Journal History

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June, 2008

June, 2008
A year and a half later...time is fLYING!
Everything is GOOD with Luke! As far as the Blount's Disease, he's already had the bottom plate removed (a few months ago), and we go back in July...Dr Bradley expects the top one to be ready. The bowing is not noticeable to me anymore; his legs both look strong and even; but the Dr. takes measurements, and apparently there is still a bit of a discrepancy, so he said better to wait (in April).

Luke just got back in Karate, we had taken him out due to some issues the school was having...that seems to have been taken care of. Luke is thrilled to be back in...he is so good at this.

Also he has be home schooled since the Spring of 2007. This is the best thing we've ever done. His grades and self esteem were dropping like a rock by the end of 6th grade (1st year in middle school). I was not encouraged by talking to any of his teachers...he had no "homeroom teacher", could not get an appt with a counselor, and a teacher conference consisted of 30 minutes with 5 teachers facing me, all waiting for their 5 minute turn to speak and tell me that it's all Luke's fault. Oh, then I got my 5 minutes.
So at the end of Spring Break, I took him out and registered him as a homeschooler. The first year was "liberating" as we did alot of "deschooling" and mostly nothing but a lot of review work. My parents had come to live with us because by Mom had had to have her leg amputated. I can honestly say that Luke got a lot of education this past year that he would not have received otherwise. He was actually a part of her care, and got a lot closer to the both of them during this time. Having quite a bit of medical history himself, he has naturally become very compassionate and empathetic with anyone who is ill in anyway. When I think of how it might have been if we were still in the rat race of getting him to middle school every day with 3000 other kids, him not accomplishing much, then coming home with hours of homework every night...I know we are on the right path now.

Luke's Grandma died in March, and in April he started in taking classes with Florida Virtual School. He is still a homeschooler, we just use these classes for our curricula.
We started out with just math, language arts, and keyboarding. HE HAS STRAIGHT A's! This is the best thing that's happened to Luke. It proves what I knew...he is very smart, and all he needs is a little one on one. He loves to learn, and is very impressed with himself when he catches on to something new! It's the best thing to see his eyes light up:) I can't say enough good about the Florida Virtual School and the teachers there. I really can't say too many bad things about the teachers in the public school her was attending...I think they're just caught up in a system that's really out of control.

We just got back from a quick trip to Kentucky; got to visit with Luke's other Grandparents in Burkesville Kentucky, and helped them get some work done at their place...his Grandpa had broken a leg a while back and was restricted from any wt. bearing on it, so he was stuck in the wheelchair and couldn't do much besides supervise and pit cherries...not one of his favorite summers! Luke and I made a trip over to western Kentucky to see some of my Mom's family, and got to go to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. What a great little park! He also saw his first stock car races in Nebo Ky....that was a BIG thrill for him.

Well, that's enough for now, will try not to wait so long to update this. Love to all.

Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:24 PM CST

Apologies for anyone who's checked this site looking for an update. Lots of things have been going on, but overall, Luke is well.
I completely missed 5th grade, I see, as far as any updates in here... very busy year! Luke started playing the saxophone in 5th grade and has now switched to the tuba in 6th grade at his band directors suggestion. I think it was a good one, as the tuba just sort of "fits" him, and he is really enjoying it.
He also had started karate in March last year,(so he's been at it for about a year and a half now) and he recently got his brown belt. He is a star in karate!
A little bump in the road; this past summer, he was diagnosed with Blounts Disease. His left leg had started to bow; it started out just barely noticable, and got worse really quickly. So on Sept 19th, he had surgery-two "eight plates" were screwed into his left leg over each growth plate in the femur and tibia. These are supposed to slow the growth in that side of the leg until the opposite side (the inside), along with the right leg,
catch up in growth. Hopefully, in about a year, this will happen, and the plates and the screws that keep them in, will then be removed.
Things have been very hectic in the last few months; He has gone into middle school now and that is such a big change. It set him back, being out for the surgery, so it's going to take a lot of work to catch up. I am trying to recruit a tutor to help for a while.
If you're reading this, remember Luke in your prayers. Despite all the dfficulties in his life, he has kept such a sweet heart..
I will put in new pictures soon. Love and blessings to you all.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:57 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Nothing but good news here:)
Luke has had a busy year and is still growing like a weed. He's 10 1/2 now and just a couple inches shorter than me. (He's well over 5 ft.) He finished up 4th grade with good reports from his teachers--they say he's working at a 5th grade level in some of his classes. Go Luke!
We've been up to Ky twice in the last few months-first for the death of Luke's great uncle(?) (His Grandma's oldest brother), and then for vacation. Luke enjoyed being with family both times.
We all went to see Star Wars Episode III while we were in Madisonville, and since we got back, we've gone to see a couple others--Mr.& Mrs. Smith, Madagascar, and Luke's cousin Ryan took him to see Batman Begins the other night.
"It was awesome Mom!" We have plans to go to MOSI one day, we're probably going to the beach today, and before school starts, we're going to Epcot. In between all these things, Luke will still be studying his times tables (math is the one subject that is not on a fifth grade level) and going to Karate classes.
He is due for his yearly followup in August. Please keep up the prayers in his behalf. I will update right away.
God bless you all, and everyone have a great summer!

