Journal History

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Saturday, September 8, 2007 9:33 AM CDT

Hosanna is doing better now. She is still in ICU, still taking breathing treatments, etc. The doctor said yesterday that the pneumonia has gotten worse, but it's because we caught it when it first started, and I guess it had to reach it's peek. The respiritory therapist said this morning that she sounds much better. Not sure how much longer she'll be in ICU, but probably through the weekend. Thanks for all your prayers. We know the battle has already been won! God bless.

Thursday, September 6, 2007 12:10 AM CDT

Hosanna is still in ICU on a breathing machine and breathing treatments. She is doing much better now and her stats have been very good the past two nights. Those treatments get pretty rough and hard to watch, but I know they are for her good. Not much more to report at his time. Will try to keep this site updated as much as possible. Thanks for all the prayers!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 6:58 PM CDT

Hosanna wasn't feeling well on Friday night. She was at our house spending the night, and we had to get up several times with her. She had a temp and began having difficulty breathing, so Grandpa called her mom who gave her permission for him to take Hosanna to ER. He took her in and they put her in the hospital with a bronchial infection and borderline pneumonia. That was on Sat. morning about 3:30. Today is Tuesday, and the doctor decided she needed to be air-flighted to Little Rock. Hosanna is now in ICU and has pneumonia. Her mom called tonight and said she is breathing much better and is doing good. I'll try to keep this site updated as much as possible. Thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, April 5, 2007 6:25 PM CDT

Today is Hosanna's 8th birthday. It's a really hard day for us because of what happened this day 6 years ago.

We were all set to have a birthday party for Hosanna at the hospital, but when Perry and I arrived with baloons and gifts, there were doctors and nurses coming and going out of Hosanna's room. Katherine met us in the hall and told us they were saying Hosanna was dying. They were trying to get her and Jason to sign DNR papers (Do Not Resusatate) and let Hosanna die "peacefully", but that is not what God promised us! Both Katherine and Jason refused to sign, and the doctor finally agreed to take her to ICU. Hosanna did not die, and the doctors can't explain why. But we can! You see, we know we have a promise from God for her healing, and "God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not do it, or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?" Numbers 23:19

When Hosanna looks at me and smiles that beautiful smile, I know we made the right choice! You do not receive your break-thru by laying down and saying,"Well, whatever happens happens!" We do not regret fighting for her life. It has been a long hard row, but we are still in the fight and we will not give up.

Hosanna has grown so much and she is a beautiful, healthy little girl. I sang Happy Birthday to her today and she smiled at me. Her Auntie Julie called from Alaska and sang to her on the phone and you could tell she was listening. She got a little twinkle in her eyes and smiled.

I just want to thank all of you who have continued to pray for us thru the years.

Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:18 PM CDT

Hosanna is growing like a weed! She will be 8 next month (April). She smiles so much and loves it when you talk to her. She gets so excited when she hears a familiar voice or gospel music. She also tries to talk. Sometimes she looks straight at me and tries to verbalize something, and I know she believes she is talking.
Hosanna has such a sweet spirit about her and such a beautiful smile. Not much more to report at this time. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Saturday, May 13, 2006 8:37 AM CDT

It has been awhile since I updated because I have been offline and just got back on.

Hosanna is doing fine. She turned 7 in April. Elijah and Hosanna both have scans on Wed. the 17th (I guess they are yearly now). She smiles so much and kicks her feet when she gets excited. Her dad was out of town and called home to talk to her. We put the phone to her ear and she started cutting her eyes at the phone, smiling really big, and kicking! She knew who was on the phone!

When her hair grew back in (after chemo), her parents let it grow until they could cut 14" off and donate it to Locks of Love. Looks like they may have to do that again! It's so long and pretty again, AND RED!!! You may remember that we prayed it would come back in red because that is what she was born with. Will upload some new Easter pictures later today.

God remains faithful and good! He is so awesome!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:30 PM CST

Hosanna is doing great! She is trying her best to talk now, and she reponds to people. I have uploaded new photos to her photo album. Be sure to check them out.
A couple of Sundays ago, her mom got up in front of the church and said when she found out she was pregnant with Hosanna she asked God for an annointed praise and worship leader. She said God resently had told her if she really believes He is going to raise Hosanna up, then she needs to start treating her as if she is already up! So that Sunday she announced that she, Hosanna, and the two boys, Elijah and Zion, were going to sing a special. The music started and they began to sing. Hosanna's lips moved the whole time!!! She was really trying to sing!!
God has done so much in the lives of Hosanna, Elijah, and the whole family. I thank Him everyday for all those blessings!

Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

I just realized I never updated you on Hosanna's "fractured hip"! On May 6 I posted that Hosanna had a fractured hip and they were considering operating and putting her in a full body cast. She was x-rayed here at the local hospital and the doctor showed Katherine the fracture. They shipped her to Little Rock, where they x-rayed it again and showed Katherine the fracture. They decided to wait and see if it would heal by itself, and sent Hosanna home. That was on Thursday.

Well, on Monday, (5 days and a few prayers later!) the doctor's office called and wanted Hosanna brought back to Little Rock, so on Tuesday, Jason and Katherine took her back up to the hospital. When the surgeon came into the room, Katherine said, "I don't even know why we're here!" The surgeon said,"I'll show you why you're here." and he proceeded to take Hosanna's leg and move it very gently, to show how much pain she was in. Hosanna just smiled! The doctor got a little more aggressive. Hosanna just smiled! The surgeon looked very puzzled and left the room. A few minutes later, he returned and said,"We need to x-ray that hip again." They took her down to x-ray...same machine and same technition as before!...and were amazed to find that there was no fracture on her hip!!!

No, this was no mistake because the first x-ray was taken at our local hospital! The machine and the technition in Little Rock showed the same thing, a fracture on her right hip! Five days later there is no sign of a fracture! God is still on the throne, still working miracles, a never-changing God!

Friday, May 6, 2005 9:31 AM CDT

The school called yesterday and said that Hosanna was screaming and they thought her hip was hurting her, so Katherine went to get her and took her to ER. They shipped her to Little Rock where they said she has a fractured hip. We can't figure out why she has had two broken bones lately, but the doctors are saying her bones are brittle (I rebuke that in the Name of Jesus!). Anyway, the options are to operate and put her in a full body cast or just take her home and come back when she has her scans in 2-3 weeks and recheck her then. That means no school, probably for the rest of the year. Anyway, stand with us in faith that she won't have to have the operation nor the full body cast!

Hosanna is trying so hard to talk! She is making sounds now and she was attempting to tell us something yesterday at ER. Katherine climbed up on the bed with her and was holding her, and Hosanna was just smiling and "talking" to her mom. They should be coming home later today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:11 PM CST

On March 15 we had the annual Hosanna Gospel Singing at the CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) headquaters near Mena, Ark. The featured group this year was Christlike, and our hearts were truly blessed by their annointed music. (See photo in Hosanna's photo album).

On Monday, Hosanna and family went to her grandparents' house for an Easter egg hunt. Hosanna's daddy helped her hunt, and she thought that was so funny! She soon tired of it, but at least she got a few eggs.

Hosanna was out of school this past week for Spring break, and she was so happy! She smiled so much everyday, and I know it was because she was at home. She just seemed to be filled with joy. She is doing so good.

Saturday, March 12, 2005 6:48 PM CST

On Tuesday, March 15, 2005, we will have the 3rd Annual Hosanna Gospel Singing, and we would like to invite everyone who can to come out and join us. This free concert will be held at the Christian Motorcycle Association facility at Iron Mountain, about 5 miles south of Mena. The featured group will be Christlike, but there will be other groups singing, too. It starts at 7:00 PM. Hosanna would love to see everyone there.

Monday, March 7, 2005 6:54 PM CST

For those of you who don't know, Hosanna's website is back up and running!!! We are so excited because it's been down for over a year. Be sure to go there and brouse through the pages, read the testimonies, and be blessed!

As for Hosanna, she's doing great. God has been faithful to watch over her and Elijah and their brother Zion.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:50 PM CST

Hosanna was having trouble, and she would cry in pain when we picked her up or changed her diaper, so her mom and dad took her to the doctor. He discovered her leg was broken!! Actually, it was the small bone, so not as bad as it sounds. The doctor set the leg and she got the cast off yesterday. She has been smiling all day! Guess she's just so happy to get it off. Her mom called Elijah at school to let him know Hosanna got her cast off. He and Zion had stayed with me and Grandpa while they went to the doctor in Little Rock. When we took him home from school, the first thing he did when he walked in the door at home (even before kissing Mom and Dad "Hello"), was go straight over and lift up the blanket to check Hosanna's leg!

Both children are doing fine. Scans are clear, and they are very healthy. It's just amazing! God is a good God! Yes He is!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:40 PM CST

Hosanna is doing well. The family applied for a wheelchair lift, and was told they would have to have a different vehicle , one that would accomodate a lift. They traded their minivan in for a regular sized van (aka: gas guzzler), even though they couldn't afford it. But then, after 4 mo. of waiting, got turned down for the second time. Have no idea why. The chair is so heavy that it's hard to lift, so she doesn't get to go much. I often wonder if we will get in trouble if we ever get stopped and she isn't in a proper seat.

But we are thankful for her progress and her health. She is doing great! She goes to school everyday, and comes home in a good mood most of the time. She smiles a lot. I think it's being around the kids at school that she loves.

Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:20 AM CDT

Hosanna is in school this year, and she loves it. Her class is two doors down from her brother's, (Elijah's) classroom. The teacher said as soon as the dismissal bell rings, Elijah is out the door and heads for Hosanna's class. He greets her with a hug and kiss, and he talks to her about the day, how his went and asks how hers went. She doesn't answer yet, but he answers for her. She loves it. She gets off the school bus smiling and seems happy. Believe me, if she was not happy she would let you know!

Speaking of that, I want to tell you of some changes in Hosanna. She has, for the past few months, regulated her sleeping. She now sleeps all night and takes a nap during the day. Before that, she would stay up all night so they had to have someone stay up at night with her. This is new and it is GOOD! She also has begun to relax her legs. Before, it was hard to get her to bend her legs so you can change her diaper. Now, it is easy, and the past couple of weeks, she lays there during the day with her legs bent and relaxed. That's new and it is GOOD! She smiles and cries at appropriate times. You can walk up and start talking to her and she will smile at you. Her smile is so pretty! If she cries, she is either wet, hungry, or wants to be held. One day I was rocking her and she had gone to sleep. I layed her down in her bed and checked her diaper. As soon as she realized she had been put down, she started pitching a fit! She was crying and kicking her feet, and she didn't stop until I picked her back up! What a blessing that was!

As most of you know, we are still believing for her healing. I believe God is going to do what He has promised us He would do!

