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Welcome to our page. We have created this page for our family and friends to follow our journey to China where our baby girl is waiting for us. The kids are really excited and can't wait for their little "mei mei" to come home.


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 5:38 PM CDT

Wow, it's been a very long time since I have updated our site. I added most of our trip to the journal section so you will have to look back but I wanted to update how everyone is doing now. Emma is such a joy, she is funny, smart, happy, lovable, and very good at sharing. We could not be happier. Everyone has adjusted so well and we can't remember life without our dear sweet Emma. She has the cutest smile and loves to give kisses, usually only from mommy's arms but she is pretty generous with them for those around her. I can't believe Emma has been home for almost 5 months..wow where does the time go? Kyle just turned 11 the end of March and Kira 6 1/2 exactly the same day as her big brother's birthday. Emma celebrated her first birthday January 21st and really enjoyed her party but not so much her cake until the next day when she decided it was pretty darn good. Emma loves to feed herself and most often won't eat unless she is in charge of the spoon. This makes for VERY messy dinner times but she really enjoys herself and is very proud of the skills she has learned so quickly. Emma is a dream to put to bed at night..we brush her teeth, read a story while Emma drinks her bedtime bottle and then mommy holds her for a few minutes rocking her in her arms with her favorite bedtime baby and then lays her down and covers her with an "I love you sweet girl, see you in the morning" and we don't hear a sound however Emma still does wake up once during the night around 3:30 am. Emma now has 9 teeth through with 3 more molars that have already started to poke through. She is in some pain but handles it fairly well. Emma can say Mommy, Daddy, hi, mo (more) nana (bananna), no, eye, she nods for "yes" and pats her chest for "me" and she does different signs for other things. She has recently started to say "Ra" when she wants Kira. It's pretty cute but Kyle says he has to start working harder on teaching her "Kyle" before she says "Kira" LOL Emma also understands when mommy asks her things like "go get the ball", " where is your shoes" things like that. She also can point to her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, when we as her too. We are almost caught up with Emma's shots with only 2 more to go. Last time we had Emma weighed she was just under 22lbs. Will be interesting to see where she is at weight wise at her next check-up/shots. Everyone is excited about Spring and the snow is almost gone..yippeeee. Tomorrow night we sign Kira up for soccer and she is pretty excited. Kyle has decided he isn't going to play this year. Well there you have it..a short update and I hope to update again before too long:) Love to all...Janice, Scott, Kyle, Kira and Emma.
Ps. *We found out today that Emma has become a Candian Citizen as of March 31st. We are just awaiting her card in the mail....yahooo
We sent our application in on Feb 2 06 were asked for Emma's Permanent Resident card on March 13th and she was granted citizenship March 31st so only 2 months in all....

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E-mail Author: sjolson@tbaytel.net


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