what matters the most is this very second. Make the best of life now for it can be taken from you just that fast. One second. I fumble for the right words to tell you how touched I have been by the way you have totally turned your situation over to our Lord and Savior. He knows what is going on. We all will too one day. But what a powerful witness you have been for Him through all of this. Thank You!!!!! I have so many scripture verses that I like, but a friend of mine sent this to me the other day...Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Oh yes He will. And they will be so sweet. Take care and if there is anything we can do, please call. I love you all. Tell Blondie we love you so good!! God speed - Heather & Ben Whidby
heather whidby <heather@netcommander.com>
madison, ga morgan - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 6:31 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
I know it's only been a couple of days since I've been here at your guestbook, but I thought that I'd just like to right you a little thank you note.You might be wondering what I'm thanking you for.Read on and I'll tell you.I'm thanking you for being the best baby cousin I've ever had the chance to experience.Yes, that's right;you're the only baby I've been around all of its life.You've also done a great job at it.You're the cutest blue-eyed boy I've ever seen.And your the sweetest one too.I love you more than you could ever imagine.

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN U.S.A. - Monday, September 8, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
Dear Brett, Aunt Lisa, and Uncle David,
I Love you all so much and I'm keeping you in my prayers. I hope Brett likes his new school and is OK with Kent and Clay being gone. I gave a card to my friend Amelia and also to my Sunday School teacher. I'm planning to give one to both of my Wednesday night teachers also.

Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN U.S.A. - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
Dear Brett,
I'm a friend of Caroline Mercer's. From the pictures Caroline has shown me I think you're really cute and sweet.
Caroline has given me a "Pray for Brett" card and I will keep him in my prayers. Have a good time at your new school! You have the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen.

Amelia McCoy
Crossville, TN U.S.A. - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:22 AM CDT
I love you Brett!!!
Caroline Mercer <carebear92@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN U.S.A. - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:09 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, David and Brett, Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us and keeping us up to date through this fantastic website! Continue to believe that God will give you the strength you need to persevere and know that it is in the most challenging moments that he is not only holding you up but carrying you through. Lisa and David, keep looking into Brett's eyes, listening to his laughter and cherishing the love, because this and the prayers of all of the friends, family and even strangers is truly what will get you through. I am praying for all of you, for Brett's healing and that through the struggles you continue to recognize every piece of happiness and love that is in your lives only because you have each other! Much love to you all, Shannon
Shannon Short <shor4660@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta , GA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Brett:
I hope you had a great visit with your big brothers. We are going to have to get Clay to lay off the video games in the car. Aunt Jelene really misses you! I hear that you have some really great new teachers at school. I hope you continue to have fun there. Tell Mommy and Daddy that I love them too. You are all in my prayers.

Love, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <jgmercer@frontiernet.net>
Crossville, TN USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
I am at a loss to say anything. I was not aware of Brett's situation. My prayers will definately go out for Brett and your family.
Larry Harvill <harvilll@bellsouth.net>
Acworth, GA Cobb - Friday, August 29, 2003 9:22 PM CDT
Hey, guys ... it's your crazy neighbor again! ;-) We've had so much fun this week seeing the "big" boys ... and visiting some on our funny visit to the Publix! Reading over the past entries, it brought tears to my eyes to see how many more lives you've touched, wonderful Brett, through Daddy's new work. I'm so glad they are supportive! We think of you EVERY day, those gorgeous baby blues and wonderful smile! Keep us posted on the surgery and dental work, and of course, let me know if you need ANYTHING!
Love, Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Friday, August 22, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
We continue to pray for all of you every evening. I know the good Lord knew what he was doing when he chose you and David to parent Brett! You are indeed blessed, but so is Brett!!! I hope you all get some sleep soon. Love to you all,

Atlanta, GA - Friday, August 22, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
Hello Sunshine,
Granny and Pop want you to know we enjoyed visiting with you,Mom,Dad,Kent and Clay this past weekend.Wish it could have been a longer visit.I know you and your brothers are going to have a great time at Grandmama's and Granddaddy's this weekend. I know how much they love you guys and how much they are going to enjoy you being at their house.
Brett, I pray for you all the time.I love you,my precious.
Always have Always will...

Gail Cochran
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:49 PM CDT
Dear Brett,

Hi little angel. I hope you are enjoying your new school. It sounds like a wonderful place for you to learn and grow. I know that you will enjoy being around friends your own age!

How are my buddies Kent and Clay? I wish I could see you all while the big boys are in town! We'll see...

I just want you to know that I lift you in prayer each day and pray that God grants a miracle for my precious little boy. Much love to you today and always.

Aunt Lynnie <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA 30097 - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:02 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
This is Grandmama checking in with you. I'm glad you like your new school and teachers. Isn't it great to have Kent and Clay there with you this week!! I hope you had a great time with Granny and Pop last week-end. Granddaddy and I are so excited that all of you will be here at the lake with us this week-end. You can help Granddaddy drive the boat while your brothers ski and tube. Then we will all go swimming!! I love you so much and pray for you every day. All my church family are also praying for you and ask us about you all the time. You are such a blessing to so many people and most of them you don't even know. God knows them and he hears their prayers for you. Hugs and kisses til this week-end!!
Love you,

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:39 AM CDT
Dear Brett,
I'm praying for you right now...

Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, August 18, 2003 10:23 PM CDT
I have been thinking about you alot and decided to read the updates on your website. I love you SoOoOo much and miss you bunches! I hope to see you soon.
Luv Ya,
Cousin Jana

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA United States - Saturday, August 16, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
David & Lisa,
Thank you for being so transparent with your lives! I am so encouraged to read how God is at work in your family and continue to see why He has entrusted Brett with you two. (Psalm 27:3).

The Mayfield 6
Alpharetta, GA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Dear Lisa (mother to mother),
After so many years of knowing you I was clueless as to your beautiful gift of writing. Isn't it funny, as mothers, that God gives us the ability to express ourselves just when we need it the most? You have touched my heart, along with the hearts of so many others about our loving and faithful Lord with your journal entries. Brett and Carter have also touched so many lives....so many lives that we may never know about. But, you know what? GOD WILL KNOW ABOUT THEM! To know that even one person has come to know Him because of our trials will make our journey a little less difficult to travel. Remember that, my sweet friend...I know you believe that, too.