God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not do it, and hath He spoken and shall He not make it good? Numbers 23:19

Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:39 AM CDT

Hosanna's mother, Katherine, just called me and asked me to post this for all of you.

Jason's mom lives in California. She came for a visit and wanted to take Elijah back with her for a couple of weeks. Everyone here is missing him so badly, but we realize he needs to spend time with her, too.

Well, last night everyone at their house was just about settled in when Elijah called. Jason was passing the phone around for him to talk to everyone, and he put the phone to Hosanna's ear. Now Hosanna had been almost asleep, sort of dozing, when she heard Elijah's voice. Her eyes opened wide, she began to move her lips trying to talk, and she broke into the biggest smile! She got so excited that it took them a long time to get her settled in for the night again. Katherine said it was so funny! I think she knows Elijah is gone and I think she misses him. I know that she knows a lot more than the doctors give her credit for.

As I said in my last post, she has been moving her mouth and trying to talk lately. My son, B.J. , has special needs and he loves to hold Hosanna's hand and talk to her. He was sitting and talking to Hosanna one day last week when he jumped as though he had been hit with a lightening bolt. He was so excited and told his dad that Hosanna was talking. He has seen her move her lips and make noises, so I wondered why he was so excited. I asked him what she said and he said,"My name! My name!" I believe B.J. heard what he thought he heard! I had been speaking the Word over Hosanna all morning and claiming the healing that God has promised for her. Praise God!

Friday, May 7, 2004 6:39 PM CDT

Finally got a chance to update. I know it's been awhile and I apologize for that. Hosanna is doing well, and still improving. Her scans remain clear, (of course!), and she doesn't have to have more for a year now!

After all these months, she has finally been approved for 71 hrs. per week of respite care. She also has a new wheelchair, and the agency is working on getting the wheelchair ramp and lift for the van. So many things are happening at once that it's hard to remember all of them. This will take such a burden off the family.

Hosanna has been smiling so much lately. You can tickle her or playfully wrestle with her and she smiles. She is such a sweet child. Everyone who works with her falls in love with her. She seems to be trying to talk more, too. It's usually when you're talking to her, and it seems like she is trying to answer you.

Her "Grammie California" (paternal grandma) is coming to visit soon, and that's always exciting for her, Elijah and Zion.

The McKameys sing a song titled,"Surely Goodness and the Mercies of the Lord Are Overtaking Me". God is so good, and His blessings are overtaking us here!

Will try to upload some newer photos soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2004 9:00 AM CST

Some of you will not understand what I am trying to say, but I wanted to share this with you. We know we have a promise from God to heal Hosanna. It has been three years now, and we have believed all along that God is going to bring her back. It is so hard to wait, but God has His own timing.

There is another little 5 yr. old girl here in town, Courtney, who was brain-damaged at birth. She could not communicate at all, couldn't walk, etc. Last night, Katherine and Jason were at school with Elijah and Zion (Hosanna's brothers) when Jason said, "There's Courtney and her mom." Katherine kept looking around the room for a wheelchair which was Courtney's usual form of transportation. Seeing none, she turned to Jason asking "WHERE?" Turning back around, she saw Courtney WALKING past her. Courtney's mom came over to Katherine, and Katherine asked, "What happened?" Courtney's mom could hardly talk aboout it.

It seems that Courtney began having horrible seizures, so her mom requested prayer from the Assembly of God Church here. She said, "I just meant for them to pray about the seizures, but they began to pray that God would heal her! Courtney is now walking, saying words, and communicating with her mom. It is amazing!

While at the school, Katherine was able to talk to Elijah's teacher. In June of 2001, Elijah, Hosanna's brother ( was diagnosed with the same cancer as Hosanna (neuroblastoma does not happen to siblings! Yeah, right!). They have him down as "low average" in learning, and Katherine wanted to know why because he is so good at spelling, etc. He is like a sponge when it comes to learning. The teacher asked what Katherine was talking about and Katherine said she had gotten a paper saying he had tested out "low-average". The teacher checked into it and discovered that Elijah hadn't been tested since he first came out of bone-marrow transplant in Jan. 2002. On the test, they were showing him pictures of things like a comb and asking him what it was. The child had no hair! He didn't know what a comb was! They also showed him pictures of trees, but he hadn't been playing outside in months!

What has all this got to do with anything? NOTHING! I guess I have just been down lately because I want our lives to be somewhat normal again. Sometimes I get to thinking that God has set us aside for awhile, (I know He never forgets us). And then things like this happen and I realize he is still working behind the scenes. He is still working things out for our good.

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
"God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall he not do it? Hath He spoken and shall He not make it good

Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:01 PM CST

There has been such a change in Hosanna lately..... a good change. One night last week, Katherine was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep. She heard Hosanna stirring in her bed and then heard her call out, "Mama?" Katherine lay very still thinking she hadn't really heard that. Again, she heard Hosanna call,"Mama?" She heard it very clearly that time! But by the time she got up and went into the room to check on her, Hosanna had gone back to sleep.

Hosanna has had scans lately and the doctors say there is no change, that her brain is less than half of what she was born with. But hey! God made the first brain and He can give her a new one! As one old preacher said,"That's no hill for a Stepper!" (For you younguns, it means that's no problem for God!)

Katherine has been down lately because Hosanna isn't up yet and here it is Christmas. She wanted so badly for Hosanna to be able to open presents and enjoy the lights this year. She was praying and told the Lord, "I need to hear something from You today. I need a phonecall or something!"

The phone was a telemarketer. A telemarketer!!! He introduced himself and got right into his speel, but Katherine nicely interrupted him. "I'm sorry, but I can't buy anything right now and I don't really feel like listening to all this. (sniffle)"

"Are you okay?" he asked. They say the best way to get rid of a telemarketer is to unlaod on them when they ask "How are you, today?", so Katherine unloaded on him.

The man wasn't set back at all. He simply said, "Katherine, what do you believe? I mean what type of church do you go to?" Katherine tried to tell him and finally she said, "I guess you'd say it's like a Kenneth Hagan teaching".
"Praise God!" he said, "Kenneth Hagin is my pastor! I attend Rheama here in Tulsa!"

In short, the man ministered to Katherine for more than an hour. Her spirit was was just what she needed. A couple of days later, she received a package in their P.O. Box from this man, which contained some books on healing and 3 toys called, I think, Prayer Pals. He had bought them in the church bookstore and had the whole church lay hands on them and pray over them.

It seems like every time we get really down, God does something like this to let us know He is still here and still cares. He is such an awesome God!

Monday, October 27, 2003 10:02 PM CST

Hosanna went to Little Rock for tests last week. Don't have the final report yet. They are saying they don't see much progress, but we do. She is kicking her legs more now than before, and smiling so much more. Her daddy can make a noise like he is going to tickle her, and she begins to kick her feet before he even touches her! God has brought her so far, and He will take her the rest of the way!

We appreciate all those who are standing in faith with us for her healing, and need you to stand firm in the next few weeks. She will go thru several other tests, and we praise God ahead of time for good reports! Hosanna has lost all her nursing hours as of Nov.1., so things could get interesting. But God will provide! He always has.

I have uploaded a new photo of Hosanna taken at her brother's soccer game last Saturday. She really enjoyed it. We could tell because she smiled so much.

Saturday, August 16, 2003 8:22 AM CDT

I haven't been as faithful as I should be to update this site, but "no news is good news"....right? Actually, I am working now, plus I went to Alaska for the birth of our twin granddaughters. Mom and babies are doing fine.

Hosanna is doing great. Katherine and Jason went to a convention of preachers and heard a message on the word RESTORE. The preacher said it doesn't mean that God will see that Satan gives you back what he means that Satan will have to give it back sevenfold! Katherine got that down in her spirit, and she began to speak that Word over Hosanna. The other day, she was playing with Hosanna, and everytime she would say the word "restore", Hosanna would start smiling so big and kicking her legs as tho she was filled with joy! Katherine did it over and over. It was so funny! Satan will have to give Hosanna seven times better than she was before!!!

The family has been going thru a rough time lately. Hosanna's nursing hours had been cut back to only 40 hours per week, and there were two nights per week that they didn't have a nurse at all! That meant that Jason or Katherine one, after being up all day, had to sit up all night with Hosanna and then stay up all the next day (Jason works and Katherine has Hosanna and the two boys to watch all day). On the nights that they do have a nurse for Hosanna, it's from 11:00 at night til 7:00 AM. There are too many details as to why it's hard on the family, but Katherine can't get out of the house to pay bills, buy groceries, etc. unless Grandpa comes over to watch Hosanna and sometimes the boys.

Well, some of the people here in Mena are getting together to help. There has been a fund started to pay for nurses and/or aides to give the family some relief. I will have the details later this week if anyone is interested in helping. One woman has donated one of her beautiful handmade dolls to be raffled off, with the proceeds going to the Hosanna Barnes nursing fund. The family has nothing to do with the money....two women from here in town will pay the nurses and aides from the account. When Hosanna gets up and doesn't need nurses or aids anymore, the remaining funds will go to another charity....hopefully to another family in need of nursing care.

Just wanted to thank all of you for your continued prayerful support. God has done so much thru you!

Friday, July 11, 2003 11:45 AM CDT

Dear Prayer Partners;
Thanks for being such faithful partners in prayer! It is working! Elijah and Hosanna and Zion were all tested this week at ACH and were all given a clean bill of health! Thanks, be to God! The next checkup for Hosanna will be nine months from this week. For a few more months, Elijah and Zion will continue their routinue exams every three or four months. Your prayers and encouragement have been such a blessing to everyone in our family.
The Family of God is so awesome! From a small community in Arkansas, to the far reaches of this world, God has used His people to pray for my precious grandchildren. God has encouraged us thru people who fighting for my grandbabies' future that serve on a tiny island of Diego Garcia to those who live on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. One prayer partner wrote,
Hosanna: We're still praying, God is still listening and we are confident in Him. Job 8:21, Till He fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with rejoicing.
The family really appreciates your continued prayers for Hosanna and Elijah! From one thankful grandpa!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 10:29 PM CDT

Haven't updated in awhile because I've had computer problems. Hope they are solved now.

What a wonderful Mother's Day! On Saturday we got an excited phonecall from Katherine. She wanted us to come over , that something was happening with Hosanna. I jumped in the car and hurried over to her house. When I got there, Katherine was sitting in the chair holding Hosanna, who was holding her head up looking at her mom. Katherine called me over close, turned to Hosanna, and said,"Hosanna, say 'Mama'"... AND SHE DID!!! It wasn't loud, it was sort of a whisper, but she said it....not once, but 3 times upon command! Katherine said she had said it about 4 times for her before she called Jason at work and told him to tell Hosanna to say "Mama". She put the phone to Hosanna's ear and Jason told her to say it and she did. That's when Katherine called us.

