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November 2007

Dear Friends,

We would like to thank everyone for keeping us in your prayers during this first year of Caitlin’s passing. We often think of you and hope everyone is well. It was good to hear from so many of you.

During the past 12 months we were comforted by memories of happier times with Caitlin. For those of you who knew her well, know that Caitlin was a very happy person who loved to laugh. In fact, after she became ill, she said that if laughter was medicine she would have been cured right away. We hope you have been able to remember the happier times with Caitlin and we know that is what she would want us to remember.

As you know, November 21, 2008 will mark the first year anniversary of Caitlin’s going to be with the Lord. Many of us will be remembering Caitlin on that evening in a very special way.

You probably know that Caitlin came to know the Lord at a very young age. It was about 9:30 at night. We had just returned home and Caitlin was in my arms. The sky was dark, clear and filled with bright stars. Something was dramatically different and beautiful beyond words and both of us were overwhelmed with feelings of love, joy and peace and Caitlin proclaimed, “What a beautiful evening!” For this reason Caitlin has always loved the stars and for this reason we think it would be the perfect way to remember Caitlin. So if you would like to join in remembering Caitlin on Wednesday evening, November 21st: Go outside at 9:30 pm, where ever you happen to be, look up at the night sky and take note of what you see there. It won’t matter if it’s cloudy. Just be still, remember Caitlin, light a candle if you’d like and give thanks to God for all the many blessings he lavishes on us. We will all take comfort in knowing that although we are separated by distance we are united in love.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be
called children of God.” 1 John 1:3

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E-mail Author: centralperky24@earthlink.net


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