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Friday, December 29, 2006 4:11 PM CST

Hello from snowy Colorado.

We ventured out yesterday late morning to the clinic and discovered that Nathan would need platelets sometime in the next few days and so we decided it was best that he get them yesterday because of the snow.

Fortunately, though there is a lot of snow, the drive home was fine and today we are snug inside our house catching up on 3 months worth of chores around the house.

We received the last of our boxes of stuff from New York and the kids promptly put on their halloween costumes and began playing with the toys we shipped back.

Nathan will go back to the clinic Tuesday morning and then hopefully back to school on Wednesday! Meanwhile we will be hanging around our house enjoying each other and ringing in the New Year.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 8:55 AM CST

We are still enjoying our time together this holiday. Nathan went to the clinic yesterday and his counts were good enough to stop his antibiotics and neupogen. It was wonderful to take out Nathan's port needle. Nathan wanted to sleep back up in his bunk bed. We tested him to see if he was strong enough to climb up there and he was! He was very happy to finally be back in his own bed.

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Thursday. We are expecting another blizzard on Thursday with a foot of snow for the part of town we live in! We have not completely dug out from the last one. Our cul-de-sac is still filled with snow with only one lane cut though our neighborhood roads. It should be interesting.... We are just hoping to get in and out of the clinic before the snow starts. We will stock up on groceries today.

Monday, December 25, 2006 7:18 PM CST

Merry Christmas!

Nathan was so anxious for Christmas that he woke us up at 1:00 am and also 6:00 am wondering if it was time to get up yet.

The kids got so many wonderful presents and have been having so much fun playing with them all today. Thanks again to everyone who helped make their Christmas so wonderful.

Another big thank you to everyone who contributed to Nathan's giving tree for Lunch for Life. We are so touched by your generosity. Last, but not least, thank you to all who have contributed to Nathan's medical expense fund.

I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.

Sunday, December 24, 2006 10:06 PM CST

It's Christmas Eve and the kids are snuggled in bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. They are very excited for tomorrow.

I got up and took Nathan's blood to the hospital right away. By 10:00 we knew they he needed some platelets but that his other counts are great. Luke and his dad took him and they weren't there very long at all.

There is plenty of snow on the ground and we even had some snow showers late this afternoon - which we all enjoyed.

I'll have some pictures for you later tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:12 PM CST

Just a quick update to let you know how we are doing.

Nathan is doing pretty well. He wants to spend the day doing normal activities so by the evening he is so worn out! He has played in the snow the past two days but it is hard work tromping through the deep snow. He was so tired at dinner that he kept rubbing his eyes til they hurt but he still refused to go to bed early.

He has been having (for a while now) hip pain. Luke and I went out this morning and came back to find him whimpering in pain. From xrays we know there is scarring on his hip bone from disease. It makes us sick but we know this pain is probably caused by the cancer. Tylenol takes care of it so at least we can manage it. He is also quite pale and ashen. He just looks sick. I just hope he is on his way to feeling better.

Tomorrow morning I will drop off his blood at the hospital and they will check his counts. Hopefully he will not need any platelets or red blood, but if he does then he will get them at the hospital tomorrow.

Luke's parents and sister all arrived safely and on time despite the storm we had earlier in the week. We are so thakful for that as we know lots of people who have had to cancel Christmas plans due to the travel problems cxaused by the blizzard. The kids are having a great time with the grandparents and aunt.

Friday, December 22, 2006 12:15 AM CST

Good news! Nathan's ANC was 1000 today! He went from zero to 1000 since Tuesday. At 1000 he can be exposed to more things and we don't have to worry about his immunity so much.

His hemoglobin (red blood) has gone up since Tuesday and his platelets are at 38,000...he doesn't even need a transfusion today. He will have his counts checked on Sunday. We will drop his blood off at the hospital and then if he needs platelets he will get them.

Luke's sister, Anna arrived last night and his parents will arrive later today.

We will be enjoying our time together at home.

Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:59 PM CST

Sorry for not updating yesterday. The blizzard knocked out our internet service.

So - to start with Wednesday morning.

We woke up and brought Lauren in our bedroom. AFter a while it was time to put hook Nathan up to his antibiotics and so we prepared tow ake him up and instead found Nathan and Julia in the family room with their drinks watching TV, just like they always do at home. It was a wonderful sight.

Nathan played a lot, helped me make cookies, put osme ornaments on the tree, fed the dog, went up and down the stairs to do this and that and even PLAYED IN THE SNOW!

Luke and I knew that Nathan would be better at home be we had no idea he could make such a drastic change. In the hospital he had to be cajoled to get out of bed and at home he is all over the place. Home is really the best medicine for Nathan. Speaking of medicine he has not had a fever since the plane ride home.

Now - although the blizzard made for much fun for the kids it has not been the best timing (thought if ti had been one day earlyier it would have been teh swrost timing). Anyway, Nathan and I left the house to go to the clinic yesterday and promptly turned around and came home. The visibility was so low that I didn't feel it was safe to be on the roads. We decided to go in today instead.

Well - we woke up today to three foot drifts. Luke and some neighbors with a very lucky encounter with a city plow managed to get our van out of our street. AFterwards I called the doctor but he was not going to be able to go to the clinic and so it isn't even open today. We called around looking for a lab open on this side of town but did not find one. We had the option of taking NAthan into the hospital for blood counts but the ER. registration area is not the best place for Nathan to be either. So - we decided to wait it out until tomorrow. If Nathan starts to bleed we will take him to the hospital. His platelets are surely low right now but as long as he is doing OK it will be all right.

Luke remembered yesterday evening that Nathan was supposed to get neupogen in the clinic yesterday. Fortunately, we had some vials still and we also had some extra dextrose so we could mix it and give it to Nathan by IV instead of as a shot. Boy, wouldn't the team in NY be besides themselves to know that NAthan has not been seen by a physician since he left and we are giving him neupogen with a slow-push at home! Not to mention that I had to put a new needle in his port after our failed attempt to get to the clinic. Good thing we have our own in-home pharmacy.

So - we are hoping for an uneventful evening tonight and planning on a long day tomorrow getting transfusions. We are alos hoping to see a rise in Nathan's white blood cells to show that the stem cells have taken.

I will put some pictures in the photo page.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:59 PM CST

We are all home!

It was touch and go at times today but we are all under the same roof tonight.

Nathan continued to have fevers all day.

I (Susan) left early this morning to fly to NY. The expected snow in Colorado Springs had just started. We got to NY very quickly due to the winds.

It took us a while in line to take off in NY and then it was a slow flight home. We had to stop in Lincoln, Nebraska to refuel. While we were there the conditions in Colorado Springs would not permit a landing.

We got back on and headed to the Springs. We were told that it would be an "instrument approach" and that if the pilot couldn't see the runway at 200 feet he would pull back up and try again. If he failed to see it the second time we would be going to Denver.

Fortunately, he did see the runway and we landed around 6:30. We picked up the girls and came home.

Nathan went immediately to his toys and began playing with Julia. HE tired and wtched some TV while I made him tacos. He has been wanting MY tacos for a long time. He ate a taco and we put him to bed. We are going to be giving him some IV antibiotics later.

So - this fever is still a problem and he is so very skinny and weak and he still has no blood counts. so we are home but are far from out of the woods. He has an appointment tomrorow at 11:00.

Now that we are home we need all your prayers for his counts to come up and his fever to go away.

Nathan is just so happy to be home. As tired and sick as he is he looked very happy and had a smile on his face when he snuggled under his covers tonight. He is on a mattress on his floor since he can't climb up to his bunk - but he often sleeps there to get medicines in the night so he doesn't mind at all.

I'll update again tomorrow.

Monday, December 18, 2006 10:45 PM CST

The fever is still hanging around. He officially recorded one today, but was on tylenol as a pre-med for various other things going on. I think he probably bounced in and out of a slight fever most of the day. That being said, we are on target to get out of here tomorrow. I should have updated earlier. My apologies. They have been really good to us today. They got right in to ease my fears. And the first thing the attending did was to tell me he knew I was worried but that we should still be getting home. He said he "wasn't too worried with a slight fever in a kid that is still happy and active". Nathan was sitting up and coloring when the doctors came in. That was good timing. He had been feeling a bit more down than usual in general.

He did feel lethargic when his temperature rose. And we did bicker and snap at each other a fair amount. He took a nice long nap, and while he woke up with his one official fever of the day, he perked up after that nap. We took part in one last Monday bingo night and he was even up for staying around for UNO. He then ate dinner and played for awhile before bed.

I really want these fevers to go away, but the important thing right now is getting home. We have complete confidence in our doctors at home and they can deal with these fevers and low counts just as well as they can here.

He has been experiencing some pain in his hips today. We are ever so hopeful that the fevers and pain are from his body settling in to start producing blood cells in the marrow space.

Thanks everyone for your support. This has been a particularly long haul and we are looking forward to closing the door on it and getting Nathan stronger and recovered from all of this.

Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:56 PM CST

*** Fever update Monday 9:00 am ***
Nathan's fever came back last night after the first dose of tylenol wore off. He got more tylenol and that brought the fever down.

Our hope was that the fever was related to his body producing new white blood cells (engraftment fever). My big disappointment this morning was no increase in WBCs. I'm not sure if this could still be engraftment or not with no measurable cell growth. So far, and its early, nothing nasty has grown in his blood cultures.

We have one of many great nurses today. The first thing she started doing was telling me she thinks the doctors we are dealing with here will continue to work with us to make travel tomorrow happen as planned. I feel a little better, but I'm still really worried about the next 36 hours. We need this fever to go away, or at least stay under control. And I need the doctors to take the initiative to work towards the goal as planned and not put up too much resistance because of this. Ultimately, as someone recently told me, if it is a fight it will be one-sided since he is your son and you will make the decision, but I'm seriously worn more thin than I've ever been. I just don't need the stress of any resistance here. I'm already stressed enough worried about being stressed about it.

The nurse practitioner on the floor today just popped in to tell me that the first thing she is going to do when the attending gets in is to go over the plan for Nathan and how they know how important it is to us to get him home. So the nurse and nurse practitioner are really trying to take care of us. I find that encouraging.

"Daddy, it's time to go home."

Fever. He flirted with one late last night. Tonight he got over the magic 38 C with 38.3. We gave him some tylenol to get the fever down and the doctors aren't going to do anything major like switch up his meds. They will give him "24 hours" before they want to switch up/add to his medicines.

I'm really stressed. On one hand I know that I will take him home on Tuesday unless there is a seriously compelling argument that the flight itself is very dangerous. There is nothing they can do here for Nathan at this point that they can't do in the Springs. I will do what I see is best, I just don't want to fight too much with the doctors here or make any too difficult decisions.

I'm so frustrated. He has been so stable for so long and now that we are so close to our planned discharge he has a fever and it is going to complicate things. I'm praying for some counts tomorrow. If his counts climb, we can attribute the fever to engraftment and cell growth. I think the doctors are trying to work towards are goal. I'm very curious to hear the first words out of the attending doctor's mouth tomorrow when he is by on rounds. That will set the tone for the next couple of days.

In all of my frustration over tonight, I can't forget to thank our wonderful friend Marianne for coming into the city last night. Marianne sat with Nathan while I took care of checking out of the Ronald and had myself a nice relaxing dinner. She brought lots of toys and snacks and Nathan had a great time. Thanks, Marianne.

No more fever. No more fever. No more fever.

Friday, December 15, 2006 6:16 PM CST

Nathan continues to do very well. His counts haven't started up yet, but he is getting stronger every day. Starting physical therapy and occupational therapy have been great for him. The women who do it work him pretty hard, but he has fun doing it. It is really interesting. It clearly makes him very tired, but since he has started he has been so much more likely to just want to be up and about or in the playroom. It has been great for him. He also continues to eat pretty well. He started to eat a bit more when I started running out to local restaurants that he knows to pick up food. Since then he has been going through plate after plate of spaghetti. And now he is asking for something from the hospital menu from time to time too. His weight had fallen a lot. He is still a lot lighter and skinnier than when he came in, but he started to gain some back. Today he bumped over the 18 kg barrier going from 17.8 to 18.1. I know he could dip back down with just normal slight fluctuation, but I hope not. It is a big mental thing for me to have him over 18 kg. He has eaten pretty well today too, so things seem to be trending in the right direction with his eating and his strength, although he has a long way to go with both.

Our big thing now are preparations for traveling home on Tuesday, December 19. The doctors are all cooperating and working towards our plan. Supposedly today they called Nathan's oncologist in Colorado Springs to work on the transition plan. I'm not only excited to get home, but I'm so happy to have care switching over to our doctors there. They may have more therapies to try here, but on the whole they don't care for the patient and family's quality of life nearly as well as our doctors back in the Springs.

It was a good week for visitors too. Susan's cousin and my great friend, Matt, was here Monday through Thursday. Matt being here certainly had a lot to do with Nathan perking up too. I think they had a lot of fun together. I got some much needed breaks, two nights sleep out of the hospital, and a lot of adult non-neuroblastoma conversation. Thanks, Matt.

Our friend Maeve who lives in Brooklyn also made it by for a visit one evening. She came with homemade cookies and gifts! One of the gifts she brought is a remote control truck. It has been great fun and great therapy for Nathan. We have circled the whole floor with it a couple of times now. It has proved a good tool to get Nathan out of the room and walking. Thanks, Maeve.

Nathan is sad to still be here and preparing himself as much as he can emotionally for going home. Last night he was really sad about still being here. He didn't really want to talk about it, but summed it all up with, "It's time to go home, Daddy". We sure miss Susan, Julia, and Lauren and we know they really miss us too. Nathan's counts aren't going to be coming up before we travel on Tuesday. We won't have any trouble or fights with the doctors about discharge as long as he remains "stable". For Nathan right now the most important thing in regards to stability is no new fevers or other signs of possible infection. So, if you are inclined to target a few positive thoughts or prayers our way, please focus first on Nathan remaining fever and infection free so we can get our family back together at home.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:16 PM CST

Things are going well here. Nathan's spirits have taken a turn for the better. I think several things have contributed to this. First and foremost, I think he knows that having received his stem cells that his counts should get better soon. More importantly, he knows that there is an end in sight to this hospital stay. The other thing that is perking him up, I think, is that his days have become much busier. Now that we have added visits from the physical therapist and the occupation therapist to his days, he is up and out of bed and busy quite often. He is also more likely to be up more when not getting therapy. He has been walking and playing in the playroom over the last couple of days. He is still weak and he is still getting very tired with all of the work that he is getting put through, but his spirits are better and he is more apt to want to be out of bed doing things.

We've also had a great time with our friend Matt who is here to help me out and perk Nathan up. It has been great for both of us to have Matt here visiting.

On the medical front, there isn't much going on. Well, there are lots of antibiotics, other medicines, and transfusions, but nothing out of that routine. We are hopeful that the physical and occupational therapy will address the pain he has had in his leg. And we need his fever and other issues to remain stable so that there is no question about the safety of traveling with him on Tuesday the 19th.

Monday, December 11, 2006 10:18 PM CST

What a day! The morning started with everyone telling me how excited they were that today would be the day Nathan gets his stem cells. This was before the blood draw that would confirm that he would be able to get them and we have had so many delays that I wasn't willing/wanting to get too excited. They drew the blood at around 9:00. Nathan and I lazed around a bit and had breakfast. Then the physical therapist came by to meet Nathan and put him through the paces of seeing how strong he was, walking with him, getting him to jump, and etc. She was great and will be coming back daily to work with him. She said the pain and stiffness in his legs is consistent with weakness from the prolonged period of relative inactivity. I'm looking forward to him continuing to work with her and the occupational therapist (she came by today too). They seem great and I think they will get him up and around easier than I have been able to.

As we were on our walk with the PT I got the word that he was on for his infusion at 1:00. What a relief. Everything was pretty much on time too. The infusion itself was a 20cc push from a syringe. It started at about 1:20 and ended at 1:35. Nathan did great. He was a bit nervous about it all but handled it all very well with no side effects or reactions to the preservatives that the cells are stored with.

Not long after the infusion our friend Matt arrived and we had a new diversion. It is great for both of us to have him here. He napped for awhile and we hung out, had dinner, and hit the playroom for bingo night where he got another great prize. He was happy and chatty well into the night and even asked me to put something down on the floor so he could get down and play with his new toy.

It was a long, but good day.

The countdown to home now begins.

Sunday, December 10, 2006 8:49 PM CST

Update - Monday December 11

Stems cells are on for around 1:00!


Nathan and I had a pretty good weekend. My Mom had to leave first thing Saturday morning, so we said our goodbyes Friday night. It was wonderful having her here. I couldn't believe her stay went so fast. It had been a long time since I had a chance to just sit down with her and talk, and that was really good for me. Nathan perked up when she was here and really enjoyed her stay.

On Saturday Nathan and I got out and about in the hospital some. I'm becoming increasingly paranoid of exposing him to others. The hospital is pretty quiet on the weekends so we went downstairs to the cafeteria for a snack and we did some shopping in the gift shop. Exercise is increasingly important for him. He is starting to have physical issues related to just being in the hospital so long. Just walking around off the floor is good for him and a way to get him to walk without having to push him too hard.

In general over the last two days his spirits have been good. We've kept busy building and rebuilding lego toys, watching some movies, and playing computer games.

Eating has become another big issue. He has lost so much weight. One thing we have noticed is how little attention the doctors here pay to that. He had lost weight but was maintaining a somewhat stable "hospital weight". Then when he got that fever on Thursday and started feeling bad he just stopped eating much and his weight dropped. Yesterday I ran out and got him spaghetti from a place he likes. He ate it for three straight meals (lunch and dinner yesterday and breakfast this morning). He drank a little better too and gained 0.3 kg when they weighed him this morning. He ate a decent hospital lunch and then I ran out to get him more food that he knows he likes from a local restaurant (this time chicken pot pie). He ate that pretty well and had a piece of apple pie too. So his appetite has been better and moving away from the hospital food has helped. I'll run out every meal if I have to if it means he will eat well and put some weight back on.

Our friend Matt comes into town tomorrow afternoon. Nathan and I are looking forward to his visit. When I told Nathan that Matt was going to come after his Grandma had been here he smiled and said, "Oh. I like him."

Tomorrow is a huge day. They will draw his blood at 9am to test the radiation levels. We should know by 10:30 or 11:00 if they are low enough to receive his stem cells. If the levels are good, he will get his stem cells mid-afternoon. We have a lot riding emotionally on being able to get his cells tomorrow. If the radiation clearance has slowed more over the weekend and we can't get them, I think I might be devastated.

Nathan also starts physical therapy tomorrow. The docs recommended that on Friday so he hasn't met with them yet. He really wants to be good and exercise and understands why he has to, but he doesn't like just walking laps around the floor. I hear the PT team is really good and I hope that the exercise is fun for him. I'm also happy that they will understand the issues a kid that has been in the hospital for over a month has and will know exactly what to do to try and help re-strengthen his bones and get him moving around well again. Angela, the wonderful NP on the floor who takes great care of us, also recognizes that getting PT involved is good for me. She said that she knows I like to work with him myself, but that I probably need a break from pushing him to do things. We are so lucky that Nathan is such a good boy. Most of the time he takes his medicine and does all of the things he needs to so well. There are a couple of things he likes to draw the line on. He doesn't want shots and he doesn't want to be forced to exercise in ways he wouldn't do when he is at home.

I'm doing okay. Nathan and I got along great all weekend. I think having Mom here recharged the batteries a bit. Also, no matter how much I miss Lauren and Julia, the routine we were in with trading care between Nathan at the hospital and Lauren and Julia out of it was really hard. I am tired though. A friend whose son is also here on the floor told me I looked tired again tonight. I glanced at myself in the mirror later and had to admit I kinda look like hell with dark, puffy, bloodshot eyes.

Stem cells...Stem cells...Stem cells...Stem cells...

Friday, December 8, 2006 5:22 PM CST

Hi - it's Susan updating for Luke.

Nathan did not get stem cells today. He is still too hot! In the older version of hot antibodies (without avastin) done in the 90's whre the radiation was 5 times the amount kids cleared it in 8 days. Who knows why Nathan isn't clearing it faster. The doctor redid his calcuations based on the new curve which is very flat at the tail end and is 99 percent sure Nathan will get his stem cells on Monday. This has been so hard having these delays. The good news is that chances are these delays will not delay our return home.

We have been working on a return date of December 19th all week, at first thinking it was later than we liked but now will be sooner than he may be ready. The wonderful people who run "Flight of Hope" here in Colorado Springs (who I know from church choir) will be able to secure the private jet to go get Nathan. So - as long as Nathan does not have a fever and is stable he will come home on the 19th whether his counts are up or not. The team in NY knows this is what we want and will do their best to make it happen. Nathan's wonderful doctor here in Colorado Springs will do anythign to help the transition as well. They know his "quality of life" is so important right now. It's a good thing but also sad that we are in that place where everyone knows that Nathan's future is very uncertain.

On to Nathan..yesterday was a bad day. He felt crummy and wouldn't eat. By the end of the day he spiked a fever and they changed all his meds around. I was so upset I was about to get on a plane. Fortunately his fever went away right away and has stayed away all day today. His other problem currently is that his legs hurt. This is most likely due to his inactivity - laying in a hospital bed for a month. They did an xray of his legs today and can see bone softening that can happen with not enough use. So - there is a renewd effort to get Nathan up and moving and physical therapy will start working with him on Monday. It is highly unlikely that the leg pains are due to disease since the chances of his progressing right now are very slim.

It is appalling to me what this month in the hospital has done to Nathan. In addition to the leg thing his weight is down to 38 pounds (from 44) and his spirits are hurt as well. We just need to get him out of there and home and fatten him up and let him run around and play with his sisters until he feels better.

I will put some new pictures of Nathan i the photo album page. He has enjoyed his week with his Grandma there. Next in for a few days is my cousin, Matt, who also happens to be one of Luke's best friends.

A quick update on the women of the family. May parents left on Wednesday after helping us out for a week. We got the inside of the house decorated and some organzing and laundry done. I also got out by myself a little. Lauren got sick on Monday and passed it on to me. We are finally recovered.

I want to thank everyone who has added ornaments to Nathan's tree (see above) and purchased gifts and sent funds. We can't begin to tell you how much this means to us and how good it feels to have you all there supporting us. On a similar note - please do not send anymore mail to the Ronald since Luke may check out a little early after Matt leaves since he will only be at the hospital anyway.

PLease send prayers NAthan's way that he will not get any infections or fevers and that he will get his stem cells back on Monday and be able to come home as planned.

Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:07 PM CST

No stem cells today. They will test the radiation again first thing in the morning on Friday. I was pretty frustrated not to get to talk to the doctor. He left a message with the nurse. Apparently he stopped by but didn't find us. That is a bit confusing since we were in the room all day waiting for him. My big concern is that he won't clear before the weekend and that the necessary labs won't be open to test his blood and provide the cells.

He is feeling pretty bad, both physically and emotionally. He was completely beat all day and flirting with a temperature this evening. His counts were actually slightly better this morning, and yet he is obviously feeling worse.

We need to get those cells in him and get him feeling better. I'm worried that he is going to come down with something after all this time waiting for his cells.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:00 PM CST

Nathan had a fine night last night. Mom spent most of the day with Nathan while I packed up stuff that can be sent back home from the Ronald. I think Nathan had an okay day. He seemed a bit tired and run down. No surprises there, I suppose, but still hard to see.

We may, or may not, get stem cells tomorrow. Today's tests showed that the radioactivity levels in his blood will be borderline tomorrow to receive the cells. They will draw his blood at about 10am and if the radiation has cleared enough he will get cells in the afternoon. If not...they will test his again in the afternoon and we *should* be able to get cells on Friday.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:11 PM CST

Typical day. There was some good. There was some bad. I'm getting so tired of making him do things that upset him, and there are always a few things each day that upset him.

He got moved to a double room today. There was lots of stress around that. We were lucky to have a private room for as long as we did. I am a bit upset that they moved us and then apparently didn't need the isolation room for an admit because our old, comfortable, quiet private room is sitting open and empty tonight. No big deal though and inevitable. We have very nice and friendly roommates that claim to like a quiet, dark room to sleep in. So far they are living up to that.

And the news you are all waiting for...No stem cells tomorrow either. The radiation is clearing more slowly than expected. Thursday doesn't look like a lock at this point either. They will draw blood and test it tomorrow afternoon again. We should be very close to the levels needed, but perhaps not quite there yet.

The doctors keep talking about when he might get his cells. Nathan always surprises them by saying, "I don't want stem cells". He hates the smell. The cells are frozen with a preservative that smells during the infusion. Nathan will smell like it for days as he sweats and pees out the preservative. It does smell pretty bad. I'll take it though. He needs them to get better and go home.

In general, over the last couple of days I have heard a lot of bad news regarding other little neuroblastoma patients. It makes me so sick and so angry. Many of you only have Nathan as a window into this world. Unfortunately, as "rare" as pediatric cancers are, there are a lot of other incredible kids and families out there fighting this. Please send them your prayers and kind thoughts too. God knows we all need them.

Monday, December 4, 2006 6:39 PM CST

Nathan had a great day. He is really enjoying his Grandma's company. I think having her here has really perked him up. My Mom brought Christmas decorations and they have been decorating the room. This morning she bought a small tree and they decorated and put up the tree. He really enjoyed it. He also won two prizes at Bingo tonight and he is quite pleased about that.

We had hoped he could get stem cells tomorrow, but his doctor tells us that his blood is still too radioactive. He will test it again tomorrow afternoon to let us know if he can get them on Wednesday. We are hoping for Wednesday now. The sooner the better.

Monday, December 4, 2006 7:39 AM CST

The weekend was pretty good on Nathan. Not a lot went on and the hospital was quiet. We kept really busy on Saturday doing various projects and crafts. He was definitely feeling llike keeping his mind occupied and it was exhausting for both of us. We didn't get along very well most of the day. We were needing a break from each other. My Mom, after a lot of weather related travel cancellations and delays, arrived in New York very late Saturday night. She came straight over to the hospital yesterday morning and I could really tell a difference in Nathan all day. He really perked up to have his Grandma here. She brought Christmas decorations for his room. For the longest time in the morning he didn't watch TV or really play with anything. He just talked to his Grandma. I got out of the hospital at lunchtime, grabbed lunch, did some shopping I needed to do, and went back to the Ronald. The Bears game was on and I sat and watched nearly the entire game. It was strange to be doing something alone. And it was strange to be doing something not related to a goal, project, or the children. Strange but good.

There were no real medical issues this weekend. Nathan's counts dropped (Well, his hemoglobin and platelets. His immunity doesn't have anywhere to fall.) a lot between Saturday and Sunday. In the evening his nose and loose teeth started oozing blood. I pushed a bit and got platelets before the CBC they drew came back. He was bleeding. He needed them no matter the number and they had been pretty low in the morning anyway. I'm not sure what the number was. I left for the night before they came back.

Which brings me to the night. I slept in a real bed last night. First time in 20+ days. It was strange to leave him. I didn't like it really. I liked going back and sleeping in a bed, but I didn't like leaving Nathan. It is good for me though. I know it is.

This is a big week for us. Hopefully we will have an idea today of when he may have his stem cell infusion. We really want it to happen as soon as possible so that we can get him past any infection risk and just get him home. We didn't think that this treatment would be so hard on him and we just want to get him on the road to recovery from it.

Thanks to the quick response to Nathan's Giving Tree at Lunch for Life (link above). We are always touched by those who care and are willing to give in honor and support of Nathan.

Friday, December 1, 2006 5:31 PM CST

I'm feeling pretty tired tonight, so I'm not really sure where to start. Yesterday was a pretty slow day. Nathan didn't need any blood products. We hung out and all was pretty good. Special thanks to Susan's aunt and uncle, Joan and Bill. They treated us to a great night last night. Joan sat with Nathan while Bill and I had a great dinner. It was really good for me to be out of the hospital and Nathan always really enjoys his time with Joan.

Today has been pretty good too. Nathan needed platelets and red blood cells. After his treatment on Tuesday we did some breathing treatments to help open his airway from the allergic reaction. That night he didn't have the persistent cough he has had. We did a treatment Wednesday night and again he slept great. I didn't make him do it last night and he woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible cough and then in the morning his cough continued to be bad. We made him do a treatment and it cleared right up. So, it would seem that this allergy he has is causing his throat to close a bit. He doesn't like having another thing he has to do, but we'll make him do the treatments at night for awhile so he sleeps well.

Nathan also had an MIBG scan today. This is not to assess disease status, but for the study purposes to see if the antibody carried the radiation to the places in his body that we know have cancer. The doctor says that the uptake looks more consistent with the first cycle than with the second. That means that more radiation *may* have been delivered to the cancer this time. That would, of course, be good.

We have no more information about when he can receive his stem cells. The doctor thinks Tuesday or Wednesday are more likely than Monday, but we will check on Monday and see if the radiation has cleared enough.

Unfortunately my mother was not able to make it to New York today. The weather in the Midwest was too bad today and her flights were canceled. She is rescheduled to come tomorrow and it seems like the weather is supposed to cooperate. Nathan and I were disappointed and looking forward to having her here with us tomorrow.

Susan says that her and the girls are settling in a bit at home and that it is great to be there.

Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:16 AM CST

Nathan had a fine day yesterday. There were no real medical issues other than the continued antibiotics. His hives, which had continued to be very impressive through the night were gone by the morning. He slept well with less of a cough than he had been previously having. I think that maybe the breathing treatment he had for the allergic reaction helped his cough. He had to hit a radiation number of 7 (not sure the units) to be let off of isolation. He was 20 something after the infusion at 4pm on Tuesday, 11.9 Wednesday at 9am, and then 9.5 at 3:30pm. The radiation is clearing a lot slower than round 2 and a little slower than round 1. The doctor seemed a little surprised that it is clearing slower. We are hoping that it is a good sign that this cycle will be as effective as the first one. I don't know if there is any science behind that hope, but we need to have the hope.

Tomorrow they will scan to see where the antibody carried the radiation. The doctor also said he will check the radiation levels in Nathan's blood to see if we can plan on the stem cell rescue for Monday. If you are looking for something to focus positive thoughts and prayers on, please focus on getting stem cells back and counts up and us home as soon as possible.

Today should be a pretty slow day. He will need platelets and maybe red blood cells too. I'm hoping for only platelets, but it won't be a big deal if he needs both. Susan's aunt will be coming to sit with him in the evening while I get a break and go out to dinner with Susan's uncle. I'm really looking forward to it and I'm sure Nathan will too once he knows the plan.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 4:05 PM CST

Hot 3F8 antibody treatments are now done. Today was difficult. We got started a little late for some reason. The word was that the antibody hadn't arrived from the lab until later than planned. He definitely had another pretty strong allergic reaction, but his airway was a lot better and he kept breathing pretty well throughout. They changed up his meds a bit based on the last time around. I don't know if that helped or if it was just different, but he kept breathing well and had good oxygen levels. He has had a terrible, terrible persistent cough related to the allergic reaction and some swelling in his throat. They are going to keep giving him breathing treatments every four hours when he is awake until he seems to be over it. He turned bright red during the infusion. As the redness began to recede we could tell that his entire body was so covered in hives that he just looked red. He still has a lot of hives and has been itchy.

The pain was pretty bad. I wasn't at round 1, but that one was bad. The second treatment didn't seem so bad as far as pain goes, but he may have been too distracted by not being able to breathe to complain about the pain. This time the pain was pretty bad, but the worst part was that it lasted a long time. Perhaps we can hope since the pain was more comparable to the first treatment that maybe this one will be as effective as that first treatment. I'm sure I'm grasping at straws there, but I can hope the pain was for something. He is finally resting now. As he sleeps the throat isn't bothering him as much, it would seem. I'm glad to see him resting. He will probably wake up just in time for bed, but I can deal with that.

I said goodbye to Julia and Lauren and Susan said goodbye to Nathan. She headed back to the Ronald to finish packing and be ready to head back to CO tomorrow morning. I'm sure it is hard for her to say goodbye and go. I know it was hard for me to say goodbye.

The doctors says we will check the radiation levels in his blood on Monday and that he will hopefully receive his stem cell rescue on Monday or Tuesday next week. After that we would expect to see his counts start to come up in about a week hopefully and then we can all get home in time to settle into being at home before Christmas.

I miss my girls already.

Thanks for your continued well wishes and prayers. Thank you so much for your packages, cards, and gifts.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:34 AM CST

Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. There was nothing really new going on. Nathan's white count is up at .3 but he still has no ANC. He does have some other white cell elements and so there is definately some movement.

Yesterday we brought Lauren and Julia in to say goodbye to Nathan. Today he will get his antibody and then the girls and I will leave tomorrow. Luke will take over the updating while he is in NY with Nathan.

Nathan wants the computer to play some games so I will have to cut this short. We'll update later on how the antibody went.

Sunday, November 26, 2006 12:55 AM CST

Today is day 19 or 20 in the hospital - at least 16 more to go. He will be in the hospital longer than when he had his stem cell transplant. They did move Nathan out of the bad room yesterday into the more standard type. He has had no roommate so far so that is nice.

He is doing the same. He got some blood and accompanying high blood pressure today. Yesterday he got platelets and it was not a very good bag because he only went up to 30 and so will get some more tomorrow. His white count is still .2 but the nurse tells me he has some immature white cells so he probably has a small ANC but they haven't calculated it yet. It doesn't change anything but it is a sign he might have eventually recovered his counts on his own. He will still get his stem cells.

We have visitors this weekend. Julia's wonderful babysitter, Tammy and one of her daughters and husband came to visit. Julia and her daughter are fast friends and Tammy is like a second mom to Julia. I spent yesterday with them pushing our way through the crowds (but enjoying it!) and Luke is with them today. Julia got to spend the night at their hotel last night. We brought Nathan out on a pass and all had dinner together.

I am listening to Christmas music on my iPod and they are decorating the hospital. It is just making me melancholy. Kids shouldn't be in the hospital at Christmas time. Nathan should be home - I should be able to sing this beautiful music with my church choir instead of sitting in the hospital.

That's all for now.

Friday, November 24, 2006 4:30 PM CST

All is quiet here. Nathan's hemoglobin only dropped a little bit today so no blood transfusion or platelets either.

Nathan had to change rooms and he got the worst one on the floor. It is tiny and the TV is off to the side. The nurse put his bed at an angle so he wouldn't get a crick in his neck. He will change again on Monday before the hot antibody on Tuesday.

I got some pictures from the child life people from yesterday and they are better than mine so I put some different ones on the photo page.

That's it from here.

Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:14 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a really good day. Because it was Thanksgiving the rules were relaxed at the hospital and so the girls and I headed over there after breakfast and hung out in Nathan's room for a little while. His roommate had checked out the day before and he doesn't have a new one yet.

At 11:30 we walked over to the day hospital's playroom where they had a very nice catered meal for the families. The food was delicious and traditional. We had the good company of some families we have gotten to know who are also stuck inpatient. We went back around 1:30 and Nathan seemed tired so Luke left with the girls and then Nathan was itching for more activity. We played with play-doh for awhile. Around 4:30 they unhooked him and we came back to the Ronald. We ended up making some spaghetti and sitting in the blessedly uncrowded dining room chatting and drinking wine with friends. Nathan and Julia got some playtime in and Nathan was also playing with Lauren and being very sweet with her. They do adore each other. He and Luke went back around 7:00 and Luke says he is still in a great mood and eating some more.

As far as the medical stuff...no real change in his counts. His hemoglobin stayed stable from yesterday to today. He didn't have any high blood pressures today but they gave him a diuretic anyway since his weight was up a little.

I will post a few pictures from today if I get the chance.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:46 PM CST

I think we are now resigned to the extra weeks and are looking ahead to a definate departure from NY. It is nice to have a plan with an end date after so many months of questions. In January we will need a new plan again but we will get a little break.

Although I have repeatedly said we would all come home from NY together I have changed my mind. With Nathan in the hospital our family is rarely together. It made sense for us all to be here until now. We had decisions to make and we could be together as a family. Now, I think it is best for the girls to be at home and for me to finally be home as well and get the house ready for Christmas. Luke is not working until at least mid-December anyway and so he might as well be with NAthan. If things start to go south for NAthan I may regret it, but we can always come back.

So - the girls and I will return home next Wednesday. My parents are meeting me in Denver and will help me out for a week getting back into the swing of things in Colorado. I bought Lauren a plane ticket because I could not deal with a 4 year old next to me and a squirmy 1 year old on my lap for 4 hours. Lets hope Lauren doesn't scream in her carseat the whole time.

Back to NAthan....he is doing OK today. He didn't sleep much last night due to beepiong pumps and lots of bathroom trips. They are having a very difficult time striking a balance with his fluids, blood pressure and urinary issues.
Whenever they up his fluids he get high blood pressure. His urine tested positive for protein and so they want to keep him hydrated. They have been pumping his fluids up and down during the day. Just now they bumped it down again and give him a diuretic to pee off some of the fluid. They check his weight and can tell when he is retaining.

I'll update again tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:46 PM CST

Luke here this time. The doctor dropped by this afternoon as expected. Nathan's HAMA test was negative, which means that he is eligible for one more round of treatment on the hot (radioactive) antibody study. As you probably know from Susan's previous posts, Nathan had a good response from the first round of treatment and remained stable after the second. Our choices are either to go ahead and give him his stem cells on Friday and be done and ready to go home about a week after that, or to go ahead and get another round of treatment on Tuesday and give him his cells roughly a week after that and then be able to go home after another 5 to 7 days. He will be in-patient until after his counts come back after stem cells.

The doctor seems to think we should go ahead and do the treatment. Before we came here, Nathan's disease progressed through very aggressive chemotherapy. He got better after one round and remained stable after the second. With the negative HAMA there is a chance that another round could cause some improvement or continue to keep him stable. We had been afraid that doing another round would mean another month here in the hospital. The quick math we did in our discussion with the doctor has another round pushing us 10 to 14 days later than if we just did the stem cells on Friday and went home when he got better.

We have gone this far and as of now we are leaning towards giving the go ahead for another treatment on Tuesday. It seems the responsible and right thing to do. If the treatment could help him and it keeps us here for not too much longer (and we should still get home before Christmas), then we think we should probably go ahead and do it. We are getting tired, but we still have some fight left.

That is the current thinking. Thank you so much for your continued love and support.

Monday, November 20, 2006 11:49 AM CST

We have more information but no decision yet. Officially Nathan's scans are the same as after round 1. The doctor wants to wait to see if Nathan has a HAMA (We will know around 5:00 pm tomorrow). If he has a HAMA then he will get his stem cells back on Friday. He would then be in the hospital for about another week afterwards (maybe less). His doctor seems to indicate he still has some treatment options - but we shall see.

If the HAMA is negative then NAthan could receive one more hot antibody infusion next Tuesday. He would be off the study and would not get any more Avastin. He would then receive his stem cells back about a week later when his blood is "cool" enough. This is a much shorter period of time than Luke and I were thinking and could still get us home by Christmas.

So - if the HAMA is negative Luke and I will have to decide if it is worth giving Nathan another infusion. I asked the doctor if he could benefit from another infusion even though the second round didn't do anything (I guess it could have kept things from progressing). The doctor thinks we really should since NAthan will get his stem cells back anyway. He said all we have to lose is time but I told him we don't take that time lightly.

So - we'll see what the HAMA is and go from there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006 3:07 PM CST

Nothing new again today with counts. He got some blood and is having his usual blood pressure issues.

We had to move to a shared room today. The single room was nice while it lasted.

Nathan had a good visit to the Ronald last night. He really did not want to go but I convinced him after a while. There were some crafts, which he sat and did and food from Chipotle! There aren't very many Chipotles in NYC so I hadn't had any in a long time.

Nathan seems a lot more chipper today than yesterday. I hope he can continue to feel better.

We'll have a lot more to update about tomorrow. Luke and I think we know what decision we will make but we need to see the official reports first.

Saturday, November 18, 2006 3:08 PM CST

Nothing new to report today really. Still no ANC. He got some platelets.

In a little bit we are getting a pass out to the Ronald. We already got some unexpected family time today because as the girls and I were coming for me to switch with Luke, Nathan's nurse had unhooked him to change some tubing and when he complained about the menu she told him he could go down to the cafeteria. So - we all sat in the cafeteria together.

Nathan is feeling about the same. Right now he is sleeping.

Today is day 11 in the hospital....

I asked the attending doctor (not the same as Nathan's neuroblastoma docs) if he could have his shot medicine by IV instead. Apparently it is 10ore effective by shot than IV. I told her that at this point in Nathan's treatment my first priority is to stop doing thing to him that are unpleasant. She deferred my until Monday when she could get the blessing of the NB docs. I managed to shock her and the fellow by telling them that our home hospital will give me the medicine in a syringe and let me slow-push it at home. They looked truly appalled at the idea. It gave me a little satisfaction because it does no harm for the medicals to think outside the box once in a while. Nathan's doctor practically called me a liar the other day when I told him that Nathan had been released from the hospital from fever and neutropenia with a 0 anc to receive home health care. He said no physician would do that. Well - I know a great one - who advocates for Nathan and trusts his mother - who did.

**update** the nurse came in a little later and told me he had been written for IV neupogen instead of the shot - so there is a little victory. Nathan was so relieved when I told him - it was very sad how grateful he was. I made me feel so bad to realize how much mental energy it takes for him to endure everything he has to.***

Friday, November 17, 2006 2:54 PM CST

As usual - no counts again today.

Nathan had his MIBG scan and bone marrows today. His doctor looked at the scan and said it looked unchanged to him. We will wait for the official report but it is very unlikely he will have another round of the hot antibodies. His doctor told us to think about if we want him to be pulled off the study and receive the stem cells on Monday or if we want to wait and see what the HAMA test is first. Luke and I have not gotten to discuss this yet but I think it is very unlikely we would put him through another round if it is not really working for him. The final MIBG report on Monday will help us to decide.

So - that is not very good news but we will move on from here.

I will put some birthday pics up on the photo page. You will see how skinny and ill Nathan looks. He was so robust before this last month.

Check out Julia's picture in the news
she is in the black dress with reddish hair.

Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:55 AM CST

NAthan's white count is again .2 today. He got some platelets earlier and also had a cat scan. He threw a fit about drinking the cat scan constrast this time. I wasn't there but it sounded like a pretty bad time. I arrive just in time to go into the scanner with Nathan. Julia and I had been off getting ehr a dress to wear for Lauren's party. Nathan has his MIBG injection this afternoon and then we can leave until 7:00 pm. Right now he is fast asleep. Luke says he had a bad night last night. I hope he perks up for Lauren's party.

Nathan may not have any bone marrows as was planned. Since his counts are low they probably cannot get a good sample. I don't know how this affects the study and so we will see what happens with that.

Before I left the house this morning the manager asked if we would be there are noon. I said that Luke would be there with the girls and she said that the Duchess of York was coming.

Sounded interesting and low-key. What I didn't know is that the Dancing with the Stars stars were going to be there too and there was tons of media. Luke said he is wiped out from the event. I guess Julia met everyone and spent some time perched on the lap of Emmitt Smith's dancing partner. He was there too along with Mario Lopez. Our camera wasn't working to well but I will share any good pictures we got out of it.

Thanks to everyone for you Christmas present offers of help. I had already looked for some of the gifts on Amazon and they weren't there. I will try to put some kind of list together and then, next week, I can figure out what our plan is. I certainly wasn't expected my off-hand comment to have such a response. I guess I can tell how much everyone is looking for some way to help us and that really makes me feel good. I wish you all were here in NY with us!!!!

I will post some birthday pictures tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:12 PM CST

White count is still at .2. Nathan needed blood and platelets today but they did not want him to have both in one day and so he only got red blood. He will get the platelets tomorrow.

Yesterday we got permission to bring Julia and Lauren to Nathan's room for a few minutes. He still has a private room today but he will for sure be moved out tomorrow.

I sent an email to Nathan's doctor asking him to consider releasing Nathan. He feels it is too risky. He and the attending doctor have agreed to let Nathan have daily passes out of the hospital instead. We will be celebrating Lauren's first birthday tomorrow and will do it back and the Ronald.

His doctor agrees that Nathan's counts are probably not going to come up. He said that if Nathan's scans are good and the HAMA is negative AND his counts are still low he will actually be eligible for one more round of the hot antibody. I imagine if this is the case Nathan would be in the hospital for many more weeks. That will be a difficult decision - we'll just have to wait and see if we need to make it or not.

As it stands, since my pleas to release Nathan failed, he will likely be inpatient another 2 weeks. He would get his stem cells next Friday and then be released when his counts come up - which could take another week.

I don't even want to think about how we are going to get Christmas shopping done.....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:16 AM CST

Yesterday Nathan's white count went up to .3 but it is back down to .2 today. His red blood, however, went from 8.2 to 8.8. It is strange it went up since his whites and platelets continue to stay/go down.

They will not be running the HAMA test today because his blood is still too hot. In some ways that is good news because that means the radiation is still in there doing its job. Since they think Nathan is forming a HAMA and wasn't as initially hot as last time I think they expected his blood not to be hot anymore.

They did take Nathan off of isolation yesterday and so he can leave the room now. This also means he will likely get moved into a shared room soon.

We wish we could get Nathan out of the hospital but MSKCC doesn't seem to ever use home healthcare to provide IV antibiotics. If we were at home we would, for sure, be out of the hospital by now. It is very frustrating.

Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:41 AM CST

Nathan is doing well again today.

I am seeing the "real" Nathan today. He is smiley and lighthearted and loving. While we have been in NY I have seen less and less of these traits. All of this is hard on him and I know he will be unhappy and act out again but it is nice to see it for a little while.

His counts are the same - no upward movement yet. He doesn't have any fevers today and seems to be feeling quite well. He has been eating really well too.

I am hoping they will test his blood for radioactivity tomorrow or Tuesday and then we can know if they will run the HAMA test yet and also if he is elegible to receive his stem cells back if he needs them.

I was wistful to see that Nathan and Julia's church choirs are singing in church this morning. I SO wish they could both be there singing (as well as ME singing in the adult choir). I keep telling myself not to feel that way and to just keep being patient and concentrate on where I am and today and not where I wish I was and on the future. It is hard though.

Saturday, November 11, 2006 3:53 PM CST

Nathan's counts were about the same today. He needed platelets, of course but the whites are still low and not coming up.

I went to the Bronx Zoo with Julia and Lauren (with the Ronald) today and so Luke was with Nathan until late this afternoon. He said they had a good day but before I came Nathan decided to nap and is still sleeping. He looks a little flushed to me and I wonder if he may have a fever again.

His doctor said that if all cultures continue to come back negative they will let him out when his counts trend upwards. So - he doesn't need to hit a magic number - just show he is coming up. Until then, they need to continue the IV antibiotics around the clock. I think he is on three of them.

Tomorrow I will probably spend most of the day here since Luke spent all last night and most of today in the hospital. He will be back in a few hours for the night since I have to be with Lauren. Luke and I only get to see each other in passing as we trade off jobs. It stinks!

Friday, November 10, 2006 12:24 AM CST

I am happy to say that Nathan is feeling better today. His counts are not any better but it is a relief to see him feeling well.

The new picture is one I just took a few minutes ago. You will see that he has quite a bit of hair again.

Today Nathan will get his fourth Avastin infusion and also get pentamidine (helps prevents respiratory diseases). His cultures continue to come back negative for any infections.

They upped his dose of neupogen (boosts white blood counts). Lets hope he responds and starts making some! He is so upset about gettin gthe neupogen. Here at MSKCC they only give neupogen by shot. He is used to getting it by IV at home.

Well - I need to go get Clue Jr and Life so we can get to some game playing.

p.s - new pictures on our family web page

Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:31 AM CST

Nathan's counts are actually worse this morning. His ANC (immunity) has been zero for a while but his white count dropped from .2 to .1 (I don't think it goes any lower than .1). I guess I shouldn't be suprised because Nathan is 2 weeks out of his second hot antibody infusion. The low blood counts thus far are the product of the first infusion. So - he was already low and now the second round is beginning to hit him. He is still having low fevers and coughing alot. All his cultures are coming back negative, thank goodness.

They will test his blood on Monday to see how radioactive it is. If it is low enough they will run the HAMA test and also he will be able to receive his stem cells if neccessary. He cannot receive them while his blood is still hot. If they wait until day 29 to give back the stem cells that will be Thanksgiving. If it looks like he will need them I think we will ask for him to get them a few days before hand so he can be out of the hospital for Thanksgiving.

At this point I cannot see a scenario where he will not get his stem cells back. If his counts do recover on their own and he does not have a HAMA we are not at all certain we would let him have another round. It is so hard to see him stuck in the hospital sick. His quality of life in the last few weeks with all the nosebleeds and now low counts is crummy. This is not what we want for Nathan. I think when Nathan gets his scans next week we will have a better idea of what the best thing is for him. We continue to hope these scans show a very good decrease in disease again.

There are probably no more treatments for Nathan at Sloan after this. We have a few other things in mind for him that we need to make some contacts for. We will not do any more treatments that will affect his bone marrow after this.

So - here we sit....I will update again tomorrow or if anything changes.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:14 AM CST

Nathan's fever went up to 103 yesterday afternoon and so we decided it was time to go inpatient and get him some antibiotics. It was after 5:00 so we went to urgent care and from there he went to the inpatient hospital late last night. Luke stayed with him and said he coughed all night and neither of them got mcuh sleep. Nathan is still resting this morning.

We will definately be inpatient for several days but we will have to speak with the doctors about when he will get out. We know their policy but we will have to see what we can work out.

I will update later.

Monday, November 6, 2006 9:00 PM CST

Well - we are still all in our own beds tonight.

Nathan had a low fever this morning and is still coughing and complaining of throat pain. He perked up a little after getting to the hospital and actually did school for about an hour.

He needed red blood and we had just been hanging around waiting for someone to look at his counts for 3 hours (got to love a Monday) so he spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for and getting blood. They had a bed for him so that made him happy.

His temperature was still just a low temp all afternoon so we escaped hospitalization. This evening it has crept back up and he laid around and dozed off curled up with Luke after we got home. His throat still hurts but the doctor checked him out thoroughly and says it is just raw from post-nasal drip. He gave us the OK to give Nathan tylenol for his throat pain. Usually you are not allowed when a child is neutropenic for fear of masking a fever. Since this doctor is on sabbatical from Italy perhaps he had a different take on it. I wasn't about to argue though.

We have had some good dinners at the House lately. The other night we had salmon that was caught in Alaska and the people who fished it brought it here and grilled it for us. Tonight was a Greek group who made grilled chicken, rice and salad. It is so refreshing to have nutritious food for once. I miss cooking and so I decided to make my easiest meal last night. It was a soup. By the time I bought all the ingredients the pot of soup cost $20. It was almost not worth it! Thank goodness there are severl dinners a week at the House. Still - it is hard to eat healthy. There is way too much pizza and pasta and that is the only affordable food.

We have actually been given a day off tomorrow. I doubt Nathan will be up to doing anything but since it is even a school holiday we don't need to go in for school so we can stay away from the hospital. We'll see if things change by the end of the day...

Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:09 PM CST

The weekend is over and Nathan is still not in the hospital! We have had some close calls though.

Saturday he continued to feel crummy and had a low fever. We did some laundry and stayed close to the Ronald. Saturday evening his fever started climing and his cough got worse. His fever was high enough that we were "supposed to" call the doctors and put him in the hospital but we chose to monitor him closely ourselves. He was up alot in the night with coughs and very slight nosebleeds.

This morning I had to wake him up to bring him into urgent care for his platelets. His temperature was low enough to read normal on thier (too big for his ear) thermometors. IT took about 3 hours and we were out of there. The nurse had no orders to check blood counts - so I don't know what they are. She ignored his hacking cough and didn't see the few hives he had when she was letting him leave. I was thankful for that.

He rested the rest of the day and didn't eat much because e feels so bad. His fever climbed up again and he had some more hives so we gave him some benedryl and that seemed to have helped the fever by getting rid of the allergic reaction. He is now sleeping peacefully and we wil keep an eye on him tonight.

It may sound crazy that we are not taking this child with cough, fever and no immunity to the hospital but we are in a different stage of this whole game and quality of life is one f the most important considerations right now. Our doctor at home has trusted us to keep Nathan at home with fever and neutropenia knowing that we know what to look for - so we feel qualified. I feel his cough is directly related to all the blood down the back of his throat and the intense throat clearing he did trying to get the clots out the other day.

If we can get in and out quickly tomorrow we may avoid the fever at the hospital. It seems to climb at the end of the day. We are just crossing our fingers that they will not measure a fever on him. He will have blood counts and we'll see what he needs.

I am so used to calling the shots with NAthan's care. His local doctor will look at his counts and ask me what I want to do with transfusions and give his advice but I am never told "they are giving him blood today - it is already ordered". I know I am very spoiled but I really like being part of the decision making. It helps me to safeguard Nathan's quality of life.

We got to watch some of the NYC marathon today. It runs right next to the Ronald. I saw Lance Armstrong and one of Nathan's doctors run by. It was a very interesting social event as well.

I will update again tomorrow.

Friday, November 3, 2006 7:56 PM CST

According to Nathan's nurse today we should have gotten paid since we spent her whole shift with her at the hospital.

Once again, the day started out with a nosebleed. It was just a light one at first but persisted so I headed off to the day hospital with him around 7:30. As we waited for a finger stick his nose started gushing and it turned into a VERY BAD nosebleed. Nathan was so upset because blood kept filling up his mouth and blood clots would form and e could not get them spit out. It was really horrific. This time one of the nurse practitioner from teh neuroblastoma team witnessed the severity so she got the platelets ordered quickly (though they were not THAT low at 41,000). She also determined that something just had to be done this time.

So - after about 2 hours the bleeding stopped exceot for an occasional dribble. ENT was paged once again but were told by the team to do something besides just look in his nose and tell me how to pinch it. The ENT doctor cleaned out his nose and got a good look in there. He was prepared to cauterize but really didn't see any vessels to seal shut. He said NAthan's whole septum looked raw. He gave us some helpful pointers that I hope will keep the nosebleeds away or make them more manageable next time.

The team also decided to give NAthan some sort of medicine for nose bleeds. The ENT had never even hear of it and so the nurse practitioner admitted it was something they didn't use anymore but were desparate. They gave it to Nathan by IV today and we have it to give him orally this weekend.

They do not feel Nathan can make it to Monday without platelets and so he will get some in urgent care on Sunday. At least we (hoepfully) will get Saturday off.

Nathan's ANC is still zero (white count is still falling). His hemoglobin was 8.5 this morning in hour 1 of the nose bleed. This afternoon (post nosebleed) it was 6.4. Poor thing lose a lot of blood. So - that was why it was such a long day since he got blood as well. With all the fluids his blood pressure was, of course, high. They gave him the lasix quickly this time and he peed out some fluid and the pressure started down and they let us go.

Nathan's temperature is still a little elevated. Nathan normally runs quite low and he also reads low on ear thermometers if you don't do it just right. This is working to our advantage because he came very close to the threshhold for being admitted. Fortunately - he is here at the Ronald sleeping instead of at the hospital. Now we just need to avoid another nosebleed because if it bleeds again they will admit him and pack his nose and give him IV antibiotics due to the packing. Ia m not at all confident we can avoid being admitted. We'll see.

I talked to the doctor a little today about his counts and he said that if NAthan's ANC is still below 500 on day 28 of the treatment cycle he is mandated to give Nathan his stem cells back without further treatment. He is also weighing the decision to give him the Avastin next week since it could be causing the nosebleeds but he feels that the potentila benefit of the avastin outweighs the nosebleed factor still. He said the next MIBG scan will be telling. He also said that the avastin could actually hinder the hot antibody from doing its job by killing the blood vessels to the tumors so the antibody cannot get there. From what I understand the combination was successful in the lab but I guess I didn't know that this was a possibilty.

The MIBG scan Nathan had on Monday was fainter. This is either because NAthan is forming a HAMA (antibody couldn't get to the tumors) or the avastin is keeping the antibody from getting to the tumors or NAthan's disease is actually that much better.

This is getting very long but I think I hit on all the important parts.

I will update again tomorrow or Sunday.

Thursday, November 2, 2006 8:27 PM CST

Nathan officially has zero immunity and he feels crummy. He is flirting with a fever but the cheap thermometer we bought here seems to have a 3 degree range eacht ime we take his temperature so we don't really know. We are keeping an eye on him and if starts looking bad we will take him in.

He didn't need blood or platelets today and so it was not too long of a day at the hospital.

I will update tomorrow - hoepfully Nathan won't be put into the hospital.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:57 PM CST

Just a quick update. Nathan's ANC dropped to 200 and his red blood dropped quite drastically. So - he had some red blood today and continues on his shots to boost his white count.

Nathan's blood pressure was a little high after the transfusion but not too high to keep us there.

Nathan had several minor nosebleeds in the night last night and it continued to dribble all day. He still has plenty of platelets so I guess that is why it didn't gush. There is nothing we can do about the bleeding. He is so sick of it!

I sent him to the hospital classroom today to join the other kiddos for some school. He did well and I think he enjoyed being part of the group.

A volunteer in the playroom started teaching me how to knit today. I found it quite relaxing. If I take it up I had to promise Luke I would never knit him a sweater he would feel obligated to wear. The image of his wife knitting is a bit much for him!

We go back tomorrow....even if Nathan doesn't get any blood products we are always there at least half a day. At least he can go ahead and do his schooling while we are waiting around.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:33 PM CST

Nathan started the day with some minor nosebleeds that fortunately never really progressed past the seeping stage.

We went to get counts checked and his platelets were stil "high" from the transfusion yesterday at 71,000. His other counts were the same as yesterday (Which was a pleasant surprise because though they were not good they could ahve been worse today). The doctor decided to give him platelets anyway due to the nose. It was nice to escape the red blood transfusion so we didn't have to stay at the hospital all day.

They had tons of activities at the hospital included a very telented magician who is also the ringmaster of the Big Apple Circus. The kids enjoyed the activities and then NAthan got his platelets and they took the kids trick or treating around the hospital. After that we went home and rested for a few minutes and got ready to go trick or treating again. This time we took a van to a building where one of the Ronald employees has his other job. After much waiting the kids went up and down the elevator trick or treating. Many times there was just a bowl of candy outside a door but they did get to knock and yell trick or treat several times. That's what it is all about after all.

We got home and had an hour before the nexy event, a party at the house began. There were the usual crafty activities and pizza. The kids mostly had fun playing with each other. Nathan and another boy were both dressed up as poice officers and had a wonderful time as partners running around the playroom doing police work.

All the parents are glad that HAlloween is finally over! Now - to get rid of the pounds of candy!

Tomorrow they want to check Nathan's counts again. I tried to get a day off but with his white count so low they said he had to come in. It will undoubtedly be at least a half day there.

So - a good halloween! I am especially happy that NAthan and Julia got to spend it together.

Chekc out some pictures in the photo album on the caringbridge page.

Monday, October 30, 2006 6:33 PM CST

We did manage and medical event-free weekend. Unfortunately the day started off with a bad nosebleed. At least it waited until Monday.

We were getting ready to go to the day hospital at the time and so we just hurried up and went over. The bleeding stopped for about a hlaf hour in the middle but otherwise he bled for 4 hours again today. It was awful,as usual, with bleeding eyes and blood running down his throat and him spitting out large blood clots. The poor thing was SO upset that it just wouldn't stop.

They gave him some platelets and we postposed the MIBG scan. After the platelets we had another worthless consult with the ear nost and throat people. I don't know why the NB team keeps calling them. They tell me how to stop it (doesn't work) and how to prevent them (doesn't work either). Unfortunately we are just going to have to keep dealing with it for now. The bleeding stopped after the last of the platelets went in.

Nathan will most likely need red blood tomorrow and his ANC is 300 which means he is neutropenic. We are not really going to let it stop Nathan from doing whatever he wants. I am a little concerned though because here in NY when they get a fever with neutropenia they are admitted and kept until the ANC gets above 500. If this happens to Nathan it could be 1 - 2 weeks. This is not something Luke and I agree with and so we may have a battle on our hands.

We have not talked further about going home. With the nosebleeds and the low ANC we are not going home in the next few days for sure. We also do not know when Luke and Julia will go back. It is so good to be all together but it is hard for Luke to work and he doesn't have a whole lot of vacation time. It is also a little crazy with 5 people living in a hotel room. Don't get me wrong - I would rather have them here.

Julia has been a little overly emotional. This is all very hard on her and there is onlt so much Luke and I can do to help her. Lauren is still sleeping horribly. We suspect she is teething and so we will try some ibuprofen tonight.

I am just exhausted beyond belief. I left Luke with the kids decorating cookies and came up to the rooma nd took a hot back and have spent some time by myself. It was sorely needed. Poor Luke will need to recover now.

Lots of halloween activities at the hospital and the house tomorrow. I will have lots of pictures to share - we already have some good ones!

Happy Halloween to everyone!

Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:39 AM CST

We did get to go to Mary Poppins! A big thanks to
Giant Kids
for the tickets. Giant Kids is a charity run by our friend Garrett's parents. There were extra tickets and I was able to give them to friends at the Ronald. The van was available and so we even got a ride to and from the musical.

It was fantastic! Nathan and Julia love the movie and the musical had all the best songs from the movie. The set was amazing and the choreography was so good. They enjoyed it immensely and I think Luke and I liked it just as much.....if not more!

I still can't believe it worked out!

This morning there was breakfast at the house and then Nathan took a little nap. There is lunch and crafts in a little bit and then Luke and I signed up fro free massages this afternoon. Tonight there is a halloween dinner party at a mexican restaurant. It is good to have some fun for once!

We go to the day hospital tomorrow for counts and an MIBG scan (as part of the study). Afterwards we should get to talk to the doctor about what we might do next and if we might come home soon. Alot of that depends on Nathan's counts. He has been getting shots to boost his white count so I am hoping it is not too low.

I will update agian tomorrow.

Friday, October 27, 2006 10:07 AM CDT

Update Saturday morning:

Luke and Nathan came back around 12:30 am. They had to give Nathan a diuretic to unload some of the fluid from all the transfusions he had yesterday.

This morning he was tired but had now perked up. We are trying to get him to be careful and not start a nosebleed so we can go see Mary Poppins. My aunt Joan is going to babysit Lauren so Luke and I can both go.

Keeping our fingers crossed...


Update - 9:27 PM

The high blood pressure reared its ugly head again after Nathan's blood transfusion. This time it is just not going away. He had actually been "discharged" but is still in the hospital waiting for his blood pressure to go down. We don't know if he will be readmitted or just come back to the Ronald in the middle of the night when it is resolved.

They didn't pack his nose because it had stopped bleeding. Shortly after the ENT left it started seeping again. That may also keep him in the hospital.

We have once again missed a fun outing tonight and tomorrow we have tickets to the Mary Poppins Broadway musical. What are the chances we will actually get to go???? Can we please get to do one of the fun things? Nathan and Julia adore Mary Poppins and I can't stand the thought of another disappointment. The disappointments are adding up big time...


Nathan had a good night. He woke up at 7:30 last night and stayed awake until 11:00 pm and then went to sleep for the night.

This morning he has had nosebleeds off and on. He already received platelets but is still bleeding. The doctor ordered more platelets and red blood. Nathan also has to start G-CSF shots because his ANC has gone under 1000. The ENT people are going to come in and pack his nose. Nathan is also going to get the Avastin this afternoon.

Nathan's radiation level was already low enough to be released this morning. His doctor says he thinks Nathan now has a HAMA because it was heading that way and the radiation clearing more quickly is also a sign.

They will probably check his HAMA after he receives the second infusion of Avastin. It will most likely be positive and then he will be taken off of the study.

There will be many discussion about what to do next - but we need some time to go by first. If it looks like Nathan will need stem cells to recover from the hot antibodies then we will want to give him one more big hit of something or other to maximize all therapy before he gets his last bag of stem cells back.

So - that's where we stand this morning. I will update again tonight.

Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:18 AM CDT

Evening update:

Nathan got the antibody around 2:00. His pain was not as severe but his throat closed up and his oxygen levels fell to below 70 They got him on a mask and got some medicine to reverse the allergic reaction. He perked up pretty quickly and then had some residual pain and then went to sleep. Luke is with him tonight.

We foudn out that although his HAMA was negative it was beginning to form and it is very likely he will form a HAMA after this round. This is not very good news but having gotten two rounds in is a good thing. It takes 6-8 weeks for to see the total effects of the antibody in scans and we scanned after only 3 weeks. So there is hope the two rounds and several more weeks will show greater improvement...even if he can have no more.

His radiation level was higher this time so we'll just have to see if he makes it out of the hospital tomrorow or not.
Nathan is inpatient and awaiting his antibodies later this afternoon.

Nathan didn't need either blood or platelets yesterday or today! I am not sure why he is retaining the platelets better but I will take it. He will probably need some by tomorrow. Yesterday, he woke with a very small nosebleed and today there have been no signs of a nosebleed.

We got permission to check Nathan into the hospital late last night so he could enjoy a halloween party at the Ronald. As it turns out it was not a very big party but Nathan and Julia had a great time. We were out of the day hospital by noon and so we bought an extra 8 hours together instead of stuck inpatient.

Nathan's blood pressure is high again - this time without any blood products. It is not overly high and so they are not concerned. High blood pressure is a potential side effect of Avastin so I suspect that may be a cause. I was looking at the trial documents last night and I also saw that nosebleeds are a side effect.

We are going to talk to the doctor about going home. He may be willing to make that happen - but my primary concern is that nothing happens that takes Nathan off this study so I need to understand what the risks are.

I will update later after the antibody is administered.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:12 PM CDT

HAMA is negative!

There was also another potential problem because when Nathan needed blood after his nose bleed they had to report that to the FDA as "grade 3 toxicity". The FDA had to respond today if Nathan had to be taken off the study. They didn't hear anything and so he can have another round. This is such a relief! They told me about this problem this morning and so I had double the stress all day.

Nathan had blood and platelets today. They are going to keep his platelets at 50,000 and so he will be having platelets almost every day if not every single day. I see more weekends spent at urgent care in our future. He will also probably get blood every 3 days or so. I am not sure what this means as far as going home...one step at a time!

Nathan had high blood pressure after his blood once again! I guess he is just going to keep doing this and I should just plan an extra hour at the hospital afterwards for it to come down. It is still high but on its way down.

Luke and Julia arrived this evening and we just finished a family dinner together!

Monday, October 23, 2006 9:42 PM CDT

We have had a few better days. Sunday Lauren woke very early and went back to sleep around 6:30 am and so we all slept in for a while. At our late breakfast we learned there would be a lunch and crafts shortly and so we stuck around for that. The volunteers were from a local temple and very, very friendly and nice. They had all kinds of Halloween crafts and they truly enjoyed helping all the kids do them while the parents got a break to chat and eat. Nathan decorated some pumpkins. Immediately after that, there was cookie decorating for Dylan's Candy Bar (awesome candy shop). Ralph Lauren's daughter, Dylan owns it and she came with helpers to have the kids decorate cookies that the store will sell for $10 a piece to benefit The Ronald.

After the cookies I ran out to do some errands without kids (Yes - I do have support here...my mother!). We then went out and had a a good dinner. Lauren LOVES this particlur restaurant and quietly ate rice the whole time we ate.

Today we got up early (but Lauren finally slept to a decent hour!) and went over to the hospital. Nathan's platelets were 49,000 and I think everyone agreed he should go ahead and get some more! He got them and we were back at the Ronald by 1:00 or so.

After a while I went out with Lauren to do some shopping and pick up some medicine. Nathan was tired from his premedications and so he rested and watched TV.

Tonight there was a "western party". They had a live band, food, dancing and cowboy hats - oh and I can'f forget...wine and beer! It was a really fun party. Nathan loved dancing.

We finalyl got to bed even though Lauren was way too keyed up to go to sleep. She loved the party too and even was clapping with everyone. She has been taking lots of steps and I think she will be walking full-time in the next 2 weeks.

Tomorrow Nathan has an echo (heart test). They are going to go ahead and check his blood counts but hopefully he will not need more platelets or blood.

The HAMA test will also be run tomorrow. The results will be ready by 4:30. I am going to try not to think about it too mucn. We need a NEGATIVE test result!

Luke and Julia will arrive tomorrow evening. I can't wait for us to all be together again!

Saturday, October 21, 2006 8:15 PM CDT

I am sorry to report that today was a crummy one!

Instead of at the circus our day was spent in Urgent Care.

Lauren was up crying since before 5:00 and then Nathan woke up with a bad nose bleed. Once again his eyes were bleeding as well and it was also running down his throat. After one and a half hours it had slowed down some but not stopped so I took Nathan in to urgent care.

We still thought he might make the circus but he didn't get his platelets until 10:45 and his nose was still bleeding. His platelets had dropped from 40,000 to 12,000 in one day. The doctor had to come in and pack NAthan's nose to get it to stop bleeding. It had been over four hours! They then informed me that despite his red blood transfusion just yesterday afternoon he already needed another one. So we settled in for the afternoon.

After his transfusion his blood pressure was high again so we hung out some more. There was also a lot of concern and phone calls made over a simple request to keep Nathan's port accessed. The fellow (doctor) PAGED the neuroblastoma doctor to ask her if it was ok!!! She got no answer but I assured her that Nathan had even been to school many a time with his port accessed and that I, myself, access and deaccess it all the time. Jeez! Poor guy just wanted to keep in in for Monday.

So - we finally left around 4:00 after 7.5 hours there.

NAthan was SO disappointed and cried about missing the circus. I am just so tired of all the disappointments lately. He goes through enough and he must just feel like everything is against him. He just wants to be a kid and have fun and the medical stuff has been getting in the way too much lately. Today it was nice and sunny but of course tomorrow it will be cold and rainy and Nathan had wanted to go to the zoo. We will try to find something fun for him.

I am physically and emotionally exhausted to the point of not dealing with Nathan all that well right now. I don't blame him for whining and misbehaving but I can't tolerate it either.

So - considering he had both blood and platelets today there *should* be no hospital visits tomorrow....

Friday, October 20, 2006 2:22 PM CDT

Tests are all done.

Yesterday, Nathan had his bone marrows scheduled for 12:45. He couldn't eat until they were done but he had some jello for breakfast since it counts as a clear liquid. He didn't get the bone marrows done until about 1:30. He was a trooper - he wasn't so happy about going so long without food but he didn't throw a fit about it either.

Afterwards he had his MIBG injection and then we went back to the house and he played and had some dinner. During dinner he got nauseated and threw up. I think it was due to the various medication he had been given during the day.

This morning we headed out early for a cat scan and MIBG scan. The MIBG scan was almost 2 hours long and that is very hard for Nathan to lay still. I held up the DVD player and he watched Scooby Doo episodes.

The checked his counts and he needed red blood and so he is getting a transfusion right now as he plays in the playroom (at the hospital - I am using a computer there).


His doctor stopped me a while ago to tell me that the MIBG scan looked like it had improved and the urines were a little better. So - he qualifies for another round based on that criteria. The HAMA test will be run for sure on Tuesday. The doctor knew he had another week anyway and wanted to let the radioactivity go down - but they will run at at what ever level it is on Tuesday. As long as the HAMA is negative he will receive the antibody again on Thursday (the 26th).

It is a relief to have a semi-plan in place and we just need that HAMA to be negative!!!!

I was handed a copy of the MIBG report a few minutes ago and I like what it says. To summarize it says "Overall there is a marked decrease in MIBG-avid disease in the axial and ppendicular skeleton. No new suspicious MIBG-avid lesions are identified."

We are still waiting for bone marrow results but wouldn't expect anything there.

Luke and Julia will be coming back on Tuesday so Luke can be here for the hospitalization this time. That will give me a bit of a break since I feel like one of his parents should be there during the day to speak with the doctors. Last time I hardly saw Lauren and that was hard on her.

I am not sure when we will return home. I am hoping we may be able to come home on Halloween and stay for about 8 days. Things are always changing though so we will see.

The Ronald is taking us to the circus tomorrow. Nathan is very excited. We will hopefully have a hospital-free weekend this time.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:57 PM CDT

Nathan's blood was still to hot (radioactive) to test! So no HAMA results. They only run the HAMA test on Tuesdays so they will try again next Tuesday. I will meet with the Doctor on Friday to discuss what that may mean for when he will get the second round (if it is negative). He won't get it next Wednesday for sure now because the lab needs 24 hours notice to make the antibody. I know they have another patient on Thursday (Hi Rhonda and Carter!) so I doubt he will get it that day either. So - more waiting...my favorite thing... Hah!

After all the excitement of the past days (oh - I should mention Nathan had a bad headache yesterday and then he got nauseous last night so I was concerned about late effects of the head injury. Fortunately he has been fine today) anyway - I didn't want to do anything today. We stayed at the house all day. Lauren even slept until 6:00 without a peep! I am still SO tired from everything that has gone on.

Lauren has a new friend. There is a boy (8) who loves to play with her. He carries a ball around in his pocket and he plays so nicely with her. She saw him in the dining room tonight and called for him. She even very clearly said his name, Adam. She went crazy waving at him and trying to get his attention. Unfortunately he is leaving in a few days. She will miss him!

Luke told me it is snowing at home - that made me instantly homesick. He also made me homesick when I saw pictures of Julia singing with her choir at church and I could see the adult choir in the picture too. I SO miss choir! If anyone from choir is reading this - please say hello to everyone from me.

I never wrote about the plane crash in NY last week. The bulding that got hit is only a block and a half from here! I made the mistake of going out for groceries after it happened and it was crazy on the streets. Byt he time I was done shopping they had closed down the street to get back to the house. Fortunately someone came to the corner from the Ronald to escort people back.

Nathan is laying on the bed in his new Halloween costume. It is very cute. It didn't come with the belt like I thought it did so I had to order one express shipped here. There is a Halloween party at the house next week.

So - that's it from here. I will update again soon.

Monday, October 16, 2006 12:52 AM CDT

More excitement...

After a calm day on Saturday Nathan awoke with a nosebleed. It bled for about 40 minutes and his eyes were bleeding a little too. We decided we should probably get him back to Sloan and so Marianne drove us into the city and we went to urgent care. They gave him some platelets and ordered another Cat scan. We had to wait forever for the cat scan to be read by the ONE pediatric radiologist who was covering 2 hospitals that day. The cat scan was fine but we spent all day there.

This morning we went back to Urgent care for some bloodwork and an exam. Everything was fine and they took blood for the HAMA test that they will run tomorrow. I asked to be called with the results.

We are free (*knock wood) for the hospital until Thursday. Tomorrow Nathan can go back into the public areas of The Ronald.

Nathan has his tests and scans on Thursday and Friday. I expect we will know by Friday afternoon if they are OK (not worse).

Until then - we will try to have a ltitle fun around here!

Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:09 AM CDT

Nathan got his counts checked Friday in Urgent Care. He didn't mind being there because he got his own room with a bed and TV. His platelets had dropped from 61,000 to 37,000. I guess the team wasn't concerned because they did not come down to see him.

We (Nathan, Lauren and I) headed off to our friends' house on the train. We know them from when both our boys were doing antibodies together in 2004. Garrett is still in remission and doing great!

We hade a big scare last night. Nathan went to the bathroom and turned left too soon and somehow managed to unlock the basement door in the dark and stepped off and fell down the basement stairs. I was far away at the time and so Marianne heard the thump and thought he had fallen out of the bunkbed but instead found him laying on the basement floor! He had a large bump on his head. I called Sloan's on-call doctor and they felt he needed a CAT scan of his head to make sure there was no internal bleeding with his low platelets. We headed off to the local hospital and arrive around 2:00 am. He had the CT scan and we were out by 3:30 which is great in an ER. His head is absoluetly fine (though they noted his sinuses were completely full...yep - we know that!). This morning his lump is down and he is perfectly fine.

It was horribly scary. He was so lucky he fell on his back first, we think, because he has a small bruise on his spine. If he had gone head-first I don't even want to think about what would have happened.

I had wondered if we shoudl mae the trip with the low platelets and thought that the worst that could happened is we would have to be seen locallly - and I guess it happened. Alls well that ends well.

Nathan is having a great time - as am I. Now if Lauren would only sleep.

Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:41 PM CDT

Things just don't seem to be going our way. Not big things but lots of little things and it is getting to me.

As most of you know, Nathan has had a runny nose for 3 years. It is very runny. He has a little cough so I put a mask on him. Unfortunately he saw a doctor who doesn't know him well (well I should say she *saw* him - didn't even examine him) and she decided he needed to be swabbed for the flu virus and put him on isolation. He cnnot go to the peds floor and cannot go into any of the public areas of the Ronald for several days. He has to go to Urgent Care until he is "freed".

We are going to go to visit friends for the weekend so we don't need to worry about the Ronald restriction. We went to my aunt's for dinner since he couldn't be in the dining room. IT is just so frustrating. I understand why they have th rule - but it shouldn't have been applied ot Nathan. Things are hard enough for us and we didn't need something to make it even harder.

Lauren is also making things hard by not sleeping well. If we were at home I would have her "Cry it out" but I can't exactly do that here. She doesn't even calm down much if I bring her to bed - which is hard anyway being in a single bed. She is developing some bad sleep habits and I am not doing well with the lack of sleep. She needs her own room again.

I have been struggling with having our family be apart and I got to ask some questions of the doctor about this treatment and its possible effects. With Nathan being the first they don't know - but it seems like he expects Nathan could have a very good response. He even said that they are hoping this could be curative. That is shocking to me and I really highly doubt that could be the case. Nathan will certainly need more than one round though and that is not a certainty right now. We just wanted to know that there is hope that after this treatment Nathan could have some prolonged period of being stable and being home and going to school. We need to know that this current sacrifice could be worth it. I think the answer is yes. Now we just need the HAMA test on Tuesday to be NEGATIVE. If it is positive he is done with the trial. Please keep this test in your prayers!

Nathan also has scans next Thursday and Friday. They need to show that the cancer has not gotten worse in order for him to stay on the study.

Nathan's counts were good except for his platlets - which have dropped to 61,000. They do not transfuse until 10,000 here so we don't need to worry about that right now. I think they would have to transfuse before the next hot antibody infusion for the study's sake.

Nathan got the Avastin today with no trouble. They will take his blood and check his blood pressure tomorrow (at urgent care...ugh).

So - I think that wraps things up....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:17 PM CDT

Things are still going well here.

Luke and Julia left early this morning to go home. We miss them already. My mom arrives tomorrow.

On the medical front - Nathan had bloodwork on Monday. His counts are dropping but no need for any transfusions. We are off until Thursday when Nathan gets the Avastin and Pentamadine(once a month maintenance drug - not a chemo). His scans are scheduled for Thursday and Friday of next week. Oh - and I am guessing he will go in this Friday to see how he is doing after the Avastin. He had high blood pressure last time.

Nathan is still full of energy and having a good time. Today we slept in after Julia and Luke left (and Lauren was up crying at 5:00 as well). After breakfast we relaxed in the room. We decided to go to a costume store and so went off on the subway and had lunch at Johnny Rockets and then stopped by the store. I snuck in a visit to Trader Joe's as well and then we came home. I ended up ordering his costume since they didn't have the right size. He is going to be a policeman. I need to get one for Lauren as well or else have Luke mail me the one we used for Julia. We may or may not be here for Halloween but there will be several parties before the big day.

I found out today that a little girl from our local clinic passed away. I had been keeping in touch with her mom and hadn't talked to her since I had left for NYC. Please keep Nevaeh's family in your prayers. Another friend's son, Justin, has gone home with no more options for treatment. His Dad is a wonderful person and has been a great friend to me whenever we are in NY - years back he took us on a day trip once when we were here alone for the weekend and it was one of the best experiences I have had in NYC. There are numerous other children here - so I can't start listing them all. Some are doing well and some not. Some parents are dealing with relapse and some hospice. It is a little harder for me to ignore the realities of this disease when I am amid all these other families. Still - I truly enjoy the companionship of this diverse group of people and I am finding it is one of the silver linings to this cloud.

I will update again after Thursday's treatments.

p.s. new photos in caringbridge photo page

Also - new photos on family web page

Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:05 PM CDT

We have had a good weekend. Friday we went to Times Square. Julia loved the giant Toys R Us and we rode the Ferris Wheel this time (there is a Ferris Wheel inside the Toys R Us).

Saturday the weather was not very nice and we spent the whole day in the Ronald McDonald House. It was actually nice hanging out as a famiy and taking it easy. They also had several meals and we spent time talking with friends.

Today we had a very nice brunch at a new favorite restaurant. Afterwards we went to Dylan's Candy Bar and then on to Herald Square for some shopping. Luke, Julia and Nathan had a snack in Macy's while I shopped at Old Navy and got a booster seat/high chair for LAuren at KMart. They have the restaurant style high chairs here at the Ronald but she gets right out of the straps and stands up - plus without a tray her food ends up on the floor. She is just getting so matures. She wants real food now. So - we actually had a nice dinner tonight with her securely strapped in eating angle hair pasta off her tray.

Tomorrow Nathan goes to the day hospital and it will probably take several hours because of how busy it is on Mondays. He continues to feel wonderful.

Luke and Julia are leaving early Tuesday morning and my mother is coming in on Wednesday afternoon. It has been so wonderful being all together. I will be sad to see them go. Sometimes I really get the urge to just go home and pretend none of this is happening. It is hard having been away from home for several weeks and knowing there are still several weeks until I MIGHT be able to go home. I miss my friends, my bed, staying up in a room with lights on after Lauren is in bed, my minivan...(of course my family but they are all snug in this room with me right now!).

Anyway - I will keep on doing what has to be done and if I have to be living away from home NYC is certainly a great place to be doing it.

Thursday, October 5, 2006 6:00 PM CDT

I am happy to update that things are still going well for Nathan. His counts are still good (platelets dropped a little - so we will just have to see if this is a sign his counts are dropping). His blood pressure was right back to normal and all his labs are fine. He does not have to go back until Monday.

We had time to go to the Central Park Zoo this afternoon. Nathan has been wanting to show Julia around there and they had a very good time. I took all 3 kids by myself (so Luke could get some work done) and so I am a little tired out.

There was a dinner at the Ronald tonight so it was nice not to have to go out and get food.

I am trying to recall our two days off. Tuesday we went off walking to Barnes and Noble to get some books and the Little Mermaid DVD. Afterwards, we walked to my aunt's place and huing out a little and went for some lunch. Nathan and Julia didn't really want to walk all the way back (over a mile) but I sort of tricked them into it by making some stops. We bought Lauren some shoes since she is very close to taking steps (her feet are so tiny I had to buy size 2) and we also stopped for a snack at a coffee shop and borwsed at a toy store. They did great walking that far.

Yesterday was not as good a day. I can't really recall what we did in the morning - maybe just stayed in the room? I was going to take them to the zoo but I decided I needed to see a doctor. I would have just gone in to see my primary care doctor if I was home - but I am not. Instead I spent several hours in the ER and saw a Jr doctor fairly quickly but waited forever for the attending and finally just left since I needed to nurse Lauren and problems related to my nursing her were why I was there in the first place. Delaying nursing her was only making the problem worse. I was almost in tears out of the frustration of it all but I decided I needed to get over it. I came back and we went to a parents cocktail reception that was really nice.

We haven't figured out our weekend plans. We have been entertaining thought of going off somewhere but there are things Julia still wants to do int he city and so I think we will just stay and do those things.

Monday, October 2, 2006 6:44 PM CDT

Nathan continues to feel great. His counts are also great - holding pretty steady. The only thing wrong is that his blood pressure is a little high. They are just keeping an eye on it for now.

We spent several hours in the day hospital for not much but they don't need to see Nathan again until Thursday.

Luke and Julia arrived on Saturday and we are enjoying being together as a family. The room is a little small for 3 kids and 2 adults. Tomorrow we will head out and try to give Luke some peace to work by. He worked at the hospital this morning and in the room with the kids running around this afternoon until I took them to the playroom.

Future medical plan are as follows:

Blood work on Thursday

Next week - blood work on Mon and Thurs. Avastin on Thurs.

Following week - Mon and then probably scans at the end of the week. We will find out on Wednesday (or Tues) if Nathan has a HAMA - if he does he cannot continue in the study.

Week after - if scans are not worse and no HAMA then he will get the anibody and Avastin again.

Beyond that - we will see!

We don't know how long Luke and Julia will stay. We have to figure out who is coming out to help me next and when they will arrive.

I'll update again in a few days.

Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:01 AM CDT

We just returned from Nathan's MIBG scan. This scan was to find out if the antibodies/radiation went to NAthan's cancererous areas. The doctor came down to look and said that the scan looked almost identical to the previous MIBG scan so that is a good thing.

Friday we went to the Day hospital for blood counts. His counts are good - they are still rising. We were not at the hospital very long and so we went to Times Square and Nathan used a gift card at Toys R Us (thanks preschool teachers!). Afterwards we went to my aunt Joan's for dinner and birthday cake. We had some good Thai food and my Aunt Eleanor was also there and I hadn't seen her in a while so that was a wonderful birthday celebration.

Luke and Julia are coming this evening and Kathy will leave tomorrow.

We have the rest of today to enjoy so we are off to decide what to do with the day.

Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:19 AM CDT

Update Thursday evening

I am happy to be updated from the Ronald where we are ALL sleeping tonight.

Nathan got the Avastin without incident and then the radiation safety guy came buy and Nathan just squeaked by on the test. So - they discharged him pretty quickly and we came back and NAthan has been going at full power ever since. He finally calmed down enough to go to sleep.

So - that is the good news. Here is the not so great part. Nathan's doctor came by and asked if Nathan could stay until Tuesday. HE is nervous sending him home so quickly after a new protocol and new medicines. Then the radiation safety guy came by and said that during the 5 hours on the plane with NAthan I really should sit across the aisle for both me and Lauren. He said Nathan is fairly safe now at 3 feet but is still quite hot right on him.

Finally as I sat contemplating it all Nathan's doctor came back and told me that he is concerned that Nathan might be hospitalized for something in CO and not be able to fly back to NY for his next dose of Avastin.

So - most likely Nathan, Lauren and I will be staying in NY for at least the next month - maybe even longer.

I think Luke and Julia will come next week and Luke will work from here so we can at least all be together as planned next week.

This stinks and it is not our ideal but the reality is that there is not much treatment left and so we need to make the best of this treatment and do what is right for Nathan, medically right now even if it is hard for us as a family. If it means Luke and Julia coming out every 2 weeks instead of us flying home every 2 weeks that is what we will do.

So - Nathan is still fairly "Hot". I am trying to keep him away from Lauren and am trying to figure out what to do with things he has contaminated such as underwear and cups. I also don't know if I can let him use the bathtub and then later let Lauren use it. It is so weird dealing with radiation because it is invisible but we know it is there. I wish I had a personal geiger counter.

Ooh - I just remembered I have a friend who was a nuclear physicist in his prior life - Jim I will be emailing you to pick your brain on all this.

So - that is the update for now. We will go in for blood draws and counts tomorrow morning and hopefully get out by lunch and enjoy the rest of the day. Now that he is out of the hospital I think it is going to rain for a few days!


Good morning.

Nathan is doing well. He says he still has some lingering pain in his feet - but he is asking my to rub them with a smile on his face and so it isn't too bad.

When he woke up this morning he immediately gave me a birthday card he made for me with Grandma's help. He was so proud of it and kept asking me if I liked this part of it and that part.

He is more radioactive than they were expecting this morning. They will come back and test him around 2:00 and see if he can be discharged today.

The theory behind the hot antibody is that the antibody carries the radiation right to the cancer cells where the radiation gets to work killing them. We know Nathan has a lot of cancer cells and so I hope this level of radiation indicates that the radiation is still there killing all those cells. The drug he will get today made the antibody even more effective in mice anyway.

So - he may not get released today but I am fine with that. It is the treatment that matters and that it works and I believe that it is.

Like I said before - he is chipper this morning and feeling pretty good. So - we'll hang out and pass the time the best we can.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:25 PM CDT

Nathan did get the antibodies today - just a little while ago. They were very painful. He was screaming and thrashing around and telling us to never give him them again. The bad pain lasted about 20 minutes and then he got into a manageable pain. Right now he is resting but still in some pain (abut an hour later). He has lots of pain medicine on board.

He may have residual pain into the evening - we'll just have to wait and see.

He is not too terribly radioactive. I have been in the room with him the whole time and no one is worried about that. I am just not supposed to cuddle with him or sleep with him.

He will be in the hospital tonight but should be able to leave sometime tomorrow after he gets the Avastin.

He was so energetic this morning. He was bouncing off the walls. Hopefully it will be that much easier for him to recover.

I will update again later.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1:56 PM CDT

Well - the antibodies aren't going to happen today. As they were trying to formulate them this morning they could not get the radioactive isotope to bind to the antibody. They had three dry runs prior to formulating it this morning that went just fine. It takes several hours to formulate the antibody - that is why they have to wait. Such is life.

So - he will get it tomorrow. The doctor is not sure when he will get the scan. I think it will either still be Saturday or else it will be Monday. I am hoping it is not Monday and I am also hoping they do not move the antibody until Thursday so they can have the scan on Monday.

As long as he DOES get the treatment I will not be upset. Please send all prayers and positive thoughts our way that the antibody will happen in the next day or two.

It is kind of frustrating to be in the hospital for nothing - especially since visitors under 12 are not permitted. I have had Lauren here to nurse, however.

I will update when I learn more.

Monday, September 25, 2006 5:09 PM CDT

After about 4 hours hanging out - Nathan is in his hospital room. There is a LAN connection here so I have good internet right now.

Let me back up to our weekend.

Saturday we went to visit my cousin in Brooklyn and had a wonderful time hanging out. Nathan and Lauren played with toys all day and had a blast. Nathan went up on the roof and thought that was very cool.

Kathy arrived around dinner time and we went out and got some food.

Sunday morning we hung around and had breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House. We ventured out in the afternoon for lunch and a visit to FAO Schwarz. Later they had games for the kids outside on a patio and Nathan really enjoyed that.

We didn't have to be in the hospital until noon and so we had some breakfast and just relaxed.

We spent from noon until 4:30 mostly waiting for the paperwork to be done so Nathan could be admitted into his room.

I got some good news in that Nathan will NOT have to have a urinary catheter!

So - he will have an easy night tonight and then get the antibody tomorrow.

I just saw a news "crawl" accross the TV that there are new warnings out about the Avastin. Turns out there can be neurological side effects. Whatever! We will deal with that if the time comes.

I will update again tomorrow.

Friday, September 22, 2006 8:53 PM CDT

We are safely in NY. It is a pain to get online and so I am sorry I haven't updated.

We went into the hospital this morning and when I went to check in they didn't have NAthan down to be coming in and said they had him for Monday!

I soon found it he did have to be there but I was none to pleased that happened!

They drew his blood but forgot to do blood counts and so he had to get a finger stick later and he was SO upset about that. Ugh!

His platelets were above the minimum level so he did not have to have any.

I signed all the forms and finally have a copy of the protocol. If I get a chance to write in a room that is not dark with sleeping children I will put some of the wording in here that explains what the trial is all about.

I got a call this evening that the final tests on NAthan were fine and so we are a go for Tuesday!

Here is the plan:

Nathan has to check in around noon on Monday. In order to save him a bed he has to check in the night before (crud!).

Tuesday afternoon they will infuse the antibody. He will have to have a catheter and there will be lead shields around his bed because of the radioactivity. I will have to have limited contact and even presence in the room at first. It is suggested that I do not spend the night either. I think Nathan will be OK with that.

Wednesday they will continue to monitor his radiation levels and they will also give him the Avastin (Which is another antibody - I did not know that). IT should not cause any immediate side effects but could cause bleeding problems later (rare side effect).

Hopefully he will get out Wed or Thursday and then he needs to go back on Saturday for a MIBG scan to see where the antibody has gone in his body. I imagine he will have to go in for other stuff the rest of the week that he is not inpatient.

Sunday we will come home. He will have to go back on October 11 for the next dose of Avastin. Then - in two more weeks they will rescan him, and check his HAMA. He can get another round if he is HAMA negative and his cancer has not progressed.

His counts are expected to drop somewhere around the 4 weeks mark. They are not expecting to have to use his stem cells but will be shipping them to NY. If he gets an infection they will use the stem cells.

The paperwork is being sent to our insurance company so I am hoping that somehow it will be approved. I don't know when we will know.

Non-medical stuff: Lauren refused to go to bed last night in the room - I had to ignore her until she finally gave up fussing and went to sleep. Tonight she went right down though.

Nathan is feeling great - he has been running around and skipping through the streets.

We went to dinner at a pub tonight and someone picked up our check, That really made me feel good to receive a stranger's kindness.

Julia and Luke are doing fine. They are having the first snow tonight in Colorado. Julia is starting to ask questions about children dying. Nathan is not asking those kinds of questions and so we have a delicate balance to keep to only say the right things to her.

Kathy (Luke's mom) is coming in tomorrow to help. Nathan is so excited. My aunt Joan met us at the hospital today to help out. It is a little crazy being here on my own even for a little while but all is well.

Tomorrow we plan to go visit my cousin, Laura,in Brooklyn and just have a leisurely day.

They redecorated the Ronald McDonald House and it is so much more pleasant a place to be. We are in room 302.

That's it for now - I will update again soon and fill in any gaps I have left.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:40 AM CDT

Update - everything is a go. We will leave tomorrow so Nathan can be in the clinic on Friday for blood counts and possibly platelets.

He will get the antibody on Tuesday and spend 1 or 2 nights in the hospital. He will get the Avastin on Wednesday. He will then have a scan (I don't know what type) on Saturday and then we will come home.

I didn't realize he would be inpatient for this treatment. I doubt our insurance will cover it since it is a phase 1 study so this could get pretty expensive. I guess I will call and ask them, but they will want a bunch of documentation we don't yet have.

Luke and Julia will stay home and Luke's mother will be coming to NY to help out.

We will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House this time. I will put the address at the bottom of the page if anyone wants to send Nathan any mail. Remember not to send anything at all big - our suitcases will be stuffed as it is and I will have to handle the luggage by myself.

Lastly - I have to mention that today is our ninth wedding anniversary! We did managed to get out to lunch today with only the one non-speaking child.

I'll update from NY


We got a call from NY this morning. The doctor says he has one more call to make this morning but is expecting NAthan can start the trial on Tuesday. He would need to see Nathan on Friday, however. He said to wait for another call from him to finalize but it looks like we are going to try to get to NY tomorrow. Would have loved more notice but if this can happen as soon as Tuesday that is great news.

I just got back from NAthan's school where they are having a field day. He was so tired this morning I though I had better go in case he needed help. He had a good time.

I will update when I hear something more.

Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:32 PM CDT

We are home.

We had a quiet few days in NYC before we left. It rained alot but we did venture out in the rain some. We left early Saturday morning and had an uneventful trip home.

Today we went to church and have done some laundry and cleaning.

Tomorrow Nathan will go to school (and Julia to preschool in the afternoon).

I will bring him in for counts some time this week. His doctor called on Friday to see how things were going. It was so refreshing to talk to him after dealing with the doctors in NY. Don't get me wrong - we so appreciate the doctors in NY - but they are researchers and see so many kids and so there is just not the same level of personal care for us anyway.

We have a friend who works for the drug company and was able to find out a little information about the signatures. According to him - it was signed and delivered Thursday or Friday. So hopefully we will be on track for next week.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:26 PM CDT

We finally got some more information - and it didn't take all day.

First off - the scans.

We got all the reports. The marrow is clean, and there are no tumors, but the MIBG shows definate progression and intensity.

Secondly - the plan.

Hot antibodies with Avastin is still the plan. Like I mentioned yesterday - they will not be ready Monday. I can't remember the wording but I think the doctor said it was very likely to be ready the week after. However - we have heard that kind of thing before. I do not have much faith it that happening. We will know mid-next week if the papers get signed. Luke and I suspect they are going back and forth over wording or some other legal stuff.

We got a few nuggets of information. The doctor came in and asked us if we had made a decision. No word about what they decided in their meeting - so I guess nothing has changed for them. We said we want to do the hot antibodies but were concerned with waiting 2 weeks. He acknowledged our concerns but that was it. That is where we are.

I know it is hard to comprehend - some of you have addressed this in the guestbook - but the reality is there are very few options left for Nathan and none of them involve a cure. Hot antibodies *may* give the disease a kick in the pants and give us more time with Nathan. We know MIBG therapy can also do this - but is not likely to be very effective given the large amount of disease Nathan has. So - we are taking a risk and going for the untested. There is no real sense of urgency because there just plain is nothing anyone can offer right now - so we can't beat our heads against a brick wall.