I thank God for all his blessings! He knows how to bless us when we need it the most. Happy Mother's Day, Katherine!

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 8:29 PM CST

When Hosanna was going thru chemo and lost all her hair, we were told that it could come back in any color, that you never know what it will do. God had given her red curly hair, and we wanted it back! We prayed so hard for it to come back in red and curly. When it began to come back in, it was brown. I asked God why? It was such a small thing for Him to do. Then I began to feel convicted about whining. I began to praise God for sparing Hosanna's life, and I didn't care what color her hair was! A couple of weeks later it began to turn red! Then, it began to curl even more than it was before! I have posted a photo of her hair in her photo album. Look what the Lord has done!

Hosanna is doing great. She had an infection and went to ER last week, but the doctor prescribed antibiotics and she fine now.

Monday, March 24, 2003 7:34 AM CST

The Gospel singing on March 15th was a big success. We had two special singers come in from Texas for the ocassion. Kim Roach from Paris, Texas is an annointed Gospel singer and song-writer, and is awesome at praise and worship. We also had Gary and Delores Hampton from Wynona, Texas. They sing Southern Gospel with a little bit of soul. Next year we plan to make it even bigger.

Looking back over the past year at Hosanna's progress, we are so thankful! Hosanna now smiles, makes noises when she wants to tell you something, has tried to stand up, has crawled a couple of steps in an army crawl. She gives you an attitude when she doesn't like something, and she still won't eat the babyfoods that she didn't like before. She has no trach or IV poles. Yep, God is good and His mercy endures forever! We give Him the praise for ALL that He has done for Hosanna and Elijah this year!

Saturday, March 8, 2003 8:14 AM CST

It has been almost 2 years since Hosanna "coded" on March 15. The doctors said she wouldn't live thru the day. We were praying, and when she began to improve, the doctor said again that she wouldn't make it and he didn't want us to get our hopes up. Katherine told him,"Doctor, our hope isn't in you in the first place!"

The scripture that kept me thru all that is:
God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent: hath He said and shall He not do it?or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good? Num.23:19

We have a promise that God has healed Hosanna. She has already come so far....far beyond all the doctors' expectations. It has been a long time to us, but to God it's right on time! God will do what He said He would do!

Our church is having a Gospel singing on Saturday, March 15th at 2:00 PM to commemorate what God has done in her life. That is Canaanland Church in Mena, Arkansas. Everyone in the area is invited to come and rejoice with us. If you need more details, e-mail me at .

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:12 PM (CST)

God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent: hath He said and shall He not do it?or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good? Num.23:19

God has promised to heal Hosanna, and we are seeing so much improvement in the last couple of weeks! On Monday, Hosanna went for therapy. The therapist usually puts her on a pallet on the floor, and places her on her tummy with her arms tucked under her in hopes that she will lift her head. Well, this time she immediately pushed up and crawled two "steps"!!! It was like an army crawl, but she did it on her own!!! To some, that may not sound like much, but if you could see the doctor's prognosis, you would understand why we are so excited! God is moving in Hosanna's life!

Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 08:06 AM (CST)

God is on the move in Hosanna's life! This past week has been so good. First of all, her therapist was so excited because Hosanna was following her with her eyes when she was testing to see if she would. Hosanna has also started smiling all the time now. We have seen her smile every now-and-then and even caught it on camera. But this week she has begun to smile when you talk to her! She also kicks her legs when you're talking to her. Just like a newborn baby! It's so wonderful to see!

A couple of days ago, Katherine had Hosanna laying on the floor on a pallet. She had been laying there for some time just watching TV and looking around. Katherine was getting ready to go somewhere, so she took both boys out and put them in the car. When she came back in to get Hosanna, Hosanna was crying so hard! She knew that her mom had walked out the door and it scared her! When they got to my house, Katherine told Hosanna, "We're at Gangie's house, Hosanna", and Hosanna let out a big sigh and broke into a smile. She knew what her mom said.

Now this is the same child whom the doctors said had no brain activity and would not respond to stimuli. This is also the same child whom GOD said He would heal!!! Who's report are we going to believe? I choose to believe the report of the Lord!

I am having some new pictures of Hosanna uploaded in the photo album in the next couple of days. If they are not up yet, please check back. You have to see her smiling!!!

Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 08:23 PM (CST)

Haven't updated in awhile. I'm working, so it's hard to find time now. But I did want to let you all know that Hosanna is doing great. She smiles a lot now, and has even laughed aloud a few times. She smiles when her mother plays with her hands, or when Elijah or Zion takes her hand and hits himself on the forehead and falls (as if she hit him). She thinks that is so funny!

For such a long time she didn't have any facial expressions, so it's a blessing to see her smile. A couple of nights ago the family was all in the car. Hosanna was in the second seat of their mini-van when she began to cry. Her dad got out to check on her. He went around to her side, opened the door, and said,"Oh my gosh! Look!" Hosanna was sitting there with her bottom lip stuck out in a pout! That may not bless some people, but to us it was wonderful!!! I praise God for her pout! I praise God for her smile! I praise God for the day that she will call her parents Mommy and Daddy again, or look up at me and say,"Gangie,hold you!" when she wants to be picked up.

Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 06:23 PM (CST)

Hosanna is doing so well. She went back to Little Rock this past week. The ENT doctor looked at her throat and made her an appointment to do cosmetic surgery on the scar tissue where the trach used to be.

Hosanna was in the hospital lately because of an infection. Her tummy had been hurting for some time and they couldn't figure out why. They finally found the source of the problem and gave her medications for it. She is a different little girl now! She smiles so much, and she has even laughed out loud a couple of times.

You can see by her Christmas picture that she is doing so much better. God has surely blessed! We have much to be thankful for this year. One woman was talking to Katherine, Hosanna's mom, and complaining about all her problems. Katherine just looked at her and asked,"Did your child wake up this morning and call you Mom?" The woman realized then that she had been complaining to someone who's problems are so much bigger than hers, but yet Katherine wasn't complaining. Stop and think how blessed you are this holiday season and let God know that you appreciate Him.

Friday, November 15, 2002 at 07:13 AM (CST)

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Both Hosanna and Elijah are doing geat, but nothing new to report until yesterday!

Katherine came up to my job with her video camera. Seems she had been taping Hosanna all morning because Hosanna was standing up! She is very unsteady on her feet because she hasn't stood in 19 months, but the little toot wouldn't give up. Her legs turned purple and she broke out in a sweat, but every time Katherine and the nurse tried to get her to sit down she would stiffen up and cry until they stood her back up. She isn't standing alone. The nurse was there to balance her and to catch her when her knees buckled... but she is trying so hard. This is the same child whom the doctors said would be a vegetable the rest of her life! We are just waiting for her to start walking! God is a good God, yes He is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 21, 2002 at 07:36 AM (CDT)

Hosanna went to the physical therapist last week and they were doing an exercise where Hosanna was to follow something with her eyes. The doctor said she is blind, but she followed that brightly colored object for some time, then turned and looked directly at the therapist! The therapist freaked out! She was saying, "Did you see that?!! Did you see that?!!" All she knows is what is on the report she gets from the doctor. All we know is what God has promised!
Hosanna is doing great and we give all the credit, praise and glory to Jesus!!!!!

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 04:58 PM (CDT)

Katherine told me a story last night and I just had to share it. They all went to Disney World for Elijah's Make-A-Wish trip.

Hosanna was not having a lot of fun at Disney World because it was so hot outside. She cried and fussed so much that the next day Hosanna's nurse, Cindy, decided to stay at the room with her. Jason, Katherine, and the boys went out to see the sights. Later that day, Cindy decided to go out for an ice cream. She put Hosanna in her chair, (which is like a stroller and reclines back some), and strapped her in. Hosanna hates that chair and started throwing a royal fit. She got so mad that she sat straight up and would have fallen right out in the floor had Cindy not strapped her in! Cindy was so excited about it and told the kids as soon as they came back. Katherine said she thought,"Yeah, right!"

Well, as they were all leaving Florida, they drove to the airport. They pulled up to the curb and Jason took Hosanna's chair out of the trunk. He got Hosanna out of the car and put her in the chair and strapped her in. Again she began to throw a fit, and she sat straight up!

I know it's not good that she throws fits, but she can't communicate any other way at this time. Also, this shows us that she does know what she wants! It also shows us that she is getting stronger every day. Soon she will sit up because she wants to. God is giving her strength, and for that we are so thankful!

Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 03:47 PM (CDT)

A mom who has a child here on CaringBridge put several photos of Hosanna's room into a collage so you could see what it looks like. Make-A-Wish totally decorated it from the light fixture, to the wallpaper and border, the furniture, and the carpet. I hope you enjoy the photos in her album. I do appreciate this wonderful lady for doing this for Hosanna.

Hosanna has been having a ball this week. First of all, her brother, Elijah, had his Make-A-Wish party at Chuckie Cheese. Hosanna got to eat some of the cake, and did she ever enjoy it! She smiled so much at the lights and music and watched the balloons.

The family left for Florida on Sunday, and Hosanna had a good trip. We prayed that she would because she hates sitting in a chair that long. One of her favorite nurses went, too, so she was happy.

I guess one of the best moments came when she saw Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Her mom said she smiled SOOO big at them. She knew who they were! I can't wait for her to meet Cinderella! I know she will know her, too.

Monday, September 16, 2002 at 01:44 PM (CDT)

This morning at school, Hosanna ate mashed potatoes and gravy!!! For you Northerners and "preppy" people, that would be "whipped potatoes". Ha! So far, Hosanna has only had babyfood or yogurt. This is the first real solid food she has had since she was diagnosed 21 mo. ago! So, you see, we are pretty excited. As soon as she starts eating enough, they can take the feeding tube out and feed her by mouth.

This may not seem significant to some, but my whole family loves my mashed potatoes. When my children would come home from college that is the first thing they wanted. Now my grandchildren come to see Grandma, and when asked what they want to eat, it's "Mashed potatoes!" Now, when Hosanna comes to our house that is what I will fix for her again!

Her trach is out and she is doing great. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 01:26 PM (CDT)

Well, Hosanna finally got her trach out. (see new photo in her photo album!) This is a milestone we have waited for and we are all so excited. The doctor told Katherine that the reason they have been so long in taking it out was that they weren't even sure what to do about Hosanna in the first place. She wasn't even supposed to live, was not supposed to ever get better, was not supposed to get the trach out! They just don't know what to do with her!

