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We hope you have better days very soon. Everyone is
praying for you and will do so until all this is
behind you. Take Care.
The Corley's

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:22 PM CST
Good morning sweetie!
So sorry to hear that you are feeling terrible. Hopefully Cade's "gift" will begin helping you heal very soon and you will feel much better. My heart aches knowing how much you have and are going through. You have a strong family and loads and loads of people who love you and are praying for you to get stronger. Hang in there--
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:07 AM CST
Hello Cassidy:
Hope you will feel better real soon. I am sorry you are not
feeling good. Love the new pictures of you, Mom, and Cade.
You are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:37 AM CST
Hi Cassidy:
Sorry you are not feeling so good. We are all praying for you (Mommy, Daddy & Cade too). I pray today will be a much better day. Lots of love.

Margaret Faulkner
Duncanville, AL 35456 - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:26 AM CST
Hey Catface,
We're all still here for you. I know God is listening because we're all talking to him a lot. Here's to a better day that lies ahead for you, Cassidy. Get well and get to feeling better. Love ya'.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:58 AM CST
Good Morning, I hope and pray that you will start feeling better today. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:08 AM CST
I hope you start feeling better soon. Sleeping is good when you don't feel good. We are thinking of you every day and the ladies I work with ask about you all the time.
stay strong.

Denise <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, Oh - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:11 PM CST
Hi Sweetie!
I am sorry about your not feeling well. Your new website pictures are great. Aunt Glenda told me about them since I have not been on the computer for a few days. I had a little procedure yesterday but am fine today. I will get back on track to writing to you just so you don't forget that I think about you every day. Aunt Vickie went to see Meredith in North Carolina last week and should be driving back today so you will probably hear from her tomorrow or the next day. She keeps me posted on you and your family.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:27 AM CST
MIAMI, FL - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:25 AM CST
Hey Girl!
I hope you get feeling better today. I know you feel awful, but we're all praying that things will be looking up now. Keep fighting hard and doing your best (like you always have) to get well. We love you.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:58 AM CST
Cassidy, Cade wants me to tell you he loves you. You should have seen him, he was eating chocolet ice cream and her had it all over him. He had on clean pj's but we had to change them and wash his face he had it almost from ear to ear. He did the same thing the other night to the same pair of pj's and I had just washed them. Do you think maybe he doesn't like them and doesn't want to sleep in them or is he just sloopy? I sure pray that you start feeling better real soon. God bless you and Mommy and Daddy. I love you and miss you. I pray you will soon be better and feel good again. Love MeMaw & Cade
MeMaw & Cade <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:08 PM CST
Thinking of you, sweet girl. I hope you feel better and can start eating soon. Scarlett wanted me to tell you that she got a puppy surprise like you that is purple and her dog had three puppies.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Monday, February 6, 2006 7:54 PM CST
we are praying that you will soon feel better.
i got my letter from you today. you can draw
really good. take care and keep watching the
love in jesus,

claire corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 4:43 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, I sure hope your head and tummy feel better real soon. Keep fighting sweetie, you're doing GREAT! I really miss you at Church! All of you are in our prayers everyday. Your family is so amazing and I thank God for showing us the example that they are setting.
Love Ms. Joyce

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, February 6, 2006 2:43 PM CST
Dear Cassidy, I sent you a message last week but I don't see it here. I don't know what happened to it. But I want you to know you are so sweet looking in your picture. It makes me wish I could give you a little kiss on your head! I'm blowing you one right now. Catch it! Did you get it? I tell my church about you every week and we are praying for you. I hope your headaches and sick feeling go away right now! Love you, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, February 6, 2006 2:14 PM CST
Have your mommy be on the lookout for a package...I sent it priority mail today. Megan colored you a picture for your room. I hope that you are feeling better today! We miss you! Love , Aunt Teresa
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 11:58 AM CST
I hope you feel better today. Love ya, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Monday, February 6, 2006 8:54 AM CST
Hey beautiful! I miss you so much. I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well today. I will be praying for you to feel better really soon. Tell mommy and daddy hey for me! Love you lots!
Jill Helton <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
Clinic 8 , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Sunday, February 5, 2006 2:51 PM CST
Hey everyone, I hope that today will be a much better day, and that your tummy and head will feel better. Many prayers are with you. Love ya Lots, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, al - Sunday, February 5, 2006 2:01 PM CST
Hi, Cassidy.

My name is Jenny, and I also am having a stem-cell transplant. I met your Mom on-line (she visited my website) and she let me know about you and your journey. I will be praying for you....you are a very brave young lady. I'm on day +55 today and am doing well. My brother was my donor too. God is so good to give us that isn't He? I've met several people who have had to find a donor through the national registry. I'm sorry that you feel bad today, and I will pray that God will heal you and help you with the side effects of all these medicines. Love, your new friend, Jenny Baker.

Jenny Baker <bakerclan4@msn.com>
Nashville, TN US - Sunday, February 5, 2006 1:35 PM CST
Hay Cassidy, Cade & I sure do miss you. Hope you get feeling better real soon & get up running around like Cade. I love you girl & pray for you all the time.
Cade says to tell you he loves you.

MeMaw & Cade <jdcasner @comcast .net>
LTuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, February 4, 2006 9:21 PM CST
i hope you soon are feeling better. i went to parisians
today and they have alot of new clothes for tommy and molly.
when you get home we will have to meet and shop.
you are in our prayers.
love, claire

claire corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Saturday, February 4, 2006 7:23 PM CST
Hi Sweet Girl,
Sorry that you are not feeling good. Hope you are feeling better tonight. Lindsey and Aleigh are praying for you to get better soon so you can bake more cupcakes with them. We miss you bunches and love you very much.Tell Mom, Dad and Cade hi for us! Remember you are such a special girl!! Hugs and kisses to you! Aunt Ronda

ronda herndon <ronda_herndon@chs.net>
gulf shores, al usa - Friday, February 3, 2006 6:17 PM CST
Hey, pretty girl. I love your sponge bob bedding. I'm so sorry your head is hurting and you are feeling bad. I hope you feel better soon. You are always in my prayers.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Friday, February 3, 2006 5:22 PM CST
Dear Cassidy, You look so sweet and cute in your picture. It made me want to give you a little kiss on top of your soft little head! I miss you not coming to school each week. I hope your headaches go away!! I love you and pray for you all the time. I tell my church about you each week and they are praying for you too. God loves you and so do many other people! Your friend and teacher,Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood @tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, February 3, 2006 3:25 PM CST
Dear Tierce Family,
We continue to lift you all up in prayer. Mom and Dad, that
the Lord bless you and keep you strong. Cade, WOW what a little man.
And Cassidy a precious brave girl. Thanks for
the updates and the pictures, they are great!
Love in Jesus,
The Corley's

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Friday, February 3, 2006 12:37 AM CST
Hey, the pictures are so good. I am glad Cade is doing so well, and I hope that Cassidy's headaches get better. I'll be praying for you today. Love you Lots, Kelli
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, February 3, 2006 12:24 AM CST
Love the pictures...both look great. So sorry about the
nausea and headaches. May you continue to feel better
and stronger as each day passes. I know you are proud
of Cade and all the things he went through to be part of
the healing process. Stay strong and continue to look
to God for the strength you need day by day, hour by hour.
With love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al - Friday, February 3, 2006 9:06 AM CST
the pics are marvelous of WILD man and Cass...i'm so proud of you both...and love all ya'll very much...keep up the good work and stay strong...always in my thoughts and prayers!!!
dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
phoenix, az USA - Friday, February 3, 2006 6:45 AM CST
Hello Cassidy,Cade,Suzie and Sean~
I'm glad to hear things went really well for both of the kids. Hopefully the headaches will go away. I give everyone updates each time I get on. The new pic's are really good. We were looking at pic's last night and found some of Cassidy and Cade when they were little and they are still a cute now as they were then. We all wish you a speedy recovery and we love you all!

Denise <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, Ohio - Friday, February 3, 2006 6:33 AM CST
Hey sweet Cassidy. I'm so glad the proceedure is over for you and I know you will get great results in a couple of weeks. Scarlett and I both are wearing your t-shirt today and every time I look at it I say a special prayer for you and Cade. We love you!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Thursday, February 2, 2006 3:35 PM CST
Hello sweet Cassidy:
I talked to MeMaw last night when I called to check on all of you. The reason I did not call your room was because I thought MAYBE you and your mom might be asleep and I sure did not want to disturb you. Memaw said that you and Cade both did great and she is so proud of you. I heard Cade in the background at the apartment and he really seemed wound up! I know he is just so glad to be close by all of you.
Continue doing good and getting better. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 2:53 PM CST
Greetings to the Tierce family:
How good to hear that all is over and both Cade and
Cassidy are doing good!! What a tramautic time all
of you have had these past few days...and past months.
Looking forward to what the results of the transplant
will bring for Cassidy. You are still in my prayers
and thoughts. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:56 AM CST
Remember you all are not and have never been alone. God is with you all the way and prayers are going to him constantly to watch over you all and deliver you from all of this pain. God bless you all.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:56 AM CST
Good Morning everyone, I am so glad to hear that everything went well yesterday. I thought about you all, all day. Hope everyone has a good day today. Love, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:17 AM CST
dear cassidy hey i am so glad u feel better well today i told my bible class bout you and they said okay soo now on we pray every day and u r in our prayers i am so glad u r feelin better babe its great to feel good well my bible class knows people who have cancer and u r as important as them i pray evry day and @ skewl 4 u and ur family i pray 4 total healing in you i love u soo much even though i do not no u but in the bible it says when 2 or more r gathered its prayer soo me and the 18 people in my bible class did that we have a prayer board on our wall @ school and i put ur picture and a letter at the bootom and this school is praying 4 you cassidy well love ya tons molly burnett
molly burnett <wcscheergrl05@bellsouth.net>
rainbow city, al - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:27 PM CST
I am so thrilled that everything went well. Cade will always be your hero. I know that your brother is enjoying all the attention too--the both of you deserve so much!!
It also just makes me proud that you all are part of my family. I know that Brenda (your grandma) would be so proud of both of you and that she is smiling on what your brother did for you.
So many people are praying for you Cassidy--there is no way you won't beat this terrible sickness this time around!!
I love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:17 PM CST
Cassidy and family,
We are so glad that part is all behind you.
Good job, Cade!! Now, it is our prayer that you
just keep getting better and better. Take care!
Love in Jesus,
The Corley's

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:01 PM CST
I know that God will continue to take care of you and Cade. Tell your daddy to keep strong and let us know if there is anything that we can do. We Love You All!!!
Monica and Bee Jones
Northport, AL United States - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 1:18 PM CST
We will be praying for you and Cade. I so hope that things go well. We love you Cassidy. You are a special little girl. Hannah Jones would love to play with you soon. She misses you. God bless you sweet girl and your family. We think about you all the time.
Kim Jones Hoggle <kimnlancehoggle@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:05 AM CST
Will be praying for our darling Cassidy and brother Cade..We hope this is the "new beginning" for good health we have all wanted for so long for Miss Precious! What a nice brother to help with this treatment for his sweet sister. I pray everything will go well!
May God bless you all.

Trussville, AL US - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:18 AM CST
Good Morning, Catface!

I see that Cade has learned some toughness from a very good teacher in his older sister. If he proves to be half as tough as you are we know he'll be just fine. I hope his gift to you is just what you need. God is watching over you both and all of us are praying that this is just the thing to get you back home. Happy Groundhog day tomorrow!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:17 AM CST
Dear Cassidy & Cade: We are praying for you and know that you are in God's hands. He will take care of you. Mom and Dad we are praying for your strenghth and peace. Thanks to you for keeping everyone updated.

Margaret Faulkner
Duncanville, AL USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:08 AM CST
Thinking of you and praying for all of you today.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:08 AM CST
Good morning sweet girl. I just wanted to let you know that we are having a 24 hour prayer vigil for you on Wednesday, so someone will be praying for you, Cade, Mom and Dad continously on Wednesday. We all love you and miss you at church and can not wait until you are back with us again.
Brenda Griffin

Brenda Griffin <BGriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 11:22 AM CST
We are all praying that tomorrow goes well. You will be in our thoughts and we all will be checking often for an update. Give her a great big hug from her cousin's in Ohio.

Love you all!

Denise <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, Ohio - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:45 AM CST
We're all praying that things are going well. Keep up the good work, Sassy- and you too, Cade. We're all here for you.


Crosby <crosby@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:06 AM CST
Good Morning, just checking in on you. Have a great day!!! Love ya, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:53 AM CST
keep up the good work kiddo ;) i'm so proud of you...just stay strong...love ya'll i'll call wednesday nite...
dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
phoenix, az USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 4:00 AM CST
Everyone is praying!!!!
The Corley's

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 30, 2006 10:37 PM CST
Hey guys! I've been checking the site every day and keeping all of you in my prayers. I know Cassidy is a tough little girl, and everything is going to be fine! I hope this week goes very well.
Love ya'll!

Maria Willis Bledsoe <mariawillis@mindspring.com>
Valley, Al - Monday, January 30, 2006 3:05 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,you do not know me,but I know your parents. They visit me and Greg,poolside at Perdido Beach Resort. You are a cute little girl. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers.Looking forward to seeing you this season!Sean,Greg and I are thinking about you this week. Hope to see all of yall soon. Your friends ,John and Greg.Take Care,with love!
John F Moloney <lilmobeverage@yahoo.com>
Pensacola, F L U S A - Monday, January 30, 2006 1:11 PM CST
Cassidy,Suzie, Been checking the site everyday. Glad to hear that she eating and sounds like she is making a lot of crafts. Keeping you in my prayers that everything goes great this time. Denise told me about the article in Kids Life magazine will see it when I go over or she comes over. Keep your thoughts postive and I am sure everything will work out great. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <jac1964@sbcglobal.net>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 10:49 AM CST
Hey everyone, Cassidy I am so happy to hear that you are doing good, and I hope that today may even be a better day. I know this week is a BIG week for everyone, and our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We Love You Lots and Lots, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM CST
Cassidy & Cade,
You are both in our prayers constantly! I know that God has his loving hands on ya'll! You are both such a blessing to everyone. Stay strong! We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan.

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, January 30, 2006 9:33 AM CST
Hello Cassidy, I have been keeping up with you through your friend Scarlett. I hope everything goes very smoothly for you and your family this week, and all the weeks after. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Denise Azar
Montgomery , AL USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 9:27 AM CST
Good morning sweet Cassidy
This is a big week for you and your family and you all will be constantly in my prayers. I love you lots and hope that all of the sickness will go away soon. You are a very brave young lady and there are so many people who know about your battle and are praying for you. Don't forget that when all of this is over, Aunt Vickie and I are going to do something very special for you. You can name it--
I hope today goes well for you. You will be in my thoughts all week. Aunt Vickie keeps me posted on how you are doing.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 7:20 AM CST
Dear Cassidy,
My class saw your friend's picture at the hospital. Love, Megan

Megan Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:19 AM CST
Good morning Cass! Just checking in on you this morning. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. I ordered some craft stuff and had it sent to Memaw's house...hopefully it will arrive soon. I think Braden is having sympathy tummy trouble this weekend...probably a stomach bug. He missed get sick on Megan Friday night by inches! You know that she would have killed him! Hang in there and know that we are missing you! Love, Aunt Teresa, Megan and Braden
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:17 AM CST
Hello Cassidy,I wanted to say Hello to you. This is Shelly, Aunt Judy's best friend in Ohio.I haven't written you for awhile.I talked to Aunt Judy on the phone today.She told me how you are doing.I am thinking about you and Cade and that Weasel.You all are in my prayers.
Your Friend

Shelly Thomason <sgt55@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:20 PM CST
Hey everyone, just checking in on you, I have been getting the updates just about every day. (Thanks so much for that).I hope your tummy is feeling better, and I hope you sleep good tonight. I'll check on you tomorrow. I Love You, and we are praying for you every night. Kelli
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:34 PM CST
hi cassidy,
i hope you are feeling better.
claire & molly

claire corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:15 AM CST
Hey Catface,
I hope the weekend makes your tummy feel better. I hope Tommy's tummy's alright too. We're praying for you and keeping you in all of our thoughts. Work hard like you always have and be good. Love ya!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:27 AM CST
hey cassidy i am continually prayin 4 u i no prayers work so i bet u will be happy i go 2 a christian school and i put u and ur picture on our prayer board 4 all the teachers and students everytime they walk by to think of u and pray well cassidy hop u r feelin better well just wanted to tell u that and also when i was 2 or 3 my best friend sarah had cancer lychemea (not spelled right) and we prayed and prayed and now sarah is cancer free and healtyer than ever so cassidy u r in my prays and i love u so much ur friend molly burnett
molly burnett <wcscheergrl05@bellsouth.net>
rbc, al - Friday, January 27, 2006 7:22 PM CST
Hey girl! I've been checking your website. Sounds like you're having a little fun!! Several teachers have asked about you and we prayed for you at church Sunday and Wednesday. I hope you have more "feeling good" days than not so good. Love you much, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, January 27, 2006 12:17 AM CST
Hello Miss Cassidy:
I sure hope your day is going well. I can only imagine that it is tough. Thoughts and prayers are certainly with YOU, Mommy, Daddy, Cade & Tommy. I will be reading to check on you.

Margaret Faulkner <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth.net>
Duncanville, AL USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 12:14 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy:
Your sweet smile would make me very happy if I knew you were having a much better day today. Maybe Tommy will make everything a little brighter for you. I loved hearing the story about how you got your new doll. I hope I can see Tommy one day real soon. Aunt Glenda and I are planning a trip to see you soon (after you feel better). We will stay with Aunt Vickie and will come see you and play whatever games you want to play.
Tell your mom and dad hello for me.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 10:07 AM CST

SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:42 PM CST
hey cassidy u dont no me but i go to westbrook christian school i am telling my bible class to pray 4 u each day well love you tons molly burnett
molly burnett <wcscheergrl05@bellsouth.net>
rbc, al - Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:37 PM CST
I am so glad you had a better day! I hope every day from here on out is as good for you sweet girl! Give all of those dogs a hug from Scarlett!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:12 PM CST
Good morning sweet Cassidy:
Aunt Vickie told me that your mom and dad were updating your website and it makes me feel good to read it each time. Since I am so far away, that helps me keep up with what is happening with you and your family. Even though Aunt Vickie keeps me updated, I still like hearing it from your mom or dad.
I know you enjoy seeing all of your nurses again but would rather be at home which will come eventually. Sweetie--I think about you every day and am constantly asking God to bless you for everything you have been through. Just continue to hang in there. Getting your old room back was almost like "home"--I said ALMOST!!
I will look forward to reading all the updates. Give your mom and dad a big hug for me!!
Oh yeah--I can't wait to see Tommy.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:15 AM CST
hi cassidy,
i am glad you are feeling good. how is tommy?
Molly says hello. take care.
love, claire and molly

claire corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:17 AM CST
Thank you guys so much for cooking dinner for us tonight. It was incredible and we appreciate it so much! Thanks again! We love you Cassidy!!!!!!!!!!
alison, beth, brooks, amy, nicki, danielle, sheema <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 Tower, Children's Hospital - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:07 PM CST
Hey pretty girl, I was just thinking of you today and thought that i would write to say hey and hope your feeling better. I was sorry to hear that your first day was so rough on you, but maybe things will look better today and so on. well i will check on you again tomorrow and see how you are feeling. love you, shawnee
shawnee franklin <sfranklin@albolt.com>
tuscaloosa, al united states - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:13 PM CST
Hi, pretty Cassidy and Suzie. I have been thinking about you. I'm so sorry to hear that the medicine hit you so hard so quick. I have no doubt, though, that you will show it who is tougher. Praying for you to have a good day. Much love!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Sounds good!!! Everyone will keep on praying!!
God Bless you all.
The Corley's

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:45 PM CST
We are really lifting you up in prayer this week. You're so tough, I know you will just fly right through this. God has his hands on you! We love you very much. Tell your Mom to let us know if ya'll need anything. I can't wait to see Tommy, I'm glad he's there with you. Be strong sweetie.
Love Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:47 PM CST
Hey Mommy... I miss you already.
Love, Weasel

- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:22 PM CST
i hope you are feeling ok. i am glad i got to meet you.
how is tommy? molly is fine. praying for you.

claire corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:54 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, Suzie, Sean and Cade,
I just got done reading the article that I had sent to me from the kids life magazine.Very nice. We think of you everyday and know that one day soon you will be able to come and visit Ohio. The girls can't wait! I have everyone at my work and church praying for you. Sounds like you got a very nice visitor the other day! Hang in there!

Denise <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, oh - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:03 AM CST
Hey Sassy Cassy,
Thought you would get to come by the school, before you went to the hospital! Guess not, huh? Love the news about your new baby doll! I just love baby dolls, will you let me babysit "Baby Tommy" when I come to see you?
Can't wait to see you, and you can tell me about your new friend Claire! She is a really special person!
You take care, and keep those nurses in line up there, see ya soon! Oh Loser Lacy sends her love too!
Love ya, Coach Duke

kaye duke <kaye.duke.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Thinking about you all today, and praying that Cassidy has a "sick-free" week. Still haven't heard when we will be up there this week with Geraldine, but we'll let you know. (Sonya Pate says Hey!!)
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@tcuoa.org>
Gordo, Al - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:58 AM CST
Hi Cassidy (Sean, Suzie & Cade):
Our hearts and prayers go out to you today as you begin your new round of treatment. You are truly a miracle. We can only imagine how tough the road will be, but you have proven to be such a fighter and we know you will keep it up. You all are in Gods hands and he will take care of your needs.

Margaret Faulkner & family <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth.net>
Duncanville, AL USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:57 AM CST
Hey Catface,
I hope everything starts out well for you today. We'll be praying for you as always. Make sure Tommy takes good care of you. Claire and Kay know all the right moves because they got you a new boyfriend. It okay if you kiss on this one I guess. Keep the hopes up. We love you.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:45 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy! I can't wait to meet Tommy. I've always wanted a baby girl. Maybe you can go with me to Parisian to get one! That sounds much easier!! We are praying for you, Cade, mom, and dad. You are such a strong little girl and I know you will do just fine. Hope to see you next week. We love you!
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:42 AM CST
Mrs.Suzie & Cassidy,
We were so happy to get to meet you today. What a special
time we were able to share with you. We will be praying
continually for all of you. Please tell Tommy to be watching the mail!!! Take care and know that Jesus holds you in His hands.
Love in Christ,
Kay & Claire

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 23, 2006 11:01 PM CST
dear cassidy u don't knoe me but i am parying 4 u i just finished reading scarletts web site and now i just wanted u to knoe that u r in my prayers like scarlett my god bless yalls family in love molly
molly <wcscheergrl05@bellsouth.net>
rbc, al - Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:32 PM CST
Dear Cassidy,
My name is Sean. I am 5 years old and I am a friend of Scarlett's. We met in clinic 8 and we have some mutual friends here in B'Ham. THis cancer stuff is such a pain. I have been in treatment for my ALL since 2/14/03. I was done with everything after 2.5 years of treatment and then, after 2 months off therapy, I relapsed. The new treatment plan is pretty brutal...tougher drugs, more often etc. It's been a bummer. I know how you feel. I like your elf photo! You look great. My family and I will be praying for you. If you want to write back, I am at www.caringbridge.org/al/sean. When we go to Mass tomorrow we will say special prayers for you and all our buddies at Children's. Take care and be strong. Hope to meet you very soon.
(age 5)

tfredealla <tfredella@msn.com>
- Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:39 AM CST
Hi Cassidy! We are friends of Scarlett's and she has asked us all to check in on you and pray, pray, pray! We will pray that this transplant will be perfect. What a brave little one you are! Love from Birmingham - The Holston's
Tammy Holston <tholston3588@charter.net>
Bham, Al - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:22 PM CST
hey guys,
hope everything is going well.we are praying for all of you ,especially cass ,and cade.god will see all of you through this.colton goes for his ct scan tuesday.we just pray that it is clear.he is feeling fine.well, just wanted to tell yall that we loved yall and we are here if you need us.god bless!!!!!!!!!!
chuck,lisa , colton and chris

chuck tant <Chucktant@aol.com>
gordo, al usa - Monday, January 16, 2006 2:38 PM CST
Cassidy & Family,
We will continue to pray for you all. May you all feel God's power and His comfort as He watches over you. Claire
prays at least three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and bedtime for Cassidy, as I know hundreds of others do as well. Take Care.
The Corley's

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:04 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,
Hope everything goes well with treatments and transplant. God's grace is truly sufficient. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Laura O'Bryant <www.toodyjaneo@aol.com>
Northport, AL Tuscaloosa - Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:25 AM CST
Thinking of you today and everyday. Please let me know if you need anything. We hope to see you soon!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:23 AM CST
Hey guys. I was just thinking about you and wanted to read some updates. I will be praying for Cassidy and for all of you! I love you and miss you!
Jill Helton <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
Clinic 8 , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:38 PM CST
Cassidy, Thank for you the updates. We all appreciate hearing from you. You are always in our prayers---you all ready have our love.

Miss Bootsie
Tuscaloosa , Al - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:15 AM CST
I read your article in Kids Life Magazine! You look so cute in
the picture! I'll be praying that everything works out really well with Cade helping you out with your red cells. I know the Lord will be with you during this time (and as always) and give you a full recovery! Much love, Shelia

Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
Northport, AL usa - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:25 PM CST
Thanks for the update and we'll be praying for Cassidy and Cade (and for mom and dad too). We'll be looking forward to more updates as they come. God Bless!
Crosby <crosby@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, January 9, 2006 10:52 AM CST
Sounds like a match made in heaven to me! We'll all be praying that it works wonders and gets Cassidy completely well. Happy New Year.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:25 AM CST
I am so excited to hear cade is a match! I hope you are taking care of lional and purple. Can't wait to see you back at the clinic... I might even have a prize for you!
Stephanie <slenz1@uab.com>
- Sunday, January 1, 2006 2:08 PM CST
Dear Cassidy,
We are happy to hear that Cade is a match. We will continue to pray for your healing and for your family. May the Lord continue to bless you all.
Have a Happy New Year!
In Christ,
Claire Corley

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Saturday, December 31, 2005 1:49 PM CST
I haven't left a comment in a long time since I see you weekly. But I've been checking your website since school is out. Many of my friends, family and church have been asking about you lately. I try to keep them up with the latest about you, dear Cassidy. So many people care and are praying for your continued recovery. I hope you are feeling much better and that you had a good Christmas. It's great that Cade is a match! See you soon. Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, December 30, 2005 6:09 PM CST
Hi Sean, Suzie, Cassidy and Cade:
That is wonderful news about Cade being a perfect match. I would have really been surprised if he had not been. Vickie continues to keep me posted on everything since she talks to you frequently. I hope to get to Tuscaloosa in the near future to see all of you. Uncle Lee and I went to Dallas to visit Jamey over the Christmas holidays. He went all out with his decorations--Cade and Cassidy--you would have loved it. His "theme" was Hard Candy Christmas and it was very CUTE!!! He has a dog (which is huge) whose name is McKinney. He is a labradoodle and is so sweet--you would love him!!
I hope by now everyone is on the road to recovery and good things will be happening soon.
Oh yeah--Sean--Lee killed a 15 point buck which scored over 150 (whatever that means!!)
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS - Friday, December 30, 2005 9:05 AM CST
Dear Cassidy and Family, Your Christmas card was great this year! We know how glad you were to be home for the Holidays. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. We spent Christmas in Tuscaloosa again this year and just got home. Kelly Tierce showed us how to use caringbirdge while we were visiting with them yesterday. We are looking forward to keeping in touch this way. We hope you all have a blessed and Happy New Year!! Lots of Love, Terry, Kelly and Preston Rushing
Kelly Rushing <Rushingnpcb@knology.net>
Panama City Beach, fl Bay - Monday, December 26, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Sean, Susie, Cassidy, & Cade - we're praying for your continued strength & hope that Cassidy & Cade will have a speedy recovery. Looking for that DNA to match! Merry Christmas from the Bruce Davis Gang
Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 6:21 PM CST
We'll be praying for you all to get better soon and for Catsidy's blood to match up with Cade's. Christmas Miracles anyone? I'm all for it. Love you all. I'm taking off for about 2 weeks (first time in years), but will be checking on you. Merry Christmas one and all.
Crosby <crosby@dbtech.net>
- Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:01 PM CST
Still praying for you all.........
Have a Merry Christmas.
Love in Christ,
Claire Corley & Family

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:55 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I hope you are having a good day today. I love the Christmas pictures of you and Cade! I hope you are feeling better real soon. We all love you and miss you at church.
Hope to see you soon!
Brenda Griffin

Brenda Griffin <BGriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:22 PM CST
We were so glad to hear about your scan. We continue to pray that you feel good each day. And will pray about Cade.
Merry Christmas to your family and may God Bless you.
Claire Corley

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Monday, December 12, 2005 7:54 PM CST

DENISE <lockeon24@alltel.net>
NASHPORT, OH - Monday, December 12, 2005 9:46 AM CST
Hey everyone, Cassidy and Cade, your new pictures are GREAT!!!!!! I love your outfits. Hope you are having a good day. Love ya Lots, Kelli
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, December 12, 2005 9:29 AM CST
A very Merry Christmas to you, Cade, & your mommy & daddy from down here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I think about you and your family all the time. I always am saying a prayer for your complete recovery and I pray for mommy, daddy, and Cade, too. I love you and know you will get some nice things from Santa Clause because I know you have been a very good girl. Love to you and your family.

Marilyn Waite (Hamner & Noland's grandmother)

Marilyn H. Waite <mwaite@ubc-br.org>
Baton Rouge, LA East Baton Rouge - Friday, December 9, 2005 4:20 PM CST
Hey Cassidy~ I love your new pictures. Santa will sure be good to you this year, with that nice bright smile you have.
We hope your test goes well and you get great results.
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Love you all!!

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH - Friday, December 9, 2005 8:43 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I love the new pictures! You are both so cute! I'm so glad that you are feeling good and we are still praying everyday for you and your family. We really miss you at Church.
Love Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:26 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!! We love the cute new picture! We are having a blast in the clinc together during our spend the night parties. We'll see you friday!
Your two favorite rocks LIONAL and PURPLE <slenz1@uab.edu>
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 1:31 PM CST
Love the new pictures!!! How cute you and
Cade are!!! Hope those counts will go up
soon. Tried to call you this past weeekend,
but missed you. Christmas is almost here.
Hope you have a great and wonderful Christmas.
Love ya, Glenda

gfree@nma.ala.net <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:15 AM CST
Thinking of all of you and praying for great test results!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 10:29 AM CST

It was great to have you and Cade come see me today. I'm sorry you weren't feeling better. I hope some "squirt gun therapy" will help things out a little. Keep on fighting and praying for things to get better. We love you all!

Crosby Thomley <crosby@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Sean and Suzie
My heart and prayers are going out for your family. Thank you for calling us the other night and letting us know what was happening. I will be very surprised if Cade is not a perfect match. Usually siblings are the perfect donor. Cassidy is such a strong trooper and has been through so much. I admire both of you for the path you have taken with your daughter--you have had to be the strong ones throughout all of this terrible ordeal. I am hoping and praying that the end results will give us something to be thankful for the rest of all of our lives.
Please know that I love all of you and think of you all the time. Call us if you ever need anything!!
Love you lots,

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS - Thursday, December 1, 2005 3:31 PM CST
Cassidy, Keeping you in thought and prayer. You all ready have our love. Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:19 AM CST
HI Cassidy, Hope everything went well for you. Been a while but Haley and I hope you are doing OK. We love you and are thinkning of you all the time. Your cousin David and Haley Clement
David Clement <dac691285@sbcglobal.net>
West Lafayette, OH - Thursday, December 1, 2005 8:49 AM CST
Hey sweet girl,
Sorry to hear about your counts. We will be praying hard first that your counts will come up and second that Cade's will be a match if needed. Hope to have a Merry Christmas!
Love, The Bailey's

Molly and Sarah Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody , AL - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:20 PM CST
Hey everyone, just checking in on you. Hope you are having a good day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call. Glad you all had a great Thanksgiving, and I know you can't wait until Santa comes. Love You Lots!!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:56 AM CST
Hi Tierce Family, my name is Anne Long - we met when the kids were doing the commercial with Miss America. Andrew is my son. I check on Cassidy weekly and have been so happy to hear about her progress. I'm sorry to hear that her counts are not coming up and I will pray that this improves before anything else has to be done. I hope ya'll a great Christmas.
Anne Long <longbhm@earthlink.net>
Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:27 AM CST
Sean, Suzie, Cassidy and Cade - I am so sorry to hear her counts aren't coorperating. I will definitely be praying for Cade to be a match if need be but even harder that she isn't going to need it anyway. Cassidy, you be sure and share your EMLA with Cade!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, Al - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:31 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,

You sure look like a happy child, I am sure that is because so many people love you. My thoughts are with you.

Bill Roes
Chattanooga, TN USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:54 PM CST
Cassidy & family,
We will continue to pray that your counts go up and stay there. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you all.
Love in Jesus,
Claire Corley

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Flatwoods is always thinking and praying for you and your family.

Alicia Bynum, Flatwoods Elem. 5th Grade <alicia.bynum.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, AL USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:35 AM CST
I'm so glad to hear things are going well! I hope you all have a great turkey day! Kori asked me the other day, when she and I were going to go on a plane and see Cassidy and Aunt Donna. Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon!
Happy Day! :-)

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH - Monday, November 21, 2005 8:12 AM CST
Hey sweet girl,
So glad to hear about your good news about your MRI. Keep smiling. Molly says to you HI!
Love, The Bailey's

Molly Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:20 PM CST
Hi everyone, Just checked the web site and am glad to hear that everything is going great. Prayers are sure being answered. We have been without a computer for a couple of weeks so have to check up at work. So glad to hear the good news and that counts are going up slowly, at least they are going up. Have been thinking of all of you.
Lots of Love Aunt Judy David and Haley

Judy Clement <jac1964@sbcglobal.net>
West Lafayette, OH USA - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:11 AM CST
Hey everyone, that is such GREAT news!!!! Cassidy I am so happy for you. Have a great day, Love,Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Cassidy,Susie,Sean and Cade- I am thanking Jesus for your wonderful news. I am so happy for all of you!! Cant wait for you to be back at church. Love Susan
Susan Besant
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 10:39 PM CST
We were so happy to see your post and learn that your tests look good. We are still praying for your healing.
I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Love in Jesus,
Claire Corley

Claire Corely <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Friday, November 11, 2005 7:38 PM CST
Cassidy, Your sweet MeMaw keeps me posted on you. It's good to know that you and Cade got to come over to her house and spend some time with her. I know it was fun! Here's looking forward to hearing other good reports on you! Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscalooosa, Al - Sunday, November 6, 2005 9:46 AM CST
What good news!! Hopefully the counts will continue to
climb. You are still on our prayer list at church.
Everyone continues to ask about you. I am sure it
is good to sleep in your own bed. Keep up the good
work in school. We have a home school in our church.
May you get better and stronger every day.
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Friday, November 4, 2005 8:21 AM CST
I am so glad to hear of your good report. I pray for you every day and will continue to do so.
Love in Jesus,
Claire Corley

Claire Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
- Thursday, November 3, 2005 10:47 PM CST
Congratulations on the great report!! Aunt Vickie called me this morning to tell me the good news. She said she talked to your mom yesterday. I am wondering what you were last night at Halloween. I bet Cade was a farmer or someone who drives a tractor or lawnmower!! I bet you were a beautiful princess or Cinderella!!
Thanks for updating the web site. I am thrilled about the news!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 10:48 AM CST
You're UNBELIEVABLE! You can't imagine how proud everyone is of you. Get this thing on the road and park it in Northport for a long time (unless it's to go to Tuscaloosa or on a trip). I hope you don't go scaring anybody on Monday because your beautiful face won't scare anyone. We love you Catsidy! Keep getting better and tell those old platelets to graft. Have a great Halloween. Quack!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:56 PM CDT
What good news with the treatment being over!!!
A limo ride sounds like fun, fun, fun!!!
I am so glad that you will be able to stay
home in T-town. It has been a long, rough,
and trying time for you and your family.
How thankful I am that all the treatments are
over and back to a somewhat normal life.
Keep on hanging in there!!!
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:18 AM CDT
I hope you are feeling great and having great days!!! What are you going to be for Halloween? Scarlett is going to be Sleeping Beauty. She bought the costume while we were at Disney. I am so thrilled for all of you that Cassidy is through with her treatments! What a long year and a half.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:55 AM CDT
Hey why wasnt i invited on that limo ride, i thought i was your friend too? Just kidding, i bet you had alot of fun, you deserve it more than anybody. Can't wait to see you again. Love you.
Keri <Slimanator1@hotmail.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al 35414 - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:16 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy!
I am so glad that you are finished with your treatments. Wow, a limo ride, how cool is that???? I am older than your mother and I have never been on a limo ride, so you are REALLY special!!! My family and I continue to think of you and pray for you. Tell your Mom, Dad and Cade that we are thinking of them and you.
Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton

April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, October 14, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
Congrats!! You will be missed in Radiation Oncology. Come see us soon. Take care and May God Bless You!
Lesley McRae
(UAB Radiation Oncology)

Lesley McRae <mcrae1978@netscape.net>
Pelham, AL usa - Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:14 PM CDT
I bet your limo ride was really fun:) I think maybe your daddy started something. I am really glad to hear you are close to the end of your treatment and we are all praying that the rest of your stem cell will egraph and you will be done forever! Hope to see you soon! Kori is already asking when she and I can go to Alabama and see Cassidy, since she wasn't able to come before.
Take Care

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, oh - Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Hey everyone, I sure do hope that today went good for you, because I know you all are so very excited that today is the last treatment. I am so happy for you, you hang in there until Monday, and hopefully you will be finished with everything. I will be praying for you on Monday. I bet you and your friends had a WONDERFUL time in the limo.
I can't wait to see pictures!!! I LOVE YOU AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy,

We are so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Please know that you are in our prayers and we cannot wait hear that you have finished your last treatment this week.

Cannot wait to see photos of you in the limo. How Exciting!!

Take care!!

Josh and Jamie Elmore - Reagan and Kamryn's Uncle and Aunt! <Jamie@JamieWindhamElmore.com>
Madison, Alabama United States of America - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:51 PM CDT
One to go!!!!! I am so thrilled for all of you! Cassidy, I can't wait to hear about the limo ride. Your mom and dad are going to blink and you'll be riding in limos all the time to dances. I bet your daddy doesn't even want to think of that! We hope to see you real soon.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:49 PM CDT
Yahoo Cassidy!!
Today is the last treatment--I know you (and family) are just thrilled. I know you are looking forward to joining your new friends at school next semester. With the home tutoring, you will be caught right up with all the others!!
After today, I will just start calling you at home to check on you. This website has been great for everyone to check on your progress. Please know that I love you very much and am thankful to God for pulling you through all of this. I know that He will continue to bless and heal you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:07 AM CDT
I'm so glad me and Annabelle got to see you today, since tomorrow is your last treatment. That's so exciting! I'm very happy for you and will keep you and your family in my prayers. Love, Ms. Janet and Annabelle

Janet Skotnicki <mskotnicki411@charter.net>
Homewood, AL US - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
Two more treatments! Wow, that's great! Let's finish those up and take those stem cells one more time. Get 'em grafted and get the heck out of there. Miracles do happen and we're seeing it with you. Thanks to all the good doctors, nurses and aides who've helped God watch over you. The miracle workers extend to your big family and to all the friends who have stood by you and come to know you well. Keep pushing through this last itty bit and come home for good. We love Catface!
Crosby <duck@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:26 AM CDT
Hello Sweetie!
It is so good to hear (thanks for updating the website) that you only have two more treatments. After this writing, there will only be one more - hooray!! Of course, Aunt Vickie is going to miss you so much. She has gotten used to you guys being close by. I guess she will just have to make a trip to Tuscaloosa every now and then to see you after next week. Maybe your mom and dad will take you and Cade to visit her also. It will be nice knowing you are just "visiting" and then being able to go back home in TUSCALOOSA.
Cassidy, I am so proud of you for being so strong throughout all of this. I pray for God to continue to bless you so that you will be back to your normal life for the REST of your life!! You have a wonderful mom and dad (and, of course, little brother) who have been there for you every step of the way. They love you very much and it is hard for you to believe it now, but they hurt when you hurt--you will know what I mean when you have children of your own.
Take care--give Cade a big ole sloppy kiss from me!!

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
YEAH!!!! I know you can't believe it is almost over. It is so amazing how strong children are. We have got to get the girls together next week while you are still here. We love you!
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:34 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy~ It's great to hear you doing so well and YEAH to only 2 more treatments! We love the new pictures and your smile lites up everything. As always, you are in our prayers everyday. Big Hugs and Kisses to you and your mom and dad and Cade:)
Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltle.net>
Nashport, Oh - Friday, October 7, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
I love the new pictures of you. You look so beautiful! I'm glad you have been playing with your friends. I'm so excited that your radiation is almost over! You are such a brave girl! I love you & miss you.

Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Friday, October 7, 2005 8:31 AM CDT
Hey everyone, just thinking about you and wanted to say "Hey". I hope things are still going well. I'll check on you later. Have a good day. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy,
We love the new pictures of you! I am so glad that you are getting to continue to come home on the weekends. Everyone at Home Health says hello, they wish you well and we are all praying for you, Mom, Dad, and Cade daily. We love you-
Brenda Griffin

Brenda Griffin <BGriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy. I like your dog. Take care of your frog. I like to catch to crickets but I'm afraid to catch frogs. Sometimes my sissy helps me catch lizards. I will pray for you. I love you.

Emily Perry <karen.perry@stago-us.com>
- Saturday, October 1, 2005 7:21 PM CDT
Happy October, Cass!
I see a beautiful face on your webpage. It's so nice to see that same smile we've always known. What's this about a frog? Are you trying to grow your own prince? Don't go kissin' no frogs now, girl! I'm glad the radiation treatment is going well and that God is watchng out for you like he always has. I saw your mom last weekend at the shop and she kept me up to date with your progress, but I've been keeping up on the page here. You've come a long way from a year ago so keep up the great work. I'll mke sure my cats don't come over to your house because they love to pick on little frogs here at my house. Stay beautiful. Stay sweet, and stay strong.

Crosby <crosby@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, October 1, 2005 7:03 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I love the new pictures! You look great! I am so proud of you, you're almost at the finish line! Stay strong, you are a winner! We thank God everyday for the wonders he has worked in your life and praise him that you are still here with us. All of you are still in our prayers daily. We love you and miss you very much. I can't wait to see you back in Church again.
Love, Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tusca, AL - Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:55 AM CDT
Love your new pictures. I think of you often and pray for you daily. Keep smiling
Cherry Mattison <cmattiso@energen.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:47 PM CDT
glad to know your still hangin' in there kiddo...you look marvelous by the way...tell cade he looks handsome...tell toady "hello" for me...i'll call on thursday...love ya'll!

dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
blountville, tn usa - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 0:56 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!
We really miss you here on 4 tower! come visit us soon! Tell your mom, dad and Cade hi and we miss them also!
love ya!cie

cie <ciehays@aol.com>
- Tuesday, September 27, 2005 0:25 AM CDT
Hello Sweetie!
I love the new pictures. You look so beautiful. Cade just had to be right in the middle of all of the pretty girls!!! Thanks for updating and keeping us informed of your progress. Please tell your mom to let us know how much longer you have. I know she told me in the beginning but I forgot. Gizmo really looked happy that you were home--he looked so clean--did you give him a bath?
Take care and continue doing good--
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, your new pictures are GREAT!!!!!! You look so pretty. Hope you have a great day, Love ya Lots, Kelli
kelli fendley <kelli.fendley@med.va.gov>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, September 26, 2005 9:17 AM CDT
Cassidy, isn't that going to gross you out watching that frog eat a cricket? One time I saw a snake eat a rabbit. I'm glad you are feeling good and getting to go home a lot more. We hope to see you soon!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
Hey everyone, I am so glad to hear that things are going well. Hope you have a good day, and Cassidy you will have to let me know how the frog is doing? Love ya Lots, Kelli
(Cassidy, I just want to let you know that Cole and Chad pray for you every night.)

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:28 PM CDT
My name is Marty Gray and I am friends with your Uncle Mike. I know what you are going through. I was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia in 2004. Thanks to God I am doing great now and I know you are on your way to recovery as well. We pray for you often, my little boy prays for you every single night! He asks me how you are doing. I'll pass along that you are coming along great! Take care and keep believing in God. He CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!

Marty Gray <mgray@cds-johnblue.com>
Killen, AL USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:35 AM CDT
Hello Tierce Family!
Ok...so we have graduated from "Cat-sidy" to "frog girl"--how funny!! Cassidy--you should not have to ASK for money from your dad--doesn't he owe you lots of quarters????? If he had been dropping those quarters in that jar, you would have enough money to buy lots and lots of crickets!!!
Maybe you just need to remind him (ha ha--maybe he won't be too mad at me).
It sounds like you are all very busy going back and forth from Birmingham to home and back again. But the weeks are going by--not near fast enough though. God is good to you and it will be over soon. Continue to take care. Give Cade a huge hug from me--especially on his birthday coming up soon.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:09 AM CDT
I am so excited about the progress that you have made. I can't wait until all of this is behind you and you will not have treatments of any kind! We do miss you at church and can not wait until you are back with us again. Everyone at Home Health sends their Love and Prayers. I keep them all up to date. A frog-how great is that! You must name him soon. Tell Mom hello for us. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Ms. Brenda

Brenda Griffin <bgriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:42 AM CDT
Hey girl! Congratulations on the new frog! What did you name it? How does Weasel like it? Hopefully Cade won't let him out! Mom won't know what to do if it ends up in the bathtub with her! I miss you.

Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Hey everyone, thanks for the update. Hope you have a great day!!! Love ya lots, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Monday, September 19, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy< my name is Tiffany and I know all about you from your friend Scarlett and Miss Lana.I met your mother a few months ago and just wanted to tell you both that I am praying for you and i am so glad you are doing well.You are one tough and brave little girl and beautiful too! I hope things contiue to go well for you! Love, Tiffany Holcomb
Tiffany Holcomb <holcombchristoph@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL US - Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
Hi sweet girl!
I love the new colors on your web page!
Your dad and I talked yesterday on the phone and he updated me on everything that was going on with you and the rest of the family. I also heard that you and Cade went to Aunt Vickie's house yesterday and spent the day and that your dad cooked for she and Uncle Ricky. She loves having you at her house. She told me that Cade was non-stop talking and that he talks way more than he ever has. How can you get him to be quiet enough for you to watch all of your movies???? I am glad that you are doing a lot of normal things again and will be more glad when all of this radiation therapy is over. I am looking forward to us all being together again soon for a trip to the beach or something fun that YOU want to do.
Keep that beautiful smile going and give Cade a big hug from me.
Love you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, September 16, 2005 1:51 PM CDT
Cassidy, the recent update was most appreciated. It's always good to read your "reports" and to know how you are doing. I think of you often and send much love. Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Friday, September 16, 2005 7:58 AM CDT
I'm glad you're doing good. I miss seeing you. How is Weasel? I hope you have a good weekend!

Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:14 PM CDT
You go girl!!!
I apologize for not writing sooner. Katrina was not very nice to us. The hurricane was pretty bad even in Jackson/Ridgeland, MS. We had about six trees down in the backyard but thankfully they blew away from the house. Our roof had a little damage but can be fixed. Uncle Lee has a lot of new students in his school because of so many "evacuees" staying in the Jackson area. I believe that the population here has almost doubled in size. But anyway, God blessed us and we got power after only two days of being in the dark. Getting gas for our vehicles was another story--long lines and then no gas at all for days and days. The company that I work for closed down last Friday because people could not get to work because they did not have any gas.
I am so glad to hear that you are doing good with your treatments. The magic milk doesn't sound very magic to me--good for you for lying still so that you don't have to drink it.
Have you had any more dogs come after your treatments?
I will try to call you guys this weekend.
Love you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Hi!!! Just checking in to see how things are. Glad your feeling good and getting some time at home. Hang in there, your doing great.
Vicki McWaters <vmcwaters@sealyinsurance.com>
Northport, AL Tuscaloosa - Thursday, September 8, 2005 2:37 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, We are so happy that you are doing so well. We talked to Aunt Bev and she said that Weasel was having so much fun getting to see you more..We love you and think about you daily. Our prayers are with you!!Love, Candace, Skylar, and Tate
Candace, Skylar, and Tate Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tusc, AL USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so proud of you! You are such a fighter. God is smiling at your courage! I'm praying that the next few weeks go by very fast for you. I can't wait till you're back at Church every Sunday! We really miss you. You are all in our prayers!
We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <HulseyJoyce@Comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Cassidy, I had so much fun playing with you this weekend. Thank you for helping me babysit those rotten boys. We wore them out before they wore us out! Megan is counting the days until she sees you again. Love, Aunt Teresa
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:48 AM CDT

DENISE LOCKE <lockeon24@alltel.net>
NASHPORT, OH - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, that is so good to hear, you are such a big girl. Sounds like you are doing a great job. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear the good report. I think of you everyday and have been praying things were going well with her treatments. She is such a strong girl and has taught so many adults what bravery really is. Cassidy, you and Scarlett are my heros. I love you.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
Hey Catsidy!
I haven't checked in a while but am glad you're moving on to the next stage with your treatments. I know you'll do fine with this too because God is still working with you. He'll continue to answer our prayers. We miss you and are all glad you're getting to spend lots of time at home. I hope they find a bunch of homework for you to do. Stay sweet and we love you.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, September 3, 2005 4:25 AM CDT
Hey everyone, just checking in on you, and hoping that everything is going well. Love ya lots, Kelli
kelli fendley <kelli.fendley@med.va.gov>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Good morning on this hurricane morning!!!
So glad your weekends are going great.
I hear Donna is back at work at the shop.
That is really wonderful news. Sorry about
the radiation treatment today. Maybe it will
not be so awful. Keep on hanging in there.
Keep up the school work. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL - Monday, August 29, 2005 9:04 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, I just wanted to say that me and my family are praying for you as you go thru your 1st radiation treatment. We hope that things go really well and you go thru this with flying colors. Sounds like getting to see the animals in the hospital are alot of fun and really help. I also hope your teacher gives you some homework. I will tell my girls that you really like homework and they will just groan because they don't! They have a bunch everyday and all they do is complain!

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, oh - Monday, August 29, 2005 7:56 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
You will love all the nurses and doctors at radiation. My favorites were Mr. Joel, Mr. Jerry, Miss Anita and Mr. Ronnie. Mr. Joel was my all-time favorite, you will love hime. I hope things go well for you. I spoke with two of my friends tonight from Hand-N-Paw and they said they were looking forward to seeing you. Miss Nena and Ellie and Miss Kathy and Gypsy Rose. I went to a Hand-N-Paw fundraisier tonight and saw them. Keep smiling that beautiful smile.
Love Molly Bailey

Molly and Sarah Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL - Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
I hate that you are so bored and wish that I could come up with something new for you to do! We will come back down to see you in a little over a week...hang in there! Love, Aunt Teresa
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, I met yesterday with your home school teacher and she seems really nice. I told her what a great kid you are and she and I will work together to keep you up with things so when you come back to schoool you'll be just right. I have told the class about you and have your picture in the room. You will really like the kids in the class this year. They are very sweet--lots of girls. I am ready for you to get to come back to school and enjoy everything again. I hope your treatments will go just great! Love as always, Mrs. Fulmer
P.S. Suzie and Sean, I will try to call you in the next few days. Sorry I missed you Sunday night.

cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:37 AM CDT
Hey, Miss Cassidy! I'm so glad I get to keep reading such good reports! I wonder what kind of dog Hand and Paw will bring to keep you company? I know the weeks will go by so fast and you will finally be through with this nightmare you have had to live for the past year. We think about you and pray for you all the time. When are we ever going to get to see you????? Tell your mama to call me.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:40 PM CDT
I am glad to hear you are still "cancer free"!!!!!~ Hope you continue to feel great and get to play! I continue to pray for you and your family!

mallory porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
vestavia hills, al united states - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:42 PM CDT
Hello everyone! Haven't checked your site in a few days and so I just checked. Hopefully everything goes well and the 6 weeks will go by fast and then you won't have to get the rest of your stem cell. We all pray for you every night. God will pull you thru this as he has already. He's got a plan for you, so be strong.
We love and you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you all!!!!

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport , Oh USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy and family
Thank you so much for updating the website. I had just asked Aunt Vickie yesterday if she had heard anything from Dr. Reddy's visit. I feel confident that the doctors know what is best for Cassidy but I hate (as you do) for her to start feeling bad again. Vickie told me that when you all came over for pizza the other night that Cassidy was doing so good and that she was her normal self--which is absolutely wonderful. Sean--I hope you got the pictures that I sent to you. I really think you will enjoy them--especially now that you have children. A lot of them had Brenda in them and they may even be pictures that you have never seen.
You all hang in there and remember that Cassidy is constantly in my thoughts AND prayers!! I believe that God has brought her this far and will continue to take care of her.
Love you all lots and lots!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Cassidy, good luck with the simulation tomorrow. You will be one step closer to this mess being over! Megan was asking last night when she would get to come back down to see you...should be Labor Day weekend. Can't wait to see you! Love, Aunt Teresa and Megan
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 6:27 PM CDT
Cassidy, Please know you are have our care, concern and prayers. The updates are most appreciated. I saw your Dad and Cade over at MeMaw's this weekend cutting the grass. It was so hot that I was glad that it was the boys doing the yard work! Love you, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, August 22, 2005 5:45 PM CDT
Good morning!!!
Just wanted to drop you a big hello today!!
Hope you have a fun day today...keep on
hanging in there. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:38 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy! Or should I say CANCER FREE CASSIDY!!!???!!!
Congrats! I was thinking about you this morning and wanted to
say hi..Micaela and Max (yes Max) are at school! Max really loves his class at school! I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well. You are in our thoughts and prayers often.

Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
Northport, AL 35476 - Friday, August 19, 2005 11:16 AM CDT
Hey Sweet Girl,
So glad to hear that you got good results from your MRI!! Praise God. You are such a brave little girl. You may not feel like it or can't because of infections, but we are having Molly an end of treatment celebration this Sat. Aug. 20 at 5 pm at our chruch (Moody United Meth. Church). If you are able we would love for you, your Mom and Dad and Cade to come. We would love to see you. Take care!
Love Molly

Molly Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
That is wonderful news! I'm so excited that you are getting closer to the end of all this. I can't wait till you are home all the time and back in school and back at Church. We miss seeing that smiling face! You have been through so much and have been so strong through all of it. I'm so proud of you! You are such a sweetheart and we all love you very much. Tell everyone we said "Hello" and they are all still in our prayers everyday. It was so great to see your MeMaw at Church the other day. She looks great!
Love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <HulseyJoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:35 PM CDT
Cassidy, we are so happy about your great test results. I know you were excited to go home and see your doggie. Emily has been talking about you today and hopes she will get to see you sometime soon. We love you and pray for you and your family.
Karen & Emily Perry <karen.perry@stago-us.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 3:16 PM CDT
What a GREAT report!! God is answering our prayers! I continue to pray for you and your family!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth. net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Friday, August 12, 2005 10:56 AM CDT
Good morning:
What wonderful news!!!! I am grateful for the great
report...no change is such good news. It has been a
long, hard, and painful year for all of you. May this
year have much more hope and less pain. School has begun
again. The kids are back and so am I. Now that I am
back at work, I will check on the website more often.
Keep on hanging in there. Love ya, Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy We are so happy to hear about your report-We have been praying everyday for you. We will tell the great news to all of our friends at school and mommy's & daddy's work. They have been asking about you & praying to.We miss you and hope to get to come to Tuscaloosa soon. WE've got to leave for school now so everyone says Hello and We all love you alot. you are so sweet!
what is cade doing? Miss you-Lindsey & aleigh & mom & dad

lindsey & aleigh herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
gulf shores, al usa - Friday, August 12, 2005 7:46 AM CDT
Cassidy, Suzie, Sean and Cade - I am soooooo thrilled to hear your great report. I hope you finally got a good nights rest. We love you and pray for you daily!
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Friday, August 12, 2005 6:24 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
We are so glad to hear your news today. We are in daily prayer for you! (several times a day infact, as we know others are also.)Take care and we pray that the Lord continue to keep you in His care.
Claire Corley family

Kay Corley <kacorley@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear the good results! I pray for ALL of you. Cassidy, we miss you at school. Great to see you this week. Looking forward to some more good learning times together! Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:47 PM CDT
That's a great way to have an anniversary! We never forget about you and think (and pray) for you daily. They ARE being answered. Keep up the great work, Catsidy. Quacksidy. We love you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
HURRAY! I have been checking all morning to see the results, and I am so glad that everything has not changed.
Love ya, Kelli

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:50 PM CDT
I am so glad to here the good news. I check your website everyday. I was so glad to here that you got to see Weasel too. I said a big prayer for you this morning and had all my co-workers pray also. I will keep you in my heart and prayers. Bill Cargile
Bill Cargile <bcargile@coe.eng.ua.edu>
Gordo, Alabama - Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
YAY!!! i'm glad to hear such GREAT news...i'll call sometime this weekend...sure miss ya'll bunches!! always in my thoughts in prayers!! LOVE YA'LL!! :)
dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
blountville, tn usa - Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:23 PM CDT
Glad to hear your counts are so good. I am going to say a special prayer for you tonight!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
Hey everyone, glad to hear that things are going good. We will pray a BIG prayer for Thursday. Hope you all have a great day today, and I'll be checking on you. Love ya Lots, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
There will be lots of really big prayers going up on Thursday that the news is good. God bless you all!
Jane Atkins (Megan and Braden's Grammy) <jane_atkins@proffitts.com>
Maryville, TN USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:04 PM CDT
Cassidy, Hey girlie! I sure do miss you! I'm glad you have been getting to stay at home. I'll bet Weasel was so excited to see you! I'll bet she couldn't stop kissing you. I know you were glad to see her too. I hope to see you soon!
Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:05 PM CDT
Glad to hear about your trips home. Now you know why Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz says "there's no place like home". I"ll keep checking on you and thinking about you everyday.
Patti Flowers <changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Miss Cassidy, I am still checking on you. Every week at church, people ask me about how you are doing. They are still praying for you to be completely well. I am too. I have been busy getting ready for school for about 2 weeks now. There has been a lot to do. I know that you probably won't get to start to school but I'll still be in touch with you and look forward to when you can come back home for good. Love always, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I'm so sorry that I haven't talked to you in a while but I think about you and pray for you every day. I hope that you keep getting stronger and maybe one day soon we can play together again. I love you! Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tusc, AL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
Hi, Miss Cassidy. I am so happy that you are getting to go home and play on the weekends. I know you are loving that! Scarlett has you a very late birthday gift that she can't wait to give you. We'll call your mom and see when we can see you.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Monday, August 1, 2005 7:27 AM CDT
Hey sweet girl! I miss you! I will be looking for you in the magazine. I'm glad to hear everything is still going so well. I will see you guys in clinic on Wednesday! Love you!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
Clinic 8 , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy (and family)
Good news about going home on the weekend!! I know you are just loving that. I mailed you and Cade a little "happy" today and I mailed it to Aunt Vickie so that she can bring it to you at the apartment. It is in a large box and I was afraid to send it to your house. It should be there by this weekend.
Continue to get better.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:59 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
We are so glad to hear that you are doing well. We know for a fact that God is GREAT and he works miracles, because he did with our Molly. Every Sunday when Tim asks for prayer requests in church Molly always says "My friend Cassidy". Hope to see you soon. Love, Molly and Sarah Bailey

Molly Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:20 PM CDT
Hey Tierces!
The news keeps looking up.. I know there are still battles to fight and prayers to be answered, and we'll all be in there with you on it. We still think and pray for you every day hoping that the visits home will be permanent before you know it. Keep it up!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, July 25, 2005 3:41 PM CDT
Good Morning everyone, I am so glad to hear that you got to come home for the weekend, I know you all enjoyed that. I hope you have a good day, and I'll check on you later. Love ya lots, Kelli (Cole and Chad say "Hello" and we pray for you every night)
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:47 AM CDT
Glad to hear that you are still feeling good. You continue to be in my prayers~

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:26 PM CDT
Yeah Just a note to let you know that I'm still keeping an eye and and a pray on you. I bet it was great to be home! You guys take care and I will keep checking on you daily Lot of love from the Flowers Family.
Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 12:32 AM CDT
Hello my sweet friend!
I haven't been writing because I try to keep up with you through Aunt Vickie. Since she is in New York this week, I haven't been getting updates--and was glad to see that you went home this past weekend. I know that was fun to see all of your "stuff" at home. You probably forgot what all you have since you haven't seen it in a while.
I sure enjoyed my visit a couple of weeks ago. You sure know how to play dominoes--you beat me good a couple of times. I just cannot wait until you are back home and we can just have a domino tournament and play all night long.
I love you sweetie and think of you every day. Tell mom, dad and Cade that I send my love. I hope your dad got the birthday card that I sent him on the 14th. I sent it to Aunt Vickie's house because I hoped he would get it sooner than if I mailed it to your house.
Love you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time at home. I know you were glad to be there. Hope you have had a good week also, I will be checking back on you later. Love ya, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:58 AM CDT
Good morning:
Thinking of you today. Hope you have a blessed day.
How good it must have been to be in T-town and
sleep in your own beds...what fun that must have
been...to visit your own home. You are continually
in my prayers. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:47 AM CDT
I am glad to hear that you are home! I hope your counts stay high! You continue to be in my pryers.

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Monday, July 18, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
Great news Catsidy! I know the visit home is great for all of you. I guess that means Weasel got to lick you? I hope everything stabilizes soon so you can get on with the rest of your "get well" program.

I've been pretty busy myself at work. I was up at Lake Nicol several times last week and always think of you when I'm there. Maybe some day soon we can go back up there again! Practice your quack because there are some new ducks up there now that love to come eat "snacks" offered by little boys and girls.

Get well. We love you.

Crosby <duck@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, July 18, 2005 9:07 AM CDT
I am so happy you are home. I know it feels great. Enjoy every second, it will go by way too fast. We can't wait to see y'all. Call us when you are up to it.
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Saturday, July 16, 2005 11:19 PM CDT
Yeaaahhh! I'm glad yall are home for the weekend! That's exciting news. Enjoy every minute of it!
Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:26 PM CDT
cassidy just checked on you see you are at home i know it feels great hope and pray your days are about over at that
hospital we were at childrens friday evening with my granddaughter she had kidney surg. in jan and just a follow check up everything was great dont have to go back till jan 2006 i say a pray every night for you and your family keep on inproving love you and if you need anything just let me know ...take care hope to see your smile soon
love denise burns......

denise burns <kaseyburns@bellsouth.com>
ralph, al - Saturday, July 16, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
I am glad to hear that you and your grandmother are doing well. I hope your counts stay high! You continue to be in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:37 PM CDT
Greetings to the Tierce family:
Thinking of you today. Hope the counts continue to climb
upward. Wishing you a blessed and happy day.
Love, Aunt Glenda
Happy birthday to you, Sean Tierce!!! Wow, 37 is not so
old yet. May you have a great birthday.

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:50 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I just wanted to say "Hello" to you and your family. I am glad to hear that you and your grandmother are doing well. I am sure you are getting excited about starting to school. Ansley and her friend Jessica have been wearing their Cassidy T-shirts as often as they are clean. They have the white one with blue drawing. You are a very talented artist! Take care of yourself and know that we think of you and your family often and continue to pray for you. I thought you might like to see a picture of Ansley and Reagan.

free image hosting

Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton

April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Hey, Miss Cassidy. I'm glad you are still doing well and staying out of that hospital! Scarlett is feeling really good right now, too, so tell your mom to call me as soon as you can have a play date with Scarlett.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
miss you a lot sweet girl. glad everything's going so well. tell your folks i said hello!
Love, Alison

Alison Mitchell <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 Tower, Children's Hospital, - Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I am so glad that you are still doing well and that your me-maw is getting better!!! Maybe, we can play together real soon! I still pray for you every night...talk to you later. I love you! Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
tusc, al usa - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 2:03 PM CDT
Hope you had a great 4th. I am sure Sean grilled something
really tasty!!!! How good to hear that Cassidy's counts
are staying up. Keep on eating and stay stong, Miss Cassidy. So glad Donna is better.
Things are finally beginning to look better for all of you. Will be checking in on you later.
Have a blessed day. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
Good Morning everyone, just checking in on you to see how you are doing, sounds like things are going pretty good. I am so glad. I hope you had a good 4th, and I hope you have a good day today. Love ya , Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
I'm still checking the website and keeping up with all of you. Been in the hospital with my dad the past 3 days so I've had limited time to correspond. I'm so glad everything seems to be improving. I'm blowing you a kiss, Cassidy! Enjoy a great weekend Tierce family! Cindy Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, July 1, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
How are you? We are doing fine I am glad your counts are up and Memaw is doing better. We all miss you at church and can't wait until you get back. Tell Mom "Hi." Did you hear all the kids and workers are going to wear Cassidy T-shirts for VBS July 17-21. We are still keeping you and Memaw in our thoughts and prayers.

Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan, McKae McKnight <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al US - Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
I'm proud of you, Donna. You've done great. It just shows what prayer, good family and friends, and herd work can do. Catsidy is doing great too by the sound of it. I hope she's talking like Donald Duck now! Quack!! It's been really busy around here. I gave blood Monday, but it was at the UBS center, not Red Cross (since they weren't open that day). Oh well! Keep up the good work- all of you up there. Lots of love and happy 4th.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:27 PM CDT
I wanted to say Hello to everyone and glad to hear things are looking up for Cassidy and Donna. I am praying that the 2 of you get better with each day that passes. Can't wait to see everyone back at Church. We miss you all very much. Let Suzie and Donna know that Tom and I are having a BOY!
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:35 PM CDT
hello sweet girl just a few words to the brave one i think of alots ....im running around here playing with my granddaughter savannah who is 3...i glad to see you doing good and keep on improving so much i hope to see you at school next year....... happy 4th to you and your family and your grandmother take care if you need anything let me know im here for you always thinking of you love mrs burns
denise burns <burns1986@bellsouth.com>
ralph, al tuscaloosa - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
Hello Tierce Family:
So glad to hear that things are going good so far!!!!
I am at work today and had a computer to use...mine is
in Auburn...go figure. Is Cade being a fun little
brother??? What fun you must be having with him.
Hope you counts will come up and stay up. I hear
you are eating much better...which is great news.
Keep it up!!! Take care and hang in there.
Hope to see you during the summer. Love ya,
Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy!
Just wanted to say hello and tell you that I think of you often! Keep getting better! Love, Shelia

stierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy
I haven't been writing because I did not know how much you were able to read these entries. I am so glad that you are updating though--it gives all of us the information that we need to hear about how you are doing.
I just talked to Aunt Vickie and she is at the apartment with Cade. Of course, I did not get to talk to her very long because Cade had to go "potty". Hopefully she will call me back. I understand that Cade had to put on a pair of shorts that had the belt loops so that he could hook his chapstick to it. I sent the chapsticks to him because I remember how much he loved using my Carmex--but he liked squeezing it more than using it!! He is such a funny little brother. Aunt Vickie wanted to take him somewhere but he did not want to go--he wants to be there for when all of you get back. He loves you lots and so do we!!!
Please continue to get better. I have to go to a meeting Chicago through my work and I will be gone the rest of this week, but I will check on you when I return. I will check in with Aunt Vickie while I am gone and hope to keep hearing good news about you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
Hey everyone,I haven't been in contact 'cause it's been a rough week for me. I had a surgical test myself this week which took me out of commission for 2 days and I've been moving my father to assisted living this week. The whole process has been very exhausting. I am so happy to hear you all are doing good. You're due for some time off. Cassidy, I love you, Cindy Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
It's great news that you're still in the apartment now! I know it's a break not having to be at the hospital all the time now. Get rid of all that nasty old yeast infection and start Quacking all the time. Donna, you just keep on getting better too. We're still here and still praying for you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 3:53 PM CDT
I'm glad that you're out of the hospital and feeling better. Keep eating so you can keep up with Cade. Take care of MeMaw. We miss you lots! And you are ALL still in our prayers!
Love you
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 1:57 PM CDT
Hey everyone!! So glad to hear that everyone is doing good. Hope you all have a great day, and I'll be checking back on you later. Love, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Good news that you're all back at the apartment! I hope that you all have a wonderful and healthy weekend!!!! I especially hope that Suzie and Sean have a restful weekend and some time together. You both have really earned your titles of parents through all this. Cassidy, stay well and take your medicine like a good little girl! Love, Cindy Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Saturday, June 18, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Good morning Princess Catsidy,
It was really a treat to see you yesterday and to help get you and your folks back to the apartment. I know Cade and Me-Maw are glad to get you back there with them. Remember to be a brave little princess and take ALL your medicine-even if it is yucky. Try to practice what I taught you yesterday. Remember? Quack!

All of you keep up the good work and have a great Father's Day together. Keep praying for improved health and a speedy recovery. We all love you, Sassy! I love to see you laugh and wrinkle up your nose with your smile.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, June 18, 2005 7:40 AM CDT
Cassidy, Sorry to hear you're back in the hospital, but so glad you had a nice birthday at the apartment. Bet Memaw and Cade loved spending time with you. Will pray you're back at the apartment very soon. I received your T-shirt. It is soooooooo cute. What an artist you are. Everyone who has seen it likes it very much. Especially our two little neighbors Caitlin and Maddie. They wanted to know all about it. Keep getting better and we'll keep the prayers going. - Linda
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
Hey Sassy Cassy,
Sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital! We really had a great time visiting with you on your birthday! Well Let me tell you the lastest scoop, Loser Lacy got her puppy today, she is so excited, she has even put a little hair bow in her hair. Hate to tell you this but the name Rainbow or Pepper did not fit her so Lacy named her "Caycyn Leigh" wonder where the Leigh came from! Hahahaha! I told Keely and Laren that you were back in the hospital, but that as soon as you were back at the apartment I would bring them up! They are so excited! Hope that the fever goes away soon, will email you later and let you Know about Loser Lacy and her pet! Take care, and God Bless, Love ya Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
tuscaloosa, al USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
Hello Sweet Cassidy!
I was sorry to hear the news about you being back in the hospital but Aunt Vickie told me that you had a really big birthday party and that you had lots of fun. I bet you got loads and loads of cards and presents because so many people love you so much. Maybe you won't be in there for very long--memaw and Cade really want you to get well so you can come back to the apartment.
Uncle Lee and I are going to visit Jamey in Dallas tomorrow and will be gone through Monday...so I hope when we return that you will be back with everyone at the apartment.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:58 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
Hope you are feeling better today- I'm sorry that you had to go back to the hospital.We are praying for you to get better soon.I was so glad to read about your party!I know you had fun playing with your friends! I'm sure you and Cade had a great time-I know you have missed each other! Just remember that we love you and hope to see you soon! Tell everyone Hello for us!Love & Prayers & kisses & Hugs, Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy & Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
GUlf Shores, AL 36535 - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy (and Sean and Suzie), I just got back from my trip to the mountains and read the news that you were back in the hospital. Maybe it will only be for a day or two! My sister saved me the newspaper with your article and I thought it was another good one about you! I hope you had a great birthday. I was in Tennessee on that day but I thought about you and mentioned it several times to my family that I hoped you had gotten out of the hospital and could have your party with your family and especially see Cade. So glad it worked out!! Did you make the Dora picture yet? Has Mom or Dad helped you make play-doh zoo animals? I'll bet you got lots of neat presents for your birthday....I hope you are feeling good today.... Love, Cindy Fulmer

cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
Oh Cassidy, I'm so sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital and not feeling well. I'm really glad that you had a great birthday party and got to see Cade. I know that he has really missed you. I will pray extra hard that you are only in for a couple days! I can't wait till you're all better and we can come see you. Tell Mommy, Daddy and MeMaw to stay strong and that we are praying extra hard for them too.
We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:43 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
Happy Birthday even if it is a little late. Our computer was having problems yesterday. Sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital. We pray that you won't have to stay long. I hope you get to feeling better.
Love, Molly

Molly Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody , AL - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:10 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Cassidy!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad that you got to go home for your birthday!! Maybe before long, we can see each other and play together. The other day, Cade was with Aunt Bev at my grandmommy's house and he showed my brother how to use the potty---boys are so silly!! Anyway, I love you and hope that you have lots of presents!!Happy Birthday!! Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope your day is going GREAT! Just wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and let you know that my Prayer Warrior friends and I will continue praying for you! Love Always, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe <ablythe@bama.ua.edu>
Northport, AL US - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:43 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIDY!!!! I hope you are enjoying being with Memaw at the apartment. You can get better together! I am so happy for you and Suzie and Sean, give her a big hug for us! We love you!!
Denise <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nasport, OH - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
Wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope you are having a good time and enjoying the cake and ice cream. Tell everyone I said hey for me. So glad that you finally got out of the hospital. Now you and Memaw can take care of each other. Have a great day. Love Aunt Judy
Judy Clement <jac1964@sbcglobal.net>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:42 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy
HappyBirthday.I just wanted to check on you.And see if you
were ocay.How is Weasel cade Mommy and daddy doing.Oh and
Happybirday to you happybirthday to you happybirday dear
Cassidy happy Birthday to you to Cssidy from Aleigh

aleigh herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
gulf shores, al usa - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Cassidy! I'm so glad that you get to spend your birthday at the apartment! Tell everybody I said hi! I want to come and see you sometime soon, tell your mom I will call her! Happy Birthday again! ~ Megan
Megan Waldrop <waldropua@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 14, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
Hope you have a really great birthday Cassidy! We've been keeping up with your progress through Kara. So glad you are doing good. We've been praying for your healing and hope you will soon be home and back to your normal little girl things!!!
Charlotte & Richard Shirley <cashirle@southernco.com>
Gordo, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Cassidy, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great birthday, Love ya Lots, Kelli

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:02 AM CDT
Hey Sweet Big Brave Girl,
First, Happy Birthday! What as awesome birthday present - going out of the hsopital. Guess what, Molly's Papa Silas has a birthday today and he came home from UAB yesterday so we have two things to celebrate. But yours is so much better because you have been on this journey so long. I am going to be singing "Happy Birthday" all day today and praising God for your good news.
Love, Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
Luci says Happy Birthday too.
Aunt Bev says I can't come to the birthday party today, but it won't be long and I will be able to come and see you.
I hope you like your birthday present from me and Luci. I have to let it be from Luci too because she let me borrow some of her money.
I hope you have fun today and get to give Cade lots of sug-sug. He spent the night with me for two nights and I gave him lots of licks. He liked it too!
So you are 6 years old? Are you getting any bigger? I am still about the same size as I was when you went in the hospital. I bet since you are 6 that you are really big now. I can't wait to see you.
WEASEL (and Luci)

- Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:48 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy
Happy Birthday pretty girl. I hope you have a great day with Cade. I hope you get to see Weasel too. I still pray for you and your family everyday. I hope and pray that you just get better and better everyday. Bill Cargile

Bill Cargile <bcargile@coe.eng.ua.edu>
Gordo, Al USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
WE are so Happy that you will be at the Apartment for your Birthday-Wish we could be there with you-Have lots of fun today and Lindsey and Aleigh will call you later!Tell Mom,Dad, Cade & Memaw Hello for us! Love you bunches & bunches! Happy Birthday ! Aunt Ronda & Uncle Tommy

Tommy & Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Hey Hey Hey Pretty Girl! What an awesome birthday present! I hope you and Cade have a great time together! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and I hope it is a great one! Love, Miss Savarese
Christina Savarese <savar002@bama.ua.edu>
Daphne, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Sweetheart! What a glorious occasion we all have the opportunity to share with your family!
Bruce & Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
I'm so glad that you got out of the hospital! The Lord is answering our prayers. WOW, 63 days, that's a long time, I'm so proud of you, you have been so strong through all of this. I'm very proud of your parents too. God has really blessed you with a wonderful Mom & Dad. It's such a blessing to read your updates and see how they are still praising God, even after all they have been through. Sean & Suzie, we are praying everyday for extra strength for ya'll. You are both such an inspiration to all of us parents! Cassidy, I know you will have a wonderful birthday getting to see everyone, especially Cade. I know that he has missed his big sister. Take it easy on your Mom...you don't want to drive her crazy.
We love you all!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa , AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Cassidy, What wonder timely the good Lord has to allow you out of the hospital in time to celebrate your 6th birthday. I know you will have a great day, but don't eat too much cake so the Mom and Dad have to prior you off the walls!!!! We will continue to pray for you and your Memaw everday. Your cousins from Ohio.
John & Carole Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
- Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait to talk to you and tell you happy birthday. Scarlett wanted to call you as soon as she woke up at 5:50 this morning but I told her your mom and dad might get us for that.
We love you!

The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
Hey Pretty Girl,


We Love You Sweetheart and we hope you have a GREAT BIRTHDAY. I know you are so excited. We are so glad you are getting out of the hospital. You have been such a brave little girl. We will continue to PRAY for you and your family. I know Cade will be soooooooo excited to see his big sister. Have the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER....
We Love You,
Shirley, Gary and Jason

Shirley Ayers <sfayers3@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Now that's what i call a birthday present. Thanks to God for all the prayers being answered. Keep on praying for improvements to continue so that you are free forever from this monster disease.

Now, just pretend you're hearing me in my Duck voice...
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Catsidy!
Happy Birthday to you!"

And always remember that we love you. And that being Six is much better than being sick.

Crosby <duck@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 5:55 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
Praise the Lord!!!!!! We are sooooo glad that you are finally getting to leave the hospital and that you'll be in the apartment with your family for your birthday. We saw your picture in the Tuscaloosa News today. You had on a purple "Cassidy" t-shirt. Is purple your favorite color?? Mrs. Donna likes it too, but Mr. David thinks purple is only for girls. It was a great article. We will continue to pray for you and your family. We hope we'll be seeing you soon at church!! Love, Mrs. Donna and Mr. David

Donna and David Krepp <DDKrepp@cs.com>
Tuscaloosa , Al 35404 - Monday, June 13, 2005 8:15 PM CDT
What great news!!! How exciting to finally be able to go to the "apart-meeent". I am
grateful things are finally getting better for you and your me-maw. How wonderful
it will be to celebrate your birthday away from the hospital. All I can say is Praise the Lord from Whom all
blessings flow. Take care and eat and eat and eat some more so you will continue to get better. Also I want to wish you a very happy, happy birthday. Love ya, Aunt, Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 4:38 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear that you get to go back to your apartment! You continue to be in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Monday, June 13, 2005 3:39 PM CDT
I am so glad ya'll are going to get to leave that place, and just in time for your birthday Cassidy! I am so happy to hear the good news!!! I want you all to know that I think about yall and pray for yall everyday and those prayers are getting answered! I hope you have a great brithday!!! -Jennifer
Jennifer Moore <moore148@bama.ua.edu>
- Monday, June 13, 2005 3:08 PM CDT
I am so happy for all of you. I know you can't wait to get to the apartment. Let me know as soon as Cassidy can be around Scarlett. We can't wait to see you!
Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Monday, June 13, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Cassidy, How wonderful that you are going to the apt. today and tomorrow is your sixth birthday! WOW! Two gifts in one!! I took your picture and write up over to MeMaw's this morning. I know she was so pleased to see your name in print and such a fine write up about you. Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Cassidy, I am so glad that you are getting out. I am sorry that I can't bring Megan and Braden down for the party but we don't want to take any chances on you getting sick with the virus they had all weekend. We will just celebrate yours and Megan's again when you can both be together. Uncle Mike will be there to give you our hugs and our present. We will be down to see you very soon! Love, Aunt Teresa, Megan and Braden
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Cassidy, I am so glad that you are getting out. I am sorry that I can't bring Megan and Braden down for the party but we don't want to take any chances on you getting sick with the virus they had all weekend. We will just celebrate yours and Megan's again when you can both be together. Uncle Mike will be there to give you our hugs and our present. We will be down to see you very soon! Love, Aunt Teresa, Megan and Braden
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!! WHAT A GREAT B-DAY PRESENT!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
DENISE LOCKE <lockeon24@alltel.net>
NASHPORT, OH - Monday, June 13, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
Yea!!!!!!!! I am so glad to hear the good news right before your birthday!!! I know you will be so glad to see Cade and to be able to play with him. I hope you have a wonderful birthday bc you deserve it!
Laura Marie <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, June 13, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
That is such great news!!!!!!!! I am so happy that you are getting out today, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!.I bet you can't wait to see Cade. You have a wonderful day, and we love you, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad. (Your picture in the newspaper is so GOOD)
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Monday, June 13, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
What a great birthday present. I know that you were feeling way too good yesterday to be locked up in a hospital room. You had a lot of energy and a lot of happiness going go. I hurt last night from all the dancing and singing we did. Aunt Seazon thought we were crazy!
See you tommorrow evening.
I sure do wish I had some of that lemonade. You did a good job!
Love you, Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, June 13, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
Good Morning Cass! I got to work this morning and opened the Tuscaloosa News, and guess who I saw on the front page? YOU!!! You sure are a celebrity around here these days! (There was a really good picture of your mama too!) I'll bring you a copy of it tomorrow to your BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Can't wait to eat some cake and ice cream!!! Love You!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Monday, June 13, 2005 7:36 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
You don't know me but I am a friend of Scarlett's. I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you.

Marissa Johnson <risspoo@msn.com>
Gardendale, AL America - Saturday, June 11, 2005 10:50 PM CDT
hey gurl this is breanna and lindsey again!!!! we were just goin 2 wish u a happy early birthday!!! we love u so much and u will always be in are hearts, dont u ever 4 get that!! well we guess we will talk 2 u latter love u so so so so so much!!! breanna stiteler and lindsey parker
breanna stiteler and lindsey parker <www.ilovenerds767o@aol.com>
northport, al u.s.a, - Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
hey cassidy we love u so much and hope u get better soon!!!! u r always in r hearts and dreams!! hope to see u soon we miss u alot!! well we will talk 2 u latter love u so much lindsey and breanna

write back

breanna stiteler and lindsey parker <www.ilovenerds767o@aol.com>
northport, al u.s.a, - Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:24 PM CDT
Congratulations Donna! Keep working hard to get well in the apartment after your visit home this weekend. Hopefully the apartment will be filled with TWO new residents and much, much more for a very happy birthday celebration on Tuesday.

Catsidy, you just keep on munching on the chips and getting those white counts to stay above the magic line. Your birthday will be extra special because of it. I'm so proud of you and your family. You keep working hard and we'll all keep praying for continued improvement in your health. Quack.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, June 11, 2005 6:47 AM CDT
Cassidy, way to go!!!!! Keep those counts coming up. I want you to get out of the hospital so we can bring Scarlett down and play. I enjoyed our visit the other day. You have a smile that could melt the North Pole. I want you to feel better so you can use it more often. We think about you every day.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Friday, June 10, 2005 9:41 PM CDT
Hey Cass,
Sweet girl, this is absolutely the best news we have heard in days....Yeah!!!!!! Pa-Pa Roger will be up to see you by your birthday on Tuesday. Oh....Gracie is being such a good mommy. She is still sitting on her eggs, and if all goes well she may have the first of her babies on your birthday. We will take pictures and send them to you right away. We love you lots and lots....

Pa-Pa Roger and Glenda <deerridgergp@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
Fabulous News!! Cassidy, you've done gone and made Reagan want to take medicine. I gave her those two glass jars Tuesday and told her about yours, and all of the money you had in it. She thought that you taking your meds without crying was a great way for her to make money too! Now, I have had to hide all of the Tylenol, because I'm tired of her begging me to give her some medicine and some MONEY!! (Thanks a lot, Cassidy!) Love You!!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Friday, June 10, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
OK Tierce Family
That IS the best news I have heard in ages!!! If we all continue to pray very, very hard, I am SURE that you will be in the apartment on Monday. All of you will just feel like you have gotten out of jail. What is it now--over two months?? However she celebrates her birthday on Tuesday will not be near as big as her getting to go "home" with mommie, daddy and precious Cade.
Aunt Vickie and I have lots of pictures of Cade to give you. When I get them, I will mail them all to you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy!
We can't wait to see you OUT of the hospital. Landon is counting down the days to your birthday and he keeps asking about your present. He keeps changing his mind about what to get you. I cut out 2 pictures from the paper of a volcano erupting this week. I'll bring them to you. Have I got a story for you. Landon's cousin Brittani was picking plums from her Pop's plum tree and guess what was hiding in the tree??? You guessed it a BIG SNAKE! It scared her to death. It was just a chicken snake but remember all snakes are bad!!! Landon wants to tell you about their ballgame last week so he is going to call you tomorrow. See you soon almost Birthday Girl!
Love you!

Sherri Lunceford <Sherrirtt@cs.com>
Northport, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 10:21 AM CDT
What wonderful news! I continue to lift the whole family in my prayers. Take care, and hopefully, the next we get an update it will be from the APARTMENT! Keep eating those chips! Love to all of you, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe <ablythe@bama.ua.edu>
Northport, AL US - Friday, June 10, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Good Morning to all of you!!
I am certainly hoping that today brings another good day for Miss Sassie. I will talk to you guys this weekend to see what the game plan is about hopefully going to the apartment.
Sean/Suzie--please post your apartment address on the website because I am sure that people will want to send birthday cards to Cassidy and we are all hoping that we will be sending them to the apartment address.
Cass--don't be too wild today (even though wild is good).
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy Praise be to God!! I am so glad you feel like eating!!! If you have a craving for anything please let me know. I will get it for you. Just make sure it can be bought. I am not a good cook. Mrs Lisa said to tell you hello. All my girls say hello. Chasity is enjoying her short hair!!! We hope to see you and Donna soon. Love and prayers, Mrs Denise.
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, that is great news about your counts, I sure do hope that you get out before your birthday, that would be wonderful!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY, LOVE, KELLI
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:38 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!! I'm so glad that you are getting better!!! Keep eating those chips and you might want to try some Frito Scoops---they are my favorite although they do make me really thirsty...Anyway, I hope you get out of the hospital for your birthday--that would be the best present ever! My mommy said to tell your mommy and me-maw hello again and that she prays for them every day and night!!!I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love, Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tusc, AL - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy... this is Luci. I went to the groomer yesterday and I got a haircut and they put lime green bows in my hair at my ears and a lime green boa around my neck. Do you remember the time you came over and I had a lime greem boa around my neck? They must think lime green is my favorite cotor. Weasel wanted to go with me, but she couldn't. She doesn't need to have her hair cut. But I did bring her two pink bows. She got a bathe last night because she was jealous because I looked so pretty and smelled so good. Now we both are so prissy.
I hear that you are going to have a birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Weasel needed a little more money to buy you something so I gave her some of mine. I hope she remembers to put my name on the gift. If she forgets, remember that it is from me too.
Hurry up and get well and eat your food and take your medicine so you can come and play with me.
Love, LUCI

- Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
This is just about the best news ever. I knew that you were doing better because Aunt Vickie told me that you were running around like a wild child when she stayed with you the night your mommie and daddy took Cade out to dinner. You better get your energy up by eating lots and lots because it will be tough for you to keep up with Cade because he is going to be so excited about seeing you and finally being with his big sister! Once you are at the apartment, Uncle Lee and I are going to come and see you. We will stay with Aunt Vickie but visit you during the day and maybe your dad will cook something good for all of us to eat. Uncle Lee and I are going to visit Jamey next weekend in Dallas, so it will be after that--so you better continue eating and those counts will continue going up so that we can all be back together!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:37 AM CDT
Cassidy, Great news! I hope you will be out before your birthday even though I will miss you. Keep eating those potato chips! (Maybe they are the secret to getting your counts up so you can get outta there!) You, Cade & MeMaw are going to keep Mommy & Daddy busy all the time. That will be fun. See you soon!
Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so glad that you are feeling better! Keep eating those chips and anything else you can get your hands on. Guess what? We have the same birthday, June 14th! That's so cool! I couldn't think of a better person to share my birthday with than you! I hope you are out of the hospital for your birthday, that would be a great present. That's great news about MeMaw. Take care of each other. You are all still in our prayers!
We love you
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
Hey Catsidy!
I've been following your progress every day but haven't written you so I can catch up on work. And sleep. It sounds like prayers are being answered. MeMaw is getting better. Your counts are climbing. Weasels saving lots of money. Wow!!! Maybe Weasel could come work for me? Next thing you know you're gonna be six or something. Or is it sixteen? Are you married yet? Here's a hint--wait a while and just keep driving all those boyfriends cra-a-azy!
You know you've got to get out of there soon so I can take a new picture of you!! Well, I guess I have to get ready for work.
We all love you, Princess! We haven't stop praying for you and never will! Keep on bouncing around like Tigger and get well.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, June 9, 2005 6:44 AM CDT
What great news! I am so glad you are doing well. It was exciting to read your entry today. Enjoy those chips! Continue to get stronger. Lots of love--Miss Kim
Kim Smelley <Kim.Smelley.tps@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al United States - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:34 PM CDT
YEAH CASSIDY!!!!!!I knew you could do it.That is the best news I have heard in awhile. Sorry, it has been so long since I have written last. I have been checking on you though everyday.Keep it and stay my strong little soilder.
Love You Bunches!!!!!
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
I will defintley keep praying for you and hoping you will be out of the hospital before your birthday. I am so glad that your counts are up. Hopefully they will stay that way and you will feel like your old self!!! I hope you have a great night and will keep you and your grandma is my thoughts and prayers!

Laura Marie <lauramarienorwood@hotmail.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:14 PM CDT
Hey everyone, I am still planning on coming up tomorrow afternoon like we discussed on the phone. Cassidy, will it be alright if I bring your birthday present up with me on Thursday? I know it will be a little early, but maybe you won't mind!! I'm planning on playing with it with you. Emily wants to come with me again, too. We can all three play! See you tomorrow. Love, Cindy Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 5:23 PM CDT
We hope you are feeling better today. So glad your Me-maw is leaving the hospital Friday. We know you too will be leaving soon. You just can't imagine the number of prayers that are going out for you and your family. God certainly has His hand on you in a mighty way. By that I mean he is right there with you day and night and is watching over you day and night. You can talk to Him at anytime. Tell your mama & daddy we said hello. One more thing, if someone wants to send you a card, where should they send it: the hospital, your apartment or your home in Northport? If it is the hospital, please let us know your room number and the address. Thank you. We love you and your family.

Claude and Marilyn Waite (Hamner & Noland's Mimaw & PawPaw Claude) <mwaite@ubc-br.org>
Baton Rouge, LA East Baton Rouge - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
Hello all! Glad to read all the good news on the website!I can tell you are ready for your birthday, Cassidy! We are thinking about you at school this summer and looking forward to the day you return to school with us all the time! Everyone sends their best wishes and lots of love. God bless you and your family.
Love, Dr. Dennis :)

Mary Beth Dennis <marybeth.dennis.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, , AL USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 12:48 AM CDT
Good Morning, I am so glad to hear that MeMaw is getting out Friday, that is great news. I hope your counts keep rising, so you can get out with her too. Hope you have a GREAT day! Love You Lots!!!!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Good Morning!
I am hoping and praying that today brings another day with your counts going up. The news is wonderful about memaw. The Lord is really coming through!!
Hey--I talked to Aunt Vickie last night before she came to the hospital to stay with you. Cade was in the bathtub while we were talking and he sounded like he was at the pool!!! Cade and Aunt Vickie seem to be a twosome now--but we are all hoping and praying that you will be able to get out of the hospital soon so that all of you can be together as a family again. Cade talks about his "Khaki" all the time--he loves you very much.
You hang in there. I know you are trying hard--it will happen.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
hey girl this is ms burns from school ... remember im the one how cleans the school at least i try....i do miss your smile and how to have you back at school soon...i see menawis doing good and im so glad to see you spending time with her. love you bunches and uou are always in my prays
love mrs. burns

Denise Burns <burns1986@bellsouth.com>
ralph, al tuscloosa - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I am so glad that you are beginning to feel better and those white things are coming up! Maybe when you go to the apartment, I can come see you and I would love to see those horses at your birthday!!! My brother would too because he loves horses--we even saw some at Mule Day in Gordo on Saturday and got to ride them (with my mommy close by of course)...Anyway, I will keep praying for you every night!!I love you!! Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
Hello Mommy.... only 7 days until Flag Day------ooops I mean your BIRTHDAY!!!! I think that is so cool to have your birthday on Flag Day. Maybe next year we can all wear red, white and blue and have flags everywhere!! But for this year, I hear it is going to be horses. I think I will dress up like a miniature pony. I think the color of my hair will be perfect for a pony. Don't you?
Aunt Bev said she doesn't think the hospital will let her bring a horse to the hospital. And even if they would, don't you think it would be too heavy for the elevator?
I have been practicing singing...Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you....Happy ....that's all I know. Maybe you can teach me the rest of it.
I counted my money last night and I have $13.25 saved up for your present. What do you want? You had better tell me or I will have to surprise you.
I MISS you and LOVE you big as the sky!!

- Tuesday, June 7, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Cassidy, we were so excited to get to see you yesterday. You looked so pretty sitting in your bed with those comfy satin pillow cases. I think I'm going to have to buy me some. I sure hope my white-cell dancing is working. It is making me really tired (and I bet I look really silly)! We love you and we'll see you soon (with a present this time!!!!!)
Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 11:44 AM CDT
Good morning Miss Cassidy
I just found out from Aunt Vickie that your counts are up a little today--congratulations!! She has been having a ball with little brother Cade. He is keeping her jumping. When I talked to her last night, she and Cade had just returned from walking around in the neighborhood and Cade had been bitten by an ant on his foot so they were trying to find something to put on it. I will have to check today to see if the ant bite is better. Aunt Vickie finally got Cade a sippy cup of his own to keep at her house--I am sure that he has loads of sippy cups at your house.
Continue to get well so that you can go home.
Love you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:04 AM CDT
I hope your counts go up again soon! I am still praying for you!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL United States - Monday, June 6, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, It seems like a long time since I've seen you. I hope that I can come up and see you maybe one afternoon this week. I am teaching VBS this week and next week I am planning to go on a little trip for a few days. Yucky medicine is no fun at all. I don't like it myself.I saw where my litte neice, Alice, wrote you today about coming to our classroom last week. They are going to pull up the old yucky carpet in our room and put down pretty new blue tile...your favorite color! It will be so much cleaner and healthier. Reach Out Tuscaloosa will be doing it. This is a ministry done every summer by the churches of Tuscaloosa County to help out different schools. Two churches will be working at our school next week. Other churches will be doing projects at other schools. What are you doing these days to keep yourself entertained? Write me an e-mail or better yet, I'll just call you later today. I hope you'll feel like talking! Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood.@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, June 6, 2005 2:59 PM CDT
We have been praying for you. I am sorry you are having to take such yucky medicine. I went to Flatwoods with my Aunt Cindy last week and saw your picture up on the wall. We had to go and move furniture in her room because she is getting a new floor. I like to go on my computer to a reading site called Starfall.com When it teaches you about the sound short A, your name comes up! I thought that was really neat.I hope you have a good day.
Alice Beasley

Karrie Beasley <kbeasley@alberta.tusc.k12.al.us>
Tuscaloosa, Al United States - Monday, June 6, 2005 12:39 AM CDT
Cassidy, Hey girlie! Hope you are having a great day. I had fun playing with you this past week. You make Keshia behave this week. It'll be a tough job but I know you can handle it! Tell Keshia she had better work some extra hours so she can pay you your million bucks!!
Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
- Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Cassidy, I am doing the white cell dance for you! I sure hope it works. I know you are ready to go to the apartment. I bet it was really neat getting to see all of the pretty girls from the dance team. We love you.
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Monday, June 6, 2005 7:03 AM CDT
Skylar and Tate came to visit our church today. Too bad you were not there to greet them. Mr.Chris and I kept the nursery. We had lots of little kids. We missed having Cade. I am so happy your counts are up. I bet you can tell I am enjoying my summer break. Now I have more time to check your entries and keep up on how well you are doing. Sage played a real tough team Saturday and we won. We were so excited. He will play again Tuesday night. We have been watching Morrow on T.V.. I bet Mr. Crosby is enjoying the games. Continue to get stronger.I will keep checking on you and writing back. I hope you have a good week and continue to get better. Love, Miss Kim

Kim Smelley <Kim.Smelley.tps@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that your counts went up! My prayers are still with you and MeMaw!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Sunday, June 5, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Just checking in with you from way down here in New Orleans. Glad to know that you're feeling better and hope the yucky medicine all goes away real soon. Keep fighting hard.

Crosby <duck@dbtech.net>
New Orleans, LA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, It was so good to read that you enjoyed your visit with MeMaw. I know that was the best medicine for each of you! Please know that you remain close in heart and always lifted up in prayer. With much love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
You and MeMaw are still in my prayers for a 100% recovery! May God bless you!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy!
We sure did have fun visiting the other night. You didn't have to tell everyone that you and Landon beat us in cards!
I'm coming back for a rematch so you better be ready. Landon has told everyone about that little poem we read. He just thinks that is the funniest thing! He sure does miss you. Remember our plan of what we are going to do when you get home! We could let Me-Maw go with us since she has been in the hospital too. We will discuss it later. It sure was good to see her the other night. Just seeing you made her feel so much better. I'll see you later!
Love you!
P.S. I don't blame Aunt Rhonda for locking Uncle Tommy out. All snakes are BAD!

sherri lunceford <sherrirtt@cs.com>
northport, al usa - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:06 PM CDT
Hello to you sweet Cassidy
It is great to hear that you had loads of fun yesterday. I can surely relate to you being asleep when Memaw came to visit. While Aunt Glenda and I were with you Saturday night, you slept like a hound dog and your mom wanted us to wake you, but we dared not because of how grouchy you are when we wake you before you decide it is time. But...with memaw being there, I bet you were not grouchy at all!! I understand from Aunt Vickie that you tried your best to stay awake the other evening when she stayed with you so that you would sleep at night so that mommie could sleep. She told me about you telling her that you just could not stay awake any longer because your eyelids were just getting too heavy!!! At least you tried!
I am hoping and praying that things are going to get better and the infection will go away in time for you to go to the apartment for your birthday. I know Cade would love that too!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:19 AM CDT
Hello Mommy....It has been raining for days and I have decided that I don't like the rain. When it is time for me to go outside to potty, I do everything I can to stay inside. I don't like to get my nose and ears wet. But I have to go anyway. Rain, rain, go away.... Little Weasel wants to play. Have you ever heard of that song?
Cade came and visited with me and I jumped all over him. Ooooh.. he had some good sug-sug. I looked for you, but I couldn't find you. He told me that you were in the hospital and that Mee-maw was in the hospital too. I hope ya'll will hurry up and get well so ya'll can come home.
It's just 11 days until your birthday. Yeah!! I have got to go shopping. I hope that policeman isn't at the mall this time when I go. I will have to hide again if he is.
Remember....I LOVE YOU!!!!

- Friday, June 3, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I'm glad you had a good visit with memaw! I know that made both you and her feel lots better! Maybe you will get over this little bug and your counts will come up soon! Love you! shelia
shelia tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Friday, June 3, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy,
I don't know if you remember us but this is from Della and Jamie. We came to see you twice in the hospital. We are both praying for you and our church is as well. We hope that you get better really soon. With God's help and his healing hand maybe you can be at the appartment for your birthday party. We would really like to be there but we have to go out of town at that time. It is really good to hear that you are in good spirits. Maybe you and your friends will have a great time at your birthday party in the apartment. We are praying for you and for you to recover soon. Keep your spirits up and never give up hope. GOD will take care of you. You have many friends and relatives that want you to get well. You have our best wishes and our love.

Jamie & Della Jamison <djdjam@bellsouth.net>
Valley, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!!! I bet it sure was fun seeing your me-maw!!!
Maybe one day soon, my mom and Aunt Bev can bring me up there to see you so we can play and do that sand art you talk about!!Anyway, I hope that you get to feeling better and those white things (I cannot remember what my mommy calls them) keep coming up. Talk to you later, I love you! Skylar...P.S. My mommy said to tell your mommy hello and that she is still talking to Jesus about ya'll every day. Love, Skylar

Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy!
I am soooooooo glad that Memaw was able to come and visit-I know both of you were very excited to see each other! Sounds like you had a great time playing with Landon too.
I have to tell you about something that happened to me and Uncle Tommy last night, I'm sure it will make you laugh, seeing as how you love to scare people with little toy snakes.
Okay, Here is my story.
It was dark, and I was on my walkway about to reach to my front porch.For some crazy reason I was thinking about your little toy snakes so I stopped for a minute before I stepped up on my porch. I could not believe what I saw- It was a SNAKE!!! A Real Snake! I was surely wishing it was one of your toy snakes but it was not!!I started screaming and dancing around, running through my yard like a crazy women! You would have thought it was a monster snake! But it was small and colorful snake so I started screaming Coral Snake! Coral Snake!( A very poisoness snake) Get it Uncle Tommy!He just stood there looking at me like I was crazy! Turn's out it was a harmless king snake(Uncle Tommy made me look at a the picture on the internet so I would believe him)IT still didn't matter, A snake is a snake to me!You see since we live at the beach and near the water, they encourage us not to kill harmless snakes because they can keep the poisoness snakes away. We get reminders about this every summer. Sooooooo, uncle tommy just ran it off the porch. But unfortunately for uncle tommy, I locked him outside with the rake and hoe and told him he could come in the house after he found that snake and took it out in the woods. He's still outside this morning!! Just kidding! the snake went off into the woods and I finally let Uncle Tommy back into the house, after he rang the doorbell for about an hour. I bet you are laughing at me right now!! I hope you have a great day sweet girl! I am praying for you to feel better really soon. You better rest up because when you get better we are going to have lots and lots of fun!! Love you very, very much!! TEll Mom, Dad, Cade and Memaw Hello for us!! Love Aunt Ronda

Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com >
Gulf shores, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 7:59 AM CDT
Well my, my, my--a visit from Memaw!!! That will certainly make your little nose crinkle and your eyes shine like new money!!! Seeing you will be all the therapy she needs to get well. I know that she misses you so much. I am sure that mommie will love seeing her there too.
I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this stupid infection. Just hang in there--one day soon it will be all over with!! Tell mom, dad and sweet Cade hello for me and that I miss you all.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 2:17 PM CDT
Hey Sassy Cassy,
Sorry that I have not emailed sooner! We are at the beach and it has rained everyday so far! I have been here since Saturday and have only been on the beach one day! We just found this place so that I could email you! Hope that your visit with Me-Maw was good! And I am so glad to hear that she is doing well! I will call you soon and you get better and so that I can come up and do some arts and crafts! Take care and I Love you, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa , Al USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:38 AM CDT
Good morning:
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling so good.
I am sure you are excited about seeing Mee-maw!!!
How good it was to visit with you at the hospital.
Hopefully you will be out of there soon and to the
apart-ment, as Cade so sweetly calls it. Hang in
there with the oral medications. Maybe soon you
will be able to eat something. School is officially
out for the year---no more students for a few weeks.
I still have to work, but that is ok. Take care of
Mom and Dad and Cade. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:58 AM CDT
Happiness keeps You Sweet

Trials keep You Strong

Sorrows keep You Human

Failures keeps You Humble

Success keeps You Glowing

But Only God keeps You Going!

"Today is world's online buddy day. Send this to your online friends even me if I'm one of them

And see how many you get today"

I thought this was fitting for the whole family!

Love Ya


Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, oh - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:58 AM CDT
Good morning, Catsidy!
It sounds like you'll have a special day today with your special visitor. It sounds like MeMaw will have a special day too. I know both of you are working extra hard right now to get better, and hope a lot more prayers are being answered. I'll be taking a weekend trip to New Orleans to watch some baseball games but will be thinking about you and saying some more prayers from way down there. I'll probably have some good warm beignets too. Ummm! They're kind of like donuts but better. They get really messy eating them too. Keep up that smile. I love you Catface.


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:46 AM CDT
I hope all of you had a wonderful day with Me Maw coming to visit. I know that had to brighten up Cassidy's day and that Cassidy is the best therapy for her. You continue to be and always will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:36 AM CDT
Hello miss priss! I talked to memaw today and it was so good to hear her voice. She was so excited to get to come and see you today! I know you sure have missed her! Maybe you will get to feeling better and get to go to the apt. soon, so you and memaw can rest and get better together! We love you bunches! Shelia, Matthew, Max & Micaela
shelia colburn tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:58 PM CDT

TUSCALOOSA, AL TUSCALOOSA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Cassidy-I can't wait to hear how your visit with Memaw went. I am sure you were excited to see her. I hope you feel better soon. We continue to pray for you and your family. Tell your mom hello for me. Love, Kim
Kim Smelley <Kim.smelley.tps@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL United States - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I'm sorry that you aren't feeling very good, but I know that visit from MeMaw will help alot! And I'm pretty sure it will help her too. I just praise God that she is recovering so quickly. I know that there's still a lot of healing to go, both physically and emotionally, but I know that God will bring all of you through this. You are in our prayers constantly!
We love you all.
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulsey.joyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 3:03 PM CDT
Hey everyone, Cassidy I hope your infection gets better, I know it will. And, I bet you can't wait to see MeMaw, I know ya'll will have FUN!!!! Hope you have a great day. LOVE YOU LOTS, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy and family, We had such a good time on our visit. We love your big smile and Kaci had a lot of fun doing the salt jars. She has told everyone about it. She has also wore your shirt and took you picture to school yesterday and passed out the yellow arm bands and we will have a list of shirt sizes for you. All of Kaci's friends want a shirt! You are such a brave little girl and I'm sorry you're not feeling well. We can't wait to see you again once you get out of the hospital(hopefully very soon)!
You are in our prayers everyday and you continue to get better and stronger so you and the girls can do more salt jars.
Love you all!
P.S. I will send pictures once I figure out how to get them off the camera! And give Aunt Donna a hug for me as well. WE missed her when we stopped in to see her.