Dear Lisa (friend to friend),
I think about you everyday....
Today I thought about when I first met you at Georgia. I remembered my first impressions of you...beautiful, smart, kind, funny, confident, loyal...someone I wanted to call my friend. Thank God, to this day, I can still do that! I think back on some of the things we have been through together over the years...as college roommates, when difficulties included which red and black outfit to wear to the football game on Saturday or where to go for spring break. Life was such bliss and we didn't even know it!! Little did we know what real difficulties were, and how we would share them as mothers. I am so thankful that we learned such valuable life lessons together.
You are a wonderful wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend....but most importantly, you are a faithful woman of God. I am so proud to call you my friend.
Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Saturday, August 9, 2003 11:09 PM CDT
Dear precious Brett, Lisa, David, and boys. My prayers go out to you all. I work for Hospice here in DC and see the Lord's blessings daily in some small way. I sense the love and awesome care that Brett is receiving and it is heart warming/comforting. I pray that you all may experience the Lord's presence and peace during this challenging time. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know If there is anything Betsy G. or I can do for you guys from our neck of the woods (Virginia).
Monica Clothiaux <mclothiaux@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, August 7, 2003 4:29 PM CDT
Dear Brett:
We hope that you, Mommy and Daddy are doing ok without the big boys around to give you extra hugs and kisses. We know you all miss them and you are in our prayers. We will be praying that God will be with them in their new surroundings until they get back to see the three of you on August 9. Much love to all of you. Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer <crossvillemercer@aol.com>
Crossville, TN USA - Monday, August 4, 2003 9:12 AM CDT
Hi Brett!

My name is Jackie Bullard. I am Miss Janet's sister! Your life story really touched my heart! You are such a beatiful litte boy and your family is truly blessed to have you in their lives. You and your family will be in my prayers every day. You are a very special little boy and my sister is lucky to know you!

Love, Jackie <jwbullard@msn.com>
Hueytown, AL USA - Friday, August 1, 2003 10:21 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa and David! I am so glad to hear things with Brett are going well for now. Any comfort to him has got to be comfort to you also. We continue to think of ya'll endlessly! I'm sure it was a great weekend with family although emotional as well. Lisa, as soon as school starts, Brian and I want to come visit you and Brett. It's been too long. We love you all!
Laurie and Tim Leimkuehler <timl2@mindspring.com>
- Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:27 AM CDT
Very touching!
Kristin McDowell <kmcdowell@leafstone.com>
Rochelle Park, NJ USA - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
Hello Brett from New York City.

Your Dad's new co-workers here at CORESTAFF in the Northeast are thinking of you and your family.

John Smith <jsmith@corestaff.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:46 AM CDT
Hi, Brett. My name is Laura White. I am Miss Janet's mother. Miss Janet has told me so much about you and how very special you are to her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom and dad. Miss Janet tells me how much she enjoys seeing you. You are a very special little boy.
Laura White <laura@harelaw.com>
Lincoln, AL Talladega - Monday, July 28, 2003 8:15 AM CDT
My Dearest Brett,
What a joy to see your beautiful smile yesterday. Pop and I had a wonderful time visiting with you and the rest of the family.I pray for you and think of you all the time. You are my sunshine,my precious sunshine.
I love you.
Always have and always will...

Gail Cochran
Notasulga, Al - Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Hi Brett!!! It's Miss Janet!!! I am looking at your website for the first time today. I was thinking about you and decided to see if I could find it. I am glad I did!! I know I see you every week and get updates, but I just wanted to check it out!! You are a very special little boy and I consider myself lucky to have been chosen to work with you and your family. I love you, Miss Janet
Janet White <jlwslp@aol.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Hey Little Man - Myself and the world of CORESTAFF holds you in our arms in our thoughts and in our minds and gives you kisses and hugs and pray that you can feel our caring touch. We send our love.
Gary Petry <gpetry@corestaff.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Hello Brett. I was completely touched by you and your dad's journal entry. I heard about you through a colleague that met your daddy while in Houston for training. I have two children at home, with one on the way, and thank God every day that little miracles continue to come into the world - you are an inspiration to all of us and prove that angels really does exist on earth. I wish you all the best. Keep that wonderful smile of yours!
Michelle Hays <michelle.hays@corestaff.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 2:17 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

Your daddy is one of my new co-workers at Corestaff. Everyone is so excited to have him as part of our team. He was in training last week and all the people who met him knows that he will do great things.

You know that they say that a child gets a picture of who God is from their parents. I read your dad's entry on July 6th and I have to say that he is truly a picture of God's love. He loves you and understands that there is a purpose for your life. I am praying that the purpose is totally fulfilled and that you experience the depth, length, breadth and height of Christ's love.

Brett, Jesus loves you. I pray that you will feel His love around you. As your dad and mom hug you, may you know that our loving Father is hugging them.

Brett, I am so glad to get to meet you. I will talk to you again soon.

Theresa Morgan <tmorgan@corestaff.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
I can't begin to tell you how much your story has touched me. I promise to send your news out to as many people as I can and to pray for you everyday.

Anything can happen through God's grace!

You must be such a special little boy in God's eyes and your mommy and daddy too, to be blessed with you.

Keep on smiling little Brett!

Kristi Kennedy <kkennedy@corestaff.com>
Houston, TX U.S - Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Hello Brett,

I met your daddy at a company training session, in Houston. He told me about you. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind and I kiss my kids everyday, thinking of you. May God bless you and your family.


Stephanie Powell

Stephanie Powell <stephanie.powell@corestaff.com>
Overland Park, KS US - Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Dear Brett,

I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I have placed you, your mom and dad on my church's prayer chain. I met your dad last week in CORESTAFF's sales conference. He is a very nice guy and is very proud of you. I am sure your mom is also very nice and I know she is also very proud of you and both love you very much.

God bless you Brett,

Susanna McCraw

Susanna McCraw
Kannapolis, NC USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:06 AM CDT
Dear Cochran Family,

I read your site after I hit the link from Carter Martin's website. The power of the Holy Spirit speaks beautifully through David and has touched my soul in a very special way. I will pray for your entire family especially little Brett and at this very moment, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to experience God's wonderful works in your lives. God bless you all!

Stephanie Doucette <sdoucette@carterusa.com>
Stone Mountain, GA US - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Good Morning my little Brett (and Lisa/David, too!)! I have been thinking about you so much lately. I miss you and your sweet smile so much. I love you, little guy. I hope I can see you soon.
Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:01 AM CDT
I just finally had the chance to read your birthday update. I cannot put into words how your beautifully written words made me feel. You and Lisa are such an inspiration to our family, and I know it is all part of His plan that we know you now. God blessed us tremendously when we became neighbors. I hope your birthday was a wonderful one and we will be praying continually for Brett and all of you!