We give all the glory to God. We have simply stood on His promises and claimed healing for Hosanna. People pray and say,"Well, whatever God's will is..." God's will is that we live and be in health! We have stood on His promise that says,"Ye shall not die, but live, and proclaim the works of the Lord...!" God is a good God... yes He is!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 12:22 PM (CDT)

Ezek. 12:28 ...Thus says the Lord God,"None of My words will be postponed anymore, but the word which I speak will be done", says the Lord God.

A woman we just met gave this scripture to Katherine. She felt that God wanted her to share it with us. God is on the move in Hosanna's life.

Hosanna is doing great! She is now eating babyfood and doing good at it. She never liked peaches, and the other day the nurse tried to feed her strained peaches. Well, the nurse wore them home! Hosanna spit them back at her. After several bites, the nurse switched to pears, and Hosanna ate them! She is also opening her mouth for the food. This is the same child that one doctor refused to give pain medication to because he decided she couldn't feel pain since she had "no brain activity"! Hosanna still knows what she likes and dislikes! The nurses are amazed at the progress she has made in the past few weeks alone!

Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 08:26 AM (CDT)

Last night Hosanna was on the floor and Katherine, Julie, and a girl from church and I were all playing with her. She began to smile so big! We all began to laugh because she was smiling, and she began to kick both legs, then she started making a noise that we knew was laughter! If she had been wearing the button on her trach, I know it would have been laughter! We all got so excited and were laughing so hard! We sang "Enemy Camp",( her favorite song ), and she began kicking again when it came to the part where it says "He's under my feet..." She would also turn and follow someone when they moved. We were praising God and having a good time. I do believe the joy is coming back to our home!

I uploaded a new photo of her in the photo album, but I just couldn't capture that smile on camera. It was so beautiful. Some friends of ours from Alaska came to visit a few months after Hosanna was diagnosed. When they left, the man said,"I will never forget that beautiful smile!" Well, that beautiful smile is back! All glory and honor go to God! He is a good God! Yes He is!

Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 06:32 PM (CDT)

Hosanna went to Little Rock for a checkup today. Great news! The doctor checked her swallowing and she did good. He gave her a "button" to wear on her trach during the day to check out how she does with her breathing. Then they set up an appointment for her to enter the hospital for 3 or 4 days next month to make sure she does okay without the trach. They hope to get it out in Sept. We are so excited!!

Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 07:38 AM (CDT)

What a great 4th of July!! I was sitting in the rocker holding Hosanna. She began to smile in her sleep, then she began to stir. Her smile got bigger and she started to make a noise. I know she was laughing in her sleep! I called for Katherine to come and see it. She agreed that she was laughing. That may not seem like a lot to some people, but it is such a blessing to us! When you haven't heard your baby (or grandbaby) laugh for over a year, it is a thrill to hear it!
Seems like everytime I get down and start asking God to show us that He is healing her, He does something like this. He is faithful to do that which He has promised to do!!!
She came home from the hospital on 16 different medications, and has now been taken off the last one! We thank God for every little step she makes.

Monday, July 01, 2002 at 07:41 AM (CDT)

Not much to report on Hosanna except that she is doing great! She goes to school twice a week for physical therapy and speech. She seems so much more alert now. She is smiling a lot more, too. Her dad was holding her at church last night and started swinging her a little and she was smiling so big. She loved it!

Hosanna is off all medications except one. The last one is potassium, and they have cut that in half. They hope to get her off that soon. I think she was on 16 medications when she came home from the hospital! They also hope to be able to get the trach out soon. I think they will start her on a bottle at that time, meaning they'll take out the feeding tube!! Yeah!!

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is decorating her room with wall-paper, border, paint, and new furniture. It's going to be beautiful! I'll try to upload a photo when they finish. It is decorated in pinks and lavender, and the print is Victorian teddybears at a teaparty.

God is a good God, yes He is!!!

Monday, June 17, 2002 at 12:24 PM (CDT)

Just a very quick note because I am having computer problems. Hosanna is doing great! She started school a few weeks ago where they are working on her physical therapy and speech. She is smiling so much now. Her dad was tickling her last night and I thought she would laugh out loud! Just wanted to let you know that I will update soon as I'm back online. God bless.

Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CDT)

Just got home from church. Hosanna was there too, and she was trying to stand up! She was totally supporting her own weight while standing with both feet on the floor. Katherine was just there to make sure she didn't fall and was helping her keep her balance. In case her knees would buckle, Katherine was there to catch her. Hosanna has done this two or three times lately, and her legs are getting stronger. I just know it won't be long before she gets up. If you have been keeping up with her, then you may remember the dream I had about the woman in labor. God told me I was seeing the beginning of Hosanna's deliverance.
He said it was like a woman in labor. The pain is almost unbearable, and you never forget the pain. But once the baby is born it isn't important anymore! We will never forget the pain we have gone thru, but "this, too, shall pass". The Word says Hosanna will "Live and declare the works of the Lord"! We are about to see just that! All glory goes to the Lord!

Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 02:32 PM (CDT)

Hosanna's mom, Katherine, just called me, so excited! She said that she was holding Hosanna up on her shoulder, and Hosanna is pushing up on her knees all by herself. She did this a few times, and she had that real pleasant look on her face, almost a smile, like she was so proud of herself! Katherine said "Mom, I know it won't be long now until Hosanna is up!" We can see God moving her in the direction of her healing. You can see by the pictures in her photo album that she is aware of things around her. After church last night we all went to McDonald's for cokes. The minute we went inside, Hosanna started trying to sit up. She knew she was at McDonald's!
Can I get a witness here?!!

Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 03:04 PM (CDT)

I have uploaded a couple of new pictures of Hosanna this week. Be sure to check them out and join us in praising God for her healing. She doesn't hold her head up all the time, but this particular day she held it up for several minutes, long enough for Jason to get several minutes of video! God is just letting us know that He is still in control and His Word is true!

Monday, April 22, 2002 at 03:56 PM (CDT)

I have added another photo that I took this afternoon of Hosanna smiling. She has been smiling all day! First at Grandpa because he was tickling her. Then at her nurse who was talking to her and playing with her. Click on her photo album to see it. I am so excited about what God is doing in her life!God is so awesome! Please visit Elijah's site, too. Such good news!

Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 08:08 AM (CDT)

Hosanna is doing great! What can I say except,"Thank You, Jesus!"
Sunday night at church, her mom was holding her and Hosanna had her arms around her mom's neck. She began to hold her head up and look around. She did that for the longest. I'm sure it must be a strain for her to hold her head up, but she loves it. She is just exercising her muscles and getting stronger everyday.
Later, we all went to Wendy's for burgers. I was sitting with my back to the people and holding Hosanna up over my shoulder so she could look around. I handed her back to her mom, who was sitting with her back to the wall. She was holding her the same way I was, but Hosanna began to cry really hard. She was actually throwing a fit! We finally figured it out that she didn't like looking at the wall, she wanted to see the people!

I don't even want to repeat what the doctors said about her brain. All I will say is..."Not so!" I have learned so much about the power of words. I have learned to say,"The doctor says..." or "They say..." but that is not what God says! God says she is healed and I choose to believe Him!

Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 09:42 PM (CST)

Hosanna spent the day with us today while her Mom and Dad took Elijah to Little Rock for a check-up. When they got home, her mom sat down to hold her. Hosanna began to cry and kept crying until her mom reclined back and laid her on her chest. Hosanna raised her head and held it up for several minutes. Over and over she did that until she wore herself out. She rested awhile and then wanted to do it again. She is really trying to get up.

I said on the 14th of March that something wonderful had happen in Hosanna. (It was the anniversary of when she had trouble last year, and the morning of the 15th she was sent to ICU at the hospital). This year, she smiled all evening long and the next day. That's when I got the photo of her smiling (see photo album). Well, I found out from the nurses that ever since then she has been sleeping all night and staying awake all day. That is great news because she had her days and nights mixed up before and wasn't sleeping well. God is faithful to do what He promised in Hosanna! Thank You Jesus!

Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 09:17 PM (CST)

Elijah went to Little Rock for a check-up today. Everything looks great. We were expecting a good report and got one. He doesn't have to go back for two months!

God has really been dealing with me about reminding Him of what He has promised. I was watching a video tonight about a man who was raised from the dead. His wife got the news that her husband was at the mortuary, and she began to cry out to God and remind Him that in Isaiah 61 He promised that no violation would come against her home again. This was a violation of her home and that it wasn't going to happen. GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD!! There are more details, but what caught my attention is that she "reminded God of the promises He had made".

When Satan comes against me with fear and doubt, I simply remind God that He promised to heal these two babies of ours, and that our trust is in Him. Sometimes it seems I can hear God chuckling and saying, "Yeah, I did say that didn't I. Well Honey, you hang in there and I'll do it!"

Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 03:32 PM (CST)

Hosanna will soon be celebrating her 3rd. birthday, something the doctors said wouldn't happen! I made her a beautiful dress to wear, and we are going to have a party with all the trimmings. Will try to post some photos of her next week. We give God all the glory for the miracles He has done!

Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CST)

It is a beautiful Spring day, and signs of new life are everywhere. Signs of new life are also in Hosanna! The family went to the park a couple of days ago, and her mom was trying to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight. It was then that she noticed Hosanna's pupils were dialating as they should. That is a great thing!
The next day, Hosanna cried a lot because she was frustrated at not being able to sit up. She kept trying, and would cry when she couldn't. Yes, it hurts us to see her not be able to at this point, but she is trying! She hasn't lost her fighting spirit! She will sit up and she will walk soon. God is faithful to do what He said He would do. The Word says,"Thou shalt not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord"!
If you have not seen Hosanna's new photos yet, click on "Photo Album" and see her beautiful smile.

Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 09:36 PM (CST)

Something has happened today! I don't know what it is, but it's wonderful! Take a look at Hosanna's photo album and you will see what I mean. She has been smiling all evening, and the twinkle is back in her eyes for sure. We have been laughing and crying and laughing more. God has surely done a work on this child today! He has kept His promise. He is a faithful God, in Him will I put my trust!

Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 10:25 AM (CST)

I have posted a new photo of Hosanna in her photo album. It is such a wonderful picture of Hosanna smiling. Her nurse was talking to her and lightly tickling her. Then she smiled! When you haven't heard a child laugh for a year, and she begins to smile, it is so special! Hosanna has had a very pleasant look on her face for a few days now. It's like she wants to smile at people. She is just doing so many things!
I had a dream last night in which a woman was giving birth,(don't know who she was). Someone asked me if the baby was coming out yet. I looked and saw the first signs that the baby was about to be born, like it could be any moment now. When I woke up, I felt like the Lord was telling me this was Hosanna's situation, that I was seeing the beginning of her restoration! A few times in my life I have had dreams that I felt came from the Lord because He gave me the interpretation of the dream shortly after I awoke and I have never forgotten those particular dreams. I feel this is one of them! Thank you for standing with us in faith!

