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Welcome to Dee's Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our son BIG Dee.


Friday, January 4, 2008 6:11 AM CST

Another holiday season has pasted and we have made it this far, thanks to God!! We visted Birmingham for a check up on December 5th and he had a clear scan! Thank you Jesus!! He is so blessed and such a survivor. He was first diagnosed in 2001 with an Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma grade 3 (brain cancer) when he was 2 years old. He had a year of PVC (Procarbizine,Vincristine,and CCNU) then he had just over a year of clean scans and it came back when he was 5. He had his third craniotomy, 33 rounds of brain radiation and low dose Temodar chemo, and 18 months of high dose chemotherapy (Temodar) and here we are again, back to clean scans and God knows I want them to stay that way!!!! He is missing a small tangerine size portion of his brain, that will not grow back. He has late effects from the brain radiation and chemo's. His personalitiy can vary and be extreme at times but he is here, healthy and alive. He is an 8 year old boy and he is mine, I LOVE him, we all do. We are all thankful. He asks from time to time about why he has to go to the doctors or about the scars and why his hair want grow back (he is very self concious about that and ALWAYS wears hats even to school) I still shelter him from everything he has gone through, he does not need to know the seriousness of it all yet, there will be plenty of time for that later. He hears about people with cancer on TV or people dying of cancer or even horiscopes with cancer in it and says I HAD that ( HAD being the key word :) so I try to brush it off and say something like, "yours was not that kind" or "yours was not just like that", and then try to change the subject but, his horiscope actually is cancer he was born July 7th but I don't believe in stuff like that the radio just reads that on the morning drive to school. He has 3 sisters and one brother for a total of 5 kids. Hannah is 12, Dee is 8, Haylee is 7, Montana is 5, and Heaven is 4, and they are all so GREAT!! I do not explain to them about the cancer either, maybe alittle to Hannah but they will learn about that soon enough why go ahead and put that damper on their parade, they are kids and have been through enough, now we want to enjoy each other and live life like there is no tomorrow...HAPPY...TOGETHER!!!!! Dee aka Malcom Dakota Brundidge is healthy and happy he plays sports and goes to school. He does have learning problems but it goes with the territory, we CAN overcome that, he is here with us, THANK YOU Father, THANK YOU Son,
THANK YOU Holley Brundidge

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