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Image and video hosting by TinyPicBecky age 15 June/09 shorter hair
Yep she helps with washing

There are too many people in the world today who forget how lucky they are to have healthy, happy children. When the assumption of a healthy life is taken from you, you realize that every day is a gift from God & you learn to live & be thankful for each day you have with your child. The good times become important & you learn to forget or overcome the days when health is poor. You learn to slow down & love whatever each day brings & are a better person for it.
Becky aka BB was born in June 1994, with a lethal heart Condition called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome & Pulmonary Atressia.
**HYPOPLASTIC RIGHT HEART SYNDROME: A condition in which the right side of the heart is poorly developed and unable to pump blood into the pulmonary circulation effectively.
**PULMONARY ATRESIA: Complete obstruction to the pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery; so that blood cannot get past this point in the circulation and has to take an alternative route
**FONTAN OPERATION: An operation to connect the main veins from the systemic circulation (SVC and IVC) to the lung arteries. Blood then flows directly into the lung circulation, after returning from the body (via gravity), without going through the right ventricle as would happen in a normal heart.

We would NOT advise using Photobucket because we hadn't used our account for over 3 mths ALL photos were removed & the account shut down!!! Also Geocities & Smile Quilt sites no longer work either

My greatest joy comes from singing & learning new things. I love to draw, read chapter books (esp historical fiction), crafts, swimming & to ride my bike. I listen to celtic, 50's & 60's & classical music, as well as "modern music". I love bright colours like royal blue, fushia, hot pink, & lime green. I collect anything to do with teddy bears, angels, dolphins, & bunnies.

Quilt of Love made April 04

***** We are proud to be members of: ( as of July '07) Loyal Lambs

give beckybunny more *HUGS*

Light a Candle


Friday, May 13, 2011


We are so very sorry for lack of updates. Healthwise I'm doing fairly well just been very busy helping to look after my Mom and with schoolwork. I'm pleased to tell you my midterm report card had 2 97 percent marks, a 95 and 94. Busy now getting my ISU's done & with concerts. We did one a few weeks ago for MADD which was rather depressing and another last week @ a local church.

Mom still goes weekly for physio & is improving slowly. Still not permitted much hosework or cooking. Things she misses most is not being able to garden...........but I love to putter & plant.
Now that can drive with an adult I've been going with Mom to check out new $$ store and the garden centres just to get her & me out of the house a bit. Dad built birdhouses & Mom & I painted them He just finished a cool ornamental garden fence, cemented wall near tree & Mom's huge rose garden & MOM & I shopped for perenial plants & got in last weekend. I really enjoyed our outing loads of knowledge & laughs.

Just part of the fence & this is the cement thing we have 2 tea cups & saucers in the garden ** This is by the sidesteet.
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Have gone to visit Sarah & Jinu. He's getting so big now!! Forgot camera but next time I'll take & post pix.

JUST GOT MY HAIR CUT REAL SHORT ON WED MAY 11th. Wanted a change so an early Adoption aniversary/Birthday gift.
Folks tell me I got the "Jackson 5" look!! Sure hope you like it.......... I love it.

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Hospital Information:

Hosp for Sick Children, & Ped. Clinics
Toronto, Ont. Canada


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