Friday February 15, 2002 3:03 PM CST

Hosanna is doing great. She got a new nurse last week. This nurse told Katherine that she had prayed about this job before she moved here from Texas. God led her to Hosanna! God has given us some wonderful nurses. One RN asked when the doctors were planning to re-evaluate Hosanna, because we have seen so much progress just since the last time she took care of her. Katherine told her the doctors refuse to even discuss it. They don't believe she will improve. BUT GOD......!!! Hosanna is aware of what is going on around her, she gets mad and cries when you lay her down, she knows people's voices, and so much more! Now, when Elijah passes her bed he commands her,"Sissy, get up!" and walks on by. Right behind him is his "shadow", Zion, commanding "Deeyup!" You can see Hosanna straining to sit up. She gets frustrated, but she keeps trying. Katherine says the first thing she is going to teach Hosanna to say is,"Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na!" to the doctors and to Satan!
I want to thank all of you who have so faithfully stood with us in prayer for these two babies. They have come a long way and still have a way to go. But I think we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep praying, please! God bless!

Saturday January 26, 2002 8:38 AM CST

Hosanna is improving daily it seems! The past few days, she has been crying often. Now that may not seem like much, but when she hasn't made a sound since March, that is a lot! They are putting a valve on her trach to get her to swallow. If she is swallowing good, then they can take the trach out quicker. It's just going to take time to check it out. Other than that, all is going well. Elijah, her brother, is doing great, too. He is in transplant, but will be done in a couple of weeks. Thanks for all your prayers! God bless.

Sunday January 20, 2002 11:48 AM CST

Hosanna is doing great! Again, this morning, she smiled at the nurse while she was awake. Now I'm gettng jealous because she hasn't smiled at me yet! This is such a big step for her. The thing is, she is smiling and crying at appropriate times, not just doing these things at weird times. She doesn't cry when someone is loving on her, she cries when you put her down. This morning, I had to go back and reread the prophesies that were spoken so many months ago over Hosanna and her brother, Elijah. God doesn't give you a prophesy about your future if He doesn't plan for you to have one, and both these prophetic words were about the child's future. God has a future for both of these babies, and we are standing on those Words. I have posted these on both children's websites before, so you can go to past journal entries and read them if you'd like. This is all in God's timing. It's just so hard to wait! In the meantime, we are just praising Him for the blessings that are coming!!!

Friday January 18, 2002 8:18 AM CST

Perry was holding Hosanna this morning and had to lay her down for a moment. She immediately began to cry out loud until he finished what he was doing. He picked her up again and she quit. Awhile later, he laid her down again just to check her out. She got that "cry look" on her face again, (not making any sound but you know she is crying), until he picked her back up. I walked up to her and spoke her name and she immediately looked at me! She is very alert this morning. Last night, I was about to give her Ativan because she was very aggitated and would not settle down. Perry told me to wait until Jason got here because he was on his way home from Little Rock. I waited, and as soon as he got here and took her from me, she calmed down and went to sleep! She is very aware of what is going on around her. At this point, she may not be able to respond. Fifteen month old Zion is constantly going over to her bed and kissing on her and patting her. He is very loving toward his sister, and for this I am thankful. I just wish you could see the way he loves her. It is so sweet.

Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 03:04 PM (CST)

I have to share this about Hosanna. Yesterday, the nurse was bathing her and kept talking to her about her smile. I thought she was just talking. But when I went over to look at her, she WAS smiling at the nurse!!!!! Up until now, she has smiled in her sleep a few times, but not when she was awake. THIS was a true smile!!! We are so excited about this, and we give God ALL the glory! He is finishing that work which He has begun in her! He promised us her healing in the beginning, and He has continued to show Himself faithful.

Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 06:33 AM (CST)

We had a little excitement here this week. Hosanna's feeding tube accidently got pulled out and a doctor here in town had to put it back in. After he put it back in, he laid hands on Hosanna and prayed for her. He knew we wouldn't mind. Other than that, things are pretty calm here. Katherine is at the hospital with Hosanna's brother, Elijah, while he is having a bonemarrow transplant. God is helping us all thru this time, and it is going pretty fast. Will keep you updated on Elijah on his page, (see link below). God bless you all for your faithful prayer.

Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CST)

Just a little bit of good news on Hosanna. Today is the 6th day that she has not had to have any Ativan. We usually gave that to her when she got aggitated and would not calm down. It was scheduled for every 4 hours, or as needed. Well, we found that if someone would sit and hold her, she would calm down. (I think that is called "spoiled"!) But that's okay, we don't mind spoiling her. She is so much more alert when she isn't on that drug. When Jason and Katherine took down their Christmas tree, they took the lights and strung them around Hosanna's crib. I think she is enjoying looking at all the colors. As I said on Elijah's update page, the next few weeks may be pretty hard on the family. Elijah will be going into the hospital on Tuesday for the bonemarrow transplant,. That means perhaps weeks of separation from family for Elijah as well as his mom, Katherine. She will have to stay up there with him. Jason may take off work to be with them some, but Hosanna and Zion will have to be here at our house. The bottom line is, half the family will be in one spot and half in another. Please pray that God will be with all of them. This family has been thru so much for over a year now. They need some prayer warriors standing with them and holding up their hands before the battle! I will try to keep you posted on Elijah's website. God bless.

Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 08:47 AM (CST)

Katherine called us all excited. Hosanna has cried out loud several times the past few days. She really gets upset when you put her down, and that's when she cries. She is discovering her voice, just as a baby does, and she has found out that people jump when she hollers, so she's doing it more often. Just thought I'd share that with you.
Our sweet little Hosanna is healed! The Word says to call those things which are not as tho they were. The Word also says,"Let the week say,"I am strong", let the poor say,"I am rich", let the blind say, "I see". He isn't telling us to lie. He is merely telling us to walk by faith. In the Name of Jesus, Hosanna is healed. By the words of our mouth, we are made overcomers. The Word says we can have what we say. I'm just calling it the way Jesus gives it to me! Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! He does not lie! HE WILL DO WHAT HE SAID HE WILL DO!

Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 04:23 PM (CST)

Just a few lines to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and to thank you for your continued prayers for Hosanna. It has been a long hard year, but God has seen us thru it. Hosanna is still with us and is improving every day. We are so thankful for every step she makes toward improvement. It might have been a very different Christmas for us....BUT GOD!!! Our sweet little Hosanna is healed! The Word says to call those things which are not as tho they were. The Word also says,"Let the week say,"I am strong", let the poor say,"I am rich", let the blind say, "I see". He isn't telling us to lie. He is merely telling us to walk by faith. In the Name of Jesus, Hosanna is healed. By the words of our mouth, we are made overcomers. The Word says we can have what we say. I'm just calling it the way Jesus gives it to me! Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! He does not lie! HE WILL DO WHAT HE SAID HE WILL DO!

Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 09:44 AM (CST)

Hosanna came back to the hospital on Saturday because she had an infection, but she's doing fine. We hope to go home today. Yesterday, they put her in the same room with her brother, Elijah. That's pretty neat that they can be together. Last night Hosanna was watching TV. Katherine was laying on the bed with her and noticed that it looked like she was listening to something. Katherine turned Hosanna's head toward the TV, and Hosanna started watching it! I looked at her eyes and I could see movement like she following the figures on the screen. We are pretty excited about that. We thank God for every little thing she does, every improvement is another step toward her healing.

Monday, December 10, 2001 at 06:23 PM (CST)

I haven't updated in awhile because we have all been pretty tied up lately. You can read abut Elijah on his page, but this is Hosanna's page, so I will update you on her . On Saturday morning, the nurse noticed something was wrong with Hosanna. We took her to the hospital in Mena, and they found that she had an infection. So, here we are at Little Rock again. Hosanna in doing fine, but she did have an infection so they aren't letting her go until tomorrow. At least she got to be up here with her family. It is rough having two children in the hospital at the same time. But it looks like the family will be together, at home, for Christmas!

Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 08:06 AM (CST)

Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have had Hosanna and Zion at my house while Elijah was finishing chemo. He is now done!!! Now all he lacks is the bone-marrow transplant, (see his story on his website).
Hosanna is doing great! When Jason and Katherine brought Elijah home from the hospital on Friday night, they stopped by here to see Hosanna. (It takes so much to move all her stuff so they decided to wait until yesterday to move her home). Jason held her until she went to sleep, then placed her in her bed and they left. We were between nurses, so I was sitting in the chair watching her when she began to stir. She raised her arms in a stretch, turned on her side, and I caught her just as she rolled out of bed!!! I warned all the nurses to watch her because she could fall out. The next day, the nurse and I were talking when Hosanna began to stir. Again, she raised her arms and it was like she was doing a situp. She came off the pillow several inches. The nurse got so excited because she thought for a minute that Hosanna was going to sit up!
One of the nurses went on vacation so she hadn't seen Hosanna in a couple of weeks. She commented yesterday that she seemed so much more alert than when she saw her last. She IS ! God is a good God, yes He is!!!

Friday, October 19, 2001 at 11:52 PM (CDT)

Hosanna has been doing so well, but she is getting so spoiled! She was all laid back in her daddy's lap the other night, and Daddy was singing to her. She was very relaxed and you could tell she was "eating up" the attention. Well, Zion decides he wants in on that attention, so he went over and began whining to be picked up. Jason finally gave in and lifted Zion up to sit on the other arm of the chair in which he and Hosanna were sitting. Hosanna got upset! She began kicking her little foot and moving her hand the way she does when she gets aggitated! After a few minutes, Jason put Zion down and Hosanna settled down again. She was upset that Zion was infringing on her time with her dad. She has always been like that, jealous of her dad's attention. Lately, Hosanna gets aggitated if she knows we are around and not holding her. Yep, she's spoiled alright. She's a typical 2 year old! Ha!
I'm excited about what God is doing. It just seems like she is doing new things almost daily. I thank God for each step.

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 10:56 AM (CDT)

Hosanna went home yesterday after being at my house while Elijah was in the hospital. Funny, I get all depressed when she leaves. She gets so much more alert every day, it seems. At first, you had to be right up over her before she would respond to you. But now you can talk to her from across the room and she will look at you. She watches some TV also. I thank God for every little step she makes! I uploaded a new photo of her a couple of days ago. If you haven't checked it out, take a look!

Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 02:47 PM (CDT)

I have uploaded a new picture in Hosanna's photo album that tells you of her progress. She loves Barney, and is now reaching for her toy Barney. She doesn't do it all the time, and you can tell she is really struggling when she does. But She really wants to touch him. Now she is doing just that.