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:11 AM CDT
Good morning sweetheart!!
I tried to call you last night but your mom must have been giving you a bath. I did not call back because I figured you guys were busy...but I am certainly hoping that you are feeling better today. Today is June 1 and the countdown is beginning for your upcoming birthday. Are you able to eat anything at all?? Uncle Lee has finished with closing his school and now he is "student-free" for a little while at least. I have been racking my brain to figure out what to give you for your birthday--so I may just do the usual and send money so that you can buy something that you don't have (is that possible??). I sure miss talking to you and being there with with. Did I ever tell you how much I love seeing your little nose crinkle when you smile??? You are just the light of my everyday thoughts. Please get well and come home so that everyone can see you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
Hey, sweet Cassidy! I hope that you are feeling better. We think about you and talk about you all the time. Scarlett can't wait until you feel like playing. I know it will be real soon. Give your mom a big hug from us!
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, Al - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:22 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!!! I just wanted to say Hey!! and that I hope that you get to feeling better. I said an extra special prayer for you last night so maybe that "yucky" feeling will go away soon! I'll check on you tomorrow. I love you! Skylar
Hey Suzie----I hope that you know I love you and continue to pray for you daily. Please stay strong and continue to be an inspiration to us all! You are a wonderful mother and daughter and I know that you are Cassidy's biggest hero. I will check on you tomorrow. I'm also so glad I got to see you on Friday- I just wish it was under different circumstances. I love you, Candace

Skylar and Candace Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:04 PM CDT
My little Cassidy! Well, University Church Preschool had its graduation ceremony last Sunday night. I have to say, it wasn't the same without your smiling face hanging out on the front row! Cass, I Stand in awe of the work God has done in your family. You are a miracle. Just hearing about the trials you have faced and seeing how God has delivered you in specific ways reminds me of one of the verses we learned this year in chapel..."Remember that Children are important. Their angels in heaven can go at any time to see their Father who is also in Heaven." Cass, that is exactly what has happened. The angels God has given to watch over you have petitioned to the Father on your behalf. He heard those prayers and answered them. He answered them for people like me that get discouraged sometimes when life seems so tough. He answered them for people who are keeping up with your story doubting God and questioning His plan. He answered them because He knew that one day you would grow up and have a story to share to the world. I think about you often. I will always remember your sweet smile and the love you shared each Monday morning for your brother, mother, father, and Gracie in our grouptime circle. You have inspired me Cass! I hope to see/talk to you soon!

I love you,
Mrs. Stacey

Stacey Johnson <lanceandstacey@netscape.com>
Northport, Al USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy (and Suzie and Sean), Did you have any fun with Coach Duke the other day? I'll bet that you did. It's raining again and it makes me wish for a sunny day when you can come out of your room and get some fresh air and play with Cade. Think happy and positive thoughts to get you on your way...Laugh out loud,often! The mind is a powerful thing and the Bible says to think about things that are good and lovely. (Philippians 4:8) I just wanted to let you know that I still check your site everyday and pray for you often. Be sweet like you always are. Are you eating? Are you letting your mom sleep at night? Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindyfulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
SEAN, I'm glad that everything went well with the funeral and all.My thoughts and prayers were with you all the time.Give cassidy a big hug and a kiss and tell her it's from Tyler and Trace.They can't wait to see her again. My thoughts and prayers are with Donna also,spain is an excellent place and she will be better in no time. We all love yall very much.May God bless you with each passing day.
Mandy and Family <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL u.s - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:12 PM CDT
Hey Mommy.... I am so excited about your birthday. I sure do hope that you will be out of the hospital so I can come and see you. I think it is only 14 days (that is just 2 weeks) away. That is not very long. I am longer than that. I heard that my name was on your list of people to come. Oh by the way, Aunt Bev said you wanted her to check with Luci and see if she wanted to come. And she does. If we get to come, I think we are going to dress like twins. We are both going to wear hot pick boas around our neck and paint our toes nails pink.
I hope you are eating your food by mouth, so you will get strong enough for me to come and see you.
I LOVE YOU and miss you very much.
Luci wanted me to tell you "hello". (She doesn't know very much about the computer.)
Love and sug-sug, WEASEL

- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:11 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy!! This is Miss Savarese! I am so sorry I haven't written you! I hope you are doing well and not being too wild and crazy! I hope your Mom and Dad are doing well and you all are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope that you begin to feel super great very soon! I will talk to you later!!
Love, Christina Savarese <savar002@bama.ua.edu>
Daphne, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:32 AM CDT
Good evening Cassidy! I'm sorry to hear you are such a "hot mama" tonight. Hopefully the rest of your cells and a little Motrin will help you feel better. We just got back from the beach today and Max found a sea shell for you! He will take it to Miss Shirley's tomorrow and leave it there until Cade can pick it up and bring it to you when you are feeling better. We love you! Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max
Suzie and Sean~ Our prayers are still coming your way. Give our love to Donna and let her know we are thinking of her and wishing her a speedy recovery. I know that it is such a relief to know that she is next door to the hospital now and you no longer have to ride the roads daily. Hopefully we can visit you guys soon. As always, we are here for anything big or little you need.

Shelia Colburn Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Monday, May 30, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Cassidy, just as note to say we are thinking about you. I know you are ready to get out of the hospital, so start talking to your little blood cells and tell them to go get all of their friends so you can go home! It might work???? Maybe Scarlett can come visit this week when you fever goes away. Take care.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Monday, May 30, 2005 8:09 PM CDT
Hello my sweet friend!
I talked to your mom earlier today and found out that you were sick and I wanted to let you know that I am very sorry about that. Maybe that will not slow down your process of going to the apartment soon. Hey--I loved your idea about your birthday party. Your birthday is now only DAYS away!!! I know the medicine is nasty and it is not easy to eat since you haven't done it in a while--but that is the key to getting the biggest and bestest birthday party ever!! Also remember what I told you about riding horses and riding on a hayride once you are completely well and at home in Tuscaloosa.
I miss you and Cade very much. You two mean more to me than I will ever be able to tell you. Your maw maw would be so very proud of both of you. Of course, you know that your maw maw and poppy are both in your hearts and are always with you.
I will talk to you soon.
Love all of you very much!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 2:35 PM CDT
Thanks for the update. I know ya'll are all trying to rest up where ever and whenever you can. I hope things are improving each day as it seems they are. Keep getting those white counts up to fight off the bad things. I hope many more smiles will be coming your way soon. Cassidy, just keep up the good work. Donna, work hard at the rehab. I know it's good to have both of them close by so Suzie and Sean aren't on the road as much. Our prayers are still out there. Everybody else just keep on praying.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 30, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Cassidy - Praise God for your good news!!!!!! I am so happy and relieved! You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers so much and I am so thankful for this answered prayer! I know lots of people have been praying for your healing and God provided good doctors who knew what to do to help you.

Suzie - I wanted to let you know that I went to the funeral on Thursday, not knowing that it had been rescheduled so your mom could attend. I showed up at Holy Spirit and it was quiet and I started investigating and found out that I was a day early. I was unable to attend on Friday because my brother was getting married in Mississippi and we had to leave early Friday morning. You and your family were in my thoughts all day and I am so sorry that I couldn't be there to show my support, but please know that I was with you in my thoughts. Again, praise God for Cassidy's good news and I wish your mom a speedy and complete recovery!


April Lovelace Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
Just want you all to know I can't wait to come visit at the apartment. Cassidy, tell mom and dad that me and Chasity can come visit you while they go out. So you and Chasity could have some special play time. My love and prayers are with you all daily!!!
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 1:33 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
We miss seeing you at church. My mom told me the great news about being cancer free. We can't wait to see you in Children's Church and Vacation Bible School. It hasn't been the same without you. Continue to get better. Love, Sage and Colby Smelley

Suzie--The service Friday was very special. Your dad was a wonderful man who will be greatly missed. Your family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. I hope your mom continues to improve. I hope we can come visit soon-Lots of love, Kim

Kim Smelley <kim.smelley.tps@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al Tuscaloosa - Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Hey Sean and Suzie!!!! This is an old friend of yours from when I went to UA...WAY back in the '80's. You probably remember me as "Jim Beam"! I have been talking to Chris Bailey and he has kept me up dated on your families trials and tribulations. I know that you all have been through a great deal. But, based on what I see on this web site and what I have heard from Chris, you are surrounded by an incredible amount of love and support. Please include me in the group of people that are praying for you and Cassidy. I found out about the GREAT news regarding Cassidy tonight so I thought I would send you my "Congratulations". I know that you have a number of tough situations that you all have faced but you are gaining strength from each adversity. I am now living down on the Gulf Coast...send me an email and I will give you my contact information. I look forward to hearing from you and "catching up".
Jim "Beam" Landis <bamalandis@bellsouth.net>
Daphne, AL - Friday, May 27, 2005 9:12 PM CDT
Sean & Suzie.. What wonderful news that Cassidy is cancer free and that you're mom is doing so much better Suzie. I'm so sorry about the loss of you're dad, I can't begin to imagine how hard this time has been for each of you but please know that I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers daily. Lots of Love..
Tammy Fikes Gibson <tgibson@nctv.com>
Aliceville, Al US - Friday, May 27, 2005 7:50 AM CDT
Dear Tierce family:
How elated I am to here the good news...cancer free!! All I can say is Thank you , Jesus!!! To God be the glory, great things He has done!!!
As for today, only God can get you through this very sad and difficult day. As your heart breaks and rejoices at the same time over good news and over the sad news of your
dad's death, I pray for the strength of our loving Lord to
carry you. Today there is only one set of footprints in the sand, because He is carrying you in
His arms. Take comfort in knowing that you can see your dad one day in heaven. How grateful we are that your mom is doing so much better. Today you will be surrounded by
those that love you and those that are praying for you.
All I know to tell you is that God's grace is sufficient
to meet every need (II Cor. 12:9) Cling to Him to get you
through this day and the days and years to follow. Only in
Him is there true comfort and peace and strength and grace. May His peace and comfort surround you in a special way today. Love, Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 7:37 AM CDT
Hey Sassy Cassy,
Sounds like you are doing great! Well guess who is coming to see you tomorrow! Me! ahahaha I know you can't wait! I have our arts and crafts packed and ready! I'm bringing Lacy my daughter with me! She can't wait to see you, she really likes doing crafts and I think she has found some of her movies to bring! So we will have a movie and crafts day tomorrow! Until then, Love ya Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:11 PM CDT
HI Cassidy-
Lets see... you wanted to know what our hamster(Hammy) eats?
Well... He eats fruit, carrots, oats and all kinds of silly things. He will eat anything that gets near his cage.We have to be careful or he will eat our clothes. He loves to eat chewy sweet sticks with nuts, berries and oats stuck to them. He is running down his slide right now. He is a wild man just like Cade! We would love to come play computer games and turtle with you. We can't wait- It will be so much fun!!
Hope you are feeling good today- it was great to talk to you. Give Mom a great Big Hug from us and tell her we will see her tomorrow. Love you bunches and bunches!!!
Lindsey & Aleigh

Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:27 PM CDT
PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE is so wonderful to us. CANCER FREE, whooooo hoooooo!!! I knew that Donna would be healed and touched by the hand of God. Still love you all and still praying bunches...Love, Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max
the other tierce gang <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
Good afternoon Cassidy!

I hope you're eating well today. You are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. Suzie, I'm still amazed at your strength! You have definately got some kind of testimony to share with others. Jesus is so good to us---even in times of loss and sickness. Keep your faith and keep sharing the good news.


Janesa Evans <evansjanesa@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL - Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
I couldn't hold back the tears when I read the good news. GOD is so good. I just want to run to work so I can give you a big hug. I'm glad you are eating some. Keep up the good work. I miss you and am ready to see you soon. Tell Mommy and Daddy I said hello. Love, Jasmine

Jasmine Hoggle <RaleyRN@msn.com>
Birmingham , AL - Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy and family. I was so happy to hear your good news. CANCER FREE, must have been a song to mom and dad's ears! I am also glad to hear your MeMaw is doing well. Glad you are eating, glad to hear the bike ride was a success, love your tee shirts. Glad God loves us and wants the best for us, glad He listens to our prayers, THANK YOU GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYER! Have a wonderful day, hope you get to come home soon.
Cherry Mattison <cmattiso@energen.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:29 AM CDT
Good Morning, Princess!
I had to check in as soon as I got up (and after I started the coffee, let the dog and cats out, and turned on the news and computer). More great news it seems! Prayers are being answered every day, and it looks like yours are being heard. There was a big conversation about you and your family last night in the middle of the Alabama baseball game (we lost and didn't finish until well after midnight. Yawn!). You're touching people's lives everywhere because of your strength and courage.

Eat that food! Get healthier every day! Help Me-Maw get ino rehab and to start the healing process for both of you and the whole family. We'll be back watching baseball again this afternoon (1:00, TV-CSS) but I know there'll be a point where the conversation turns to you and the family. The baseball game is really important to us who have kids playing, but when your name comes up, we know the important things in life can mean something entirely different. We're with you and praying for you EVERYWHERE.


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:28 AM CDT
Cassidy you and your family are in my prayers daily!
God Bless!

Tara Howell <thowell205@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:28 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
What wonderful news!!!!!! As a friend of mine says, "God just showed up and showed out!" Miracles are happening each and every day. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes just a little bit wider to see them!!! God bless each of you and all of you are in our prayers.
Angela and Fred Green

Angela and Fred Green <nonnabellangel@aol.com>
Cave Spring, GA USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
What wonderful news!!!!!! As a friend of mine says, "God just showed up and showed out!" Miracles are happening each and every day. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes just a little bit wider to see them!!! God bless each of you and all of you are in our prayers.
Angela and Fred Green

Angela and Fred Green <nonnabellangel@aol.com>
Cave Spring, GA USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:26 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
What wonderful news!!!!!! As a friend of mine says, "God just showed up and showed out!" Miracles are happening each and every day. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes just a little bit wider to see them!!! God bless each of you and all of you are in our prayers.
Angela and Fred Green

Angela and Fred Green <nonnabellangel@aol.com>
Cave Spring, GA USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:26 PM CDT
Praise be to God!!!! I am so happy for you all. I want you all to know I love you so much!!! I'm Here if you need me any time day or night. Love, Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:04 PM CDT
Suzie & Family,
PRAISE THE LORD! I am so thankful that He has answered our prayers. Just goes to prove that miracles happen every day. We will see you soon and will continue to pray daily.

The Lewis Family (Stan, Melena & Girls)

Melena Lewis <lewissc@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:51 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy! My mom told me the great news and I cannot wait until you can come to my house to play!!!Aunt Bev had pictures of you the other day and you looked so pretty! I miss you and can't wait to see you. Also, I am glad to hear about your me-maw getting better; I have been praying for her too! I love you! Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:48 PM CDT
I am so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!I had tears in my eyes just reading the entry from yesterday. God is so good, although he can give us some challenges in which we just have to believe in him and know that he knows best. I am just so happy that I want to tell everyone I know that Cassidy is better and Donna is on her way to recovery. Suzie- you have always been so special to me and I have always looked up to you since I was a little girl; only now moreso!!!Keep hanging in there because my mom and our entire family are always thinking of you and your family, and praying for you many times a day..We love you and are so very thankful for all the blessings that God has given you today!!!!
Candace Seale Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:44 PM CDT
Cassidy, Just wanted you to know that our family, Lacey, Kylie, Jesee, Baylee, Ron and Stacy Barton have been praying for you and your family. Baylee my 6 year old just says thank you every night at bedtime to Jesus for healing cassidys head and body. She did not ask she said thank you to show that she believed He would. Rodney Johnson told me the wonderful news today. You are a beautiful little girl and we are all so happy to know that you are feeling better. Baylee will be very excited and Lacey, Kylie, Jess will also be thrilled! Tell your Mommy that we will continue to keep her and your family in our prayers...
Stacy Barton <sbarton@rfms.com>
Coker, Al USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
VANCE, AL 35490 - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 3:00 PM CDT
Yea! My mommy just told me the good news! You are cancer free! I am thinking about you and your family today.
Alice Beasley

Karrie Beasley <kbeasley@alberta.tusc.k12.al.us>
Tuscaloosa, Al United States - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:46 PM CDT
Yea! My mommy just told me the good news! You are cancer free! I am thinking about you and your family today.
Alice Beasley

Karrie Beasley <kbeasley@alberta.tusc.k12.al.us>
Tuscaloosa, Al United States - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:46 PM CDT
I pray for you and your family everyday. I am so proud that Cassidy's counts are up and your Mom is doing better. I cannot imagine walking in your shoes. I pray that when everything settles, you can look back and truly see how the hand of God has been on you and your family--that it never becomes faded and that you will always give all the praise to JESUS. I see your strength in every line you write. You know that in Phillipians 4:13, the Bible says that "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME." I believe that with all of my heart and I know that you do too.

He's got a plan for you, Cassidy, Sean, and Cade. Just as HE does for all of us. The important thing is that we always look to HIM for everything--he will provide the strength to go on. Keep looking up--Jesus has all the answers for any questions that you have.

Love you and are praying for you,
Janesa Evans

Janesa Evans <Evansjanesa@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:27 AM CDT
Yeah Baby! Now that's great news on all fronts. Keep praying and keep working hard to get the rest of the way there. Cassidy, you keep getting stronger every day and keep getting the old white counts where they need to be. Donna, you just get to the point where you can get out of the hospital completely and get well. Our prayers are with you both. Suzie and Sean, you both keep up the good work you've been doing through all this stress and uncertainty and start to enjoy things a little more each day. We're all behind you all.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
Suzie, Sean, Cassidy, and Cade,
I am so happy to hear the fabulous news! Cassidy you are such a doll and your strength amazes me! I know that the past couple of weeks have been more difficult than almost anyone could imagine but you all have been so strong and this news about Cassidy as well as Donna is a much deserved blessing! I miss ya'll but will see you soon!

Megan Waldrop <waldropua@aol.com>
- Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:06 AM CDT

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Thank You Jesus!!! You all have a new angel up above and look what is happening.
Suzie, you keep that positive attitude and continue having the faith that you do. You are such a phenomenal lady!!
My prayers are with ya'll all through the day. Tell Donna it is taking alot of people to do what she normally does alone. But everyone is so glad to step in and help.
Love ya'll, Beverly

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:11 AM CDT
Cassidy: So very happy to hear the good news that you are CANCER FREE. Anyone who does not believe in God needs to hear your story. I am confident all the prayers that went up to heaven for you have been answered!!! I was also very glad that your Memaw is better. Suzie: would you be willing to post Donna Kay's room number and address at the hospital on this web site? I would like to send her a card. We will still continue to keep all of your family in our prayers. Your cousins from Ohio
John & Carole Hoffman <choffman@coshocton.com>
- Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
YEAAAAAAA! Great news. Thank God for all the wonderful news. I can't wait to see all of you tomorrow. I will be there around lunchtime!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
I'm so excited that you are doing so much better! I'll be Weasel was barking & dancing all over the place when she heard you were doing so good! I hope you have a good day. I miss you.

Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
Prattville, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy. I hope you didn't keep your Mom up all night since you tried to sleep all day! But with magic milk,I would probably have done that too! However, just a reminder, in case the hospital has made you forget: daytime is the time for being awake and night is for sleeping! You're not an owl. (Suzie, I told her that for you!) I enjoyed the visit yesterday and was glad my daughter got to come with me. She enjoyed making a salt jar! And I got her home just in time to see American Idol. I am so happy for all the good news. I thought about all of you much of the night. Hope that today is a really good one. Love, Cindy Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Wonderful, Wonderful news. We are praying for you! Love you Lots, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:02 AM CDT
I've got chill bumps reading your journal entry today!!! What great news! I'm so happy for Cassidy and Donna and for your entire family.
Much Love,
Nikki Perez

Nikki Neighbors Perez <prez47@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Praise the Lord! What wonderful news about Cassidy and Donna! I will continue to pray for all of you. You have a wonderful attitude, Suzie, and I can see that God is working in all of your lives. I was just at Body Works yesterday evening, and it looks like the t-shirts are just about sold out! That is even more good news. I am so thankful for ALL the good news, and I will (along with all my Prayer Warrior friends throughout the US) continue to pray for all of you during this time. Much Love to all of you, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
That is so exicting to hear! I am so glad your grandmother is moved out of ICU. You and your family continue to be in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Oh Cassidy, I'm so excited about all the good news!!! Praise the Lord that you are now cancer FREE!!!! You have been so strong through all of this, you are such an inspiration to everyone and an example of what God can do! I also thank God for the wonderful recovery that your Me-Maw is making. That is truly a blessing too.
We love you all!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, It's after midnight here, but Katie and I are still up playing on the computer. I just read your good news. I'm so happy for you. You keep those counts up. Susie, I'm so glad to hear your Mom is doing better. Give her our love. I really admire the strength and courage of you and all of your family during htis time. We'll keep God busy with the prayers. Linda
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH 44094 - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:34 PM CDT
Suzie, Sean and Cassidy ~ I am so happy to hear all of your good reports today. I can't think of anyone who needed to hear some good news more than you. You and your mom will always be in my prayers and thoughts.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
Hey Catface,
I hope today has brought your counts up some more. Everyone I know is praying for you and your granny to get well. I know Weasel is still looking for you to show up at the door. It sounds like she had a good time at the bike ride Saturday. It was cool what everybody did to show they care about you and love you-even some who have never met you in person. That's real cool. See what God can do and what can happen when people care about other people! Can't get much cooler than that Catsidy. You are amazing for drawing all these people together because of your courage. You're made of tough stuff girl, so keep up the good work. We're counting on you to walk out smiling soon. We all love you.


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy! You are such a brave little girl!!! I heard about you and your family through my son, Jeff. He lives in Tuscaloosa, and knows your family. I live in Cave Spring, GA. My church family at Friendship Baptist (Cedartown,GA) is praying for you and your family. I teach at Vineyard Harvester Christian Academy in Cedartown, and all of the faculty, staff, and children are praying for you too. I am very excited that I will be getting one of your t-shirts this weekend. Jeff said that the t-shirts are really cute! I send my love and my prayers to you and your family! Get well soon and have a very blessed day! Love, Angela Green
Angela Green <nonnabellangel@aol.com>
Cave Spring, GA USA - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:06 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,I am so glad to hear that your counts are on the rise, that makes me so happy. And, I am so glad that Me-maw is doing better, that is great. I know you can't wait to see her and I know she can't wait to see you. Cole and Chad got to play with Cade a little bit yesterday, and they had so much fun, they can't wait for you to come and play too. We miss you, and hope you are having a good day today. Love ya Lots!!!! Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:47 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
I love the t-shirt that you made. My mommy bought me and my brother one. I think you are sooooo brave and beautiful. My mommy knows your mommy and daddy and my Aunt Cindy is your Kindergarten teacher. I know she is a good one because she likes telling people what to do! I pray for you and your family every night. Love, Alice Beasley

Karrie Beasley <kbeasley@alberta.tusc.k12.al.us>
Tuscaloosa, Al United States - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:28 PM CDT
I hope you are feeling better today. I rode my motorcycle in your ride Saturday. It was so fun. I had a picture of you holding Weasel taped to my windshield. I also got to hold Weasel, she is so sweet, she gave me a kiss and I kissed her back and told her it was from you. I know you can't wait to get out of the hospital and play with Weasel. You may remember me I came to your house one time and worked on computer. Get well soon and may God bless you. Bill Cargile

Bill Cargile <bcargile@coe.eng.ua.edu>
Gordo, Al usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy... Weasel was so excited last when I told her that you had called her. This morning while I was getting dressed I kept hearing a bird "screaming". I looked out the window and I couldn't see anything. I kept hearing it. Luci was in there with me and I asked her where Weasel was? I went to look on the screen porch (I leave the door that goes onto the porch opened in the mornings so the "babies" can go on the porch while I get dressed.) A pretty red bird had gotten in the porch and Weasel had been chasing it. The bird was hanging upside down on the screen and Weasel was up in a chair right under the bird trying to get it. I put Weasel in the house and shut the door so I could open the screen door and let the bird fly away. It did--thank goodness. I tell you - that Weasel is a mess!
You sure was a sweet girl to make your Mee-maw a picture. She needs to have her room just like yours with all the pictures and cards. I think I will send her a card telling her to get well soon.
Tell your Mom and Dad that Cade is fine. Papa T went and got his tractor, lawn mower and another little riding toy. And he sures stays busy. I go up in the afternoons to play with him. I am going to take him a little swimming pool up there so he can play in it and get wet. He has been wearing the Cassidy t-shirts and that is all he wants to wear.
You keep up the good work and it won't be long and you will be out of that hospital and Cade and Weasel had better watch out.
Love you bunches... I thank Jesus for you everyday!!
Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:15 AM CDT
Hello Miss Cassidy I hope that you are feeling good today.I think about you and your family all the time. I hope that the days ahead get brighter and brighter.Everyone sends there love.
Love Aunt Mandy

Mandy <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL u.s - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 9:18 AM CDT
Hello Miss Sassy!!
It was great talking to you on the phone last night. You sure were keeping your dad busy--that is good for him!! He told me that you two colored and drew pictures all day long. Save something for us to do on Thursday when I get there. I am looking forward to being there with you again.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:46 AM CDT
Cassidy, you are a very special little girl and I am praying for you and your family.
Jimel Amerson, RN (SCTU) <jimel.amerson@chsys.org>
Birmingham, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Hi Cass! I am so glad your counts are coming back up. I'll keep praying for you to get better and better and better! Weasel is ready to see his mommy!! I'm so proud of you for being such a brave and tough girl. By the way, I saw you on TV!!! You were gorgeous! (of course!!) I love you and miss you. Tell your mommy and daddy I love them and I'm praying for them, and if they need ANYTHING at all, let me know. See you soon.
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
Clinic 8 , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
We are so glad that you are doing better and that your numbers are up. We are also glad that your grandmother is awake. We love your t-shirts!! I took some to my school (Brookwood Elementary) and sold several. Everyone was so excited to get one. They loved the picture you drew. Please tell your Mom and Dad that we are praying for all of you. We can't wait for you to be well and be back at church. We miss you!!
Love, Mrs. Donna and Mr. David

Donna Krepp <DDKrepp@cs.com>
Tuscaloosa , Al USA - Monday, May 23, 2005 6:48 PM CDT
Cassidy, You don't know me, but I am a friend of your parents. I worked for your mom before you were even born!! I think about you and your family a lot. I'm glad ya'll have had some good news about your Me-Maw. I will keep you and all of your family in my prayers. Your picture with Cade that ya'll sent at Christmas is on my refrigerator. You are such a beautiful girl and you have a very handsome brother. Please tell your parents I said hello and give weasel a kiss for me. Ask your mom about my weenie dog, tyson; she babysat him for me when he was a puppy. I send all of my love and prayers!
Maria Willis Bledsoe <mariawillis@mindspring.com>
Valley, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Mommy, I just have got to let you know about Saturday. First of all, I was a sexy baby!! I wore a hot pink boa around my neck. I wanted to make sure everybody saw me (I think they did). I got to see and lick all over Cade. That was yummy. He was so cute. He wore one of the shirt you drew on and on the back it said "Cassidy's Brother".
I posed for the camera and saw alot of motorcycles. They were real loud too. That kinda scared me. They wanted to take my picture sitting on one of the motorcycles, but I didn't like that, so I jumped off. I was afraid it may take off and I didn't want to ride on that thing. But I did ride in Papa T's little red car with him and Aunt Seazon. His car didn't have a top on it and my ears almost blew off.
Aunt Seazon held me real good and one time she put me in the floor next to her feet. She thought I was going to take a nap...but I fooled her.
There were lots and lots of people there. They said they were there for YOU! You sure do have alot of friends. I saw Regan,Kamron, Noland, Hamner, Luke and Luke's brother. I gave all of them some sug-sug, and Regan was suppose to bring one to you from me. Did she?
I am sorry that you couldn't be there. I think we should have another one when you get out of the hospital. Would you like that? I will wear my pink boa again--just for you.
I was so tired that when I got in my kennel I passed out.
Thank you so much for letting me go....I LOVE YOU!

- Monday, May 23, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, Well the kids all went home today for the last time and I am tired. I have been vacuuming, moving furniture and packing things up for this year. I called you yesterday but you were crying and sick and Linda said you weren't up to talking. I hope you feel better now. Maybe now I can come up and visit you some more since school is out. Did you get our letters in the colored envelopes? There were five of them with several letters in each one. I will still be checking my e-mail from home so you can write when you want. The kids each made a book last week and I told them it could be about anything they wanted. Guess what? Many of them made books about you! By the way, I think you and I will just have to try kindergarten again since it didn't work out exactly the way we expected for this year. How does that sound? Let me know what you think about that. Since we won't be at school, the class won't be writing again, but I will. I miss your smile! Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, May 23, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy,
You don't know me, but I just had to write to you. A very good friend sent me your site. Love the pictures. I'm am trying to locate a place to purchase one of your shirt's. And when I do, I'll be honored to wear it. From the looks of all the emails, letter's, card's and gifts you have received, you are truely loved by a lot of people, from near and far. Well, I have to go now. I will locate one of your shirts and tell all my friends about your site. You take care little one. And yes, you are a gift from God.

Carol Buchanan
McCalla, AL Tuscaloosa - Monday, May 23, 2005 12:32 AM CDT
Hey folks,
This sounds a lot better than or phone chat on Friday. I'm glad your mom is responding a little more and that the counts on the Sassy one have risen a little. Not all miracles come is huge wallops. Small, little ones are sometimes great signs. Keep on praying and things get better.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Hey beautiful! I am so happy to hear the good news about you and Me-maw!!!We have been praying for you many times a day and as hard as it may be right now, Jesus is always watching over you and your family and will soon make things lots better!!!! We love you!! Robby, Candace, Skylar, and Tate......Suzie---I am so sorry for your loss and my mom and I think of you all the time. Please know that we love you, you are in our prayers daily, and we are hoping that Donna makes a full recovery. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Love, Candace
Candace Seale Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:56 AM CDT
VANCE, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Hello guys!!
This is the answer to all our prayers. Cassidy is doing better and Donna is awake!!!! Sean/Suzie--just to let you know, Glenda and I will be there Thursday around lunch. If you don't have other plans, John can stay with Cassidy that morning until we get there and Glenda and I can stay as long as needed on Thursday. I will even spend the night with her on Thursday if you want me to because you all will be so tired and will need some kind of rest. Maybe you (Sean and Suzie) can just spend the night at the apartment. I will talk to you tonight.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda
Love you lots,

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, May 23, 2005 9:17 AM CDT
Thank you God for listening and answering our prayers for Cassidy and Donna! I'm so glad that things are looking better, but I know you have some hard days ahead. I know God will give you and your family the strength to get through this. We love you all very much and you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
It is such an answer to prayer to hear the good news about your Mom, Suzie. You all continue to be in my prayers. I love you and miss you Cassidy!

Jodi Carlee (4 Tower Nurse) <jodellie@juno.com>
Birmingham, AL - Monday, May 23, 2005 8:10 AM CDT
Good morning Sean, Suzie, Cade and Miss Cassie!!
I am looking forward to getting the update from what happened yesterday. I called Cassidy yesterday afternoon and talked to Linda and she told me the news about Donna. I am hoping and praying that she is getting better.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, May 23, 2005 7:18 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,

I'm a friend of your Aunt Belinda and Uncle Lee. They are great people and I loving working at the school with your uncle. I have followed your story for a while and wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I know that miracles do happen and you may just be one of them. Take care!

Nancy Rawls <ngbrawls@bellsouth.net>
Ridgeland, MS - Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:37 PM CDT
Hello to all of you
I came to work today to try and catch for the days I missed last week and just decided that I needed to let you know that I am thinking of all of you today. This day will certainly be awful. Making decisions about your dad Suzie will be dreadful but something that you just have got to do. I will check in later tonight or tomorrow to hear what the plans are. As you know, Vickie is out of town but Glenda and I can be there Thursday morning by about 11:00 AM and can stay at the hospital with Cassidy for as long as you need us there. On Friday, we can stay with her in the morning until about 2:00ish and then after that, we will talk about the rest of the weekend. Hang in there--God is there for you even though it is hard to see Him through the pain and fog.
I love all of you with all my heart!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Sunday, May 22, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Hello Tierce family,
I'm so excited that the fund raiser did well. Micaela and Max were proud to say that they were helping Cassidy by letting them "borrow some of daddy's potties so Cade could go tee tee". Yesterday, there was a little girl and her mom sitting on the side of the road selling lemonade. the sign said "to help Cassidy". I got choked up..I know that you and Sean are feeling the touch of the Lord right now.
Everybody that finds out about Cassidy wants to help, down to 25 cent Lemonade cups. we love you guys, shelia

shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:06 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
I went to Body Works to get Zac & Emily one of your shirts, and they were completely sold out of youth shirts. I think it is wonderful that your shirts are so popular. I will check back on Monday to see if any more have arrived. I met your Aunt Bev and we had a wonderful talk about Weasel. Weasel is so precious! In fact, your whole family is PRECIOUS! Thank you for keeping us all updated on this website.

Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL USA - Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:58 AM CDT
I want you to know that I think of you daily. You are a rock and I am so proud of your courage. I hear the bike ride was a great success! Donna and Andy Banks were so excited about participating, she told me Thursday how much they were looking forward to going.
My heart weeps at the loss of your Dad and Donna's injuries. I communicate with D and Mimi on the updates. We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Karen Moss <wmoss@centurytel.net>
Gordo, Al USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
Suzie and Sean, I just got back from camping in the mountians,but I got the call about the wreck and I will have to say it was right up there with the day I got the call about my brother and his wife murder. The more Kenny said the worst it got, I can't begin to tell you how I feel, I can only say I know, from everything from telling a 5 year old and having a little boy involved. You are numb right now(Gods way of getting you thru this). There will be so much later you don't remember, you will read these E-mails for years to come. You both know I don't work and I am only a call away I can go to Birmingham,Huntsville or your house or mine with Cade. It would help me to do SOMETHING for you. Please have them call me at Body Works if they need help. I'll sign off now I want to see Sean and Cade at the ride.
I want to come see you but I have always felt like you may already be over come with all the family and friends. I think back now to Brian and Mom and I know it's never to much. I will see ya'll soon. I'm glad to hear about Donna's progress. You know she is the ROCK of your family and she will fight to get well, I cry for the pain she will face with out her Jim(what a sweetheart)this world will miss him. Suzie he is with you right now and trying to help you thru, you may not be able to feel him thru the pain now, but he will let you know he is with you and Donna and everyone else. My Mom did and I feel her around me all the time. It's great not sad. Love to all

Patti Flowers and Family <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:03 AM CDT
What great news about Donna! Every little step is closer to finishing the marathon..We love you all and as always are in our prayers. Love, Shelia
shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Saturday, May 21, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Cassidy and Family, We are friends of Scarlett's in Birmingham. I saw your story on the news and we just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and your family.
Stacy, Greg, Gray and Davis Bryant

Stacy Bryant <sgb@charter.net>
Vestavia, AL Jefferson - Saturday, May 21, 2005 8:43 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, My wife Sherry and I just heard about you from some friends who are having a motorcycle ride for you on Saturday. We hope you are feeling okay and want you to know we are thinking about you. Even though we live in Georgia, two of our grandchildren were born in Birmingham, so we know exactly where you are. I hope your medicine doesn't make you feel bad. Even if it does, you will feel better in the long run. Well, we better go now. Get well soon. We love you.
John and Sherry Calloway <jcalloway@bellsouth.net>
Griffin, Georgia USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 7:29 PM CDT
Cassidy: OOPS I don't know what just happened, but my notes to you went in twice--sorry...or you can read it twice!!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Hello Miss Cass (and Suzie, Sean and Cade)
I miss you so very much and can't wait to see you again. I told your dad that I would be back Thursday and am looking forward to staying with you and hoping that we can play again. Aunt Vickie told me that your mom said you were wondering where she and I were today. You will probably have already seen Aunt Vickie before you read this, but I had to go back home to Mississippi. I thought about you all the way home and all the wonderful things that we did together. I had a lot of fun with Cade too. He is such an adoreable and funny child. Remind me to tell you some funny stories about him next time.
Suzie and Sean: I know that the two of you are just about to collapse and my heart aches so much for you. No matter what I am doing, I still have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for your hurt. Suzie--words can't tell you how bad I feel. Your dad was one of the most wonderful men I have ever met. I remember when he came when Brenda had her accident and he just took your children as if they were his own. That will be a wonderful memory--that he was such a terrific man. The thing that I always remind myself is that we WILL one day see them again. In my heart, I know that Donna is going to be ok. It may take her a while to get ok--but I believe it is going to happen.
I really wish I lived closer so that I could do more to help you all. You have loads and loads of friends and relatives who love and care for you--they will be there for you so tap into them and let them help out.
Ok...I could go on and on but I won't. I will be calling to check on you but will definitely be there Thursday morning.
Love all of you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 1:50 PM CDT
Hello Miss Cass (and Suzie, Sean and Cade)
I miss you so very much and can't wait to see you again. I told your dad that I would be back Thursday and am looking forward to staying with you and hoping that we can play again. Aunt Vickie told me that your mom said you were wondering where she and I were. You will probably have already seen Aunt Vickie before you read this, but I had to go back home to Mississippi. I thought about you all the way home and all the wonderful things that we did together. I had a lot of fun with Cade too. He is such an adoreable and funny child. Remind me to tell you some funny stories about him next time.
Suzie and Sean: I know that the two of you are just about to collapse and my heart aches so much for you. No matter what I am doing, I still have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for your hurt. Suzie--words can't tell you how bad I feel. Your dad was one of the most wonderful men I have ever met. I remember when he came when Brenda had her accident and he just took your children as if they were his own. That will be a wonderful memory--that he was such a terrific man. In my heart, I know that Donna is going to be ok. It may take her a while to get ok--but I believe it is going to happen.
I really wish I lived closer so that I could do more to help you all. You have loads and loads of friends and relatives who love and care for you--they will be there for you so tap into them and let them help out.
Ok...I could go on and on but I won't. I will be calling to check on you but will definitely be there Thursday morning.
Love all of you lots!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Hey Sean, Suzie, Cassidy, and Cade - I have met you all a couple of times, but I am good friends with Kelli Fendley, and have been keeping up with Cassidy's progess through her. I saw you on the news last night, and Cassidy .. you looked great! You all are in my prayers! God Bless - Addie
Scott and Addie Yarbrough <asyarbro@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, May 20, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
Sean, Susie, Cassidy, and Cade:
You guys are in our prayers daily. Cade is more than welcome to stay with us if you need help with him. We love you all.

Dana, Hannah, and Nathan Dunn <Chrisdanadunn@aol.com>
Northport, AL USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 1:00 PM CDT
Good morning Mommy.. I am a little tired this morning because I stayed up a little too late last night. Luci and me were playing and I heard your voice. I looked around for you and finally I saw you....on TV!! I got so excited... I jumped up to reach the TV so I could give you a big ole lick, but it didn't taste as good as when I get to really lick your face. You looked so gooood! Excuse me a minute mommy....okay I am back--I got so excited thinking about seeing you last night that I almost tee-teed on myself and the floor ( I didn't want to get a spanking, so I went outside). You looked like you were ready to get out of that place...you don't look sick at all, so hurry home so we can play. I saw all of your animals behind you. I am glad you have some there to play with. And I also saw my picture.
Ooooh...we are movie stars!!
Oh yeah, do you have some money that I can borrow? When I jumped up to lick you on TV, I knocked something of Aunt Bev's off and broke it. Doesn't that mean that I need to buy her another one? If so, I don't have very much money, so I was hoping that you could help me out. I am sorry!
Remember....I LOVE you and you are so beautiful!!

- Friday, May 20, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Cassidy, My husband saw you and your family on TV last night and was so impressed with your story and smile that we called the TV station to see how we could get in touch with you. I talked with the reporter that told your story, and she gave me your web site. I have been reading all about your adventures, and want to tell you we love you and would really like to meet you. I will be sending you an email soon.

Bobbi and Wayne Smith <bobbimc35503@bellsouth.net>
Jasper, AL USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
We watched you and your family on T V last night and it was wonderful to see you although parts were sad. All of you did a good job and know that we are thinking of you. Molly is some better but still sick and just doesn't feel her old self.
Love and prayers,
Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Friday, May 20, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, I'm really glad I watched TV last night, because I got to see you! You looked so beautiful and strong on TV. You and Mommy and Daddy all did a great job talking to the reporters. The article about you in the Tuscaloosa News was also wonderful. Just think, someone else who is sad or in the hospital might read about your family and realize that God can give them strength, too. Did you know that God gives us as much of his strength as we need so that we don't have to handle things all on our own? I'm glad, because he is much stronger than we are! You are an inspiration to us all. Please know that everyone at Taylorville Baptist is praying for you and your family daily. In fact, I think everyone in Tuscaloosa is praying for you! Love, Miss Leigh Anne
Leigh Anne Darnell <leigh@fbctuscaloosa.org>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
Dear Sean and Susie, You don't know me but I have been praying for you for quite a while now. I have been friends with your Aunt Vicky for many years and heard about Cassidy right after she was diagnosed. My daughter is also one of the nurses on Cassidy's unit. Know that you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily as you go through this difficult time with the accident as well as the illness of Cassidy. Please know you are on many, many prayer chains here in B'ham. Cassidy is a beautiful child, who seems to be quite the trouper.
Jennifer Carson <jimjencarson@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
Hello, Miss Cassidy you do not know me but you do know my little girl Katelan Petty She is in your class!our hearts go out to you and your family sweet angel, I hope things will get better for you. Katelan talks about you all the time she loves you so much, she is so happy to have a strong and sweet friend like you. Sweetheart keep your head up and be strong. Katelan has been wanting to come see you she says she misses you so much.Heart felt wishes go out to you.May the lord be with you and your family in this trying time.Lots of love for you expecially from Katelan
our hearts and prayers are with you,
The Petty Family

Adrianne <hotangelbunny27@bellsouth.net>
Northport, Al - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
Hello Movie Star! I just watched you on TV and you looked beautiful. Your mom and dad didn't look too bad either. I sure hope Aunt Bev let Weasel stay up past her bedtime to watch you. If she didn't, Rodney taped for you and Jennifer is bringing it tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow too! Landon wants me to get your autograph. He and Luke were so excited to see you on TV. Landon is coming to see you soon. I promise!!! We love our T-shirts. Everyone wants one. Landon is wearing his to school tomorrow. Sleep tight and I'll see you later.We love you!
Sherri, Rod, Landon & Luke

Sherri Lunceford <Sherrirtt@cs.com>
Northport, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
My dear Sean and Susie. We are so sorry about your recent tragedies. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and knowing that so many people care and love you will make each day a little easier. Give the kiddos our love. If there is anything we can do please call John. Love to you and all the family. Shirly, JT and John
Shirly Elmore <chutme2001@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL US - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Well, Princes Catsidy! I just saw your face and story on NBC 13 News at 10:00. That's great. Your hair is shorter than mine again. I guess we'll just have to see about that. I do hope you're feeling better. I know there are a lot of sad things right now but lots of people love you and your family. I think the story in the T-News today and the NBC 13 report tonight will win you more love and prayers for all of you to get this past you. Then we'll just have to start on some of your other friends up there. Thanks for being an inspiration for all of us out here who think you're the best.


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:29 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy! I was just reading your journal entries--Scarlett is a good friend of ours and I got your web address from her caringbridge site. As I'm reading, NBC 13 news comes on with a story about you and your family! You looked very pretty on the news! I hope that you and your family are doing well. We'll keep you all in our prayers. Keep LIVING STRONG Cassidy!
Laure Christie <laurec@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Hey Miss Priss, I came by last night and you were already asleep. Dad said they had given you some medicine because you had been sick and it was that kind that makes you sleepy. I got me some sug-sug anyway. And Aunt Seazon sure was tickled when she saw you had on the little strawberry shortcake outfit she gave you. Oooh, you looked so prissy.
What about that picture of Weasel? Wasn't she just gorgeous? She looks alot bigger in that picture than she really is. I zoomed in so I could get a close up picture. So don't worry---she isn't much bigger than she was the last time you saw her.
She is wanting to go to the "Ride" on Saturday. Do you think I should take her? I know she would love it. I thought since you are her mommy that you need to let me know if you want her to go or not. I thought if she goes I would go and buy her a cute little necklace to wear around her neck, (probably pink) so everyone will know she is a girl. And she could ride in Papa T's little red car with him and Seazon. What do you think? Kara is suppose to be there taping it so maybe she could tape Weasel and you could watch her. That would be a funny cartoon!!
Just remember I love you, Luci loves you, Weasel LOVES you and Jesus loves you.
Aunt Bev

Bevrely Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I wanted to let you know that I went yesterday and picked up 10 shirts for the ladies at Pritchett-Moore which is right down the road from Body Works and I bought 1 for myself but had to order it because I wanted a purple one. I loved the picture you drew. Take your medicine and eat a little bit to get those counts up so you can go to the apartment soon. We miss you and your family at Church and we all can't wait to see you! I hope everyone has a wonderful time at the ride Saturday. Tell Sean & Suzie I said "Hello" and that I am praying for God to give them strength during this difficult time and I love them.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:05 PM CDT
Suzie, Sean, Cassidy & Cade,

Just wanted to take a minute to say hi and I miss ya'll so much. Cassidy I'm so happy to hear that you are doing better. I'm thinking about you and praying that you get out of the hospital very soon. I also wanted to tell ya'll that I'm so very very sorry about Jim and am praying for Donna constantly. I've been calling Bodyworks constantly and checking for updates. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for ya'll. I cannot imagine the strength it must take to go through all of this at once but ya'll are absolutely amazing. I love ya'll!

Megan <waldropua@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:52 PM CDT

I love the t-shirt. I just bought one at Body Works (it's yellow) and took a friend along to get one too. He got his for his little girl up in Fayette (hers is Crimson Tide red). I bet We could sell some at my place too!

I'm glad to see that Weasel is at it again on the computer. Is she getting to go on the ride Saturday? I can't go because I'll be out of town. I'd love to see Weasel's ears flapping in the breeze.

Get well and come give me a hard time. I have a squirt gun camera here for you. People will think you're taking their picture and "S-Q-U-I-R-T". I bet your dad would fall for it.

I love you. Oh yeah. I liked the newspaper article.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
The picture that you drew for the t-shirts is great! I teach at Maxwell Elementary and have sold lots at school. It is a great hit. My girls, Caroline and Sarah, got some of the first shirts that were made. They were very excited! Tell your mom and dad hi for me and we are thinking of you and your family always!
Love, Melena Lewis

Melena Lewis <lewissc@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:52 AM CDT
The picture that you drew for the t-shirts is great! I teach at Maxwell Elementary and have sold lots at school. It is a great hit. My girls, Caroline and Sarah, got some of the first shirts that were made. They were very excited! Tell your mom and dad hi for me and we are thinking of you and your family always!
Love, Melena Lewis

Melena Lewis <lewissc@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:52 AM CDT
Susie and Sean and family:
My heart aches for you. How difficult to loose someone you
love...no words can comfort you.... I am so sorry that I am not able to help out at this time. When school is out, I will come when you need me. I am thankful Vicki and Belinda could come quickly. These girls know how to take
care of children. Please know that you are in my prayers.
Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:03 AM CDT
Good morning Mommy... I hope you liked your picutre of me.
They had a hard job getting me to be still long enough to snap that camera. I hoped that maybe you would keep it right there next to you and you could think of me all day long.
Aunt Bev said you told her that you were going to wear the green outfit I gave you for Mommy's Day to the apartment when you get to go. I know you will look beautiful. I already have the pink polish for my toes. Just let me know when I need to get them painted.
I love you and miss you. WEASEL

- Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
Sean and Suzie,
You and your family are constantly in our prayers as well as our church families'. I know that Donna will have a full recovery..I feel that God will answer our prayers. If you guys need anything at all I am just a phone call away at any moment at any hour. Cell# 394-0936 Hm: 344-4393 wk: 333-4566. I can keep Cade at anytime, he knows me well and loves to play with Max. I will always be here for you guys. It is my personal mission now to market Cassidy's t-shirts. I am in the process of getting special permission to wear it to work. In the ED, I come in contact with hundreds of people weekly and will get the message out in any other way I can. I now feel like I can do something active to help Cassidy. We love you all very much!
the other tierce gang

shelia tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, We just saw your picture and the article in the Tuscaloosa News. The class thought that your hair had already grown out long again! I told them that this picture was of you last summer but that your hair would get long and beautiful again when you get completely well! I read them most of the article and I cried a little bit and told them that sometimes even grownups cry when things make them feel sad. Some of them cried a little bit too. We talked about feeling sad about your Poppy or someone you love. We are going to write letters to you again this morning. The kids are getting really good at writing well. Matthew says we know you can fight this and we hope your grandma gets better too. You're a sweet and special friend to all of us. We love you, Mrs. Fulmer's class Austin says to say we all miss you!
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling
well and may get to come home soon! We are now the proud owners of "Cassidy original" T-shirts. I love your artwork..you did awesome! My shirt is red, Micaela's is purple, and Max's is blue! I have told a lot of people about them and have sent them to your mom and dad's store to buy one, so you better make sure that you have plenty in stock! We(as always) are praying for you and your grandma. We love you so much! Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max

st <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
Just want you know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Anything you need, let me know.

Much love,
J.T., Shirly, and John

John Elmore <john.t.elmore@us.army.mil>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
Sean, Susie, Cassidy, & Cade: I just learned yesterday about the horrible carwreck. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful Dad. I am praying for your Mom and your family. You have been so strong through so many ups and downs. May the Lord lift you up during these trying times and bless you all. Love, Barbara
Bruce & Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:22 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
Sorry I have not emailed you in the past few days, I guess you can say that I have been a slacker!!!! I did call and talked to Aunt Belinda Tuesday night! I am sure that she told you that I called. Well we are getting ready for school to be out, we have a full day today, half a day on Friday and then a half a day on Monday! Also I want you to know that I am sorry for you and your family's loss!Oh, two more tidbits, Coach Jones and I have the blue whistle that you wanted, and with some help here at the school I sold 117 shirts of yours! Isn't that great!! :) Well I want you to know that we love you and we hope that you and grandmother get better soon! Love ya, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:40 AM CDT
Sean, Thank you for your updates. Those of us who ae so far away really appreciate them. You'e doing a good job. Please let Susie, Mike and family know they are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We hope that very soon your updates will be full of good news about Donna and Cassidy. God Bless all of you. - Linda and Steve
Linda and Steve

Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 11:37 PM CDT
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you, and if you need us for anything, don't hesitate to call. We are here for you, and we love you all very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day.
Love, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 7:55 PM CDT
Hey Catsidy,

I just wanted to let you and the family know I'm still here and thinking about you a lot. We're still praying that things start looking up soon. I know you've all been through a lot of bad things lately, but God willing, that's all about to change. I know Weasel is sitting by the window looking out for you. Hope she's still sending you letters! I'll be down in Auburn this weekend watching the baseball team, so I'll be out of touch for a while. Your mom and dad have my cell phone number if you need to hear me quack sometime:). QUACK,KWAK!

Get better quick. We love you and keep on praying for you all.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 5:03 PM CDT
I am so sorry for you! My grandfather died on Sept. 11,2002
Your family will be in my prayers! If you need anything you just call us! We love you and will be praying for you! I am glad that Cassidy is doing better!!! Ashley is in the hospital,she had a G- tube put in. So she said Hey!! I love ya'll!!
Mallory Hannah

Mallory Hannah <mal21_192@hotmail.com or wildcatgurl0392@aol.com>
Northport, AL USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:16 PM CDT
Cassidy, Cade, Suzie & Sean,
I am so glad to hear Cassidy is doing better. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need ANYTHING all you have to do is call and I'll be there. I love you!

Sherry Selby <sselby@ia.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:10 PM CDT
Hey Cass! Reagan and Kamryn are so excited about the Bike Ride this Saturday. We are going to video the whole thing for you and bring you a tape, hopefully on Sunday afternoon. Hope you have a good day. Be sweet to Aunt Belinda! I Love You!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I hope you're feeling good today. I just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited about your t-shirt! Ms. Sue is going to bring some to Chruch tonight. I can't wait to see the beautiful picture you created. We are all going to get one and wear them so proudly! Give Mom and Dad a big hug for us! We love you all very much and are praying for your family. I know God will give ya'll the strength, courage and comfort you need, just lean on Him. And we want to help in anyway we can!
Love you,
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
Suzie - I have learned through the recent death of my mother that there is absolutely nothing I can say to make you feel better about the loss of your father, just know that you are on my mind constantly and our family has continued to lift you, Cassidy, your mother and the rest of your family up in our prayers. I am so thankful that Cade was unhurt and I pray that your mother makes a full recovery and Cassidy is completely healed. I have wondered constantly how you have the strength to function, it can only be from God. The strength you have exhibited shows the true character that you are pulling from deep inside to continue to do what you need to do for your family despite the hurt you are undoubtably feeling. It is so hard to understand why things like this happen in life, but ultimately we know that God has a plan for us even though we don't understand. As you learn to live life without your father, reflect on the love and goodness he brought into your life and keep his memory alive with your children. He will live on daily through them. I am so sorry for your your loss, my heart aches for your family. God Bless you all.
April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Tierce Family,
I am so very sorry to hear about the accident. You guys are in my prayers always! Thinking about you.