Much love, Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Monday, July 14, 2003 8:34 AM CDT
Dear Lisa and David,
We were at home for Daddy-Pop's Birthday last weekend and I asked Jelene how Brett was doing. She updated me and informed me of this web site. It is truly one of the neatest things I have ever seen! I just wanted you to know I have become a prayer warrior for Brett and you all. Many times throughout the years since we adopted Brenda, people have told us how fortunate Brenda was to find Jim and I. I in return, corrected them by saying how fortunate WE are. Brenda has taught Jim,Lindley and I far more than we could ever hope to teach her, as I am sure Brett has you. I know you know what I am talking about. The neat thing about it all, is that the Lord continuously reveals Brenda's purpose in our lives, even after having her for 21 years! God will do the same for you. We may all still have some unanswered questions at the end of our lives, but many more questions will have been revealed throughout our lifetime. Brett will always be with you, because he will always be giving you new insite into new events in your life. I can already see from what Jelene has told me and from what I have read in this website, God placed Brett exactly where he wanted him to be with exactly the parents he wanted him to have. God be with you both and know we are praying for you and Brett.

In His Love,
Mandy Mercer Holder

Mandy Holder <HolderM56@aol.com>
Cleveland, TN U.S.A. - Saturday, July 12, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
David - (Late) Happy Birthday! What a beautiful journal entry - thank you for sharing with the rest of us. We will continue to lift Brett up in prayer. What a precious gift he is!
Tammy (Herring) Holston
B'ham, - Friday, July 11, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave you Brett!! You and Lisa are such inspiration! I have told Lisa before, and I will tell you as well that Brett is lucky to have you both for his parents!! I will continue to pray for you and your family!! God bless you!!
Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
Suwanee, GA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Dave & Lisa,
We are praying for you and your family. Your lives are an example to us all.
God Bless!

Kenny, Marie, Alex, Carley, CJ, & Luke Wooldridge <kennyandmarie@hotmail.com>
Wellington, FL USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
A wonderful message in your update, Dave. We will continue to pray for Brett & your family. May God bless you'll!

My best-Tom Bower

Tom Bower
Gainesville, Ga. USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 9:22 PM CDT
Lisa & David,
I am a neighbor of Leign Ann Martin's and found you via Carter's web page. I have a nephew who was born premature and has cerebral palsy. Through Nick, our entire family has become very involved with a wonderful non-profit organization - FOCUS (Families of Children under Stress). They help families of children with long-term illnesses, including mitochondrial disorders. They provide summer camps, family camping trips, annual information conferences, many share groups and respite care to name just a few services. I apologize in advance if you have already heard of them or if I am giving you information you do not want or need. I know what a wonderful difference FOCUS has made in our lives, especially my sister & brother-in-law, so I wanted to pass the name on to you. Their website is www.focus-ga.org or if you care to call them, their number is 770-234-9111. Again, please accept my apologizies if I am out of line with this information.
My thoughts and prayers are with Brett & your entire family.

Golfo Pappas <golfop@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, Ga - Monday, July 7, 2003 5:36 PM CDT
Wow. David, as I read your unbelievably worded "update", with tears streaming down my face, I wondered what in the world could I possibly write to respond to such a powerful plea. I want to tell you, because you don't hear this often, how Brett has changed my life:

Before Brett, I didn't truly appreciate all of my loved ones on a daily basis. Before Brett, I concentrated most of the time, probably, on the things going wrong in my life rather than the blessings I had. Before Brett, I took my happiness for granted. Before Brett, I took my health for granted. Before Brett, I took most days for granted. Before Brett, I never realized how much joy I could get by seeing a simple smile from a three year old boy and what a miracle that is. Before Brett, I never truly thanked God for each and every day He gives us. Before Brett, I had never been so committed to praying for a miracle as I am now. Before Brett, I have never felt a hurt so deep in my heart. Before Brett, I have never seen first hand a parent's pain for their child.

I don't know if what I've said above will give you any satisfaction to your plea, but it is how I feel every day of my life. To say that Brett has changed my life for the better is an understatement. I am a better person for having Brett in my life. He has brought me closer to God. That little precious boy has done God's work just by being himself. He is a miracle because he has taught all who know him so much! I love you, David, and Lisa and the boys with all of my heart!

Aunt Kenya <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Thanks for the update David. I continue to pray for Brett and your family.
Scott Kays
- Monday, July 7, 2003 8:09 AM CDT
Well said... Dave. I hope Birthday #37 will bring a special miracle for Brett and all of your family.
- Monday, July 7, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa! I'm glad I checked in on the latest. Please let your family know we are praying for Meghan. Hopefully, they will find out everything they need to know soon. As always we keep all of your boys in our prayers, as well as you and David. We hope to see you all soon. All our love -
Laurie and Tim <timl2@mindspring.com>
Buford, GA - Sunday, July 6, 2003 2:51 PM CDT
I enjoyed reading your lastest entry, Lisa. Over and above the information update, your positive tone is reassuring and uplifting. I suspect you have a similar impact on other readers. Perhaps without knowing it, YOU are doing US a favor. You continuously demonstrate remarkable stamina and tremendous faith. I am humbled by both. Thank you for your example of strength and grace.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 2:10 PM CDT
I'm so glad I got to see you guys yesterday, even if it was for a short time. Brett, I hope you got a good night's sleep last night (as well as Lisa), and I can't wait to see you Thursday night! I love your "new wheels". I know you are going to be much happier with all of your new seats and strollers that will adjust just for you! I love you very much, Brett!!!!!
Aunt Kenya <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Lisa and David,
Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I'm thinking about y'all.

Violet Lett
- Monday, June 30, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
Hey guys!! I will keep Brett and Meghan in my prayers!! I can't wait to see Brett's new cool ride!! We hope to be able to get together with you all soon!!

Michelle Edgar <michelleedgar@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Hey, all! Thanks for letting us know about Meghan, she'll certainly be in our prayers, too. I'm glad the wheelchair is in, can't wait to see it! My kids are bummed that Kent and Clay are gone right now ... they will miss them terribly, too, come fall. We'll be leaving Sunday for about a month up north, but we'll keep checking in via the website! Have a great rest of the week! ;-)
Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:52 PM CDT
We will be praying for Brett and Meghan...want you to know that I think of you everyday and check this site every time I check Carter's. Love you, Leigh Ann
Leigh Ann Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:06 PM CDT
We enjoyed seeing the great pictures of you. You look like you are so happy and have a wonderful smile. Since you aren't able to go outside and play as much as you would like, I will play twice as hard for you. Hope you have great day and make sure you find your daddy's nose.

Jackson Berry

David and Jackson Berry <bbrdallas@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:34 PM CDT
Yea, I'm so glad everyone enjoyed their vacation time! David and Lisa, I am so glad that you got some time to yourselves to recharge and reconnect. It makes it so much easier when you know your boys are cared for so well! ;-)
Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:38 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
Good morning, sweet boy. Grandmama misses you already!! Didn't we have a fun visit while Mommy & Daddy had a little R & R!! Today I am going to your Nanny & Pappy Jack's house and we are going to get some peas and butterbeans to put in the freezer. You know how we all love those fresh veggies! Have a wonderful day and be a good boy for Mommy while Kent and Clay are at Bible School. I love you bunches!!!! Grandmama

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:41 AM CDT
I will keep Brett in my prayers
Susan Larson <susanlar@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:02 AM CDT
Dear Brett,
I'm so glad you were at the picnic yesterday, along with Mom and Dad, Kent and Clay. We had loads of fun, even in the rain! I hope you did, too. I loved holding you and talking and giggling ... you always make me laugh and smile! Your new chair is great, I'm sure it makes things easier for Mom and Dad and more comfortable for you. We'll see you again soon!