If the hot antibodes do not begin the seek after next we have more tough decisions. If he has MIBG therapy he can never do hot antibodies (due to stem cell availability). The question is how long can we do nothing? There are no answers and I suspect we will be getting less and less direction and being asked to make more decisions ourselves since the decisions being made are life and death (timing anyway) and, frankly, I think the doctors want us making those.

It is a very helpless feeling - but we cannot fall apart. We cannot get upset at the things we cannot control. We have to take it day by day and make sure we make our decision and live life such that we have as few regrets as possible. So - we will not waste our time being angry or frustrated. I don't mean this to say that any of you should not be expressing your outrage! I am just explaining why you aren't hearing any on my part.

Ok - back to information. So - it is a little strange to be making a decision to do a trial that I know so little about. Liek I said before - I feel like it is what we want to do given our few options and it is obvious that the doctor in charge does not want and/or have time to explain the details to us. Therefor, we do not want to push him or rock the boat so we are just going along.

What we do know. It is a radiolabled antibody. It will be given in one day. The next day he will get Aastin, that has been used in adults and causes the blood supplies to tumors to die. 5 days later he will get a scan (he didn't say what type. Then, 14 days after the first dose of the Avastin he will get another dose. Then again in 14 days and also the antibody again. I believe this goes on for 4 cycles *IF* Nathan doesn't get a HAMA.

The antibody is made from mouse "stuff". His body can mount a reaction to the mouse part and then the antibody will be innefective. They usually give high dose cytoxan (chemo) to prevent this. Nathan can not tolerate that right now so there is a good chance he will HAMA after one round. If so, the trial is over and on to MIBG therapy.

So - along with not knowing very much about the trial - we were also told that Nathan will be the very first patient to get it. Several of my questions were met with the answer "I don't know". The hot antibody part was done in a different formulation many years ago to very sick patients - so it was hard for the doctor to answer question about its side effects. I think the avastin has not been used on children and I don't know what its side effects were on adults.

If any NB folks are reading this and know more than I do about this - please shoot me an email.

Since there is nothing going on for at least a week we have decided to come home. Nathan can go to school next week and we can be reunited with Julia. They will call us and tell us when to come back. We can't get home for a reasonable fare until Saturday so that is the current plan.

I have written alot, but I feel kind of muddled so I hope this all makes some sense.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:21 PM CDT

Well - we went to the hospital at noon today and spent three hours in the playroom. I finally asked about seeing the doctor again and he came out and said it was late and wondered what we wanted. He was on the way to a meeting where they were going to discuss Nathan's case. So he said to come back tomorrow. He did say that the "signature" was now not going to happen until next week.

So - we will see what they suggest. I don't think we are going to like what they have to say.

We salvaged our day by heading out to Times Square for the late afternoon.

Monday, September 11, 2006 8:27 PM CDT

Sorry for the lack of updates.

The doctor had told us he would call either Friday night or Saturday to tell us if we should go ahead and start Nathan on some pre-medications on Sunday that are neccessary for both trials he might do. I emailed him on Saturday afternoon and finally heard on Sunday morning from him to go ahead and start the medications. He didn't answer about when we should bring Nathan back in so today we emailed his regular doctor here and we will go in tomorrow. We don't expect any new news, but we will ask some more questions.

On Saturday we went to the zoo with my cousin and her son. Sunday we took the train to Rye, NY where there is an old-time amusement park. Our friends invited us to join them there for a company family fun day. These are the friends whose son, Garrett, Nathan had antibodies with. We spent a few weekends with them during that time. Nathan had a blast riding all the rides. Luke and I got to ride the big wooden roller coaster together. I won Nathan a stuffed animal husky. He has been sleeping with it in his arms - very sweet.

Today Luke worked and Nathan, Lauren and I did some laundry. I had to battle with Nathan do to schoolwork. I hadn't asked him to do any since last Tuesday and so it was a big fight. From now on he will be doing some every school day even if it is only for a few minutes.

Nathan is feeling good. Like I just mentioned - his attitude is not so great. He has been giving me a hard time.

Julia is doing fine in Colorado Springs. It is hard being away from her though.

I will update again tomorrow if there is anything to update.

Friday, September 8, 2006 8:50 PM CDT

Scans are done and we have preliminary results. It appears Nathan's cacner is about the same as it was when he relapsed in June. It was described as "impressive" by the doctor - and not in a good way.

I am too tired to go into all the details of the options tonight - I will do that this weekend. Basically the first option of treatment is a trial which, once again, is not open yet. They are waiting on a "signature" and expect it to start a week from Monday. I have no idea how realistic that is or not. It is a radioactve version of antibodies with another drug that kills the blood supply of tumors.

Nathan feels good. He doesn't look great - he is very puffy - who knows why. He had a long walk around central park this afternoon despite it all.

So - I will update soon about the other options for Nathan. They, unfortunately, include doing nothing at all. We are a long ways away from feeling that stopping treatment is the right thing. We know that he doesn't respond to chemo anymore but we are hoping there are still some things that can halt the progression of his cancer.

Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:50 PM CDT


We arrived in New York yesterday without a problem. The flight went fine and we got settled in at a decent hour.

We headed to the hospital very early this morning and Nathan did a great job drinking his oral contrast for his CT scan. Unfortunately the apple juice we mixed it with was very cold and so he was very cold for a long time afterwards.

He got his port accessed, a quicky exam and then Luke took him for his CT. He did great with that - came back upstairs and got his bone marrows drawn.

He woke up and wanted food. He was upset it was still breakfast food. Luke and I couldn't get over the fact that he had all that done before 9:30 - unheard of! Nathan got over it and ate tons of food. He played in the playroom and then we got lunch and at that point I headed back to the apartment with Lauren and Luke and Nathan plaed in the park and then waited for over an hour for the five minute MIBG injection.

We all relaxed after that and had some dinner, a visit with my aunt and now the kids are sleeping.

Nathan's blood counts were good today - he definately is bouncing back. His LDH was 237 and the high end of normal is 200. This is something other institutions rely heavily on to determine disease burden, but not one we ever follow for Nathan. However, it seems to me to go along with the urine tests that are also slightly elevated. I haven't a clue what his tests will show. I go back and forth from feeling positive to feeling hopeless. It doesn't help that we have had so much bad news lately with several of our friends going on hospice/learning there is no more to be done. I am not ready for that. Nathan was complaining about headaches today. So - of course my mind went to worrying if he has a tumor in his head. That we should now from the CT today. I cannot decide if I will go with Nathan for his MIBG scan. If I do - I will see in the screen if things look VERY BAD. Or at least my interpretation. If things are VERY BAD - do I even want to worry about it until it is official? Shouldn't I just enjoy the weekend with a boy who is running and jumping around? If Luke goes in - will I go crazy not having seen what the screen will show?

We will see a doctor tomorrow and probably get the CT results but we would have to come back in the late afternoon if we are hoping for MIBG results. We may just ask for an email. I don't know - it all just makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Hopefully tomorrow scan will go smoothly and we will have time to go off and do something fun for Nathan.

I will update when I know anything.

p.s. There are new pictures in our family web page.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:23 PM CDT

Quick update - we need to get to bed.

Nathan's platelets are a little low (43,000) but we did not transfuse. His ANC is back down to 700 off the neupogen but his doctor was perfectly happy with that.

Lauren is teething and is absolutely miserable. It is not going to be a fun airplane ride.....

I'l update from NY.

Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:00 AM CDT

Sorry for the lack of updates - out internet has been down.

Nathan had another good day at school on Friday. Now I am sad he will miss it for a while. It was so good to see him go.

As it ended up we could not get a private flight to NY and so we are flying commercial on Wednesday. We are just hoping there aren't too many sickies on board with us. The only row with 3 seats together was the last row - but maybe that is good for not getting coughed on.

We are getting ready to go to church for the first time as a family since sometime in July - so I need to keep this short. We (the choir) are singing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring this morning accompanied by organ - I am so looking forward to that!

Nathan will get his counts checked on Tuesday before we go - I will update again then.

Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

It was another good day for Nathan.

He did his homework this morning and took the bus to school. I didn't hear anything from him all day and went and got him at 2:30.

He got his counts checked. His ANC was exactly 3000 - which was the magic number for stopping neupogen. His platelets were 94,000. They are high from his transfusion on Tuesday and so we have no clue where they are headed.

We got the results from his urine test (cancer markers). Both numbers were just a tad higher than the upper normal range. They were a little bit lower than at the time of his relapse. So - it was a relief to see that since that most likely means the cancer has not progressed significantly.

We may be able to get a flight with Flight of Hope Monday afternoon. If not we will leave on Wednesday. Nathan will need his counts checked on Tuesday wherever we end up being.

So - Nathan is off to school again tomorrow all day - what a blessing!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:43 PM CDT

Nathan had a good day! He got on the bus this morning and I met him at school. I got him settled in and talked to his teacher for a few minutes and then did some paperwork and left.

He stayed all day and took the bus home. He even participated in PE. He definately was tired afterwards and the thught of homework did him in. Luke gave him his neupogen and I took out his port needle. Since he was needle free he wanted to play in the sprinklers. So - he had a blast with that and obviously had enough energy.

He was happy to see the kids he knew from Kindergarten and his teacher said he was smiling and happy all day. He was so glad to have school lunch because he is a kid who loves a hot meal.

I will send him tomorrow and pick him up at 2:30 to go get his counts checked.

We still don't have firm travel plans but if we can't get a corporate jet I found some very cheap one-way tickets on Wednesday.

I will update again tomorrow with his counts.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:05 PM CDT

Today was hectic but good.

First - I did get a call this morning that Nathan's scans are scheduled in NY next Thursday and Friday.

Nathan had tutoring this morning and then we were out the door to get his counts checked. His platelets had gone down by 2000 but the doctors were busy and we had to go and so we decided to come back after the bone scan injection to see what they decided. We went over and Nathan got the bone scan injection. We got some lunch and headed back to the clinic where they had platelets waiting for Nathan. He got the platelets and some neupogen and we were off again to get the bone scan. It took a little long because Nathan's hips were a little twisted and they had to do an extra picture of them straight. We got home a little after 4:00.

I had an email from his teacher that the couselor had been in to talk to the kids about Nathan and also about being extra careful about germs. So - guess who is getting on the school bus tomorrow and going to first grade?? I am very excited - oh yeah, so is Nathan.

So - I will meet him over at the school (he wanted to take the bus) and get him settled and just see how long he lasts.

We are still working on flights to NY and our plans for Julia.

Nathan will go get his counts checked Thursday afternoon. I plan on sending him to school the rest of the week.

The other good thing is that my car is home and fixed for around $200!

So - I will update tomorrow on how Nathan did at school.

Monday, August 28, 2006 9:13 PM CDT

Nathan's counts continue to climb (except for platelets). His immunity is in the normal range and he is still on the medicine to stimulate his white cells until they reach ahigher level since they will fall when he stops it. His platelets are quite low - which we expected.

They got Nathan's urine to test for the cancer markers. That one usually takes a week or so. He also had an echocardiogram and EKG.

Tomorrow he has a bone scan. That involves an injection at 11:45 and a scan at 3:30. He will go to the clinic to check his platelets at 10:30. If they have dropped from today we will go back to the clinic between the injection and scan and he will get platelets.

We got an email from Nathan's doctor in New York and he said he would schedule scans for next week. We did not receive any schedule yet and so we have not started planning how and when we will get there. I will call in the morning and see if they at least have some of the tests scheduled so I can get an idea and start the travel planning. Since Monday is a holiday travelling could be tricky.

On the way home from the heart tests my car broke down. This is not our primary vehicle and it is in fact my first car and is quite old. It probably won't be worth fixing and so we will probably be down to one car for the near future.

I am hoping to be able to send Nathan to school on Wednesday. I don't know if that will be enough notice for his teacher - I hope so. I will be so happy if that works out.

So - things are about to get very stressful around here with planning for this trip. I will update what the plan is when we have one.

Friday, August 25, 2006 10:35 AM CDT

Nathan's counts are up even more! His ANC is 300 (no longer zero) and having just had transfusions on Tuesday the other counts are fine. Platelets are almost certainly still going down. It is great to see a good white count though.

His sores on his legs are improving. Now that he has some white blood cells his doctor has put him on an oral antibiotic instead of the IV ones. So - he is just on the neupogen still to keep that white count coming up.

Now that his counts are coming up he will be doing some minor tests here in Colorado Springs before he goes to NY. They are currently scheduling them and will hopefully have them done early to mid next week.

Nathan's local doctor will be emailing his NY doctor and so we may hear soon when they want Nathan to come for scans. It may be as soon as the week after next. I am not sure I am ready....

Nathan another tutoring session today. It is working out pretty well so far. It is a little bit of a challenge to keep a quiet work environment for him with a baby in the house.

Nathan goes back in on Monday for counts. Hopefully his platelets will stay high enough not to cause problems until the weekend was over.

Friday, August 25, 2006 10:25 AM CDT

Susan wrote a real update last night. Right as she was finishing our now flaky cable modem connection crashed. It isn't up this morning. I'm working from a local coffee shop, but with access, so I thought I would right a quick update. Susan can provide the details when she is back online.

Nathan had an appointment yesterday and his counts are coming up. This is really great news. We really didn't want him immunodepressed for too long and it seems his stem cells are doing their job. His ANC was up from 0 to 300 since last check (we are looking forward to it getting up above the magic 1000 number) and he did not need red blood or platelets. We can't know for sure if his hemoglobin and platelets have stabilized. He could still be transfusion dependent on those for awhile, but we do know that the rate at which they were falling has slowed at the very least. Good news on the counts. And he gets to go from the two IV antibiotics he has been on to oral antibiotics.

We will likely begin doing some scans/tests to assess his condition here in the Springs next week. Hopefully we will be in New York to complete the assessment and go over a plan sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:05 PM CDT

I am sorry I didn't post yesterday - things have ben very busy around here.

The transfusions went well. We got there at 8:40 and between registering (ugh!) and waiting for Nathan's pre-meds to arrive on the floor he didn't get started with his platelets until 10:30. Fortunately, things went quickly after that and we left the hospital at 3:00. He had no hives at all this time. Thank goodness my parents are here right now. We have kept them hopping between watching the kids, taking Julia to and from preschool and bringing Lauren to me at the hospital/clinic when she needs to nurse.

Thursday early evening I went over the Nathan's school for the back to school night. The principal spoke and then we went to the classroom. His teacher showed me Nathan's table and it had his name on it. I started tearing up and had to go compose myself. It was so sad to see his classroom and have him unable to be a part of it. Most parents take sending their kids off to school for granted and this is one time where I was feeling very envious of the other parents.

It was good to meet his teacher and see his room. I talked with her briefly afterwards and we arranged to meet this afternoon since it was a individual testing day and there was no regualr school. I decided it would be good for Nathan to meet her and see his classroom without the other kids there the first time. We did go do that this afternoon and it went well. I hope it eases his anxiety when he finally goes there. I am hoping to bring him in for an hour or so at the end of next week but I will just need to see what his counts are doing.

I talked to the principal and a friend showed me around and introduced me to the counselor as well and they just want a little explaination to the class about Nathan before he goes in. Another NB mom sent me a link to a coloring book that is suited just for this situation and so I think they will use that (thanks Jennifer!).

I came home and nursed Lauren and then went off to play games with some friends. I was up way too late but it was really good to finally spend some time among friends.

This morning, Nathan's tutor came and that went really well again. She stayed for an hour and they got everything done. He gets an IV antibiotic at 6:30 am and it is really a blessing in disguise because it wakes him up enough that he then decides to get up on his own and he had plenty of playtime before his tutor came and so there were no fits.

On the medical front - Nathan's sores on his legs are a little better but stil are quite red and inflamed. I am unsure what his doctor will want to do about that. He is feeling pretty good and has been playing as normal. He goes to the clinic tomorrow for blood counts.

As for the other kids - just to update on them from time to time... Lauren is about to cut her top front teeth and is in a lot of pain. She is normally so sweet-natured and I feel so sorry for her because it is so obvious that she hurts. Hopefully they will break through very soon. She is very mobile and loves climbing up the stairs. Julia started preschool on Monday and seems to be enjoying it. She has the same teachers and classroom and many of the same children as last year and so it is an easy transition for her. She goes four afternoons a week. She is so funny. At dinner we were talking about friends who adopted a baby from China. Julia said that it was a very long way to China and it must take a really long time to drive there! Nathan chimed in that he bet they had to change planes alot to get to China. Guess you can tell who is our very literal traveler!

I won't promise an update tomorrow night but definately by Friday.

Thanks for checking in with us.

Monday, August 21, 2006 9:26 PM CDT

Today started out a little rough. I had to wake Nathan up at 8:00 for his tutor who was coming at 9:00. He threw a big fit and was so mad about having school at home. Mostly - I think the problem was that I had woken him up.

He did really well with the tutor and afterwards told me how much fun he had.

Nathan's white count is up to .5 but he still has 0 immunity. He needs red blood and platelets tomorrow. His clinic has stopped giving red blood transfusions in the clinic (because of $$$$) and so we have to go to the hospital to get it. That stinks because of how long it takes. We are going in at 9:00 and, on hospital time - I am guessing he will be done around 4:30 ot 5:00.

Nathan will miss his tutoring for tomorrow but is set up for Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow they have back to school night at his school at 6:00. I am hoping to make it home in time.

Nathan got another case of hives late this afternoon. It is still a bit of a mystery why he is getting them. I think the medicine made him sleepy so he went right to bed after dinner. He also has an infected sore on his leg. They think it is either staph or strep. He has been started on an additional antibiotic to fight that. It is a little scary to think he has this infection on his skin - I hope it doesn't get into his bloodstream.

We are really hoping tosee some signs of immunity soon. Once he shows some signs we wil start planning our trip to NY and some tests here as well. He has been having some hip pain so I am a little concerned about that.

So - that's the scoop - I am hoping for some days off of anything eventful to write about soon.

Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:29 AM CDT

Update: Monday morning

Sorry for not posting again last night. I totally forgot. Nathan is feeling well. He has had an off and on low fever but that is it. No more hives either. He was up all night complaining about being sweaty. So - we are all tired today.

I will do a new post tonight about his appointmetn he has this afternoon.


Things not as ueventful as we would like around here.

On Friday, Nathan got platelets. He broke out in hives (which he does from time to time with them). They also caused a fever. He seemed find after that and was fine until yesterday afternoon when he broke out in a whole lot of hives and continued having them into the night. He also has a low fever so he does not feel very well. He is currently still sleeping and feels a bit warm so we will see what his temperatures do today. He had been feeling so good so this is a bit disappointing.

We are crossing our fingers that he does not have to go into the hospital.

I will update again tonight.

Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:57 PM CDT

Good news! Nathan has the chickenpox antibodies in his blood - which means he should be immune. This is a huge relief.

He had a good appointment today. His platelets were 53,000 which was higher than his doctor and I expected. We assume they are still going down (just not as fast now) and so he will get some platelets tomorrow to hopefully avoid another weekend transfusion. His hemoglobin was also pretty good at 10.3 (anemic but not transfusion level). His white count went from .2 to .3 but that isn't very meaningful since his ANC (immunity) is still zero. His counts on Monday will tell us more.

I talked to the school nurse and tutor today and left a message for his teacher. I am going to try to take him into school in the next week or two just to meet everyone and see his class. The school nurse wants me to make sure I let the principal know because she thinks the principal may want to warn the parents of his classmates in case they come home upset. Hmmm. I had already intended to ask his teacher if she wanted me to explain anything to his class so we will she what she wants to do. I called the tutoring office and wasn't too impressed. The woman in charge said she had left three messages and had not heard back from the tutor. The tutor then called me but during the conversation I made the comment of Nathan being my oldest and so not really knowing what they learn in first grade and se said her kids were all older and she didn't remember either. What? I am going to call the office back and ask them to tell me what her experience is. He definately needs a tutor with experience in elementary education.

I want to thank everyone who got in touch with me today. I sincerely hope I didn't make anyone feel guily - that was not my intention - I have just been missing contact with the outside world and I have not been good about making the effort, myself, with everything going on lately. I feel a little sheepish about it all - I am not usually the type of person who asks for attention! So - thanks again.

So - Nathan will get platelets tomorrow and we will hoepfully have an uneventful weekend! Nathan's doctor has kept him on the antibiotic becuse last time the minute he took him off and he was still neutropenic his fevers came back.

I'll update again this weekend.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:52 PM CDT

We have had a good two days at home.

Nathan is feeling so much better. Yesterday he and Julia played outside for along time and alo played lots of other games inside. He is still having intermittant nausea. He is also having trouble sleeping. He is on TPN at a pretty high rate which is causing accidents and he is also "afraid" at night. Last night I had him come sit with me on the couch before I went to bed and then he stayed down for a while. I am terrible at getting back to sleep and so after a bed change at 3:00 am last night I was up for several hours thinking about the shingles and what if I give Nathan the chicken pox. It could very likely be deadly to him right now and so I am very worried.

My parents arrived today. The kids were so excited to have them. After dinner Nathan went out and rode his bike and played with a rocket for a very long time. Unfortunately he came back in and threw up - I think he just overdid it. IT was a good excuse to give him some nausea medicine which will also make him sleep!

He goes into the clinic tomorrow for counts. I would expect they are still rock bottom. He will probably need platelets either tomorrow or Friday. He hasn't had any nosebleeds lately though.

I am still feeling kind of crummy but I should start feeling better soon. Emotionally this has been a difficult time. I feel so isolated. I can't go anywhere and I can't see my friends since they all have kids and Nathan can't be around other kids. I am not sure if I have given off vibes that are keeping people from reaching out or if things are so bad around here that they are scared off. Either way - If you are reading this and have been unsure if you should "bother" us/me - please do! We may not be able to get together but I'd love to catch up over the phone at least.

I will update again tomorrow.

Monday, August 14, 2006 10:54 PM CDT

Well - today was the 13th straight day of either hospital or clinic and tomorrow (knocking on wood) we should finally get a day off!

Nathan slept in pretty late this morning and then we went in for counts. He needed platelets today already. He also got a few other meds.

This afternoon Nathan really perked up. Whwn we got home he watched a movie and after it was over he went into the kitchen and proceeded to run and land on his knees - skidding along on his track pants. He did this until he got a bloody nose and we had to stop him. He was having so much fun. He also was humming to himself while he played this afternoon. It is so good to see him feeling better and acting more like himself. He is still throwing up about once a day - around late morning. His appetite is really good under the circumstances. He ate almost a normal amount of food for dinner tonight. His weight had dropped a few pound but he was back up a few today.

Nathan doesn't have to go back in until Thursday - I have my doubts about making it that long - seems like one thing or another will crop up - but if it does happen that will be nice!

Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:05 PM CDT

Well - it was a quick hospital stay and Nathan is feeling well.

His fever went away as soon as we got there - which is often the case for some reason. Actually he still had a low fever (for him) since his normal temp is 97 and he was 99. His platelets had dropped from 57 to 17 in less than 24 hours. He got platelets and antibiotics and they ran his TPN.

Yesterday morning I noticed I had a rash on my lower back. I had also had unexplained back pain for a few days. I decided to look it up online late yesterday afternoon and was dismayed to see that the rash looked very much like shingles. I freaked out and caught a cab over to urgent care where I waited FOREVER and saw a none too helpful doctor who tried to tell me it might be herpes even though I have never had so much as a cold sore (or the other kind) in my life. She said it was that or shingles. She wasn't able to explain to me the risks to Nathan and so I got Lauren and went home and did some research myself. I am now certain it is shingles based on its location and symptoms. Nathan's doctor said I could be around him as long as I cover the area and wash my hands. That was a stress we did not need right now and also it is starting to hurt more. I got on medication late last night and so hopefully it will remain a mild case.

We all went back over this morning and Nathan was eating breakfast and feeling good. He needed another red blood transfusion and he got some other meds and they let him go home. He will go back to the clinic tomorrow morning.

My parents are coming out and will stay for about 3 weeks and lend us a hand. Watch - everything will calm down when we actually have the extra help!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:54 AM CDT

Well - I took a day off and now I have more activity to write about.

Yesterday Nathan woke up feeling really good. He played and was pretty happy. He got a nosebleed in the morning though. We went to the clinic for counts and were surprised to find that he didn't need platelets yet (57,000). He got hooked up to his TPN got some nuepogen (for his white count) and we were off on our way. He did throw up on the way to the clinic.

Nathan had a few more minor nosebleeds and then he went to bed and had some really big nosebleeds where it was just pouring down his throat and he was having to spit blood out. We talked to his doctor and decided if it happened again we would take him in. He had one more minor nosebleed and was fine the rest of the night.

This morning he had a minor nosebleed when he got up but then decided to go back to bed. I took his temperature and he has a fever so we are going to the hospital. He will stay overnight tonight but after they observe him and do blood cultures, platelets and antibiotics they may send him home tomorrow - we'll just have to see what his fevers do.

Luke's brother is in town for the day so we will probably all spend some time in the hospital so Nathan gets to see his uncle before he leaves tomorrow.

So - I will update again later.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:38 PM CDT

Finally - a day that went better than expected!

Nathan woke up feeling good and having not thrown up or wet the bed from his fluids.

We left for Denver around 8:45 and Nathan and Lauren both quickly fell asleep and stayed that way until we were almost at the hospital.

We got checked in and in a bed fairly fast for a hospital setting. Jackie entertained Lauren in various parts of the hospital while I sat in the very small room with Nathan. The hydrated him, premedicated him and then I spoke with the head of Bone Marrow Transplant about Nathan. They then unfroze his stem cells and hooked him up and gave them to him in about an hour. Since I had Nathan's IV pump with us and still several hours of saline in it he let us leave after about 45 minutes more of hydration!

Nathan tolerated the stem cells just fine and was very chatty and animated throuhout the day. He ate and didn't get sick and seemed to feel quite well. As we were getting ready to leave two former Colorado Avalanche players stopped in and talked to Nathan and gave him a signed hockey puck. He thought that was very cool!

We packed up and came home - arriving around 5:00. Nathan started feeling bad shortly thereafter and didn't eat dinner. We bathed him and put him to bed. He was nauseous but did not throw up.

Stem cells have a very smelly preservative. I think it smells like garlicky creamed corn. Nathan and also the van and the house now smell like this. It is pretty yucky! Also - the stem cells have broken red blood cells in them and he is peeing those out - so his pee is red. When the nurse told me this would happen I told her perhaps he would pee purple from the combo with the blue medicine he had.

Nathan's counts were all lower today. In fact, there is a good chance that he will get platelets tomorrow so he can make it through the weekend. No way to we want to go to the hospital for them - Luke and Nathan didn't get home until 10:30 last night from the red blood transfusion. 6 hours for a 2 hour infusion.

Nathan is also going to be put on TPN. It is IV nutrition. He is eating and drinking are down and he is so skinny to begin with that his doctor wants to make sure he doesn't lose much weight. I think they will be running it for only 12 hours at night and not 24 as they have done in the past. I hope so... he has been hooked up to an IV 24 hours a day since last Wednesday night and I know he would love to be untethered.

Well - I am exhausted and I feel like I am missing something but I will update again tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:43 PM CDT

Another day not like I expected - but not so bad either.

Nathan woke up feeling so much better this morning. He was pretty chipper and after much convincing was walking well. He settled down on the couch and after a few hours I had to convince him that it was OK to try to get up and see how he felt. He was concerned that sitting up would make him throw up. I got out his GEOTRAX train set and he got right off the couch to help me. He and Julia got in some good playtime the rest of the morning. Around lunch he started throwing up some - but in between he kept playing and so I didn't give him any of the anti-nausea medicine which would have made him go to sleep. He was still throwing up when it was time to go to the clinic but he wanted a turkey,cheese and mayo sandwich anyway - and he did eat it!

At the clinic we found that his counts had dropped. His ANC (immunity) was 600. That is neutropenic but it is going to get to zero soon. His platelets were still pretty high for him at 117,000 (transfuse around 50,000). His hemoglobin was very low at 6.4. This was a problem since he is going to be in Denver all day tomorrow and that is too low to wait until Friday to transfuse. So - around 3:30 we headed over to the hospital for a blood transfusion. They finally got started at 6:30. Got to LOVE how slow hospitals are! Luke met us at 5:15 and Lauren and I went home. Luke and Nathan are still there. I expect them home around 10:00. Meanwhile I am getting ready for the stem cell infusion tomorrow. I am most stressed about the evening traffic - not even the stem cells. It really shouldn't be a big deal. I am just hoping he has no blood pressure trouble this time and that his nausea can be controlled. I am going to give him the anti-nausea medicine right before we go in the morning and that will hopefully keep him from throwing up the whole way there and also let him just sleep. I am imagining what we are going to do with a sloshing-full throw up bin in the van without having to stop every 20 minutes. I guess if we are late - we are late. They can't really blame me!

Hopefully I will be home at a decent hour and can update tomrorow night. Otherwise I might have Luke just post a quick message.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:53 PM CDT

Well - today did not go as well as I had hoped. Nathan got up in the morning and went to the bathroom without calling for us and fell down and hit his head. As of tonight he is still not walking with much stability. He continued to throw up more and more as the day went on. Every time he tried to sit up it made him feel sick. I sat down to ask him if he wanted to go the clinic when the phone rang and it was his doctor calling to find out how he was doing. He thought we should bring Nathan in. Nathan was very sad about that because he did not want to go to the clinic. So much for our day off. I am glad we went because he only got sicker and sicker. They gave him some more anti-nausea medicine and he went to sleep. His doctor didn't feel there was need for more of the blue medicine since he is mentally fine but I am still concerned about the physical symptoms. I will ask about it tomorrow when he goes in for blood counts.

Nathan fell asleep for most of the clinic visit and then I brought him home and put him into bed where he slept several more hours. He woke up as the rest of us were finishing dinner and is on my bed watching TV. He is laughing and commenting at the TV and so he seems to be feeling alot better. He did fall trying to walk into the bedroom though.

The anti-nausea medicine they gave him today makes him sleepy and so I am hoping we do not have to use it much tomorrow. It is so hard to see him so out of it and not to see "Nathan".

I'll update again tomorrow after we get his counts.

p.s. I have uploaded pictures for July - see them at our family web page or in link above.

Monday, August 7, 2006 7:37 PM CDT

Chemo is done!!!

Today went pretty well. It was good to be back in the clinic and shave several hours off the time it took in the hospital. This time we knew what to expect and Nathan does have the same symptoms as yesterday. He doesn't seem to be recovering as quickly tonight though. I had to feed him his dinner and he is just staring at the TV and not really saying anything. It is really hard to see him being so unlike his normal self. This morning he was back to normal so I am hoping for the same tomorrow morning. His nausea was about the same today. He threw up about 4 or 5 times throughout the day.

He is still on IV fluids and will continue to be until at least Thursday since it is good for him to be well-hydrated for his stem cell infusion. Speaking of Thursday - I am needing someone to be with Nathan, Lauren and I in the hospital. I am just not sure how much help Nathan will need and I have to have Lauren with me to nurse her - so if there is anyone out there who can be with us in Denver all day (without your own kids) and help take care of Lauren - please e-mail me at the link below - or call me if you know my number. *** UPDATE - I have already had a response and my neighbor will be going up with me - Thanks Jackie!****

Nathan will go to the clinic on Wednesday to check his counts and he will also go back on Friday for some medications. So - we get a day off tomorrow at least!

Wednesday night they have a ice cream social at his school and I think I will go alone and at least get to meet his teacher. If he is up to it he could go, wearing a mask, but we will see.

I will post a short update tomorrow on how Nathan is doing.

Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:56 PM CDT

Today was a bit rougher. We are very glad tomorrow is the last day of this chemo. Sleep was rough last night. Nathan woke up to vomit once and had several pee accidents. With the fluids we are pumping into him designed exactly to make him pee a lot and clear his kidney and him being totally exhausted, he tends to have accidents. I think we were also up for a Julia nose bleed and maybe even something else related to Julia or Lauren. I can't really remember.

Nathan and I left this morning and stopped at a local drive-thru for breakfast burrittos. Nathan threw up right after I ordered and before we got our food. I asked him if he still wanted to eat, and the answer was a resounding yes. We learned long ago that if he throws up and it is chemo related, we may as well just go ahead and let him eat because you never know if it will keep coming or be better.

We got settled into the hospital and he was doing really well. We were playing with toys and he was actually enjoying himself. Mid to late morning the side effects from his ifosfamide hit. I'm going to steal a quote from something Susan wrote for a different forum, "Ifosfamide-related central nervous system toxicity is characterized by metabolic encephalopathy of varying severity. Symptoms have been reported in 5-30% of all patients treated with ifosfamide." It started with Nathan being overly tired and not quite as lucid and responsive as usual. Things got really odd when I had him stand up to pee. He was standing there and his legs just buckled. He didn't fall. I still had ahold of him from getting him down from the bed, but he clearly couldn't stand. That continued and when his food came it became clear that he had the same problem with his arms. He couldn't hold his fork. He tried to take a bite and about half way to his mouth his whole arm just jerked. The doctor was pretty confident that this was neuro-toxicity from the ifosfamide. For me the hard part isn't so much the physical, but it is when he is so out of it. I fed him and he was clearly just not right. He dropped a forkful of spaghetti noodles on his bare chest and said, "Oops. I just dropped food on my shirt". He would ask me for his roll and get mad when I didn't feed him apple. There were several other little odd things. It is really difficult caring for someone that you know so well when they just aren't themselves. While it was an extremely tiring day, it could have been much worse. Sometimes the neuro-toxicity can be pretty vivid hallucinations and sometimes people can freak out about the loss of lucidity and the motor function issues. Nathan didn't once get upset or seem to be afraid about what was going on. He did get mad a couple of times when I made him answer my questions when I was trying to judge just how aware he was, but overall he just acted odd, not afraid or angry. We have seen him much more difficult to handle on steroid or narcotic induced rages. The doctor said we could stay at the hospital or come home and that there wasn't really much danger to Nathan. We just have to wait for it to wear off. He became more alert and was able to feed himself shakily a few bites of dinner. He did just fall down once when walking in the family room, so we will watch him pretty closely tonight.

Susan spoke to the doctor. He indicated that we may not want to do the last dose of the chemo agent tomorrow. Susan grilled him pretty hard on why we wouldn't and it basically boiled down to a tradeoff between getting the dose in him and the emotional stress that the neuro-toxicity puts on Nathan. They aren't too concerned about long-term neuro effects. Since he really handled things pretty well today, we are pretty sure we will want to go ahead and do the dose tomorrow. The side effects could be worse, but even if they are it is just one day and we will be done with it.

It amazes me the poisons that have to be pump into cancer patients in order to beat at this disease. It doesn't seem quite real sometimes. These aren't medicines. These are toxins.

One more day of this. Please pray for an easy day without too many neurological side effects.

Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:00 PM CDT

Nathan had a good day. Susan underestimated the time at the hospital. We were there longer then the clinic days had been running with one less chemo agent. We were at the hospital from 7:45am to 4:00pm. Nathan handled the chemo well. He vomited once, but I don't think it was classic chemo related nausea. He felt fine before and after the episode. He took a pretty decent nap. The poor guy was so knocked out that he peed a couple of times while he was sleeping. It was hard to let him sleep there like that, but I thought he needed the rest if he was out that soundly. Overall he was really pretty cheery. We played with cars, we watched some of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, and we got through about half of Empire Strikes Back. I could do with more of Shark Week and Star Wars and less of playing with cars and trucks, but as long as he is in good spirits I'll do what he wants.

Tonight he got a second wind after dinner. He decided he didn't want a book before bed so he could have more time to play with Julia.

He has one more outpatient day at the hospital tomorrow and then a final day of chemo in the clinic on Monday.

Friday, August 4, 2006 9:43 PM CDT

Today was much better than yesterday. Nathan didn't get sick at all and also didn't get benedryl so did not act crazy. He did get very tired of being at the clinic and at the end of our stay he and I got into a big fight over him messing with Lauren and I asked him to stop doing what he was doing to her and he willfully disobeyed and kept at it and so I removed his hand from her and this went on a few times until he started sobbing about how he was just trying to have some fun. He then got into bed and went to sleep. Unfortunately we had to leave in about 20 minutes and so he didn't sleep long. This was followed by a pee accident in the mens room downstairs in the office building. Luckily there were no other men in the bathroom because I had to go help him. I called the clinic upstairs and they brought down some spare clothes for him.

Luke and Nathan will go to the hospital at 8:00. He is actually done with one of the chemo agents that takes two hours and so in the clinic it would only take about 3 hours to do the chemo but since it is the hospital I am guessing it will take about 6 hours. We'll see.

I plan on taking Lauren and Julia school clothes shopping. I am also seeing a doctor about my eyes which will not stop itching. It is hard enough coping will all of this but having itchy eyes all day makes everything much worse and makes me much crabbier. It will be good to have a some time off of the chemo routine. Luke is happy to be able to be the one doing the chemo thing since it is on the weekend.

Nathan will be getting his stem cells back next Thursday at 11:00 am. It will be like a blood transfusion but it may make him sick from the preservative they put in them. Also, he had blood pressure problems the last time he got stem cells so I am hoping that was a fluke. I have a feeling we will be fighting rush hour traffic to get home. Oh well.

So - that is the round up for today. I almost didn't get this one in since I fell asleep while nursing Lauren at 7:30! I think I will go to bed soon....

Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:26 PM CDT

Day one is behind us.

We were obviously relieved that Nathan could have the chemo today. His kidney function isn't stellar but it is in the low end of normal.

It was hard to watch him so visibly feel sicker and sicker as the hours passed. One of the chemo agents he has never had before and it can cause "neuro-toxicity". Basically he can hallucinate or freak out in some nature. They gave him something to help prevent it and it was dark blue. He has been peeing blue ever since. He threw up his lunch and so they gave him some benedryl. Nathan has never done well on benedryl and he fell asleep and when he woke up he was not himself and was saying weird things to be about not making him get dressed and told me I had to "feed them". He also was very mad at me and was trying to kick me but also sobbing at the same time. I finally got him to go to the bathroom and he calmed down and went back to sleep. I don't know if it was the benedryl or the chemo that did that to him.

He slept most of the rest of the time and we came home. He has not gotten sick again. I don't think he got sick from the chemo as much as from the combo of medicines he got. He must have had 7 diffent meds today - 3 which were chemos. We would not expect the chemo itself to make him sick on day 1. He is now sleeping soundly - but I expect he will be up alot in the night due to all the fluids he is on.

It is very hard to see Nathan feeling sick and out of his head also. I really hope he can do some easier treatment next. It will be a difficult decision if they want him to do antibodies because they couse him so much pain and the meds make him crazy.

They took his urine last week and we got the results. They were just a tad higher than last time (in June). The levels aren't a great indicator of what is going on inside him but hopefully it means the cancer is not running rampant. Of course, the test is 10 days old and this cancer can move much more quickly than that.

It seems to be all worked out for Nathan to go the the pediatric floor at the hospital for chemo this weekend. He can go in and come home both days so he shouldn't have to sleep there unless something crops up. This is really good for all of us - including our finances! We are so lucky that the nurses and doctors are willing to arrange things for us that normally would not be done.

So - back to the clinic for more chemo tomorrow. He has 5 days total. We haven;t heard for sure when he will get his stem cells back but it will likely be Wed. or Thur. next week.

I'll update again tomorrow night.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:22 PM CDT

***** Thursday morning update *****
I got a call from the clinic this morning while Susan was on the way in with Nathan. Renal function is "normal" and they were mixing up the chemo. Nathan gets started today. This should be pretty hard on him, but it is a relief that his capable of doing it. We still don't know the details about whether or not he can get the chemo at the hospital outpatient this weekend while the clinic is closed, or if he will have to go inpatient. We'll keep you all posted with how he is doing.

First off - we have no test results. They were supposed to be ready at 3:30 and now they said maybe tonight. The doctor is supposed to call and let us know if he hears anything. They wasnt us to go ahead and hook Nathan up to fluids tonight and go in tomorrow morning.

I am so frustrated about this! We are very nervous about the results because if he can't have the strong chemo his options are very limited.

He is still having hives. Another NB mom to me that her daughter had hives when her cancer was progressing so now I have to wonder about that. Nathan hasn't complained of poain nearly as much today and has been jumping around - so that is good.

I am having horible itchy watery eyes from something growing around here and am miserable. It doesn't help me cope with everything!

Today went well. We got up to Denver very quickly. Unfortunately they had to inject Nathan with a butterfly needle since the test is so sensative and they could not risk any of the isotope remaining behind in the port's resevoir. It took two pokes and Nathan was just freaking out! It has been a long times since he has had to be stuck and he is no longer used to it. Ugh!

They then took his blood 4 times in the next hour and then we got an hour break. We walked over to the Children's hospital to go to the gift store for a toy and to watch the ball machine (too tired to explain that right now).

He then had another draw with a half hour break and then we finally got a 2 and half hour break and had lunch and went to the Denver office for Nathan's oncologist and talked to the doctor there who is coordinating the stem cell infusion.

Two more blood draws and we were out of there. Nathan and Lauren slept most of the way home so it was nice time for me to have my own uninterrupted thoughts. Lauren had been fairly fussing most of the time were were there so it was good to get a break.

So - that's where we stand and I will update again tomorrow. Please send thoughts and prayers our way for a good kidney function so Nathan can start chemo in the morning.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 3:13 PM CDT

Well - there are a few developments so I thought I would update.

First, Nathan has been complaining of back and leg pain. It is likely the cancer that is causing him the pain and it is making it even harder to sit here waiting to start chemo.

He also is having low-grade fevers - which may also be the cancer. He also has hives - probably not the cancer but we have no idea what is causing those.

I called today to ask about the hives and his regular doctor is out (for the week) and it is a good thing I called because they had to ask me if NAthan was supposed to have chemo here or in Denver. One good thing is the other doctor is going to push hard to get the test results by the end of the day on Wednesday. That way, we can start chemo on Thursday instead of Friday. They will have IV hydration sent over and if the chemo is a go I will hook Nathan up to IV tomorrow night in preparation for the chemo.

They are still working on how Nathan will get his chemo over the weekend. He mya be able to get it at the hospital during the day and not stay the night. We are hoping that works out - but if not he will go in on Saturday and come out on Sunday.

If he can't have the high-dose chemo I don't know what they are going to do. I suppose they will just give him more of the same chemo he got before and then try to figure out what from there. It is such a scary position to be in - seeing the limited options and knowing that someday all the options will run out for Nathan.

I talked to the school nurse today and she is sending the forms to get a tutor to come out to the house. School starts August 14 and there is no way Nathan will be there. They will give him 5 hours a week. That isn't so great - but I guess if he is not feeling well that will be enough and i he is feeling good but just neutropenic I will supplement. I told him to expect to be doing schoolwork whenever Julia is at preschool (4 afternoons a week).

So - that is the update from here. I will update again tomorrow night.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:30 PM CDT

We have had a very good weekend.

It started early on Friday when we all went to a military day given by the Starlight Starbright foundation for kids with cancer. It was held at a local Air Force base and it was awesome.

First, we went to the base fire station. They pulled out the crash fire trucks and sprayed water with them. Then the kids got to climb all over them and talk to the firefighters.

Next, we went out on the airstrip where they had a large cargo plane that we could go into and check out. There were lots of airmen there who talked to the kids about the plane and they also got to sit in the cockpit.

Then we saw a demonstration by a service dog and its handler.

We finally went to a park and they had lunch for us and also a Humvee that the kids could explore.

We all had a blast!

Since we figure this was our last free weekend for a very long time we decided we needed a mini-vacation. Saturday morning we went up to Denver to the Children's Museum. It was so cool! Nathan and Julia got right into all the imaginative and role play and were so happy. We then checked into a hotel and went swimming and then to Johnny Rockets for dinner. Today we got up and had breakfast in the hotel, went swimming again and went to the aquarium. We had lunch and drove home.


Here are some pictures.

As far as I know Nathan doesn't have anything medical until the test on Wednesday. I suppose he may go in on Tuesday to get his port accessed but I can do it myself so unless they also want blood counts I think I will just do it. So I guess we have two more free days but I can't really enjoy them. I just keep thinking of all the cancer cells in Nathan's body rapidly multiplying as we delay chemo. Please pray that his cancer doesn't/hasn't spead too horribly during this delay.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:18 PM CDT

Further update...they found a different hospital in Denver to do it on Wednesday. We aren't thrilled to wait until then, but it is better and probably as soon as going to NY for it.

The test will check Nathan's kidney function. He has only one kidney left and this chemo is hard on kidneys so his local docs feel this test is neccessary. We agree - it is scary to be doing such harsh chemo. It is only slightly less harsh than his transplant chemo. Anywa - we are hoping for good kidne function. before his transplant his function was off-the-charts good so we are hoping that evenwith losing a kidney and more chemo it will be OK.

Ugh! what a couple of days we have had.


Update - the earliest Nathan can get the test he needs to begin chemo is August 16!! No - that is not going to work. His doctor is suggesting another round of the chemo he got meanwhile. Luke and I do not like that idea at all. We are waiting for a callback. We are not sure what we will do. Perhaps we will see if we can just go to NY to do the test and the chemo next week.

I'll update later...


Well- it is a good thing I didn't post the first time we thought we had a plan this morning because it has changed already.

We have a tentative plan, but are still working on it.

Nathan will most likely not go straight to NY to do the MIBG/aresenic trial because he would not be eligible if his disease has progressed and given the nature of his disease and that he hasn't had chemo in almost 6 weeks it is likely that his disease is progressing.

The plan is for Nathan to have high-dose chemo here (ICE for you fellow NB'ers) followed by a stem cell rescue. I think I mentioned before that Nathan has two bags of stem cells. They would use the small bag to rescue him enough for his white count to come up high enough to travel to NY and then be rescanned and get either the MIBG or antibodies. His stem cells are at Denver Children's hospital and so we would go there to get thiem back. This is not a stem cell TRANSPLANT - he would just get his stem cells back as an outpatient. Also - he will not o into the hospital for his chemo as long as we can start it on Monday (it is a 5 day course). If we want to start it sooner he would go in the hospital but I don't think we will do that.

I just called his local doctor and he has a few concerns and questions about the plan and needs to talk to his collegue who is the stem cell expert of the practice. He won't be able to do that until tomorrow. They need to feel secure in using the small bag of stem cells and also one of the chemo agents is hard on kidneys (Nathan has only one now) and so he would want Nathan to have a kidney function test first.

I feel lucky we are working with these two doctors - the expert who is aggressive and our local doctor who knows us and Nathan well and is more cautious. I feel confident that all aspects of treatment decisions will be examined between the two of them.

Nathan's local doctor will call sometime tomorro after has has the information he needs and we will make a final decision about this chemo. I will update again then.

Monday, July 24, 2006 7:22 PM CDT


We haven't heard anything yet from anyone about having chemo. Nathan's local doctor is at work today so I expect we will at least talk with him even if he hasn't heard from Nathan's NY doctor.


Well - Nathan's counts are finally all recovered but we still don't know if he is having chemo this week.

His local doctor emailed his NY doctor last week and the team in NY wants Nathan to do the MIBG therapy followed arsenic trioxide, folloed by by high dose chemo followed by radio-labelled antibodies followed by regular antibodies. I think they are assuming Nathan has 2 stem cell rescues available instead of just one and so I think this plan will not stick. Also, this would mean many weeks spent in New York and we need to weigh the potential benefits of this treatment to downside of being apart as family and away from home for so long. There are so few treatments available for Nathan anyway so staying home might mean not pursuing much treatment and so we really need to understand how effective this plan could be to decide if it is worth it. All of these treatments come with risks and difficulties for Nathan. It is going to be a difficult decision.

The NY doctor did not say if Nathan should go ahead and have a round of chemo this week while he is waiting for treatment - nor did he say when Nathan could possibly start having these treatments so we have a lot to figure out.

We also do not know when we should scan Nathan. If he starts treatment in NY soon, then he will go there and get all his scans done as part of the pre-treatment testing - otherwise we don't know. They did get NAthan's urine today to test that. If it is much higher or normal that will give us a little idea of what his disease is up to.

We are hoping to know tomorrow morning if Nathan will have chemo this week. I will update when we know more.

Friday, July 21, 2006 8:36 AM CDT

NAthan had his counts checked again yesterday. His platelets were up to 53,000. Not enough to do any chemo but at least they came up well from 35,000. His ANC was down to 900 from 1000 but that is no surprise since they took him of the medication to boost that. His red blood count was stable. He is anemic but that doesn't affect anything.

We still have no plan in place. We are hoping for some guidance by Monday from Nathan's NY doctor. We did find out that Nathan only has enough stem cells for one rescue. This is disappointing because there are several therapies out there that require stem cells and it looks like we will only get to pick one of those and then there will be treatments that Nathan is just not eligile for. It is clear that most chemos are not possible due to Nathan's counts.

Nathan has an appointment for Monday to check counts but that will probably be all he will do. We may try to get him tested next week. I don't know - like I said - it is all up in the air and it is going on 5 weeks without any treatment for Nathan so it just isn't very good.

I need to wrap this up - lightening fried our ethernet for the second year in a row and I need to let Luke get to work on the one USB connection we can use for internet. I will update if I hear anything about a plan.

Monday, July 17, 2006 3:57 PM CDT

Well - platelets are still too low. No big surprise. His immunity is OK. It is a bit low considering he was on the neupogen but at least he can be out and about. He will go back on Thursday but I don't think he will start chemo until next week. We have an email out to his NY doctor to make sure another round of chemo is the right thing to do. Luke and I are hesitant to do another round without getting some questions answered. The NY doctor is out of his office until Wednesday and so we hope to hear his response before Thursday's appointment.

We had a good weekend. On Saturday we went on a picnic with Luke's parents. Sunday we went to church and to a get-together with some friends.

So - we will try to enjoy the week since Nathan can go places. Also, my best friend is visiting from California with her daughters and so we will be having lots of playdates.

Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:02 PM CDT

Nathan's counts are coming up - but still very slowly considering he is on medication to boost his white cells. Who know if they will be up enough to start chemo on Monday. We'll just have to wait and see. His ANC (immunity) is 500 - so that is high enough to be out and about some, but we still have to be very careful not to get him around sick people or too many kids. His platelets are 56,000 and after his transfusion on Monday they were certainly higher but no one knows if they are going up or going down right now. Other good news is that he has been fever free since Tuesday. I think the new antibiotics my have done the trick.

Luke is feeling much better. He had a birthday yesterday and we had a good time making homemade ice cream and eating cake.

Julia got a clean bill of health today at the doctors and so hopefully the oxygen company will come get all the supplies out of my house.

We hope to have a good weekend getting out of the house some and finally getting back to church.

I will update again on Monday.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:29 AM CDT

Another week - still low counts - still low fevers.

Nathan needed more platelets yesterday and his white count was up but only a tiny bit. We are now hoping for more chemo on Monday, but I am not even sure how realistic that is. He had fevers on and off all weekend. His doctor put him on a different antibiotic and took a chest x-ray which was clear. His coughing is worse and he is feeling down about being sick.

I am in a somber mood this morning because I was dreaming about Nathan and school before I woke up this morning. I don't know how much, if any, school Nathan will be able to attend this year and I am really feeling down about it. He has no idea about school and just hope he is not too upset. I am hopeful that after the next round of chemo he might be able to start one of the drugs that he could take while going to school. There are a few of those out there and if his disease is under control he may be able to do something easy for a while.

Luke is getting better from his pneumonia. He is still coughing and very tired but there is improvement. His parents arrived on Sunday and will be here for a week. Nathan and Julia are ecstatic to have their grandparents visiting.

Nathan will go back on Thursday for counts. The two day break from the clinic will be good.

Friday, July 7, 2006 6:43 AM CDT

Update 12:03 PM

Well - Luke went to the doctor and had a chest x-ray. He has pneumonia too. Of course - he is downstairs working now and not resting like he should be.

Nathan is still feverish (103.5 a few minutes ago). The CMV test came back negative so that is a relief. He probably just has this sickness. His doctor swabbed his nose so we will find out exactly what this virus is. His white count is only up a tad and he still has no immunity. Hs platelets were 54, which isn't bad. We just eed to see if they are still going down from the transfusion high or are starting up again themselves. So - we didn't have to stay at the clinic very long and Nathan, Lauren and I are home resting. Julia is staying at Tammy's for a while longer so she can have some fun.

So - we have another weekend at home and hopefully everyone will be getting better! Nathan will go back in for counts on Monday and we are crossing our fingers that he can start chemo on Wednesday.


Today isn't starting out very well. I have been up since before 3:00 am. Luke has a fever and cough. Nathan's fever is back. I have a nasty cold. I really hope Nathan doesn't need to be at the clinic all day because I will probably fall asleep. Lauren is bound to be cranky and so being at the clinic will only make her more cranky I am sure.

I will update later with counts.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:22 PM CDT

Not the best day for counts. Nathan's white cells have gone back down and his platlets were 11. His fever continued throughout yesterday and most of today. We were up several times in the night to check it and give Nathan Tylenol. It went away around 10:00 am this morning but appears to be coming back this evening. Fever "eats" platelets and so I hope he got enough of a boost to last a few days.

Nathan's doctor is testing him for CMV (a virus that can cause pneumonia). He thinks there is a chance that he has it since Julia had pneumonia. That kind of freaks me out because I know kids who have had CMV when they were post-transplant or post-surgery and have died since their bodies were unable to fight it. I am assuming if he does have it - it isn't too bad yet since he is feeling OK right now.

So - Nathan got some platelets today. We had to wait and hour and a half for them to arrive and so we went and got some food and sat under a tree and ate it. Since Nathan cannot be in public places we didn't have many options.

Nathan will go back Friday morning for counts. He is still on antibiotics which is good but bad in that they cause diarrhea which is already a problem for Nathan.

Julia is off her oxygen during the day now. She made a rapid improvement to 93 on room air. We will test her in the night in a few days to see if she can come off it all the way.

Lauren has a bad cold now. She has a very runny nose and is cranky. Neither Luke nor I are feeling great but who knows if we are sick or just exhausted. I fell asleep at 8:00 last night.

Well - Nate and Jules are supposed to be in bed but are up so I need to go deal with them.

Monday, July 3, 2006 9:33 PM CDT

UPDATE Tuesday July 4 2:06 PM

We monitored Nathan's fever throughout the night and it stayed between 100 and 101.5. In the last few hours it crept up to 102.5 and he is feeling lousy. The Denver doctor called Nathan's doctor and so we got him on the case, which was what we needed. He ordered IV antibiotics to be delivered to the house this afternoon. We also are going to give him tylenol and then continue to watch him for signs that he has an infection. They usually hospitalize with fevers over 101.5 because the child may have a blood infection from their line/port. Nathan has never had one and he had negative cultures from the last time he was in the hospital and so we will just watch him carefully for any symptoms. It isn't fun setting the alarm to get up and check him in the night but if we stay out of the hospital that way then we'll take it.


I should have written earlier because I am so tired. I hope I can remember everything I want to write.

Nathan went to the clinic. We were surprised to discover that his white count is on the way up. It is still very low, but definately coming up. His hemoglobin was still fine at 11.6 and his platelets are at 25. We don't know if they are on their way up or down. We assume they still might be going down but they would eb lower if his body wasn't making any so we are going to take a gamble and wait until Wednesday to see where they are.

The current plan is still to start chemo again as soon as Nathan recovers. If this happens in a reasonable amount of time he will have the chemo and then we will probably just do an MIBG scan to see if it has improved.

Nathan's hair started to come out today. Both Luke and I have been checking (yes - covertly pulling on it to see) for a few days and Nathan mentioned it to me today. So - we shaved it all off. He still has lots of stubble that will fall out over the next few days. Afterwards he mentioned that he didn't want to go to Illinois with no hair and shortly after that started talking about how much he doesn't like cancer. So - the haircut definately made him a little sad.

That is not his only physical change of the day. His two front teeth have been loose for quite a while and today he placed his face in front of Lauren's feet and she kicked out the very loose tooth. It bled a little since his platelets are low but it was ready to come out.

Lastly, on the Nathan front, he currently has a fever! It has been up to the magical 101.5 but we are just keeping an eye on it for now. We really don't want to put him pback into the hospital. Neither of the local docs are on call and so the Denver doctor can't really tell us much besides to admit him since he doesn't know him and so Luke and I will decide about it ourselves and call if we feel he needs to go in. He is currently asleep with a slightly lower fever. If he does go in, we can't even all spend time together at the hospital since Julia is on oxygen.

So - on to Julia. She still needs oxygen. Her left lung is still not doing well. She is getting better though. I think it will be a few more days on the oxygen 24/7 and then only at night for a few more nights after that. The doctor said we can just monitor it ourselves and let him know when we feel she is ready to be off. Being cancer parents seems to be worth a nursing degree I guess. She is doing so well with wearing the nose cannula. She is not complaining at all. I know I would be! She is a trooper!

So - our plans for the fouth are to hopefully not be in the hospital and just be at home since the kids can't go out. We are doing some landscaping. I may not be able to get rid of Nathan's cancer but at least I can mercilessly hack at my juniper bushes. Fireworks are too far away and too late and too hard with oxygen so just not in the cards this year.

Take some in for us!

Friday, June 30, 2006 7:29 AM CDT



Nathan had a good night and was quite chipper when I got to the hospital. His doctor wanted him to have another antibiotic dose and then let him go home. We got home shortly after noon.

Nathan will be on this antibiotic at home. It is oly once a day. Usually he would get this at the clinic and then be on every 6 hour atibiotics at home. His doctor could sense my relief when he told me it was once a day and said he didn't want us to have an ICU at our house.

The respiratory therapist came to check Julia around 12:30. Julia's oxygen level was 94 (out of 100) on 2 liters of oxygen and it was 85 on room air. So - she definately still needs it.

She felt pretty crummy this morning but perked up. She and Nathan caught up on all their playing this afternoon. He is a little tired but otherwise seems to be feeling great. His transfusion made his hemoglobin rise to 14. That is higher than it has been for most of the past 3 years so I am sure that felt good. His platelets rose to 74. There is a good chance he will need some more on Monday. Platelets only take an hour and a half so that is no big deal. Well - he will also get antibiotics at the clinic on Monday - another half and hour.

Bone marrow biopsy results showed no cancer. Now - we KNOW there IS cancer there and the aspirate (liquid) part of the bone marrow did show cancer in on of the four sites. What this does mean is that there isn't a ton of cancer in his hips anyway. This is definately a good thing. His urie results from NY were normal. The ones here were elevated. No real info to be gleaned from that - just that he doesn't (or I should say DIDN'T at the time of his tests -w ho knows now) have massive amounts of cancer in his body.

So - we are all under the same roof tonight. We will be staying home all weekend - between Julia's oxygen and Nathan's lack of immunity we cannot let them out.

Luke and I are exhausted. In a few minutes I will nurse Lauren and put her to bed and I suspect Luke and I will not be far behind.

A neighbor brought us a yummy pan of enchiladas for dinner tonight - that was wonderful!

So - we EXPECT to remain fever-free and calm this weekend. Also - we still need to see that Julia gets better and does not have to go into the hospital - that is the last thing any of us need!


Good morning.

I thought I updated last night but I guess I didn't.

Everything is going OK. Nathan did fine with his transfusions. He continued to have fevers though. Luke and I swapped around 5:00 pm last night and when I talked to him later Nathan was settled in and doing well.

Julia is good too. It is obviously an annoyance to be connected to oxygen - especially when you are 4. There is a machine whith 50 feet of tubing so she can walk around but she has to keep it from getting hung up on things. She slept OK last night but I did not. I kept waking up and hecking things. Then she woke me up to tell me her cannula had come off and then Luke's alarm went off at 4:00 am (old alarm to check Nathan's fever) and now I am awake but she is still asleep. I had to tape the cannula on.

Lauren was also off. She wouldn't go to sleep last night and as she cried she got herself up to a sitting posision so I had to keep going in and laying her back down. I finally just stood there with my hand on her back and she went to sleep.

Nathan's bone marrow results (the final ones with percentages) were faxed to his local doc yesterday so I am hoping he has those for us this morning. Nathan's urines came back elevated, but only slightly - so they will not be the hoped for indicator of disease level.

Luke will update again later I am sure.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 3:49 PM CDT

Yet another Thursday morning update...
Luke here. Susan swapped places with me this morning. After she dropped Julia off with her sitter (such an inadequate description), Julia's cough worsened. We had a Dr. appointment for her because she still had the cough and had another fever a couple of days ago. We were going to cancel it but her breathing was bad so I went straight from the night at the hospital, got Julia, and went to the doctor. She is sitting next to me on the couch now on oxygen and is being treated for pneumonia. I had the choice of having her admitted or having her at home on oxygen. So, yeah, I guess when it rains it does pour.

Nathan's fever was high again this morning without tylenol. He will get his transfusions today and stay the night again. We don't want to take him home if there is a good chance we will have to put him right back in, so it seems safest to keep him there again tonight. He was a great sport about being dragged from bed into the hospital and isn't feeling too bad. The last time I saw him in his hospital bed when I left this morning he was feeling better than Julia is now.

Update Thursday morning...

Luke took Nathan to the hospital around 1:00 am. His fever had gone back up to 102.3, I think once they feel certain he does not have any infections they will let him come home. Meanwhile he will have his transfusions and antibiotics today and I am assuming he will stay tonight. I am heading over and Luke is coming home to wrok.



Update - Wednesday night

Nathan felt great unti ldinner. He put his head down at the table and we put him to bed. He had a fever of 101.9. 45 minutes later it was 102.7. We called the doctor and he had us give Nathan tylenol. the fever came down to 100.1 and so we will monitor it through the night. If it gets above 101.5 again he will be admitted. Normally, he would have been admitted automatically - but considering this is his second relapse and Luke and I know what to look for they are doing everything they can to limit hospital time.

Unfortunately, this means we will not be going to Illinois for now. We still hope to go another time.

If he stays home tonight, Nathan will go into the clinic even earlier than planned and get some antibiotics before his blood. So - it will be an even LONGER day!

I will update tomorrow

Well - Nathan's counts have TANKED! We have had him out and about with no immunity! He has felt great and was riding his bike yesterday and doing other normal active things so we had no idea. So - his ANC is zero (immunity) his hemoglobin is 8.4 (normal is 12 ) platelets are 24,000 (normal 150,000 ). So he needs red blood and platelets transfusions tomorrow. That will mean about 5 hours at the clinic.

So - this is not good but not unexpected. We suspected Nathan's bone marrow would have a hard time with the chemo and it certainly is. It seems unlikely he will be able to continue with chemo because he needs it every 21 days and if his bone marrow can not recover by day 21 then he is left off of treatment until it recovers and that gives the cancer time to start growing again. His doctor is looking into other treatments. We will do whatever treatment he can do. He feels so good there is no way we are even close to giving up treatment. We still do not know how much of his bone marrow is affected. That piece of information will be helpful. His NY doctor has not gotten back to me or to Nathan's local doctor on those results even though I am sure they are in by now.

No word yet on if we can travel to Illinois. We hope to know by tomorrow.

Monday, June 26, 2006 10:07 PM CDT

There's not too much going on. Julia's fever finally is gone but she has a lingering cough. Nathan seems like he feels great. He has tons of energy. He and Julia went to the zoo today with Tammy and he did not tire out and went on to play hard the rest of the day. He definately looks anemic though - he is so pale. You really would not know he had chemo last week. It is so odd. I feel confident that it wasn't just water in that IV ;) His hair will probably start to fall out in a week or so. It is quite long right now (for him) and so once we see signs it is falling out we will buzz it so it doesn't irritate him.

Lauren is doing great. She is army-man crawling all over the place and can get from tummy to sitting and back and has also started to pull up on things. She is a happy baby and brings us so much joy. She only cries when she is tired or teething. She is working on tooth #2 right now so has been a little cranky - but really it is nothing!

I will update again after Nathan's appointment on Wednesday or if we get some of our test results we are still waiting on.

Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:51 PM CDT

Nathan continues to feel good. He was very tired yesterday afternoon and evening but bounced right back today and is currently running around outside with the neighborhood kids. Julia is still sick but I think she is better.

They checked Nathan's counts yesterday and it was disheartening to see that his hemoglobin has dropped to 10.5 It is too soon for the chemo to be causing the drop and so we can only assume it is the cancer taking over his bone marrow. We can only pray the chemo slows it down and that we will be able to give him another round without too much of a delay. We still do not have the reports from NY about what percentage of his bone marrow was affected in his biopsies. The good thing is that Nathan is not in any pain from it.

Luke took the big kids to see Cars today. They had a good time. They rarely see movies in the theater so it was a treat.

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Wednesday to check his counts. I am expecting he will need a blood transfusion on Thursday.

Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:55 PM CDT

Chemo day 4 and Nathan is stil feeling great. You would think there is nothing but saline in the IV. He is full of energy and eating well. He doesn't even have "chemo eyes" (kind of sunken raccoon eyes).

Julia still has her fever. I took her to the doctor again and they are still waiting and thinking it is a virus. One development is that it appears her friend Brady, whose mom is Julia's awesome child care provider, may have what Julia has. So, it seems it may be a virus after all. This is good if it means it is not serious for Julia. It is not so good if that means the rest of us - especially Nathan - get it. So - I guess we will just have to wait and see a few more days.

One piece of good news is that I think we will be travelling to Illinois soon to visit Luke's family. This was our plan pre-relapse and I think Nathan will be able to receive care in the cancer clinic in Champaign while we are there. We have to see how everyone's health holds up though.

I am glad tomorrow is the last day of chemo. Lauren is getting tired of being there. She has had a pretty good time the first few days. They have a walker she used and I have put her on the floor on a mat and she has crawled around. Today she was on the bed with Nathan and just wanted to pull his IV the whole time.

Nathan is getting sick of going too - but he has been able to keep pretty well entertained. I bought him a gameboy advance and he has been watching movies and playing with cars and trucks. He will really be whining when he needs a blood transfusion - we are there for 5 hours for that.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:42 AM CDT

UPDATE Wednesday June 21 9:05 PM

Nathan's chemo went smoothly again today. Afterwards I dropped him off with Julia so I could run some errands. She was a mess shen I picked her up. Her fever had rose again to 104.2. I will be taking her back to the doctor tomorrow for bloodwork if she still has a fever. I am concerned she has Kawasaki's Disease again. There are all sorts of weird symptoms to go along with the high fever that help diagnose it and so I am on the
lookout for those other things. So far she has two of them. They could both be other things of course.

Nathan is feeling great - so that is fortunate. I would be even more of a mess if he was feeling bad too. As it is my stress level is extremely high. It is too much to ask for my chidren to be healthy? I am feeling a little sorry for myself. I rarely feel that way because it only hurts to ask "why my family?" but I am just feeling the unfairness of it all tonight.


Yesterday chemo went just fine. I kept an eye on Nathan as I drove away and he seemed good.

So far, the chemo hasn't affected how he is feeling. After today I suspect he might start feeling some effects. So far this morning he is chipper and working on a puzzle.

Julia is still sick. I took her to the doctor yesterday and they tested her throat and her urine and they were both negative. So, I guess it is a virus. How long until the rest of us get it?

So - more chemo today - hoping for another calm day.

Monday, June 19, 2006 5:17 PM CDT

Day one of chemo is behind us, though it was not uneventful. It turns out it is only 1 and a half hours for the infusion which is nice and short for chemo. While he was having the chemo I got the chance to look at the MIBG scan with Nathan's doctor. If you recall I knew I saw something bad during the scan and what I thought I had seen were tumors. Well, he doesn't have any tumors but the cancer is lighting up all up and down his spine and so I was seeing those spots. It is also lighting up on his skull, shoulders, arms, hips and well I don't recall now if elsewhere. We still do not know the percentage of involvement in his bone sample that was taken. We are hoping for fairly low, of course. Considering he is not in pain it shouldn't be too high. His hemoglobin has been dropping though and that is a sign of the cancer in his marrow.

After the chemo we stopped off to get Nathan a goodie from a nearby bakery. As he was deciding what he wanted he started to stagger and sway. I sat him down and his eyes rolled back and closed and I had to call his name to get him to open them back up. He recovered fairly fast and we went right back to the clinic (cookie in hand) and they looked him over. They could find nothing obviously wrong. His doctor decided he needed and echocardiogram since the chemo could cause heart problems and we needed to rule that out before he has more chemo. So, we went right over to the cardiologist office and he had an echo. Thankfully, the tech said his heart function looked just fine.

So - we came home (via Sonic for some food). Nathan is feeling a little nauseous and it is too soon for the chemo to make him feel that way. It is very hot today and so perhaps the heat is causing his problems. Either way - that was pretty scary.

So - day one of five down. I am hoping tomorrow is smooth sailing.

Oh, and Julia still has a fever.

Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:28 AM CDT

"That was the best party ever!"

That's how Nathan summed up his birthday party yesterday.

We had a party at a county park where we rented a pavilion. The weather was perfect - 70s and sunny. There were about 60 people - half of them kids. They ran around with balls, squirt guns, rockets, bubbles and ribbons and played on the playground.

We had planned to cook burgers and hot dogs but the county has a burn ban due to fire danger and so we brought in barbeque. That turned out to be much easier!

Luke and I had a good time visiting with friends and watching all the kids.

Julia seemed out of sorts and we were worried about all that may be going on with her. Before we put her to bed last night we took her temperature and found out she had a high fever. We are a little relieved that sickness explains some fo the way she was feeling yesterday. She has a low-grade fever this morning and it will hopefully be gone in a little while. It will not be good if Nathan gets this! He may have to go into the hospital but we hope since we know what it is he could stay home.

Nathan got way too many presents and they are not all out of their boxes yet. I told him we will have to build a new room onto our house to store them. He deserves all the prsesents in the world and the happiness that come with them.

Since Julia is sick will be home today. We had planned on going to church and I would really have used it today. I am listening to it online instead.

Last, but certainly NOT least - Happy Father's Day to my dad , my father-in-law, and of course, the father of my children, Luke! He is such loving, fun and caring father and we are so lucky to have him.

Friday, June 16, 2006 4:13 PM CDT

Happy Sixth Birthday Nathan!!!!!!

I can't believe he is six. So many times I never imagined him making it to six. I wish I could feel more secure about him making it to seven but I am trying not to think of that today.

We are busy getting ready for his party and tonight we are going to a survivors dinner for Relay for Life. He has gotten some of his presents and has refused to leave the house - he just wants to play with them.

He is confirmed to start chemo on Monday and I found out it will not be an all-day thing so that is good!

Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:06 AM CDT

Update - Nathan's doctor called a little while ago. Nathan has relapsed in his bone marrow. It appears the cancer is only in his bone marrow for now.

Nathan will have a round of chemo starting on Monday and we will be praying his bone marrow can tolerate it. There will not be a whole lot we can do if his bone marrow cannot handle the chemo.

We have told Nathan and he handled it well. I am guessing the questions and tears will come later.

Meanwhile his birthday is tomorrow and he has a party on Saturday and we are getting ready for that. The way we see it Nathan is here with us now and we will live life as normal as we can. We cannot see the future. We know what the outcome will most likely be but TODAY Nathan is feeling good and is here and so we will take one day at a time.


We are home. No results yet.

I have been debating about writing this - but I saw some things on the MIBG scan that did not look good. I hope I am wrong - but I am not expecting good news this time. I will update when we hear something.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:42 PM CDT

Luke here with a really quick update. I heard from Susan tonight. They all made it through their incredibly insane scan day. I guess many of the scans started late and the waiting was pretty frustrating, but they made it through everything and he did well with the MRI, which was new for him.

Susan and Nathan head home tomorrow sometime after his MIBG scan. The doctor says that they may have some results tomorrow afternoon and will be emailing them since Susan and Nathan will be heading straight home.

Julia is doing well. She stayed at the house of a friend from preschool on Monday and had a very good time. Today she stayed with good friends of the family who also fed us dinner tonight. It was really nice for us to have a fun diversion with friends tonight.

We'll update with scan results when they start rolling in.

Friday, June 9, 2006 4:24 PM CDT

Nathan finally saw the GI doctor yesterday. He didn't say anything surprising. He suspects Nathan's problems are due to damage from chemo. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and so he ordered a bunch of bloodwork to check for various diseases. If they come back negative then he wants to look inside Nathan with an endoscope. Meanwhile he wants Nathan to be off of all dairy for 10 days so we can know for sure if he is lactose intolerant. He also ordered an x-ray to make sure that it isn't constipation causing the diarrhea (sounds wierd huh!).

We went out to lunch and then to the clinic for a blood draw. They drew his blood for a test he needs to have his CT scan in NY on Tuesday and also the bloodwork for the GI doctor. We went downstairs and got him an x-ray while we were in the building. He griped about getting an x-ray - I am not sure why. He knows the big scans are coming up and so I think it was related to that. He has been pretty emotional. He was very upset about the dairy thing and pretty much feeling very sorry for himself. I am trying to figure out just what he will be able to eat before his urine test when he cannot have various foods and now he can't have dairy either. I think he will have to drink water and eat crackers or something!

So - the countdown begins to scans. I am so stressed about them and also the travel. My mom is meeting us in NY to help but it will be just Nathan, Lauren and I travelling and so that is me handling a baby and all the luggage. Luckily we can pack light for just 2 days and I am able to borrow a crib in New York. We wil have to leave the house at 4:30 am and drive for an hour and a half to the airport. I haven't figured out exactly how I am going to manage to nurse Lauren with that schedule. I just might have to get up at 3:30 am to do that!

Nathan's scan schedule is as follows:

Tuesday the 13th
7:00 am - drink oral contrast
8:10 am - Cat scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis
11:00 am (give or take an hour or two!)Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
1:45 pm - MIBG injection
4:00 pm - MRI of the head

He has never had an MRI of the head and the last MRI he had here they sedated him. He will be awake for this one and I know it will be hard for him so I hope it all goes OK. I am hoping he might doze a little.

They will also collect his urine all day for that test.

Wednesday the 14th

8:00 am - MIBG scan (takes about 1.5 - 2 hours now that Nathan is taller)

So - as you can see, Tuesday is a very busy day. We are coming home Wednesday evening. Nathan was a little sad about not getting to stay in NY longer but I wanted to be home in plenty of time for his birthday. The downsideis that if scan are not good we won't be able to talk to his doctors face to face about a plan. I just have to hope scans are good and we get another 3 months to enjoy a normal life.

We may have some preliminary results on Thursday or Friday. I will probably not post anything until we come home because I will not be bringing my computer. I will have my PDA so I can browse and read e-mails but will not be able to write anything. Luke will update if there is anything of note.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 1:34 PM CDT


Want to see what we have been up to last week? Click

We had a great trip despite all of us having a terrible cold/cough. Poor Lauren still sounds just awful.

Nathan is in the middle of round (3 or 4? I have lost track) of accutane. We kept the sun off him well with SPF swimwear and clothing. He had such a good time. He cried about leaving several times yesterday.

Thursday Nathan sees the GI doc and gets a blood test at the clinic to bring to New York. We leave on Monday for scans.

I will update again in more detail Thursday or Friday.

Monday, May 29, 2006 4:54 PM CDT

Just a quick update...

Nathan had a good appointment on Friday. His counts were all normal again, which is very good. He seems fine physically - though his weight has dropped. His doctor was a little concerned but the weight drop has correllated with his increase in bowel problems and so I am pretty confident they are related. Nathan has an appointment with the pediatric GI doc on June 8 so we will hopefully start down the road to solving this problem.

Nathan started his accutane today. Scans are coming up on June 13 and 14. June 16 is Nathan's birthday and he is having a party on June 17. It was very difficult for me to plan his party for after his scans, knowing that plans will change if scans are bad - but I had no choice. I just have to hope scans are good.

We are up to some fun stuff this week and I will update about that soon. Laptop battery is dying.....

Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:05 PM CDT

I think I have finally recovered from my weekend. I have been pretty busy all week as well but after tomorrow morning I should get a bit of a break. It is just Nathan, Lauren and I for a few days while Luke and Julia are in Chicago. Luke's sister, Anna, is graduating from Loyola University tomorrow. Luke was planning to go alone and the kids were going to stay here because of Nathan's school. It occurred to me a few weeks ago that Julia could go with Luke. She is used to Nathan getting to go places and her being the one left behind and so we thought it would be a good thing for her to get to do the travelling this time. She is having a good time so far. Luke told me that she did start crying as they pulled out of the driveway though.

We ordered some Pizza and watched a little Star Wars tonight. I heard Nathan talking to himself a little this afternoon about being sad he didn't get to go but he is handling it OK.

Nathan is done with round 3 of the accutane. His skin is starting to heal. He gets so down about the accutane and its effects. I am actually wanting to keep him on it past the six months but I guess we'll see what the doctors say in June. His diarrhea problem is back in full force. He is on the verge of needing the flagyl again. I am going to call tomorrow to make him an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist. We need to find some solutions for him (and for the rest of us who have to sit near him...)

Nathan has one week left of school. He is jealou sof Julia whose last day of preschool was today. He enjoys his time at school, but never wants to go. Next year the full day will be hard on him. Of course I am just hoping that he will make it to first grade cancer-free and I will take all the coping problems I am handed.

Lauren had her six month check-up today. She is doing really well. She is a little peanut - just 13.5 pounds(10th percentile). The doctor is not at all concerned since Lauren is doing great physically and breastfed babies tend to be smaller anyway. She is very mobile now. She rolls all over the place and is trying so hard to crawl. She sits up as solid as a rock and can lean forward to get things and sit back up. She is just so adorable. Nathan asked to pick her up today. He has only ever hald her in his lap. He stood up and I handed her to him. She laughed when she realized that Nathan was holding her! He didn't hold her for long because he said she was pretty heavy.

That's where we stand right now. There is always something medical going on - but as long as it is nothing serious we can deal with it! I will update again after Nathan sees his oncologist next week.

p.s. Thanks to Dee in Wisconsin for the John Deere hat. Nathan was THRILLED! He wore it to school today. I will post a picture in the photo album page of this site.

Sunday, May 14, 2006 5:43 PM CDT

Happy Mother's Day! First and foremost to my mother and to my mother-in-law and to all my friends and family who are moms. A special mention to all my fellow mom's of cancer kids - you are one special group of moms!

I am exhausted from my weekend and so will write a real update in a few days.

Monday, May 8, 2006 11:29 AM CDT

Week one of accutane is done and Nathan seems to be doing a little better with it this time. He has some sores but his skin is not hurting him (yet). He did miss a dose yesterday because he was sick.

We went to church in the morning and on my way up to the choir lft I caught a glimpse of Luke in the cry room. When I came back down I found Nathan fast asleep on the couch - clearly not well. This was very disconcerting to us. We took him home and he slept on the couhc for a few more hours. He finally woke up and ate. The "good" news was that he threw up around 3:00 pm. The "even better" news is that Julia got it too. So we are definately dealing with a virus, not cancer. It is sick but true that every time Nathan feels bad we have to worry if it is the cancer.

Julia started throwing up at 10:30 pm and threw up every 30 - 45 minutes all night long. I sent Luke to the basement because he had to get up at 4:00 am to go on a business trip. This is his first trip since Lauren was born and so, of course, I have two sickies. I am trying my best not to get this bug as well while Luke is gone. That would be horrible.

Saturday was a good day. Luke and Nathan went to a baseball game where his school had a special day and Julia, Lauren and I went to a birthday party. We met up for dinner afterwards. Poor Nathan missed a birthday party on Sunday since he was sick.

We have noticed a little improvement with Nathan's nose on the Singulair. It is the first of 3 meds we are going to try for him. Perhaps a combo of some of these might work.

Nathan has a field trip tomorrow and so I am really hoping he gets to go to school. He hasn't thrown up since yesterday afternoon and he is eating and drinking today so he should be good to go.

I am off to Wisconsin for a day on Friday where my father will be awarded an honorary doctorate. I will update when I get back.

Monday, May 1, 2006 9:40 PM CDT

I cannot believe it is May already!

Nathan started round 3 of accutane today. He also went to the clinic for a check up. I am pleased to say his counts were ALL in the normal range. His platelets had still been lagging but were 201,000 today. It is a good sign that they have continued to go up. His bone marrow heath is a concern we have had and this shows that, while definately very sluggish, his marrow is still doing its job.

It has been a nice two weeks off of the accutane. It is kind of hard to start again. Nathan was very cranky and emotional tonight - I may start keeping a record since that can be a side effect of accutane. It could also be just a bad day. The skin will start breaking down in a day or two. I ordered Nathan an SPF shirt to wear when he goes outside to play. Last time sunscreen did not cut it. For PE and recess at school we will just send a long sleeved shirt to through over whatever he is wearing.

I don't recall if I have talked about his bowel issues lately but we had taken him off the flagyl and put him on a supplement that has live bacteria to help regain the balance in his large intestines. This worked wonders at first but he has been slowly slipping back to the way things were before - but is still in an OK state. If it goes back to te "bad" state that required the flagyl then maybe we will call in another specialist to baffle.

Nathan's oncologist noted that Nathan has developed a light curvature of the spine This is accompanied by a corresonding bulge next to his spine. His doctor checks this every few months and it is the first time he has noticed it. We will just keep an eye on it. It is frustrating that Nathan has so many other physical problems other than the cancer, but he is not able to see a long-term follow up specialist since he is still in treatment. Yes - we are fighting for his life but that doesn't mean that we want to ignore these other "minor" things.

The appointment was ended by an attempt to use a brand new form to send to the accutane regulation people that is supposed to give oncologists an override of all the hoops this program requires jumping through. In Nathan's case - specifically the 30 day rule for a prescription that Nathan needs every 28 days. The form has been faxed so now we wait and see what happens.

To transition from the medical to the other goings on I will mention that we have been passing a truly horrible cold around the family. Luke and I spend this weekend feeling crummy and the only things we did were laundry and trying to get the smell of spilled strawberry milk out of the van (after hours of steam cleaning...still smells). We are slowly recovering. I am just thankful to have been sick on a weekend for once so I had Luke's help.

Nathan has around 18 days of school left (they haven't actually told us when school is over yet...can you believe that!) How can it already be the end of his Kindergarten year? I have already started worrying about whether he will make in into first grade or if he will have relapsed again before than. He has scans June 13 and 14. Since his birthday is June 16 I just have to expect all good news - that is all I am willing to accept.

We have an extremely busy month coming up. Updating may be scarce. We have five engagements this weekend and one or all of us will be gone the rest of the weekends in May and Luke also has a business trip squeezed in there. So - we are hoping for smooth sailing for all these things and good health for us all as well.

Be on the lookout for April pictures. I am hoping to get them up in a day or two. Most of the pictures are of Lauren, since she is changing so much!

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:58 PM CDT

I took Nathan to the allergist today. He has had a chromic runny nose for years and also fluid in his ears that impairs his already bad hearing.

They did scratch tests for about 20 or so allergens. They were all negative. This is mostly good. Is some ways I wish we could have pinpointed something and taken care of it, on the other hand we knew he didn't have seasonal allergies so he could have been allergic to dust, dogs or something else that would have been very difficult to change in his environment.

So - we have three medicines to try to reduce the swelling in his nose and dry it out. We won't bother with antihistimines now that we know he isn't allergic to anything. So - why are his sinuses filled up? Why do other NB kids have these same sinus issues? I wish someone could tell us. I do not feel terribly optimistic about these medicines - but since the cause is unknown if we can find an easy way to treat the symptoms I would happy enough.

Things have been pretty good and normal around here this week. We had an amazing run of warm weather and so Nathan and Julia have spent a ton of time riding bikes and playing outside in the dirt. Nathan is on his second week off of accutane and so his skin is so nice and clear and soft. If is amazing how quickly it gets bad and how quickly it clears up again as he cycles on and off.

Lauren has been having wild swings with her sleeping ranging from sleeping for 12 hours at a time to spending the whole night in our bed. I am hopeful the trend will become the 12 hours.

I feel like there is more to update but Lauren is trying to eat my arm and keeps kicking the mousepad messing me up - so I will try to update a little sooner next time.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:38 PM CDT

Happy Easter!

The picture above is from this morning. We are having beautiful weather for Easter in Colorado - sunny and 70s. It was a good thing since my choir sung in an outdoor sunrise service this morning at 5:45 am. I also sung in the 7:00 and 8:30 services. There were 3 more services I skipped due to Lauren's nursing schedule. Luke and the kids attended the 8:30 service and we have been home relaxing since.

Nathan has his last dose of accutane for two weeks tonight. Hi poor mouth and upper lip area are so red and peeling. He also got a sunburn on his neck and a little sun on his arms. This was despite putting sunscreen on him every day before he leaves the house. We have graduated to protected clothing and a flap hat. Unfortunately the suncreen hurt his neck really badly after it burned.

Nathan finally has an allergist appointment on the 25th. I know it will take time to figure things out but I am happy to be taking a step in solving the runny nose.

We have Nathan's next set of scans scheduled in NY for June 13 and 14. Luke and Julia will stay behind this time. I will be having someone come to help me with Lauren - not sure who yet.

Other than the skin problem Nathan is doing great. I can't believe he is almost done with Kindergarten. He has learned so much and had such a good time. How lucky to get to watch him take that step.

The easter bunny brought computer games to Nate and Jules which they are currently playing. We are off to dinner with friends later. I hope you all are having a joyeous Easter as well.

Friday, April 7, 2006 8:06 AM CDT

Wow - Friday already. Time has been flying recently.

Nathan went to the clinic on Monday. His counts were really good. They should be since he is only on accutane and his last chemo was in January. His platelets and white count were still a little low a month ago though. He checked out just fine and will go back in four weeks.

Once again there was difficulty getting his accutane with the new federal program iPledge. Know we fully understand that even thought Nathan needs his accutane prescription every 28 days - the system only allows for every 30 days. So he could not get his prescription until Wednesday. I had to have his doctor rewrite for a 30 days supply. That turns out to be the maximim number of pills they will suscribe (120) without even more hassle. I just don't know why this program can't have 1. a male expemtion, 2. a child exemption or 3. a cancer exemption!

The neuroblastoma world lost one of its beacons of hope this past week. Nick Snow fought neuroblastoma for SEVEN YEARS before achieving remission. Once he did he remained cancer free for over three years. This is unheard of with neuroblastoma and his story has given so many of us hope. Sadly, he passed away from a bowel perferation and severe pancreatitis. Mostly likely, all his treatments played a part in this misfortune. He and his story will not be forgotten. From what I understand he was a wonderful sixteen year old boy.

Well- Nathan and Julia are clambering for breakfast! Guess I should feed them.

Saturday, April 1, 2006 10:11 AM CST

April Fools Day. Not a funny day around here. Nathan was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago today. If only it had been a joke!

That said, we are so lucky that Nathan is here with us three years later. He was not even three years old when he was diagnosed. I wish I could say he had been cancer free for most of this period. At the same time, we are so lucky that even though Nathan relapsed last year, he is showing no evidence of cancer today.

So - I definately have mixed feelings today but I am so grateful to be able to look away from this computer and see Nathan playing with his baby sister....happy and healthy.

See March pictures - clink on link above in green or family web page link below

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:51 PM CST

Round 1 of accutane is officially behind us. Nathan did better than we expected. He had some peeling on his face but nothing extreme and no sores. We also did not see any evidence of the emotional effects some children have. He has two weeks off now.

Nathan has a bit of a cough and his ever-constant nose junk is a little tinged with color so I think he is fighting something. Considering how concerned his oncologist is about his sinuses I hope it does not turn into an infection. We haven't heard back from his oncologist about a referral to an allergist yet. I pretty much epected that. Not that he doesn't follow-through generally - but this doctor has a lot on his plate and contacting allergists is not his chief concern. I will call him today or tomorrow.

I have had two bouts of stomach flu and one case of mastitis in the last 10 days. Needless to say I am worn down! Julia had the stomach flu (once) and Lauren and Luke appear to be fine.

I took Julia and Lauren to the doctor today for Julia's 4 year and Lauren's 4 month check-ups. Julia is 35.5 pounds (50th percentile) and 41 inches (75th percentile). Lauren is 12 pounds, 6 ounces (25th percentile) and 24.5 inches (50th percentile). Both appear to be in good health.

Nathan and Julia are off for conferences/spring break for the next week and half. I am going to have to come up with some activities for them if we all do not want to go crazy!

I think that just about catches us up. Fortunately nothing new and exciting...just the way I like it!

Monday, March 13, 2006 9:43 AM CST

We just got back a very fun weekend in Chicago. We wanted to be there when my cousin Matt got his head shaved for St. Baldrick's. My cousin (and also one of Luke's close friends from colege) and his wife, Beth have a 6 year old daughter and 4 year old son. We stayed with them and the kids had so much fun playing together. We flew in Thursday evening and the event was Friday afternoon. Luke and Matt went down for the whole day and Beth and I drove all 5 kids (Yikes!) into the city to the irish pub in time to see Matt's head shaved. Nathan got to do the honors of helping hsave Matt's head which he thoroughly enjoyed. He also seemed to really enjoy the whole bar scene! A big thanks to everyone who donated. By the end of the event Matt had managed to exceed his goal of raising $5,000. Also a personal thank you to Matt from our family.

My brother and Luke's sister also live in Chicago and were able to join us at the pub and also for dinner on Saturday along with some other Chicago friends (Luke went to Northwestern University).

Saturday we had beautiful weather and the kids played outside for hours. All but Nathan got into the mud by the end of the afternoon. Nathan is too neat for that.

We arrived in Denver around 4:30 to a snow storm. We finally got home many hours later safe and sound. Nathan is off at school.

I think we will suspend travels for a few weeks now! We had this trip planned before the New York trip and so there was no way we were going to cancel but it will be good to stay off airplanes for a while.

Nathan is tolerating the accutane well so far. It has a cummulative effect and so I expect he will have more effects this week. He has been complaining that his lips feel bruised and his cheeks are somewhat red and bumpy. Overall - not too bad yet.

I will put some pictures from this weekend in the photo album page of this site. Also - keep a look out for February pictures. I am planning on putting them up on our family page in a day or so.

Monday, March 6, 2006 7:19 PM CST

We have recovered from our travels. This weekend we pretty much hung around resting.

Nathan went to the clinic today. They took some blood as a baseline before his accutane starts. His counts were pretty good but still a little on the low side. I would expect them to slowly get better.

Dr. Palmer had already gotten Nathan registered in the IPledge program which is a brand new federal registry for accutane patients. We will get the prescription tomorrow. Nathan needs 196 pills for two months....they come in 10 count packs - so the pharmacy didn't have enough.

My friend Jude asked (via guestbook) what the accutane is for. Well - normally accutane is used for severe acne. For Neuroblastoma it has been showed to mature immature cells. Since neuroblastoma is a cancer of immature nerve cells the theory is that if the cells are matured that they will not become malignant. There have even been kids whose bone marrow became clear of cancer from taking accutane. It is part of the standard protocol for neuroblastoma. Nathan was on it about 2 years ago. Nathan will have severe dry skin on his face - but hopefully that will be the only side effect. Nathan will only have to go to the clinic once every four weeks now instead of weekly!

I almost forgot to mention that Nathan's bone marrow aspirate and biopsies also came back clear! We are just waiting for urine results now.

I trimmed Nathan's hair up this weekend. Its texture is like wool and he has a severe receding hairline. Very odd - but we expected it to be odd again because it never grew back normal the first time. No big deal in the scheme of things. Things we would still like to resolve are the diarrhea and the runny nose. Perhaps one day....

Julia and Lauren are doing fine. Julia was overly emotional this weekend - which we expected. She is a challenging child - but these things that make her challenging will be positive traits when she is older. So we just have to grin and bear it. Every once in a while she is sweet. LOL. Lauren is getting SO big. She is rolling over now at only 3.5 months. She is very strong. She is still such a good baby and so sweet. She is very quick to smile and laugh. In fact she has a knack of laughing when others laugh and laughing at people's jokes. She is just the cutest thing.

I will update in a week or so and tell you how the accutane is going.

Friday, March 3, 2006 9:32 AM CST

We made it home! All the previous flights to Dallas had been cancelled but ours was not. It left a half an hour late (had to be de-iced). We had a 42 minute connection but our connecting flight was in the gate right next door and was running a half an hour late. So - someone was looking out for us.
Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:25 PM CST

We are off to the airport soon. I am not at all confident we will get home with bad weather here in NYC and a short connection in Dallas for the last flight of the night. So - we will see.

We had a good talk with Nathan's doctor. He thinks Nathan should do 6 months of accutane and also do the trial whenever it becomes available. He said he hoped that would be before or by the time the accutane is finished. He has had 2 other patients who had a relapse like Nathan's that had the surgery and done 6 rounds of the chemo and 6 months of accutane. So far they are doing well - but they are fairly recent too. Nathan will continue scanning every 3 months. We will try to get in at the clinic to get the accutane prescription soon. There are very tight new regulations for accutane so it may be a bit of an ordeal.

Nathan and Luke got down to Times Square yesterday afternoon. That is the one thing Nathan has to do when we are here so I am glad it worked out.

Got to go get ready for our car to the airport. Wish us luck getting home.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:25 PM CST

Breaking news! I just got an email saying that the preliminary results of the CT and MIBG scans are clear! We are still waiting for bone marrow results but this is incredibly good news!

I'll add more later...one-handed here......

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:00 PM CST

We arrived safe and sound in New York last night around 9:00. We were slightly delayed with a maintenance problem and I was so afraid they would have to cancel the flight and we would have to find another way to get to New York by 7:30 in the morning. Fortunately it worked out.

We headed out in the very frigid weather this morning and, of course, just waited around the waiting room with nothing happening until 8:45. We could have used the extra sleep.

Nathan got his bone marrows done around 10:00 or so and then drank the contrast for his CT scan. In between he played in the playroom. After CT we had lunch and then he had his MIBG injection. We got back to my aunt's apartment around 3:30. We rested and Nathan played and then we had dinner with our friend Judy.

Nathan is now in bed and was in good spirits most of the day. We are amazed by the way he deals with all these medical procedures.

Tomorrow he has the MIBG scan at 11:00 am and that is all he has scheduled. We may go on some kind of outing tomorrow.

We will meet with Nathan's doctor at noon on Thursday and discuss results and the general plan for Nathan. After that we will fly home.

Lauren has done really well travelling so far. Sleeping is always the wildcard when travelling with the baby. Last night was good. Hopefully tonight will be as well.

Julia is reportedly having a good time with Tammy and her daughter, Brady. Brady is like a big sister to Julia and they have so much fun together. Tammy said that when she went to check on them last night she found them both asleep in Brady's bed.

I may or may not get a chance to update scan results before we get on the plane. I will update as soon as I can.

Friday, February 24, 2006 7:10 PM CST

We have a schedule for Nathan's scans. They are on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. We will leave Monday and come home on Thursday night.

Julia is staying home and will be with Tammy. That was a very, very difficult decision and I am still having second thoughts but I do think it is for the best. We assume we will be going back to New York again and hopefully it will be a better time of year and we will bring Julia and have some fun doing things around the city. The forecast is for cloudy and 20s and 30s so we will not be doing too much galavanting about town. We will pretty much be at the clinic the whole time we are there anyway.

Please send your prayers and positive thoughts our way for CLEAN SCANS. Scan time is so very scary.

We will update again from NY.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:01 PM CST

I just realized I forgot to update after Nathan's last appointment.

Nathan's counts had all gone up on Friday. I am so glad we had already made our decision not to do chemo before then.

We are still trying to get scans scheduled. They called us on Friday confirming his bone marrows for Monday (yesterday). Luke had to tell them that no way could we be there on Monday and it was also not it the range of dates we had given them. I think we will be going sometime next week though. We don't yet know who of all of us is going either. We still need to figure out travel arrangements and accomodations before we can decide that.

Luke's parents were here visting this past weekend. We had a wonderful visit and it went by way too fast. The kids just LOVE having their grandparents visit.

Both Nathan and Julia had playdates this afternoon. Nathan is feeling great these days.

That's about it around here. I will update when we know our scan schedule.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 7:33 PM CST

We have a plan...

Given Nathan's low counts on Friday we emailed his NY doctor and asked him what his thoughts were on stopping the chemo, scanning in a week or two in NY and then starting the accutane. He emailed back that he felt that was very reasonable. So - that is the plan and they are working on getting Nathan scheduled.

Hopefully we will have the scan schedule very soon and can get working on the travel arrangements.

Meanwhile the kids both had Valentine's Day parties at school that they thoroughly enjoyed. I made some strawberry shortcake for dessert tonight and that is the extent of the celebtrations around here. Neither Luke nor I take much stock in this holiday.