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 6:03 PM CDT
Susie, We are so sorry for your loss and the injuries to Donna. Jim was a special person and he will truly be missed by all of us. We are grateful that Cade was uninjured. We continue to pray to God and to St Juded for all of you and especially for Donna and Cassidy's recovery. Be strong and know you will get through this with the help of family and friends. God bless all of you. Linda and Steve Marks
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:37 PM CDT
This is one of those times when you don't have any words that are perfect or even comforting really! But I do know that you and your family were a big part of my life for many years and I'm just torn up inside to think about how bad you are hurting. Cancer is mean and I hate it, but it sure has been nice to see my dad conquer the beast. I KNOW Cassidy will do the same and send it packing!!! What a beautiful child she is, and Cade too! God sure blessed you with awesome children and parents. I'm so sorry that you don't get more time with your dad, it just seems so unfair but I know that God does all things for good and now Cassidy has her own personalized angel. I am praying for your mom to make a full recovery and get to be there to see Cassidy well and living life to the fullest. "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
Nikki Neighbors Perez

Nikki Perez <prez47@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with yall. if you need anything give us a call.
stacy & Scott , Doug Smith <nostawl@comcast.net>
northport, al - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this tragic time.
Laura Marie Norwood <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:39 AM CDT
Hi everyone! We are here for you all- you just say the words and we'll be right there. You are stronger than you'll ever know and you'll wonder why. From my family to your's- We love you and we are praying and grieving right along with you. Please let us know what we can do to make things a little easier. Love Ya!!!!!!!!!!!
Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH 43830 - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:32 AM CDT

SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:57 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, Suzie, and Sean, We are thinking of you and don't know the words to say to bring you any comfort. It has been a time of sorrow that doesn't seem to make any sense. Please know that you have our sympathy and support. If there is anything we can do to help in anyway, please tell us. Cassidy, we are excited to buy your special shirts. We saw the picture Coach took of you wearing the shirt. You did some good art work, girl! And again thanks for the pretty salt jars you gave everyone. We know that you will get out soon. Love you so much, Mrs. Fulmer and the class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
I was so sorry to hear about your loss. I am praying that God will give you the strength to get through the days and months ahead.
I wish I could be there for the ride on Saturday but know that you will be in my thoughts every minute of the day.
Love, Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
Dear Casner and Tierce families, Everyone on Forest Ridge Dr. sends their love to you. We will continue to lift you up in prayer now and always. Bootsie and Ronald, Ed and Susan, Mike and Barbara, Nancy and Bruce, The Lees, The Walkers, Gary Shirley, and everyone in Manora.
Tuscaloosa, Al - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
Hey sweet girl,
I know you were a little disappointed when you thought you were going to get out of the hospital and then you didn't. I remember when Mr. Wayne would think he was going to get out and when he didn't how disappointed he was, but you know what...when you do get to go to the apartment-it will be even more exciting because you had to wait a little longer. I know that God is taking good care of you because you are such a special little girl. Take care of yourself and also take good care of Mommy, Daddy and Cade. I am praying daily for you and know that God has many blessings in store for you. We love you and miss you.
Brenda Griffin

Brenda Griffin <BGriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al Tuscaloosa - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
Suzie, Hardly a minute goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Just know that we pray for you and your family numerous times a day. Your faith is so strong. Rely on Him and he will see you through these trying times.
Melena Lewis <lewissc@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:12 AM CDT
Suzie, Sean, Cassidy and Cade,
What is there to say? My heart aches for all of you. This is so unreal that you just want to hope you wake up and find out that it never really happened .. but it has and I am so sorry. All of you are in my thoughts (constantly) and in all of our prayers. Specifically, we will pray for peace and strength to see you through this and healing for Cassidy and Donna. Caitlyn and Allison send special thoughts and prayers to Cassidy, along with a big Hello, and to let her know she is missed.
Kirsten, Jack, Caitlyn and Allison Freeman

Kirsten Freeman <kdfatrest@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
Suzie and Sean- I have been up most of the night praying for God's strength for you both. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Words cannot express how my heart is breaking for you both now. I have many people praying for you and lifting you, Cade, your Mom, and Cassidy up to the Lord for healing, strength, and comfort. If there is anything Matthew or I can do, please let me know. I am so very sorry about the lose of your Dad. We love you all very much and keep the faith..God only gives you as much as you can handle and I know this is it..I have prayed and prayed for God's mercy on your family and I feel like if will be done.
Much love,
Matthew and Shelia Tierce

tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Monday, May 16, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Our prayers are with your entire family. God Bless you all.

Lane and Lisa Tyner <ltyner@gulf-states.com>
tuscaloosa, al us - Monday, May 16, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
Our prayers are with your entire family. God Bless you all.

Lane and Lisa Tyner <ltyner@gulf-states.com>
tuscaloosa, al us - Monday, May 16, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
Your entire family are in our prayers.

Lane and Lisa Tyner <ltyner@gulf-states.com>
tuscaloosa, al us - Monday, May 16, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Sean and Suzie,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I know that you are wondering what next but just have faith. I wish that I could come and be there like the two of you was for me so many times. Just know in your heart that my thougts and prayers are with you always no matter what. I hope that cassidy gets to leave the hospital really soon because i know how much she is looking forward to getting out. Always remember that angels are always watching over you.
Love Always

MANDY <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL u.s - Monday, May 16, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
Sweet Cassidy,
I hope your counts rise soon. You are in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, Al United States - Monday, May 16, 2005 3:46 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
Just hang in there and keep up the good work. It'll happen when it happens (going out of the hospital). Hey, easier said than done!!
Sorry you were not awake when we brought Molly by but understand night owls need that morning sleep!
You should have been on 4-Tower around 8:00 am when Molly was in the shower and singing LOUD "I been working on the railroad"! She had not felt like doing anything for several days and all of a sudden, she decided to eat and get cleaned up!
Love and Prayers, Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Monday, May 16, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Suzie, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you all and wish Donna and Cassidy a speedy recovery. If anyone in the Williams family can do anything for you please let us know. May God bless you and give you the strength to get through this difficult time.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Suzie, I pray God's strength for you and your family. We love you! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 16, 2005 10:15 AM CDT
Special prayers are being lifted up for you right now. Prayers for strength and courage for your battle with Cassidy's illness and the battle you are now experiencing with the accident involving your parents and Cade Sunday. I am so sorry about your Dad, I pray for a complete and speedy recovery for your Mom and Cade.
Cherry Mattison
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Our continued prayers are with you all ~
Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 16, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, You are a strong, brave and courageous girl. We know that if you make up your mind, you can take your medicine. Be determined that you CAN do it. We want you to get out of the hospital. (You are ALL in our prayers.) Love and hugs, Mrs. Fulmer and the class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, May 16, 2005 8:12 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, It's after midnight here in Ohio. My cat and I are the only ones up this late. So Katie and I thought we would say Hello! We're thinking of you and praying for you. Just keep getting stronger. Love and hugs, Linda & Katie
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Sunday, May 15, 2005 11:20 PM CDT
Hey SassyCassy,
I just wanted to sign in and tell you to keep up the good work and get better soon. We're praying for you every day and for your family. Your Mom and Dad and Cade need you to get better. We all do. We need to see some water gun battles, some sand paintings and all those things that make us all smile. Keep that beautiful little catface smiling and get those white counts on up so you can get out of there soon.

We love you and your family in this hard time, and our prayers won't ever stop.


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtch.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
Cassidy, Everyone continues to cheer you on and we are keeping you close at heart and always in our prayers!!!!! We love you, Miss Bootsie and the Forest Ridge Gang
Miss Bootsie
Tuscaloosa, Al - Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy. We're glad to hear you are doing better! Everyone over here is praying for you. We all love you and hope you'll continue to stay strong through all of this. By the way, Emily says "Hey Cassidy, we love you, so please get better soon". Oh and my cat is sitting in my lap and every once in a while he'll get up on the computer desk and paw at the arrow going around the screen. :) It looks like he's waving at you, so Meeko (our cat) says hi too. Our mom and dad also say "Hey". Hope you have a great day with great news ahead. God loves you and is always with you!!! -Kristin, Emily, Mom, Dad, and Meeko ^.^
Kristin Perry (Emily's sister) <sthrnblonde_17@yahoo.com>
AL - Sunday, May 15, 2005 6:46 AM CDT
Sorry to hear that you are not going home. Molly didn't get to go home, as well. You are one of the bravest girls that I know! Your Mommy and Daddy are wonderful people, as you know. I see their strong faith everytime I talk with them. Know that we are praying and cheering you on. Molly always reminds people at church to pray for you.
Hope you get to go home real soon!

Tim Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
I am so glad that Cassidy is doing better!! We have been praying for her each and everyday!!! I love ya'll very much!!!
Mallory Hannah

Mallory Hannah <wildcatgurl0392@aol.com>
Northport, AL USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 4:02 PM CDT
HellO CASS I miss seeing you, but you are always on my mind and in my prayers. Dixie and Gracie say HI also.I know you will be in your apartment in a couple of days. So keep up the good work, we will see you soon.
Love Pa Pa and Glenda

Roger Parker <deerridgergp@hotmail.com >
Gordo, Al USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Hello! Hope you are having a great day! Abbie and Gracie love the t-shirts. We hope to see you soon. Have fun!
Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, Al - Friday, May 13, 2005 1:34 PM CDT
What's another day or two when the rest of your whole life is out there waiting? You'll always be in our thoughts and prayers whether you're here, there, or anywhere else. Nobody ever said it was gonna be easy, but we're all pulling for you. Keep fighting and heep being Sassy!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, May 13, 2005 12:29 AM CDT
Hey Miss Priss, I Love my "Cassidy" t-shirt. It is precious. I really like that you have Weasel on it and where you wrote you own name. You did a great job!!
I took Skylar and Tate up to Body Works last night so they could buy them one. They did and they both changed their shirts and put the "Cassidy" shirts on. They liked them too.
Thanks for allowing us to show our support for you. I hope everyone will get one to wear, because they are for a great benefit and they are also so cute.
I Love you, Aunt Bev

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Friday, May 13, 2005 11:59 AM CDT
Good Morning Miss Sassy
Well...ok then...a couple more days--that will just give your dad more time to empty out your room. Please try to eat as much as you can and get up and about so that there will be no reason for you to stay there any longer than you have to. I know Cade, Memaw and Poppy (and Weasel) will all be so glad to see you. They had better get all of their kisses early because when I come to visit the last weekend of this month, you better have lots and lots of hugs and kisses left!!

Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Friday, May 13, 2005 10:20 AM CDT
The LORD is good isn't he. That is such GREAT news and I know you all are so excited. We will continie to pray that you get stronger each day. Hopefully you'll be back at Church soon too and can't wait to see you. Tell your Mom & Dad I said Hello and that we'll continue to pray for you and your family.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, al USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Thank you LORD!!! How good He is to each and every one of us.
What wonderful news from the latest update. To
be able to leave the hospital and go to the apartment...
a miracle from our precious Savior...He has great things
in store for you little Cassidy. Can't wait to see you
on the 28th of May. Will continue to pray for your total
recovery. God bless you... Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 7:42 AM CDT
YEAH CASSIDY!!!!!!! I just read your latest update. What great news. Have fun at the apartment. We can all believe in miracles because of you. I'll be talking to God tonight and thanking him soooooo much. Steve's asleep, but won't I have good news for him when he wakes up. Love to all of you, Linda
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:46 PM CDT
Chuck made me get up and come and read your news for myself!!! He was so excited and so am I. Thank God for such great news. Please take your medicine and come home soon!
Shirley and Chuck

Shirley Windham <cejj5@mindspring.com>
- Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Cassidy-- I am so glad that you get to leave tomorrow!! I bet you are ready for a break from the hospital. My thoughts and prayers will be with you for continuous improvement!
Laura Marie Norwood <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
We are all doing a cheer with Big Al himself -------TWO BITS----FOUR BITS-----SIX BITS----A DOLLAR-----ALL FOR CASSIDY STAND UP AND HOLLER"-------YEA CASSIDY!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:32 PM CDT
Coach Duke came and told me the great news about you getting out of the hospital! But when I read it on the website in black and white, it brought tears to my eyes. Cassidy, you are blessed indeed. Love, Mrs. Fulmer and class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:13 PM CDT
I'll mark my calendar for this day every year! I don't know quite what to say other than Thank God! And have a great life! I'm thrilled for all of you. I hope Cade gets to squeeze you tight and that Weasel eats you up with excitement.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
OH Cassidy...that's so great!!! You are just a little miracle! God has answered our prayers! You keep being strong and taking that medicine. I'm so proud of you!
We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:37 AM CDT
Okay Mommy, you are going to have to slow down. My heart isn't big enough to take this existing news. My heart feels like it is about to burst out of my chest.
Does this mean that I will be able to come see you soon? I sure hope so. If I can, I will take a extra good bath and really fix up pretty for you. I will wear my bows and maybe even get my toe nails painted (pink of course).
I am so happpppppyyyyy!!!!! You are the BEST mommy in the world.

- Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
WHOA! You go, Cassidy! I'm so happy, and I have chills running up and down my spine with tears of joy in my eyes! I'm so thankful for the WONDERFUL news! I think your Aunt has the perfect words, "THANK YOU, JESUS"!!!!! Love to all of you, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe <ablythe@bama.ua.edu>
Northport, AL US - Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
How wonderful cassdity, We all are so excited for you and your family. Thank you for giving us the updates on you we sure are enjoying being able to keep up with what is going on with you. I hope you continue to feel better and become stronger each day.Hopefully soon you will be able to come back here to visit us at flatwoods.
Flatwoods Lunchroom staff <TBama21@comcast.net>
northport, al - Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
Cassidy, Great news!!! I will miss you, though when I come back to work Monday night. I will see you some morning in clinic before I go home. I hope yall can get all of your stuff out of the hospital by tomorrow! Have a fun day.
Brenda Lewis <bnme@charter.net>
Prattville, AL - Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:34 AM CDT
My My My My My!!!
Miss Sassy is finally getting out of jail!! My heart is about to burst with happiness after reading the update that your dad just put on your web site. I was in the process of dialing Aunt Vickie's number to tell her the wonderful news when my office phone rang and it was your dad telling me the good news. Oh boy...now I can see you at the apartment when Aunt Glenda and I come to visit in a couple of weeks. Please think of something fun that we can do--I will be thinking of some kind of craft that would be fun to work on. It is probably good that you are not going today because it will take your mom and dad two days to empty out your room. I know you will miss a lot of the nurses who have been so good to you and your family--but they are wishing only good things for you too. I am so thankful to God for taking such great care of you my sweet sweet little friend and niece!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
Oh my goodnessss!! What great news. I have chills all over me. This is the best news I have heard in a long time.
You go Girl!!!
Weasel will be so excited too.
I have got to find you one of the pins like I have...

Aunt Bev <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
Way to go Cassidy! So happy your counts are going up. I have to take pills too and it can be yucky. Just think about going to the apartment and getting out of the hospital for a bit. Medicine doesn't taste so bad when you can have some fun after taking it. We know you can do it. We're rooting for you and you're always in our prayers. Love to you, Mommy, Daddy,Cade and Weazel - Linda,Steve & Katie
Linda and Steve Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
Yea Cass!! I'm so glad your counts are coming up. I guess the "white count dance" we do on 4 Tower really does work. Maybe we need to make up a medicine dance too. See you soon!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
I wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and that I miss you at school. I hope I can come and visit you again. I am very excited about your wonderful news and will continue to keep you in my prayers. Coach Duke lets me know everyday how you are doing. Keep getting stronger and we will see you soon. Love Mrs. Blankenship

Monica Blankenship <monica.blankenship.fwood@tcss.net >
Northport, AL 35473 - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
YEAH!!!!!!I am so happy for you Cassidy! I knew you could do it. Just be strong and take the medicine and it won't be long and you will be home. I am proud of you, keep your head up. We all are praying for you.

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 4:50 PM CDT
You are in my prayers
Vicki Richardson (cancer survivor) <vicrich@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, Just remember the sooner you get better the sooner you get to get out of the hospital. So take your medicine even if it's yucky so you can get out and run around. Tell your mom that we found out today that we are going to have a little girl. Lacee is so excited to have a sister, Tristan said he wanted a sister too. We love and miss you so take that old medicine so you can come to back to church.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan, McKae and baby girl McKnight <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al U.S. - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:54 PM CDT
Good job Miss Priss..... remember "Thank You Jesus".
I thank Jesus everyday for making you better. And I will continue to ask Him to be with you, especially at medicine time, and continue to heal you. He is hearing all of these prayers for you and He is answering them. Thank You Jesus!
I love you and I am so glad you are feeling better. Just think about running and jumping around, eating ice cream, playing with Cade, Weasel and all of your friends. That will help you want to get out of that bed and in the apartment. Because once you go to the apartment, then it won't be long and you will be able to go to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Yeah!
See you soon! Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
I am so happy to hear your wonderful news! I can't wait to tell my GA's tonight! We Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! You be a big girl (and hold your nose if you have to) in order to get that 'ol yucky stuff down. It may not taste good, but just think how much better it's going to continue to make you feel! When my little girl was at Children's, she got to ride in a wagon. Maybe you will get to go home real soon....and maybe you'll get to ride in a wagon, too! I'm so proud of you! Be sweet, and please know that I continue to lift you and your family in my prayers. Lots of Love and Hugs, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe <ablythe@bama.ua.edu>
Northport, AL US - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:17 AM CDT
Yahooooooooo Miss Sassy!!!
That is the best news I have heard in a very long time. I know the medicine tastes yucky but when you have to swallow it, just think of all the good times you will have because of doing it. Just shut your eyes and think of a strawberry milkshake or something that you really love--maybe even Skittles!!! I am very excited about you getting out of there very soon. You will feel much better and get lots stronger when you are in a "home" setting. I think about you all the time and love you lots and lots!!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:09 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!! I am so glad that you are doing better and that you might get to come home soon. Please try and take your medicine so that you can get out of the hospital; we sure do miss you!!!!I hope that you have a great day and get to see lots of sunshine!!!I love you and will tell Jesus thank you for helping you when I say my prayers tonight! Love, Skylar
Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
Okay Mommy---take that medicine. I had to take my little heart worm pill the other day and I did good and so can you.
The sooner and better you take your medicine the sooner I can see you. I can't wait until I can crawl under the covers and go to sleep with you like I use to.
So don't be fussing when it's medicine time. Just be a big mommy and do it!
I Love You!!

- Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:21 AM CDT
Here's some advice from some of your classmates: "Just get the medicine in your mouth, swallow it and then drink some milk to clear your throat"--Matthew; "drink some water real quick"--Keeley and Laren; "just spit it out when they're not looking"--Austin---DON'T do that one, Cassidy! We thought that you were going to have to stay in the hospital longer than this, but it's great to hear you might get out of there soon. Won't it be nice to feel the sunshine again? Keep up the good work. We know you can do it. Mrs. Fulmer mailed you a little package today--you should get it today or tomorrow. Love, Mrs. Fulmer's class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:47 AM CDT
Yeah!!!!! Cassidy I am so glad that your counts doubled. That is great. Take your medicine by mouth so you can get out of there soon. Hope you have a great day, and I'll be checking on you later. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Cassidy, I am so happy you are getting close to coming home. Scarlett told me to tell you that she promises that if you will put that pill way on the back of your tongue and swallow water you will be able to do it forever. She said the best part is that you can't taste anything but the water and it doesn't make your mouth hot like the medicine from the dropper. We love you and are thinking about you. We can't wait for you to leave the hospital so we can play with you.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy:
What good news that you might be leaving the hospital!!
I am grateful that your counts are coming up. Hopefully
today will be better than yesterday. Can't wait to see you
at the end of the month!! Keep hanging in there... God is
good and merciful and gracious. Numbers 6:24-26
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:52 AM CDT
Good morning! Cassidy, I think that it is a good idea to go ahead and make your Daddy pay you each time you have to take your medicine like he did last time. ( We're really ready to go back to Disney World, aren't you???!!!) I Love You!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
YEA!!!!!! Praise GOD!!!! I am so happy that you are getting better each day. I know taking all that medicine isn't fun, but just remember it only takes a second to swallow it and then it's over. I know you will be so glad to get to go to the apartment and get some good rest, without all the nurses waking you up all the time. And maybe they can even sneak Weasel in to see you. And I know Cade would love to see you more. You've been so strong through everything else, the medicine should be a piece of cake.
We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:30 AM CDT
Cassidy! Close your eyes, hold your nose, give it a "Rollllllll Tide" and shallow the medicine! You go, girl! Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscalooosa, Al - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:47 AM CDT
THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! I remember when I was your age I didn't like to take medicine either, but if they will let you go to the apartment then I would try really really hard!
Have a Great Day!

Denise <lockeon24@alltel.com>
Nashport, OH usa - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:29 AM CDT
Hey Sassy!
HooReyy for you!!!! So you better open that mouth wide and start taking that medicine! The sooner you do the sooner you will get to the apartment! I so glad for you and your family!!! Until next time, OPEN WIDE! love you Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:26 AM CDT
Well, Catsidy! All I can say is "open wide" and get outta there. I know you don't want to swallow but it's much better than getting stuck some more! You've made great progress but you've got to work hard a while longer to get home. We're doing all we can to help you and I'm finding more people each day to tell all about you and to pray for you. This is so exciting! Praise God. This makes me smile. Keep up the good work and open up that mouth and swallow that medicine. Quack!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hello cassidy;
I just wanted to say hi and tell you i'm so glad you are feeling better. I love you and say a prayer for you and mom and dad, and cade every night.Me and Glenda look foward to you coming and spending the night soon.

Roger Parker <deerridgeRGP@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
I hear that your counts doubted again! Yeah!!!! I know that you and mommy will be glad to sleep in a real bed soon. Hang in there a little longer. We miss you! Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
You guys are always in my prayers! Love Y'all!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy, Glad to hear that your counts are going up. All the prayers are being answered. I bet you are anxious to get out of the hospital, I know when I was in I couldn't wait to get out. It will happen soon. Do what they tell you and it will happen. Take care and tell Mommy and Daddy we all said hi. Love Aunt Judy
Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
Hey Mommy, I wanted to send you a big kiss and lick.
LICCCCKKKKKKK!!! Oooh that was good sug-sug.
When are you coming to get me. I sure do miss you. I will be glad when we can run and play again. I can really run fast. Aunt Bev can't catch me. She says that I am just like a weasel. What is that?
Luci and me play every morning and every afternoon until 11:00. Then I am pooped and have to go to sleep.
I have to go and get a bath so I will smell good. Oh and wear that perfume. I Love you. WEASEL

Weasel <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
- Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:03 PM CDT
My name is Marcus Stacey. I am a friend of your teacher Ms. Savarese. I hope you keep getting better. She really bragged about you and she told me how smart you are. I am praying for you and your family. God Bless You.

Marcus Stacey <mws_21@hotmail.com>
Monroeville, AL US - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:44 PM CDT
Cassidy, I love you and I will keep praying for you at night.I am at work with my mom this afternoon and she showed me your website. I like your "cat" picture. I miss you and hope to see you soon. Hamner
Hamner Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
get well soon
we are thinking of you
lots of love
Doug smith & stacy noble

stacy noble & doug smith <nostawl@comcast.net>
northport, al us - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
Good Morning Miss Sassy!!
I am hoping that today is only going to get better for you and then all of the rest of the days will come and go quickly. I read about you in the Thunderroads magazine online that your dad told me about. I saw your beautiful picture in there--the one with you in the water that Mr. Crosby took. You are famous now!!! I have never been in a magazine before. I will just have to get your autograph when I visit the end of this month. I can't wait to see the beautiful quilt that you and Cade gave to your mom for Mother's Day.
Mine and Uncle Lee's friends from Amory, MS are coming tonight to spend a couple of days with us. Their son is playing in the state high school golf tournament here in Jackson at The Refuse Golf Course. Uncle Lee's school (Ridgeland High School) is in the tournament also. Amory and Ridgeland will be competing against each other--who do I root for???
You take care and try to eat and get up and about.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy, it's us, your class, at Flatwoods. We hope and pray that you will feel better today and maybe can get up out of bed some. We just heard Mrs. Lazer read us a book called Emily's Art about being creative and not copying other people's ideas but doing your own thing that you enjoy. You are creative, so maybe today you could make something with your art supplies that you've never thought of before or get your Mom to write a story down that you tell to her. Just make it up. Use your imagination. That might be fun. You're in our thoughts today. Love, Mrs. Fulmer's class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
nor, al usa - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:34 AM CDT
Good morning Sweetheart!
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy!
I can't wait to sing that to you again. That is our secret little song!
I am so happy that your count is climbing. You keep up the good work and hopefully you will be out of there for your birthday.. It's 5 weeks from today!! I got a little green and blue cow piggly bank at church Sunday for Mother's Day. I gave it to Weasel, so she can have something to put her money in that she is saving for your birthday present.
I have some pictures of her for you. You will love them.
Remember...I love you, God loves you and Luci & Weasel love you.
Hugs and sug-sug, Aunt Bev

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, that is good news to hear that your counts came up some more. Maybe today you will feel like getting up, I hope so. Go and have some fun today. I love you and I'll be checking back on you later. Have a great day, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy- I'm glad to hear things are slowly getting better. Sounds like each day you get better and better. I know God can work in crazy ways, but he knows you will get better. The girls say hi and that they love you and want you to get better soon! I hope you have a good day today!!
Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH usa - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:36 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I hope you and Mommy had a great Mother's Day. I did, Devan made me a picture frame and Jessica made me a hot plate. I'm so excited about your counts coming up. It won't be long now before you're running around with Weasel! God is so great! I thank him everyday for helping you get better. You are so precious and we love you so much! Tell Mommy "Thanks" for the message to remind us how special our little ones are, sometimes we get to busy to remember what really matters the most. I hope you've had a great day today and will have an even better one tomorrow.

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 9, 2005 2:54 PM CDT
Hey, Cassidy. Glad to hear everything is goning good. DJ got is report back and the disease has come back it is in his femur. So it looks like we might be up to say hi before long. We love and hope you get out soon.
Joy ( DJ's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
Red Level, AL USA - Monday, May 9, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, such good news to hear that your counts are coming up a little. I hope you are having a good day. Sorry to hear about your friend Devin. We are praying for you, and I know you will be up and about before you know it. You hang in there, We love you. Kelli, Joe , Cole and Chad
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Monday, May 9, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Hello Mommy..I hope you got your e-card from me for Mommy's Day!!
I went to a birthday party on Saturday for Abbi. Abbi lives 2 houses down from Aunt Bev and she turned 2 years old. I got to eat some potato chips and a little bit of birthday cake. It was sooo good. They took my picture so I could give you some new ones. Aunt Bev will bring them to you when she comes to see you. In one of them, I am on a little play gym fixing to slide down the slide.
Also, I am in a magazine---"Kid's Life". One day when Abbi came to visit me, her mom took our picture together. And her mom sent the picture in and they put it in the magazine.I guess that means I'm "big stuff". I have you one of the magazine so you can see me in it.
I miss you and love you very much. LICCCCCKKKKK!

WEASEL <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
- Monday, May 9, 2005 9:47 AM CDT
Good Monday Morning Cassidy, We only have 10 more days of school left this year. We can't believe that! We are glad to hear you are a little better. We talked this morning about the "battle" you are fighting to get well. We hope that each day you feel better and will soon be completely well and feeling great. Hope that today is a good one for all of you. Love you, your class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, May 9, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
Good morning my sweet little friend!
Sorry it has been a while since we "talked"--lots of things been going on but that is no excuse so we will just talk about something really good. I am so glad to hear that your counts are getting better. Your dad told me Saturday that you all are hoping to get to go to the apartment soon--that is terrific news. Me and Aunt Glenda are coming to Birmingham the end of this month to Meredith's graduation at Birmingham Southern so I will surely come and see you. You are being a brave little girl and I just cannot wait to get a hug and kiss!! I really miss being around you and Cade.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, May 9, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Cassidy: Good Monday Morning to you sweetheart. What wonderful news to read this morning that you are so very much better. Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers. Just keep on doing what the doctors tell you to, and I just know you will finally get to come home soon. I know Weasel sure hopes so!!! I hope someday we will be able to meet you. Maybe someday Memaw and Poppy can bring you, mommy and daddy to Ohio when they come to visit.
Your cousins from Ohio, John & Carole <choffman@sota-oh.com>
- Monday, May 9, 2005 8:11 AM CDT
Good morning:
So sorry to hear about your friend, Devin. News like that is really hard to bear.
It is good news that your counts are coming up. Hopefully you will feel better soon. I am
sure you had a great mother's day being with your Mom, Dad,
and Cade. I am glad to hear that the morphine pump has been removed.
May your road to recovery be around the bend
in the road. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Monday, May 9, 2005 7:48 AM CDT
I am so happy to hear that you had a good day yesterday! Hope your counts go up real soon. I love you and am thinking about you.

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Sunday, May 8, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I am so glad to hear your counts are up!! We said a special prayer just for you today at church!!! We also continue to pray for all of your family. I can't wait to get to visit you. Tell mom I said happy Mothers day. Love to you all, Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al usa - Sunday, May 8, 2005 1:54 PM CDT
Great news. Ya'll all have a great Mother's Day. Can't think of a better way to spend it. We're going to watch baseball. Hope you get to run around and drive everybody crazy little Catsidy.
Crosby <cthoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
My friend Chuck and I are thrilled that you are feeling better. I used to have a dog like Weasel when I was growing up. Her name was Duchess and we had her for 13 years. I dressed her in doll clothes and rode her in my doll stroller. You'll have to try it when you get home!!! Weasel will probably like it!!
Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom. We will continue to pray for you and thank God every day for your good news.

Shirley <cejj5@mindspring.com>
- Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that you have been doing alot of playing! You are in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, glad to hear that you have been up and playing some. That's great and I hope you continue to feel better. Have a geat day, and Happy Mother's Day Suzie. Love, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Saturday, May 7, 2005 5:10 PM CDT
Hey beautiful! I hope you are having a great day and that you feel like playing. I miss you SO MUCH! Your daddy told me to come and see your mommy's present from him. I'll definitely try to come and see it on Monday. I heard you got a Mommy's day present from Weasel. He loves you so much. Chloe and Abbey (my 2 cats) haven't given me a present yet!! Well, I guess I will see you next week! Love you!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Saturday, May 7, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
Hey Sassy,
So glad that you are feeling better! I am in Georgia right now, fixin to head home! I am planning on seeing you some time next week. Love ya Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Saturday, May 7, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
I love waking up to these good reports. Miracles ARE at work here. I hope you feel even stronger today and can create some more art treasures. I hope you get a lick from Weasel soon. We love you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:08 AM CDT
Yeeeaaa!! Prayers are definetly being answered. I am so glad things are getting better. I know you think it is about time too. Soon you will be up and running all over the place. Tell Mom I said "Hi". We all miss and love you.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan , McKae and ? McKnight <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
That Weasel!!! Sure wish all mommies had such a sweet child as you and YOUR mommy! Too bad I'm not a mommy. Guess I'll just have to be a dad. (that's preety cool too).

Happy Mother's day to you, your mom, and all the other moms who have beautiful children to love.XOXOXOX

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, May 6, 2005 11:45 AM CDT
Hello mommy...I hope you liked your outfit. I picked out the green one with the bug on it. It was my favorite one. I know you will be beautiful in it. Maybe you can wear it on Sunday for Mommy's Day and think of me. That was the first time I have ever been to the mall. Boy was it fun. I had to stay in Aunt Bev's purse. She covered my nose up when we walked next to a policeman. I sure am glad he didn't see me because I don't think I would like to go to jail. And then one time I heard this little girl talking and I thought it was you, so I jumped out of the purse and went running down the mall, but it wasn't you. Shoot!
I hope I get to see you soon and I hope you have a good Mommy's Day. Is there a Father's Day too? And what about Puppy's Day? Is there one of those? I hope so!
Well, I have to go to my kennel now for a nap on my pink poka dotted blanket.

- Friday, May 6, 2005 10:56 AM CDT
I am so HAPPY:) to hear the good news! The 3rd and 4th grade GAs @ N'port BC pray for you every Wednesday night, as well as my whole family and Prayer Warrior friends located all over the US! We will continue praying for even more good news! Your walls sounds beautiful, so keep up the coloring so you can add more to your decorations! Love to all of you!
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Friday, May 6, 2005 10:52 AM CDT
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!I AM SO EXCITED! Maybe now you will start getting better and can come home soon and play with me. We will have so much fun!!!! I know your mommy and daddy are happy too!!Hope that you have a great weekend!!!
I love you!!!Skylar

Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 9:52 AM CDT
Well, you will get 2 messages from us today!! We just sent you a personal letter by e-mail and now we want to share some news with you on your website. Today is May Day for our school. We will go outside in a few minutes and every grade and group will perform a dance for the whole school. The kindergarten willl perform the "Chicken Dance." The handbells, chorus, baton and jazz groups will also perform. We will be outside most of the morning. We will eat our lunch in our room today and have some relaxed time this afternoon inside. The older kids stay outside for a ball game between the adults (faculty and some parents) and the fifth grade. Tommorow the PTA is sponsoring a big yard sale called May Market. Anyone who reads this is welcome to come by the school between 7:00 and 1:00 for some great stuff. We have theme baskets for raffle and garage sale items and this will help us raise money for a multi-purpose building that we have been saving for. Mrs. Fulmer is going to try and come see you either Saturday or Sunday since you are feeling a little better! Love, your class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, May 6, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hey!! We are glad that you have good news! Let's us know when the T-shirts are ready. Gracie and Abbie would love to wear it. Keep Mom and Dad busy today!! Have a great day!
Love, Susie Mullenix

Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL U S - Friday, May 6, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Hey!! We are glad that you have good news! Let's us know when the T-shirts are ready. Gracie and Abbie would love to wear it. Keep Mom and Dad busy today!! Have a great day!
Love, Susie Mullenix

Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL U S - Friday, May 6, 2005 8:34 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, Weasel is such a special "child" to remember his very "special mommy" for Mother's Day! You, also, have a very special mommy and daddy. I am thrilled to hear the wonderful news! I would be honored to wear one of your t-shirts, so please let me know when they are ready. We love you, and we are praying that this will all be over soon. Then you and Weasel can have some serious playing time to catch up on. Love, Barbara
Bruce & Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL Pickens - Friday, May 6, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
What a great feeling to wake up and hear such good news this morning. I cried big tears of joy, sweet Cassidy!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Friday, May 6, 2005 7:36 AM CDT
I couldn't have gotten up to any better news in the world today than to read that your white count is up! Keep fighting and keep praying that the trend is nowhere but up now. It makes for the start of a great Mother's Day weekend. You go girl! Love and kisses.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, May 6, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
God is working. Memaw called me yesterday to tell me your counts had doubled and she and I said we were celebrating with that news. I am so happy they are going up and even if they still go down a little, we know that things are on the up hill now. God is looking out for you and taking very good care of you with the help of your doctors and nurses. I am so proud of the way you have handled all of this and how brave you are. Keep making the salt jars and coloring pictures. I am excited about t-shirts being made up for you. I will proudly wear one for you and will buy one for each of my little grandchildren to wear. Memaw told me that you drew the picture that will be on them. Keep getting better each day and we all are continuing to pray for you each day and night. Love, Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <swilliam@bamaed.ua.edu>
Tuscalosoa, AL USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 7:06 AM CDT
Cassidy, Suzie and Sean, Just read your update and what great news. I am so glad that they are starting to go up. All the prayers are finally getting answered. It is almost seven here, Denise and I are having a garage sale today and tomorrow, West Lafayette has what is called yellow flag sales twice a year which means everyone is having one at same time. This small village will be busy for two days. We spent all of yesterday getting ready for it. Hope everything keeps going great will keep praying. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 6:00 AM CDT
Hey Sassy,
Sorry to hear that your tummy has been hurting and that you had to take more red medicine! Well think positive, it won't be long before you will feel better, and we can all play games together. I just printed you a picture of some animals that were on the internet, but I have decided that they have made a mistake, like you know they say they are cheetahs and I said they are monkeys! Well you can decide since you are the future zookeeper, so who is right? Look for the picture in the mail! I will be mailing on Friday May 6. Take care and I love you! Coach Duke

Kaye Duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, 35403 USA - Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy I hope your tummy feels better. Tell mom I said to call me when she can. Dr. Lamoureux and all the girls said to tell you hello.
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al usa - Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:57 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy, We are so glad to hear that you are doing
better. You just keep taking all that good medicine and I know before long you will be jumping around all over the place. Take care and remember we are all praying for you
at church.
Ms. Dolores

Dolores Lancaster <phiferdl@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Thursday, May 5, 2005 10:56 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! Your dog is so funny, I wish that I had a dog like him. Aunt Bev is coming up to see you tonight, so me and Tate gave her some pictures to give you along with a big hug!!! We hope that you like our pictures, one of them looks a little bit like Weasel. We miss you and hope that today is a better day for you. Also, please try and get up today so that you can see the sunshine because I think it might rain tonight or atleast that is what my mommy said. Well, talk to you tomorrow. Have fun with Aunt Bev and hang our pictures up where you can see them every day and know that we are thinking of you all the time!!!Love, Skylar and Tate
Skylar and Tate Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:24 AM CDT
Yeeeeeppp! I am coming to see you tonight. Uh oh...Aunt Bev just said that doggies aren't allowed in the hospital.
Just a minute... I had to wipe the tears out of my eyes.
I sure do miss you. Hope you hurry and get to feeling better so I can see you and give you sug-sug.
I am sending you a Mommy's Day gift tonight. I hope you like it.
I Love You! Weasel

- Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:05 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy! Hope you had a good night and your Mama's snoring did not keep you awake! Make your Daddy play you some bluegrass this morning and GET UP and SHAKE THAT BOOTIE!!! You've got to get to feeling better, cause Reagan's wanting to come up and play!!! Love You!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, We are telling you to please get up out of that bed right now and stretch your legs and arms a little bit. We don't want you to get too lazy! After you stretch, then you can get back in the bed and rest some more and color. We want you to get well soon so be sure to do what your doctors, nurses, and parents tell you. Did you get our pictures yet? They are in the mail. Maybe Mrs. Fulmer will come up this weekend and bring you the video. Do you feel like her visiting? Do you feel like talking on the phone? Write us back today. We love you, Mrs. Fulmer's class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:01 AM CDT
Good Morning,I am praying that today will be a better day.
Love, Kelli

kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
You and your family are in my prayers!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:25 PM CDT
Hey sweet girl,
You have the worst behind you and you have many many FUN days ahead. We are praying for you and mommy and daddy because I know you all need our prayers. I hope you are back at church with us real soon....everyone misses your smiling sweet face! We love you all.

Brenda Griffin <bgriffin@dchsystem.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al usa - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 1:47 PM CDT
Good morning Miss Priss...I hope and pray that today will be a little better for you. You are doing alot better than they thought you would....so you just keep surprising them!!
Only 6 weeks until your birthday and you know you have get up and moving because we can't have all of those cowboys and horses coming to the hospital.
I want to know that Weasel is being very good and she misses you. She may try to hide in my purse tomorrow because I told her that I was going to come see you tomorrow afternoon.
I love you and will see you tomorrow. Maybe Mom and Dad can go and eat while I visit with you. See you tomorrow
Bunches of sug-sug!! Aunt Bev

bevelry_tierce@flocorp.com <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 10:32 AM CDT
Good Morning, Cassidy! I just wanted to tell you that I love you and hope that you start feeling better real soon! I say a prayer for you every night and my mommy tells me all about you when she gets home from work. I think about you all the time and hope that Jesus will take all the yucky feelings away!!!! I hope that you get out of your bed for a little while today, maybe it will make you feel better and get stronger. I miss you coming to my house! I'll write you tomorrow. Love, Skylar

Skylar Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
TUSC, AL USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
We are sorry that you didn't feel like getting out of bed yesterday. Maybe today you will feel like it. We are writing letters and drawing pictures for you again this morning. We will mail them today. We really want you to feel good again and we know that it will just take a little time for you to be ready to play and have fun again. We love you, girl! Mrs. Fulmer's Kindergarten class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
Good Morning, just thinking about you, and I hope you feel like getting up and about today. Have a good day, and I'll check on you later. Love ya Lots, Kelli
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
VANCE, AL - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:59 AM CDT
Good morning:
Hope this is a better day for you!! Maybe the roughest days are behind you and sunshiny days are ahead...will be praying for this to happen real soon. Keep on being strong
and brave. May you have a restful day. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:50 AM CDT
Dear Sassy Cassy,
It was really great talking to you last night! But LOOK you really do have to get that Sassy Little self, out of that bed. You are a big girl now, and big girls just do not have time to lay in the bed! So get yourself up and moving and show those people up there what you can do! And it won't be long before I come and see you and we can run Mom and Dad off, and we can play some games! Take care and Love you, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:27 AM CDT
I think they should allow Weasel to come up for a visit to chase you around the room. And maybe to send Cade up for a squirt gun battle to help you fight off the nurses. THAT would get you up and bouncing around like Tigger. I know it's hard to feel bouncy when the Yucks have got you, but think of how much fun it will be to stay in practice for all the fun things you'll be doing soon when all the Yucks go away. Keep fighting and we'll keep praying and cheering for you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 5:20 AM CDT
I was hoping that you would update before I went to bed. Sorry that you did not feel better today...one of these mornings soon you are going to wake up bouncing off the walls and driving mommy insane! Were you able to see the video clip that we did last night? We got a catalog today that had a SpongeBob dog shirt and they had a weiner dog modeling it...Megan thinks that we need to get one for Weasel! Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and hope you get a good night's sleep. Get your water gun ready for those nurses in the morning if they try to get you up before you feel like it! Good night! Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden.
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy!
I'm glad to hear that you are not in a lot of pain right now and that your little pump is doing the job for you. I hope your counts keep going up and you get stronger and feel better each day. You are in our thoughts and prayers as always.. When you pray tonight, remember to sent up a prayer for Max and Micaela's Granna..she is having chemotherapy now too and she feels yucky..Good night and sweet dreams:)

shelia tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
Hey, Glad your up and having some fun. I seen the flyer for the motorcycle run they are having for you. It sounds like a fun day. Ms Sissie and I are looking for a motorcycle to ride on. We asked my neighbor and he said we could use his golf cart but not his motor. We better stick to a car, SHE likes to yak to much. Ha/Ha
I'll keep checking on you and hope to keep getting such good news. You are one tough cookie. You get that from your mom right. love to all

Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Hi, pretty Cassidy! I was sad that we didn't get to see you yesterday, but I was glad to hear you were resting. I'm so glad you had fun with Ms. Jennifer. I will keep praying for your counts to go up. Tell your mom and dad that we will bring them food any time. Maybe one day Cade could come home and play with me and Scarlett. We are thinking of you!
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:23 PM CDT
You go girl! Keep on getting better every day. I printed out your webpage from the other day for the guys on the Bama Baseball team. They were going to pass it around so they could know more about you and pray for you too. Let us see some of your artwork soon. God bless!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
I found out about your site from Scarlett Cowan's site. I will be praying for you guys during this difficult time! I know the stem cell transplant is rough, but in the end it will be so worth it.
Alison Wills <Alison.Wills@protective.com>
Cropwell, AL USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:54 AM CDT
Hey everyone, sounds like yesterday was a better day and I am so glad to hear that. Cassidy, sounds like you had some fun yesterday. You go have some more fun today. Just can't wait until your counts start coming up. Hang in there and I know things will start looking up soon. Love ya bunches, Kelli
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Hi Cakky: Thank you for the little lamb. MeMaw got it to stay together and I love it. I sure did like seeing you last night, I wanted to give you a hug but they wouldn't let me. I'm on my way out to check my tracker, Poppy has it on charge I'll write again later. Hope you have a good day I'm going to go to Shirley's in just a little bit.
Love you bunches, Cade

Cade, MeMaw and Poppy <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa , AL Tuscaloosa - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:34 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy wanted to wish you a good day today. My Sunday School Class (Faith & Fellowship) at your Church, Taylorville Baptist, talk about you and your family every Sunday. We always pray for your health and for your family's strength. We miss seeing you at church, we will be glad to see your pretty face with a smile there soon. Tell mom and dad we sure do appreciate the updates they give on your web site. We like to hear from all of you and we have a lot of people ask about you, so the updates help to share how you are doing. I will go now but I wish you all a good day.
Love and Prayers,
Delaine & Tommy

Delaine Williams <dwilliams@unimin.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:22 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy and family,
Such good news and hope it gets better in the next few days.
We saw PawPaw Roger at the Pickens County Relay for Life Friday night. He came to us to talk about you and visit with Molly. Everyone was sorry to hear that last week was not the best for you but I know it going to improve because you are so good and brave. Molly really had a good time and seems to feel good these days. If you do have to stay there until next week, we will try to see you on Fourth Floor. It sounds like you are keeping things going there these days!!
Love and Prayers, Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:06 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so glad that you had a better day yesterday. I just know you are going to get better each day! God is really answering our prayers. Stay srtong, we are so proud of you! We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:53 AM CDT
Hey there Cassidy we had breakfast with MeMaw & Poppy on Sunday after church. They gave us an update on your condition. Wanted you know you are in our thoughts and prayers always. I have put your name in prayer books in FL. I also called friends in NY and they have your name in their prayer circles up there. Say strong you are loved by many people. Mom & Dad you are great parents we have you in our prayers too.

Vic & Virginia Cruse <VCruse@AOL.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Good morning to all...I hear alot of "goodness" in the report today. Thank you Jesus!! Remind Cassidy that I still have my pin on my purse that says "Thank You Jesus". She knows what it is for.
Keep your heads up...things are getting better.
I love each of you very much.

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:31 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy Lea,
We are glad you are feeling like playing. We hope to get to see you soon. We have been exposed to some sick folks and don't want to make you sick. But, we love you bunches and bunches. When Pawpaw Roger sees you again, I will tell the story about the cowboy. Love always, Pawpaw Roger and Glenda....
P.S. Dixie says Hi.....
The email address is not valid at this time...we will send it as soon as possible...Love ya'll

Roger Parker <rparker@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL - Monday, May 2, 2005 9:22 PM CDT
Cassidy, Glad to hear you are feeling a little better today. Everyone asks how things are going. Keep up the good work at getting better. We are praying for you and I know that God is hearing all the prayers that are going up to him. Love Aunt Judy David and Haley

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Monday, May 2, 2005 5:55 PM CDT
Guess what mommy? I went swimming. Oooh that water was cold too. But I just shook off and Aunt Bev wrapped me up in a towel. I can't wait for you to get out of that hospital so we can go swimming together. You better watch out for me when I am around that swimming pool, because I am not scared. Maybe you can buy me a doggie life jacket. That's probably a good idea. I hope you are not mad because I got to go swimming before you. I got to see Cade and run after him too. He tried to ride me on his tractor, but I jumped out. I didn't like that.
Hope you hurry home soon. I miss you and love you.

- Monday, May 2, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
VANCE, AL - Monday, May 2, 2005 12:30 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy- I'm so glad things are starting to get better. I know it's not fun to feel bad, but I know you will get lots better real soon. I have everyone praying that I work with and they ask about you all the time! Stay strong! Hope your day is better today and tomorrow is even better.
Take Care
Denise, Alan, Kaci and Kori

Denise Locke <lockeon24@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH usa - Monday, May 2, 2005 11:23 AM CDT
Good morning Sweetheart... Aunt Seazon sure did have a good time Saturday with you. She said ya'll did something but couldn't tell me what. She said it was a secret. Please tell me!!
I took Weasel with me to the church to clean the cemetary on Saturday. Cade and Papa T was there too, so Cade and Weasel got to play. We all went to Papa T's and Cade rode his tractor and Weasel would run after him. Then we went down to the lake. Cade was throwing rocks and little peaches in the water. We were sitting on the pier and I had Weasel on her leash. Weasel kept watching the peaches because they were floating. Then she JUMPED in the lake. I almost had a heart attack. I jumped up to get her but I couldn't reach the water. I had to pull the leash to get her. I looked like I was pulling in a fishing pole. But there wasn't a fish on the end.... it was WEASEL. She didn't mind, she was just swimming around. I told you she was a "wild woman".
I am so glad that you are feeling a little better. Each day, hopefully it will get a little better and then before long all of the "yucks" will be gone.
I am planning on seeing you this week one evening.
Here's you a big ole sug-sug... SMACK!!
Love you, Aunt Bev

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, May 2, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
Good Morning pretty girl! We are so glad to hear that you are feeling a little better and I know that your counts will be coming up soon! Skylar and Tate are coloring you some pictures to put up in your room and hopefully Aunt Bev can bring them to you this week. We love you and think about you all the time!!! Candace, Robby, Skylar, and Tate
Candace <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, May 2, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy (or in your case, is it afternoon or midnight?): We are glad to hear that you are feeling a little better.Tomorrow we are going on our last field trip this year. We are going to the Children's Hands On Museum and then to the park for a picnic. We wish that you were going with us. We probably won't get to write to you tomorrow because we plan to be gone most of the day. Matthew says to be sure and tell you that we are all keeping you in our prayers. We love you, your class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, May 2, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Dear Catsidy and the rest of the Tierce/Casners,
The reports keep getting better each time I check on you. Who needs the hair anyway? I'm losing mine, so what the heck? At least bald is beautiful in your case, but also yours will grow back!
Keep fighting to get those white counts up to fight off the bad stuff. We're praying for you every day and will keep on doing so until the prayers are answered. Then after that we'll just keep on because ther'll be someone else out there who'll need it too. Your reports are the best part of our day now for us. We love you!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, May 2, 2005 8:23 AM CDT
Hey Miss Cassidy! I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better. I saw your Daddy this weekend and he gave me and Shawn a bracelet to wear. We have not taken them off since! He told us all about you and all he talked about was how wonderful you are! You know you have a pretty cool middle name..LEA. That's my name too... Valerie Lea! We hope to get to see you soon, my little girl Sydney needs a friend in T-Town to play with! You and your Mommy, Daddy, Cade and Weasel are in our prayers and prayer list at Church! Take care.
Valerie Gray <grayvs@charter.net>
Lanett, AL 36863 - Monday, May 2, 2005 8:04 AM CDT
Hay Shortcake: Glad to hear they got the pain under control a little bit and that you are feeling a little better. Poppy and I will be up to see you as soon as we can. Poppy hasn't felt real good this week either so we have been staying away, his is just a sinus infection. Hopefully we can come up tomorrow if nobody comes to work sick tomorrow. This week three of the girls have been sick and I sure don't want to bring anything up to you. If everyone is ok we will be up tomorrow afternoon but if Cade or one of us doesn't feel good we will not come up. Uncle Mike said you and he colored some yesterday and that you looked pretty good. Of course you always look pretty but you don't always feel good. Hope that ends soon and that you feel good all the time. We love you and sure do miss having you stay with us. Cade has been kicking Poppy out of bed but he sure could use some help from you. He gets laughing so hard he gets almost too weak to do anything. We are trying to take good care of Cade but he sure misses his big sister. He enjoys talking to you on the phone but he sure will be glad when he can give you a big hug. I'm going to try to get my web cam on my computer and maybe you can get your's up and working and we can see each other and talk to each other on the computer. I'm sure Cade would like that if I can keep his fingers off the keys. He is doing better at playing with DeeDee Duck than he did a few months ago. He still has trouble just using the four arrow keys like I said he likes to use all the keys but he's learning. Hope you had a good day today and have a good night. You are in our prayers and our thoughts all the time. We love you Shortcake and miss you bunches.
Donna Casner <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa - Sunday, May 1, 2005 7:24 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy I am so glad to here your counts are coming up!!! We continue to pray for you. Soon as you feel like some company Mrs. Lisa and I would like to come see you. Love you much, Mrs Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
cottondale, al usa - Sunday, May 1, 2005 5:10 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, Sean and Suzie: I read your updates everyday and pray for all of you several times a day. I haven't called because I felt like Cassidy needed rest and so do the two of you whenever you can get it. I, too , am so sorry that these hard times are having to be endured but I know that things will be better one day soon. I also believe that one day you will have a routine life back again and you will look back on this with amazement at how you were all able to make it through something you wouldn't have even conceived in your mind. Cassidy, I hope you got the pictures and letters from the class this week. I thought they were very pretty. I also finished your "special video" a few days ago and hope that I will either be able to deliver it in person or mail it, whatever is best. I don't think you've felt too much like a visit from me lately but I do plan to come see you some more when you do feel better. With much love for you and your whole family, Cindy Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Good Morning Princess!
I'm glad that each new day brings a little more good news. We'll see those counts coming up before you know it and then things will take off. The prayers are still flying out of here and hundreds and thousands of other places as well. Keep fighting and the hard work will take care of everything. Love and Kisses.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, May 1, 2005 6:16 AM CDT
Hey "Sassy" Cassy,
Glad to hear that you had a better day yesterday! Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our prayers! And that I miss you so much, so does your classmates. I will be staying away for a few more days, still kind of under the weather, and I sure do not want to bring any infections to you! But when I do get to feeling better I will be up there to see you! Tell Mom and Dad I said Hello, and for all 3 of you take care! Love ya, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 5:50 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,

GORDO, AL USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:18 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I'm sorry that you haven't felt very good the past few days,but I know how strong you are, and it won't be long till you'll be back shooting thoses nurses. I know that God has you in his hands, and that he's going to take very good care of you. You are so precious and we love you so much. I miss you helping me in Children's Church, so please hurry and get better. Ya'll are in our prayers.
Love Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:02 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, Mom & Dad. We are glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. We just got home from Hamner & Landon's baseball game. (They got beat 14-11) It is so cold and windy outside today. I guess the weather is waiting on you to feel better. We are praying for all of you daily. Please let us know if you guys need anything. I will try to come visit this Thursday. Hang in there! We love you and miss you (all of you) very much!
Mike, Jennifer, Hamner & Noland <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL - Saturday, April 30, 2005 3:31 PM CDT
You're the bravest gil I know. Our prayers are with you and Mommy and Daddy as well.
Keep fighting like you have been throughout your treatment.
Molly sends you her prayers and good wishes.
Hope to see you soon!

Tim Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL 35004 - Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:23 AM CDT
Cassidy, Glad your Mommy updated with the news that your fever is down. May each day find you improved. You are in our thoughts and always in our prayers. With love, The Forrest Ridge Gang
Miss Bootsie
Tuscaloosa, Al - Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:52 AM CDT
Hi, Cassidy and family,
We just wanted you to know that we're reading your guestbook daily and continue to pray that God will see all of you through these hard times. The prayer groups at St. Mark are also praying for you. We love you and hope you have an even better day tomorrow!