Friday, December 24, 2004 8:25 AM CST

Merry Christmas Everyone,
We are having a very, very nice Christmas again this year. Of course, when your child is well, there is no reason at all not to have a nice Christmas, or any other day of the year for that matter. I still give thanks for him every single day. He just got over a little virus, but otherwise is healthy as a horse and growing like a weed. He doesn't get scans again until August.
He is so excited about Christmas. He still believes is Santa (though he is questioning his existence) but I think this will probably be the last year for that. When he pouts or shouts or cries, I can still look at him and say simply, "Lump of Coal." He will straighten right up.
We decided to open our presents last night since we had the time and have Christmas planned Saturday with Kevin's family, (and of course that's the night Santa comes), then Sunday, my family is coming to our house. Today, we're going to get the cooking done and take it easy tonight.

Luke got a complete riding outfit from his Dad. He looks so GROWN UP in it. I'll take a picture and put it up here as soon as I get a chance. I got him "The Polar Express" set, as we went to see that movie when it came out a little while ago, and Luke really liked it. Of course he got the new Hess truck, he loves getting that every year. I won't go on and on with the rest of it, I'm just happy we're all here together for another Christmas and that we are able to have a good Christmas for Luke.

While it is our time to celebrate, we know that others are not having such a great Christmas. We know the hospitals are still full of children who won't get to be home for Christmas this year. We never forget that heartache and sorrow. Our hearts go out to them.

We just found out that one of Luke's distant cousins has been diagnosed with cancer. She is 22 years old and finishing her last year of college. I will get the details and post her caring bridge address with Luke's, and ask for prayer for her.

May you all have a blessed Christmas with your loved ones.

Monday, June 21, 2004 9:50 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Wonderful news to let everyone know--Luke just had scans and bloodwork done this past Thursday and everything came back beautiful! This is 3 yrs off treatment and cancer free. We are so blessed.
Luke is in summer school right now; he ended 3rd grade in a higher position in his class than he started out in, so I'm really happy about that. He's really come a LONG way with his reading. He still needs alot of work in math to be on level for fourth grade, so that's what we've got to work on this summer.
We went camping again in Kentucky right after school got out this year and had a great time. Luke wants to "move to Kentucky and stay there all the time".
It's hard to believe this hear is half over. The Fourth of July parade will be marching by in a couple of weeks and then it will be Christmas before you know it! It feels like the days go by faster every year. It makes the special times even more special though. No matter much we have to do, how rushed we get, we take time for hugs and kisses, and give thanks every single day for having each other. No matter how bad or sad my night was at work, Luke puts a smile on my face in the morning. He is a great kid! (and such a corndog!...Luke, are you reading this?!!!)
There are no words to express our gratitude to those of you who have remembered Luke in your prayers; may God bless everyone of you.