I hope all of you had a nice day.

Friday, February 10, 2006 7:05 PM CST

More decisions...

I took Nathan to the clinic today and his counts were down a little except his ANC (helps measure immunity) was only 700. So - we are not going to be starting chemo on Monday.

Earlier today I emailed Nathan's NY doctor to see if he still wanted Nathan to be doing chemo while he waited for the trial and he said to make it 6 rounds (which means he has one more) and then for him to go on accutane (more on that in a minute). He also said they would be "very happy to see Nathan" for his next set of scans. So - I think we will plan to go to New York then and touch base. The timing of the scans is to be 2-3 weeks after the end of the next round of chemo.

I talked to Nathan's doctor about this. It is always akward passing along treatment recommendations from one doctor to another - just doesn't seem right. Initially we had all communication going from one doctor to another - but after a while it broke down and so Luke and I have had to take the initiative. We never discussed this change and I have NO idea what his local doc thinks of it - but he just didn't seem to be receiveing or sending emails timely enough and Luke and I felt too out of the loop.

He said that if Nathan goes for scans 2-3 weeks after the end of chemo that his bone marrow will not be recovered and that can affect the bone marrow biopsies. He suggested that Nathan just forgo the 6th round and go get tested soon - otherwise it would be April before he recovers. I know he really thinks that Nathan should not be getting any more chemo. He is very diplomatic and so he did not come out and say it but I could actually sense some of his annoyance today and that is very out of character for him. Regardless I know that as long as he doesn't feel a treatment is harmful to Nathan he will support our decisions. The relationship could become quite strained though. I have such great respect for his doctor and the way he has dealt with this situation.

So - we will send another email this weekend and see what his NY doctor wants to do and then Luke and I will decide.

About the accutane - this is taken in very high doses. He had it in 2004. It makes his skin very dry and can cause irritabilty. If the side effects are too difficult we will have to reevaluate.

I will update again soo - but I am beat and stressed out about all this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:39 AM CST

I thought I would update on how Nathan is feeling. I think we figured out what was wrong with him.

Julia woke up early Sunday morning throwing up and could keep nothing down all day. She is fine now - but I think that Nathan had his own version of this with diarrhea and we just didn't know how severe it was. That is a bit of a relief to have a possible culprit for how he was feeling.

Lauren is sick now. She has a fever and yesterday was grunting in pain most of the day. I took her to the doctor and we are assuming she also has a version of the bug. She is better today but still feels feverish. I have yet to subject her to the rectal temparture taking today.

I am also feeling somewhat sick. Nothing severe - just tired and achy (oh and last night extremely thristy - just like Nathan).

So - we just need to purge ourselves of this bug. We are going to try to make it to church tonight for a little while because Nathan is singing this Sunday and needs to go to choir practice. I am hoping Lauren and I feel better by then - but if not we will stay home.

Nathan goes to the clinic on Friday to have his counts checked. I am sure his doctor will be relieved to hear there was a bug in the house to explain Nathan's funky symptoms last week.

Friday, February 3, 2006 4:46 PM CST

Update Saturday February 4, 2006

Nathan is feeling pretty good today. Not 100 percent but much better.

I added pictures to our family web page for January. See link in yellow above or family web page link a the bottom

Nathan went to the clinic today. I was glad he already had an appointment because he had some strange things going on today.

He started getting tired late morning and then was shivering for no apparent reason. His skin was quite mottled and his hands cold. His temperature was normal.

He fell asleep on the way to the doctor's office but when he woke up he was a bit more chipper but still shivering. We just assumed his counts were low.

Turns out - his counts are a little better than last week. His hemoglobin is very high for him. In fact we suspect he may be dehydrated since that can cause counts to be artificially high. His doctor said that his symptoms could either be dehydration or blood infection. Since his temperature was actually only 95.5 we think he doesn't have a blood infection but we need to watch him to make sure he doesn't develop a fever.

Nathan started on Allegra last week in the never ending quest to stop his nose from running like a faucet. It didn't do squat but it very well may have helped to dehydrate him along with some diarrhea he has been having. He has been drinking like a fish all morning so we really do think the dehydration is likely (as I am writing this he is asking for yet another drink).

As far as the diarrhea, he is still on the flagyl and we are going to get a refill. I may have mentioned on here before how hard it is getting that filled with the flavoring. We have had problems every time. The last time we actually were told it would not be filled and they were too busy and too understaffed! Luke got on the phone with the store manager and it was all taken care of. I am not looking forward to finding out what happens this time. At some point we do need to address the causes of the diarrhe - not just the symptoms - and for that matter the whole runny nose thing - but since we are still battling to keep him alive and figuring out how to do that - I guess the other things will have to wait.

So - we are hoping he continues to feel better as we keep him hydrated. He goes back to the clinic next Friday.

Friday, January 27, 2006 10:19 AM CST

Hello - we have had a good and fairly uneventful week.

Julia had a good time at her birthday party on Monday. It was stressful for me preparing for it and I am glad it is done. Everyone seemed to have a good time and so that was good enough for me!

Nathan has continues to feel good. We had his counts checked yesterday and his platelets are beginning to drop. His white count and ANC usually follow - so I would expect to see them down next week. I talked to his doctor a little about future treatment. He said it would be reasonable to do nothing for a while since he is NED. I then asked him if he ever had a relapsed NB kid not relapse again and he said no. He then said that if we were playing the devil's advocate and saying it is inevitable that in theory our goal would be to give him as much time as possible before relapse. That is what Luke and I have been thinking all along (of course hoping for a miracle in which he won't relapse again) and so I think his doctor finally understands where we are coming from and why we want to continue treating him if we can do so in a way that is easy for Nathan. He tolerate this chemo so well that if he is to continue treatment we should most likely keep with it. However his doctor did say that round of chemo 5-6 weeks apart from each other are almost worthless. The frequency of the treatments are so important to expose each and every cancer cell at each point in its life cycle to the chemo. If Nathan was going by the prescribed schedule he would have started another round of chemo on Tuesday. Instead his counts are just beginning to drop and may not recover for another couple of weeks.

So - we need to discuss all of this with his NY doctor. We are going to email him to set up a phone call.

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Friday. Meanwhile we will continue with life as normal -just the way we like it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:20 PM CST

Well - it has been a busy week! We are all enjoying a fairly leisurely Saturday at least.

On the family medical front - it was our dog, Ellie who got most of the attention this week. Monday evening she cut through 2 tendons on metal landscaping edging. She had to have surgery than night and now has a splint and a cone on her neck. She is not allowed to run, jump or go up and down stairs. She is almost 60 pounds and we have 4 sets of stairs in our house. She also suually spends all day outside in our multilevel yard. So - the poor thing is very constrained and we are having to walk her instead of let her outside. I won't even mention how expensive her surgery was!

We also had new brakes put on our van on Monday - they made a grinding sound all the way down the mountains last weekend. We were pleased to discover we could cram the three carseats in the backseat of our second vehicle (my first car - a 1994 Chevy Beretta) and could actually get ourselves to and from the dealership. Once Lauren is not in a baby carseat they probably won't all fit. I can't believe our family is that big!

Wednesday evening we all went to church for dinner and choir. Luke takes care of Lauren while the rest of us have choir rehearsal. We really enjoy dinner at church. Julia especially enjoys the ice cream bar!

Thursday Lauren had her 2 month check up and got 4 shots. She is 10 pounds 3 ounces and 22 inches long. She is 30th percentile for weight, 40th percentile for lenght and 25th percentile for head. She looks so big to me - but I guess she is still pretty little. She felt crummy Thursday night and Luke slept with her half the night and me the other half. She slept much better last night.

Friday we had a snow day, but I had an appointment so Nathan and Julia went to Tammy's and then I picked up Nathan and took him to the clinic. His counts have not dropped yet, but I am sure they will. I mentioned to his doctor about the NY trial still not starting up and he said he would think about some options for Nathan. I suppose Luke and I really need to talk to his NY doctor but for the moment are putting it off. Meanwhile Nathan feels good. His hair is really coming in now. This morning it was actually messy!

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Thursday for counts.

Have a good week!

Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:35 PM CST

Before we get to the update I wanted to tell you all that my cousin, Matt, is participating in St. Baldrick's again this year and will be getting his head shaved in honor of Nathan. St. Baldricks raises money for pediatric cancer research. For cancers like stage IV neuroblastoma reseach funds are extremely important since they have a very long way to go to increase the survival rates from the 40 percent they are now. To check out the details of the fundraiser and to sponsor Matt, please click on the banner above. Thanks!
We just got back from a very fun weekend away but I will get to that in a minute.

Friday Nathan went to the clinic to have his counts checked. They were all still very good. We expect them to drop this coming week. We got some bad news about the vaccine trial in NY. It is now pushed back until at least March. For all we know it could be anout 6 months, year, never... so we will need to have some converstations with our local doc and NY doc about what kind of treatment Nathan should be getting meanwhile. We don't want to give the cancer a chance to recur, nor do we want to give Nathan chemo he doesn't need. It is not a good place to be - but there are MUCH WORSE places we could be right now so we just have to try to roll with the punches and see what we can come up with.

So - after the clinic we jumped into the van and headed up to my brother's place in Grand Lake. We met him and his family there.

Saturday we went to a small ski resort and put the kids into the ski class. Luke and Jason (my brother) skiied while Kristi (his wife) and I hung around taking care of Lauren and watching the kids.

Luke and I had pretty low expectations for Julia and Nathan. We worried about Nathan's stamina and also his mental toughness to stick with it and learn. I am pleased to say they both LOVED skiing and stuck with it - despite falls and hard work. We are so proud of both of them. I NEVER could have imagined I would ever watch Nathan learn to ski. It was so wonderful.

Today we went sledding down the hill behind the house. There were several feet of snow and it was a blast!

We had a great time!

Tomorrow there is no school and then Nathan heads back to the clinic for counts later this week. Lauren has her 2 month check-up and Julia will bring birthday cupcakes to preschool this week. I will update later in the week.

Saturday, January 7, 2006 11:40 AM CST

Just a quick update...

I added new pictures for December on our family web page. See link in red above or in links section below.

Nathan is still doing fine with the chemo. He had a good half-week at school.

Lauren is doing better with sleeping and with the bottle so that is a relief.

I will update again after next weekend.

Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:19 PM CST

Nathan started chemo on Tuesday. So far he is doing well with it. Yesterday morning he felt a little sick to his stomach but we gave him some medicine and sent him to school and he did just fine. His dose of the Temador is only half of the highest dose he had at one point. We are hoping his counts won't be affected quite as badly this time. Since his counts don't drop for awhile on this chemo he will not get them checked again until next Friday.

We now await word from New York on the trial.

Nathan started back up at school on Wednesday and Julia went to preschool today. The break was nice - but I am happy to have them back in their routines again.

Lauren has decided she doesn't want to go to bed until after midnight and also that she doesn't want Luke to give her a bottle. We are working on both of these things.

That's about all that is going on around here. We are keeping our fingers crossed that Nathan handles this chemo as well as usual.

Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:19 PM CST

Nathan started chemo on Tuesday. So far he is doing well with it. Yesterday morning he felt a little sick to his stomach but we gave him some medicine and sent him to school and he did just fine. His dose of the Temador is only half of the highest dose he had at one point. We are hoping his counts won't be affected quite as badly this time. Since his counts don't drop for awhile on this chemo he will not get them checked again until next Friday.

We now await word from New York on the trial.

Nathan started back up at school on Wednesday and Julia went to preschool today. The break was nice - but I am happy to have them back in their routines again.

Lauren has decided she doesn't want to go to bed until after midnight and also that she doesn't want Luke to give her a bottle. We are working on both of these things.

That's about all that is going on around here. We are keeping our fingers crossed that Nathan handles this chemo as well as usual.

Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:30 PM CST

Happy New Year! We had some very high highs and very low lows in 2005. Here's hoping for a calmer 2006.

We've had a pretty good week. I think Nathan and Julia (but especially Nathan) are ready for school to start back up. Nathan goes back on Wednesday.

Nathan's bowel problems are mostly gone. I think we will keep him of the flagyl for a little while because we have decided to give him one more round of chemo. We will probably back down on the amount of Temodar we give him. The Temodar is the chemo that keeps him counts down so long. Luke and I have mixed feelings about this round of chemo, but after discussing the side effects with Nathan's local doc we feel that it is reasonable to give him one more round right now. If the trial does not open in January then I think we will have to have a good talk with the doctors in NY to understand what treatment they want and why.

So - Nathan goes to the clinic on Tuesday and will most likely have chemo at home through Saturday.

Now for the non-medical stuff.

Luke and Nathan are going to a Denver Nuggets game tomorrow night, courtesy of the Starlight Starbright foundations. I think Nathan will really enjoy the outing with his Dad. Julia is happy that the "girls" will all stay home together.

Julia is busy planning her birthday party (22nd). It sounds like she wants to do crafts at home with some friends (we did this last year) and it is to be a Strawberry Shortcake theme. I can't believe she is turning 4!

Lauren is such a good baby! She is now sleeping in her own room in her crib and has slept through the night 3 out of 4 nights (10pm - 6 am). She is so laid back. She has the cutest smiles. I can't resist showing you a picture.

We wish all of you and happy and healthy 2006!

Sunday, December 25, 2005 7:46 PM CST

Merry Christmas!

We are having a very nice Christmas. The house is littered with toys, our bellies are full and we are all healthy and happy. We spent all morning opening presents and putting them all together. Now to find a place to store them all....

It has been awhile since I have updated. Nathan's diarrhea has continued and it got really bad this past Thursday and so I took hom to the clinic on Friday (he had been there on Monday - all his counts were very good). They took a stool sample and are having him tested for several things, including a parasite. Meanwhile he is on flagyl - but not every six hours so we do not have to give it to him in the night. He does seem better today. It will be interesting to see if anything comes back on the stool culture. I doubt anything will. Nathan's oncologist is going to talk to his GI doctor (who is in Denver) and see what his thoughts are.

We got an email from Nathan's NY oncolgist wondering his status. We told him of the clean scans and he told us that the vaccine triual would almost certainly be running by the end of January. He wants Nathan to have one more round of chemo while he is waiting. Luke and I need to decide if we want him to or not. We will also consult his local oncologist to see what his feeling are on it. His NY doctor said that his platelets could be as low as 30,000 while doing the trial - so low counts from chemo should not keep him from participating.

Nathan's weight is up and seems to be increasing. He looks great. His hair is growing in and he seems like he has some substance to him and so he looks so good.

Luke's mom and sister are here for Christmas. The kids are just loving their company. Unfortunately Luke's dad could not come. He has been sick for weeks and he really felt he just needed to sleep for a few days to get better.

Nathan and Julia were out of school this past week. Even though we went to Chuck E Cheese and Chick Fil A to play they seemed a little bored. This next week might be a little long....

Lauren is doing well. She is smiling a little bit. Not often enough for us to catch on film yet. She is a very good baby. One very good thing she is doing is taking a bottle. Neither Nathan or Julia ever took a bottle despite repeated attempts and every bottle known to man. Luke is bottle-feeding her every night around 7 or 8 (second to last feeding) and so I am free to do things in the evening - such as go to choir practice. I will start attending choir again soon and I am looking forward to it.

I will update again at the end of the week and maybe I will remember some things I forgot to mention this time. Meanwhile I hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:43 AM CST

We opened the paper this morning and found our family on the front page of the metro section. We went to a Christmas party yesterday at Nathan's clinic. He got to see Santa and get a present as well as play in the playroom. Nathan was the only bald(ish) kid there and so I think the paper wanted his picture. The picture and article text follow.

December 18, 2005

Kids with cancer get visit from Santa


What does Anna Stahl want for Christmas? “Animals!” chirped the 5-year-old. That’s what she told Santa, too.

But if she gets any animals this year, they’ll be stuffed. Anna suffers from leukemia and though she is healthy now, her parents can’t risk the germs a new pet could carry.

In fact, were it not for a Christmas party at the Cancer Center of Colorado Springs on Saturday, she wouldn’t be seeing Santa this year.

“Her white (blood cell) counts are so low, we can’t take her out in public places,” said her mother, Connie Stahl. “As long as we can keep her from getting any other illnesses, we’re on the uphill side.”

The Christmas party, held in the sterile, filtered-air environment of the center on Fontanero Street, gave about 85 children — most of them cancer patients or their siblings — a chance to sit on Santa’s lap, to have milk and cookies, to get some presents.

A chance to be normal.

“They can run around like nothing’s wrong,” said Darlene Sowa, who organized the party. “They can be themselves and play and not have to worry about germs.”

It’s the third year of the event. Last year, so many children came that many became exhausted waiting an hour to see Santa. So this year they had two Santas in separate rooms, a fact not divulged to the kids. The gifts were donated by Oracle Corp. employees.

“They seem very happy to be here,” said Santa Claus, aka Michael Decker, director of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging. “Nobody’s been afraid to sit on my lap.”

“It’s neat,” said 6-year-old Alex Minton, who also suffers from leukemia.

“We don’t go to the mall,” said his father, George Minton.

They were in Cody’s Camp, a play area for kids waiting to receive chemotherapy across the hall. It has slides, computers, an area to make crafts and an indoor tree house. It’s as close to a playground as many of the children ever get.

“If he has to come here and he knows he gets to play before his visit, it makes it a little easier to come,” said Susan Gentry, whose son Nathan suffers from neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that affects the nervous system.

“I don’t really know what I want for Christmas,” said Nathan, 5, waiting to see Santa. His head was mostly bald from recent chemotherapy.

He looked nervous but smiled when Santa handed him a teddy bear and a giftwrapped box.

His cancer is in remission, his parents said. Santa’s elves overheard.

“Merry Christmas,” they said.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:38 PM CST

There is not too much to update but i thought I'd better udpate while I had two free hands.

Nathan went to the clinic on Monday. Most of his counts continue to improve. His hemoglobin was down, but he receives medication to boost that. We went over all the scan reports. Besides the fact that they showed no cancer the most interesting thing was that his cat scan shows that he still has some changes from his surgery in August. I hadn't really thought that his body is still healing from it - but I guess it is. His doctor will send all the scan results to his NY doctor and then I guess we'll see what he finds out. His local doctor is out next week and Nathan probably won't go to clinic the following week - so I think it will be a few weeks until we have a game plan for Nathan. This is fine. His counts have only just recovered so we will just enjoy the holidays.

Nathan is having some bowel troubles again. Luke and I want to get him on a low dose of flagyl to see if that can heal him. Nathan's doctor is going to cusult with the GI doctor and see what he thinks. We are also going to start Nathan on a nasal spray. Nathan has the worst chronic runny nose possible. It literally drips down on his lip 100f the time. He has had this problem for a few years and it gets better and worse again and is currently at its worst. We have tried other drugs so we will just keep trying.

As far as non-medical stuff goes things are going well. I took Lauren in to be weighed this morning. She is 8 pounds 3 ounces. She gained a perfect ounce a day since her 6 day old check up. She is starting to be awake alot more. So - she is becoming more work, but I don't mind it at all. She is so precious.

Sunday we attended a Christmas party put on by Candlelighters. It was at a hotel and they did family pictures, entertainment and food. They also gave out presents. We were expecting one present per child, but they brought home a garbage bag full! Part of the entertainment was appearances by people in full-blown Star Wars costume. These were professional costumes and the kids love them. When it came time to give out the presents Santa had fallen ill and so, believe it or not, they had the kids sit on Darth Vader's lap instead and he promised to pass on the wishes to Santa. Nathan and Julia refused to sit on his lap..I don't blame them!

They have another Christmas party on Saturday where I know they will get yet another present and see Santa again. This one is put on by an association involved with the clinic.

This is the last week of school until the New Year. I can't believe Christmas is coming so soon. I guess I need to finish my shopping! That is easier said than done with a newborn!

Speaking of Lauren - she is needing my attention now.

I will update again after Nathan's clinic visit next Monday.

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, December 9, 2005 7:51 PM CST

Breaking news......

All of Nathan's tests and scans are clear of cancer!

This is what we have hoped and what the doctors have assumed is the case but it is so nice to have the official word.

This does not mean he is off treatment - chances are very high the cancer will come back so our focus now is doing some treatment that may help prevent another recurrance. We will be figuring that all out in the weeks to come.

Meanwhile we are just so happy that Nathan is doing so well right now.

He goes back to check his counts on Monday.

Friday, December 9, 2005 5:17 PM MST

No news is - well... no news. I left a message for Nathan's doctor asking him to check the reports before he left for the weekend and so since I haven't heard anything I have to assume they are not in yet.

Wednesday December 7, 2005

Bone marrow results are in and they are clean. Also we MAY have been told MIBG is clean. The tech talked to the radiologist and she told him that she was pleased and his scan was clean - but it is very strange that a Radiologist would give results to a patient - esp. second hand - so we are waiting to see what her report says but so far so good...

Sunday, December 4, 2005 12:10 AM CST

Just a quick update on Nathan's counts. They were all up. His hemogobin was actually in the normal range and his ANC was 1000 which means he is not neutropenic anymore. So - it looks like he is recovering from the last round of chemo finally (started on 10/31).

Here is Nathan's scan schedule:

Tuesday - Bone marrow biopsies and aspirations at 11:30
MIBG injection at 3:00
Wednesday - MIBG scan - 9:00
Thursday - CT scan and xrays at 11:30

He could in theory go to school for a while on Tuesday - but he will be NPO (no food or drink) and so I think it is too risky thathe might forget and drink some water or something. Thursday he will be drinking oral contrast for his CT scan at 9:30 and 10:30 so there is no point in him going to school that day either. So - he will have to miss 3 days of school.

Luke will be doing the majority of these scans and tests with Nathan. I figure I should stay away from the radiation while nursing and we haven't yet tried a bottle on Lauren yet so I will need to be with her. We will probably have to keep Nathan from holding Lauren after his injection since he does emit radiation for about 2 days.

I think we will have most of the results by Friday.

Nathan will not go to the clinic since he has having all his tests. I will update again midweek.

Check out the November web page for new pictures. See the link above in green or below for the family web page

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:21 PM CST

Just a quick update on Nathan's counts. He went in on Monday to check them. They are all slightly better except for his platelets. He did have a nosebleed last weekend and so we are going back in on Friday to have them checked again to make sure he doesn't need a transfusion. He is feeling pretty good despite his counts.

Scans are coming up already next week. I can't begin to explain how worried I am about them. If he has any new disease he will be in a very bad position. It really stinks to be having scans right before Christmas and right after Lauren has arrived. It will be very difficult to handle a bad outcome right now.

Please send all your thoughts and prayers our way....

I will update this weekend about Friday's counts.

Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:40 AM CST

Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I meant to update many days ago. I find the only time I am using the computer is when I am nursing Lauren and have only one hand so I can't type.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. My parents arrived last Monday and are still here. My brother and his family drove down for the day and we had the usual Turkey fare.

Nathan is doing well. He went to the clinic last Monday and we found his counts to be at their usual position after this chemo. His platelets are low but not at transfusion level and his ANC is 700 - which is a low immunity but not so low he can't go places. His hemoglobin is actually pretty good and he is no where near transfusion level. The medication we have Nathan on seems to have healed his bowel problem and he is doing a great job taking it - especially being woken in the middle of the night to take it. He goes in for counts again on Monday.

We got an email from Nathan's NY oncologist wanting to know his status. January is the latest word on the vaccine trial opening. We are hopeful that this time frame will actually come to be. Of course - we need to get through his upcoming scans first. We need those scans to not show any disease or at the worst very minimal disease. It is frightening this time because we have NO CLUE what these scans may show. There could be anything going on inside Nathan right now and we will just have to see what they show.

Nathan has good energy these days. He has been practicing riding his bike and has made big strides. He has fallen several times and is not getting upset about it and getting right on. Don't get me wrong - he still has training wheels. His gross motor skills are something that he lags in. It occurred to Luke and I after one of these sessions that bike riding with low platelets is not the best thing medically - but best for Nathan so we are not going to worry about it.

Lauren is doing great! She has been a little jaundiced but getting less yellow. She had gained almost all of her birthweight back by day 6 and so her doctor was very pleased. She is sleeping in good chunks at night so I am getting up with her twice - which is not bad for 10 days old. She is such a doll! I am enjoying having a newborn so much. Nathan and Julia are still very happy to have her and are always checking on her and wanting to hold her.

So - all is good around here...

Thanks for checking in.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:29 AM CST


I realize I left you hanging about Nathan - sorry!

He has beeen having some bowel troubles. We think he has C Diff from the antibiotics he was on and from being immuno-suppressed. It causes him abdominal pain, diarrhea and gas. He has only had a few episodes of pain, luckily. We put him on a medication that he has to take every 6 hours for 10 days. At least we are already awake in the middle of the night to get up and give it to him. You may recall he had 6 months of bowel troubles in the past that were really debilitating. He never tested positive for C Diff but it wasn't until we put him on the medication that he got better. So - that is why we are treating him even though we don't know for sure.

Nathan will have counts checked tomorrow - I will update more then.


We are home! We got home last night and Lauren and I are doing well.

Nathan is having a few issues which I will go into later but I wanted to quickly post some pictures and then I need to feed Lauren.

I'll update more later.


It's a girl!

Luke here. Yesterday evening at 5:13 MT we welcomed Lauren Elizabeth Gentry into our family. Susan and Lauren are doing great! We may all be able to be home tonight, but hadn't worked all of the details through with the pediatrician and Susan's doctor. Keep your fingers crossed that all five of us will be here at home tonight.

I stayed with Susan and Lauren and the kids stayed with their sitter (Thank you so much, Tammy. You are always there for us). I'll be getting the kids shortly so that they can meet their new sister.

Pictures and details will come soon.

Lauren weighed 6lbs 15ozs at birth and was measured at 19.5 inches. These are almost exactly Nathan's stats when he was born.

I'm so excited and happy to get the kids and have all five of us together for the first time.

Monday, November 14, 2005 6:38 PM CST

Nathan had a clinic visit today. His counts were somewhat better than I expected. He had been pretty emotional, tired and his nose was seeping a little blood-tinged mucous. His counts were all down but his white counts are still in a good range with an ANC of 1800. His platelets are low but not in transfusion range. I was a little concerned about that so it was a relief that he does not need one. His weight has gone back up a pound. We were all pleased about that!

Like I said, he has been pretty tired and emotional. It is something we do see with declining counts. He did go to school today and had a really good day - so I think when he came home he kind of let down. He had a major crying fit about not wanting anything to eat that we had available to him.

The next clinic visit is set for Monday - but we are to keep an eye on him and bring him in for counts later this week if it seems like they may be getting too low. By now we know some of the signs.

So - that is it for now. I am hoping to have this baby in the next week - so send some labor vibes my way!


Saturday, November 12, 2005 11:20 AM CST

I forgot to update yesterday...

Nathan is doing so much better. He went back to school on Thursday. He went to have his hearing tested and see the ENT. His hearing is stable but the ENT looked in his nose and said he has sinusitis. He reccomended antibiotics but wanted to defer to Nathan's oncologist. Since we were only a few minutes away we dropped by the clinic and decided to put him on antibiotics mostly because his body probably can use all the help it can get because of the weight loss.

The latest word from NY is that the trial is still awaiting final approval. So - we are not sure what the next step will be for Nathan. He has scans Dec 6,7 and 8. I am already getting anxious about them. I dreampt about them last night. It would have been a little better to do them a week sooner - but we really needed to make sure the baby is here before they get done.

Nathan was definately happy to go back to school. He was getting tired of hanging around the house. They had friends to play with yesterday too - which is always good. We have a "project" group on Friday afternoons. There are four of us moms and we rotate whose house we go to each week. This time it was my house and we cleaned while the kids played. It is so nice to start the weekend with a clean house.

My doctors appointment was fine. I have dilated some more and lost a pound - so those are good signs that the baby is thinking of being born soon. I am really hoping for next week sometime but I am not holding my breath.

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Monday. We have a quiet weekend planned at home this weekend. I will update sometime after Monday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:32 PM CST

Well - Nathan has been under the weather. He was OK over the weekend until he threw up Sunday night. He had been having alot of loose stools which is normal for him - especially post-chemo. The vomitting also has occurred post-chemo too. Monday morning he woke up and was extremely emotional and coughing. I kept him home and he was pretty lethargic all day. Starting last night he began having frequent diarrhea and threw-up again. I went ahead and took him in to the clinic today instead of tomorrow. The doctor highly suspects he as a virus that is going around - and that it is not chemo related. His counts were all a little lower but his immunity is still in a good range. His platelets are dropping which we expected. They are still OK at 53,000. That is low but not tranfusion level. He has lost 2 pounds in about a week. I took one look at him this morning and could tell. He has been eating pretty well, but the amount of stuff moving through him is too high. With his very frequent diarrea today we are only able to give him certain foods which isn't helping matters. I am trying to get him to drink alot. He wasn't too dehydrated but he will get that way fast if he won't drink. As I write this he is complaining to me about being tired of drinking. I keep telling him he will have to go spend a few hours in the clinic getting fluid if he doesn't. We could have done that today but I thought I would see how he does at home.

I imagine he will stay home tomorrow again then I am hoping he is well enough to go to school by Thursday. He has an appointment with the audiologist and ear doctor on Thursday. He goes back to the clinic on Monday. We didn't see his regular doc today so we don't know if there is any new information on the vaccine trial. I left him a note asking him to call me this week if he does hear anything.

No baby yet for me...I am hoping for sometime after next Monday. I go back to the doctor this Thursday for my 38 week appointment and I am hoping that when they check me I have dilated some. I had quite a few contractions on Sunday so perhaps things are moving in the right direction.

I will update again at the end of the week.

Friday, November 4, 2005 7:12 PM CST


Nathan went to the clinic today. Luke met us there since it has been ages since he has been. Nathan's counts were good EXCEPT platelets. We just have to hope they do not go so low he will need a transfusion. With him starting chemo with them on their way down there is no telling what they will do.

We got to hash some things out with Nathan's doctor. He had not gotten to talk to Nathan's NY doctor but had just received an email from him asking how Nathan is doing and what his status is. So - he will respond and we will see what the status of the Vaccine trial is. We decided that Nathan needs to be scanned so we can start to compile a list of treatment options for him. We will wait until the first week of December so we are not scanning as we wait for the baby to come. It is going to be difficult to figure out what to do next. Nathan's doctor commented that everyone feels better when there is treatment going on - but at the same time you have to be selective about it and there has to be an end point. So - I guess we will see about the trial and see what scans show and go from there.

Nathan had chemo in the clinic today and we decided not to give him his last dose of oral chemo tonight based on his platelet counts. Luke stayed with Nathan at the clinic. Nathan definately enjoyed having his Daddy with him!

The only other thing going on with Nathan is a cold - but he is handling that fine and still has plenty of white blood cells to fight it.

I also went to the doctor today. I had gone on Tuesday afternoon and was feeling cruddy. I was flushed, dizzy and my blood pressure was quite high for me. So - they took some blood and told me to take it easy and to come back today. The next day I came down with a nasty cold which explained why I was feeling so bad. Today my blood pressure was much better and my bloodwork was fine. I haven't been able to sleep much and my cold is making this end of pregnancy harder - but all is well pregnancy-wise so that is good! I am due in 20 days.

Nathan goes back to the clinic on Wednesday to check counts and to the ear doctor on Thursday. I go back to the doctor on Thursday as well.

We have no big plans for the weekend - which is good since Luke and I are both exhausted.

That's about it I think....I will update again on Wednesday or sooner if anything changes.

Monday, October 31, 2005 8:58 PM CST

*** Check out link above in orange for our October family pictures ***

Happy Halloween!

It has been a good - but busy day. Nathan went to the clinic right after school. His counts were all still good except his platelets had dropped quite a bit - but still at a number that it is OK to do chemo. It was a difficult decision whether or not to start chemo because if he platelets are dropping and he is starting chemo then they may go quite low again - but at the same time - if this is going to be his last round of chemo it is probably better just to go forward and if it takes a while for his counts to rise up it is OK. So - we decided to go ahead with it. He will go back Friday and have counts checked and I will get to talk everything over with his regular Oncologist who has been gone. We may decide not to give him Friday's dose of the Temodar if his counts are way low.

We didn't get home until almost 5:00 after the chemo so we hurried up and had dinner and went trick or treating. Nathan and Julia had a ton of fun. We actually had "good" weather for Colorado. I am not exaggerating at all when I say that all but 1 or 2 years we have been here it is either iced or snowed on Halloween - so to simply have a little cold weather but dry was so nice. Now - there was snow on the ground this morning - but it cleared up by tonight. After trick or treating we drove over to trick or treat at one of Nathan's preschool teacher's house. Nathan so loved having her last year and he misses her.

They are now tucked in bed and will be asleep quickly (I hope).

There is nothing really interesting to say about our weekend. We stayed home mostly and baked halloween sugar cookies and carved pumpkins. Julia wanted a happy pumpkin and Nathan wanted a scary one. Neither of them wanted to help scoop the pulp out. Julia kept referring to the seeds as "oats".

Both of them had halloween parties at school last week. They got to wear their costumes numerous times and are now happy to have them for dress up. See the photo page for more pictures.

So - Nathan will have chemo the rest of the week and go back on Friday. I suppose we will just be taking it easy in the afternoons while chemo is going. Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor in the afternoons so they will go to Tammy's. She gave Nathan chemo once last time so I am able to leave him. Thanks Tammy! Not everyone would be willing to take that on.

I hope you all had a happy halloween too and I look forward to seeing pictures of your kiddos too - my email address in on the page.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:43 AM CDT

Update - Thursday afternoon...

I was expecting this and I can't tell you why - I had been having thoughts that Natan's urine sample would somehow go wrong and we would have to repeat it. I don't normally think this but I really have been expecting it this time. So - I just got a call from the lab at the hospital that they messed up his sample and it is ruined. The woman was very apologetic and I could tell she had gotten a reaming from the clinic staff and also that they must have told her she would have to break the news to me.

Instead of being mad - I am just resigned to it - I just knew something would go wrong. I am not usually that type of person but I guess I had some kind of intuition this time. Anyway - we will not be redoing it any time soon. He is due for other scans soon anyway and so let them do those if they really want to know his status. I have recently been swinging back to wanting him to have some scans again to see where his disease stands. So - I will talk to his regular onc when he gets back and we'll see what he wants to do.


Nathan had his weekly appointment yesterday. His counts are great - very similar to the week before. So - this leaves us wondering what they are doing. Have they gone done and back up? Are they still going to go down? Will they remain unffected this time? He is due to start chemo on Monday. He will go get his counts checked. If there are signs they are going down then he will not start it. If they are still good he will start another round. It is kind of nerve-wracking to think of starting another round without knowing what his counts have done - but it doesn't make sense to delay the chemo waiting to see if his counts will stil go down. If they are still going to go down it is most likely we will see that by Monday; which is 3 weeks from the start of the last round. I have no idea where the time has gone since that seems like it was just last week or something.

He gave a urine sample for the test that detects neuroblastoma. We were so glad to get that over with. It caused Nathan some emotional distress this week. His foods were so restricted that we had trouble feeding him. In the past it has been no big deal and he hasn't really realized it. Now that he is in school we had to tell him about it to try to keep him from eating other food in school. We also had to try to find a snack without vitamin C, vanilla, banana and chocolate to send with him to school. He likes to bring fruit so that was hard. So, basically since he knew of the restrictions this time - he let himself get all upset about it. It was quite a pain. I pinned a note to him on Monday for his teacher. Apparenty she sent them to library and they had M & Ms for a lesson on patterns. His teacher walked in right when the library teacher told them to go ahead and eat them. Nathan had only had one - but it was upsetting to him and his teacher was a little frantic I think. So - like I said before - we are SO happy to have that over with for the next 3 months or so. We should have results sometime next week.

Julia has her school halloween party today and Nathan has his tomorrow. Julia is a unicorn and Nathan is a fireman. They have had a few opportunities already to do some things in their costumes and they are very cute. I will post pictures from Halloween next week.

I had my appointment - all is well with the me and the baby. I will go back next week. I got the paperwork about going to labor and delivery and am free to have this baby whenever he or she wants to come. I am hoping for the week before Thanksgiving. Julia and Nathan were both about a week early so I would really like the same to happen this time. I have had two very vivid baby dreams this week and the baby was a girl both times...so maybe a girl? We'll see....

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:00 PM CDT

Sorry for the delay in updates - we have been pretty busy the last few days.

Nathan went to the clinic yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon and his counts are really good. The chemo definately hasn't affected them yet and they have definately been recovering. It was a relief to see them all at almost normal ranges. His doctor commented that THIS time we wil for sure wait the full two weeks at least before we start chemo - I think he is pretty convinced he made a mistake starting Nathan on round 2 early and that his counts just don't drop right way with this chemo.

His sed rate was back to normal. This is the last test to fall back to normal that shows inflammation. It had been still too high three weeks ago. So - whatever it was that was affecting his thigh did seem to heal. We'll never know what that was about. We could do without these mysterious things.

Next week they will send off his urine to look for neuroblastoma markers. Monday and Tuesday we will have to carefully monitor everything he eats. It is so hard to remember all the restrictions (vanilla, banana, vitamin c, and there's more - I always have to look it up) but until you do this you don't realize how many food items have these things in them! His doctor will be gone for a conference next week. He is going to try to catch Nathan's oncologist in NY (who should also be there) and see if he can learn anything more about the vaccine trial.

As far as non-medical - things have been pretty good. Monday we took it easy and just hung around the house. I think Julia was boren - but I knew the rest of the week would be more busy and so I didn't want to go out. Tuesday, Nathan, Julia and I went for a playdate at a classmate's house. I managed to keep Julia somewhat occupied so that the boys could get some time playing without her. Next time he will go alone. He also had a playdate this afternoon at a different classmate's house and I just dropped him off. Julia was VERY upset. She has been having a hard time again lately and her brother going off to play without her was about the worst thing she could imagine. The flip side is she and Nathan have been fighting so much that I knew she would actually be happy to have some time just with me. She and I colored and painted the whole time. Julia seems to be having some emotional problems again and we are at a loss at how to help her. She is purposfully nasty or does things just to make others mad. When she does it to Nathan he walks away and tells her he won't play with her anymore - a which point she gets hysterical crying "I want my brother!" It is as though she is determined to be miserable and make others around her miserable and get negative attention. Anyway - things are only going to change soon - so I guess we'll see how it goes...

As far as I go - well - I guess I am just 8 months pregnant and all that goes along with that. I am just in that large uncomfortable stage (even if I don't look huge -my body thinks I am!). I played tug of war with my wedding rings in the middle of the night the other night and they are now off for a while. With Nathan they came off way early and with Julia I never had to remove them at all. It is all temporary and only a few weeks left. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and will be going weekly from then on.

Lastly - but not leastly - there is Luke - but since he is neither myself nor my child I do not feel it my place to try to describe what he is up to - other than work as usual. He did take a day trip to Utah on Monday, but that should be the last of his travelling for a long while. Maybe he will chime in sometime - with me doing most of the medical stuff this website has turned into something that seems to be my domain - but perhaps he will chime in sometime if he has the desire.

Thanks for checking in on us...we appreciate it.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:21 PM CDT

Hello - Hope you all had a good week and weekend. Nathan handled the chemo very well and all he showed was a little extra crankiness and tiredness. With snow and parent-teacher conferences last week Nathan only went to school one day. Unfortunately I didn't even get to talk to his teacher because she was home having contractions..she'll be back in January. I did get to talk with the sub so that was good.

Friday I took them swimming. They had been wanting to swim for so long and they had a blast! In order to do this I had to remove his port needle and put in a new one on Friday. I had done it one time at the clinic with the nurse watching. I am happy to report it went very well and Nathan approved.

Saturday we met up with some friends at a pumpkin patch. They were picked through at that point but they had carted in some pumpkins. We also picked a few apples. They drive you out to the field on a trailer hooked up to a tractor and so the kids thought that was a lot of fun. It was a very nice time. Unfortunately for me I started having some contractions after all that activity so I spent the rest of the day lying around. They stopped at that point so I guess I need to take it a little easier from here on out....easier said than done.... Anyway - check out the photo page for some pics.

Today Nathan's choir and the first grade choir were singing at church. They sang all three services and Nathan thoroughly enjoyed himself. He did a great job and I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it was to see him up there singing. I was in the choir loft for the first two services and couldn't really see him but Julia and I popped int the balcony to see him for the third service. Luke helped out with the kindergarteners for all 3 services. They hadn't really lined up any parents after the first one and he saw they needed help. He is SO GOOD with kids - and enjoys it. I am not sure I could have done it!

Nathan will not go to the clinic until Wednesday. It has been nice to have more than a week off from it.

Getting back to singing...they are in bed right now - but undoubtably Julia is up in his bunk and they are both singing...it is so sweet to hear. We have found that they play up there every night when they go to bed and then Nathan tells Julia when it is time for her to get down. They put away any toys they have in the throw up bin in his bed and go to sleep.

So - I will update again on Wednesday. He will just be getting counts done and we wouldn't expect them to be down too much yet - but who knows after the last round....

ps - the new pictures is his school picture

Monday, October 10, 2005 6:39 PM CDT

Update Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I just wanted to update that my appointment went fine. Everything is exactly where is should be as far as size, weight gain and the baby's position.

Nathan is doing well with the chemo so far. We woke up to him screaming this morning. We thought he had gotten sick but he was upset at Julia for having left their room before him. Luke layed down with him and Nathan had lots of questions and comments about chemo and his doctors. He seems to be working through some emotions about starting chemo again. I am sure he is wondering how much more he will have and what will happen next but we don't have an answer for him. I have told him that we are waiting to hear when we are going back to New York - but I think that is unsettling that we don't have a plan and that he does not know what is coming next for him. Unfortunately there is not much we can do for him. After he and Luke talked for awhile Nathan perked up and said he was going downstairs to get his milk. So I think he felt better getting some of his thoughts off his chest.
Chemo has finally started. Nathan counts were up just enough to begin chemo. This time he is getting 80mg of the drug that supresses counts. The first time he got 100mg and the second he got 120mg, thinking that the 100mg could have been too low. Hopefully this 80mg dose will not keep him down for more than a couple of weeks - instead of 6!

Nathan's weight was up again and he is really looking robust (just pale!).

I thought I'd share a picture of the fun thing the kids got to do today....

The funny thing was that when we got downtown (8 miles away) to the clinic there was no snow there at all. We always get a kick out of the weather in Colorado. This was fairly late for our first snow and it was quite a big one.

Nathan's school was on a delayed start - he could have gone in for 1 hour of school but I kept him home. He and Julia were having such a good time playing this morning and I decided to let them play and avoid being out in the weather.

Nathan will have chemo at home the rest of the week in te afternoons and go back to the clinic next Wednesday.

There are teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday so no school for either child. On Thursday they will go to the sitters for the day. This is mainly because Tammy's daughter is out of school too and they all have such fun playing and Nathan gets to go too - which dosen't happen very often anymore. Not that I mind the free day....there won't be too many more of those before the baby. The last time Nathan realized I would have free time he was worried I would be lonely without him and Julia. I tried to gently explain that I enjoy my free time! I do have a conference with his teacher Thursday afternoon. I also have a doctor's appointment for myself tomorrow morning. It is just a routine check - every 2 weeks now. I may need to send them to Tammy's tomorrow since I suspect schools will be delayed tomorrow too so I won't have the time with them at school and I am not sure I would want to bring them with me to the doctor.

So - I am keeping my fingers crossed that Nathan tolerates chemo as well as the prior rounds. I'll update later in the week.

There are new pictures for September on our family page - see link above or below.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:16 PM CDT


Update: Thursday October 6, 2006

I just wanted to let you know that the kids had a good visit at the dentist. I was surprised to see that when Nathan opened his mouth he had some of his 6 year molars back there behind all his shiny silver teeth! We got some good news also. They did a panoramic xray of his mouth and ALL of his permanent teeth are there! The chemo can affect formation of these teeth. His 12 year molars are just buds at this time - but they are there and growing and might at worst be a little smaller than usual. I will give the dentist credit - no comments to me about the kids brushing habits...I guess their teeth looked OK. I just have an issue with him since he pretty much rebuts that all of Nathan's decay came from chemo - when it is clearly a documented late effect of chemo and we know lots of other NB kids with the same problem.

So anyway - a good visit.

Nathan had his counts checked yesterday. All his counts are better except his white blood count and ANC. He is still slightly neutropenic. When I say better - I mean up - no where near normal. It is looking likely that they will be high enough to start chemo on Monday so that is our curent plan. The first round Nathan had 100 mg of Temador. The second he had 120 since he seemed to tolerate the 100 so well. This time he will only have 80. His oncologist says it is much more iportant to keep on schedule with the chemo that do full-strength. By the time we start round 3 on Monday (IF counts are indeed good enough) it will have been long enough to have done 2 rounds. I was relieved to heere the doese would be smaller. I was getting worried about what it would do to Nathan this time. Each round will have a bigger effect on his counts.

We discussed scans again. There was no word from NY about what they wanted. We basically decided that there is not much of a need to do them right now since he has had different tests since relapse that have showed good numbers. So - we are just playing it by ear and will keep revisiting whether there is a need for scans and which ones. This is fine with me. For a while I was obsessed with wanting to know his cancer status. Is he NED again? Well - I realize that right now there is no reason we need to know that. He seems to be holding his own and we know that any other chemo is out of the question for him. In some ways I would rather not know that he has a little spot of something somewhere when there is nothing different we can be doing right now anyway. When it is time to scan...then we will know. It makes it hard to answer the question that every asks.."how is Nathan?" When I am asked that the quick answer is that he is doing well - because for our everyday life purposes he is. I suppose this does not give people the full picture. I imagine there are people who think he is well means his cancer is gone and he will go on to live a long life. That is highly unlikely - but of course that is what we hope for. He is doing well - but he is still battling cancer. In his day to day life - he is doing everything any other 5 year old could want to be doing and he feels well despite his very lazy bone marrow.

Nathan and Julia learned about Noah at Sunday school this week. Nathan asked Luke what causes flooding and Luke told him that lots of rain can cause flooding. Nathan said that hurricanes cause floods too. When Luke agreed, NAthan said "but God promised he would never flood the world again!" Luke assured him that meant the whole world and that the hurricane flooded some areas but not the whole thing. So Nathan responded "so he is just flooding it city by city?" We had a good chuckle out of that.

I had a good birthday. Last year the kids wanted to get me balloons and so Luke took them to the party store and they picked out presents for me there too. So - this year they thought they shoudl do the same. Luke took them and they each got me a balloon and present. Julia got me a Happy Birthday balloon and a princess bouncy ball. Nathan got be a sticky football and a heart shaped balloon with roses on it that said I Love You. His balloon choice really is an example of his personality. He is so sweet and such a little man. He thought that telling me "I Love You" on my brithday would be a really good thing to do. Luke got me an Ipod! We don't usually do much for each other on our birthdays but he said I deserved it. I am already getting very good use out of it. I forget how much listening to music lifts my spirits and with kids in the house with me I rarely get to listen to anything I want to hear.

The other parts of our week and weekend were fairly normal. I can't really think of anything that stands out. Nathan would probably say he didn't do anything fun. That is his new thing now is saying he is not having fun and looking to me to provide some. This complaint can come after a full day of doing all kinds of fun things - it doesn't matter.

So - we are clinic free the rest of the week. I am taking the kids to the dentist tomorrow afternoon. I sort of dread that because their dentist seems kind fo judgmental to me so I am sure I will be told they are not brushing well or often enough. Oh well... I see my own dentist on Thursday - she I like though.

So - that's about it! Thanks for checking in.

Monday, September 26, 2005 6:38 PM CDT

Another Update: Wednesday September 28

Happy Birthday, Susan!

Today we are celebrating Susan's birthday. I don't have to tell you all how amazing Susan is. You know from reading her words here on Nathan's site. Susan is the most amazing mother, wife, and friend that I could ever imagine.

This is the second "top post" of the day. Please make sure and read Susan's short note on her and Julia's doctor appointments right below this.

Update: Wednesday September 28

Just wanted to say that Julia's heart is perfectly normal! She'll go back in a year and then 5 years. My appointment was fine. I did gain some weight and a centimeter. The baby sounded fine.

Another week - counts still about the same.....

The good thing is that his hemoglobin was up a little. Usually it is up on a Thursday (after medication to boost it on Monday) and then down on Monday when he receives medication again - so it was good it was up a little on a Monday. His ANC is again 800 - so slightly neutropenic but is doctor doesn't think it will drop more...we are not checking counts again until next Monday - so I hope he is right. His doctor is not worried that his bone marrow is shutting down - he feels it is just very sluggish and is coming up VERY slowly.

Nathan got a flu shot. He was unhappy at the prospect but as usual handled it like a pro. There is a chance the shot won't even work since his immune system is supressed and may not actually make the antibodies against the flu - but his doctor felt it was worth trying.

We talked about scans and we will probably do the full set in a few weeks. Luke and I have gone back and forth about doing them in NY or not. We feel that they have more expertise. However - we think we will likely do them there in a few months anyway and so I think we will do them here. If (when?) we have the expected ambiguous results the onyl answer would be to rescan to see if anything changes anyway and we can do that in New York. His local doctor will confer with the NY doctor about what scans are needed for the trial and we will make the final decision about when to do them. At this point it has been 3 months since MIBG, 2 months since bone marrows and a few weeks since CT scan. We will go ahead and do them all (and the urine test) to get back on track. Let's see - what else...Oh - his weight is back up! He is back to 40 pounds and so we are feeling good about that.

We had a good weekend. I went to the spa - thanks again to whomever sent me the gift certificate. It was wonderful! Luke and I also went out to dinner. We worked on boy names but didn't make too much progress. We did settle on a girl name (Jude H....we have a policy of not sharing our baby names until the baby comes out..sorry!). It was nice having a leisurely dinner together.

I go to the doctor tomorrow and am just hoping to hear that I have grown a little since last time. I didn't have any growth between my last two appointments. I am not too worried - but a little bit. It doesn't help that people left and right are telling me how small I am for being as far along as I am. At least the last person who made a comment said I was carrying well - I much prefer that! I have been starting to buy the needed baby things...8 weeks left! I can't believe it!

Julia also goes to the doctor tomorrow. She has a follow-up echocardiogram. They are just checking another time to see if she has any heart damage from the Kawasaki's disease. It is highly unlikely at this point. After this one I think she won't be checked again for a year or two. She is happy about getting to go to the doctor and Nathan needing the babysitting! Though she did ask if she could stay and play after she was done. She gets along SO well with Tammy's daugher.

So - that's it for now...it will be nice having only one clinic trip this week.

Friday, September 23, 2005 7:55 AM CDT

Well - counts are still kind of crummy. His white count was up as a result of the medication. I don't think I mentioned it is in shot form - Nathan is so good about it. His white count is only up a little however... His hemoglobin is about the same and his platelets are lower. I am beginning to really worry about his bone marrow. He does have some stem cells stored but we really need to save those for future treatment. After surgery we had thought about trying to colect more stem cells but it is pretty clear that he has none to give us - so I am glad we didn't go to all the trouble trying to get some. He will me on the medication (neupogen) through today and then we wills top on the weekend and see what his counts are on Monday. Monday will be a day shy of 4 weeks since chemo.

They repeated the tests on his blood that show inflammation. One didn't get done I guess - but the other was down quite a bit from last Monday. So - whatever was going on in his body (probably this leg thing?) seems to have resolved itself. Monday I will discuss with his doctor the timing of his next MIBG scan and Luke and I will need to decide if we are doing it here on in NY.

Nathan fell asleep on the way to his appointment. This is very rare for him. He was very unhappy when he woke up and had to walk into the clinic. He threw a fit remarkably like one of his post-narcotic psychoses. Fortunately he did walk even though he screamed and complained the whole time. If he had refused I guess I would have had to have someone bring a wheelchair down from the clinic. It is odd for me to be at a point where I can no longer carry my child! If I weren't pregnant I suppose I might have been able to do it. As it is every step I take hurts these days.

As far as non-medical - things are going well. Nathan told me the other morning how much he like to go to school and that his favorite part of school is learning new letters. He seems to have lots of friends in school. One little boy has been begging his mom to have Nathan over - so on Wednesday after school she asked if Nathan would like to come over sometime. I told her our schedule is difficult to predict sometimes and then I said he might have chemo next week. She asked me to repeat myself and I said chemo and then said something about that Nathan is the one with no hair. I just assumed she knew! Yesterday when I saw her again we had our phone numbers to exchange and I told her I hope I didn't freak her out and she said no, of course, and said her son had told her Nathan had no hair but she thought he just meant Nathan had a buzz cut or something! Anyway - hopefully he will have a playdate next week. As for hair - I think the light chemos he has had have kept it from regrowing. There is some whitish baby fuzz - but no real hair.

So - we are still playing the waiting game...waiting for counts, chemo and vaccine...but Nathan is feeling good so that is what matters right now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:16 AM CDT

I have to start this entry today celebtrating the beginning of our wonderful family - on this day eight years ago Luke and I got married in a little white chapel in Annadale Virginia.

Now to the medical...
Nathan's bone scan came back clear. He also seems to have stopped having pain in the leg for now. His counts are still tanking. His platelets were up a little but his ANC was only 700 which is getting close to the level we need to keep him home. His hemoglobin was also lower but not in transfusion range. We opted to give him so neupogen to up his white count even though it may stall out his platelets. I don't want him missing school when he feels so good. His doctor is now wondering if when we started round 2 of the chemo and his counts were so great perhaps they still were going to drop and so we really hurt them by starting chemo again so soon. Whatever the reason he will not have chemo this week. We heard from NY that the vaccine trial is at least 6 weeks from opening and so the chemo will continue for now. I am hoping we can actually start the trial after the baby comes if not after the holidays. I will have to find out how time critical it all is. So - Nathan goes back to check counts on Thursday.

We had a very nice weekend. We had a pass we got from Give Kids the World that allowed us to go to other parks at no cost for a year and so we used it to go the the Royal Gorge (about an hour and a half away). First we stopped at a park that let us ride a ittle train to view the gorge and bridge and then we went to the gorge and rode the carolsel, the incline down to the bottom of the gorge and walked out onto the bridge. It is the world's tallest suspension bridge.

I must run off to get Nathan on the bus - I will update again on Thursday.

Friday, September 16, 2005 9:37 AM CDT

Hmm - I gues I forgot to update yesterday - sorry!

Nathan's counts are still low. His platelets and hemoglobin were only very slightly up and his ANC (immunity) was a little lower but still OK at 1100. So - we will definately not have chemo on Monday. There is still no word from the doctor in NY so we are still in the dark about things. Since his counts haven't come up it doesn't hurt anything that we haven't heard - but it is frustrating to not know what the next step may be.

I took Nathan in for his bone scan injection this morning and we will go back in a little while for the scan. There will be a screen where I can see what is on it - but I am not that familiar with a bone scan so I don't think I will try to interpret it. Hopefully the results will be available on Monday when Nathan goes back to the doctor.

Nathan's weight was up about a pound - so I am pleased about that. He definately looks a little bit better in that department.

On Wednesday evening we all went to the church. They have dinner and programs and we had asked the kids if they were interrested in kid's choir and they were. I went to my choir rehearsal and Luke went to a class. Both kids seemed to have a really good time. Unfortunately it keeps them up quite late since my rehearsal isn't over until 8:30 but they keep the kids and let them play. They went straight to bed and so it seems to have worked out fine.

My doctor's appointment went fine. I didn't appear to grow any since the last appointment - but am still in the normal range - plus those measurements are anything but exact. If I still show now change next week then they will look into it. The baby is quite active and is head down so everything seems good there. 10 weeks or so to go. Luke and I need to come up with some names for this child!

So - I think that catches us up. Check out the view photos link for more new pictures.

Monday, September 12, 2005 6:01 PM CDT

Here we are after a busy weekend. I will get to that in a moment.

I have to share the medical news first. I have been extremely stressed about Nathan's status. We did get some good news today that Nathan's urine levels are normal as is his LDH. His urine levels were elevated at relapse so it is good to see them back to normal. We didn't have his LDH at relapse but it can be an indicator of cancer activity in the body. His Sed rate and CRP are both high. Once again - these are the tests for inflammation in the body. They can be high for all kinds of reasons. For example they were high when he was diagnosed and they were also high when he had the fluid on his hip. So - between the recent surgery, leg pain, and recent viral respiratory illness who knows what that represents. We will redo it next week. The bone scan will really be the next indicator of what may be going on. I was putting lotion on his legs last night and rubbing it on the "spot" on his thigh hurt him. His oncologist said it really seems like a soft tissue problem (muscle or fat). So - we'll see what the bone scan says and go on from there.

His counts are actually lower. His doctor thinks that his platelets rising last week may have been an inaccurate test. They are at 23,000 (transfuse at 20,000) but are likely on their way up (they can tell that his platelets are bigger cells which mean newer...something like that - from some graph the machine prints). His hemoglobin was down but at 8.2 still not at transfusion level and will hopefully remain high enough not to transfuse. His ANC was 1200. Anything below 1000 is neutropenic but it is really below 500 where he should be kept out of public places so 1200 is just fine. This is without having any neupogen - which is the drug he usually gets to bring his white counts up - so that is fine.

We will recheck counts on Thursday and try to figure out where we will go from there. If they are still low, we will see about chemo next week. If he takes to long to recover they will lower his dose of chemo back to where it was the first round. We are kind of assuming at this point that he will have another round of chemo. His oncologist will email the NY oncologist to see what the status is on the vaccine trial and get his input on more chemo. I asked him if there were no trial what he would recommend for Nathan and he thought 4 rounds of this chemo (total) so two more rounds. Since we haven't heard anything from NY I think it is very likely he will start chemo next week again so long as his counts are high enough. I hope we at least get a little bit of info from NY.

We didn't get Nathan's weight today, but I think he is holding steady. I will make sure to get it on Thursday. I think that covers all things medical for today....

Back to our weekend...Friday night Luke and I went to the choir banquet and the kids were very happy to be babysat. They just love babysitters and especially love the sitter they had - Brenna. They love to play with her. Unfortunately I had bad indigestion all night which made it a little hard to enjoy it all. It is just one of those pregnancy things that crop up every once in a while and I wish it could have happened a different night.

Saturday we took it easy during the day with me running a few errands by myself and then a family trip to the "cookie coffee shop" AKA Panera for an afternoon snack. That is one of the kids' favorite outings. Saturday night we went to the zoo. It was a very fun evening. They had trams taking everyone around the zoo so we didn't have to tackle any of those hills! The kids decorated crowns, ate corn dogs and popcorn, rode the carousel, checked out a racecar, fed the giraffes, rode the little train, got a very close up view of a lion, watched an elephant paint, won a canvas of the elephants trunk print we saw it make, and got all kinds of cool little gifts and things to bring home. It was neat being at the zoo in the evening and especially when it got dark. We only did about half of the things available to do - but we had to leave at a reasonable time to get everyone to bed. It was a wonderful event and will be annual from now on.

Sunday brought church, housework and some rest too.

Luke is off playing pick-up basketball after several Mondays in a row without being able to make it.

Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment while the kids are in school and Wednesday Nathan has field day at school and I will drop Julia off at Tammy's so I can be with him and help him to do activities and keep him from doing things he should not be with low blood counts. So - I will probably write again on Thursday after his clinic visit.

Thanks for checking in!

Friday, September 9, 2005 7:41 AM CDT


Nathan went to the clinic yesterday and we were happy to find that his platelets went up and his ANC stayed around th same - which is a number that is fine for his immunity. He hemoglobin dropped a little - but not into transfusion range and he does really well with low hemoglobin so we are not going to worry about the weekend. Hopefully it will bounce back up since his platelets are coming up. His doctor wasn't in so we didn't find out if he has heard anything from the doctor in New York. Nathan is still coughing some, but his lungs sound clear again. We are giving him the inhaler when the coughing gets bad - but have no feel for why he is coughing. His leg pain seems to have gone away again. I couldn't get his bone scan scheduled until the 16th - so we still have to wait a week for that. We did collect his urine yesterday and they did some blood work that, if elevated would indicate a problem - though the problem could be cancer or some other medical problem so we would have to start looking. I imagine we will find out the bloodwork results on Monday.

Tonight Luke and I are going to a banquet for my choir and tomorrow night the whole family is going to the zoo. It is a special program of some sort for pediatric oncology patients. That is about all we know about it - but I am guessing we might get to do some things there that people normally don't get to do - so we are hoping it is fun for the kids. I am a little worried about getting around. Our zoo is built into the side of the mountain and has very steep hills.

Well - that is about it for goings on here. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:40 PM MDT

An update on Nathan's appointment today...

His counts are actually down. His doctor said that the 20ncrease he got in chemo could definately be enough to make the change from last round when his counts didn't drop at all. The good thing is his white blood count and ANC which represent his immunity are fine. His platelets are quite low and his hemoglobin (red blood) is lower as well. We'll go back to check on Thursday so he can get platelets on Friday if needed.

His cat scan report was the usual slightly iffy results. There are definately no more tumors in there. There were two lymph nodes in his abdomen near his chest that may be slightly larger than in the last scan. Nathan's doctor is not worried about them. He feels it is probably changes from surgery. It will be one of those things we just watch.

Nathan will have a bone scan to see about the leg. I will schedule it tomorrow. They will also do the urine test for neuroblastoma on Thursday. That will take a week or so to get back.

Nathan's local doctor will email the doctor in New York and we'll see if there is any news about the vaccine study.

Monday, September 5, 2005 3:49 PM CDT

Hope you all had a good Labor Day weekend.

I am trying to think what we have been up to. Nathan finished his chemo on Saturday. He threw up last night once, but that is the extent of it so far - so not bad. He does seem a little more tired and so we'll see how the beginning of this week goes. He is still coughing some too. His leg pain is back. We want to do something this time to find out what is going on. It could be cancer or it could be neuropathy or something completely different. Either way - we really need to know. If it is cancer then we need to be doing a different treatment for Nathan than we are doing currently. We'll see what his doctor says tomorrow.

As far as our weekend as a family...well...Friday afternoon the kids and I went to a friend's house and the kids played while the moms cleaned. It was the first time that Nathan has played with kids other than at Tammy's (daycare) for a very long time. Too long... He was hooked up to chemo but it didn't stop him. Friday night Luke and I watched a movie - I wouldn't normally mention it but we both really liked it so I thought I would pass it on. "Life as a House". Now it is about a man who is dying but really it is a movie about people and we both really thought it was very good but a little sad at times.

Saturday we ran some errands, had lunch outside at Sonic and thoroughly cleaned the van inside and out. It was the first time the kids helped to wash the van and they and Luke had a wonderful time.

It was a normal average Saturday I suppose - but a really good day for our family for that same reason!

Sunday we went to church. Julia sang "Our God is an Awesome God" all the way home in the van - Luke and I really got a kick out of that. They both really enjoy Sunday school. We went to a birthday party in the afternoon for a little girl turing one that goes to day care with Nathan and Julia. We all had a good time.

Today Luke and I (and the kids to a somewhat lesser extent) cleaned all morning long and then went to a baseball game (Colorado Springs Sky Soxx). It was the first we have gone to as a family. Nathan really enjoyed it. Julia was a bit bored. I was a bit uncomfortable! All in all we had a nice time. We left in the sixth inning.

So - that brings us to now. Tomorrow both Nathan and Julia go to school and then Nathan goes to clinic in the afternoon. I will try to muster up the energy to go to choir practice either tomorrow or Wednesday night. Luke doesn't get much of a mention I guess because he will be working, as usual!

I am hoping that Nathan feels well enough to attend school all week. Of course - we may throw in some extra scans to figure out this leg thing and that could affect school. We should see a CT scan report tomorrow and are hoping it contains no nasty surprises.

I put some pictures from August on out family web page...see link nearer the top of the page or at the bottom.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:48 PM CDT

/* Friday 8am
Luke here doing a short top post. Nathan had his CT scan yesterday. He did great, as always. It is almost not worth mentioning anymore. He just automatically goes where he needs to go and does what he needs to do. We are, of course, a little nervous any time we do the "scan thing" and appreciate everyone's well wishes. I don't know if we will get a preliminary report today or not. We will post information when we get it.

Nathan started chemo yesterday afternoon and is doing just fine. So far there has been no nausea or diarrhea. I ran around yesterday trying to get a special adapter for his inhaler. I wasn't able to get it until today - but Tammy, our wonderful day care provider ;) - had one for her daughter and so she showed us how to use it. It didn't go to well because Nathan didn't really get the idea of taking a large breath in. Today I was just way to tired to attempt it again and so I am waiting for Luke to help since he has the expertise the the whole thing.

Last night after leaving the kids at Tammy's I went to Nathan's back to school night. It was really informative and I was happy I made the effort to go. I am really impressed with his school, teacher and curriculum. He has 26 kids in his class - which seems like WAY too many for one teacher but somehow he does seem to be getting the attention he needs. I think he is fitting in OK with the class. He has had a few instances of kids pushing and that kind of thing - but also relates conversations he has had and one mom told me how much her son likes Nathan and that the day Nathan had to leave early her son was crying about it when she picked him up. So all in all it seems to be going just like Kindergarten should. I have been trying to set up a playdate with a boy in his class but with him starting chemo again this week it has not been able to happen yet.

Tomorrow is the Cat scan. I will have to go give him his oral contrast at 11:00 at school - but I am glad we were able to arrange it so he didn't miss any school.

Well - I really need to get the kids to bed. I just called for them and heard Julia saying something like "I'm not going anywhere right now!" in a very SNOTTY voice. So - it looks to be an unpleasant bedtime......

Monday, August 29, 2005 5:48 PM CDT

I guess I will start with medical and end with personal today.

Nathan's counts are great! It seems they were not really affected by the chemo. This is puzzling. We will never know how low they may have gotten between Wednesday and today - but they couldn't have even come near anything at all neutropenic. His doctor reminded me that the severity of the side effects does not have anything to do with how well the chemo is working - but he also did decide to up his dose on one of the chemos by 20%. Since his counts are so good he is going to start chemo again tomorrow instead of next week. He will go into the clinic tomorrow and then have it at home through Saturday. So - we will pretty much be stuck at home inthe afternoons this week - but at least we will be home and not int he clinic most of the week.

On Thursday Nathan has a CT scan to use as a "baseline" scan post-surgery. Please send prayers and positive thoughts for no suprises in it. As far as the leg pain - it seems to be gone. I hadn't asked Nathan about it and today he told the doctor it didn't hurt anymore but he couldn't remember when the pain had gone away.

One thing wearing on me currently is that in two weeks Nathan has lost .8 kilograms. This is almost 2 pounds. he currently weighs 37 pounds. He is 46 inches and so that is very, very skinny. Nothing really has happened in those two weeks to warrant the weight loss. His doctor syas it may be just htat his body is still fighting to keep weight on from the surgery and chemos. He wouldn't speculate further, but gave him a good physical exam - I think looking for any obvious reasons. Of course I am a worried that it may be caused by some bad thing....but I am trying to put that out of my mind. Meanwhile he suggested putting Nathan on pedisure. I will try - but Nathan does not drink a whole lot - and when he does they are small sips and I just know we won't be able to get much of that into him. I am hoping to find some other way to get extra calories in him.

On to the lungs. They sounded better today - however on an unrelated note his doctor heard some wheezing in his lungs. He asked if there was any family history of asthma. I told him Luke had bad childhood asthma. He said that often it starts with hearing it in the lungs before we ever hear the child wheeze. He wants to put him on an inhaler. I didn't get to talk in depth about that...like - is this a permanent thing or just as needed. He called in a prescription and I will bring it to the clnic tomorrow and they will show us how to use it. I figure I will take that time to ask more about the whole potential asthma thing. Frankly - I am a little overloaded with having three major things we were trying to figure out in one appointment.

Bottom line is - his counts are good, he feels good, he currently has a little cough, and he is very skinny. So - all in all - a fine state to be in and starting chemo early is a good thing in the cancer fight.

On to non-medical. We had a wonderful weekend in the mountains. My brother got married yesterday and we had a wonderful time with family. Luke even took the kids on a little hike to a waterful yesterday morning. He was so proud of them for not complaining about the walking and he really had a great time with them. Unfortunately, my current aches and pains in my pregnant state prevented me from joining them. Both kids were incredibly well-behaved for two long dinners, pictures, and ceremony. We had a very late drive home last night. The best I could do was stay awake until Luke had navigated the curvy mountain passes and then joined the kids asleep. A big thanks to Luke for cheerfully driving us all home late last night. Luke just left for a business trip. He will be home in time to take Nathan to his CT scan on Thursday since I cannot be in the CT room.

My current stress right now is INSURANCE! I am fighting to get the insurance corrected for both Julia and Nathan (Nathan's being from sometime in 2003!). Meanwhile bills are being sent to collection that are incorrect and so I don't want to pay them until they are fixed but I also don't want to ruin our credit. UGH! I HATE insurance. I am a CPA and have trouble sorting this all out.

So - I think that touches the tip of the iceburg anyway. Luke and I both are feeling like we are flying blind with Nathan. We don't know the current status of his disease - we don't know what what treatments he will be having. We don't know if every little tiny weird physical thing with him is cancer or not. It is not a fun place to be - so I just keep reminding myself to enjoy each day. That was especially easy to do this weekend with family and a wedding. Life goes on.....

Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:34 AM CDT

Nathan has had a good end of the week. He complained once about his leg - after he had gone to bed and he and Julia kept coming out of their rooms for this and that - so I don't really think it was anything much.

His cough is still there - but sporadic and not bothering him. He did well at school Thursday and Friday. His counts are probably down some but we won't find out until Monday.

We are off to the mountains today. We need nothing medical to arise this weekend while we are so far away from medical care. Please send your good thoughts our way.

The little boy, David, who was in the ICU with Nathan passed away on Thursday. We are heartbroken for his family. There are some other children in our cancer "family" who are on their last days. It is sobering. It reminds us that every day we have Nathan with us, despite what his future may hold, is precious. That goes for all the people we love.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:15 PM CDT

Update - Wednesday August 24 4:58 PM MDT

Nathan woke up feeling much better this morning and I sent him to school. He had no problems at school and his cough is better. I took him to the clinic and the doctor thought his lungs sounded a little bad and so we went downstairs for an xray and he definately has something going on there. Who knows if it is viral or bacterial - but he has now had two rounds of IV antibiotics - so if it is bacterial it is being covered. He feels so much better today though. I am also glad there is a possible explanation for his fever yesterday - cancer kids and unexplained fever are not a good combination.

As far as the leg pain - the doctor wants to wait a little bit and see what happens. It seems to be right at the muscle and so a strange place.

If he continues to do well then he will not go back to the clinic until Monday. So - crossing our fingers!
Well - I jinxed myself about the clinic because we were back today and will be tomorrow too. This morning Nathan was very tired when he got up. We figured it was from coughing a lot in the night. I cajoled him into going to school. I got a call at 9:30 that he was in the nurse's office and his leg hurt. I talked to him and asked him if he wanted to go back to class or for me to come get him. He said that what he wanted was for me to make it so he could have tylenol at school when he needs it. Then he said he would go back to class. They called again around 10:30 and his leg was hurting again so I went and got him. He had apparently not participated in anything all morning and after sitting on a basket in the gym watching the kids play it started hurting again.

I brought him home and he really seemed to just be tired. He was walking fine and not limping at all. I could move his leg any which way without it hurting. The place where his leg hurts is the top fo his right thigh- a weird place. Luke was finally able to isolate it. It didn't seem to be bothering him anymore unless we really pushed on it.

I had them have quiet time in ther beds and Nathan did fall asleep. When he woke up he had a temperature of 101 so I took him to the clinic. When we got there it was back down. They took blood cultures and gave him an antibiotic. His cough is still bad but his chest still sounds clear. They want to keep listening to it though. His white blood count is high indicating that his body is fighting off something. His temperature was back up a little bit before bed.

The leg thing - which is a separate issue - will be decided tomorrow. Nathan's regular oncologist was out but the other one thought that since he is so high risk we had probably try to figure out what is going on. The reality is - it is likely just either a bruise, pulled muscle, etc or it is a tumor in the bone or bone marrow. His last MIBG scan was 2 months ago and the reality of this disease is that it could come on that quickly. Now that he has relapsed - we have to be even more concerned that every little ache and pain is the cancer. So much for all the positiveness you guys have thanked me for! But really - I literally take things day by day. I don't know what Nathan's future holds - but I don't know anyone else's either and I can't live life worrying about it. I have done enough of that to know when it is time to worry (like waiting for results) I will, the other days I need to push it out of my mind because it isn't going to do any good or to change anything - just ruin my day.

So - we'll see what tomorrow brings...

On a different topic - Julia had a really good time at preschool today. When she came home she was so happy. She hasn't been so happy lately and so it was wonderful to see her that way and obviously a very good thing for her.

I'll update tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2005 7:29 PM CDT

Things continue to go well here. Nathan finished his chemo with no problems. He developed a cough this weekend that is bothering him, but otherwise is doing great.

Nathan went off to school today and seemed to have enjoyed himself. I love hearing about all the things he did and learned each day. Today he learned to write a lower-case f.

After school I took him to the clinic. His counts are good. His hemoglobin continues to be a little on the low side - but stable. His other counts are great. We should start to see the effects of the chemo on his counts late in the week. He will get them checked again on Friday. He got a full exam and the good thing was that though his cough sounds bad - his lungs are perfectly clear. This confirms our suspicions that the cough is from his allergies. Other than being skinny (he has lost a few pounds since the relapse) he looks really good. When he got out of kindergarten he ran over to me. I love seeing him break out into a spontaneous run.

So - no chemo this week - no clinic until Friday. Julia starts preschool this week. All in all it is looking to be a good week.

Friday, August 19, 2005 8:01 AM CDT

Nathan continues to handle the chemo well. He has had no more nausea, vomitting or diarrhea. He seems a little bit more tired and emotional - but that could also be from his first week of school. He has continued to have lots to tell us about his day at school and is still enjoying it.

Today is the last day of chemo and then we will take the line out of his port for the weekend. Monday he will get his counts checked at the clinic. I imagine he will also go back either Thursday or Friday too.

Julia went to her preschool orientation yesterday. She was pretty quiet and shy, but I don't think it will take too long for her to get into it. She already knows her teachers so that should help. She starts on Tuesday.

I would like to ask for some prayers for a little boy and his family who was in the same room at the ICU as Nathan in NY. He had the same surgery as Nathan - to remove his tumor and unfortunately had complications afterwards and is in very serious condition. His name is David. Sometimes we forget that all the treatments to save these kids lives are themselves so dangerous. It is very sobering.

Well - off to get Nathan ready for school...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:31 AM CDT

So far, so good with this chemo. Nathan did throw up yesterday morning a few times. His allergies were bad and he had a lot of mucous and was trying to cough it out and so I think he was more suceotible to vomitting. We gave him some medicine (like benedryl) that did the trick. We gave him some before the oral chemo last night and so far this morning he is fine. He did have one episone of diarrhea last night but it apprears to be isolated because there was not more afterwards. We will see how today goes.

Nathan did fine with the infusion again yesterday at the clinic and so we are set to give it at home the rest of the week. They were giving him an anti-diarrhea medicine at the clinic that cannot be given at home and so if he gets diarrhea during the infusion at home we may need to finish in the clinic.

His second day of school went well. His current problem is that they go outside to eat snack and play and he hasn't managed to eat his snack quickly enough to get to the playground. He is not a quick eater - so he will just have to prioritize I guess. I love sending him on that bus - to go off and do his own thing...he is ready for that and I am so happy for him.

Julia has her preschool orientation tomorrow and starts next Tuesday. I know she is going to LOVE it. Poor thing was trying to tell her grandparents all of Nathan's ancedotes from Kindergarten - which was making him mad. She definately needs her own thing.

The other little Gentry seems to be doing just fine. He or she is pretty active and I am enjoying feeling him or her roll and kick.

If all goes well - Nathan next goes back to the clinic on Monday for counts.

Monday, August 15, 2005 8:51 PM CDT

First day of school was a success. Yesterday our neighbor who is in the fifth grade offered to sit by Nathan on the bus and so that was really nice for Nathan. He thoroughly enjoyed riding the bus. I drove over and met the bus and left him at his classroom and went to talk to the nurse. When I left (an hour later) they were having snack outside. He was all smiles when we picked him up and said he had a good time. He also said it was kind of hard because they had to sit on the carpet alot and listen to the teacher tell them things.

His chemo went smoothly. Since he did not have any trouble during the infusion we should be able to do it at home for the end of the week. He will go back tomorrow for the chemo again just to make sure he is still handling it fine. His counts are pretty good to start the chemo. We just have no idea how hard hit they will get since he has proven to have trouble recovering them. We are also waiting to see if he gets diarrhea. I am just really hoping if he does - it can be managed with medication and he feels OK and can go to school. If he starts getting any we have to dose him every three hours (all night long too) so it would be really nice if he doesn't get any at all - but as long as he can keep up his activities with it I will be happy.

I don't think I heard him complain about pain from his incision at all today. So - that is good progress.

I put some pictures in the photo area (view photos at top and bottom of page). He didn't really want us to take any but we told him there were so many people who care about him who really want to see some.

We are so thrilled that he got to start school today. It has been my hope since he was diagnosed to get to this day and it is such a big step in Nathan's life - I am just so happy for him.

Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:12 AM CDT

We are home! The trip home was uneventful. Nathan is doing even better at home. He has slipped back into playing with Julia and going up and down stairs, etc. without hesitation.

We were all so happy to see Julia. She and Nathan are having a wonderful time playing.

We are off for school shopping today. Tomorrow Nathan will go to school. I have to meet with the school nurse first thing and answer some questions for her. He will have chemo in the afternoon.

Don't worry - we'll take pictures!

Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:34 PM CDT

Update Friday August 12, 2005

Just posting to say we had a really good time at the zoo today and mostly to say I finally update our family pictures. See the links in the orange type above.


We have been having a nice time out of the hospital. Yesterday we had a leisurely morning and then headed down to Times Square to go to Toys R Us and out to lunch. We rested the rest of the day. Nathan is still going strong. He is getting around well. He actually attempted running around this afternoon. He is having some pain from his incision - especially when he lies down. He is on only Tylenol when he requests it.

He had his follow-up with the surgeons today and they say he is doing great. Everything is healing nicely and they are very pleased. He is cleared for normal activity.

We had a chat with his oncologist. The plan is to start the chemo on Monday. When the vaccine trial opens in about 6 week we will return. They want a CAT scan done in about 4 weeks - but they feel we should just do that in Colorado Springs and send the film to them. They want to have a "baseline" cat scan to use to compare future scans to. He will probably have an MIBG scan when he goes out to start the trial. He should normally only have to spend 2 days in the clinic for each round of the vaccine. If the vaccine is delayed we may continue the chemo if Nathan tolerates it well.

We talked about collecting more stem cells from Nathan. The doctor thinks it would be a good idea to try - but we all feel the likelihood of a good collection is not great and it is not an insignificant thing for Nathan to go through - so we will have to mull it over.

Back to our day today - after the clinic we walked down to the candy store and then had some lunch. It was very hot and so we went back home and Luke and I crashed - Nathan probably could have kept going. Tonight we had dinner with our friends John and Judy and then Luke went off to have drinks with an acquaintance from college. Tomorrow we have promised Nathan we will go to the zoo and on Saturday we will fly home!

So - I may not update again until we get home unless something crops up.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:34 PM CDT

We are out of the hospital! Nathan had a real food dinner last night and tolerated it just fine. We went straight from the hospital to the toy store where Nathan picked out some toys and played with the train set. He looked very tierd on his stroller ride back, but we came home and Luke and I have our feet up but he is on the floor playing with his new toys. He is doing great. He was complaining about not being able to walk fast but we assured him he will be running around soon.

We will go back to the day hospital on Thursday to see the surgeons (they will remove his stiches) and see the neuroblastoma team. We hope to learn a little more about the vaccine and its time requirements.

Tomorrow we may go to Times Square or some other outing that Nathan requests.

Monday, August 8, 2005 12:16 AM CDT

Update 8:55 PM

Well - first off his bone marrow is clean....very good news. We have a tentative game plan pending a meeting of the neuroblastoma team tomorrow afternoon. The plan is 2 rounds of chemo (irronotecan and temador). These are the two agents that we were due to start before surgery. The main side effect will be diarrhea and his counts will hopefully stay in a good range to go to school.

They want to get scans in about 4 weeks. We might delay that a little because after the 2 rounds of chemo Nathan will probably enter into a new trial for a neuroblastoma vaccine being done here in NY. We don't have any details about it - just that it is due to open in 4 to 6 weeks. He won't be eligible for many studies because he most likely has no measurable disease anymore. Not a bad thing - just not too many options.

He will most likely not be doing any antibodies again because they work mostly on bone marrow disease and prevention for relapse in bone marrow and not on soft tissue tumors like the one Nathan had.

He still should be on track to get out of the hospital tomorrow. We will go back to the surgeons at the end of the week and then we are free to go. Tenatively we will be coming home on Saturday. Nathan may start chemo as soon as Monday. The first day of school is Monday and it is looking good that he will be there. Chemo can begin in the afternoon.

So - keep fingers crossed that all these current plans hold and he gets out tomorrow and we get home this weekend.


Nathan is having a really good day so far. They let him eat regular food and he is really enjoying it. We got him up and walking and he is doing great with that. He stayed and played in the playroom for a while. He is walking without our assistance.

We haven't talked to any oncologists today about treatment. I asked the nurse to find out if they want a HAMA test because his doctor mentioned (last week) that he would do one tomorrow and so they would need to draw the blood today. We are also hoping to hear the bone marrow results soon.

Luke and I are assuming they will let him out tomorrow. There doesn't seem to be much reason to keep him here anymore. Once again - no one has told us anything though.

I will update with more later if anything new crops up.

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:26 AM CDT

Good morning.

Yesterday was a good day. They kept Nathan on sips of clear liquids only. His stomach did get somewhat distended from that - but not too bad. It looks hopeful that he will be back on clear solids today. Other than the eating he is doing great. He is moving all around and sitting up. We will probably get him walking today. He stayed awake all day yesterday and was in a good mood.

He had a good night. Luke got him pain medication once in the night. He seems to only need it twice a day. He was up every 2 hours to pee - they may slow down his fluids tonight.

Sorry I didn't get the hospital info posted. I figured that it would take too long to mail anything before he was out of here.

Some of you have asked about Julia. She is doing just fine. Luke's parents were taking care of her until yesterday and now my parents are at the house with her.

So - nothing much going on (which is good!). We are just anticipating our talk with the oncology team this week.

Saturday, August 6, 2005 5:44 AM CDT

Well - we did get moved back to Memorial Sloan Kettering yesterday around 5:00. The end of the day was not as smooth as the beginning because Nathan started having diarrhea. It was frequent and so painful to be lifted around and then his bottom has become very sore as well.

We took the tunnels to the hospital instead of an ambulance so Nathan was quite sad about that but he got over it. It was really sad to see him be so upset because it was the one thing he was looking forward to in all of this.

He was up quite late last night because I noticed his tummy had become quite distended and he had a warm red patch on it as well. They took him down for an x-ray (which was not fun with all the moving to and fro). From what I understand his bowel is swollen from starting to work again. It looks better this morning.

He had been on a clear liquid diet and they changed it so he wouldn't eat until they figured out his tummy situation. I haven't heard this morning what the plan is. He was enjoying eating the few food he could yesterday so I hope it is OK for him to eat them again or his is going to be very unhappy.

We don't expect to find out anythign about future treatment until next week. Being the weekend, we will not see any of the main doctors.

We will update again later.

Friday, August 5, 2005 9:17 AM CDT

Luke here. Susan posted a pretty long entry last night, so if you didn't check it then you might want to visit the journal history.

I stayed with Nathan last night and he really had a pretty good night. Once we settled in to sleep we stopped hassling him about breathing deep and coughing. He was in some pain still from his incision and struggled a bit staying in a comfortable position, but really slept pretty well. This morning they hear good bowel sounds and he has started sipping juice. He isn't too terribly interested yet, but making progress. He had been off any supplemental oxygen for almost 3 hours when I left this morning and he was holding pretty well on his own. There was a bit of confusion this morning because his hemoglobin count showed a drastic drop. Normally they would have been worried about internal bleeding, but he looked so good that they thought the reading was probably too low for some reason (e.g. dilution) and they were rerunning tests. The quick tests showed that the initial readings were incorrect and that he is doing fine.

The intensivists and surgeons are very happy with his recovery. He looks like himself this morning with all of the puffiness and swelling coming down. They plan to pull his catheter and a-line (arterial IV) today and it looks like it won't matter if there is room in the observation unit because he is doing so well that they all agree he can go straight to "the floor".

Once we are back over at MSK we will post hospital room information and hopefully get an idea of how long they think we will be in. Several people have inquired about sending things. Please email Susan and I if you want and we can get an address to you. We will have better internet access from over at MSK and will get emails and be able to easier post updates.

Thanks for your continued support. No matter how much we say that in these posts, we can't convey how much you all prop us up and help us through this.

Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:30 PM CDT

This is Susan. Nathan is continuing to do well. Now that he has been off the ventilator for a while he needs to be taking deeper breaths and coughing more to keep his lungs inflated. We are having to hassle him to do it. The coughing hurts his incision and so he is reluctant (of course). He is being very good and very brave about it all. He has even attempted a few smiles today.

His chest tube was removed this afternoon and as soon as his bowels move a little he will be on his wa y out of the ICU. They expect him to go back to Sloan tomorrow. He will go to the POU (pediatric observation unit) at first. Right now it is full - so we will have to see if a slot opens up.

He was awake a good part of the day and watched a lot of TVs and movies. It was nice to be able to have a conversation with him after having him trying to tell us things with the tube down his throat.

His puffiness has gone WAY down today. We almost felt as if we could just watch it going down. After surgery - these kids are EXTREMELY puffy. Nathan could really only open hisright eye a slit and his left not at all until later this morning. He is starting to look like Nathan again.

After his surgery ended he was in the recovery room getting ready to be moved by ambulance across the street. They were breathing for him with a hand respirator and he was hooked up to everything and very puffy and there was about 8 people working on him. It was surreal...I just looked at Luke and told him it was just so wrong see your own child like that. I know we have become way desensitized to all of these things medical - but for some reason it really hit me watching him like this - it just is not right.....The nurses were saying how good it was that he copes so well (this is while he was having some unpleasant procedure done today) and I said that yes - it is good, but it is really sad that he has to.

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and your guestook entries. We really appreciate all of you.

I am at the apartment tonight while Luke stays with Nathan (we were both there last night - Luke slept in a chair most of the night while I got the "chair bed"). Luke will probably update on how his night went when he come back here in the morning.


Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:04 AM CDT

Just a quick update. Nathan's move over to the PICU in the other hospital went fine. He really didn't have any complications through the night. I was out of the room when he first woke up. Susan tells me he was pretty upset by the tube down his throat. He was more awake and aware of that then we would have liked, but he slept pretty well through the night. I guess he calmed down in not too long (10 to 15 minutes). Then he went into brave Nathan cope mode and just dealt with it. He would wake up from time to time and be aware of the tube, but didn't fuss about it much. They extubated this morning. All of his tests and bloodwork show that he is recovering pretty well. It was nice to get extubated so quickly. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain and it sure is nice to hear him talking a little after being extubated.

We don't really have an idea yet as to when he may move back to Sloan. I expect that he will stay in the PICU again tonight at the very least. I think they will wait until his chest tube is removed and he is less reliant on the pain medication.

As always, thank you for your prayers, good thoughts, and notes of support.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:49 PM CDT

Surgery update 2:00 PM

The surgery is done. It was very stuck to the kidney and the veins surrounding it and so they removed the right kidney. The only other structure it was stuck to was the vena cava (major artery) which the surgeon said needed many stitches. They did the intraoperative radiation and that went fine. The surgeon confirmed the patholgy while the surgery was going on it is is neuroblastoma (though matured - probably due to chemo - ganglioneuroblastoma). Nathan is in recory and we will be heading up to see him in a few minutes.

As the surgeon said - and we knew - Nathan will need further treatment - when he starts recovery we will be discussing what that will be.

The next update will probably not be until tomorrow unless something changes. He will be heading across the street to another hospital for a few days to be in ICU.
*** Wedsday Quick Update ***
Nathan is in the OR. They were pretty quick about things this morning. He basically went in at around 8am ET. He was getting bone marrows done first. As of 9:35 they were still positioning him for the surgery. It will be a very long day of waiting. We will try and update later today with status. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Greetings from New York. Everything went very smoothly today. When we got to the airport we found out they decided to take us to New York first - so we went straight there and landed around 2:00. We were at the hospital by 3:00. They did blood work and exams and we talked to the doctors. We also had to give Nathan a bevy of medicines to prep him for surgery.

The surgeon thinks there is something there and he showed it to us and compared it to a prior scan they had. So - I don't know what the mystery was about something being there or not - but it looks like there is someting there. He may or may not remove the kidney depending on how stuck the tumor is to it. We told him we were all for removing it if would help get the tumor out of there. He is gong ahead and doing the same "big" surgery as last time. They will use the same incision which goes from his abdomen and wraps around towards his back between his ribs. He will have a chest tube, epidural, some IVs, a urinary catheter, nose tube and will be intubated. He will be transported across the street by ambulance to the ICU at NY Presbyterian hospital and after a few days he will be back at Memorial Sloan Kettering at the observation unit and then to the regular inpatient area. We expect him to be in the hospital for a week.

They will also be performing bone marrrow biopsies during the surgery. Those showed clear before and it is crucia that they still are. We will get initial results in a day or two from those.

The radiation oncologist talked to us about how that is done and there really aren't any risks from doing it intraoperatively so we are glad they are doing that. She said it would add about 45 minutes to the total surgery time.

So - we need to be at the hospital at 6:15 tomorrow morning and he should be the first case of the day. I am sure it will be an hour or two before he goes in to the OR and then I imagine he will be in the OR for many hours. Last time it was around 8 I think. We will update as we can - we will probably have someone update when he gets out and we go to the ICU because we won't have computer access there.

We are staying at my aunt's apartment since she and my uncle are in Arizona at the moment. Tomorrow night I expect we will stay at the ICU and then switch off nights spent at the hospital. I need to be careful because last time I got really sick from the stress of the surgery and from the lack of sleep.

Hmm - I feel like there is more to say but this seems long as it is.

We'll update tomorrow.

Monday, August 1, 2005 2:42 PM CDT


We got a call this morning from the oncologist in New York and he said that since the MIBG showed something they wanted to at least go in and take a look and he said they could actually do the surgery on Wednesday.

So - I ran Nathan over to the clinic to check his counts and his plateles were a nice number and the surgery is a go. We will be heading out first thing in the morning on a private jet - with a stop in Columbus, Ohio. We are going through an organization called Flight of Hope. The founders of this non-profit sing in choir with me and approached me when they heard about Nathan. Amazingly they were able to drum this up for us on no notice! We have to get into the clinic in New York for some tests tomorrow afternoon. We will be cutting it close but will be in contact with the surgeons office when we land and will go straight over there. So please send good weather vibes our way - if he does not make it in time the surgery will be cancelled.

Julia will be at her babysitters and Grandparents will be on their way to take care of her while we are gone.

The surgery will be first thing Wednesday morning and we will try to keep this site as updated as possible.

We have no idea where we will sleep tomorrow night - but I imagine something will work out. The Ronald McDonald House has been full as late. I have a call into the social worker to see what the deal is.

We are very happy this worked out - a little more notice might have been nice!

Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:57 PM CDT

Update - Friday July 29 4:07 PM

I have pretty much determined the right scans were sent. I talked to the other local oncologist and he says he did look at the scans with Nathan's regular oncologist and they believe they saw a tumor. He explained to me that with as much surgery and radiation that Nathan has had - that it is very difficult to determine what is normal tissue, versus scar tissue, versus tumor.

I looked at the scan report (written) and it seems that a big reason that relapse was determined is that they see change from the prior CT scan. The doctors in New York do not have the prior scans - nor do they have the MIBG scan which showed the bright spot. So perhaps with that data they would feel differently - I don't know.

So - who knows...we emailed the NY oncologsit (still have not actually spoken to him) and told him we would be willing to travel to NY at any time if it would help determine what is going on. We will also furnish prior scans if that would be helpful. Meanwhile Nathan will start chemo as planned and we will just see what becomes of it all.

Update - Friday July 29 6:57 AM

Hmm - well - I got an email back from NY...but I never would have expected the answer I got...that the NY radiologist saw NO recurring tumor. Now - I was there for the MIBG scan and I saw the big lit up area where the tumor is - so I am thinking perhaps the wrong scans got sent to NY. Perhaps the wrong date. There was also a confusion when the scan arrived in NY because the scan report was missing. So, anyway, I am certain there is a tumor - we just need to figure out what has happened with the scans and most of all I am relieved not to hear something bad.

The NY oncologist is pleased with our current plan for next week - to start Nathan on a single chemo agent - ironotecan. This chemo does not affect the blood counts and can be done at home most of the time. We do have to wait and see if his platelets are high enough. Yesterday his platelets were 55,000 and they need to be 75,000. His immunity is back to very normal/high numbers so hopefully they will stay in a good range and Nathan can start school.

So - the drama continues and I will update again when we have more info.


Good news and also some concerns.....

It has been a roller coaster day.

First off - I had my appointment and the baby looked just fine.

We got a call that the surgery has been now rescheduled for August 29. Due to doctor vacations we will have to also go on Aug 18 to meet with the radiation doctor and come back home. We are due to meet with the surgeon on Aug 25 and will stay for the surgery.

Concerns...well - Nathan's local oncologist is on vacation. We got an email late this afternoon from his NY oncologist saying he needed to get in touch with Dr. Palmer and had sent him a fax and email and had not heard back. Then he realized we had told him the local doctor was not in town and he emailed us again saying to get the other doctor to get the fax because he had some questions about NAthan's CT scan we sent there and that he was faxing the report HIS radiologist had written and needed to talk about it. This is all the information we have. I am extremely concerned that the NY radiologist has seen additional disease on the scan that our local radiologist missed. I can't really imagine a different scenario. I am terrified that he has more disease and this would change his status and make surgery not an option.

So - I guess tomorrow we will find out from the other local oncologist what this is all about but meanwhile we are very worried. I absolutely hate having partial information. I can't help but to think the worst.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:58 AM CDT

Just an update to tell you that we have had word that Nathan's surgery has been pushed back yet again to September 14. Luke and I are very uncomfortable with that and are waiting to speak to his oncologist in New York. At this time we are considering going elsewhere for surgery - though very reluctantly.

We are really hoping that we can ge things figured out when we hear from his oncologist - but itis likely that Luke and I will have to make a big decision about timing of surgery versus surgeon and whether or not to wait in order to do the intraoperative radiation.

We are extremely frustratated because every day this tumor remains in Nathan's body it has a chance to start spreading. If that should happen his prognosis is extremely grim. We just don't know if we can stand by and wait for surgery due to administrative and scheduling problems. If his cancer should spread in that time - because they couldn't get him on the schedule that would be devastating.

So - please send all your thoughts and prayers this way for a resolution and a decision that Luke and I can feel comfortable with.

I will update when we hear anything.

Monday, July 25, 2005 4:47 PM CDT

Nathan's immunity is finally at a level that he can go out and about. We actually thought it would be that way today and went ahead and took him to church yesterday - just not to the nursery or Sunday School. His platlets are getting low again and so we will just have to see if they can sustain themselves or not. He will have his counts checked again on Thursday.

We got a surprise today - Nathan has a permanent tooth. We knew he had some loose teeth but weren't sure if it was normal or not. Well - the new tooth has broken through right behind the baby teeth. He is very happy to have an "adult" tooth now. Now we need to see if the loose tooth/teeth will come out on their own in the next week or two. If not, we will have them removed so we can make sure to do so while his counts are good and also before he has his surgery.

I am also off to the doctor on Thursday for another ultrasound. I am hoping the baby will be awake this time and we can get it to move around enough to finish checking all of its vital parts. As much as I have been being kicked lately I think there is a good chance.

That's about it...

Friday July 22, 2005 6:24 MDT

Nathan's counts are finally starting to move up. He actually has neutrophils today which mean his immunity is starting to build. His platelets responded really well to the transfusion yesterday going to 101 from 2. He had red blood today, but probably could have gone without since it was up just a tad. Unfortunately it was a long day at the clinic - they were busy and didn't get his blood hooked up until 2.5 hours after we arrived. We were there from 9:30 to 3:00.