Love, Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Dear Brett,
I had so much fun staying with you on Thursday!!! I loved playing with you. I hope you had a great day today. Your new bath chair and stroller/chair are cool!! They will help mom and dad a lot and make you more comfy! I hope you have a great week! I can't wait to see you next Saturday. I think of you every day and miss you sOoOoOo much. xoxo

My love to you,
Cousin Jana

Tell Kent, Clay, mommy, and daddy that I said hi!

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, Ga USA - Saturday, June 7, 2003 3:46 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

Good morning Little Angel. I am thinking of you now and want to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you the last couple of days. You are so precious and I think your new seat for the bath and your new stroller/chair are so cool. Jana enjoyed staying with you, Mom and Dad yesterday! Her favorite part was just being able to be with you!

Take care and I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful week with the big boys!

I love you,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa and David! I meant you just after the lastest "whirlwind" event for your household -- I'm a friend of Denise's, my name's Diane. I just wanted to write and let you know that you and your family are an inspiration to me and mine. Thank God for people like you who make the world a brighter place. Although I do not live in your neighborhood, please know that I would be more than happy to babysit for Brett and his brothers so that you two could share some "alone time" together. God Bless You and your wonderful family..
Diane Marco

Diane Marco <dianemarco@hotmail.com>
Roswell, GA Fulton - Sunday, June 1, 2003 2:34 PM CDT
Good Morning, Everyone! It was so good to read about good things and improvements! We're so glad that things are calming ... even if it's just a bit! I hope the week is a great one! Let me know if you need anything!
Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 8:35 AM CDT

Dear Brett,
It is Tuesday morning and you are on my mind. I hope you had a peaceful night and are rested this morning. Wasn't it fun to have Clay and Kent spend the week-end with you, Mommy and Daddy. Well, today is Daddy's big day with his new job and I am praying that everything goes well for him. God has answered so many prayers for all of us and we are so thankful for his goodness!! Grandmama and Granddaddy are praying for all of you!!!! We love all of you so much--you are our gift from Him and we are so blessed to have you all in our lives.
Much love, Grandmama

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:58 AM CDT

Dear Brett,
It is Tuesday morning and you are on my mind. I hope you had a peaceful night and are rested this morning. Wasn't it fun to have Clay and Kent spend the week-end with you, Mommy and Daddy. Well, today is Daddy's big day with his new job and I am praying that everything goes well for him. God has answered so many prayers for all of us and we are so thankful for his goodness!! Grandmama and Granddaddy are praying for all of you!!!! We love all of you so much--you are our gift from Him and we are so blessed to have you all in our lives.
Much love, Grandmama

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:58 AM CDT
Hello My Little Sweetheart, Was so good to see you,Kent,Clay,Mom and Dad last weekend.You had a tough week and Granny was glad to see you come home from the hospital.I love you and your brothers so much and pray for you guys everyday and night. Granny and Pop will see you Saturday.Granny and Pop are excited about baby sitting you and your brothers Saturday night while Mom and Dad have a night out with their friends.See you Saturday!

Gail Cochran <gail_c_368662yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Thursday, May 22, 2003 3:11 PM CDT
Hello, Brett! I just caught up on the journal entry and am glad that things are going MUCH better! ;-) I'm so glad that Mommy and Daddy didn't feel I was intruding so now I know that I can be a "rock" when they need it. My friend Diane felt very privileged to meet you and is praying for you and everyone, also. Have a good rest of the week and hopefully if the rain stops, maybe we can see you out and about!
Love, Denise <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:30 PM CDT
Good morning Brett! I just read your Mom's journal entry and you had quite a weekend! What a brave little trooper you are! I know your Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. I hope this week is filled with lots of fun and laughter (and hospital free). You are such a special little boy to have so many people loving and praying for you!
Tammy Holston
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
Hey Brett! WOW what a week you and Mom and Dad had last week!!! We just wanted you to know that we are keeping up with your progress. Garrett and I said a special prayer of thanks last night for God watching over your Mom and Dad and giving them the guidance and strength they needed. We also said a very special prayer of thanks that He had his watchful hand of protection on you! We know that you are in the very best of care, from your doctors, your Mom and Dad and God. And we are thankful for all of them! We love you and your Mom and Dad very much and hope that this week is much better for all of you.
Love, Garrett and Lissa

Lissa Versteegh <lissa.versteegh@genexservices.com>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8:16 AM CDT
Hi Brett,

Man, you are one tough guy! What a week. Congratulations on your new job, Dave!

Love from Florida!

Dave, Lisa, Katie and James Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:31 AM CDT
Hey, Brett, last week sounds like an exhausting experience for you and your folks. I'm glad it's behind you. I am touched by your mom's account; she is a very strong person. My family and I are looking forward to seeing you this weekend when we visit the Igloo. (That's Chris and Jill Snow's pad and I heard that place rocks.)

Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:17 AM CDT
My heart goes out to you for the week you all have had...We continue to pray for you daily! Lisa, you are on my mind constantly. David, congratulations on your new job!!
Love, Leigh Ann

Scott, Leigh Ann, Candler, and Carter <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:46 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, David and Brett,
I hear you have had a tough week and I want you to know that I am thinking of you. You are in my prayers constantly and always in my heart. Brett, I hope you feel better real soon Sweetie! I love you all!
p.s. A special hello to Kent and Clay. I love you boys and miss you! Jana and I had so much fun meeting you and Lisa for the movie -- hope to see you again soon. Love, Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, May 16, 2003 11:04 PM CDT
Hey Brett! We just wanted to reminde you that we are thinking about you and praying for good results on your most recent tests! We love you, Ron, Lissa and Garrett
Lissa Versteegh
Atlanta, GA - Friday, May 16, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, David and Brett:

I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you while you are at the hospital with Brett. We are disappointed to hear of his respiratory difficulties, but are hopeful that you can take him home in the morning. We are thankful that the 24 hour EEG is over and you at least have that behind you. We are praying that God will give you a restful time of peace soon so that you can "recharge your parenting batteries." Much love to all five of you from Crossville. Love, Jelene

Jelene Mercer <crossvillemercer@aol.com>
Crossville, TN USA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:31 PM CDT

You certainly have a beautiful family! All of your boys are so cute! We continue to pray for you and your family every day. You and your family are definitely an inspiration to us all. Just know that we are thinking and praying for all of you every day!