Monday, June 21, 2004 9:50 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Wonderful news to let everyone know--Luke just had scans and bloodwork done this past Thursday and everything came back beautiful! This is 3 yrs off treatment and cancer free. We are so blessed.
Luke is in summer school right now; he ended 3rd grade in a higher position in his class than he started out in, so I'm really happy about that. He's really come a LONG way with his reading. He still needs alot of work in math to be on level for fourth grade, so that's what we've got to work on this summer.
We went camping again in Kentucky right after school got out this year and had a great time. Luke wants to "move to Kentucky and stay there all the time".
It's hard to believe this hear is half over. The Fourth of July parade will be marching by in a couple of weeks and then it will be Christmas before you know it!
God Bless every one of you and there are no words to express the gratitude we feel to those of you who have prayed on behalf of Luke. Thank you so much.

Friday, January 16, 2004 4:24 AM CST

Well, once again I have to apologize for being so neglectful in keeping this updated; however the reason for that is the good news that Luke is doing so well and keeps me so busy that I am "time challenged"! (Plus I do have to show up at work fairly often...)
LUKE. The time is passing so fast, I can't believe how fast.
He was diagnosed in 12/99, under treatment through 3/01 and that makes him nearly 3 entire years off treatment. Please keep us in your prayers. I am finally just even considering taking a deep breathe. Luke is still troubled by bellyaches fairly often, but other than that, he NEVER STOPS. :>) He is just a LITTLE bit spoiled, and we have some issues there with discipline and teaching him self-discipline, but we knew that was coming, and if that's my cross to bear, I take it gladly. He is moving along in third grade, trying to master his times tables. He is still in Cub Scouts (a Bear now), and is getting ready to enter the Pinewood Derby again. Just this past week, he began taking Karate classes twice a week and he really, really likes this. His friend Kristian from Cub Scouts started also, shortly before Luke did, so Luke is having a great time.
I have very little free time and my house is usually a wreck, I have so many things on my to do list, and I've learned the truth behind the saying, "the faster I go, the behinder I get"! But I am so happy, because one of the memories that haunts me daily is driving by Luke's school taking him to the the hospital and the clinic for all those months, and seeing his sad little face and knowing how badly he wanted to be in school with his friends. So whenever I feel tired and stressed, which is daily, I just thank GOD for leaving my son with me to care for and I thank him for blessing me with all these "little" stressors that I've got to deal with daily. I'll take them anyday.
May God Bless You All.

Saturday, June 14, 2003 8:30 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Well, summer's here, school's out, a nice break from a busy year. Luke was a little sad that school was out, but only for a few seconds...
We're going to have a good time this summer; see a few movies, go swimming, maybe go to Adventure Island before school starts again. The time goes by so fast. I can hardly believe Luke is going into third grade this year!
As far as his health, he is well. His schedule now is seeing his oncologist every six months, and scans every year now. He is growing like a WEED! He has got to be 5 ft. tall now! He'll get measured again in August when he goes for his 6 mo. checkup. I know they're not going to believe I brought the right kid!
Luke is in Cub Scouts now and he is having such a good time.
Ours is a very small den-only 5 boys- and they all get along great. They all do things together to earn their badges together, like bowling, miniature golf, and fishing.
They had the annual Pinewood Derby a few months ago and Luke won 1st place! and got a trophy! He is SO proud of it:)
Well, I'll sign off for now, Luke's cousin, Ryan, stayed all night, and I hear them waking up. Please sign Luke's guestbook if you're reading this. God Bless our children.

Sunday, February 16, 2003 8:10 AM CST

Hello to everyone reading this; I apologize for the long delay in updating the journal. Since last May, we have bought a house (moved in in August), just got nearly settled in, and then had to move into a motel for six weeks to have major renovation done due to mold damage. We moved back in just a few days before Christmas and now we've just about got things back in order again. Never a dull moment!

Now the big news: Luke is still doing so, so good! I thank God every single day for him. Just a few more inches and he'll be at eye level with me...and only 8 yrs. old.
He's doing fairly well in school, I think, considering where he's been. He's really taken off on reading this year and now takes a book in with him when he goes to sit on the throne...;) His teacher is concerned because he still is behind in reading, when compared with the rest of the 2nd graders, but we're working on that, and as far as I'm concerned, looking at him only, he's come leaps and bounds this last year.