He will go in on Monday afternoon to check counts again.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:20 PM CDT
Nathan's counts are STILL low.

He had almost no platelets (2,000) normal is over 140,000. He hasn't had any nosebleeds so we were surprised they were that low. However - he has a zillion awful bruises all over his body and head due to having such low platelets - he really looks a mess! He also needs red blood cells. He got the platelets today but will get the red blood tomorrow. His white blood count is stuck at .5 with no signs of the cells that will send it higher.

So - he will not be starting chemo next week and now there is a question of if he will even have the Temador - which could suppress his counts. He really needs to resume some sort of chemo to keep the tumor in check. BUT - he really needs good blood counts to have his surgery. I really wish they could get him in sooner. It looks like the August 1 date may not have worked anyway seeing how low his counts are still.

The good news is that he is feeling just fine. That is one reason he has so many brusises because he is running around playing like any normal 5 year old. The low counts mean that we are still housebound. It is getting really old by now. I am really hoping we see some sort of increase in his white blood cell count tomorrow - but we probably won't be able to take him out this weekend.

We are still waiting to hear that his surgery date is final. I had called just to see how many days before we would have to arrive and they said it was only pencilled in at this point. I really hope that it does not get moved back even further. His oncologist in NY is out this week - so we are hoping to find out more next week. Unfortunately Nathan's local oncologist is out next week.

Luke and I are tired and stressed....the house is a wreck..etc etc. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Monday, July 18, 2005 8:34 AM CDT


Nathan's white blood count is up a little - he is still pretty low for immunity. His platelets were low - but held pretty good all weekend and so they may actually be on their way back up and so he wasn't given any.

He IS off the antibiotics. He is on neupogen to raise his white count - he got to choose if he wanted to get a new line in his port or to take the line out and get a shot for two days instead. He chose the shots and is happy to be without the line.

He will go back on Thursday for counts.

We had a very good weekend. We did go up to Grand Lake and it was so refreshing to be up in the mountains. We mostly just hung around the house and went to town. We drove through Rocky Mountain National Park on the way home yesterday and while it made for a longer drive we really enjoyed it. Nathan was surprised how cold it was at the top.

Nathan is feeling fine. We expect his counts to be up today (though his platelets will likely still be lagging behind). He goes to the clinic at 10:00 today. At the very least I hope he is taken off the antibiotics.

Mike and Kathy will head home tomorrow. We have enjoyed their visit so much and will be sad to see them go.

I will update on the top of this later after the clinic.

Friday, July 15, 2005 3:48 PM CDT

Well as is usual in the medical world all of our plans have changed.

The scheduling of surgery with intraoperative radiation is hard due to the special operating room and two doctor's schedules so they can not do it until August 31. Obviously this is disappointing - but we have a reasonable plan in place.

Nathan will have 1 or 2 rounds of a low-dose chemo combination - irronotecan and Temador. They will not supress his blood counts very much and we are hopeful he can go to school while recovering. The irronotecan causes diarrhea and Nathan will be given an antibiotic to combat it. That may be a problem given his history. The Temador is in a pill form and the irronotecan is IV, but other than the first few days of making sure he handles it fine we can do it at home. So - it will hopefully be a very easy chemo to do without too much time in the clinic or hospital. The main concern is since we can't do the surgery right away that the tumor not have a chance to spread. The doctors feel that this plan should handle the disease while we are waiting. I just hope that it holds to be true.

Nathan's counts are on the way back up but he is still neutropenic and so he still needs to remain fairly isolated this weekend. We may be off to my brother's cabin for a night just to get out of the house and have a change of scenery.

Nathan's hair is mostly all out. He seems to be taking it OK. Luke keeps his hair shaved very close and yesterday he shaved his dad's head and so now all three of them look fairly bald. I think Nathan got a kick out of it (I know I did).

Overall - Nathan continues to feel good and play as normal. The doctor was impressed with his energy. His platelets are low - but we are going to wait the weekend and see how they do.

Thanks for checking in with us....I hope you all have a good weekend.

Monday, July 11, 2005 6:59 PM CDT

Nathan had a really good weekend.

On Saturday we went for a picnic and he had a great time playing frisbee (he is actually quite good at throwing it) and he was really running around with good energy. The rest of the weekend was spent doing normal weekend things (but not out in public) and he really had almost normal energy - he was just more easily set off due to being tired.

This morning he had a little fever but none during the weekend.

We went to the clinc at 10:30 and didn't leave until 4:30 - so it was a long day. He got red blood and he also needed plateltes again already. He started coughing after the platelets, just like on Friday and this time he got hives too - so he is definately having an allergic reaction. This after after being premedicated - so I guess it is something we are going to have to deal with. He will most likely need them again this week. We are not going back until Friday and he will get them then. He may need red blood by then but we are gambling that we can get him through until next Monday. He is still on the antibiotics the rest of the week and we will reassess them on Friday. We have the schedule better for them - 6, 2 and 10 - but they run for an hour and it is hard for me to stay up until 11:00. Luke is out of town until tomorrow night and then he will take over the late shift. Luke turns 32 tomorrow...we will celebrate on Wednesday.

Mike and Kathy are still here and the kids are loving having them (me too, of course).

I am not sure what the rest of the week holds. We are free from the clinic all week - but can't take Nathan anywhere and we probably should limit his contact with other kids - so we will have to think of some activities.

We got half of his urine results which are slightly elevated for neuroblastoma. That is no surprise - we are glad they weren't very high.

That is about all I can think to write tonight...I feel like there is more - but once again I am just too tired to think of it.

Saturday, July 9, 2005 7:36 AM CDT

Something to be happy about this morning - we are at home and not in the hospital!

Yesterday morning Nathan spiked a fever. I was told to bring him right into the clinic. His fever went down when we got there and then came up some again while we were there. His regular doctor was off and the other doctor is a little less conservative. He had them give Nathan his platelets and some antibiotics and sent us home this weekend with IV antibiotics to give Nathan every 8 hours. He said he trusted us to know if something concerning was going on - otherwise the antibiotics would cover almost any potential infection. Nathan is feeling so good that I am so happy to be home. We got home from the clinic and his grandparents were there and he played the rest of the day until I did a forced rest period in front of the TV. This morning he has woken up very perky and happy. It is so nice to see.

His counts are still on the way down. He will be getting red blood on Monday and probably more platelets next week.

A BIG thanks to whomever anonymously sent me a generous giftcard to a local spa. I will definately use it and I can use the relaxation. That was so very thoughtful and supportive.

Well - hopefully the fevers will stay away and Nathan wil continue to feel good this weekend. We may go on a picnic if he feels good. That is the good thing about him being neutropenic in the summer - we can still get out and do things.

Thursday, July 7, 2005 8:44 PM CDT

Well - the ugly stuff has started.

After running around out and about this morning Nathan had his appointment and his counts are already low. Everyone was surprised. The doctor said his bone marrow definately remembers the chemo. This is not really great because it means that Nathan will not tolerate high doses of chemo very well. It will likely take him a while for his counts to come up. He is starting to get mucousitis (sores)and we are hoping it doesn't get so bad that he can't eat. It is also affecting his bottom. While we were at the clinic he got a very bad nosebleed. It was just gushing and it was way back in his nose where we couldn't stop it and where it was just pouring blood in his mouth. It lasted for a long time and the poor thing was just spitting blood and choking. They gave him some medicine to help his blood clot and some anti-nausea medicine as well. He will get platlets tomorrow even though he isn't quite at the level to get them - he will be by the end of the weekend and with the nosebleeds he just has to have them. He got another long (30 minute) nosebleed when we got home. The poor thing is just exhausted. It was really hard to see him in such bad shape. It is bringing it all back. Unfortunately he is just going to feel even worse for the next week or more. If he gets a fever he will be admitted. At this point I have to almost assume that will happen - I hope not though.

We got word that the preliminary date for his surgery is August 1. He will have a scan here on the 24th and it will be sent to NY. I am sure that date will change - but at least we have a general time frame. I was kind of hoping it would be a little sooner. Nathan is due to start Kindergarten on August 15 and I was really hoping he would make the first day. He still could - but it is just not as certain now.

The port access went really well. He was upset about it before it happened - but when it finally did he didn't even flinch. I don't think he felt a thing. So - that is a big relief! They left him accessed since he will get platelets tomorrow. The platelets don't take very long to infuse so he should only have to be there for an hour to an hour and a half.

I have a feeling there was more I was going to write but I can't really think anymore. I am just really hoping he can avoid a nosebleed tonight.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:46 AM CDT

There is not much going on right now. We are just waiting for counts to go down and back up. Nathan will get them checked tomorrow. He is nervous about having hisport accessed for the first time. I am hoping it isn't too bad because a bad first experience would not be a good thing.

Luke buzzed Nathan's hair yesterday. We knew his hair was thin - but I guess I just didn't realize how thin. He practically looks bald already. Oh well - guess it is good to get used to it. Truth is he is a very cute bald kid - it was just a bit of a shock to see him that way again. He was pleased (or acted please - he definately knows how to convince himself of things) with his cut.

Emotionally - both kids are not doing great. Nathan is of course worried and so he is getting very upset and hyper-sensitive about everything. He keeps complaining that his mouth hurts (no clue what that is about - it is too soon for mouth sores) he complains he is tired and any number of other physical things. When I say complain - I don't think that really describes it - he is complaining but in a worried way. I explained to him yesterday that any things he is feeling are just normal things and not cancer things and he does not need to worry about them. He is also getting nosebleeds for some reason. His platelets are not low yet - so it is just dryness and irritation. He gets upset about them though. He has also been up in the middle of the night with "bad dreams" but he is very calm and awake and obviously waking up and being lonely and probably thinking about things in his bed.

Julia is very emotional and acting out. She has taking to just plain screaming when she gets mad. She is willfully disobediant and just obviously is upset about all the goings on. She is very perceptive and so I know she is worried about Nathan. When she is not being horrible - she is being very sweet. It is one or the other. I don't really know what to do for her. I am having to punish her for her behavior but that is hard because I try to send her to her room when she is just screaming and carrying on but she won't go and it is hard for me to pick her up and put her there.

Now - the two of them are also having plenty of fun together and being happy. Like I said before it is one extreme or the other. I have hardly the physical or emotional energy to deal with it all. Thank goodness Luke's parents will be here soon.

Nathan just came to me all upset because Julia was playing with something he wanted. He says she is making him upset. I have been trying to explain to him the last few days that it is up to him whether he gets upset about something. He just falls apart at the littlest things - it is driving me crazy.

Well - enough complaining from me I guess. I know that things could be much worse - I guess it is just an adjustment period right now.

I just wish I could do more for their emotional states - I feel very helpless.

I will update again after his appointment tomorrow.

Monday, July 4, 2005 10:14 AM CDT

Happy 4th of July!

The head cat scan is normal. That is such a relief.

Nathan will be getting out of the hospital in an hour or two if all goes well. He is feeling well. He hasn't had any nausea since yesterday morning. The chemo he had the first 2 days is really the one that made him feel bad. The one he is still having yesterday and today doesn't have too many side effects so hopefully he will not have much more, if any, nausea.

He is in very good spirits. The doctor asked him what he was going to do when he got home and he said "play!".

He will probably continue to feel good until the weekend when his counts should start to drop. They may not drop until early next week. When his counts drop he will be tired and feel a little sick. Fortunately his Grandpa Mike and Grandma Kathy are coming to visit on Friday and so he will have good company!

We have no plans for today. We will probably cook out and maybe find some sparklers. There is no easy way to see fireworks from our house and we don't want to make a big trip to do it - so we will skip them this year.

Nathan had some visitors yesterday. His friend Rachel came and he had a really good time playing with her and being silly in his bed. It is nice for him to be able to play when he is stuck in the hospital. Thanks for bringing her Kate!

Well - it looks like they are ready to disconnect him so I will update again soon.

Saturday, July 2, 2005 7:54 PM CDT

Nathan had a pretty good day today. As of about 4:00 pm his nausea kicked in and he felt pretty bad for awhile. He finally threw up around 6:00 and then immediately wanted his food back and felt better. He is also looking like the toxins have hit him. I'd kind of forgotten the look - but I remember it now.

Julia and I came in this morning and we all stayed with Nathan all day. They had the playroom open for a little while and that was great. Unfortunately on the weekends the playroom is only open if they have volunteers so on this holiday weekend I am not sure he will be able to go back in there. Luke took Julia out to lunch for a while. She wanted to be with Nathan - but also had some cabin fever. Luke took her home after dinner.

He is done with 2 of the 3 chemos now. He just has topotecan the next two days. He had cytoxin the past two days and with that they have to pump so much fluid through him that he has to pee every hour or so. It will be nice not to be doing that tomorrow.

His cat scan will either be tomorrow or Monday - we are not sure which day yet.

That is about it for now. I am hoping for a night without too much nausea.

Friday, July 1, 2005 2:16 PM CDT

Friday night....

Nathan did fine with chemo today. We wouldn't expect him to start feeling bad until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. He had a good time playing and watching videos. Luke and Julia came at dinner and they played together and watched a video together in his hospital bed. It was very sweet to see them lying there together.

Julia was very upset to be going home without Nathan and Daddy. She was very sad to be going to bed alone. It is enough to make me wish sometimes that they didn't have such a close relationship because it tears her apart to be away from him. I don't know what it would do to her to lose him.

Julia and I will go in again in the morning and will just see what we feel like doing during the day tomorrow.

I am bushed since I have been up since around 4:30 this morning so I am going to bed!


We are encamped in the hospital waiting for the chemo to arrive. We got the most isolated private room in the pediatric ward. A nice perk - but makes me realize how the medical world views Nathan.

We are in room 3514 at Memorial. If anyone local wants to visit us you can call us at 365-5538 and as long as we are up to it we'd love to see you. We will be leaving sometime on Monday. Luke and I plan to split time but also spend quite a bit of time with all four of us here. Nathan said he would not have any fun being in the hospital without his sister - so we are going to try to have them together as much as can be tolerated.

Nathan has recovered just fine from his port surgery and it isn't bothering him at all.

He will be having a head CT later on in the weekend. We thought it would be good to have a complete picture of everything going on just in case we were to find something in there. It would be devastating if we did find anything in his head so please start your prayers for a clean CT scan.

I will update on top of this later.

Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:37 PM CDT

Nathan's surgery went fine. He had a bit of trouble afterwards being quite nauseous and throwing up so we stayed in recovery for a while. He is a little sore but no big deal. He is currently playing and just a little bit tired and emotional.

He is definately worried about what the tumor means for him. He asked me what would happen if they didn't do chemo and he also out of the blue started asking questions about what people look like in heaven. When he went to his babysitter yesterday the first thing he said to her was that he has another tumor.

Tomorrow around noon we will hook him up to fluids to hydrate him for chemo. He has a little backpack he can wear so he can still move around the house with it. Friday he will go to the clinic and then over to the hospital to start chemo.

My sonogram went OK. This little baby is laying facing down on its knees with its head down to knee level. So we could not get a look at its face and we could only see the heart through the back and so not a clear look at its anatomy. All its measurements were right on track and the parts we could see looked good. When I go back (in 4 weeks or whenever we get back from NYC) they wil do another one. We did not find out the sex even though with its bottom in the air it would have been really easy. Makes me wonder if it is a girl if we didn't even see anything accidentally. It was really fun to see the baby and it was pretty sweet laying like that. Julia slept like that for a few years and we still occassionally find her asleep on her knees with her bottom in the air....very cute.

I will most likely update again on Friday.

Monday, June 27, 2005 7:50 AM CDT

Update Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Nathan's port surgery is scheduled for 7:30 tomorrow morning. He should be home by early afternoon.


Monday, June 27, 2005 6:23 PM CDT

Ok - well we have a plan in place.

Tomorrow Nathan will meet with the surgeon here and town and Wednesday morning he will have a port placed. A port goes under his skin and then is accessed by a special needle when they need to use it. This needle can stay in for several days. When not in use he can swim and bathe and play as usual. We felt this was a better option for Nathan than having a broviak. He may still need a broviak later if his disease progresses. The surgery is out-patient and he will come home afterwards.

Friday morning he will go into the hospital and start chemo. He will have chemo for four days. For those interrested he will be having Vincrsitine,high-dose Cytoxan, and Topotecan. He is only doing it in the hospital because otherwise he would not be able to start chemo until Tuesday in the clinic and we did not want to wait that long to begin.

This is strong chemo and he will lose his hair and his blood counts will bottom out. We expect he will need blood and platelet transfusions and he will be neutropenic (no/low white blood cells) for several days.

When his counts recover from chemo we will travel to New York and he will have surgery. I would imagine they will do some scans preceding surgery. They will do intra-operative radiation therapy during his operation where they can directly radiate the area.

At this time I do not know whether or not they will take his kidney out. I imagine they will not make that decision until we are in New York.

What happens after surgery depends on many factors and so after surgery we wil reevaluate his disease status and go from there. With relapsed neuroblastoma there is no standard plan to follow. Decisions are made and changed on a daily basis.

We have told Nathan. He took it really well. He wanted to know why the tumor grew again and he had some questions about the port. He then asked to get back to watching Scooby Doo and I am sure he is mulling it over with more questions to come. In fact - as I write this I hear him asking Luke more about how the tumor grew. So - we will just try to answer his questions as they come. We hope there will not be too many that we will have to answer by telling him we don't know - because that stresses him out - but as I just wrote - there is alot we won't know. Julia was concerned about who was going to take care of her and we reassured her that when possible she would have either her mommy or daddy home with her.

So - we are ready to start the battle. We feel very confident in the doctors' decisions and we know we have a good team of doctors in place.

We have actually had a good weekend. We knew that there was nothing to be done until today and so we just had a normal weekend. Friday night Luke and I had already planned to get a babysitter and go to see Star Wars and we decided that we should not change those plans. Though I certainly was thinking of things during the movie it was a good diversion.

We did errands and church and just had a normal good weekend.

Ok - here is the very preliminary scoop. I just got an email from the doctor in New York saying they recommend one round of chemo and then surgery. He said he sent the details to Nathan's local oncologist. I will call him this morning and get him to check his email and then find out the details. I am assuming we can do the chemo here at home.

I will update this later with more details when I get them.

Friday, June 24, 2005 1:54 PM CDT

Well - we got bad news today. Nathan has relapsed with a 2x2x3 cm tumor at the site of his original tumor (on his right kidney). The good news is that his bone marrow is clean and his MIBG scan shows no other cancer.

We are not sure what the next step is. His local oncologist thought that surgery would be the first step. We have a call into his doctor in New York to see what he thinks we should do. We hope to travel to New York very soon and get moving on treatment.

We have not told Nathan yet and we will not tell him until we have a plan of action.

Keep those prayers coming.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:36 PM CDT

Scans are done. We got the preliminary bone marrow results which came back negative (good). His MIBG scan had a spot light up. The radiologist came and looked and said it is in the same place he has always had some "uptake". She was going to compare the intensity to the last scan. He also had a cat scan and so if there is something there - I guess they will see it. I am trying not to worry about it too much.

Poor Nathan threw up during the cat scan. They said it was because he had food in his stomach. Well - he hadn't eaten in two hours but he had to eat a meal in between the two scans so I don't know what they expect us to do.

We will update when we get more results. I don't expect any until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest and more likely Monday afternoon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7:11 AM CDT

Good morning.

Scan week begins today. Nathan will have a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy at 11:30. Tomorrow he has an MIBG injection and Thursday he has an MIBG scan and CAT scan. Hopefully they will not have to do the additional MIBG scan Friday morning. If he has too much of the radioactive isotope during his first scan they have to rescan. We have found that a little laxative helps prevent this from happening.

I have found wildly differing opinions about me being around Nathan while he is "radioactive" but have been comfortable with the explainations that say it OK. It has a very short half-life and I really just need to stay away from his bodily fluids.

Scan time is always stressful. Nathan is getting old enough to understand why we are doing the scans. Yesterday I told he might be having the bone marrows today (we didn't know for sure until 3:00 - isn't that lovely?). Later he started getting stressed out about not knowing and was saying "Mommy, but they have to do my back bandages tomorrow!". It was really sad to see him worry. Back bandages are what he calls the bone marrows since he doesn't remember anything - just comes out of there with bandages on him back. Recently he has had me explain to him what exactly they are doing to him. I have had to delicately explain that they stick a large needle into his bones!

I wanted to write about his birthday since I haven't gotten around to that yet. He had a John Deere theme that he had picked out from a catalog. I went to the grocery store with cake toppers in hand and they made a really wonderful cake with a farm scene on it. He was very pleased with it. His party was at a place that has a big room full of inflatable jumping things and slides. He and his friends had a blast jumping around. After jumping we retired to the party room and had cake and presents. All in all - it was the party he had wanted and he was very pleased. Afterwards we went out to dinner with my brother and his family.

Nathan has been telling everyone since then, "I'm Five now!".

We bought little bikes for Nathan and Julia. Julia seems pretty much unable to learn. Nathan is doing well - but he doesn't like when things are hard for him. He gives up really easily. So it is a bit of a challenge.

That about sums up what we have been up to. Please send all your prayers and positive thoughts our way for CLEAN results while we test this week. Nathan's friend Joshua, in Kansas, is also testing and scanning this week so please send some his way too.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:49 AM CDT

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!!!

I want to take the time today do tell you all what a wonderful father Luke is.

Since I am the one who writes this journal, you don't hear very much about Luke and all that he does for his family.

Luke is a very loving father. He constantly tells the kids how much he loves them and gives them lots of hugs and kisses. When they cry out for a parent it is equally as often "Daddy" as it is "Mommy". He is fully involved as a dad and caregiver. He and Julia have a special bond from the times they spent together while Nathan and I were in New York. She adores her daddy and I love seeing their special relationship.

Part of the reason Luke is such a wonderful father is what a wonderful husband he is to me. Our children see that he is loving,considerate and helpful towards me and that is a wonderful model for them.

Luke is also an excellent provider for our family. It has been extremely difficult and stressful for him to continue to work when he knows his child is sick and in pain and I am overwhelmed with it all. For him to not be able to provide care during these times has been very hard on him. His being able to stick through and provide for our family these last few years is a big accomplishment and I don't think he realizes just how proud I am of him.

I could not think of one way that Luke could be a better father. I am so lucky that he is the father of my children.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:26 PM CDT

Well - we are home. The kids had a wonderful time but were glad to be home. We are all on Eastern time and we all awake at 5:00 am this morning.

I will put some pictures on the photo album page.

We are already busy. Nathan and Julia are at the sitters today. I had an OB appointment this morning and have been running around getting everything ready for his birthday party tomorrow. Tonight I will go to choir practice and so I am getting a sitter for Nathan and Julia. Luke is out of town until late Friday night.

My OB appointment was fine. Everything is as it should be. I can now feel the baby moving around. I have an ultrasound in two weeks - HOWEVER - Luke and I are in that minority who enjoy NOT knowing the baby's gender - so we will not be finding out if it is a boy or a girl until he or she is born.

I have no word on when Nathan's bone marrows are yet. I hope to know for sure in the next few days.

I can't believe Nathan will be FIVE tomorrow. On the airplane home I had Julia in the bathroom and the stewardess talked to Nathan and found out his birthday was coming up. When the plane was landing the pilot announced to everyone that his birthday was on Thursday and everyone clapped for him. He was very pleased. I couldn't help thinking to myself what a miracle it is that he is turning five and what an accomplishment it is for him to have gotten through all he has and he deserved the applause! I am grateful beyond words that he is turning five tomorrow and doing so in good health. On his third birthday he had chemo. On his fourth birthday he had antibodies. On his fifth birthday he will be having a party with his friends - bouncing and running around. What a blessing!

Thanks everyone for all your birthday greetings. I will be showing and reading them all to Nathan.

Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:21 PM CDT

We are having a fun time in Hilton Head. Nathan particularily loves jumping in the waves.

Nathan's scans are set for Jun 22 and 23. His bone marrow aspirations still need to be scheduled but will hopefulyl be on the 22nd.

We had lunch at the Salty Dog Cafe yesterday. Click
to see us on the webcam. You may need to click on show picture and then pick 12:42 and click on that to see the picture.

I will update again when we get home.

Monday, June 6, 2005 5:49 AM CDT

Quick journal to say that the kids and I are off to Hilton Head Island this morning to visit my parents.

Nathan saw his oncologist and we decided he will have scans the week of June 20. I will post more details when we have them.

Hope everyone's summer is getting off to a good start!

Monday, May 30, 2005 9:21 AM CDT

Hello - sorry it has been so long since I updated.

We went to Arizona last week and had a great time. The kids are so good on long car rides that the drive was no big deal at all. The drive was about 12 hours plus stops. We picked up Luke's brother, Josh, halfway there - in Albuquerque and proceeded to the Phoenix area. We spent the weekend hanging out with good friends and their kids. All the kids LOVED the pool and since it was 115 outside - that was a good thing! Nathan and Julia because very comfortable in the water and were swimming around the pool in their "floaties".

On Monday morning we left Phoenix and drove to Tuscon to visit my aunt and uncle. Luke caught a flight home that evening and the kids and I left on Wednesday morning. Nathan and Julia loved learning about the plants and cacti in the desert. My aunt took them on several walks around her property looking at all the plant and wildlife.

We drove home in two days, stopping in Albuquerque for the night. Once again, Nathan and Julia were very good on the ride.

So - we've been home since Thursday. The trip really tired me out. I had very bad allergies to something in Phoenix and am recovering from that. I am still somewhat nauseous and have an almost constant headache. So - that is my excuse for not updating!

Today, Luke is working despite the holiday and the kids and I will go to a friend's house later for a cookout.

Tomorrow, Nathan has appointments at the ear doctor and the oncologist. These are routine checkups. At the oncologist he will just have a physical exam and we will discuss the timing of the next round of scans.

The kids and I are off to Hilton Head Island next Monday to visit my parents. I am not exactly ready to go on another trip already but I am looking forward to being there!

When we get back we will prepare for Nathan's birthday on the 16th!

So - that's our update. I don't expect to learn anything interesting at the doctor appointments tomorrow, but I will update if I do.

Monday, May 16, 2005 8:56 AM CDT

We have had another good week. It was filled with fairly normal stuff. Nathan had preschool. They had several playdates. I realize I fail to mention what Luke is up to most times. The answer is usually - work as usual. This past week he has been working nonstop and will also be doing some travelling in the next few weeks. I had my 12 week OB appointment on Tuesday. The doctor was having a little trouble getting the heartbeat on the doppler and so took me across the hall for a quick ultrasound. It was fun to see how much the baby had changed from the blob it was at 8 weeks. Anyone interrested in seeing it can look here. It is hard to see for those not used to looking at ultrasounds - but the baby's face is ont he left side - its hand and foot are sticking up.

Nathan's last day of preschool is Wednesday. They are having an ice cream social on the last day. I can't believe it is almost over and Kindergarten is next for him.

I think I may take him into the oncologist's for a check-up at the end of May. We need to figure out when his next scans will be. With our busy summer schedule they will either have to be the 3rd week fo June or the first week of August. We don't really want to even do them - but I suppose we should. We are enjoying this medical free time and it has been nice to be able go along for awhile with a normal life. The thought of finding a relapse terrifies me and it would be even more heartbreaking for it to happen right before he is about to get to go to Kindergarten. However - the prevailing theory is that it is better to find a relapse early so I guess we need to keep scanning.

We are off to Arizona soon. The kids and I are going to take a side trip to visit with my aunt and uncle in Tuscon after we leave Phoenix. It means a long drive home for me (Luke will fly home) but I have decided it is well worth it to make the visit.

Well - that is the update around here. Hope you all are doing well.

Monday, May 9, 2005 9:46 AM CDT

Hello - I hope all you moms out there had a happy Mother's Day.

Remember that slight cold Nathan had? Well - he is over it, but I got it and it was bad for me and I spent the last week sick. So we didn't do much. I managed to do the bare minumum of running the kids around. Unfortunately I have a cough and that doesn't mix well with morning sickness. So - I am afraid I don't have much to write about for last week.

I did have a good Mother's Day. I felt well enough to go to church and sing. After church we went out to lunch. We just relaxed the rest of the day and had dinner and an ice cream cake for dessert. It occurred to me that I have now had more Mother's Day since Nathan's diagnosis than before. Wow! I am so thankful for every day with my children and especially thankful that Nathan is still here with us - seemingly healthy and happy.

Nathan did get his immunizations last week. He did really well - I am so proud of the way he deals with such things. He is now at the point where we will draw blood to check if his immunizations have taken. After that I think he starts getting some different ones. He has been getting 4 at a time.

I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 12 week OB visit. I can't belive the first trimester is almost over. I am now in the unfortunate stage where none of my clothes fit and maternity clothes are too big - so if you see me - please ignore how horribly I am dressed!

The kids, especially Julia, have been telling us here and there what kinds of things we will need to have for a new baby It is very sweet. What we do need to do soon - is get our basement turned into two rooms instead of one big room so that Luke can have is office down there and we can also have a playroom too.

Nathan only has 7 days of preschool left! I goes his usual 4 days this week and then next Wednesday is his last day. I feel sad for him that it is ending - he realy loves it. I really like his teachers and his classmates moms - but the nice thing for me is that Julia will be in the morning class next year with the same teacher and 2 siblings of his classmates.

After preschool ends we are off to Phoenix to celebrate a friend's (Jim Barton) law school graduation and to hang out with several friends for a long weekend. We are renting a big house with a pool and it should be a really fun time.

Thanks for checking in!

Monday, May 2, 2005 6:45 PM CDT

Hello -

There is not too much going on here - which is a good thing! We have been having atrocious weather - cold, snowy and cloudy, and have been mostly staying inside.

On the medical front - Nathan has some immunizations on Wednesday. I don't know when we will do scans next. I also don't really care to know right now - so it is fine with me!

Nathan has a little cold, but other than that seems really good. Julia seems to have bounced back from everything and is doing well too. Nathan went to a birthday party on Saturday at a place with large inflatable jumping things. I was happy to find that his hip did not bother him afterwards. So - hopefully that is on the mend.

We have some happy news to share. We are expecting a new baby in November! I am due on Thanksgiving Day. We just told Nathan and Julia about it this weekend and Nathan seemed interrested and Julia was very excited and happy. Nathan immediately started asking techinal questions like "what does the baby do while you are eating dinner?". I have been feeling fairly sick the last week or so. Nothing too awful - but I am trying to take it easy when I don't have to be running around doing things. I have had a sonogram and seen the little bean with its beating heard and that was so wonderful to see.

So - that is what is going on with our family right now. I hope all is well with all of you.

Monday, April 25, 2005 9:39 PM CDT

Update Wednesday April 27, 2005 4:03 MDT

I just got back from Julia's appointment. Her echo and EKG are normal and platelets are normal and SED rate is almost back to normal (down to 22 from 103). So - it looks like she will not suffer any side effects from this illness and we can move on. We are very relieved. She is happy she can now run around again. She will have a follow-up echo in September.


Nathan had his ortho appointment today and it went well. She definately believes he has more fluid on his hip and said that if he is active it will take 3-4 weeks to heal. The literature I had read about transient synovitis said that is does not recur, but she said that that is outdated and she has found that it does recur - she said she sees it about 3 or 4 times a year. Since the healing time is so long - it makes sense that it was not yet healed when he did all the walking and the fluid built back up.

She spent a lot of time looking over his xrays and MRI with me on her computer. His hips look perfect - she could see no abnormalities. Interestingly she zoomed in on his femur near the growth plate and showed me three distinct lines. She said this happens while a child gets very sick. She said he must have had 3 bouts of fever and neutropenia - which is true. She was very into all the anatomy on the MRI and it was very interesting looking at it all. She is the doctor who diagnosed Nathan with neuroblastoma and we had always thought she did an outstanding job, and I thought so again today. We are now on her nurse's list of people to get right in and accommodate if we need anything. She is very sympathetic to the fear that leg pain in Nathan causes and will see him on a moment's notice anytime we want. She said if his hip isn't healing like we feel it should she might get him into some pool therapy for a week or so to see if it helps.

I took Julia for her blood draw this afternoon. She just screamed in terror. Of course, they had to poke her twice....UGH! She was pretty traumatized, but I think she will get over it once again. She and Nathan have been giving her ponies IVs lately. In fact, the other day they had to be poked twice because the first time didn't work. Both of them can identify with that!

I will still try to post some pictures soon. It is a matter of locating the cable. The chaos in our lives the past month has really taken a toll on the house and it is an absolute wreck. I don't have the energy to do much about it at the moment either. On the bright side - Nathan and Julia have been having lots of fun playing with the open suitcase on the family room floor. They each get in half and Julia actually straps herself into her half and they pretend it is a car. The two of them just play and play. They really are the perfect playmates. Most of their playing is role-playing and they really get into it. It is such a wonderful thing.

After a few weeks without, we went back to church yesterday. Nathan and Julia really love Sunday school. Julia told us some bible story that we don't know (not that hard to do between the two of us). It is really cute. There have been lots of discussions lately about God, Jesus, Heaven and death. I hope I am giving the right answers! Nathan is such a critical thinker. The other day he said, "if babies come from Mommy's tummies, then where did the very first baby come from?". I explained the two schools of thought on that the best I could. Then we had the age old question from Julia about where was heaven and couldn't we just drive our car to get there?

Well - I have actually rambled a little - not easy for me to do. Thanks for checking in.

Friday, April 22, 2005 4:21 PM CDT

Well - I guess I will give all the details - it might get long though.

Friday morning at 7:30 a limo picked us up at the house and drove us to the airport in Denver. The kids were very excited to be in a limo. I was a little less happy beause due to their car seats I had to ride backwards in the limo - which is not great for me with motion. Check in was a breeze because they booked us on Frontier airlines and Nathan and I both achieved frequent flyer status with them last year going back and forth to New York so we got to go the the front of the check-in line. They gave us 3 seats together and 1 apart. My wonderful husband offered to sit with the kids. They were amazingly good. They didn't make a peep. Watched TV, ate, colored and played with play-doh.

We arrived in Orlando without a hitch and were met by a representative from Give Kids the World. They took us to car rental and we signed a peice of paper and were on our way. We went to Give Kids the World (more on what that is in a moment) and checked in. We were all set to stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge since GKTW (abbreviated) was booked up. Well- when we arrived they had a cancelation and gave us the choice of staying there. After some thought we took them up on and and are so glad we did. Give Kids the World is a resort for families going to Orlando for a wish trip. They have 96 2 bedroom villas for the families to stay in. They also have free meals, free ice cream parlor and lots of activities. There is a carousel, train, 2 pools, and multiple game rooms. It was perfect for Nathan and Julia. So, after we got there we partook of the activities and I went to orientation and got our tickets.

Saturday we went to Sea World and met our friends, Max and Mindy and their kids, Maxx and Miles there. They recently moved to Florida from Colorado Springs and so it was fun to get to hang out with them. We brought a stroller for Julia but let Nathan walk the whole time (more on THAT later). We saw two shows and played in a huge rope climbing area. They loved the shows and we got great seats due to Nathan's Give Kids the World button. We left around 3:00 and went back to GKTW. My parents arrived in town and came over and the kids got to show them all the amenities before we all went out for dinner.

Saturday night Nathan started to complain that his leg hurt. By Sunday morning he was in extreme pain and couldn't walk. It ws the same hip that he had the transient symovitis in. We were set to go to the Magic Kingdom, so with lots of tylenol and ibuprofen we went. We got a special card with a stamp that allowed us to use Nathan's stroller as if it were a wheelchair. This allowed us to take the stroller right up to the ride and transfer him. It was somewhat painful for him to be moved in and out of his stroller - but he beared with it in order to go on the rides. He actually got to ride on the "It's a Small World" ride in his stroller on a special boat. We rode on most every ride they have there. We didn't have to wait in any lines so we had plenty of time. Nathan adored the Thunder Mountain Railway and Goofy roller coasters. He and Julia both agreed that Dumbo and the Magic Carpet rides were the most fun also. There was much snacking and riding and then we parted ways with my parents. They were going to stay at the park and we went to dinner (Steak and Shake - my favorite!) and then to BED!

Monday we went to the Animal Kingdom for the morning. We enjoyes seein the animals but didn't want to spend the whole day there. There is a ride that simulates a safari and there was a scenario about poachers. IT turns out Nathan was listening very closely and he was actually quite concerned about the "hunters" and it was very difficult to pursuade him that it was all pretend. In the afternoon we went back to GKTW and went swimming. They had a BLAST and itwas nice to take a break from the parks. Nathan was starting to walk on his leg a little by then. Sunday night we went to downtown Disney and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. Nathan and Julia loved the setting there and the fake thunderstorm and animatronics. It was a very nice dinner and once again we went home and went to bed!

Tuesday we went back to the Magin Kingdom. Nathan was walking much better and we had to force him to stay in the stroller to rest his hip. We went on all the favorite rides again and spent the whole day there once again. It was really nice to revisit what we had just done and I think the kids enjoyed the second day even more than the first. We went over to the Polynesian Hotel for dinner with thoughts of returning to the Maginc Kingdom for fireworks, but we were all just way too tired for that and went back and went to bed.

Wednesday was our last day and we had a leisurely morning at GKTW while the kids played with all the activities there. We went out to lunch (Steak and Shake again!) and back to GKTW for ice cream and then back to the airport. Nathan was very happy to find out they would be showing the Incredibles on the plane and he sat and watch that without a word. Julia watched TV and was also very good and quiet. All was fine until about 45 minutes from landing when we were told that the Denver airport was closed due to weather. We circled for a while and then headed to denver. When we were almost there we were told it was closed again and had to land in Colorado Springs. It was a very bumpy ride down and I actulaly got sick. We were then told we would sit on the airplane in Colorado Springs until the Denver airport opened. No one was allowed to get off. Fortunately, Nathan and Julia mostly slept through all of this. So - we sat there for a few more hours and finally got to go to Denver. We caught our limo and got home around 1:00 am.

We spent Thursday recovering from all of this. Today it came to my attention that Nathan's leg was still bothering him somewhat so I took him to see the pediatrician. She talked to the oncologist and they decided to send him to an orthopedist on Monday. I am not really concerned about this being cancer considering wht we just went through - but it does appear his hip has not healed and we need to make sure we know what is going on. We do like the orthopedist. She is the one who pushed for all the tests and diagnosed Nathan so quickly two years ago. Hopefully we will figure this out and move on. I will talk to the oncologist later today to hear his thoughts.

Meanwhile - Julia seems to be doing fine. She will have bloodwork done and an appointment with the cardiologist on Wednesday and we are crossing our fingers that her echo is normal and her labs are trending down to normal.

I have to admit - I am SO tired of all things medical. I am really hoping for resolution with both kids for at least a few weeks.

So - that's about it.....I will update later with more medical happenings when we know anything and I will post some pictures soon too.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:47 AM CDT

We are home. Luke and I are very tired, the kids don't seem to be tired at all, and we all had a good time. I will update with more detail when I get the energy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:59 PM CDT

Julia saw the cardiologist. They now say she definately has Kawasaki's disease. Her platelets were 964,000 which is even higher than when she was treated (normal is around 300,000). Her sed rate (measures inflammation) is still extremely high at 103 (normal from 1 - 10). Her echo showed some changes in her coronary arteries but no coronary artery annuerisms (which is good). These slight changes are something they usually see at diagnosis and they should go away in a week or so. Her doctor said he personally has never seen a child develop the annuerisms more than two days after treatment if they don't have them already - so he is prety confidant that she won't develop any.

He did caution us that she really should not be running around or exerting herslef in any manner. Her heart is inflammed and she could potentially cause heart damage if she is too active. That said - he encouraged us to go ahead with our trip so long as she rides in a stroller and we keep her from running around. He said we probably need to go and he is right.

I have had to keep her from running some today and I hate it. I love watching my kids run around. When Nathan was sick and didn't run for a year I realized how wonderful it is. I hate to tell her not to. I am afraid she will lose that impulse.

So - that's the word.

Please pray for no more complications for Julia.


I can't believe that both of our children have now developed rare childhood illnesses.

Monday, April 11, 2005 7:53 PM CDT

Hi - sorry I didn't update sooner. Julia is doing just fine. She has had no more nosebleeds and other than being a little more tired than usual is almost back to normal. She is much better about taking her aspirin. She has to have it every six hours which mean she has to be woken up for it and then also take it right when she gets up. Tomorrow she will have blood drawn and Wednesday morning she will see the cardiologist. She is still at risk for developing coronary artery annuerisms and so I am guessing they will do a follow-up ultrasound.

Nathan is doing so well. About 6 weeks ago he got sick and then he developed the transient synovitis and during that period of time - he really had a lack of energy. Well - he has totally rebounded from all that and had load of energy and looks so well. It is wonderful to see him like that.

We had an actual blizzard yesterday. Today the kids went out to play and had lots of fun in the giant drifts. In true Colorado fashion - it will be in the mid-sixties tomorrow and so the foot of snow or so will all be gone very soon.

After Julia's Dr. visit on Wednesday we should know if we can go to Florida or not. Keep your figers crossed for us - the kids are so excited about going (as are Luke and I) and we could really use some good news and fun.

Thanks for all the support and emails. I haven't been able to get back to all of you who emailed but I so appreciated it!

As far as Nathan and doctors - he is due for more immunizations and a chek up with the hearing aide doctor. Luke and I are undecided if we will have him do an MIBG scan and CT scan soon, or if we will elect to wait 3 months and do the whole shebang. We are very reluctant to have more scans and tests right now.

Well - thant's about it - I will update on Thursday about Julia's visit.
So - I will update aga

Friday, April 8, 2005 9:02 AM CDT

1:50 pm MDT

Julia's doctor managed to get her nosebleed to stop and so far it hasn't come back. I am sure it will at some point, but I feel more comfortable with being able to stop the next one. She is currenty feeling well and she and Nathan and playing very nicely together. It is clear they missed playing together. They are wonderful playmates.

As for Luke and I - boy we are in extremely rough shape. I don't think I could adequately describe it, but we are definately on the brink of emotional and physical collapse. We really need at least a week of no drama around here to even begin to recover.


Julia completed her IVIG infustion yesterday. It should have been complete about 2:00 am the night they were in the hospital , but someone messed up and didn't notice that the pump switched to IV fluids. They didn't catch it until the next morning so she had to stay longer yesterday while they gave her the rest of her infusion. She felt good most of the day and then her neck started hurting late in the afternoon.

She is on high doses of aspirin every 6 hours. It has been a struggle to make her take it. Even worse, her nose is bleeding. It bled some in the night and stopped. It has been bleeding for 1 and a half hours this morning with no signs of stopping. I am waiting to call the doctor when the office opens.

At least we are home....

I'll update again later.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 3:49 PM CDT

Luke here. Susan would update, but she is in the hospital with Julia. Yes, she was readmitted this morning and is being treated for Kawasaki Disease. She went and got blood work and then was seen by the cardiologist. He decided to admit and treat, but told Susan he didn't think she had KD, but that he couldn't rule it out and with the potential side effects to the heart if it goes untreated, he basically has to treat if cases get to him. So, no one really thought she had it, but there was enough uncertainty to treat. The pediatrician at the hospital that was completely convinced she didn't have it, told Susan that she just might actually have it when her blood work came back early this afternoon. Her platelets and sed rate (non specific inflammation indicator) were continuing to climb. Her platelets are getting especially high, which is a major piece to diagnosing KD.

So, she will receive a 12 hour infusion of gamma globulin (purified antibodies) and high doses of aspirin to reduce risk of the heart problems. Susan is with her now at the hospital. I'll be taking Nathan down after work and then after we spend some time together, Susan and Nathan will come home and I'll have the night and morning shift. She *should* come home tomorrow and apparently if this is KD, or even just a simple infection, the IG infusion should have her feeling much better very shortly.


Tuesday, April 5, 2005 6:00 PM CDT

We took Julia to her pediatrician's office today. She still has a fever and sore neck. Some of her labs came back abnormal. Tomorrow she will have more labs and see a pediatric cardiologist and hopefully he will be able to give us more information.

Hopefully, this is just a virus follwed by an infection. They gave her a antibiotic shot today.

Nathan got to go to preschool today - so he is happy. He is off to the babysitter's tomorrow so may or may not get to go.

I will update tomorrow.

Monday, April 4, 2005 8:11 PM CDT

Well - we've been to the hospital - but this time with Julia. She has had a high fever for 5 days, very red eyes, various rashes, and a sore neck. I took her to her pedaitrician on Saturday and she said Julia had a virus. He neck started hurting badly yesterday afternoon and so I took her to urgent care. The doctor there was concerned it was Kawasaki's disease. We spent the rest of the night in the ER, where the doctor was also concerned. They admitted her and the doctor in the peds ward was convinced it was just a virus and sent us home. So - we are in a kind of bad situation where we are not sure what is wrong with her. If it is Kawasaki's disease, early treatment is important to prevent life-threatening heart problems. So - we are quite uneasy about this. She still has a fever and a sore neck but her other symptoms are subsiding. She will have some blood work done tomorrow and then go see her pediatrician.

I hope things become clearer for us between now and then.

Nathan is just fine - if it is a virus - he and the rest of us don't have it. It was so strange doing the hospital thing with Julia instead of Nathan.

I'll keep you updated.

Friday, April 1, 2005 3:19 PM CST

First off - in case you missed yesterday's news the bone marrow is all clear!

I wanted to write today because today marks 2 years since Nathan was diagnosed. I can't even describe how incredibly lucky we feel that 2 years later Nathan is here with us, happy and healthy. I was so afraid yesterday that we would be beginning the fight all over again today. How thankful we are that we are not! Two years ago I really could not imagine what our life would be like at this point. We are, of course, worse for the wear in a lot of ways, but also enriched in many more ways from this experience.

2 year cancer survivor!

Thanks to everyone for your continued support and prayers for Nathan and our family. We couldn't have made it without you.

Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:01 PM CST

All Clear!!!!!!

Bone marrow and biopsy are both clear.

We are very relieved. We still need to do a MIBG scan and CT scan as part of his quarterly workup, but we are going to hold off until we get back from Disneyworld.

Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:08 AM CST

Update (3/30 4:36 PM MT)
Luke here. I just got off the phone with Nathan's doctor. Predictably, the other doctor had to be out of the office today so he did not get to the hospital to review slides with the pathologist. So, we have another day of waiting on bone marrow results. We are still seeing other test results tend to be good. They reran his blood labwork and the more accurrate indicator of non-specific inflammation was normal. It had been elevated when he was having his hip pain. His counts are also all very normal (for Nathan anyway), which is a good sign. So, we just keep waiting and hoping. I know many of you have been checking frequently today and we thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

The bone marrows went fine yesterday. Nathan is such a trooper. I told him the night before about it and that when he woke up he could have apple juice and jello. He was excited about that. He was excited in the way that I knew it was his coping mechanism. We could learn a lot from him.

He did fine with the procedure and was only moderately cranky upon wakening. He always finds something to fixate on and get upset about and this time his milk didn't taste right. We finally got to leave and went and got him a toy (it took 3 pokes to place his IV and so he was owed one!) ad then we picked up Julia and went to Red Robin for an early dinner.

The bone marrow should be looked at this morning. The bone biopsy takes a few days to prepare and so those results will not be available today. We could find cancer in both, one and not the other or neither.

Luke talked to Nathan's main doctor on Monday and got a few questions answered. The reason they wouldn't do the MIBG scan this week, was that basically, they feel there is no point in doing it if he has relapsed.

Now, we know that long-term survival for relapsed stage IV neuroblastoma is about 0 However, we have been around the NB world long enough to know that with some not so horrible treatments, kids with a relapse can often survive for several years with good quality of life. So - in our minds there would be no reason to give up. We also know there are lots of doctors around who think that way too. Most of these are research doctors who see these kids. So - I guess I am not surprised his local doctors feel the way they do - but I am disappointed. I certainly hope they will agree to provide support services to Nathan, should he relapse and get treatments elsewhere.

So - now we wait for results.....Please keep up those prayers for clean bone and bone marrow!

p.s. check out the photo album page

Monday, March 28, 2005 12:46 AM CST

Hello - I hope you all had a happy Easter! We did. The easter bunny came and hid eggs and brought baskets. Julia was especially pleased that the Easter Bunny brought her a "my little pony". We all went to church. Julia had a new dress and Nathan had a new tie and they looked very nice (I'll post some pictures soon). Unfortunately, on Thursday, Nathan cut Julia's hair. It looked awful. The biggest problem is he cut a big chunk of bangs off right in the middle of her forehead. I managed to disguise the problem for a few hours for Easter with some hairspray. Needless to say I was really angry at both of them on Thursday!

They both enjoyed Sunday school and I enjoyed the music we sang for Easter. We came home for a while and then went to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at a friend's house. We watched some basketball and hid eggs outside for the kids to find and then had dinner. All in all - avery happy Easter.

I find myself in a not-so-happy mood today. I am increasing frustrated and angry with all the doctors involved. A good part of the frustration is coming from within, but I am upset at the way things have transpired. First off - it is unacceptable that it took 3 days to get an MRI result. Then - a bone marrow cannot be scheduled until Tuesday. I find out it is tenetively set for 12:30. I ask for a final confirmation and am promised a call back and never get one. I am mad that the procedure is at 12:30 and I know why it is. The intensivist who works in the PICU doesn't like morning procedures. He pitched a fit the first time we were there even though he wasn't the doctor doing it. He says it is too busy a time. He complained right there in front of all of us. He obviously doesn't care that a 4 year old will have to go without food for 18 hours - he only cares what is convenient for him. I finally got the confirmation that the time is 12:30 so I ask about the food restriction and she tells me 8 hours. I had to then say - isn't it only 4 hours of clear liquids? She goes back and says yes. So Nathan can have juice and jello and broth tomorrow morning. If I hadn't asked her or known better he would have had NOTHING at all for 18 hours. I called Thrusday and left a message that couldn't Nathan have all his scans this week since he was due for them all anyway? I call back on Friday and get the message that no - they don't want to do that. OK - fine - but it doesn't make sense to me. Why not have all the scans to have the big picture. Every test we have - they seems to then need yet another one to really know what is going on. We know he has to have these other tests anyway - so why not do them? This is week 3 of this saga and I don't think anyone understand the extreme amount of stress this is put on Luke and I. I am at the breaking point and I cannot take another week of it should they decide to do scans next week instead of this week. Hopefully his bone marrow will be negative and we can just do the rest of the scans in May. If his bone marrow is positive - they will want to do these other scans right away and we will be waiting to see how bad it is, instead of already having had the MIBG scan and already knowing.

So - as you can tell I could go on and on about this. I hope I can get over some of this anger soon.

Who knows when we will get results back on the bone marrows. I won't even begin to guess and I suppose I won't even belive them if they tell us when to expect them. We will let you know when we hear something and I can continue to practice my hobby of calling the clinic and asking for answers every day and making the staff dislike me more and more every day.

Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:49 AM CST

(Luke 3/24 1:30 PM MST) I don't have any news to add. We will be dealing with the same uncertainty throughout the weekend. Bone marrows will be performed on Tuesday. I just really wanted to thank everyone for their continued support. We have received so many wonderful guestbook entries, emails, phone calls, and cards. Your support is very appreciated and important to our family. Thank you.


Ok - well we have results and they are good news/bad news.

The good news is that his left hip was most certainly the fluid - not cancer. The bad news is they saw a "spot" on his right pelvis. This spot could be anything - but with Nathan's history they feel the need to look into it further. They feel they cannot accurately biopsy the spot itself and so they will do a bone marrow biopsy. The doctor feels that if that spot is caused by cancer the bone marrow in the right hip would certainly be involved. If the bone marrow is normal we will assume the spot is something else.

They are trying to get the bone marrow biopsy done on Tuesday.

So - the roller coaster continues.....


Well - STILL no MRI results. At this point we don't even know if they are available. Nathan's doctor said he would watch for the results from home and call us with them, but it has been 3 days since the scan now so surely the report is in. I supposed we will call the office today and see if the other doctor could get the report for us.

I will update if we get some results.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:07 PM CST

Can you belive the radiologist has still not entered in his report?? Yep, but I will tell you what we know.

Nathan's oncologist looked at the scans online and he is no radiologist but he didn't see any of the "lytic" changes that would indicate cancer causing the pain. He also thinks he may have seen effusion (fluid) by the joint. This can happen sometimes when a child has had a virus and for some reason it travels to the hip joint. This fluid can cause pain (called transient synovitis). He really wants to see if the radiologist sees the fluid since he (onc) is no expert at reading MRIs.

Another piece of good news is that half of Nathan's urine test came back well within the normal range. Usually the two numbers are pretty in tune with eachother so we would not expect the second half to come back elevated either. This is the test that checks for catacholamines in the urine. Catacholamines are produced by active neuroblastoma. Jut because they are normal doesn't mean there is no neuroblastoma there - but it is another good sign.

So - this means Nathan could just have this fluid in his hip. If it is that - the pain really should go away in the next day or two.

The next step is to go ahead and take some bone marrow from Nathan. Unfortunately the office is too busy to do that this week. Hopefully they will do it on Monday.

Nathan's doctor is off the rest of the week but has promised to check for the report from home and call us as soon as the report is in. There really is no excuse for it to not be in yet. That is pretty irritating.

Anyway - keep the thoughts and prayers coming - they may be working!

I will update you when I hear something.

Monday, March 21, 2005 12:58 AM CST

Update but no update - 7:00 pm

No phone calls from the doctor today. Nathan's leg has been mostly fine today, bus as is the pattern - it was bothering him right before bedtime.

I assume we will get a call tomorrow.

We will continue with our day as planned tomorrow The kids are going to the sitters where they will have a birthday party and do crafts. There is a little boy there this week (spring break) that Nathan really likes and so they should have a fun day.

I am assuming that Nate may still ahve more tests and procedures this week.

I have a feeling that if this is relapse it is going to be somewhat a different experience in that people might not we as willing to do things as urgently for him. There might need to be more pushing from us this time.

Anyway - I will keep the journal updated as I hear anything.

Thanks for your emails and guestbook entries.


Well - we went in this morning for an MRI and xrays. We wanted to do it without Nathan being sedated but the radiologist was really against the idea so we let them sedate him. In the past he has been in an awful state after sedation - but today it was pretty mild.

I expect a call later this afternoon from his doctor to let us know the results. Who knows if this tets will give us any results or just lead us to finally do bone marrows - which will really give us the answer.

We had a good day on Sunday. We went to church as usual and had a normal family day. Nathan's leg still hurts - but it is mild and is not keeping him from playing.

I will update the page later - though I don't expenct any kind of definative answer from just an MRI.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 1:57 PM CST

Well - the pain is back today.

I have to admit both Luke and I really are feeling like this is relapse. The way the pain came and went and came back is very much like what NB would do.

Nathan has an MRI on Monday morning and we will go from there. Meanwhile we are trying to get through the weekend. Though Nathan is in some pain - he is still playing and having a good day - which is all we could ask for.

Friday, March 18, 2005 11:45 AM CST

Well - the last results are in and they are elevated (sed rate and crp). They indicate inflammation in his body. His doctor wants him to have an MRI and xrays. Unfortunately we cannot get those until Monday or Tuesday. His doctor is definately concerned that this is relapse . I didn't get a feeling for what else it could be. The thing is - he feels great today. If it is neuroblastoma - he will start limpin again - but who knows how soon.

I wish I knew what else could be causing the elevations but I don't. They will recheck those levels next week also. If they go down - it is not cancer.

So, basically - we are in limbo for a few days. Which is the worst place to be.

Thursday, March 17, 2005 5:52 PM CST

Well - so far the news as as good as it could be.

Nathan woke up still limping but it has gotten alot better during the day. The doctor did an exam and he didn't even see the pain until I showed him what motion I could do that caused it. Nathan admitted it was less. However - it could still be cancer and the pain could come and go and so I go to the next part - the labs.

His blood counts (hemoglobin, etc) were normal. At diagnosis he was anemic due to the bone marrow dysfuntion caused by the cancer - but that would only happen at very high levels of cancer.

We just now got a call on some more of his labs:

LDH is normal. This is elevated when there is a lot of tumor activity. So - it doesn't mean there is none - but it does indicate he doesn't have a massive relapse.

His other labs that show how his bone marrow are working came back fine - once again indicating there is not a massive amount of cancer in his bone marrow.

We are still waiting for (and at this point won't get until tomorrow) his sed rate and crp. This would be elevated if there is inflammation happening in his body. If they come back elevated we will immediately start doing tests to find a cause. It could be cancer, but it also could be an infection. If it is elevated - he will have some xrays and an MRI - but I am not sure how soon they would get him in for those.

I asked his doctor - would he expect the LDH to be elevated if it was cancer that was causing the pain and he said yes. So - while we cannot rule out cancer at this point, it doesn't seem as likely as it did yesterday.

We did collect his urine for the HVA/VMA test which is elevated if there is neuroblastoma. That test takes at least a week to come back though.

We will probably do scans in the next few weeks.

I am so thankful to have the hope that this is not a relapse. Yesterday we were so sure and at least, today we feel there is a good chance it is not relapse. We don't want to get our hopes up too high though.

If it is relapse - we have certainly dealt with the fear now and are ready to face it if it should happen.

Nathan told us he had a good day. I think it is mostly because his DAD came with him for all of this! He just came up to me while I was writing this and kissed me on the cheek.

So - we'll see what the sed rate and crp are tomorrow and go from there.

Thursday, March 17, 2005 0:45 AM CST

Well - I never meant for it to be so long until I wrote again. Unfortunately we are a wreck around here.

On Wednesday (16th)- Nathan woke up with hip pain. It only got worse during the day and is exactly like the pain he had on diagnosis and in the same hip. He denies having hurt it in any way and said it just started hurting in his sleep.

We are taking him into his oncologist Thursday and will hope to start some tests. It is hard to say how soon we may get any answers.

Please keep Nathan in your thoughts and prayers that this be anything but neuroblastoma.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:48 PM CST

Yes - it is a midweek update!

Nathan is slowly recovering from being sick. He is still quite tired and still coughing ocassionally. His fatigue is the worst symptom. It is hard to see him dragging like that - it brings back too many bad memories.

He was so tired he did not finish his swim lesson and I kept him home from preschool so he could have a nap. I woke up this morning to him screaming hysterically at Julia because she left the bedroom first and apparently it was his turn to leave the bedroom first. That is the thing with Nathan - everything is highly emotional. He couldn't just be mad at hear - had had to completely melt down about it. I get so tired of every little thing being a complete meltdown with him. I keep wondering at what age do kids NOT cry about every thing. I have been having talks with them about being first - they life to fight about begin first to get into the van. Even though they each have their own carseat so they already know were they will be sitting. I just don't get it!

We have determined that Nathan and narcotics just don't mix. We had him on codeine cough medicine for 4 nights. On night #5 we felt he no longer needed it. Well - he was up half the night freaking out. It seemed pretty clear to me it was related to the narcotics and the withdrawl from them. Nathan in any kind of state effected by either narcotics, sedating medicines or steroids is just plain out of his mind. Coupled with this is the fact that Nathan begged me for the cough medicine tonight and got really upset when I said no. In NY he used to get so happy about getting his dilauded and he was very particular about it. One time a nurse put it in his line fairly far away from his body instead of pushing it in right at the enterence to his body. He was so mad that he didn't get the rush. Another time he asked us for tylenol and when we told him it wasn't the red kind (with codeine) he told us to nevermind. The nurses in NY would joke and refer to Nathan as a dope fiend - you know how it is when you joke - often there is a piece of truth in it and it seems pretty clear that he is easily affected by these medicines in all kinds of ways and we are going to try to steer clear of them when we can.

Nathan goes into the oncologist on Friday. I am hoping he is feeling better. I felt fine when he was really sick and I knew why he felt bad - but now that it is lingering it really bothers me.

So - that is what is going on around here. I will update again this weekend.

Monday, March 7, 2005 8:39 AM CST

Well - the past week was all about sick kids. In fact I DID make that appointment for Nathan but had to cancel it since he got sick.

Julia started coughing on Monday and got a fever on Wednesday. Nathan started coughing on Wednesday and had a fever Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Today they are both better but with a lingering cough.

It has been a long time since Nathan was sick and boy - he really wallows in it. I guess he deserves to be however he wants about it, but he sure makes himself even more miserable than he feels just by moaning, groaning and complaining.

We did get confirmation of our Make a Wish trip in April and are now just waiting to find out where we will stay. The special place that kids usually stay for Make a Wish is probably full and so we will see where they put us.

Luke is travelling this week (starting tomorrow). I have Choir Tuesday and Thursday nights and so I have sitters lined up. I was supposed to do choir on Friday night as well, but that would have been just too much babysitting! I actually have choir tonight too (and yesterday morning and last night!). Our big concert is Palm Sunday. After easter it will calm down again.

I am unsure if I will take the kids to swimming lessons this morning. Nathan has swimming lessons, preschool, and they come with me to choir on Mondays and go to the nursery. I don't know if it would be wise to subject him to so many things today so I need to pick and choose.

I will try to reschedule his oncology appointment for Friday.

So - nothing exciting going on here with all the sickness.... So far Luke and I haven't gotten it and hope it stays that way.

Thanks for checking in with us!


Sunday, February 27, 2005 5:27 PM CST

Wow - this week had flown by - I can't believe so much time has gone by since I updated.

Let's see - when we last left off Luke and I were going off on a date night. We had a very nice time and the kids were very excited for Brenna to come babysit them! It is so nice that they think it is fun and don't mind us going. They will be having lots of babysitting in the next few weeks for my choir practices while Luke is out of town. He has a knack of travelling during the busiest times of choir. Not that he has any control over it. Speaking of choir - I just cannot express how much I love it. It brings me such joy - and those who know me know that I am not a "joyful" person - so it is a wonderful thing!

This past week the kids started their new round of swimming lessons. Julia likes the teacher better and has told me that she is going to go underwater with the new teacher. I might try to take some pictures tomorrow. February had gone so fast that I don't think I have any pictures to put on the February page.

Hmm - I am trying to remember what else we were up to..... We had another playgroup at the place that has big inflatable jumping toys. They loved that again. Friday they had some friends over for most of the day and it was nice enough to play outside some.

Yesterday we took the kids to the movie theater for the first time. Yes - can you believe we had not ever done that? We went to the dollar theater and saw "The Polar Express". It was really fun and Julia lasted through the whole thing. I have to admit I did tear up a little as we sat there as a family. It was just so precious to me to be having this normal family exprerience and watch the kids enjoying this "first".

I have been procrastinating making Nathan a clinic appointment. I am just enjoying the medical-free life so much. I WILL call this week and make one for this week or next. They will probably take a urine sample and do the test on the urine that detects Neuroblastoma. They may take some blood, but mostly just a check up. I actually need to find out how tall Nathan is so I can figure out which rides he can go on at Disney World.

I have heard some sad news lately in teh childhood cancer world. I heard of a boy 4 years NED who just relapsed with Neuroblastoma and a mom on a childhood cancer online board lost her son suddenly, after 6 years in remission - do to a very late complication of his surgery. It is a reminder that anything can happen. I just wasn't aware of these thing happening in this world and now that I am - I see they happen far too often. It is such a helpless feeling.

I recently had a conversation with the teachers of the deaf in Nathan's school district. They met with him and said he is doing great. I have since become concerned as we try to teach him phonics in an everyday way. We try to tell him what letter or sound a word starts with and it is so very difficult for him to hear the subtle differences. Even when he is wearing his hearing aides we will repeat and finalyl tell him to look at us and then - whe he reads our lips he finally gets it. He doesn't currently have an IEP, but I think he needs one so he gets one on one help next year on his phonics and reading. I will be contacting the teachers of the deaf again to discuss it with them.

Well - that is about all I can think of that has been running through my head lately. Since we are just doing normal things lately - there doesn't seem to be too much to tell you all. I always find it interesting to check in on our caringbridge friends - even when it is hearing about their everyday stuff so I hope the same holds true for all of you.

Friday, February 18, 2005 8:09 AM CST


Well - this week has flown by.

Monday was Valentine's Day and Julia and I went to Nathan's party at preschool. It mostly consisted of eating, but we all had a good time. The kids were having "circle time" when we arrived and Julia sat right down in the cirlce and joined in. She can't wait until she gets to go. She is signed up for 2 days a week next year and will likely have the same teacher as Nathan.

I had a choir rehearsal late Monday afternoon/evening and they had childcare so Nate and Jules came with me and ate their dinner and played with their friends Pete and Katie.

Oh yeah - also on Monday Nathan had his ear rechecked and all was fine. They also had a swimming lesson and they both passed to the next level. In fact, in this last lesson they both made great strides. Nathan starting voluntarily dunking his head under water and both he and Julia floated on their backs unassisted. They start the next level on Monday.

The rest of the week was not so busy. In fact, yesterday we didn't have anything going on and I tried to get the out of the house, but they wanted to laze around in their pajamas. They play so much together now that sometimes they prefer to stay home. Not that I am complaining. They are the perfect age to play pretend all day long. Yesterday afternoon they stayed outside for over an hour playing some invovled game.

Today we are going to a friend's house and then going to the library for a preschool-sponsored event. I am actually not sure what we will be doing, but it sounded like a good activity to attend.

Luke and I got a babysitter for Saturday night and will be going out. This is actually the first time we have done this. This is not to say we haven't been out to dinner alone in 5 years, but it has always been when we had family visiting to watch the kids. Luke finally went to the doctor and is on multiple medications and is hoping to feel better soon. Of course, he went on a business trip and has been working ever since.

Lately, Nathan has been delighting in doing physical things. Last night he was doing flips off the side of a chair. I can't help myself but to delight in it rather than tell him to stop. I just love watching him be physical. The other day, when leaving preschool he and Julia ran ahead and he actually told me to hurry up. This has never happened before. It is always me telling him to hurry up. He has never walked ahead of me before. It was wonderful. That is definately one gift that Nathan's cancer has given..the ability to relish in the small things that happen every day.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2005 7:38 AM CST

Happy Valentines Day!

We are all slowly recovering from the sickies. Luke is still the sickest though he is up and around. In fact, he is off on a business trip today after having worked all day yesterday on the presentation he has to give.

Nathan will go the the doctor today to get his ear rechecked to make sure the infection is gone. Before that, I think they have a swimming lesson to make up for a snow day. We will go over and find out for sure and sign up for the next round.

Nathan has a Valentine's day party at preschool and Julia and I join him for it later this afternoon. My friend Tonya and I traded favors....I took the bunches of lefterover valentine cookies she had from her son's preschool party and I will bring them to Nathan's - she says I did her a favor by taking them out of her house! Nathan and Julia have both picked out valentines to give. I am not sure who Julia will give them to, but I knew I had better get her some since I had to get Nathan some.

Everything looks fine for our friend, Joshua - they are doing an additional test to make sure - but his family is feeling much more reassured now.

My choir busy season is starting up again. We have a concert on Palm Sunday. We are starting extra rehearsals on Monday's starting today. This time, there is child care for it so that will be much easier. We will be singing John Rutter's "Mass of the Children". It is really beautiful and I am enjoying learning it. We will also be getting ready for Easter services and two other extra preformances in te Lenten season.

I am sitting between Nathan and Julia as I write this. They get up in the morning and sit on the couch and wathc a little TV. When I come down they are often sitting right next to each other - sharing a blanket. It is so sweet. As I was writing this - Nathan snuggled up to me and said' "Mommy - I love you very much". He is just so sweet and loving. Julia is too - but just not quite as much! I am so lucky to have them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 8:14 PM CST

Well - we have a house of sickies. The kids and I just have bad colds. Poor Luke has been in bed for two days with the flu. The kids and I have been going about our regular activities - just while sniffling.

Nate and Jules had swimming lessons today. They both are progressing nicely and we plan to sign them up for the next session.

Preschool is continuing to go well for Nathan. He just has so much fun every day. On Monday, however, he was sad because it was his turn to bring snack and one of the girls didn't like the applesauce. He really took pride in bringing snack and was disappointed that he couldn't please everyone. One of the other moms told me her daughter told her she had a crush on someone and could her mom guess who? Her mom said no and she said she would give her a hint - he had things in his ears! She said that Nathan is so fun to play with and so nice. Isn't that sweet!

Nathan told me that his legs hurt him last night because he had been walking too much. Well - there is nothing a Neuroblastoma parent wants to hear less than that! I hope he had just done something active yesterday.

I have finally updated our family web page. There is a link at the bottom of the page.

One of our NB friends, Joshua, could use some prayers as he has had a scan that is a bit questionable. He was diagnosed at the same time and Nathan and they did antibodies together. So please send some extra prayers his way that all is fine.

Thanks for checking in with us!

Sunday, February 6, 2005 11:33 AM CST

Hello everyone -

We are in the middle of a nice relaxing weekend. In fact, today is perfect football weather since it is cold and snowy. We lit a fire and are settling in. I should also mention it is perfect basketball weather too - since the Illini are on this afternoon as well.

We had a pretty good week this past week. Tuesday, the kids didn't go to daycare as usual because she and her family were sick. Wednesday there were swimming lessons and I am pleased to announce that Nathan got up the nerve to jump to his teacher without holding his hands. He was very proud of himself.

Thursday we went to Chuck E Cheese and they always have a lot of fun there. At the end of the morning, Nathan complained about his ear hurting and then on teh way to preschhol he was in tears about it and so we went home and he took a nap. Luke took him to the doctor in the late afternoon and she said he does have an ear infection. He is on antibiotics and has not complained of any pain since Thursday afternoon and so it has been a non-issue.

The kids went to daycare on Friday and I got to file the taxes and do some errands.

We were in contact with the Make a Wish people and it looks like we will be going to Disney World in April. We haven't told the kids yet, but I am sure they will be so excited. Nathan just loves amusement parks and I think this is a great wish for him.

I got to go out last night with 11 other women for a "girl's night out". We went to a restaurant and had a great time.

This week has nothing of note going on. Well - actually I forgot - Julia has her 3 year old checkup. Nathan will go to daycare and Julia and I will spend the morning together. I am looking forward to that. I so rarely spend any time alone with her and I have spent so much time alone with Nathan. She has gotten so grown-up lately. I can't belive my baby is 3 now!

So - we have all been living very normal happy lives lately and I am so thankful for that!

Monday, January 31, 2005 8:40 PM CST


There is really nothing to update but I thought I would anyway. I have heard nothing more from NY and so am just assuming all is well.

We had a relaxing weekend. Sunday we woke up to quite a bit of snow. Luke and the kids had fun playing outside in it.

Today it was still snowy enough that swimming lesson and preschool were cancelled. I took the opportunity to just stay home all day. I enjoyed it, though Nathan kept asking to go do something fun. They did go outside and play in the snow a little.

As far as medical things...I think the next thing will be a routine clinic visit sometime in February.

So - that's it from here. Take care!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:35 AM CST

Hello - I really meant to update before now... We have been so busy - in a good way. This past week was spent getting ready for Julia's birthday party. Sprinkled in between was some house projects and a half day spent in bed sick for me and another for Luke and so by Saturday we still ahd a lot of work to do. Fortunately my friends Tonya and Linda came to the house Friday morning and cleaned with me!

Julia's party went very well and it seemed everyone had a good time.

This week the kids have had swimming lessons twice. Julia is afraid of jumping in and so has been a little reluctant about the lessons. She seems to have fun while she is in them. Nathan loves the the lessons and is doing a good job trying to put his face in the water.

Our practically new van is in the shop with a problem. That is frustrating. Especially since the backup vehicle had a sevice engine light on it. I think we have fixed it and hopefully the van won't take too long. It is not very fun cramming us all into a 2 door car.

I went to the dentist yesterday. Lots of my old fillings need to be replaced. I am not looking forward to that. Nathan and Julia go to their dentist tomorrow morning. It will be Julia's first visit. I am going to have Nathan go first and let her watch. I dropped off a copy of the Children's Oncology Groups long-term effects guidelines on teeth with their dentist yesterday. He doesn't belive that his treatments have caused all his cavaties. I wanted to make sure he know what kinds of follow-up care and after effects are commen with cancer kids. If he doesn't respond well to it then I guess I will have to find another dentist. We would have to go to Denver to find a dentist with some experience with chemo kids.

This weekend we have no plans - which is the first for a while. It will be nice to relax a little. We still need to put our Christmas boxes back into the crawl space so that is probably on the agenda.

I emailed Nathan's doctor in New York to see if there were additional tests being performed on Nathan's bone marrow. He is looking into it. Usually they do a very sensitive test on the bone marrow to detect microscopic disease. I will let you know if I hear anything. It has now been three weeks since we started the tests and it is frsutrating that we still don't have all the results. I will probably push off the next round of scans until mid to late April. I think we should get 3 months without thinking about the tests. Actually, we will probably do the urine test again in a few weeks since we have been doing that between scans. That one is not as nerve-wracking as the others. I wish we could just do urine tests every 3 months and fulls scans every 6.

Well - I think that is all for the update this time. I will try to get a new picture of Nathan up on the page and some new photos in the photo album too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:37 AM CST

*** Update: Pathology reports on the bone marrows from our home hospital look good. We will have to wait awhile for the more detailed tests that are ran in New York, but so far the good news keeps coming. ***


Sorry for not updating sooner. We have been pretty busy.

We had a good weekend in the mountains. Julia has been fighting a stomach bug and it reared up again and Nathan got it too. They didn't feel bad until Saturday night/Sunday morning and so we had a good time until then. They got to go sledding down the hill behind the house. It was fun but lots of hard work to haul ourselves , the sled and the kids back up the hill. The snow was about 3 feet deep - Nathan figured out that he could sort of crawl on it but stepping on it just burried him.

We came back Sunday afternoon and are busy with some home improvement projects and getting ready for Julia's 3rd birthday party this weekend. She has been talking about her party for many months and wanting all her friends to come. Well, many of her friends moved away in the last few months, but most of her remaining friends and some new ones are able to come and so she should be very happy. Between the kids and their parents this house is going to be packed. We will be doing some art projects at her party.

We have had no results from the bone marrow biopsies yet. I If don't hear anything today I will call, but the final results will still be another week or so I think.

We are off to swim lessons today and have many other appointments and plans in the next few days so I will just put an update on the top of this page if I hear anything about the bone marrows.

Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:56 PM CST


Well, we got bone marrows done this morning. We warned Nathan last night that he could not eat or drink when he got up. He had a good cry about it but then this morning he was as happy as a clam and didn't ask about it.

He did great getting his IV and the procedure went well. Afterwards we went to a restaurant for lunch and he was happy and feeling great. No complaints of pain, whatsoever.

Luke came with us this time and Nathan as so happy to have him there (as was I).

While we were there (at the hospital PICU) one of Nathan's doctors told us that there was a newly diagnosed neuroblastoma family in the PICU and asked if we would talk to them. We were more than happy to and talked to the parents for a few minutes. Their little boy is 17 months old and already has some feeding and growth issues. In fact, this little boy has had numerous tests at MAYO clinic and through all that no one ever saw this huge tumor in his chest and abdomen. Anyway, we were glad to be able to be proof that kids do recover from this beast. We also offered up what advice and knowledge we had. It was kind of chilling to see the parents' shell-shocked faces and remember what that was like.

Tonight I went to Nathan's future elementary school for an information night on the kindergarten program there. I have to admit that I got teary eyed as I walked around the kindergarten rooms. When he was diagnosed one of my greatest wishes was that he live to be able to go to kindergarten. We still have many months to go, but the reality of him being able to attend gets more possible every day that passes.

Tomorrow we are headed up to Grand Lake (in the Rocky Mountains) to spend the weekend with my brother at his house there. We are really looking forward to it! Hopefully we will all be healthy enought to enjoy it. Julia has been fighting off a bug. She has been complaining about having a stomach ache for a week or so. Then, this weekend she had problems with her "girly parts" and has been a little lethargic. I took her to the doctor on Monday and they checked her for a urinary tract infection, which she does not have. The Nurse did say her gut seemed overactive and she was probably fighting off a virus. Well, last night she threw up aroound 2:30am. I had served a dinner that was not very stomach-friendly and I think that did her in. We finally got her cleaned and settle back in and I tried to go to sleep and was in great pain because I spent too much time scraping wallpaper off a wall and my neck and shoulders were killing me. I finally fell asleep just before 4:00, when Nathan woke up and had wet his bed and was trying to clean it up. Luke took care of that and we finally got a little more sleep. I woke up with a cold and unable to move my right arm and neck. Fortunately the arm and neck are much better. So, I am praying no one else gets this stomach bug and we all get some sleep tonight so we feel well this weekend.

When I took Julia to the doctor, while we were waiting in the exam room she said, mumbling, which she does when she is a little hesitant to say something, "in that book the little girl gets cancer" She is talking about a book we have at home. So I asked her if she was worried about that and she said yes. I just about cried to think she is worried she has cancer because she is at the doctors. I suppose it really is a healthy response, but struck me very sad.

I think we will have preliminary bone marrow results early next week, and final results in aabout a week to 10 days. I will let you know when we hear something.

I hope you all have a good weekend!

Monday, January 10, 2005 2:30 PM CST

Update - MIBG scan is unchanged. If the NY docs were reading it they would say no sign of disease. The doctors here say stable. There is a spot that lights up around his surgical site. This has been the case for the past year and the experts in NY say it is just due to the damage from surgery and not cancer. The CT scan shows nothing as well - so for us that means no cancer detected.

The bone marrows are on for Thursday morning. We will get preliminary results fairly quickly but they are sent out to a lab and so it is a week or so until final results on those.

Well - no more scan results yet. I will update later today if I hear anything.

Nathan and Julia had swimming lessons today. They both did really well and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They are learning to put their face in the water and to jump into the water (with the teacher catching them). It was fun to watch them.

We had a good but busy weekend. We had dinner at friends houses both Saturday and Sunday nights. Between that, church, laundry and housecleaning, that was pretty much our whole weekend. Oh, and we did get the Christmas lights off the house. We have been having highs in teh 50's and so it has been nice to do outside work.

I haven't heard for sure if Nathan's bone marrow biopsies will be on Thursday. I plan to ask the doctor when he calls with scan results.

I have completed the December family web page. See the link in the middle of the page or at the bottom.

Friday, January 7, 2005 8:40 AM CST

Update Friday evening:

We have one scan result. The CT scan is perfectly fine. The MIBG scan report is not in yet. I am feeling MUCH better. We still have the bone marrows next week but I am just happy knowing that at least there is not a tumor in his chest. abdomen, or pelvis, which were scanned.

It is a little unusual for the MIBG scan not to be in yet. I had scenarios running around my head today in whcih the doctors had the results and were trying to figure out what to tell us!

Anyway - I think we can relax enough to enjoy our weekend and we will find out the MIBG scan results on Monday.


Well, scans are done but we have no results yet.

The IV insertion went really well and got in on the first try. We checked Nathan's blood counts and he is a little anemic. He had been in the low normal range previously. I didn't get to talk to the doctor about it though.

We had the MIBG scan yesterday morning. Nathan did great in it - it took longer than normal. Different machines and different techs seem to do the test at different rates. This time it was 2 - 25 minute scans. I messed up and brought the wrong kind of DVD that didn't work in the player I brought and so he had to just lie there. He is awesome! I couldn't really see anything on the screen but I didn't really try to look either.

After waiting for about 20 minutes we were told we didn't have to redo the MIBG scans and so we were happy about that. We went off to have lunch and then went to Toys R Us and looked around and I had Nathan take his oral contrast. He had to take it twice, 1 hour apart. IT is milky looking stuff and he used to HATE it, but now could care less about it. I just fill a syringe and squirt it in his mouth over and over again. He did it really well and it was no stress at all.

He had his CT scan and this time there seemed to be a little too much phoning around and they were asking me lots of questions about where his tumor was and so I am extremely nervous about the results. I am hoping to hear something fairly early on today. Meanwhile we have a playgroup at the swimming pool and I am going to try to make myself go even though I am not mentally up to it.

I will update when I know something.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 11:09 PM CST

Well - tomorrow we begin the now drawn-out scan schedule. Nathan asked me right away how they would give him medicines and so I told him he would have an IV and so he got upset about that. That was yesterday and he hasn't brought it up today but wanted me to tell him the whole schedule of things.

We would be in New York right now if he didn't get a HAMA. I am so grateful that we are home! Nathan got to go to preschool today after an aborted attempt yesterday when we discovered it was a teacher service day. Since I had expected to be in NY I hadn't fully paid attention to the schedule.

I am working on the December pictures and hope to have the website updated soon. There are so many!

Friday, December 31, 2004 5:42 PM CST

Hello - I hope you are all set to have a wonderful New Years Eve.

I am updating because the scan schedule has imploded and we had to start again.

I got a call yesterday afternoon (after the clinic was closed for the holiday) from nuclear med saying that due to the holiday the MIBG isotope would be unavailable Tuesday.

I paged Nathan's doctor and he was going to look into finding a different day for the Bone Marrows. Well - so this is what we have ended up with.

Tuesday - nothing now.

Wednesday - Clinic visit to insert IV and blood draw and MIBG injection.

Thursday - MIBG scan in the morning. They will look at it right away to see if he needs a repeat scan on Friday. If not, he will have the CT scan on Thursday afternoon as planned.

Friday - If needed, second MIBG scan and rescheduled CT scan.

Next Thursday (Jan 13) Tenatively....please hope this works out! - Bone marrow aspirations and biopsies.

So - it will have to be done with 2 IVs - which I was trying to avoid. That's the way it is though.

The bone marrows just could not be done this week. I have picked the next Thursday because the kids are starting swimming lesson on the 10th and I didn't want Nathan to have to miss. Plus he can't get wet for a few days following.

I am excited about the lessons. Now that Julia is turning 3 and Nathan is still 4, they can be in the same class together and without me in the pool.

Now - I am jsut hoping for no repeat CT scan...the IV can come out a day earllier and the kids and I can go to a swimming playgroup we have been wanting to attend on Friday.

More importantly, I am hoping for CLEAN SCANS!

Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:10 PM CST


We finally have scan dates. Unfortunately my anxiety level is at an all time high anticipating these scans. Nathan has been very tired lately which makes me nervous. It is also the first scans off-treatment and would be so devestating for him to relapse now.

The schedule also, is not perfect - but that is how it goes. There is potential for it to get all mucked up if he has to repeat his MIBG scan like he did last time.

Anyway - here goes:

Tues, Jan 4 - 11:30 clinic visit, physical - possibly let them place IV but only if certain nurses are working.
Tues, Jan4 - 2:30 MIBG injection
Wed, Jan 5 - 9:30 MIBG scan
Thurs, Jan 6 - Possible 9:00 MIBG scan (if first one is too bright - this happened last time since he did not have a BM before the scan)
Thurs, Jan 6 - 9:30 Bone Marrow Aspirations (will be pushed to 10:30 or later so if have to repeat MIBG scan and he will have to go even longer without eating)
Thurs, Jan 6 - 2:40 - CT scan. This may be a problem if Bone Marrows are pushed late because he has to be able to eat lunch by 12:40 when he will have to begin drinking his oral contrast for the scan at which point he cannot eat or drink anything until after his scan. If htis happens I will likely rescheudle the CT scan until the next day instead of starving him. He is very very very crabby after sedation and there is no way I could get him to start drinking the contrast right away.

So - anyway - we REALLY need him NOT to have to do the MIBG scan again on Thursday. We'll see what happens.

What else is going on? Well - Nathan is finally over his colds and his nose is again running clear like a fountain due to allergies. We may try some allergy medicines again for him. If you recall, his nose was like this alot during chemo. We tried some medicines that didn't help, but maybe his immune system has changed again. It is really bad - he has a constant puddle below his nose.

I am looking forward to the New Year...I am praying it is a year of no major medical treatment for Nathan.

Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:59 PM CST

Hello -

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. We certainly did.

Luke's parents and sister arrived on the 23rd. We have been having a wonderful time being together and the kids love all the attention!

We had so many presents under our tree and had so much fun opening them all.

The kids didn't get up until 6:30 on Christmas morning - so that was fine. We were worried they would be up earlier than that.

Luke's brother arrives today for a short visit and then everyone is leaving on Tuesday.

There is no word yet on scan dates. I talked to the scheduler early in the week so I am hoping to hear something early this coming week.

I will write again midweek.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:53 PM CST

Hello - I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

We had a good week last week. Both kids were dealing with their colds at the beginning of the week so other than preschool - we didn't do very much.

Thursday, Nathan's preschool had a holiday party. Julia and and attended and had a very nice time. Julia was so excited to go - she held my hand and skipped on our way to his building. She didn't want to leave when it was time to go. Hopefully she will attend preschool there 2 mornings a week next fall.

Yesterday we spent a few hours at McDonalds for a playgroup and they enjoyed climbing all over the place while I enjoyed talking with friends.

Nathan is very cranky today. He has been SO cranky lately and I really hope it is him getting over his cold. The cancer mom inside me is concerned that he is feeling bad and that is why he is cranky. We have sent him to go nap and are hoping that will help things.

I had choir practice this morning to gear up for services tomorrow and Christmas Eve. We all have to sing all 3 services tomorrow morning and there are 5 services Christmas Eve but I will only sing three because I am really looking forward to tucking my kids into bed this year on Christmas Eve. It will mean so much to me after being away last year.

We got an unexpected treat last night. Nathan and Julia's day care provider called to say she was opening the day care from 5 - 8 last night and so the kids were all there in their PJs and ate pizza and watched some Christmas movies while Luke and I had a nice dinner out and did some window shopping downtown (Thanks Tammy!).

Nathan still has preschool next Monday and Tuesday and then they will go to day care on Wednesday and Luke's parents and sister will arrive on Thursday. I can't belive Christmas is onyl a week away. I can't wait!

Safe travels for those of you going away this week.

Monday, December 13, 2004 7:15 PM CST


I am finally able to catch my breath and update.

We had a reasonably good week, in that we got through it with Luke gone. As I said before there was lots of babysitting and that went fine. By the third night Julia wasn't too thrilled about it but she was just talking to be about it and not upset. The next day she sang a little song about how mommy was going to stay home with her tonight.

Friday we went to Chuck E Cheese so they were very happy about that. Outr playgroup goes there around 9:30 in the morning and we are usually the only ones there for a few hours. So - it is great for the kids.

Luke came home Friday night and it wasn't too late so I let the kids stay up and wait for him. They were very excited to do that.

Luke was the chief caregiver all weekend since I was doing choir things all weekend except Saturday morning. By Saturday morning I was dying to get away from the kids so I went off shopping by myself.

Sunday Nathan was not feeling great. He caught a little cold and laid around most of the day. He had to miss church and a party we were going to go to. It was for cancer families and so we didn't want to run the risk of infecting anyone.

Today I kept him home from preschool because I felt he needed an additional day of rest. He was a little emotional because of his cold. He is much better this evening and so I think he will be fine tomorrow.

We baked our first round of Christmas cookies today. We made some gingerbread and the kids got to use the cookie cutters.

There is nothing eventful going on this week. I expect to hear something about scan schedules the week following Christmas. His next round of immunizations is set for January.

So - that's it. Are you getting bored with us? That's OK - we like it that way!

Monday, December 6, 2004 9:58 PM CST

Update Wednesday December 8, 2004

I got a message from Nathan's oncologist that the urine test came back all in normal ranges. This is the test that is elevated when there is neuroblastoma present. So - some good news!

Hello -

Glad you all like the tie. Nathan has been asking us for a tie ever since he saw a child wearing one at the Ronald McDonald House. He was so proud of that tie and he loves wearing it. He would wear it every day if we let him. For all you who have asked - we bought it at Mervyn's - it is Van Heusen and a clip on. The picture was from Sunday morning before we went to church.

We had a very busy but very good weekend. Luke came home late Friday night. Our good friends Max and Myndi and thier boys, Maxx and Miles spent the night Friday night before they flew to Florida where they are moving. We will miss them!

Saturday morning we did the shop with a cop. They had breakfast for everyone and then the kids waited their turn to sit on Santa's lap and get a present. Nathan and Julia had to wait a long time and were very patient. They were very pleased to see Santa and Julia gave him a hug when he put her on his lap. They then got to pick out $25 worth of toys (we were at KMart). Nathan picked out a motorized loader and Julia picked out 2 dolls and some art supplies. I left from there to go to choir rehearsal and they went home to play with their toys. Nathan got an RC moster truck from Santa and so he and some neighborhood kids had a blast driving it around outside later in the day. It was very nice out and Luke and I stood out there with them drinking coffee - it was a very satisfying family time.

Sunday we were off to church in the morning and then we did some Christmas shopping on the way home and ate at my new favorite fast food place - Culver's. I LOVE Steak and Shake and we don't have them here. Culver's is new here and it comes much closer than anything else we have. Yum.

We spent Sunday afternoon decorating the house and putting up the tree. After dinner we decorated the tree. It was so much fun to watch the kids put on ornaments. They both wanted to put the angel up and so we had to lift them both up there.

Luke left again early this morning and the kids and I ran more errands and then I had to go to choir practice tonight. They called some extra rehearsals. There are rehearsals Mon - Thurs night this week, Saturday afternoon and the concerts are on Sunday. Crazy! Anyway - I managed to find babysitters for all but Thursday - and I really didn't try for that because 3 nights in a row is probably going to be more than the kids can handle anyway. It is so much fun to be singing so much though.

Nathan got a haircut this morning. We are so perplexed by his hair. It is either long, somewhat fuller but shaggy and crazy or short, neater but balder-looking. I haven't decided which way I like it better yet. He seems fine with anything as long as it is not sticking up funny.

Well - I think I have covered most of what has been going on around here. I am not sure when my next update will be. Probably not for a week or so unless something comes up. I will try to put some tree decorating pictures on the photo page soon.

Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, December 2, 2004 5:16 PM CST

Nathan went to the oncologist today. We had to wait a really long time, but other than that it was a good appointment. They took his blood, but I didn't get any blood counts before we left. I am sure they are fine though. They also took his urine to do the usual test on that. We weren't really due for the test for a few weeks, but now it is out of the way. The only thing about it was that Nathan had some cookies last night with vanilla and vanilla can affect the results. If they are off we will just repeat when he has his other scans. We talked about those and agreed to do them the first or second week in January. We discussed how long we would scan at 3 months intervals. Per the antibody study he will do three month scans until Dec 2005. His doctor felt that for him we should continue every three months until summer 2006. He has a high risk of relapse right now and for the next year to year and a half. After that the risk will diminish somewhat.

It is a good oncology appointment when there is a long discussion about hair and not tumors. His doctor noticed that Nathan's hair is not normal. It has grown in very thin on top and the hair itself is very coarse. Luke refers to it as "down" (as in duck feathers) because it is impossible to get wet. All the other cancer kids I know have normal looking hair, but for some reason Nathan's hair has not grown back normally. It is hard to say why. The doctor had no explaination but was interrested about it. He said he had another neuroblastoma patient years ago whose hair grew back in a pattern resembling male-pattern baldness. He sent the child to a dermatologist and no cause was found. Anyway - hair is not important. I do hope it continues to fill in. It would be better for Nathan if his hair does not look abnormal when he get to the age where kids will tease. The poor kid already has a mouth full of silver teeth and hearing aides.

We decided that Nathan will go to the clinic about every 6 weeks - basically once in between every scan cycle. We also discussed Nathan's physical strength because although he is so much better than he used to be - he is still far less energetic and physical than his peers. The doctor felt it would just take more time. I also wonder how much if it is mental. We go to preschool and other kids take off running down the hill to the classroom and he just plods along. I think that sometimes he just doesn't have a freeness of spirit because of all he has been through.

All these things being said, I am very thankful to be asking his doctor about these non life-threatening issues.

The three of us are still sick with bad colds. Julia and I are the worst with raspy voices and coughing. Nathan just has a runny nose.

Luke returns late tomorrow night. Unfortunately he has to travel again next week. I am searching for a babysitter who can watch the kids until 10:30 on a school night for a choir practice.

On Saturday, very early, we are going to "shop with a cop" where the kids will get to pick out presents for Luke and I at Kmart with the help of a police officer. I think we are also getting breakfast. I then have a 3 hour rehearsal for choir. We may try to decorate our tree Sunday afternoon.

We are finally going to meet with the make-a-wish people in a few weeks. We have been putting them off because of our busy schedule going back and forth to New York. Now comes the hard part - figuring out what Nathan wants. We asre open to anything - so it will be interresting to see what he comes up with. He deserves anything he can come up with!

So - nothing more medical until January 3, when he has his next oncology appointment just prior to his scans. That is a wonderful thing!

Until next time....

Monday, November 29, 2004 7:24 AM CST

Hello everyone - I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We certainly did. The kids have been loving having Grandma C and Grandpa Bill here.

We didn't do much but stay home the whole time. It was very relaxing. Some of us adults got to go see the Polar Express. Now we just need to take the kids! We went because we have an IMAX theater here that was showing it in 3D and the kids couldn't have done that. It was amazing! My mom and I did some shopping and there was much watching of football and basketball. All in all a very normal good Thanksgiving.

I have caught the kids cold and have gotten it bad. I am hoping to be on the mend today. Luke left this morning to go on a business trip and my parents are leaving this afternoon. I have to do choir things 4 times this week and so I hope my voice recovers.

We are having some very wintery weather. Nathan was beggin gto go outside to play in the snow yesterday but since the wind chill was at zero I had to tell him no. Currently the temperature outside is 8 degrees! He will get to go to preschool today. The schools are 2 hours delayed but that will not affect him.

Nathan goes to see his oncologist on Thursday. It is just a routine visit with a blood draw. I also need to talk to his doctor about his scans. He is due at the end of December but we will wait until the beginning of January. I am going to try to get prior scans from New York so there is better comparisons this time.

That is about all that is going on here. We got the Christmas lights put up on the house before Luke left and the kids are very happy about that. It is going to be so much fun to decorate the tree with them this year.

I will update again Thursday evening or Friday morning.

I hope you all have a good week.

Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:48 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are so incredibly thankful this year. The list could go on and on. I will try to hit the hightlights.

We are thankful for:

The current state of good health of our entire family

Our extended families who have been such a great supprt to us.

Our wonderful friends who support us but at times simply make us laugh.

All of you who read this journal and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

This list could go on and on and encompass every aspect of our lives, but I will end it here. We have really learned to be thankful for the small things and I think that is the most important thing. Right at this moment I can look over and see my children in their pajamas sitting together on the couch and that is all I need to make me happy right now.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and can spend the day with those you love.

Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:14 PM CST

Hello - I didn't realize it had been so long since I had updated (thanks, Ashley for your concern).

With Luke being gone all week, we were all just trying to get through. Julia was pretty emotional all week. She is just not used to Luke being gone. I am trying to remember what we did all week. I know we kept ourselves pretty busy. On Friday we went swimming. The kids had a blast. The kid area of the pool is all 1 to 1.5 feet and has a little waterslide and they loved it. Unfortunately, Julia gets cold very easily so we cold only swim for about 45 minutes before she was shivering. Luke came home Friday night. Nathan waited by the window for a half an hour waiting for him. He actually got "sweaty and hot" waiting for him. He breaks out in these sweats and I have been trying to determine the cause so it was interresting to see it connected to anxiety. They were both very happy to see their Daddy.

We are all looking forward to the week ahead. Nathan's class has a little Thanksgiving party on Tuesday that I will attend. My parents are arriving Tuesday night for the holiday. Nathan is very happy that we will be having pumpkin pie because it is one of his favorite foods. Speaking of favorite foods, he has to bring a favorite food to the party at preschool and he chose corn. I will have to attempt to keep it a little bit warm on the way over there! It will be interresting to see what the other kids choose. His class also had paper feathers to take home and write what they are thankful for and the teacher created a turkey out of them. We did this pretty soon after we arrived home and so his two were,"that his cancer treatments were done" and "to be home with his family". It was fun to see what the kids chose. A few had their familys, one had their god, and another which I enjoyed was that she was thankful for waffles.

So that is the wrap up around here. Nothing medical is happening until Dec. 2 when Nathan will see his oncologist and have his blood drawn to send to NY.

I almost forgot to say....Tomorrow is one year since Nathan's surgery in New York when the remaining tumor was removed! How lucky we are to be here a year later, done with treatment and with Nathan currently happy and healthy.

Monday, November 15, 2004 4:43 PM CST


Nothing much going on around here. The kids got to go to Chuck E Cheese AGAIN this past Friday and had a blast. Saturday we ran some errands as a family and then Sunday morning Luke left on a business trip. The kids and I went to a Candlelighters Thanksgiving dinner. The kids had lots of fun becuase there was a large dance floor in the middle of the room and they spent much of the time just running around. There was a dancing demonstration and then Julia and Nathan danced together. It was very cute.

