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Welcome to our Child's Web Page. Our hope is to keep everyone updated about Ralph's condition and provide us therapy by keeping this journal. We are grateful for all the help, prayers, and messages from so many. We are amazed by the grace of God.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:57 PM CDT

A new era for our family has begun. Ralph has completed his treatment! I can’t believe that it has been two years, but I also can’t remember our lives before his illness. It has been a long twisted path that has returned us to the road home. Ralph seems to be happy this summer. He doing things little boys his age should do and while I sometimes have to intervene to do my duty as a parent, I am happy to see his unique personality re-appear. He has faced so much pain and lived a different life. I am amazed at his ability to persevere especially when I survey my own childhood. This summer, I have watched my child grow in glorious ways.
However, my joy is tempered with the fact that his condition could re-appear and I cannot do anything to prevent it. Emotionally, I can only ignore this possibility. Of the people that we know really well that share this condition, both have relapsed. There are of course many other which have not, but I guess that I will always be nervous. But, we have a new path to travel and I must go forward trying to forget the past and prepare for a future which I could not envision two years ago. The rest of the family seems ready to embark on a new journey. The girls’ summers have returned to normal. They have been to various camps and activities that remind them of years gone by. It reminds me of my own summer childhood at the beach and I see our family finally basking in the summer’s glow.

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E-mail Author: wralphcook@charter.net


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