Betsy, Jim, Michael, and Nicholas Bartolotto <eagodsil@aol.com>
Woodbridge, VA USA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Hi Brett,
I work with your Granny at the bank. She is so very proud of you and your brothers! You are a blessed little boy to have the support of such a loving and caring family. Granny says you are a super little boy and I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and your family. I will be keeping up with you through your website. Take Care!

Adicia Coulter
Phenix City , Al - Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Hi Brett,
I work with your Granny at the bank. She is so very proud of you and your brothers! You are a blessed little boy to have the support of such a loving and caring family. Granny says you are a super little boy and I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and your family. I will be keeping up with you through your website. Take Care!

Adicia Coulter
Phenix City , Al - Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:21 AM CDT
Hi Brett,

I hope that you are doing well. Thank your parents for updating me on your progress. I am so glad to hear that they have answers now concerning your condition. Now they can focus on specific areas to make you feel better.

Shelby and I miss you, but you will always be in our prayers. GOD bless you, and keep me updated.

Allen Parker <jallenparker@att.net>
Roswell, Georgia - Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
Hey Brett,

Aunt Lynnie is writing you from Orlando. I am here for a big conference, but it is no fun to be in Orlando and not visit Disneyworld. One day I would like to go with you to Disneyworld! You would love Mickey Mouse and he would think you are as sweet and precious as we do. Jana is a very lucky girl this week because Grandmama is staying with her! You know how much fun that is!

I am sending you my biggest hug along with one for Mommy and Daddy too! I hope all is going well with your testing. You are in my prayers always! I love you Honey!

Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
I met you tonight at the Mt.Paran concession stand. I want you to know that my family will be praying for yours. I will also pass your request for prayer onto the Mt.Paran North family.I can tell by the other entries here and by the card you gave me, that you believe in the power that is released when we seek our Heavenly Father. His will be done!!

Hi to Clay...from Stephen's mom! :) Go BayBears!!

Jane Noel <jmb_noel@hotmail.com>
Roswell, GA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 11:12 PM CDT
Lisa and David,
Thank you for sending us the email in reference to Brett's website. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with each of you. Please know we are here if you need anything...call us!
Harlan and Debby

Harlan and Debby Wooten <hardeb@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
Hey, guys! I hope the sleep test is going well ... you'll be home tomorrow soon! ;-) As you obviously know by now, I've sent your story and website on to family and friends. Just so you know, Dona Young and Cherie Morton are good friends of mine (and now yours!) and Phil and Julie Beaulieu are my parents! See, you're touching more and more lives! ;-) I'll try to stop down and see y'all later this week!
Love, Denise and gang <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:02 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart,
Granny and Pop are thinking of you and praying for you. We hope you have a restful day and night. We love you.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 3:08 PM CDT
Hi Brett,

I know you probably wish you were at home taking a nap right now rather than at the hospital, and I wish you were home too. But I am praying that the test will give the doctor's what they need to determine a diagnosis and a treatment. Sleep tight, sweetie, so the doctor's can get their test results! I love you!!!

Aunt Kenya

Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 12:57 AM CDT
Dear Brett:
Aunt Jelene will be praying for you (and Mommy and Daddy) as you have your EEG tomorrow. I hope everything goes well and the doctors find out everything that they need to know. Much love to all of you, Aunt Jelene

Jelene Mercer
Crossville, TN USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 10:03 PM CDT
Good Morning Sweetheart,
Granny and Pop enjoyed our visit with you,Mom,Dad,Aunt Kenya and Uncle Jed Sunday at Aunt Kenya's and Uncle Jed's house.Granny is thankful you ate most of your lunch and so thankful to see your beautiful smile. I am praying for you everyday.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Monday, May 12, 2003 11:22 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you care for your beautiful son, Brett and his two brothers. Brett is blessed to have a loving and caring mother and father; I pray you will be blessed with extra strength and energy. I am thankful for your caring church friends, who are ministering to your family.
We have know Scott Martin and his family for thirty-five years, and my husband had both Candler and Carter in his three-year Sunday School class at Briarlake Baptist.

Jo Puckett <bud@ physics.emory.edu>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you care for your beautiful son, Brett and his two brothers. Brett is blessed to have a loving and caring mother and father; I pray you will be blessed with extra strength and energy. I am thankful for your caring church friends, who are ministering to your family.
We have know Scott Martin and his family for thirty-five years, and my husband had both Candler and Carter in his three-year Sunday School class at Briarlake Baptist.

Jo Puckett <bud@ physics.emory.edu>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Dearest Brett:
I have only to read the entries in your guest book to know the power of God's love. His perfect plan for each of us is evident by reading the entries that all of the people that love you have made. As much as I know that God loves each of the people that He has sent to care for you, I know that He loves you the same. God has worked in many lives through your illness and I have faith that He will continue to work for the best for you, Mommy, Daddy, Kent and Clay. Truly He gave us a priceless gift when He sent you and I am thankful that He gave you the gift of two parents who could not possibly love you more than they do. Certainly everyone in our family has learned to love and care more deeply for each other because you are in our lives. Lord, we lift Brett and his family up to you and pray that you will hold them in the palm of your almighty hand.

Jelene Mercer <crossvillemercer@aol.com+>
Crossville, TN USA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 0:00 AM CDT
Lisa & David .... You are certainly an inspiration to anyone who reads Brett's webpage. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Prayers & Hugs are sent your way ...
Julie & Phil Beaulieu

Julie Beaulieu <beaulieu55@aol.com>
The Villages, FL USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 9:44 PM CDT
Hey Mr. Brett! I just read thru' your guestbook entries, and I have to agree with your Aunt Kenya - you have a killer, killer smile! I am missing that smile, not being able to see it every week. I am going to come up to pre-school next Tuesday after Jazzercise, and give you a big, stinky hug! We have to get your Father's Day present finished before school is out. Give your mommy and daddy a big hug from me, and tell them to give you one from me. No, make that TWO big hugs from me. I love you, Brett; you are a special, special boy. Love, Ms. Julie
Julie Vogt <jglvogt@mindspring.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:32 PM CDT
Brett - Have fun with Kenya tonight! If I had to pick anyone I wanted to spend a Friday night with, she would be at the top of my list and I know YOU are at the top of HERS! I hope your Mommy and Daddy have a great time! Have a great weekend -- prayers are coming your way from Birmingham!
Tammy Holston <tsholston@aol.com>
B'ham, AL - Friday, May 9, 2003 1:58 PM CDT
Hello Sweetheart,
I pray you had a restful night and that you ate a good breakfast and lunch. You, Kent and Clay are Pop and Granny's pride and joy. We pray and think of you and your brothers and your Mom and Dad every day. Enjoy your time with Aunt Kenya tonight.I love you sweetie.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Friday, May 9, 2003 11:54 AM CDT
David, Lisa, Clay, Kent and Brett,
The Lett's are continuing to say our prayers for your family.