Shirley Windham and Chuck Jay <cejj5@mindspring.com>
- Friday, April 29, 2005 11:19 PM CDT
I'm glad I checked in before going to bed. I'm glad your fever is down and hope it's a sign of great things to come. Ya'll all hang in there and let the treatment and God's power take control. I believe! God bless you all and have a great night's sleep and an even better day tomorrow.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 11:05 PM CDT
Hey everyone, hope you have a good nights sleep, and hope tomorrow will be even a better day. Sleep tight and I'll check back soon. Love ya lots, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Hi Sean, Susie, & Cassidy: Aunt Shannon gave me your website address tonight at the ballfield. I am thrilled to be able to keep in touch now! You have been on our prayer list at Hannah UMC, and you will continue to be in our prayers. May the Lord continue to smile on you and your family. I just love the pictures and Weasel is so lucky to have such a "special mommy".
Bruce & Barbara Davis <flatbroke@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL Pickens - Friday, April 29, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
Did Weasel and Luci just lick the computer? Ew-w-w-w-! Hope your face isn't wet. Get better. Quack!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Hey everyone, we are praying for each and everyone of you, I can't imagine what you all are going thru. Just know that we are here for you no matter what you may need. We love you all and hope that things will get better soon. Love, Kelli,Joe,Cole and Chad
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Here's a big LICCCCCCKKKKKKKK from me. Luci wants to send one from her too...LICCCCKKKKK!!
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Love and miss you

tuscaloosa, al - Friday, April 29, 2005 1:55 PM CDT
Good morning Cassidy, I am so sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time. I pray that this will all be over for you real soon. It's hard to smile when you feel so bad and I know Mom and Dad could use one of your beautiful smiles right now. I hope today is better for you and that by the time you read all your emails you will wonder why people are saying they are sorry you feel so bad. Hang in there Mom and Dad, it will get better. Prayers are being lifted up for you as you read this. Philippains 4:6 tells us: "Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks." I pray that your needs, emotionally, physically and spiritually will be met today, that you will feel God's presence and that your hearts will be filled with gratitude for the gift of your precious little girl. My heart goes out to you.
Cherry Mattison <cmattiso@energen.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy, I am so sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time. I pray that this will all be over for you real soon. It's hard to smile when you feel so bad and I know Mom and Dad could use one of your beautiful smiles right now. I hope today is better for you and that by the time you read all your emails you will wonder why people are saying they are sorry you feel so bad. Hang in there Mom and Dad, it will get better. Prayers are being lifted up for you as you read this. Philippains 4:6 tells us: "Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks." I pray that your needs, emotionally, physically and spiritually will be met today, that you will feel God's presence and that your hearts will be filled with gratitude for the gift of your precious little girl. My heart goes out to you.
Cherry Mattison <cmattiso@energen.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I am so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling to well. I hope you start feeling better really soon! I love you and am praying for you!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:04 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy...I check your page almost everyday to see how you are.I know that you have to be one of the strongest and bravest chicks I know. My family and I say a special prayer for you everyday..Lance is playing baseball again so we get to see Trace play too..hope today is a better day for you,the sun awaits your return to play outside again.
Lots of love, Melinda Lambert and family Gordo

Melinda Lambert (roger' s neice) <lambertm@lakeside.pickens.k12.al.us>
Reform, Al US - Friday, April 29, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy...They are not going to be able to keep you down much longer.....that medicine is going to kick in and everybody had better watch out! Sassy Cassy will be back to her sassy and active self. I hope it will be real soon. I know that you have some stuff that you want to be doing---like coloring, making colored salt, shooting the nurses with water guns and playing with Cade, Weasel and all of your friends. Just know that God is right there with you and He will help you through this.
I love you bunches and bunches. Aunt Bev

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Friday, April 29, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
Hi there, Cassidy! Yesterday, some of Miss Savarese's friends came to our classroom and brought us some books and snacks for us and we did the tooty ta for them. Today is Miss Savarese's last day in our classroom. We know that you are not feeling well, so we will keep our message short and sweet this morning. We continue to keep you in our prayers all of the time. We love you and miss you!!!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
Hey Cass! I just want you to know that we are praying for you soooo hard and that we love you soooo much! I wish that I could take the pain away from you but since I cannot I will just trust in God to do that for us! Just believe in him and keep that beautiful smile and hopefully the good days are yet to come. We are all pulling for you!!! With all our love, Robby, Candace, Skylar, and Tate
Candace <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
VANCE, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 8:10 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy:
So sorry to hear that you are sick. It is not fun to be
nauseated with high fevers. Maybe better days are around
the corner. I sure hope so. The morphine pump should help
you to rest. Seems like the nurses are doing all they can
do to make you comfortable. Hang in there.
Still praying and thinking about you daily.
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 7:48 AM CDT
Hey Sass!
Get that fever down so you can lose the cold rag thing! Br-r-r-r! I wish I could take your place for a while because i know you're tired of this. With God's help it'll all get better real soon. If prayers and tears could make it all better instantly, you'f be well already. We've just got to get the treatment to take hold. In the mean time we'll keep the prayers coming. We love you all. I think the package from the Bama Baseball team is headed your way. Hope it brightens your day a little. I think it's something you can share with Cade too!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 7:18 AM CDT
Hope you get to feeling better! Today is the student teachers last day at Flatwoods. Julie and I miss you very much! We miss your sweet smile that brightens up our day. Did you get the stuff we sent you from third grade? We hope so. Mrs. Shelton and our class are trying to keep updated as much we can.
Morgan and Mrs.Shelton's Class

Morgan <jhalexan@samford.edu>
Northport , AL United States - Friday, April 29, 2005 6:09 AM CDT
Hope you get to feeling better! Today is the student teachers last day at Flatwoods. Julie and I miss you very much! We miss your sweet smile that brightens up our day. Did you get the stuff we sent you from third grade? We hope so.Mrs. Shelton and our class are trying to keep updated as much we can.
Morgan,Mrs.Shelton, and Third Grade

Morgan <jhalexan@samford.edu>
northport , AL United States - Friday, April 29, 2005 6:05 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy- Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and really hoping that you feel better soon! You are a very tough and strong girl! You and your family are in my prayers always.
Laura Marie <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 29, 2005 1:17 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy, Just read your latest update. Hope you are feeling better soon. Just keep being brave and feel all the love and prayers going out to you. Katie likes to help me when I'm on the computer. She's says Meow! Hope tomorrow is a better day. - Linda, Steve and Katie
Linda and Steve Marks <marksl3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
I hope that you are feeling better! We had Handbells this week and all the kids asked about you - I told them that you are in the hospital right now, but hopefullly you will be feeling better soon.They all said to tell you that they miss you! I miss that pretty smile and my hugs. My family and I are praying for you and your family daily sweet girl.We can't wait until you come back to the " Woods".

Mrs. Alexander <jhalexan@samford.edu>
Northport, AL USAj - Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I hope you are feeling better. I love you and miss you! I will be praying for you. Tell your mommy and daddy hi for me!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:26 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
You do not know me, I am a friend of your friend Scarlett. I've heard alot about you! You sound like a really nice girl!!!! My name is Connor Porterfield. I got to go.

Connor Porterfield <bamaguy324@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:24 PM CDT
SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:39 PM CDT
Hello sweetie!!
I am hoping when you read this that all the medicines are working and that you are not itching as much. I know that you are tired of being sick and not feeling well--but those days will come soon. We are all just hoping and praying for those days to hurry and get here.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
Hey Cass. I hope you are feeling better today than yesterday. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. All of the people at my work ask me for daily updates and want to let you know that they have been and will continue praying for you. Megan wanted to let you know that she has finally learned to petal and got a bike. It took her a lot longer than you to get the hang of it! When you are better, we will bring down her bike and take you guys someplace fun to ride. This will give her a little bit more practice so that she does not run you off the road! Miss you. Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden.
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:16 PM CDT
Hello sweetheart....Seazon said she talked to you yesterday afternoon and you sure did sound good. She said the first thing you asked her was if Weasel was getting big. No she isn't. She is still little like she was when you saw her last. But Weasel wanted me to ask you if there is something that you would like to have....because "Mommy's Day" is almost here. It will be in 10 days. Be thinking of something and let me know so I can tell Weasel. I guess I will have to give her an allowance if she is good so she will have some money.
Remember...you are my sunshine!! I love you and pray daily for your healing and for Mom and Dad's comfort and patience.
See you soon!! Love and sug-sug. Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:42 AM CDT
Hey Catsidy,
I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking and praying for you (like always). I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time, but I'm sure when it's all over with soon, we'll see that bouncy Sassy back to make us all smile. Weasel is probably waiting by the door to hear you coming. Cade needs you back to play with too. Fight through it and get well soon. We love you.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:24 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! I am sorry that we haven't written you in a couple of days, but we have been praying for you every night. We hope that you get to feeling better real soon!!!
Aunt Bev is coming to see us tonight and take us to eat; we wish that you were here and could go with us! We miss you and will ask Jesus to take extra special care of you today so you won't feel so yucky anymore. Until tomorrow, we love you! Skylar and Tate

Skylar and Tate Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Hello and How are you Miss Cassidy?
I'm sorry I haven't written, but it's taken me a while to get your REALLY cool website up... I'm not the best with computers... sorry. :)
My class and I are praying for you and hope you're doing well. I'm sort of embrassed to say that I think you're a lot tougher than I am... and that's hard for a guy to say, I mean, I'm the only guy teacher here and I like to think I'm tough stuff, but you are a real inspiration to me! Thanks for being the wonderful, bright, cute, tough girl you are. We're thinking about you!

Mr. Hedrick, his family, and his class

Paul Hedrick <paul.hedrick.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Hey little angel i'm sorry to hear that you are feeling bad today.Trace and Tyler both said hey and they love you very much.We are all praying for you a speedy recovery cass and i believe the good days are gonna be coming around real soon.Sean and Suzie you are two of the strongest people I know. I love you all
Aunt Mandy <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL u.s - Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
Hey mommy...YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I got my card that you made for me in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much.
You really did a good job and it looks like you were very busy with all of the stickers, coloring and drawing. You wanted to know how big and long I was getting. I am not really any bigger than I was when you left. I think I look just the same. Aunt Bev said she was going to take some pictures of me to give you. Maybe she will let me wear my pick bows. I really liked the two dog stickers that was on my envelope. I bet one is me and one is Luci. Right? Luci and me got bathes last night. I like to take a bath better than Luci does. But we sure do smell good. We also get to wear perfume after our bath. You be strong so you will get well and hurry home to see me. I miss you and love you. WEASEL

tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
Hey there Cassidy! Today, we have library. We are going to check-out some new books. We were wondering what the names of your nurses are? Are they super nice? Jacob brought some tadpoles to class a couple of weeks ago, and they are starting to grow legs. Matthew brought us some pictures from our zoo fieldtrip and we passed them around during our morning meeting. We have been talking about the jobs of our parents and have made a bulletin board to display the objects and pictures we brought to show what they do. We wish you were here with us, and we hope you feel much better very soon! We love you and miss you!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Cassidy, I was visiting Mr. Thomley's webpage and saw the link to yours. I don't even know you but your beautful face and story brought tears to my eyes. Please know that there are people praying for you everywhere. Stay strong and keep that beautiful smile!!
C.A. <carm0012@hotmail.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:23 AM CDT
Hey everyone, hang in there, I hope the tough days are coming to an end also. Hope today will be better. If you need anything, call us. We love you all and are praying for you. Love ya, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad.
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
Hi, Tierce Family! I'm glad to hear that hopefully the bad is almost over. She is so tough (and so are you)!!!!!
We never stop thinking of you and praying for you!

The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:09 AM CDT
Hey Sassy, Sorry to hear that you are feelinig bad, but just remember Mom and Dad said it would be over soon, and you will get to feeling better. I myself have had a sore throat, and that is why I have not been to see you! Tell Mom and Dad that as soon as I get over this I will be up there to see you and everyone! Just remember that I love you and that everyone here at Flatwoods have you in their prayers and that they miss you TOO!!!!! Love ya, Coach Duke
kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.ent>
Tuscaloosaq, AL USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:26 AM CDT
I hope you are still asleep and not playing at this time of the night. I pray that you will have a better day tomorrow. All of these bad days will soon be behind you and then you will have great days. You are a tuff little cookie. I miss sitting with you in church. I have not talked to Cade since he came back from seeing Thomas the Train, but I will before the week is over. I am praying for you each day and alot of people at my work are too. God is looking out for his little girl and soon you will be much better. Love you, Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <uagrandmaw2@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Little Cassidy,
So glad to see you on this wed site. You made a cut kitten.
I am going to Disney World with Cody and Trevor next week. I hope they have as much fun as you did when you went. I don't know if you remember Cody, he went to Ms. Shirley's with you. Are you coloring much? I know how pretty you can color, remember the pretty picture you colored at the Frame Shack!
Hope you have a good night tonight! I have been praying for you and my Sunday School class has too, alone with my church. Maybe you will be coming home soon.
Ms. Brenda Kornegay

Brenda Kornegay <Kornegay71@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:05 PM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy Lea!
I'm sorry you are feeling yucky. If you feel better tomorrow, Landon and I would like to come visit. He misses you and loves you so much. He prays for you every night. I'll call your mom in the morning to see if we can visit! We love you bunches!!!
Sherri, Rod, Landon & Luke

Sherri & Landon Lunceford <Sherrirtt@cs.com>
Northport, AL USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Good morning sweetie!!
I am sorry I did not write yesterday--it was very hectic here at work (board meetings, finance committee meetings, etc.) but that does not mean you weren't on my mind. Aunt Vickie told me she stayed with you for a while last night while mommie and daddy had some things to take care of. She really loved being with you and was so sorry that you were not feeling well. I read memaw and poppy's email to you and understand that Cade is still a little night owl. He just cannot wait for his sister to return home so that things will be fun and normal again. I am sure Weasel misses you a lot too. I see where your teacher continues to update you on what is happening in your class--that is great. She is a very sweet teacher and I know she loves you a lot. It seems like a LOT of people love you very much. You have really put a lot of love in many people's hearts!! ...because you are a very special young lady!!
I hope your day is better today because you deserve a good day. I will talk to you again later Miss Sassy!!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Good Morning, Cassidy! Today, Mr.Mac comes to do art with us. We are about to go next door to Mrs.Brock's room to do our DIBELS test! She will be checking to see if we learned everything we need to for Kindergarten, like naming letters, knowing sounds, and reading words. We are going to do great! Do you get to eat in your bed? We love you and miss you very much!
Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Good morning sweetheart. Remember "You are my sunshine".
I am so sorry that the "yucky" is getting you down. I guess we are going to have to spank somebody. You just let me know who.
You stay on my mind all the time...as well as everybody in the world (I think). God is holding you close to his heart and will take care of you. He hears prayers for you all day long.
Stay strong and brave and hopefully it won't be long and you will be up running wild.
Love you bunches. Aunt Bev

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I just got to work and checked your message, I am so sorry to hear that you feel "Yucky". You hang in there, and I know you will feel better soon. (Maybe today will be a better day). I am praying for you. Love You Lots!!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
Good Morning Sweet Cassidy and Mom,
I was about to leave for work but I couldn't leave without telling you how much I love You. Hang in there.I know you are feeling really yucky right now, so we will just pray for that to be over soon. I will keep you close to my heart all day and think of you constantly. Love you! Aunt Ronda

Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:02 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy! Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. I hope you get over feeling yucky soon. Megan wants to know if you have felt like painting on your doggy picture yet. Megan and Braden's Papaw and Nana are coming through Birmingham today and are plannig to bring your Mommy and Daddy some dinner. If you think of something that sounds good to eat, let them know. We miss you! Hang in there...the worst is almost over. Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden.
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:17 AM CDT
I see Weasel's been at it again. I hope she didn't leave any footprints on Aunt Bev's counter! I hope you start to get feeling better soon. I think it's gonna happen soon. We are all still praying for you all the time. A lot of people ask me about you every day and are also praying for you. some of them have never met you, but they feel like they know you through me and other people who also love you. Keep up the good work and get home soon so you can teach Weasel out of trouble and maybe Cade too!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 5:32 AM CDT
Sorry your not feeling well tonight. I check everynight to see how you are doing. I don't always write because it looks like you have the fan mail of Dora or Spounge Bob already. Keep your chin up and we will all keep praying.
Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al. USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:24 AM CDT
Cassidy-- I hope that you get to feeling better really soon! I hate that you are feeling so yucky. Just know people are thinking about you and praying for you all the time. God Bless!!
Laura Marie <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
Hay Shortcake! Sorry you are not feeling very well. We finally got Cade to bed and I'm about to head their myself. Cade wanted to talk to you tonight when we were talking to your mommy but you were asleep. I tried to tell him if you were asleep it was late and he needed to go to bed but it didn't work. Sure hope you feel better tomorrow and they get you something that gets rid of that rash. We love you and sure do miss you. We will keep praying that you get better real soon so that Cade, Poppy and I can play with you again. Hope you have a good nights sleep and maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Cade, MeMaw and Poppy <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
Aleigh and I just got home from school. WE were thinking about you and wanted to say Hello. I am so, so sorry that you are feeling sick right now so we will say our special prayers for you to feel better soon. You are very special to me and Aleigh.We read your emails everyday and tell our friends about you. They are all praying for you too. I read the email from Weasle. It sounds like he is ready for you to be her bed buddy.I bet she is saving up all the good sugar for you. You are a good mommy to Weasel. Your flowers we planted at the treehouse are pink and purple. they are very pretty just like you. We Love You Cassidy. I know that GOD and his Angels watch over you and your family everyday. Love, Your friendd Lindsey & Aleigh

Lindsey Herndon and Aleigh Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I hope you're feeling better today. We sure do miss you! We're going to come see you as soon as you can have visitors. Tell Weasel if she needs someone else to play with, that we have 5 kittens and she can have all of them. We love you and are soooo proud of you for being such a strong girl through all of this. I can't wait to see you back at Church every Sunday, I really miss that beautiful smile!
Love you,
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:24 PM CDT
Hey mommy..I mailed you something yesterday...be looking for it. I got my feet a little dirty and then walked on the envelope.
I sure am glad that you let me stay with Luci...she thinks she is my mama. She stays right with me all the time. Last night while Aunt Bev was ironing, I got tired. There was a fleece throw folded real neat on the back of the couch in MY room. It looked so warm. I jumped up there and scratched all around until I got it in a mess. Then I crawled up under it and went to sleep. Aunt Bev couldn't find me at first, then she saw my feet sticking out. It was a good, warm bed. I wanted to sleep there all night, but I couldn't. I had to get in my kennel. But that's okay. I miss you and love you. WEASEL

- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
hey cassidy how are you doing well third grade has been so hard these last days of the month we get out in may so we still have a little bit more days homework has been crazy these days just got done with sat and the teachers are going crazy now im not tring to scare you but IT IS HARD now i want you to be good in school ok just get ready for elementry school practice your homework. WE ARE ALL PRAYING FOR YOU
ansley and friends <RAATHORNTON@COMCAST.NET>
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
Hello Cassidie,
I'm sorry that you are feeling bad,but it will get better.Trace Parker is playing baseball he scored yesterday
and he was excited.When his pictures come back I will send you one to have.Trace and Raegan was in a play at school they took a picture to send you.Tyler is at band practice but he sends his love also.I hope that you get to feeling better we are all praying for you.You are a little angel and we love you very much.

Love You,
Aunt mandy,shannon and kristy

Aunt Mandy <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL u.s - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy, Just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I know you are going to do just great and be home soon. It seems there are a whole lot of people who love you and can't wait until you are all well. You are a lucky little girl to have so many friends who care about you. I wish for you a great day.
Love Ms. Dolores

Dolores Lancaster <phiferdl@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Hey, Cassidy! I'm so sorry you've been feeling so yucky. I hope today is a better day! My children and I pray for you every morning on our way to school and work, and I know that God has you in His hands. By the way, has anyone taught you how to do your "SMILE" exercises? If not, you take your right pointer finger and push up on your left cheek. Next, you take your left pointer finger and push up on your right cheek. Now....doesn't that feel good?!!? (I have to do this sometimes, too!) I'm thinking of you and hope you are feeling better real soon! Love, Amy Blythe:)
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:26 PM CDT
Hi, Cassidy and all! I hope you are feeling better today. It is no wonder you don't feel like eating-I'll bet you are full of medicine. Ha! But isn't it wonderful that there is all of this medicine to make you better?! God bless you all!
Megan and Braden's Grammy <jane_atkins@proffitts.com>
Maryville, TN USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:22 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy and family- I am so glad to hear things are going as expected (not the sick part)! It sounds like you are keeping everyone busy! I think of you everyday and what such a brave little girl you are! Mom and Dad hang in there-it's gonna be a long road-but all well worth it! Keep smiling!!

Denise Locke <lockeon@alltel.net>
Nashport, OH usa - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Cassidy: Hope you get to feeling better. It's no fun being sick, but you are being well taken care of at the hospital. I check your web site everyday and enjoy reading your updates. We think of you often and pray for you every day. Love from your cousins in Ohio, John and Carole Hoffman
Carole Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy, I was sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you will have a much better day today. I pray that God will heal you real soon and that you will be back home playing with Cade and Weasle. I have a grandson named Cade. I bet your Cade is a great big brother to you and that he loves you a lot. From the pictures on Crosby's website it looked like you were close in age so I am guessing that Cade is the oldest. Am I right? I loved all your pictures, I printed one of you and Weasle to put on my refrigerator so I can see your sweet face everyday. I think about you and pray for you many times during the day. I have come to love you and your sweet spirit. There are a lot of people that love you but all their love combined cannot compare with God's love for you. You are precious in His sight. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Cherry Mattison
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:45 AM CDT
Good Morning Princess Sassy! I hope you feel better today and I'm really sorry that I didn't write you yesterday. I heard a rumor that the Alabama Baseball team is getting something together for you soon! Hmmm? Maybe it's a half-eaten hotdog? No, they probably ate all of it. Hope it's not a smelly uniform with dirt and grass stains. I guess we'll just have to see.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Hi there Cassidy!! This morning we sang the number rock during our morning meeting. The girls were super loud! We are about to do centers and Mrs.Newton is here today, because Mrs.Fulmer is absent. Yesterday, Mrs.Fulmer told us that we would be going on a field trip to CHOM (Children's Hands On Museum). Today, we had to bring a picture or object for Miss Savarese's lesson that represented the job of our Mom and/or Dad. We hope that you begin to feel better and keep being strong!! We miss you and love you bunches!!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, al usa - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Good morning sweet.....You just try to be patient through this rough time and things will get better. I think this is part of the "getting better". You are alot younger than me, but you are so much stronger. You go Girl!! I love you, God loves you and Weasel loves you. Hope you have a peaceful day!! Hugs and Sug-Sug, Aunt Bev
Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I am so sorry to hear that you did not feel well yesterday. I hope you feel better, hopefully today will be a better day. I'll be checking on you later. Love ya, Kelli

kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
Good morning!!!
What shall we do on a rainy day???? This is what all the students at NMA are asking today. Rain is in the forecast for all day...how about Birmingham...is it raining???
So sorry to hear that you are sick. Hopefully this will not last too long. I am praying for a quick recovery. Soon you will be running the halls of the hospital and ordering the nurses around. May you have the best day possible today. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:49 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope things start to improve. I went to a cancer survivor reception on Sat. and I stole the show. I got flowers and a pizza gift cert. (yum, yum) for being the youngest cancer survivor there. Take care and hope to see you soon.
Love, Molly

Molly and Sarah Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
- Monday, April 25, 2005 9:50 PM CDT
I am so sorry that you got a little sick. I love you and are thinking about you!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Monday, April 25, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
Hey Miss Sassy Cassy.... I am so sorry that you are feeling a little weak. But I know you well enough to know that it won't be long and you will be wide open again. I hope that will be soon. Its good to know that you still feel like coloring and watching all those movies. What is your favorite movie? I am fixing to go home and "let the dogs out". Weasel has started getting into the bathroom garbage. I try to remember to keep the door shut, because if I don't, she will go in there and turn the garbage over and make a mess. She loves Q-tips. The other day, she could reach the toilet tissue and pulled some of it off. It was running out the bathroom door. I could only laugh when I saw it. I said "That is a bad girl". She just tucked her head and rolled over. I reached down and rubbed her little belly. She liked that. She is so cute. I will give her some sug-sug from you when I get home. I love you, Aunt Bev
beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, April 25, 2005 5:03 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, it was so good to talk to you yesterday. I hope you had a good day, and I hope things are going well
today. Love You Lots! Kelli

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Monday, April 25, 2005 2:14 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy, We just got back inside from P.E. and finished snack. Hope you had a snack today. We know that some food doesn't taste too good right now, but eat a few bites for us. We remember your bird-eating tricks with the noodles! We got your card and Mrs. Fulmer told us all about visiting you last week. Your card was pretty and we hung it on the door so we can look at it when we line up. Today we traced one child from each table and each group made it into a community helper(life size) by coloring in details like badge, handcuffs, etc. for police officers or glasses and school stuff for a teacher. We hung those up in the hall. One group made one look like Mrs. Fulmer. She looked rather interesting?? We plan to write letters again this week and will mail them to you. Mrs. Johnson came today and we practiced how to ignore or say "I don't like" statements when someone says things to us we don't like. At P.E. we had to run TWO laps today!! Boy we were tired. Hope you are not still too tired. Have a good day. Love, your kindergarten class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, April 25, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy! I love the picture with your face painted. It looks like the face paintings that they do in Disney. Tom and I are praying that you get better everyday because I see that Weasal misses you a whole lot. We miss you in Church too! Tell Sean & Suzie I said "Hello" and if we can do anything to please let us know. We love you and your family and will continue to pray for you each day.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, April 25, 2005 1:13 PM CDT
Hey Sweet Big Brave Girl,
I am sorry that you are still not up to your old self but maybe you can take it easy a few more days and you will get your energy back. Just remember that you body has been through a lot and we all must be patient and hang in there and let God work his miracles.
Love and Prayers, Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Monday, April 25, 2005 12:05 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I hope you are feeling a little better today. Did your mom tell you that Tristan broke his arm? He has on a red cast for Alabama. He goes back to the doctor Thurs. to see if it is healing Okay. We all miss you and love you. Tristan prays for you 2 and 3 times a day. Can't wait until you get to come back to church. Tell Mom we said "Hi" and call if she needs something or just wants to talk. We are having AWANA store next week so we will send you somethings we think you might buy for yourself. May God continue to bless you.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan, McKae and ??? <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al US - Monday, April 25, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Hey mommy....I am so sad that you are not feeling good. I had a good weekend except one thing....I MISS YOU!! I love Saturdays.... I get to go for walks and play out on the screen porch. I get so tired cause I get to stay out of my kennel all day. Luci and me get to run wild. But by the afternoon, I am ready for a nap. When Aunt Bev finally sits down at night, I jump in her lap and pass out. I heard Aunt Bev tell LuLu that she thinks I am getting "fat". Can you believe that? I hope I won't be too heavy for you to pick me up when you come home. I can't wait for you to come home so I can jump up on your bed with you and crawl under the covers and go to sleep. You are such a good bed buddy!! I am being a good girl and I haven't had any more spankings. Love you, WEASEL
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, April 25, 2005 10:15 AM CDT
Good Morning, beautiful! I could not wait until I got to work this morning to catch up on how you did this weekend. I am so sorry that you don't feel so good right now but I know that God is watching over you and is going to make you better and stronger real soon! Skylar and Tate said to tell you Hello and that they miss playing with you and Cade. We say a prayer for you every morning and night. We love you!!! and will check on you tomorrow. Also, tell you mom and dad hello for us, we are praying for them too! Candace, Skylar, and Tate
Candace robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy, glad you are doing better. It was a beautiful, but cool, weekend in Tuscaloosa, the sunshine reminded me of your smile. I think your smile has been an inspiration to a lot of people and I know it makes your Mom and Dad feel good. I believe that your smile is a gift from God and that He is using it to help a lot of people get through a very tough time. I am praying for you and your family. Keep smiling! Hope you have a wonderful day.
Cherry Mattison
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:16 AM CDT
Good morining Cassidy and family. We have been thinking about you and praying for you each day. You have been a good girl I hear, so I am glad you can snap your fingers and get what you want. If I can't do that at least I know someone who can. Wishing you all a good week and lots of sunshine. Sunshine seems to help everyone. I will check on you later.
Love to all,
Delaine and Tommy

Tommy & Delaine Williams <dwilliams@unimin.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
Eric said a special prayer for you last night when we asked thanks at supper. He prays for you every night and can't wait for you to get better to play. We love you very much
Matt, Rosann, Eric, and Nick Turner <rosann.turner.bwhs@tcss.net>
- Monday, April 25, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
Good morning girl! I hope you like the surprises that we sent by Memaw and Poppy yesterday. Megan thought that you might like the puppy painting set. We miss you so much and can't wait until we can come and see you. Cade and Braden had a lot of fun playing and fighting this weekend. They needed you and Megan to follow around! They are opening a new salt water aquarium in Chattanooga this weekend. We will have to all go see it when you are feeling better (maybe by then the crowds will be gone and we can actually get in the door!). Let us know if you need anything. Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden.
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
Good morning Miss Sassy!
I talked to Aunt Vickie this weekend and she told me that you were not feeling so well. I know that is to be expected, but keep trying hard to eat and do everything you need to do to get out of that place. I hear the nurses are wonderful to you and that you have loads of stuffed animals and that you have decorated your room so beautifully. I hope by now you are getting the cards that I have been sending. Each card will have a little surprise--just something for you to open while in the hospital. You are on my mind every day and every night. Tell mom and dad I said hello and I send my love.
Love you lots and lots and lots and lots!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, April 25, 2005 7:48 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!! I am glad to hear everything seems to be going good for you. Keep your head high and keep fighting like the little soilder I know you are.I love you!!!!

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
Hi Caz,
Just checking in with you to see how you guys are today. We just wanted to send our love and hugs to all of you.We will call you later this evening. Love, The Herndon's
P.S. Tell Cassidy that Lindsey and Aleigh are planting a special flower for her at their treehouse. They have named their clubhouse 'the flower power girls' and Cassidy is their first member!!! They said to tell Uncle Sean NO BOYS ALLOWED!(except for Cade and Poppy!)

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Cassidy, All of us are cheering that those platelets on, girl! We continue to keep you in our hearts and always in our prayers. Love, The Forest Ridge Gang.( Miss Bootsie, Mr. Ronald, Jason, Kristen, Miss Susan, Mr. Ed, Miss Barbara, Mr. Mike, Mr. Ken, Miss Susan D., Miss Lee, Mr. Lee, Miss Nancy and Mr. Bruce.) (not to mention Maggie, PJ, and Daisy!)
Bootsie and the Forest Ridge Gang
Tuscaloosa, Al - Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
Hey Catsidy,
I'm glad to hear things are doing good. Get those platelets up, and get those cells grafting. Weneed you running lose to give Weasel some exercise. I think the current "zookeepers" for her are getting tired of answering all of Weasels questions about her "mommy".

We're praying for you. Quack!

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, April 23, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
I am so glad that you are feeling good! I am praying for you every step of the way! I love the picture of you when you are painted like a dog!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Saturday, April 23, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
Cassidy, So glad to hear that you are doing great. I have been checking your web site everyday to see how you are doing. Keep up the good work and things will get better real soon. You are in my prayers everyday and I know that God is answering them all. Tell Mommy, Daddy and Cade we all in Ohio said hi!!!!
Lots of Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Ohio USA - Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
We hope you are feeling better this morning. We've been reading your emails from all of your friends. You have so many people that love you and that are praying for you to feel better soon. I know God hears all of the prayers and he is with you right now.Lindsey and Aleigh send you a great big hug and kiss and hope to see you soon. They are busy fixing up the playground and treehouse today, so when you come back it will be ready for some serious playing. Tell Mom,Dad and Cade Hello for us. Just know that we keep you in our hearts and prayers everyday. We were talking about you just a little while ago, and we all agree that you are the bravest little girl we know. As your Aunt Bev said in her email this morning...You are my sunshine. WE LOVE YOU!! Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Hey Sassy,
It's really great to hear that you had a great day yesterday! Just remember it will not be long before you will be feeling great and the tiredness will be gone! Can't wait to get back up there to see you! Take care, and "God Bless". PS: "Try and keep everyone "Straight" up there, I know you can do it! Love ya, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, , AL USA - Saturday, April 23, 2005 6:45 AM CDT
Hi, pretty girl. We are so sad that you can't be here tomorrow. You were the first person on our guest list. We are so glad you are doing so well, though, and one day we will have a party just for you and Scarlett. Tell all of the sweet nurses and doctors we said hi. We love you and are praying for you.
The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:34 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, It's great to hear that you are doing so well. We miss you being downstairs with us. I will try and come see you this weekend. Lots of Love!!
Courtney Jones <Courtneyleigh345@yahoo.com>
DeArmanville, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
Hey Catsidy!

I just got back from the Alabama Baseball game. Roll Tide, we beat South Carolina. I jumped to the computer as soon as I got home to see if you had an update, and was glad to se it had been updated again. I know the yucks have you right now but we now it'll get better one the graft starts doing its magic. God is listening to all your prayer warriors and will watch over you. You're so special and such an inspiration to me. Get well, get strong, come home and get back to your friends at school. I know they all miss you. We love you.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:03 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, it's me again, just wanted to tell you that
Cole and Chad said "Hello", and are saying a prayer for you every night. We all love you and hope you feel better soon. Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad

TUSCALOOSA, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, just checking on you, I have been thinking of you all day. I am so glad to hear that things are still going well. Hope you have a great night and a great tomorrow. Love you lots. Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 9:49 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy, Sorry I haven't written to you in a while. Your pictures at Disneyworld were so cute! Reminded me of when I was there. Glad to hear you are doing well & had fun with activities today. Even though we've never met I know you are one special little girl. We're praying for you. With all the prayers going to heaven for you, God is surely listening. Tell your Mom, Dad and Cade that they'e in our prayers too. Take care. I love looking at your picture every day when I check on you. Your Cousins, Linda and Steve Marks
Linda <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Friday, April 22, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
Mr. David and I are so glad that you are doing so well after everything you have been through. We miss seeing your smiling face at church. Hang in there. We are praying for you. Love, Mrs. Donna

Donna Krepp <DDKrepp@cs.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Hello sweetie!!
I have been very busy here at work today and am just now able to write to you...but you are always in my head and heart. I understand from Aunt Vickie that Mrs. Fulmer and Coach Duke came to visit last night AND they stayed with you while mom and dad went to eat. I know you enjoyed that so very much--but they probably enjoyed it more. I know you don't feel good at all--but try to remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you will be all well soon. Aunt Vickie also told me that you played a little play doh last night--how fun!!! Gotta go home now. Uncle Lee is in Tuscaloosa in a fishing tournament with the coaches from Hillcrest so I have a quiet and peaceful night planned out for me and Trace!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Friday, April 22, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
I'm at work away from the studio today so I've just been able to check on you. I'm glad it appears you're doing great with the transplant. Keep it up and don't let feeling yucky get too bad. We're thinking about you all the time. We love you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 1:39 PM CDT
Hi, Sweet Cassidy. I am so glad you have this much behind you. It is so great to hear that you are continuing to do so good. We think about you and pray for you all the time.
Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 12:43 AM CDT
You are my sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happpppy when skys are gray, you'll never know dear, how much I love you...
Remember the other night when I sang that song to you? Well when I come back up I will sing it again. (Your mom and dad may have to leave the room so I won't hurt their ears...but that's okay).
I had to go to the hospital in Northport this morning because my niece was having a baby. She had to have it early and it only weighs 1 lb and 8 oz. He is very little, but doing good. When you say your prayers, please add him (Rylin) to your prayers so God will help him to get strong. I love you and hope your being sick will be gone soon. I love you, Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 12:33 AM CDT
Hey sweetie,
We're so glad this part of your treatment is over. We love you and continue to keep you and your family in our prayers way down here in Baton Rouge, LA. Cassidy, did you know that roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you!

Claude & Marilyn Waite (Hamner & Noland's PawPaw Claude & Mimaw

Marilyn H. Waite <mwaite@ubc-br.org>
Baton Rouge, LA East Baton Rouge - Friday, April 22, 2005 11:50 AM CDT
Good Morning, Cassidy, Our mom told us you were doing good but feeling a little more sick today. That makes me so sad so I said a special prayer to Jesus today that he would take extra care of you! We love you so and know that you will be better real soon so we can play again together. Love, Skylar and Tate
Skylar and Tate Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Hey, Cassidy! It sounds like you are doing great! I'm so glad. I pray for you every day and for the whole family.
Megan and Braden's Grammy <jane_atkins@proffitts.com>
Maryville, TN USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
Hi there Cassidy! Today is a special day because some of Mrs.Campell's students are here with us in Mrs.Fulmer's classroom. We just returned from Mrs.Moore's classroom where we heard Mrs.Alexander's Daddy talk about bees. We got to see some and learn how they make honey. We love you and miss you and wish you were at here at school with us. Get well soon!!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, I was so blessed to be able to spend some time with you last night. I thought you looked good and seemed so much better than I had worried you might be. I know that God is with you. I think that you had me fooled about those nurses. They were all so sweet and nice. You need to be good to them because I could see the love and care they have for you. Your parents really made me feel honored and special that they felt comfortable leaving you for a little while with Coach Duke and me. I was honored to help take care of you when you felt sick and to laugh with you when you were feeling silly. I will never be the same after knowing you. I plan to visit more when I can. Working so much everyday at school and then with family and church things going on makes it a little harder to see you as often but you are in my thoughts constantly. I even dreamed about you all night last night! I'm out of school today for an off day (yeh)but I will give the class your card on Monday and tell them all about you. Much love, your teacher, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Friday, April 22, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
Good Morning! Hope you all had a good night. My phone has been ringing off the hook with people wanting updates on Cassidy. Gordo is praying for her SPEEDY recovery!!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Friday, April 22, 2005 7:54 AM CDT
Hey "Sassy",
It was so good to visit with you last night! Just hearing you talk and getting out of bed and walking the hallways was to good to be true. You kind of had me worry there when you were not talking!
Mrs. Fulmer and I really enjoyed visiting with you while your parents went out to eat! Can't wait to do it again. Hope that you have a good day today, and God Bless You! Love YOU,Coach Duke

kaye duek <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 6:47 AM CDT
You are the bravest girl I know!
We all praying for you. We prayed for you at church on Wednesday night.
I can't wait to see you again.Maybe this summer we can play away from the hospital together.
I sorry that you are sick at times. That's not a fun feeling.
I'll see you soon!

Tim Bailey <servantpastor@aol.com>
Moody, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
hey sugar,
i am so glad to hear you're doing so well. we miss you on the tower, but we can't wait until you come back... as a visitor instead of a patient. hang in there, know that i pray for you everyday, and i love you! also, keep those parents of yours in line.
love, alison

alison mitchell <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 tower, children's hospital - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
Father, may we come boldly before you in prayer. May we lift up our troubles, intercessory prayers, and praises to you, Father. Let us leave these requests with the all- knowing, Almighty One and never attempt to take them back and worry over them thus having no faith in Your power and promise. Let us be good stewards of intercessory prayer enabling us to pray humbly yet mightily for our brothers and sisters. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers! Amen.
Teresa Blaylock
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:08 PM CDT
I just love the cat picture of you when we arrive at your website. I appreciate Connie Harris bringing us an update on you today. I have a message for you. Think of this tomorrow morning...Say it and believe it because the Lord does want you to have joy and be joyful. JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING!!
The earth is constantly turning on its axis.
Even when you cannot feel it, the earth is moving, rotating, and turning. Even though you may not feel like it, your situation is turning right now. It may seem dark, but something is happening, things are turning, the morning is certain, the sun is rising... JOY COMETH!! HEALING COMETH!! BLESSING COMETH TO OUR CASSIDY AND ALL THE OTHER LITTLE ONES THAT ARE IN NEED! We love you!
WWJD Prayer Warriors
"Restore unto me the joy at thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit." Psalm 51:12

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 24:19

WWJD Prayer Warriors <tblayloc@gulf-states.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I was so anxious to get to work today so I could check your page to see how things went yesterday. I hope in a few days you are going to feel rested and full of life. Just hang in there and know we are all praying for a full recovery.
Love, Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Hey mommy... I just wanted to send you a big LICKKKKKK this morning to let you know I love you. Hurry home 'cause I miss you. I think if I am good today, I am going to get to go for a ride in the car. I like to look out the window at everything. I'll let you know if I get to go. Love, WEASEL
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, I am so glad to hear that things went well yesterday, and I hope things go well today also. Have a great day, and I will be checking on you later today. Lots of Love!!!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
Good morning sweetie!
I sure hope your second day is going well. After today, you can just jump up and down that it is finished!!! Everyone is so anxious for you to return back home with all your friends and classmates. I know you are excited about your teacher coming to visit today. Be sure to ask her everything about what is going on while you have been away. You will be able to catch up on everything because you are so smart anyway. I did not call last night because I figured your phone was ringing off the hook. I will check with your mom tonight to see how your day went.
Remember--Aunt Belinda loves you very much.

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Good morning precious little one. Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. My prayer today is that God will wrap you in His arms of love and hold you real tight; that you, and your family, will feel His love and His healing power. Keep smiling!
Cherry Mattison
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy!! We hope you get better soon. Yesterday, during art, Mr.Mac traced our heads and faces and then we got to color them. Miss Savarese taught us about animals that live in the ocean and desert. We had chicken nuggets for lunch yesterday, what have you been eating? What does your room look like? Do you have any windows? Did you decorate it? We love you and miss you very much!! And Mrs.Fulmer and Miss Savarese love you very much!!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:48 AM CDT
VANCE, AL - Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Hello Cassidy:
One day to go and then you will be waiting to get better. I am grateful yesterday with the stem cell transplant went well. Did you receive the special book from a co-worker of mine? Hope it brightened you day!!! She is also praying for you to be well real soon. I know Aunt Vicki is taking good care of you and your family. I saw pictures of Cade, Mom and Dad, while they visited with her.
Take care and remember God loves you and so do I. Love ya,
Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:59 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, I am so glad that you are almost finished with this treatment. I am going to try to come by and see you today. Maybe we can color something together. Get your mom or dad to call me if you need anything. I am praying for you and I know that God has some great things in store for you. Love you, Aunt Vickie
Vickie Kirkpatrick <vhk@aol.com>
Vestavia Hills, AL USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
Just checking you to see how today went. Doing great! I have had you on my mind all day. My heart goes out to you.

I'm going to come see this Weasel, not only is she a talking dog put can type too. Maybe your Aunt can teach my dog, he doesn't have to talk or type if he would just poo poo outside. Ha/Ha

Sorry about the message from yesterday coming 3 times. I geuss if I had read the direction I would have known how it works I've been with Kenny to long, like all men-- do it any then read the direction. I'm sure Sean is nothing like that. YEAH

Patti, Kimberly ,Amanda and Margo Flowers/ Sissie B. <Changndays@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:05 AM CDT
Hope everything goes well with the transplant. My prayers are with you always!

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL United States - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:33 PM CDT
Good work. We're with you all the way.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscalosa, AL - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:58 PM CDT
Hey sweetie!! I am praying for you daily. God is so good. Please tell your mommie to call me any time day or night! Love to you all, Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al 35453 - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that everything went good. You are all in our prayers!!!! God has been real busy today hearing prayers for you! And it's not going to slow down until you are home and running around the yard with weasel!
We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:02 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy! We have been keeping up with you through the computer and just wanted to tell you how happy we are that you are doing so great! Maybe when you come home, Aunt Bev can bring you and Cade over to play with us again. We are praying for you every night. We love you! Robby, Candace, Skylar, and Tate

Candace Robertson <robbyr1973@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:53 PM CDT
Keep hanging in there little girl. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Cassidy, God takes care of our little angels...and John tells me you are quite a special and precious angel. We love you, Shirly

Shirly Elmore <chutme2001@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:23 PM CDT
I'm thinking about you on your big day today! I know everything will go Great!!!!!! Hugs and Kisses coming your way right now!

Shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Hey Sweet Girl,
I have been thinking about you all morning because I knew today is a big one for you. I was happy to hear the GOOD news about the MRI. Just hang in there and know we all love you so much.
Love, Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:10 AM CDT
Woof woof Cassidy. thank you sooo much for my pictures. Aunt Bev hung the one of the frog on the bottom part of the refrigerator so I could see it. (You know I am not very tall). She told me that you drew it all by yourself. I didn't know that you were an "artist". You will have to show me how to draw when you come home. I have some little pink bows to put in my hair so I will be pretty when you get out of the hospital. You will think I am the prettiest dog you have ever seen. I need to tell you a little secret....I got a little spanking last night. (I'm sorry). I got into Aunt Bev's purse and got a piece of candy and ate it. It tasted like a banana. I hope she will put her purse up so I can't get into any more. I don't like getting spankings. Don't let her know....but she doesn't spank very hard..thank goodness. Thanks again for my picture. I love you and miss you. WEASEL
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Hi there, Cassidy!! We hope you are doing well today! Yesterday, we learned about the desert and ocean habitats. Mr.Mac is coming to school today to do art with us. We are going to be doing centers in just a minute. We wish you were here with us to do all of the activities. We love you and miss you very much!!!
Love, Mrs.Fulmer's Kindergarten Class <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear that the MRI has not changed since Feb. That is such good news. I hope everything goes well today and tomorrow, and LOTS OF LOVE!!! Kelli
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa , al - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:15 AM CDT
Hi Caz,
Praise God for the MRI results. We will be sending up prayers constantly today and thinking of all of you.Lindsey and Aleigh are sending Cassidy a great big hug right now. Hang in there-WE have lots of Great Beach Trips ahead of us. Tell Cassidy that Uncle Tommy said he would build her the Biggest Sand Castle in Town. We Love All of You Very Much. GOD is with you! Love, Ronda

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:42 AM CDT
Good morning Sweetie!!
It was great talking to you last night. You sounded so strong and upbeat. I know you are having it tough but the good news yesterday is uplifting for all of us. After these next two days, we are all just going to sit tight and wait for the "good stuff" to begin its process. I know you are looking forward to Ms. Fulmer coming to see you on Thursday. I can't wait to talk to you after she comes so that you can tell me what all was on the card your class is making for you.
You are a sweetie pie and I love you lots and lots!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
Cassidy great news



nORTHPORT, AL USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Cassidy great news and good luck on the stem cell.


Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al. USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 0:13 AM CDT
Cassidy great news and good luck on the stem cell.


Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al. USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 0:12 AM CDT
Hi, I just found your webpage. I wanted to wish you well with your transplant. God Bless You!


Amy <amywaggoner@bellsouth.net>
Pinson, Al - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:38 PM CDT
What a sigh of relief! I have been holding my breath all day waiting for you to post the great news!
Keep up the good work, Cassidy! You are a strong little girl.

Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
Great news on the MRI,girl. Hope that transplant completes the job for you so that you can go calm Weasel down. Our prayers are going full time for you, your family, and for all your friends facing other challenges in life. You're made of great stuff, Cat-sidy. With a lttle help from the new"stuff" you're getting and all the prayers being offered up to God, things will be for the better. We will check on you here often. We love you.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:24 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
I am so glad to hear your wonderful news! My family and I will be praying for you the next couple of days that your transplant will go smoothly. Tommorrow is Handbell practice - we wil be thinking about you. I set up our Handbell field trip today for Wednesday,May 11th. I'm going to tell the other kids about it tommorrow. I'm thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

Mrs. Alexander <jhalexan@samford.edu>
Northport, AL USAj - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:55 PM CDT
What great news Cassidy! I will be praying for you over the next couple of days as you are getting your transplant.
I think you are on the downhill slide now and are picking up speed to remission! We love you!

shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:58 PM CDT
Cassidy, Glad to hear that everything is going so well and that you havent gotten sick. This is great news and I know it will continue all the way. Tell everyone I said Hi and will keep you in my prayers. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, Today we all made a card for you. Mrs. Fulmer is planning to come up on Thursday and bring them to you. It is hot outside and everyone just came in all sweaty from P.E. We will be going to music in a few minutes. We hope your test went well today. Talk to you later. Love your kindergarten class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
OOPS! Sorry Weasel! I didn't mean to call you a boy!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:33 AM CDT
That Weasel! First you teach him to be so cute, then he's typing you an email on the computer. WHAT A DOG! I expect to hear him bark at me. I guess you can hear him? Arf, Woof, Slur-r-r-p! Come home soon!


Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:24 AM CDT
Hi, Everyone! It's right at Noon, and I am praying for you! I just wanted to say HI and let you know that prayers are being lifted, even now. By the way, I'm fixing to run to Body Works in just a few minutes! I look forward to reading your next update. God Bless You ALL! AMY:) Blythe
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Hello all! I'm so glad you are doing so well and I know that you will continue to be strong as you have shown us already! Just wanted to say hey and that we are praying for you. Have a good day!

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, Oh usa - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Good morning sweetie!
Thanks for letting us know the progress you are making. I am anxious to hear from the MRI and know that God is handling everything. Aunt Vickie told me that she came out last night to bring spaghetti--I bet your mom and dad loved that because I am sure eating out gets pretty old. When you get ready--I know that she will cook you the special noodles that you love.
I read the poem that was done for you by the Prayer Warriors in Tuscaloosa. My friend Connie gave them your name and she forwarded the poem to me. I printed it out and am going to have it framed for you. You are a brave and beautiful sweetheart and I love you very much.
Take care and stay brave Cat-sidy!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:38 AM CDT
Good morning, Sunshine. Good work and we hope the MRI is great news for you. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be at your old preschool taking pictures of this years graduates. Remember last year? I'll say hello to all the folks there for you. I know they're keeping up with you too. Hugs and kisses, and lots of prayers to yo all.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:43 AM CDT
Woof woof Cassidy.... I sure do miss you. Hurry home!! I was good yesterday and got to go for a long walk. I have to wear this thing around my neck and I don't really like that. But if I didn't wear it, I would probably run wild. You know I have a new name...Wild Woman. I love you, WEASEL
tuscaloosa, al - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Good morning to all of you....I am so glad that Cassidy is being the trooper that she is. God is so good. I am sure that you will get more good news with the MRI.
Give Cassidy a big ole hug and kiss from me. Love ya'll.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscalosa, al - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:37 AM CDT
Good morning:
I am sure you are glad the chemo is finally over. Can't wait to hear from the MRI...hoping for great results. Thanks for updating the web site daily. Still praying and thinking of you daily. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:47 AM CDT
Hey Girl,
It's Coach Duke, glad to hear that you are over the bathing process! Can't wait to hear from your MRI. You are a brave little girl, and I know that God has been watching over you. We really miss you and hope that you continue to do well! Sorry I did not get back with you yesterday, but I will try calling you again! God Bless You and I Love you Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net, kaye.duke.fwood@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:02 AM CDT
Hey Pretty Girl,
Just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are in our thoughts and Prayers. We are so glad the Chemo is over and you are feeling so well. Glad you haven't been sick. You are a special little girl and I know that God is taking care of you. There are a lot of Prayers going up just for you CASSIDY. So stay stong and keep that beautiful smile. We are so Proud of you. WE LOVE YOU and Miss You so much. A special HUG is being sent your way. Take care sweetie and we will say a special prayer for you tomorrow when you have your MRI. Nite Nite Sweetheart and hope you have a good night. SWEET DREAMS...... LOVE YOU.....

Shirley Ayers <Sfayers3@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
HI Cassidy,
This is just me(Aleigh) and Lindsey. We wanted to see how you were feeling tonight. We sure did hav fun when you came to visit and when the frog jumped over our legs. I had a great time with you.I pray for you every night. God listens to our prayerss and you are in his hands. I can't wait for you to come back again soon. WE will have fun. I will come to see you soon. I love you Cassidy. You are a good friend!My friends ask about you every day and we will send you another story. I love you. Be strong - we will pray for you to feel better real real soon. Aleigh

Aleigh Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Cassidy, I am soooooo glad that your chemo is over and you are not sick. Stay strong and smiling!Good luck tomorrow!!! I love you and I am still praying.
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Hip Hip Hooray! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I'm stopping to say a little prayer for you right now that your MRI will be free and clear with no signs of the tumor anywhere! Cassidy, you are such an inspiration to me and many other grown-ups. We love you so much. Talk to you soon!
Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max

tierce gang <stierce911@cs.com>
- Monday, April 18, 2005 6:04 PM CDT
Glad you're through with the chemo. I hope the next three days or so will be better than you think. Yucky isn't much fun, but we know you're made of tough stuff. Keep up the good work girl! We're cheering you on from here.
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, April 18, 2005 1:05 PM CDT
I'm so glad that you are finished with Chemo!!! And I'm thankful that you are doing so good after it. I know you have some hard days ahead, but God is with you and I know that he's hearing all these prayers we are sending him for you. We love you and are so proud of you!

