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Mendy's Transplant Page

It seems about everyone has found this site by now. We're touched by the number of responses, and thank you so much for following along. God's grace continues to wonder us ...


Monday, March 10, 2008 0:00 AM CDT

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”

Hello again everyone!
This is Kelsey, Mendy and Kens daughter.
Although Mendy's site has not been updated for almost a year and it has been almost 4 years since she passed away, the significance and purpose of the site lives on.
I was blown away, as was my dad, when my best friend Jessie told me of something that had happened in her english class a few days ago.
A girl named Alex gave a report on an inspirational blogsite she found out through her family. A distant relative of hers was diagnosed with cancer a few months back and the family itched for information. Alex talked about reading the woman's blog site, the inspiration she drew from it, all that she'd learned, and how it had made her feel. She found aid in the site and the story that this woman told of her walk through treatment. Alex talked about the woman's thoughts on life, wanting to "follow the turtle" and taking life slow. The more my friend Jessie told me about this girl's report, the more I realized it was alot like my mom's. Apparently it had the same effect on my friend because she asked the girl what the woman's name was. It was indeed, Mendy Kerner's.
This girl Alex, who lives almost 2 hours from us, who has never met Mendy, found her story. Mendy's Caring Bridge website is no longer just for the people who knew her, or checked to see how she was doing through her treatment, but a crutch and a guide for people struggling through cancer today.
So dont cry because her journey is over, smile because it happened and is still helping people today.

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 137

Stanford University Hospital Blood & Marrow Transplant Unit (E1)
300 Pasteur Drive, mail code 5607
Stanford, CA 94305


http://cmlsupport.com   Provides comprehensive medical and scientific information on chronic myelogenous leukeumia
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cml   An international group of survivors and patients providing support for CMLers
http://bmtinfonet.org   Information on transplant, including how to purchase the world-famous leukemia calendar


EmailEmail address  : mkerner261@aol.com


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