Happy Mother's Day. You have done a wonderful job of researching and informing everyone about Brett's illness and that is so important. I think your website is great.

Stay strong,

Violet Lett

Violet Lett
Opelika, Al USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
Dearest Lisa, David, Brett and Boys, Thanks so much for including me on your list of friends, allowing me to keep up with Brett through his new and wonderful web page!! You are all in my prayers and I am planning to forward the site and Brett's story to others so that we can multiply that power of prayer!! Continue to stay strong in life and in faith and God will take care of the rest. Love to you all, Shannon
Shannon Short <shor4660@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, May 9, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Dona Young
Marietta, GA - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:35 AM CDT
Mom showed me your website and I think it is really cool. You are a special cousin to me. I love to hold you and play with you. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Saturday for our Mother's Day brunch! Hope you have a good day!
I love you!

Jana Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 5:57 AM CDT
To my precious Brett (and for Lisa, David, Kent and Clay),
Brett, God has blessed us all with your sweet smile and spirit. You are so special in ways that are beyond words. There are many lessons to learn in life and I have learned many from you and your loving Mom and Dad. Lessons of love, faith, hope, patience, perseverance and opportunity. God is so good to us and through Him anything can happen. He changes lives and provides us with new and different opportunities each day. I pray that you are happy and content and that we find a cure and a way to beat this! You are so lucky to have Mommy, Daddy, Kent and Clay to love and care for you. God chose them especially for you. I am so lucky to be your aunt! You are a blessing!
I love you all so much! Hugs and kisses,
Aunt Lynnie

Lynne Payne <lpayne@bgca.org>
Duluth, GA USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:00 PM CDT
I am a friend of Denise Dickerson's and have been praying for your son for about a week or so now.....God Bless you all. I know the Lord will give each of you just what you need to face this challenge. He is so faithful. Rest in HIM! God Bless!
Cherie' Morton <cheriem1421@aol.com>
Wall, NJ USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, David, Kent, Clay, and Brett,
I just finished reading the entries in the guest book and have tears in my eyes. It is so obvious what a wonderful family you are and how many people you have touched. I am strengthened by your strength and faith and can only hope that I give some back to you. Please know that we think of and pray for you all daily and are only a phone call away for ANYTHING you might need. God has blessed us with your friendship. Love,

Denise, Lee, Patrick, Sarah and Beth <dldickers@aol.com>
Marietta, GA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:21 PM CDT
I heard about your site and your sweet little boy, Brett from Tammy Herring Holston. She has shared his story with me and updated me on his situation, faithfully. We continue to lift you all up in prayer. I am so glad you have a diagnosis. I hear determination and a game plan in your update. Now you can exert your energy on making him better! I think your nutrition class is probably better named Nutrition 801. I have graduated from Nutrition 101 and it was not nearly so comprehensive! Have a blessed week filled with wonderful moments and steps toward healing.
Lifting you up in prayer--

Amanda Adams <bafive@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, May 8, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hello Brett,

I hope you enjoy beach day today, sweetie. I can't wait to see your sweet smiling face Friday. We'll have a lot of fun and have long talks like we normally do. I love you!
Aunt Kenya

Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:34 AM CDT
Dear David & Lisa,

Our thoughts are with Brett & you'll as we prayer for God's hand to touch Brett. We will remember him in our prayers each day.

Our best-Tom, Maria, Haley, Caroline, & Anna Bower

Tom Bower <tbower@clipperpetroleum.com>
Gainesville, Ga. USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
My dear Brett,
It is a beautiful new day that God has given us. We will rejoice and be glad in it. I pray that today He has given you new strength to enjoy your "Beach Day" at pre-school.
I also pray that Mommy and Daddy had a restful night and that today they have renewed hope that you will get better each and every day. Whatever God provides for each of us He will also provide patience and strength through His love.
Have a wonderful day and remember how much Grandmama and Granddaddy love you and are lifting you up to God constantly.
See you on Saturday.
Love and Kisses,

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:34 AM CDT
The updates are wonderful and after reading them help you to realize what is truly important in each of our lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mark and Laurie Kashmanian <mkashman@tampabay.rr.com>
Tarpon Springs, FL USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:16 AM CDT
Brett is truly a gift from God and has been blessed to have such strong and loving parents and brothers. Brett is in my prayers daily.
Scott Pechman
- Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:11 AM CDT

We think of you all the time and are in our prayers. You are truly one Golden Eagle!

Harmon, Carolyn and Jamie <harmonh@bellsouth.net>
Lilburn, GA Gwinnett - Thursday, May 8, 2003 5:59 AM CDT
David & Lisa,

As you know, Jill & I think of you often, and our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with Brett, as well as Kent and Clay as they head into an uncertain situation "away from home." We have spent a significant amount of time on the internet trying to find out as much as we can about your child's condition, and reading the Q&A on the Mitochondrial Foundation's website has helped us to learn that there are so many variations to the disorder and that every child is different.

Brett is a precious child, and both of you are terrific parents! Find comfort in those facts...and in knowing that each day is a new day, with new hope for Brett. We are here when you need us (just a phone call away, Dave!), and will be thinking of you. Take care, and kiss the kids!

Chris & Jill Snow <csnowman@earthlink.net>
Cumming, GA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:41 AM CDT
Hello Brett,
Ingrid and I have been thinking about you, your Mom, Dad, and Big Brothers. Everyone is so proud of you and we continue to pray that you will become stronger every day. I also wanted to let you know that you have the best Mom, Dad, and Grandparents in the whole world. We all love you and wish that we could make such an impact on others as you are making on us through your daily battles. Tell your Mom and Dad to call me if I can do anything for them. I know you are smiling...

Frank and Ingrid
Auburn, AL - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:04 PM CDT
Dear Cochran Family,
I know that you do not know me, but I used to work with Gail Cochran at the Auburn University Credit Union. She was telling me all about Brett. I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for him and for you as well. I know how it is to have a sick child, my 12 month old daughter was sent to Children's Hospital after birth and stayed there for 7 weeks. They never found out what was wrong with her and still have not. She was born with alot of fluid and blood in her abdomen and they said they had never seen this before. She is doing better now and we KNOW that prayer works! "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Ephesians 3:20. God is so good, he has surely strengthened us through this. God bless you.
Angie Nettles

Angie Nettles <ledge@mindspring.com>
Auburn, AL USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:08 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
Pop loves that boy!!!!

