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Stewart the Trooper

Stewart at White Pt. Beach Resort, Nova Scotia, May 2009 ... taking a break from his first surfing lesson!

Stewart was diagnosed on December 14, 2004 with Pre B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Stewart's total treatment plan is 3 years and 57 days in duration. What he endures is anything but a walk in the park. Stewart continues to troop on and on. He has a very positive outlook and is unbelievably courageous throughout all of his procedures. What a pillar of strength. Stewart is inspirational and our HERO in every sense of the word.

Stewart is receiving the standard protocol (arm I) chemo of the clinical trial found at http://cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/COG-C1991


Hope is the belief in a better tomorrow. Hope sustains the will to live and gives the strength to endure each trial. Hope is not a way around, it is a way through. The majority of children conquer childhood cancer and live long and happy lives. THERE IS A REASON FOR HOPE!

"If Children have the ability to ignore odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other chance is there but to HOPE? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or FIGHT LIKE HELL". Lance Armstrong

ANC:The ANC is a way for doctors to scientifically determine the stage that the immune system is in after response to chemotherapy. ANC is the real or actual number of white blood cells that a patient has to fight an infection. White blood cells are the part of the patients blood that work against possible bacteria, fungus, or viruses that may make the patient sick.

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 1000-1800: Most patients will be given chemotherapy in this range. Risk of infection is considered low. (Mild neutropenia)

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 500-1000: Carries with it a moderate risk of infection.

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of less than 500: Severe neutropenia - high risk of infection.




Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:30 AM CST

The Trooper has reached his 5th year anniversary of diagnosis of ALL this week on December 14th!! Mixed emotions is how I felt on this date, but for the most part so content that Stewart is thriving off treatments and living life to its fullest ... and then some. He has been spending alot of time after school on our slope chez nous snowboarding. When he's not taking advantage of our snow base he is in nets as goalie in second year Pee Wee. You've come a long way baby!!

Here's hoping all the Trooper fans out there are in the midst of the holiday season festivities and enjoying friends and family. All the best of health and happiness for 2010!!

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Hospital Information:

IWK Hospital and Georges Dumont
Halifax and Moncton


http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNyfxvnpF1s   Stewart in Tim Harriman's You Tube Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGCRQM0_rOE   Stewart in 2nd You Tube Video of Tim Harriman's journey across Canada
http://www.curesearch.org/our_research/index_sub.aspx?id=1527   Childhood Cancer treatments are improving through research trials like the one Stewart is on. The IWK is a member of COG


E-mail Author: dfraserc593@rogers.com


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