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Welcome to our Aaryns web page.We have created this to keep friends and family update and to tell Aaryns story. Aaryn was born April 22,1998 and was diagnoised with a rare brain tumor called Pinealblastoma on Sept 25,2001.

Thank you for stopping by. Please be sure to sign Aaryns guest book even if you already have.He loves to see who has stopped by. Also be sure to check out the photos Aaryn and I update them weekly!!

"Thank you everyone. I cant believe how many friends and family I have and how much you all love me!"
"I love you all to!"



Monday, February 22, 2010 6:13 PM CST

Just a quick update...

Aaryn has a few drs appointments this month. The main one is the heart specialist.He goes every year due to a heart defect the drs found when they did a echo cardiogram for his surgery. He has a enlarged aortic root. So he has to go
and see how much the valve has opened up and when it gets to a certin percentage he has to have open heart surgery.

His other appointments are for Nerosugery to see how he is doing with his sezures and check up on his shunt which he is do to have a shunt series done and then the endocroine dr to see if he is growing and check all the male things!!

Other then that life is good!! Its hard to beleive he will be 12 in April. Tell me where has the time gone!!

Please sign the guestbook to let him know you came by!!

Hugs to all..

The Kellys!

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E-mail Author: meloveladybugs@hotmail.com


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