Monday, October 01, 2001 at 09:01 AM (CDT)

Hosanna went to church last night. We were singing Enemy's Camp, and she began to cry! In fact, she cried several times. I know it is because she wanted to participate but couldn't. She is getting frustrated. But this is good! It means she really wants to do these things, and she will try harder.
Saturday, the nurse held Barney up in front of Hosanna, and she was trying to reach for it! At first the nurse thought it was just an accident, but she did it again. She called me over to watch, and I could tell Hosanna was trying to get it, but her hand wouldn't do what she wanted. Her eyes got bigger and her breathing got faster because she wanted that toy so badly. It was like watching a little baby trying to learn to reach!
I know her doctor will not believe this. He says the things we have thought was progress was just "seizure activity", but he doesn't see her when she does things like this. We know Hosanna, and we know when she is reacting to people and to things around her.
The Bible says to call those things which are not as thought they are. The Word also says that by the words of our mouth we are made overcomers. We have overcome sickness and disease! Hosanna is healed! Thank You, Jesus!

Monday, October 01, 2001 at 09:01 AM (CDT)

osanna went to church last night. We were singing Enemy'y Camp, and she began to cry! In fact, she cried several times. I know it is because she wanted to participate but couldn't. She is getting frustrated. But this is good! It means she really wants to do these things, and she will try harder.
Saturday, the nurse held Barney up in front of Hosanna, and she was trying to reach for it! At first the nurse thought it was just an accident, but she did it again. She called me over to watch, and I could tell Hosanna was trying to get it, but her hand wouldn't do what she wanted. Her eyes got bigger and her breathing got faster because she wanted that toy so badly. It was like watching a little baby trying to learn to reach!
I know her doctor will not believe this. He says the things we have thought was progress was just "seizure activity", but he doesn't see her when she does things like this. We know Hosanna, and we know when she is reacting to people and to things around her.
The Bible says to call those things which are not as thought they are. The Word also says that by the words of our mouth we are made overcomers. We have overcome sickness and disease! Hosanna is healed! Thank You, Jesus!

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 at 04:40 PM (CDT)

Just got a report on Hosanna. Her potassium level is great, she is off some of those meds they put her on, and she's doing great! The last time I posted, I said they had down-sized her trach from a size 5.0 to a 3.5. They covered the trach to check it and found that she is breathing on her own! She is on her way home with a speaking valve on the trach. Now we can hear her cry, such a beautiful sound it will be!!! The doctor also said there has been no damage to her vocal chords. She is going to be that annointed Gospel singer. God is so faithful!

Monday, September 24, 2001 at 01:17 PM (CDT)

Just got a call from Jason in Little Rock. They down-sized Hosanna's trach from a 5.0 to a 3.5 !!! That is such an awesome step! The doctor says her vocal chords are in great shape. Jason and Katherine have been speaking it over her since she was born that she would be an annointed Gospel singer, song writer, and praise and worship leader. She will "go to the enemy's camp and take back what he stole from her"!!! Amen! Oh, forgot to say that they expect to get the trach out in a few weeks!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 11:01 AM (CDT)

Dear Friends ;
I received and unusual e-mail from the island of Diego Garcia on July 15th. It was in response to the news that our precious grandson, Elijah was diagnosed and it was posted on the internet website. Somehow it was read by a Navy Chaplain who is the pastor of the naval battlegroup stationed there. He was moved by the Elijah and Hosanna ordeal. His navy personnel felt moved by the story and responded with an e-mail and eventually a love offering to my precious grandchildren! I still am amazed at how God works!
I don't know if you heard it on world-wide news networks, but this is the battlegroup that makes up the aircraft carrier group that now is heading into Afganistan to take out Osama bin Laden! Needless to say, Sue and I as well as Kathy and Jason are asking you to pray over this group of precious people who have really shown us Christian love. Pray that no loss of precious lives will be experienced by this group of sailors and aircraft pilots.
The Chaplain wrote me a few minutes ago and is requesting prayer for his parisherners . Tomorrow is the deadline the Taliban has been given to hand over Osama bin Laden! We need to be praying over these precious Christian armed forces personell as they fight for our country. They are the pointy end of the spear! (Using the Chaplain's own words)
Please pray for all of our armed forces and especially these folks! Perry and Sue Hart

Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 05:24 PM (CDT)

Finally got to bring Hosanna home. She was so agitated the whole time she was in the hospital, and her blood-pressure was way up. We got her home yesterday and her mom called today to tell me, "You should see how relaxed she is!" They have a lot of new nurses there at the hospital, and I think Hosanna was upset because she didn't know them. She is home for the week, then they want her to come back to the hospital for a surgical procedure which will help her stop throwing up.
When Hosanna lost her hair we were told it could come back different color and texture. We prayed that it would be red. Well, it came back in and looked brown. At first, I was disappointed. But then I just started thanking God that she was still with us and told God I didn't really care what color her hair was. Well, now her hair has turned out to be a beautiful auburn! It's a rich, deep red, and it's prettier than ever! Plus, it's curlier than it was before. God didn't give us what we asked, He gave us even better! Ain't God Good!

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 08:49 AM (CDT)

Hosanna has been in the hospital over a week now. The infection she had was very serious, and they discovered some blood spots on her brain caused by either the infection or the antibiotics they gave her. They had to drain them, so she had to have surgery. She came thru it very well, and is now in ICU for a couple of days. She looks very well, and is doing great.
Thank you all for praying. Will try to update more as we learn more.

Monday, September 03, 2001 at 11:17 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is back in the hospital for a couple of days. On Saturday morning I noticed that her cheeks were discolored and I mentioned it to her nurse. She agreed. I pulled her covers back, and Hosanna's hands and arms were purple! I called 911, they took her to the hospital here, got her stablized, then took her via helecopter to Little Rock. She had an infection that is very serious. I thank God we caought it in time. We have been there at the hospital and just came home tonight after making sure she was okay. Katherine and Jason were there already because Elijah was finishing up a third round of chemo. They put her in the hospital room next to Elijah.
Jason came into her room, laid down beside Hosanna on the bed and began to sing to her. Hosanna SMILED!!! It wasn't a real strong smile, just a faint one, but you could tell she was smiling. That is the first time I have seen her do that since she coded in March! She's doing fine and should be home soon.

Monday, August 27, 2001 at 11:25 PM (CDT)

Exciting things are happening here! Elijah had such a good report today, (read it on his website...see link below), but Hosanna is improving by leaps and bounds. The nurse put her on the floor last night, and she rolled from her side to her tummy 6 or 8 times! The Lord is really moving in behalf of these two babies. If you have missed a few days, please read past journals and see the other posts. Also check out the new photos. God bless!

Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 07:45 AM (CDT)

I just posted last night, but I couldn't wait to share this bit of news. If you haven't been here in a couple of days, please look at past journals for yesterday's post. It is a good one, but today's is exciting, too!
Jason called this morning and told us to sit down for some news. Last night, the nurse turned Hosanna onto her side to give her a change of position. She walked into the kitchen to do something, and when she came back into the room, Hosanna was laying on her tummy!!! This is so exciting!! God is moving in such a great way here.
I also have added new photos on Hosanna's and Elijah's sites.
God is moving on Hosanna's and on Elijah's behalf. I just wanted to give Him praise this morning!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Today is a milestone for Hosanna! Katherine put some iced tea in a medicine dispencer that looks like a pacifier, and Hosanna sucked it out and swallowed it! She only gave her about 2cc to check it out and see what she would do. We are so excited! Grandpa has been putting ice cream on her lips and she would suck on that, but this is the first time she has really put anything into her mouth and had her suck on it. Afterward, Hosanna dropped off to sleep, totally satisfied. Praise God ! This may not sound like much to some people, but to us it is a giant step toward her healing!

Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 10:48 PM (CDT)

I checked on Hosanna tonight after church. She's doing really good. Her blood-pressure had been up, but the nurse said it was back down now. Jason said she has been focusing more today than she had been. We have found that when she gets agitated, if we will hold her instead of giving her Ativan, she will usually calm down. She has learned that if she wants to be held, just throw a fit! Ha!
The nurse said the TV was pretty loud yesterday and that Hosanna was shaking her head "No". She turned the TV down and Hosanna stopped shaking her head. So she is beginning to really communicate what she want. Praise God!
Remember her next week as she goes in for re-evaluation on her trach. We need a good report! Amen!

Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 10:21 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is doing great! She is looking around the room more and looking at people more. She seems to be focusing on things. Today, she was looking at the pictures of Elijah and herself that were hanging on the wall above her bed. I believe she recognized them!
She also got a hospital bed today. She had been sleeping in a toddler bed, but the nurses were having to sit on the floor a lot to work on her. Now her mom or dad can crawl up into the bed and snuggle her up and sing to her. She loves that.
She goes back for a checkup on Aug.30. They should start down sizing her trach then. Will let you know how that turns out.

Friday, August 10, 2001 at 11:25 AM (CDT)

Just to let you know that Hosanna got approved for 20 hours of nursing care per day for the next two months. I'm so glad. We have a woman here in Mena who is an advocate for things like that. She couldn't get anywhere with these people so she called the Governor! The woman in the office that approves the nursing hours ask Katherine why she called the governor! I told Katherine she should have said, "Well, if that didn't work I was going to call the President!" Anyway, Hosanna now has nursing care.
She is really doing good. She should go back to be re-evaluated at the end of August. They should start downsizing the trach then. Not sure how it works, but they hope to get the trach out soon.
Thank you all so much for signing her guestbook. I print these messages off for her to read later. One day she will be able to see who was holding her up in prayer, and where all of you are from. God bless.

Monday, August 06, 2001 at 11:09 PM (CDT)

Haven't been able to update for a few days because Hosanna's nursing care has been dropped down to 12 hours per day, so I have been sitting up with her the other 12 hours. Elijah's immune system counts are way down, so he doesn't need to be around extra people like Hosanna's nurses. So they left her here at our house until Elijah's counts are back up.
She had a couple of rough nights. Both nights, Jason and Katherine had come over and held her for awhile and rocked her. After they left, she became very agitated and her blood-pressure went way up. I told the nurse tonight that I think it's because her mom and dad left. She agreed. She said you can look at her charts and tell when she's had a new nurse, or a nurse that she doesn't know very well. She just doesn't adjust to them well when they're new.
I have added a couple of new photos of Hosanna. She looks so pretty, and was resting so well in one of them that I had to share it with you.
We can see her doing things like she did before and we are so excited about that!