They have both been pretty emotional yesterday and today. I am hoping they will be good tonight because a friend is watching them while I go to Choir sectional rehearsals. Tomorrow night they will have a babysitter at the house while I go to regular choir practive. I am crossing my fingers that they are good!

On the medical front...Nathan gets his second Flu shot on Wednesday. He will have to have his blood drawn for HAMA in the next few weeks but I am still waiting to receive a date for that. They need the blood for the research. I have been reassured that he is done even if it is negative. If it IS negative that would not be a good thing because it would mean he has lost his immunity he built up - but they said it usually stays positive at this point in treatment. Either way - they probably won't even let me know!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 12:07 AM CST

Hello from cold and blustery Colorado. I wish we could stay in today but we have been out and about taking Nathan to the pediatrician. I tried to get her all caught up on his current state of health. He had to have 4 shots today for immunizations and will have to go back in a week for a flu shot. He handled it pretty well.

He has enjoyed being back in preschool and I am so happy to know he won't have any more extended absences.

Everyone seems to be calming down and getting into the swing of things now. Of course Luke will be travelling for work next week and so that will be another disruption - but at least a "normal" one!

We came home form a very, very large bill from the hospital in New York. Our old insurance had not paid anything for the antibodies the whole time. Fortunately, when I called the very rude person in at the hospital I found out all balances were paid the last week in October. That is a big relief. Our new insurance is not yet billing correctly, but we have been in contact with someone and we are being told it is getting fixed.

That is about all that is going on around here. Thanks for checking in.

Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:01 PM CST

So - one of the first things Nathan said to me when he found out he didn't have to have anymore treatment was that if he was done with treatment than he should have a cake a celebrate. We had recently attended an event where there was a cake for a boy done with treatment. So I told him that of course we would and last night we had that cake! So - that is what the new picture on his page is from.

We are settling in. Julia has been extrememly emotional and having a hard time, but she is definately happy to have everyone home. She and Nathan have been doing lots of playing and a little more fighting than usual but are having lots of fun together.

Nathan is telling everyone he sees that he is off-treatment. I am sure he will tell everyone at preschool tomorrow.

Nathan will go to the pediatrician on Wednesday to get started on his revaccinations. It will be nice to get an opinion on some of his lesser issues from a non-oncologist.

I plan to update our family website for October very soon - so keep an eye out for the new pictures...we have alot.

Thanks for all the guestbook entries and emails. We are glad to be able to share some good news with all of you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 8:07 PM CST

Hi - I am exhausted tonight so this will not be long.

NAthan is thrilled that he is done with treatment. He wants to tell everyone that I talk to on the phone.

We went in today to meet with the doctor and have Nathan's IV removed. The doctor basically said that we are done, and that we have done everything we could and we shouldn't worry about being off-treatment. We will continue to scan Nathan every three months for at least the next year (at home). If all goes well and he is still NED this time next year he will start to go to the long-term survivors clinic to be monitored for after-effects.

I moved up our flights to tomorrow night. That was the soonest I wanted to leave because I didn't want to scurry around doing things. We have been saying our goodbyes and we went to Times Square one more time today.

So - we will be home tomorrow and I will update again soon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 10:45 AM CST

5:11 EST
HAMA Positive! Nathan is DONE with treatment.


No pain again today, but a lot of grumpy. I wonder if he felt some , but he says he didn't. When I tried to explain why we could leave yesterday I told him that after a while he might not have pain anymore with antibodies and that he would eventually stop antibodies. I was trying very carefully not to make him think that lack of pain=no more antibodies but I think he took it away from the conversation because he told me at lunch that he didn't have pain and so he didn't need any more antibodes. Sigh... So - he may not have told me about the pain. Anyway - they drew him blood for the HAMA test so we will find out this evening. I guess I am expecting to hear it is negative. I am glad it is being run because I will know to expect pain tomorrow if it is negative and I can handle it alot better when I know what to expect.

We had a good afternoon yesterday. A friend sent him $3 (thanks Judy H.) and we went off to the toy store to spend it (he bought a taxi). After that we walked to the book store and then to the pet store(Nathan wanted to buy a toy for our doggie dinner host, Fergus) and then to have dinner at John and Judy's with Joan and Bill. Nathan WALKED all of this- we had no stroller. The walk was around one and half miles. I was very impressed with his stamina and his desire because he wanted to walk at one point when I offered the subway.

We had a wonderful dinner and came home and went right to bed.

We may go to Times Square this afternoon. I promised we would do it while we were here and since there is a good chance tomorrow and Thursday could be bad pain days I think we wil do it today.

Keep your fingers crossed for the HAMA results. I will update late - she promised to call with the results either way.

Monday, November 1, 2004 11:08 AM CST

Hello -

We had a wonderful weekend. I will back up to Friday first.

Nathan's pain was somewhat less than Thursday but still pretty bad. We were trying to catch the train at a particular time and so as it got later I was trying to convince him to leave the hospital but he didn't want to go and was upset about that and then wanted his Halloween costume off but wanted to go outside with short and a t-shirt. She we had a big struggle getting him dressed but he calmed down fairly soon and we caught a taxi and got to the train station and were on out way. We spent Friday afternoon at Garrett's house and then went to a little Halloween parade where the kids dressed up and paraded from the fire station to the elementrary school. Nathan enjoyed that mainly because we were all waling behind a fire truck.

Saturday we went to a pumpkin patch and picked out pumpkins and then we went to Garrett's sister's soccer game. It was cold and wet but the boys enjoyed playing at the playground nevertheless. Later in the afternoon we carved pumpkins.

Sunday we had another soccer game and then dinner and tick or treating. Nathan didn't trick or treat for too long but he had a great time and afterwards sorted and lined up all his candy and was very pleased about it all.

We caught an early train this morning and came back to the city. Nathan had a great time playing with Garrett and just quietly playing on the floor with trucks in such a nice homey atmosphere. He told me he loved being there and was sad this morning to leave. I also had a great time hanging out. They are a great family.

Today it took 4 attempts to get an IV started. Nathan was obviously upset but did a great job. Once again there was no pain or hives. I think they may go ahead and draw his blood for HAMA tomorrow but I am not sure. There is a good chance he will do what he did last week and get pain tomorrow or Wednesday. Either way, I will take any pain-free day I can get and so it was such a relief today. Nathan is now playing in the hospital playroom after having lunch. He never gets to play there because he is too wiped out after his treatments. **I am adding a little here an hour later because after I wrote this Nathan came to get me and wanted to go back to his room. He meant his hospital room. I told him we were done and he got upset and said he didn't have his pain yet so we couldn't go. He wouldn't belive me so I had a nurse tell him. Last week he told me he still had pain on those days but today I guess he truly had none. **

I will try to put some pictures on later.

Julia and Luke also had a good Halloween. Apparently at every house Julia went to she kept saying to the people after she had her candy "and some for my Daddy too?" He had to tell them he didn't coach her to say that!

Gotta go - will update later

Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:25 PM CDT

Hello - well I thought today was pretty bad, but Nathan told me a few minutes ago that he had a really good day.

His pain was REALLY BAD. He screamed out in pain for over a half hour and then grunted in pain for another hour. It hasn't been that bad for several rounds. He was really wiped out after that and I was a mess and the combination was not good and I took out my frustrations on him by not being very patient when he was very cranky and screaming on the way home. A while after we got back to the room he told me "Mommy, I wasn't being bad and throwing a fit before, I was just in pain". Boy did that make me feel bad bad bad. It is not as if I don't know that, I am just in such a bad state myself that I cannot react in a calm reasonable way to the screaming. Anyway, we hung around the room and house the res of the afternoon. I was trying to stake out the washer and dryer. Nathan played most of the afternoon and evening. He really enjoyed his playing and was pretending he was a Daddy and he had a baby he was taking care of. He told me the baby threw a fit and the Mommy got make and made a face like " " and he showed me the face and said she had one eye shut and the other open a little and his teeth were kind of bared. He is too funny. Oh, and I am pretty sure I don't make that face - I will have to ask Luke.

So - I have NO CLUE what to expect from tomorrow's treatment. It is as if we are starting over again so I guess I will expect it to be bad. I am hoping we get an early start at least so we can leave the hospital and get on a train around 1:00. We will be going to Garrett's house for the weekend and we are definately ready for a nice break from all this for the weekend.

I may not update until Monday, I am not sure. Hope you all have a good weekend and Halloween.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:36 AM CDT

A quick update....Nathan is having pain today. I am not nearly as disappointed as I thought. My immediate thoughts were that I hated to see him in pain, but also that I could keep doing antibodies forever if the cancer would stay away. I will update more later


I wrote that one-handed during his treatment so I will elaborate. We decided not to premedicate him today. He had pain and it was pretty intense. The nurse said that at the very least it is a sign his body is working on a HAMA. So - hopefully we are on the way to one in the next few treatments. I didn't ask what to expect tomorrow. We will premedicate and see what happens.

We got out of there around 11:15 and I got Nathan some food. He rested for a half hour and then ate. Shortly after that he was feeling better so we went off to the central park zoo. He had a great time there and ran around laughing and playing. I put a picture on the photo page. I was so glad to see him feeling so well and so happy after this morning.

I have him in bed watching TV now and it is actually a decent time tonight.

I will update tomorrow. I am very curious to see what his treatment brings. It will be a later day because they have to draw blood and his IV is most likely not going to draw and so he will have to have a stick.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:34 AM CDT


Well, another easy day. I didn't see any evidence of pain. I asked him about it later and he said he had pain, so I asked him when and he said when he was asleep from the dilauded. Well, he didn't actually sleep with it, but it does make him very sleepy and he lay down. He got up and played computer games before it was possible that pain could have hit and so I just think he is trying to work it out in his head because he knows he has pain usually. We got out of there by 10:15 and we went to the park across the street and he played and chased pigeons for a half and hour and then he got some lunch at McDonalds.

The antibody nurses seem very skeptical about him possibly developing a HAMA. Yesterday they said he probably had a low-level HAMA and it would go away today. So, today one of them came in and said, "pain today, right?" and we said no so she said that it is a low level HAMA and usually Wednesday it will go away and he will have pain. I THINK if he doesn't have pain tomorrow they might consider the possibility. One of the nurses had told the team yesterday that Nathan didn't have pain, but that often on the first Monday and Tuesday he didn't. That is anything but true. So anyway, I don't know quite what to make of the attitudes but I think maybe we will have a better idea tomorrow. What a downer it will be if he has pain tomorrow!

I am not sure what we will do this afternoon. Tonight we will go to Joan's for dinner. Even though Nathan had no pain, he did have dilauded and therefore is still quite cranky! So - we will have to see what he wants to do.

Monday, October 25, 2004 11:56 AM CDT

Hello from New York,

We had a pretty easy trip here. We are having some problems with our room lock (as in the keys won't work and someone has to let us in every time) and so I think they will move us today. We also had some very loud neighbors last night. The rooms have doors that join them and there seems to be no isulation and it is as if the neighbors are standing in your room. If we move, I hope that will be better.

Nathan had a checkup when we got to the hospital and I was very happy to see that he has gained almost 4 pounds and 3 cm in height in the eight weeks we have been away. They had to rewrite for all his medications and so we had a long wait before his antibodies. He got them and we waited for the pain. We waited and played and the antibodies finished and were flushed in and I still so no signs of pain. While we were eating he told me his pain was gone and I was surprised to hear he had any at all. We need lots of HAMA thoughts and see what happens tomorrow. I can't even begin to tell you what it would mean to us if Nathan gets a HAMA. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high, and even if he doesn't HAMA the ease of the treatments like this would be fine. He ate his whole lunch and we came back and now he is running around and laughing and playing. Usually on the first Monday we are at the hospital for hours afterwards and he is in pain the rest of the afternoon and I usually give him pain medicine later in teh afternoon again. What a difference!

So - all of those out there praying for Nathan, please pray that if it is what is meant for Nathan, that he develop the HAMA and this can be our last trip for antibodes.

Friday, October 22, 2004 2:11 PM CDT

Hi - There is no real news today...so I will talk about what we have been up to.

Wednesday afternoon I took the kids to a pottery painting place where a local group called Compassion for Kids was having kids paint pottery to make Christmas presents for their parents. It was a little bit hectic with me trying to help both of them at once since they are so young. They really enjoyed themselves however. We also had cake for a boy who just finished treatment.

Thursday, the kids went to daycare and she had a little Halloween party for them. Speaking of Halloween - I will put a picture of them in their costumes on the photo page. I went and voted since I will be in New York on election day.

Nathan started his shots on Wednesday. He is doing great with them. He tells me I am doing a good job with them because they are not hurting him. He is being premedicated and that has definately kept him from having a huge welt, though the area is still a little inflamed and red.

I am starting to get ready for our trip. We have made plans to vist Garrett's family (one of Nathan's friends having the same treatments) north of the city on the weekend. We haven't worked out the details yet, but the plan is to stay over until Monday morning so that Nathan can trick or treat with Garrett and his siblings. I am so happy for him thathe will get to trick or treat and it will be wonderful for me to spend time with this wonderful family for the weekend.

I will be putting the Rondal McDonald House address on the page if any of you want to send a card to Nathan while we are there. I will add room number information after we arrive, but if yousend it without it will get to us anyway.

I will update again after we get to New York.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 2:15 PM CDT


We FINALLY have the urine results and they are normal. So - I guess we can breathe easy for about 2 months until he has scans again. Actually, We will probably wait to do scans in New York in January - so a few extra weeks to not stress about them.

We also were able to splice our phone line.

I took Nathan to the ear doctor today. The audiologist said his hearing is stable and the doctor said his ears look good. He doesn't have to go back for six months. He did so good with the testing because she did a lot of it today and to have to sit and concentrate listening for beeps for a half hour is not an easy task.

Afterwards he wanted to go to McDonalds and so he got to play in the play area. He is happily at preschool now.

That is all the new for now...thanks for checking in, and for signing the guest book.

Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:26 AM CDT

Hello - hope you all are having a good weekend. We are despite some (not serious) challenges. Our dog, Ellie has been escaping from our yard lately and she did again while we were out at Sams Club yesterday. So - we had to go off to home depot and get materials to put down an additional fence. We did that without too much trouble but then discovered we had cut the phone line. We have a history with cutting our phone line and just paid for the last time where we did in knowlingly to be able to build a retaining wall. Anyway..I shall be digging this afternoon to try to find the two ends and splice it ourselves so we don't have to pay again. Until then we can be reached on our cell phones.

Nathan was able to get a flu shot on Friday. Since it is his very first one he has to get another one in a month. They say they will have the does for him. He did very well with it. I have been telling him that on Wednesday we have to start his shot for New York again. He isn't too happy but hopefully with the warning he will not throw a fit about it when the time comes.

On Tuesday, Nathan will go to see the ear doctor and have his hearing aides checked. Lately it has seemed to us like his hearing has declined. It is not likely the case but we are curious to see what they say.

No more medical news. I will try to get to the bottom of the urine test results this week.

This afternoon the kids and I are planning to go to a Halloween party thrown by the Candlelighters (childhood cancer organiziation). This kids will get to wear their costumes and I am just so happy that they can do this together since they will be apart for Halloween.

That's about all that is going on here. I do have a request for you all...I noticed that the last guestbook message was over a week ago. Well - I am trying hard to update at least twice a week so it would mean a lot to me to see that guestbook signed as often! It makes it feel a little bit less like I am holding a one-way conversation!

Hope you all have a good week.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:20 PM CDT

Hello -

Well - still no word about results from the urine test. I emailed Nathan's doctor and have previously asked him and so I just don't know how much more I can harrass him. I will ask him to check one more time before we leave for New York. I was able to leave a message for him to ask if Nathan needed a flu shot. He said yes, but then they found out their order was cancelled and so I put Nathan on a list at his pediatrician's office to see if he can get a shot through them. I have heard that they aren't offering them at the clinic in NYC and so this is our only chance.

With it being fall break this week, Nathan hasn't had preschool. Monday we went to a playgroup at McDonalds and let the kids play for a long time. Nathan has finally conquered his fear of those high tubes and slides and has a blast. Physically it is a great thing for him to do. Yesterday the kids were at daycare all day. Usually I have to pick up Nathan in the middle of the day for preschool so it was nice not to have to do that. I thought I might go see a movie but there was actually no movie I was interrested in. Winter blew in last night and so we have been staying home mostly today playing and baking cookies.

Our friends Janene and Joshua are in New York right now where Joshua is getting his 7th round of antibodies (which is the round Nathan is about to have) and he seems to be developing a HAMA. We are SO excited for them and are hoping they send some of that magic Nathan's way! They won't know until next Tuesday for sure but we are keeping our fingers crossed for them!

That's about all that has been going on here. Nothing on the medical front until next Wednesday when Nathan starts his shots.

Until next time...

Friday, October 8, 2004 5:02 PM CDT

Hello - sorry that I didn't update sooner but I just finally got to talk to the Doctor in New York today. He called me to ask if Nathan could delay his trip by a week. In the end we can not because Luke has already arranged his travel schedule for work around the trip and cannot change it now. I don't know the reasons for asking for the delay but I am now expecting a hard week because they are most likely overbooked and understaffed. I asked him about the MIBG scan and he didn't see anything to worry about and said many of the same things about how the surgery affects the way the scan looks. He said we could look at the urine test to reassure us, but unfortunately I still don't have those results! I have an email to the doctor here to have him double-check. I will let you know if I hear anything. The "final" bone marrow results also came back negative. They send some of the bone marrow out of state to test for microscopic disease and so that is good news.

Our friend Lori is visiting with us this week. Yesterday we went to a pumpkin patch. They also had apples to pick. The kids LOVED that. In fact they both got themselves apples to eat for breakfast before Luke and I got up this morning. We also picked some pumpkins right off the vine. Today we attempted to bake some cookies from a kit that failed so I think we will try again this weekend. If the weather holds, we will go to the little amusement park tomorrow. I have been wanting to get back there and since Lori will be able to come with us there will be enough adults (Luke has to work).

Thanks to everyone who responeded about the bunk beds. The Magic Eraser worked on the dressers and wood doors, but not on the bunkbed or walls. Unfortunately the bunkbed has no varnish and so the marked went right into the wood. I did manage to fade it a little with rubbing alcohol. I do know this is normal childhood behavior, it is just that the stress level has been so high around here that it was hard to take on top of everything else.

I had a parent-teacher conference last night with Nathan's teacher. He is doing well. He has definately made improvements in his interactions with other children and physical abilities. He still has some work to do in both areas. His fine motor skills are also behind, but they work on that alot and he has learned to write and N and an A and is getting better at tracing and cutting. All and all they are pleased with his progress as am I. Next week is fall break and so he doesn't have any preschool. I told him that and he was pretty sad about it. I will have to try to do some fun things with them this week. Since neither of them really naps anymore - a whole day without preschool seems like an eternity.

I will upload the pictures of them with the marker on them. The picture doesn't do it justice though...their whole bodies were colored. and I mean *everything!*.

Sunday, October 3, 2004 4:19 PM CDT

Hello - sorry so long between entries.

We haven't heard a thing from any doctor since Tuesday. I will definatley be calling Nathan's local doctor tomorrow to see what contact he has had with the NY doctors about the scans. I am alos hoping for some additional test results.

The end of the week found me with a horrible cold and Julia and Nathan seem to have it to a lesser extent. We mainly stayed home and took it easy.

Yesterday we let the kids have "quiet time" together in the bedroom and they were very quiet. When we went to let them out they had taken dry-erase markers and drawn over EVERYTHING in their bedroom. They had drawn extensively all over their bodies and faces (I'll post of picture of that later) and quite unfortunately all over the walls, furniture and bedding. Luke and I were furious of course. The marker will never come off of the bunk beds. We will have to paint or sand and refinish the whole thing if we want it to ever look nice again. We will have to repaint some of the walls. The dressers I was able to remove most of it, but you can still see it if you get close. Luke and I were just shocked because both of them, but especially Nathan KNOWS better. He started to get upset when he realized the marker would not come right off of his skin and he might have to go out in public like that. Both of them have been SO impossible lately. They are misbehaving and throwing fits so often it is just a nightmare. Luke and I spend all our time yelling at them and punishing them. Either something is wrong or else that is just the magic combination of a 4 year old and 2.5 year old.

I'll update again when I learn anything more about tests.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:06 PM CDT

Hello -

We have some more scan results. The bone marrows are clean. The MIBG is complicated but I will try to explain. The previous MIBG scans were done in New York and were not available for comparison. These previous scans have always shown some uptake near the right kidney which the doctors in New York do not feel is disease. So - until the doctors in New York can compare the two we cannot be assured nothing is going on but since the CAT scan was clean it is unlikely there is anything there.

Luke and I knew that by getting the scans done here we would likely run into some uncertainty in interpreting. We decided it was worth it. Had we done them in New York we probably wouldn't even have any questions about it. As it is it leaves me a little concerned but I am feeling confidant that this is the same area described previously and does not represent cancer.

We are still waiting for the Urine test results.

I hope to be in contact with the doctor in New York in the near future and have him explain the MIBG.

Monday, September 27, 2004 9:25 PM CDT

First off - no new medical news. I expect to be able to get the MIBG results tomorrow. Part of the bone marrow results may also be available.

We had a really good weekend. We all went to the hospital for the MIBG scan and then we left from there to go to the mountains. It was the perfect weekend to go since the Aspens were all at peak color and the weather was 60s and sunny. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. We hung out some after we got there and then went in to town (Grand Lake) and the kids played at a playground and we walked along the lake and had ice cream. The kids slept without a peep and we had a leisurely morning, went for a walk, played outside some and then after lunch we drove home.

Ellie was mad at us for leaving (our neighbors were keeping an eye on her) and she got out of the yard. Fortunately some neighbors caught her and put her in our other neighbor's yard. We knew exactly where she got out because it was clear that she could, but never had. She also left us a smelly present in the dining room when we got home.

Today the kids and I went to a playgroup and then I tried to put them in quiet time but they kept coming out of the rooms. The afternoon went downhill from there culminating in Nathan throwing a huge fit because I told him to wash his face before he got out of the tub. He absolutely refused and I absolutely refused to do it for him. Of course, it had nothing to do with washing his face. We had even had some conversations today about how he has to do the things I tell him even when he doesn't want to. He is just really mad at that fact. He finally washed his face after a good half hour or more when Luke came home and he heard him coming upstairs. He spent that half hour screaming at the top of his lungs. I had to bar him out of the bedroom while he screamed so I could read Julia a bedtime story. He had been warned by Luke that if he was not good while he was gone (playing basketball) that he would get punished when he returned. I guess that is why he finally relented. He got punished anyway since he had already gone way beyond the point of being bad. My voice is hoarse from trying to talk to him over his screams. Anyway.....tomorrow is Tuesday and so the kids will be at daycare. That is probably a good thing for Nathan and I. I had been feeling a little bad because tomorrow is my birthday and I thought maybe I should spend it with them. Now I see that we will have a better day if we don't.

I will update again as soon as I have more test results.

Friday, September 24, 2004 7:39 PM CDT

Hello - I thought I would update sooner but it got away from me. I will try to recap...

To start with all things medical:

Thursday morning Nathan and Julia woke up at 6:30 and immediately the crying started because Nathan wasn't allowed to eat ro drink. He pretty much cried and whined until we left at 7:30. We went to the hospital and after registering and not being able to convince the gy we were not being admitted we were admitted to the PICU. Several phone calls later by the nurse practitioner and the admitted status was fixed (thank goodness because it would have been an insurance mess). They put Nathan in abed and he was quite happy. The intesevists (ICU doctors) came around and one was quite upset that Nathan's procedure was scheduled for 9:00 but then the DR who did the scheduling shoed up and all was well. After much hanging around they finally out in his IV.. The first one did not go in successfully (of course - it always takes 2 pokes). Then the second one was put in and thanks to the Child Life woman it wasn't too traumatic. I took off for a waiting area while they did the procedure and read. Nathan was mad when he woke up because he wanted to leave ASAP. They wanted to observe him a little longer and he threw a huge kicking fit. I think it paid off for him because after about 10-15 minutes of that they said he could go. He was CLEARLY fully awake from the anesthesia by then. We were still wanting to collect his urine because he woke up too early and went in the morning at home but we could not convince him to go at the hospital. We then went to a restaurant where he finally did want to go and managed to get a sample and get pee all over my shirt. We then had to hurry back to the hospital to turn in the sample in the time alloted. We had to re-register at the hospital since the oringial person admitted us and didn't belive me when I told him I would be seeing him later if he wouldn't register me for both things. So at least I got a "told you so" out of it! We went to Nuclear Medicine and got NAthan's MIBG injection and were on our way. Nathan requested a stop at Dairy Queen and so we had some ice cream and then went and got Julia.

I will backtrack real quick to say that Julia was sick all day Wednesday with a fever. It has gone now and no on else is sick *yet*. We are crossing our fingers. Of course, in some ways we sould like someone else to catch it because intermittant unexplained fevers were Nathan's first symptoms so we don't really care for those around our house. Believe it or not, Julia is almost the same age as Nathan was when he was diagnosed!

Today was a better day until the later afternoon. We went in to get his MIBG scan and he did a great job with that. Afterwards we stopped by my old workplace (non-profit day care center) and he went with the kids his age and played and had lunch with them while I talked with my friend and former boss Diane. It was a nice break in the day and good to catch up with her. Then we went to a park and he took the first of his oral contrast doses at noon. He barely complained and was very compliant about it and then played at the playground for the next hour. At one he had the rest of his oral contrast. He didn't want to take it but relented without a fight, just some playfull running away from me and smiling because he knew he had to do it. We went over to get his cat scan and while we were waiting we were told he would have to go back to the hospital tomorrow and rescan for his MIBG. At this point I started worrying some and then when they did his cat scan it seemed to me that they took a while and took an extra scan and I was peering through the glass the the tech's faces and it seemed to me they had worrysome looks. So after that I was pretty upset and Nathan had his IV taken out and we went to Target to buy him a toy as promised. I put a call into his doctor's office and had to leave a message. We got Julia and came home.

Not too much later his doctor called me back and was able to explain that they rescan soemtimes if not enough of the radioactive isotope is excreted from the body and too much is still showing in the digestive track. He said that if they were concerned about something they would have called him. He also got on the computer system and the cat scan report was already entered and it was completely clear. He told me that I had been around doctors and techinicinas enough by now that I can read them all and I would know if something was wrong. So I am feeling a lot better about it all. We are not thrilled about going in tomorrow morning because it changes our plans for the weekend a little but we are all four going to go in together and after we are done we are heading up in the mountains to Grand Lake to my brother's vacation home to visit and we will stay the night.

We went out to dinner tonight and I had a nice big margarita which has helped me calm down from such a stressful end of the day.

On a personal note I am now a member of the church choir. The director of the choir told me I had a beautiful voice and thanked my friend Tonya for bringin me in and so that was really nice to hear and I am excited about getting to sing twice a week!

So - we will be awaiting the rest of the scan results. We will hopefully have at least the MIBG on Monday. While it is reassuring that the cat scan is clear, it doesn't mean MIBG or bone marrows will be.

Please say some extra prayers this weekend for clean scans for Nathan.

Monday, September 20, 2004 9:00 PM CDT

Hello - we all had a fairly crummy day! Nathan woke up at 5:00 am after wetting the bed and I couldn't get him to go back to sleep in another bed. As usual they were both cranky and fighting. I spent a good part of the day on the phone trying to get scans scheduled. I was extremely stressed out about it. Trying to get these three tests scheduled, in the proper order in the way that would cause Nathan the least amount of grief was next to impossible. It was more so because it was a three way conversation with me talking to the scheduling person at the clinic and she talking to the scheduler at the hospital. It was impossible to convey all the different scenarios that would work and not work. He ended up being scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy at 9:00 and then we were to go the the radiology center and have his MIBG scan at 10:00. There was NO way he could lie still on his back for an hour and a half after coming off of anesthesia with painful holes in his back! I was feeling guilty for needing to change it all around after the clinic's scheduler worked all morning getting it done so I decided to talk to the hospital myself and after initially thinking it was not possible we finally got a schedule that would work. I think I added a few new gray hairs and wrinkles in the process. It is so important that I be Nathan's advocate but it is also so hard. Fortunately all the people I dealt with today were understanding.

Anyway..... Thursday morning Nathan will have the bone marrow biopsy at 9:00 and at thay time they will place an IV and put him under. At 2:00 that afternoon we will go back to the hospital for his MIBG injection. Friday morning at 9:30 he will have the MIBG scan which will last 1.5 hours. He has an hour or less to eat something and then he takes his oral contrast at 12:00 and 1:00 and then has the Cat scan at 2:00. After that we will pull the IV and be done. Sometime in there I plan to collect his urine for that test. Hopefully I can do it Thursday morning if he doesn't wet his bed again (it has been 2 days in a row and 4 times in the last 10 days).

Once again today it was quite hot out and the kids had some fun playing outside with our new neighbors who are the same age as they are. That was the one fairly smooth part of the day. Dinner involved Julia throwing a fit about the meat I put on her plate (though it was really a control issue). She screamed in her room the whole dinner and then finally calmed down and ate all her meat.

The kids are happy to go to bed but are being just awful lately with coming in and out of their room for one excuse or another. EVERY night we have to yell at them after repeated request for help with toys they have dropped or other trivial things.

Have I complained enough? I guess so....we all just need a few good days so we can recuperate. I think it is not the acts themselves but the cummulative effect which is wearing away at Luke and I. We did toast to our anniversary with a glass of wine at dinner (to the lovely sound of Julia screamining). We will celebrate without kids soon, we hope.

Thanks for reading this far...sorry about the negative nature of the entry. I hope the next one is better.

Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:59 PM CDT


Not too much has been going on. There is still no word about when Nathan's bone marrow biopsy or other tests are scheduled. I hope to hear something on Monday. As of today there are no more banans in the house so I will begin to withhold chocolate and vanilla as well in preparation for his urine test. This is the test that shows elevated numbers if Neuroblastoma is present. Hopefully I will collect it in the next week.

Luke came home today. He was supposed to get back last night but after sitting on the plane at the gate for 3 hours his flight was cancelled due to bad weather. He then spend 2 and a half more hours on a shuttle to another airport and then waited around for a shuttle to the hotel. He is wiped out!

The kids have been pretty emotional the last few days and there have been lots of fits. We have been running some errands and playing outside. It has been in the mid-80's which is very warm for this time of year.

Thanks to everyone who responded about Nathan's behavior. Your notes and e-mail reassured me that most likely he is just being a 4 year old...albeit one who has some heavy things to deal with.

On Monday, Luke and I will celebrate our 7th anniversary. Last year Nathan was in transplant for our anniversary. We have not big plans, Luke is exhausted and has a work deadline coming up so we may celebrate it a little late.

I plan to go back to choir this week and see if I can join. I am hoping it works out.

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:29 PM CDT


I just called Sloan to verify Nathan's HAMA status and as expected it is negative. So...we will be off to NYC again on October 24. The good thing about knowing so soon is that I checked ticket prices and they are great. Half of what we pay sometimes and we can even go on a Sunday instead of a Saturday. So - tickets are booked. I need to speak with Nathan's local doctor about the scans. At this point we are planning on doing them here...I just have one more question that needs to be answered.

Nathan had a HUGE tantrum today as I was trying to take him to preschool. I had given him milk with lunch and after I had him in the car ready to leave he told me he wanted more and I said I would bring him fresh milk after preschool like I usually do and he just lost it. We got to preschool and I had to wrestle with him and put him in the stroller and it became clear he would not calm down and so I brought him home and put him to bed and told him that since he chose to nap instead of preschool he would have to stay in bed for a long time. He just loses control sometimes and it seems to be more frequent. I really wonder if he needs some professional help to work through all the rage he has built up. I haven't a clue where to turn though. Also, I don't have a good feel for what is normal 4 year old behavior. Coupled with the fact that he is normally so very well-behaved I just don't know if this is just a normal way of letting off steam or if he has psychological trauma from all he has been through. If any of you are cancer parents reading this entry I would appreciate your perspective via e-mail.

Our morning was good at least. We went to a play group and it was good for all of us. Last night I got to do womething wonderful for me. I got a sitter for the kids and went to a choir open house at a friend's church. I used to sing in choirs when I was younger and I LOVED being able to do it again. I will go back next week and talk to the director to see if I could join. I was not able to stay late enough last night to talk to him. It was my first experience with a teenage sitter at my house and the kids behaved really well for her and she did a great job. Her family is the one who takes care of Ellie for us and we knew we could trust Brenna. So - I am very happy to have taken this step and now maybe Luke and I can actually go out on a date every once and a while when we don't have family in town. I just really prefer the kids get to go to bed in their own beds which is why I have not taken people up on offers to watch the kids at their houses (while we really appreciate the offers!).

I will have to wrap this up. Julia is just screaming because she doesn't want a nap and I am having trouble concentrating. It is a banner day when I have to deal with both kids having horrible trantrums....ughh.

I will update again when I know something new!

Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:09 PM CDT


Just when I was talking about how nice the weather has been it got hot again. I suppose it is the last gasp of summer. We spent a warm hour or so outside of Nathan's clinic today. An organization just opened a playroom for immune-compromized kids and siblings or kids of parents who are immune-compromized. There is a separate area for the kids undergoing treatment. Nathan has played in there a few times and they will actually have volunteers watch siblings while the other child has an appointment. It is a really wonderful idea. There are some pictures of it in our family page for August. They are the camper pictures. Anyway - they had an opening party with food, inflatable slide and jump room and some entertainment.

We spent this morning cleaning out or garage which was gratifying. I have been tackling all the little around the house projects that have been bothering me for the last year. It is very good for me mentally.

Yesterday the kids wanted to hang around home and play so I did some more cleaning and organizing and then we ran errands in the afternoon. Last night I went on a girls night out whith some other moms and enjoyed myself.

On the medical front, Nathan's immune tests came back and he is off of his related medication now. He is also ready to start reimmunization. His local doctor will be getting the information from New York about that.

We have decided for sure to do the bone marrows here and need to decide if we should do all the scans here. We are mulling it over and will decide soon. Our decision hinges on some seemingly trivial things. One is the type of medicine he takes to protect his thyroid. Awful tasting stuff but the stuff they give in New York is different and is ALOT less nasty and since it is several doses we want to do that kind. Also, there needs to be a TV and VCR in the MIBG scan room. I am not sure if they can provide that here or not. Like I said, sounds trivial, but means a lot to Nathan.

Tomorrow Luke leaves for a weeklong trip to his office in Washington DC. It is the first long trip he has taken since diagnosis. It is certainly time for him to get back to normal working conditions, but this first time will be a little hard. At least I will have my Tuesday off. I will have to use it well this week. I also get Thursday morning because I am going to the doctor. Those moms of you out there know that even going to the doctor is a treat when it is without kids!

Hope you all have a good week!

Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:15 PM CDT

Update a little later in the evening. I forgot to mention two things in the earlier entry.

First off - about his new picture. I asked him to go pick out some clothes and he came back with that hawaiian outfit (courtesy of my father). He was so excited about it and so cute I just had to take a picture.

The other thing is that all his blood counts came back great! It is only the second time or so that they have been so normal. They always go down duing antibodies so it is nice to see them nice and normal.

Thanks for checking in on us.

Today Nathan went to the clinic. He did a great job with is blood draw even though as usual, he had to be stuck two times before it would draw blood. I always have numbing cream on him so it really doesn't hurt too much. The blood has been sent to New York to await Tuesday's test.

We talked to his doctor for awhile. He heard from New York about the immunity test and is also expecting the results but no word yet.

I asked about doing the bone marrows locally and he told me that it is no problem to do them over at the hospital under anesthesia, which is our preference. He is going to check with the doctor in New York but it should be no problem. We will also do a urine spot check some time next week. The rest of the scans we will do in New York because they have all the previuos scans there and they can be interpreted more quickly and more accurately that way. The scans can be done on treatment days so they don't add extra time in New York like the bone marrow biopsies do.

The meeting left me so thankful, once again, for how wonderful our local doctor and nurses are. The care is so personal and patient. The communication between us is as good as it could be. It is a wonderful thing.

Nathan had another good week at preschool (he is off on Fridays). I think he enjoys snack time the most!

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:03 AM CDT

Good morning,

We had a nice holiday weekend. We got some yardwork and housework done. On Sunday we went for a hike and on Monday our cul-de-sac had a cookout which was a lot of fun. We are into the early September weather in Colorado which is just gorgeous. 50's and 60's in the morning and 70's in the afternoon and almost zero humidity of course. On the other hand, in 2001 we had our first snow on September 8 (which is today).

Yesterday, being Tuesday, the kids were in daycare. I still have to go pick Nathan up and deliver him to preschool so not quite as much as a day off as it used to be.

Nathan is doing well. Nothing going on with his health at the moment. Tomrorow he will go get his blood drawn at the clinic and have an exam. We are still waiting for the results of the immunity test that were done in New York. It is likely that he will begin reimmunizations once we get the information. Won't that be fun!!!

Nathan's 3 month scans will be done on our next trip to New York. I am not looking forward to the worry of that! I would rather he didn't even have regular scans as I am not sure early detection of relapse actually helps much. I am also trying to figure out about possibly getting his bone marrow taken here instead of NEw York because in New York they will not do them on a treatment day and so that means we have to spend an extra Friday and weekend in New York. On the other hand, they do bone marrows under conscious sedation here and I am not wild about that either. So....who know what we will do - I will keep you posted.

Saturday, September 4, 2004 10:23 AM CDT

Good morning,

First off, I need to thank everyone who has donated to Lunch for Life so far. We are been overwhelmed by seeing all of your names on the Lunch for Life page and we know there are a lot more names of those we don't personally know. Big thanks to you all!

Nathan's first week of preschool went well. He still is enjoying it immensely.

Both children have been overly emotional this week and having lots of fits. I am handling it very poorly and have been having a hard time myself. I have held it together for so long and through such horrible times and it is beginning to wear on me. Hopefully we will all adjust soon and start to heal.

We have no big plans for this holiday weekend. The weather will not be so great today and tomorrow. We will have to find a way to occupy ourselves indoors.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2004 8:09 AM CDT

Good morning!

It is September 1 today and so the first thing I want to talk about is Lunch for Life. Please see the text above for details but I will explain why this is so important. If you recall this is something started last year and is now being done in a greater scale this year. Lunch for Life funds Neuroblastoma research. When we were at the Neuroblastoma Conference we were given an example of how important private funds for reasearch are. One of the key components to Nathan's treatment was taking Accutane in high doses. The Doctor who did the study on Accutane told us it took him several years to be able to do the study. He could not get any funds for his reasearch until he finally got a grant from a private foundation. Accutane increased survival rates by 10 There is so much the researches do not know about Neuroblastoma. The more research that can be done, the sooner a more effective treatment or even a cure can be found.

Donations can be made on the website and can be made in Nathan's name. We thank you in advance!

Now on to what is going on around here. Nathan thoroughly enjoyed day 2 of preschool. The kids are loving their bunk beds and Julia is doing great in a "big girl bed". They spent yesterday at the sitters and I finished switching all their things around between the bedrooms and took down Julia's crib. Today we will be doing mundane stuff and I am very happy about that!

Now that we are home for 8 weeks with minimal medical stuff going on I am really hoping to catch up with a lot of my friends. For some of you it has been quite a while and I am looking forward to reconnecting!

Monday, August 30, 2004 6:56 PM CDT


We have had a good day today.

Nathan had a very good time at preschool. He told me he loved it. He said he played a lot. The teacher told me he refused to dance and was also concerned about him because it took him a lot of effort to get up off of the floor. I Told them that was normal. He still doesn't have the strength of an average 4 year old but he can do most things so I am assuming it was his normal behavior. He played well with the other kids and fit right in.

We got the bunk beds and the kids are very happy about them. They have been playing and can't wait to go to bed tonight.

I put a few pictures up on the photo page.

Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:26 PM CDT

We are home!

Friday's treatment was riddled with pump problems and cranky Nathan but we survived and got the room cleaned and got out of there. Our flight was uneventful and Nathan slept for an hour of more of the flight so all was good.

Julia took off running into my arms when she saw me at the airport and it was a truly wonderful greeting. She is now potty trained (except for #2 which we are working on). Since she has reached this milestone we feel it is time to get rid of the crib and so we bought bunk beds today (don't have them yet) and she and Nathan will soon be sharing a room. This is something they both have said they wanted so we will see how it goes.

We had a pretty good day today as a family. The four of us cuddled in bed first thing this morning. IT is always difficult to transition back into things when Nathan and I return. Everybody is tired and emotional and I seem to need several days to adjust but by now we all know what to expect so all is good.

Monday Nathan starts preschool! We are so excited for him and think it will be a wonderful thing for him. He may likely have some rough times but I really think that overall it will something he loves.

I want to send a blanket thank you to everyone who sent cards to Nathan at the Ronald. They really brightened his day.

Nathan will have a break from all things medical for a while. The next thing on tap is his HAMA blood draw on Sept 9 - to be tested on Sept. 14. He will also have a hearing check up in October. The doctors in New York said that now he is off his accutane he needs no further oncology check ups until we get back to New York.

Nathan seems so healthy and hardy today. It is wonderful to see. Who know how long it will be this way but boy do we love it.

Friday, August 27, 2004 7:39 AM CDT

Good morning,

We are awaiting the final treatment. I am hoping they come hook him up soon. The car will pick us up from the Ronald at 2:45 and we will be on our way home. I need to finish packing when we get back so I am hoping fo smooth sailing today.

To back up a little... Wednesday afternoon Nathan and I went to Toys R Us to spend a gift card (Thanks Beth!) and then went to a cook out. Nathan asked me earlier inthe day if there was a cookout and was disappointed that there was because he wanted to eat in a restaurant. I explained that the cookout was free and he got over it.

Yesterday (Thursday) was labs day. His IV did not want to draw at first but after having some fluids run through it, it was able to give all the blood they needed and so no extra sticks. A volunteer came in and read to him a long time and his pain came while e was being read to and he was able to continue to listen for a while and so his pain was not too bad. He had some hives yesterday though. We went to Wendy's afterwards and he wanted to stay and eat but was a little fragile for that. He though his Coke didn't taste right and started crying. Everyone was looking at him because he looked so torn up. He was all puffy and blotchy. People were very nice though and he finally accepted my Coke. I did some packing in the afternoon and then we went to Joan's to drop off our things that stay in New York and had some dinner.

Our night was pretty good. Those who know me know that I have night terrors. Well - last night I thought I was trapped in some place and I banged on the wall and took the headboard off the wall before I woke up and figured out where I was! Luckily our room was at the end of the hall so no one was awakened (besides Nathan). I will be so glad to be in my own bed tonight!

Here's hoping for an quick and easy treatment and no delays in getting home tonight!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:05 AM CDT

Good morning,

Sorry I didn't update last night. Yesterday was a better day. The morning was a bit rough and I had to force Nathan's medicines into him. He was also ignoring the doctors and nurses who were talking to him. We rested some after teatment and then went to Herold's square where we did some shopping. We were in Penn station a little and I could not believe the police presence there. There was a gropu of 2-3 police officers every 10 feet as I walked around. Afterwards we went out to eat and then to bed. He pain was about the same yesterday.

He had just finished his infusion this morning and is sleeping it off. He actually had considerably more pain today. More than any other day besides the first Monday. I have no clue why. I don't think a HAMA is developing. At this point I am (and have been) planning on being back here until Dec 2005 and if he gets to stop before then, then I will be very happy.

Last night Nathan and I had one of the better night's sleep in a long time. I definately feel better today. The night before there was someone talking loudly and playing guitar in the hallway at 12:30 am. Can you believe that? I had to go out there and ask them to stop.

This week is crawling along for us because we want to come home so badly. Only 2 treatments left.

Monday, August 23, 2004 8:33 PM CDT

Good evening,

Well - we got through today. It was long as expected. We had to wait for a half hour or so just to get a finger stick and quite a long time more to do everything else. The IV placement was traumatic but successful. Once again it took two pokes to get it in and Nathan was hysterical. The moment it is in he is instantly fine but before the placement and if the placment takes too long he starts screaming.

His pain was fairly light for a Monday. HE very calmly asked for pain medicine and oxygen while he was eating his lunch and then lay down. He had a grunt here and there and then slept it off. He was quite cranky afterwards and I am at the point where I am not handling it well so we have had lots of fights and cross words today. He is getting more assertive, which is good for the most part but hard for me. We had an argument about the clamp on his IV. He insisted that it should be closed when it is working and I tried to explain it was the opposite and he would interrupt me and tell me that I was wrong over and over again. I am on my last nerve and so I would not let it go either! He let me have a little catnap and asked me to share his pillow (at the Ronald) and then a few minutes later he kicked me out of his bed.

Later we went to a little toy store and than walked over to Joan's apartment to have dinner with her and my Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Bill. We had a very nice time and after dinner Nathan was having a ball running around the apartment and laughing and playing. He also was trying to pla with Joan's bull mastiff puppy who is not "puppy size". It was cute to watch.

We are counting down the days...I can tell I will need to recover when we return...I especially will need a break from Nathan. Staying at the Ronald we are right next to each other 24/7 and I need a break. It is going to take a lot to make it through the rest of the week. Thank goodness his treatments are going so well at least.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 4:11 PM CDT

Hi! We are back in the city.

Friday's treatment was about the same but a little more crankiness. In fact I missed his pain because he insisted I go to the cafeteria and I told him I would not be there for his pain and he didn't care - he just wanted some food that he then did not eat. Of course I knew he wouldn't eat it but it is important he is not upset when the pain hits because it is harder for him to handle so I went anyway. He also threw a fit about having his IV taken out. For some reason he hates that part and it doesn't even hurt.

After some lunch and rest we took a subway to Grand Central Station and caught the train. The train ride was 80 minutes and Nathan enjoyed it. Our friends were there to pick us up and we went to their house and got the grand tour and a snack and then were off to a fair in Connecticut. There was a parade with fire trucks and bagpipers. It started to rain and so we went off and had dinner. It cleared up some in time for the kids to go on a few rides and then a thunderstorm began and so we left. By then it was late anyway. Nathan slept in the room with Garrett and his brother and had no problems.

Saturday it rained all day. After some playing in the morning we went to a children's museum and it was great. Nathan had a blast and I finally had to drag him out of the last exhibit when it was almost time to leave. We went out for dinner and then Nathan and Garrett had a bath together. When it came time for bed it was difficult because we were changing who got the bed and Nathan got upset. He really started crying and was very sad that he wasn't at his own house. He has never been homesick before but I think being in such a family environment was causing him to feel that way. He finally went to bed and slept all night.

This morning we went for a bike ride and had really nice weather. Nathan and Garrett where in a bike trailer and we all enjoyed being outside and getting some excercise.

We caught the 2:15 train back to the city and have had some food from a cookout and are hainging around. Nathan is still quite emotional today and stil very homesick.

So...5 treatments to go. Tomorrow will be long since it is a Monday and also since Nathan will get a new IV. I am hoping for a decrease in pain that will be a sign he is getting a HAMA.

Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:38 PM CDT


Another fairly good day here. Today Nathan asked for hispain medicine as soon as he felt some pain and so he actually didn't even cry out in pain today. He definately had pain but was able to cope very well.

His IV is still working but would not draw blood well enough. On Thursdays they draw lost of blood so they had to go ahead and poke him. I was showing him pictures on the computer while they did it and it went pretty well. There is a chance they did not get enough blood though.

We did some laundry and cleaning this afternoon and then went to a toy store. Nathad wanted to buy something to dress-up in and so he got a pirate set. He had a ball playing pirate. I had to teach him what to do with the sword. I put some pictures on the photo page.

We went to a cookout at the Ronald (McDonald House but Ronald for short) and then they had pottery for the kids to paint. Nathan painted a cat and then we went back to the room and he had a bath. He was is really good spirits and played and sang in his bath. He has now rolled over to go to sleep and tomorrow is Friday and we will be halfway done!

Tomorrow we will head upstate to spend the weekend with a family we know through treatment. We spent rounds 2-4 with Garrett and his parents, Marianne and Eric. Now we are on opposite schedules and do not see them and they have invited us up. We will take a train tomorrow afternoon and it sounds like there are some fun things going on, including a parade tomorrow night. I may not update until we get back.

So - thanks everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. The way this week is going - you are doing a good job!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:52 PM CDT

Good evening everyone.

We had another fairly good day (in antibody terms anyway). The pain was a little less today and he coped well with it. He didn't sleep when we got back but I actually dozed a little. Our nights have been a little sleepless around here. We went to Joan's apartment in the afternoon and hung and and had dinner. My cousin Laura also joined us. Nathan really enjoyed himself (as did I).

Some medical information...

Dr. Kushner said that having had 6 - 2 week rounds of accutane Nathan is done with his. This was news to me. I won't get into why I thought it was otherwise but I am happy to check another part of his therapy off the list. Dr. K will further test his immunities as well. They do a different test from which they will be able to see if he can be off his weekend antibiotic he has been taking all this time and also to see if his immune system is ready for reimmunizing. I also asked him what the average time to HAMA was for kids who didn't HAMA in the first 4 rounds. He said about 10 rounds.

After all this runaround with the kidney test which I was doing solely because Dr. K told me we needed to in June he asked me today what the big deal was in getting the tests and said he wouldn't even bother. I kept my mouth shut and just nodded. It is SO TYPICAL of the way things go here. So - we will reassess when we get home.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:51 PM CDT

Well - 2 down, 8 to go. Today was not too awful either. He had a bad case of the hives but he didn't really notice it so that was good. Also they didn't make his throat tight this time so he "coped" right through them. After the pain went he slept for a while and when he woke up he actually wasn't crabby and we went back to the room and he ate a little and had a nap. Afterwards we went for a walk and to the candy store and out for dinner. He had a wonderful time at dinner watching all the trucks drive by and was smiling, giggling and talkative the whole time. We went down to the game room when we got back and now it is bedtime but he and his beanie baby bear are playing trucks together and since he only has these few hours to play I am letting him play a little longer.

Monday, August 16, 2004 9:10 PM CDT

Hello - the first day went pretty well considering it was day 1. It took a while to get going as usual and Nathan's IV took two attempts which is also not unusual. Nathan was very good about it and didn't get overly upset. His pain was intense but with two doses of pain medicine he relaxed and slept for a while. He didn't even complain about leaving the hospital and then slept for a while when we got back to the room. Afte he woke up he watched TV and I rubbed his feet for a few hours and then he and I played with cars and went to the playroom for a little bit. There was a cookout after that and then it was bedtime.

So - all in all - not too bad. I will try to update again tomorrow.

Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:08 PM CDT

Good evening,

We made it to New York without much difficulty. The only glitch in out travel was after waiting in long lines to check in and then for security it was discovered they had given me a boarding pass for someone else on another flight but the same seat. Fortunately, I went and got it fixed and did not have to wait in the lines again. Nathan wasn't too happy about all the walking back and forth.

Our room is nice and clean this time and a good configuration. We got settled in and my Aunt Joan brought some of our things to us (that we keep in New York). She and Nathan played for a while until we told him we just had to eat. He would have liked to play with her all evening. He is very excited to be in New York and was bouncing off the walls...which is very much not like him. He just now finally went to sleep (10:00).

We are expecting the tropical storm rains to start in a few hours. Regardless we will be out and about in the weather tomorrow because I left a prescription at home and have to get a replacement here, but the pharmacy is far away. I am sure Nathan will enjoy the trip and maybe we will also go to Times Square.

Well - time for me to wind down and think about sleeping. Hope you all are having a good weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2004 3:50 PM CDT

Hello -

This morning I premedicated Nathan and gave him the shot when we got to the clinic. After about an hour it swelled slightly and itched a little. It then receded a little and remains only a little swollen. So - the plan is to keep premedicating and hopefully that will do the trick. I will have to check it again thisevening when the medicine is worn off to see if it swelled back up.

The other good news is that we do have a room at the Ronald McDonald House. I will put the address on the page. I will add a room number after we get there.

I have not yet packed a thing and still have some errands so I will make this brief. I will write again after we get to New York.

Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:25 AM CDT

Update from this afternoon - morning update is below

First of all - the preschool meeting went well. Nathan liked the preschool and the teachers. They will have no problem with him missing the first 2 weeks of school. There are 13 kids in the class and a teacher and 2 aides.

On the medical front we have had a little development. I srote about his injection site swelling (9 cm by 9cm). His doctor saw that today and was quite concerned. It is clearly an allergic reaction to the shot but being so severe he said it could become systemic and he could stop breathing or some other reaction in another part of his body. Nathan's doctor call his New York doctor and they decided he should be premedicated with a benedryl-like drug and then they should observe him from the time of his shot and two hours afterwards. If it happens again tomorrow (and I am certain it will) he will not have his shots on the weekend. The doctors will discuss it more when we see what happens tomorrow. These reactions have happened before but seem to getmore and more severe as time goes by. I have mentioned it to the team in New York many times but they never have looked at it or have just been very unconcerned about it. I guess it took another doctor forcing the issue for it to get some notice.

The two doctors will also talk about the whole renal scan business and if we should do anything about it in New York or just wait. So - we will see what they decide.

Good morning..

We've been having a good week so far.

Monday I was able to talk to Nathan's doctor about some things. Oh - to back up a little I called Denver Children's hospital about the kidney scan and was told that they were very hesitant to do it since he doesn't have a broviak any more. The test invloves timed blood draws and with an IV blood draws can be difficult. The IV could stop drawing blood at any time. and then the test would be thrown off. So...another failed attempt. Then I talked to Nathan's doctor and we both agreed it ouwld be a good idea to run the urine test again and if it is normal not to worry about the other test. Nathan was due to have his blood drawn today anyway so it would all work out. Well - yesterday as we had been colleting urine all day - I was on the phone and Nathan went into the bathroom and used it and I notived a moment too late so the collection was aborted. So - I am going to talk to his doctor today about how important it is the test be done soon and what are the risks if he has kidney damage and we don't know it. We have tried so hard and so many times to get him a test it is just so frustrating.

The rash Nathan had was most likely from sun exposure. I described it and its location to his doctor and that is what he said it was. It is mostly gone now and didn't bother Nathan anyway.

He had his first shot yesterday. He was not too happy about it but was very good. The poor thing got his usally very large welt where I injected him. It swells and itches him like mad.

Today he will go meet his preschool teacher and see his classroom and then go to the clinic this afternoon. Julia will go to daycare today.

One other complication we are dealing with is that the Ronald McDonald House is very full next week and we may not have a room. I should have an idea on Friday but not know for sure until Saturday (I will call on the way to the airport) or even until we arrive. So - I am sure something will work out but what a pain not to know....

Well - I think that is all the news for now...I will try to update sooner next time!

Sunday, August 8, 2004 2:38 PM CDT

Hello everyone,

Luke and I got back from Cancun last night. We had a very relaxing trip and some quality time alone together. The kids had a good time with thier grandparents and all is well.

We have received word that the antibodies and related treatments in New York will be covered. That is a great relief to us.

I got Nathan's immunity results, but did not get to talk to his doctor about them yet. His immunity to chicken pox was wiped out with the transplant. I do not yet know if reimmunization would occur anytime soon. His other result which is the IGG is 898. The is a measurement of his overall immune system strength and it a very good, normal number.

Nathan's most recent round of accutane affected his skin more than usual. He has a few sore on his face and a nasty rash on his arms and legs. I do not know if the rash is directly related to the accutane or not. He finished the accutane Wednesday morning. My mom thinks the rash appeared Thursday or Friday.

We are still trying to get his kidney test done. I will call tomorrow to see if I can get it scheduled before we go to New York. I am thinking that will be unlikely. We may look into just having it done in New York instead. He is scheduled to see his oncologist on Thursday, but that conflicts with his preschool meet the teacher time and so I will be moving that appointment but I need to see what happens with the kidney test. Whatever happens I will try to make it so he only gets stuck for blood one time this week. As it is, he starts his GM-CSF shots for the antibodies on Wednesday.

We head to New York on Saturday. It has just come around too soon! Our good friends Janene and Joshua won't be there with us this time since Joshua had his antibodies early this round. It is going to be lonely! We are going to make plans of some sort for our weekend in between. The last thing we want to do is hang out at the Ronald McDonald house all weekend. I know it is a great service to all the families and I am not knocking that...it just is for me the most depressing place to be. Not even because it is filled with sick kids, more that it is dark and ugly and dirty...yuck! Anyway - I have gotten that out of my system and I am thankful to stay there because if I had to pay for lodging for two weeks it would cost twice my monthly motgage payments! On a happier note I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends who live there and Nathan is looking forward to Toys R Us and Times Square.

So - I hope to have a better idea of what the week looks like tomorrow and will let you all know what is going on.

Friday, July 30, 2004 8:04 AM CDT

Hello - hope all of you have had a good week. We have...nothing too exciting going on. Yesterday we went to the county fair. The kids had tons of fun looking at all the animals. They also had some tractors from a dealership there and they both sat in many of them and thought they were very cool.

We had to say goodbye to some very good friends this week who moved away....Daelyn, Eric, Julia, Bo, and Catherine...we miss you already!

A little insurance update....things are finally moving in the right direction and we are in the system and there is someone at the insurance company working on getting the antibodies approved. We also got a glimmer of hope that even if the insurance company itself won't pay there is still hope..I won't elaborate but we are feeling much more positive. I may try and schedule the kidney function test for the week before we go to New York. We leave for NYC on Aug 14. We will be at the Ronald McDonald house this time. I will post the address because Nathan really doesn't like staying there and receiving some cards while he is there might perk him up.

I found out his preschool starts a week later than the regular school so he will miss the first 2 weeks of preschool. I am a little upset about it because no one told me and I might have arranged some things differently if I had known this a month ago. I am sure he will adapt but it will definalte be a harder adjustment for him coming into it with all the other kids established already.

My brother Aaron is coming in today to visit for the weekend. My brother Jason will come down on Saturday. It has been a few years since my immediate family has all been together and so we are looking forward to our family weekend.

On Tuesday, Luke and I leave for Cancun. We will be back on Saturday. We cannot wait to just lay around by the beach and pool for a few days. I am sure it will not be nearly long enough but will hopefully recharge us a little bit.

Nothing new on the medical front. I still haven't heard the results of his immunity tests and I just need to call and ask - so I will try to do that sometime today.

Thanks for reading...sorry the updates have been farther apart lately. They will pik up while we are in New York.

Sunday, July 25, 2004 5:42 PM CDT

Hello - sorry for the long gap in entries. Luke and I just got back from the Neuroblastoma conference in Chicago.

My parents arrived on Tuesday last week. On Thursday morning Luke and I headed off to Chicago. The conference was very interresting and informative. We also got the chance to meet lots of families and see some friends I have made along the way.

Last night we were able to have a very fun dinner with some friends and family in Chicago. Thanks to you all for joining us!

So - back to Nathan which is why you are reading this....he is doing fine. He has a little cough and had some bowel trouble last week that seems to be resolved now. He won't be having the kideny function test that he needs next week due to several people dropping the ball and not getting authorizations and scheduling done. Insurance changes the next week and the newly merged company had not even gotten the new people in the system so we can even get an authorization at this point. I can't believe a huge HR department could be so unorganized, especially when they are preveneting their employees from getting medical care! Anyway - I don't know when he will get anything done for the kidney function - maybe we will do it in New York.

This week does not hold anything medical for Nathan (at least not at this point). Well, actually Nathan's oncologist thinks we could repeat the urine test he recently did but I guess I am not leaning towards that because it is just an unneccessary blood draw if we get the same results. I am also getting tired of all of this and when it comes to a struggle to get things scheduled, authorized, figured out I am just surrendering on this one. We'll see if his oncologist calls to figure it all out.

Monday, July 19, 2004 11:29 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

We had a good weekend. On Saturday we got a lot of yard work done while the kids played outside and then had dinner with friends who are moving. The barbeque on Sunday was lots of fun (for the kids anyway). They had a large inflated slide and bouncy house, a fire engine, teepess, horses to ride and a petting zoo. The children had much fun with all. Julia especially loved the slide and they both adored the horseback ride. There are some picture on the photo album page.

Medically all is stable around here. Nathan and Julia have been having so much fun playing with each other later. I was going to run some errands this morning, but the two of them were playing so nicely I just stayed home. It is so wonderful to watch them play together.

I want to thank everyone who continues to sign the guestbook. Sometimes it feels like a one-way conversation around here so we appreciate the occasional note from those who are reading.

Friday, July 16, 2004 1:52 PM CDT

Yesterday's clinic visit went fine. The creatine clearance test had mixed results and so we will be going to Denver to do a GFR test which is a nuclear medicine test for kidney function. Nathan previously had this same test before transplant. It involves some timed blood draws and other that him getting an IV not a big deal. We are trying to schedule that for the last week in July.

Nathan's weight is stable but lower than it was when he was on the steriods. I think we will just keep an eye on it. He seems to be eating fine. His blood counts were also stable. He will go back in a month! He did have blood drawn for an immunity panel so by early next week we shoudl have the results and see how is immune system is doing and also if he retained his vaccinations.

Today we have been doing projects around the house...we are so far ehind on things having been gone so often. Tomorrow will also be spent that way and on Sunday we plan to go to a Candlelighters barbeque. Candlelighters is a childhood cancer organization. This will be the first even we have done with them as I have tried and tried to get on their mailing list to no avail but this time I saw a flier at the doctor's office.

On Tuesday my parents arrive and will stay for about 3-4 weeks. On Thursday, Luke and I fly off to Chicago for the Neuroblastoma conference. We are hoping to see a hand full of friends the one night we have off. We won't be able to see everyone with the busy schedule.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:47 PM CDT

Hello - not too much is going on.

Nathan has been feeling a little under the weather but nothing I can put my finger on. I am happy he is going to the clinic tomorrow.

We are currently running around in circles to find out if our new insurance will cover the antibody study in New York. The way the policy reads, clinical trials will only be covered if it can be proved the patient has less than a year to live. We are having to wait until Nathan is in the system and then have NY generate the pre-authorization to then find out if it is approved or not. We do not yet know when he will be in the system. We haven't even discussed what we will do if it is denied - whether a few more rounds will make a difference to Nathan's prognosis or not.

Speaking of prognosis, I was recently asked if it has changed since diagnosis. I guess the answer is, a little. There was a chance that Nathan would not have responded to chemo. Since he did, his overall prognosis went up, but not significantly. There are lots of different statistics thrown around in the various hospitals and clinics and these statistics include children of all ages and with tumors of different biological factors. These biological factors really determine if a child will make it - they are being studied, of course but there is still a long way to go. Age is also a significant factor...infants and young babies have a much better outcome. All that said - one doctor told me that 50% will relapse. I would assume this 50% includes some children both much younger and older than Nathan so who knows what that means for him. Relapse, means eventual death about 99% of the time. Of course - not if a new therapy is discovered before then. I hope this all didn't sound too harsh and clinical and answered some questions you may be having. In my mind it is clear cut - Nathan will live or not and that is yet to be determined and all the statistics in the world can't tell us which it will be and so he is doing well now and that is what I have to keep reminding myself.

OK - well - I think I have reached my journal limit today. I will update after tomorrow's doctor's appointment.

Sunday, July 11, 2004 7:48 AM CDT

Good morning! We made it home yesterday. The weather was much better and we made it home and hour faster than on the way out...plus we gained and hour in time so we got home a little before 6:00 pm. The kids were amazingly good once again.

Today Luke will STILL be working (he worked every single day we were in Illinois and all the days preceding) and the kids and I will clean out the not-so-new-anymore van and we are going to a birthday party later in the day.

Tomorrow is Luke's birthday so the kids and I will go get him some gifts. Nathan next goes to the doctor on Thursday. We never heard anything about the kidney function so I am hoping no news is good news.

A special "Happy 70th Birthday!" to a very special person to us, my uncle Bill Dick. We couldn't make it to his big birthday bash last night in Washington DC and we missed seeing him and all the other people we love who were there.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:25 PM CDT


We had a very nice 4th of July evening. We had a cook out and then went to see the fireworks. Nathan really enjoyed them. Julia did too, but not as much. She thought they were a little loud. At first she kept falling over (in fun) every time she heard one as if it knocked her down. Nathan just leaned against Luke and screeched and giggled.

It has been raining alot but we have gotten out here and there. Luke's parents live on many wooded acres of land with lots of flowers and grasses. The kids especially love picking the black raspberries right off the bushes and eating them.

Yesterday we went to the John Deere store and the kids got some toys and we walked around looking at the tractors. I will put some pictures up later.

No word from New York so that means no HAMA. I am also waiting to hear about Nathan's creatine clearance test he did last week. I talked to his oncologist today about something else and he is going to try to get the results for me.

On a personal note - I have now eaten some of my favorite "home" foods...Steak and Shake twice and Monicals Pizza once....I swear these foods are like drugs!

Sunday, July 4, 2004 12:35 AM CDT

Happy Fourth of July!

We made it to Illinois just fine. We had horrible weather driving. The kids were very good. We are enjoying our visit so far. Right now both kids should be napping but aren't so I am kind of frustrated but they have been enjoying playing with their grandparents immensely.

We may try to take them to fireworks tonight - but not if they don't nap.

I will be trying a country delicacy at dinner tonight - fried pumpkin blossoms - I have heard about them from Luke so I am interested to try for myself. This kids think it is a funny idea to eat flowers - I bet they will get a kick out of it!

Hope you all have a good holiday!

Thursday, July 1, 2004 10:19 PM CDT


We are off tomorrow for Illinois. Wish us luck on the 16+ hour car ride!

Nathan went to the clinic for a blood draw to go along with his urine sample and for his HAMA blood draw. He did REALLY well for the blood draw. I think he will no longer cry even a little next time.

Afterwards we went to the ear doctor. They did another hearing test which proved to be stable. They adjusted his aides a little and he saw the doctor. Everything was fine.

We ran bunches of errands and spent the rest of the day packing. No more doctors appointments until two weeks from today!!! Nathan is on accutane until Monday and then gets 2 weeks off of that.

Well - time to get to bed as we are getting up to leave at 4:00 am!

Monday, June 28, 2004 8:48 AM CDT

Good Morning...

We had a very nice time at the picnic. You can see a slideshow of pictures
As you will see it rained part way through but we did have some sun at the beginning and middle and the kids got to run around and play at the playground. There are train tracks right by the park and the kids loved watching the trains got by.

Yesterday the kids and I stayed at home and did some cleaning and yardwork. Luke is extremely busy with work and had to work all day. Tofay the kids and I have a free day and so we will run some errands this morning and then this afternoon my brother Jason is coming by to visit.

As far as medical stuff goes, we will be collecting Nathan's urine on Wednesday for a kidney function test. On Thursday he will go to the clinic for a related blood test and also to draw his HAMA sample to send to New York.

Friday we head off to Illinois for a week to see Luke's family. It will be the first long road trip with the two kids so it should be interresting!

Saturday, June 26, 2004 8:27 AM CDT

Good morning - well the sun is shining for now anyway! We are looking forward to the picnic. I will update tomorrow and post some pictures.

Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:15 PM CDT

Hello -

well the dental stuff went ok. He ended up with 12 crowns which is all but his 8 front teeth. He is a little sore but doing well with it. As usual, he was very upset and irrational when he woke up from anesthesia.

As we waited in the waiting room this morning we were entertained by a mouse in the waiting room...not really want you want in a hospital!

Excitement in our house yesterday was that we got a new van. After 8 years our car had lots of problems and we have an upcoming driving trip to Illinois. We didn't get home until 10:00 last night and had to wake up the kids early. It will be good to get them to bed tonight so we can do the same. I have a cold and it seems Nathan is getting it too.

He is going to have a creatine clearance test (which is a urine collection test) next week to see how his kidney funtion is. His blood counts were good. The blood draw wasa bit traumatic because he has to get used to getting poked now.

We are looking forward to the picnic. Unfortunately it looks like it might rain but we will be under the pavillion and will make the best of it. Thanks to everyone who has RSVPd.

On a personal note I have many many emails I need to respond to and just haven't had a chance so...Louise, Judy, Angie, Tonya, Myndi, Denise, Janene, Joan and Ashley (and I am sure more that I can't come up with right now) I will try to get back to you as soon as I can but I am not ignoring you!

Monday, June 21, 2004 5:21 PM CDT

Hello - we are home and have been recovering. Unfortunately we are all on NY time and have been getting up extremely early.

The kids are very happy to be home with all of their toys. Today we have been able to relax and not do much. Tomorrow the kids will go to daycare and I get a day off. On Wednesday Nathan goes to the doctor and on Thursday he has his dental work done. Friday looks to be an open day which is very nice and Saturday is the picnic.

About the picnic...please note that I changed the directions a little. There is some construction and so it is not too clearly marked.

We haven't heard back from very many people. We really hope a lot of you can make it - if only for a little while. So - please consider coming!

Well - I will update Thursday night about how the dental work goes.

Friday, June 18, 2004 3:14 PM CDT

We are done! I don't feel like rehashing today but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. You may have noticed the party invitation above...we hope lots of you can make it. Email me at the link on the page if you have any questions.

We go home tomorrow!

Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:51 PM CDT

Hello - well - 1 day left thank goodness. Today was terrible. His IV actually worked so that was the good part. We waited around forver before he got started and the boy in the other bed (we have had one of the two rooms with 2 beds and no windows for 2 weeks - I don't know why we won the bad bed lottery) had his pain and it was really bad and we had to listen to the whole thing as I tried to read to Nathan. Nathan asked for his dilauded (narcotic) early. He likes it now..I think he is starting to enjoy the high from it. Well - she gave it to him far back in his line so it was not immediate or a strong rush and that upset him. By the time the pain hit he was still mad about the dilauded and so he was in no state to control his pain so he was screaming and yelling. We gave him an extra dose of dilauded which finally knocked him out some, but I was not allowed to move. I left the room for a few minutes and he woke up and had a huge fit. I couldn;t hold his oxygen just right or have my hand on his leg just right. If I tried I ended up in some contorted painful position that I just couldn;t hold for too long. He was just mad mad mad and cranky. He slept for a little and then woke up. He had a Pepsi which Mike threw away as we were cleaning up to leave and Nathan freaked out and was completely unreasonable about it. Mike went to get another and Nathan was just screaming and yelling. Mike went to get another Pepsi. We tried to get his shoes on and he as kicking and screaming. I finally carried him out as he struggled and screamed. Julia saw him like that and started crying and so she and Kathy went on downstairs and I put him down to talk to him because I wasn't going to let her see him like that anymore. That is the point where I started crying. Unfortunately in the screaming rus Mike left Pepsi #2 in the room. He ran back to get it and they had already pitched it so there was another big fit. He finally calmed down enough to leave and we came back to the apartment. I called Luke to come down from working and I took off and had lunch and a pedicure and manicure. Nathan was very good for Luke and by the time I returned I was able to be with him again. We had a good dinner and he went to bed happy.

Having to deal with him like that is the hardest thing I have had to do - and I have had to do it repeatedly during the past year. I keep thinking that if I lose him I will feel guilty for all the times I just couldn't stand to be with him. I am so drained after these days that I have no energy for Julia. I feel like she isn't going to have the kind of connection to me that she should. She must think I love Nathan more that her. I tried to play with he yesterday and Nathan just ruined it by tring to dictate how she should play. So I had to discipline him even when I was trying to give her attention. I just feel so useless.

I can't wait to get tomorrow over with. I am not sure how well I will be able to deal with him as I am still very raw from today. I have a feeling I will just have to leave the room and let him scream about me being gone. I try to tell him I will leave the room if he keeps screaming at me but there is no reasoning with him when he is in that state.

So - wish me luck for tomorrow....and strength too.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:01 AM CDT

Good morning,

Nathan had as good a birthday as he could considering the circumstances. We went off to the hospital where he got an ice cream sundae and a gift. His nurse brought him a balloon attached to a car which he really enjoyed.

He had his treatment and it was fine. Still plenty of pain so it doesn't appear he is going to develop a HAMA this time.

We got home and he was VERY cranky from the narcotic. He was complaining about everything - even his birthday cake not being exactly how he wanted it. He decided to have his cake and so he did - even though he was still drugged. After that he got his presents and played with them even though he seemed a little uncomfortable. Later in the afternoon Luke and Kathy took Nathan and Julia to the candy store and when they got back Nathan had finally recovered. We had a very nice dinner at the apartment and Judy joined us.

Now for some insurance news...Luke's company was recently purchased. We found out yesterday that our health insurance will change Aug. 1. It will be a different company. They have the usual exclusions for clinical trials. So - we will start over again in the process of getting te antibodies covered. His next round starts the middle of August so we will hopefully have time. Wish us luck.....

Well - off to the hospital again. 2 days left and counting....I am really hoping the IV will work today wince they need lots of blood from it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:30 AM CDT

Happy 4th Birthday Nathan!!!

Monday, June 14, 2004 3:31 PM CDT

Hello - hope you all had a good weekend. We definately did.

Saturday we went for a long walk in central park and then home for naps. Saturday late afternoon Luke and I ran out for a little and then had dinner and put the kids to bed. Sunday we went out for breakfast and then took the subway to Times Square and went to the toy store. Both kids seemed very tired so we came back and napped them and then we went up for dinner at Judy and John's and had a wonderful time. Luke, Kathy and I stayed up too late playing scrabble and then went to bed.

This morning all of us minus Luke (who was working) went to the hospital. Nathan got his IV placed and they had to make two attempts and it was pretty traumatic. While he had his antibodies, Mike stayed with us and Julia and Kathy hung out in the playroom where Julia had a ball. Nathan's pain was the usual amount and he came home and slept for a few hours. He got up a little bit ago and was in pain so I gave him some narcotics and now he is feeling much better.

Luke had his celebrity sighting on Sunday when he was in line for the pharmacist and Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft were in front of him. They apparently live nearby.

So - 6 down - 4 to go. 2 more days until Nathan's birthday (well 1 and a half now....)!

Details on the picnic on June 26 will be coming in the next day or two.

Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:39 AM CDT

Good morning....please read the message above about Alex's lemonade stand. Try to find a stand to go to today and support childhood cancer research.

Finally got the last scan..all scans are clear!!!!!!!!

Luke, Julia, Mike and Kathy arrived yesterday evening and everyone was so happy. I got lots of hugs from Julia.

We all went out to dinner and played and talked.

Yesterday Nathan had a pretty good day. His pain was not too bad and he recovered quickly. He even wanted to go somewhere after the hospital so we went to the candy store. Jennifer Love Hewitt came to the hospital taking pictures with the kids. Nathan wasn't sure but I said she could hold one of his trucks so she held his bobcat and they took a picture. She thought he was very cute. I put a copy of the picture on the photo page...it is a pictre of the poloroid so not great quality.

Not sure of our plans today. We will have beautiful weather so we will definately be out and about.

Friday, June 11, 2004 6:38 AM CDT

It is Friday!!!

Yesterday was a bit more difficult. On Thursdays they need lots of blood. Even though his IV was working it would not draw blood. They had to stick him in his other arm to draw blood and it didn't flow freely so they had to dig around a little. The clowns stayed with Nathan and entertained him the whole time which was great. He started his antibodies late due to all the blood stuff. He was more cranky than he had been but did alright with the pain. He slept afterwards again and we got home a little after 3:00. He felt pretty good and was in a great mood, but had a low-grade fever and so he layed around mostly. He hasn't been eating this week. He eats about half a meal a day. This is common for kids in this treatment and so he will hopefully pick up his eating again afterwards. He has also been having diarrhea which I also hope is just an antibody thing.

After treatment today they will remove his IV. I am just hoping it is still working today so he doesn't have to get a new one for today. He will spend the weekend free of any kind of IV for the first time in 14 months!

Luke, Julia, Mike and Kathy (Luke's parents) arrive later today. We can't wait.

Oh - almost forgot to tell you...part of his bone marrow results are back. They do the bone core and the bone marrow aspirates. The bone cores came back clean so no we just wait for the aspirates. Over a week later I am really hoping they are back today so we can have it all behind us for the weekend.

We are supposed to have wonderful weather this weekend...sunny and 70s. Should be good for getting out and about. Sunday is the Puerto Rican parade down fifth avenue and in central park which we are right by and I hear it is a zoo. Should be interresting too. We will have to plan our activities in another direction though.

Well - we will be off soon for day 5 - halfway done!

Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:28 AM CDT

Good morning

Yesterday wen pretty well. We didn't go do anything in the morning because Nathan just wanted to play. It was very hot and humid so it was just as well.

Nathan did really well with his finger stick. He HATES them (I don't blame him) but he had to do it daily now without his broviak. He didn't even flinch today and had me help him pick which finger to use.

His treatment went fairly well. He tried to play through the pain and did so for a while but then had to lie down. He actually fell asleep afterwards which was not usual for him. He usually lies there and everyone thinks he is asleep but he is working his fingers and coping with pain.

We got home around 2:30 and he was doing pretty well for awhile. He wanted to go somewhere and we went to BArnes and Noble and got some books. We got back VERY hot and I think he started feeling bad. We went out to dinner a while later and he really was in pain. I convinced him to take some tylenol and on the way home he perked right up and felt better and played until I made him take a bath.

This morning he is happy and we will go off to the hospital around 10:00.

2 more days this week....hopefully his IV will last through Friday.

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 6:08 AM CDT

Good morning.

First to reiterate yesterday's news the MIBG scan was normal! Bone marrows are not yet in.

Since we did not have to be at the hospital until 10:30 Nathan played for a while in the morning and then we went to a very cool playground in Central Park and let him play for a while. This park has a pyramid theme with lots of pyramids made out of brick to climb in and around. It also has a water spray and Nathan really wanted to go in it. We will try to take him over there some morning. Rigt now he can't get the brociak removal area wet. They plan to take the bandages off today.

Yesterday was a much better day of treatment. Nathan' s pain was not as intense and therefore he had less pain medicine and so recovered from it all more quickly. We got back at 2:30 which is really good for being on the second shift. Nathan was in pain but really not too bad. Around 5:00 he was ready to go out and so we went to a little toy store nearby and then for a walk.

There was much playing after that and then bed.

Monday, June 7, 2004 7:52 PM CDT

*** Tuesday Breaking News - MIBG SCAN IS NORMAL!!!! Good news. We were pretty nervous. No bone marrow results yet. ***

Hello - long day as expected...

The broviak removal went fine. Nathan was upset about being hungry. We snagged a donut when they put them out and saved it for him. I think that made him think more about it, but on the other hand if he had not had one when he was done it would have been worse. The surgeon was late in getting to the room and the anesthesiologist was about 3 minutes for leaving to go to another area for another patient. Fortunately the surgeon came in the nick of time. The anesthesiologist was the most recent of several people who have referred to Nathan as a "little man" on this visit. Everyone is very taken by him.

He quickly ate his donut after the procedure and then we saw the doctor who informed us only one of his scans was in so far - his Cat scan - which showed no evidence of disease. It did show that one of his kidneys does not appear to be working very well. Nathan will have a renal scan to further assess this next week. This is not big surprise as we were told that the surgery and the radiation were both liekly to cause kidney damage.

Tomorrow we will most likely have MIBG scan results and maybe bone marrow results too.

We went down to the cafeteria and had lunch and then not too much after that Nathan got a room and started treatment. His pain came early and hard. He really screamed this time. We gave him an extra dose of pain medication.

After treatment his oxygen just would not come up. We let him sleep it off a long time and finally moved the sensor from his toe to his finger where it promptly measured normal. We left around 5:00 and went back to the apartment. Nathan wanted me to massage him and I did so continuously for 2-3 hours. After a while his mouth hurt so I massaged his face too. I gave him some more narcotics finally and he perked right up. He then played with Joan for quite awhile and I finally had to force him to go to bed at 8:30.

We will be on the "late shift" this week and will not go to the hospital until around 10:30 each day. It is not my preference but I hope it will work out OK.

Well - now that Nathan is in bed I need to go relax. I will update again tomorrow.

Sunday, June 6, 2004 6:44 PM CDT

* Luke here just adding a little information on Nathan's big day as it trickles in. Nathan is out of surgery. He did fine. When I spoke with Susan on the phone he was in the background eating a doughnut and chatting away. Apparently he is happy that his broviac is out. The anticipation of the IV placement was rough, but Susan said he didn't even really flinch when it was placed, so maybe those won't be so bad. No news on scan results yet. *

Hello - hope everyone had a good weekend.

Nathan and I spent both mornings lazing around. Saturday we went out to lunch and then Nathan had a nap and afterwards we went to the Central Park Zoo and met Joshua (one of Nathan's treatment buddies) and his family. We all had a lot of fun. Nathan especially enjoyed the red pandas and the polar bear. Before we left they fed the sea lions and had them do tricks.

After the zoo we went to John and Judy's apartment to watch the Belmont Stakes and have some dinner. Nathan had brought up his garbage truck and we put him to work picking up the bits of fluff the dog, Fergus, was pulling out of a toy. He really had a good time and I have to convince him to go back and go to bed even though it was far past his bedtime.

Today we got on the bus and went to do some shopping. On the way back to catch the bus we found that there was a parade on the street we had hoped to catch the bus but we stayed and watched for awhile. It was a Philipine-american parade and there were some drums and bagpipes and other instruments.

It was late afternoon when we got back and Nathan sat on the couch and fell asleep against me for a while. He is in bed now.

Nathan has been having sudden headaches. He has had lots of them in the past few days and also several "sweats". These things make me quite nervous. I am anxious to hear scan results tomorrow. It is going to be quite a day. We need to be there at 7:30 and they will most likely do a finger stick(which he is just terrified about) and place an IV (which will be even worse). Then the broviak removal and then the antibodies.

My aunt Joan had called to chat a little while ago and she just called back to tell me she got tickets to come out tomorrow to stay and help me through the week. That is a big relief to me to know I will have help and company.

Well - I am getting tired - I will definately update at least the scan results tomorrow.

Friday, June 4, 2004 7:18 PM CDT

**** just an added note that our family web page is updated for May if you want to take a look*****

Hi - well it was quite a day today....

First off - Nathan woke up a 7:00 so I was happy about that.

Nathan drank his oral contrast like a pro and we went off to the hospital at 9:00. We got to Cat scan and were told we needed to check in at the day hosptital. So we went off to do that (quite a hike) and returned. We waited for another half and hour for the scan. Nathan was very patient and played with his trucks.

During his cat scan they hook his broviak up to a machine that injects the contrast. As it was injecting we heard a very loud pop. We had to hurry up and do the scan and afterwards found that his proviak had a large split in it. It was his smallest tube and I think that machine was way too strong for it. Meanwhile before we found the crack the nurse tried to put a new cap on it and obviously was clueless about hygeine while doing so and even the proper way to put on a new cap. We got it clamped fairly quickly on my insistance. No one in the room really knew what to do and I jsut kept saying that we had to clamp it off ASAP. I finally told them to just put on any clamp and let me take him upstairs to the day hospital. Nathan was starting to get upset abot it all too. I took him upstairs and they took a look and said they would fix it after his MIBG scan. We ran back downstairs for that. As we waited Nathan was still very upset about his broviak and also about the long scan ahead of him. We had been planning to go to Times Square when we were done and so I told him if he could just lay still and do the scan he could get a new toy and that helped him calm down.

He did great in the scan. He watched Monsters Inc. He was perfectly still and did not complain. I couldn't really see the images so I don't know much about the outcome.

After the scan (around 12:45) we went back upstairs to the day hospital. We were both hungry but wanted to get the repair done. There was much waiting around and finally I had to call the surgeons in Colorado to find out the size of the broviak. After much looking - the nurse came back and told me that they had no size 9 french supplies so we could either go back home to get it fixed or take it out. Well - going home was obviously not going to happen so the surgeon's nurse came out to talk to me. She said they would remove it one Monday. The nurse had to hunt around for a clamp because Nathan had the scissor-like clamps dangling from him. She found a still pretty cumbersome clamp and put it on. We were then told a doctor would come talk to us. Finally at 4:00 we were told to come back Monday at 7:30. We asked if we needed to wait for the doctor but thankfully they said no. I don't know at what time the procedure will take place. Nathan will be off food and water due to the anesthesia. After he is done with that they will place an IV (while he is asleep) and then he will have his antibodies. The IV's can last 2-3 days. Nathan will have to get used to IVs. Also - he will have to get more finger sticks. He is not going to be happy. He knows his broviak will come out on Monday but he hasn't asked how he will get his "pain" yet. He will be upset about the IV.

So - after we FINALLY got out of there we hopped on the bus and went to Times Square. Nathan picked out a large toy garbage truck with motorized features. After that we went out to dinner and back to the apartment. After a little playing with his new truck he went right to bed. No line care of flushing...I guess we are done with that for now - for good if we are lucky.

So - that was our fun-filled day. At least it is the weekend and we are free to have some fun the next few days.

I had a message from Luke saying that Nathan got a paid slot at the schoold district preschool for fall. This is wonderful news.

So - I will have to try to keep the scans at the back of my mind all weekend. I hate to even imagine them. Yesterday Nathan was asking me why he got his "back bandages" I explained they were looking for cancer. He asked what would happen if they found cancer and I told him he would ened more chemo. He told me he didn't want to lost his hair again. I told him some chemos don't do that, but we hoped he wouldn't have to even worry about that.

I hope you all have a good weekend !

Thursday, June 3, 2004 7:35 PM CDT

Hello - today went pretty well. I woke up Nathan to go to the hospital and he got up very easily and happy. He knew he was getting his "back bandages" this morning and so didn't even ask for food or drink.

They got him in by 9:00 for his bone marrows and he woke up fairly well. He had a huge fit over his lack of a sippy cup soon after. It really was going to be a fit about something...anesthesia can do that to him. We got back to the apartment and by then he was feeling well enough to walk over to the drugstore to buy a sippy cup. We had lunch and he painted and had a nap. After his nap we took the subway to the hospital and he had his MIBG injection. That was fine and easy. There was an ice cream truck outside the hospital so he had a chocolate sprinkle cone. I then walked us (Nate in the stroller) all the way home. I am in need of excercise so I decided I might as well. The weather was beautiful. I stopped at a juice bar and had freshly juiced apple-pear juice. Nathan played for a while after that. He has been complaining off and on about his back hurting. He won't bend over and is very careful sitting.

We went up to Judy and John's apartment for dinner (we had run into them outside the apartment building earlier). Nathan was vey happy to see them and had to show them all his new airport trucks. We had a very nice dinner and then I ran to get Nathan some tylenol. He is now in bed and will hopefully sleep pain-free tonight. He is worried about his MIBG scan tomorrow. He has to lie still for an hour. It is quite daunting. He can watch a movie but at times the camera is in his way. I might have to let him pick out a new toy afterwards as an incentive. He also has his cat scan. That one is a piece of cake - well except that he has to drink the contrast. Last time it was no big deal so I am hoping for the same. I will mi it with Sprite and I think he might just drink it out of the cup.

We don't have to be to the hospital until around 9:00 tomorrow so we don't need to rush in the morning. Maybe if I am lucky Nathan will sleep until 7:00. I tend to stay up later here but he still gets up early!

I will be watching the scan tomorrow as an amateur radiologist hoping nothing "lights up". Last time the cap on his broviak lit up where he had the injection but I didn't know what it was because it was tucked strangely in his waisteband. This time I changed his cap so hopefully that won't happen again. So - I will update tomorrow night on how things go.

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:55 PM CDT

Greetings from New York...

We arrived this evening without too much trouble. Nathan is very happy to be here and was running and laughing and playing like mad. When I was getting him ready for bed he said, "I'm awfully cute, don't you think Mommy?"

It was very sad leaving. I am especially sad to break up Nathan and Julia - they have been having so much fun playing together. The other day she was tormenting him by repeatedly kissing him. Does it get any cuter?

Luke and I have finally made the rest of our summer plans and would like those of you in the area to save the afternoon of June 26th. We are having a picnic at a park pavillion. There are several reasons for this party; Number 1 - to thank everyone for all the support you have given us, Number 2 - to celebrate Nathan's current good health, and Number 3 - Nathan's 4th birthday! More details will be coming soon.

Our very busy summer also includes a trip to Illinois to visit Luke's parents, and trip to Chicago for Luke and I to go to the Neuroblastoma conference and a trip to Cancun for Luke and I to spend some quality time together.

Thanks for all the prayers for the person having surgery. The outcome was very good.

We are off to the hospital at 7:00 tomorrow morning for bone marrow aspirations. I am crossing my fingers that they will get done fairly early and then Nathan can eat. Later in the afternoon he will go back to get his MIBG injection for his scan on Friday.

One thing that made Nathan particularily happy today was a new stuffed animal wolf. He was given a wolf at the hopsital when he had his first surgery. That wolf slept with him for many many months and was with him for everything. Unfortunately we lost the wolf a few months ago in New York. He had not mentioned the wolf in ages but he woke up wanting it the other night and when Luke reminded him it was lost he sobbed and sobbed. IT was the saddest thing. He told Luke that the wolf was always with him in th hospital. So we were on a mission to find a new one - but with only half a day to find one. Fortunately, the airport gift shop had 3 to choose from and he picked one out and is so very happy about it. The wolf has been sitting with him ever since and watches him play. He wants to bring it with him tomorrow so it can sit on his lap while he is waiting. He has never been overly attached to anything like this before. It is very sweet.

Well - I will update again tomorrow night.

Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:22 AM CDT

Good Morning

We made it home fine. Our second flight was an hour and a half of continuous turbulance. I don't do so well with that. Julia was also miserable. Nathan thought he was on an hour and a half roller coaster and was even saying "whee!" at the particularily big bumps. He thought it was the most fun he's had on an airplane. I forgot to write that before we left on vacation he and I went to the local little amusement park. He had so much fun. He wanted to ride everything and was afraid of nothing. We finally had to leave after he made me ride the tilt o whirl twice. He loves speed!

Anyway - we made it home and a little while later our friends Brian and Lori arrived and we have been having a good time hanging out with them.

Nathan went to the audiologist yesterday. She adjusted his hearing aides a little and tested him. She is very pleased with the tones he is hearing and also that he likes his hearing aides so much.

He went to the oncologist afterwards and his blood counts are back up to almost normal. His weight was WAY up. It was his highest weight ever at 36.5 pounds. He was at 30 pounds only a few months ago.

We are done with doctors until next Thursday when he will be having a bone marrow aspiration. On Friday he will have a cat scan and an MIBG scan. We leave for New York on Wednesday. That is WAY too soon in my opinion! Luke, Julia and Luke's parents will all arrive on June 11. Luke will work fron New York and his parents will take care of Julia. We will all celebrate Nathan's 4th birthday together while we are in New York. This is the main reason for having everyone come to New York for a week this time. His birthday is June 16. We will all go home on June 19. So it will be a long 17 days away from home for Nathan and I. I can't wait to get it over and done with. Now that he is feeling so good it will be interesting to see how he does in New York.

I put a few pictures in the photo album and I plan to have our family web page updated in the next few days.

Have a good Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:09 AM CDT


We are continuing to have a wonderful vacation. There has been lots more swimming and biking and playing. Luke and I got to have a nice dinner out together eating fresh seafood outside by the marsh. We have also been going out after the kids are in bed - last night we played miniature golf.

Nathan's health is fine. His blood counts were a little improved over the previous time. Since that was the case we are not drawing his blood again here since he has a clinic appointment on Friday. The SPF swimsuit and very large bandages have been working really well for his swimming and his broviak is not at all worse for the wear and neither kid has had a hint of sunburn.

We are really considering having his broviak removed on June 24th when he is under anesthesia for his dental work. After a year it would be nice to stop the daily care and have Nathan go to preschool without it. The thought is always there about relapse and it would be nice to have a broviak-free period if that were to happen.

Someone important to our family is undergoing a surgery today - while we don't want to say anything more we ask those of you who pray for Nathan to pray for her safety and recovery.

I have not been able to get the pictures off the camera so when we get home I will put some up. We've got some good ones!

Friday, May 21, 2004 6:00 AM CDT

Hello from South Carolina,

We are having a wonderful trip so far.

I will back up to Monday....Nathan went to the clinic. He had gotten sick too, though thankfully not a fever, just a cough. We think his illness affected his blood counts. His platelets were half of what they were the time before. To be safe we decided to get counts while we are on vacation.

Our trip to Hilton Head went smoothly. Wednesday morning we headed right out to the beach (the kids and I - Luke is working during the week) and they both enjoyed it tremendously. Nathan wanted to really go deep in the water and play but with having Julia and just me I really couldn't take him in too much. He wore his wetsuit like swimsuit that has SPF sun protection. It was great - it was cute and worked really well. I had even decided to get one for Julia and it was so nice not to slather them with sunscreen.

My parents got a bike trailer for the kids and so Wednesday evening we all went for a bike ride. The kids really liked being in the trailer and we got to see some horses, turtles and an alligator during our ride.

On Thursday I took a blood sample in for Nathan. I will get the results back today. Late afternoon we took the kids to the swimming poool, which is something Nathan hadn't done since he was a baby. He LOVED it and he even put his face right in the water to blow bubbles. He really seemed as though he wished he could swim. I convinced him to jump in the pool into my arms and he just had a ball. We are considering taking him for lessons at home. We had another evening bike ride too.

So as you can see, so far our vacation has been great. Nathan is running around like a normal kid and having the time of his life. Today the kids and I will probably go to the beach again. The weather is very warm and sunny. I haven't taken any pictures yet but when I do I will try to post one.

Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:45 AM CDT

Happy Saturday!

Let me catch up here....

Thursday morning we went to get Nathan's hearing aides. He liked them immediately and wants to be wearing them. We have noticed subtle differences in his hearing. We went to a restaurant for breakfast and when we got out of the car, it dings when the keys are removed and he heard that for the first time. He does seem to have an easier time understanding us - but it is subtle. I will try to post a picture soon of him and his aides.

Our next outing was to the dentist. We had gone to toys r us beforehand and he picked out a small toy that he knew he would get if he was good and did everything the dentist told him. So I told the dentist to go ahead and take xrays and Nathan did very well (last time we had to hold him down). The xrays found that he had lots and lots of cavities between his teeth as well. Basically all his teeth except his four front top and four front bottom are very decayed. So...he needs crowns on all his teeth except those 8. For his four canine teeth we are deciding if we would rather they use fillings for cosmetic reasons. They will not last as long but would look a lot better than silver canines. Since there is so much work to be done he will be put under general anesthesia at the hospital to have the work done. It is tentatively scheduled for June 24.

Friday morning I took Nathan to the preschool assesment. Basically they feel he is right on track on most things and advanced on things like language. They think it would be a good thing for him to go to the school district preschool since they have all the specialists to keep an eye on him. I have an application in for a state funded preschool slot at the district and we should find out soon if he gets one. If not we will probably just pay and send him there anyway. I was not surprised at the outcome because in the three weeks since his home visit he has made huge strides in his abilities. He has started to dress and undress himself and try lots of other things.

There were two teachers of the deaf there and so I talked with them about his hearing aides and the neccessesity of them. Some children with similar hearing loss do not get them. They felt like they will definately benefit him because even though he produces the sounds he was not hearing without the aides (s, th, f) he was not hearing them anymore and he might regress. Also, since he was perfectly happy to wear them they thought he should definately keep them. He tells us he hears better with them. It ishard to tell if he is saying that because we told him they would do that. His hearing aides came with a device that lets us listen through them and so I did that last night while they were having a bath. It was interresting because I heard all the little drips very distictly and my esses I could hear quite sharply. These hearing aides are programmed to amplify the high frequencies he is missing and leave the low frequencies unamplified. He will go back on Monday to check on them.

Julia had a fever all day yesterday. So far Nathan hasn't gotten it and Julia feels better today. She clearly relished being the sick one. She knows that being sick gets attention around here. We can't blame her.

Today we will just lay low and try to recover from a long 2 weeks. Luke has been working non-stop (literally) for that time and has now completed the task and is wiped out.

Nathan will go to the oncologist on Monday for a check up. Tuesday we are off to Hilton Head. We can't wait!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:37 AM CDT

Hello - I hope all you moms out there had a Happy Mother's Day. While we did nothing special - I was just appreciative that I have both my children to spend the day with. That is all I need. Well - and my husband too!

We had a really good time having dinner with friends on Sunday night. Nathan joined right in all the running around and playing with the other kids and that was so great to see.

Yesterday the kids went to daycare in part to go see a fire truck museum. I went to the doctor. It is very strange for ME ot be the patient! Today I am going to the dentist later so the kids are back off to day care. I decided to keep them with me this morning since the week is so busy and also because we are having so landscaping done in the back yard and there will hopefully be a bobcat digging this morning so I hope that Nathan gets a chance to watch.

