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Patrick "Tyler" Doughtie

Welcome to Tyler's web site. It has been created to keep all who love and care for him informed of his on-going treatment and condition.

Tyler was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor called Medulloblastoma on Jan. 6, '03. The tumor had metastasized and spread to spots on the coating of his brain and tested positve for cells in his spinal fluid.
His tumor was resected Jan. 16, '03. Tyler received 30 treatments of high dose radiation followed by four months/rounds of high dose chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants (auto-transplant).

In Sept. '03, Tyler was released and considered loosely in remission. He had several check-ups over eight months that showed "some improvement." On May 13, '04, doctors discovered a "new spot", which rapidly spread. He was placed on a study in July and August, which held the growth the first month but proved to be ineffective the second. Tyler was sent home in Sept. '04 to await the opening of another study, which never became available to him.

On December 21st, '04, while waiting the start of the new study, Tyler had a seizure which resulted in his current condition along with nine days in the hospital. He is not able to talk or walk and is on Hospice care at home. He continues the fight of his life in his battle with cancer. His will to live, his attitude and smiling face has won the hearts of literally thousands who continue to pray for him daily. We thank you for your thoughts, prayers, interest and messages! Please add Tyler to your prayer list.

On March 7, 2005 at 1:52 PM, Patrick Tyler Doughtie became cancer free. He may have lost his battle with cancer but won his place next to Jesus. He will forever be in our hearts, until we meet again!


Saturday, January 2, 2010 7:48 PM CST

Man oh man! Where do the days go? Happy New Year!

Since the last entry, we've been through all of the holidays! Man do they stink! I enjoy them, of course, because of the kids, but it's still difficult going through holidays and not think about Tyler and no matter the time, it still hurts. Especially Christmas... he loved the entire time so much. Everything about it! Hard to believe it's been 7 years now since we went through the nightmare. Jan 1, 2003 was when he was doing all the vomiting and having major headaches, rushing him to the ER.

We had a scare last night with Brendan. He was spending the night with his cousin and began having a headache which resulted in him vomiting a couple times then within less than an hour feeling like himself and running around. Talk about a nightmare! I tried so hard not to think the worst. I was a bit comforted this morning when we got up and found out that Savanah, while spending the night with my niece, woke up at 3 AM vomiting herself. Also talking with my pastor, his entire family has been sick, vomiting and they all started off with headaches... so I've passed it off as a bug. Thank you Jesus!

I'm hoping everyone had a great Christmas! With the one major exception, we did. I think the kids were overly spoiled this year, but hey... only once in this life, right?

Lots has been going on with the movie. The new release date is April 9th. Only 3 months away. The books will be out March 15th. Oh, and as promised, which I know for those of you still reading, you've already found it, but www.letterstogodthemovie.com is the movie web site. You can also watch the official trailer there as well, which has been playing in theaters over Christmas break previewing before Alvin and the Chipmunks and supposedly the Blind Side but I've had several friends that saw that over the break and didn't see it at all, but did at the Chipmunks.

I'm still working on getting my web site up and running, which will just be patrickdoughtie.com, it'll only be bio stuff, a gallery,upcoming projects, trailers, videos and a store where I'll offer the wristband and my books... and possibly my pastors' books.

We're having a private screening at my church next week and pastors, church leaders and their wives can RSVP for a special screening in February at the Thoroughbred in Franklin.

Things are kinda crazy these days, but... as all my friends know, I like it that way.

Sorry this is so short, but I'll try to update a lot sooner.


Tyler's Dad,


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Hospital Information:

3284 New Towne Rd.
Antioch, TN 37013


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E-mail Author: patrickdoughtie@bellsouth.net


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