Friday, August 03, 2001 at 12:06 PM (CDT)

Sorry I haven't had much time to post. Katherine and Jason are in Little Rock with Elijah, and I have Hosanna here with me. Her nursing care has been cut to 12 hours per day, and last night the nurse was sick and couldn't come in at all. That was scary, but we managed. The nurses usually draw up her meds for me and I just give them to her. But this time I had to draw them up myself.
Hosanna had to go back to Little Rock yesterday to get her feeding tube changed out. She has been throwing up on a regular basis, and they felt that it had slipped out of place. The trip went well, and I think she enjoyed it. She had a much better night last night.
There has been a couple of times that she's smiled in her sleep. I know those muscles are coming back. She is also relaxing her legs. That may not seem like much to some people, but compared to what the doctors have reported, it's miraculous! One of the nurses said she couldn't wait to see the doctor's report when they re-evaluate her!
Will try to find time to upload some new photos this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 01:30 PM (CDT)

It's been a week since I posted last, but things have been pretty hectic here. Grandpa was at Hosanna's house and got down on his knees beside her bed to pray for her. Her hands were relaxed on her tummy, and when he got thru praying, he began to tickle her with his nose. She began to caress his face with one hand, then both hands! She has always loved to have her face caressed, so she was doing that to him. She has done that to her mom, too. Also, her mom started to suction her trach, and Hosanna shook her head "No".
She is so much more relaxed, she's lifting her arms and her legs more. Lord, I do believe that girl is waking up soon!!!
Hosanna's next appointment is in August. At that time they will re-evaluate her for the trach, and consider taking it out. She will have to run thru a battery of tests. Pray that God will strengthen her muscles to swallow, talk, etc.
Thank you for standing with us in faith for her healing. Please be sure to check out Elijah's update, (see link below).

Monday, July 16, 2001 at 09:45 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is doing great! They are taking her off another medication for a week to see if she can do without it. We're excited about that. We are just seeing so much improvement, almost by leaps and bounds.
On the CD, WOW 2001 (Gospel), there is a song called Shackles (Praise You!). It says

"Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance
I just wanna praise You
I just wanna praise You
You broke the chains now I can lift my hands
And I'm gonna praise You
I'm gonna praise You"

Everytime I hear that song I think of Hosanna and I sing it for her. I just know it won't be long before she will be lifting those little hands and praising God just like she did before all this happened. Many times I caught her and Elijah listening intently to Gospel music, closing their eyes, and lifting their hands. They were not looking around to see if someone was watching, but were doing it from their hearts.

Friday, July 13, 2001 at 09:51 AM (CDT)

We had a little excitement here last night. Hosanna was asleep, but stirred, stretched, and raised both hands over her head! That is the first time we have seen her do that. She has raised one arm, and she has even raised both arms some, but not both arms over her head at the same time! The nurses have remarked about her progress being so good. She responds to pain, a wet or messy diaper, tickling, etc. When we got the news about her brother, Elijah, her grandpa and I both broke and wept. Hosanna was here in the room, and she got upset. It took over an hour for her to calm down. She knew something was wrong!
Yesterday, Grandpa stuck a spoon to her mouth that had vanilla ice cream on it. She really went to town on that taste of ice cream. She has always loved it. She also got a taste of banana pudding. She was actually sucking on it for several minutes.
The nurses have continued to ween her off her meds. We are hoping that she will be off all of them soon.
Thank all of you for holding us up in prayer.

Friday, July 13, 2001 at 09:31 AM (CDT)

Elijah has finished his first round of chemo, (five days), and came home yesterday. He has lost 6 lb. and that's a lot for a 3 yr. old. But Grandpa is stuffing him with all his favorite foods, (bacon, potato chips, etc). I plan to cook him some corn-on-the-cob today. He loves that, too.
The doctors are talking about five sessions of chemo and then a bone-marrow transplant. I pray that he doesn't have to have that because it is really rough. We are looking for a miracle on this one, just as we are for Hosanna. God is faithful!
The prayer service in the park here in Mena went well. There were 14 churches represented, and each pastor took a turn to pray. I have had computer problems, but as soon as I can find the time, I will load up a photo or two of the prayer service.
Thank you for standing in faith with us for healing for the two children. Thank you for holding up our hands when we are weary of the battle. We will not give up the fight because we sense the wall of prayer around us! God bless.
Don't forget to check Hosanna's website for the latest on her. (See link below).

Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 12:32 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is doing well. She is so relaxed! One of the things they are concerned about is her getting too stiff and the muscles drawing up, so they have to do physical therapy on her. They are amazed at how limber she is. I believe it is the Lord giving her peace.
God also gave her some wonderful nurses to work with her. They have been wonderful about staying, even without pay, until the next nurse gets here. I pray that God blesses them.
Hosanna has been on 16 medications, but they are weening her down from some and she is totally off some. We thank God that she is progressing so well. We also thank God for her healing! "God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent:hath He said and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?" Numbers23:19

On Monday night, July 9th. at 7:00 PM, there will be a prayer meeting at Jansen Park in Mena, Ark. The churches of Polk County will get together and pray for healing for both Hosanna and for Elijah. If you cannot travel to Mena, perhaps your church will join other churches in your area at the same time for prayer. We need all the prayer power we can get to bombard Heaven for these babies!!!

Monday, July 02, 2001 at 10:33 PM (CDT)

I am having a hard time posting on here today. I really don't know how to say this, but Hosanna's 3 yr. old brother, Elijah David, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, the same cancer Hosanna had. He will start chemo this week. The doctors are shocked. This does not happen to two children in the same family. I have set up a link to his page on Hosanna's page (see below).
We are asking all who will to stand with us in prayer. God has taken care of Hosanna, and He can do the same for Elijah. These two children both are God's and He will not forsake His own!

Friday, June 29, 2001 at 07:27 AM (CDT)

Hosanna had her check-up yesterday at the hospital in Little Rock. They did not take the trach out, but the doctor made a remark about her doing so good. A second doctor came in and told Katherine they could probably take it out in a couple of months. Katherine got upset and said,"The other doctor said she was doing so good!" This doctor said,"It is a miracle that I'm even standing here talking to you about this." He indicated that people with Hosanna's diagnosis sometimes don't even get the trach out. They were all surprised at her progress.
So, I guess they will start weaning her off her medication, then go down a size on the trach, and keep going down until she's using the smallest size trach. Then they will put her in the hospital, remove it altogether, and observe her for a couple of days to make sure all is well. The doctor indicated it could be August or September. I don't believe it will be that long! I believe her health has sprung forth speedily as the Bible says. It's the doctors who have to take their time! Ha!
I thank God that He has chosen to spare Hosanna's life and use her to show us all His glory! She is a miracle, and I am amazed at His grace and mercy! He has been so faithful to keep His hand on her. Thank You, Lord!

Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 09:44 AM (CDT)

Katherine wanted me to let you all know that Hosanna is having such a great day! She is very relaxed, which is good. She sometimes has to wear splints to keep her muscles from drawing up from lack of use, but today her arms are relaxed at her side. Also, Elijah is really trying to help with his "Sissy". Everytime Hosanna coughs and Katherine is out of the room, Elijah starts freaking out,"Mom! Come suction Zanner!" He is quite the little helper.
Hosanna goes back to Little Rock today for a check-up. Please pray that her trach comes out. That means no more having to suction her all the time. Her reflexes have gotten so much stronger already, but I don't know what they go by. I do know that she is not spitting anymore, so she has to be swallowing a lot. Will update as soon as I hear anything, either late tonight or early in the morning.

II Kings 20:5
I have heard thy prayer,I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee.

Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 11:17 PM (CDT)

Hosanna has a doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am praying they will take the trach out. She will be able to do so much more without it and all the equipment it requires.
Last night the kids were here and Grandpa stuck a little bit of ice cream to Hosanna's lips. That girl went to town on that little taste! Of course, we can't give her anything by mouth until she does get the trach out, but she got the taste of it.
Please keep the family in prayer. They just need to be lifted up and strengthened. I told Katherine that Job went thru a lot, too. She said she was tired of being "Job". I said, "Job was tired of being Job!"
We are standing in faith, but we need some prayer warriors to hold our hands up! God bless.

Friday, June 22, 2001 at 05:41 PM (CDT)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Katherine called us, so excited, and told us Hosanna was holding her head up on her own. We jumped in the car and hurried over there to see. Katherine was sitting on the floor with Hosanna in her lap, and Hosanna was leaning back against Katherine, but holding her head up. When Katherine tried to get her to lay her head back because she thought she might be getting tired, Hosanna lifted her head right back up. She was also pushing against Katherine with her elbow as if she was trying to push herself into a sitting possition.
I believe her healing is already there, but this is a giant step for Hosanna. Can I get a "Praise the Lord" somebody???
Isaiah 58:8
Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy reward.
Was it just this morning that I put that scripture on Did I hear the word "speedily"???

Friday, June 22, 2001 at 08:17 AM (CDT)

I haven't updated in a few days because things are more hectic than I realized they would be. Hosanna has a nurse for four hours a day, but it is still hard on her mom with the two boys to care for. So I go over everyday for a couple of hours in the afternoon to let them take a nap. Her mom has to get up all hours of the night to give medications and feedings. Her dad has to get up to suction her, so neither one gets much sleep. That should stop on Saturday, however, because Hosanna has been approved for a nurse 16 hours a day for two months, then 12 hours a day for the next month. At least Mom and Dad can sleep now.
Hosanna is doing well. She was at church Sunday night when someone came up to talk to her. It was someone who used to joke and play with her all the time. I was looking at her when the most pleasant look came across her face! I told her mom that I thought she was smiling, and her mom said she had thought that, too! Her lips didn't move, but you could just tell! That is something I am longing for is that wonderful smile to return, and it will!
Isaiah 57:18
I have seen his (her) ways, and will heal him (her): I will lead him (her) also, and restore comforts unto him (her) and to his (her) mourners.
Isaiah 58:8
Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy reward.
What more can we ask of Him?! He is faithful to keep His promises to us and to Hosanna. He is such an awesome God!

Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 04:45 PM (CDT)

Hosanna went to church last night for the first time in months. It was so good to see her there. We sang all her favorite choruses. It was a lot of work getting all her paraphernalia set up, and her battery went out on her feeding tube, but she made it thru the service.
Katherine spoke on the radio program this morning. She talked about Abraham and how he wanted an heir, how God gave the promise and Abraham had to wait. I guess the hardest part is waiting, but we know Hosanna is healed because we have that promise from God! Sometimes we have to wait on the Lord and be patient and not try to get ahead of Him. When Katherine got home I called her up and asked her if she had listened to the program! Ha!
Thank you for your faithful prayer for Hosanna's healing. We continue to wait upon the Lord. God bless.

Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 07:49 AM (CDT)

I haven't updated since Monday because it's been busier than we realized around here. But Hosanna is doing well. She looks so much more alert since she came home. Elijah walked all the way across the room yesterday and Hosanna followed him with her eyes. Her mom and dad were trying to get things arranged in the house to make room for all her equipment, and everytime one of them would pass her bed it looked like she was trying to pull herself up. They knew she wanted to be held. Last night, Gradnpa was holding her and started singing "Enemy's Camp" and Hosanna started to cry. I know it was because she wanted to sing, too.
A nurse told Katherine,"I don't see how you can say that God has healed your daughter". But the Word of God says to call those things which are not as though they were. It also says to let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich. The price of her healing was paid at Calvary. Numbers 23:19 says,"God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not do it?Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?" We continue to stand on his Word and trust Him for Hosanna's healing. Thank you all for standing with us.

Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 07:23 AM (CDT)

I haven't updated since Monday because it's been busier than we realized around here. But Hosanna is doing well. She looks so much more alert since she came home. Elijah walked all the way across the room yesterday and Hosanna followed him with her eyes. Her mom and dad were trying to get things arranged in the house to make room for all her equipment, and everytime one of them would pass her bed it looked like she was trying to pull herself up. They knew she wanted to be held. Last night, Gradnpa was holding her and started singing "Enemy's Camp" and Hosanna started to cry. I know it was because she wanted to sing, too.
A nurse told Katherine,"I don't see how you can say that God has healed your daughter". But the Word of God says to call those things which are not as though they were. It also says to let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, let the blind say I see. The price of her healing was paid at Calvary. Numbers 23:19 says,"God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not do it?Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?" We continue to stand on his Word and trust Him for Hosanna's healing. Thank you all for standing with us.

Monday, June 11, 2001 at 09:10 AM (CDT)

Hosanna is home now and the family is having to adjust to all the changes. She is so much more peaceful since she's in family surroundings. They have tons of machinery and paraphinalia to deal with. Physical therapy is ordering her a specially made wheelchair. Katherine got upset about that and said "We will not need that because she is healed!" The nurse said that when Hosanna is through with it they can donate it to the hospital for some other patient. I told Katherine there is probably some mother praying right now "God, I need a wheelchair for my child and I don't have the money, nor do I have insurance!" and God is having them make one for Hosanna so she can donate it to that child and answer that mother's prayer! We never know all that goes on behind the scenes in this life.

Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 10:17 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is home at last! She got home last night, and seems to be settling pretty well. We ask that everyone continue to keep her in your prayers until her healing is complete. I think it will help her a lot, just being home with her family and them all being together again.
Jason did the radio program today and it was great! Katherine will be speaking on the radio broadcast next Sunday, Father's Day.

Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 04:12 PM (CDT)

Hosanna should be on her way home any minute now. She will have to go back for tests every two months for the first year, but we aren't concerned about that. God said there would be a binding away of that which would cause sickness and disease in her body, and so we believe the cancer is bound!!!
We wanted the trach out before she came home, too, but they wouldn't take it out. They did evaluate her and said she does have some of the reflexes she needs now, but they aren't strong enough yet. Oh, well, as long as she is swallowing and all on her own, then we can deal with that. God still healed her! Perhaps her doctor here will see that and take it out. We are just waiting on the Lord.
Some of the nurses from the hospital have signed Hosanna's guestbook. We really appreciate the words of encouragement. Even though Hosanna is no longer a patient there, we will be back to minister there. I will never again be able to pass a children's hospital without praying for the children, their parents, and their families who are inside those walls hurting for their babies. I will also pray for the medical staff in there who is doing everything they know to do for those children. They face amazing stress, knowing that the lives of the children depend on them. Katherine told one doctor, "I know some of these parents up here think you are God, but I don't." The doctor replied, "I'm sure glad you understand that, because I am doing everything I can for Hosanna."
Will update again tomorrow or Monday.

Friday, June 08, 2001 at 07:26 AM (CDT)

We are so excited about Hosanna coming home! We can see daily changes and improvements in her and we are so thankful for each thing that she does. I was talking to two mothers at the hospital and we were discussing the "Why us, God?" question. I guess I have never had to ask that because the Bible says the steps of a good man (woman) are ordered by the Lord. There has never been a doubt in my mind that God sent us there to minister to hurting people. Who can better minister to hurting people than someone who is hurting? We can honestly say,"I know what you're going thru". It has been a long, hurtful journey, but God has seen us thru it. He has been so faithful! I pray that soon we will be able to tell you "the rest of the (Hosanna's) story"!

Tuesday, June 05, 2001 at 07:20 AM (CDT)

Well, there has been a change of plans. Today was to be Hosanna's last radiation treatment, but when she went over to get it done they broke the news to Katherine that she will need three more treatments. Looks like we will be here a few more days. I know there is a reason for all this. Don't know what it is, but I'm glad HE knows what He is doing! We have prayed that she would get that trach out before we go home. Perhaps that is what He is doing is healing her throat! God is so awesome, and you never know what He will do next!

Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 09:40 AM (CDT)

Hosanna has been resting well. When I got to the hospital yesterday, her hands were so relaxed and so were her feet. Physical therapy has been putting AFO's on her to keep her hands and feet stretched out so the muscles won't be damaged from drawing up. The AFO's don't really help her thumbs, but even her thumbs were relaxed yesterday! Also, when you call her name now, most of the time she will look at you. I know that she knows when we are there talking to her. The nurses are even making comments about her improvements. Hosanna is off all those tubes except her feeding tube now, PTL!
I want to thank all of you who are fasting and praising for Hosanna's healing. I have been so blessed to hear from people around the world, as well as some old friends in Alaska who are keeping up with her progress. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Hosanna should be going home either Tuesday or Wednesday. Her last treatment is Tuesday morning. The hospital usually gives the kids a "Last Treatment" party, so we are looking forward to that.
Will try to get Katherine to update for you if I can get her to sit down long enough. God bless!

Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 03:01 PM (CDT)

Hosanna is doing well today. Her heart-rate is up some, but that seems to be the norm. We are excited that she is coming home next week. We will miss the nurses and staff there at the hospital, but we sure won't miss that room! We feel like we've been there forever, but it has only been 6 months. I say "only" because one little girl up there has 2 more years of chemo to go! She won't have to stay there all that time, but will have to come every week for treatment. Yes, we are blessed.
Thank all of you who have responded to our call to "FAST and PRAISE". Most people said they would fast and praise on Thursday. Please join us on any day you choose. We just want her healed and that trach out by the time she comes home on June 5th or 6th.
Jason said Hosanna sneezed last night. In 2Kings 4:35, Elisha had prayed for a dead child and the child sneezed 7 times and opened his eyes and lived. Someone also said yawning was a sign of new life. She has been doing that for weeks now.
God is a good God, yes He is!

Monday, May 28, 2001 at 08:47 AM (CDT)

Not much new to report on Hosanna today. She has been resting well. She should be going home next week sometime.
We are calling for people to FAST AND PRAISE for her healing. God has said it is time to praise Him for her healing. Haven't set a day, but we are asking you to choose a day this week to PSAISE Him for her coming out of this before time to go home. You can e-mail us at and let us know which day you will fast. This is Satan's stronghold, and it's time for strongholds to come down!!!
Please be sure to check back here often. You don't want to miss it when we post the news that Hosanna is healed! That is a shout that will reach around the world!

Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 09:37 AM (CDT)

We are so excited about Hosanna's progress! She is really doing well, and she looks so pretty now. Her coloring is very good, her hair is coming back in,(looks like peach-fuzz all over her head!), and her eyebrows and eyelashes are back! Yep. her hair is coming back red, just like Katherine asked the Lord to do. He has given us the desires of our hearts!
Just 6 more radiation treatments to go. Her last one will be on June 4th, my birthday! What a special gift to me for my sweet grandchild to be through with these treatments!
I am learning to suction her trach, but we are praying she won't need it by the time she goes home. Please continue to stand in prayer with us for that.
Be sure to look at the photo section and see the new photos I uploaded today. You'll see how pretty she looks now. Also, don't forget to sign her guestbook!

Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 06:58 PM (CDT)

Today was Hosanna's 4th. treatment of radiation, and she seems to be doing fine with them. I just feel like she is going to go through them with no problems. She should be done with treatments by June 5th. and she could come home anytime after that.
There has been such an improvement in her over the past week. She looks around a lot, and focuses on you when you're talking to her. The other day a nurse came in to work on her. She was doing something Hosanna didn't like and she said,"I'm glad she doesn't know who is doing this!" Hosanna had been looking at me, but quickly turned her head and looked at the nurse. It shocked us both! Hosanna turned back to look at me again, and I told the nurse, "You know she is taking names. When she gets better, she is going to start whipping nurses." The nurse said, "Well, I'll have to start turning my name badge around so she can't see it!" Again, Hosanna quickly turned to look at her!!! We knew then that it was no coincidence!
I am looking for her to sit up and start talking anytime now!

Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 09:28 AM (CDT)

Talked to Katherine this morning. She said Hosanna had a rough night because her trach was plugged again. I will be so glad when that thing comes out! But there is good news! It looked like Hosanna was trying to cry! Believe me, that would be a welcome noise to our ears! God is bringing her back step-by-step on a daily basis. I believe she will walk out of the hospital waving "goodbye" to all those doctors who have said there was "very little hope of recovery" from the brain-damage. Praise God!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 07:29 PM (CDT)

Katherine went back to the hospital today after spending a couple of days with the boys. Jason has been staying with Hosanna to give Katherine a break. He said she went through her second dose of radiation just find. Just 9 more doses and she will be through with her treatments!
Katherine said Hosanna is much more alert now. Her eyes seem to be focusing on people, etc. A nurse came in and decided that Hosanna needed some balm on her lips because they were dry. She reached out to put some on her lips, and Hosanna pushed her hand away, not once, but three times! The nurse couldn't believe it!
God is a good God, yes He is!!!

Monday, May 21, 2001 at 12:07 PM (CDT)

On Dec.26,2000, Hosanna was diagnosed with neuroblastoma,cancer. She had a large tumor in her abdomen, and it was wrapped around a main artery to her heart, and around her intestines so she hasn't eaten since Christmas Day. She began chemo treatments to shrink the tumor and was doing okay until March when she began having complications. On March 15th. she was taken to ICU where she "coded" (died),on us twice. The doctors said she would not make it through the day, but God was with her and she lived! Again, on April 5th, her birthday, they said she was not going to make it through the day, but God again raised her up!
On April the 12th. they operated and got the tumor out. The doctors and nurses did not expect Hosanna to live throught the operation.... but God!
Hosanna has now started radiation treatments which she will have to have for 11 days. Then she should be able to come home. The problem is, the doctors are saying she has extensive brain-damage with little hope of recovery. I will be posting updates on her progress here. Please join us in prayer for her complete healing.

Monday, May 21, 2001 at 08:51 AM (CDT)

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