Wednesday we have a free day, Thursday, Nathan gets his hearing aides in the morning and then goes to the dentist. Friday he goes for his preschool assessment.

Next Tuesday we are off to Hilton Head Island to visit my parents. Luke will have to work during the days while we are there but we will still manage to have some nice family time, enjoy the beach and bikes and Luke and I plan to have a little time to ourselves as well. Nathan will be on accutane so I bought him some wetsuit like swimwear that has a high SPF. Hopefully we can throw that on him (plus a special hat I bought) and let him frlic in the sun. We have some very large bandages to put over his entire broviak for swimming.

He goes back to New York for antibodies starting June 7. He also needs his 3 month scans while we are there and so I scheduled those yesterday for June 3. So we will have to have an extra-long visit again. That's how it goes!

Well - it is breakfast time around here and since Nathan's life revolves around food right now it is serious business. Have a good day!

Saturday, May 8, 2004 1:16 PM CDT

Hi! It has been a few days since I updated so I will try to catch you up. Thursday we awoke to another beautiful day and so the kids and I decided to go to the zoo. They both had a blast and esepcially loved the petting zoo and petting the bunnies. The other cool thing at the zoo here is that you can feed the giraffes. They both did that and got a kick out of it.

Friday we stayed home most of the morning and then headed out to buy new sand for their sand and water table. I also got their pictures taken. See the photo album for some of those.

In the afternoon we all spent more time outside in the gorgeous weather.

Today we decided to have a family picnic and we went to our favorite county park and played and had lunch. Nathan ran and ran. He tired Luke out running and being chased and still wanted to continue. Julia of course did so as well. What a beautiful sight it is to see him running and smiling!

We are not sure what the rest of the weekend has in store. Luke has to work a little and tomorrow night we will have dinner with some friends. Last night I got to go play cards with some friends and had a fun time. Unfortunately I am way behind on sleep and am exhausted. I will catch up someday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:56 PM CDT

Hello - we had a very good day today.

The weather was beautiful and the kids and I went outside this morning in summer cloths and enjoyed ourselves. Around 11:00 Luke and I dropped off Julia at daycare and then Luke, Nathan and I got a quick bite to eat. Nathan and I went to the clinic and the good news starts here....He has put on a Kilogram (that's about 2.2 pounds which is about 15% of his body weight). That was in 2 weeks. Everyone could see it in his face. He was so talkative and happy and his doctor was so glad to "see Nathan's smile back"

His blood counts were good. Every single one was in the normal range for the first time. For those of you who are in the know - Hemoglobin was 12.5, platelets 180 white count 4.2.

His urine test results came back and were all normal. So we will got back in 2 weeks and see if his hemoglobin holds up on its own or not.

The next two days are free! I am so happy about this because next week is scheduled up completely. The weather will continue to be in the 80s and I am sure we will get out and enjoy it some more.

I will try to take a new picture of Nathan tomorrow to show off those round cheeks!

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 9:40 PM CDT

Hello - we have had a fairly uneventful several days.

On the health front Nathan is doing well. He does have some diarrhea once again, but not the intense pain with it. We are keeping an eye on it and will contact the GI doctor about if neccessary. We ordered his hearing aides. They will take about a week to come in.

Nathan and Julia have really started playing together - which while it can cause fights is so mice to see. She has such an imagination - they were playing that dragons were chasing them.

Tomorrow Nathan goes to the oncologist. We are interrested to see what his weight and blood counts are. I am really hoping for good on both fronts. I will also ask about his urine test results.

He goes back to the dentist next week for a cleaning. I did some asking around and feel ok with taking him back to our local dentist. We'll see what he says after the cleaning.

I will definately update tomorrow after his appointment.

Until then....

Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:56 PM CDT

Hello! I can't belive it is already May.

I have since discovered that Nathan's teeth problems are common among the other Neuroblastoma kids. I am considering taking up to Children's hospital to a dentist there who is used to treating chemo patients. I like the dentist I saw here, but he seemed to blame poor hygeine for most of Nathan's problems when in fact it appears to have mainly been the chemo.

We haven't made any decisions about the hearing aides yet. We might get around to that next week.

Nathan is feeling good - happy and energetic. The other night it was time for him to get ready for bed and he was running from room to room and I told him it was time for line care and he told me he didn't want to go to bed yet - he wanted to run around some more. That was one of the best things I have heard out of him in a long time! He is eating like a horse and so we are very interrested to see what his weight will be next week at the clinic. We will hopefully get the urine test results back. I decided against calling back for them and figured we would just wait. It wouldn't change anything immediately anyway so I'd rather not worry about it.

Nathan is becoming more and more independant. He thinks he can't do many things and I find if I make him try he learns he can do them and then he is proud of himself.

This weekend we are not doing much. Luke has to work all weekend. I am going to a girl's night out tonight and I looking forward to that.

I hope all of you have a good weekend.

Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:36 AM CDT

Good morning. Sorry I didn't update yesterday - I didn't get a chance to call back about the HAMA until this morning. It is negative.....no big surprise......

The hearing appointment went well. They made molds of Nathan's ears. Now Luke and I just need to decide which hearing aids to get him. We were offered two models. The more expensive ones will be $2000 more than the lesser so we are trying to ask around to figure out if the features of that one are really worth it.

Nathan did well at the dentist appointment. Unfortunately he did not have a cleaning because he has a broviak and the dentist wanted him to have antibiotics before a cleaning. The dentist did notice several cavities and many more teeth heading in that direction. This was just by looking and not even with an x-rays. This was not what we wanted to hear. He will go back for the cleaning in two weeks and we hope to get a better idea of the big picture.

Today we will stay home. I am not feeling well this morning and after all the running around the past few days I am ready to stay in.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:56 AM CDT

Good morning,

Well, I just called New York and there are no results yet. She doesn't know if the results aren't in yet or if they didn't receive his sample. I know the blood got there so we'll see. Hopefully I will know something later today.

Nathan and I are off to the hearing aid fitting and to the dentist. I will update later today.

Monday, April 26, 2004 7:09 PM CDT

Hello - just a little update and musings from me (Susan).

I got Nathan's hair cut today. See the new picture. I decided it was better to cut it really short than to keep it long and have it stick up just like baby hair (which it is). I think it looks a little more like "normal" hair. I am anxious for Nathan to not look like a cancer patient anymore. He was pleased with the cut as well.

The kids and I had a really good day. We didn't do anything special but it was one of those days where it felt like a "normal" day of a normal mom and her two kids.

Not that I know what normal is anymore. I suppose it is any day without medical concerns. My old normal is long gone and will never be again but my new normal lets me truly appreciate every little smile and hug and mundane activities that we do. I don't think very far in the future anymore - just the next couple of months. Every day that Nathan is doing well and Julia and he can be together and our family of four together really is a special day for me. This is the opposite of what I was like before. I was always looking ahead and never enjoying the moment.

This is not to say it is not hard for me to adjust to a new life because lots of time I don't know what to do with myself. That's ok though - I will work through it.

So - tomorrow is the HAMA test. We are REALLY hoping for a HAMA. I am crossing all my fingers and toes.....

Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:28 PM CDT

Hello everyone - we are having a good weekend.

Friday I took Nathan to the ENT doctor and he recommended hearing aids. I will take him back to the audiologist on Wednseday to get him fitted for hearing aids. I am not sure when he will actually get them. If he doesn't like them and won't wear them we can return them. Afterwards Nathan and I went out for breakfast.

Saturday Luke had to work a good part of the day and so the kids and I wandered around the mall. We all went out for dinner later and had a nice time.

Today we went to a birthday party at the zoo. Unfortunately it was snowing quite hard but we went to the ape house and then had the party in a cabin on the property. The kids had lots of fun and it was a nice family time for us.

This week Nathan goes for his hearing aid fitting and to the dentist. His teeth haven't been looked at in 6 months and I think they need some attention.

So - I will definately update after Wednesday and let you know how things went.

Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:20 PM CDT


Nathan had a fine visit to the oncologist. He just needed blood counts. He didn't even see a doctor. His blood counts were excellent. His hemoglobin was 11.5 (normal range starts at 12) his white counts were on the low side of normal but just fine and his platelets were 178 which is the very low side of the normal range. This is the first time his platelets have been in the range in a year! He received a medication to boost his hemoglobin but this time they were able to give him one that lasts 2 weeks and so we don't have to go back next week.

The preschool assessment went ok. It was just a pre-evaluation to see if he would receive a full-blown evaluation which they decided he will. He refused to do some of the tasks she wanted him to. I think he was nervous about it. We will have to talk it all up before the formal assessment. All in all his fine motor skills are definately lacking and gross motor skills on the edge. When they assess him they will decide if he qualifies for services from the school district such as physical therapy. If he doesn't he still may be able to go the the preschool through a Colorado program based on need for services which he definately has.

Between yesterday and today I have managed to tackle some of the household projects that have been gnawing at me and I feel so much better having accomplished them. I did pay a price last night. I think my allergies combined with physical and emotional exhaustion got to me and I had a horrid headache and went up to bed after dinner and stayed there. I am feeling much better today.

Tomorrow morning Nathan will go to the ear doctor. I haven't a clue what to expect from the visit but hopefully we will come out of it having had an expert evaluate him and let us know where to go from here - if anywhere.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:51 PM CDT

Hello - not too much to report. We had a good weekend. To tell you the truth I am wracking my brain to figure out what we did and I can't even remember. This is not a bad thing...I am just tired I think. Julia slept poorly last night and we didn't get too much sleep.

The kids were in child care today and I had the day off. I mostly ran errands but Luke and I did have lunch together which we both enjoyed.

Tomorrow Nathan goes to the clinic in the morning and in the afternoon someone from the school district is coming out to pre-evaluate him for the school district's preschool. If they decide he has any special needs he would attend preschool this fall for free. Even if not thay can help us assess any areas of concern. Since he is our oldest we have no frame of reference to compare his skill levels. Either way he will be going to preschool we just need to know if he needs some extra help.

Well - that is about all my brain can produce. I will update in the next few days.

Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:43 AM CDT

Hello - All is fine here. We have been enjoying some "normal" days around here.

Nathan went to the oncologist on Wednesday for a routine check-up. We decided to test his urine. That is one neuroblastoma test that hasn't been done since after his surgery. Here in Colorado they are willing to do it as a spot check whereas in New York they want a multiple-hour collection. I let it slide in New York because I didn't want to put Nathan through that in his newly potty-trained stage. We may have the results next Wednesday when we go back.

I made an appointment for Nathan with a Ear Nose and Throat doctor to evaluate his hearing and what needs he may have there. He definately has trouble hearing us - especially when there is any kind of ambient noise. We know he has hearing loss but haven't been advised on what to do about it so we are glad to have this appointment. He will also be going to the dentist. I am not sure what is going on with his teeth but the chemo he has had can affect them and it is time to get that checked out.

Nathan continues to feel fairly good. He is not quite as peppy as he was the first few days we were home but still seems to feel good.

We have no plans this weekend. Just have some good family time.

Hope you all have a good weekend as well.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:41 PM CDT

Hello - we have had two nice days. Monday the kids and I just ran some errands and hung out together. Monday night we went to a birthday party for Catherine - the 4 year old daughter of my friend Daelyn. The kids had lots of fun.

Today the kids went to daycare and I had a nice day off! Luke and I even got to have lunch together. Both kids had a good day and Tammy (day care provider) remarked about how differnt Nathan's mood and energy level was. It is SO MUCH better. He doesn't seem depressed anymore either. Luke says he is a different child than before we left for New York. I think you can even see it in the new picture I put on the top of the page. He has a sparkle back in his eyes. It is hard to say if things will get worse again but we'll take what we can get when we can get it!

Tomorrow Nathan goes to the clinic for a checkup. Julia is probably coming with us since it is at 1:30 and an awkward time to leave her with anyone since it is normally naptime. It will hopefully be a short appointment anyway.

So - we are just kind of figuring out what ever new routine we will have around here. I am always a little adrift right when we get back from New York. It is hard to adjust.

Two weeks from today Nathan's HAMA test will be run. We are not expecting it to be positive (and thus he would be done with antibodies) but we can always hope! Otherwise we will go back in June.

I will probably not update as much while we are at home. Hopefully there won't be much going on!

Oh - and I know I owe lots of people emails and I hope to get moving on that soon!

Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:23 AM CDT

Happy Easter everyone...

We are all happy to be home. The trip home was uneventful despite the snow in Colorado. There are several inches of snow on the ground this morning.

Yesterday we colored easter eggs and this morning we awoke to easter baskets and the easter bunny had hidden the eggs and the kids had fun finding them. We had a nice breakfast and are just enjoying being together. We will go have easter dinner with some friends later today.

Nathan is feeling well and very happy to be home.

I hope you all have a wonderful easter too.

Friday, April 9, 2004 1:29 PM CDT

Done Done Done with round 4!!! Done with IV GM-CSF and back to the shots net time. Boy was it a long two weeks.

Today was not too bad. Nathan was pretty entertained as we did his IV meds and we played some Candyland, cars, cash register and he helped them bake some scones. He got going on the antibody nice and early and his pain was very manageable. He actually sat up the whole time and for much of the time was half watching the TV. We didn't have to turn on the oxygen at all. He slept afterwards and fussed about leaving but not nearly as bad as the previous two days. He did decide to take a nap when we got home and is doing so right now. Later he wants to go to McDonalds.

We will be flying home tomorrow morning. It is supposed to snow in Colorado. I don't care - it is home!

I want to add that one of the few positive things about being in New York is the wonderful people we have met. We have met many other families going through this and with them we can talk about serious things and also laugh and joke and we are completely comfortable doing so because we all know where we are coming from.

So - the next entry will be from home. Hoping for a very uneventful trip and relatively quiet weekend.

Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:37 AM CDT

Good morning.. I guess I forgot to update yesterday.

Nathan's day was much like the day before. Some pain - not too bad. He really did not want to leave. This is not unusual but he just didn't get over it and after we got back to the apartment he was still upset and didn't want to be there so we put him in his stroller and went to the Central Park Zoo. It is quite a walk (over a mile) but we all enjoyed it since the weather was very nice. We didn't stay at the zoo very long but we all enjoyed the animals. After we returned we went to John and Judy's for dinner (friends who live in the building) and came home and Nathan went to bed.

This morning Nathan seems to be in a good mood. I am just hoping for another day like yesterday in which the pain is not too severe.

2 more days to go!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 7:05 PM CDT

Hello - 7 down 3 more to go...

Today was not as good as yesterday but I was expecting that - these treatments are never the same. Nathan's pain medicine crankiness was in full-swing today. At one point he struck me in the eye. We got home by 2:00 pm and Nathan rested on the couch and was cranky and in a little pain. After much cajoling and bargaining we got him to agree to go to the Natural History Museum to go to a special butterfly exhibit there. They had a special group for kids from the hospital. As I said, NAthan didn't want to go and I had to promise him he didn't have to look at the butterflies. After we were in the for a few minutes he told me he DID like to look at butterflies and had a great time as they flew around us. After the museum we went out to dinner and had a nice time. I had to rub his feet a little bit at dinner but it was still pretty minor pain.

I can't even explain how much I am looking forward to being done on Friday and getting 8 weeks off. I am sure it will go by too fast - but after a year of treatments with at the most about 2 and a half weeks off I am so excited that we are finally at a point where we will have months off at a time!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2004 2:39 PM CDT

HEllo - sorry for the lack of updates.

Nathan's weekend was pretty good. He didn't have any pain which is the best thing. Saturday he stayed in his pajamas and play for half the day and then we went out for a little walk and went to the candy store. He napped later and my mom arrived. Sunday we went out to breakfast, took a walk in Central Park, and then to Times Square to Toys R Us. Nathan had a great time as usual looking at all the toys. Overall he was in good spirits and decent amount of energy. His counts are doing well - better than they have been in a while. For those of you in the know - his hemoglobin is 11.1 and platelets 156. White counts are sky high due to the GM-CSF he gets with his antibodies. He did plenty of walking around - more and more he wants to walk instead of being in the stroller - at least for a little while. That is SO wonderful to see. As far as bowel pain, it is much improved. He complains a little here and there but non eof the exteme pain he had had. I don't know which of the medications are making the difference - or if it just time passing and him healing.

I am still at the hospital. Nathan's treatment today was not too bad. His pain didn't last too long and then he went to sleep for a while and then awake but not too crabby and now he is sleeping and we are just letting him stay for a while. Usually he does not sleep at all. He normally is rubbing his fingers but looks asleep and it is just his way of getting through the pain. Right now he is definately sleeping!

I asked the doctor about HAMA and he said that usually if they haven't gotten it by now they don't get it for a few more rounds. From this point on we will be hoping he develops it and we can be done.

I'll update again tomorrow.

Friday, April 2, 2004 6:08 PM CST

Hello - If you just checked this site today see past journal entries for an early morning entry.

Today was not as good but I pretty much expected that.

I was kind of low on patience today and Nathan kept asking for one thing after another from the cafeteria which is a long way and long elevator wait away.

He lost an hour and a half of time this morning when it was discovered that his IV was leaking. They had to start it over again. He didn't get his antibodies until after 1:00 pm.

His pain was there but he handled it pretty well. The bad part was he was extremely nasty and cranky from his pain medicine. I think I will ask them to try a different one next week.

When we got back (around 3:45) I was cranky too and so I went out for some coffee. I got back to find Nathan had been in pain while I was gone but was doing better. He had wanted to go to McDonalds and so off we went. He didn't eat but 1 or 2 french fries and then we went to Barnes and Noble and he picked some books out. We came back and read and then he wanted to go to bed. As we were snuggling he asked me what my favorite part of the day was and I told him it was the bookstore. I asked him and he said "my favorite part of the day is when I got through with my pain". Can't argue with that one!

Two days off...we need it! Hopefully he will feel well and have some fun.

Friday, April 2, 2004 5:28 AM CST

Good morning,

Much, Much better day yesterday. We got in his room fairly early and when he got his pain it was very different. It was not nearly as intense and he didn't even lay down right away. He also watched TV some during it which is not usual. The thing that bothered him the most was that he broke out in a very hot sweat and so instead of using the oxygen for his nose I used it to blow cool air on his head and I rubbed his head.

We got back and he sat on the couch for a few minutes and then asked me when it woudl be naptime. So I put him down and he woke up after an hour or so and was feeling good. He played some and then wanted to go out for dinner and so we did. Afterwards we walked over to the drug store for some easter candy. As we walked he told me he didn't need the stroller for the hospital that if we couldn't get a taxi or bus he would just walk (not possible at this distance but he doesn't know that).

He went to bed very happy and playful and woke up full of smiles too. What a relief to have such a good day. Who knows how today will be - with antibodies each day is different. Either way it is Friday today so that in itself makes it a better day!

Tomorrow Joan leaves and my mom arrives. Nathan and I haven't picked out an activity for the day yet but I am sure he will come up with an outing.

Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:57 AM CST

Luke here. This post is mostly Susan's, but I have added some of my thoughts on this anniversary to the bottom of Susan's first paragraph.

April 1 - one year from diagnosis. My overwhelming feeling about today is how grateful I am that Nathan is still with us one year later and currently NED. Today he will be getting treatments to help keep the cancer from returning and although very difficult I am thankful for this too.

Luke here adding some musings on this anniversary. I've been thinking a lot about what today means to me. Susan summed it up well. I'm grateful and happy that Nathan is still with us one year later and is at such a good point in his overall health. So many of you have followed our family so closely through this journal. We spend a lot of time on status, but also a fair amount on pain, fear, and other not so happy stuff. I just want to encourage you all to use this day as we are. Sit back, take a deep breath, and take some joy in how far Nathan has come in this past year.

Nathan's day yesterday was better. He still had quite a bit of lingering pain and a little fever but not as bad as the previous day. We are wondering if the fevers have to do with him getting his GM-CSF by IV instead of by shot. Some kids get fevers from the medicine and maybe for Nathan the difference of getting it over several hours instead of in a shot is the cause.

We had to wait quite a while to get a bed yesterday and Nathan was so tired of waiting. He did well but it was hard for him. Poor kid hates waiting. He has had to wait so much in the last year and he is so good but he is always telling us waiting is hard.

Well - we are off in the rain for another day of pain...hoping today is even better than yesterday.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:46 AM CST

Good morning...

Yesterday was a very different day. His pain during infusion was much more manageable for him. We actually got out of there by 1:30 pm. Unfortunately Nathan's pain continued until 6:30 pm. I spent much of that time sitting with him and massaging various parts of his body. I gave him more pain medicine around 5:30 because he wanted to go to bed. It seemed to perk him up instead of put him to sleep and he stayed up until 8:30 playing and eating. It was nice to see him have a little bit of fun even though I was exhausted by then and anxious to get him to bed so I could relax a little. Joan and I split a bottle of wine after he finally went to bed.

I have to keep this update short because I need to get ready to go. Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 29, 2004 8:10 PM CST

Well - long day as expected. We got to the clinic around 8:00. It was disorienting because the clinic moved and we didn't know where anything was and they changed the way they do some things.

We saw the doctor and I verified that there will be no bone marrow aspiration after this round so we will definately go home after the last day of treatment.

Nathan didn't get treatment started until 2:00. The new patient rooms are under a glass ceiling and so it was a struggle to keep the sun out of his eyes and even in the shade the room was too bright for him. By the time he was done his head was under the tray table with a blanket draped over it. We got home around 5:30.

He had a lot of pain today. He had an extra dose of pain medication and I had to give him a dose tonight because when he woke up he was i a lot of pain. He decided to get up for a while but then the pain medicine put him to sleep in my lap and so I put him back to bed. I imagine he will be up some in the night. I am just hoping he can get back to sleep despite the pain.

I am tired...I'll try to do a better job with the update tomorrow.

Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:00 AM CST

Hello from the big city..

We had a fairly uneventful trip yesterday and got to the apartment around 6:00 pm. My aunt Joan was already here and she got some groceries and after some dinner I put Nathan to bed and he went to bed without a problem.

No big plans for today - we'll see what Nathan has in mind.

Tomorrow will be a very long day. Nathan gets one of his medications by IV this time instead of a shot and so his days at the clinic will be 3 hours longer. I anticipate being there from 8 - 3 most days except that on Mondays everything runs late and so we may be there a few hours later.

I opened Nathan's suitcase up last night to discover that Julia had packed a pair of her pants. I had seen her get them out of the laundry basket but didn't know she packed them. She even zipped up the compartment. I miss her!

I will update tomorrow night - hope you all are having a good weekend.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:41 PM CST

Susan here..

Not much going on really. Nathan went to the oncologist on Wednesday. They ran a few extra blood tests for some things which were all normal.

Nathan got a little bit of the illness we have all gotten but is doing OK. It is hard to tell what is going on with his bowels though. Speaking of that sort of thing - he is officially potty trained and wearing underwear without an accident. I didn't know if it ever would happen and it turns out he just became ready and did it.

He and I will leave for New York on Saturday. The weather looks to be crummy the whole time we are there. Meanwhile we have had sunny 70 degree days here in Colorado. Today we went to the park to enjoy the weather. Nathan was able to climb up several types of ladders - it was so good to see him able to do that. He is starting to move a little faster and not complain as much when he is walking places.

His weight is still the same. His doctor advised we up his appetite stimulant so we did and we will see if it helps any. HE really needs to gain a few pounds.

I updated our family web page. It is kind of rudimentary but fast and easy to do so that was the most important thing.

I'll probably update again after we get to New York.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:10 AM CST


Well - where to start.. We had a wonderful long weekend with our guests. There was much playing and a little crying done by the kids and lots of talking amongst the adults. Nathan did pretty well. His energy was decent but he did have some bowel pain.

Saturday we went to Manitou Springs. There is an old fashioned penny arcade there with lots of coin operated rides for the kids. We spent several hours there and had lots of fun.

Sunday we mostly stayed home and the kids played inside and outside.

Monday Julia woke up sick and not much later I realized I was sick as well and I took to bed. Julia felt better but I stayed in bed all day. I missed a Barenaked Ladies concert I had been looking forward to - but I did spend all day alone in bed and while I felt bad - there was definately a bonus in having all that time to myself.

Today Matt, Beth, Ethan and Margot left. I took the kids to Tammy's for daycare and Luke took to bed sick. Nathan seems to have just a slight touch of the sickness but he is doing just fine.

An update on the driver's license saga - yesterday while laying in bed it occurred to me that I had recently gotten a new license since my old one expired and I still had my old one. Luke went down to the basement and found it and I now have photo ID. This is a huge weight off of my shoulders. As far as flights go - I am waiting for Corporate Angels to call me back. They may have a flight on Sunday from Aspen. They had a flight tomorrow to Newark but I did not want to leave that early. I hope to hear something later today about that.

The HAMA test is being run today. If it is positive I expect to receive a phone call this evening. I don't expect it but wouldn't mind at all if it happened at this point.

So - Nathan and I will leave Saturday or Sunday for New York. My Aunt Joan is going to be coming to help us out while we are there for the first week. My mom will come the second week. I am so thankful for the help because I know I could not do it alone again this time.

Nathan goes to the clinic for blood counts tomorrow. We are not expecting much from the visit. Check the photo page later - I will try to put some new pictures up.

Saturday, March 20, 2004 4:14 PM CST

Hello - sorry for such a long delay. We have just been enjoying my cousin and family and have not thought about updating.

Thursday we went out early and sent off Nathan's blood sample to New York. Afterwards we went and got the neccessary documents and went to the DMV. I got a new license BUT they do not print the actual license on the spot and so I have no photo ID. I can't imagine the trouble I will have at the airport UGH! I think we will have to get round trip tickets just so we don't look as suspicious. We will know Tuesday evening if Nathan has a HAMA but we are not expecting that to happen yet.

The kids are having lots of fun. Nathan is not playing with them all much but I think he does enjoy the company. He is still in pain. It is not so bad but still there.

We got the newsletter from Brent's Place and were very sad to see that 3 of the kids we knew from there and from the unit have passed away. One of the others is not doing well. It is just horrific.

I guess I don't feel like updating much more - I will catch up with the rest of our weekend when I update next.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:33 PM CST

Hello -

Today Nathan and I got up very early and headed off to Denver. We arrived early and so did the doctor so he brought us right in to an exam room and got started. He thinks Nathan most likely has damage to the walls of his intestine caused by all his treatments. This damage can repair itself but since Nathan has had treatment upon treatment without a chance for it to recover he is still healing. He thinks the recent change in his stools is a good sign that things are getting better. He also thinks Nathan might have an overgrowth of bacteria in his bowel and we are going to give him a medication for that.

For the other problem - to provide relief for now we are going to give him fiber twice a day mixed in with a drink, lactaid before every dairy product and beano before every meal. This damage he has makes his body unable to digest sugars and starches. I am crossing my fingers that these medications will help. He will now be taking about 14 pills a day and a liquid medicaine 3 times a day. So far he has done well today. I got him the lactaid as a chewable. The oral medicine reportedly takes awful so we might switch that to a pill form as well. I went to get the liquid filled and they didn't have it and now I have lost the prescription so I will have to do something about that tomorrow.

After Denver we went out to lunch and then Nathan had a nap. I woke him up and he went to the clinic for blood counts. He is still anemic (no surprise ) and so they gave him something for that. We left the clinic and got Julia and are now relaxing before bed.

Tomorrow I have to draw Nathan's blood for the HAMA test and Fedex it to New York.

Just to add more things to my plate I must have lost my driver's license on the plane home so now I have to go get documents out of the safety deposit box and find some kid free time to go wait in that FUN line. I need my license before I get back on the plane to NY. I am feeling quite overwhelmed. The house is a mess - I am many months behind in orgainizing financial things - dealing with medical bills - I have several projects around the house that really need to be done. Argh! I want to spend time with the kids but when I am with them I am always doing two other things at once. Well - enough complaining....someday I suppose I will catch up. I just really wish I hadn't lost my drivers license because I am going to lose half a day taking care of that.

Nathan has been giving me lots of hugs today - I suppse I look like I can use one - he is so sweet.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:22 PM CST

Susan here...

Well - I had a nice relaxing trip though it was WAY too short!

Sunday Nathan was in a large amount of abdominal pain. It subsided after a while and they had a good rest of the day. Monday while they were at day care he had another episode. Today he hasn't had severe pain but some moderate pain throughout the day. We have an appointment with a Pediatric GI doctor in Denver tomorrow morning. In the afternoon he will go the the oncology clinic.

Luke is going on a business trip tomorrow and will be back Thursday night. Our friends/relatives Matt and Beth and family will be coming to visit on Thursday. We are very much looking forward to the visit. We are supposed to have really nice weather the next few days so hopefully we will spend lots of time outside.

I will try to update tomorrow night about his doctor visits. I don't expect much to happen yet. I have to somehow bring this new doctor up to date with Nathan's medical history and I imagine they may want to run some tests in the future.

Thanks to everyone to continue to keep up with Nathan and our family...it means a lot to us. Check in at our guestbook from time to time if you don't mind.

Saturday, March 13, 2004 3:05 PM CST

Luke here...Things are overall going very well. Nathan had appointments at the audiologist and with his local oncologist this week. The results of his hearing test showed stable compared to his last test. If you recall, his last test showed hearing loss (as a result of the chemo agents) down into mid frequencies. We haven't actually talked to anyone other than a tech about this. Susan asked the tech administering the exam and she said Nathan probably has trouble hearing soft consonants like Ss ant Ts. We know that we have to really sound out some words for him forcefully at times. He may need hearing aids in the future in classroom settings and such. Obviously no big deal. No news really from his onc visit.

Susan left this morning for a weekend getaway with her aunts in Tucson. She is there now and has a relaxing weekend planned. The kids and I had a great morning. Nathan looked out and saw the blue skies and said, "It sure is a beautiful day today". If you know Nathan, you know he talks around things. He often won't come right out and say what he means. I recognized this immediately as, "Can we play outside?". We let it warm up and then went to a park. Nathan ran (as well as he can), swung (see new picture at top of page), and climbed on the toys and did the slides. He played hard for a half-hour or so which is really great for him. He was really worn out when we were done, but it was so great to hear him laugh and see him expending energy playing. Good signs. We got home and had lunch. The kids played by themselves and went down easily for their nap allowing me to watch a basketball game I wanted to see (Go Illini!). Tonight we are invited to friends' for dinner and really looking forward to it.

Thanks for checking in. I hope you all are having a good weekend.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:02 AM CST

Good morning,
Yesterday was a better day. Nathan woke up in a great mood and was playing and smiling. After a while he said his tummy hurt and he wanted to go to bed. He slept for about 2 hours and then I got him up to go to his hearing test. On the way there he threw up all over himself. We rescheduled and came back home. He seemed to feel really good at that point and had a good afternoon. Don't really know what it was all about but he did eat a very large volume of food in the morning so maybe it was too much for him to handle.

Today he has an appointment at the oncology clinic just to check in there and after that he will have his hearing test.

Yesterday I booked myself a weekend trip to Tuscon (to my aunt's house). Though I really don't want to be away from Julia and Luke again I really need some time off. I am leaving Saturday morning and returning Monday afternoon.

I have really been enjoying my time with Julia. We got some good playtime while Nathan was napping yesterday and she is such fun. Nathan and she are very different, and with Nathan going through what he is - he is such a serious reserved child (though I can't blame it all on his illness since my personlality is also similar) it is refreshing to be around a vivacious child.

I will close with some excerpts from his scan reports that keep me going and make the antibodies worthwhile
* Normal CT of the brain
* Normal CT ( cat scan) examination of the orbits
*Status post upper abdominal ressection of soft tissue mass - No evidence of recurrent or residual disease
* MIBG Scan - There is no significant interval change since the last scan of December, 2003 - Negative MIBG scan showing no evidence of tumor recurrence

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:47 PM CST


The trip home was Ok. I got very carsick on the ride to the airport but didn't throw up. I felt very very bad when we got there and had to sit down for a while before proceeding to the gate. Nathan was pretty well behaved and did well on the plane. I was exhausted and had to tell him to let me doze a little.

We hopped into the car and the kids were asleep when got home and we put them straight to bed.

Today started out pretty rough. I was up at 5:00 am due to the time difference and feeling awful. About a half hour after Luke went to work Nathan was whining and crying about something and I realized I could not deal with him at all. I was DONE. I went and got him and he took the day off. We ended up having a pretty good day together. Hopefully I will be able to deal with Nathan tomorrow.

Tomorrow Nathan has a hearing test and he will go to the clnic for a check up on Thursday.

It is bathtime - got to go.

Monday, March 8, 2004 9:37 AM CST

Done with all medical stuff! We are packing and doing laundry. Last night was rough as Nathan woke up at 4 am and wanted his water and I was told not to give him any and so I said no and he screamed for 45 minutes. This morning he whined and cried about no drinking and eating until we finally got things going at the hospital. They got us in quickly and we were done by around 10:00. This give us a little breathing roomm before we have to leave. Nathan is happily eating a chocolate donut and drinking milk and watching Blue's Clues.

Saturday Nathan wanted to go to the playroom and paint but it wasn't open yet and so we went to a coffee shop and had breakfast. Afterwards he painted and played some. We went out to browse a small toy store and then out to dinner to have some pizza.

Yesterday we got up and went to McDonald's for breakfast and then got on a subway and rode for and hour and a half to Coney Island. After lunch at the original Nathan's Famous we went to the New York aquarium. Nathan had a great time looking at all the exhibits. He told me his favorite was the penguins. He liked the sea otters a lot as well. After the aquarium we walked down the boardwalk and I got Nathan some cotton candy. It was the first time he ever had any and he seemed to like it but didn't eat too much. We got back on the subway and dozed and arrived back at the room around 3:30.

After a little rest we brought some things to my aunt's appointment to store there and then had some dinner and milkshakes for dessert. When we got back Nathan was ready to go to bed after our long day.

So we are off to the airport in a little while. We can't wait to get home!

Saturday, March 6, 2004 6:32 AM CST

Well - antibodies are finally done for this trip! Yesterday went OK. No major events. The moment Nathan gets his dilaudid (narcotic) he is cranky. It is instantaneous. He just seems to have developed that as a response as he has done with numerous other medications.

We were back at the room by noon and he slept for an hour or so. After ordering his some lasagne (his new favorite food) we got a call from the hospital that we should be there at 10:00 on Monday for his bone marrow (this would make his appointment at noon). He was supposed to be there at 7:00. The woman said there was a schedule change and I told her I had a plane to catch and so she said she would try. We got off the phone and I was upset and worried about it since they always run behind. Since Nathan and I were going out anyway we just walked over to the hospital and I went and talked to her. He is scheduled for the procedure at 10:00 which even if they are an hour late should work out. She knows my situation and it should be fine.

Afterwards we got on the bus and went to Times Square. Nathan had been asking to go there and was excited when he saw it out the window and realized that was where we were going. We went to Toys R Us and I had told him he would have to walk there and he did great and walked for most of the time.

His energy is up a little and so is his weight. He has definately gained some weight and his legs are not nearly as spindly as they were. The bowel problem seems to be a little better but we will have to wait and see what happens after he is off the narcotics for a few days since that is constipating.

Not sure what we are up to today. We bought a little wooden train set for him to play with. There is a little girl from his Grandma Kathy's church who saved up all her change all summer and then decided she wanted to send it to Nathan and so we used those funds to buy the train.

So I think we will mostly stay in today because it is raining. It is nice just lazing around this morning.

Thursday, March 4, 2004 7:51 PM CST

1 more day to go!!!

First off - scans are fine. I don't have the written reports yet but the doctor let me know.

Antibodies went ok. We gave him his pain medication too close together and he kind of conked out and his oxygen went low but we got him right back up. When it was time to go he screamed about leaving (as usual). I didn't handle it all that well and got quite mad at him when we got back to our room. I was trying to get the stroller through the door and he was yelling at me to open the door all they way and I just lost it and yelled at him. I am doing my best - but my best isn't very good right now.

The rest of the day after his nap went OK and now I am too tired to go into mroe detail.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 4:09 PM CST

Hello -

So we got up early to start the day. While I was drying my hair Nathan came in and wanted to practice the scan and so we scanned his stuffed animals. He did really well during the scan. He had to lay still for over an hour. We had a movie playing for him and he complained a little about how long it took but did great. Afterwards he got to pick out a toy from the playroom to have. He chose some play tools.

During the scan I could see a very bright spot on the left side of his abdomen. The tech called in the radiologist and they flused his line. They could see the isotope in his line which is on his left side in his chest. I was still very worried about the other spot and when we got upstairs I asked the doctor to take a look. He looked at the scan and asked me about his broviak. He thinks it looks like the cap on his broviak. He said it was almost too well-defined to be anything else. His broviak end was tucked in the left side of the waist band of his pants. The CT scan results of his abdomen and pelvis were not in yet to compare to. The CT of his head and orbits is normal. So - tomorrow I should have the definitive answer but it will hopefully be fine.

His antibody therapy went better today. He had a few minutes of nastiness but not too bad and his blood pressure stayed fine. Afterwards we came bak and he slept for a while. When he woke up he wanted McDonalds and so we went off to get some and I got myself some food at a coffee shop and came back and ate. We ran into some friends whose little boy is also undergoing the same treatment and we sat out on the terrace with them and then went off to a Hallmark shop for a few minutes. They invited us to dinner with them and their uncle tonight. After some playtime in the playroom we met them and went to a barbecue place and had a good dinner. Nathan was very well behaved and ate pretty well. The other little boy, Garrett, did well too and his mom Mary Ann and I both had frozen apple martinis to drink which were very yummy.

It was nice to have some company (and good company at that!) for quite a bit of time today. So - 2 days left and 5 days until we are home.

I'll update on scan results tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 4:30 PM CST

Well - the CT scan went OK. I got him up early and he had breakfast. Afterwards I mixed the scan contrast with ginger ale. He didn't mind the taste but was intimidated by the amount and so I have it to him by syringe full over about a half and hour. We went to the clinic and he was weighed and then downstairs for the CT scan. After waiting a few minutes the tech came over and told me he would be having just his head and orbits (eye bones) scanned. I told her that he had already had oral contrast and since he had had an abdominal tumor I was certain they wanted that scanned too. After about 45 minutes they got the appropriate orders written up and he finally had his scan. All the waiting was hard on him. He did really well for the scan.

We went right up for antibodies and all was going well until shortly before his pain came when he wanted to sit up (which is not normal) and he was very angry that his TV didn't reach when his bed was up all the way. He really lost control over it screaming at me and trying to hit me. Then his pain came and he once again screamed at me to help him and every little thing I tried just made him madder. During all this they took his blood pressure which was very very low and so they had to give him lots of fluids. I finally had to leave the room because I couldn't take his yelling and fussing at me. The nurses were so surprised to see him act that way because it just isn't normal for him. He is either so very fed up with it all or having some kind of reaction to some drug. Most likely it is emotional.

We came back to the room and he slept for a while and then we went downstairs where they had coffee and cookies. After that we went to have his MIBG injection. When we got there we realized he hadn't had a medication he needs to protect his thyroid so we had to go back up to the clinic and wait around for that. He got his injection and one of the other children was there practicing with the child life specialist for his scan tomorrow. She offered to practice with Nathan too. He didn't want to but we put a stuffed animal in the machine. She is going to come for his scan tomorrow to help. The techs seemed worried about him doing it without sedation. I really think it will be OK when it comes down to it.

Nathan is now watching a movie and eating and in pretty good spirits. Tomorrow will be another trying day. 3 more to go.....

Monday, March 1, 2004 12:45 AM CST

Hello - we got through today's treatment - 4 more to go.

I'll back up to yesterday. In the morning I met my friend Louise and had a good time chatting with her. In the afternoon after packing and cleaning my cousin Laura came to help us move. Nathan was in a lot of pain from his bottom. It was the worst I have ever seen. He was just screaming at me to help him get rid of the pain and he lay on the floor thrashing around. HE got all worked up and was very sweaty and then was very upset about that and wouldn't listen to any of my suggestions to help. I finally called Luke on the pretense that he could help and Nathan calmed down. I got off the phone and told him Luke said to try a cold wash cloth. That calmed Nathan right down and he was ready to go. It has been awhile since he has been quite so hysterical. I really couldn't tell if I needed to take him to the hospital or if it was "just" pain and a tantrum all rolled in together. I decided it was the latter because he could speak logically to me in bits and pieces throughout the fit.

We went off to the Ronald McDonald house. The room this time is very clean. After dumping our things there we went to the East Village with Laura to meet her boyfriend and his son for dinner. We had some really good pizza and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Sleeping didn't go so well last night because it was sweltering in the room. I finally opened the window around 11:30 and it started to cool off but NAthan was throwing a huge fit about being sweaty and all I could tell him was that I Was hot too and I was trying to cool it off. He has gotten into a phase in the last week were he will scream at me telling me to fix something or make something better and usually it is out of my control and I can't do a darn thing and I try to tell him and he just continues to scream at me over and ove to make it better. It is extremely frustrating and upsetting.

The upside to the late night episode was that I was wide awake after that and flipped on the TV intime to see the major awards given out at the Oscars and then went back to sleep.

So we were off to te clinic this morning and it went pretty well. Tomorrow will be very trying as I have to wake him up early and force oral contrast in him for his cat scan. He can't eat or drink anything after I do that. It will be a long screaming morning. Later in the afternoon we will go back to te hospital for his MIBG injection. It will be in his broviak so is no big deal. Wish us luck with our morning tomorrow!

Sunday, February 29, 2004 5:34 AM CST

Good Morning.

Yesterday Nathan and I had a very good day. We went on an outing with Katie (9 years old), Justin (14) and their Dads Jim and Dave. Katie and Justin are undergoing the same treatment as Nathan. Dave came into the city and picked us up and drove us to Long Island. We went to Jones Beach which is an amazing serene beach on the Atlantic Ocean. We walked out onto the beach and looked and the shells and surf. After that we went to Fire Island were there is a very picturesque lighthouse. There is a long boardwalk style trail leading to it through brush. Many deer wander near the trail. Katie got a real kick out of feeding and petting the deer. Nathan told me his favorite part of the day was looking at the lighthouse.

After the lighthouse we went back into Long Island and went to a place called Strikes for lunch. It has go-kart racing and bowling. After a good lunch we all went and rode go-karts. There were 2 seater karts and so I drove and Nathan rode. He got a real kick out of that. After the go-kart the kids had dessert and then Nathan and I went to look at the bowling. He thought he would like to try it sometime.

We went back into the city and back to the apartment. We got home around 3:30. Nathan was tired and had a little nap. We both benefitted greatly from the outing. Just being on the empty beach and looking out onto the ocean was great medicine for me. It was great having the company of other adults for a day as well.

Nathan was up at 5:30 this morning. WAY to early. We will be cleaning and packing this morning and my friend Louise (from England) will be coming over. This afternoon my cousin Laura and family will be coming over to help us move over to the Ronald McDonald House and then we will all go to dinner and a pizza place geared towards kids.

Thanks everyone for all your encouraging messages and emails. Tomorrow it will be 11 months since diagnosis. I think fairly soon we will get a little break from treatment and will have some time to recharge. I know a family that has been in continuous treatment living away from home for almost 2 years with no more than a two week break. That mom, Gina, is MY inspiration!

I will put a picture of Nathan and I on the beach in the photo album.

Friday, February 27, 2004 7:14 PM CST

Well - one week down! Today's treatment and yesterday's went just fine. He was having bottom pain before treatment and several nurses witnessed it. I am hoping that will help us on the road to getting something done about it.

Nathan has been so cranky all week. Not that I blame him but it is so difficult for me to deal with it properly because I am sleep-deprived and so very very tired of all of this. I am really at the end of my rope.

He knows how tired I am and the other morning I heard him ho humming in his bed and I went in and he told me he was just letting me sleep a little.

We will hopefully have a fun weekend and will be moving to the Ronald McDonald House Sunday afternoon.

I thought I had more to say but can't think of it. I suppose if I did it would be more about me and not about Nathan who you are all here to hear about anyway!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 3:18 PM CST

Hi there - I guess I owe you all an update.

Tuesday was better than Monday. His pain was still bad but he had no pressure problems and we got home by noon. During the afternoon he had pain off and on in his extremities. I massaged him for a while - it seems to help. He also had a bath in the afternoon to help his bottom. The doctors are supposed to discuss his bowel pain in their weekly meeting today. We'll see if they come up with anything. I hate to see him in so much pain because of it.

Today was a more normal day for him. He didn't have nearly as much pain or at least handled it well. I was thinking about how horrifying it would be for someone (non-ancer parent or professional) to wander back in the corridor where all these kids are getting antibodies. The screams and moans are really awful.

He will have a cat scan on Tuesday and an MIBG scan on Wednesday (I think those are the right days anyway). I don't have a clue when we will get results but I am hoping we will have them before we leave on the next Monday. He will be having bone marrow biopsies on that day.

We will be moving on Sunday or Monday. My aunt and uncle will be in town and in need of their apartment. I am still trying to decide where to stay. There are several factors I am weighing and will try to decide by tomorrow. Most likely we will stay in the Ronald McDonald house but only if I get my hands on one of those very little fridges (hold about a six-pack) so I can keep some milk in the room with us.

I am pleased that it is Wednesday and this week is half over. I cannot wait until this weekend to get a little break. I will be meeting an online friend from England on Sunday as she and her husband are taking a trip to the city for the weekend. Her 3 year old was undergoing chemo at the same time as Nathan with a different cancer. He is doing well now and in remission.

All is well at home and Julia is doing fine with daycare.

So - one last personal note. There are many of you out there reading who are friends and you are keeping up with what is going on with us - however - we don't know what is up with you - so if it has been a while please email us. I know in my case there are several of you out there I have written emails to in my head as I lie in bed but can't find the energy to actually email.

Monday, February 23, 2004 3:32 PM CST

Hello - sorry I have not updated. Nathan and I had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday we went out to the grocery store to stock up and then in the afternoon my cousin Laura came over and we went for some food and hung out. Nathan was having alot of bowel pain at the coffee shop but did ok and we had a good time.

Sunday we lazed around for a while and then got brunch at a nearby restaurant. Later in the afternoon we hopped on a bus and rode down to KMart. I bought him a toy and me a puzzle there. The trip was really about the bus ride - which Nathan thoroughly enjoyed. We picked up some food to bring back and Nathan was quite happy because it included his new favorite - mashed potatoes.

Today started early and we were off to the day hospital at 7:30. He had his finger pricked which is always a big deal and we got his bed but then we waited and waited to get started. We finally started around 11:30. Right about the time we were going to be getting to elave they checked his blood pressure and it was low and so they gave him alot of fluids. After that it was still low and so they gave him some more. His pressure finally went back up but he started crying in pain and his oxygen levels went down. We still don't know why but it finally passed and we arrived back at the apartment around 4:00.

He had quite a bit of pain today - seemed like one of his worst days for that. We saw the doctor today and he is scheduling a full set of scans for next week. Nathan is currently in bed. He was crying in pain a few minutes ago and I went in and his bottom is hurting him. He resisted all attempts to make him fel better and told me he didn't want to feel better and stop crying and so I left him to it and he is quiet now. The last thing I can do after this long day is listen to him scream in my face some more. Hopefully he will rest a little before dinner.

Hopefully I too will get to rest a little!

Friday, February 20, 2004 6:00 PM CST

Hello from NYC!

We arrived in around 6:00 tonight and are settling in.

The last few days have been busy. Thursday we ran around doing errands and then stopped in at playgroup. Last night I put Julia in the car and we were going to go to Wal-mart. Unfortunately we were involved in an car accident. I was turning left onto a major road at the top of a hill and the light turned yellow as I made my turn. Right after I turned onto the road I saw something out of passenger window and it was a car racing by - they swerved and grazed my car (I barely felt it) but the driver lost control and hit a light pole and spun into the opposing lanes. Fortunately no one else was involved and the driver was shaken up but OK. I didn't talk to her because I was staying at my car with Julia. A few minutes later we almost got creamed by a car coming up the hill who didn't see people flagging them away. It managed to stop a foot or so from my bumper. Julia was in the car at that point and it scared me to death.

Best I can figure is that the other car anticipated the light turning green as she approached and didn't even slow down. There were several witnesses who saw that her light was red. Unfortunately they didn't actually write down that I had the right of way even though they said she had a red light. That technicality caused the officer not to issue any tickets but the insurance company will hopefully talk to the witnesses. Anyway - our car has a small dent and a broken turn light and that is all. We were lucky we weren't hurt!

After that it was very difficult to go home and pack but with Luke's help we got it done. We woke up to snowy weather this morning and went to the airport. The streets were a little slick but we got to the airport in plenty of time. The flight went fine and Nathan was good. As usual he had lots of bowel pain. His abdomen was as hard as a rock from the gas in there. A major accomplishment is that we went to the bathroom and he went on the toilet. This is a first for him and hopefull he will be potty trained soon.

So we have the weekend in New York. I am not sure what we are doing yet. I am sure a subway or bus ride will be in store.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:51 PM CST

Just a quick update. We haven't heard anything from the corporate angels and so I had to buy tickets. Due to ticket prices, Nathan and I are leaving tomorrow (Friday) morning for New York.

Susan here...

Nathan went to the Dr on Monday and his counts were doing fine. He is still having "poop issues" and has been having a lot of pain the last few days. He is done with the accutane but has extremely chapped lips. He started his shot this morning. We have not heard anything from New York so we assume that means his HAMA is negative and he is a go for Monday in New York. No word from Corporate Angels so it looks like we will be flying commercially. We will probably leave Friday or Saturday. I will look at flights later today.

We have been mostly hanging around home and running errands the last few days. The weather has been warm yesterday and today so we have gotten in a little playing outside which has been a nice change. Nathan tires out in about 20 minutes though. All the doctors keep saying that his fatigue is to be expected - but just comparing how he is now to when he was having chemo is discouraging because he was so active during all of that and now he is at his worst. What I wouldn't give to see him run around.

One of the questions I will be asking this time in New York is when will he get more scans done. He has been having the bone marrow aspirations but I would think they would want to do the other scans sometime soon. His last scans were in early December.

So one or two days left at home and off we go again. I am just focusing on getting rounds 3 and 4 finished and then we will get an 8 week break in which to try to live a little bit normally for a while.

Sunday, February 15, 2004 4:17 PM CST

Susan here..

We've had a pretty good weekend so far. Yesterday we went to Home Depot and then to Taco Bell (at Nathan's request). We had a good lunch and then the kids napped. We played alot of board games as both kids seem to enjoy them. Last night we all went to Chili's for dinner and both kids were amazingly well-behaved and we all had a really nice Valentine's Dinner.

Last night was bad for me - Nathan was up at midnight with a dirty diaper and I did not fall back asleep until well after 3:00 am. Ugh.

Today we lazed around this morning. Nathan and I made some cupcakes and then I went out shopping by myself (yay!). Tonight we will be having dinner with some friends - we are really looking forward to that.

Tomorrow Nathan goes back to the clinic for bloodwork. Luke has the day off too.

Friday, February 13, 2004 11:30 AM CST

Susan here...

Well - two uneventful days. Yesterday I wanted to go to playgroup but Nathan told me he was too tired to go and so we stayed home. I drew his blood for the HAMA test. After nap time we went to FedEx to send the blood and then did a little shopping. I found a neat toy for Nathan. It is a console that fits on a computer keyboard and it emulates a construction truck cab. It has a steering wheel, levers for moving the buckets and a horn. There is software that goes along with it and Nathan is able to play on his own. He gets to drive the trucks and dig and do other projects with them. He really likes it. I will put a picture on the photo album page.

Today we played a board game sent to us (Cranium Caribou) and both kids thought it was a lot of fun. We have been just lazing around I suppose. We are looking forward to the three day weekend and being all together. I will probably get out on my own some too.

Oh yeah - a note about the HAMA blood draw - after taling to my friend I realized it isn't clear that I draw the blood right out of his Broviak - no pokes at all - so it was pretty simple.

As far as the eating goes - I think the medicine is helping. He has been eating a little more and he also finally gets that he has to finish something nutritious before we will give him something junky. HE is still doing great with the pills and enjoys drinking Coke.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:02 AM CST

Good morning - Susan here...

**** a little addition since this morning -
click here
for a little video of Nathan and Julia.

Well - I will try to recap the past 2 days since I have been remiss in writing.

Monday morning the kids and I went grocery shopping and then in the afternoon I took Nathan to his local oncologist. He weighed in at his lowest weight ever 30.2 lbs. He was 36 pounds at one point. He was happy to see his doctors and nurses there and was amusing everyone with all his tales of New York City.

Heathwise he is doing OK. His blood counts were fine. Not fine for a non-cancer person but fine for him! They gave him some Procrit to stimulate his hemoglobin so that he won't be quite so anemic.

We decided to put him on Megace. It is a steroid that stimulates the appetite. He is taking that in pill form at his request. We had a little difficulty getting the prescription in a large enough dose so that he would have to take 3 a day rather than 6. But after some dealings with store management it is taken care of.

He continues to do well on his Accutane. The only complaint he is having is dry eyes. I bought some eye drops for him but he didn't like the sensation of them.
His skin is not red and peeling (at least not yet).

I will draw his blood tomorrow and send it to NY for HAMA testing. If you recall, HAMA shows whether he has developed his own antibody to the antibody therapy. If he develops HAMA then we will have to wait for it to go away before we can do another round. However if he develops HAMA after he has had 4 rounds then he will be done with the treatment. He is about to start round 3. After round three if still negative he will be home for three weeks and go back for round 4. After round 4 if he is still negative he will begin going back every 8 weeks until negative or until 2 years have elapsed (measured from round 1).

Back to non-medical things - yesterday I took Nathan and Julia to Julia's day care provider. I did some projects around the house that were sorely needed and Luke and I went out to lunch together. They both had a good time there and it was nice for me to have some time to get things done.

Today it is snowing and so we will just hang around the house.

Nathan will go back to the Dr. on Monday for some blood tests. We should know next Tuesday or Wednesday if he has HAMA. Considering his pain levels last time it is unlikely he has developed it. Generally they stop having pain when they deveop HAMA.

I have a call in to Corporate Angel Network to try to find a flight. I am crossing my fingers that we can get one this time as flights are more booked up this time and there aren't any frequest flier seats available on the days we want to travel.

Monday, February 9, 2004 11:53 AM CST

Luke here...I think this entry is going to be just how we like them. That would be boring. There isn't a whole lot to report. It is wonderful to all be together. We have had many consecutive weeks of me being on business travel before (home on weekends though). The seperation with Nathan and Susan in New York and Julia and I here is different though. Emotions are pretty charged for all of us considering not only the being apart but also the reason and reality of Nathan's treatment. We are trying hard to really enjoy this time before we wind up and do it all again. To that end we had a pretty good weekend. We didn't do a whole lot. We did normal weekend stuff. We lazed, we ran some errands, and we hung out.

Nathan continues to do extremely well taking his accutane pills. He had never really taken pills before and these are fairly large. He never complains and asks for them after his breakfast and dinner.

Overall Nathan is doing well. Sometimes it is hard to reconcile where we know he is overall health-wise and his physical reality. What I mean is that being in a state where the doctors can't find any cancer he is uber-healthy compared to diagnosis and even right up to his last surgery. Even so he is really struggling to get back to normal physically. This has really had its toll on his little body. We figure in a four to five month period starting in September he had two significant surgeries, a stem cell transplant, and two rounds of antibody therapy in New York. He is still so skinny and weak. We are working on it though. Eating is a constant fight. He is constantly hungry but never eats much of anything. He will eat a little bit of a meal and then say he is full only to ask for "something else" a few minutes later. It has been not only annoying to deal with his insistence on having something else, but he really needs to eat well and a lot to help get his weight and overall health back. He has an appoitment today with his oncologist here in the Springs where the primary topic will be appetite and eating habits. Hopefully we can get a strategy together.

I guess that is a long enough post considering we don't have much going on.

Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:27 PM CST

Susan here...

Yesterday Nathan and I were wiped out but quite busy. I took Julia to the DR in the morning. She is doing great. She is tall just like her big brother (95th percentile).

Nathan and I baked her cake and I went out while they were napping and got her some balloons. We had friends over for dinner and cake - just one family as we were trying to keep it low-key for Nathan. The kids all had fun playing and eating.

Today the kids and I went to playgroup at church. It had been months since we have been able to go and it was really nice to see friends and do something normal.

We got an email from Nathan's doctor in New York saying his bone marrow biopsy was still cancer free. That is always good news!

Nathan continues to take his pills without trouble and complaint. He is awesome! He insists on taking them with Coke - so that's what he gets!

He goes in to see his local doctor on Monday. He may also have a hearing test while we are at home.

No plans for tomorrow as of yet. That suits me just fine!

See the photo page for some new pictures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:05 PM CST

We are home!

The day got off to a rough start because my alarm did not go off and I woke up 20 minutes beofre the car was coming to pick us up. Somehow we made it down in time and were on our way. We landed in Colorado around 10:15 am and Luke and Julia met us and we went home. We are all so happy to be together again!

After several tries Nathan managed to swallow his accutane pill. We were very impressed because it was very hard for him and instead of giving up when he couldn't do it on the first try (which is usually how he is) he tried and tried until it went down. What a relief!

Tomorrow we will celebrate Julia's birthday. Nathan will help me make her cake after I get back from taking Julia for her 2 year Dr appointment...just what I want to do my first day home!

Monday, February 2, 2004 8:00 PM CST

Sunday Nathan and I took it pretty easy after our busy Saturday. He did request a taco and he really likes Taco Bell. The nearest one required a bus ride to the west side so off we went. I think it took him 45 minutes to eat one taco. He thoroughly enjoyed it though. Later he wanted to go out again so we went window shopping.

Today was a long day. I got Nathan up at 6:00 to eat and then I got a call that they could get him in much earlier but he already had eaten. They still thought we could go in earlier and so we went at 10:30. He got the bone marrow biopsies at around 2:15. He was pretty good most of the time but by the end he was just crying about having to wait for so long and being so hungry. Afterwards he was very cranky from the anesthesia but we went to McDonalds and he spent an hour eating a cheeseburger and fries. We got back to the apartment and ate some pumpkin pie. We went to John and Judy's for dinner. He went straight to bed and I am trying to get ready to leave but am exhausted.

We are leaving at 6:00 for the airport and will be in Denver around 10:15. We can't wait.

Nathan was supposed to start accutane today but I got it this afternoon and he was going to take it before bed but when we got back from dinner he was WAY to tired and I didn't want his first attempt to go badly so we will go for it in the morning.

Next update should be from home!

Saturday, January 31, 2004 7:27 PM CST

What a busy day we have had! We lazed around some this morning and then got on the subway and went to Johnny Rockets for some lunch (in the east Village). Afterwards we got back on the subway and went to the lower tip of Manhattan and got on the Staten Island Ferry. There were some fabulous views of Manhattan plus the ferry goes right by Ellis Island so we got a good look at the Statue of Liberty. We got off in Staten Island but got right back on and went back to Manhattan. Nathan thoroughly enjoyed all of that. We went back to the apartment and Nathan had a little nap. We then made pumpkin pie (which Nathan has been begging for us to do since it is his favorite) and I had an unfortunate accident removing it from the oven and half of the filling ended up in the oven. It is still partially edible though.

This evening we went out to dinner with John to a restaurant around the corner and had a good time. Nathan threw a big fit before we left meet John - not because he didn't want to go but he was just so tired he couldn't control himself anymore. After his fit he was just fine and had a good dinner.

I am so tired now but also so glad we filled up our day in such a fun way.

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend as well.

Friday, January 30, 2004 6:48 PM CST

We are done! Whew! Good to have another round finished. Today's treatment went ok. Nathan had a little more pain than usual but no medical events.

Nathan had a good nap when we got home and after a meal of spaghettios we went to Best Buy and then to a coffe shop. Nathan had a cookie as big as his head (didn't eat it all) and I had a light dinner. We both enjoyed the outing.

I have some ideas for outings this weekend. We are going to try to keep busy and have some fun. I'll let you know what we end up doing.

Next on the medical front is a bone marrow aspiration on Monday and then starting accutane that evening. The accutane will cause cells to mature that may otherwise become cancerous. He will have to take two capsules in the morning and 1 at night. I don't know yet if he will be able to swallow them or if I will have to extract the medication from the capsule. IT is better if he can swallow it.

Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:08 PM CST

Luke here on Friday morning. I'm top posting to Susan's update from yesterday. Susan posted a bit about Julia's rough night and lots of people have been asking about how she is doing, so I thought I would post a little. Overall she is doing wonderfully and coping very well with Susan and Nathan being gone and her first two weeks ever in day care. We have easily had more good evenings than bad ones. True, the bad ones are really bad, but we deal and she bounces back. She has a really good time at day care and we feel very lucky to have found the woman who is caring for her. It really is a good environment for Julia. It ia all so new and she misses Susan and Nathan and sometimes it is rough on her. Her trend seems to be to need a little emotional breakdown each day. If she has it during the day at day care, it lasts fifteen minutes or so and she gets over it. It is worse for her and I if she gets through the day without a meltdown. On those nights she has a major meltdown that can last a long time. I can understand her need to let out some of that frustration and we deal and she gets up and goes happily to day care the following mornings. Thanks for your concerns. Overall she is doing very well. We just can't get around the fact that this is hard on all of us in different ways.

Another good day. No unusual medical reactions. At one point during his pain he said "mommy - I am not doing very well today" but he dealt with it well. Poor thing feels like he can't breathe. Today we had a little fight about the oxygen which was solved when he decided to hold it. We got a late start to the hospital this morning but got treatment started earlier than ever. The other families doing the same treatment told me that we didn't miss much that they had moved from one chair to another and even tried the couch this morning. We all sit and wait together every morning. Then we all go in our rooms at 9:00 even if they havnen't called us yet and usually someone will get the kids hooked up and on the way.

Nathan had a good nap afterwards and then we went to the grocery store.

Don't know about Julia's day yet but Luke and I are feeling better about it all and have been reassured that it is a normal reaction to a new situation.

Only one day left....what a relief! I made a call tonight about the next round of shots and Nathan asked me what I was talking about on the phone so I told him and said that tomorrow he would get his last shot for a few weeks. He said "Mom - that makes me so happy" then he said "shots hurt". He has actually been so amazing this week with them. Not a word about them or even a flinch when I poke him. He is so good at coping with things...I could learn alot from him. I suppose I have.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:05 PM CST

well - today was better. It was a more normal day as far as how Nathan reacted to his treatment. There was quite a bit of snow this morning. The sidewalks were not clear in many places. We didn't see any cabs and so I headed in the direction of the bus stop where the sidewalk was clear and we took two buses to the hospital. It actually didn't take all that long and we arrived on time.

Nathan had a nap when we came home and woke up pretty happy. We played a game of hide and seek and did some sticker books.

Luke called me this evening...Julia was having yet another screaming fit. She has been upset when they get home for the evening a few times lately. She cries for hours and hours. We don't know what to do about it. She has been through a lot lately and we thought this was going well but she is obviously having a harder time than we thought. It was so upsetting hearing her cry and that I could not just go pick her up and give he a hug and try to make her feel better.

On that note - Nathan and I will not be able to go home until Tuesday morning...this is not the best news but it is the way it has to be and so we are resigned to it. We have no choice but to get through all of this the best we can. It is alot of work to not let it get us all down. Julia is probably the only one of us who doesn't know how to hold it in and is expressing what the rest of us are feeling.

It could be worse though....

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:18 PM CST

Well - we have had two rough days...

Monday Nathan had trouble with his blood pressure. For a good while they couldn't read one at all but he was talking to us during it all. Mondays are so bad at the clinic - finger sticks, late starts, plus I didn't like the nurse we had. After we got home Nathan didn't want to nap but chilled out in front of the TV so I got a little break.

Today was even worse. He had to have a finger stick and they did that right before his pain came and then he got another dose of narcotics and immediately swelled up and started gasping for breath. They upped his oxygen and his levels were fine but he struggled to breath and I think it really hurt him. He kept saying he didn't want to breath because he couldn't during his pain. He started crying and didn't stop for an hour and a half. He finally stopped on the way home and then went to bed. When he got up he was still very puffty -- one of his eyes was half closed. I called the clinic and they felt it was just fluid and the fact he had been sleeping on that side. After he got up and around the puffiness reduced. We went to John and Judy's for dinner (my aunt and uncles friends who live in the same building). That helped to end the night on a good note as we both enjoyed ourselves and had some delicious food. Nathan was very pleased that he got a cupcake for dessert.

We are getting a major snowstorm currently. We are supposed to get up to a foot of snow. It will be an adventure making it into the hospital tomorrow.

Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:39 AM CST

Yesterday we had a good day. We woke up and hung around for awhile. Around 11:00 my Uncle Ted and Aunt Carolyn picked us up and drove us back to their house in New Jersey. Nathan played with some toys and we had some lunch. Later in the afternoon we went to the mall and Nathan rode on the Merry go Round and had a pretzel. After dinner we came back into the city and as it was late Nathan went right to bed. We both had a really good time.

Today we plan to go to Times Square so Nathan can get Julia a birthday present at Toys R Us. It is currently only 11 degrees and so it will be a bit of a chilly outing.

Friday, January 23, 2004 6:42 PM CST

Last night was a bit rough as he woke up at 4:30 am and yelled "mom, it's morning!" I told him it wasn't and then he had a dirty diaper and then he went back asleep for a while and woke up again at 6:00 and told me it was morning. When he got up he wanted the rest of his McDonald's cheeseburger for breakfast so I gave it to him and turned on the TV for him and I went back to lie in bed for a few minutes.

Today was a good day. It was very cold this morning. We caught a taxi at least. He got started fairly early and he had much less pain today and got over it pretty quickly. As we went home he requested I go get him some things at the grocery store. He took his usual nap and then ate. After a while he wanted to go somewhere and so we walked to Best Buy and browsed around. I got him a Sponge Bob DVD.

He spent this evening watching the DVD and eating and then we had a bath together and squirted each other with bath toys.

Tomorrow we are going to my Uncle Ted and Aunt Carolyn's house for the afternoon. They are driving into the city to pick us up (they live in NJ just outside of the city).

On a sad note Luke told me that he awoke this morning to Julia saying "I want my Mommy back!" repeatedly in her crib. I think she is doing OK but just missing me. It will be good for her to be home with Luke all weekend. As the week progresses she has been more and more emotionally upset.

Luke sent me flowers and Nathan balloons today - which made us both very happy.

Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:29 AM CST

First off I need to say....

Happy Second Birthday Julia! I am sad I cannot be with her today.

Nathan's treatment went as usual today. Unfortunately (or not?) we arrive an hour late after not being able to find a taxi and the subway was too crowded to go down the stairs so we took a bus. As it turned out we were home by 12:30 which is about as early as it gets. I didn't feel too bad that we were late considering how much we have had to wait for them!

I will put a picture or two of Nathan in the photo album showing off his new hair.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 3:04 PM CST

Hi - sorry I didn't update yesterday. Treatment went as well as could be expected and we left around noon. Today treatment was delayed (long story) and so we got out of there around 1:00. Nathan wanted to go to McDonalds but he was so drugged up he just sat there. Hopefully he enjoyed going despite his condition.

I suppose there really isn't much to say about the last two days of treatment. He has pain, his heart rate soars and he deals with it. Today his hear rate was in the 190's. His resting heart rate is around 100 (remember kids have faster heart rates). It was that high for at least a half hour and was in the 150's when they let us leave. When his pain is the worst he just closes his eyes and I have to hold his oxygen and put the other hand on him and then I cannot move a muscle. I am usually like that for an hour.

We don't know exactly when we will be able to go home. We might need to stay an extra weekend in order to get a bone marrow aspiration done. I'll let you know when we know something.

Monday, January 19, 2004 3:48 PM CST

All is well in New York. On Sunday we awoke to nasty weather..freezing rain, rain and snow all day. We ventured out to buy groceries and even though I told Nathan it was too nasty to go out again he was begging me to ride the subway. My cousin Laura called to invite us to her place in Brooklyn and so we decided to go. Nathan enjoyed the ride but was out of sorts while we were there and kind of anti-social. Afterwards we went to friend's of my aunt's who live in the same building (we stayed with them for a few days before) and we had a very yummy and relaxing dinner with them. We came back to the apartment and Nathan went to bed.

This morning I had to wake him up. I had warned him last night that I might have to do so and so when I woke him up this morning he said something to the effect of "see, sometimes I am happy when you wake me up" and was quite cheery. We took a cab to the hospital. It was very cold and icy out. We had to hand around for a while since it was Monday. He also had to have his blood drawn through a finger prick. I let him know about this before hand and he proceeded to cry about it until they finally did it.

He got settled in his bed but we still waiting forever for the antibody. The pain wasn't too bad today. He handled it really well and we were out of there by 1:00.

While we were there I overheard a mom talking about her child who relasped after 8 years in remission...ugh!

He slept the whole way home on the subway and walking and went right to bed when we got back. He got up around 4:30 and he seems pretty good now...just watching a little "sponge bob". I got to relax and do some straightening up while he was asleep and so it was good time for me.

I might try to borrow a digital camera so I can post a new picture. His hair is long enough to look a little unruly. It is still thin but really has grown. It looks to me like it might be curly.

We fo back tomorrow at 8:00. Thankfully we are on the "early shift". This works better for Nathan's schedule. If we didn't go right away in the morning he would spend the whole time anticipating leaving.

I got an email from Julia's sitter with some pictures and it sounds like she is having a really good day and doing just fine.

I'll update tomorrow.

Saturday, January 17, 2004 7:49 PM CST

Hello from New York - we had a pretty easy trip out. Everything went smoothly and Nathan was very good. We got to my Aunt's apartment (we are staying there while they are wintering elsewhere) and Nathan had some dinner, watched TV had a bath and went to bed without a fuss.

Tomorrow we will get some groceries and basically whatever Nathan feels like doing.

OH - I should add that the only hard part of the day was in the airports walking because we didn't have a stroller (it is here in New York) and Nathan doesn't walk for very long and he also walks VERY slowly. I carried him a little but it was difficult. I would really like for him to regain some strength. He acts like an old man when it comes to doing anything physical.

Julia is reportedly doing fine. She was upset when they dropped us off at the airport but got over it after a while. We have been prepping her for this all week and it was so sad because she'd tell me she wanted to go with me and cry. This morning she didn't want me to leave her sight. I miss her already!

Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:40 PM CST

Susan here..

Well - no corporate flight this time. In fact the office was closed today due to the extreme cold in New York. I booked us a flight for Saturday. At least we get a few extra days at home.

Nathan went to see his oncologist yesterday. His platelets were very low..almost at transfusion level. The Dr. thinks it is due to him having a cold. We will keep an eye on it. He didn't gain any weight on the IV nutrition - but he didn't lose any either!

We have started his shots. It was a big pain getting the medications but we have them and he is doing well with it.

I have been running around like crazy the whole time we have been home and there is still a decent list of things to do...I hope it is better next time we are home.

I'll try to update by Sunday at the latest.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:12 AM CST

Susan here...

Well - the corporate flight was cancelled and so they are still looking. Seems like we will probably be flying commercially. At least that will give us a few extra days at home.

Nathan finished radiaion yesterday. He was such a good boy and did a great job. The techs gave him a tow truck, a bi truck balloon and a stuffed animal puppy. They gave Julia a Teddy Bear. Nathan also got to ring the "finished with raiation" gong.

Today we will go to the clinic so he can get some blood drawn since he has been on the IV nutrition and they have to check it.

This morning his GM-CSF shot supplies should arrive (they'd better!) and he starts his shots.

Yesterday after radiation in the morning we went to Krispy Kreme and had some doughnuts. The kids both chose doughnuts with chocolate frosting and blue sprinkles. Julia tore right in and made a big mess - Nathan nibbled his very daintily and kept clean. They are SO different.

I had to wake them both up from naps to go in the afternoon. They were both crying and very cranky.

Well- keeping my fingers crossed for a corporate flight but it doesn't look good. I'll let you all know what happens.

Monday, January 12, 2004 8:35 PM CST

Susan here...

Well - one day of radiation to go and Nathan is still doing wonderfully. We need to pop into the clinic for blood tests tomorrow or Wednesday (because he is on the IV nutrition) and he also starts his neupogen injections Wednesday morning.

It looks like we probably have a corporate flight Thursday afternoon. We don't have to be in New York until Sunday night but we'll take the corporate flight anyway. We are all a little sad about being apart for 2 weeks. We will manage though. I have found a good home daycare for Julia while Luke is working.

We should know about the corporate flight for sure tomorrow.

We are also still awaiting the results of Nathan's blood test to see if he has developed a HAMA..what follows is an explanation of HAMA from The hospital's web site...

What is HAMA?
HAMA stands for "human anti-mouse antibodies." HAMA measures how strongly the body's immune system is reacting to 3F8. 3F8, like most monoclonal antibodies, comes from a mouse white blood cell; this means that 3F8 looks different from a human antibody and a human will form antibodies (HAMA) against 3F8. If a patient has HAMA, there is no point in administering 3F8 treatments because the HAMA will block the 3F8 from getting to neuroblastoma cells. However, HAMA can disappear; when that happens, we can resume 3F8 treatments. We check for HAMA by a blood test. Patients with HAMA do not have pain or other side effects of 3F8 treatment, but patients without side effects sometimes do not have HAMA (and can continue to be treated with 3F8).

Is HAMA good or bad?
HAMA might be a sign that a patient is developing an immune response against the neuroblastoma -- and that is a good thing. It is probably best that a patient receive at least four cycles of 3F8 treatments.

Most patients who have received chemotherapy only a short time before 3F8 treatment do not make HAMA because their immune system is too weak. In Memorial Sloan-Kettering's protocols, our aim is to give repeated treatments with 3F8 until HAMA is made. It appears that the best chances for cure exist when multiple cycles of 3F8 treatment are given and the patient begins to form HAMA. We continue to study HAMA to gain a better understanding of its role.

We do not expect Nathan to have developed a HAMA yet - but if he has we will not go back to New York for treatments next week.

We'll let you know of any developments tomorrow.

Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:20 PM CST

Susan here...

Just a quick note to let you know there are new picture on the family web page (see link below). Click on either November or December.

The kids and I are just hanging around today while Luke is skiing. I am slowly getting over my cold. The house is a WRECK due to twice a day radiation trips and my feeling bad. I hope to escaoe the house after naptime. Nathan wanted to stay home this morning and I certainly didn't blame him!

Friday, January 9, 2004 8:19 AM CST

Susan here...

Radiation continues to go just fine. No nausea or vomitting. It does tire Nathan out a little. The people there are great. The biomedical engineer who works on the machines has taken a shine to Nathan and brought him a cool race car/flatbed truck toy yesterday. He was a little down until that point (in fact I left Julia at home because he seemed to need some extra attention) and when he got the toy he perked right up got off of my lap and was fine.

We went to see his local oncologist yesterday afternoon. His weight was down a little more. He is very skinny. We decided to put him on IV nutrition to help beef him up. He started last night. His red blood count is also alittle low (not low enough for transfusion) so he was given some medicine to boost that up in hopes of increasing his energy level. He got a nice big metal dump truck from the clinic staff for Christmas.

Our car is back (driveable but not fixed all the way) and Luke will try to fix the garage door on Sunday. He is going skiing with my brother on Saturday which is something he is looking forward to.

We haven't heard anything yet about if Nathan and I have a flight on a corporate flight next week. I really hope they can find one.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:14 AM CST

Susan here..

Radiation went well yesterday. Nathan continues to do wonderfully and holds very still and is not at all bothered by the process. What he hates is waiting to be called back. He has had to do so much waiting in the last few months. He does remarkably well for a 3.5 year old. He has still not had any nausea or vomitting.

So we are off again twice today. Nothing exciting! We don't know when our car will be fixed but we are fine with one right now anyway. Tonight I am going to a get-together of other moms from Nathan's oncology clinic. This is the first time they have done this - I am looking forward to it.

Thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers. So far radiation is one of the easier things Nathan has done.

Monday, January 5, 2004 6:35 PM CST

Susan here...

I forgot to mention that yesterday was Day +100 since Nathan's stem cell transplant. This is a milestone used in assessing the patient's immunity. Since it is cold and flu season I think we will have Nathan continue to wear his mask in very crowded enclosed places.

Radiation went well today. Getting to and from radiation was a different matter but I'll get to that....

We went in at 8:00 and they did a series or xrays and repositioning and it he had to lay on the table for about a half an hour or a little longer. He did great and was very still and wasn't upset about it at all. He had no nausea or vomitting yet but that could still come.

We went back in at 3:00. They were running behind and so we had to wait and he was unhappy about that. This time the radiation took only about 10 minutes. I brought Julia with me and that went well and so I will probably bring her most times so Luke can work. It takes a half and hour or so to and from so it takes a big chunk of time away from Luke working.

As far as coming and going... I was very cold last night (single digits) and as I tried to open the garage door it seems to have frozen to the ground and it pulled the harware and a large board off of the garage door instead opening the door. Luke came out and openening it manually and so we will have to try to fix it.

On out way to the afternoon session I hit a slick spot on a side street and ran into the curb. We were almost at the hospital and so I continued and parked but the wheel was very crooked. I called Luke and he came and we called a tow truck. We had to leave the car there because the tow company was very busy. So I broke the garage and car today. In the big picture it is no big deal.

So we are back to radiation 9 and 3 the rest of the week. I am crossing my fingers that Nathan doesn't get sick from it.

Sunday, January 4, 2004 3:04 PM CST

Susan here...

We have been having a good weekend. Yesterday we awoke to snow and it snowed all day. Nathan wanted us to go out and shovel the driveway so after breakfast we got all bundled up (it was a wind chill of 3) and went outside and he helped shovel with his little snow shovel. Julia joined in with a broom. We didn't stay out too long due to the cold and after lunch they went out again.

Yesterday afternoon we went to the mall. Nathan has been begging us to go to the mall. I guess he just likes to look at everything there. We went and had dinner afterwards and it was fun to be out and about like a normal family (although most families were not venturing out in the bad weather).

Today we went to the toy store to pick up some toys with some money the kids received for Christmas presents. Nathan was thrilled to have money to spend. Julia was ruiing around saying "my twenty dollars!". Nathan got (what else) a construction related toy and Julia picked out an electronic Dora the Explorer toy. Their Christmas presents are still en route to Colorado from New York. It will be like a second Christmas for them when they arrive since they only had one day to play with them.

Tomorrow Nathan starts radiation. I will try to let you know how it goes.

I will be putting some snow shovelling pictures on the photo album page.

Thursday, January 1, 2004 8:14 AM CST

Happy New Year!!!!

I will update on yesterday. Nathan and I went to his appointment at 11:30 and they had rescheduled and one person thought another person had called us and vice versa and so Nathan and I did a little shopping and he asked for Taco Bell and we enjoyed hanging out downtown. I called Nathan's local oncologist and talked to him about radiation choices (which I will get into in a minute) and also about Nathan's overall health. We will bring him in next week to see him. He still is having diarrhea and he is so very skinny, weak and tired. These are things his New York docs are not concerned with but things we feel are affecting his quality of life and his local docs will work with us on.

As far as the radiation goes.. in New York they do their radiation twice a day for 14 sessions. We had talked to the New York docs about why and there are some theoretical advantages to doing it that way. I talked to the raditaion oncologist about it and he was fine with either way. I decided to go for twice a day for a few reasons. I will take any cancer killing advantage that may exist and also that means 7 days of treatments for Nathan instead of 12 and a nice break before going back to New York. The downsides to twice a day are that the side effects of radiation could be intensified. The side effects are nausea, vomitting and diarrhea. He will be on some medication to prevent nausea and we hope that will not be so bad. Of course this also means he has to go twice a day but I think he will be OK with it. They are a great group of people there and they have ice cream and popsicles!

The long term side effect of the radiation is that the right kidney will be heavily radiated and likely damaged. The left kidney will be completely out of the radiation field so it really should not be a problem. They are radiating only the abdomen/chest area.

I will be able to watch Nathan via a camera while he is on the table. We went and looked at the room and talked about being able to see and hear him in there and I think he will do just fine.

So - we will start on Monday and finish the following Tuesday.

Today Luke's parents and sister will be leaving to go back home. We haven't decided what we will be doing today. We still haven't unpacked completely so we will probably need to do a little work around the house. Oh - and watch some football too!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:46 AM CST

Susan here...

Sorry for the delay in updates. We are so much enjoying being home I have been avoiding updating I suppose.

Monday I took Nathan to the radiation oncologist. First off they laid him on a garbage bag looking thing on the radiation table and filled the bag with liquid styrafoam. As he lay there it got big and puffy and created a "cradle" for him. He will lie in this during radiation to heep him in the proper position. They then drew up him with a sharpie to mark some positioning things (the alternative being a tattoo so we were so glad they used the sharpie). After that he had a cat scan and then they sent us on our way. He was very good and lay still and I think he will do just fine.

Yesterday we didn't have to do anything medical and so we saw some friends and the kids played with their friends and it was really nice to do something normal.

Today Nathan and I go off for the radiation simulation and if the DR. had time to do the neccessary calculations we will also do the first radiation session immediately following the simulation. The radiation session itself lasts only about 10 minutes. Everyone has to leave the room but I think Nathan will be OK with that.

We will be doing the radiation for 12 sessions. If he gets to start today we will get New Years and weekends off and go the rest of the weekdays until we go back to New York.

I will update tonight and add some more things but right now I hear both kids awake and so I must be off.

Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:30 AM CST

Susan here...

We are home!!!!

Everyone is very happy to be home. The trip home went well. We arrived home around 6:30 last night. Luke's parents and sister were here waiting for us having cooked and cleaned.

We slept very well in our beds but both Luke and I woke up around 4:30 or so due to the time change.

We plan to have a relaxing day today before we get going with radiation on Monday.

Friday, December 26, 2003 6:55 AM CST

Susan here...

We had a really good Christmas. Santa was very good to the kids and they loved their gifts. We could barely fit them all in this little apartment. The kids spent the whole day in their pajamas and played.

Nathan was very excited about Santa coming. He had all kinds of concerns the days leading up to Chistmas about how Santa would get into the apartment, and how Santa could get to the tree wih Luke and I sleeping in the way. Julia was misbehaving as they got ready for bed Christmas Eve and Nathan was concerned that she be good so Santa would come.

Last night we started packing and boxing up all the new toys. Today we will ship them home.

Luke is with Nathan today. He will have his treatment and a bone marrow aspiration. He isn't allowed to eat or drink for the bone marrow and we don't even know what time he will get it. Most likel it won't be until the afternoon so he has a long hungry thirsty day ahead of him. He was being amazingly good about it this morning. It helps that we keep reminding him that he gets to go hoome tomorrow if we can just do all the things we need to do today.

He had his last shot today. He gets almost 3 weeks off for those at least. He starts those back up Jan 14 and his next round of antibodies begins Jan 19. Monday moning he goes in to start radiation. He will be doing radiation every Mon-Fri while we are home. We feel so bad for him that for basically 7 weeks in a row he will go have some kind of treatment every weekday. At least radiation will be at home.

I put some Christmas pictures on the photo album page. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 6:55 AM CST

Susan here...

I'll start with Saturday night. After our fun day Nathan started feeling hot in the evening. By 9:00 he reached 38 degrees celsius which is the magic number and so we called the fellow on call and had to drag Nathan out of bed to get blood samples taken from his broviak to check for infection. He was very sad to be taken from his nice warm bed out for a stroller ride to the hospital but calmed down when he got to lie in a bed. We were sprung at about midnight and strolled back home and went to bed.

Sunday we took it easy. After naptime both kids wanted to go somewhere and so we went to my Aunt's place and hung out and had dinner with them and said goodbye.

Yesterday Luke took Nathan to the clinic. They got a late start on the antibodies and being a Monday and havin 2 days off it was harder for him today. He had 4 bouts of diarrhea and threw up. He came home and had some lunch and watched some tv. After a while he went back into the bedroom and watched a movie and bed and then he had a pretty good evening.

Today Luke is taking Nathan again and Julia and I will go find somthing to do. Yesterday we did some shopping and had lunch. It was fun having lunch with just her and sitting across the table from her.

Tomorrow I will go with Nathan and Thursday is a day off and then I will go with him on Friday and he will have a bone marrow aspiration before his treatment. Saturday we fly home!

Saturday, December 20, 2003 5:19 PM CST

Susan here...

We had quite a busy and fun day today.

First we went on the tram that runs right by our apartment. When we arrived we hopped on the bus and took a ride around the island and got back on the tram. Both kids loved the tram. Nathan loves riding the bus but Julia did not like that. Next we went to Dylan's Candy Bar – a huge very cool candy shop that Nathan has been eyeing for weeks. They each picked out a lollipop.
We then went to see a display of model trains. It was very elaborate and we all enjoyed that very much. See it here.

They spent naptime giggling at each other and have had a pretty good afternoon. They should sleep well tonight!

Friday, December 19, 2003 4:21 PM CST

Susan here..

I went with Nathan today. It was better than yesterday and he handled everything well. When it was time to go he got to see Santa at the clinic and he told Santa what he wanted. Santa asked if he wanted anything else and he told Santa to make sure to bring presents for Julia too.

We get two days off now!!

Yesterday afternoon (late) Nathan told us he wanted to ride the bus. Instead we rode the subway and went to Rockefeller Center and saw the big Christmas tree. Both kids enjoyed themselves and the tree was very pretty.

Not sure what all we will do tomorrow. Nathan wants to go to a candy store (there is one very nearby) and I suppose we will go out and about somewhere else. We will definately let Nathan lounge around in his pajamas for as long a he likes. He deserves it!

Oh yeah - I keep forgetting to mention that we have plane tickets home on the 27th. There is a slight chance that Nathan will have to stay a little longer but we will be trying our hardest to make the 27th happen.

Thursday, December 18, 2003 1:00 PM CST

Luke here...I've had Nathan at the clinic the last two days. Susan had prepared me pretty well for what to expect. Yesterday went pretty well. Nathan handled it all well. Nathan's pain at the end of treatment is quite awful despite the narcotics they administer. Yesterday it didn't last too long (10-15 minutes of writhing around kind of pain) and then he recovered pretty quickly and was able to come back to the apartment. He napped and then got up and was really in good spirits and acting pretty normal all afternoon and evening. Today was a much rougher treatment day. His pain hit earlier in treatment and was more intense for a longer period of time. He was in horrible pain for 20 to 25 minutes followed by not quite as horrible pain for another hour or so. He wasn't able to have more doses of the narcotic for pain because his blood pressure dropped very low. He just had to ride it out and handled it all as well as could be expected. Finally he was comfortable enough to fall asleep and the wanted him to rest. His blood pressure came up and he woke up and asked to go home. He is acting pretty normal now. He didn't want to go straight to bed. He wanted lunch which is great. Now he is tired and asking for a nap, so I'm off to put him down for a nap and get Julia up from hers.

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 3:01 PM CST

Susan here..

Today was a better day. We went in at 8:00 and Nathan did not fuss about going. We hung around the waiting room for about an hour or so and then they called him back to a room and proceded with the infusion. Unfortunatly his red blood count had dropped alot and so they wanted to reverify with a finger stick and so he was not happy about that.

His pain was a little more today but that is because they cut down on his pain medication. This time his blood pressure stayed fine and he was not out of it. He handled it all very well and we were out of there around 11:30. He slept some when we got home and again later but is doing really well and in a pretty good mood.

Luke will take him tomorrow and Thursday and I will stay with Julia.

Monday, December 15, 2003 8:26 PM CST

Susan here...

Well - today wasn't so bad. We sat around the clinic for a long time. They were running far behind. They insisted on taking his blood by finger-prick and also I had to give him his shot but he did well with both. Once we finally got into a room around 1:00 they premedicated him with a pain medicine and anti-inflammatory and then gave him the antibody. His pain came rather suddenly about 2/3 of the way through. He was in great pain and was holding his breath and grunting and crying and writhing around. They gave him two more doses of pain medication in about 8 minutes and he basically passed out from that. In fact they were then unable to get a blood pressure read from him. The funny thing was that if we asked him a question he would respond but he had really low blood pressure. They gave him some fluids and it finally came back up and he woke the rest of the way up. When it was time to go he threw a big fit because he wanted to stay in the comfortable bed. I made him get in the stroller and he was fine after we got home and he watched some TV ate a little dinner and watched Frosty the Snowman and then went to bed aroun 6:30.

Tomorrow we go in around 8:00 and it should be a much shorter day. He gets so upset about going in the morning so that will be a pain. He reall doesn't like going there mostly because we sit and wait and wait and wait in a very large, noisy, crowded waiting room for hours on end and he really want a comfy quiet place to be. I can't blame him!

I will try to update tomorrow night to let you know how day #2 goes. They say it is less painful every day that goes by so at least that is something!

Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:48 AM CST

Susan here..

** I wanted to add some information to the entry today -

here are some links to information about the antibody trial. The first is simpler the second is the actual trial



Sorry for the delay in updates. My mom brought Julia to New York yesterday (and flew right back out) It is great to see her. Nathan is so calm and quiet and we had forgotten what a force of nature Julia is. She is delightful and also tiring! She and Nathan were very happy to see eachother. Julia gave Nathan a big hug and kiss.

We got almost no sleep last night. New York City is just plain loud all night on the weekends. Julia woke up screaming in the night and I brought her to bed with us but she didn't sleep very well with us. At one point Luke woke up with Julia kissing him on the cheek. Nathan started crying when I took Julia out because he wanted her in with him. I think she just didn't know where she was and I hope it will get better.

Tomorrow Nathan's treatments will begin and we are expecting it to be quite awful. We will let you know how the day went.

Thursday, December 11, 2003 2:26 PM CST

Susan here..

Not much to report. Nathan spent the whole day yesterday at the apartment lounging around in his pajamas. I figured he deserved a day like that if he wanted it. It was a bit boring for me though!

Today we went to the grocery store and bed bath and beyond but that's it.

The shots have been going ok. When it is time for him to get it he gets upset but as he gets it he is fine about it.

Luke and I are going to go out to dinner together tonight while my aunt babysits Nathan. We haven't been able to do that for a while so we are looking forward to it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 2:24 PM CST

Susan here...

Some good news today - all of Nathan's tests were negative for cancer! We know there are microscopic amounts of cancer left from the tumor being removed and that is why we are doing the antibodies and radiation. We also know that many children (we have been told 50%) relapse after achieving NED (no evidence of disease) for months or years. Knowing all this we are still so vey happy that Nathan has at least reached this point in his cancer treatments.

We went to the clinic today and after waiting around for a few hours we got to see the study doctor. We will start injections of a medication tomorrow morning. Luke and I had to watch a video on how to give him the injection. An alternative is to place a little catheter in his thigh that can stay in for a week at a time that we could give him the medication. However he can not bathe with it in and the medication itself really stings so it doesn't avoid that - so we are going to try doing the daily shot and see how it goes.

He doesn't have to go to the doctor again until Monday. We will figure out what we want to do with the rest of our week.

Monday, December 8, 2003 7:24 AM CST

Susan here...

We had another good day yesterday. In the morning we walked over to the grocery store and did some shopping and then Luke went out to shop and Nathan and I walked to Borders and to FAO Schwartz. After Nathan's nap we all took the subway to KMart and bought a small Christmas tree and decorations and set it up. There are pictures in the photo album.

My mother is bringing Julia here next Saturday. I can't wait to see her and have our family together.

No big plans for today. Luke is working. For now Nathan and I are just hanging around in our pajamas.

Saturday, December 6, 2003 4:37 PM CST

Susan here..

We moved into the apartment Friday afternoon. We woke him up early to give him breakfast and then spent the morning packing and cleaning. I took Nathan to the clinic and Luke and my aunt and uncle moved our things. We were trying to hurry and get moved before the snow hit. Nathan went into the playroom and played most of the time we waited for his scan. They sedated him upstairs and then rolled him downstairs were he waited for a while. They transferred him to the scan table and then the nurse was trying to take off his mask and he woke up. He had a fit for a long time and finally went back to sleep after another dose of medication.

After the scan he was pretty woozy but wanted to eat out and so we went to a mexican restaurant and had a nice dinner. He very much enjoyed being outside in the snow. This kind of medication also increases the appetite so he ate a ton for dinner and when we got to the apartment he kept eating and eating for another few hours and then got exhausted and went to bed.

This morning he woke up quite happy and enjoyed looking out the window at the snowplows and the tram that goes to roosevelt island that we can see out our window.

We walked to Bloomingdales and to Borders and then had to come home quickly after Nathan had a very big diaper disaster. We were at Borders to buy him a CD with Jingle Bells on it since it is his favorite Christmas song.

Nathan had a good nap this afternoon and I took the subway to Kmart and bought a few things. We will go back soon to buy a Christmas tree and ornaments there.

We are all settled in at the apartment and very happy we made the move. We won't rent an apartment for future visits but to be here at Christmas it will be so nice.

Nathan doesn't go back to the clinic until Tuesday. We found out he will be bone marrow aspirations after the first 3 rounds of the antibody treatment which means he will have to be here until at least the 29th. After that we would come out every 4 to 5 weeks for a little more than two weeks for up to 2 years. The up to 2 years part is only if he doesn't develop an immune response to the antibody and if his cancer doesn't advance.

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. We are relishing ours!

Thursday, December 4, 2003 4:36 PM CST

Susan here...

Nathan and I had a very long day. We spent the whole day in the clinic. He saw the surgeons, had a chest xray, had an echocardigram, saw the oncologist and had his MIBG injection (through his broviak). He is recovering well from a surgical standpoint.

His bone marrow aspirates and cores were all negative for neuroblastoma. YAY! The tumor itself had parts with active neuroblastoma which we fully expected.

Tomorrow he will have his MIBG scan in the afternoon. He won't be able to eat after 7:00am so it wil be a long day of him begging for food. On Tuesday he goes back and will have a small IV placed in his leg just under the skin thet will remain in during treatment. They will administer a drug that way.

We hope to move to the apartment tomorrow but there is a big snowstorm coming so we will have to see if we are able to move or not. I put the new address on the page. We are planning on shipping a lot of things back to Colorado Springs and are not limiting our Christmas presents for the kids.

I am sure there is more info but I am brain dead now so I will write more tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 7:30 PM CST

Susan here...

Nathan and I had an adventure filled day. Luke left to go work and after breakfast Nathan and I hopped on a bus and sent to Times Square. There is a huge Toys R Us there with a ferris wheel inside. Nathan really enjoyed riding it and looking at all the toys. He picked out a Care Bear to give Julia for Christmas. After we left we had some lunch and took the subway to my Aunt's apartment. We went the round about way since shen we transferred I got on the train going the wrong way. I was too preoccupied in trying to find an elevator that I wasn't paying close enough attention. Nathan thouroghly enjoyed the bus and subway rides and I did too though carrying him, bags and a stroller up and down stairs in the subway was very hard. When we got to my aunt's Nathan excitedly told Luke all about our adventures. We hung out there the rest of the afternoon and Nathan didn't want to nap and so he was about to fall over by the time we got back to the Ronald McDonald House. He is now fast asleep.

On Monday I called the clinic to see what was up with his test being scheduled and had to leave a message and was not called back. I called again this morning and found out the the inpatient doctors were supposed to have scheduled all the test before they discharged him. So...his MIGB injection will be tomorrow and the scan on Friday afternoon (which means no food all day for NAthan...that will be awful). He also needs an echocardiogram and a cat scan of his head. Those will be done this week or next. Since they squeezed in the MIBG scan for Friday he should still be on schedule to start on the 15th unless his test results say otherwise. We are hoping to have some pathology results from the tumor and bone marrow they took during the surgery.

I have a feeling that between his surgery post-op appointment tomorrow and his infection appointment in the afternoon that we will spend most of the day in the clinic. At least we got a week's break from it all.

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 11:32 AM CST

Susan here - Luke wrote an update below but I just wanted to add that we have found an apartment to rent nearby and we will provide the address soon but meanwhile don't send anything more to the Ronald McDonald house address. There will be no trouble getting things people may already have mailed so don't worry about that. We will move in Friday evening.