Ken Cochran
Notasulga, Al - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
David, Lisa and Brett:
Just a note to say that my heart and prayers are with you. I was very sad when my mom told me the news about Brett. Always know that you can rely on family and friends for any help you may need and please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Nancy Duff <rednanner2001@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
To the Cochran family,
We have already been praying for Brett... Take hope in the thought that God is all knowing and all powerful, and that anything is possible. His plan for you is perfect even though it may not seem that way right now. Your situation is "Subject to Change" because God is in control. [if you've ever watched Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church Houston on TV, he just had an amazing sermon this week called "Subject to Change" about how no matter your circumstances they are subject to change... focus on the "unseen" through God and anything is possible]. God will bless you, keep you and be with you always.

Coach Turner (Tim, Melissa, Zach, Alexis, Josh, Aaron)
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Hello David and Lisa and Family. We are praying for all of you.
Dave & Keena McNaughton
Waxahachie, TX USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:14 AM CDT
David and Lisa,

I too am a friend of Kenya's. When she told me about Brett's condition you and your family immediately became a part of my everyday prayer. I have also sent this website to members of my office. At Batson-Cook, where I work, we have a prayer group that meets every Friday morning and when I was aware of Brett's condition I told my group about him and now Brett is a part of prayer list. I am a true believer that praying is a powerful that makes all things possible. As I look at Brett's pictures, I can see how beautiful and special he is. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

May God bless you all.
Angie Williamson and Family

Angie Williamson <awilliamson@batson-cook-atlanta.com>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 3:43 PM CDT
Lisa and David, I am a friend of Kenya's and live in South Carolina. She told us about Brett's condition a few weeks ago and he has been in our thoughts and prayers. Please don't loose sight of God's miracles. I too, was born with a medical condition that had no cure. At 3 months of age my mom noticed that my feet turned in. The docotor told her he wanted to have me x-rayed for corrective shoes. I was born premature, so I was very small. The x-ray tech could not get me positioned right on the table, and he ended up x-raying my entire body instead of just from the waist down. It was then that they discovered I had a mild case of spina bifida (meaning it was not visible as in most children) but it was severe enough that my parents were told that I would never walk. My mom took me to two more doctors, both giving her the same diagnosis--that I would be paralyzed from the waist down by the time I was 3 years old. At this point, there was nothing my parents could do but wait. My mom and dad had the support and prayers of their church and many family and friends. My parents then heard of an orthepedic specialist at childrens hospital in Washington DC. They called to schedule an appointment but were told that the waiting list was 6 months for new patients. With time being of the essence my mom was devastated that the hospital could not see me. She went to her minister that evening and cried, and he prayed with her for the strength that she needed. A day or so later, my father received a phone call from his half brother, whom he hadn't seen or spoken to in 5 years. In fact, my uncle did not even know that my parents had gotten married, or that they had a child now. He was calling to tell them that he had moved to the area near them, and had recently wed. The lady he married got on the phone to introduce herself. My mom proceeded to tell her about my condition, and that there was nothing that could be done. It was then that this lady, a perfect stranger to my mother, and now a family member by God's will was the head nurse for the orthopedic specialist at Childrens Hospital in DC. She was able to get an appointment for me the very next day. The doctor agreed to try an experimental surgery on me, at 3 months of age. The agreement the hospital made with my parents, due to the surgery being experimental, was that there was a 50% chance they could correct my spinal defect, and a 50% chance that they could paralyze me during the procedure. The surgery was a success. I am now 29 years old, and have not had any more back surgery-or problems since then, and lived a happy and normal childhood with relatively few signs that I have a birth defect. I know that what you are facing is far more difficult, but I just wanted to share my small miracle with you in hopes that it will bring you encouragement that anything is possible.
Tonia Speir <tonia@casesolutions.net>
Myrtle Beach, SC USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 1:53 PM CDT
David & Lisa,

Our thoughts and prayers are all with you and your family especially Brett for a speedy and healthy recovery.

Salyer Keeney <salyer84@hotmail.com>
Smyrna, Ga US - Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:40 AM CDT
Good Morning Sweetheart,
I am saying a prayer for you to have a good day. I love you.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Saturday, May 3, 2003 9:50 AM CDT
Hi Brett and Family.

God Bless You and your Family.
I am praying for you.
Always Remember Phil. 4:13

Bruce Bancroft <bruce.bancroft@kinkos.com>
Madison, MS - Saturday, May 3, 2003 3:08 AM CDT
My sweet Lisa,
How my heart is aching for you right now....I want to be there to put my arms around you and make it all go away. I remember when Carter's diagnosis was announced I hoped someone could do that for me. Then reality set in, and I realized, as you do, that the only person that can make it go away is our Lord. He is the Almighty, the All Healer, the Great Physician...trust him through your grieving. I know your grief right now must seem overwhelming...coming to the realization that the things that WE had planned for our childrens' lives that will not come to full fruition is difficult ...but, all along it was God's plan! A plan to prosper Brett and Carter and not to harm them...a plan to use them to further HIS KINGDOM. He picked you and David to be Brett's parents because He knew you would have trust in Him to guide Brett through this journey...bringing others to Him through this due to your unyeilding faithfulness. Be strong for him, Lisa and David--I know you will be. I can't wait to see the ministry that comes from sweet Brett's little life. Our website for Carter has been theraputic for us...I will check Brett's daily. It goes without saying that I will do anything for you. Sign me up for a babysitting date. I cannot wait to hold little Brett in my arms.
Love and heartfelt prayers, Leigh Ann

Scott, Leigh Ann, Candler, and Carter Martin <lascm@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, May 2, 2003 2:18 PM CDT
David - Kenya has been keeping me updated on Brett. He will be in our prayers, as will you and Lisa. He is beautiful!
Tammy (Herring) Holston <tsholston@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, May 2, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Max Lucado says that "prayer is the recognition that if God had not engaged himself in our problems, we would still be lost in blackness. It is by his mercy that we have been lifted up. Prayer is that whole process that reminds us who God is and who we are." What a blessing it is to know that Brett is a child of God and that God is looking out for him and helping him fight his battles.
linda lesueur
Marietta, ga cobb - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:56 AM CDT
Dear David and Lisa,
Your family has been on my mind and in my heart and prayers. The web page is terrific and I will visit it often. Please let me know if I can do ANYTHING for you. You all are so special in our lives.


Violet Lett

Violet Lett <lettvio@auburn.edu>
Opelika, Al Lee - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:28 AM CDT
Thanks for setting up the web-page. Reading about
this made it much clearer to me. You know how much
I love Brett and will be praying for him. Remember
that our community group will be praying also. Lisa,
you are a special friend and I love you!