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, April 18, 2005 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Sweet Girl,
Your pictures are great and I know you had a wonderful time. We said special prayers for you and others last night as we kicked off our church's Relay for Life fund raising with an ice cream supper. We all mentioned close friends and relatives who have been touched by this terribe condition. I know you are going to get through this phase as you did the other. I will be checking your site every day for progress reports.
Love, Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Monday, April 18, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Hello "Mommy". I sure do miss you. I have alots of licks to give you when you get home. I am glad that you let me stay with Luci while you are in the hospital. We play, bathe and eat together all the time. Sometimes if we are good, we get to go for walks outside. I love you and miss you. Love WEASEL
Weasel Lea Tierce
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, April 18, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Hello again sweetie!!
Well...ok...now I see that the address is on the web site. I just never click down to the bottom thus not seeing your address. I am sorry that I haven't sent cards or anything but that was my ignorance on the address. Tell dad thanks for calling to let me know. I sure love you and keep you constant in my prayers.
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, April 18, 2005 9:06 AM CDT
We love you, Cassidy and we miss you at school. We hope you get well soon and can come back to see us. We read your mail everyday and we got your e-mail message this morning. Miss Savarese is here all week and we will be learning about habitats and jobs with her. This is Earth Week and we are talking about taking care of the earth. Take care of you and have a restful day. Love Mrs. Fulmer's Kindergarten class
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Good morning sweetie!!
So glad to hear that the chemo is all over. We all will just be so glad when you are completely through and can come home for good. I know your classmates really miss you.
Hey--please ask mommie to put your address on your web site so that we will all know where to send cards and "surprises"!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
We are so glad that you are done with that yucky stuff! Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and can't wait to see you again. Hang in there! Love, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Mike, Megan and Braden
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy,
Just sending you lots of hugs and kisses this morning!We are so proud of you! All of your friends at South Baldwin Regional are praying for you and sending their love. Tell everyone Hello for us! Love you bunches & bunches!!Uncle Tommy,Aunt Ronda,Lindsey and Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:07 AM CDT
WOW, no more chemo! That is great. I am so glad to hear Cassidy handled last week as well as she did. There have been many prayers for her. We are coming to clinic today, hopefully, we will get to see you!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Monday, April 18, 2005 6:38 AM CDT
Hey, Everyone
Glad to hear the good news. Hope you give then HECK Cassidy, make them nurses earn that money. They slowed you down so make them chase you now. I seen your bag at the cancer walk the other night. I've been out there for many years and I want to see you walk that track next year and start the walk off with all the poeple who have been in your shoes. I have a bag for my mother and one for my friends daddy. (Sissie) and it funny how one little paper bag can mean so much, but it the whole night you are there with everyone who has been either like you,or your mom and dad.
We also have alot of fun and raise alot of money so no more little girl will have to do what you have done. Last year I danced in a cage(Sean Shut Up)on the Al.POWER CO. stage with Austin Powers.
Cassidy,I'm realy proud of you and I'm so happy to hear how good you have been feeling. Hey I want to go to Disney Land next time, it looks like ya'll had fun! Be Sweet and I'll be praying for all of you.

Patti Flowers (The Flowers Lady) <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al Tuscaloosa - Monday, April 18, 2005 4:30 AM CDT
I am so proud of you Cassidy!!!!!I knew you could do it. I'm still praying for you,Mom,Dad and Cade. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Hey, Cassidy! We all miss you at school. I asked my teachers to pray for you at Awanas at church tonight. You are so brave. We all love you and miss you, Cass Cass. Your third grade friend, Emily
Emily Hall <scatterjoy@comcast.net>
Northport, Al USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:55 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
I am so excited for you that you have finished your chemo! My family and our church, New Hope Baptist in Romulus are praying for you daily. I miss seeing your smiling face at school! The kids all ask about you in Handbells every week. We will be going on our Field Trip soon. I will try and take some pictures to send to you! Miss you much sweet girl.

Mrs. Alexander <jhalexan@samford.edu>
Northport, AL USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy, I am so glad that you are still doing so good, I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, and I will be checking on you tomorrow. Love, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, it is such great news to hear that you are still doing great. Hope today is a good day too. We love you and are praying for you. Lots of love, Kelli, Joe, Cole and Chad. Tell Mom, Dad, and Cade "Hello"
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Great news! You're our little rainbow, Cat-sidy! There will surely be more storms to come around, but the beautiful blue skies we see this morning will be the end result. All of you are an inspiration to us because of how you've all handled this. Whenever I feel like things aren't going so well, I think of you and remember that things are looking up every day. Keep on looking up to God in your paryers, because you know we all are; and most importantly, that He's listening. God bless you!
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy!

We hope you are still having the best time possible during your treatments. Those things can be pretty rotten sometimes. Aunt Jewel and I just wanted to let you know that we are still praying for you and hope that Jesus will keep his precious hand on you. Always remember that when it seems that no one understands how you are feeling...Jesus does. Just talk to him--he hears you and understands everything that you are feeling. Be sweet and we will be talking to you later.

Love all of you,

Janesa and Aunt Jewel

Janesa Evans <Evansjanesa@Yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL US - Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
You will always be in my prayers.
Larry Morning <lomorning@aol.com>
Birmingham, al - Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
I have just read the update on you for today and I am thrilled to hear that you are still doing very good. God is answering our prayers and you are definitely one of God's brave little soliders. I will tell everyone at church tomorrow how you are doing and we will continue to pray constantly for you. We will miss you at church. Get mommy to read you a bible story in the morning and then you quote some of the bible verses that you know to her. Love, Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <uagrandmaw2@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy, I'm sorry that you had a headache yesterday when I called and got your aunt. I hope you are feeling much better. I pray that you will have more "good days" than "not so good." I've been at a wedding almost all day. I played the music, my husband did the sound and also my oldest daughter was in it. It's been a busy weekend already for me. I love checking your daily news. It really means so much to me and I'm sure many, many others to keep connected to you and your family. You are a sweet and beautiful girl inside and out. I'll be so thankful when you are completely well! Hope you have a restful night everyone. Love, Mrs. Fulmer
cindy fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood @ tcss.net>
northport, al usa - Saturday, April 16, 2005 7:06 PM CDT
hey cassidy and susie,
Last night I went to Relay for Life"American Cancer Society" When they told all the surivors and the people who died or has cancer. So I waited a little bit I just thought about Cassidy when they were calling out all the names and then when I heard Cassidy name I looked up at all the candles on the bleachers and it was spelled out as HOPE I just said in my head that cassidy has HOPE!!!!! After they called Cassidy's name I went walking to see her bag!That was it I started to bust out crying. So we sat my her bag just sitting there crying and then I asked my friend if it was OK for me to take the bag she went to go ask her mom and her mom said yes that was fine so I took it.Every time I look at that bag I will think of you and what ya'll have been though and I will pray for you.Alaways remember that there is HOPE! iLOVE YA'LL
Mallory Hannah

Mallory Hannah <mal21_192@hotmail.com and wildcatgurl0392@aol.com>
Northport , AL USA - Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
hey cassidy,suzie
I just wanted to say hey and that iam thinking about yall. I was listening the radio and they was doing that thing for childern hospital cancer patients and there were people calling in for cassidy.So I started to think about yall and to let you know that yall our in my prays. and to let yall know that i miss working at body works and I miss seeing yall. Well good luck Cassidy Yall talk to yall later.

Jessica Magro <jessicamagro@msn.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Friday, April 15, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Cassidy,I love you and can't stop thinking about you.Stay strong, it is almost over.Your in my prayers sweetheart.

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Friday, April 15, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy,
Just wanted to send you a great big HELLO today. I hope you are having a good day. I will check in on you Monday.

Dolores Lancaster <phiferdl@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Friday, April 15, 2005 10:46 AM CDT
Hi, Gang! I am so happy to hear about such wonderful progress! My Prayer Warrior friends and I (as far away as Hawaii) continue to lift you all in prayer each day. I pray that today proves to be another GREAT day for you! Much love to all of you, Amy Blythe
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Friday, April 15, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! Hope you like the frog balloon and funny card! Gracie picked it out herself. She is having problems writing her name, maybe sometime soon u can come to Shirley's and help her with it. We are praying for u!! See ya soon! Love, The Mullenix's
Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL US - Friday, April 15, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, We didn't get to write to you yesterday because we went on our field frip to the Zoo. We left a little after 8:00 and didn't return to school unitl time to go home. It was very cold at first but it got warmer when the sun came out while we were eating our lunch. We rode the train and saw all the animals.We especially liked the elephants, giraffes, tigers, monkeys, peacocks, cheetahs, and snakes. We came back on the school bus and some of the kids fell asleep! We wish that you could have been with us but we know that you went to the zoo a while back and are busy getting your treatments in the hospital, so we will keep writing to you. Write to us if you can. (Mrs. Fulmer has been tied up with lots of different obligations but will try to visit you sometime soon.) Love your class
cindy <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, al usa - Friday, April 15, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy hope they get your computer fixed today. If they can't fix it tell them you want another one. It sure was nice seeing you last night even if you wouldn't talk to us very much. Cade sure was happy to see you but he still wanted to come back to your room. He just doesn't understand why he can't come back like he did on the other floor. Cade sure does love you and he prays for you everynight as we all do. Well I guess I better get ready for work I'll call you tonight. Hope you have a good day and Mommy and Daddy too. Suzie we forgot to get the present out of your car is Sean coming back to town today or tomorrow? If he does have him drop it off.
Love you buches, MeMaw, Poppy and Cade

Donna Casner <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tusca, AL Tuscaloosa - Friday, April 15, 2005 8:14 AM CDT
Cassidy, All of us appreciate your Mother keeping us posted on your treatments. It is good to know that you have been doing well so far. Even though rough days may be a head, we are all cheering you on and praying for you even more. Love, Miss Bootsie and the Forest Ridge Gang.
All of Us on Forest Ridge
Tusdaloosa, Al - Friday, April 15, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Hi Everyone!
Glad to hear that Cassidy is still feeling well. We miss you all and had a blast when you were here last weekend. Tell Cade that Shadow misses her dancing partner and tell Poppy that Lindsey and Aleigh are ready to rock.
Just know that you are in our constant prayers and we love you very much!! Kisses and Hugs to Cassidy & Cade. Cassidy you are such a special little girl!!! Love Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Friday, April 15, 2005 7:59 AM CDT
Good Morning:
Thanks for keeping us informed about Cassidy. So glad that she is doing ok during the chemo. Hope you have a blessed day and weekend. You are loved and prayed for daily.
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free` <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, April 15, 2005 7:46 AM CDT
Cassidy, I am so glad to hear how well you are doing.You are so brave ,keep it up. Get Mom and Dad with the water gun for me. I love you sweetheart!!!!
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:59 PM CDT
Hey Sassy, Guess Who? You know who it is!!!! Hope you enjoyed your visit with us as much as we did with you! You do know that Dr Dennis was only kidding about you keeping the three of us straight! That's kind of impossible, don't you think. So really keep in mind we do have a lot of fun. I am still searching for that special whistle, and I know that I will find it soon, don't you think that your mother will be exicited when you get it! :) hahahaha Well school went smoothly today, and we all miss you, I will try to get back up there real soon, maybe mom and dad can slip off somewhere and we can play some games. Take care, and we love you, Mom, Dad and Cade. And remember you and your family are in our prayers
Luv U, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 - Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy! I hear you had some funny visitors last night! You will have to help me keep them in line. We miss you at Flatwoods, but your cheerful spirit is with us every day! Email us when you can.
Love you, Dr. Dennis

Dr. Dennis <marybeth.dennis.fwood@tcss.net>
- Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Hi Cassidy! I hear you had some funny visitors last night! You will have to help me keep them in line. We miss you at Flatwoods, but your cheerful spirit is with us every day! Email us when you can.
Love you, Dr. Dennis

Dr. Dennis <marybeth.dennis.fwood@tcss.net>
- Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Hello Cassidy
I have been reading some of your emails--I love the ones from your schoolteacher. That is wonderful that she is keeping you informed about everything that is happening in class. Aunt Vickie told me that the two of you had been doing some coloring and drawing and that you could print really pretty. Hey--what did you do with all the dog pictures we cut out when we spent the night with you? That sure was fun--can't wait to do it again.
Take care--and keep up the good job that you are doing to fight this illnes. I love you very much. Tell mom & dad that I send my love!!
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
The Children's Miracle Network is having their phone telethon on WTXT today and yesterday. There have been alot of people calling in and making donations in honor of "Cassidy". And a little while ago they had a challenge for the 1st person to call in with a $1,000 donation. After 45 minutes, they finally got that $1,000 donation. Guess who it was in honor of? Cassidy Tierce. Thank you Roger Downs at Nationwide Insurance for loving the entire Tierce family as they were your own. Cassidy is at a great place at Children's Hospital and we know she is in great hands.
beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
God keep you in His loving hands.
Candy Grant <cgrant@gulf-states.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:40 AM CDT
Suzie and Sean, Cassidy is so blessed to have you for parents. (Suzie, I have to give it to you....you have patience of gold. Sean, your patiences are getting better, ha) You two be as strong and brave as Cassidy is and you make it through this with flying colors. If you need anything..just holler!! Love ya'll both very much!!

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy, I gave Weasel and Luci their kiss last night from you and boy did they LIKE it. Have you been shooting any more of your nurses? I was glad that your Aunt Seazon beat your dad when they had their shooting fight. You will feel better soon and then you can have a shooting fight too. I love you big as the sky!!
Aunt Bev.

beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, I am so glad to hear that you had another good day. You hang in there, and I hope today is a good day also. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:48 AM CDT
Valley View Baptist Church is praying for you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Cherry Mattison
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Had to check in to how you were doing this morning when I got to work. I'm so happy you had a great day and I'm sure it's a sign of good things to come. I know that smile will be there to make everybody else feel better, too.

Keep on with this and win this fight. All the best powers in the world are along with you right now and cheering every bit of success you're having. We love you and will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
Good Morning:
How wonderful it is to hear that you are feeling good after two rounds of chemo!!!
Hopefully this will continue for all the treatments. Begin looking for a surprise to
come to your room!!! It will come through the mail in a
small brown box. May you enjoy the surprise.
You are still on our church prayer list. Rehobeth Baptist
Church is praying for you and your family!!! With love,
Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, You don't really know me, but I know you! I am an old friend of your Daddy's family. I use to live across the street from Aunt Belinda and Uncle Lee in
Cottondale. I just want you to know that we are praying for
you and so is everyone at Indian Lake Baptist in Northport.
I love your "Cat" picture, and can't wait so see more.
Tell your Dad hello for me and I hope you have a great day.
Dolores Lancaster
AKA: Noey & TaTa

Dolores Lancaster <phiferdl@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al Tuscaloosa - Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:52 AM CDT
We received a prayer request from Belinda and wanted you to know that our group of WWJD Prayer Warriors are praying for you Cassidy! You are a cutie and we are so glad to hear that you had a good day yesterday. Water guns are sure alot of fun! Stay strong, sweetie. Never forget that the Lord is faithful and loves you very much! We do, too! Isaiah 40:11
WWJD Prayer Warriors
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:16 PM CDT
Good afternoon Cassidy! I just read your update. Glad to hear that things are going well. Shoot your daddy with the water gun for me!! Hamner & Noland are saying a prayer for you every day. We love you and hope that things continue to go well. We will see you soon!
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy, I just read your update to the class. They all laughed really loud when I read about your water gun! They are going to remind me to read your news everyday. (Mom and Dad, I'll censor any parts I don't think they need to know about.) They love your pictures, too. Yesterday we dug up moss, collected rocks and made little moss gardens. We will mist them everyday so they'll get some "rain," Right now, Mr. Mac is having art with the class, so I'm writing to you. You may remember he really likes to have you draw things with "semi-circles!" I wonder what he'll have them draw today?? We are wearing our bracelets and think of you many times during the day. Chat with you tomorrow. Love, Mrs. Fulmer and the bunch
Cindy Fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, al usa - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so glad to hear that yesterday went well, and I am praying that today will go even better. You keep eating like that and you will beat Devan out of the car seat. I know you are going through so much and I am so proud of you for being such a strong little girl. Please let me know if you want or need anything. We are keeping all of you in ours prayers.
Love Ms. Joyce

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:06 AM CDT

SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:47 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy, I am so glad to hear that you had a good day yesterday. Hope things go well today also. I really like the idea of the water gun, I bet you are having fun with that. Love ya lots!!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:22 AM CDT
Hello Miss Sassy Cassy..... Guess who greeted me at the door yesterday afternoon when I got home? Weasel!! I didn't lock her kennel good and she got out. I guess she had been out all day. But I checked out the house and she had not messed anything up. She was a good girl. I have your picture on her kennel and she gives you sug-sug every night before bed time. Love you. Seazon and I will see you this afternoon.
beverly tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, al - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:18 AM CDT

Hope that you had a good night. The water gun is a great idea! I will have to tell Megan about it tonight...she will think that is very funny. Remember that you can also use it on Mommy and Daddy if they get out of line! Love you!

Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Good morning Ms Cassidy: How are you doing today. Hope you had a good nights sleep. I am getting ready to go to Body Works and had to check out your web sight before I left. Cade is still asleep, of course he didn't go to sleep till late, so he is sleeping in. Hope everything goes well today and maybe we will see you this evening. Keep that water gun handy to keep the nurses and docters on their toes. Love you! MeMaw
Donna Casner <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:46 AM CDT
Good morning:
So far so good...glad to hear chemo went well yesterday.
Hopefully, today will be a good day also. You are in my
thoughts and prayers every day. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:52 AM CDT
Good morning Cassidy (mom & dad)
I am so glad to hear that so far everything is going good. Cassidy, we all know that you are going to have some rough days ahead of you, but PLEASE know that we are all rooting (praying hard) for you and we know that God will take care of you. If you can think of ANYTHING that I can send you, would you please tell your mom or dad so that they can call me to tell me. I certainly hope that you have another good day today. (I'm glad that I am not coming through that door today so that I won't get wet!!)
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:38 AM CDT
I read your message to the class yesterday (Tuesday) and plan to read again today and each day. We love hearing any news about you and will reply as often as we can. A watergun, eh? Sounds like you're armed and dangerous! Hope that today goes well for you too. Be sweet, Mrs. Fulmer and the kids
Cindy Fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, Al USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:36 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear your day went good. Scarlett said she wants to bring Cassidy a present, any suggestions? You continue to be in our prayers!
Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:31 AM CDT
I just read about your day. It sounds like you did very well today with your treatment. I am glad your first day went great and that you have been eating all day. Keep eating alot and keep that great little smile you have. I am praying for you and I know God is going to take real good care of you. I will check you web site again tomorrow and will call ya soon. By the way, do not get the nurses too wet with your water gun. Let me know if there is something you want or need. Love you. Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <uagrandmaw2@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:31 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy- this is Mrs Susan from church- Mr Rick,Will and I are praying for you and cant wait for you to get back to church!!! Have a good nights sleep and Im glad today went well.
Susan Besant <RaRaB42@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie!!
I just talked to Aunt Vickie and she told me about your visit last night. I understand Meredith came also with her to the hospital to see you. She told me about you two playing games and about how great you looked. Tell your mom that I am glad that she updates the web page so that I know what is going on--she is a great mommie. Tell your dad that he is pretty cool too AND when you see Cade, give him a great big hug from me.
We are all praying for you and just counting time until you will be back home and everything will get back to normal.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS US - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
Hey, You are in my thoughts & prayers. My future daughter-in-law is one of your nurses. Her name is Jasmine Raley, she will be back to work next week. I love going down to Body Works to get in the tanning bed. I always ask about you. You are on the prayer list at my Calvary Baptist Church. Your pictures are all precious.
Joyce Evans <jevans@fletchersupply.com>
Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 2:23 PM CDT
Tierce Gang, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! I know you have a long road ahead of you and please know that we are here for whatever you need!
We love you!

Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Just wanted to assure you of my prayers as you embark on this part of your journey. I am so proud of you and how you have fought and are beating this disease. I thank God that He allowed me to be your nurse that day, to know you and your parents. May the Lord continue to give you all strength for the weeks ahead.
In Christ,
Lorrie Blackwell

Lorrie Blackwell <motherof3girls@juno.com>
McCalla, AL USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
So now it's Sassy? You just have all kinds of names now, don't you? I hope you got to see some crabs at the beach. Some of my friends when I was your age called me "Crabs" or "Crabby" since my name sounded like that.

I know your treatments will be long and boring, but you're such a brave little "Sassy" that everything will be fine. You know we're all thinking of you and your family, and our prayers come for you all the time. We love you and can't wait to see the day when you will be all well.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
Hi, All! I just wanted to say HI and let you all know that I am praying for you and have added you to my "PRAYER WARIOR" list. We have some mutual friends.....Gracie Mullenix and her family. Her Mom has been keeping me updated on you guys! I lift you all daily, and I pray God's hands upon each of you! I LOVE to see your smiling face in all the wonderful pictures! Much Love to ALL of you, AMY:) Blythe
Amy Blythe
Northport, AL US - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
God can work such great miracles and you are one of them and he will continue to heal you everyday! I talk about you all the time at work and you are in everyone's prayers everyday! Hopefully when this is all said and done and you are able, our families can get together. From Ohio, we love you and pray for you everyday! You're a fighter and you've already proven that!! We love You!!!!!
Alan, Denise, Kaci and Kori Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, OH USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
Good morning Tierce clan! Hope you all had a good night and are pumped up this morning! I'm already ready for ya'll to come home, but I know that each day you are up there is just another day closer to Cassidy's complete recovery. The Griffin family is on call if you need anything. Cassidy, if you want Reagan to come up and play one day, call and let me know! She's ready- especially if she can get checked out at school! I love ya'll.
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:53 AM CDT
Hope you had a lot of fun at the beach last week. The picture of you and your friend looked really cute. We are all praying here and know God will hear all these prayers will be answered and everything will work out great. Keep a smile on your face and it will. Take care and let us know how things are going. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh - Monday, April 11, 2005 5:09 PM CDT
We were so glad you came by this morning to see us before you went to Birmingham. We will really miss you. (I tried not to cry in front of you but sometimes we all just have to cry and need to cry a little when we feel sad.) It was so sweet to see you and each of your classmates give a hug. We will try to write you often and want you to write to us too. Use the stationary to send letters and also send us e-mails. Our address is cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net. You can also check us out on the school website: tcss.net. Click on Flatwoods, then school staff and then my name to see info about what's going on. Be brave and good. Do what they tell you so you can get well real soon and get back to us! Love you, Mrs. Fulmer and the class
Cindy Fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, al usa - Monday, April 11, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Hellow Cat-sidy:
I love the new name that Mr. Crosby gave to you. It seems like you are getting all kinds of new names lately, Cass, Sassy, Cat-sidy,...but I agree that you sure make a cute little kitty kat!!! Aunt Vickie told me that she would be visiting you lots now that you are back in Birmingham. I am so jealous that she will see you more than me. But I will definitely be calling every day to check on you through her. We love you very much and I pray that God will keep you in His hands during this procedure so that you will be back home soon. We will plan another sleep over when you get home!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda (I believe that you not calling me "stinky" anymore???!!!)

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Good Morning "Sassy"....I am glad that you told me your new name. And it fits you well. "Sassy Cassy". I know that Weasel was happy to be back home with you last night. I will get her today and I let her go be a "wild woman" with Luci. Luci was looking for her this morning.
You be a tough little girl while your in Birmingham so you can get back home...Remember, you have that "cowboy" birthday party that will be here soon!! I love you and Seazon and me will be up to visit later this week. See you then. Aunt Bev.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, April 11, 2005 9:18 AM CDT
Cassidy,Hey Sweetheart!!! I loved the pictures from Disney World. I hope the beach was great. I will be thinking about you next week. You are Ms. Meredith's tough little soilder and I love you! Ms. Meredith
Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, Al USA - Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:38 AM CDT
Hi Cassaidy!
I hope you enjoy the beach! Its one of my favourite places. :) Will be praying for you as you go for that transplant!

Joanne’s Corner
~Joanne’s Corner~

Bridge of Dreams

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Bridge of Dreams ~

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
- Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:55 AM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
We hope that you had a great time at the beach! We'll be thinking about you the next few days. How are Winn-Dixie and Weasel getting along? We miss you when you're not at Handbell practice! Take care and know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank You for my bracelet - I wear it every day and think of you and that beautiful smile.

Mrs. Alexander and the Flatwoods Handbell Gang <jhalexan@samford.edu>
Northport, AL USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Hey!! I love the Disney pictures. I know you all had a great time. I am praying for you daily. Cassidy, please tell your mom that Lisa and I got the papers she needs from our dental meeting friday. Hope to see you before the 20th. Love to all, Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, Al USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 9:08 PM CDT
Hey Cassidy,
It's Mallory from the hospital.Where do you go to school? Me and my family will be praying for you! I so glad you had fun at Diseny World! I love ya'll and will continue to pray for you!!!!!God bless!ALSO, I am still doin great I am in school again!Bye-Bye!!!
Love ya'll,
Mallory Hannah

Mallory Hannah <mal21_192@hotmail.com>
Northport , AL USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 6:58 PM CDT
Hey, Cassidy, Just Letting you know Dj's site is up if you want to see. I put a link to your page, I hope that was okay! http://www2.caringbridge.org/al/dj/
Joy ( DJ's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
Red Level, AL USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 5:18 PM CDT
Hello All! You are in our prayers everyday! Everything will work out just great! Sounds like you had a great time at Disney. Have a great time at the beach! I checked out Scarletts page and the dog is very cute!!! God will work his wonders!
Alan, Denise, Kaci and Kori <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, OH USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
Good Morning Cassidy: Just love your Mickey Mouse face!!! You must have had so much fun. You also make a really cute little bunny. Just know that tons of people are praying for you. We will be praying especially hard for you on the 20th of April. Love from your cousins in Ohio
John & Carole Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
- Friday, April 8, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy, haven't heard from ya'll in a while. DJ told me to say hi. I hope ya'll have great success with stem cell as did DJ. When I get DJ's website up I will let you know. Love you and behave
Joy (DJ Hook's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
Red Level , AL USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 4:58 PM CDT
Dear Cassidy,
Thank you for the Livestrong bracelets. We are wearing them right now! We will wear them everyday and think of you. We will be checking the website to hear from you.
Love, Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Fransioli

Beth Duncan and Kay Fransioli Flatwoods Elem. Multiage Class <Kay.Fransioli.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, Al 35473 - Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Hey, the pictures from Disney World are great!!! Hope you all have fun at the beach this week. I will be praying for you next week. Love ya Lots!!! Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
Love the disney pictures...how cute you and Cade look!!!
I know you had a great time with Mickey and Minnie.
How about those two aunts of yours...spending the night!!!
Did you sleep at all??? Sounded like an all night party
with breakfast in bed the next morning...sorry I missed the fun time with all of you. Hope all goes well next week with the stem cell procedure. Will be praying for you and your family. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
I love the picture on your website. You make a precious kitty cat. Also I pulled the the bunny and puppy on Scarlet's page; both of you are precious. You and Cade have a good time at the beach. I guess you will get to see Ms. Rhonda while you are there, so tell her Ms. Sue said hello. Cassidy, you are a brave little girl. You, your mother and daddy just keep up your faith and the Lord will work in wonderful ways. I love you and praying for you. I also love that little brother you have. Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <swilliam@bamaed.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:42 AM CDT
Hey, Sweet Cassidy. I was so surprised to see you and your mom and dad the other day when I was getting off the elevator. It made my day to get to see you. I told Scarlett and she was upset that I got to see you and she didn't. You have a wonderful time at the beach. Your Disney pictures are great -- of course they are, you are in them!!!!!!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
I sure do like your new page. I like the air balloons and most of all that "kitty kat". She sure does look familar.
I hope you all have a blast at the beach. I will take good care of Weasel. I will put a picture of you on her cage so she can see you every day. I will let her give you sug-sug before she goes to bed. Love ya'll and have a good time.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
I guess we'll start calling you Cat-sidy. ;)
Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Watch out for the crabs at the beach. They love little toes. We'll be checking for updates on the web to see how you're doing. God Bless all of you and keep the positve attitude and your faith that the Lord will take care of everything.

Love the new pictures from Disney World.

Crosby <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 1:12 PM CDT
That is such a cute picture of you and Scarlett. I bet yall have a lot of fun together. You and your family will be in my prayers. I hope that you are able to go to the beach and have a wonderful time!

Laura Marie Norwood <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:03 AM CDT
Hi Cassidy!
Ansley and her Papa were in Northport the other day and they drove past a school. They saw a big sign that said, "We love you Cassidy". Ansley called me on the cell phone to see if this was your school and I told told her that I thought it was, she was so excited to see that sign for you. Hope you all have fun on your trip and the weather is pretty. Good luck during your time in the hospital, we will be praying especially hard for you during that time. You are a very brave and tough little girl!!! You also have a great family who loves you very much!!!
Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton

April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:45 AM CDT
Hey Cassidy! Just wanted to know that we were thinking about you and hope you have a great week! Micaela went back to school today and she said that it was "not cool". Hugs and Kisses!!! shelia
tierce gang <stierce911@cs.com>
- Monday, April 4, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Hello Miss Sassy!!
Aunt Vickie and I had a great time spending the night with you, Cade, your mom and dad on Friday night. We had loads of fun sleeping on the air mattress--even though you cheated and slept with mom and dad. You and Cade are just as beautiful on the inside as the outside!!! I just wish we did not live so far away from you. Will you please give Cade a big, juicy hug and tell him it is from Aunt Belinda!! We will try very hard to come and see you soon.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, April 4, 2005 3:10 PM CDT
Hey, Sweet Cassidy. Be sure and look at Scarlett's website. There is a big picture of a little bunny and a little dog, who could they be?????
We hope to see you soon!

We love you, The Cowans <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Sunday, April 3, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Baton Rouge, LA says hello to you and your family. We wanted you to know you are still on the prayer list here at University Baptist Church and we know there are great things ahead for you and your family. We love you and are happy you are getting to do so many nice things. Hug your brother and puppy for all of us.

Much love,
Claude & Marilyn Waite (Hamner & Noland's PawPaw Claude & Mimaw)

Marilyn Waite <mwaite@ubc-br.org>
Baton Rouge, LA United States - Friday, April 1, 2005 4:42 PM CST
Cassidy, Sorry I missed you while you were over at MeMaw's and Poppy's on Sunday. We could have looked for Easter eggs! You know that you are one of my favorite little bunnies! Keep 'em hopping, kiddo! With love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:52 AM CST
Cassidy, Sorry I missed you while you were over at MeMaw's and Poppy's on Sunday. We could have looked for Easter eggs! You know that you are one of my favorite little bunnies! Keep 'em hopping, kiddo! With love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:51 AM CST
Hi Suzie, Shaun, Cassidy, and Cade,
I am so glad to find out about this website. Many people from St. Mark have been wondering how you are doing. We are soooo glad you are home to enjoy Spring Break. Please know we will continue to pray. I love the picture!!!

Shirley Windham <shirley.windham.hpes@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:05 PM CST

MANDY <mdp35555@yahoo.com>
GORDO, AL 35466 - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 3:38 PM CST
All of us at On Tap are thinking about you, Cassidy. I love the picture of you and weasal. It is so cute!! I hope you and your family had a wonderful easter....
Amanda Liner <apaigel@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL Jefferson - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:22 AM CST
Hey Cassady! I am so glad you are feeling well. Scarlett says hello to you and your parents. There are lots of prayers for you.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 9:15 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know we're all thinking about you. I hope you and Cade (and Weasel) didn't eat too many chocolate bunnies. Never mind the last comment. I hope you all had plenty for everybody. Don't leave your jelly beans on the floor for Weasel. We love you.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, March 27, 2005 6:04 PM CST
HAPPY EASTER,kiddo and the same to Cade too!! I'm so glad things are goin' well...keep the fam straight..hehe...love ya'll!!
dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
b'ham, al usa - Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:07 PM CST
HAPPY EASTER CASSIDY!!!!!I hope you got everything from the easter bunny you wanted.I love you!

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:58 AM CST
Your home!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy to hear the good news. Now you can hide easter eggs! Even if it is suppose to rain that just means more mud puddles to jump in! WE LOVE YOU!
the other tierce gang:)

shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:13 PM CST
hey, Glad to hear that everything is going great. Heard you had a great time at Disney World. Are you ready for the Easter Bunny? The kids up here are ready to go and hunt for Easter Eggs just hope it isnt raining like they have predicted. Dont want seven weekends of rain. How is
Weasels doing. Bet he was glad to see you come home. Have fun at school and enjoy your Spring break. We are all praying for you. Lots of love. Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Ohio - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Hey Cassidy....I was wondering if Weasel cried last night for Luci and me. Luci walked around the house looking in every room....I know she was looking for Weasel. One time she was on the couch with me and I ask her where Weasel was and she JUMPED down and ran into the dining room. I know that Weasel was as glad to see you as you were to see her. You are such a good mommy! She sure did give you lots of sug-sug. See you soon. Give Cade and Weasel love.
Aunt Bev

beverly <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:31 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
WE are soooooo glad that you are at home- hope you have a great week at school. We are coming to Tuscaloosa this weekend, so we will call you when we get there. Tell everyone Hello for us. Happy Easter!! Love to all of you! The Herndon's

tommy and ronda herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
gulf shores, AL usa - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:15 AM CST
Hi Cassidy!
I am sure you had lots of fun in Disney World!! Did you meet lots of characters? Who is your favorite? Did you get to see the Light Parade, Belle's Storytime, The Beauty and the Beast Show and Fantasmic? Those are some of our favorites. I am so sorry that you had to spend some time in the hospital when you got home. We check your website almost daily to see how you are feeling, so I am very glad everytime your Mom or Dad gives an update. I hope you are feeling lots better!! So, are you already planning your next trip to DisneyWorld??? Ansley would go every three months if we could afford it. Take care and we'll be checking in on you!

Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton

April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:27 AM CST
HEY! I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope you have a GREAT God Blessed Day!! HAPPY EASTER
Paige Kingry <PAK7688@aol.om>
Dothan, AL United States - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:39 AM CST
Hey Cassidy
I am very glad you are home and will get to go to school the next few days. You will have to climb the fence at your grandparent's house and come to my house and squirt water guns with Jackson and Alex as they love to squirt me with the water guns. I hope you squirted your mother real good with it. I am so glad you feel great and have a good time at school with your Easter party. I will see you Sunday at church. A Big hug for you and that little brother. Love, Ms. Sue

Sue Williams <swilliam@bamaed.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:40 AM CST
Cassidy and family, it is so good to know that you are able to be home. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We can't wait to see you, soon we hope, maybe on Easter Sunday. We have visited your web page for the first time last night and will be checking it often. What a beautiful smile you have. Please tell Cade hello for us. Love you. Miss Pat and Mr. Wayne
Wayne and Pat Crawford <napop850@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:26 PM CST
You don't know me but I am one of Scarlett Cowan's friends. I have been checking your webpage to see how your doing. You are such a pretty little girl! Glad you're feeling better. My prayers are with you and your family.

Mallory Porterfield <mallorydance12@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, al united states - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Sean, Suzie, CASSIDY, and Cade,
I have just visited your webb page for the first time. Mama and I are glad to read your good news. We've been keeping up with Cassidy through Roger. She looks precious in the pictures. Cade looks like Brenda. We want ya'll to know that we think of ya'll often and pray for Cassidy's speedy recovery. If you need anything from Gordo way, please let us know.

We love ya'll!

Janesa Evans and Jewel McCool

Janesa Evans <Evansjanesa@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL United States - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:36 PM CST
Cassidy, I am sooooooo glad you are home! It sounds like you are doing awesome. If you need any more grapes,just let me know. Talk to you soon.I love you!!!!
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:57 PM CST

Cassidy, How good to read that you are home and feeling finer than frog hair! I look forward to seeing you over at MeMaw's and Poppy's house! With love, Miss Bootsie

Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:08 PM CST
Glad you're back home and will get to go to school tomorrow. I know you'll be glad to see all your friends and teachers. Just in time for the Easter Bunny too.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:21 PM CST
hey cassidy, i am glad to see that you are at and feeling better. hop you get to go to school tomorrow so you can see your friends and get alittle smarter. your pictures are very presious and so are you. i just a minute so i wanted to say hey and check in on you.
shawnee franklin <sfranklin@albolt.com>
vance, al - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:29 PM CST
Ohhhhh, I am so glad you're home. And I know Cade is too!
I wanted to let you know that I LOVE your home page. This little flowers are so cute and I love the pink writing. This is my favorite one...of course you know that pink is my favorite color. Good job.. I will be to see you soon..
Love you..Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, It's Ms. Aimee. Did you get the eggs from the easter egg hunt the other day at church. Lacee enjoyed hunting them for you and helping Cade hunt them too. We really missed you being there but thought you would enjoy having the eggs and seeing what prizes you won. Did you get some candy and money? McKae got to hunt eggs for the first time. He didn't want to pick them up because he didn't like the grass touching him. We had to pick them up for him. Tristan got 50 cents and lot's of candy he ran around and didn't need any help finding eggs this year. I hope you get to go home soon.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan and McKae <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al US - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Dear Cassidy and family,
I am sorry that you are having problems with that port but sounds like those doctors have it sorted out. I shared with my church friends that you still need them to remember you (you are on the pray list printed every week) and encouraged them to check out the beautiful pictures on this site. Keep hanging in there - we are planning to beat this.
Love, Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:52 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!!! I'm glad everything is going so well. I am so happy that you are doing great. I haven't stopped thinking about you.Hope to see you soon.
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:43 PM CST
Hey Cassidy. My name is Michelle Moore. I'm with the Flatwoods Elementary School PTA. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and your family. You are in my prayers. Get better soon!
Michelle Moore <PMOORE3041@peoplepc.com>
Northport, AL USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:10 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you today. Hope all your reports come back wtih positive results. Can't wait to see pictures of your trip!!! Sorry that you are back in the hospital. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:08 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, We are so glad to hear that you all had a great time in Disney World. We are sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital, but it sounds like you are keeping busy up and down the halls, and that is great. Hope you get to come home soon. We Love You, Kelli, Joe,Cole and Chad.
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:54 AM CST
Hello all! I'm glad to hear you are doing really well! Kaci and Kori say HI and ask me everyday if I checked your sight for updates. I hope things keep going great for you
Have a very Happy Easter!!
Love U All!

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, Ohio USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 7:37 AM CST
Hey girl! I'm glad you've had a good day and hope you get to go home really soon. You better get there so Weasel won't eat all your chocolate bunnies and Cade won't chase the Easter bunny out of the yard. I know the Easter bunny will find you wherever you are though. It's spring! Surely a sign of great new things. We all love you.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, March 21, 2005 6:10 AM CST

SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Hey Cassidy~
Sorry to hear that your port was not on it's best behavior! But I'm also glad to hear that you are feeling pretty well and even hiding Easter eggs( I saw your grandma in the mall last night!). Max and Micaela say hello and to get well soon! As
always, you are in our prayers! Love you bunches and bunches!
The tierce gang
p.s. let us know if you guys need anything:)

Shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:12 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
It was really great visiting with you today! Mr.Jack really enjoyed meeting you too! We hope that you continue do well, and that you will be home soon!! Love ya, Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:42 PM CST
Cassidy, even though you are in the hospital, it's good to hear that you are running up and down the halls! Keep 'em on their toes, sweetpea! Much love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Ala. - Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Hi, Tierce Family! I am glad to hear that Cassidy is feeling good and making everyone smile. I am so sorry, though, that you are at the hospital. Scarlett and I will be at the hospital on Monday for chemo so we will plan to come and play. Tell Cassidy to e-mail me if there is a special surprise she may want and I bet she'll get it!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:07 PM CST
Cassidy,Hang in there sweetie! I am glad you feel so good.Don't wear mom and dad out too much.I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 1:01 PM CST
Cassidy, I am so glad you had a wonderful time at Disney World. I can't wait to see pictures!!! I hate to here you are sick.I hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe once you are home I can stop by finally and see you and meet Weasle. Talk to you soon
I Love You!!!!Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, Al USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:13 PM CST
Good morning Cass... I hope you get to home soon (today). Seazon and me want to come and play. I missed our Thursday night outing last night. We will have to make up for it. Weasel is doing just fine. Luci sure was glad that she got to come back and spent some nights with her. They play all the time. They have started wanting to play with the same toy at the same time. And they end up playing tug a war. I just sit and watch them to see who is going to win. See you soon!
Love you bunches. Aunt Bev.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:51 AM CST
Hey Cass,

Being at Disney world must have had an effect on you that wasn't expected- you're bouncing around like Tigger. You and Weasel are probably turning the house upside down. And Cade's probably right in there too.

Glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to see some pictures, especially Donald Duck.

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:15 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I am glad to hear that you had a great time at Disney World! Did you get to see Mickey Mouse? I can't wait till I get to see the pictures you took! Did you and yours friends have a good time meeting all of the characters? Well, I am sorry to hear that you are in the hospital again but I am glad to hear that you aren't feeling bad! Well, I am praying for you and your family!
Love your cousin, Brandy Driver

Brandy Driver <spoiledbrat1992@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:56 PM CST
Hey Cassidy!!!
I'm glad you had such a great time at disney!!! Is Cinderella as pretty in person as she is in the movies? I can't wait to see your pictures! Sorry you are back in the hospital but I'm glad to know you are not feeling that bad. We love you bunches! Matthew, Shelia, Micaela & Max

Tierce gang <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:43 PM CST
did you have fun in disney world you are so cute are you liking your dog this is ansley my mom painted you room for you

ansley <raathornton@comcast.net>
tuscaloosa, al - Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:52 AM CST
We're always thinking about you here and hope to hear good news from you soon. Keep that beautiful smile going and let us all know about your trip once you get through with all this hospital visit. We love you.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:26 AM CST
I'm sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital. I hope you're feeling better. I sure hope you can make it to the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, I want to hear all about Disney World. You are in our prayers.
Love Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:47 AM CST
Cassidy I hope you all have had a wonderful time at Disney World. I hope to see your pictures soon. Hope Weasle was good while you were gone!!!
Love, Ms Denise

Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al usa - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Hi Cassidy
We are happy to hear your trip to Disney World was so much fun! You are a beautiful little girl, your pictures are great. We hope everything goes well with your next treatment and that you feel better soon! We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Dr. Smith, Diane, Alisa, Mandy, Kathy, Megan, Jamie and Joy

Dr. Rush Smith & staff <drrushsmith@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, al 35405 - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 10:17 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
We can't wait to hear about your trip to Disney World. I bet you met lots of Disney characters.What was your favorite ride? Aleigh wants to know if Cade gave Mickey Mouse his cheese? He's so silly. I'll have to call Mom and find out. Tell everyone Hello for us. We miss you and love you very much! Love Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:30 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
We can't wait to hear about your trip to Disney World. I bet you met lots of Disney characters.What was your favorite ride? Aleigh wants to know if Cade gave Mickey Mouse his cheese? He's so silly. I'll have to call Mom and find out. Tell everyone Hello for us. We miss you and love you very much! Love Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:27 AM CST
hi cassidy its me your friend jamee im a friend of hannah
i hope you had fun at disney world. i glad taht cade is feeling better.

jamee fondren
nrothport, al usa - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:47 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I hope you have had a FuN time at Disney World. I can't wait to see your pictures. Your maw-maw said you and Cade were having a good time. See you when you get back!
-Allison @ BodyWorks

Allison Kerr <ak_4bama@hotmail.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:40 PM CST
Hi Cassidy and family. We have been thinking about you knowing you had a great time in Disney World. We can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it. What was your favorite thing? Let us know the next time you will be going to clinic so we might can see you.
Lana Cowan and family <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:37 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!
Was just thinking about you and wondering how your time at Disney was. Can't wait to see the pictures! Love, Shelia

Shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
Northport, AL usa - Sunday, March 13, 2005 8:19 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
How exciting that you are in Disney World! Please tell all of the princesses "Hello" from the Thornton's, especially Ansley. I just wanted to let you know that we think of you so often and pray for you daily. Recently Ansley's school had a Jump Rope for Heart Day, she listed you as the person she was jumping to honor. I hope you, Cade and your parents have a WONDERFUL time in Disney World. It is such a fun place!

Ray, April, Ansley and Reagan Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:40 AM CST
Cassady, hope you are having a great time at Disney. How are Mickey, Minnie and Goofy doing? I hope you take lots of pictures so your Mom can post them. See you later!
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:30 PM CST
By now you are probably walking hand in hand with Mickey, Minnie and Goofy--wow I am so jealous!! We went to Disneyworld ages ago in the summer and it was so hot that we really did not enjoy it very much. This time of year should be a great time to go. I know that you are all going to have such a wonderful time--you deserve it!!
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:42 PM CST
I am excited for you, I have always wanted to go to Disney World. We hope that you have a great time!
Heather THarpe <hbtharpe@earthlink.net>
Seale, AL - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:24 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! SOrry that it's taken me so long to email you. Your daddy told me that you were going to be in Florida this week. I am soooo jealous!!! I've never been to Disneyland before. I hope that you are having fun with Mickey and Minny Mouse. I will be praying for you all to have a safe trip. Give my love to weasel...
Dominic Medici <DMedici79@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 6:28 PM CST
Cassady, hope you have a great time at Disney! We think of you often and are praying for you every day.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Saturday, March 5, 2005 11:24 PM CST
I wish all of you a great time, and good weather. We will be thinking about you while your in Disney World having yourself a good time. We love you and will be praying for all of you.
Delaine and Tommy

Delaine <dwilliams@unimin.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 1:24 PM CST
Hello Cassidy and Family! Have a GREAT time at Disney! Get lots of pictures and post them so we can see. I'm glad to hear you are doing so Great.
Have a great time everyone!
Denise, Kaci and Kori

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, oh usa - Friday, March 4, 2005 11:01 AM CST
Cassidy, if we don't see you before you leave I hope you & Cade, Reagan, Kamryn, Meagan, & Braden have a great trip. Tell Dad to drive carefully. Take lots of pictures so you can show Hamner & Noland. Have Fun and tell Mickey hello!
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL 35476 - Friday, March 4, 2005 9:40 AM CST
Just one more day....and you will be on your way.
Remember to get your picture made in front of Magic Kingdom like the one I brought you of your dad and Papa T.
I promise to be a good mom to Weasel while you are gone. I know that Luci and Weasel will have fun playing together. I probably will put bows in her hair like I do Luci's.
You don't worry about her.....just go and have the best time ever....I can't wait for you to tell me all about it.
Love you. Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, March 4, 2005 8:24 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!
I know that you are going to have a GREAT time at Disney next
week. We can't wait to see all of the pictures! Tell Cade to bring them to Miss Shirley's so Max can see. You are going to have so much fun this weekend when Aunt Rhonda and her gang come to visit. We love you sooooooo much!
Love, Shelia, Matthew, Micaela, & Max

tierce gang <stierce911@cs.com>
- Thursday, March 3, 2005 5:55 PM CST
Good Morning!!!
Have a great time at disney!!! Wish I could go with all of you!! Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 7:40 AM CST
Hey, Cassidy! I don't know you personally, but wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family daily. I'm so jealous that you're going to see Mickey and Donald. (just between us, Goofy is my favorite.)
Have a great time and keep getting better!!!
Love, Miss Angela

Angela Collins <bobby4me@bellsouth.net>
Sawyerville, AL United States of America - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:04 PM CST
Hey Cassidy this is Mrs Denise. I am so excited that you are going to Disneyworld!!! You will have a wonderful time. Please take lots of pictures. Tell Mom I will talk to her before you leave. You are always in my prayers. Love ya.
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Cassidy(and Mom),
You are in our thoughts so often and in our prayers every night. You are both such strong "young" ladies. We hope you have a great time in Disneyworld and we will continue to pray for your upcoming treatment. Both of you are very loved!!

Love, Stan, Melena, Sarah & Caroline Lewis

Melena Lewis <lewissc@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:09 PM CST
Hey Cassidy! Gracie is so excited that u are going to Disney! I bet u will have a great time! Let us see pictures when u get back!
Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 11:45 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! Gracie is so excited that u are going to Disney! I bet u will have a great time! Let us see pictures when u get back!
Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 11:45 AM CST
Happy March 1! Next week you'll be with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Snow White. Need I say more? Okay, Peter Pan, Wendy, Cinderella, Pluto, Poomba, I'm tired already. Whew, that was exhausting!! Here's to hoping you have a blast with your family and friends. All of us back here in T-Town will be traveling with you in our prayers and dreams.
Come back to us and tell us all about it. I hope you'll put some pictures up for us. If you need room for more let me know!

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:25 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so excited that you're getting to go to Disney World. We went a few years ago and it was so much fun! You and your family are in our prayers everyday. We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:02 AM CST
Good Morning! A little prayer going up up up for you
RIGHT NOW!!!! love you all!

Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Monday, February 28, 2005 9:23 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!
I know you are so excited about your upcoming trip to Disney World. I hope you have a GREAT time and tell Goofy hello for me. Goofy is my favorite! Can't wait to see pictures when you get back. Tom and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:00 AM CST
How exciting to be going to Disney World...what fun you are going to have!!! Try and have breakfast with all the Disney characters...it will be a time to be remembered. Take lots and lots of pictures. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 7:48 AM CST
Cassidy, I am so excited that you are going to Disney World! How exciting. You will definitely be the prettiest princess there. We want to see lots of pictures and autographs!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Sunday, February 27, 2005 7:43 PM CST
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max
Love you!!!
p.s. rain rain go away, come again another day!
the other tierce gang:)

Shelia <stierce911@cs.com>
- Sunday, February 27, 2005 1:42 PM CST
love always,

Mallory Hannah <mal21_192@hotmail.com>
Northport, AL USA - Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:55 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! Just wanted to say hi and tell you I'm thinking about you. Have a great day playing outside in the beautiful sunshine! Love you bunches! Shelia
Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
- Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:25 AM CST
YAY!! I'm so excited that your finally gettin' to go to DISNEY WORLD kiddo!!! I remember when we were collectin' money to go...hehe...i hope all is well...take bunches of pictures too...love ya'll!!
Dori :) <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
B'ham, al usa - Friday, February 25, 2005 5:23 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, I bet you are so excited about going to Disney World, and we are excited for you too. Hope you have the time of your life. Ya'll be careful and have a wonderful trip. Talk to you when you get back. We love you all, Kelli,Joe, Cole, and Chad
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Friday, February 25, 2005 12:18 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, How wonderful for you and your friends that you get to go to Disney World. Hope you get to have your picture taken with Mickey. If you do, have your mom post in on your web site. As always, we are praying for you everyday.
John & Carole Hoffman (cousins from Ohio) <choffman@sota-0h.com>
- Friday, February 25, 2005 11:04 AM CST
Wow a trip to Disney!! I've always wanted to go there, so when you are there have loads of fun! You are a brave little girl and I wish everyday that I could be that brave.
We pray everyday and Kaci and Kori ask everyday to look at your site for an update. You have quite a huge fan club and we're all rootin for ya! We love you!
Alan,Denise,Kaci and Kori

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, Oh 43830 - Thursday, February 24, 2005 1:05 PM CST
Dear Cassidy and family,
It is good to hear that you feel like a trip to Disney World. I know you will have so much fun and the memories will help you get through the months ahead.
The pictures of you are just beautiful - how could they be otherwise since you are such a beautiful, sweet little girl!! Your brother is a handsome lad also. I bet he keeps all of you on your toes!!
Molly and her mother were so excited to see you yesterday and hear you are going on a big trip. They had told me about that on the phone last night and I just had to go on your site to say Congrats!
Love and Prayers,
Molly's Granny Sue

Sue Yarbrough <cpl@pickens.net>
Carrollton, AL US - Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:20 AM CST
Disney World? Make sure you say hello to Donald Duck for me. QUACK! Just remember where your other "Donald Duck" friend is. Bring me back a picture of you and Cade with him for me. And remember that when you see a monkey that you can think of me too. Have a great time.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Hey Cass! We're going to Disney! We're going to Disney! I'm soooooo excited!!
Reagan Griffin
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:12 AM CST
Good morning Tierce gang! I feel confident that God is with you and has guided you to the right decision. I woke up at 3 am this morning and you and your mom and dad immediately came to my thoughts. God layed it on my heart to pray for healing. I am so excited that you are going to Disney!!! I KNOW you will have a wonderful time! Make sure you eat with Cinderella at her castle! I love you guys! p.s Micaela asked for special prayer for you at church last night and says she loves you!
hugs and many kisses!

Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 8:38 AM CST
I know that you are very excited about Disney World. And I am sure that all of the animals will love you as much as you will love them. You better keep an eye on Cade.....the monkeys may try to get him. (ha)
Mom and Dad, Keep faith.... Cassidy is a strong little girl and an example of the positive things in life. She is such a blessing.
Love ya'll....

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa , AL - Thursday, February 24, 2005 8:29 AM CST
Hey guys. Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:58 PM CST
Hello beautiful!
It's Ms. Shelia (Micaela and Max's mommy). I LOVE the pictures of you and little weasel! It was so good to see you today and I'm glad you had a great day at school. I think about you everyday and pray for you and your mom and dad everyday. You are such a brave and strong little girl and I know that you will have a great testimony to tell others when you grow up. We love you Cassidy!
Shelia, Matthew, Micaela & Max Tierce

Shelia Tierce <stierce911@cs.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:03 PM CST

P.S. E-MAIL @ mal21_192@hotmail.com to tell me what's going on!