Luke here...Sorry it has been so long since our last update. I'm trying to recall how our weekend was and what went on, but I'm totally blanking on it. I'm sure there were several long walks through the city and daily fights with Nathan over making him walk. Overall, things are going well. Nathan continues to feel a little better everyday, but he isn't anywhere near feeling himself physically yet. He still complains about walking. I'm not sure if it is pain, fatigue, or just that he doesn't want to. We force him to walk everywhere inside the Ronald McDonald House and allow him to ride in the stroller pretty much everywhere else. We had a big fight about walking one morning this weekend. We had planned to take him to a big toy store, but we told him if continued to throw tantrums over walking around the room that he couldn't go. Well, he didn't end up going. The next morning he woke up telling us he "wanted to be a nice boy so he could go to a toy store". He did better. Yesterday was a good day for everyone. I have started back to work again. I'm working from Susan's aunt and uncle's apartment using their broadband connection. They continue to do such great things for us to make this trip easier. Yesterday Susan and Nathan spent the day here too and enjoyed the change of scenery and company. Nathan played with Joan and had a good time. Last night there was a Christmas dinner and party at the Ronald McDonald House. It was apparently the first of many. It was fun. There were prizes and gifts for kid and a meal. It was a little late for Nathan, but he handled it well and had a good time. He was lingering at the party and then we figured out that he was waiting for the cake. He associates "party" with "birthday party" in which there is always cake. He was a little disappointed but handled it well. He then lay in his bed playing with a horn he got at the party and talking, singing, and giggling to himself. It was great to see. That was very much like normal Nathan. He woke up in the middle of the night talking to himself about how sad he was about missing Colorado Springs and wanting to sleep in his own bed in Colorado Springs. That was sad to hear. Overall he is doing very well. We have no planned visits to the hospital until Thursday when he has a follow-up with the surgeon. Hopefully they will get us started with testing for the trial so we can start on 12/15 like tentatively planned. We are also nervous about getting the pathology reports from his tumor and bone marrows. They may be trickling back, but we haven't heard anything yet.

As always, thanks for following along so closely with Nathan's progress.

Saturday, November 29, 2003 11:14 AM CST

Susan here...

I finally added new pictures to the photo album so take a look. We have had a good morning. There was a breakfast in the dining room this morning so we all went down and Nathan nibbled on a biscuit and seemed to enjoy himself. Afterwards he and Luke went to the drug store to pick up some supplies. When they got back Nathan just wanted to say in the stroller and so we all went for a walk. We went to central park and into a few shops. We tried to get some lunch at the end but Nathan said he was too tired and we came back and he went to sleep immediately. Luke and I are taking turns going out to get ourselves some food.

He is definately in better spirits today and feeling better too. He is still very tired and doesn't want to walk at all. We are trying to make him do so because it is good for him. After his nap we will probably make him walk around a little.

Friday, November 28, 2003 4:53 PM CST

Susan here...

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. Nathan slept in some and then took a nap a while later - basically sleeping the morning away. We then went to my aunt and uncle's apartment. Nathan spent a good amount of the time sleeping in their bed but he sat at the table for quite a while and thoroughly enjoyed the pumpkin pie.

This morning was pretty rough. We awoke to him talking to himself in his bed about how much he wished he was at home in Colorado Springs. This went on and on and after he was up he continued to be very sad about it and then it turned into a fit where he was screaming at me to take him home. Eventually he stopped and watched some TV and ate. He then took a nap and when he got up we went for a long walk to Barnes and Noble and Circuit City. He really enjoyed getting out but it tired him out. We just had some dinner and I imagine he will take a bath and go to bed soon. He is very very tired. He is also very sad about being here and it doesn't help that we are essentially in a hotel room because there is no couch and he just seems to think of it as a bedroom and wants to just lay there or go to sleep.

We will do our best to get him out and about as much as possible. We are considering finding an apartment to rent for a month because it may help us all get through this. I got kind of down again this afternoon when I went to try to make some food and there is no silverware and the dishes in the cabinet are filthy. The floor is sticky as you walk on it and everything just seems to have a layer or grime on it. It is really hard to prepare food and enjoy it that way. I feel bad about complaining about it because it is a great service to have such cheap lodgin g but it is really hard to live in such dirty dreary conditions. I have been really trying to tell myself to get over it and be positive. Sorry for venting about it to all of you!

I am going to try to post some pictures of Nathan later. I am using the computers in the computer room. We can only dial 800 numbers for the rooms and so that means to use my laptop I have to use a calling card and then dial a local number. That is really frustrating. Anyway - I know you all would like to see some new pictures so I will try to do it soon.

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I know Luke and I had a wonderful time and it meant the world to us to have a normal family thanksgiving with people we care about and who care about us. A special thank you to Joan and Bill. We cannot tell you what it meant to us to have such a wonderful holiday with you.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:08 PM CST

Luke here...I started this post and had to start over. I was basing my post on us having a couple of things to be thankful for tonight going into the holiday tomorrow. I started listing the "couple" of things and the list got too long. It was nice to remind myself of all of the good things we have going for us. Tonight the top of the list has to be that Dr. La Quaglia removed "all" of Nathan's tumor and that as I write this he is in the Ronald McDonald House room with Susan and I. He was released today much to our surprise. Susan still isn't feeling great, so I stayed with Nathan last night. We didn't sleep great. He is having some trouble with his bowels (I'll spare the specifics on this one) so it was a restless night. I woke up to find that they had cut off his IV fluids and seriously rolled back his oxygen. Susan came in and I went back to RMH to shower and change. She called saying that they thought Nathan might be able to leave today. She got him up and walking, which was a struggle because he really didn't want to. He was coping with this stay by sleeping and he didn't want to work at anything. He walked just fine with no incision pain. The day was a little annoying as some of the docs seemed to want him to stay and some wanted to get him out before the holiday. Finally it came down to whether or not his oxygen saturations were holding on room air and it turned out they were. We had one major episode. He was supposed to have an echocardiogram in prep for his trial. He threw the biggest fit. He screamed and screamed. They can't get a valid test when he is like that, so much to our chagrin he won and we didn't do it. He will have to have one, and I suspect it will go fine the next time. It has turned out that getting out was great for him. He played and was happy here and in general was acting normal. Typically in one of his hospital stays he reaches a point where being in-patient holds him back. He was there on this stay.

We are very happy to have him out, that he handled and recovered from this very serious surgery so well, and that we can have Thanksgiving with family and friends here in NY tomorrow (Joan, I know you are reading. Please consider that our "thankful" for tomorrow).

We miss Julia terribly, but we know that she is doing well and with people who love her. I don't think we will hold out until Christmas without her. We'll have to see how it all works out.

Please have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Despite everything we have been dealing with, we will and I want all of you to have a great one too. Eat a little too much. Drink a little too much. Enjoy your family and friends.

We are so thankful for all of the support and love that we have gotten from our friends. Thank you all.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 8:37 PM CST

Luke here...Nathan is out of the ICU. He moved from the ICU just after noon. He continues to recover well. This morning he just wanted to sleep and we pretty much let him. The trip over here was pretty good. It is a short ambulance ride, but that is pretty exciting. The room here is okay. It is nice, but small. The amenities on the floor are very nice. They redid this unit and just moved kids into it yesterday. Nathan has done pretty well here. He was tired and cranky after the move. He ate pretty well and is on a normal diet now. The surgeon really wants him up and about, so we forced him to walk. He did pretty well although he wasn't at all happy about it. They turned off and then pulled his epidural today. He is having some pain. Earlier it was bad, but now it seems to be controlled. Tomorrow we will push the walking even more.

We talked to the study doc some. He stopped by. He hopes to schedule Nathan's tests for next week and forsees a realistic start date of 12/15. That would put us still here in NY on Christmas. The logistics of that will be tough, but overall we are okay with it. Nathan will not yet be discharged on Thanksgiving. We will make the best out of it. Apparently they cater a very nice Thanksgiving meal here.

The big news is really that Nathan is continuing to recover well. He is bounding back from this surgery very well.

We are hoping to have some pathology on the bone marrow tomorrow and maybe the tumor by the end of the week. With this being a holiday week I'm not counting on seeing any results until early next week.

Thanks to everyone for following along so closely.

Monday, November 24, 2003 8:26 PM CST

Luke here...Nathan continues to recover well. He is either right on target or a little ahead of the curve. Today they decided in the morning that his chest tube could likely go and that he would move back over to Memorial. We had to wait awhile because the surgeon had to make the call on the chest tube. It was removed and not a big deal at all. In fact, the x-ray right after the removal looked better than the morning shot. Later in the day we found out that they didn't have a bed for Nathan over at Memorial. They were moving their pediatric in-patient ward this past weekend and hadn't finished today. The resident here called over to the surgeon because Nathan really wanted his NG tube out. He was hungry and thirsty (which is great) but couldn't really eat with the tube and didn't even want to try drinking. We got that out and he drank some apple juice and then started getting very upset about having some food. I fed him some soup and jello and he ate really well and tolerated it. That is really great. The surgeon stopped by and said he will move tomorrow. There is a slight chance we can get out before Thanksgiving. The key will be that Nathan will have to be up and walking some. We shall see. He did some good exercising with blowing on a pinwheel and blowing bubbles. He also sat up for awhile which was great. He still needs some help with oxygen though. He still has the epidural and foley catheter. I think he will lose both of those tomorrow.

Susan felt horrible all day. She slept off and on here and didn't feel strong enough to get herself down to a taxi and certainly not to walk home. Luckily, some visitors came this evening and made sure she got back to the Ronald McDonald house. Hopefully she will feel better after a good night sleep.

Things are going well. Recovery hasn't been bad. He slept off the worst of it and is in good spirits.

Monday, November 24, 2003 6:10 AM CST

Luke here...This time no promises to update tonight. Nathan had a pretty good day yesterday. There weren't really any big milestones. He was awake and alert more. He still has the epidural for pain, although he is really pretty comfortable unless we force him to switch sides, which they do every 2 to 3 hours. He also still has the chest tube. Yesterday he had still been outputting too much fluid from his chest to come off of it. Today it should be close though and we hope they pull it. He was awake and talking more yesterday. He isn't rolling around on his own, but he is doing a lot more moving of his hands and feet. Today they will push him harder to sit up, move around, blow, etc. His lungs are doing well. He hasn't needed too much oxygen support and he was on room air for almost 4 hours last night.

Today we hope to get the chest tube pulled, get him more active, and maybe even get back over to Memorial. We'll just have to wait and see.

Julia is doing well in South Carolina with Susan's parents. We are holding up okay here, although Susan doesn't feel great this morning. We both spent the night here at the hospital last night. Susan had planned to go back to Ronald McDonald House last night but Nathan was running a pretty high temp. By the time his fever came down, she didn't want to walk back over there.

Thanks for all of the support.

Sunday, November 23, 2003 6:21 AM CST

Susan here...

Sorry I didn't update again last night. They finally decided to wake Nathan up yesterday afternoon to remove the breathing tube. They were waiting fo him to wake up but we could tell he was just staying asleep to avoid being conscious while it was in. He was responding to us by nodding when we would ask him things but then would just go back to sleep. After the tube came out (which was no big deal to my surprise) he started talking to us. He took a little nap and then woke up asking us to read a book. We then put a movie on for him and he stayed awake for awhile watching. He had a good night and doesn't seem to be in very much pain. He still has the epidural for pain control but is not on any sedating medications. I slept in the hospital and Luke went back to the Ronald McDonald House to sleep since he was very very tired due to being up some the night before being talked to by another parent in the "quiet room".

We expect Nathan wil be awake more today and they may try to sit him up a little.

He had a sponge bath and linen change this morning which he didn't like but it was very good for his lungs to complain a little. He still can't be very loud.

This time I promise to update later!

Saturday, November 22, 2003 11:05 AM CST

Susan here..

Nathan had a good night and is doing well. They intend to extubate him when he wakes up from sedation and that is taking a long time. He has been sedated since the surgery so we haven't been able to communicate with him. The PICU is very good. We are in a room with 3 beds and a nurses station right in the room so he is very closely monitored.

Luke and I are just sitting around sort of hoping he will wake up but being grateful that he is asleep and comfortable. Other times they have forced him to wake up from sedation and that is always bad.

We will update again at the end of the day.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Nathan.

Friday, November 21, 2003 5:23 PM CST

10:35 Easter Time: This is update three - see below for previous updates from the day. This is Beth typing as Luke dictates to me.

Nathan is out of surgery, doing fine, and in the ICU recovering.

Nathan's surgeon came out around 8:20 this evening and said that Nathan did well, and that he feels he got everything he could see. Everything indicates that he was extremely thourough. The pathology report won't be back for about a week, but the surgeon feels that some of the tumor removed was live cancer.
They took Nathan straight from the OR to the PICU at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He is still asleep, and they will keep him sedated mainly because of all the things he's attached to. He's intubated, has an epidural, a chest tube, an arterial line (for monitoring), an NG tube, and a catheter.
They have him restrained so that if he should wake up, he won't pull anything out. They may extubate tomorrow depending on how many fluids he gets tonight and how his lungs are doing (the various fluids could collect in his lungs).

He will be in the PICU until Probably Monday or Tuesday.

Luke and Susan are doing fine and feel they have made the right decision. One of them will sleep in the reclining chair in Nathan's room, and the other find a place to sleep in the waiting room, as there aren't two comfortable chairs in Nathan's room and they both want to stay close by.

From Luke "As always, thanks for thinking of us."
Susan here...just an update - Nathan is still in surgery.

Nathan went into surgery around 11:15 and they did bone marrow biopsies and aspirations and placed an epidural. The surgeon made the first incision around 1:15 and as of around 3:30 he will still making his way to the tumor. Our latest update at 6:00 has the surgeon still working away at removing the tumor and he expects it to be several more hours. There are actually computers available in the waiting area which is why I am able to update. My aunt Joan has been with us the whole time and has been a great diversion and company to us.

We will try to update later or have someone do it for us.

Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:51 PM CST

Susan here..

## just an updated note to the entry below -I forgot to say that this morning Luke noticed that Nathan's eyelashes are growing back in. We were very excited by that!##

Well a couple of long days. Yesterday Nathan slept in until about 9:30 (he had not slept well in the night) we hung around and then we went to my aunt's apartment and she watched Nathan while Luke and I had lunch and then we sat around and talked. It was very nice and we hated to leave but we needed to check into the Ronald McDonald House. The room is very dirty. We were kind of appalled and could not give Nathan a bath because the bath mat had tons of mold and mildew underneath it. The carpet is filty as well. They had a catered dinner so we ate and then put Nathan to bed. Today we got up and I asked Nathan if he wanted something to drink and the mere though made him throw up. We really don't know why he is so nauseous. We went to the clinic at 8:30 this morning and spent a lot of time sitting around and got back around 3:00 this afternoon. We met with the surgeon. He explained the tumor's location and showed us the scans in detail. They also explained that he will go across the street to the pediatric ICU in another hospital afer his surgery. He will have a chest tube (the surgeon likes to go in on the patient's side to get a better view)a nasal tube, an epidural, a foley catherter (for urine) and an arterial IV (to check blood pressure). We feel good about him doing the surgery and he definately is going in to try to get it all versus getting all he can while being very safe. This means it is a riskier surgery for Nathan but we feel it is the right one and the right surgeon.

We also met with a patient insurance advocate who is helping us with insurance (we don't kno the current stauts of that right now). We met with the social worker and also an oncologist on the neuroblastoma team. The study doctor poked his head in to introduce himself to us.

They are going to do a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration while Nathan is under during the sugery. After he recovers they will do the rest of the tests for the study. The surgeon thinks Nathan will be in for a week or so. After he is released from ICU he will go back to sloan-kettering and they are opening up a new inpatient ward this weekend so his room should be nice at least.

Luke went out to buy cleaning supplies and we are going to thorouhly clean the room. We are surprised they don't have volunteers to clean the rooms at least. I am sure they could fine some. It is a pain for us to have to do this after being at the hospital all day.

It is a very busy clinic there will not enough seats for all. They have a nice playroom that is staffed and so Nathan spent a lot of time in there and we sat in the waiting room.

We did get a break for lunch and ate at a nice cafe.

Well - I might add more later because I know I am missing something.

Oh yeah - the surgery will be around 11:00 and they will have nurses go in and check on his status every two hours and let us know how it is going. We expect it to be several hours of surgery but who knows if that is 3 or 8.

We'll update sometime tomorrow. Please keep Nathan in your thoughts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 6:14 PM CST

Susan here..

Today Nathan wasn't feeling so great. We had breakfast with our hosts and then took a cab to FAO Schwartz. Nathan had a good time there. Afterwards we went to the central park zoo and Nathan really enjoyed the Sea Lions.

As tired as he was he didn't nap though we made him rest in his bed for an hour or two. When he got up we went to my Aunt Joan's apartment and she watched Nathan for an hour while Luke and I got a cup of coffee. He was feeling better this evening and ate really well and had a fun bath and we put him to bed early.

Luke is out getting some Thai food for us. We don't know what we are up to tomorrow. We will check into the Ronald McDonald house in the afternoon.

Still waiting to find out about insurance but it does seem they will at least pay some of the bill.

We will post an address tomorrow night if you want to send any cards to Nathan.

Monday, November 17, 2003 8:43 PM CST

Luke here...I should probably write more than I will have tne energy to do, but here goes. Today was a very good travel day. We left home at about 8:30am. When we got to the Jet Center in Denver the pilots came out to the curb, introduced themselves, and took care of our baggage. Our flight left on-time at around 11:00am. After Carolyn dropped us off, we realized we had forgotten Nathan's car seat. This was no big deal for the flight, but we knew the car service wouldn't drive us without it. The pilot of the flight called the flight center in Morristown and had someone run out and buy us a booster seat while we were in flight. If you have never travelled in a corporate jet, I strong recommend it. It was an incredible way to travel. The jet was very nice. There were only two executives on the flight and they sat in the front. We had four seats, two across from one another facing with a table inbetween. The seats were big and suede and everything was nice polished wood. The flight attendant made us lunch and everyone made sure Nathan had a good time. He loved it. He was thrilled by the whole experience. The car was waiting for us and we had a quicker drive into the city than we thought we would have. We are staying for a couple of nights with friends of Susan's aunt and uncle who live in the same building and have extra space. It is really nice of them to have us and we all had a very nice dinner. Nathan had a great day and even though it was long, it was an easy travel day. We got some good pictures of Nate on the plane. We have two days to sight see and have a good time and then we go to see the surgeon on Thursday morning and Friday is the big day.

Today was fun and exciting, and a little sad. Julia handled our departure pretty well from what we could tell, but we really don't want to be away from her. Tonight in Nathan's bath he said, "I wish Julia came with us". We'll all be together soon again and in the meantime we are going to have a good couple of days here in New York before we get the fight started again.

Friday, November 14, 2003 5:40 PM CST

Susan here..

Well - there is second hand news (from the patient financial dept. at the hospital in New York) that our insurance company is very close to agreeing to pay their "contracted rate" for Nathan's surgery. This means they would pay the amount they pay hospitals that they have a contract with and we would pay the difference. So we are crossing our fingers that this is true and we won't have to pay nearly as much as we might have!

We have arranged care for our dog with our neighbors so that is a relief. I made about a zillion phone calls today and I think we are in good shape to go.

Nathan and I met with the radiation oncologist today to plan his radiation therapy. It needs to happen in the three weeks between rounds of the antibodies. There is a good chance this will include Christmas week but the doctor said they would not be officially open on Christmas but would radiate him that day anyway. I really liked the doctor and he was very accomodating.

Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:13 PM CST

Susan here...

We have a corporate flight to New York on Monday. We are so releived not to be flying commercially packed in with all kinds of sick people! We have alot to do before then to get ready. I will be returning emails of those New York folk who have offered help when I get a minute. We definately want to see you all even if we don't need specific help. Hospital visits are always good to break up the monotony. We don't know how long he will be in ICU though where he may not really be able to have visitors. Anyway - we will get in touch with phone numbers so we can meet up.

Nathan just came up to me and asked for his bath now so I have to go. We'll update in a few days.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:00 PM CST

Luke here...Well, there actually isn't much to report. We have had a pretty good week so far. Having made the decisions regarding surery is a load off our collective backs. We feel very good about our decision and are working on plans. We are working on details of the trip. We will likely leave on 11/19 as we will meet with the surgeon on 11/20 and have the surgery on 11/21. We don't know if the antibody treatment will start on the same trip because they don't know how quickly or how well he will recover from surgery. We hope to start antibodies on the same trip. We shall see. We will be in New York over Thanksgiving and we already have a family to spend the holiday with if Nathan is out of the hospital. We have great friends from DC whose extended family will be celebrating in the city and they thoughtfully extended us an invite. We are excited to have plans lined up. This Friday we will meet with the radiation therapists here in the Springs to plan out the therapy Nathan will receive between antibody treatments in NY. No real news since the last update.

Nathans is doing well and enjoying being back home. He handles the mask and restrictions well and is having a good time here. Julia is doing well too. She was sick, but feeling fine now. We are dreading being separated from her again, but we have wonderful loving care lined up for her. Susan and I are hanging in there. There are a lot of details to take care of, but we are working on it.

Thanks to everyone for their support and letting us know they think we made the right decision. A special thanks to those New Yorkers who read who have already offered their help and company while we are there. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Monday, November 10, 2003 5:18 PM CST

Susan here...

Well - the decision has been made - we will be going to New York for the surgery. They will not be doing the radiation during the surgery but the surgeon says he has seen tumors like Nathan's before and has been able to remove them. That is not something the other surgeon was willing to say. He of course gave us no guarantees that he could remove it but we know he has had lots of experience with neuroblastoma surgeries. It came down to the fact that if we did the surgery here and they didn't get it all we would regret not going to New York. If we go to New York and they don't get it all at least we can be confident that we had one of the best surgeons attempting it and at least we gave it a shot. I contacted Nathan's insurance case manager and she is working on getting approval. We have no idea how difficult that will be but we are committed to doing the surgery in New York whether insurance pays for it or we do. The durgeon says there are different ways they may be able to help us deal with insurance of the costs if neccessary. The surgery is scheduled for November 21 and we need to be there by the 20th. We have emailed the study doctor to ask him if we can expect to stay in New York and do the scans and antibodies all in the same trip. If so, we will be there for about 4 weeks.

We are going to start working on all the details now, but a weight has been lifted from us now that we made the decision.

Nathan was at the clinic today and doing just fine!

Sunday, November 9, 2003 2:19 PM CST

Susan here...

We are having a relaxing weekend. Julia is feeling much better and the rest of us are feeling fine so we will hopefully not get her sickness.

Nothing much going on but waiting for tomorrow when we will try to have everything figured out by the end of the day.

I have updated our family web page. I have made just one page for September and October so click on either month so see the pictures.

We will try to update tomorrow night.

Friday, November 7, 2003 9:53 AM CST

Susan here..

Well - here is the latest. I got a call yesterday from the Dr.'s office in New York telling us of the surgery in New York (which we already knew about) but I asked her about the intraoperative radiation and she said she did not see that on the schedule. She transferred me to the surgeons office and his assistant said she didn't see it on the schedule either. We sent an email to the study doctor and got an out of office auto-reply. So basically Nathan's doctor who left me a voice mail about the surgery and radiation is unavailable at the children's oncology group meeting as well as the study doctor and the surgeon. So we have no way of finding out. If there is to be no radiation in New York we will probably just do the surgery here. We haven't heard back from the insurance company about doing surgery in New York. If we do surgery here it will be next Wednesday. We would then hope to go to New York in two weeks or so to start the antibody trial testing. We are hoping we might hear something from somebody today but it is not likely.

Nathan is doing well. He did sleep very poorly last night - he seemed to be stressed out about something - he is probably picking up on the stress inthe house and he has heard us talking endlessly about surgery. Julia is sick. She had the stomach flu on Wednesday and then was better yesterday and is bad again today. We are hoping Nathan doesn't get it. We have no idea where she may have gotten it since she has been isolated. She is currently sleeping and we hope sleeping it off.

Well - Nathan has requested some more toast so I'd better got get him some. He has been eating a drinking very well and we are very pleased with that. Some children stop eating after tranplsant.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 4:52 PM CST

**** News Flash****

The insurance company has approved the antibody trial!!!! We are shocked to hear this. This is a huge relief.

We are currently trying to figure our where and when he will have the surgery. It will be either next week here or the following week in New York. It appears they are willing to do interoperative radiation in New York which sounds like a good idea to us. Right now we just don't know. We will see if our insurance would pay for the New York surgery or not and then make our decision. We had pretty much decided to do the surgery here next week and we received an email from New York saying they had him on their schedule and would do the radiation. This decision will have to be made ASAP. hopefully we can get the needed information quickly.

We will update again later with any more news.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:29 AM CST

Susan here..

Sorry for the lag in updates. We had a good weekend as a family. We had nice weather on Sunday and went for a walk together and played basketball. Yesterday I took Nathan to the clinic to see his doctor in Colorado Springs. It was good to be back there. He examined Nathan but didn't do blood counts since they were good last Thursday. We looked at his MIBG scan together and looked at the spot in his face thet seems to be lighting up a little bit. It is very faint and so we really don't know if it is anything. The doctors will have to decide if they want to radiate the area or not. We discussed his urine test because one of the cancer markers is slightly high. We are going to keep watching it. Once again - we don't really know what it means but it could mean the the remaining piece of tumor still has active cancer cells in it and is excreting the hormone that shows up in the urine test. When he had his last surgery and they examined the pathology there was one very small area of active cancer. Unfortunately this area is right by where they now realize there is more tumor so it is a possiblity there is still active cancer there. We will meet with his surgeons today to discuss what they feel they can do. We will then wait to see what the surgeon in New York thingk. Unfortunately this week is the Children's Oncology Group semi-annual conference and most pediatric oncologists will be there; including the surgeon in New York. This is going to make it hard to get things figured out this week.

The insurance company is legally supposed to have an approval or denial of the antibody trila by 1:30 this afternoon. State laws give them 2 business days. They officially got all the materials on Friday. We will see if we hear from them. We are fully expecting a denial and then will appeal right away.

We still don't know about how the surgery fits in the with trial since it would probably delay Nathan beginning it. He has to do it is a certain time period after tranplsant so it could cause problems. We have posed this question to the study doctor but all he told us was to send the scans for surgery to him and the surgeon so we don't have an answer to that yet.

So in summary - nobody knows anything and everything is still up in the air! We hope this changes soon and we will let you know.

Saturday, November 1, 2003 7:41 PM CST

Susan here..

Thanks to everyone who sent emails to us in regards to Thursday's posts. Things have calmed down a little and we are HOME!

Friday we awoke to some freezing rain and snow and Julia and Luke made their way up to Denver. We all spent all day packing and cleaning. I had called my best friend Lisa Thursday night for some moral support and she in turned called our friend Tonya who offered to come up to Denver and help us clean. She was a lifesaver. We would have never gotten it all clean or all of our stuff home by ourselves. It was a LONG hard day. We got on the road around 3:00 pm in time to make it home beofre dark as the weather was still bad.

Our insurance now officially has the request for the trial and so we await a response from that. We have had Nathan's scans sent to New York for the surgeon there to look at and we are also meeting with our local surgeon on Tuesday.

We got home in time to go trick or treating to our neighbors' houses. It was freezing rain and very cold but we all had fun. Since we had given Tonya alot of our stuff to take back we were without many things we needed such as Julia's halloween costume. I drug up Nathan's costume from two years ago (superman) and she was very happy to wear it and it actually fits her personality to a T. Nathan was a doctor. He has the motion of slinging the stethascope around his neck down pat from all his observing of doctors. He had a good time doctoring Luke and I.

Today we have had a relaxing day at home.

It is bath time now so I must go. I will be adding some halloween pictures later this evening.

Thursday, October 30, 2003 7:04 PM CST

Well today has been a very stressful day. Luke left yesterday afternoon with Julia to go home and get things ready. This morning Nathan had his MIBG scan. I woke him up to take him over and he couldn't have any food or drink so he was quite upset about that. We went over in the wagon and it was icing/snowing and not very pleasant (we have no car up here). Nathan had a huge fit when he saw the scan table and screamed for quite a while. He was finally sedated and they did the scan. We took him to recover in a bed right under a light that did not turn off and so he had a big fit about that because he still wanted to sleep. I got him in the wagon to leave and we were told they needed to to another scan real quick and so we had to put him back up there and he wasn't happy about that. After waiting another 20 minutes for the scans on CD we went back to the apartment. He wanted to go back to bed and so he slept until it was time to go to the clinic. I had to wake him up to do so and he was MAD about that. I tried to put him in the wagon and he wouldn't stay in. He was still sedated and so very unsteady basically drunk-like. I called over to the offices and asked them to drive us to the clinic and they did. HE screamed the whole time and tried to make me stop carrying him.

At the clinic he kept trying to escape out the door but he couldn't really walk and was stumbling around and I had to keep getting him back on the couch. They finally put us in a room with a bed and he calmed down and went to sleep. He slept for about 2 hours and then we woke up cranky and mad again and had his exam. His counts are great. We got home around 4:00 or so and he has been OK but is still showing effects of sedation. He is currently playing on my bed.

In the midst of this day Luke and I have been trying to figure out what is happening with insurance and surgery. First off - the doctors agree that Nathan needs surgery. He will probably have it very soon. The problem is that the remaining piece of tumor is in a very difficult spot and looks to be very difficult to resect. We would really like to take him to New York for the surgery but it will be difficult to get our insurance to cover it - impossible probably in the time period we are talking about. The surgeon in New York is the best at removing neuroblastomas and probably does more than any other surgeon and does the cases the other surgeons think they cannot do. Luke and I will try to meet with his surgeons in Colorado Springs on Monday to sit down and see what they have to say. It is unlikely we will have them do the surgery. They already had their chance but we do ned to talk to them anyway to understand more about what is going on. I suupose we may have the surgery in New York even if we have to pay for it ourselves. I don't know. How are you supposed to make these kinds of decisions about your child's life????

We don't know how this surgery may affect the antibody trial. We have sent off an email trying to figure that out. We are still working on insurance for that. If it is deemed experimental then we probably don't have much of a chance.

Somewhere in all this radiation needs to take place.

Oh yeah - and his tumor did light up on the scan and there is still a spot in his facial area that is kind of a mystery.

So - after all this I am the most stressed I have probably been ever in my life. I hope we get a few answers tomorrow because this weekend will be nothing but stressing over all of this without being able to do anything about it.

Tomorrow we head back to the Springs. We have a lot of cleaning and packing which I thought I could do today but couldn't. We are trying to get back to Colorado Springs before the end of the business day to deliver nathan's MIBG scan to his doctors.

So that is the update. I hope the next one is better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:19 AM CST

Susan here..

Nathan went to the clinic yesterday and his counts are still good. His hemoglobin (red blood) was down a little. It seems to be bouncing back and forth while letting his marrow continue to produce white clood cells and platelets and that is just fine. He has been eating a little better and so as of a few minutes from now he will be off the supplemental nutrtion and so we will see how that goes. He doesn't need to go back until Thursday.

We are working on the insurance thing. Right now we are tentatively scheduled to be in New York on Nov. 17. It might have to be moved up a week. We will be switching to an insurance in January that will cover it and so if our insurace will not cover it we may pay out of pocket for the rest of this year depending on how much it is. It is frustrating to make financial decisions about your child's life.

We are also still figuring out if Nathan needs surgery and if he does it will need to be done ASAP. We feel that if he has another surgery it needs to be done right and so we may want to take him elsewhere for that. Potentially another insurance fight.

Basically we have a big time crunch for all of our decisions and it is very stressful. We still do not know yet if Nathan will have the MIBG scan on Thursday. That will be decided this morning most likely.

Luke and Julia will be heading home Wednesday afternoon to finish getting the house ready for Nathan. Nathan and I will return Friday or Saturday.

So - that's the current scoop. We'll update again soon.

Sunday, October 26, 2003 1:01 PM CST

Susan here...

Nothing new today - be sure to check journal history for the latest update.

I just wanted to share what we have been up to this morning. Go to the link below.


Saturday, October 25, 2003 10:19 AM CDT

Susan here...

Well - our car is working now so that is a relief. It had to be towed to a shop and a new battery put in. We are happy that it was a simple as that.

Nathan's counts were great yesterday. It has been over two weeks since he has had a transfusion and it doesn't seem that he will need one. We found out that Nathan could definately do radiation therapy in Colorado Springs. We will probably head home next week.

We have been looking into antibody therapy for Nathan in New York City. We found out late yesterday afternoon that they will accept Nathan. They would want him there in 3 weeks or so and that is where it gets difficult becuase we need to convince our HMO to pay for it. It is the only place they are doing this study and it is FDA approved but they don't even take our insurance there and so it is going to be difficult with our time frame to get approval. We also need to make a decision about the MIBG scan he is supposed to have next Thursday because he would have to do that scan in New York and we wouldn't want him to repeat it that close together.

Monday morning Nathan's doctor will make some calls for us and he will also try to get together with the surgeons to figure something out about the remaining piece of tumor (which has shrunk but is still there).

This weekend we will just be hanging around. Luke and Julia will most likely go home midweek to get the carpets and ducts cleaned and then Nathan and I would come home next weekend. We'll see if any of this changes...

Friday, October 24, 2003 9:19 AM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had his cat scan yesterday. They made him drink 12 ounces of contrast and he threw it up about 3/4 the way through. Fortunately there was enough in him for the scan to work. The cat scan will be sent to Colorado Springs for his doctor and the surgeons to look at to decide if he should have another surgery. Next Thursday he has the MIBG scan. That is the scan that shows active neuroblastoma. We are a little concerned because Nathan is having leg pain and pain when we pick him up just like he had before he was diagnosed (due to the cancer in the bone and bone marrow).

We are still determining if he can have his radiation in Colorado Springs. If he can, then we should be able to go home next weekend or shortly thereafter.

Just to make things interresting for us - our car will not start. It is in a small parking garage under the building. It should be fun trying to do something about that.

Nathan is off to the clinic this morning for bloods counts and then we will be trying to get the car fixed. One of us may go to the Springs this weekend depending on what happens with the car.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:34 AM CDT

Luke here...Sorry about the lack of updates. We haven't updated since Sunday. The weekend wrapped up pretty well. Nothing exciting except for a trip to Greeley to see Susan's brother. Monday I returned to work. We lack a broadband connection in our apartment which is essential to my being able to work remotely. It turns out I can use the network at the foundation house though, so I've spent most of my days here in the communal area of the foundation working. It is going okay. Nathan had an exam at clinic on Monday afternoon. His counts were very good. His ANC rose to over 3000 without any help from neupogen. The really surprising thing is his platelets. It has been 11 days since his last platelet transfusion. After he burned off the transfused platelets, he hovered in the mid-20s. Twenty is the cutoff for transfusion we are using right now. On Friday he was up in the high 20s so it was clear that his marrow was creating some platelets. Monday he was up to 40 so he is doing great on that front. His hemoglobin is a little low and bordering on the need for transfusion. I think he well get packed red cells before the weekend. So far his need for transfusion has been very little so he is doing awesome.

On the planning front we are still a little up in the air. He will have a CT scan of his abdomen on Thursday to get a new look at the remaining piece of tumor. we will hopefully have a MIBG scan next week to determine how much disease remains in his body after transplant. We are still working on details of future treatment. We are hopefull that once he gets his MIBG scan next week we will be able to move home to the Springs.

He has an appointment this morning. I'm going to try and do double duty of watching Julia while she plays here at the foundation house and working at the same time. We'll see how that goes. If anything interesting comes out of today's appointment we will add to this entry.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 19, 2003 7:30 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan has been feeling ok this weekend but has been extremely cranky. He seems to be have some emotional problems. Who can blame him though. Yesterday Grandma Kathy left around noon and Nathan went to bed but didn't nap. By bed time he was a wreck and having huge fits over everything. This upset Julia and they both were upset when they went to bed and both slept horrbly. We seemed to be up every hour last night.

Today we took a field trip to go to my brother's house in Greeley. We figured that was a safe enough environment for Nathan. It was nice to get out of the house. Unfortunately Nathan was throwing lots of fits and whining a good part of the time. Both kids slept in the car on the way home at least. We have had a good evening and Nathan has been informed he can't run around in the dark playing unless he promises not to have a fit at bath time. We'll see....

Tomorrow Luke is going to try to go back to work - probably at the offices of the foudnation that owns the apartment. In the afternoon Nate goes to the clinic for blood counts. It should be interresting to see how his counts are doing after the weekend. We are planning on making lots of calls to figure out some things. We'll let you know when we know what is next for us.

Friday, October 17, 2003 7:30 PM CDT

Susan here

Yesterday was a clinic-free day. Luke and I took Julia out in the morning to the mall and to lunch. It was nice to spend time with her like that. Nathan stayed home and played with Grandma Kathy. He spent the whole day in his pajamas and had a good time.

Today we all headed off for the clinic this morning. Grandma Kathy watched Julia while Nathan Luke and I went back to the exam room. Nathan's counts were about the same as Wednesday. His platelets actually came up a little so Nathan did not have any transfusions today. We brought Julia with us so she could have a flu shot. She did pretty well with it. She got a beenie baby when she was done and is currently hugging it and reading.

Nathan felt really good today and played outside some and also ran around plenty. We bought the kids playground balls that look like pumpkins and they were a hit. Right now he is in the process of turning off all the lights so he can look at a fake jack'o'lantern we bought. Real pumpkins have way too much mold so we have the plug in kind.

As far as what is next...we are still gathering information. We are hear through next week for sure. They are still figuring out if we can do radiation here or in Colorado Springs. We are also looking into a study in New York for Nathan. He will probably have a cat scan next week to see what that piece of tumor looks like.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:53 PM CDT

Luke here...Not too much to say really. Nathan had a good day yesterday. He didn't have to go to clinic yesterday. I was still feeling pretty sick and slept the morning away. Susan, Grandma Kathy, and the kids went for a nice long walk and played at the playground. The rest of the day was uneventful. Nathan had a clinic visit this morning. His counts were good. His hemoglobin had fallen, but not below the threshold for transfusion. The big surprise from our standpoint is that his white counts and ANC held up without support from neupogen and his platelets didn't fall below the transfusion threshold. The doctor is hopeful that his platelets may pull up on their own since his white counts are holding without help. This is a great sign that his marrow is maturing and doing its job. I still expect his platelets to fall, I'm just happy that they are falling slower. We really didn't get any of the big questions about future treatment (see Susan's previous post) answered yet. I doubt we can have all the necessary docs together for a pow-wow until next week. We were in the clinic for awhile today. After the exam he had a long infusion of an IV antibiotic that protects against upper respiratory infection. He held up pretty well and wasn't too cranky. We had a very cranky afternoon as he missed his nap at the clinic. Things got better though when we had a belated family birthday party for Susan. Nathan was sure to insist that we had party hats and a present. It was nice. No clinic visits tomorrow unless we have bleeding problems.

Thanks for checking in.

Monday, October 13, 2003 6:29 PM CDT

Susan here...

We have had a good weekend. I brought Julia up on Saturday and they were very happy to see each other. Nathan was having her follow him around saying "come here baby girl!" and actually he says girl kind of like grill so it was pretty funny. They have never slept in a room together but did great. They stayed up quite a while talking and Nathan was showing Julia a light globe thingy he has in his bed. I heard her say to him "Are you comfy Nate? Are you?" It is wonderful to have our family back together and to watch them play.

Grandma Kathy arrived on Sunday and the kids were very happy to see her and have been having lots of fun playing.

Today Nathan and I went to the clinic. Luke is sick with a nasty cold and went to the ER to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection. He has been wearing a mask and gloves when in close contact with Nathan. Nathan's cold seems better so that is good. Somehow I have avoided the cold but have been extremely dizzy for two days for some unknown reason. All in all we are all not well but Nathan seems to be unaffected. Anyway - Nathan's counts were good today and he didn't need platelets. He will probably need them on Wednesday and that will be a five day period between transfusions which is great. I told his doctor we need to schedule a meeting for Luke and I to get many questions answered about what is next for him. One thing that I think we failed to mention on here is that 4 days before we were coming to transplant we were told that his cat scan showed a piece of tumor still there. The surgeons had told us they didn't leave any pieces. NAthan's doctor talked to teh surgeon's and they said something about having to leave the piece to save the kidney. Most likely they missed it or something. But we did not have time to figure all that out before transplant but now we want to figure out what happened. The piece is clearly calcified (dead) but we still want to find out what options are for removing it. So we will hopefully have that meeting soon and get some questions answered - one of which is how long we will remain in Denver for the transplant follow-up and also if we may do radiation here instead of Colorado Springs.

So - no doctor appointments until Wednesday! We will update soon and add some new pictures of the reunited siblings.

Friday, October 10, 2003 11:20 PM CDT

Luke here...Another good day. We had an appointment at our oncologists' clinic at 9:30am. Nathan's counts were surprisingly good. We stopped giving him the drug that boosts white cell production. His white counts were really good and the docs felt that we were probably holding back his platelet production by artificially stimulating white growth. His ANC has fallen, but not too bad. We will likely need a dose of neupogen sometime next week to get him back up, but his white counts are still high. He hasn't needed red cells in a long while now. It is shocking. Similiarly, his platelets aren't crashing nearly as fast as we expected. I guess this is what getting good stem cells is all about. In some ways he is already doing better than after normal rounds of chemo it seems. His reliance on tranfusions and neupogen will probably last longer in the long term though and of course his immune system in general will be severly compromised for some time. He had a platelet transfusion at TCH after our appt at the clinic. We are free from scheduled visits to either clinic for the weekend. Yahoo!

Susan went down to the Springs this afternoon. She plans on bringing Julia up to Denver tomorrow morning and we will be a family together again for the first time since September 17. Nathan and I had a good afternoon and evening. He is doing much better about his meds and mouth care. We took a walk and he walked a good long way. It wore him out pretty good, but he is getting some stamina back.

Looks like CaringBridge is doing some service this weekend. The page may be down or unavailable for updates or guestbook additions for up to 72 hours starting sometime tomorrow.

I'm beat. Good night.

Thursday, October 9, 2003 7:57 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan is having a really good day. We went to the clinic this morning for blood counts. They are still good and his platelets are low but not too low that he needed a transfusion. He will undoubtedly need one tomorrow. We will go in to the clinic at 9:30 and probably over to the hospital after that.

He has really been himself today. Playing and being silly and generally having fun. He has also been less fussy and more polite. For a while this evening he was playing with trucks and singing Baby Beluga to himself.

We will update tomorrow

p.s. after Saturday at 1:00 CaringBridge is doing some updating and we may not be able to do any updates for up to three days. So hang in there. We will definately update tomorrow though

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:53 PM CDT

Susan here...

Today was a pretty good day. We woke up in the morning not to an alarm and when we woke up Nathan was awake and just laying in his bed peacefully. We lazed around for a while and then headed for the clinic. He had his blood counts done and he needed platelets but his other counts are good. We had to sit around and wait for that to get arranged and Nathan was not very happy. His bottom was really hurting him. He still has diarrhea and a bad diaper rash. We finally got out of there and walked over to the hospital and they put Nathan in a private room in the infusion area. After a while he got his platelets and a diuretic (to shed some fluid retention) and then fell asleep right before we were to leave. I put him in the wagon and his laid down as I pulled him back to the apartment. We got back to the apartment about 6 hours after we left and Nathan ws still tired and he watched some TV. A little later he and Luke went out to the playground and he really enjoyed that. He didn't really eat any dinner but had lots of fun playing after dinner and had a good bath and went to bed.

One problem we are having is that it eeems one of his medications is causing him to throw up. Luke talked to a mother of a little boy who also always throws up that medication - so as of right now we are not giving him that any more. We will talk to his doctor about it tomorrow.

There are some new pictures in the photo album. You will see that he has to be fully equipped to play outside with a mask, sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen. But he has fun anyway!

Please remember to help support lunch for life.


Tuesday, October 7, 2003 4:03 PM CDT

Susan here...

Today is Day +12 and Nathan is out!! We brought him back to the apartment this afternoon and he went to take a nap immediately. His ANC was aroung 7000. He is still not feeling great but I think it will do him a world of good to be out of the hospital. We will go over to the clinic tomorrow morning to check his blood counts. He is still on supplemental nutrition and severfal other medications. We still need to do mouth care twice a day as well.

Anyway - one step closer to home and to the end of treatment.

Monday, October 6, 2003 9:43 PM CDT

Susan here...

In case you didn't see the mini update on the previous entry Nathan's ANC was 1360 today!!! They expect to release him tomorrow. Luke and I will not assume it will happen until it actually does. He flirted with a fever today but didn't have one. He kept coughing all day and said he had a hangnail in his mouth. This is probably dead skin sloughing off. His lungs sound fine so they don't know why he is coughing. He threw up twice after getting medications aftger waking up. He seems to be swalloing lots of phlem and it upsets his stomach. He felt crummy most of the day and so I just kept waiting for his temperature to get higher but it didn't hit the magic number that they would have considered a fever so he is still slated to get out tomorrow. He did feel better this evening. He doesn't really have much pain except for when he yawns because he opens him mouth big and there are still some mouth sores way back there. He is off the morphine and most antibiotics now.

We are mostly ready to bring him here to Brent's Place. Luke took the car to be cleaned today and did lots of laundry and cleaning today. He is feeling a little sick and so I stayed with Nathan. We will be at Brent's place for at least 3 weeks or so. We will bring Julia up in a few days. We have to figure something out for Ellie's care though (our dog).

We will let you know if he gets out! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Sunday, October 5, 2003 10:06 PM CDT

Luke here...Nathan had a good day today. His counts were great this morning. His ANC was 560 which is awesome. He hasn't ran a fever in over 24 hours now. I think the doctors are really pleased. He is being weened from the morphine now and I don't think he needs it any longer. Tomorrow if he still hasn't had a fever they will pull him off of one of his antibiotics and then probably the morphine. As long as he can keep the fevers away it is possible he could be discharged to the apartment mid-week. Nathan really had a good day. Oral medications and mouth care are still a fight, but he felt good, didn't seem to have much pain, ate a little ice cream, and played a lot and hard. He was unhooked from his pumps for several hours and played hard, mostly on a mat on the floor. He also did some painting and other play. It was great to see him active and enjoying himself. It is also good for his strength as he really mostly layed in bed for over a week. He wore himself out though. He crashed around 5pm and was asleep when we left.

This one really was short and sweet. There is probably more I should have to say, but I'm tired and not thinking well. Maybe Susan will add something or fill in some gaps. I know she is probably going to update some of the pictures once I get done with this journal entry.

Good night.

Quick Monday morning update...Nathan's ANC is 1300 this morning! Keep you fingers crossed, he may be discharged tomorrow if all goes well taking him off his meds throughout the day. We have a ton of stuff to do to prep for getting him out. We'll fill in the details at the end of the day.

Saturday, October 4, 2003 10:39 PM CDT

Susan here..

An update is to follow but I would like to tell you about a fundraising effort made for neuroblastoma research. I am a bit late in posting this as it has been going on from October first - but of course you all know how busy we are. I am going to paste the text written by the orginizer - a father of a child with neuroblastoma.


This is the "Lunch for Life" campaign, an ambitious fundraising effort to raise ten million dollars in just ten short days. I ask you to make a donation to the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation in the amount of five dollars - just the cost of lunch for one day - right now.

Lunch for Life

The Challenge

The idea of "Lunch for Life" has grown over the past few weeks and I see it as a great opportunity to stand together and make an impact, to make the world hear us in one united voice. I truly believe it will work and if the past week is any indication of how effective it will be I think we could make our goals. My original idea was really based on the feelings of a desperate parent but as we have further refined the idea I feel even more confident that it will be successful. This could very well be the difference we need. We need voices shouting from around the world saying that this is important. Hopefully, with enough families, we will make the difference. First off, I want to thank you for your interest. We have three goals. First, we want to raise funds to aid in the research effort. Funds will by applied to grants for neuroblastoma research. Grants will be funded based on the opinions of a medical panel whose sole purpose is to hasten the search for a cure. Second, my goal is to increase awareness. I hope that we will receive national press and this will afford us the opportunity to get the word out and make our cries heard around the world. Third, I would like the funds raised to be used to educate and support the families afflicted by neuroblastoma. As much as I love my hospital and the dedicated health professionals that are caring for Sydney this effort is not for them. This fundraiser is dedicated to eradicating this disease and its effects from all of the children currently fighting the battle and the thousands that will follow. All funds raised will be for the benefit of the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation (CNCF), an organization with like minded goals dedicated towards the search for a cure wherever it may lie.

With that being said I ask you to join me, my family and hundreds of others in a single effort to level the playing field and raise the funds necessary to make an impact. For me it is a time to shed my cynicism, fear and apathy and to energize our effort. I believe it will work and, with all of our collaboration, in just ten short days we will be able to send the research effort in fast forward. We can do it.

The theory behind "Lunch for Life" is very simple. We are asking everyone we know to give up their lunch -- about the cost of five dollars -- and donate it to the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation. It is really much more than this but the basic premise remains true. We have received public support with our effort and we are prepared to make a dramatic impact nationwide. We are hoping that a ground swell of support will take our grass roots campaign to the rest of the world. Here is how it works. I am going to ask the hundreds of supporters for my daughter to help me in this crusade. Many are friends and acquaintances but many more are people we did not know until we joined in this fight against neuroblastoma. Many are daily readers of my daughter's website at http://www.sydneydungan.com and follow our lives and my diary on a daily basis. It has been through their offers of help and support that we have decided on this particular path. On October 1, 2003, I am going to ask approximately 500 of these people to do a favor for my family, for your family, and for the thousands out there yet to be diagnosed and donate five dollars to the CNCF. Furthermore, I am going to ask that they propagate this challenge by asking five of their closest friends to do the same and then continue the challenge to each new group of friends each day for a total of ten days. It is very similar to the theory behind the movie "Pay it Forward." Unfortunately, the steps that we take today may not be in time for our children. To a certain extent, many of their fates rest in the medical technology that is exists today. But if we can make enough impact and spread the word to keep this pyramid of giving growing, we will save thousands of lives of the children yet to be diagnosed and we will save their families and friends from the pain that we face everyday. If we can just inspire our friends and family and the thousands of others out there in the world we can make a difference. It takes a large quantity of people and this method will get the word out.

A sample of what one person could do is found below.

The mechanics:

Day 1 1 person asks 5 friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $25

Day 2 Those 5 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $125

Day 3 Those 25 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $625

Day 4 Those 125 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $3,125

Day 5 Those 625 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $15,625

Day 6 Those 3125 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $78,125

Day 7 Those 15625 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $390,625

Day 8 Those 78125 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $1,953,125

Day 9 Those 390625 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $9,765,625

Day 10 Those 1953125 people ask 5 of their friends to donate 5 dollars Total: $48,828,125

Now, I realize that the numbers are astronomical but that is the way that it works out. Some will give much more than five dollars. Some will tell hundreds of their friends and some will not tell any. It takes every one being diligent and checking up the following day to make sure their friends have followed through, but it can work. At the very least it will raise a truly substantial amount of money for an extremely worthy cause and at its very best it will exceed our expectations. Regardless, in just ten days of our combined effort we will change the world of neuroblastoma. There are enough of us.

Methods to get donations to the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation.

People can donate online at:


(it is a secure site accepting Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express)

People can make their pledge online at:


After providing their information, they will be contacted by a volunteer or sent a pledge card to make their donation by mail.

People can call:

1-866-671-2623 CNCF direct line

1-877-795-7948 my office, volunteers will be standing by

People can fax pledge/donation card to:


People can mail their donations to:

Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation

P.O. Box 6635

Bloomingdale, IL 60108


Nathan's day was good and bad both - but fine from the medical perspective. This morning he woke up around 8:30 and we watched some TV and played. We also colored with these kind of bingo-like markers that make dots. He really likes those (Thanks AMSers!) He fussed as usual over the medicines and the mouth care. His ANC was 333 this morning which was good. He had no fevers in the night but did run one this morning. He was awake and playing and watching NASCAR for the first part of the aftertoon and then his nose started bleeding. He was laying down at the time and after a few hours of sporadic dribbling it started to bleed more and then the nurse gave him some tylenol and he promptly threw it up along with lots and lots of blood that had most liekly been draining into his tummy all afternoon. After that he napped and then got some platelets which he needs benedryl for. After he was on the benedryl he got very cranky when he was awoken and we had some nastiness. He stayed asleep off and on until it was actually shift change and time to go home. He hadn't done any of his evening meds or bath but the nurse was going to let him be. I was more than ready to get out of there since I was there by myself all day so Luke could go see Julia.

His afternoon ANC was 368. We are hoping it continues to climb steadily. This fever he is having will probably stick around until his body can get rid of it on its own.

Off ot bed now!

Luke here...Just wanted to add a quick something fun. This is a quote from the TCH Child Life Specialist, "God he is cute! I know you guys are his parents so you think he is cute, but I'm a trained professional and I'm telling you he is a cutie."

Friday, October 3, 2003 9:37 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had a good night Thursday night and slept pretty hard. Today he slept quite late and had to be awoken for the doctor's rounds. He still has a fever and they decided to suction some mucous from his nose and also do some cat scans to see if they could see any infections. They could not find the previous cat scans they needed from those sent to them and so the doctos in Colorado Springs got them burned on CD and my friend Tonya drove them up to Children's hospital for us (thank you Tonya!) and so they have those to compare to.

The nasal suction thing was unpleasant but quick. We had to hold him down. We had the usual fights over medicines and mouth care. We asked the child life specialist to come by and talk to us. She told us she basically felt we were doing everything we could but he was just 3 and that is how a 3 year old was going to react to something like that. Telling him it will help his mouth get better while we are causing immediate pain to him is just not going to get through to him. She told us how great all the nurses think we are doing. We have had several nurses tell us that. It is good to hear because it is so hard. Nathan's nurse he had today told us that most parents with kids Nathan's age only spend and hour or two at the hospital with the child. That is very hard to comprehend. I guess Luke and I do have it as together as possible. It is just the worst type of torture to repeatedly hold your child down and cause them pain.

Nathan had a good afternoon. After his cat scan they let him out of his room to take a bath. Technically he isn't allowed to do that since he is on isolation but all the kids there are also on isolation so there was no one for him to run into anyway. He was happy about going to take a bath and told us he wanted his slippers and was going to walk. That was really great to see. It had been at least a week since he had walked. He had lots of fun playing in his bath and then sat in the chair in his room and played more. We then put a mat down and let him play on the floor and he loved that too. He really was playing like he is feeling much better.

So medical state tonight is:
Still up and down fever

Still diarrhea

Culture of nose secretions negative

Blood cultures negative

ANC was 164 this morning but was once again dilute due to water retention so is hopefully actually highr than that.

Chest CT good except they could see extra fluid that indicated a need for a diuretic.

Sinus CT showed filled sinuses (this is the same as it has been for 6 months) however now that he is in transplant they will load him up with a different drug to try to kill any possible bugs sitting in there. There is no way of knowing if there is any infection in there without draining - which they don't want to do with his immune system down.

Platelets given this morning and probably will get them tomorrow morning too

I feel like I am missing something but cannot really write any more. We will update tomorrow.

Thursday, October 2, 2003 3:05 PM CDT

Susan here..

Well things aren't quite as rosy today. Nathan started having diarrhea last night and has had severla bouts. He is now on isolation which means he can't leave his room and the nurses have to wear gloves at all times and we have to change gowns to go in and out of his room. They are doing a stool culture to see what is going on. Diarrhea is not at all unexpected considering all he is going through and being on 4 antibiotics. He is now on a 5th one for the diarrhea. His fever keeps going up and down. Don't really know why for that either. He has retained alot of fluids and is on a diuretic to help flush it out. This caused his blood counts to read too low this morning and his ANC was only around 9! They will recheck this afternoon. No one is concered because they feel the 9 was directly caused by the fluid retention. They still think he will be released early next weeek. He is just sleeping all day today. He had blood and platelets this morning and his fever is back up so I think he feels crummy. Last night we did a lot of playing before bed and he was quite perked up. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

I will add on to the end of this entry tonight when we know his evening blood counts.

Ok - his ANC was 107 tonight. Much better. It will be very interresting to see where it is in the morning. He started having more diarrhea tonight. He was feeling not top bad though.

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 2:08 PM CDT

Susan here...

Just a brief update for now. The big news is that Nathan's stem cells have engrafted. His ANC (basically his immunity level) is 218 today up from 33 yesterday. When it reaches 500 for two days and there are no fevers he will be released. He still does have a fever today. They said he might get out as early as Friday but Monday would be more realistic. Of course there are many factors which could keep him in longer so we won't get our hopes up but we are just so glad his bone marrow is starting to do its job!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:19 AM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan's day yesterday was OK. His pain is mostly under control. He is sleeping alot. He still has a fever around 103 that comes down a little with tylenol. The doctors think it might be a yeast infection in his mouth. All in all none of this is really unexpected and he really is doing pretty well.

One of the blood tests that they perform 3 times a week showed a higher level of immature red blood cells than they expected. It could just be a "blip" or it could be that his counts are already starting to come up. They will repeat the test on Thursday.

Luke here now. It is Noon. Susan is getting some time away and a volunteer is playing with Nathan while I grab some food and do this. The key word in that last sentence was "play". Nathan really is having a better day. The pain seems better and he has been awake since about 8:15am. He has played and watched tv and was really good for the docs. His primary oncologist from the Springs was up to round this morning and it really cheered Nathan up to see him. He is definitely doing better and we hope that is a trend. His white counts were up slightly today, although he needed platelets and red blood this morning. His platelets were a little low last night and we were thinking he should have been transfused in the evening. We came in this morning to find blood stains on the floor in Nathan's room from nose bleeds. The docs won't say they think his white counts are on a "trend", but we sure hope so. The sooner those come up the sooner he feels better and his pain will subside.

Gotta go. This is the first time I've left Nathan with a volunteer (I've left him with his nurses). I think it is probably going well as he was excited to show Mike his construction toys.

Monday, September 29, 2003 8:02 AM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan's pain was better yesterday. He also had a long stretch of awake time. His fever was higher yesterday but reduced somewhat with Tylenol. He was compaining about stomach pain which is most likely because his sores are going all the way through his digestive track. He drank a few sips of ice water but eating and drinking is just too painful for him.

I came back up to Denver around 2:30 yesterday. I was required to wear gloves and a mask but I got to see Nathan. Luke is exhausted from his long weekend at the hospital. So far he is not sick though. We went out to dinner after we left the hospital last night and had a nice dinner to celebrate my birthday.

Saturday, September 27, 2003 10:24 PM CDT

Luke here...Susan is feeling better, but we didn't want her around Nathan today. She drove down to the Springs this morning to see Julia and her mom and to be there for the transition to our friend Lisa taking care of Julia. Hopefully she can see and spend some time with Nate tomorrow. Where to start. Nathan had another pretty good day, considering how bad he feels. He was in obvious pain this morning. His cheeks and throat are swollen and he was drooling out his saliva instead of swallowing. We got some more morphine in him and the doctors decided to start a continuous drip. It was easily the right thing to do. He opened his mouth for the doctor this morning and she said he didn't really have distinct ulcers in his mouth, but that the entire lining was inflamed, swollen, and in some places peeling away. He has drooled a little blood. She also said that it is likely that the lining of his entire digestive track from mouth to bottom is in the same state. When he swallows medicines it obviously causes him pain in his mouth, throat, and stomach. As the drip got started he slowly started to feel better. Mostly he slept today. I think the sleep is his reaction to the pain and stress and the morphine helped. He was awake for about 2 hours this morning and then for an hour or so in the afternoon, and then he slept until about 6:15pm when I woke him up to give him a bath, do his meds, line care, mouth care, and get him settled down. He fought through the sponge bath but then settled down. His meds hurt him, so we gave him a little extra morphine. He was good for his line and mouth care and when I finished I told him that there would be no more "mouth" meds or mouth care and he smiled at me. It was great to see him smile. He was then in the best mood he has been in for about three days and quite wide awake and alert. We watched some movies (He is on a Monsters, Inc. kick). I left him wide awake at 8:30pm. He was lying back with his hands behind his head watching tv. He was sad that I went, but good about it. I felt extremely guilty leaving him when he felt better than he had in days, but I am beat and needed some food. I'll call the nurses soon to see if he settled down.

His night nurse was his nurse last night too. She said that he looked more comfortable now than he did at any point last night even when he was sleeping. I'm happy to be on top of his pain now. There shall be nothing entering his mouth tomorrow without a good extra shot of morphine first. Today was day 2. The docs say that days 2 to 7 are probably the worst. Hopefully we can stay on top of this pain until his cells find his marrow and his counts come up. If you are looking for specific things to send positive thoughts or prayers about then they are (1) That his transplanted cells quickly find there way to his bone marrow space and start producing beautiful, functioning, and cancer free cells and (2) That while we are waiting for his cells to do their work that he can be fairly comfortable and kept out of horrible pain.

Hmmm....Have I covered it all? I'm sure I'm missing something. Based on tonight, I'm optimistic for tomorrow. I'm hoping that he can have a few more smiles and hopefully a few more waking moments acting like himself.

Tomorrow is the second normally celebrated day to fall during transplant. Our anniversary was last Saturday. Tomorrow is Susan's birthday. I'm guessing that her feeling well enough to visit Nathan in combination with a relatively pain free day for Nathan would be more than she could ask for.

Transplant is obviously horrible and as I re-read these posts I realize how horrible it all sounds. It is nasty, but Nathan is a real trooper like always and holding up well. We are hanging in too. I can't get too upset about things when I know that this piece of treatment is temporary and so crucial to Nathan's chances long-term survival.

Thanks for getting through this verbose post. A good friend told me that my posts read almost like therapy for myself, and I suppose in some ways they are.

Luke again. About an hour later. When I left Nathan he was wide awake, so I just called his nurse to check in. I guess he watched a couple of videos by himself and when she came in to ask him if he wanted another he said, "No. I think I'm ready to sleep now." and rolled over and went to sleep. She left me by saying, "He is an angel. I just love him." Now I think I can roll over and go to sleep.

Friday, September 26, 2003 9:30 PM CDT

Luke here...Nathan had a pretty good day considering. Check in on past posts for the history and last night's problems. Today he was himself. He is way tired right now. His counts are bottoming out. He had some immune system this morning, but will have little or none tomorrow. His platelets plummeted today so he'll begin needing transfusions for those tomorrow. His mouth sores are bad. His cheeks are swollen and he isn't really swallowing much. He is drooling a lot and all he had to eat today was a few bites of cereal and half a cup of milk. His oral medicines hurt him. Now saying all of that, it was a much better day than yesterday. He was never hysterical. He slept a lot. I think he feels better when sleeping. I know I like to sleep when I feel shitty and I can't even fathom how bad he must feel. We are also giving him morphine whenever he needs it for the pain, so that knocks him out a little too. When he was awake, he played and watched tv and did normal things, just with a lot less energy. He feels bad, but I feel very positive about the day compared to yesterday.

The real bad news of the day is that Susan is sick with a stomach flu and can't be with Nathan at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get it. She did feel better earlier, but is feeling very ill tonight.

And now for a cute Nathan story. I think everyone could use one of those right about now. Two nights ago after we left Nathan didn't really want to go to sleep. He wasn't fussy, just not sleepy. His nurse came in and found him lying flat on his back on the bed with his vomit bin covering his head while singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". That is our boy.


Friday, September 26, 2003 8:03 AM CDT

Susan here...

Well - yesterday went downhill fast after my entry. Nathan was cranky and then just raging for the rest of the day into the night. We finally left at around 9:45. We are also dealing with my missing Julia and trying to figure out if we should bring her up here.

I will add more to the entry later - we have to get to the hospital.

It is later now. Nathan has had a better day. He is in pain but is himself and not raging. He has a low fever and his counts are down. He had a chest xray just as a precaution with the fever.

Luke will have to update more because as of around 11:00 this morning I have the stomach flu. I am feeling a little better now but must stay away from the hospital for at least 24 hours. If I feel up to it I will go home tomorrow to see Julia and turn the reigns over to my friend Lisa.

Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:00 PM CDT

Susan here...

Well - it has been a rough day. Nathan woke up in pain and very cranky. He is also on steroids that help control his nausea and that makes him cranky too. The nurse did his line care on his catheter and he has been having very red irritated skin around the site from the tape we think. When she removed a piece of tape it tooka piece of skin with it. It was very painful. He is now without any kind of bandage to let him heal. Chemo causes fast dividing cells to die and so his skin is not able to heal itself right now. Afterwards he decided he really wanted a banana and there was not one to be found in the hospital so Luke ran to the grocery store to get him one. When he tried to eat it it was very painful and so he was upset about that. Oh and he also got a really strange rash on his forehead that popped out when he started screaming and then slowly went away. No idea what that was about.

They then came to give him his stem cells back. He was screaming in pain at that time and they gave him some morphine and I read to him and he calmed down and went to sleep. There were lots of people there - 2 nurses, 2 student nurses, the oncology fellow and the doctor. It took about 40 minutes to give him the stem cells. His blood pressure jumped during the transfusion and he has had to have 2 does of a medicine to reduce it. they aren't really sure why it went up but they aren't too concerned. He continued to sleep and his nurse was going to stay with him anywyay so Luke and I went and grabbed some lunch. He was awake when we got back and much more chipper. He ate a orange push up ice cream and then sat in the chair and decided to take a nap.

His counts are lower but still not at zero yet. He definately has mouth sore int he back of his mouth and throat - we can't see them though. He also has sore skin on his bottom. He will be getting the morphine ever two hours and eventually continously. He will also be on an antibiotic when his counts drop and he will start on the IV nutrition tonight.

We have some pictures to post but will have to do it tonight back at the apartment. I am at the hospital currently.

So basically - he has his stem cells back - but now comes the hard part where he will be in pain and feeling badly until his counts start to rise again in about 8 to 10 days we hope.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:34 PM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan is doing pretty well today. He hasn't eaten or drunk anything today and has thrown up once. We pretty much figured he'd stop eating at some point and he isn't upset about it. His counts are down again but not too low yet. He got a blood transfusion yesterday. They transfuse at a relatively high level here (hemoglobin of 10 for those who know) and he was rarely even at 10 during treatment. Last night when he was in the bath Luke and I just kept staring at him because for the first time in 6 or more months he was actually pink! The nurses kept wondering if he was feverish. He looks pretty good non-anemic but we are not used to it. Today his hemoglobin was 13 and he is still very pink!

He has still had no fevers and is doing very well. His stools are starting to get painful and he is about to pop some mouth sores we think. The next day or two he will start feeling bad.

Yesterday I felt pretty crummy and came home early. Today it is Luke's turn to feel crappy but at least we are alternating days.

We haven't seen Julia yet. She has had a cold and so we are planning on my mom bringing her up on Friday. It is hard being away from her for so long. This weekend my mom will leave and my friend Lisa is coming with her daughters to stay and take care of Julia.

So - tomorrow is the big day. It should be very anti-climactic since it is just like a blood transfusion. We will be happy for the stem cell infusion because it is another step to trying to cure Nathan. I actually had a dream where I had the bag of stem cells and dropped it. But anyway - it will be the next week or so that will be the risky time for Nathan and keeping him infection free.

We will update tomorrow and will have some pictures too.

p.s. for any of you in the area...we'd love to see you (if you are healthy!) it would be a great diversion. If you email with the link on this page we will give you our phone number.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:52 PM CDT

Luke here...Not too much to report. Things are still going well. Nathan finished his chemo yesterday morning. He has had a fair amount of vomitting today, so we are pushing the "tummy medicine" again. He is, as always, handling it well. Now we are just waiting for the chemo to both do its work and get out of his system. We have to wait for the chemo to be gone before giving him his stem cells back so that the cells aren't attacked by chemo. Day 0, when he gets his cells, is Thursday. The doctors are pleased. His counts have stayed pretty good for a good stretch of this and he hasn't had any fevers or major adverse reactions to the high doses of chemo. His counts are still pretty good, but they took a big dive between yesterday and today and they will continue to fall like that. Between the nasaue and falling counts he is obviously not feeling as well, but he is still handing in there. Some of the daily routines and meds are still a little bit of a struggle, but that is to be expected. The great thing (or at least one of them) is that when he throws a fit about something, it is all verbal and while throwing the fit does what he is supposed to do. For example, when he gets his "line care" where they change the bandage and clean the site where his line leaves his chest, he may scream, but he always holds still like he is supposed to.

Susan and I are doing pretty well too. Nathan continues to be fine with us leaving at the end of the day and we usually get to leave at around 8pm. It is good to have a nice apartment to come "home" to.

That is all for now. Hopefully things don't get too interesting in the days to come.

Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:05 PM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan had a pretty good day. His counts have not dropped yet. He was pretty sad this morning and wanted to go home most of the day. He was also tired most of the day. He took a nap this afternoon and went to bed at 7:00 tonight. He was pretty loving and sweet and played some too. We keep forgetting to bring in the camera to get an updated picture of him. The fluids and a steriod he gets have left him a little puffy.

Luke and I got out late last night to have dinner at a pizza/microbrew place we like to celebrate our 6th anniversary.

We also both spent a good portion of the day today cleaning and doing laundry. The cleaning requirements of the apartment are very strict. I kept thinking to myself that it is some kind of torture to me to have to clean like that. I hate to clean. Luke and I cannot imagine how on earth we will keep 2400 square feet clean if we are breaking our backs keeping a 2 bedroom apartment clean with just the two of us living here.... I suppose we'll do it somehow.

Can't think of anything more to say...need to go to bed!

Saturday, September 20, 2003 4:51 PM CDT

Luke here...I'm back at the apartment in the middle of the afternoon. Nathan was napping in the recliner when I left. Things are still going well overall. Nathan has been feeling pretty well given the high doses of chemo he is receiving. He vomitted twice yesterday, but it never really got him down. This morning it seemed as if he wouldn't have an appetite, but he ate a tiny bit for breakfast and a good lunch as well as a snack in the afternoon. He is really tired today. The chemo does that to him. This afternoon is the first day he has napped.

He is doing well, but he really doesn't like all of the "stuff" that happens. So far, here is how his day usually shapes up. He wakes up around 7:30am. We are back in his room by the time he wakes up. He has been waking in a fairly good mood. He has breakfast pretty soon and then the nastiness begins. He has his morning oral meds. At this point, it consists of a crushed up vitamin mixed with water and an anti-fungal that supposedly tastes somewhat like banana. After the oral meds, it is on to mouth care. This consists of swabbing his mouth with something they call troche. Then we wait 20 minutes and swab his mouth with peridex. He tolerates the troche but hates the minty taste of the peridex. The Fellow for the oncology ward ususally rounds in the morning, but we don't see them for long. His attending is the on call doctor from his clinic and they round at about 9am. He is continuously on IV fluids and chemo. Every hour he has his blood pressure taken. One of the chemo drugs can cause low blood pressure. Every four hours they take thorough vitals where they listen to his heart, lungs, bowels, take his temp, and measure the oxygen in his blood. He has blood drawn for labs at around 4 or 5am and then again in the afternoon. After lunch he has mouth care again. For the next couple of days we are cleaning his catheter site twice a day, so that happens in the afternoon. After dinner we give him a bath and then do the nightly catheter site cleaning, give him his oral meds, and then do the third mouth care of the day. Then we settle in and watch tv or play for awhile. At around 8pm we clean up his room and put a video on for him. When we are ready to leave and he is ready for bed, he really wants us to leave so we take off. Apparently he is perfect for the nurses throughout the night. I guess one night he called the nurses to his room, but he really hadn't. He was asleep but had put his head against the call button. Another night he did wake up and ask for us, but calmed down and went to sleep. He is doing great with us being gone in the evenings. He complains about most of the things that we have to do (oral meds, mouth care, line care). For the most part he holds still, but complains. It is difficult. He will get pretty sad and ask to go home or scream, "Get me out of here!". That is hard. We are trying a sticker chart with rewards after every N stickers. He won't fall for that for long though and as he begins to feel bad, it will probably get harder. At some point if it gets bad enough we will lean on the nursing staff more for them to be the bad guys. All in all he does great though.

So far his counts are still pretty good. He has today and tomorrow of chemo, and then we wait until Thursday to get his stem cells. His counts will likely begin to fall soon and he will likely feel pretty bad.

So far so good though.

Friday, September 19, 2003 11:07 AM CDT

Susan here..

Yesterday Nathan started chemo. He felt fine and Luke and I a took shifts being away from the hospital. On my shift we played for quite a while in the play room. Last night he had a pretty good night. I guess he woke up once and wanted us but the nurse calmed him down and he went back to sleep.

Today is more of the same with more chemo. He is on 3 chemo infussions. One he gets over 20 minutes for three days and the others he gets continuosly for 4 days. This morning I gave him some medicine and he threw it right back up but then just wanted to eat again. He is in great spirits and is playing and singing to himself and having fun.

We have to do mouth care 3 times a day and he doesn't like that at all. He also has his dressing changed once a day, though they might do it twice today. He really doesn't like that. It is so hard to force him to do these things that he hates and that scare him over and over again. It is really emotionally draining.

Luke and I are doing OK but are really tired. We have been leaving the hospital around 8:15 or so and then getting a bite to eat afterwards. Neither of us is sleeping very well.

If you would like to send any mail to Nathan we ask that you send it to us where we are staying and we can then clean it properly and give it to him. The address will be in the hospital information area at the bottom of the main page.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:41 PM CDT

Luke here...I'm beat, so I'll miss a lot and probably seem a little incoherent. The bottom line is that it was a pretty good day, although a very long one. Where to start? Nathan had a good night last night. He went to bed early and slept very well in the room in the apartment. He got a good 12 hours sleep. We got to the hospital and into the unit at around 8:30 am. Not much happened today. They want the patient checked in to get familiar with the unit. We will be talking a lot about the day we are on. The day he receives his stem cell infusion is day 0. Days prior to that are negative numbered days. Today was day -8. Tomorrow is day -7 and his chemo begins. Today mostly consisted of answering a lot of questions, getting to know the staff, getting measured, weighed, and etc. We could have gotten a pass to leave the unit since his chemo hasn't started, but since he will be forced to stay on the unit once things start, we didn't want to set the precedent that he was allowed to leave, so we stayed in.

I'm going to wrap things up. I'm fading fast. We were worried about leaving him alone tonight. We prepped him all day and he was upset about it when we talked, but when the time came he was more upset about putting away his toys than he was about us leaving. The nurse was reading him a book when we left and he didn't raise a fit. Hopefully this will go well. Parents are encouraged not to sleep over and there is only a recliner if we did. We will stay on nights he is really sick, but most nights we will be coming back to our apartment, which is very nice and comfortable.

We left his address and room number information back at the hospital. Sometime tomorrow we'll try and post that information.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:08 PM CDT

Susan here..

Well we made it up to Denver this afternoon. We have checked in to Brent's Place and the apartment is very nice. Unfortunately Nathan has a little diarrhea and isn't feeling so great. We are really hoping it is not a virus. We'll see how he does in the night. He went to bed around 5:45. It has been quite a day.

We check into the hospital at 8:30 tomorrow morning. We aren't really sure what all they will be doing wih him.

Someone will update tomorrow with more details. I am dreading leaving him at the hospital tomorrow night because I know he will get very upset that we can't sleep there wih him. He has to get used to it though.

Saturday, September 13, 2003 6:46 PM CDT

Susan here...

Yesterday was a very long day. We left for Denver around 5:15 am. Traffic wasn't so bad at least. We arrived in radiology for the kidney function test and Nathan was injected with a radioactive isotope. He then had is blood drawn after 10 minutes and after 20 minutes.

We went upstairs to the oncology unit and he had his blood drawn and hieght and weight checked. Surprisingly he has grown an inch since June. He is now 40 inches tall. At 9:00 we met with the dietician. She talked to us about Nathan's diet and how food and nutrition would work during transplant. He will be on a "low-bacteria" diet. This means no fresh fruits and vegetable or yogurt. None of those things are allowed on the unit even.

After that we went upstairs to the bone marrow transplant unit for a tour. We had to wash our hands thoroughly and wear a gown but no masks. There are six patient rooms on the unit and it is hepa-filtered. There is also a playroom and a family room. Most of the time Nathan will be allowed to leave his room and go to these areas. There is also a room with a bathtub for him to bathe once a day. He will not have to wear a gown as a patient and can wear his own clothes. There is a TV with a VCR in the room.

After the tour we had a lunch break and took a walk outside.

We then went back for another blood draw for the kidney test and then back up to oncology. We met with the child life specialist whose job it is to entertain Nathan and help him cope. After that a nurse came in and took a sample of his nose mucous which did not make him happy.

We then met with Dr. Giller who is in charge of tranaplant at Children's Hospital. He talked to us about the different chemo drugs that will be used and their side effects.

After that we left the hospital and went to the Denver office affiliated with Nathan's local doctors. We met with Dr. Smith who oversees transplant of their patients. He and Dr. Giller will be working together. Nathan is their first patient since Dr. Smith started sending patients to Children's instead of a different hospital. Dr. Smith will be the primary doctor in charge. He told us he is going to Africa in the middle of it all however. He talked with us some more about Nathan's test results and the risks. He said there is a 5% risk of mortality from the transplant. Of course his risk is mcuh higher if he doesn't have the tranplsant - but it is still scary to think we are sending him off to do something that may kill him. He was very please about Nathan's kidney function which Dr. Giller said was super-normal. He has very good kidneys apparently. Kidney function is very important in transplant and so they were very happy about that.

Oh yeah - for logistical reasons it was decided Nathan will be admitted on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. We will probably go up Tuesday afternoon and check into the apartment and let Nathan see where we will be staying. He will begin chemo on Thursday and then have 4 days of chemo. The following Thursday (the 25th) he will get his stem cells back. That day is referred to as "Day 0" and the day following would be "day +1". We will be staying in Denver until at least day +30. Insurance hassles might keep us in Denver longer (with Nathan out of the hospital). We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

So - that was our day. We still don't have any answers about the CT scan. Every assumes we will just go ahead with transplant. Dr. Smith says that since Nathans bone marrow cleared up completely and his tumor shrank and died that he definately responds well to chemo and so hopefully the transplant can do its job.

That's the update - we will update again in a few days.

Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:10 PM CDT

Susan here

Well it has been a tiring week so far. Today Nathan had an echocardiogram, and EKG, a dentist appointment, a hearing test and a visit to the clinic. All were OK except they needed dental x-rays at the dentist and had to hold him down and force him to do it. That was awful.

At the clinic we got some news that his CT scan showed that there was still some dead tumor in him. His surgeons told Luke they had left no visible chunks of tumor. Nathan's doctor is planning to call them to find out what is going on. There is no chance that it is new growth since it is consistant with what they saw in there before and it is definately calcified (dead). Still we are upset about this and would love some answers. He will be having radiation to that area after transplant that may get rid of it. We may also consult different surgeons depending on what we find out. This does not change the transplant date of Tuesday. The rest of the scans show no other tumors anywhere in his body.

The test to detect minimal cancer cells in his bone marrow is being rerun for a 3rd time. It doesn't appear to have any neuroblastoma but does have some strange looking cells that they are making doubly sure that it isn't cancer. The strange cells may be his bone marrow working hard to create more white cells.

Tomorrow we are off to Denver for the day. We have to be there at 7:15 am and so are dropping Julia off at a friend's house at 5:00. That is how wonderful my friends here are!!!! Nathan has a kindey test and we will meet with lots of specialists.

A piece of good news is that we know where we will be staying. There are apartments for families to reside in after transplant that are right by the hospital. Currently there are several vacancies and so they are letting us move in right away. It will be a 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment. Dinner is provided on Mondays. When we are settled in we will provide contact information.

I am sure there is more I meant to say but I am exhausted from a very long day. We will update this weekend.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:55 AM CDT

Luke here...Just thought I would give a quick update. We are in the middle of a hectic week to say the least in prep for beginning transplant on Tuesday. Our clinic spent the day on Monday getting everything scheduled. Yesterday Nathan had a bone scan. He did well. This is a scary study for him as the camera has to be within inches of his face for about 5 minutes or so. He did well and our onc already looked at it and said it looked normal. The basics of the test is to check for met sites in the bone or other bone irregularities (like making sure there is no infection in bone before beginning transplant). Today Susan and Nathan are at the outpatient radiology center for CT scans of his abdomen and pelvis. Tomorrow things get nuts. He has rib x-rays, and echocardiogram, an ekg, a dentist appointment, and an appointment at his clinic. Hmm...I think I'm missing something on tomorrow's schedule. Friday we go to The Children's Hospital (TCH) Denver. He needs a nuclear medicine study to test his kidney function. They are scheduling a crazy day for us that starts at 7:15 with an injection for Nate. He will have numerous blood draws throughout the day. We will meet with the Child Life therapist, a nutritionist, his transplant doctor, a social worker, and possibly some other specialists that will be involved in his care. Hopefully we get a tour of the transplant unit. So, that is our hectic week followed by what we can hopefully make a good family weekend before checking into TCH for the long haul on Tuesday.

In the results arena, we do have the results of the head and neck CT scan Nathan had in the hospital last week. Everything is normal. They showed some congestion in his sinuses, but no mets which is what we were concerned about. He also got results from the test of specific acids (HVA and VMA) in the urine that are markers for NB. One of the tests came back normal and the other elevated slightly outside of the normal range. At diagnosis these were 10 and 40 times normal respectively, so this is good. Some foods can impact these tests. One of those is apparently vanilla and Nathan got a healthy portion of his Grandma Kathy's homeade vanilla icecream the night before his urine was collected. We are still waiting on an important test on his bone marrow aspirate. This is a test for NB done by "staining" the sample with an antibody that attaches itself to NB. Apparently the test (done in a lab in LA) didn't run properly the first time and that we should have results in a couple of days.

I was going to add a link at the bottom of the page, but I don't seem to be smart enough to figure out how to do that through this CaringBridge setup. I'll ask Susan later. In the meantime, I'll put the url here in the journal entry. This is a faq I found at the NIH on transplant if people are interested in the basics. Nathan will be having an autologous peripheral stem cell transplant (http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/7_41.htm).

So much for my brief update.

Monday, September 8, 2003 2:35 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan is still doing well. He is glad to be home and has resumed normal activities. We are waiting to hear what the schedule is for all the tests they are cramming in this week.

I have updated our family web page for August if you want to take a peek (see link at bottom of main page)

Will update when we know something new.

Saturday, September 6, 2003 3:11 PM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan is home and doing great. Yesterday he got up to walk and had no problems. He went to the playroom to play and he was clibming on chairs. Last night was not good. He didn't sleep very much. His bowels are working again and they were bothering him and he could not get comfortable.

He was released around 11:00 today and is happy to be home.

On the news front there is quite a bit. First - the big news is that transplant is scheduled for Sept. 16. Yes - we got 11 days notice. We are glad it is happening but we have a lot to figure out (including Julia's care) in the next couple of days. No one expected it to be this soon.

Nathan's tumor was 99.9ancer free. His doctor saw only the smallest portion of viable cancer in it. We are still waiting on the bone marrow results.

This week will be filled with tests. He has about 6 or so tests to be scheduled between Mon-Thurs and then has to go to Children's hospital in Denver on Friday for some tests. The following Tuesday he checks in.

Needless to say Luke and I are very overwhelmed with figuring out preparations. We will start in ernest tomorrow.

We'll keep you updated.

Friday, September 5, 2003 2:13 PM CDT

Luke here...Nathan continues to recover very well. He had a good night last night. As the day progressed he was drank a good amount of juice and handled it well. They gave him some broth too and he had quite a bit of that. He got off of his fluid IV and they switched him from "clear fluids" to "full fluids" so he could have milk! He sucked down 20oz of milk last night after having almost the same amount of juice and a lot of broth. He slept well with few interruptions and slept in a little. This morning first thing after getting him up he had a CT scan of his sinuses and neck. Something showed up in a previous scan and they are following up on that. The doctors don't think there is anything there, but we obviously have to check. He handled the scan wonderfully and did not have to be sedated. When we got back upstairs the doctors started showing up on their rounds. Nathan was cleared to eat whatever he wanted and promptly asked for a grilled cheese sandwich and some chocolate cake.

He is also now being unhooked from most devices. He had his epidural taken out as well as the urinary catheter. He is still hooked up to some oxygen, but as we try to get him walking this afternoon where hoping his breathing deepens and we can get rid of that too. As long as we can get him walking and his pain is handled okay, then he will likely come home tomorrow! His spirits are great and he is recoving so well.

We got the report on the tumor from the pathologist. What is it with radiologists and pathologists that they can't write a report that tells anyone anything (I apologize to the many radiologist friends that I have)? I'm not talking about Susan and I understanding either. We have never gotten a single report that told the whole story to our oncologist either. He always has to talk directly to the pathologist or radioligist to get "the story between the lines". As you may have guessed, we got another report that is contradictory at worst and not at all clear at best. The clear good news is that there were good "margins" around the tumor. My understanding is that at the edges of what the surgeons removed the walls of the tumor were relatively thick with dead or calcified material. This was all true except for one section of the tumor which the surgeons think was the piece that was stuck to the tumor. They cauterized the area of the kidney where they removed it, so they feel pretty good about that part of the path report. We aren't so sure though about the makeup of the tumor itself (how much of it is active neuroblastoma). We'll get more on that hopefully soon.

I absolutely know I'm missing lots of information in this, but the most important thing for people to take away is that Nathan is feeling well, being increasingly active, and should be home tomorrow. And above all else we finally got that damned tumor out of his body.

Thanks to everyone for following along, praying, sending gifts, e-mails, etc.

Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:33 PM CDT

Susan here..

Today Nathan is feeling much better. In fact he is out of the ICU and on the pediatrics ward. He is now in room 3518.

He is very alert and interactive today and is sitting up and playing with toys. The child life specialist came by and they did some art. He is on clear liquids but he really wants a grilled cheese sandwich. He should be allowed to have solid food tomorrow.

He will have his cat scan of his sinus and neck tomorrow morning.

They will also take his epidural and urinary catheter out tomorrow. I image after that wears off they will have him up and walking.

We are happy to be on the regular ward now. He has a private room and it looks over the park and the mountains. The PICU room looked out onto the roof and parking lot but we could also see the olympic flame which resides lit at all times at the USA olymipic headquarters right next door to the hospital.

Thanks for checking in...everyone is happy with his progress and he is in good sprits.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:07 AM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had a bit of a rough night but is feeling pretty good this morning.

He had to have a urinary catheter and it wasn't working right and had to be replaced. This was very painful and traumatic for him and it took two tries. Around midnight his pain broke through and he was really hurting. They upped his epidural and then Luke spent a few hours holding Nathan's incision since that seemed to make him feel better and he wouldn't let Luke let go. We were both able to stay with him in the ICU and so that was good. We have a computer here with us and so that is how we are updating.

This morning he is sleepy and is having a blood transfusion as he is quite anemic. His doctor have been by but his oncologists haven't spoken to the surgeon and the surgeon doing rounds wasn't involved in the surgery so we have no additional information this morning. Nathan's oncologist will speak with the surgeon later and give us a call.

We will update this entry later today so make sure to check the end to see if there is more information later.

It is later now. Nathan's urinary catheter stopped working again and he had to have yet another one placed. His urine was chrystalizing and the catheter was blocked. The nexw one has been working well. We will not likely let them place another one if this one fails.

We talked to Nathan's Onc about the surgery and he explained the areas in which the surgeons could not say for sure all the tumor was gone. We are waiting on the pathology of the tumor and the bone marrow test to come back and those results will determine if he has more chemo. We expect the bone marrow result mon or tues and the tumor pathology friday.

Nathan slept for about 4 hours this afternoon. He then watched 2 dvds and has now gone back to sleep. Hopefully he will not be awake all night.

He is still in ICU. This is just fine with us as it is a very nice private room with great nurses. I will stay tonight and Luke will go home and we will trade off. Luke's parents are here until sometime on Friday. We expect Nathan to go home somewhere around Monday.

Memorial hospital has a feature where you can send an e-greeting that will be printed and hand-delivered to the patient. If you want to do this cut and paste this link in your browser: http://mboard.memhospcs.org/web/patientcards.nsf/EGC?OpenForm

He is currently in room 3558 but this will change in a day or two so check back if you a sending a greeting.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 3:34 PM CDT

Luke here...Nathan is recovering from his surgery and doing well. He has been awake some, but he is mostly sleeping things off so far. The surgery went very well (or so we are told) and the results are as good as we could have asked for. The surgeons won't guarantee they got all of the tumor, but they feel they got most of it and got everything that they could see or find. The tumor had been adhered to the right kidney and they cauterized the tissue in the area where the tumor had been attached. It isn't clear to us now if there was anything sizable left there. We will drill for more details later, but the good news is that they feel they got most if not all of the tumor and Nathan is doing well and recovering. We will be in the PICU tonight. We can both stay here with him. He could be in the PICU until tomorrow, or longer if necessary. His stay will probably be somewhere in the 4 - 7 day range. We'll continue to post about his recovery. We knew people would be checking in about the surgery, so we wanted to let everyone know the good news now.

Thanks for keeping Nathan in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, September 1, 2003 6:01 PM CDT

Susan here..

We are having a pretty good weekend. The kids are having a great time with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Kathy. Luke and I have been able to run some errands and get ready.

We will go in at 6:30 tomorrow morning and the surgery begins at 9:15. A child life specialist will be with Nathan before the surgery to talk to him about it and do some other activities. We expect the surgery to be several hours long. One way or another we will try to have the page updated tomorrow night.

One detail Luke left off is that Nathan may or may not have another round of chemo after the surgery. They will decide based on what they see during the surgery.

Friday, August 29, 2003 8:58 PM CDT

Luke here. Too much to try to relay. I'll just try to go chronologically. Let's see. Where did we leave off. On Wednesday I think. Thursday morning was to start off with an MIBG scan. This is a long study where stillness is important, so Nathan was sedated. We showed up plenty early to the outpatient radiology and hung out for a few minutes before they were ready for him. Nathan was sedated and the scans began. They took two different scans. One is a 3d image of his torso and the other is a whole body scan from head to toe. The purpose of the study is to show areas of neuroblastoma throughout his whole body. One of the scans took about 32 minutes and the other 37. It is pretty long, but Nathan is out for all of it and we were in the room. We could actually see the image as it was processing which was a little nerve racking. We were prepared for Nathan to come off of the drugs badly as he usually does, but he came off in a pretty good mood. He was wobbly all day, but he wasn't too upset. This morning we had an appointment for a brief exam at the surgeons' clinic. We met with the nurse practitioner and it was short and sweet. We began feeling a real crunch in terms of getting all of our doubts and concerns addressed by the end of the day since we were approaching the end of the day on a Friday of a holiday weekend with Nathan's surgery scheduled first thing Tuesday morning. We have a lot of confidence in each of Nathan's doctors individually, but there were some very important decisions about his surgery that we felt had to be made as a team (with our input too!). We needed all (primary oncs, transplant docs, surgeons) on the same page and weren't getting any information that seemed like they were there yet and we weren't understanding the decision making process. We had a phone call with his primary onc who promised to call around and poll the other docs. We got a call from one of the surgeons. That was an extremely frustrating conversation for Susan, but she ended up with some good information. Later we got a call from our primary onc with the information we needed to feel comfortable and the assurrance that all of the doctors had come to consensus together as a team. It was an extremely frustrating afternoon, but we are all set and happy enough with the decisions made. The upshot is that they will attempt to remove the entire tumor, but won't take the kidney. This was the main point that we needed clarified. There is a chance they can't get the entire tumor and leave the kidney. All of the docs think that he needs the kidney for transplant so if they can't take all of the tumor without taking the kidney, they will debulk as much as they can and biopsy whatever the leave attached to the kidney.

Lets see. What else. The MIBG results were good. He did not show uptake throughout his body like he did in his previous MIBG. The disease that was in his arm, hips, legs, and orbital areas did not show disease. There was something that showed up in his head that did not show up before. It wasn't clear if it was tumor uptake, but we and the docs don't think it was. He will have another CT scan of his head to make sure. It could have been some uptake in his sinuses or something like that. The docs don't seem too worried, and if it weren't for this question area the results of the MIBG would be very positive. Our primary onc also got the results of hte hearing tests back. Nathan's hearing loss is at lower frequencies than he would have hoped or expected. We'll probably be retesting soon. We knew there would be hearing loss and that it could be down in frequencies that will or could impact his speech or require hearing aids in the future. We are absolutely fine with this if it means ridding his body of this cancer.

I know I'm leaving something off. We are totally exhausted tonight. It has been a long week. We'll be updating though with information as we get it or remember we left it out. Our plans for this weekend are just to try and have a good and normal weekend before the surgery and long week get started on Tuesday.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:09 PM CDT

Susan here...

Well another very long day with lots of information. We are exhausted but I will try to detail it the best I can int he order it happened.

Nathan's doctors called yesterday to ask him to come in later in the day to do the bone marrow aspiration. So we changed plans to do that at 1:00 and have them put in his IV for the injection at 3:00.

We went in and Nathan's doctor told us that he found out that the bone marrow sample needed to be fedexed by noon the same day as it is taken and so we couldn't do it. After some talking we decided to wait to see if Nathan would have surgery next week and do it then. We talked some more about the cat scan and how he thought the kidney still looked like it would have to be removed and how they wouldn't want to do that until after transplant. There was much discussion about the risk of going though transplant with only one kidney versus the risk of not removing the tumor until after transplant and there are no good answers. Also - the official radiologist's report for the cat scan showed only minial shrinkage whereas we all thought it was a lot more than that. We talked at length about

His doctor went off to call the surgeons and to our surprise the surgeons were very pleased with the cat scan and felt they may even be able to save the kidney. They had already started trying to schedule the surgery for next week. Needless to say that was some great news.

Next it was time to place Nathan's IV. Since he was going to get int he car and go to the radiologists afterwards they wanted to put it in his hand so he didn't have to keep his elbow straight the whole time. After 45 awful minutes and 5 tries we ended up putting it in his inner elbow after all. It was a truly horrible experience. Nathan was so upset and scared and insisted on watching them each time and screaming for them not to put the needle in him and not to hurt him. Everyone felt so bad and the nurses are worried he won't like them now. After it was finally all over he was fine (but starving due to his eating being restricted in anticipation of the bone marrow aspiration) and even though we were already very late we had to go to the grocery store and get him a banana to eat. We finally made it to the radiologist and had to wait around for quite awhile and then he finally got his injection and we went home.

We got home and had a message from the surgeons that Nathan's surgery will be Tuesday morning. I called his doctor to tell him and he was very pleased. He had talked to the transplant doctor this afternoon and they determined that it would be best for him to have his surgery and then have another round of chemo to kill off any leftover pieces of tumor. This is a concern that Luke and I have had for a long time when they had been talking about other options that didn't involve more chemo after surgery. The chemo they give him will involve one new chemo drug that will replace the one that is damaging to his heart. After chemo he will go into transplant after about 3-4 weeks. This would put transplant to begin somewhere in the first two weeks of October.

Before Tuesday we still need to determine if the surgeons will take the kidney with the tumor if neccessary or leave the tumor there if they can't save the kidney. Nathan's doctor plans to talk to the tranplant doctor more about this.

Nathan is still going in for the MIBG scan tomorrow. If it is positive for cancer it may change all of the things I just wrote. Nathan's doctor is very hopeful it won't be. We should have a good idea by Thursday night because they will need to rescan him Friday if they see anything in the scan. If not - he won't have to go back in. They will take his bone marrow during surgery Tuesday and send it off for testing which will take about a week.

Friday he goes to the surgeons for a pre-surgery physical. Then we will have the weekend to rest a little before surgery.

We will try to update tomorrow night with any news. We had so much information today that we are overloaded so I apologize if this was confusing in any way.

All in all - we are very happy with the surgery being scheduled and just want to get this scan tomorrow over with and then we can enjoy our weekend.

By the way - if you have any questions feel free to email us at the link on the page and we will try to answer them in future journal entries as I am sure that many others might have the same types of questions. We appreciate your keeping up on Nathan.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:00 AM CDT

Susan here...

We had a good weekend. On Saturday Nathan just wanted to be out of the house and so we spent most of the day shopping. Sunday morning we had breakfast out with my parents and both kids were very good and had a really good time. Afterwards we went to my parent's apartment and hung out for a little while.

Monday was a busy day. There is a long story about running around to different pharmacies trying to get Nathan his lugols solution which is a iodine solution he has to take prior to the MIBG scan. We finally got it. We went to the clinic and Nathan's white counts were still very good (we were surprised about this since he is off the neupogen) and his other counts were on the low side but they should be climbing on their own.

I looked at his CT scan with his doctor. It is much smaller and more calcified (dead). His doctor was encouraged by this and will be consulting with the surgeons and Nathan's transplant DR to figure out the next step. The MIBG scan is a piece of the puzzle we are still waiting on because if it shows more than a very minimal amount of disease Nathan will probably have more chemo. If we go ahead with surgery it will probably happen next week. They will open him up and then decide if they can get the tumor out or not.