Tomorrow morning, we go for his scans again, and if all goes well, his scan schedule will be changed to only once a year, seeing the doctor every six months. So keep him in your prayers.

Got to run now, will update pictures soon. Love to all and may God bless you.

Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 07:46 AM (CDT)

The last day of school is finally here! YOO-HOOOO!!! (as Luke says :) Tomorrow we leave for Kentucky! YOOHOOO!!!
Luke went for his 3 month follow-up visit last week and saw Dr. Gruner, Dr. Tebbi's new partner since Dr. Keuker (Dr. Kukumber) left in December. We really like her a lot! She was so pleased with his state of health. He still has frequent bellyaches that are probably a result of all his treatment (chemo, surgery, and radiation). Other than this, he goes like a locomotive every day...slow to get going in the morning, but then it's full speed ahead until bedtime, then it takes him a while to slow down. Then he sleeps like a bear in hibernation.
All of his blood and urine labwork results were beautiful!! What more could we ask for? We pray only for God to keep watch over him every day.

got to sign off, as I still have 971 things to get done before we leave tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers, as you are in ours, and don't forget to sign Luke's "guess" book--he loves to read this ;)

Monday, April 29, 2002 at 12:11 PM (CDT)

Hello to All,
We haven't updated for a while, but everything is still going great, praise the Lord for this.
Luke is sick right now with what the pediatrician thinks is a "mycoplasma" infection in his chest. She said she was seeing an awful lot of it in school age kids right now. I had to look this one up, as it was a new one to me, but apparently it's fairly common. The organism is supposedly the smallest living organism known, even smaller than a virus. If it's left untreated, it's one that can develop into what's called "walking pneumonia". Also known as a community acquired pneumonia. I think (hope) we got his early, as he's taken his 3rd day's dose of zithromax now, and looks, sounds, and feels a bit better, though he still has a pretty bad cough at times and runs a low grade fever which makes him feel poopy. His color is a lot better, though. He was looking very peaked, pale, but now is nice and pink again mostly. I think this is only the second time he's been sick in the last year since he's been off treatment, and that's a GOOD thing because it drives me crazy. In my mind, every little vague symptom can be a sign of relapse, since that's what was going on before he was first diagnosed, and I have to make a huge effort to keep it together and remind myself that other (minor) things happen to kids too. Then I pray a lot and have to leave it in God's hands. But it is still hard.
The other good news is that we're moving and buying a house...finally getting out of this little bitty apartment! I am so ecstatic that Luke and Benji will be able to get outside and RUN and ROLL AROUND in the grass! Luke is definitely an outdoors type of kid; it is so hard for him to be cooped up.
Our computer will be down for about three months, during which time we will be staying in Lutz until we close on our house. Kevin's mom and dad have retired and turned into snowbirds--they are in KY for a couple months and offered us their house to housesit in and save our moolah until we move. So that's where we are now.
When school's out, the end of May, we're also going up there to camp for a couple of weeks. Luke has never been (neither have we), and he is so excited--I know he's going to have such a great time.
Got to sign off now, please remember us in your prayers, and sign Luke's "guess" book!

Friday, March 08, 2002 at 04:39 PM (CST)

Luke's 1st grade class went on a field trip to Lowry Zoo last week-what a blast we had!
(I got to chaperone.) He got to pet the stingrays and feed the lorakeets-these kinds of things are right up his alley! I think that's our best trip to the zoo ever.
Afterwards, we went to the picnic area for lunch and then they all got to play for a while. Luke and his friend Mikey found a hill and rolled down it several times; until I got exhausted just watching them...
"What a great day, Mom!" Music to my ears.

Friday, March 08, 2002 at 04:39 PM (CST)

Luke's 1st grade class went on a field trip to Lowry Zoo last week-what a blast we had!
(I got to chaperone.) He got to pet the stingrays and feed the lorakeets-these kinds of things are right up his alley! I think that's our best trip to the zoo ever.
Afterwards, we went to the picnic area for lunch and then they all got to play for a while. Luke and his friend Mikey found a hill and rolled down it several times; until I got exhausted just watching them...
"What a great day, Mom!" Music to my ears.