Mallory Hannah <ma21_192@hotmail.com>
Northport , AL USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:47 PM CST

NORTHPORT, AL - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:04 PM CST
Greetings to the Tierce family!!!
Thanks for keeping everyone informed as to what is happening with Cassidy. I am grateful that Cassidy is still in school and having a great time. The decision of what to do now is really tough. I will be praying that you make the right choice for Cassidy and for your peace of mind. Hang in there.... with love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:36 AM CST
Dear Cassidy
you are a very nice girl. You are very specil girl. I want
you to come and cactch frogs.I wish I coude come and see
you everday after school.MY class has made you a nother book.WE will send you book and other stuff this week. I love you. my mommy and daddy and sister lov you. i will say my praers for you.LOve, aLeigh

Aleigh <athomas@gulftel.com>
gulf Shores, Al USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, My name is Madison Sandifer and i know that you don't know me but I just wanted you and your family know that I am praying for you. Hope that we can meet soon.
In Christ, Madison Sandifer

Madison Sandifer <Madrock8@aol.com>
Gordo, Al USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:46 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
Hope that you have a wonderful day at school today!!! I have taken off work to carry my daughter to get her driving license! So I will not be there today, and I will miss seeing your smiling face, you take care of everyone, and oh, I got you a bag of balloons yesterday! So they are in my bag ready for you to decorate.
God Bless you and your family, and I will see you tomorrow!
Love ya,
Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:01 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
Tonights message is filled with lots of love, prayers, hugs and kisses from many people in Gulf Shores and Foley, Alabama. You are a very popular little girl down here at the beach. I have so many people that ask about you each day. Tell Cade, Mom & Dad Hello for us. We Love you all very much and continue to pray for your strength and guidance. Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Monday, February 21, 2005 8:53 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,
Just wanted to say hi and tell you I have been thinking of you.It is so nice to get on your website and see your beautiful smile (and that little Weasel too!!!.)I had a nice visit with your Aunt Judy on Friday and she let me know how you are doing.You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.Tell Poppy Jim I said Hello and take care of Weasel.
Love,Your Friend Shelly

Shelaine Thomason <mst23@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Monday, February 21, 2005 9:32 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
Hope you have a great week at school. We missed you in AWANA last night! We are praying for your family and God's guidance in the decisions you have to make. We love you!
Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, February 21, 2005 8:00 AM CST
Just saying hello and letting you know that we think of you guys often. We pray for Cassidy all of the time and will keep doing it.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Sunday, February 20, 2005 5:07 PM CST
Hi Cassidy (and family)!

We love your pictures on the web site. Weasel looks like a great friend. It was good to see you at church today with your big smile. Glad you had a great Valentines Day! We will be thinking about you and praying for you. See you next week. Caitlyn, Allison, Jack and Kirsten Freeman

Kirsten Freeman <kdfatrest@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, February 20, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Hi, Tierce family. Scarlett was thrilled that she got to see you before she left the hospital. She really wants to play with Cassidy one day. We'll have to get together on when we can. I will be praying for you as you weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. Cassidy is very lucky to have two wonderful parents. Y'all are incredible! Much love and many prayers!!!!!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Friday, February 18, 2005 6:47 PM CST
hi everyone, heard from you poppy last nite and he told me about your long meeting with the doctors. We are all behind whatever you decide to do. Keep your spirits up and we will keep praying everything will work our. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh - Friday, February 18, 2005 2:37 PM CST
hi guys! Just heard from mom and she gave me the update. Whatever you decide, we will be behind you 100%. Things all work out and we will be praying everyday. Hang in there and we wish we were there closer.
take care
denise, alan, kaci and kori

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, OH 43830 - Friday, February 18, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy, Cade, Suzie, Sean (and Weasel)
I just read the update and feel sure that whatever decision that you guys make will be the right one. From experience, whatever you decide--do it as a family. God has been with you throughout all of this thus far--He is not going anywhere anytime soon. He will be with Cassidy whatever your decision is. Cassidy--you look wonderful in all the great pictures that your friend Mr. Thomley did. He is a great friend as is so many hundreds of others.
We all love you and will support whatever decision you make.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, February 18, 2005 9:23 AM CST
Good Morning. Cassidy and Cade, thanks for being so good last night. I enjoyed ya'll going with me to visit my mom (Grandmomma) and going to eat. We will do it again.
Suzie and Sean, Let God guide you with your decision. He will guide you in the right direction. If you will put this in His hands, then you will know that the decision that is made will be the right one. Then, let Him take it from there. He is the only one who can make a difference---we must allow Him to guide us. When you know that He is in charge, you will feel comfort and relieve with the outcome. God loves you all and so do I. Aunt Bev.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, al - Friday, February 18, 2005 8:10 AM CST
Hey Cassidy (and the rest of the Tierces)
We're checking every day on your progress and reading about the great times you're having at school. Keep up the good work. Trust me that we're all praying along with you that God's guidance will find its way to you along this path. You're getting the best of care and help in every corner right now. We know it will all work out. Have a great weekend. I feel springtime coming!

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, February 18, 2005 7:54 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
We Love You and hope you have a fun day at school!!We are going to school now. Tell Cade Hi for us. Love Lindsey and Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com >
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Friday, February 18, 2005 7:46 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, Cade, Mom and Dad, What a great website and page. I had a little trouble finding it but was worth the search. Your friend and photographer Crosby Thomley took wonderful pictures. You, Cade, and Weasel are so cute, I know he and you all had fun. I enjoyed reading you Journals, it sounds like you have a very special teacher at Flatwoods Elementary and you enjoy going there every day that you can. I look forward to reading your journal and hearing about you, your family, school and social activities. You are a very busy young Lady! Sending Love and Prayers to you and your family! Dawn Simmons (your neighbor who likes purple flowers.)
Dawn Simmons <Chuckanddawn2@cs.com>
Northport, AL US - Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:59 PM CST

NORTHPORT, AL - Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:11 PM CST
hey cassidy,I know you don't know me, but my name is ashley, mallory's friend. I am in the hospital alot because I have Cystic Fibrosis. my web site is www.caringbridge.org/al/ashley if you want to visit it!

ashley <sassybutcute0103@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 16, 2005 6:44 PM CST
Cassidy, I know I'm a little old for you, but will you be my Valentine????? I hope you are feeling good and getting to eat lots of V-day chocolates. Tell you Mom and Dad we said hello.
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:21 PM CST
Hey Cassidy! How was your party? I am sure it was a blast.What did you get for Valentine's? I am sure you got alot as cute as you are. I love you Cassidy! Ms. Meredith
Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:30 PM CST
I want to tell you "Thank You" for helping Ms. Janice, Ms. Rita and myself with the cake squares Sunday afternoon at church. You did a very good job putting the cake out for people. You make a very good little hostess. We do have a very pretty church. I hope you had a very good time yesterday at your school valentine party. Love you and that little brother of yours. Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <swilliam@bamaed.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:58 AM CST
Hi Cassidy!So glad to hear you are doing well and having fun! I hope you had a GREAT VALENTINE'S DAY and got a lot of cards and kisses and hugs. We check your sight often and are praying for you everyday! Tell everyone hello for us!
Love Alan, Denise, Kaci and Kori

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, OH USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:49 AM CST
Good morning!!
How was the school valentine party!!! I am sure you had a wonderful time with all your school friends. Hope you are feeling good today. May you have a safe and blessed day!!
Thinking and praying for you!! Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:36 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day dear Cassidy! How very smart of you to make your own Valentine cards for your friends! I know they appreciated your thoughtfulness. That was so nice of you to be a big helper at church. Take care, Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Monday, February 14, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Happy Valentine's Day to you sweetheart!!!
I am sure you will have a great day at school today. As much as you love doing crafts, I know you had a wonderful time doing the valentines and "prizes" for your classmates. Good for you--I am thrilled hearing how well you are doing.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 2:39 PM CST
A very Happy Valentine's Day to all the family but especially to Cassidy! Have a great day!
Megan and Braden's Grammy <jane_atkins@proffitts.com>
maryville, tn blount - Monday, February 14, 2005 9:54 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day, and I hope you have a great time at your party. Love ya, Joe, Kelli, Cole, and Chad
kelli fendley <KELLI.FENDLEY@MED.VA.GOV>
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, February 14, 2005 8:33 AM CST
Hope you have a fun party..Thanks again for the valentine ring you gave me the other night.
Give Cade and Weasel a big hug and kiss for Valentine's Day from me. And here is one for you..SMACKkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
Love, Aunt Bev

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, February 14, 2005 8:21 AM CST
Sounds like you are going to have a great day at school!!!We will be having parties at school today!! The children are excited about Valentine's Day. I hope you receive a bunch of valentine cards from your classmates. I am glad you had a restful weekend at home. Give everyone a hug for me. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 7:44 AM CST

I hope that you have a wonderful time at your valentine's party today!

Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 7:13 AM CST
This is Mallory Hannah!I hope you are doing better!I've been praying for you! I doing better! Well I love you and am praying for you! You can visit my web-site at www.caringbridge.com\al\mallory!
Love always,
Mallory Hannah

Mallory Hannah <mal21_192@hotmail.com>
Northport, AL USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 3:38 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
Hope you are having a good weekend. We were just thinking of you today and wanted to say Hello. We read your message from your teacher about how great you are doing at school. You are such a smart little girl. Everyone is so proud of you!! Take care and know that we are praying for you everyday!Tell Mom and Dad Hello for us. We love you very much! Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey & Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 3:57 PM CST
I hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX from all your boyfriends.

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, February 12, 2005 10:09 AM CST
We are glad to see you doing so good. You are so brave and beautiful. It is so good to see you at Church and at AWANA. We continue to think of you and your mama and daddy and brother and pray for you often. It is also good to hear you are doing so well at school. Susie and Sean, God bless ya'll. See you soon
Scott, Donna and Deacon Medders

Scott Medders <Dkybigdog@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 7:58 AM CST
SYLACAUGA, AL USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 10:09 AM CST
Hope you have a great weekend. I am glad you are still going to school. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Give Cade a big hug for me. Tell your parents hello.
Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al 36301 - Friday, February 11, 2005 7:39 AM CST
Hi everyone, Just checked the site to see how things went Sorry to hear your counts werent up again. Glad your are getting to go to school and having fun. We are all praying they find something to help with the vomiting. Tell every one we all said Hi. Our prayers are with you. Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Ohio - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 5:54 PM CST
Dear Cassidy (and all who love to read your letters and check your web address),
I am so thrilled everyday that you come to school. It is such an immeasurable joy for me to have you in class. It is an answer to one of my many prayers for you. Just so that everyone knows, you are a smart girl and a great part of our class. You're actually famous around here: Everyday you walk in, everybody says "Cassidy's here!" All of the kids love and admire you and you KNOW that I do! I will be so glad when you are not sick anymore. It is wonderful when you can go through the whole day without getting sick. (But I'll be here to help you when you are.) I haven't sent an e-mail since you've been back in kindergarten, but just wanted everyone to know how blessed I am that you're with us again. Love, Mrs. Fulmer

Cindy Fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood@tcss.net>
Northport, Al USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 3:26 PM CST
cassidy glad you are doing better. tell grandpa jim and grandma donna we said hi. God bless you more.

your cousins from ohio


TIM TURNER <mayorsoffice@coshoctoncityhall.com>
COSHOCTON, OH USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 1:12 PM CST
Hey Cassidy.....How is Weasel doing? What about basketball and Taco Casa tommorrow night? I will call you tonight to see if you would like to go. I hope you can...Skylar wants to go also. We will have a "girls" night out!! Talk to you tonight. Love you... Aunt Bev.
Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 11:15 AM CST
Hi Cassidy
I am so glad that you are having so much fun at school. I know your classmates are loving having you there. The doctors will soon find out what to do and hopefully it will be over before we know it. You sure have a lot of friends and people who love you very much.
Thanks for updating us on what is happening.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:14 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
We sure do love the pictures of you with Cade and Weasle. We're glad that you are having fun at school and hope to see you soon. All of Lindsey and Aleigh's classmates ask about you everyday and send their love to you too. We miss you very much! Love, Uncle Tommy, Aunt Ronda, Lindsey and Aleigh

Tommy and Ronda Herndon <athomas@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:07 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I hope you are doing well today. I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed seeing you last week. I hope we can play "restaurant" again sometimes soon. How is Weasel doing? Give him and Cade a big hug for me. Hope to see you soon. Love you, Aunt Vickie
vickie kirkpatrick <vhk@aol.com>
vestavia hills, al usa - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:46 AM CST
I am thinking about you all today and praying for more good results! I hope to see you again soon.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 8:30 AM CST
Hey Cassidy - I work with your Aunt Belinda and she showed me your beautiful pictures! My daughter, Paige, had a tumor removed a couple of years ago (she's 15 now) and although it was tough for her - God saw her through. We will pray for you and your family. She has a little brother named Cade, too! Ya'll have alot in common! I'll get to write to you soon, too.
Lisa Noble <lnoble@hpico.com>
Flowood, MS USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 3:31 PM CST
Hi, Cassidy. Just wanted to say hello and let you know I check your website almost every day. I love to see you and Weasel and read about your good reports. Have a happy day! Love, Shelly
Shelly Cleckler <terry.shelly@charter.net>
Northport, AL - Monday, February 7, 2005 12:56 AM CST
Hi Cassidy
I just saw the painting (which you inspired) that Jamey just finished. He named the painting "Cassidy" and it shows a picture of your hand with your yellow band and you are holding a banner that is blowing in the wind. I hope you get to see it because I believe that he emailed a digital picture of it to your mom. He is placing it in his foyer and every time he looks at it will remind him of you and your journey through all of this.
I love you sweetie and hope that you are having a good day today and will get good reports again tomorrow.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Dear Cassidy:
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I am still excited about the MRI result!!! I rejoice in what God is doing for you and your family. You are still in my prayers and thoughts daily. Love ya, Aunt GLenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:41 AM CST
Hey Cassidy I love the pictures of you, Cade and Weasle. Yall all look so wonderful. Give God all the praise and glory! He's the one in charge. God bless you and your family.
Miss Stephanie <sr0925@hotmail.com>
Columbus, GA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 8:21 AM CST
Hey Cassidy I love the pictures of you, Cade and Weasle. You are a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to see you and your mom to give you both a great big hug. Give God all the praise and glory!!!! Love ya Mrs. Denise
Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 6:51 PM CST
Thank you Cassidy for updating us again. Everything sounds so good for you. I realize that God has lots of good things in store for you and what a testimony you are. That Jamey is crazy isn't he????? I saw what he wrote to you--we can both just hear him yelling "whopeeee"!!!--can't we? He loved letting you feed the deer when you were here last. Now, every time I see the deer eating the corn, I think of you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 2:21 PM CST
Dear Cassidy,
I am so excited about the wonderful news you got at the hospital. God is really working in your life. I am so glad to see you and your mom back at Awana's. It just wasn't the same without you. We want you to know that we love you and are praying for you. Tell everyone hello. See you Sunday. Kim, Chris, Sage, Colby, and Avery

Kim Smelley <Kim. Smelley.tps@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa , Al United States - Friday, February 4, 2005 12:51 AM CST
Dear Cassidy:
I love all the pictures of you and Cade and Weasel. They were so cute......Weasel sure has grown since Christmas. He is not so little now!!! Hope you have a fun day!! Keep that beautiful smile. Take care of Mom and Dad and Cade... Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 7:44 AM CST
Dear Cassidy:
I love all the pictures of you and Cade and Weasel. They were so cute......Weasel sure has grown since Christmas. He is not so little now!!! Hope you have a fun day!! Keep that beautiful smile. Take care of Mom and Dad and Cade... Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 7:44 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl,
WOW!!!! What Wonderful News. Words can't describe how excited we are to hear about the good report that you got from your doctor. We all rejoice with you and Suzie,Sean and Cade. You have a lot of people Praying for you. God is good and He is not finished with you. God is still performing Miracles. You are a brave and special little girl. Be strong and keep that beautiful Smile. We Love You
so much and will contiune to Pray for you.

Shirley Ayers <Sfayers3@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 0:55 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!! I am so glad to hear such a good report from you!! You look so gorgeous in your pictures!!! Hope to see you soon!! We love you!! Shannon, Kim, Carly, and Lauren
Kim <kcoker@bama.ua.edu>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:30 PM CST
Hey Cassidy I just had to tell you how happy I am that your treatments are working.That made my day to read that.I also looked at your photo session and loved every one of those pictures of you,Cade and Weasel.You are so beautiful.I bet that little Weasel is very ornary.Tell your Poppy Jim that we said Hello and you and your family are in our prayers.
Love ,Your Friend Shelly

Shelaine Thomason <mst23@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Hey Cassidy I just had to tell you how happy I am that your treatments are working.That made my day to read that.I also looked at your photo session and loved every one of those pictures of you,Cade and Weasel.You are so beautiful.I bet that little Weasel is very ornary.Tell your Poppy Jim that we said Hello and you and your family are in our prayers.
Love ,Your Friend Shelly

Shelaine Thomason <mst23@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:12 PM CST
Of course your grandmother called me on the way back from Birmingham to tell me the good news. I am so happy. God is taking very good care of you. We all will keep praying and keep believing. Your pictures are so cute and of course Crosby did a great job as usual. Hope to see you Sunday at church. Love you, Ms. Sue
Sue Williams <swilliam@bamaed.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 3:41 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, I'm so glad you are responding well to the treatment you are receiving. I am praying for you each day and I love your pictures. When is your birthday? I'll check on you again soon.
Lana Griffin <lg1234567@earthlink.net>
Aliceville, AL USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:49 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, it's me again, I just looked at all of the pictures of you, Cade and Weasel, they are GREAT!!!! Hope you have a great day. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:30 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, we are so glad to hear that things are going well. We will keep you in our prayers. We Love You, Joe,Kelli,Cole and Chad.
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:19 AM CST
Cassidy: It looks like our prayers are being answered - What wonderful news for you and mom and dad. We will continue to pray for you guys. Thanks to your mom for keeping all of us up to date, as there are a lot of people pulling for your COMPLETE RECOVERY. Love from your cousins from Ohio - John and Carole Hoffman
Carole and John Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:48 AM CST
Wooooooooooooooooppppiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee! Yay for Cass! I knew you could do it and so did every one in Texas. We all love you so much... Mother "stinky" sure does write you a lot, doesn't she! We all love you little one. Cannot wait to see you and your family again, I really enjoyed the time we got to spend at Christmas...you make TV watching fun! By the way, did that box ever make its way to Tuscaloosa? I have been worried sick about that thing! Anyway, here's a big HUG from the Big D. Miss you guys.
Jamey Boozer <jameyboozer@comcast.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:41 PM CST
Cassidy, Scarlett was so excited to get to see you today. It's a shame that the benedryl made her so tired (and grumpy at her mom)! We are so excited that you and your family got good news from the doctor yesterday! There are many,many people praying for you! I hope the medicine you got today works really good! Maybe you and Scarlett will be getting your next treatments at the same time and you can play in the activity room with Miss Beverly together.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Bham, AL - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 3:32 PM CST

That sounds just wonderful. It's the best news I could have heard today. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep up the good work.

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 3:24 PM CST
Hey Cassidy. This is Heather Tharpe again. I am glad that your MRI looked good. I wanted to let you know that everyone at my work is wearing the yellow bands. Also everyone in Sydney's (my daughter) class is wearing them as well. I have told Sydney about you and I am going to show her your picture with Weasel tonight. She thinks that Weasel is cool. She wants to send you a message. Take care and we will talk with you soon.
Heather Tharpe <hbtharpe@earthlink.net>
Seale, AL USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 12:11 AM CST
Cassidy, this is such wonderful news. I am just thrilled for you and your parents and your little brother. What a great miracle God is performing on you for all to witness! Just think of how much your parents love you and know that God loves you even more than that and continues to hold you in his arms with great care! Keep up all the smiles, they are beautiful! (I work with your Aunt Belinda!)
Terri Barnett <tbarnett@mhanet.org>
Jackson, MS - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:58 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
We are all praising God for the results you got yesterday! I know your entire family is so relieved to hear such wonderful news. I bet everyone slept good last night. You are so strong and so amazing! We are so proud of you!
Love you, Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Hello Pretty Girl, Cass my heart is running over and up and out and all that good stuff for the wonderful news you got yesterday....I can't wait to see you and get another hug...I know Mommy and Daddy feel a hundred pounds lighter today....God loves you all and is holding you in his arms...smiles and lots of love...Ms. Glenda
Glenda Flowers <gflowers@cchs.ua.edu>
Northport, AL USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:08 AM CST
Hey Cassidy This is Miss Denise I sure was happy to hear your good news God can do all things and miracles still happen. We love you very much!
Denise Burroughs <stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, AL USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:04 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy
It was so good to talk to you last night and even better to hear the good news about the reports you got. God sure is good. You sounded so strong and that made me very happy. I just cannot wait to see you again. I know that you will be so glad to get back home and go to school to tell everyone the wonderful news. I bet Weasel is sure missing you.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:01 AM CST
Way to go Casssidy!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about the good news yesterday. I hope to see you soon but not to mess with your noodle.
Love ya,
Julie Gray(your nurse at home)

Julie Gray <jgray@nphc.net>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:58 AM CST
That is such good news you got yesterday! We are all praying for healing for you and will continue to do so. May God bless and comfort you and your mom and dad and Cade!

Eric, Nick, Matt & Rosann Turner <mattturner_03@hotmail.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:34 AM CST
GOD is soooo good. HE has sure been to you. HE is hearing all of the prayers for you and look what is happening. Keep strong and brave and you will be fine.
I sure did want to take Weasel home with me last night. MeeMaw had just bathed her and see smelled so good. (I think she had chocolate milk on her.)
I will see you in a few days. Love you, Miss Beverly (Aunt Bev)

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:28 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
this is miss Cunningham from Flatwoods Elem. God loves you and i do too.

Tonya Cunningham <TBama21@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, Al usa - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:05 AM CST
Praise the Lord for the good report!!! We serve a great God and I am grateful that the MRI looked good. After reading your report, I couldn't help but cry. It is so exciting to hear the good news about the updated report!!!
We will continue to pray and I will share the good news at church tonight with our church family. I rejoice with you and Mom and Dad and Cade and all of your family. Have a great and blessed day today!!!. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al US - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 7:37 AM CST
hey cassidy,
This is Mrs. Jackie your cafeteria manager at Flatwoods Elementary. I am so glad to see you back at school. I hope your test turn out well. your puppy is very cute. I will keep praying for you and your family..

jackie Brewer <TBama@comcast.net>
Northport, Al usa - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 6:05 PM CST
Hi, Cassidy and all of the Tierces and Casners! Teresa told me the results of the tests. It sounds good! I'll be thinking about all of you and keeping you in my prayers.
Megan and Braden's Grammy-Jane Atkins <jane_atkins@proffitts.com>
Maryville, TN USA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 4:17 PM CST
Hi, Tierce family. I am thinking of you and praying for good tests results today. We loved getting to see you at the hospital last week. Scarlett played with her Winnie The Pooh magnet game for hours. She loved it. Thank you so much. Hope to see you soon when Cassidy and Scarlett can play.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, Al - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 3:15 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
Just thinking about you and praying that everything is going good with the MRI. I'll keep checking for updates. We love you! Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 2:41 PM CST
Hey, This is Denise. I hope everything is going well today. I am praying for you and your family. I hope you have been helping your mother brush her teeth!!!!! Ha! Ha! Love ya Mrs Denise
Lisa said to tell you hello. She was sorry she missed you on thursday.

Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 1:01 PM CST
Good Morining Cassidy, Your's and Cade's picture put a smile on my face. I like your hair. I bet you do too.
Your Church family got your letter thanking them for all your notes and everything. It was a very special letter from your family. We love you all and we will be thinking about you today as you have your MRI. Hope you have a great day.
Love and Blessings,
Delaine and Tommy

Delaine Williams <dwilliams@unimin.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 11:07 AM CST
Cassidy, it was great to see you at the hospital the other day. Scarlett loved her present. I hope your MRI gives you good news. We think about you and your parents all of the time. Remember, if you need anything, we live 20 minutes from Children's and would love to help. David (Scarlett's Dad)
David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Monday, January 31, 2005 11:51 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, my name is Mike and I wanted to tell you how brave you are. I also had cancer six years ago and it did not look good for me but here I am alive and well with no sign of cancer for over six years now. I know all about the chemo treatments and how bad they can make you feel sometimes, but they will not last forever. I have a little grandson your very age and I was just showing him your picture. You are a very cute little girl. My wife and I along with our church wil pray for you. God is so good!!! Tell your Mom and Dad to keep their faith and everything will be OK.

God bless you......Pastor Mike

Michael Bruce <mmbruce50@bellsouth.net>
Seale, Alabama - Monday, January 31, 2005 6:44 PM CST
Cassidy-- looking good! I just talked to your dad, our prayers are with you for tomorrow, we are friends of your mom and dad's that visited you in the hospital. Take Care of them.
Della and Jamie Jamison <djdjam@bellsouth.net>
Valley, Al US - Monday, January 31, 2005 4:27 PM CST
Hey Cass,
Good luck on your tests. Take that smile along with you (and make everyone else feel so good when you do). We're anxious to hear from you. I hope school was fun last week.

Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, January 31, 2005 3:49 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
Your new pictures are great. Your puppy is so cute. I hope that your test go OK tomorrow. You are in my prayers...

Shelly Gray <shellygray72@yahoo.com>
Gordo, al USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 2:52 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
Jennifer Medley and Heather Tharpe are my daughters, they have also signed your book and shared your web site with me. We've had you in our prayers every since we learned you were sick.

It is really great to see your beautiful pictures, you look like you are really having alot of fun with your dog Weasel. I have a cocker spaniel named Odie and he is so special to me. I hope Weasel is special to you too. We are all looking for good news on your tests and I'm looking forward to chatting with you again soon.

Peace and Love be with you and your family.

Gail McCants <gmccants@tsys.com>
Seale, AL U.S.A. - Monday, January 31, 2005 2:05 PM CST
Hi Cassidy- I love your new pictures and Weasel is such a cute dog! Hope you are having a good day today. We love you and pray for you everyday! Hope everything goes okay tomorrow at your appointment.
Denise,Alan,Kaci and Kori

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, OH USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 1:07 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, It's Aimee from church. The new pictures of you Cade and Weasel are great it looked like you were having fun. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Tell your mom to let us know. We love you and are praying for you. Steven, Aimee, Lacee, Tristan and McKae McKnight
Aimee McKnight <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al U.S. - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:03 AM CST
Hi Cassidy -
I was sent your weblink by my stepdaughter who is friends with Heather - prayers are spreading all over for you! Love your picture and your attitude. My 3 year old has high cholesterol that we're supposed to get checked only every 6 months, and she SCREAMS when we have to do it. It takes a lot of courage to face everything that you're facing, and my prayers are with you.

Lamarr Stevens <lamarrgt@aol.com>
Madison, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 9:52 AM CST
Hello Cassidy!!
I am also friends of your mommy and daddy. My sister Heather just signed the guestbook below. We got to spend the weekend with your mommy and daddy and had a lot of fun. I really hope things go well with your appointment on tomorrow. We will keep you in our prayers.
Jennifer and Chris Medley

Jennifer Medley <cnjmedley@ctvea.net>
Seale, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 9:09 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! My name is Heather and I am friends with your mom and dad. Good luck with your next appointment and we will be praying and thinking about you! Love. The Tharpe Family
Heather Tharpe <hbtharpe@earthlink.net>
Seale, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 8:39 AM CST
Hello Cassidy, I am in the Advent Sunday School Class with Stacey Davidson at First United Methodist Church, Tuscaloosa. Stacey has been keeping us updated and has now shared your web page with us. We are all praying for you and pulling for you! You are a beautiful princess, I can tell from your pictures. Hope things go well for you with your tests this week.
Michelle L'Etang <mletang@fa.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 8:39 AM CST
Good Morning!!!
Thinking and praying for you today. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. How is school? Hope you have a good day at school today. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 7:49 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I bet you don't remember me, but I remember you. I went to elementary and high school with your Aunt Belinda and we are still good friends today. I live in Gordo where so many people know you and your family. They all ask about you and keep you in their prayers everyday. You are one lucky little girl to have so many people who care about you. Your pictures are so cute. I bet Weasel is a great pet! I will continue to keep you in my prayers and to check on your progress.
With love,
Pam Hayes

Pam Hayes <pam6388@earthlink.net>
Gordo, Al USA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 6:54 PM CST
Hey Cassidy!!! I love the pictures of you, Cade, and Weasle. Your smile is as sweet as you. I miss seeing you. I will try my best to come visit you. I have a new job, I am not at the preschool any more.I think about you everyday! I love you sweetheart! Tell Mom and Dad I said hey. Hope to see you soon! Love Ms. Meredith
Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL 35452 - Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:10 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
I do not know you personally, but I am related to your friend, Ms. Bootsie. She and Mr. Ronald & family love you so much, you know! They love it when you come to their neighborhood to visit.
I too, was happy to hear you got to see the Circus while in town. That is always a fun thing to do! My grandchildren were going this year, also, and one of them has the same name as your brother..CADE.What about that? He is five-years-old and has a sister who just turned one.
I took my own children to the Circus when they were younger,(they are all grown up now!) and I seemed to enjoy it as much as they did..
We are all praying for you at our house, like so many other households are, little doll, and hope you will soon feel GOOD all the time. I can see from your pictures, "You are a little Princess"...Thanks to your parents for sharing your progress reports with us..I'm sure your brother helps to take care of your puppy when you need him to while you are busy. Please Hurry and Get Well! We all want to hear the good news soon!

Linda <lealea1950@aol.com>
Trussville, Al - Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:32 AM CST
First United Methodist Church of Tuscaloosa and the Advent Sunday School class are praying for you.
My family is praying for you and your family, we love you.

Stacey Davidson <senderella@excite.com>
Tuscaloosa, al - Saturday, January 29, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Great pictures! You look mahvelous! We will defintely be praying for you on Tuesday......We are glad you are doing well and getting good reports. Tell your daddy that Deke says "Hey". Susie and Pee Wee; ya'll take care; we're thinking of you often. God bless, ya'll have a good weekend, try to stay warm. See you soon
Scott, Donna and Deacon Medder

Scott Medders <Dkybigdog@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 8:00 PM CST
Hey Cass.... I sure did enjoy you last night. I hope you had as much fun as I did with you. I know you can't wait until this afternoon so you can open your new toy. I hope you enjoy it. You will have to tell me about it. I was able to look at ALL of your pictures this morning from Crosby and I still have a smile on my face. YOu, Cade and Weasel did a great job. I know now what you meant about Weasel trying to get down. You were having a time in a couple of the pictures trying to get her to sit still. But even those were great! I will call Poppy tommorrow about getting you and Cade for awhile. (and Weasel can come too).
You are so precious and all of my co-workers and Seazon's friends just loved having you to visit. We will do it again soon. Be good and help Cade to be good while Mom and Dad are out of town. Love you very much. Miss Beverly (Aunt Bev)

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Friday, January 28, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Good Morning Cassidy
I hope you are doing good today and are in school with your friends. Please tell your mom, dad and Cade that I send my love. I hope you have a terrific weekend--I know Weasel will be glad that you will be home to play with him.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 10:46 AM CST
hey babygirl and fam...you absolutely are too cute...i'm so glad things are goin' well...sure miss ya'll though..but i'm glad ya'll are at home and doin well...take care and hope to see ya'll soon :)
Dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
b'ham, al usa - Thursday, January 27, 2005 6:46 PM CST
Cassidy, hey girl, how are you doing today? I heard that you were back at school. That is so wonderful, I just know that you are having alot of fun with all your friends. Your new pictures are so pretty, of course what else would they be of such a beautiful young lady. And that Weasel, I can't believe how much she has grown. She will be bigger than you are in no time at all....lol.....I know not really, but she sure is growing fast....I hope you have a wonderful day today, Cass....Keep smiling....love you lots, Glenda
Glenda Flowers <gflowers@cchs.ua.edu>
Northport, AL USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:20 PM CST
Hi Cassidy!
You look just like a model in your new pictures. I am Scarlett's aunt, and I live in Gulf Shores. I hope that you can come to the beach this summer. I would love to meet you. I am amazed at how brave and strong you and Scarlett are. Both of you are my heroes. I check on both of you daily. I know that you and Scarlett are the shining stars at Children's Hospital. It will never be the same. Take care!!
Blessings to you and your family,

Lynn Norwood <lnorwood@gulftel.com>
Gulf Shores, AL - Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:41 PM CST
Cassidy--you look beautiful in the new pictures. I love the huge smile on your face. It is hard to believe that Weasel is so big--he was like a rat when you were at our house at Christmas and we were all worried that we were going to step on him. And I remember him going to sleep under the covers where I could not see him. The picture of you and Cade is absolutely adoreable. I sure miss seeing you. Maybe the next time you are in the hospital, Uncle Lee and I can come visit. I will let you know so that I can bring some projects for us to work on.
I love you and am praying for you. God is doing great things for you and your family. Please give Cade and Weasel a big hug and tell mom and dad hello and I send my love.

Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Cassidy- Your new pictures are too cute! I am glad to hear that you had a good doctors visit. I will be thinking of you and praying that your counts are high on your next visit. God Bless!
Laura Marie Norwood <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:40 AM CST
Your new pictures are just beautiful!! And I am so tickled that you have on the outfit I gave you. You sure do look good in it. Seazon said she saw you at the circus and that you really loved all of the animals. I am going to call your mom and see if you can go to Shelton's basketball game tonight. Hope you can. If so, I will see you then. Give Cade and Weasel some "sug-sug" for me. Love you.
Miss Beverly

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Your new pictures are just beautiful!! And I am so tickled that you have on the outfit I gave you. You sure do look good in it. Seazon said she saw you at the circus and that you really loved all of the animals. I am going to call your mom and see if you can go to Shelton's basketball game tonight. Hope you can. If so, I will see you then. Give Cade and Weasel some "sug-sug" for me. Love you.
Miss Beverly

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al - Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Hi Cassidy: Your Aunt Teresa just told me about your new "pics" on your website. I just pulled them up, and they are great! You look so good and so happy. I know you love your dog, Weasel. You are in many people's thoughts and prayers. You are such a pretty girl !!! Oh, I'm glad you got to come to Chattanooga the other weekend, and I heard you, Megan, Braden, and Mike & Teresa had a good time. You'll have to come back when they add the new butterfly collection to the Aquarium. They'll be fluttering all over, and that will be so pretty and fun! Hope you have a good day!
Sally Eidson <saeidson@tva.gov>
Sale Creek, TN USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:46 AM CST
Cassidy, your new pictures are great. You, Cade, and Weasel look so cute. Have a GREAT DAY!!!. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:09 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
It sure was good to see you yesterday with Weasel and Cade. Weasel and Cade sure wiggle a lot. I liked it when he licked my nose. I know he loves you a lot, just like all of us do. I was glad to see you smile and laugh. When I see that smile I just know I can't have a bad day. Hope school is fun and that you learn a bunch of fun things. I hope everyone is learning all the wonderful things you are teaching them too. We love you.

Crosby Thomley <crosby@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:05 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
This is Coach Duke! I just love your pictures! Your tooo cute so is Cade! Oh, of course Weasel is too! Can't leave Weasel out!
You and your family will always be in our prayers!
Love you
Coach Duke

kaye duke <dmisskaye@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:37 AM CST
Dear Cassidy:
The new pictures are great!!!! Weasel is growing as well as you and Cade. I like the way you hair is growing back.
You look so cute!!!!!!!!!! I am glad you are able to do so many fun things. The circus must have been a terrific event for you. I remember taking my little girl (not so little now) years ago. It was fun for her, just as it was for you and your family. How is school?? Are you still reading and checking out books?? You have been in my prayers and in my thoughts every day. Tell Mom and Dad hello for me and give Cade a hug for me. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:00 AM CST
Hello Cassidy, Miss Bootsie, who is my sister, has been telling me about you for several years. She thinks you are just the cutest thing around. She has sent me several pictures of you with your little brother and with your dog. I can tell from all the notes sent to you that you are a much-loved little girl. You can add me to the list of the many people who are saying prayers for you and keeping you close in their hearts. Give that little brother and your doggy a hug for me. Bonnie Davis
Bonnie Davis <BCDAVS@AOL.com>
Tallahassee, FL USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:38 AM CST
Cassidy, the new pictures of you are just too cute! Poppy came next door and told Mr. Ronald and me about them. Thank you for also sharing Cade and Weasel with us. Much love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:39 PM CST
Cassidy, The pictures are great. I can't believe how much Weasel has grow, it hasn't been that long since we saw her. It looks like a lot of people have seen the new pictures according to your guestbook, you have received a lot of E-mails already. See you this weekend.
Love Memaw and Poppy

Donna Casner <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL Tusc. - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:52 PM CST
Hey Cassidy I saw your new pictures on your web page.
you are a pretty young lady. Weasel looks good also.
Can not leave out Cade. Our prayers are always with you
and your family. Mr.Herman

TUSCALOOSA, AL USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:56 PM CST

Hi Cassidy,
Saw your new pictures of you and Cade. You look really great. It has been cold up here we probably had 4" of snow last weekend. Glad your doctors appointment went well and hope everything goes good next week. Talked to your poppy on the phone and said to look at your web page to see new pictures. We are all praying for you all. Take care and have fun playing.
Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Ph - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:51 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I looked out and saw the sunshine and thought of your sweet little smiling face. I am so glad you have been able to do some fun things. I hope we will continue to have some warm weather so you can enjoy getting out. Sometimes it is just too cold. Brrrrr. I love your little puppy and know that you and Cade enjoy playing with him. Tell Mom, Dad, and Cade hello for me. I love you and you are in my prayers each day.
Brenda Griffin

Brenda Griffin <BGriffin@dchsystem.com>
Duncanville, Al USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:10 PM CST
Hi Cassidy! Glad to hear everything went well at your doctor's appointment and will pray that everything goes well next week also with your MRI and biopsy. I'm also glad to hear you have been going school and doing some fun things too. I know you had a great time at the circus and I'm sure the clowns put a smile on your face. Hope you are taking really good care of weasel. Tom and I hope to see you at church Sunday. We love you and your family and you are always in our hearts, thoughts & prayers.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:06 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I sure am glad that they didn't have to stick you yesterday when you went to the doctor. I know you're glad that you get to go to school this week and see all your friends. I loved seeing you in AWANA Sunday night. You look great! We miss you so much at Church when you aren't there. We will be praying really hard that everything goes GREAT next week.
Love you, Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:31 AM CST

VANCE, AL UNITED STATES - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:30 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I am glad to hear that everything went well yesterday, and I hope everything goes well next week. Have a great day, and I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Tell mom, dad, and Cade Hello. Love you, Kelli
TUSCALOOSA, AL - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:16 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy
I talked to your mom last night while you were on your way back from the doctor. I guess you will be going to school the rest of this week--I know your friends are so glad that you are there.
I hope you have a great week and weekend before you have to go back next week.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:01 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I was so excited to hear that you went to the circus. Meredith and I went on Saturday. I loved the elephants. What was your favorite act? I am so glad that you have been going to school. Have you had alot of homework? How is Weaseal? I have missed seeing you. Give Cade a big hug for me and tell your mom and dad hello. I love you, Aunt Vickie
Vickie Kirkpatrick <vhk@aol.com>
Vestavia Hills, AL USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Hello dear Cassidy
I was thrilled to hear about your great time at the circus. That had to have been so much fun. I never got to go when I was little, but went after Uncle Lee and I got married. I loved it too--but I did not get to go down to see the animals. I also loved all the other stuff that went on at the circus. Good for you my sweet girl.
Thank you for updating your site. I am going to call your mom tonight to see what happened with the doctor today. Aunt Vickie told me that you all would be going back today and not tomorrow. God is continuing to bless you and I pray that the visit goes well.
Take care of Weasel. I bet he has grown since I saw him at Christmas.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.or>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 2:47 PM CST
Hi Cassidy- Sounds like you had a great time at the circus.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Kaci and Kori say hi. We were looking at pictures of when all of us were at Myrtle Beach when you were in the pagent and how much fun they had. Keep on smiling! Love ya!!!

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, Ohio USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:45 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I am thinking about you. You are always in my heart and on my mind. We sure do miss you around here. Gracie and Nathan wants to know when you are coming back to play with them. It was great seeing you today. I am glad you are going to school and having fun with your friends. It sure is hard getting up on these cold mornings. I know you rather stay in the bed and sleep, but just think about how much fun you have after you get to school. You are very smart and I am very proud of you. Hey Pretty Girl! let me know when you want some more Tea and I will make you some. We LOVE You SWEETIE and we are PRAYING for you and your family. Hope you have a good Night. A Big Hug just for you.
Shirley Ayers <sfayers3@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 0:17 AM CST
Hi Cassidy! You are such a pretty little girl and your little puppy is cute! You don't know me but I have been friends with your Aunt Belinda ever since we were your age and that was a loooong time ago!!!! We met on our first day of school starting in the first grade. Our big sisters introduced us to each other and we have been friends ever since. Your Aunt Belinda is a mess isn't she! I hope that you will soon be feeling lots better. I remember your daddy when he was smaller than you. You sure do favor him. Just remember that Jesus loves all the little children of the world and you are one of them and you are special to him . My family and I will pray for you and your family. God bless you and your family. I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Ms.Sandy

Sandra Fife -Johnson <AquaF54@aol.com>
Gordo, Al U.S.A. - Monday, January 24, 2005 11:05 PM CST
Hi Cassidy! You are such a pretty girl and you have a cute little puppy! You don't know me but I've been friends with your Aunt Belinda ever since she and I were your age. We met at school on the first day of school in the first grade. Our big sisters introduced us to each other and we've been friends ever since that day and my, that was a loooooong time ago! Your Aunt Belinda is a mess isn't she? I remember your dad when he was smaller than you! You sure do favor him! I hope you will soon get better. My family and I will pray for you and your family. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Remember, Jesus loves the little children and one of those children is you. God bless you and your family and puppy.
Sandy Fife Johnson <AquaF54@aol.com>
Gordo, Al. U.S.A. - Monday, January 24, 2005 10:25 PM CST
Hello Cassidy! I am very sorry that I missed you yesterday. Noland and I stopped by. I did get to play with Weasel. She is so cute!! I am glad that you had a good time at the circus and I heard that Landon's party was fun. I am praying that you have a good report tomorrow when you meet with the doctor. Hope to see you soon. We love you! Tell mom, dad & Cade hello.
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL 35476 - Monday, January 24, 2005 2:06 PM CST
I am praying for you and your family.
Connie Harris - Tuscaloosa

Connie Harris <charris@gulf-states.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 12:49 AM CST
Hey, Cassidy! I work at the University with April Thornton, my friend. I'm thrilled to write you because you will actually read this. So many people we write to don't take the time to read notes sometimes. I have two granddaughters, 4 1/2 and 2, named Averie and Arden who live in Birmingham and I have two daughters, so I really love little girls. I will keep up with you now that I know you have a site I can visit. God's love and mine to you.
Pam Junkin <pjunkin@cba.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, January 24, 2005 10:59 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, I've just recently starting reading your website...you sound like a very busy little girl!! I love the picture of your puppy dog, he looks like a sweetie pie..just like you do!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Glenda Leasor <gleasor@cba.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 9:39 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, sounds like you had a great time at the circus. Cole and Chad had a great time also, they went Sunday. Glad to hear that you are doing well, have a great day, and we will talk to you later. Love ya lots, Kelli
tuscaloosa, al - Monday, January 24, 2005 8:53 AM CST
Cassidy, So glad you got to go to the circus and see so many wonderful things! My grandparents were once members of the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus so many years ago. My grandfather was the Ringmaster, my grandmother was a bareback rider and my great uncle was a clown. How about that?! I can't even do a forward roll! Take care, sweetpea. Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:30 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, It sounds like you are really have a good month. I know the circus had to be great fun. It was good to see you at Braden's birthday party and also to see Cade and your mom. I think you stayed pretty busy in Tenn. also.
We are looking forward to seeing you again. Take care and know we are praying for you daily and enjoy you web page.
Peggy and George-Megan and Braden's Nana and Papaw in Alcoa

Peggy and George Chapman <cpeggeo@charter.net>
Alcoa, Tn - Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:41 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, Your puppy is cute. I hope you keep getting better,I pray for you and I LOVE YOU.
Emily Perry <karen.perry@stago-us.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Sunday, January 23, 2005 7:37 AM CST
hi cassidy, i've been praying for you for along time. My sister is 5 months. The last time you saw me she was not even born yet next time i come i've got to see that puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ansley thornton
Ansley Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, al - Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:27 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
My name is April and I am an old friend of your mommy's. We were cheerleaders together a long time ago. I know you don't remember me, but I painted the bugs and butterflies on your walls. I have two little girls, Ansley and Reagan, and we have been praying for you for a long time. We are so proud of how strong you are. I saw your Memaw, Poppy, Uncle Mike and your cousin today and they were telling us about your puppy. Take care of yourself and remember that we are thinking about you and your Mom, Dad and brother and we will be praying for you!
April (Lovelace) and Ray, Ansley and Reagan Thornton

April Thornton <raathornton@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Saturday, January 22, 2005 1:57 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
We hope you get to feeling better soon. WE've been thinking about you for a while now and just haven't had the time to come visit, but we're glad you had a great time in tennesse. It was nice to see your pretty picture on the webpage, and good luck with your puppy. Talk to you soon. Love always,

Kimberly Flowers, Amanda and Rileigh Day <lilflowergurl19@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:50 PM CST
Hey, Cas! I sure have missed you! But I am so glad you are home having a good time! It sounds like you had a great time in Tennessee! I'm sure y'all took picture, so you'll have to bring them and tell me all about your trip next time you come to the hospital! If you have a chance stop by and see me on Wednesday, and maybe I'll let you get a prize or two out of the prize closet! Have a great weekend!
Lauren ( Child life)

Lauren Morgan <Lauren.Morgan@chysy.org>
Birmingham, AL usa - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:51 AM CST
Hi, Cassidy! You look as cute as a button! Your puppy looks very sweet too. Does he have a cold nose? Buddy (our puppy) sure does. It sounds like you have been busy. Glad to hear that you are going to school again. Bet your teachers and friends miss you bunches when you are not there. We will be praying for you and your family.
Susan (Lindsey) and Lane Franks <susanlfranks@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:51 PM CST
Hey Cassidy and family!!! We miss seeing you, but I'm glad you're doing well at home. Everyone said I sounded like your dad on Sunday when I was watching the Vikings-Eagles game. Thought you guys might find that funny. We love you!
Jodi (4 Tower Nurse) <jodellie@juno.com>
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:06 PM CST
My goodness what a trip you had with your cousins in Tennessee Cassidy. That makes my heart happy knowing that you were there with them. Did you take Weasel? I'm sure that you probably did. Please tell Cade, your mom and dad that we send our love to all of you. And...give Weasel a big ole hug from me.
Love you lots and lots
Aunt Belinda "Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:48 PM CST
hey ya'll!! i'm so glad things are going GREAT and that you had fun in Tennessee...knew you would...well i'll try and find ya'll next week when ya'll are up...miss ya'll but glad your well baby!! take care!!
Dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
B'ham, al usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:32 AM CST
Hey Cass, Hope you are feeling good today, and had fun at school. Josh and I are praying for you. See you soon.

Angela <atshaw410@bellsouth.net>
Tuscaloosa, - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:10 AM CST
Cassidy, This is your cousins John and Carole from Ohio writing to say Hi again. So happy you are able to go to school and get back to a normal routine. We pray that when you go back next week, that the alternate treatment they want you to take will be the one that does the trick. We are keeping you, mom, dad, grandpa and grandma all in our daily prayers and know that God will listen and give us the answers we want.

John & Carole Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
West Lafayette, OH - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:31 AM CST
Good Morining Cassidy, I wanted to let you know We have been praying for you and your family. Glad to see you are getting to do some fun stuff. You think Mommy and Daddy and Cade had as much fun as you did? I hope so. Your puppy is so cute. I like his name. I am the Mother of one of your Mommy's friends that she went to school with. My daugthers name is Deesha, I will tell her about your Web site. I hope to see you at Church again soon. It makes everybody there feel so good to see you and your family there. O.K. I am going to work now, you have a good day and say hi to all your family for me.
Love and Prayers,
Delaine and Tommy

Delaine Williams <dwilliams@unimin.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
This is Shelly,Aunt Judy's friend back in Ohio.Just wanted to tell you that I get on your page quite often now and that I really enjoy reading and finding out how you are doing.I am so happy that you are back in school and feeling better.I'll bet Cade and Weasel are happy you are at home.I get to see your Aunt Judy tomarrow.She is coming to my house.Take Care and I am thinking of you.
Your Friend,Shelly

Shelaine Thomason <mst23@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:38 PM CST
Don't forget Gizmo!

I love you Cassidy...I love you, love you. Happy New Year, Love Megan.

Megan Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:44 PM CST
Hey sweetheart
Come visit us on the tower when you come in on Wednesday, I went on a trip last week and I got you a souvenir. We miss you very much!
Love, Alison

Alison Mitchell <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 Tower, Children's Hospital - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:32 PM CST
Hey Cass,
I put you and your family on our church prayer list for Wednesday night. I am so glad to see you back at school again!! I am glad that you are feeling better.

Morgan Alexander <johnalex1@mac.com>
Northport, AL United States - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:34 PM CST
Hi Cassidy - I sure did enjoy reading all about your fun trip to Tennessee! I bet you had a lot of fun riding the horse, seeing the movie, and Sesame Street! Weasel sure is a cute little pup - did Santa bring him? We sure do miss you when you are not in church...you just brighten things up when you do get to come. Just know that we all love you very much, and are praying for you. Tell your mom, dad, Cade, and Weasel hello for me, okay? Love you, Bro. Curtis Kelley, your friend and preacher!
Curtis A Kelley
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:48 PM CST
Hi Cassidy. Wow, you had a lot of fun in Tennessee, didn't you? I wish we could have been there with you. Is Big Bird as big in person as he looks on TV? Scarlett wants to know how big your puppy is now and if he sleeps with you? You have a great time at school this week.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:31 AM CST
Hey Cassidy. You have been a busy girl. I am so glad you got to do all the things in Tennessee that you did. Which was your favorite? Give Cade and Weasel a hug from me. I will see you soon. Love you. Miss Beverly
Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:09 AM CST
Hello Cassidy:
Glad to hear you are still in school. What a wonderful time you and the family had in Tennessee...Wow...you did a lot of fun and exciting things!!!! I am at school today with all our students from Northside. Hope you have a great day today!!! Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:49 AM CST
Hey Cass. I miss you! I hope to see you soon. Love you.
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:25 PM CST
Hi Tierce family! I hope you had a great weekend in Tennesee. We think about you all the time. Hope to see you soon.
Scarlett and parents

Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:31 PM CST
Hey Cassidy!
I am a friend os Scarlett's! She told me tovisit your page so I did! I hope you are doing well!

Connor Porterfield <bamaguy324@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, Alabama USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Glad to hear you are going to school and having fun.
Tell all those Tennessee folks that we said Roll Tide!
We think of you often and hope you have a great weekend with your family. Ya'll be careful.
From Donna, Scott and Deacon Medders

Scott Medders <Dkybigdog@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 5:15 AM CST
Cassidy, I know you will have a good time at Braden's birthday party this weekend. Please give Megan a hug for me. You all ready have our love. Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:58 AM CST
Good Morning!!!!
I am glad you are enjoying school. Sorry about the counts,
but maybe that is a good thing, allowing you time to get better and have some fun. I am thinking about you and praying for you. Be careful in Tennessee. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfre@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 7:40 AM CST
Well, ya'll have fun in ole' Tennessee....at least ya'll are at home and doin' aight...sure miss ya'll though...maybe i'll get to see ya'll next week...ya'll take care and have fun! :)
Dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
b'ham, al usa - Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:24 PM CST
Cassidy I know your Grandma, Donna :) I wanted you to know that I think you are a very brave and beautiful little girl. Just looking at your smiling face made me smile. I am so proud of you.
Lynn Stowe
Hartselle, AL USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:32 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
Glad to here you are home. We think about you everyday and send our Love. I really like your new puppy so give him a hug for me. Tell everyone Hi and we will call soon.
Love you Dick and Wanda.

Wanda Unger
W. Lafayette, Oh Coshocton - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:22 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, This is your cousins Linda and Steve from Ohio. The pictures of you and Weazel and you and Cade fishing are so cute. We're very happy to hear that you're home and going to school. Bet your classmates were glad to see you. We send lots of love and prayers to you, Cade, Mom, Dad, Granpa Jim and Grandma Donna. Stay strong. Love, Linda, Steve and Katie (she's our kittie)
Linda Marks <marksls3@aol.com>
Willoughby, OH US - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:46 PM CST
Cassidy we are so glad you are going to school. I know you are having fun with your friends. We hope to see you sometime soon. Tell mommy to let us know when we can get together. Love, Denise and Lisa
Denise and Lisa <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:52 PM CST
Hello Cassidy
I am thrilled that you are getting to go to school and see all your friends. That makes me know that you are stronger and are apparently eating very well now. Good for you.
I love you and am still praying for you to be back to normal very soon.
Aunt Belinda-"Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:58 AM CST
Hi Cassidy!

I'm happy that you are doing better! You don't know me, but I am a friend of your Aunt Judy, in Ohio. I heard about you and wanted to drop you a line to say "Hi". I also wanted to tell you that for only being 5 years old, you are a brave little girl. Please keep getting better.....we are all praying for you!
Your Friend......Tim

Tim Pence <tim@elementsensemble.org>
West Lafayette, OH USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Cassidy... You go girl!! I know that you and Reagan had fun. I bet Weasel was worn out. I called yesterday after church and talked to your Dad and he said you had been over in Gordo since Friday. Seazon and me were going to come and visit with you and Cade. We will probably come tomorrow night to see you. I hope you enjoy school today. I am soooo glad that God is helping you get better so you can so to school and play with your friends. I will see you later and you can tell me all about it. Love you,
Miss Beverly

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, January 10, 2005 9:57 AM CST
Good morning!!!
So glad to hear that you were able to go to school. WOW!!!
What great news. I am sure Weasel and Cade missed you while you were at school. Hope you have another great day at school today. I am also at school today with all the children at Northside.
Tell Mom and Dad hello for me. May you have a joyful and fun day. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 7:46 AM CST
Hello Cassidy,You don't know me.My name is Shelly and I am Aunt Judy's best friend here in Ohio.Aunt Judy told me about your website.I just love it!I also love the picture of you and Weasel.Santa brought our puppy too.Her name is Noelle'. Tell your Poppy Jim that I said Hi for me.
Shelaine Thomason <mst23@localnet.com>
Coshocton, Ohio USA - Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:44 PM CST
Hey pretty girl! I'm sorry your platelets were too low again. I'm sure you didn't mind staying out of the hospital for a little while longer though! We miss you. See you soon. Love you!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower, Children's Hospital, B'ham, AL - Friday, January 7, 2005 9:10 AM CST
Thinking and praying for all of you daily! I enjoy reading the updates on the webpage everyday!
With GOD All Things Are Possible!
We Love you!