Vicki Pannell <pannell@mindspring.com>
Marietta, Ga USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 6:43 AM CDT
I am praying for you! Call if you need anything!
Donna Wisener <dwhitewisener@yahoo.com>
Auburn , AL USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:55 PM CDT
You're one tough kid Brett, and an inspiration to all of us. I'm pulling for you!
Nolan Gardner
Clearwater, FL - Thursday, May 1, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Brett and Family. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Scott, Kristine, Scott Jr., and Taylor Jane Freibaum <senior_recruiter2001@yahoo.com>
Chandler, AZ USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 5:19 PM CDT
Brett is in my prayers constantly, as well as Lisa, David, Kent and Clay. Something I like to do to try to forget about Brett's problems is make him smile. He has the most gorgeous, inviting smile, it would make anyone forget about their problems. Brett is such a beautiful, happy boy and I thank God for bringing him into our lives. I am a better person for knowing him and I am so proud to be his aunt. I am available for free meals, free babysitting, shoulder to cry on, etc. I love you guys with all my heart!!!
Kenya Duff <kenyaduff@hotmail.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 3:35 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and David and boys! You guys are establishing new definitions for love, strength and perseverance. I trust God is with each of you and He will be the reason all works out well. We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Laurie and Tim Leimkuehler <timl2@mindspring.com>
Buford, GA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 2:27 PM CDT
We are praying for you guys!

Kevin and Judy Bush <kbush@hiwaay.net>
Madison, AL USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
Thinking of all of your family!
Jack and Lisa Williams <jackw@aaservices.com>
Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:24 AM CDT
This little angel is such a gift from God! God's love is so obvious in his eyes which are so bright and joyful. My prayers are with you!!
Laurie Moeller <lauriemoeller@mariettafumc.org>
Marietta, GA 30064 - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
Lisa & David - My Lisa sent us your web page and we were delighted we now have the opportunity to follow Brett's progress. Our prayers have been and will continue to be with the two of you and Brett. It is definitely true what you say, miracles do happen. We feel our Garrett Versteegh is one of those and we thank God everyday that he gave Lisa & Ron such a wonderful child. We love you both and will follow the web page from now on. Lots of Love, Sandy & Bill Cadle
Sandy & Bill Cadle <wmrcadle@bellsouth.net>
Macon, GA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Hi Brett! I'm Jon, e-pal of your pop! I'll be monitoring your progress regularly as you've found a special place in my heart having four kids of my own. It's strength like yours that inspires, and in that way you've given to me. God Bless you and your family.
Jon Crowell
Biloxi, MS - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Good Morning Brett,
Granny is at work, but I am still thinking of you. Granny hopes you had a good night and have a wonderful day.I am praying for you. I love you.
Kisses....... Granny

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:59 AM CDT
Dear Brett and family: You are a beautiful little man and have a much nicer head of hair than your Dad. I want you to know that I am praying every day for God to give you and your family the strength you need to pull through this together.
Alison Radford <aradford@ablest.com>
Clemmons, NC USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:26 AM CDT
We remember you all in our prayers every night. Garrett has even gotten so good at it that when I say "special prayers for" he says "Bet!" He can't quite do his "r's" yet, but we all know that God understands!

We love you all so very much!!!

Ron, Lissa and Garrett Versteegh

Lissa Versteegh <lissa.versteegh@genexservices.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:59 AM CDT
Hey Brett: The Eagle baseballers took one from SE LA last night. Save your energy for the big series at ECU this weekend. God Bless.
Toddy & Dee
Hattiesburg, - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you every day!!
Dedra Evans <dedraevans@aol.com>
Salem, Al - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
David and Lisa,
Dad and I are praying for Brett. He is on our mind 24 hours a day. David we are also praying for you, Lisa, Kent and Clay.I pray God will bless your family and Brett will be strong and healthy soon.
Brett, you are so special to Granny and Pop. We love you.
Keep smiling,Sunshine.
Granny and Pop will see you soon.

Gail Cochran <gail_c_36866@yahoo.com>
Notasulga, Al USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Hey Brett, we hope and pray that you feel better and gain strength along the way. I know that you are in the best of hands between your loving parents and God our Father. We will continue to keep asking for God's help to make you well. Say hi to your cute brothers for us.
Eric, Stephany, Mary, Sarah and PJ
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:01 PM CDT
Hey Brett, we are praying and rooting for you!!!
Tim, Tracy, and Banks Youngblood <ygbldptrl@aol.com>
Auburn, Al USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
Brett, I love your website! Not too many people have a site this nice. You're a very lucky young man to have so many people that care so much for you and your wonderful family. Keep fighting kid!
Best Wishes, The Smith's

Shane Smith and Family <tsmithsprint1@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:38 PM CDT
Brett, you and your family will be in our prayers! Hoping you feel better and gain more energy! Knowing your Dad well, you are in Great Hands!
Jerry Loberg (& Family) <jloberg1@hotmail.com>
Pinellas Park, FL USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:58 PM CDT
We are praying for you Brett!

Tom and Shelley Anderson <andersontc@comcast.net>
Hattiesburg, MS USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:52 PM CDT
You have such a beautiful gift from God in Brett and He must really love you to have gifted you with such a special child. I will remember you in my prayers as you travel on this journey God has charted for your family. Keep your eyes on HIM and He will direct your paths.

In Christ,

Carrie Yeager <yeagercc@yahoo.com>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:20 PM CDT
David, he looks like you! But much, much cuter!
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:50 PM CDT
Keeping Brett in my heart and prayers.
Elizabeth Gartner <ephgartner@aol.com>
Barrington, IL USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:41 PM CDT
Hey Brett,

Lisa and I are praying for you. You've got a great family and I'm privileged to know them. God is a great big God! We're believing for miracles!!!

Coach Scott <skays@scottkays.com>
Canton, GA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
Dear Brett,
My family and I are praying for you and your family.

Sydney Bush
Madison, AL - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
My Precious Brett,
I am praying for God's healing hand on you everyday. Only God can do this. My prayer is that you will become stronger with every day that passes and that you will be able to do all kinds of things that you have not had the strength to do before. I also pray for Mommy and Daddy to be strong as they have now for all your little life. They are wonderful parents to you and your big brothers.
Remember to be a good boy and take your medicine and eat all the things your doctor says so you will grow and be healthy.
Most of all remember that God loves you and Granddaddy and I do also.
Love you bunches!!!

Carole George <jgeorge@sensible.net>
Greensboro, GA USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:40 PM CDT
Hi Brett,
We hope that you start feeling better soon. We look forward to meeting you soon when we come to Atlanta next month!!

Dave, Lisa, Katie and James Carroll!

Dave Carroll <dcarroll@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:58 AM CDT
Hey, Brett- Just wanted to wish you well and let you know that my wife, Angie, and I think about you often. Your old man is one of my best friends and I know that he and your mom love you very much. You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you.
Doug Barnes
Madison, AL USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:54 AM CDT
Brett, I hope that you get better. I will try to not make you sick and I know that making you sick makes you have less energy. I love you and I hope that you get alot better.
your biggest brother, Kent
- Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:40 PM CDT
Hey Brett. I am very sad that you have been having problems with your energy. I will do my best to help. I love you.
your brother, Clay
- Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:22 PM CDT

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