Tuesday February 19, 2002 6:31 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
It's been a long time since I updated this page, but no news is good news, right?! In our case it is.
Luke just had his 3-month scans done yesterday, and Vicki (the nurse at the clinic) just called me to tell me that everything looks beautiful--chest, abdomen, and pelvic scans are normal, and all labwork is normal. There is somewhat of an enlarged thymus gland, but apparently that is not uncommon in kids after chemotherapy, and it hasn't changed in appearance.
Luke had a little harder time than usual yesterday. The rad tech started his IV without any trouble (we had EMLA on his arm already to numb it up), then she drew his labwork, and then hooked up the line with the contrast in it. Shortly after the injection started, the little rubber stopper blew out of the lock in the IV. She was going to take it off and just hook the line directly up, but Luke accidentally moved is arm and the catheter got yanked out! He was SOOOO upset!!! (So was I). Poor Luke cried and cried and it was all I
could do not to. The rad tech(Michelle)was wonderful, though. She had the patience of Job. She spent at least 20 minutes calming Luke down and building him up to let her restart the IV. She tried in the same arm, just above the 1st site, but couldn't get it, so then, she had to convince him to let her start it in the other arm--without any EMLA! And she did it! I was so proud of Luke! Talk about "grin and bear it', he sure did...didn't even scream (well, just once, before she actually poked him). After that he just gritted his teeth and just about turned blue, but he never moved his arm, and she got it right in. Five minutes later, we were outta there and on our way to the gourmet cart to get Luke a chocolate twister. (This has become a tradition every time he has to get stuck and/or get his scans done.) He certainly earned it yesterday.
It's such a relief to have those over with again. I'm realizing the last couple of times, that about 1-2 weeks before, I get really stressed out about these scans, and can hardly think about anything else until they're overwith, and then, after we know everything's OK, life goes on for a couple more months until the next time.
Luke is doing really good in school lately. Mrs. Chesterman told me the last time I saw her, that Luke was "on level" for his grade. He is really going to town with his reading AND writing, and not doing too shabby in math, either!
We are VERY happy:>) (<: :>}

Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 09:00 AM (CST)

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope it's a good one...
We're starting out nicely, since we were all sick with coughs and colds and pneumonia! Kevin had pneumonia and was the worst; but I'm almost sure Luke would have been as bad, except that he had received his pneumovax a few weeks earlier since we had just started his entire vaccination schedule again. He is finally getting over a terrible cough and a plugged up ear.
Luke and Kevin went with Uncle Derrick and Jesus to the Ringling/Barnum circus on
Thursday night at the Ice Palace, (courtesy of the Children's Cancer Center), and had a great time! Kevin said it was the first time he and Derrick had ever been to a circus! :o
Well, we have had a wonderful Christmas vacation, but now it's almost time to go back to sad. He sure has had a fun break, but he's ready, because he misses his little friends and he gets SO bored with "nothing to DO!!!" All the toys in the world wouldn't take the place of having a friend to play with in the dirt, or whatever.

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 10:23 AM (CST)

Luke had a wonderful Christmas- we spent Christmas Eve with the Gramma and Granpa side of the family and then Christmas Day with the Pa and Granny side of the family. Luke has many cousins on both sides and he's always excited to be with them, but especially excited at Christmas!

He told his Aunt Linda on the phone last night, "I told one Santa Clause, and then I told another one what I wanted...and I can't believe it, I finally got it, I finally got a REMOTE CONTROL TRAIN!!! Man, I was SO worried, I really thought I was just gonna get a lump of coal! I was REALLY scared I was just gonna get that old lump of coal..." Linda was laughing so hard she was crying when I got back on the phone.

Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 11:38 AM (CST)

Luke is in school today; it's the last day before Christmas vacation, so he's also having his big first grade Christmas Party:)
He has a bit of a cough right now, but otherwise is feeling wonderful. He went for his monthly checkup Tuesday, and his doctor ordered a chest x-ray because of the cough, then called if a prescription for an albuterol inhaler.
His cough is already better this morning, after staying home yesterday , and taking the medicine and taking it easy. ("School is really hard work, Mom...")
He is due for scans again in February. Please don't stop the prayers!

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