Christy White <CBWSissy@aol.com>
Northport, Al - Thursday, January 6, 2005 10:46 AM CST
Hello Cassidy,
I'm glad to see that you are doing OK. You don't know me but I just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers and we think about you alot. I'm not sure if you still listen to the bluegrass cd any more that MR. Andy sings on but he sends his love also....
May God Bless You and Keep You.
You Are the Apple of God's Eye.
Keep being strong and all things are possible with CHRIST.
Shelly & Andy Gray

Shelly Gray <shellygray72@yahoo.com>
Gordo, Al Usa - Thursday, January 6, 2005 9:44 AM CST
Hi Tierce family. Sorry you are being delayed again. I know it is frustrating for you. Tell Miss Cassidy to look at Scarlett's web site. She doesn't have any hair on minute and long red hair the next. She has been so excited about getting a long, red wig and she finally did. We are going to be at clinic and then admitted on Monday so we will see you then.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 8:03 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and praying for you. I hope everything goes great this week and you can get home soon. I love seeing you at Church!
We love you, Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 4:22 PM CST
Hi Cassidy
Just wanted you to know that you are always on my mind and always in my prayers.
I love you very much and know that God is taking care of you.
Love you always,
Aunt Belinda-"Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 1:15 PM CST
Hi Cassidy,
This is Denise and Lisa. We just want you to know we are praying for you. Hope your treatments go well today. We are so proud of how brave you are!!!! Tell Mom, Dad and Cade we said hello. Love, Denise and Lisa

Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:48 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, this is Emily. I hope you are feeling better. I got a dog also. His name is Lincoln. I really love him. I hope you can come back to school soon.
Emily Fitts
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Cassidy, Hi! I am Scarlett's cousin Laura Marie. I go to school at The University of Alabama so I live pretty close to you. I am glad to hear that you had a great Christmas. I think Scarlett did too! Hope that 2005 is full of blessings for your family. God Bless
Laura Marie Norwood <norwo013@bamamail.ua.edu>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:27 PM CST
Hi Cassidy! I work with your Aunt Belinda and it has been a few weeks since I have been able to read and send you a new message. I am so glad to know you had a very blessed and Happy Christmas! I know your Aunt Belinda loved having you at her new house to visit for Christmas. I bet you loved all her beautiful decorations. We saw all the pictures of them. I love your new puppy. She is so cute just like you! Our prayers are continually with you and I have nothing but faith that God is taking care of you and carrying you through all this. You are such a special little girl that has a great purpose I am sure! You keep smiling that beautiful smile that touches the hearts of many! We love and pray for you all the time.
Terri Barnett <tbarnett@mhanet.org>
Terry, MS - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 11:26 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
The picture of you and Weasel is precious! I'm so glad you two are buds. Hope your day is good. Love, Shelly

Shelly Cleckler <terry.shelly@charter.net>
Northport, AL - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:38 AM CST
Good morning!
Thinking and praying for you today. Hope you have a happy and blessed day. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 8:27 AM CST
Hi Family! Hello Cassidy- this is the flower ladies niece. I used to help Kimberly babysit you when you were just a little tyke. Your puppy is very cute and I am very glad to hear that santa brought you lots of good things. Hang in there sweetie and be strong!
Margeaux Day <Daysie_gurl_2001@yahoo.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 9:47 PM CST
Hi everyone. Cassidy this is the flower lady with the frog farm around the fish pond. Today is my first time to see your web page. It's realy cute. I love the new puppy, Santa must have extra nice to you for being such a big strong girl last year even when you didn't want to be, so keep being sweet.
Patti Flowers <Changndays@aol.com>
Northport, Al. Tuscaloosa - Monday, January 3, 2005 7:40 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, Cade, Sean, and Suzie, it sure was great to see you all over the holidays. I am so glad you had a great Christmas. I will be thinking of you and praying for
you this week. Hope everything goes well. Love ya, Kelli

NORTHPORT, AL - Monday, January 3, 2005 10:02 AM CST
Hi Cassidy! Happy New Year! Tom & I love all the pictures. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas. Tell Sean and Suzie we said Hello. We know you were at Church but didn't get to see you all yesturday. Hope everything goes well Wednesday. Tom and I hope to see you next Sunday and will keep you in our prayers.
Melissa Williams <mwilliam@pritchett-moore.com>
Tuscaloosa, al USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 8:53 AM CST
Good morning!!
How great it was to spend time together at Aunt Belinda's during the holidays. You and Weasel make a good team. He is so cute and little!!!! Had to be careful in the kitchen because he almost was stepped on!!! It was so fun to be with you and your faimly, even if it was for a very short time. School began today for us and I had to roll out of bed. KK is still at home with us in Dothan. We have had a great time with her. We have put together about 4 hard puzzles. Tonight we will watch Auburn play in the Sugar Bowl. Give everyone a hug for me. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 8:01 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so glad you had a good Christmas. Weasle is so cute. You will have to come over and see Chasity's hamster. She got him from santa. His name is Coco. Tell your mom I said hello and to call me when she gets a chance.
Love and prayers. Mrs Denise

Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Cottondale, al usa - Saturday, January 1, 2005 8:33 PM CST
Sorry to hear your visit was long yesterday, but I know you were so happy to go home without your noodle. What a brave, strong girl you are! Scarlett LOVES her new bracelett you gave her. Thank you so much. It fits her perfectly and she hasn't taken it off not one time since she got it. The other one bothered her. That was so sweet of you. Keep eating sweetie!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, December 31, 2004 10:53 AM CST
Hey Cassidy-Bug,
How are u doing? I hope you get to feeling better very soon! Just remember that God is watching over you and your family and I'm praying for you all, too! Well, I really enjoyed spending Christmas night with you Angel! I hope to see you soon again! Love your cousin, Brandy Driver

Uncle Sean & Aunt Suzie, I'm praying for you everyday! Remember I love you and always will! Love your niece, Brandy Driver I love you lots!

Cade, I Love you,too! Love your cousin, Brandy Driver

Get well soon Cassidy- Bug!

Brandy Driver <spoiledbrat1992@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 4:22 PM CST
Hi Miss Cassidy and family. I hope your visit was short yesterday. I know you are so glad they took out your noodle the other day. I hope you kept your promise and have been eating really good. You need to come and visit Scarlett, she is eating so much I'm sure she would make you want to eat too. Has Weasel been a good puppy? We hope to see you soon.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:14 AM CST
Dear Cassidy,
I am Reagan's cousin Kate.I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and calling your name out at church for more prayers. I like the pictures of you in the water. Was it cold? I hope not. What was your favorite thing you got from Santa? Did he bring Weasel anything? Hope you have a good week at home. Happy new year. I love you! Kate

Kate Moss <hmoss@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL usa - Thursday, December 30, 2004 0:03 AM CST
Dear Cassidy,
I am Reagan's cousin Kate.I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and calling your name out at church for more prayers. I like the pictures of you in the water. Was it cold? I hope not. What was your favorite thing you got from Santa? Did he bring Weasel anything? Hope you have a good week at home. Happy new year. I love you! Kate

Kate Moss <hmoss@pickens.net>
Gordo, AL usa - Thursday, December 30, 2004 0:02 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I know you got everything you wanted from Santa. You have been nothing but a angel, I know. I can't stop thinking about you,mom,dad, and Cade.So,hows Weasle doing? Him having a Mom like you I'm sure he is great. I loved the pictures of you and Cade. I still think the one of you holding Weasle is my favorite.Have a Happy New Year!Hope to see you soon.When I do see you I have some news to tell you.
Love, Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:25 PM CST
HEY! This is Paige, I go to Church with your aunt Glenda! I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I know that God has a plan for your life.Sometimes we don't know what it is but we just have to be patient. I don't understand why a very pretty girl this young has to go through something like this. But I am praying for you and I hope you have a Very Happy New Year!!! God Bless, Paige Kingry
Paige Kingry <PAK7688@aol.com>
Dothan, Al USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:52 PM CST
HEY! This is Paige, I go to Church with your aunt Glenda! I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I know that God has a plan for your life.Sometimes we don't know what it is but we just have to be patient. I don't understand why a very pretty girl this young has to go through something like this. But I am praying for you and I hope you have a Very Happy New Year!!! God Bless, Paige Kingry
Paige Kingry <PAK7688@aol.com>
Dothan, Al USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:52 PM CST
Hey guys. I wondered why I never saw you again Monday. I will be there again tomorrow when you come back to check the red medicine. We miss you! We got used to you sort of living there for a while! :) See ya tomorrow! Love ya!
Jill Belcher <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
4 Tower , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:00 PM CST
Hi Cassidy... We love the picture of you and the puppy. You both look so pretty! Hope that Santa brought all of your wishes. Hannah would love to play with you soon. She misses you very much!
Kim Jones, Hannah Jones and Nancy Smith <dachsies1@aol.com>
Duncanville, Al 35456 - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:38 PM CST

TUSCALOOSA, AL USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:23 AM CST
Your Aunt Belinda told me you got a new puppy. I forgot what her name was - I'll ask Aunt Belinda. You both look so cute in the picture. Puppies are so much fun. I'm proud of you for trying to eat more. Love Sandy Caves, I work with your Aunt Belinda)
Sandy Caves <scaves@mhanet.org>
Richland, MS Rankin - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Hey, Cassidy:
We are friends of your grandpa and grandma. We enjoyed looking at the picture of you and your pet on your web page. You sure are a cute little girl, and we have heard you are also very brave. I guess you are back at the hospital now, and the doctors and nurses are keeping you busy. We hope and pray you are getting better every day and soon you will not need so much medicine. Just wanted to wish you a happy New Year.
Terry and Patty Darr

Patty Darr <darrbrookw@aol.com>
Brookwood, Al USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 1:08 PM CST
Good morning Miss Cassidy
I am assuming you are back in Birmingham today. I just wanted you to know that we LOVED having you and your family (and Weasel) at our house last week. Maybe when you are finished with all of your treatments, you, Cade and Weasel can come stay at our house for a couple of days. We will have so much fun. It will probably be nice and warm by then and we can spend lots of time in the backyard with Weasel and Trace.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda-"Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 10:50 AM CST
Hi, Cassidy and family. Hope you all had a great Christmas. We will be at the hospital for Scarlett's treatment on Tuesday so we will come and see you and bring you your matching t-shirt. We can't wait to hear what Santa brought you and Cade. See you in a couple of days.
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Sunday, December 26, 2004 7:10 PM CST
Hi Cassidy. Dick and I are so glad you got to go home for Christmas. We had a Merry Christmas and hope you and Cade did to. How is Gracie? We think about you everyday and send our Love. Tell your Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa we said Hi. Hang in there!!!! Love Dick and Wanda.
Dick & Wanda Unger
W. Lafayette, Oh US - Sunday, December 26, 2004 3:19 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, hope you had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you and Cade. Hope it is warm down there. We have had real cold weather here and alot of people dont have electric. Your cousins Denise Alan Kaci and Kori still dont have power, been out since Thursday. Well be good and we are all praying up here for you and Family. Merry Christmas to all down there. Love Aunt Judy
Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh - Sunday, December 26, 2004 10:49 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. I hope you, Cade, Mom and Dad had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you got everything you wanted. I know you have been a very good girl. A Big Hug and Lots of LOVE is being sent to you. See you in a few days. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Pretty Girl. We Love You

Shirley Ayers <SFAYERS3@AOL.COM>
Northport, Al USA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 11:51 PM CST
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Saturday, December 25, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, Merry Christmas to you, Cade, Mom, Dad and Weasel. I hope you get all you want. See you tonight or tommorrow.
Love you, Aunt Bev

Beverly <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Friday, December 24, 2004 9:30 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy and family. I hope your Christmas is wonderful!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Friday, December 24, 2004 7:32 AM CST
hey cass
its chuck and lisa.joey told us you were doing good.that is great news!!!! its 2 more days till santa comes.i know you have been good.i guess cade has to.ha ha
i love your puppy.i will have to bring my puppy to see you when you get home after christmas.his name is saban..hope you have a wonderful christmas.you and your family are in our prayers daily.we love you all.

chuck & lisa,colton&chris

chuck tant <baseball14@froglevel.net>
gordo, al usa - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:11 PM CST
Cassidy and Weasel--Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Amanda & The On Tap Crew <apaigel@aol.com>
Birmingham, al - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Hello Cassidy and family, I really like that you have a website. I had to look at it as soon as I got home from your house. I'm sorry that I woke you up this morning...but you had probably had enough beauty sleep! It looks as if you have lots of friends and family wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and I want to join them. Stay well and listen for the jingling of the the silver bells on Santa's sleigh Friday night! ... But, go to bed early so he can come soon! You are a very special little friend and I know that you are in God's care. Be sweet and I'll see you again soon. (I'll share your website when school starts back in January with the class and maybe I can help some of them write to you.) Cindy Fulmer
Cindy Fulmer <cindy.fulmer.fwood @tcss.net>
Northport, Al USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:37 AM CST
Dear Cassidy,
I am a friend of your Aunt Belinda's in Jackson, MS. I am so glad that you got to go home for Christmas. You are such a brave little girl. You are in my prayers daily. Merry Christmas to you and Weasel.

Stacy Bishop <sbishop@mhanet.org>
Jackson, MS USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
My name is Mickey. I am a friend of your Aunt Teresa. I am so tickled you are going to home for Christmas. I absolutely love your puppy. Have you slipped into the bed with you? Hope SANTA gets there soon for you and Cade. Have fun with your cousins.

Michelle Presley <presley50@aol.com>
Ten Mile, TN USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:59 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl,
I am so glad you came to stay with us Monday. It was great having you. We have missed you so much. I know you had a lot of fun playing hiding seek with Gracie, Hannah and Nathan. Cade missed out on all the fun because he was sleeping, but I know you told him all about it. We all hope you will come back soon. Maybe when the weather gets a little warmer Gary can take you all to the play ground. That will be lots of fun.
We Love You Pretty Girl and we are sending you a big hug. I hope you have a good night. We will say a Special Prayer just for you.

Shirley Ayers <SFAYERS3@aol.com>
Northport, Alabama USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:42 PM CST
Hello Cassidy
Today is Tuesday and hopefully you and your family will be here Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing Weasel (if you can bring him). I know you cannot wait for Santa to bring you something--but what can he bring you that you don't already have????
Jamey is home from Dallas and he sends his love and can't wait to see you and Cade (and mom and dad) on Thursday.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda-Stinky

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:23 PM CST
Hey, Cassidy! We enjoyed playing with you at Mrs. Shirley's house yesterday. Have a great Christmas! We love you.
Hannah and Nathan Dunn <Chrisdanadunn@aol.com>
Northport, AL USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:23 PM CST
This is your cousin Chuck and Bonnie from Ohio, Your grandpa Jim's cousin. Glad you are home for Santa, we know he will be good to you.
Chuck Turner <cturner310@netzero.net>
Winter Haven, Fl usa - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:16 PM CST
NORTHPORT, AL USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:53 PM CST

TUSCALOOSA, AL TUSCALOOSA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:54 AM CST
Hi, pretty Cassidy. Scarlett loved the pictures of you and Cade in the water with your clothes on. She said she can't wait to do that with you this summer. How is Weasel doing? Does he lick your face??? I bet that makes you giggle! I hope Santa brings you everything you want for Christmas. Scarlett got you a T-shirt to match the one that she has. I will mail it soon. We hope you like it. Have a great Christmas!!!
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:51 AM CST
Hello Cassidy. This is Scarlett's Dad. I am soooo glad you get to be home for Christmas. I know Santa is going to come see you since you have been such a good girl this year. Tell your parents Merry Christmas from Scarlett and parents.

David Cowan <david@mcplaw.com>
- Monday, December 20, 2004 11:57 PM CST
merry christmas, you guys, can't wait to see you soon!
alison and beth <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 tower, - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:13 PM CST
Hey Cass..... I am so glad that you came to my party Saturday night. You sure did look good. And Weisel sure was glad to see you. I hope she is enjoying her toys that Luci gave her. The little green one used to be Luci's favorite one when she was little like Weisel. I can't wait to see the Gingerbread house that you and Seazon made. I bet it is beautiful. I will see you soon. Make sure that Cade is being a good boy, so that Santa will come to see him. I know that Santa will be to see you, because you have been a good girl. Give Cade and Weisel love for me. I love you, Aunt Bev.

Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Monday, December 20, 2004 12:52 AM CST
Cassidy, I got to meet Weasel( and give her several kisses) while MeMaw had her in the backyard. I understand Weasel likes to sleep on Poppy. Don't you think someone should take a picture of that? Weasel is one more cute puppy, kiddo! No wonder you love her so much. Merry Christmas, and much love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I am so glad that you got to go home yesterday. How is Weasel doing? I bet he was so glad to see you. I hope that you didn't forget the ornaments that you and Angela made. They were so shiny. And I loved the Snowman that you made. I am looking forward to seeing you at Aunt Belinda Stinkys house on Thursday. I hope you get to bring Weasel, I can't wait to pet her. See you and Cade and your mom and dad on Thursday. I love you, Aunt Vickie "Stinky"
Vickie Kirkpatrick <vhk@aol.com>
Birmingham, al usa - Sunday, December 19, 2004 9:27 AM CST
Hi Casssidy, This is Robbin. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to see you the other day.But I know that you are doing well. I promise that I will see you on your next visit. I see that you have a puppy for Christmas you take care of him and give him alot of love which I know you will. Tell your Mama, Daddy, and brother I said hello. See you soon and Have A Merry Christmas.
Robbin <robbinnb@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL Jefferson - Sunday, December 19, 2004 2:29 AM CST
Hi Cassidy! I am Janie. My mom and dad are Wanda and Dick Unger. They are friends of your grandparents. My mom has been telling me your progress and I have been thinking about you a lot. I hope I get to meet you and your puppy someday. You are such a pretty girl!...and I wish I had a puppy just like yours! I haven't seen your mommy since she was a little girl like you. You look a lot like her. Have a fun day. I will be thinking about you and keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Jane Bachert <jane@insight.rr.com>
Lewis Center , Ohio USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:09 AM CST
hey Cassidy, Glad to hear that they got enough. hope everything goes great today. Tell Mommy and Daddy hi for me and also Mamma and Poppie too. Aunt Judy
Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
OH - Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:50 AM CST
hey cassidy, my mom just told me that you have this web page! i was reading aunt belinda's message and she said that you all are coming to her house for christmas. How exciting!! I can't believe that Christmas is only seven days away. I will see you soon. love you, Meredith
Meredith Kirkpatrick <mlkirkpa@bsc.edu>
Birmingham, AL - Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:32 AM CST
I certainly will be praying for Miss Cassidy. (I have been for several weeks, now.) Looks like lots of folks are wanting you well and back home playing with your new favorite friend..I'm glad you got him a little early(you'll have plenty of surprises on Christmas, anyway..right?)AND, ..New puppies need all the love they can get and with you for its "Mommy"...he will be MOST Happy. I don't know you personally, but..only through a friend that lives close to your grandparents, but I have heard what a smart, sweet, and beautiful child you are..And I totally agree! Those pictures could win Any prize! You (and your brother) are adorable children and we all can't wait to have you well and no more hospital visits would be great! Until then, I know the hospital staff is doing everything they can to help you do just that! I love your new puppy and I'm sure the love is returned to you!..He is lucky to get to come and live at your house! By the way, You have a very nice website too! I'll keep praying and hoping you are getting better and stronger every day!
Trussville, Al USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 10:56 PM CST
Cassidy, I am so glad that you have been sucessful this time around. I know that Weasel has missed you and can't wait for you to get home tomorrow! If I see Santa, I will make sure he knows that you have been a very good girl this week. See you soon!
Teresa, Mike, Megan and Braden <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 10:37 PM CST
HEY CASSIDY!!!!I know tomorrow will be great and they will get what they need. Have fun doing what ever you want.When I see you I am going to give you the biggest hug.Stay strong and keep on smiling. I love you!!!!!!!
Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, Al USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:10 PM CST
Hey Cutie,

All our love and prayers from the Members of Sycamore Hunting Club, Employees of Skyland Equipment, and Army Reserve Soldiers of the 356th Combat Support Battalion.

John T Morgan Elmore <john.t.elmore@us.army.mil>
tuscaloosa, al UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Friday, December 17, 2004 2:32 PM CST

VANCE, AL UNITED STATES - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:40 AM CST

VANCE, AL UNITED STATES - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:39 AM CST
Hi Cassidy
I just talked to your dad and it looks like you all may be coming to see us next Thursday for our Christmas. I am so very excited. I see Aunt Glenda knows a recipe for play dough--so we might just have to make some home-made playdough when you are with us on that day. Tell your mom and dad if there is anything special that you would like for Christmas and I will see if I can find it for you. Also ask Cade what he might like also. I am also hoping that Weasel gets to come with you. I sure hope everything goes well today and you get to go home tonight and get ready for Santa to come next weekend.
P.S. I see that memaw and poppy and Cade are taking real good care of Weasel for you. It sounds like they have fallen in love with him too.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda-"Stinky"

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 10:48 AM CST
You are in our prayers.
Amanda & The On Tap Crew <apaigel@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, December 17, 2004 9:59 AM CST

GORDO, AL - Friday, December 17, 2004 9:01 AM CST
Good morning, Cassidy:
Hopefully they will finsih the stem cell harvesting today.
I am praying for you today. You are a brave and special little girl. So sorry you are having to deal with all this at such a young age. So you like playing with play dough. I have a recipe to make play dough. If you want it please let Mommy tell me and I will get it to you.
Have a better and blessed day. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, Saw your picture with your new puppy Weasel, he is really cute. Hope everything goes great today and you get to go home. We are all thinking of you and saying our prayers. Tell everyone there we said hey and hope you get everyting you want from Santa. Love Aunt Judy
Judy David and Haley <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl, It was great seeing you the other day. Your beautiful Brown Eyes and Sweet Smile just made my heart melt. To hear you laughing was such a joy. We love you so much and we Pray for you day and night. You came into our life when you were Eight months old and we cared for you like you were our own. We read books, we played dolls, we also done a lot of rocking and a lot of swinging. Oh yes! don't forget the trips to the play ground with Gary, Gracie,and Nathan. I know you all had so much fun. You have always been very special and I know God will take care of you. You have a wonderful Mom and Dad and a precious little brother (Cade) who we love very much. Hey, we can't forget Memaw and Poppy. They are pretty special too and I know they love you with all their heart. We are so glad you have your own Web Page. I love the pictures. Your new little puppy is so cute. I know you are very proud of him.
Hey Pretty Girl, don't forget about Monday. Hope you can make it. We have a surprise for you. I think there is a present with your name on it. Well Cassidy it is getting late and I better get to bed. I hope you have a good night and hope you get to come home soon. We all miss you and don't forget Sweetheart, WE LOVE YOU AND WE ARE ALL PRAYING FOR YOU. Stay strong Sweetie and keep that beautiful Smile. (Suzie and Sean keep the Faith, We love You)

Shirley Ayers <SFAYERS3@aol.com>
Northport, Al USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 0:37 AM CST
Hi Shortcake, I have Cade, Poppy and Weasel asleep so while it's quiet thought I would drop you a line. Hope you are doing ok. We are trying to take good care of Weasel. Poppy has be letting her sleep on his belly so you know she has a pretty soft pillow. Hope you get to come home tomorrow, let us know how things are going.
Love Ya! Memaw, Poppy, Cade and Weasel

Donna Casner <jdcasner@comcast.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:22 PM CST
Hello Cassidy. I received an email from my brother, Herman Weber, in Tuscaloosa, AL saying you liked to receive emails.

I live in Pineville, LA. Read your emails and journal and sounds like you are a very brave little girl.

My prayers will be with you and your family that God will work one of His miracles.

Have a wonderful holiday season. God loves you and will take care of you.

Irma White <thehappyhome@Juno.com>
Pineville, LA USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:42 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, We love the pictures of you and Weasel and of you and Cade. We hope things are going well today. We are praying for you. We love and miss you. Tristan was glad to see you the other night after his performance. We hope to see you soon.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan and McKae McKnight
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:57 PM CST
Cassidy, My name is Nichole Bailey. I am a friend of Tater's. I saw your beautiful pictures. You have the cutest dog, I know you will take good care of him. My husband is Lance Bailey and we used to see you when you were little at Harvey's restaurant on Sunday afternoons. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I know Santa will be good to you and Cade. You are in our prayers!!! I hope to get to write you again. Nichole
Nichole Bailey <baileyn@cus.pickens.k12.al.us>
Carrollton, AL United States - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, We love the pictures of you and Cade and you and Weasel. We hope things go well today. We are praying for you and hope to see you in church soon. Tell your mom we are supposed to be getting our pews in Monday. Tristan loved seeing you the other night after his performance. We love you and miss you.
Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan and McKae McKnight <samac98@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al US - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:50 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, the picture of you and your new puppy is so cute. I hope you are feeling better, and I will be praying for you tomorrow. I hope to see you soon. Merry Christmas and lots of love. Kelli
NORTHPORT, AL - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:32 PM CST
Hi Cassidy ! What a cute puppy ! I have ben praying for you and hope that you are feeling real good when Santa comes to see you.
You don't know me, but I know your cousin Kelli.

Jamie Sullivan <River crtrsc@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:27 PM CST
Hi, Cassidy! I am thinking about you and praying for you today. Scarlett really wanted to come to the hospital to see you but she is taking her steroids and it is making her not feel so great. I'll be thinking about you and your mom and dad. Give Weasel a kiss for us!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:04 AM CST
Hi Cassiday - what a good looking picture of you with Weasels. You look great! Just remember, we're praying for you!
Carol Schenkel <CASchenk@tva.gov>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:02 AM CST
hey cassidy
i dont really know your family nor your story but i want you and your family to remember that... you can do all things through christ who strenghthens you...you are in my prayers!!!

amanda sullivan <amanda_is_loven_cody@yahoo.com>
gordo, al - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! Hope everything is going well this morning. Gracie & Abbie can't wait to see your new Puppy. Gracie says a prayer for you every night. We can't wait for you to come to Shirley's!
Susie Mullenix <susiemullenix@bellsouth.net>
Elrod, AL Tuscaloosa - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:02 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, how are you doing today? We love your dog. His picture is soooo cute. Hope you have a merry christmas and we hope to see you Christmas Day. Love ya lots Girlie.
Harold, Shannon, Greg, Cindy, Brandy, and Trace.

Cindy <cindydriver08@yahoo.com>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:55 AM CST
Hey Cass,
I hope you are feeling good today. I had so much fun with you and your family the other night. I know you had fun too. I hope I see you again very soon. Make sure you keep Weasel warm in this cold weather. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Tater Brown <browns@cus.pickens.k12.al.us>
gordo, al U.S. - Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Good morning, Cassidy and family:
I love the new pictures. How precious you and Cade look splashing around in the water!!! These are the sweetest and cutest pictures of you two!!! I hope that the stem cell harvesting will be successful this time. I know you become weary of all the tests and procedures, but hang in there, better days are ahead. Your dog is soooooo cute. I am sure you are having a great time with Weasel. I will call your parents and check on you for an update on the stem cell procedure. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:54 AM CST
Cassidy- It was so good to see you today! You look GREAT! I love your picture with your puppy. I bet you have lots of fun playing with Weasel. I know I would. I will check on you Thursday! Take Care!
Birmingham, Al - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:01 PM CST
Cassidy, I'm glad you got your puppy. We'll have to get a picture of it for you on your cool website. If he's half as cute as you are we're all in trouble. Keep that smile going for Santa.
Crosby Thomley <ctphoto@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:12 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, I'm a friend of Tater Brown's and he gave me your website address so that I could check it out. It's really cool that you have your own website! You are a beautiful young lady and Weasel is a really cute dog. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Lesley Campbell
Moores Bridge, AL USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:30 PM CST
Hey Cassidy! I hope you are keeping Weasel, Rusty & Gizmo warm. It is so cold outside. I had fun at our Christmas party Monday night. So glad that you, mom & Cade got to come to our house. Hope you enjoy the shower gel and lotion. I know you will be smelling so good. We hope that you can come back on Christmas Eve and you can even bring your daddy with you!! We all love you very much!! Have a great day!
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL 35475 - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:08 PM CST
Hey Cass.....I just love the picture of you and Weasel. I can't wait to get to play with ya'll again. How many puppy kisses have you gotten? Lots and lots I bet. I think Weasel is the cutest puppy I have ever seen and I know that she loves you sooooooo much. Dixie will be jealous...but she will love Weasel, too. See you soon, sweet girl. Love you, Glenda....
Glenda Flowers <gflowers@ccchs.ua.edu>
Northport, AL USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 11:13 AM CST

GORDO, AL USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:56 AM CST
Hey Cassidy, I love your and Weasel's picture. You are such a good mom. I hope she hasn't been keeping you up at night. Just remember that Luci is waiting to play with Weasel. Is she still wearing her little bell? If you need her to spent the night with me tommorrow night, just let me know. I hope you will be able to come to my party Saturday night. I will be looking for you. I love you. Aunt Bev
Beverly Tierce <beverly_tierce@flocorp.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:44 AM CST
BETTY JO KIRKPATRICK <bjkirkpat3@wmconnect.com >
RUSSELLVILLE, AL USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Cassidy! It must be neat to have your own web site! WOW! Loved seeing your picture with Weasel. Always enjoy seeing you over at MeMaw's and Poppy's and talking to you "over the fence." You're the best! Love, Miss Bootsie
Bootsie Hartley
Tuscaloosa, Al - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 8:53 AM CST

DENISE LOCKE <lockeon@earthlink.net>
NASHPORT, OH USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:40 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! It is Ms. Meredith again. I love the picture of you and Weasle. I printed it out and put it on my frig. Can't wait to see you,Weasle,Mom,Dad,and Cade. Talk to you soon. Oh,tell your Dad WAR EAGLE, for me.
Love, Ms. Meredith

Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzer.com>
Coker, Al 35452 - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:36 PM CST
Hi Pretty Cassidy! I love the picture of you and Weasel. I know that Scarlett is going to be begging me to come and visit you and your precious puppy. By the way, I was right. You sure do make that hat look good! I hope you are feeling good and enjoying your new playmate. We hope to see you soon.
Lana and Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:29 PM CST
I am Mike Allen's mother way down here in Baton Rouge, LA. I have been keeping up with you through Mike and Jennifer, Hamner and Noland. You are a very beautiful young lady. You are very brave and so are your mommy and daddy. We have you on the prayer list here at University Baptist Church and Parkview Baptist Church. I work at UBC and I attend church at PBC. We are praying for your mommy and daddy, too. With all the friends you have and with God's help, you need not worry about the future. God has a plan for Cassidy's life and no one or no thing can change the direction of what good he has in store for you. I love you and God loves you. Just remember that. Merry Christmas to you and your family. We're glad you have a dog.

Mr. Claude and Miss Marilyn Waite

Marilyn Waite <mwaite@ubc-br.org>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Cassidy...that is the cutest puppy that I have ever seen! I can't wait to meet her in a couple of weeks. Megan wants to know if she barks a lot...her and Braden loved the picture! We love you and will see you soon!
Teresa Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 9:18 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, Wow, you got a dog. I am so excited that you got to get the dog early. I can't wait to see Weasel. You will have to bring him up to play with allie. Hope you are having a good day and I hope that you get to come to Aunt Belinda STINKY's for Christmas. I love you, tell Cade and your mom and dad that I said hi. Aunt Vickie
Vickie Kirkpatrick <vhk@aol.com>
Birmingham, al usa - Monday, December 13, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Cassidy just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Lots of love and prayers.
Cindy Pittman

Cindy Pittman <pitt4tide@charter.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa - Monday, December 13, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Hey Cassidy. We are so glad to here about your puppy. We would like to come see it sometime. Glad you are home for Christmas!!!!
Love and prayers,
Lisa and Denise

Lisa Graham &Denise Burroughs <Stumpdances@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, al USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 11:12 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy
Wow--a new puppy--how lucky you are. I love the name "Weasel". What made you decide on that name? You can tell me all about it the next time I see you. If you all get to come for Christmas, please bring Weasel with you. Trace will be very careful with him and will not mess with him. Our family is growing with our animals--Weasel, Trace, McKinney (Jamey's dog), and Allie (Aunt Vickie's dog) and, of course, Dixie!!!
Love you lots
Aunt Belinda

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! It's Miss Leigh Anne. I'm so glad you and your family got to come to the musical last night! Weren't the wise men funny and cool? I hope you enjoyed it. You were smart to get a weenie dog. They're the best kind. I got a little brown one when I was five years old and named her Mitzi. They are so pretty with their big brown eyes. One more thing...you can open your AWANA package whenever you want. I hope you already have. But you get to decide when Mommy, Daddy and Cade open theirs. You can make them wait until Christmas morning if you want. See you soon! Love, Leigh Anne
Leigh Anne Darnell <leigh@fbctuscaloosa.org>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 10:56 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I'm so glad that you got your puppy. I know he loves having a wonderful owner like you. I loved seeing you at Church yesterday, you looked so pretty. We love you and are praying for you everyday!
Love, Rockey, Joyce, Jessica & Devan

Joyce Hulsey <hulseyjoyce@comcast.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL usa - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:06 AM CST
Hello Cassidy and family,
What good news to know that you are at home for a few days.
I am glad you have your dog. I like the name you gave the dog. Hope you enjoy the holdiays before going back to the hospital. I am continuing to pray for you and so is our church family praying. Enjoy your days at home and have fun with Weasel. Love, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 7:59 AM CST
Hey Cassidy! It's Ms. Meredith. I love you very much and can't stop thinking about you. Can't wait to see you. Tell Mom and Dad I said Hello. Love, Ms. Meredith
Meredith Fuller <jdmmfuller@netzero.com>
Coker, AL USA - Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:02 PM CST
Hi Cassidy- I am a friend and co-worker of Aunt Belinda. I think it's so neat that you have a website for everyone to send you messages. Aunt Belinda keeps me updated on how you are doing. She cares about you so much! Everyone at MHA has been thinking about you and we all are praying for you and your family. You are darling! Have a wonderful Christmas. By the way, I used to have a weenie dog. Her name was Delta. She was wonderful...you are really going to enjoy having a new puppy!
Jennifer Jones <jjones@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,Suzie,Sean and Cade,
I am glad to hear you are doing good. May God answer your prayer and may Santa bring you lots of toys. We wish we could be closer to help out mommy and daddy. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Hang in there!
Alan,Denise,Kaci and Kori Locke

Denise Locke <lockeon@earthlink.net>
Nashport, oh usa - Friday, December 10, 2004 5:55 PM CST
Hello, Cassidy
Thinking and praying for you today. Sorry about the port not working last night. I am glad that it is okay now. Hope you have a better day and night today. You are a precious little girl. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 1:59 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, I'm glad you got to go to school. Emily will be happy to hear that you had fun. Guess what...I had a weenie dog named Tina when I was a little girl. She helped me hunt Easter eggs...she was so short she could find the ones on the ground for me! We love you. Say "Hi" to Cade and to your mom and dad.

Karen Perry <perrkar@aol.com>
- Friday, December 10, 2004 9:57 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, Sean and Suzie. I know you are glad to be home. Sorry about having to go back next week. Cassidy, I have you some more hats being made. I know you make them look so pretty! Scarlett and I hope to see you soon:)

Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Friday, December 10, 2004 6:23 AM CST
hey cas!!! i'm sorry i missed you on your visit up this week...i'll be workin' next week when you come up...i promise to come visit and bring more pictures of Auburn...i'm glad your home though, boo....tell everybody hey for me...love you and be safe!! :)
Dori <dori_belle@yahoo.com>
B'ham, al usa - Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:03 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, My name is Donna and I work with Kara at the Credit Union. Your daddy was just in here and showed us your web site so that we can keep in touch with you. We miss seeing you at the credit union and will be glad when you can come see us again. I hope you have a good Christmas and Santa brings you lots of toys. I am praying that you will get well soon. Love you
Donna Massey <Donahsuiam@bellsouth.net>
Northport, AL USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 11:48 AM CST
Hi Cassidy, We are praying for you everyday. We love it when you are able to come to church. You are a wonderful young person and we love you alot. Take care of yourself and give mommy, daddy and little brother a hug. Cindy, Mike and Christina Meyers
Cindy Meyers <cindy.meyers.hes@tcss.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL U.S.A - Thursday, December 9, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Good morning, Cassidy
I am glad you are going home. Don't forget to take back your library book. Maybe you can check out another book.
I am looking forward to seeing you at Christmas at Aunt Belinda's. You are a brave little girl. Take care of Mommy and Daddy and little Cade. Love ya, Aunt Glenda

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, Al USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:53 AM CST
Cass, you need to tell your Mama to get on the ball and put more pictures of you on this web site! Glad you got to come home this week. You may not get your panties back that Kamryn had to borrow from you the other night! She wants to wear them everyday (and I am getting tired of washing them everyday!) I'll try to put some different ones on her and she will cry and say "NO! I want to wear Cassidy's!!!" I guess I'll just have to buy you a new pair if you'll let her keep those! Love you!
Kara <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:18 AM CST
Good morning! Hello Cassidy! Just chatted with your Aunt Belinda - she says you are an adorable girl - I can tell that by looking at your picture! Merry Christmas - You are in our prayers - Love, Judith
Judith Forshee <jfrorshee@mhanet.org>
Richland , MS US - Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:15 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy
Uncle Lee opened this web site last night and he tried to write you a message, but something happened and he lost the web site and could not get back in for some weird reason...but he wanted me to send his love to you and tell you how proud he is of you and that he hopes to see you real soon.

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, AL USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:15 AM CST
Hi Cassidy,
You don't know my family but we have heard alot about you.
I would like to tell you that we're keeeping you in our
prayers. May God Bless you and may he keep you strong.

Jerome & Billie Dixon <jdixonjr6@aol.com>
Gordo, Al - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:12 PM CST
Hello Cassidy- I am sorry I did not make it to see you. I will definitely have to get by next week. Hope that you enjoy your time at home the rest of this week and weekend. You are such a sweetheart and their are so many people praying for you. Stay Strong!!
Birmingham, Al - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:51 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,
Me and Melissa think about you all the time. We love to see you come to church. I'm glad you got to goto school for alittle while. See you soon.

Tom Williams <ThisCub82@msn.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:26 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,
Me and Melissa think about you all the time. We love to see you come to church. I'm glad you got to goto school for alittle while. See you soon.

Tom Williams <ThisCub82@msn.com>
Tuscaloosa, Al USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:26 PM CST
Hi Cassidy
I am glad to hear the stem cell harvest didnt hurt and it went well.We are praying for you and think of you everyday.
Tell mommy and daddy we said hi. Have a good day.
Love Aunt Judy

Judy Clement <dac69@localnet.com>
West Lafayette, Oh - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:40 PM CST
Hello Cassidy,
I work with your aunt Belinda. You're so cute you look like a little princess. I want you to know that I am praying for you and your parents. I hope you get your weiner dog and everything else you want for Christmas.

Cynthia Grinston <crgrinston@hotmail.com>
Jackson, MS - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:26 PM CST
Hi Cassidy. I'm Faye Thomley and I work with your Aunt Belinda at the MS Hospital Association. She keeps us updated on your progress and now I can check up on you through your web site. You are a beautiful little girl and very special - just remember that God is taking care of you.
You're in my prayers.

Faye Thomley <fthomley@mhanet.org>
Brandon, MS US - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Hey Cassidy I hope you had a good day today, just wanted you to know me & Tyler are thinking of you. We hope to see you soon. Tell mom,dad,& Cade we love them. Love you little

GORDO, AL USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:47 PM CST
casidy you probably never met us but we are you cousins from coshocton ohio. Many prayers are being said for you. God is a great friend and friends always help friends. Tell mom and dad, grandpa Jim ans Grandma Donna ara prayers ara also for them. LOVE AND PRAYERS COUSIN MAYOR TIM & BARB TURNER.
MAYOR TIMOTHY A TURNER <mayorsoffice@coshoctoncityhall.com>
COSHOCTON, OH USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 1:05 PM CST
Good Morning! Your Aunt Belinda and I work together. She is a WONDERFUL person and has everybody here praying for you. We praise God for your progress and pray for your complete healing. You are a beautiful child of God.
Karen Crowe <kcrowe@mhanet.org>
Jackson, MS Hinds - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:04 AM CST
Hey Cassidy!!

We miss you and we are praying for you!!

Love, Ms. Maurine

Maurine Jones <Maurine@universitycofc.org>
Tuscaloose, AL - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:52 AM CST
Cassidy, my buddy! I think about you, Gracie, and Cade all of the time. It is cool that you are making friends at the hospital. You and Molly have a lot you can talk about! I love you Cassidy and I am praying for you and your family. Mrs. Stacey
Stacey L. Johnson <maurine@universitycofc.org>
Northport, Al usa - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:50 AM CST
Hey Sweetie!! I was so excited to hear that you got to go to school the other day!! I know you had a wonderful time!! Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
With love, KK

KK Free <freekim@auburn.edu>
Auburn, AL USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:05 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy! I heard that you had a good day yesterday. I hope you and mom are getting some rest at night. We hope you get to come home soon. I am going to see Santa Claus tomorrow and I will tell him that you have been an "extra" good girl. I will even tell him that Hamner, Noland & Cade have been good too! (Even though we know they can be bad boys some time) Give your mom & dad a hug from us and we hope to see you soon. Love you!
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL 35475 - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:09 AM CST
Greetings to all of the Tierce clan:
Heard about this website through Aunt Vicki. It is great to read all of the latest news about you. I am glad you were able to be at home during Thanksgiving. Wow...even going to school and checking out a book. That was great news. Your picture is so cute!! But you are a cutie anyway!!! Hope you have a good day today. You have been prayed for already this day. Your name is on our church prayer list every Wednesday night. People from Dothan are
continually praying for you. We love you and hope you are soon much better. Love, Auntie Glenda from Dothan

Glenda Free <gfree@nma.ala.net>
Dothan, AL USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 8:14 AM CST
Good morning Cassidy
I read your daily report and am very glad to hear that you are doing great. Aunt Vickie tells me that you and she have been playing and doing things together and I am very jealous!!! (ha)--Chutes & Ladders--I love that game!!! I hope to see you soon.
Love you lots,
Aunt Belinda-Stinky

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:39 AM CST
Hey Cassidy,
We miss you in Sunday School,we are going to make a special gift for you we hope you will like it. We hope you get feeling better so you can come back. We love and miss you. Your in our prayers.Tristan and Lacee say "Hi". Hope to see you soon.

Aimee, Steven, Lacee, Tristan and McKae McKnight
Tuscaloosa, Al US - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:34 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, I'm glad to hear that you had a good day. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you get home. I hope all goes well tommorrow. I'm thinking about you and
that I LOVE YOU.

Reform, AL - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 5:37 PM CST
Hey Sweet Little Girl, Hope you are doing good today. I really enjoyed seeing and talking with you last night and that picture that you had made was just beautiful. I also loved that dog that you had dressed. What a neat webside your parents have made for you. I know that I am going to enjoy writing to you and keeping up with you without having to worry your parents - ha! But since I am in B'ham I can come to see you in person, how about that!! I am going to come and see you tomorrow and I would like to play chutes and ladders!!!! I love you, Aunt Vickie
Great Aunt Vickie <vhk@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 4:40 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, I work with your Aunt Belinda in Jackson, Mississippi. We are all praying for you and hope you have a better day tomorrow. We love you.
Sandy Caves <scaves@mhanet.org>
Jackson, MS Hinds - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 4:28 PM CST
Cassidy, I work with your Aunt Belinda and she keeps us informed of your progress weekly. I just wanted to encourage you to stay strong and keep saying your prayers. Jesus is holding you up through all these daily struggles, and I know he will bring you through this and you will be a precious little miracle unto many people. You have already come so far. I pray and think of you often, even my sweet 4 yr old Samantha prays for you too. God Bless you sweet little Cassidy and your dear parents.
Terri Barnett <tbarnett@mhanet.org>
Terry, MS - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 4:24 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, I'm a friend of your Aunt Belinda. What's the "stinky" about? I've been keeping up with you through her. My whole church (Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Tupelo, Mississippi) is praying for you. I hope you get your "weinie dog" for Christmas. My next door neighbors have one and it likes to chase people. I hope you have a great Christmas.
Barbara Norman <bnormx@bellsouth.net>
Tupelo, MS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 4:06 PM CST
Hi Sweet Thang!!!
I just read on your web site that you want a weiner dog!!!! Why a weiner dog??? They are awful cute, but pretty low to the ground (ha ha). My little dog Trace was in the Christmas Parade last night. I put his santa suit and cap on him and he was so very cute. A lot of people were screaming at him because he was so cute. He wasn't actually IN the parade. Uncle Lee had to drive one of the floats and Trace and I sat in the cab of the truck and he hung his head out the window and "pawed" at all the crowd. I waved and he pawed!!!
Aunt Vickie told me that you were doing great and that you looked wonderful last night when she came to see you. I can't wait to see you sweetie--I am really missing doing crafts with you. If you get to come to our house for Christmas, I will be sure to go out and get something that will be really fun for us to make together. If you have anything special that you would like to do, let me know.
Tell your mom and dad hello for me.
I love you lots and think of you all of the time.
Aunt Belinda-Stinky

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:38 PM CST
Cassidy, This is Lorrie, your nurse from one day surgery. I think about you so often and have been checking on you through some of your doctors and nurses at the hospital. Know that I am praying for you and that I hope to see your pretty face soon.
Lorrie Blackwell <magsmom2@juno.com>
McCalla, Al USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 2:14 PM CST
Hi, Cassidy! I heard that you would like for Santa to bring you a wienie dog. I hope he does! My husband Terry and I have one named Molly and we love her very much. In the summer she likes to put on her life jacket and ride the Sea-Doo. She always likes to sleep under the cover.
Shelly Cleckler <terry.shelly@charter.net>
Northport, AL USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:11 PM CST
Hi Cassidy..it is wonderful that you got to go to school. We hope to see you soon in children's church. Hope you have a great day and we will be thinking about you.
Caitlyn and Allison Freeman ( and parents) <kdfatrest@aol.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:04 PM CST
Sean and family-
I am praying for your family and daughter.

Brandie Weatherly
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:03 PM CST
Hey Cassidy,
I just wanted to let you know that we missed you at Church Sunday. It's been so good seeing you there these past few weeks. Devan has really missed you too. We are praying for you, and hope you feel better very soon. You are so strong and brave, we are so proud of you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
Love Rockey, Joyce, Jessica and Devan Hulsey

Joyce Hulsey <joyce.hulsey@dbtech.net>
Tuscaloosa, AL United States - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:08 AM CST
I have been thinking about you all day wondering how things were going. I'm sorry you had to deal with any problems. Praying for a better day tomorrow! Call if you need anything!
Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
B'ham, AL - Monday, December 6, 2004 8:33 PM CST
Hello Cassidy
Your mom and dad just told me about your new web site. This is great because now I can talk to you through this and not have to bother your parents. I sure do miss you and hope to see you soon. If you are better, you all are coming to my house on December 23 (2 nights before Santa comes to your house) and spend the day and hopefully the night with us.
I sure love you lots!!!
Aunt Belinda-Stinky

Belinda Boozer <bboozer@mhanet.org>
Ridgeland, MS USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 1:46 PM CST
Hey you sweet little thing! Everybody in Texas is wishing Cassidy the best!!! Hang in there little one and I love you!
Cousin Jamey.

Jamey Boozer <jameyboozer@comcast.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 1:24 PM CST
Hi,pretty Cassidy, Suzie and Shaun. I'm so glad to hear Cassidy went to school. I know she missed her friends and they her! I will be thinking about you Mon. and Tues.
Praying for you every day!

Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 10:13 AM CST
Think of you guys everyday. Will be checking web page often.
Chuck and Bonnie Turner <cturner310@netzero.net>
Winter Haven, Florida Polk - Saturday, December 4, 2004 1:35 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, We have never met, but I am one of your cousins from Ohio. So very happy to hear you are able to go back to school. All of us here are praying for your every day and know that God always answers prays. Hope Santa brings you just the gift you want at Christmas.
Carole Hoffman <choffman@sota-oh.com>
West Lafayette, Oh Coshocton - Saturday, December 4, 2004 8:16 AM CST
TYLER <hyper_typer@excite.com>
GORDO, AL USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 5:21 PM CST
Hello Cassidy. I am a friend of Scarlett Cowan and her family. Her mom, Ms. Lana, shared your name on Scarlett's web page. I just wanted to write and let you know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. What a beautiful little girl you are. Glad you have felt like going to school. It sounds like you have had a lot of fun. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.
Pam Thomas <ptatty@bellsouth.net>
Auburn, AL - Friday, December 3, 2004 4:07 PM CST
Hey Cassidy Lea! I am so glad you came to the baby shower last night. It just made my night!! Carly was sad that she was not there to see you last night. I hope you have a wonderful day at school. We love you! Shannon, Kim & Carly
Kim <kcoker@bama.ua.edu>
- Friday, December 3, 2004 1:20 PM CST
Hey Cassidy, I am so glad to read that you have gone to school. It sounds like all is great with you. I hope to hear many more fun exciting days you are having at home. Take Care! Tell everyone that I said hello!
Birmingham, Al - Friday, December 3, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, Hope you feel better soon.
Aunt judy, Cousins Davie and Haley <dac69@localnet.com>
West lafayette, OH USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 12:30 AM CST

- Friday, December 3, 2004 10:58 AM CST
Good Morning Cassidy! I had fun last night at the baby shower. Thanks for coming. I hope you have a great day at school.
Jennifer Allen <allenj13@nationwide.com>
Northport, AL USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 10:42 AM CST
Hey Cass! Reagan has been trying to steal my yellow bracelet ya'll gave me. Please help me find one her size to wear so she can quit being sneaky! Love You!
Kara Griffin <karagriffin@bfgefcu.org>
Gordo, AL USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 9:53 AM CST
Hi Casidy - I work with your Aunt Teresa. She has shared beautiful pictures of you with us at work. Haven't met you yet, but feel like I already know you. Glad to hear about your new website as to keep us updated. We're thinking of you all the time and just wish the very best for you. We love you.
Carol Schenkel <CASchenk@tva.gov>
- Friday, December 3, 2004 9:00 AM CST
Hi, Cassidy. Do you remember us? Megan and Braden's "Grandma Mary and Grandpa Howard." Hope you're having a great day today. Christmas will be here soon and I KNOW you've been a good girl. Lotsa love!
Mary Barnett
Soddy-Daisy, TN USA - Thursday, December 2, 2004 3:43 PM CST
Hey There Girl--Cassidy, I work with your Aunt Teresa, and I am so glad to find out about your new Web page. This will be lots of fun leaving messages and telling you stuff. Aunt Teresa's shown me lots of pictures of you or pictures of you with Megan & Braden. So, I knew how pretty and special you were before I learned about your Web site this morning and saw that pretty picture of you. I heard about you and Miss America. Boy, I would have been excited too. I'll be sending you a very special E-card to your mother's e-mail. So, tell her to be on the lookout for it. I'll also write you again, and you have a good day! I better get back to work. Talk to you later, Sally
Sally Eidson <saeidson@tva.gov>
Sale Creek, TN Hamilton - Thursday, December 2, 2004 8:55 AM CST
I had a good time hiding with you under the covers this weekend. Get well soon, I love you!
Megan Casner <casner@comcast.net>
Harrison, TN USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 6:48 PM CST
Hello Cassidy! I am so glad to see that you got a webpage and I can check on you while you are at home. I am so happy that you are enjoying being at home. Keep smiling that beautiful smile and stay strong! You are a sweetheart.
Beverly Wright <beverly.wright@chsys.org>
Birmingham, Al - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 6:14 PM CST
Hi Cassidy, I am Scarlett Cowan's Great Aunt and I have heard about you and how sweet and pretty you are from Scarlett and her Mother. I will remember your name because I have a grand-daughter named Cassidy who is 6 years old.
I will be praying for you and your family and will tell my friends and family to do so, also. I am going to put you on my "favorites" list so I can keep up with your progress. God bless you.
Florence Hannigan

Florence Hannigan <hannigan@bellsouth.net>
Hoover, al usa - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:24 PM CST
why did the orange fall half way down the hill?
because he ran out of juice
ha ha that was a laughter
cassidy is that funny? cassidy I love you see you next week i hope you love my joke love scarlett

Scarlett Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:56 PM CST
Hi sweet Cassidy! This is Scarlett's mama, Lana. I am so glad to see your web page and know that you are happy at home. Scarlett and I sent you a package in the mail today. Maybe you will get it by this weekend. Scarlett can't wait to see you again.
Suzie and Shaun - We think about you everyday and are sooo glad you are home.

Lana Cowan <c_lanam@bellsouth.net>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:47 PM CST

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