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Welcome to Ty Sanders Web Page. Ty is a funloving 13 year old young man who was to start 7th grade in Sept. until Fanconi Anemia destoryed his bone marrows ability to produce life sustaining blood cells.This web site was created to keep family,friends and well wishers informed of Ty's courageous fight as he prepares for his life saving bone marrow transplant at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC
To direct donations to Ty's Medical Fund please send checks payable to
"Ty's Transplant Fund"
c/o Bill Wall, Trustee
1120 Beacon Parkway E.
Suite 610.
Birmingham, Al 35209
Links above are not related.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:01 PM CST

Here goes an attempt to thank all the wonderful family members, friends, co-workers and new visitors to this web-site who have been so wonderfully supportative. Your well-wishes, prayers, cards, gifts and encouraging messages have been so helpful and have meant so much. Ty sends his thanks even though his voice is only temporarily a wisper due to radiation.

Now a short recap of Ty's journey since we last posted:
Dec.23 - Ty & his dad will both agree that Total Body Radiation was the most difficult procedure Ty was to endure. Ty was very weak and unable to stand for the extended periods of time necessary to complete this procedure. We spent 7 hours in the radiation oncology dept, coaching, massaging, singing, dancing and doing anything to help Ty get through this grueling event. The staff, Chris, Linda and Karen were so patient, professional and caring to Ty. We can't thank them enough. If he didn't get through this procedure the entire transplant would be off. Finally, by 9:30 that night, he completed radiation. What a trooper to suffer through it all. The five days of chemo that followed were surprisingly well tolerated but with the expected nasty side effects. Ty said he was expecting chemo, not radiation, to be the most difficult. Regardless, Ty got through it like a champ.
Dec.30 - day 0 transplant day and Ty's 13th birthday arrived. Late that afternoon the precious cells were ready and brought to his bedside. Ty was a little anxious and reluctant at first but within 30 mins. Nurse Amy had infused this gift from his caring donor. Words can't express how thankful we are that there are such thoughtful, sacrificing people dedicated to save lives through transplant. Words cannot express our graditude.
The fact that Ty received his new marrow on his birthday is good Karma and we hope will be a rebirth that will sustain him for decades to come.
We were informed by the ever vigilant staff not to expect any increase in his counts until day 11 or 12. It was very difficult to see Ty in such discomfort and pain however he was kept as comfortable as possible on morphine. He was feeling so bad he couldn't talk or even watch his favorite shows on Comedy Central.
His hair started to shed on day 9. Ty's dad helped out by giving Ty a Marine haricut. He didn't seem to mind so much when one of his friends shaved his head in his honor. He thought it was pretty cool that someone would care enough to do that for him, What a friend!!!
He also found great comfort from visits by family members and his Dad spending most nights with him during this crutical time. It is so important to have caring, loving family and friends around at times like this. Watching all the other famiies on the unit and the delight on the childrens faces when a parent, grandparent, sibling or friend visited brings joy to everyone. This is such an important component of healing and definately eases the patients anxiety and discomfort. We were so thankful for the time we could spend with Ty and will always be there for him as he gets stronger and stronger.


Day 12

Day 13
WBC-3.2 Just like Dr. Boulad had said Day 12!!!!!!
hgb.-10 Way to go Ty !! It looks like Engraftment is
ANC-2.2 starting to take place !!!!

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 935A

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Ave
New York, New York,10021


http://www.fanconi.org   Fanconi Anemia Research Fund.
http://www.marrow.org   National Marrow Donor Foundation


E-mail Author: stillwall@msn.com


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