After the clinic we went out for lunch and then to get his hearing test (via the hospital where I thought the test was and also where I ordered his CT scan to be put on CD so Luke could see it). So after we got to the right building Nathan had his test. Last time he was sedated and they measured his brainwaves to do it. This time he did it the normal way. He did a great job and the woman giving him the test said she'd never had a 3 year old who could do it that way. (raise the hand when hearing the tone) She said he responded like a 5 or 6 year old with it.

She didn't do the full spectrum of sounds since she didn't want to push it and because she felt she had good preliminary results. He does have high frequency hearing loss fromt he chemo. This isn't affecting his everyday life or speech at all so we are not really concerned. Frankly, his hearing can be fixed and we are trying to save his life so a hearing aid is not a big deal. They will just have him return from time to time to monitor him.

The nuclear medicine department did not get in the isotope for Nathan's MIBG scan. They had to move everything by one day. So he will be injected Wednesday afternoon and scanned Thursday and possibly rescaned on Friday. If the Thursday scan shows disease then they will do a short 5 minute scan on Friday to see if 24 hours later any disease shows. This gives them an idea of how active the disease is. The thursday scan will take about an hour and Nathan will be sedated.

Wednesday morning Nathan will go to the clinic and most likely have a bone marrow aspiration. That will be sent away for testing. It will probably take a week to come back.

So - that's the update for now. Please pray that Nathan's MIBG scan is negative and that the surgeons feel they can operate. We will keep you updated.

Friday, August 22, 2003 7:46 PM CDT

Susan here

We went in for blood counts this morning at 9:30. Nathan's counts are finally up and he is free to go out in public! While we were there we hashed out Nathan's test schedule and decided we had better try to schedule the CT scan today. It worked out to schedule it for 2:0o pm. While we were still at the clinic one of out favorite nurses frm the hospital called the clinic to tell them that the construction workers had sent up some toy trucks for Nathan to have. So we went to the hospital to pick them up. It was a very nice set of Caterpillar road building trucks. Nathan was very excited and the nurses were so happy so see him react that way. They really are great over there.

We went home and I went to get the oral contrast solution. We had to give him the contrast at home prior to gettin ghte scan. HE didn't want to drink it but did really well in then end with a toy as the incentive. He was so great during the CT scan and wasn't scared. After the CT scan he had a chest XRay and he did really well with that too. We are so impressed with him. We went for some ice cream afterwards.

He had a rough late afternoon. His bowel movements are so painful and he was having problems and so he spent several hours screaming every few minutes. Poor thing. He went to bed a little early and we gave him some tylenol with codeine. Hopefully he can get some sleep.

He goes to the clinic for counts Monday morning and has a hearing test Monday afternoon. On Tuesday he goes in the afternoon to get an injection (done through IV) for the radioactive isotope that he needs for his MIBG scan on Wednesday (at 9:30). He might also have another scan on Thursday depending on how the Wednesday scan turns out. The MIBG scan is a nuclear medicine scan in which the radioactive isotope attaches only to active neuroblastoma cells. As the scanner passes over the cancerous cells "light up" on the scan. It will be kind of nerve-wracking because we can see the monitor showing the scan as it is happening so I am sure we will be squinting at it from afar to see if it is lighting up.

He will also have a bone marrow aspiration sometime next week. We will figure that our on Monday. We might also know something about the CT scan on Monday. As usual we will not be holding our breath. We are hoping to get a consult with the surgeons about it by the end of next week.

All in all we are happy we got started on the scans today. We will hopefully have a fun weekend not being stuck at home!

I hope you all have a good weekend too!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 8:59 PM CDT

Susan writing..

Well - we had a surprise long day, a truck encounter and also some good news.

First the good news...Nathan's doctor FINALLY got to look at his bone bone/marrow sample slides. He saw about 4 cells that looked abnormal. He didn't think they were probably even active neuroblastoma cells since NB cells like to clump together and these were isolated. He thinks at most there is way less than 1% cancerous cells and he really things there is no active cancer cells at all. They will do a chemical test on the bone marrow they take next week to see what that says. Nathan's tests are not scheduled yet; pending insurance authorizations, but we will hopefully know tomorrow when they will be.

Now for the truck encounter...
I took Nathan in to the clinic at 9:00. The receptionist had arranged for a fire truck to visit and so after having his blood drawn he and 2 other 3 year olds went outside to see the fire truck. Nathan most enjoyed the flashing lights. He was intimidated and was scared to sit in it. I finally got him to do that but I couldn't convince him to take a ride in it. He had fun though. I will post some pictures tomorrow.

As for the long day...
Nathan's platelets were very very low. The hospital had a shortage of platelets and said he would have to go there to get them and that they would not be available until later. His red blood (hemoglobin) was also low and since we had to go to the hospital anyway we decided to do those as well. Unfortunately the hospital has a new policy that same day red blood cell transfusion done there also have to be type and crossed at the hospital (we usually do it in the clinic). So after the fire truck we ran over to the hospital and did the type and cross. We had to register and wait and all that. Then we grabbed McDonalds and went back to the clinic to just wait around there since he still can't be out and about and I didn't want to take him home in the interim. At 1:00 we went back to the hospital (after a pit stop at walgreens for a toy) and had to go through registration again and wait around. We finally got up to the room at about 1:30 and he began to be transfused at about 2:15. Luke came at 5:30 when he was done working and I left around 6:00 to go home and see Julia and put her to bed. Luke and Nathan arrived home at 7:30 and Nathan went straight to bed.

Tomorrow we have nothing scheduled so that is good for him. His white blood count is up to .4 from .1 so we are getting somewhere. That is still very low but moving in the right direction.

My vent for the day (which I alluded to above) is that his hospital can't seem to keep all Nathan's info in their system. I am so tired of giving out Luke's employment information, etc. every time we register. I thought this was supposed to be what computers did. We are thinking of writing a letter to the hospital.

So back to the clinic on Friday for blood counts!

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:40 AM CDT

Luke here. Things are going okay. Sunday we had a pretty good day. We went for a short hike in the morning. We have been doing this and the last couple of times Nathan has worn out quickly. This time we started with the kids both in backpacks so we could get a good, short hike in before turning them loose to stomp around and get tired. It worked well and we had a good time. Nathan went in for counts yesterday morning and everyone expected him to need red blood. The cutoff for transufsion is a hemoglobin reading of 8. He was transfused last Thursday at 7.2. Friday he was only at 8.something which landed us back at the hospital for transfusion on Saturday at which time he was at 6.4. At that rate there was no way either we or the doctors thought he would hold the count enough to avoid Monday transfusion. Yesterday he was at 9.9! His platelets are little low, but we should hold him off until tomorrow for a transfusion on those, so he got most of the day off yesterday with no planned visits today. His white blood cells are still extremely low, but were up slightly so he may be on the rebound.

We are getting tests scheduled now. In the next week or so he will likely have a CT scan of his primary tumor, chest x-rays, an MIBG scan (a nuclear medicine test that picks up NB involvement throughout the whole body), and likely a hearing test because if we have to do additional chemo he will likely get the meds that can cause hearing damage. After that we can meet with surgeons to determine if we can move forward with surgery and get an idea of where he stands as far as residual disease goes so we can start planning for transplant or decide to do additional chemo.

He is hanging in really well and continues to be a brave, strong little guy.

This recent bout with counts has reminded me once again how we could not treat Nathan's disease without the aid of blood products. Wherever you live there are people battling disease that could not survive without the aid of donated blood. Please take the time to give at your local blood bank, corporate blood drive, etc and know that you are helping someone like Nathan battle this or similar horrible conditions.

Sunday, August 17, 2003 8:25 AM CDT

Luke here. Saturday was an okay day. Susan and Julia spent the day together and Nathan and I spent the day at the hospital for transfusions. On Friday we were surprised by how low his counts were so close to transfusions. We had some options to either go ahead with red blood cell transfusion on Saturday or maybe wait. We decided to transfuse yesterday and I'm glad we did. His counts had continued to drop drastically and he really needed the blood products. He got red blood cells, platelets, and some antibiotics. We were there from just before 9am until 5pm. He did really well and was in pretty good spirits all day considering. His red blood cells were low enough before we started though that the transfusion will likely not have gotten him back into the normal range for long and we are expecting the need for another transfusion on Monday. That is putting us on an every other day schedule. This is likely the bone marrow/stem cell fatigue from so much high dose chemo setting in. We will drill the doctors on the reasons a little more on Monday.

Friday, August 15, 2003 5:39 PM CDT

Susan writing

Nathan had a good night last night. He was up once wanting apple juice but went back to sleep.

We went to the clinic this morning. His red blood cell counts were back down to where they were on Wednesday before the blood transfusion he had yesterday. His platelets also dropeed way back down. So tomorrow he will go to the hospital (since the clinic is closed) and get red blood cells and possibly platelets as well. He will not be admitted, just stay there for the transfusion and antibiotic and head home. He will be there most of the day though.

Nathan's doctor was in another town today and had not been able to look at his bone marrow results. The other doctor was going to try to look this afternoon. Once again - we are not holding our breath!

We'll let you know when we know anything new.

Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:10 PM CDT

Susan here..

Well - Nathan is home. He didn't run a fever all night and so after getting red blood cells today he came home around 4:30. We are so glad he didn't have to stay for three days.

He did really well in the hospital. The Child Life specialist did several art activities with him and another volunteer brought him books and toys from the playroom and read to him while we were eating lunch.

After we got home he was OK until he had a very painful bowel movement and then he wanted to go straight to bed and this was around 5:30 so we'll see how tonight goes.

Nathan's doctor did not get to look at his bone marrow samples this morning due to having a very sick patient in ICU so he will try again tomorrow morning. We are not holding our breath though.

Nathan is going in at 11:00 to have a dose of antibiotics and just kind of assess him for the weekend.

Oh - I almost forgot Nathan's highlight of the day. All day we watched construction equipment out his window. There was a backhoe hauling dirt around and a front end loader loading dirt into a dump truck. Later in the afternoon a security guard showed up and said Nathan's nurse had told him how excited he was about the trucks and he had talked to the foreman about letting Nathan go see the vehicles. It worked out that he was in between infusions so he was hooked off of his IV and went down to see the trucks. He was a little overwhelmed and afraid to sit in them, but he finally did sit in the backhoe with Luke. He was also excited to stand next to the shovel and tires of the front end loader because it was so much bigger than him. He really thought it was cool. They let him keep his hard hat too. Unfortunately there are no pictures. An attempt was made to take a polaroid but it failed. A good friend of mine has been working to set up a construction truck visit for Nathan and we were initially going to do it today so he will probably get another chance when he is feeling better.

We were very pleased with Nathan's care at Memorial Hospital once again. The nurses all adore him. When he showed up last night they were all so happy to see him. Several of them work in the clinic occassionally and others remember him from previous visits. We feel lucky to have such caring nurses tending to him.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:34 PM CDT

Luke here. We've kind of been stringing everyone along as far as bone marrow results go, so I'll start there. We got a call with some info from the report late yesterday afternoon. The news was not as good as we wanted to hear, but good news in the grand scheme of things. One of his hips was clean, the other we were told showed "2% neuroblastoma". This left hip started at near 100%, so this is good, but we were hoping for clean. Susan took Nathan to the clinic today for an exam and platelet transfusion. His primary onc got to look at the report and he said the written report was confusing. It said "less than 2%" but also said something else that made him think that it should be considerably less than that. So he is going to the hospital tomorrow to look at the slides and results with the pathologist. More on that tomorrow hopefully.

Nathan is in the hospital tonight. His counts dropped drastically between Monday and this morning and he got a fever. We are lucky that this is only the second admission for a fever while his immune system is low. He was running a fever off and on during the day but didn't hit the magic number (101.5) until about 6:00pm when I got a 102.0 reading on him. At 6:30 we were on our way to the hospital. When we got there he had no temperature but they want to keep him to run antibiotics, do blood cultures, and just monitor him in general for infection. His fever was up over 100 again at about 9:30, but when I left at 10:00 it was down near normal. It is likely he will be in the hospital for a couple of days while his counts are low and his temperature bounces up and down. This is pretty normal for kids in treatment and we are lucky to only have had to do this on two occassions now.


Tuesday, August 12, 2003 9:44 AM CDT

Luke here. Nothing much to report unfortunately. The reports on Nathan's bone marrow biopsy were not available yesterday. We are hoping to get them today, but as Nathan's primary onc is out of the office on Tuesdays, we may not get them until tomorrow morning. Nathan was in for a short exam yesterday. Mostly he just got his counts and a quick check to make sure he tolerated the weekend after chemo well, which he did. His counts are okay and haven't dropped too much yet. His WBC and ANC (immune system indicators) were still up. His hemoglobin was still good so no need for red blood cells yet. His platelets are already low though. As you may remember, we started this cycle without his platelets ever really making counts. He gets an off day today and then back into the clinic tomorrow morning for counts. He will likely need a platelet transfusion tomorrow or Thursday. Definitely by the end of the week. Looks like we will do the CT scan in about a week and half. So right now we will just be monitoring counts and hoping for good results on the bone marrow. We'll be in this mode for a week or so and then we jump into scans and determining when surgery or possible additional rounds of chemo will take place.

Thanks for checking in. We'll post bone marrow results when we get them.

Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:43 PM CDT

Susan writing...

We had a fun but tiring day today. We had a lazy morning and then decided we needed to get out and so we went to Santa's Workshop at the North Pole http://www.santas-colo.com/ It is a very small amusement park geared towards little kids. Both kids had a lot of fun. Nathan's favorite ride was the train. He also really enjoyed the aerial tram. They had a huge curly slide that Julia really liked as did Nathan. He wore his backpack and walked around most of the time. We were impresssed by his energy. I put some pictures in the photo album.

We're off to the clinic tomorrow morning for blood counts. I'll update sometime later.

Saturday, August 9, 2003 10:20 AM CDT

Susan here...

Friday's chemo went relatively well. Nathan really did not want to go and he was feeling kind of sick but he didn't complain too much. He got sick in the car on the way to the clinic. He really seemed to start feeling better when he started eating at the clinic. He ate a whole bagel and a banana (that a staff memeber went and got for him). He took a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon and when he woke up his tummy hurt but we gave him some benedryl and that seemed to do the trick. We were done around 3:45. He ate a grilled cheese sandwich when we got home and watched some TV. He went to bed a little early and slept all night with no incidents.

This morning he has been feeling pretty good and ate half a can of spaghetti-o's and a banana. While he was eating his spaghetti-o's he complained because Julia was eating a pop-tart and he could smell it. Go Figure. So anyway - he hasn't thrown up since yesterday morning and is eating well so that is good.

We have no idea yet what we are going to do today. Nathan is hooked up to his IV backpack for hydration and so that is a little bit limiting for him.

Nathan's doctor told us we should have his bone marrow biopsy results on Monday. Of course it seems we don't ever get these results when they think we will - so don't hold your breath!

I hope all of you have a good weekend.

Friday, August 8, 2003 10:03 AM CDT

Luke here. Where to start? Ah, I guess I should start where Susan left things off. Nathan started his chemo on Wednesday even though he technically didn't quite make counts. This was great because it keeps us "on schedule" (if there is such a thing). As Susan noted in her entry, due to the impact of one of his chemo meds on his heart function, they have changed how they are running his meds. This seems to be a little harder on the poor little guy's system. Wednesday night was a rough one in the Gentry household. He came home exhausted from chemo. I guess having toxins pumped into your body for 6 to 8 hours will do that to you. He went to sleep well. We are still giving him IV antibiotics for an infection around his central line site, so I went in to give that to him at 10 pm and when I was taking them off at 10:30 he woke up and got sick. He emptied his stomach pretty quickly and proceeded to dry heave for most of the night. He got a few hours of sleep in the morning. Susan slept in his room on the floor for much of the night.

Yesterday I took him in for his chemo. We got a quicker start than he did on Wednesday because they didn't have to check his counts first. He had a bone marrow aspiration in the late morning. Because he was getting this procedure he couldn't eat in the morning. He was planned to have the procedure in the afternoon, but the nurse heard him begging for pancakes so they moved it up (and one of the staff ran to McDonald's to get pancakes for him - great people). Nathan has had many of these procedures. He has had them totally out while getting other surgery and this was the second he has had in the clinic. They drug him well, but he is awake. I have been there for both of these. The first one went fine. He was awake but not really aware of what they were doing to him. This one he was pretty upset. Nothing horrible and I think there was really only one part that caused him any pain, but he was upset by all of the pushing and etc. Here is what they do. I won't get into too much detail, but this may be a little more than the queasy want to here. Feel free to skip to the next paragraph (I'm on a roll this morning!). They get him a little drugged up. They started him with fentanol. This stuff hits him quick. I was holding him and within a minute he told me, "The benadryl makes me feel funny". From here they kept giving him fentanol and versed (sp?) but I lost track of how many doses and when they hit him with it. He is laid down on his stomach on the exam table. They clean his lower back. Then they perform the same procedure on both hip bones right above his bottom. They shoot up the spots big time with lydacain (sp?). At this point he feels this and it does hurt. They put that needle in deep and shoot enough of the drug in that the site welts up pretty good. Then they take a short spiky and pretty thick needle-like device and push it down hard into his hip. I'm not sure how deep this goes or if it pierces bone, but they really push it down there good. From this they attach a syringe and pull out the aspirate. Then comes the fun part. They take a device that is a long, thin (thin I suppose if it isn't intended to drill into your bone) cylinder with a handle at the end. They stick this thing into the site and screw it down good. They push down hard on his back and really crank away. I don't know the details of how deep they go, but it cuts away and then they screw it out. Then they insert a thin metal plunger down through the handle and push out their core sample. After that they put guaze and a pressure bandage down on the puncture wounds. Normally he comes out of the drugs really horribly but the pancakes did the trick and he calmed down really well.

Okay, after the nasty procedures he had a pretty good day. He ate and kept it down. We played with cars and trucks a lot. He took a short nap in the afternoon. After his nap he was really, really cranky but it wasn't too bad because we finished up and left the clinic by 4pm. He made it home without getting sick in the car which I viewed as a miracle. In my opinion alone with him in the car is the worst time for him to be ill. He handles it well and holds his bin for himself, but I just feel so bad for him and want to help. He threw up in the evening, but then had some dinner and went to bed early. He slept through the night without any problems. Apparently his IV fluids became disconnected and just soaked his bed with saline all night, but he just found a dry spot and slept. He got sick this morning before he left for the clinic.

And that pretty much brings us up to about 45 minutes ago.

In general, this is a pretty nervous time for us. Technically this is the last day of chemo of the last cycle for him under the protocol he is being treated on. If you want something to pray or send positive thoughts about, it is this. We really want the CT scan results we get in a few weeks to show that the tumor is resectable and we will be a go for surgery and then transplant without having to consider further rounds of chemo. We know how important it is to resect all of this tumor because of the high relapse rate of NB, but we want to do it without further chemo. There are risks to prolonged high-dose chemotherapy and he is already showing some decreased heart function, so we really don't want to go there.

I think I may have set a new record for verbosity in CaringBridge journal entry. As always, thanks for checking in with us and for caring so much for Nathan and our family.

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 8:45 PM CDT

Susan here..

Well - Nathan's platelets didn't hit the magic number but his doctor decided he should start chemo anyway. After waiting around for results from his EKG and Echocardiogram we finally got started. His EKG showed some changes and so he was given a medicine to protect his heart and one of his chemo drugs was administrated all at once instead of over 6 hours. We got such a late start that we didn't get out until almost 5:30 after arriving at 9:00 - so it was a LONG day.

Nathan is pretty wiped out but he was very good today. He told me several times he didn't want to be at the clinic all day but he didn't fuss about it. His stiches are much much better so that is a very good thing.

Tomorrow Luke will go with Nathan and he will have a bone marrow aspiration. Everyone expects that his bone marrow is pretty clear but it will be good to know for sure.

This would be his last round of chemo if he stays on plan but it is likely that he will need additional chemo to shrink his tumor further. He will have a cat scan in a few weeks and then we'll figure out if he can have surgery.

Monday, August 4, 2003 8:42 PM CDT

Susan here...

Today was busy but good. Nathan had his echocrdigram and EKG and did well with both. We should have the results tomorrow. They are just making sure his heart is doing OK before he starts the next round of chemo. He has had a little damage from orevious rounds but is still in the low side of normal as far as function.

After the tests we had some time to kill and so Nathan and I went out to lunch. I just assumed his immunity was OK. We went to the clinic afterwards and his counts are finally all the way up. His platelets were higher than expected and might actually be up enough to start chemo on Wednesday as scheduled. We will go in Wednesday morning and see if he can start then. If not he will start on Monday.

His stiches are looking alot better. He will finish his antibiotics and see how it looks then.

Tomorrow we will go do something fun since if he starts chemo on Wednesday it will be his only chance this round.

For some of you who don't know Nathan..he loves construction equipment. He knows what everything is. Anyway the highlight of his day was that there was a "ditch witch" parked in the parking lot of the clinic. It is a small tractor with what looks like a big saw on it. He talked about the saw truck the rest of the day.

Sunday, August 3, 2003 3:23 PM CDT

Susan here..

We are having a good weekend. Friday Nathan had a red blood transfusion as well as a platelet transfusion. His counts though a little tiny bit higher are still low enough that he needed to stay at home this weekend.

On Saturday Nathan spent the morning at home with Luke while I took Julia to by shoes (unsuccessfully. He and Luke made chocolate cookies around lunch time and then we spent the afternoon hanging around. This morning we went for a hike and a picnic. There is a beautiful park with hiking trails through the forest and also nice grassy areas with big trees so we had a lot of fun.

Tomorrow Nathan will have his echocardiogram and EKG followed by a visit to the clinic to check his counts. He is due to start Chemo on Wednesday but it is highly unlkiely that his white blood cell count and platelet count will have recovered to the proper levels to begin chemo by then. Maybe he will be able to play with his friends this week. That is the one upside to him not making counts.

I have put some new pictures in the photo album and the family page is updated for July as well.

Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:54 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan went to the clinic this morning. His white blood cell counts are still low (up to .2 from .1) a long way to go until he has some immunity but it should happen soon. He needs a red blood transfusion tomorrow and we'll see what his counts are then.

He'll be having an echocardiogram and EKG soon. They forgot to schedule it and he must have it before the next round of chemo. That is scheduled for next Wednesday but it doesn't seem like his counts will be high enough to start then.

He is on IV antibiotics now for his broviak insertion site. The stitches are still inflamed. At this point it is still unclear what they are going to do about it. I imagine he will go back and see the actual surgeon soon and they will figure something out.

He is also in extreme pain when he has a bowel movement. This happens every time his counts go down and he screams in pain. It is awful.

He is back taking baths again. He hadn't had one since diagnosis after he got his broviak and then he was afraid. We convinced him that it would help his bottom (which it does when his counts aren't low). Anyway we wrap him up in saran wrap and an ace bandage and don't fill the bath very much. He tells me that saran wrap is also used for food. It is so nice for everyone that he takes baths now because he always has fun and Julia is very happy to have him in with her again.

Right on schedule this time I have updated our family pictures. Follow the link below and click on July. It wasn't too hard because we weren't very good about taking very many this month.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:59 PM CDT

Susan here

Nothing much going on. Nathan will go to the clinic tomorrow morning to get his blood tested and for them to look at his stiches. We don't feel they have gotten worse but they are not better either. He is having a good day so far and I dare say he seems to feel a little better. I hope this means his counts will be up somewhat tomorrow. Who knows if he will need a transfusion. I am hoping not but a suppose there is a good chance he will.

The weather has finally cooled down here and we are much more comfortable. I took Nathan and Julia for a ride in the wagon this morning and it was nice to be able to do that without frying.

Monday, July 28, 2003 8:27 PM CDT

Susan here...

Sunday was a pretty good day. Nathan was quite tired. We tried to go for a hike but he was too tired to walk. About 9:00 pm he woke up with a major nosebleed. After about an hour it stopped.

This morning we called the clinic to get him in early enough to check his platelets and they were back low again even though he was transfused on Friday. They gave him another transfusion this afternoon. He has to be premedicated with benedryl and that put him to sleep. When he woke up he was very cranky and out of control. I finally got him out of the clinic and we had to go to the surgeons office to have them look at his stiches on his catheter. The surgeons want them to stay in and his Oncologist wants them out because they are very irritated and causing him pain. The surgeon's nurse looked at it and called the surgeon and he said under no circumstance could he have them taken out and so we are to do daily bandage chages with neosporin to hopeful help the site. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile it hurts him every time we change the bandage or accidentally push on the area so it won't be fun.

When we got home he went and played outside and was in a pretty good mood the rest of the evening - so that was nice. He is still very neutropenic so we are still stuck at home.

I find myself wishing I could write more you all of you but I am too tired to think very much right now. I'll have to have Luke write the next update so it is more interresting for you!

Saturday, July 26, 2003 9:20 AM CDT

Susan here..

Sorry for the delay in updates. We have been getting almost no sleep but last night was much better and we are all feeling ok this morning.

We went in on Thursday for blood counts and Nathan's counts were all headed south - which is good. He was scheduled to go back in yesterday for a red blood transfusion and possible platelet transfusion. Around 8:45 yesterday morning his nose started to bleed and bled heavily for 3 hours. We called the clinic and they ordered him platelets and Luke rode in the back seat holding kleenexes to his nose all the way there. He finally go his platelets around noon. The clinic had run out of tubing to run blood products through and they had to run and get some. He got red blood cells as well and felt much better. He even napped there since they had to give him benedryl for his platelets and that made him sleepy.

His white blood cell counts are almost at zero. We are hoping they may start up again by Monday but we really have no idea.

His new broviak's stiches are irritated and possibly a little infected. This is very frustrating because the surgeons really want his to keep these stiches in but his doctors this they will have to come out - probably next week because they are so irritated. So we will see...

So this weekend he is very neutropenic and will be housebound for the most part. We may go for a little walk or hike.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:22 AM CDT

Luke here. Very little to report. We are in the slow period following chemo and with little planned as far as procedures or tests between these cycles. As Susan's last post indicated, Nathan's counts were still good on Monday and we will be going back on Thursday for counts and expecting transfusions on Friday. There are telltale sings now that his counts are falling. His nose is starting to seep some blood which likely means his platelets are falling. His spirts remain good. He is, as Susan put it, "a little green" in the morning. We give him his anti-nausea meds before he gets out of bed and he hasn't had any serious vomitting this week. He is eating okay. Sometimes he gorges on a big meal, other times he seems to have no appetite. We are hoping to keep his weight and nutrition up so we don't have to put him on supplemental nutrition. He had lost more weight than we had expected before Monday, but I think he will hopefully hold even now and start to creep back up. He has been playing hard with quite a bit of energy which is both good and bad. It is great that he can forget about all the stuff going on and play all out, but I think he gets over tired doing so with his body being beat up by the chemo drugs. He gets very cranky in his down times. All in all he continues to do great though. We'll let everyone know how his counts are tomorrow.

Thanks for continuing to visit the journal. We often check the counter on the page. It is interesting how closely people are following. There was an explosion of hits around the time of start of chemo and his surgical consult. I'm often surprised at how many people check the journal and how often they do so. Please continue to sign the guest book from time to time. I still check it almost every day and I know Susan does too. Knowing you are visiting and reading your words of encouragement are very important to us.

Monday, July 21, 2003 7:40 PM CDT

Susan here...

This morning Nathan got sick upon awakening but rebounded and had a good day. He went to the DR this afternoon and his counts are still good. They haven't gone down yet which is expected with the type of chemo he had lst week. His blood counts were good enought that he doens't go back until Tursday and we think that Friday he will have transfusions.

On Saturday we changed Nathan's dressing around his catheter. After we were done Julia found and alcohol wipe and brought it to Luke and laid down ready to have "her dressing" changed. He obliged and pretended to do hers too.

I would write more but I am being harrassed by Julia to read to her.

Saturday, July 19, 2003 11:34 AM CDT

Susan writing..

Nathan is finally done with round 5 of 6. He is a little sick but not too bad. He wanted to go to the park this morning and he had fun but got tired and hot fairly quickly.

Monday afternoon he will go get his blood drawn and we expect he might need a blood transfusion on Tuesday. We expect transfusions to be the only thing going on for Nathan next week. He will probably have a bone marrow aspiriation done in the next few weeks and may have another CT scan done too.

We will probably mostly hang around the house this weekend. Everyone but Julia is quite tired.

Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:16 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan had a good day today. He hasn't gotten sick yet. We met the surgeons and they probably want to wait to operate until after his last round of chemo because the tumor is still shrinking at this point and right now it would be a difficult surgery. They will talk to Nathan's doctor and his doctor will also consult with the transplant doctor, but it doesn't look like the surgery will happen for at least 6 weeks.

I'll have to let Luke write the next update so there is more to read - I am to tired to write too much tonight.

Overall - a fine day and the surgeon's appointment was pretty much what we were expecting so we'll just keep plugging away and hope the tumor keeps getting smaller.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:47 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan finally started chemo today. He had a good day. They had some construction trucks a nurse had brought in and he played with those a whole lot. I had bought foam mats to put on the floor so he layed on the floor and played with trucks most of the day. He is very tired this evening but not yet nauseous. That should occur tomorrow.

We have our consultation with the surgeons tomorrow afternoon. Luke is doing chemo with Nathan tomorrow and I will meet them for the consult.

He had to have his dressing changed on his catheter today again. We are struggling to keep it nice and tight in the hot weather. He expects a present every time he gets his dressing changed and so that is getting hard. We are having to give him small things so we aren't overtaken by toys. He is much less scared about the dressing changes now so that is worth it.

I am just so relieved to have finally started chemo again so we can move forward.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 8:31 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan's surgery went well. He came off the anesthesia pretty horribly and managed to pull the new broviak some, but only uncoiled the external loop which is supposed to keep the device itself from pulling out and so we had to hang around for an extra hour while we waited for the surgery nurse to come back and re-do his dressing. Tonight he has a chest full of tape and we are hoping it will hold while he is on the IV tonight.

As usual he was a very good sport about everything.

Tomorrow we will start chemo finally(fingers crossed).

Monday, July 14, 2003 1:11 PM CDT

Susan here...

Well - chemo is delayed again. This time because Nathan's broviak is pulling out and must be replaced. So he will have surgery tomorrow and start chemo on Wednesday. It has been very hot here and so it is hard to keep his dressing sticking to him. We hooked him up to fluids last night and so it got pulled during the night as he slept. We can't get the surgeon we prefer to do it (long story) so that is disappointing as well.

Nathan's platelets are just fine though - so we will start on Wednesday.

Thursday we will have a consult with two of the surgeons about his tumor resection. We will just go straight from chemo to do that.

Despite all the change in plans, Nathan is having a very good day and is just rolling with the punches. He knows his broviak needs to be replaced and he will not have chemo for a few more days and he is fine with that.

His surgery should be straightforward but it is always a little scary. Fortunately it will be at 8:30 am so we can get it over with.

Friday, July 11, 2003 2:28 PM CDT

Susan here

Not much going on today. I wanted to let you know I finally have completed the family web site June pictures. There is a link to that site below.

Nathan seems to be feeling good today. He was vey cranky yesterday and now today it is Julia's turn to be cranky. Fortunately they are both currently asleep!

Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:39 PM CDT

Susan here..

We went back to the clinic this morning and Nathan's white blood counts jumped way high after the nuepogen and his platelets are gettng better so chemo will start on Monday. I talked to his main doctor about the surgery and he is going to get us a meeting with the pediatric surgeon to talk about whether the tumor can be removed yet. Everyone who looks at his cat scans thinks that at this point his kidney would have to be removed with it. Going through the stem cell transplant with one kidney is harder to recover from. On the other hand there are risks to doing the transplant before removing the tumor in that it may not be as effective at getting rid of the cancer if the transplant is done with the tumor still in place. We are very happy to have this meeting though so we can start to examine all our options so that when the time comes for possible surgery we will be able to make a decision quickly if needed.

So - Nathan should be feeeling good this weekend and we will get out and about and enjoy it while we can.

Wednesday, July 9, 2003 4:15 PM CDT

Susan here..

I went yesterday and got the CD of all Nathan's test and so I glanced at his CT scan from Monday and I could tell it was smaller. The official report we got today has it down to 5 cm by 3 cm - this is down from about 8cm by 8 cm so that is good news. We are trying to figure out when it will be removed. Nathan's doctors seem less concerned about that than we are and so we are trying to get some different opinions (not formal second opinions or anything). We hope to get a surgeon to look at it very soon to give us an idea when it might be ready to be removed. Our doctors say it might not even be removed until after the stem cell transplant but Luke and I don't feel comfortable with that.

Nathan's platelets were still too low to start chemo (as we expected) His white blood cells are still low too and so he was given Neupogen to help bring them up. The doctor we talked to today thinks he will not be ready for chemo until Monday but we will be back in tomorrow to check his blood counts and will talk to Nathan's main doctor (who was out this morning) and see what he says.

So - it seems chemo will be delayed a week - which is somewhat disappointing because we really want to just keep the treatments going to get through all this.

Monday, July 7, 2003 5:56 PM CDT

Susan here..

Long day today. We got to the hospital at 7:45 and found out both tests were mistakenly scheduled for tomorrow. The echocardiogram was squeezed in and they rescheduled his cat scan for 2:00 pm. He did well in his echocardiogram. Afterwards we went out for brunch and then to the clinic. His blood counts were low. His platelets were 29 (they need to be 75 to start chemo) and his white clood cell counts were low too. When we were at the clinic on Thursday his counts were higher due to count boosting medication. So basically he was low all weekend and we didn't know it. It does explain his not feeling great though. This isn't a big surprise because after so many rounds of chemo his bone marrow is having a harder time recovering from chemo. So - he won't be starting chemo tomorrow. We will check his counts on Wednesday but aren't very optimistic about them being up by then. We'll check again on Friday and if they are up then we will have to decide whether or not to put him in the hospital so he can start of Friday instead of waiting until Monday.

After the clinic we went back to the hospital and waited for 2 hours for his cat scan. Why they wanted us there at noon I'll never know. We had to give him oral contrast at 1:00. It is 120 ml or white stuff he has to drink. He fussed about it but we coaxed it all down him a little at a time. We were sitting in the waiting room the whole time and so everyone else was subjected to kids TV and Nathan's crying over the contrast. Next time we will hopefully do it at our usual outpatient place which is MUCH better. He did SO GREAT in the cat scan. He layed down and was very still for about 10 minutes while they did it and wasn't even very scared. Luke and I sang to him the whole time. Afterwards we went and got ice cream and then came home and he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich and is doing just fine.

His doctor will likely call tomorrow with the cat scan results. We will of course update the journal when we hear something. His doctor wrote up a prescription for the hospital to put all his cat scans on a CD for us. I may run over and get that tomorrow. I have seen the images from the first two but Luke has not.

So - that is the news for the day.


Saturday, July 5, 2003 9:54 PM CDT

Luke here...Little to add from a medical standpoint. Nothing new since Susan's Thursday post. We had a good 4th. We got out in the morning and ran some errands. After the kids naps we had some good friends over, grilled out, and had a very good time. Today was another busy social day. One of Nathan's friends had a birthday party. We had a good morning.

Nathan is doing okay. I would guess that others are very surprised by how well he is. For us though we can tell that he just hasn't gotten all the way up to where he feels well enough to truly be and feel himself this cycle. He doesn't feel horrible and he is still having fun and playing, but something just isn't quite there. It is hard and he won't get all the way there as he starts the next chemo cycle on Tuesday. Don't get me wrong. He is still an incredibly strong little boy and doing very well, I think he may just be getting understandably tired.

As always, thanks for your continued support. We'll continue to keep you all updated.

Thursday, July 3, 2003 2:03 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan went in for his blood counts and they were good. His platelets are low but the doctors feel as if they will come up on their own since his other counts are climbing so no platelet transfusion today. One of his playgroups was meeting nearby and so we stopped in after his appointment and he played for a while.

He will have a cat scan of his abdomen and an echocardiogram Monday morning and start chemo on Tuesday.

We hope to have a fun weekend for Nathan while he is feeling good.

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 1:03 PM CDT

Susan here

Nathan went to the clinic yesterday. His white count was back to .3 - which is still neutropenic but on the way up. He was down to almost no platelets and his red blood cells were low too. I was given the option of doing platelets yesterday and red blood cells today at the clinic or to do them both yesterday at the hospital and so I chose to do the latter to get it over with so Nathan wouldn't have to do two days in a row. He was very good. We were at the hospital from 1:00 to 6:30 and he behaved so well. We got his urine test results back and one of the tests was in the normal range and the other just a tad above normal. These test show certain chemicals that are produced by neuroblastoma and so it is good news that these chemicals are almost normal.

He will go back in on Thursday for blood counts and probably platelets again. They are trying to schedule his cat scan and echocardiagram for either tomorrow or Thursday. No word on that yet.

Sunday, June 29, 2003 9:14 AM CDT

Luke here...No major news since Susan's post on Thursday. Nathan's spirits have been pretty down in this cycle. As his counts have gotten low he is obviously feeling pretty bad. We are hoping his counts and spirits bounce up pretty soon. The last cycle of chemo was a different set of drugs. The immediate side effects were a little worse with that one, but he didn't get as low as he does with the regular set of medications. We haven't been sleeping much. He is waking a lot in the night and needing attention. He isn't violently ill or anything, but he is very upset until one of us cuddles with him for awhile. The cycle is for him to wake every couple of hours. Last night I gave him IV benadryl at about 2:30am and it knocked him out pretty good until morning. Hopefully once he begins to feel better he won't be waking as much. A teenager in the clinic tried to describe how it felt when one's counts are down. The long and short of it was that she just basically felt all around horrible with aches, fatigue, etc. We think he is just feeling very bad and waking needing comfort. Nathan's platelets are low this weekend too so we are dealing with a lot of nose bleeds. I'm sure he will need at least platelets tomorrow and probably red blood cells sometime early next week too.

We should be getting a bunch of tests done between this and the next cycle. Essentially we will be having the full battery of tests that they did at diagnosis. This will give us a clearer picture of how he is responding to treatment and hopefully will give us an idea of when we may be able to schedule his surgery to remove the primary tumor. These tests will be pretty nerve racking. Once we get things scheduled your continued prayers and positive thoughts for positive results will, as always, be greatly appreciated.

We have been blessed to have my parents here for the past month. I don't know if we could get through this summer without the help and support we are getting from our parents. Soon we will be doing a shift change. Susan's parents just got on the road today and are headed here. My parents will head home and Bill and Carolyn will be here in the Springs for July and August.

Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:13 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had a red blood cell transfusion today. His white blood cell count is down to zero and he is feeling crummy. For the second time in a row his blood didn't arrive at the clinic as scheduled and we had to hang around an extra hour. Exactly what we didn't need today. So we were there from 11 am to 3:30. Between three days of chemo last week and three transfusion this week I have spent way too much time hanging around watching IV pumps count down. Fortunately he won't go in tomorrow. His regular doctor was out. The other doctor isn't quite as conservative and thought he could wait until Monday for a platelet transfusion. I am very grateful for that.

Nathan used to be very independant and play by himself alot. Now he expects people to be playing with him constantly. I guess he has gotten a little spoiled. I can only take so much of playing at a time and then he screams at me to play with him. I feel bad since he can't play with his friends very often so I try to do what I can. Fortunately his grandparents have been doing a lot of playing. It is tiring.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:45 PM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan went in for a platelet transfusion this morning. Someone forgot to order the platelets and so we had to hang around until they could get them. He fell asleep while we were there and so was quite cranky when I woke him up to go home.

Even though he had a blood transfusion yesterday he will need another on Thursday. He will likely need another platelet transfusion on Friday. So basically tomorrow is our only day off from transfusion. Since his immunity is low we will be hanging around the house. Nathan and Julia have been playing alot in the backyard. It is now equipped with a playhouse, slide, and sand and water table. Also an umbrella for the adults. It has been great to be able to entertain the kids out back when we are stuck at home.

Nathan is big into asking "why" these days. Today he asked his doctor the classic question "why is the sky blue?" His doctor actually had a good answer for a 3 year old - I wouldn't have had a clue what to say.

Monday, June 23, 2003 8:24 PM CDT

Susan here....

Good news today - Nathan's stem cells are clean! It is a big relief to know we don't have to try to harvest again. It doesn't neccessarily mean his bone marrow is clean. They will test that in the next few weeks.

The CT scan of Nathan's sinuses showed that he has sinusitis - all his sinuses are filled. No big surprise there. It also showed no visible bone damage from tumor or any other abnormality in the area which is a big relief. He is on an antibiotic since the sinus area being like that is a big risk for infection. I need to ask the DR some more tomorrow what might be done for the sinusitis itself.

Nathan's white blood cell count is now low as expected. His red blood cell count was very low and so since he needed them today he had to go to the hospital to get a transfusion. He wasn't happy at the idea but did just fine when we got there. We ended up being gone all day and he was pretty tired tonight. He will get a platelet transfusion tomorrow at the clinic. His eating and drinking is not great, but he sustained his weight over the weekend so we will just keep an eye on him.

Friday, June 20, 2003 1:36 PM CDT

Susan here..

We just got back from the cat scan. Nathan did great. It was just a Cat scan of his sinuses and took only 2 minutes and so they didn't want to sedate him. We talked about it before we left this morning and he was really upset, but when it came time to do it he did it without sedation. When he comes out of sedation he is cranky and acts drunk and is very wobbly for several hours. So instead he can enjoy his afternoon and we are so happy about that.

He is still feeling sick at night. He threw up in the middle of the night last night. Today he seems fine but isn't really hungry. Since he was without food due to the potential sedation - it was a good thing, but we hope his appetite comes back so he doesn't have to go on supplemental nutrition.

We are back in the clinic on Monday and expect that he will need some transfusions next week.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:37 AM CDT

Luke here...Susan had Nathan at chemo yesterday. It went fine. He had some vomiting on the drive home but managed to eat a light dinner and be in good spirits in the evening. We had typical June weather in the Springs and had an impressive hail storm yesterday. There were piles of hail and in some places it looked like it had snowed. Ellie (our dog) was really excited and running around in the accumulated hail after the storm. Nathan and Julia just stood at the storm door laughing and laughing at Ellie. It is so nice that he can have such a hard day and then just giggle away at something that he finds funny. Kids are amazing. I certainly can't turn the corner that fast.

Susan has Nathan in again for day 3 of this cycle of chemo. He will be getting his stitches out this morning from the second broviac placement. That should be exciting. He still freaks about things like dressing changes of the site on his chest, so I'm guessing he'll have a pretty good fit over getting those stitches out.

Thanks to everyone for sending birthday gifts, cards, and wishes. Nathan really enjoyed them all.

Monday, June 16, 2003 7:04 PM CDT

Susan here...

A long day in chemo today. We were there from 9:15 until 5:00. Nathan was very good as usual. I brought his wooden train and set it up on the floor for him and we also played with many other things. He is very tired now. Tomorrow will be harder I imagine. The doctors and nurses at the clinic sung happy birthday to him and gave him some matchbox cars.

Today they collected some urine to use in a test that detects levels of neuroblastoma. He had this test on diagnosis and decided to submit it again. The protocol here in this town is to collect it for 24 hours which would have required a catheter. Fortunately his DR. just moved here and they didn't always do it that way where he used to practice and so he convinced the lab to take a spot sample instead. I was very thankful for that.

Saturday, June 14, 2003 3:38 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had a great birthday party today. We had beautiful weather and the kids had lots of fun playing outside. We were so lucky that he was able to have a party with his friends while he was feeling good and his counts were up. Check the photo album for some more birthday party pictures.

Friday, June 13, 2003 11:27 AM CDT

Luke here...Just got word from the BMT folks in Denver at TCH with the final stem cell collection numbers. The goal was 8 to 10 million and we got 8.7 million. The doctors are happy with that. A sample is being sent off to a lab in LA that will do a study that will tell us if the cells are clean (no neuroblastmo). Our oncs here in the Springs and at TCH all think it will be clean based on his response to treatment, but doctors aren't the type to give guarantees.

We will be celebrating Nathan's birthday tomorrow with some of his little friends. It should be a good time. He is feeling well. His counts have been up a little longer than usual between chemo cycles since we delayed a little to do this stem cell collection. He will start cycle four of chemo on Monday (his actual birthday). Monday through Wednesday will be chemo. Friday he will have a CT scan of his sinus area. He has had a runny nose since diagnosis/treatment began and the doctors want to be able to rule out infection or tumor as a cause. Many of our neurblastoma parent community at ACOR (a listserv) report that their kids had the same symptoms during treatment and that they turned out to not be infection or tumor, so that is encouraging.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:00 PM CDT

Susan here...

We are back from Denver. We ended up staying over last night so we couldn't update.

Tuesday morning we left for Denver at 6:00 am and got to the hospital by 7:15 even though we were told to expect a 2 hour drive. At 8 we went to the blood center and they had to do all his labs. He got started on the machine at about 9:30. Midway through they tested to see how many stem cells they had collected so far. It was a good collection and so they asked us if we wanted to keep on going until 6:00 pm to maximize the amount we could get. We agreed and so we decided to stay in Denver for the night. Nathan was so good. He was in the bed attached to the machine from 8am to 6pm and didn't fuss the whole time. He had a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. I ran out to Target to get us some things to stay over. They collected 6.4 million stem cells on Tuesday with a goal of 8-10 million. Today we started around 8:00 and were done at 1:30. They estimate a total collection of about 9 million. We will know tomorrow what the actual count was. He will need only about 5 million for the stem cell transplant but they like to have extra for future transplants or supplements if needed.

He was very good today as well. We were so impressed by him.

He won't go back to the clinic until he starts chemo on Monday but he may have a cat scan of his sinus area on Friday. His nose has been running since diagnosis and we can't figure out why. He also has some swelling and slight briusing of his right eye which is something he had at diagnosis and so we are concerned about that. We already know he has cancer in those bones around his eye but it really should be receding now.

We will celebrate his birthday on Saturday. We don't know exactly what we are doing. We may have a few of his friends over but try to keep it fairly small.

The people we worked with at the blood donor center at Denver Children's Hospital were great. We have been so lucky with Nathan's doctors and nurses.

We'll update tomorrow.

Monday, June 9, 2003 10:13 AM CDT

Luke here...Not much to write. I realized we hadn't added anything since Thursday and figured I should add something so people keep coming to the journal. It was an uneventful weekend. Nathan's counts are up so he is feeling pretty good. Friday he got to play with some friends and go to lunch with all his little buddies at the food court at the mall (Don't tell his oncs) and had a good time. He played outside a lot and in general had a good weekend. Susan and I both got out this weekend too which is good for us. Thanks to Erik, Daelyn, Max, and Mindy for their efforts to get us out of the house.

This morning Nathan will go in for his counts. There may be a need for either a red blood cell or platelet transfusion. If he needs red blood cells there is a chance he would need to get that transufion late in the afternoon at the hospital because they can't get them that quickly at the clinic. We'll just have to see. Tomorrow we will be in Denver for the first day of stem cell harvest. It should just be a long day of Nathan hooked up to the machine and basically confined to a small area. Hopefully books, toys, and videos will keep him well enough occupied. We'll be doing at least two days of harvest and hopefully only two. He'll then have a pretty free weekend and start cycle 4 of chemo on Monday. Since he will be starting his chemo cycle on his birthday, we will celebrate that sometime this weekend.

That is it for now.

Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:40 PM CDT

Susan here...

We went to Denver today to Children's Hospital. We were expecting a quick appointment with the Doctor but got a 1/2 hour meeting with the social worker and 2 hour consult and tour with the head of the Bone MArrow Transplant center. He gave us so much information and I will try to summarize.

As far as the stem cell harvest goes we will go in at 8:00 am Tuesday morning. He will be in a private room with a dvd/vcr combo and TV. We will bring him some toys too. They anticipate it taking 4 hours or longer if they need to do a blood transfusion first. They will use his Broviac and run his blood into a machine where it will remove the stem cells and then transfuse the blood back into him. They will run 4 times his blood volume through it and then see how much they got. They anticiapte it taking 2 days to do the collection. They make sure to collect extra in case of any problems (bags breaking etc) and also in case he needs some more stem cells later. NAte will be an outpatient so we will go home and come back in on Tuesday.

We talked a bit about the stem cell transplant. First off we met with a social worker. She talked about lodging and other logistical things. She told us he would be in the hospital for a month and then need to stay in Denver for 2 more months. We were shocked by this - but when we talked to the DR later he said we could work things out between our doctors and them and that he would probably only need to be in Denver for a couple of weeks after discharge. There is an apartment building just for transplant families to live in after discharge where we can stay (and Julia too). During the transplant while Nathan is hospitalized we will stay at the Ronal McDonald house. Julia can be there with us too. We don't know how much we will have her with us but it is a relief to know it is an option.

He showed us the transplant unit and offered to take us in if we wanted to get scrubbed up and gowned but we didn't feel the need. It is a sterile unit with hepa filtered air. Inside the unit there is a plaroom and a family room. It is nice to know there will be a safe sterile place for him to be able to be besides his room during his transplant.

We really like the doctor. He went to Northwestern University for his undergraduate degree so Luke was happy about that. He talked to us about some of the next steps we might take if NAthan's treatment doesn't go as planned. We have known about some of these things but NAthan's doctors haven't really talked much about them. We feel he will be a good resource later on as well as a good doctor for Nathan's transplant.

Nathan was very very good. We left home and noon and retuned at 6:30 and he didn't cry but once, when he fell down. He was very well-behaved and played nicely for a long time while all the talking was going on. He wasn't at all intimidated about being in a different clinic and hospital with different doctors. We are so impressed with him.

The hospital seem to have really nice ammenities for everyone. It would have been nice to be close to go there for everday care. We are lucky to only have to drive 15 minutes or so to go to the clinic as often as we go so we are not complaining.

His counts were very good. They faxed them to his Doctors here and they called and said he doesn't need to bother coming in tomorrow. So - hopefully we will go play with his friends tomorrow instead.

That's it for now!

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:52 PM CDT

Susan here - Nathan went to the clinic this morning. His white blood cell counts are on the way back up already. This means we finally have a plan for the Stem Cell harvest. He will start it next Tuesday. After we see the doctor in Denver tomorrow we will have a better idea about the procedure.

It is possible but unlikely that he will start chemo on time the following day. Most likely he will start round 4 of chemo on Mon. the 16th (his birthday) We will plan to have his birthday party on Sat or Sun.

He did need platelets today so we left and played at the park for a little bit until they were delivered and then went back and he got them.

We'll update later tomorrow about our Doctor's visit.

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 1:58 PM CDT

Susan here...

Yesterday Nathan went to the clinic. His counts are down (but not all the way down yet) and he got a red blood cell transfusion. He was the only patient in for treatment and so at lunch time the nurses and Nathan and I went outside to have a picnic lunch. It was a nice change in scenery and we all enjoyed it. He was enjoying himself anyway playing cars on the floor of the clinic while he was getting his transfusion.

He goes back in on Wednesday to get his counts taken and we also anticipate he will need platelets. We are still trying to work out the mess of getting his stem cells harvested. There has been much calling back and forth between doctors. Fortunately we will be going up to Denver ourselves on Thursday so hopefully we can get things figured out. We are anxious for Nathan's counts to get down and start coming up so we can get the show on the road without delaying his chemo too much.

We can tell he isn't feeling great today and is somewhat cranky but we are always amazed by how happy he is. We had a neighbor girl stop by and want the kids to go out and play. She is 10 or so. She saw Nathan and asked why he didn't have hair and so I told her he had cancer. She got pretty upset and I felt bad for putting it so bluntly but I guess it really is just a fact of life these days. She asked if he was going to die - that was the first time anyone has asked that. I told her that I didn't know but that he was undergoing treatment and doing well.

Sunday, June 1, 2003 10:49 AM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan is having a good weekend. Today he really wants to go somewhere and play and we really can't let him. Luke is about to take him for a walk in the backpack carrier and he is happy about that.

He is thoroughly enjoying having his Grandpa Mike, Grandma Kathy and Aunt Annie visiting. We are too of course!

I just wanted to let you all know we updated our family web page. Go to the link below and click on May.

Friday, May 30, 2003 5:25 PM CDT

Susan here..

Nathan went to the clinic this morning and his immunity is lower but not in the low spot yet. His platelets were quite low and his red blood cells were low too. He will have a red blood cell transfusion on Monday. He had a platelet transfusion later in the morning today. Unfortunately when he was done I got him to the car and noticed he was breaking out in hives so I took him right back up to the clinic and they gave him benedryl and steroids. We were there another 2 hours for him to get over it. Since he had an allergic reaction to the platelets today they will have to premedicate him always in the future to make sure it doesn't happen again.

We talked with the nurse practitioner about the stem cell harvest (I incorrectly called it a rescue yesterday - that is the part when they give it back to him - this is the part where they remove the stem cells). She told us that the other doctor's plan for Nathan was not all that different (as Nathan' DR had told us) and that it will be an outpatient procedure (also not what we were previously told) I got pretty frustrated about this and also the fact that we wouldn't meet the other doctor until the day before the harvest and so we will meet with him on thursday in Denver to be able to get an authoritative answer to all our questions. So anyway - it is good news that he won't have to stay in the hospital for it and also they think they will most likely be able to use his central line to get the stem cells instead of putting a different temporary catheter in him.

The hives episode was kind of hard on him, but other than that he has had a prety good day. In between our initial visit to the clinic and going back to get the platelets we went to a nearby park and he played a little. He is eating fairly well and we can take him off the supplemental nutrition during the day. Hopefully he will fell well enough this weekend to play outside a little and have some fun. We will be keeping him home since his immunity ought to be low by then.

Have a good weekend. We may or may not update in the next few days.

Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:43 PM CDT

Susan here..

Well - as we expected Nathan will be treated by different doctors for his stem cell rescue and transplant. Unfortunately they do things differently and so according to their plan Nathan's immunity needs to come up first, then he needs to be off the immunity boosting drug (neupogen) for 2 days and then back on it for 4 days and the next day they do the rescue. They are hoping for him to be off of it by tues and then on it for Fri Sat Sun and Mon and then the next day (June 9)have the rescue. The only problem is we don't know how many days the rescue will take and he is due to start chemo on Wednesday. If he is still in Denver he will have to start late and that may mean puttin ghim back in the hospital so he can have it all weekend. Otherwise we would have to wait until Monday June 16 (Nate's birthday) to start the next round. We hate to put it off like that. If his immunity doesn't come up by Tuesday I don't know what they will do because that will really put him behind.

He seems to be feeling alot better today. He has eaten pretty close to normally and done alot of playing. He skinned his knees pretty hard playing outside this evening. One mysterious thing is that all of a sudden he is not hearing very well. It could be the chemo or maybe just congestion. We will ask his doctors about it tomorrow.

Well - off to enjoy some of my evening.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:42 AM CDT

Susan here...

Well - we went to the clinic yesterday and were surprised to find out his blood counts were all good. His white blood count was low on Friday and so we thought it was on its way down but apparently not. So we are a little frustrated that we kept him at home all weekend when we could have gotten out a little. We will expect it to be down on Friday when he goes in next.

He didn't throw up at all yesterday and drank milk and ate stew and meatloaf - so hopefully his nausea is on the way out. He did lose 2 pounds and so he is on supplemental nutrition.

We are going around in circles with the insurance company figuring out where and who will perform the stem cell rescue and transplant. It is long and complicated but the bottom line is Nathan's doctors want to harvest his stem cells early next week no matter what and so the insurance issue has to be settled soon. It may be have to be done by another group of doctors in Denver that don't know Nathan. So he will have is stem cells rescued even though they will not know if his bone marrow is clear of cancer. They will test it after they take it and see. If it is not clean enough they will save it and harvest again. The longer they wait to do the harvest the more "tired" the stem cells get and so they really want to be able to use the ones they get next week. So we will just have to wait and see what happens. We should know tomorrow morning the who and where of the rescue and can begin planning for next week.

We will update tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 AM CDT

Luke here...I hope you are all enjoying your Memorial Day. There really isn't too much news beyond what Susan wrote Saturday morning. Last week was a long one, but we aren't too much worse for the wear. Of all of us, Nathan is probably the one holding up the best. We had expected this cycle to be horrible on him based on accounts from others that have gone through this. It hasn't been so bad. Nathan has had an appetite, which is great since a lot of kids don't with this chemo drug. He has had more vomitting than with previous cycles, but nothing terrible. He holds down some meals and doesn't others. There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason. He does have a disturbing habit of vomitting onto his plate (sorry if that is too much information), but no big deal. He handles it really well too. He doesn't seem to have a big hang up over it. He just goes about his business and then returns to whatever held his attention. Last night he vomitted at the dinner table. We cleaned him up sitting at his high chair and when we had a new shirt on him he said, "Can I have some more rice please?".

All in all things are going okay and we are having a pretty good weekend. I'm working to make up some hours missed during this past hectic week. Susan's parents (Grandpa Bill and Grandma C) are still here and being a huge help to us. Having grandparents here is very important to Julia when she is feeling neglected by Susan and I. Bill has also taken on a bunch of projects around the house and been a huge help on that front. He has knocked off some projects we have wanted to tackle literally for years. We will do a grandparent shift change this week with Bill and Carolyn heading back to South Carolina and my parents (Grandpa Mike and Grandma Kathy) coming into town. We also get to have a brief visit from my sister Anna (Aunt Annie) too.

We don't have a set schedule for next week. Nathan will be in the clinic for counts tomorrow. We know his immune system is already down. I'm guessing he will need red blood cells, platelets, or both on Wednesday. After that we will be waiting for his counts to come up and hoping he doesn't get fever or infection.

We will be throwing kabobs on the grill this afternoon. I'm looking forward to a couple of beers around the grill and a good meal with family. I hope you all have had a good weekend.

Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:42 AM CDT

Susan here...

Yesterday we were at the clinic from 9 - 5:30. LONG day. There was a mix-up at the blood bank and he didn't get his blood until late. Nathan did really well and didn't ask to come home once. He even took a two hour nap. After his nap he did throw up and also threw up in the car on the way home. He was really good and held the throw up tub all the way home. He was fine the rest of the evening. He is not eating however.

We got some more good news. The bone marrow in his left hip which was 100% cancerous at diagnosis, 60% cancerous after round 1 is now 10% cancerous after round 2. The doctors are hopeful that this current round 3 will clear it up enough to harvest.

This morning Nathan woke up feeling a little sick so he got his anti-nausea mediciation in his bed and seems to be feeling well now. We are not really expecting him to eat much this weekend and he is expected to start supplemental nutrition on Tuesday.

I got to see the cat scan images yesterday. The doctor gained access to the hospital's database at his office. If we bring a CD he will actually burn us a copy. I was not ready to see the image at diagnosis but it was interresting to see it this time. I got to look at both scans side by side. It is hard to imagine that tumor inside him. Especially when he is running around playing.

Today we will probably hang out at home. I think car rides are a little hard on Nathan's tummy.

Friday, May 23, 2003 9:47 AM CDT

Luke here...Yesterday I had chemo day duty, so here is the update. So far, so good. We are very surprised by how well Nathan is handling chemo in general and this round in particular. Wednesday was fine. Susan had him at the clinic. It was a long day for both of them, but he wasn't feeling too bad at home other than being exhausted. Thursday started with a failed attempt at breakfast, so we thought the nastiness was setting in. To our surprise, so far it really hasn't. We had a pretty good day at the clinic. It was slow in the morning so he got lots of attention from the nurses and doctors coming in to chat with him. We played and talked without any television until noon, then watched movies until almost 2:00 and then we both napped until a little after 3:00 when the chemo was done and they did some anti-naseua medications and we were out of there by around 3:45. He snacked and drank a little and held it down. At home he watched tv, played, and ate dinner. He kept dinner down and woke up literally giggling in his bed this morning. We are amazed. He didn't have much appetite this morning, but he ate 1/4 pop tart and has felt fine.

Today is the last day of treatment in this cycle. Susan took him in. It will be a long day. His hemoglobin is on its way down and with nowhere to go but farther down and a three day weekend coming up, they are going to do a red blood cell transfusion after chemo today to try and keep him up through the weekend. We had thought we would have to go to the hospital for transfusion tomorrow, but they are going to do it this afternoon. Susan and Nate will be pretty beat up from a long day today, but hopefully he continues to feel well. If he continues to hold down his food, we may even be able to keep his weight and nutrition up and not have to go on supplement. That would be great. I'm not going to get my hopes up yet. On that front, I had a long talk with the nurse practitioner at the clinic yesterday. They are amazed at his nutrition. Most kids apparently are technically malnourished throughout treatment. Nathan's protein (and some other indicator) tanked when he didn't eat during cycle 1, but they are up in low normal ranges now. They think that is just great.

No news on the bone barrow biopsy yet. Hopefully Susan will get results today. I'm hoping for any kind of improvement. We got tood news on the tumor mass this week and too much good news is too much to ask for. If we see some improvement this time we can hope for big improvement in about three weeks form now once this new set of drugs has had its chance to fight the cancer.

There I go again rambling along. I should post in the evenings when I'm too exhausted to ramble on like this.

Thanks for your continued support. Keep your fingers crossed for us that he continues to handle this treatment so well.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:10 PM CDT

Susan here...
Today went pretty well. Nathan is feeling pretty tired today (even before we went to the clinic) he did fine with the chemo. The doctor said it is often a delayed effect with this kind of chemo. So we'll see how tomorrow goes. His new Broviak seems to be doing just fine.

The good news is that Nathan's tumor has shrunk at least 50% and has lots of calcifications which means alot of it is dead tissue. We should be able to see the before and after images ourselves on Friday. We may also get the bone marrow biopsy results on Friday.

Luke is going with Nathan tomorrow and I will hopefully go to playgroup with Julia to give her a sense of normalcy.

We'll update tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8:38 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan's surgery went well. He was very good about not getting to eat and drink. He had a bit of a hard time coming off of the anesthesia but by the time we came home he wanted to walk around and play. He is in bed now just chatting away to himself happily.

They managed to put in a Broviak that was bigger than the last one so that hopefully they can use it to harvest his stem cells.

We asked his doctor about the CAT scan and he had seen the report but not the image yet and said that the report shows the tumor is shrinking but he will be able to tell us how much when he actually sees the scan - so hopefully he will tell us tomorrow. The bone marrow results will hopefully be ready by Friday before we leave the clinic.

Tomorrow we are off to chemo. We are prepared for the worst but hoping he isn't too sick from it. It could be a very long 3 days. Luke will go with Nathan on Thursday and I will go again on Friday.

Monday, May 19, 2003 3:21 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had his CAT scan this morning. We went in around 7:00 am and started giving him the contrast that he had to drink. Last time he wouldn't drink it and they had to put a tube through his nose to his stomach. This time we were able to slowly give him the contrast by mouth through a syringe (many syringes full). He was then taken in the room and sedated for the scan. Afterwards he had the hearing test and remained asleep for that as well.

Saturday night when we changed his dressing on his central line we noticed that it appeared it had pulled out somewhat. This was confirmed today at the clinic and he was immediately scheduled for surgery tomorrow to put a new one in. He will have the bone marrow biopsy at the same time. It is outpatient surgery and supposed to be easy to recover from.

We will start his chemo on Wednesday instead of tomorrow now. They can do it in 3 days instead of 4 and so will just condense it so he doesn't have to wait another week to get it.

As far as resutls go - we will get the CAT scan results maybe tomorrow by phone or they might just wait until Wed. when we go in. The bone marrow results I am guessing will be available Friday or so.

So - Nathan did a good job today and it wasn't too traumatic. He is currently napping and tomorrow will be a hard day. He can't eat anything after midnight tonight and surgery will be at 11:00 am so that is going to be rough not feeding him.

We will update you tomorrow after the surgery.

Saturday, May 17, 2003 7:24 PM CDT

Luke here...Not too much to report. As Susan noted in the last entry Nathan's counts were up very well on Thursday so he didn't need transfusions on Friday like we expected. He has been feeling pretty good so we have been doing a lot of playing and trying to get out some to shake the cabin fever that builds up while his counts are down. We have been having a good family weekend.

Next week looks to be a very busy one. Monday we will be going in very early in the morning to the hospital's outpatient facility. Nathan has a CT scan with sedation in the morning. This is to take a look at the tumor in his abdomen to check in and see how it is reacting to treatment (hopefully shrinking!). After the CT scan he has a hearing exam. His next course of treatments will likely damage his hearing and they need to do a test now to baseline things. Apparently the drugs often do permanent damage to high frequency hearing. After the scan and test it will be off to the clinic for his counts and an exam. If his platelets are up enough (we already know his immune system is up enough) then cycle 3 of treatments will start on Tuesday. If they aren't up, then the cycle won't start until the following Monday. This is a 4 day treatment cycle. So, if his counts are up, he will be getting full day treatments Tuesday through Friday of next week. This set of drugs are new to him and all accounts we get from other parents who have done this protocol are that these are extremely nasty (one parent refers to cycles 3 and 5 as vomit fest). We shall see. Everyone reacts differently. Tuesday he will have another BMA (bone marrow aspiration). His counts shot back up so well that the doctors are hopeful his marrow is pretty clear. The same thing happened last time and they got our hopes up and there was only minimal improvement. We are hopeful, but not getting our hopes too high.

That is the plan for the week. We'll probably update on Monday after scans and counts. Tomorrow will be an uneventful weekend day.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:20 PM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had his blood counts checked this afternoon. His white blood cell count is way up and so his immunity is high now. His platelet and red blood counts are fine and so he doesn't need a blood transfusion tommorow. That means he can go play with his friends tomorrow instead of sitting in the clinic! The first thing the doctor said when he saw Nathan's counts was that he wanted to do another bone marrow aspiration ASAP. So he will have one on Tuesday. The doctor is hopeful that is good counts mean the bone marrow may be clean. Of course - they thought that last time and it wasn't and so we are not holding our breath. As I mentioned before he will have a CAT scan on Monday. After that he will go to the clinic and get his blood counts taken to get an idea if his platelet level will be high enough to start round 3 of chemo on Tuesday.

So - we get three days to play and have fun!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:44 PM CDT

Susan here...
Nathan went to the clinic for red blood cells and platelets today. We were there from 10:15 to 3:45 so it was a fairly long day. His counts are still on the way up. He goes back Thursday afternoon for a blood count check.

Monday he will have a CAT scan and a hearing test. If his platelets are high enough he will start chemo on Tuesday. He will be getting different chemo drugs this time and they are supposed to make him much sicker and they will also be given over 4 days instead of 3.

So - hopefully Fri - Sun he can get out and have some fun before feeling bad again. My parents arrived yesterday and watched Julia all day today. She was very happy about that.

Nathan is still in a lot of pain in his bottom. It has been keeping him up at night. Hopefully as his counts go up the pain will go away and we can all get some sleep.

That's about it. We are all so tired. Next week will be rough so I am hoping we can get some good sleep the enxt few nights.

Monday, May 12, 2003 1:53 PM CDT

Susan here...
Nate went to the clinic this morning. His counts are up - but he still has a low immunity. His platelets and red blood cells are very low and he will be transfused tomorrow. He is still eating and drinking - he has only a few spots in his mouth that don't seem to be bothering him. Unfortunately he is in a lot of pain from constipation and/or sores in his digestive tract. The pain comes and goes with his bodily functions. He is pretty happy when not in pain.

The doctors plan for him to have a hearing test and CAT scan early next week. The hearing test is neccessary because the upcoming round of chemo contains drugs that damage high frequency hearing. The CAT scan will give us an idea how his tumor is responding. They may also do another bone marrow aspiration next week. We will of course keep you updated.

So we'll be in the clinic tomorrow but hopefully not Wed. and by Thursday we hope his counts are up and he can get out and play a little. He may very well need another platelet transfusion by the end of the week. If his plateletes aren't up on their own by next Monday they will have to put his next round of chemo off by a week.

Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:52 AM CDT

Luke here...Not much today. Nathan had a platelet transfusion yesterday. They still showed a little low post infusion, so it is likely he will need red blood cells and platelets next week. We have standing admittance orders for the weekend in case his fever spikes. We are hopeful we can avoid a hospital stay this nadir, but he could be the type that gets fevers with each cycle. We shall see. Monday we will be in for counts. His spirits are okay. We can definitely tell his counts are down by his activity level and his crankiness, but I would say his spirits and activity level are much better than the first cycle. It is nice to see him handling things well.

We had great help last week from our friends Brian and Lori. After the weekend the grandparent cavalry arrives. Susan's parents, Bill and Carolyn (Grandpa Bill and Grandma C) will arrive on Monday for a two week stay. Right as they depart my parents and sister (Grandpa Mike, Grandma Kathy, and Aunt Aunnie) arrive. Anna will only stay 4 or 5 days and then my parents will be here through June, after which Bill and Carolyn will be back likely for July and August. It will be wonderful to have the help and support that they provide. It will be especially important for Julia who is feeling a little neglected through all of this.

Thanks to everyone for continuing to look in on us and to send cards and letters to Nathan. Getting mail brightens up his day.

Unless we end up in the hospital with fever, there probably won't be much going on this weekend. Don't be surprised if there is no update this evening or tomorrow and we will let everyone know how his counts and exam go on Monday.

Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:50 AM CDT

Susan here -
We got Nathan's bone marrow test results and they are sort of inconclusive. On his right side, the bone marrow was completely replaced with cancerous cells when we started and is now at 60%. The doctor is unsure if this is active cancer or dead/inactive cancer cells that his marrow hasn't reabsorbed yet. On his left side there was no change and is still around 30-40% cancerous. They will not be doing is stem cell rescue next week since the marrow isn't clean. They will repeat the biopsy before his next round of chemo and see how it is. What else they may do depends on if he is hospitalized in the next few days. His counts are down and so now if he gets a fever he will go into the hospital. If this does happen he may have a urine collection which will be tested. He initially had this test done to provide a baseline and so they would compare results to see if that showed any improvement. They may also do a cat scan to see if the tumor has shrunken. If he doesn't go into the hospital this weekend we will reassess Monday as to what tests he will have when. I didn't get a feel for how likely it would be that this was just dead tumor in the marrow versus active cancer. So - we are disappointed but will have to wait and see - which is very hard to do.

Tomorrow he will have a platelet transfusion. This only takes a half hour or so.

He is more tired today with his counts down. He immediately took a nap after the clinic.

So that's the news....

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 12:30 AM CDT

Luke here...Not much to report. Today is Nathan's second day in a row "off" with no visits to the clinic. He will go in tomorrow for his counts and hopefully we get some information about results from the bone marrow aspiration he had performed last week. His spirits have remained pretty high and he has been playing and having fun. We think today that we can start to see signs of his counts dropping with him starting to drag a little more, be a little more cranky, and he is starting to talk about being sick and not feeling well. The relative calm over the last week plus and his handling the treatments last week so well have been a good time for us.

Our friend Brian is still here staying with us and that has been great. The kids love him and he has been a huge help to us taking care of the kids and providing us with a break.

Well, without much to say I'll avoid rambling and call it an entry. Susan has updated our personal pages with some pictures from April. If you want to see the latest set of pictures, follow the link at the bottom of the screen to our pages and then jump to the April page.

Monday, May 5, 2003 6:45 PM CDT

Susan here...
Today Nathan went in for a blood transfusion. His white blood counts are still up and he is still feeling good. We don't have any test results from the bone marrow and they said we will get them on Thursday. He doesn't have to go back to the clinic until then and so we have two days off! On Thursday they will just do his blood counts. They are expecting him to be neutropenic by then (no/low immunity).

That's all for today!

Sunday, May 4, 2003 9:43 AM CDT

Susan Here....

We are having a good weekend. Nathan is feeling just fine and playing and happy. He is hooked up to IV fluids to help keep him hydrated after the chemo. He has been good about wearing the fluids and pumps in a little backpack we got him so he can still get around. He is still eating and drinking well too.

Our friends Brian and Lori are visiting this weekend and Nathan and Julia have enjoyed the extra attention. Yesterday we went for a little hike at North Cheyenne Canyon park here in town. There is a waterfall and both kids enjoyed seeing it. Nathan was in the backpack carrier and he thought that was fun. It was nice for all of us to get out for a little hike. Check out the photo album page for a picture from the hike.

Tomorrow Nathan will be getting a blood transfusion. He will hopefully get unhooked from the IV as well and he will appreciate that. They will check his blood levels in the morning to see how his white blood cell count is doing. We may also get results from his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow.

I wanted to thank you all for the cards and gifts you have sent Nathan. It really does brighten his day to get them. He now expects to get a letter everyday and so far he does get at least one and he loves it.

Friday, May 2, 2003 10:15 AM CDT

Luke here.
We are in the middle of the treatments for Nathan's second course of chemotherapy. I had him for day 2 of 3 at the clinic yesterday. All in all, Nathan is handling everything much better emotionally. He has gone to the clinic for his treatments very willingly and been well-behaved and cheery and happy there. He has had his occassional fits, but that isn't too bad for a near three year old being forced to sit through 8 hours of medication and other poking and prodding. Wednesday night he felt fine and ate well. He complained some about his tummy in the late afternoon, but no real problems. Yesterday I couldn't let him eat all morning and a lot of the afternoon because he was having a procedure done in the afternoon (more on that later). After the procedure he just wanted to eat and he had quite a bit of food in the afternoon. His tummy was pretty upset in the car on the way home and he did have some vomitting, but he handled it well and ate a little in the evening and then had a very good night sleep. We didn't hear a peep out of him. The chemo really wears him out.

The procedure he had done was a bone marrow aspiration. The took aspirate from one hip and a core sample from both. They are checking the bone and marrow to see how well they have responded to round 1. This will also give us an idea if we can do the bone marrow harvest between courses 2 and 3. Best case scenario is 2 weeks from now his marrow will look pretty clean and he will be having his marrow harvested in the hospital in Denver (probably 1 to 5 days in hospital). I'm a little nervous about these results. This will be the first real indicator as to whether or not he has responded well to the first round of chemotherapy. We could have some results on the aspirate today, but the core results won't be available until Monday at the earliest. We had been nervous about this procedure as other parents online had said that their kids had significant discomfort with the procedure under similar drugs that our docs intended to use. It wasn't bad at all though. They administered a pain medication and an amnesiac and then numbed the areas where they did the procedure. By far the worst discomfort he was in was when they numbed the areas before the procedure. After that, he was fine and pretty loopy from the drugs. He typically comes down from those pretty hard and was upset for awhile after the procedure, but that settled down and all was well.

He is doing amazingly well. It will be tough to see him start to slide after these treatments, but we know that he can feel better when he comes back up based on the very good weekend we just had with him. This is one tough kid.

We'll let you all know how today's treatment went and how he fares through the weekend. We have more visitors on their way in. Our good friends Brian and Lori Shade are visiting from Missouri and arriving sometime today. Nathan always enjoys Brian and Lori, so this will be a real treat for all of us.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:50 PM CDT

Susan here -
Today I went in with Nathan to see if his counts were high enough to start chemo and they were borderline but good enough and so we began. His bone marrow biopsy is tomorrow. Luke will be going in with him tomorrow because three 8 hour days in a row would rob me of my sanity. Julia will be getting her MMR vaccine tomorrow - we have been waiting to do it when Nathan's immunity was fine.

He had a pretty good day but refused to nap and by the end of the day he had had enough. He also ate and ate and ate. He has been eating constantly ever since he started up again. It is good, but I was concerned with him making himself sick!

I imagine there is more to say but I am completely drained from a long day. I'll fill in anything missing tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:10 PM CDT

Luke here.
Not much to report really. Nathan was in for his counts and an exam yesterday. All was good. He has gained weight and his counts were up. His immune system counts were very high and that is great. His hemoglobin was good, not great, but good enough that he didn't need a red blood cell transfusion. His platelets are up, but not enough to begin chemotherapy, so we are a little uncertain about what the rest of the week holds. Tomorrow we will go in to get his counts. If his platelets are up enough, he will have a bone marrow aspiration and then full day of chemo. If his platelets aren't up, then the three day course of chemo can't start until Monday and we aren't sure about whether or not he would get the aspiration or if that would wait until Monday too. We are a little torn on this. Since Friday he has been doing great, eating well, and feeling better than he has since before getting the diagnosis. He is doing well enough right now to be pretty much off of most of the meds he was taking and not tied to the nutritional supplement. A few more days of feeling good might go a long way for him. On the other hand, we do want to stay on "schedule" with treatment as much as we can. At least the decision will be made for us. If the counts are up, we start. If not, we wait and enjoy another good weekend.

Special thanks to Josh and Jae for visiting. What a great weekend it was for them to be here. Nathan was feeling well and excited about the company and Julia really had a great time too.

Monday, April 28, 2003 10:04 AM CDT

Luke here...

As predicted, nothing much to report. We have had a very good weekend. This was a three day weekend for us as we had no clinic or hospital visits on Friday. Nathan has been in great spirits, eating well, playing some, engaged, etc, etc. It really is marvelous. He is feeling and acting better than he has since before his diagnosis. It is a little bittersweet knowing what kind of hard week we will have this week, but it is mostly heartening to know that he can feel well and be happy. His Uncle Josh and Aunt Jae (my older brother and his wife from Albuquerque) are here now. They came in yesterday afternoon and will leave tomorrow morning. Combined with his feeling better and his apparent starving for social activity, he is having a ball with them. When they came in we all ended up on the floor talking and he just talked and talked and talked to them. It was great. And then miracle of all miracles he actually wore the backpack that carries his nutritional supplement and pump himself so he could walk around and show them things. Julia is very much enjoying the company as well. We really enjoy seeing the kids with family.

This week things will probably start to go downhill a little on our rollercoaster. Today Nathan goes in for his counts. It should be a quick visit. We are expecting the need for a red blood cell transfusion tomorrow. They will want his hemoglobin count up before the second course starts and we doubt his body has brought it up enough. We will be hoping his platelets are up too. He has to have those up pretty high and unsupported by transfusion before they will start the second course of chemo. If all goes well, the second round of chemo will start Wednesday. So, our week will look like this:
Monday: Quick trip to clinic for counts and exam
Tuesday: Probable RBC transfusion (3 to 4 hours in clinic)
Wednesday: Bone marrow aspiration followed by full day of chemo
Thursday: Full day of chemo
Friday: Full day of chemo

After that we start the waiting game again waiting for him to crash from the chemo, trying to get him through his neutropenic period without hospitalization, etc, etc.

I hope you all had a good weekend.

Saturday, April 26, 2003 11:15 AM CDT

Hi - Susan here

Nathan had a good day yesterday. No clinic visits and he was healthy enough to go out and so in the morning we went to the zoo. Nathan was joined by his friends Catherine and Bo. On the way home I was giving Julia some cookies and I offered him one and he ate it and the proceeded to eat more food the rest of the day; ice cream, muffins and chicken nuggets. Needless to say we are very happy about this.

He refused to nap and Julia didn't really either so we went off to the mall (against one of our doctor's wishes) and got Nathan some new hats. He was in the stroller the whole time and so fairly safe from germs.

We had to change his dressing on his chest tube last night and so that was a big fight. We only have to do that one a week at least.

Please check out the photo album page - I added a few new pictures.

Friday, April 25, 2003 9:39 AM CDT

Luke here...

Nathan was in the clinic yesterday for a platelet transfusion and to get his blood counts. Good news on his counts, he is coming back up very well now. From Wednesday to Thursday his white blood cells shot up and the calculation they use for his overall immune system status jumped him from out of the high risk for infection range. In general he is feeling better, doing more, and much more engaged. He still refuses to eat or drink and that is troublesome. He yawned wide this morning and said it hurt. He really has demonstrated a pretty low threshold for pain in the past and it is going to make things hard with eating when he has these mouth sores. He is tied to a rather large backpack that carries a nutritional supplement and pump that "feeds" him through his broviak. It is become tiresome to follow him around carrying his backpack. We will obviously continue to do what we have to do, but if we could get him eating well enough to get off of that supplement for at least a little while each day it would be wonderful.

We saw the more conservative of his doctors. He really didn't want him out and about this weekend even though he is out of the high risk range. We will have to balance what we feel is best for Nathan versus the risk. He is scheduled to start his second course of chemo on Wednesday. Next week will likely be a transfusion (red blood cells) on Tuesday followed by full-day chemo treatments Wednesda, Thursday, and Friday. Then his little body will start to collapse on us again. The doctors hope the first round cleared up his marrow enough that he won't crash as soon and will rebound quicker. It is hard to say though. We would love for him to do some normal things before we start this all over again.

Before the chemo on Wednesday they will do a bone marrow biopsy to see how effective course 1 was in treating his marrow. The hope is that after course 2 they can do the bone marrow rescue to store his cells for the transplant to be done after all courses of treatment. They want to do it early for several reasons, one of which being that storing the cells has a positive effect on the number of cancer cells that live in the stored marrow. They don't take it until they can't detect cancer, but it is possible that some are there and escaping detection. Apparently the cancer cells don't handle long-term storage well. I found that interesting.

I'm rambling on a bit this morning. I'll close here with a somewhat sad Nathan quote of the day. I don't mean to depress, but to share honestly with everyone Nathan's journey and state of mind. Susan went to pick up Julia from the friend who was watching her while Susan and Nate were at the clinic. The friend has a little girl that just turned 3 who is one of Nathan's best friends. Catherine came out to the car to wave and say "hi" to Nathan. When Susan got back to the car, Nathan obviously remembering how he used to play with his friends said, "I used to do everything."

The micro level good news here is that he is feeling better and acting happier. Obviously the main goal is the macro one of ridding his body of this horrible disease, but our day to day focus is just to try and comfort him and make him happy and doing normal things. There are big wins when he is acting better as he has the last couple of days. Hopefully next week we will get good news that there are signs that he is reacting well to treatment.

Probably won't be too many updates for the weekend. No clinics, no tests, and hopefully no hospitals.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:45 PM CDT

Susan here...

Today Nathan went to the clinic. His blood counts are still not up much. He still has no immunity right now. We were pretty disappointed because we are ready for him to feel better. He did have a bit more active day today and was pretty interactive with us. Tomorrow he will get platelets. They would have liked to do them this afternoon but we feel that one trip to the clinic a day is more than enough for him. Platelets only take about a half hour to infuse so he won't be there for too long. He gained another 1/2 pound on the TPN and is back around 30 pounds.

Many of you are asking about blood donation. It is not possible for anyone out of town to be a direct donor to Nathan. We had the opportunity to donate to him directly but with the amount of blood he is using we decided not to bother. So basically we just ask that if you desire, you donate blood in your community knowing it may help some other child in need. Those of you who live in Colorado Springs can go to Memorial Hospital and tell then you are donating blood in Nathan's name and I believe they make note of it and send us a card or something. Thank you all so much for your generous offers in this matter. The blood he is getting is making him able to fight this disease.

Nathan helped me make oatmeal cookies today. Cooking is the one activity that he really gets excited to do and he jumps right off the couch and walks into the kitchen. He still isn't eating but he was anxious to give a cookie to Julia to eat as soon as they were ready. Even making toast excites him so we are trying to let him do as much of that sort of thing as he wants. It will be even better when he is eating, but maybe he won't be as fascinated with cooking then.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:54 PM CDT

Luke tonight...

Not much to add today. In many ways that is good. Today was the third day since our ordeal started that we did not have to be in the hospital, clinic, or outpatient services. Nathan's counts weren't coming up yesterday, so we are still pretty much stuck at home. Nathan had a very good day in many ways. He was much more engaged than usual from the start. He wanted to help Susan make toast, he told us he was "tired of watching tv", and he was interested in playing with some toys and doing some other more normal things. He still is refusing to eat or drink, but he is showing interest in food. He wants to watch us eat and help us prepare food. He wanted to make cookies today but we had a little argument over which mixer to use and then he decided not to go through with it.

Overall it was a good day. It was great to see him more engaged and in a better mood. Hopefully it means his counts are coming up and he is rebounding a little. We'll be into tomorrow morning to get his blood counts and then we will see from there. Could be transfusion in the afternoon depending on what his counts are doing.


Tuesday, April 22, 2003 7:58 AM CDT

Susan here...

Nathan had an OK day yesterday. We got to stay home until 2:30 when we had to go for a check-up at the clinic. That was nice for a change. He had his blood drawn and we were disappointed to find that his blood counts have not yet rebounded. I am really wanting to get him out of the house and visit with his friends because he is so down.

We got the results back from his MIBG scan over the phone. No big surprises as to where the cancer is located (tumor in abdomen, and spread to the bones of the face, pelvis, upper legs, lower legs, upper arms). There is some in his upper arm bones which we did not expect but there was only the one tumor in his abdomen. We already knew the cancer was widespread but it is still hard to hear the cold hard facts. We will get the written report when we go back to the clinic on Wednesday.

So today we will just hang around the house and I will try to get him to play or do something. He really just wants to sit and watch TV and will not walk or stand.

Sunday, April 20, 2003 7:55 PM CDT

Susan here...
Nathan is Home! He came home around 5:00 today. His temperature stayed down and blood cultures were negative and so he got to come home. He will still be on the supplemental nutrition (TPN) as well as an antibiotic, antifungal, and a few other medications. He is still refusing to eat or drink due to mouth pain. The doctors hope that will be better by Wednesday. Unfortunately Nathan has a long memory and will probably refuse to eat even after his mouth has healed until we can convince him to try again.

His blood counts are just on their way up. He will get more blood drawn tomorrow at the clinic and hopefully they will have gotten even better. He had to have a blood transfusion today. He has had five of them in 16 days! Those of you wanting to do something for Nathan but are so far away can consider donating blood. I can't tell you are much we appreciate blood donors right now!

Well - time to start getting meds ready for Nathan before bed. He is getting bad about oral medications. He used to love them.

Saturday, April 19, 2003 8:52 PM CDT

Luke tonight. Susan has hospital duty. Things are looking up a little. It seems Nathan had a better day today from what Susan has told me. We switched shifts at around 10 am this morning. I've talked to Susan a couple of times and it sounds as if Nathan has been a little more engaged and doing normal and fun things. Yesterday I found that he seemed to do better if I just gave him his space. I got the feeling he was just fed up with being focused on. I sat in a corner and read and tended to him when he asked. Susan reports that today he wants her focused on him and he has been watching movies, reading, and being a little more relaxed about things. Susan took things in and they colored Easter eggs today. I guess he had a great time with that.

His white blood count was 0 today. I'm still new at this, but I think that is good. Only one way for him to go from there and we want his counts to start coming up. He still has mouth sores and apparently a yeast infection in his mouth as well. He isn't eating or drinking, but he is managing the pain otherwise. I don't think he has had morphine since yesterday afternoon and he didn't get any tylenol last night between about 5 pm and then when I left this morning. I'm not sure about today. His temperature has stayed down and as long as that happens and he continues to manage the pain, I think he will come home tomorrow. We will try and get him to eat when he gets home. That won't be a deciding factor on discharge though as we can "feed" him through his broviak.

Julia was a little sick today. Nasty, yellow runny nose and a temp this morning. I'm hoping it is better soon and Nathan's counts climb quickly. We would love to have him home here and things calm a little before the next course starts.

Nathan quote of the day (yesterday actually): I was talking to one of his nurses who not only sees him in the hospital but also sometimes at the oncology clinic. We thought he was focused on the tv. We chatted for awhile and I made a comment mid conversation about Nathan just being on edge. After the conversation as Cindy was about to leave the room Nathan looked at her and said, "I don't like being on the edge."

Thanks for visiting the page and signing the guest book. I'm glad people seem to find this a good way to keep in the know. We like using it to share with those who love and care for our family.

Friday, April 18, 2003 8:49 PM CDT

Susan writing....
Tonight Luke is at the hospital with Nathan. He has had a rough day. He is very sad to be at the hospital. He is also in pain because of his mouth sores. He is on morphine as needed for the pain and is refusing to eat or drink as well. He has been on IV fluids all day and will be receiving supplemental nutrition tonight. He had a blood transfusion today as well as antibiotics. The doctors don't think his mouth looks all that bad so I can't imagine how he will feel when it gets even worse.

At the earliest he will go home Sunday. He needs to be without fever for 24 hours and have his pain under control. His white blood cell counts should go back up soon. The doctors say maybe Monday - I am hoping for a little sooner so he can heal a little and feel better. We feel so awful as he sits in his hospital bed and throws a fit beause he just wants to go home. It is hard to believe we have only barely started this journey because we have heard how much harder it will get and it is already so very difficult. We will all feel better once we get him home.

Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:34 PM CDT

Luke writing again. Second entry of the day, so if you missed the first one you may want to check the archive.

I'm writing in because Susan can't. She is on the way to the hospital with Nathan. He is neutropenic (depressed and virtually non-existant immune system) and his temp had been hanging around 99 or 100 for a couple of days but it jumped above the magic number tonight. Any temp 101.5 or above while he is neutropenic will land him in the hospital for probably 3 days. They will want to watch him closely and get a 3 day blood culture so they can make sure he doesn't have a bacterial infection running wild. I'm not sure if he will go straight on antibiotics. He has been taking some orally this week. We feel really bad for the little guy, but he wasn't upset about going. As Susan carried him to the car I heard him say, "Do I get to drive in the dark?". Susan called from the road and said he was happy and telling her all about all of the things that happen at the hospital.

Mom and Dad, I know you will feel guilty and bad about leaving today and then this happening. Don't. We were holding out hope this wouldn't land him in the hospital and we have plenty of help with Julia already lined up. The support from friends and neighbors here has been outstanding and everything will be fine. Susan and I will be alternating nights this week.


Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:38 PM CDT

Luke writing in today...Yesterday was kind of a rough day. Nothing major really, Nathan was just tired and cranky and I may have been near the end of my rope. We didn't have Nathan at the clinic yesterday, but we did have to take him to the outpatient center to get injected with a radioactive isotope that gets picked up on the study he had today (but that is getting a little bit ahead). When getting the isotope, he had to have an IV placed because the isotope could have clogged up the tubes on his broviak. He was great about it and rather cheery the whole time there. He did start to complain about some mouth pain which likely means he is developing mouth sores. This is common when his immune system is down as it still is and can be problematic as those sores can become good sources for infection. So far they don't seem too bad. He also started complaining about some hip and leg pain again yesterday which is disappointing because we were hoping to be done with that.

Today he was in for an MIBG scan. This is a nuclear medicine exam and the purpose in Nathan's case is basically twofold. The study is very good at picking up neuroblastoma so it is a good way to see where exactly in his body and bones the cancer exists. It is possible we will learn something new from the test, but it is more likely that it is a good baselining tool to know where to look for cancer as he responds to treatment and the doctors attempt to determine when/if the treatments have gotten rid of the cancer. Nathan was sedated for the scan. We insisted on this. He has freaked in the past during tests that things moved closely over him. He was very groggy after the sedation which made for a fun trip to the clinic after the scan. He had blood drawn and got his daily neupogen dose. His counts are still very low (.1 WBC). His platelets were okay but his red blood cells were creeping pretty low again, so we will be in for another transfusion tomorrow morning.

It is very had to see him suffer and he is pretty beat up right now. Since we took him to the hospital on March 31 we have been in the hospital, at the clinic, or at the outpatient center for the hospital every day but saturday and sunday of last weekend. The chemo didn't make him all that ill, but now as his system is crashing he is feeling and looking pretty low. Now it is hurting him to eat and drink. We are looking forward to the upswing which will hopefully start soon.

As I write this Nathan is fussing, yelling, and in general being very rude. Through all of this though, he has let his sweet side shine through. Examples:

In the hospital several times after someone was in the room to take care of him he would say, "Oh, Mommy (or Daddy), the doctor/nurse/teacher make me feel better."

In the hospital one of the best nurses you could possibly imagine who was great at settling him into bed comfortably so he could sleep after his surgery kissed him on the head. He said, "Oh, Daddy. The nurse loves me."

In the middle of the night after chemo when he had a stomach bug and I was changing his sheets and diaper after laying him on the floor by the bed, "Daddy, you're the best. You're a big helper."

One morning after waking up and noticing his broviak while we were changing his morning diaper, "Julia doesn't have tubes."

He is going through a lot, but he reminds us frequently that he is still our sweet, wonderful boy.

I'm not sure what next week brings us. Tomorrow is another transfusion and we hope that his fever (he has been running a minor temp) doesn't spike. If it hits 101.5 while he is neutropenic it will buy us 3 days in the hospital. I'm hoping next week isn't 5 days in the clinic or hospital, but we shall see.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 5:24 PM CDT

Hi - Susan writing this....
Nathan had his transfusion, red blood cells and platelets today. It was almost 5 hours at the clinic. It makes for a long day. Since he got back from the hospital we have been at the clinic every day except the weekend. Tomorrow he won't go to the clinic but will be injected with radiactive dye for his MIBG scan that he will have Thursday morning. They will have to inject the dye through an IV - so that will be hard for Nathan.

We are having trouble getting Nathan to drink enough. Bribing him isn't even working. He has also lost some weight and is about 30.5 lbs and about 40 inches tall...very skinny.

Nathan has had a cough for a few days. He is on antibiotics to ward off an infection. If he has a fever of 101.5 or more while he is neutropenic (white blood cells less that 500) it is an automatic 3 day stay in the hospital. This will most likely happen a few times during chemo but we are really hoping it won't happen this first time. He does so much better at home and having him in the hospital would set him back mentally I think.

He is helping his Grandma Kathy bake muffins right now and is walking around...so that is great.

Monday, April 14, 2003 9:19 PM CDT

Luke writing today. We had Nathan in to the clinic today. He was in for an exam and bloodwork to follow-up on his three days of treatments that ended Friday. He was also getting neupogen (sp?) which is a hormone to get his body producing white blood cells. His blood counts showed that he is already neutropenic (his immune system is shot from the chemotherapy). He got to this point faster than we expected, but that didn't seem to be a big concern to the doctors. It is likely that he hit this low point early because his marrow is so infiltrated by the cancer that there aren't as many good cells there to produce and maintain his blood counts. He is also anemic and his platelets are low. Tomorrow will be a transfusion of red blood cells and platelets.

His spirits were pretty good today. We still need to coax him to walk. There is still some fear, but we think he is still used to and liking being carried around. He smiled a lot and played some, so that was good.

Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:42 AM CDT

This is the first journal entry and so I will attempt to catch us to today.

On March 31 we took Nathan to the pediatrician to follow up several weeks of intermittant fever and 3 days of limping and refusing to walk. He referred us to a pediatric orthopedist suspecting a hip infection. She sent us to the hospital for an MRI of Nate's hip. The MRI showed some shadows on both hips. On April first he had a bone scan which showed a tumor on his kidney. The orthopedist told us it was most likely neuroblastoma.

On April 3 Nathan underwent surgery to have a Broviak placed (tube in his chest to deliver IV meds and make blood draws). He also has some of his tumor resected for biopsy and bone marrow taken from both hips.

April 4 Nathan had a blood transfusion since he was anemic.

On April 5 we were told the bone marrow was "heavily involved" which we were expecting. We were also told that the tumor was so necrotic (dead) that the biopsy was going to be very difficult.

On April 6 Nathan got to come home from the hospital. He was initially fearful or returning home because he thought he would hurt again at home (he was having bone pain from the affected bone) Once he got in the car and got home he was very happy.

April 7 Nathan went to the clinic for the first time and had blood drawn.

April 8 Nathan had a blood transfusion. We were still waiting for test results to confirm the neuroblastoma diagnosis since the tumor sample was no good. We finally got the diagnosis that afternoon from the tumor in the bone marrow.

April 9 was the first day of chemo. Nathan got the room with a bed and so napped some which was a good thing. We had some good news when the test results of his n-myc amplification came back at 1 which was essantially non-amplified. This is a prognostic indicator that helped to increase his chances for recovery. His age (over 1) and stage (stage IV metasticized neuroblastoma) and more critical factors, but at least he doesn't have the n-myc amplification as well. That evening Nathan was sick all night but we actually think it was the stomach bug his sister Julia had.

April 10 and 11 were two more days of chemo. Nathan handled the chemo fairly well. He had some tantrums (since he is 2 after all) but was very good.

April 12 was our first day home since the hospital that we didn't have to go to the clinic. We had to bribe Nathan to walk - the doctors tell us his bone pain should be gone but he was too afraid to walk. AFter we convinced him to walk he walked around some - that was good to see. I also took Nathan to get his hair buzzed to make the impending hair loss less traumatic for him and also for me!

Today is April 13. Nathan is refusing to walk again today. We will try to bribe him to walk later. He is asking for a nap so that is next on the agenda. Tomorrow he will gop to the clinic for his first dose of Nupigen - which will help to stimulate his bone marrow to produce white blood cells.

Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:39 AM CDT

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